The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, March 06, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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t!t.r wtll nlf-as not that advertl?
nnt, order for Job work, ami items for
fiibllrat!on left al in establishment of
iihaiition Co.. newlaleT!, Nortli Main
street, will receive prompt .attention; or-iic-e
open from t a. m. to 10 i. m.J
ThaTraetlon Compaay's Now Ofricial la
: Mayor K. E. Ilendrick.
The CarbtindalP Tim tlun company
met yesterday afternoon at the power
house at MayAeld. anil a number of tll
wtoin and BharvhxlilerM were prtwiit.
The mttetrnir was .en lied hh Mated In
yesterday's Tribune to appoint the new
president of the romiutiiy. to suiveeii
H. H. Jadwln, whr has Iteeii foia time
In t'ullfornia for his health. Aeuin the
jMipular secretary,- J.- M. Nlt-hol, has
i-'tiiKned both hir v(ll'e and a seat, un
the lioarl of directors.
The conotitullun f the new nianajre
niPllt will be as follows: K. K. Heiid
rlrk, uiesldent: K. A. Jadwln. secre
tary and treasurer: IX W. Humphrey.
I-:. I'niev. J. W. Altken. of this olty: It.
M. Juiiiiey and F. V. North, of Philu
diliihiii. II'WORTII LEAUUK.
A l iterary MactiMatVak Held nedncoJaV
sight in the M. I . Iliurch.
The Kpwnrth leiiBUe of the Methodist
Kpisroiul 'chuieh auve a very enjoy
able literary programme as follriwH.
lilrh wuh very, well rendered: "
I'liiim sol.i. Miss Huth HivenlunK;
reeltullon.. "As I'sual." AIIms Amy Lew
Is; vocal dnett.'"Never to I'urt . Attain. "'
Miss Sadie Miller ant! Mrs. Merritt .
Abbey; essayt '"Is suicide ever justifi
able?" Frank L. Smith; piano duett.
Misses Jennie Butler and Lena Mron
soii. .. Illrthday I'arty.
A number of the friends assembled at
the home of Oustavux Klnbnck, tm
Nlnlh avenue, ,Veiines(ltiy nijtlU, oikI
Kiive li i lit u pleasant nurprise in i-oni-inemorutlon
or his t hirty-lifth birth
day, ('utiles and other amusements
were indulged in und music for dunc
intr was furnished by Miss Manie .Uix
well. Ucl'reshmeuls were served, unil
an enjoyuble time was Sient. Those
li-seiit were: Mesdames ami Mesais.
William Kililmck, Itohert Klnhack.
OeoiKe Sihroedcr. Ilua-o Atkinson.
Kerse I'lice, Jilllles ttiiyd, OeiilBf Sull-
tas. Itii-liard Tolley, John l'itssiinr
Allied Medicen, Oliver Mijlley anil KiimI
Kinbuik, of Arcllbubl; Mrs. .luculi
Kureoui. Misses Nellie Matthews,
Kinlly Tolley, Smlie Lewis. Anna
nlily, it race Tonkin and' Messrs.
Flunk Sttites, l!uy I'lilTm-d, Miss Hmk
land and Sumui'l Lewis.
Heaxniit furl v.
A pleasant party met Wednesday
nlrihl at the home of William Itreesc
A ijiiud lime wus spent.. Those present
were; Misses Annie Kvans. Allle I'rb-e.
Lulu J'himiis. Sally J'hllllps. Kdllli
Hilrklaild.t 'itlTlc Honey, Lottie Headen,
Kdna Krne. Alice 1'iiok. and .Messrs.
i leoixe Honey, Tom Imvis, Hull Jones.
HuiT.V Klunlz. licoi'Ke Wliitelleld Will
Bassett. Willis Jones. Ken I'hilllps. Will
Jones, t'luii les Hates, Sum Kvuns, Freil
Mine .Incident.
I'atrick iulilen, of Kalivlew street,
wus iuite seriously injured while fol
lowing his usiiul employment in the
'oulluook mine yesterday inornliiir. He
wus ciiuitht between n iouded cur unl
ii pillar, uud wus S( No bones
ven broken.
Successful Surgical Operation.
Young i'avlil lii-ut I IdRf met with n
severe accident somutlme un" in Wilson
creek ami fractured his arm, und yes
terday Ins. Miles mid Lowry performed
nn operation to remove soutc splinters
I nun the bone of his elbow.
Mr. und Mrs. Diivid Moses, of Wllkes
Hurre, who have been the Kiiests of tli"
l!ev. und Mrs. William Lewis,' have
returned to their home.
The Kev. James W. Mill me. of Scran
Ion, preached the weekl sermon of
Wednesday nlffht at St. Hose church.
William IMm ell Is still at the hospital
lifter swailowiutr the dime, und it is
thought t hut he will sillier III results.
Miss Itessie Mudden, of Scrunlon. is
vlsltlnir her cousin, Miss Mamie Cox,
of Laurel street.
J. Muxey. of Koresf City, was in the
i-lty Wednesday iiiuht.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Staple, of Scott
tokiiship, are visiting: Mr. und Mrs. W.
Williams, of No. 4.
The licreun Uu pt 1st church held a
rciiiilur meetiiiK Wednesday nlnhl.
Mr. und Mis. Knoch t'ordner, of
Tenth uvenue, are both ill.
II. J. lii-enuii arrived home yesterday
miriiliiK from Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Lawrence, of
I'uteison, N. J., ure Ritests nt the Hotel
Miss HrldRet Collins is visiting friends
in iMllimnre.
J. J. Kennedy, of this city, left Thurs-
Don't Get Excited
Wai what tbe doctors told me, aud tbejr
aid I anal not ruu, ou account ( HuV
tarlnf ot ray heart, l wai lick over
jrear with dyspepsia, could not sleep
tat io comfort, was generally uiieerable.
I wai lick over
Hood's Sarsaparilla
gave ma refreshing aleep, steady nerres
aud better health thau ever. 1 have great
fa ith In Hood a. H. H. Phwk. Reading;. Pa.
Hnrui'a Dills tobuy.eaiytotaka,
rlOOa 8 fills (uy la Ctefc Ibe.
.lust one week more of
this ( it-cut Sacrifice Sale,
:to close ull KcninuiitH
. out at in licit less than
J : ' cost. l.enjttliH from :l
' yards to 1 A yards iueucli
; piece. HriiiK your nteas.
tire unu get one oi these
:( ureal harKains as thin
. ale will positively lat
U , J ' only II ila H more.
I. Scott Inglis
41 Uekawanna Ava. "
fa J
.' Yields Quickly '
gs do 'other diseases caused by
an impoverished toiiditinn of the
blood, when Hovinine is used.
It is not a medicine, but the
most perfect fotid product, con.
taining all the vital principles -of
lean, raw beef. It is quickly
assimilated, and by its wonder
ful power of creating new flesh
tissue and enriching the blood,
soon puts the" patient in a
physical state where disease can
find no footing.
besides its wonderful effect as a
food, is invaluable in such cases
as an e.ternal application,
nourishing by absorption, and
creating new, healthy flesh, where
the disease is manifested, Dr.
11. M. Sanger of Providence, R.
I., says that he effected very
rapid cures with slight spreading
and no suppuration in three
cases of erysipelas, two by
simply applying gauze saturated
with, and the third by injecting
Bovinine at the border of the
inflamed patch. All Druggists.
day mornliiK foi W'liFliliiirion for the
iiirMise of his foreign 1 ia I lent Hub's
through. Mr. Kennedy seeks to hiiv?
his invention covered in (.'unudil. Creut
ill Haiti. France, iSernuiuy, Italy uud
other empires.
Miss Corn Hell Is ill ut her home
South Churc h street.
Mr. mid Mrs. T. Kvuns. of Simp
son, liuve removed to Shenandoah.
Mrs. A. K. l-'iilier. of Terruee street,
is visiting friends in Wilkes-Biirre.
Several of Hie Wyoming people llst
telled to lr. Illlckley 111 I hi' .Melnol iul
hull. Kingston Wednesduy evening.
Mr. I'emniel. of Ashley, visited Jolin
Wilde yesterday.
Itev. I'uyiie. formerly pastor of the
liuplist cliurch here, will preach ut
Avium Siinduy ulteriiouii ut - o'clock,
lie will hold ii muss meeliiiK In Hie
Junior Older I'uiied American Me
chanic's hull in this place
Miss Hose Ward, of Sixth street, Is
seriously ill with the Klip.
Howard I'm kinxon. of fifth street,
Is selling his holiseluild goods und Kct
t in k ready .o take his family buck to
his uutive country, as his wife hus very
poor health here.
Kev. Kobert Kclily will pleach In the
llroail street Mellmdlst Kpiscopul edl
lire. I'ittston. Sunduy Inotllltin ill the
iiliKetii'e of Itev. Air. Lyinun, who Is
iUite ill.
Mrs. Sutton is seriously ill.
. .. . ..
Mrs. John Kcllcher. who hud one of
her eves removed ut the Kinei nency
liospiiul in I'urboiidule, by Drs. Kwyer,
of this place, und Fletcher, of t'ur
hondulc, returned to her home in For
est t'ity, yesterday. The operation was
liiKhly successful und the sinlil of the
I'etiiulnliiK eye w ill be preserved. Mrs.
Kelleher was sufferiiiK from uhuicoma.
TcnlKht I Friday! occurs th yuunii
men's rally at the Methodist Kpiscopul
i hurcli for the inn pose of oi unl.liin a
local biuiich of the Yoiinn; Men's 'tills
I la n ussoeiiitlon. A ItUKe iitteiidunce Is
desired. Kev. J. (I. Kvans, of VundlliiK.
will uildress the meeting.
The buttress bus umiolnted the fol-lowg-
special policemen to serve in For
est t'ity homuuh for the ensuing- year:
W. 1. Keyr.olds. (beige H. Maxey.
.ii.lin Maxey, It. V. Itichurils. l.-vl
Hlllltlncr. X. L Lee. II. F. Iloldien.
Jacob Kt etcldk. J. C. Stuley. J. 1 1.
Junes and John Murray.
Hiiniel A. Kelly will utioear In "The
Shudow Ketective" ut .lavis' 1 1 peril
house on Monday njenlng, .March D.
The troupe Is spoken id' very highly
wherever II has utjneared.
Tuesday iifiernoon in fliiigliiiinton.
Mrs. V. S. KMerkin. of Foresi City, and
John I'. Anderson, of Hie liiiiondulc,
were joined In wedlock.
Following Is the programme of the
Sunday school institute in be held In
I'niondule Friday. March lit: Morniim
session 10.X praise service, David
Dcdotiiun: I0..'!0, uddress of welcome, .
Kvuns; 0. 40. resijunse. Kev. .1. L. Wil
llams; lu.'.a singing; lliiu uildress.
"DulieH of I'avents to the Sunday
School," Kev. J. U. Kvuns: II. at. sing
ing; 11.25. essay. Flora (lidding; 11.
luiumry work. Mrs. I. I). Jenkins: 11.4...
slnginK'; ll.fiU. business and adjourn
ment. Afternoon session -!.ua, devo
tional pervlce. Kev. II. .1. Crane; 2.H.
"yiiulitlcatlon for a Successful Sunday
School Superintendent." William Jen
nings: '.'.:!.. "How to Teach ho as to
Win Souls for Christ and Feed Christ's
Lambs." Kev. 1. Kurt. Stone; l'."..".. sing
ing; :t.0ii, open parliament; 2.2a, sing
ing: ".'.'ii, "How to organize a Working
Sunday School," K. C. Culler; :i.2.".
"The Uunger of Making the Sunday
School the Voting- People's Cliurch."
followed by discussion find ailJuiP'i!
inelit. Alfred Bowell. levelling sessio.i
Devotional service. Itev. I), D. Jen
kins; "The Importance of Youthful
Trainlnr." A. L. frnft. M. D.; uddress.
Kev. Mr Marwick: address. "How to
Study the Hlble." IJrv. it. a. I'lace.
The fourth ipiar'erlv coiil'crence was
held in the Methodist Kpiscopul church
last iiinlil. and the balance of the busi
ness lor the past year was disposed of.
Mrs. Deedrlck. of this town. Is very
111 at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
K. I'urumeter at Maylield.
Ilrock Wll ox. of F.lmhurst, was in
town Wednesday night.
The Misses Jennie. Kdlth and Kllett
Hoiii n und Miss Kdlth House were the
guests of Miss Amies Watts, of Mill
street, on Wednesday night. 4
.Mrs. William K. Lttmley .visited her
mother in Maylield on WedtieMiiufy.
Kev. A. 1. David will meneh n ser
mon for the 1'ntriotlc Order Sons of
America. Cnmn.No. 24s, ou Sunday,
evening, March 15.
Mrs. Philip Swarts visited Scranton
Thursday. '
Wallace Swarts has accepted n posi
tion in the Luckuwnnna Iron and Steel
Company's steel works of Scranton.
Daniel Clouse, who has been working
In Seheur llros.' bakery nt Scrunton for
sevenfl months past. has returned home.
Messrs. James nnd William Dick and
James tb-ahuin attended a social In
I'ittston held on Tuesday evening.
The Christian Alliuuce nitencd their
convention In theMoosle Presbyterian
church yesterduy. ' No business of im-pnrtatir-e
was transacted.
Afra. tieorse Tii'galhis. of Main street,
was a caller out of town yesterday.
Mrs. James A. Hand waa a visitor In
Scranton Wednesday. .
I .a lira Moore, formerly a member of
(lie M.-Cuull Opera company, is slng-lm;
Marguerite in liammarsteln's burlesque of
"Kaut." .
The l:nd Coma This' Mornlag After
I. one lllnnas.
At 10 o'clock yesterduy niornlnK
Thonius Miner Robinson, one of the
Oldest and best-known residents of this
city, passed away at his home, 54 North
Fell street. He had been eontlned to hla
bed fur several months with dropsy and
erysipelas and the efforts of the attend
ing physician could not stay the pro
gress of the diseases. The past few
days he had been worse than usual and
sank steadily until his death this morn
ing. The end was peaceful.
Deceased was a son of the late Thos.
W. Koblnson. and was born In this city
having lived here all his life. He waa
familiarly known as "Doc" and there
are few In this city who did not know
him. At the beginning of the Civil War
he enlisted In the Sixty-first regiment
of the Sixth Army corps, being a mem
ber of Company A. commanded by Cap
tain Calvin Parsons.
Deceased is survived by two brothers
adn two sisters. George S.. and Hale M.
of New York city, the former being un
actor, and Mrs. A hi Munyon and .Mrs.
Marcus Smith, of this city. The tunerul
will be held Saturday afternoon with
services a, the house and Interment in
llollenback cemetery.
Mule killed. Wagon licmoltslic J and
Driver Miitlitly Itrnised.
James llunsinger. of Stull. hud u
thrilling experience and an almost
miraculous escape from death nt
Mitchell's crossing, near Tunkhunnock.
Tuesday. He was driving a team along
the turnpike and as he was crossing the
Harvey's Creek ruilroud. a train dashed
along uniierceived by Hiinslnger. The
locomotive crashed Into Hunsinger und
his turn-out, killed one mule outright,
smashed the rig Into smithereens and
hurled Hunsinger a distance of twenty
live feet.
He was badlv bruised, but. si lunge
to relate he did not sustain even one
broken bone. The killed mule wus one
of the famous road mules of thut local
ity and was entered ut the recent Wyo
ming county fair.
Kev. McOjrmott for Secretary.
The friends of Kev. II. C. McUcrmutt
ure making un effort to have him elect
ed secretary of the Wyoming Confer
ence at Hie next election. Kev. Mr.
Mi Dei mot t has been the conference
treasurer for nine yeurs and the duties
which at bes' are arduous have been
performed with a singular fidelity thut
has kept him from nearly ull of the
conference sessions. Air. f
is unusually well ll'.ted for the duties
of secretary which iviiulre talent und
much executive ability.
I he linn l:plodod.
John latum, who lives near the Iced
Ash breaker, tired a charge from un old
musket Tuesday and the gun exploded
Injuring lliiu budlv over the eye and
leaving him lying senseless on the mud.
A small piece of the barrel also pene
trated the leg. He was found by some
breaker buys and removed to his home.
I mi era I of Samuel II Ivinm.
The funeral of the late Samuel H.
Kvuns will take place nt 2 p. in. today
with interment in Hollenliuck cemetery.
Deceased wus a naie of Wales and
had lived In this country fifteen yeurs.
Two brothers and three sisters In South
Wales survive him.
The last In J Wheelmen.
The Kast Knit wheelmen, a new or
gunlxatlon, will cive a ball at Concor
dia hall on April ii. which promises to
be an enjoyable affair. The music will
he furnished by Luffs orchestra.
An Interesting programme has been
ill-ranged for Hie temperance meeting
u tthe Young Men's Christ iati Associa
tion on Sutui'duy evening.
The diagram for the last number of
the Young Men's Christian Association
course will open ut White's drug store
tomorrow morning.
The Stella Preshylerlan church, of
Forty Fort, which was closed dining
tile smull Uox acure at Multby. Is re
opened for usual services. Pruyer meet
ing this evening.
The vestry of, St. Clement's church
ut a meeting last night, decided lo send
u call tu Kev. Mr. Stone, of South lleth
lehein. who so ably preached at that
church Monday evening.
The superintendent of the Kesctie
mission says Kdwaid Walker, who roh-l-i
d Mrs. Kit w iin's house, was dismissed
from the mission u few days before the
robbery and usks all persons who wish
to employ Kesctie mission people to first
secure a recommendation from him.
The borough ulllclals for the comlnpr
year will lie: President of council. W.
II. Smith: secretary. O. C. lingers;
treasurer, Joseph Kuroleii: street com
missioner, John N. Snyder, und chief
of police. Henry McOetrlty. John K.
Jones was hired for borough attorney.
Division No. 14. Ancient Order of
Hibernians, will hold u grand ball ut
Faddcn's hall ou the evening of March
Mm lie Haw k, of Main street, was u
visitor In VVIIkes-Hurre lust evening.
Henry Kles, of Lincoln street, is on
the sick list.
Tlie small imix patient Is on the road
to recovery. The board of health are
to be coniolimented on the prompt ac
tion they took in tins mutter us this Is
Hie first serious diseuse they have hud
to contend with since their organisa
tion. The employes of the Storr's colliery
received their monthly wages yester
duy. John Kelly and Llxzie Lewis were
married at the home of the bride's par
ents yesterday. Kev. William Holder
performed the ceremony. The young
collide have the best wishes of their
many friends in their matrimonial ven
ture. The Pricehurg Nonparlel Social club
Intend hi'ldln:; nil entertainment soun.
Louis Cramer visited In Cnrbondale
last evening.
lieorge ilellatt was In Scranton yes
terday, i
The West Avoen base ball club hus
organized for the comliit; season. The
following are selected mid ull are well
known amateurs: Ca'cher. F. II. Mc
Carthy: llrst base. T. F. Morn linn: sec
ond base, A. J. O'Mulley; third base,
.lames J. Murnhy: short stop. F. .1.
Parks: left Held. J. J. Miuiley; center
Held. K. F. Oibbons; right Held. P. F.
Kane; pitchers. T. F. M.-Call and A. J.
Kyder; substitute. William J. Iluike;
manager. F. II. McCarthy; captain F.
.1. Parks.
The "Ponulars" have also organized
and Is comoosed of well-known ama
teurs. This club have been very suc
cessful during the mist few years ami
will endeavor to achieve success dur
ing the coming "season.
Mrs. (lay. or mange, anil Mrs. J. II
Snyder, of Kingston, are siiending a
few days nt the Snyder residence un
Main street. .
Miss Jennie New II n Is soending n
few days with friends In Plains.
The contract 'of heating and ventilat
ing the new school house In the North
end has been awarded to C.eorge Web
ber. His bid n mounted to $;:!IT.
The new boroinrh council met op
Wednesday evening and transacted a
large amount of business. Chlef-nf-pollce
A. J. Healey was re-appolnted
and the appointment of Attorney Sher
wood us borough solicitor was sanc
tioned by the board. The board ad
journed lo meet on March 10.
K. A. Uurdlck left last evening for
Stotilngton. Conn., to look after the
macherlnery of the new silk mill, which
has been delayed for some time. If
shipped ut once Hie mill will begin
operations in ubont ten days.
! U. It. Stickling, representing the
Western Supply company, wast doing
' business in town yesterday.
! The LiuiKclirfe Christian Kndeuvur
: society have elected the following mem
bers for the ettsiiiiiK year: President.
John Connor; vice president. Lena
Itenncmun; secretary, Jennie Whyte;
treasurer. Joint Hustle; coricsioiidint!
secretary, Maggie Kennenian.
A large number of people from this
town -ure attending the Christian Al
liance convention at MoosIc yesterday
und today.
The county Patriotic Order Sons of
America convention will convene ut
this place on Wednesday afternoon,
March II. Delegates will lie present
from eight camps. In Hie evening the
local cuniii bus urrvnged for a grand
entertainment at the Oiiera house.
L. S. Krtiwii wus in Piitstou on busi
ness Wednesduy.
In u run away accident ou Main
street Thursday morning, L. L. Levy
received bad bruises, and a horse be
longing to O. K. llardlliK. of liihsou,
was killed.
Fled Moore, of Harford, has pur
chased un interest ill the Curpenter
Kilat mill of this place. He will soon
remove his family among us.
A Patriotic order Sons of America
camp will be organized at Lake Side
Saturday evening. March 7.
Aloit.o Liudsley, formerly of New
Mllfotd. died ut his home in Il.tlstead.
Chester Villi attended the Independ
ent Older dd Fellows' convention ut
Montrose Tuesday.
William Slater, the man whose feet
were badly frozen at the tannery lust
week, was compelled to have eigh' of
his toes amputated. Drs. Snyder, of
New Milford, und Van Ness, of Hal
stead, performed the operation.
Miss Siillle Cady lluyden, aged H7
yea fa, was burled in the villa-re ceme
tery ut this place Thursduv afternoon.
She resided ill this olai e for many
: years, utu' was the ninther of a large
i family of honored children.
l umber Uos lc of I heir Scanty .l.arn
j lags for food and clothe"
I Mecosta. M ich... March 5. A terrible
scene of destitution was found not far
j from Hughes' lumber (amp. In this
i county. John Cibbs had been trying
j to support his large fumily cutting
, posts for "j cents a day, but work ha-
' been slack, fine of the lumber buys.
passing Cibbs' house, saw little chil
dren huddled together on the old Hour,
dressed i't Hour sucks, without shoes
or stockings. Mrs. (llbbs hud hardly
enough to cover her person, and rags
pinned on her feet s-erved as shoes.
The children's clothes hud to lie pin
ned together, because there was io
thread 'n the house and no mom"- to
buy It with. Several of the rough, big
hearted lumber boys, themselves earn-
! In? only 75 cents a da v. g it up a suli
' script ion of $.''.. filled a wagon with
t provisions and with clothes for all the
' family, even the baby. There Is a
i happy family, in Mecosta county now.
St. I.oais Svndienle llnrgiiiii fur Mill
ran of Ice for June.
St. Puul. March 5. St. Louis Is evi
dently ex'K'cting a very hot June, as
u syndicate of thut city has purchased
!t)0 cars of Ice here, and large I'mces
t men have been put t.i work, night
and duv. cutting and loading It from
White Hear Lake.
It will be hauled to St. Louis on ten
solid trains. The Kepublicau enliven
Hon will be kept cool.
If the Itary l Cutting Teeth.
Mr. Winslow':; Poothins Syrup has
been used for over Fifty Years by Mil- I
liens of Mother:: for tlielr Children
while Teething, with Perfect Suceeis.
It Soothes the Child. Softens the Gums,
Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic and
Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold
by Druggists In every part of tl.e world,
lie sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's
Soothing Syrup," and take no other
kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
l:nglish Capital for American Invest
Important to Americans seeking Eng
lish capital for new enterprises. A list
containing the names and tuhireMpea of !4
successful promoters who have placed
over i100.0UO.0W sterling in foreign invet
menttf within the last six years, und over
fltMMO.MK) for the seven month of 1M5
Price t5 or $23, payable by postal order
to the London and Universal Bureau of
Investors, 20, Cheapslde. London, E. c
Subscribers will be entitled, by arrange,
ment with the directors to receive either
personal or letters of introduction to any
f these successful promoters.
This list is nrst class In every respect,
Md every man or firm whose name ap
pears therein may be depended upon. Fur
pluclriK the fulluwiiiK il will be found Invaluable--Hotels
or Shares of Industrial,
CumiiiiTciul und Plnumdal Coii,.aeiii,
Mortgage loans. Sale uf I.uikIh, Patents or
Dlrei tors-SIR EDWARD O. ROSS.
CAl'T. AltTllt'R STII'FK.
Tlieu Buhy was sick, wo gave her CVstorlu.
"rt'lieu the wus u ( 'liilil, she criitl fur ('listeria,
iVIiru Nlie becume Mis, ulie clung to Custurlii,
Wlicu she bad t'lilldtvu, she guve thciu Castorio,
I don't keep lllCVCI.I S very
lon. I SI I.I. HU M sis fust as
they arrive front the factory.
Call and See
Tbe '96 models of
Tbe Spalding and Keating
They Are Winners.
222 Wyoming Avenuj. j
1 1 -" 1 , . 1
AS tea away with by the um sf HAK1V !
KAN'S PATENT PAINT, wblob constats
lairsdlsats wall-known to ail. It eaa ba 1
ppllad to tin, galvanized tin, shust Iron .
roofs, also to brick dwelinri. which will :
Rrarsnt absolutely any crumbllac. crack- I
i or braaklnf of ths brick. It will out
last tinning- of any kind by Boany yaars.
f the cost of tinning. Is sold by tte Jaw
r pound. Contracts taken by
ftTTRB 1001 CO., I rpRslL$l,004M.
man miM shoe in the wokia
"A Mmr mcii it o doliar am.d."
TMsISUm' Mid Fnacb DoaojataKId Ba.
aw isaaalhNd bm oysters Is the U.S., aa
rsswinoivasa. swasy umr.
or I'owU Mats sr tlM.
Equal, snry way tao mow
sold la all rated suras to
1M. We awae this see
ounerras, themfore we mar
unirm visjm, mwm mmm ww.
and If any one fa sol sMUIieJ
, w rill refsed ibe anaan
or sand anotber fair. m
toe or vooinoo Desaa,
V, K, ft as.
to eaa sea
Shoe Co,
Hpuiiml ittvu it OnUn.
vrsr RE VIVO
'a a i m
A JMi IL . T Muds a
Well Man
UttDay.if DM.
' F -
TMI ajftaAT aotb bay.
piwdaesa ths aborts remit. In 30 days. It act.
boweif ally aud quickly. Luna wb.ii all ol&.r. tell.
Veaaiaiea will w.aio lot aiaabuud. sad eld
aea will reouvar their yeuttafui ior by vales
ttBl?0 It oalesi; wd .urely natoree Meneue
aees. Lest Tltalltr, lapoteac;, Kiautly kmueioa.,
LoaltVeiet.Faillnf Mruory, WaaMua 01wM..aiid
.11 SMI el eaUbuea cr eieeMsnd tadlacratlon
klafeaalt.aBe(oreiudy,SMUM.orBiarrlase. It
aetaaly euree by etartlnc at tke Mat .1 dleease. but
Isaareas aar. tattle and blood builder, brl&a.
beak tke Mak alow to poia cheek, and re
sterlaf the sir af youth. I ward, off raMwliy
vi. i e ptioa. laain ea aensf nEf IVUi as
etber. It eaa be esnled la eeet wk.l. ir aaail
lt er vaokwe. a sts 1st, with a pool'
ilea wrtttaa (aanataa ha aar ear tafaud
thasaaay Olrcalacfree. Address
9m ' Man r atthewi iMatat
1 . r4f
mi on p wi b
i ntnu v.u., ui xunnu, ahum, i ne instru
ment la in perfect condition and every whit as good as new. It is of full eom
pas, baa three uuisous throughout, three pedals, etc.; f 4 S .
$;l.10.(H is its rul value, hut the price for toduy O Vf UO
With I ncre8stuu; success. Tlic bargains ottered tell their own story of merit,
und before the moiilh is out there will be music iu many a Soiasuton home
where, previous lo this, sale, a plauo was thought to be entirely out of their
The Selection of Pianos and Organs i still good. The pricea are about
one half those usually asked, and the term of payment aiejtisl a you care to
arrange them.
We Have Determined
To Reduce Our Stock
lu order to luuke room fur improvements ami additions to our store,
winch arc necessary to uccommodate our iucreasiuy bttsiuess. Maoy
Very desirable patter 11s iu
Have lice 11 marked down to price which will iusitre their speedy sale.
Of course, they cannot be duplicated at their preseut prices, but you
may und sutlicicnt for your purpose, and ilso, tbe price w ill please you.
UrlNg (lie lze of ) our room with you.
A(Q Lackawanna Ave.
rUO Opposite the Main Entrance to Wyoming House.
The Knife
The Great Depth
20 to 30 Per Cent.
Just get a glance at these
Cheviots, Cass i meres
$9.00 ,:::: ; The KOjfe
11.00 to 13.00, The Knife
15.00 to 17.00, The Knife
18.(0 to 20.(0, The Knife
Yes, we promise to give the best value in those
; things built mainly for men and boys, covering both
i legs nicely.
$1.10 Commonly Called Pants, $1.75,
218, 225 AND 227
Today we oiler tlrst-class Cabinet (Iraad
IH.nA . I - 1... - 1 II , .
isuu, iiiaus uv me wen iiiown riarvaru
,... ... If rat. .
Cuts Deep.
prices. Men's All-Wool
and Worsted Suits:
CUtS TilClIl tO
Cuts Them to
Cuts Them to
Cuts Them to