THE 6CHAKTON TBIBUXE -FRIDAY MORNINO. MARCH1 G. 18. Neute 25-LB. SACKS Guaranteed to Be the Best Made. AT Luce Bros. Scranton and Taylor. WEST SIDE EVENTS. Hon That Ran Away Took an ley Bath, tncomfortablo Experience of ibe Driver-Other News Notes. A runaway that had a few novel fea ture occurred on this Hide Wednesday evening Just before dark. A team owned by 8. R. Janes & Co.. attached to a delivery Walton became friRhtened while ft muling near the Jtound woods. They rushed, down the Held on the northerly side of the woods and crossed fence until they reached the brick yard Ice pond. Here Is where the nov el part came In. The horses rushed out on th Ice; but the weight was too much, and the whole outfit fell Into the water. The driver. George Morgan, was thrown from the wagon seat Into the water, which fortunately Is not deep. Nearly the entire wagon was submerged and it was with dilllculty that the horses were detached and driven out of the pond. The driver was able to do this after he had ttoated about for a time In the ice cold water. The team was taken to the stables, but the wagon was al lowed to remain In the pond until yes terday morning when it was taken out well soaked from Its night's bath. THEY ACT 15 D SUSPICIOUSLY. Two men, well dressed and "sharper" looking, loitered about the premises of Dr. Heermuns and Franklin Howell, of Scranton street, Inst evening. They acted very suspiciously for a time, then the duo entered Ir. Hoernmns' house. They linked for money and as an ex cuse claimed that they wanted the "price of a bed.'; Dr. Heermans re fused to contribute and the men next visited tin Howell home. They re peated their reiiuest, but Mr. Howell also told them . to go. They stayed around the houses, however, until the police were sent after and they then disappeared. NOW FOK THK PAVE. The Scranton Traction company has at last deeded over that much wanted Htrlp of land on Hoblnson street. This was the lust obstacle In the way of the Hoblnson street pave. The mem bers of the West Side board of trade especially A. M. Morse and II. L. Jones, are greatly elated over the result of their endeavors. One gentleman said yast night that the pave would now be pushed, and us everything has been taken from its path it seems that the Improvement will rush easily along. There is a question as to what style of pave- will be used, whether brick, stone, or nun phal turn. Sentiment seems to favor vitrified brick. As there Is so much travel on the thoroughfare the board should make no mistake in Its selection of the material. Stono was first suggested nnd it was to a peti tion asking for a stone pave that the property owners Hist signed. LAWSON WAS NOT FREE. John Lawson, the man who shot Charles Johnson, after he himself had wounded Johnson with the sume re volver, recovered sufficiently to be dis charged on Wednesday from the Moses Taylor hospital,, but the police nre not through with him. Lawson went home from the hospital without the consent of the city authorities and Lieutenant Williams, of this precinct, caused the Issuing? of a warrant f-om Alderman John's office for his avst. The war Ilil Hi 40r WORTH DOUBLE. Men's All Wool Pants reduced to $1.98, worth double. Men's All Wool Suits reduced to $7.00, worth double. Men's All Wool Suits reduced to $8.00, worth double. Hen's All Wool Suits reduced to $8.50, worth double. Hen's All Wool Suits reduced to $9.50, worth double. Hen's All Wool Bicycle Pants reduced to 75c, worth double. v Hen's All Wool Bicycle Pants reduced to $1.00, worth double. Men's All Wool Bicycle Pants reduced to $1.25, worth double. 1 Men's All Wool Bicycle Pants reduced to $1.50, worth double. Men's All Wool Bicycle Pants reduced to $2.00, worth double. Men's All Wool Bicycle Pants reduced to $2.50, worth double. Hen's Latest Style Spring Hats reduced to 87c, worth double. Children's Double-Breasted Reefer Coats re duced to $1.59, worth double. Children's Double-Breasted Reefer Coats, bound, reduced to $1.98, worth double. : , .Children's Double-Breasted Navy Blue Suits reduced to $1.98, worth double. Child's Double Breasted Reefer Suits reduced to $1.75, worth double. , ' Child's Double-Breasted Reefer Suits reduced to $1.98, worth double. v TfcE SAMTERS Sysa D:g Qothlsrs, o! tb? Slibiirbs. rant was sj-rved yesterday. Lawson wax at his hoarding house on Sherman avenue when captured. He will be kept In custody.'Until Johnson recovers or dies. Pending this no action will be taken against either of the principles in the affray.. TWO DEATHS YESTERDAY. Michael Foley, aged 64. died yester day at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Thomas Carroll, of Luxerne street. The deceased wus born In County Sllgo, Ire land, and came to this country when a young man of 17 years. He is sur vived by the following: Mrs. Carroll May and John Foley, of this city; and James Foley, of Olyphant. The fu neral will be held on Saturday morn lng at 9 o'clock: Interment In Hyde Park Catholic cemetery. Miss Ida Keeguu, an orphan, died last evening at the home of relatives on Ninth street. The deceased was but 19 years of age, and was the daughter of the late James Keegan, well known on this side. The funeral arrange ments have not been completed. FRKE COXCBRT. At "Kimmlch'B Hotel," on SwetUnd street, tomorrow rvenlnir. Mr. Walter San- ford, formerly of the Hob I'ltzslmmons company, win lase pan, and "i ncie nu ly." the sleight-of-hand performer, and the only Welsh comedian In the oourury, will entertain. Three new singers. Free lunch. NEWS NOTES AND PERSONALS. Thii Sociul circle of the HlmDson Meth odist church will conduct a fair and fes tival on March -o and -ti. The Tabernacle Congregational church netted about 1370 by Hs recent St. David's Day banquet. At the Welsh PhllosoDhlcal society to morrow evening Henry P. Davis will give a lata on romr exploration, lie win il lustrate the address by means of maps. The nlililii' la u-ptenme ln ullend. Kev. A. II. Chatlin. of Allegheny, editor or the ConKteKullonul .Messenger,, visueu Kev. D. P. Jones yesterday. Francis Palmer, of Bromley avenue, has moved out of town, ami his place as sexton of St. David's Episcopal church is being lilled by Kdward (irey. Peters; York & Co. are stocking their stationery tore, on South Main avenue. Saturday Is the opening day. St. Jtrenden council met last night and held their usual literary session. The meetings are not public and as the mem bers are molest in their literary endeav ors the public Is nut permitted to glance at the line programmes that are carried out every week. An Important meeting of the Father Whelen lleiuihiary meeting of the Father this evening after church services. A concert will be given on Tuesday ev ening at the Simpson .Methodist church. The Kldullan society of the Jackson Street Baptist church will hold a fair and festival during the forepart of April. West Side Muslness Directory. PUMMNrS-Wllllum D. Griffiths, 313 North Main avenue, does first-class Plumbing, Steam Heat and Gas Fitting. Satisfaction is strictly guaranteed. BAKBETt Hair cutting and shaving done In a lirst-class milliner at John H. Reyn old's Barber Shop, ut Falrchild's hotel. FLORIST Cut flowers anil funeral de signs a specialty, l-'lorul llgtires, useful os gifts, ut lot Houth .Main avenue. Har riet J. Davis, flutist. PHOTOGRAPH KR-Cablnet Photos, $1.40 per dozen. They are Just lovely. Con vince yourself by calling at Startler's Photo Parlors, 101 and 103 South Main . avenue. GHOOERI ES Revere Standard Java Cof fee Is unexcelled. The leading coffee of he day. For sale only at F. W. Mason ft Co. Fine Groceries, 116 South Main avenue. SECOND HAND Fl' RNITURK-Cash for anything you liuve to sell. Furniture, Stoves, Tools, etc Call and see the stock or J. C. King, 1024 and 10JU Jack sou street. (JKLEN U1DGE. The rehearsals for the comedy entitled "Between the Acts," are progressing- nice ly. Tlie play has an excellent plot which any audience will enjoy. It will be glveu by thu Ciceronian School of Elocution and Oratory some time next week at the Cicer onian hall, on Dickson avenue. Charles Hecbe. of East .Market street, was taken suddenly ill Wednesday even ing ami is now confined to his home. The Green Ridge Women's Christian Temperunce union will give a supper to night at the resilience of Mrs. William Cobb, corner Dickson avenue nnd Dela ware street. Supper will be served from t! 1o X p. m.. after which a social will he held. A large attendance and liberal put runuge is desired. PROV1DKNCK. Richard lutrhum Is suffering from a severe ultack of rheumutlsm at his home, on Throup street. Mrs. Thomas Luis, of West Market street. Is suffering from rheumatic fever. James Evans, or Pittsburg. Is a visitor in this part of the c ity fur a few days. The general inspection of Company II, Thirteenth regiment, will take place on Saturday evening at Company H armory. Mrs. William Hobbs, of Rockwell street, is suffering from a bad attack of peri tonitis. .Miss Jennie Morris, of Wyoming, who bus been visiting friends here, returned home yesterday. Joe Klckubltz, of Cusick avenue, a Po lander, was arrested by otllcer Perry, on Wednesday evening on complaint of Hatters and Furnte Michael rsilhoy. who keeps an hotel on West Market street. It fccems that Hick abltz wanted to wrestle with some per son, ami when he declined he threw him against a. window. which was broken in the row. Rickabits was locked up and later on was given a hearing be Tore Alderman Roberts, who lined him $3 and charged him to pay the cost of a new window Glass. . SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Edward Phllbin, of Mlnooka, died at 7 o'clock last evening from the injuries he received last Saturday morning. As he was descending the steps leading from the rear of his home, he slipped, fell and his side struck heavily on a po.t at the bot tom, two of his ribs being broken, lis was past 65 years of age and was the father of ex-Jury Commissioner P. J. Philbln; the other members of the family are Mrs. Mary A. Langan, Cat.lierin, Michael. John and Thomas, of Mlnooka, ami Kdwurd, of the I'nitetl States Navy. The time of the funeral has not yet been set. Messrs. Storr, Schneider and Schwenkar, of the Scranton Saengerrunde. have been appointed a committee to look up an available site on which to erect a hall, and before many days the Organization expects to be in shape to go ahead wl'li the project. The proposed hall will be modern In all its appointments and from an architectural standpoint will rival any building on the South Side. The choir of the Cedar Avenue Meth odist Episcopal church will hold its con cert on .March 'JH. David Neuis, of Cedar avenue, who was seriously 111 has improved very much within the past two days. Professor and Mrs. Thomas P. Joyce, of .Mlnooka, are receiving the best wishes of friends, over the arrival of a baby girl. MINOOKA. John Maloney, of Five Points, will leave for St. Louis, Mo., on March 16. Lenten services will be held this even ing at St. Joseph's church. Patrick Flannery. of Main street, has shaken the dust of the town from his heels and left for parts unknown. The Cemetery pond was crowded lat evening with the merry younger element, who enjoyed a few hours' recreation on the steel runners. Representatives of the "wandering fra ternity" are very much In evidence around this vicinity at present. The entertainment of the Mlnooka Rase Ball club on April 20 promises to be one llnest u trulrs held In town, of the llnest affairs ever held here. Edward Philbln, one of the pioneer resi dents of this vicinity, died last evening from the effects of an injury received Fri day by falling down a flight of stairs. The deceased was about t5 years and la sur vived by six children. TRI1 TO CHINATOWN. Good Company to Produce It at the Academy of Music. An event of no little Importance will be the coining to the Academy Satur day evening of Hoyt's "A Trip to China town" under the management of Messrs. lloyt &Mcke. The com ing of a Hoyt show Is always an event, but greater interest Is lent to this en gagement from the fact that It will be the first appearance here of the or iginal New York company that ap peared at Hoyt's theater for hIx hun dred and fifty consecutive nights, the longest run ever known In the city of New York for any play. The "Itluck Crook" was Ht -Nlblo's Garden for 47 performances; Hazel Kirke was given at the Madison Square theater 46 times; "Humpty Dumpty" 4N3 '..ines at the Olympic: "Adonis" titl.1 times at the Bijou, and, as before stated "A Trip to Chinatown" 6S6 nights. The cast Intro duces Harry Conor In the grave; Geo. Richards, us "Hen Uay" a festive bach elor; Harry (lilfoil, a delightful mixer of drinks, as well as a tuneful whistler, Sadie Klrby, a modest little maiden off the atuge, but quite a "Flirt" In the play, und Ueraldlne McCann as the "Charming VlJw from Chicago." All the. scenery, properties and details complete will be brought direct from Hoyt's theater. Among the musical numbers that have become national in their popularity are included: "Songs We Hear on the) Stage," What Could a Olrl do More," "The Sunshine of Par adise Alley," "Put me oft at Huffalo," "Excepting Jack," "Love me Honey Do." "My Hest Olrl," "Dearest." "1 want you for my big Haby," "I don't believe its True," "On the Rowery," and others. PLAYS AND PLAYERS RETURN Richie Troy and Others Again at Davis' Cosy Theater. "Plays and Players," changed but not bettered since Its last appearance here, played at Davis' theater yesterday be fore u fair-sized audience. There are several new-, people In the company, which includes the gymnastic, come dian Richie Foy. Edith l.e Mont has one of the sweetest singing voices ever heard at the Linden street playhouse. She is far superior to the average. Ju ste Emery is an improvement on Annie Whitney, both as a singer and as an actress. Foy Is clever. There Is a funny Irish Judge In the cast who Is Impersonated by John T. Tlerney. The show entire Is pleasing and should draw houses worthy of its ability. It will be repeated this and tomorrow evenings with afternoon matinees. Volunteer Mission Entertainment. Much pleasure was given last evening to the children of the Volunteer mis sion. West l-ackawanna avenue, by A. E. Sloan, who displayed by the aid of the stereopticon an interesting series of mine views. Several Instrumental selections were given by a string quar tette, which, together with numerous songs by the children, gave those pres ent an evening of rare enjoyment. The volunteer mission is progressive and has recently opened Its rooms to the children Thursday evenings for the en joyment of games, Illustrated papers, etc. This, It Is hoped, i Is but the first step towards a broader and more far reaching work. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. Under this heading short letters of In terest will be published when accompa nied, for publication, by the writer's name. The Tribune will not be held re sponsible for opinions here expressed. WAS FIFTKEX YEARS OF AGE. Editor of The Tribune. Sir: An article in your paper of this date states that Mary Gettie, employed by the Sauquolt Silk Manufacturing coni ipany, who was killed on the Delaware and Hudson railroad, would not be 13 years old until July 15 next. This state ment, while, no doubt, made unintentlally, wrongs the Sauquolt Silk company, but I suppose you got your information from the best authority you could. To set mutters right I would state that we do not employ girls under IS years of age In our factory, as the law com pels us to have an affidavit on file from all girls under 1$ years, sworn to before an alderman. This girl's father. Michael Qettie, ha 1 such an affidavit made out on Jan. 11, KW, and Its states that Mary tiettle was born at Olyphant July 14, I8S0. which would leave her 15 years, 8 months and -1 days of age at the time the affidavit was made out; consequently, she would be nearer )" years and 9 months at present than under i: years. Her appearance nnd size would also indicate that the affidavit was correct. I write this letter simply to set mat ters straight, as the Manufacturing com panies have to comply with the law, and as, no doubt, you got your Information from good authority, you are not to blame for the statement. William H. Davis. March 5, 18l. . Solatia Hhenrastlsns Cnrcd. L. . Wagner, Wholesale Druggist, Richmond, Va.. says: "I had a fearful attack of Sciatic Rheumatism, was laid up almost two months; was fortunate enough to net Mystic Cure for Rheu matism; - This cured me after doctor's prescriptions had failed to have any. effect. I have also heard of fine results from others who have used It." . Hold by Carl Lot-ens, Druggist... 418 Lacka wanna avenue, Scranton. gUERIFP S SALE. ' ?i v ? Valuable Real Estate ;- OS a SATURDAY. M.AHCH 28, m. By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Fa cias, levari Facias and Venditioni Ex ponas, Issued out of the court of com mon pleas of LAckurtvaiimt county, to me directed, I will expose :o public sal,- by vendue or outcry, to the highest and be. V,-!,lf." f t f ,. !.., "one hnuse. In tho city of Scranton, Lackawanna coun ty, on VAU'KPAf, the TVVEjNTV hllJhl'H UAX ff l.AKvri. A. L. teat, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon of said day, all the righ't, title and interest of the de fendants in and to the following described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz: No.l. All the rlght.tltle and interest of tho defendants, Anna Master und Stif Masler, In anil to all the surface or right of soil of all that certain tot of land silicate, in Win tun borough, in Che. county of Lacka wanna and State of Pennsylvania, on w hat is known as the "David Itrown's Tract," described a follows: Being lot nunib-r twenty (10) In square or block number two C', situate upon street called and named Hand street, as shown on map recorded in the recorder's office of Lackawanna coun ty, III Deed Rook No. 59, page ulti. Said lot Is on the corner of Se.-ond avenue, be ing fifty (rt feet In front and rear and one hundred and fifty (15u feet In depth, rec tangular, with a public alley In the rear fifteen feet wHIe. All coal and minerals reserved. All Improved with a two-story frame housa used as a saloon and dwel ling, and outbuildtiiHS thereon. Seised and taken in execution at the suit of Uerman Building Association of Scran ton, Pa., vs. Annie Masler and Stif Mas ler. Debt, $I,20U.OI. Judgment No. W), March T., lKtti Fl. Fa. to March T., IS;. aOOD.MAN, Atty. ALSO. No. 2. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Anthony ita union. In and to all that certain lot of land with the Im provements thereon situate at Dunning in the township of Roaring Hiook, county of Lackawanna and State of Pennsylvania, hounded and described as follows. Re ginning ut a point In the public, road lead ing from Diinnlngs to '.Moscow, being also a corner of lot (now or formerly of A. M. .Muywood, thence south 4'j degrees west along said road M rods to line to right of wuy of Delaware, Lackawanna and West ern Railroad, on the northeast side of same, thence north V degrees weut along said right of way uii rods to corner of land now or formerly of E. Snyder, thence south S2 degrees east along said Snyder's laud M rods to corner of said Muywood lot. thence south 4'3 degrees west along said May wood to 8 rods to a post, thence south W degree . east along May wood lot 7'i rods to the place of beginning, contain ing three acres and lji) perches of land, be the same "more or less. All Improved with a two-story frame hotel building with additions, one frame Ice house, one stone und frame servants' dwelling house, one frame chicken house, one frame carriage house, one two-story frame barn and stuble, with additions; one two-story frame store Imildlng with a two-story frame building attached, wagon house anil outbuldMngs, fruit and shade three there on. Seized ami taken in execution at (he suit of V. G. Behoonnvaker. assigned to C. S. Weston vs. Antfiony Raumaii. Debt, f". fitRt.UU. Judgment No. tiSI. Nov. Term, ls1. Lev. Fa. to March T., ISM. J AS. It. TORRE Y. Atty. ALSO, No. 3. All the right, title and Interest of the defendant, Margaret Daniels, admin istratrix of the estate of Samuel Daniels, deceased. In and to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate In the Klrrt ward of the City of Scranton, County of LMckawannn and State of Pennsylvania, known as lot number seven 7 In square or block number five tO) and fronting on Main avenue, being fifty (.') feet in front by one hundred and fifty (!.'") feet In depth, according to a pluu or map entitled "Map of lauds of Augusta G. delict In First und Third wards, 'Scranton, Pa.," It being the same lot of land conveyed to the said Sam uel IVanlels by Augusta (1. and George C, Genet by deed dated the sixth day of Oc tober, U93, and recorded In th) Recorder's office In Lackawanna County, Pa., in Deed Rook No. lei. page 61U. Coal and minerals reserved. Improved with u two-story single dwelling house. Seized and taken in execution at the suit of 'arson & Davis vs. .Margaret Daniels, administratrix of Samuel 1 mulcts, de ceased . Debt, ICiO.Ov. Judgment No. 3i, March T., ISM, Fl. Fa. to March Term, lWtti. THOMAS, Atty. ALSO, No. 4. All the right, title and interest of the defendant, Winifred Gallagher, ad ministratrix of the estate of Hugh K. Gal lagher, deceased. In and to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate In the city of Scrunton, county of Lackawanna and State of Pennsylvania, known as lot number thirty-nine (X) In square or block number 'tweiuy-llve (ifi) and fronting on Vun Huren avenue, being twenty-five f-Tp feet lit front by two hundred and fifty feet in depth, according to a plan or map entitled Price and Pancoast's addi tion to the City of Scranton, Pennsylva nia. Coal and minerals reserved, im proved with a two-story single frame dwelling house and outbitlldinKS thereon. Seised and taken in execution at the suit of West Side Hank vs. Winifred Galluither, administratrix of the estate of Hugh K. Gallagher, deceased. Debt, S'.'UO.lio. Judg ment Ni. MS, March Term, 1SW, Fl. Fa. to March Term, IStKi. THOMAS, Atty. ALSO, No. fi. All the right, title and interest of the defendant. Frank Williams, o all that certain messuage or lot of land situate in the Horough of Dunmore. County of Lackawunuu and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Lot number fourteen (14) on plot of vil lage lots laid out by Andrew D. Spencer In said Dunmore, commencing at a corner of lot owned by James Doud, on Main street, running along said lot one hundred and forty-nine (149) feet south da degrees minutes east to a corner, thence along un alley fifty (jU) feet west Sfi'a degrees north to a corner, thence east degrees "7t minutes south one hundred and forty-nine (149) feet to a corner on enld .Main street, south Uii'is west fifty (SO) feet to the place of beginning, containing seven ithotlsand, lour hundred and fifty 7,4."iO) square feet, of land, be the same more or . less, the same lot of land conveyed by Andrew 1). Spencer and wife to said Prank Williams by deed dated the 19th October, 1S9., and recorded 111 Lackawanna County In De"d Hook No. 91. page .'!lu, etc. Said lot being Improved with a 4wo-story frame dwel ling house and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken In execution at the suit of Suburban Building and Loan Associa tion vs. Frank Williams. Debt, !. 419.IH. Judgment No. HI J. March T., PiJti. Fi. Fn. to March Term, 189i. COMEGYS and REYNOLDS, Attys. ALSO No. 6. All the right, title and Inlerct of the defendants, Ellen Parrett and An thony Barreitt, in and to all the following described lot or parcel of land situate in the city of Scranton, in the county of Lackawanna, and state of Pennsylvania, described as follows, viz; lot number sev enteen (17) In square or block number ninety (90) upon street called or known as Hickory street, upon the town plot of Scrunton; Intended to be duly registered and recorded, said lot being forty (40) feet In front and one hundred and forty-seven (147) feet In depth. Rectangular with an alley in the rear sixteen lil feet wide for public use with the privilege of usinn ten (pi) feet in front of front line on Hick ory etree tfor yard, vault, porch and so forth. Being the lot conveyed by the Lackawanna Iron and Coal Company to Ellen Barrett, first party hereto, by deed dated 24th day of October. A. D. 1S9I, recorded in deed book 84, page 23i, etc. Ail Improved with a two-story frame dwelling house and outbuildings thereon. Seised and taken in execution at the suit of Spruks Brothers vs. Ellen Barrett and Anthony Barrett. Debt, 11.100. Judgment No. 73o, March Term, 1894. Fl. Fa. to March T., 18W. Also at the suit of German Building Association No. 6. vs. Ellen Bar rett and Anthony Barrett. Debt, li'.mK). Judgment No. 291, March T 4894. Alias Fl. Fd. to March T., 1896. BAFMAN, Atty. ALSO - No. 7. All the right title ami interest of the defendants. Victoria Matyjewics and Michael Matyjewics, In ami to all the fol lowing lot of land situate In Ptieeburg, County of Lackswsnns. and State of Pennsylvania, being lot No. i, la block U, I on a street called and named Carmalt street, according to Moore's map of Prlei burg. Being to feet in front and lt!5 feet In depth, the measurement of the depth to commence 16 feet inside of the street with therlcht to enclose, occupy an I iisj 10 fed in front of said lot for cellarway, porch, porticos, liay-w Indnw. hade trees and shrubbery, but nut the right to erect any building thereon. Being the sume lot tof land conveyed by Joseph B. Townseiid, 'et al, by deed dated the liith day of July, ltiU. to Victoria Matyjewics, said deed recorded In deed book 94, page 474, etc., In Lackawanna county. ' Above premises Improved with a 4wo- story frame house with basement, used us store and dwelling house. Seized and 'taken in execution at the suit of German Building Association No. vs. Victoria Matyjewics. Debt. $1,600. Judg ment No. !4, May Term, 1S94. Alias Fl. Fu. to March Term, 1896. BAl'.MAN, Atty. ALSO No. 8. All the rlxht. title and Interest of the defendant, Mark Price, In and to nil that certain lot of land situate in the Vil lage of Archbuld. County of Lackawanna, and Stae of Pennsylvania, and described as follows, to wit: Being in front sixty feet. In rear sixty feet, and ninety feet deep; bounded ill fronton the west by the main road leading from Carbondale to Scranton, on the south by lands late of John P. Farnham, as marked out by lot number sixty-three, (63), on the east by lands of said John P. Farnham, and on the north by lot number sixty-one 161) as laid out in map of' lots of said John P. Farnham; coal and minerals reserved. Said lot being number sixty-two (lU) on the plot of .village lots laid, out by said John 1. Farnham and so designated upon a map of the same. Improved with a double two-story frame building and other outbuilding. Seized and taken 111 execution tit the suit of James II. Timlin vs. Murk Price. Debt, $417. Judgment No, 1W January T., 1895. Alias Fl. Pa. to March T.. 1 Si;. NEWCOMU, Atty. ALSO . No. 9. All the right, title and interest of 4he defendant, Henry Hoar, In and to all that certain piece or parcel of land situate In the Township of Roaring Brook, Coun ty of Lackawanna, und State of Pennsyl vania, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point In the center of the public roud lending from Dunmore to Wlmmer's Summit, at a corner of land late of James Sample, deceased; thence north one hundred and twenty-nine ll-".i) rods to a stake and stones corner In the warrantee line of John Campbell tract; thence east tlfty-ono l."d) rods to a stake and stones corner; thence along lands of James llaxtun. south one hun dred and one (lull rods to the center of said road; thence south llfty-tive (."i!i degrees) degrees west along said road ten and three-tenths (10 3-IU) rods; thence along said road south sixty and one-half de grees west ten roils; thence along said rouil south sixty-four and three-fourths (6434 degrees) degrees, west thirty nnd nine tenths (30 hud rods; thence along said road south sixty-two (W decrees) de gree, west six and four-tenths ('i 4-10) roils to the .place of beginning, containing thirty-six (36) acres and one hundred and five (li'i) perches, be the same more or less. All Improved with a two-story frame dwelling house, frame barn und outbuild ings, fruit trees thereon. Seized and taken In execution at the suit or .1. S. Miller vs. Henry Hour. Debt, $1(H. Judgment No. 713 May T., ISM. Fl. Fu. to March T 1SSHJ. NEWCOMB, Atty. ALSO No. 10. All the right, title and interest of the defendant, John 1'. SlnMcry, In und to all the surface or the rolluwtug lot, piece or puree) of land to wit: Iteing located on a plot of lots situated purtly In the city of Scranton and partly in 111.- borough of Dunmore, laekawamia county, Pennsyl vania, de.'ilgna.ted as North Park, which said plot Is intended to be recorded. The lot is In the borough of Dunmore and is marked on said plot as lot number live ( ) In block 'i upon street marked on said plot us Monroe avenue, said piece of land is forty tin) feet In front on said Monroe avenue and one hundred and sIxLy iii0) feel In depth lo an ullley 111 the rear six teen (111) feet in width for public use. This Judgment Is for purchase money on contract for sale of said lot. Seized und taken In execution ut the suit of assigned lo Lackawanna, Trust nnd Safe Deposit Company vs. John P. Slat tery. Debt, $(!l. Judgment No. liVi, March Term, 1S:1. Fl. Fa. to March T., mini. CI1AS II. WELLES, Atty. ALSO No. 11. All the right, title an. I Interest of the defendant, l.fwis p. Williams, in and to all Ihut certain lot, piece or parcel of land situate in the city of Scranton, county of Lackawanna, und state of Penn sylvania, bounded and described us fol lows: Commencing ut the northeast cor ner of Sunnier avenue und Price street: thence in a southeasterly direction along Price street one hundred (1(10) feet to lands of Maria. A. Husy; thence In a northeast erly direction lifly (.'iOi feet to lands of Grunt Corbln; thence In a northwesterly direction ulong lands of said Graint Cor bin one hundred (100) feet to Sumner ave nue; (hence 111 a southwesterly direction along Sumner avenue llfty ("in feet to place of beginning. Containing live thou sand squiire feet uf land, being part or lots one, 'two, three, four, live and six, in square or block number 4 of Price and Pancoast's iiddltlon lo the city or Scriin (on. Pa., and being the land conveyed by David W. Powell and wife to U'wls P. Williams by deed dated nth March, IMCI. recorded In Lackawanna county, deed book Psi, page a, etc. All Improved with a large frame dwelling used for church building. ' Seized und taken In execution tit the suit of Lackawanna llnililing und Loan Asso ciation of Scranton. Pa., vs. Lewis P, Williams. Debt. M.W8I. Judgment No. KM, March Term, 1816. Fl. Fa. to .March T., ism;. STOKES, Atty. ALSO No. 12. All (he right, title nn Interest of (he defendants, David W. Thomson und Robert J. Thompson, administrators of the estate of Elija Thompson, deceased. In and to all that certain parcel or land with the Improvements thereon, situate In Bellevue, In the city of Scranton. county of Lackawanna, and slate of Penns.vl vanla, bounded and described as follows, to wit: Commencing at a ipoint on Sixth avenue or Hampton street on line of lot number two C) of suld estate and run ning northwesterly along said street eighty-one and one-half feet lo a line of land of Lackawanna and lllootnsburg Railroad company: thence northerly along suld line 13 feet to line of lot N.. 1 of said estate;- thence along said line 89 feet lo line of lot number 2 of said estate; thence southwesterly along suld line seventy-two feet to the place or beginning. Reserving and to be reserved III and from said lot t lie coal and minerals beneath the surface of suld premises, together with the right to mine and remove the same without enter ing upon the surface of same. Improved with a two-story frame dwelling house and outbuildings thereon. Seized and taken in execution at the stilt of Harry G. Marcey, administrator d, b. n. of the estate of Sarah J. Davis, de ceased vs. David W. Tliopmson and Rob ert J. Thompson, administrators of the estate of Elizabeth A. Thompson, de ceased. Debt, Sl.iHio. Judgment No. M0 .March Term, li6. Lev. Fa. to March T., ls!6. JHIONE & CREVELINO, Attys. ALSO No. 13. All the defendant's right, title and Interest ill and to the following de scribed lot, piece or parcel of land, slluute In the Tenth ward of the city of Scranton, county of Larknwanna, and slate of Pennsylvania, bounded und described as follows: Begining at u point on the east erly side of Cross Btreel, 110 feet distant from the southeast corner formed by the Intersection cf Cros and Ash Btreels In line or lan.l or Mrs. Charles F. Wagner; thence along said Wagner's land in a southeasterly direction 170 feet lo a cor ner; then at right angles in a southwest erly direction about 30 feet to a corner; thence at right angles about 78 feet to a corner in line of lands formerly -of Ed ward Stelndalc: theiuv right angles In u southwesterly direction along sslil Hteln dale lands 100 feet to o corner In line of Catherine Bauman's land; thence at right angles in a northwesterly direction along said Bauman's lund a distance of about 78 feet to a corner In line of lands formerly or Louis Go'.rlitz; then at right angles In a northeasterly direction about 60 feet along suld Goerlitz's land to a corner In the line dividing the lands formerly or LoUls Goer Ills and Jacob Goerlitz; then at right angles In a northwesterly direction along said division line 170 feet 4o the easterly line of Ash street; thence in a northeast erly direction along Ash street 90 feet to the place of beginning. Containing about 23,1) square feet of land more or less. Coal and minerals reserved. All Improved with a two-story frame store and dwell ing house building and a large frame barn. Seized and taken In execution at tho suit of George Klnhack vs. Eleanor floer lits. administratrix of the estate of Jacob UoerllU, deceased. Debt, $&- Judgment I The Fashion 308 LACKAWANNA AVE. 308 . LACE CURTAINS. Being direct importers in Lace Curtains, providing you buy of as, you pay no middle man's profit, which means a saving at least or 25 to 50 per cent House cleaning time h near.: We have just received an immense line uf Curtains; don't wish to store them away, as room is too valuable. Just to sec if customers will appreciate a good thing we have displayed a few samples in the window, and during tills Week we wiH, give a cash discount of 35 per cent, trom import prior h. Buy now and save from 50c. to $3 per pair. A FEW IF THE 200 Pairs of Nottingham Curtains, 200 Pairs of Nottingham Curtains, 100 Pairs of Brussels Curtains, 100 Pairs of Brussels Curtains, 100 Pairs of Irish Point Curtains, 100 Pairs of Renaissance Curtains, IAA H I Aaa iuu fairs or Renaissance uunains, iu.uu value, Only 7.50 Renaissance ( urlalns up to $23 per pain Brussels up to $50 per pair. Chenille Draperies Suffer 8ame Reduction. FUR GAPES AND No. 2M April T., 1S93. Fl. Fs. to March 'P., M!Hi. XBWCO.V1B, Atty. ALSO Xo. 14. All the right, title and interest of the (lefenduntK, Ann Mullen, widow, Put rick Mullen, John. .Mullen, Catherine Mar tin, Mary Mullen, Alice Lynch, heirs tf ThonutH .Mullen, deceused, ill nd to all those certain lots of land. No. 4 ami 6, in block li of David t'oughlln's survey, und Hltuute ujioii street culled and named Mianlou mreet. In the Third ward of thu chy of Scrantun, county of Lackawanna, and Htate uf Pennsylvania. Said Una fee ing each .'lit feet In front and 110 fc?t In depth. All coal und mint-ruin reHervml with the tf ti t to mine and remove the huine without increasing any liability for injury caused or damaites done to the sur face of Hufd lots, or lo the building or Improvements which now or hereafter may lie put thereon. No mine or air shaft fixtures, to be erected thereon.' The same beliiK the property conveyed to the suid party of the tlrst part liy Samuel C Hu bert and wife and John II. (lllbert und wife by ded beui'liiK even date. All Im proved with n two-story frame dwullihK house and o bitlldhiKS thereon. Seized nnd taken In execution at the suit uf H. IS. ltovkwell. unsigned to the First National Hank of Scrunton, Pa., vs. Ann .Mullen, widow, Patrick Mullen, John Mullen, Catherine Martin, Mary Mullen, Alice Lynch, hell's of Thomas Mullen, de ceased. Debt. $917.7'.:. .Judgment No. Ik.4, January T lHWi. Iev. Fa. lo March Term, 1SW. CI1AS. II. WKLLKS, Atty. ALSO No. 1. All the rlirht. title und Interest of the defendant, Mui'lanna, Dnllmali, ad ministratrix of the estate of Mollis Doll man, deceased. In ami to all that certain lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, ly ing and being in the lOlghteenth ward uf the city of Scrunton, county of Lacka wanna and state of Pennsylvania, known and distinguished on J. lleermun's map of South Hydft Pnrk us the southeasterly one-half part of lot number twenty-nine (2HI In block number thirty-two being twenty-live (l'."i) ftet In front on I'mmett street (formerly known as Fourth avenue), the same width ill rear and one hundred and llfty (l.'iii) feet In depth: it being u part of the same lot of land conveyed by John Klackledge to Mot III Dollmim by deed made the 2;ird day of March, 11189. Im proved with a two-story frame dwelling house and summer kitchen attached. Seized and taken in execution ut the suit of Churls Fischer vs. Muriuuna l.ll man administratrix of the entitle of Morlta Dolltnan. deceased. Debt. JTiS.W. Judg ment No. (ITS. March T., ISM. Fl. Fu. to .March T., 1S!W. crcu. i. tavluh, Atty. All of which will be sold for cash only. 1'UANK II. CLKMONH, Sheriff. Sheriff's ofllce, Scrunton, Pu., March 0, Send S eentn for smole packsto. Faultless Chamloal Company. Balti more, Md. How Is This For a '96 Line ? $100 00 STERLINGS, PACKER, $85. FOWLERS, GALE'S. 75.00 RICHMONDS, FERRIS, 65. A line of 40 and txo Wheel... When yea are out for s bargain I can surely suit y.u. 1 cannot give you the esrth, but I can give you the World lor Sioo. tf00A A. l JURISCH, 435 Spruce St MANY BARGAINS $1.50 Valui, On ly $ .98 3.00 Valus, Only 2.00 4,50 Value, Only 3.00 6.00 Value, Only 4.00 5.50 Value, Only 3.50 7.50 Value, Only 5.00 Jsb A JACKETS PRICE, AMUSEMENTS. THE FROTHINGHflM. W agner k Kelt, Lessees and Manager. Two Solid Weeks, Commencing 2. Annual Appearance Waite's - 4 Comedy Company. Premium Band and Concert Orchestra ol ja ArtliU. Assisted by the World's J rosiest Cornet Du ettists sad Snloiatt. Mr. A. rl. Knoll and Mist Msrlc McNeil. 1 New Play Nightly. .M utilise Dsll at 10 Cents, Except Monday of Kirat Week. PRICES - 10c, 20c. and 30c fcule opens Friday 9 a. tu. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Thursday snd Friday Kvenlngs, JUARCH 9 AND 6. A Big- Popular Hit.-Hoston Hrald, Jan. 14. THE GREAT' Presented bv A. M. Palmer and Edwin Know Its' INPkLCLDKNTKD CAST: Mine. Janauschek. Mrs. Annie Yeamaiit Maudo Hanks. l.illiau Lawrence. Fanny Cohen. Kllen Cummin Frederic Pond. Mcortfe C. Boniface. Joseph G. Whitney. Ueorge U. Chaplain. Edward Holland. W. A. Whitscsr. C. B. Hawkins. UtistaTe Fiankel. Frank Denithurne. James Bevies. DAVIS' THEATER Thursday, Friday and Saturday MARCH 6, 6, 7, 1808. TUB COMIiDV BOOM, 181 Extravaganza, Comic Opera, Trav esty, Farce Comedy. 20 WITTY IO AND PRETTY WOIHEN-20. PRICES 10, 20 OR 30 CENTS BE And to be prepared to meet the warmer weather yon want a s.-usonable buit or an ororcoat or both. AND THE BEST PLACE TO VISIT FOR SOMETHINU GOOD IN MERCHANT TAILORING IS d 406 Lackawanna lie. THERE YOU WILL FIND The largest stock to !wt from. Trim- min s Always of the Bet, Latest Stvlnj in Cutting, aud msde up oa the premises by Expert Workmen. f TTN'othintf allowed to leaya the es tablishment unless satisfactory to the customer, and the lowest prices consist out with Oood Merchant Tailoring. CAUL UF 3M1 ran a m fflfttn CO. OILS.. VINEGAR AND CIDER. OfTIOI AND WAREHOUSE, Ml TO III MERIDIAN STRggI Me W. COIUIN, M'tfft X J