2 . . THE FCBANTON TRIBUNE FIJI DAT MOUNTS. MAItCli . 189G. 'S Member from Montana Kesents the President's Missionary Speech. WARN DEBATE IX THE HOUSE Senate Considers Cuban Resolutions. Mr. Haw ley Points but the Nation's Weakness and Counsels Modora-tlon-Twenty-l'lvs Bills Passed. Washington. March 5. In the senate today Mr. Mitchell (Rep. Oregon), , chalrfnan ot the committee . on. priv ileges and elections, continued and fin ished the argument begun by him yes terday in support of the committee's re port declaring Henry A. Dupont, a duly elected senator of the United States from the state of Delaware. The mat- ..... ...a... nfa Mnniluv next. When Mr. Turple (Dem., Ind.), representing the minority or tne commmee, i" present an argument on the opposite lde of the question. The conference report on the Cuban resolutions was presented by Mr. Sher man (Rep., Ohio), chairman of the com mittee or foreign relations the report being that the senate recede from its disagreement to the house resolutions and agree to them as a substitute for Its own resolutions. The report was made a special order for Monday next at - o'clock. The full text of the concurrent resolu tion Is as follows: Resolved, By the senate (the house of representative concurring therein) that In the opinion of congress u. state of public war exists in Cuba, the parties to which are entitled to belligerent rights, and the United States should observe a strict neu trality between the belligerents. Resolved, That congress deplores the (in struction of life and property caused by the wur now waging in that Island, and believing that the only permanent solu tion of the contest, equally In the Interests of Spain, the people of Cuba and other na tions, would be In the establishment of a government bv the choice of the people of C'ubu. It Is the sense of congress that the government of the t'nlted Stutes should use its good office and friendly in fluence to that end. Resolved. That the t'nlted Stutes has not Intervened In struggles between any European governments and their colonies on this continent; but from the very close relations between the people of the I'nlt U States and those of Cuba, in conse quence of Its proximity and the extent of the commerce between the two peoplPS, ihe present war Is entailing such losses upon the people of the I'nlted Slates nail congress is of the opinion that the government of the United States should lie prepared o incited the leititlmute In terests of our citizens by intervention if necessary. MR. HAWLET'S ADVICE. In a brief discussion that took place While the report wus before the senate. Mr. Chandler (Rep.. N. H.). Bald that ,n his judgment the resolutions were not strong enough, and that he was In favor of action for the recognition and maintenance by the United States of the independence of Cuba, "at the risk of war with Spain." Mr. Hawley (Kcp. Conn.), who had voted for the senate resolutions, Intimated that there were considerations which should make sen ators stop uud think before voting. The United States, he said, had exposed Itself to unfriendly criticism In Europe, and It was within the bounds of possi bility thut this country would find itself involved In war, not with one nation, but with more than one. He ridiculed the talk about tin American urmy of live or ten millions, and asked what those men would do without coast de fences. Would they march down to the sandy beach of New Jersey and offer themselves ns food for Ihe ene my's canon? They could do nothing else. The senate passed somu twenty-live bills on tha calendar that were unob jected to, and at 4.35 p. ni. adjourned until Monday next. THE PRESIDENT SCORED. The dry routine of debate upon the question of fixing the salury of a fed eral marshal was interrupted today by a rather violent scene In the house, pre cipitated by a speech from Mr. Hart man (Rep., Mont.), resenting President Cleveland's remurks in his Carnegie hall missionary speech, Tuesday night, in which he spoke of "corrupt and un safe stutes and undesirable territories" in the west. Mr. liurtman denied the right of the president, an he said, to in sult these sections of the country und the citizens thereof. He had not pro ceeded far ere he was called to order by Mr. Powers (Rep., Vermont), who said ha did so because there wus no body on the Democratic! side related to the president by ulftnlty or consanguin ity who seemed HuHlelently Interested to act. The chairman, Mr. Hepburn (Rep., Iowa), ruled that the speaker was proceeding within the rules und Mr. Hartmun yroceeded. Inspired by Mr. Powers, Mr. Hurtman's further re marks well? loudly opposed by Messrs. Miles (Dem., Md.), and Hulzer iDem., N. Y.), but they could not head him off. The former appealed from another de cision by C'hatrmuti Hepburn, holding thut Mr. Hartmttn's remarks were not obnoxious to objection Under the rule requiring debate to be germane to the subject under discussion, but all the Republicans and some Democrats vot ed to sustain It, the appeal being over whelmingly defeated. In the course of the accident, Mr. Orosvenor ( Ren., Ohio) who was en deavoring; to get time in which Mr. llartman could llnlsh his remarks, he came involved In a colloquy with Mr. Sulzer. The latter objected to Mr. Orosvenor taking part In the affair, because in a speech the other day he had admitted he had no religion, and therefor Mr. Sulzer contended he was not qualified to discuss the matter. Mr. Orosvenor responded, denying that he had said he hud no religion, but he believed he would rather stand under that Imputation than not to possess the slightest modicum of common sense. This was greeted with great laughter on both sides. Mr. Hurtman finully concluded his remarks, resenting both on behalf of the maligned and slandered states the nresident'H state ments and asserting they demonstrated that the greatest need of school master and missionary was In the white house. The Republicans gathered around Mr. Hurtman's seat while he was on his feet and applauded him loudly, wh I le UflltfHIMMMI THIN LISTLESS UP. SLEEPLESS C SALLOW SKINNED j frequently chew and smoke immens 5 quantities of tobacco and wonder all : the limo why then loo!; so bad, feel so mean. Try under an absolute guar : anlee of benefit and final euro, or money j rufwUH.the taking el a single Sox ot NO-TO-BAC rogutalos tobacco using, builds up nervous system, makes sure, rich blood. Many report : a gala of sn pounds In ten days. Go : bayaboi Try it under your ewa DRUGGIST'S GUARANTEE. Slatlaautnorlictj to sell No-To-Bao un ur absolute guarantee to cure aver form of tobacco using. Our written guar antee, free sample Of No-TO-Bao and booklet canea -won't Hooka Your Ufa Aw m-klnr. Address TH EDYOO., Chicago, Montreal. Van., NiYsa : 'AM paw w w mfmt 9fauea.uaiiVe the Democrats encouraged ' Messrs. Miles and Sulaer In their efforts to pre vent him from continuing his criticisms upon the president. Early In the day the senate's request for a conference on the Cuban's reso lutions was presented and agreed to and Speaker Reed announced Messrs. Hltt, Adams and McOreary us man agers on the part of the house. The bill making the national military parks public llelds for military manenuvres and drill by the regular army and state militia, under regulations fixed by the secretary of war was passed. RESOLUTIONS ACCEPTED. The house and senate conferees on the Cuban resolutions were not In ses sion over twenty minutes, and there was no dissenting voice In accepting the house resolutions. During the dis cussion it was stated by a prominent member of the senate tompilttee that the second clause of the senate resolu tions which asked Spain to recognize the Independence of the' island was a wanton affront- to -the-Spanish gov ernment, and her people and .that by adopting; It the senate had gone out of Its way to InRUlt Spain. The house resolutions. It was pointed out, went further ana iii addition to granting belligerent rights, declared the only solution of the trouble to be found in an Independent government, of the choice of the people of Cuba and con cludes with the signlllcant words thut the United States government should be prepared to protect the legitimate interests of American citizens by in tervention. If necessary. This is looked upon as of more Importance than any thing to be found in the senate reso lutions and It took no argument to per suade the managers on the part of the senate to accept the house resolutions. NEWS FROM NANSF.N. Copy of the Letter Sent by !o:cr Ivanowitcli Kuchaarefr. St. Petersburg. March G. Major Gen eral Svotlltsky, the governor of Irkutsk, telegraphs here In reply to queries re garding the reports as to Dr. Nansen's return, that Peter Ivanowitcli Kuch-' nareff, who trades at XTst J'nnsk, under date of Nov. 10. wrote to the merchant Kuchnareff at Yakutsk as follows: "We learn that Dr. Nunsen has reached the pole, has dlcovered hitherto unknown land .and .has now returned. Consequently the Arctic ocean has now been explored."' Governor.-Svotlltsky adds thut there Is no confirmation of this news from other sources, but he has instructed a member of his administration in the Verhoyansk district to proceed to I'tst Yunsk to verify the. news and to aid the expedition If necessary.- The above dispatch will serve to clear up several obscure points In the news that first came of Dr. Nansen's return and goes far to corroborate the report. The fact of there having been two Kuchnareffs involved In transmitting the first report has led to some confu sion and to skepticism as to the report having been received from a really re liable source, it was pointed out that if the report came from the merchant Kuchnareff In Yakutsk there would be no ground for regarding it of special Importance, as he would have no spe cial facilities for getting news at llrst hand of Dr. Nansen's return. Hut the above dispatch asserts that the news came to Kuchnureff of Yak utsk from the trader Peter Ivanowitcli Kuchnareff. Now Peter Ivanowitcli Kuchnareff Is the accredited agent of Dr. Nunsen and has been intrusted with a supply of Eskimo dogs for his expe dition. His trading post at Ust Yunsk Is on the Arctic ocean at the mouth of the Yana river, Just south of J-iskov island, one of the New Siberians, and less than 200 miles east of the Lena del ta. Beyond the fact that the dnte of the truder Kuchnareff's letter Is fixed nt Nov. 10 there Is little uddltionul In formation In the dispatch from the gov ernor or Irkutsk over that contained in the dispatch bringing the llrst report on Feb. 13. INDUSTRIAL. The Reading company will build a new JuO.uoo breaker at Treverton, Pa. John Pahey, president of the United Mine Workers of America, has established ninety lodges of the Union in the lia zleton, Pa., district. -:!!. The Lehigh Valley company is putting electrical -machinery Into its Alultby col liery. All the machinery is being fur nished uud erected by the General Elec tric company of Schenectady, N. Y. It Is estimated that It will not be In opera tion before the llrst of June. Philadelphia Inquirer: The return of untlnuclte coul sales In the Jtchuyll.lll le gion In February do not show that the new coul combination is very oppressive to the comiuincr us yet. In fart the le turn Is quite disappointing. The iiv'cr uge price of coul sold is given us $'J.:iil or only cents u ton more than in Jan uary, when prices were ut the extreme of demoralization. It Is probable that name or Jen' entered at low prices were carried over Into February, bat the aggregate of these wus not lurge und It 1 safe to nay Hint the bulk of the tidewater sules lust month Were ut the advance.! circular prlnu. One reason for the Indifferent shun lug probably Is thut most of the business done was with Htm consumer who prices have always been kept up. It wus never been expected ihat move than one-hulf the tonnage could be ad vanced ut all und fully one-hulf of tills half could not be raised much. It do?. not appear thut the combination ns now organised Is likely to lead to exorbitant prices, in February of lust year when the light was being pushed all urotmd tlio uverutce price, wus or It cents less than lust month, but in February, IS'H, which may be reckoned a nor mi) I month, the average 'was 8'.'.45. This seems to be about the level thut prices will Dually reach, in February, IHH;i, the month the Heading railroad collapsed and when the high prices established dining the JIi l.eo I ileal were still in force, the average price was 2.li4. Therefore. Ihe difference between what is called monopoly prices and what ure actually bankruptcy prices Is 42 cents. The .l-'cbrtuiry prices Is 14 cents above the bankruptcy price. There Is certainly nothing In this to call for an Investigation by Ihe New York legisla ture, although it seems quite possible one will be held. RAILROAD NOTKS. The impression Is now abroad (hat 11 will not be necessary to forvlose the Baltimore and Ohio property. A heavy assessment of the preferred and common Mocks and the raising of a large collateral trust loan will be tried so as to avoid the foreclosure. Steps are already being taken to Improve Ihe condition of the road. Private dispatches from Hulliinnre stuie that the repair shops in that city have been placed on a new schedule of i erntion, running ten hours a day Instead of eight, and that the utmost efforts will re made to put the tolling stock in bet ter condition at once, in order that 11 may as soon as possible begin to show in the earnings returns. At 0 o'clock Tuesday Lehigh Valley freight engine, No. 393, was thrown Into the Lehigh river at Gap Junction, north of the Allentorwn furnace. The engine was drawing a west-hound train and when it reached Cup Junction on the main line the target was turned against it for a passen ger train that had Just left Allentown on the loop line. The momentum of the freight train was so greul that the engi neer could not stop und the engine was thrown off the irack at the derating switch. She diil not stop there, but went down the steep embankment Into the Lehigh river. Fortunately, the couplings broke and no cars followed the engine. Several box cars were, however, thrown off the track. The danger that railroad men have en countered luring the last few davs is shown by the experience of E. L. Biiiloclc, suiierintendent of the Beaver ilrook col liery near Hazleton on Wednesday. .Mr. Bullock was traveling on Lehigh 'Vnllev vaserngcr train No. 2115 lust east o'f Buck mountain and In passing from on" car to another, a gust of wind blew off his hat. He reached for It. and just then another heavy gale of wind carried him oft the train, which was running at the rate of about thirty miles an hour. One of the trainmen noticed Mr. Bullock fall ing and quickly signaled the engineer, who brought the train to a, stop. The train was run back to pick up the body of the man, whom everybody expected to find dead, but strange as it may seem, they found him walking toward the train. The Injuries' sustained are principally about the heed, -but nevertheless very painful and sufficient to conllne him to the house for several day. THE WORLD OF BUSINESS Wall Street KcWcw. New York, March 0. Dining the early trading ut the stock exchange the market was in the muin firm. The improvement in prices ranged from V4 to 2 per cent, and was most pronounced In the case of Tobacco und Hurlliwton and Qulncy. The short Interest In these stocks has assumed large pronrtloiiH of late and as usuul in a limited mar ket siieculators are nervous, it was but natural for the shorts to rush Into cover when the stocks referred to be gun to give evidences of strength. The bears In their efforts to cover put up Tobacco to 78 uud Uuiiington and Wulncy to 77. When the demand from the short interest abated the market weakened. Baltimore and Ohio then sold down to MVi. the lowest point ever touched. The weakness of the stock finally affected the general list, and In the lust hour the whole market was heavy. The weakness of Baltimore and Ohio was due to the general belief that the slock will be heavily assessed In the proposed reorganization. It was announced t.idav that President Fitz gerald of the Mercantile Trust com pany Is to be the chairman of the re organization committee. August Bel mont, of the Louisville and Nashville and Henry Budge, of Hallgarten and company nave been added to the com mittee. In the industrials Sugar and General Klectrlc were strong anil Rub ber and Laclede Gas Irregular. The resignations of President Hannigan and Director Holllns, of the Rubber com pany, keot this stock feverish. In the dosing hour the market wus weak on realizations. Net changes show losses of WiH per cent. Baltimore nnd Ohio, however, lost 3 per cent. Total sales were 193,734 shares. Furnished by WILLIAM LTN.V, ALLKN & CO., correspondents for A. P. CAMP BELL, stock brokor. 412 Spruce street. op'u- High- Low- loos ing. est. est. lug. Am. Tobacco Co i Am. Sugar Ke'g Co..ll7Li Atch. li. & S. I'e.... lti-4 1 'lies. Ohio 17 I'liicugo alls U7 t'hlc. . N. V lUI'i Chic, It. & O Tii'i Chic, .Mil. ft S:. P.. TS'H Chic, It. I .ft I'ac... 71' lel. ft Hud 1274 )).. L. ft W Kl'.j Ulst. ft C. F IS Hen. Klectrlc XVt Lake Shove lis liuis. ft Nash W.i II. K. & Texas, Pr a.j .Manhattan Kle IDii Nut, Cordage A1, Nut. Lead 2-1 N. J. Central Wi' 7S 1171 lii 17 07 iup; 77 78' TaN li'a Hfii'.a is 3i'i 148 iil'i L"." 1W; a:;j L'i lOS'l! ys lv, 4'4 2S 1.1", 3PV 21' 5 l'Vi til '4 W-'s 3 ID' 1 W. 17 liii's Ml 7li 1M1!: itfU 17 OJ'a 1"! 7-"'i 77'-. l--7'.s 16'i. 17'i; :n 14S lu"!j V 24 1"7 CS Wi 4'i ?74 U'i h :i gu'i Ht c i;4 MHi 1". i:tiS L!7'a JOa 17'a 4S i.l'i S!l4 my a a ! 4 '4 lW-i dS liMa 4'4 7 ; 12'4 II) HI 3I"4 74 .' w S4-j U'4 lii)' 4 4'i N. Y. Central SW N. Y., K. ft W.... l'i N. Y S. ft V Pr... I'ac .Mull 1'hll. ft Read Southern it. It 10' Southern R. R Pr. lil'i Tcnn.. C. ft Iron :;a4 Texas lJuclllc Union Paellic Wabash AValiinih, Pr Western Union... W. I U. S. Leather, Pr U. S. Rubber lli'ei II U lii.l',1 2l-a CHICAGO BOARD OF TltAOrt PRICES. Op'n- High- Low- OloJ- WHEAT. Ing. est. est. Inn. May Wn l!7' ftc'i 7' July 7'4 lii1-. l,i"' UT'a OATH. May 21', 21H ;'1 21 July Iil'i "14 -I' 21 CORN. lluy &P, SOb 3''i 80' J July ill-, :sit ::i'i LARD. Muy E.47 fi. 17 .". ir. 1. f- July S.) &.."i7 r..r PORK. Slav 9.80 9.83 9.77 9.S7 July U.W 1U 02 it 47 1t.UJ Scrnnton Board of Trado F.xchnngcQno- tutlon.H-AII Quotations Bused on Put or 1 00. Name. Bid. AalcJ. Dime Dep. ft Dis. Bank 135 B. raiiton Lnce Curtain Co SO National Boring ft Drilling Co. ... S First Nutlunal Batik 65J Scrantan Jar ft Stopper Co 23 Sprlr.g Lrook Water Co :uj Klmhiirrt Boulevard Co.4 leu Seranto.i Axle Works ... go Scrautou Savings Jank 00 Scranton Traction Co 15 Bonta Plate Glass Co , 10 Serunton Car Replacer Co 100 Sc'unton Packing Co 115 Weston Still Co 2"0 I.ackawa:.na Iron ft Steel Co l.",o Scranton Bedding Co e;l BONDS. Scranton Glass Co :co Scranton Pass. Railway, llrst mortgage due 1913 110 Scranton Traction Co 95 People's Street Railway, first mortgage due 191S 110 Scranton ft Pittston Trac. Co 90 People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1920 110 Dickson Manufacturing Co 100 Lacku. Township School & 1D2 City of Scranton Street Imp G";i ... lirj Scranton Axle Works IWi liorounn of Wlnton i W Huah Brook Coal Co 10J New York Produce .Market. New York, March &. Flour Oul ;t. steady, unchanged. Wheat Dull, steady; No. 2 red store and elevator, Sl'ic; ull.jui, ay.; f. o. b., Sli'jc; No. 1 northern, 7jc; options dosed easy at 'll'C. udva ce; No. 2 red March und April, 71'4c; May, 7.t'-.c; June, 73'nC.; July, 73c Corn Ijiiiet, tli in; No. 2 at asa'-c. elevator: .'9a Stl'sc atlout; options close unchanged. 1 uts Dull, eiiyicr; options dull eu.'lcr; .March. 2aV.; -May. 2-Vc: spot prices. No. 2 ill 2.V.; No. 2 white, 27'f,c.; No. 2 Clil tago. 27c; No. 3at 2r,c.; No. 3 white, 2li',c; mixed western, 2.1'-u2iiljc. : white slate an I western, 2iij29',c Provisions Steady, unchanged. Lard tjlllet, steady; western nit-am, ri.ti.1 asked; city, ": .May, $"i.7.V, rctined, slow; continent, $0; compound, I'ljiil'-Vi I'oik (Ji-Oet, uncha: rTcl. Ilnt ter Fancy llrm, moderate icelpl"; west ern crtaiuery. 14a2-'c.; JCIglns. 21'v-'22c: others ur'hnnged. Cli"ese Fair .lobbing demand, miuiiungcd. Ksk? Slr-idy, good demand; suite uml Pena.ylvanla, lie: Miiillicni. li.allc; Ice bouse cu:-e. S1.7'.'2; western fresh, llall'ic; duck, !Ka2S:. Toledo Grain Mnikct. Toledo. March r.. Wheat Rece! !?, 4.21H ))Uliels; snlptrfents, 2,2co burh'els; very dull; No. 2 red cash, 747e.; ,lnlv, 7Ne. i'arn Kecelpts, 4.812 bushels; iih.p nitfiti, 3.W..1 bushels: dull, noihlng doiiu. 1 Hits Nominal. Receipts, 2SU b ias; tlilp mer.ts, 144 bags; dull; Mart'ii, $l.42'-c. I'.iiffnln l.ivo Siook. Buffalo. N. Y Slarch f.. Cattle Steady ; good mediums. $3.(lta:!.70; gcd shipf'n't. :!.r,n4. Pi; handy export , w.irw light pigs mixed. $4..Via4.ui; mediiitns, t.MVu. prime heavy, f I.25a4..1il; pigs. $1..MI it.ci; roughs, 5.i.i:.i3.7J: flogs, i..n3.r Sliee;i mid lambs Steady: choice to in-line mlsf-d sheep, S3.Silj3.sii; fair to good, $'.(Cd:1.4';; culls and eemmon. $2a2.?r,; handv wetii.Ts, $:i:,a4; prime lambs. H.7.-ial.S.V: jooi to choice. I..V,a4.7ft: culls and lommon, J3u ii.ⅈ heavy lambs dull nt 4..V,a4.H.1. Chicago Live stock. Union Stock Yards, 111., JIareh Unt il llecciiits, 11.000 head; market firm common to extra steers. J3.;u4.7u- stoek eis and feeders, 2.7."3.0: cows und bulls $!.ilua:!..rp; calves, $3.niiail.2.1; Tf x.ins, " 3. 3.S.",. Hogs Receipts, 17.000 head; market llrm and and partly Sc. higher; he-ivy packing and shipping lots, $3.9."al.l."i; com- RUPTURE CAN BE CURED. Many people ap no: thut is lecaiie tliny have heard of so m-inv failures w lii-re the truss or th.- knife Uave been relied uisin. Science bee develniied a new and better way -a system of treat ment that positively elites and due away nlth the tniM entirely after wards Ur P O Malley. Kiiptuic Ktierinllst. (OHonth Washlngtin street. Wilkei-Bsrre. administers this now treatment. There Is no detention from business and per mi from out of t wn can receive treatment and return bonis the ssme day. An absolute cure Is guaranteed. There Is 110 charge, for examination. A visit otiee a we-k for four to eight weeks will nannlly ba sufficient for the most stubborn esses N. P.-Thrsenot wishing treatin-nt rsn be fitted with the celebrnted OMtLLKY TRUSS, guarauUed to bold any rapture that can be retained firing esee and comfort inon to choice mixed, $3.811.15: cholcc as kurted. St.lua4.2u; lij-ht. )3.tMa4.2; pU. M. iu.it. H. Sin v Receipts. lii.UKi iicuj; market tiiin; Infciior 10 choice, fl'.UujJ.tij; ianit'S, $3.:i'a4.lM. , 11:1 tlnrket. J11 City. Pu.. March B. Credit Lulanc-fl. $1.29. At the exchange thu oeiluu closcil at fl.2l. the only quotation todi.y. Pltlshurg. Pa.. .March i.-OII market idosed at $1.24. ihe onlv guotatloit fur the option. Credit balances. 1,2S. Philadelphia 1 allow Market. Philadelphia. March S. Tallow Is dull and unchanged. We quote: lity, prime in hoi;htads, 3:viC ; country, prime. In bar rels, 3'tc; do. dark, in burrels, S'.iaSSsc. ; cukes, 4c.; grease, 3c Till-: PEOPLK BELIE VK what they read about HooH's Sarniiparilla. They know thut It is an honctrt medieiuc. and that It curse disea.se. That is why you should only get Hood's. HOOD'S PILLS cure all liver Ills, re lieve constipation and aEist digestion. 25c. A WORD. WANTS OV ALL KINDS COST THAT much. wiiRN paid for in ad- VAKCK. W'HRN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADR. NO CHAROK WILL BR LES3 THAN CENTS. THIS Rl'LB . P PLIRS TO SMALT. WANT ADS., EX CRPT LOCAL SITUATIONS. WHICH ARK INSERTED FREE. Helo Wanted Male. work nt home; 1 pay 33 to SlU per week for making Crnvon Portraits; new patented uiethad; auyoi.o who can read and writo can do ttie work ut home, in tpare time, day or cvptijii:; neiid for particulars and begin work at cnci). ' duress H. A. Oripp, taurman Artist, Tyroiio, Pa. U A N 1 KD -S A LES M EN TO SKLl. STA pie g-aods nt hamo or travel; liberal iil ii y or gnort commiKsiou: we send satupl-s Da implication: give exclusive territory, .d dress C O. Boi 1103, New York city. SALE.S.MtN-$i"XDA"yT No" t.'ANV'ASS ii:g: no deliv.'t les: 110 collei tions; Hamples tree: fide linn or exclusive, IH-'KS., ::t41 llni tot St., I hiladelphia. U 'ANTED-IN AO INT IN KVKRY SKO tion tocanvass; 1 4.00 to W a clay made: aells ut sight; niacin man to sell htapleOuods to dealers; best tido lino IT.'i.iiO a month: sal ary ur lursii enimniasioii made; experieneu nnnecrssH' y. Clifton , Soap and Manufactur ing Co. Cincinnati, O. VANTKD- WELL-KNOWN MAN IN ' every towu to solicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly; bit' money for aeents: no capital required. EDWAItD C. PISH CO., I'orden HlucK. Chloiuto. III. ( 1O0D, STKONO OIRL OK WOMAN r"P. I X General housework. Apply, with refer enee, to MltS. NOLIj, 1342 N. a.aln avenue. I a Dies I makrn bio wages doino I J 1 li ttsant licino work, and will gladly send hill 1 urtlcnlars to nil Nendiug cent stanip. Mlr-S iM. A. 8TEBBINS, Lawrence, Mich. ' AA'l kil- 17a DY "A(4KNTIN" St:RAN-" ton to sell and lutrnduee Snyder's calls Icing: experienced canrnssnr preferred: work i ei iiiuiient and very profitable. Write for irirliciilins at. once and get benefit of holidav trade. T II. SNYDER ft CO, Cincinnati. O U 'ANTED IM MEDIATELY TWO KNER tetic sa'esivonien tn represent us. OuaiHiiteml $0 a day without Interferiug with other duties. Bealthful oei-iipiition. Write fur purtieulars, inclosing stamp, Slungro Cbnm lial i;nnipauy. No. 72 John street. New Yorlr. Agents Wanted. AGENTS WANTED TO HI-XL ClOAliS; f 70 per mimth salary and expenses pstd. Addiesi. with two-cent sianii, FklAUO VI OAI! CO.. t:iiinaa AUENTb-TO SELL OUK PRACTICAL IV gold, kilver, nickel uud copner electro pi. -iters: price from S3 upward; salary und ex j ensfansid: outfit free. Address, with stamp, .Mil 1 1 in A.N m I'U CU., I'lllcilgo. T GENTS TOSELLCIOARS TODEALEItT; iv weekly and expenses; experlenco un necessary. CONSOLIDATED EU. CO., 4S Van Biire.il at., f bicago. CALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE; Ui O pr ront. eommisHion; siiniple bonk mailed free. Address L, N. CO., htatlou L. New York. "T X'E"AOENTs""APlH)INTKn TO 1 sell ucw lightning tudliug table cloth. mos quito and house II v liquid at 10 cents and 23 cents a bo tie. Snuiplo Ires. BOI.G1ANO M'F'U Co.. Baltimore. Md. "Tu ENTrWIliS DE-rf" PATENT" UNIVEli .V ml liulr Curlers and Wavers dia.'d with out heat), and "Pyr l olutnd"Hair I'ins. Lil ei al emuiii iMiinna. I'reo sample and full par tleiilara. Address P. t. Box 15H. Ne .T York. Wanted To Buy. U 'ANTED TO BUY - GOOD WuRii Lorsu. KOI) ponmls; will bunt 1'ialli's Llveiy Siiturday after Id n. iu. s Wanted I o Rent. J. 'A KM THAT WILL CA 11 It Y IS OK Vti V cim-s, wilh the privilege of Inlying; will pav cujU rent; wciild like some stock 011 farm. S. Clairvoyant. MAIM IUI-: At'Bl.EY. UKEATHS'i' L1VIM1 clairvoyant iu the wnrld: tails pal. present and future. Sfullierry street. Executors' Notice. E ITATK OK CHARLES A.MKXDT. LATE j of the city of Scranlo 1. countv of l.acka t w anna aim Biarn 111 1 euimvivau.a. uerenseo. r L' tt'is nt adint:ilstr.i:ion upon tlio above natied estate, baviuu been itninted to thu un leri)tned. Hit periona liavini; ciiilins or lie in .11 la vku H5t the raid estnto will p es-ut tin in for iymei)t. anil those indebted thevct j will iileaso uriko immediate niymont 10 WILLIAM AJIENDT. Kxedit ir. ORnmiE W. Er. tl.K, Att'y for Estate. Stockholders' Meeting, rpjIEAN N'cAL'?rKE"i Ntt'''(li-''Tl IE 1 t(K klinkl -re ot Tlio Dickaon Mnnafaa tnrin Cniitiatiy for the oic.-ti' n ofodicers and to vote o 1 1 he proposition to reduce tiio n-'iuber of directors from elavcn to not more flmn nine nor l-4 lb 111 s-ven. and the consi.l eratlnu of such other biuiniws as may be hronu-ht bnfrre tliem. will be h-drl at Pih oflice Of the erniip ny m h'crnnton, mi Wedneidae. the I Ith d., v of March lietr. at III c'clnek a 111. IHiKUedi WILLIAM 11. PERKINS, Sec y. Feraiiiou. Pa Feb. i!l, l!d. Sceclai Kotices. r p'n k'S'i an"' pact" u RffrTsoV" 'f a e'ce lk- 1 bmtod WHITE SPONOK FI.Ol'H have nppoirted Jfessra. Meearfl o me I their side iiil-nta for the sale o. tbn same i i Scran ton and vicinity. Mr. I'. K. Teal, who forma- ly had the nsjency of this Ho ir, will ret re sent Sb-Kiircel & Connoll with their complete line, tuitethcr with all his former specialties, '"pHkToi.DIER IN OUR CIVIL WAK." I Von want this relic. Contains nil of Frank Leslie's famous old War Plctures.show inn tho forces in ai tnil battle, sketcued 011 t'.i-i srwit. Two volumes, ZtriU pictures. Hold on .nir m,mt.lilv Tij,viii0iif, nlii-0,.fMi 1 ,u v t ress coniplcto. ell eharses prepaid. Address j BLANK FOOKH. PAMPHLETS, MAOA iIuor, etc., bound or rebound at Trie TntRUMB othce. Wuick work. Reasonable prices. Business Opportunity. OSIPPLE CREEIC IN VESTMENTS- RK y liable Information, with Crlpti o Creek map free; 3 years on around; f:HM,(luo capital. Tne Woods Investment Co. , ColuradoSpriiitfs, 'olr. Medical. LADIRMt Chidwsfer's Cfiglish Pennyroyal P'il!i (tiitmuMi Ftu.n, nre tho seat, "''. kiiRbir. Tikt no otl,r. an.l 4r., I f f.rU-uUr. " HIU-f for uk." ii irmi i Return Mall.,, i'fjii, Chichester CbeuiluiTCo., I'blUuli., I'a. a se cure RHEUMATISM Warranted to cure W out of every l.wki; two disimi will takM llin worit ca.a nf fnflm. iratury out of Ts-U. fiOO per pint bottle. nnnuiirinmi STIU snifl MKS. DR. HAMILTON. a4g Northamptao Street, Wllkes-Barre. Pa. and for tale at 116 New Yark St., (ireen Ride. SCRANTON, PA. Connolly 600 Pairs in the Lot, Representing the Best Stock That-. Put into a Glove. FORMER RRICE $2.00. CONNOLLY For Sal. T.XIR SALE ON EASY TERS18-THE NOR V wood hotel property, aituato in tho Til l.Be of Waverly, N. Y. Tba property is Im proved with a new three story brick building, provided with all tho modern Improvements. und rents for Si,O.i0 per year, l'or particulars inquire nr rs. w. uavih. 14 wortti rranailn S'reot. Wilkes Uurre. Pa.; or, ED A N K A. PELL, Attorney, Spauldiuv Block, Waverly, J.'OBSALE-A HOC8E AND LOI": WILL 1 sell cheap. Address or call at 61J North Oarfleld avenue, city. I.OR SALE-HOUSE AND LOT AT COR ner of Meade and Burke street. All mod ern Improvement on promises. MI13. Ai NIE STEWART, Duumore, Pa. lOR 8ALE-1 PAIR BAY MARES: I J black pacer : very fast : prices low, GCEKNHEY BKOTHEKS. Wyominar Ave. IOB BALE-ONE OK THE " FINEST I. country places near Scranton; In rue modern house and fine ground. 11 HS. MARY AY LEU WORTH, Clarka Uroen. Pa. For Rent. '0N10iNT3:o1l?R J 6ture,arraiitf ed for boardlnit aud Induing house; also bouso 607 Washiucton avenue. .1.1.. HAHDINO. IOR R EN T WARE HOUSE OM D 7 I. Msswiteb. KCKANTON WTOVE WORKS l.'oit RENT -ROOMS NOW"tX!UI'PIEO BY L the Traders' National Bank: nossesaioii Riven about Stay 1. by K. U PHILLIPS, Csstiir Traders' National Bank. "(-OR RENT KKOSI "APRIL-i7KOK 1 brick boiico, s'Jt Mulberry street: all mod nrn uppliances. Iuquiro .'.4:i N. Washington av.iiue. IoR ReITiTENROO 111 H()tISEi AfTdj 1 modern conveniences. Inquire at )S) Washburn at. l.OR RENT-ON F.HALK POl'BLG HOUSE I TIO (Jiiincy avenue. Rout reasonable Opposite Moses Taylor Hospital. ,'OK RENT-ONE SIX-ROO SI HOL'SE, LKE court. Inquire liJ-i Adams ave. I.OR RENT NIC'Eui FITRNISHED HALL 1' snititblo for IoiIrh rooms. JOHN JEK MYN, II!) Wyoming ovenue. I'Olt'KENT THE PRESilSES RECENTLY V octuulcd by The Scranton Trlb ue.known as the bloeser Itilildinp, corner of Spruce St. and Pemi ave. Possession (riven immediately. The preini-es consist of the bnlldina; in the rear of the building; on thu corner of spruce street and Penn avenue, tnjjelher with the baeoineut. and also the entire fourth floor of the corner building. Can be rented for Lodge pni poses as well ns public iiieetlnir. Sizes of hall, i.Mxlot) with a s.'coud hall 011 same flour, Kxifi. Ftr particulars iuqulre ou tlio premisfs, t Rudolph RUwstr, or ut tho otHcuot' 'J'lio Scranton Tribune. FOR RENT, The upper Two Assem bly Halls in our modern building, corner Lacka wanna aiirt Penn Aves., beiiii!; r0 feet front and nearly KM) feet deep, with steam heat and passenger elevator, to let. Will al ter entrance to Lacka wanna avenue, and adapt floors for school, oil ice, gallery or light business purposes. THE SAMTERS. Banking- KKPOItTOtc THR CONDITION Ob- TIIH FIRST HAJIGNAL BANK nt Reranton, in thr- State of 1'ennnylvania, ut the close of !ulneH.. Kcb. 2H, K'J(i: W i.'Vil w vi'i.-.a Loans and dlscounls. ?1,9;4,1S1 ovei i1va Its, scntred and tinse- iiii'ivl 2.037 I", ft. Bond,) to secure circulj- tion 2i.ao Stocks, securltleH. etc 3,l,liiili 1'.iimI;1ii house, fiirniiuru and tlxiure 3D.C0O Due from National banks (not Keserve A.-ntH) S7,r,ST 1)w from Male hanks and bank ers 9,73S line from approved reserve agents a2.P1" Checks and oilier cash Items.... 11. Ml Kxchanac-i for clearliiK house. 8.912 NoUs of oiher Xationul bank. !i,r,;r, I'ructlonal paper currency, nickels, and cents .. 2,010 Lawful Money Keserve in bank, viz.: Specie 11 1a Le;;ul Tender Aotes.. I'SI.TJH tw iri.uii:; Redemption funil with t'. fl Treasurer (n per cent, ci cir culation! 9,000 Due from 1'. S. Treasuier, otin-r than u per cent, redemption fund 1,000 Total $ii.t'j::,l3 78 I.IAHlllTlKS. Capilnl stock paid iu 2i.00O 0 Hiiiplus fund bW.0i" M) I'nrlivlded profits, lees expenses and taxes paiil 113.872 98 National bank, notes outstund- ins 1 77, ',?.-, (h) Due to other National banks'... Va,7i2 tl Duo to Slate banks uud bank ers IS. 123 32 Dividends unpaid 1,2'ci 0U Individual deposit subject to check -I.8S2 70: 11 Demand cerlllP'ates of deposit. "ii.OiW Oi Certified checks 12.521! "7 Cashier's checks oiit-ttandinit ... l.ngj 33 Notes and bills re-discounted.... None Bills payable , None Liabilities other than those ubove stated None Totnl $.4fi3.13 78 State nf Pennsylvania, County of Lucka wunnu. ss. : L- Isaac Pot. Cashier of the above named bank. l solemnly nweur that the ubove statement Is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. ISAAC POST. Cashier. Subscribed nnd sworn to before me this fourth day of March, I8J. JA.MKS IT. TORRKV, Notary Public, Correct Attest: W. It. HTORRS, JOHN JKH.M1N, J. A. LiNEX, . Director ANOTHER STIR IN 1UOV Celebrated "JEROME," & WALLACE, TRY VS. mm LfiCXL AVE, COR. IDASi Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED BY AN OLD ceuntry groom and eardeuer. with a pri vate family; rood references. Addreia afe MIJLLhN, Ciiaielc'fl livery, WaBhliiRton ave. AN KNULWtl LADY REQUIRES A SITU ntion as liouaokeepjr. Apply HU Al briglit avenue. A GOOD DliESStllAKErt WOULD LIKbi -is. .1 or engatreineuts to so ont.newmg by the week; can cut and fit; will work very reasonable It board and lodcinit la Included. Addreaa DRE8SMAKKR. 'l'ribiiooofnre. CITCATIOlf WAN TED-IN A OKNERAL t store or market; driver, burteuder, fire man or wntcliiiuui; can brint a good family trado: city and country references KANE, 122 Penn avenue. CITPATION WANTED AS BUTCHER; C? a-ond meat niU -r and satis ige maker. Ad dress Hl'TCIIBR. mm Church avenue. C1TI ATION WANtYD-AM Hi;T('HKR OR 13 any other hnnoralde employment; Kei work and has 'rood reference. Address 4. II. JENKINM, lull) Urick nremie. CirUATION WANTrlD-AiTANlToR"o1i O watcliniau: ten years' experience and beat of rufereiices. Address H, Uox i.'U, Uontroae, Pa. TOUN MAN WOULD LIKE SITUATION 1 is willing to do anything. Address F. 1.., Tribune ottico. Q IN OLE M AN, S-'t, WOUldTLTkE WORK l- on trentlniiian's place. Address WORK ING MAN. Tribune allien. WANTED-POBITION BY VODNU LADV n as stenographer and typewriter: cau also assist on books: experienced: best refer ence.. Address 8TF.NOUHAPHER, VM N. Hyde Park avenue. CITUATION WANTED AM BUTCH B R, BY f? ono wbo tliorouahly tindvrststids meat buslnena; can eommaiid a good trade; prefer to work In cash market; with good habits and flrat-elasa referouce. 1. MOHOAN, aus West Market ir"t. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES PENNSYLVANIA Schedule In Effect May ig, 1895. Trains Leave Wilkes-Barro at Follows 7.25 a. m., week days, for Sunbury Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. 10. IS a. nt., week days, for Hazlston. Pottsvillc, Reading, Norristown and Philadelphia; and tor Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitts burg and the West. 3.17 p. m., waek dnvs, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg end the West. 4.40 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burt; and the West. G.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Potlsvill?. J. R. WOOD, Oen'l Pass. Agent. 8. M. PREVOSr, General Alanagcr. Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Husquetiannr. Division.) Antliracitc coul used exclusively, insur Inu cleanliness and comfort. TIMK TALI.K IN lIKf-'EL'T NOV, 17. 1S9.",. Trains leave Scranton for Pittston, Wilkes-Rarre. etj at .20, 9.10. 11. iO a. m., 1.2V. i.W, 2.05. u.00. ,.10 p. m. Sundays, 11.00 u. in., 1.00. 7.10 p. 111. For Atltintl" h-'lty, 8.0 a. m. For New l'oik. Newark and Elltabeth. S.20 (express) a. in.. 1.20 (express with Buf fet parlor can, 3.6 (express) p. m. Sun day, 2.1' P- ni. Train Icavlntt 1.K0 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Heading-Terminal. 5.1 p. iu. and New York U.4., p. ni. Kor .Matich t'hunk. Allentown. Bethle hem, Kaston and I'hllndelphla. 8.20 a. m., 1 20, 3.U5, fi.Wl (except Plilladeiphia) p. in. Sunday, 2.1& p. in. Kor Lons Hrincn, Ocean Grove, etc., at 8.20 a. m., 1--0 p. m. For Head Inn, Lebanon and JiarrNburg. via Allmtown, c. m., 1.29, .uu p. in. Sunday, H.li P- m. Kor PottHVllle, 8.20 r.. m., 1.20 p. m. Keturning, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street. North Klver, at 9.1ft (express) a. m 1.10. 1. i.SO (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday. 4.20 a. m. Leave Pbllude'phia, Heading Termlnnl. 9.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday 6.21 a. m. Throuch ticket to nil points ct lowest rates may be had cn application in ad vance to the ticket ajrent nt the station. , II P. HALDWfN. den. Pass. Agent. J. If. OLHAtTSKN. Oen. flupt. DELAWARE! AND jiLJJSON RAIL ROAD. Commencing- Monday, trsTHM.. JUiy nv. n nmii win MM MmmW arrive at new Ijcks I B wanna avenue station WtW r ns follows: " Trains will leave Scran ton station for Carbondaie and Interme diate points at 2-W. ': a. m.. 12.00. 2.:U 3.55. t-l '. '. -l and "ForParvlew. Waymart and Honesdale at T.0, 8.25 and 10.10 a. m.. 12.00, 2.20 and i.li P'For Albany, Saratoga, the Adlrondacks and Montreal at 5.4.-. a. m. and 2.20 p. m. For Wllkes-Barre and Intermediate points at 7.4--.. 8 45. .:? and 10.45 a.m.. 12.03, 1 20 2, 4-00, 6.10. 6.03. S.15 and 11.31 p. m. 'Trains will arrivs, at Scranton station from Carbondaie and Intermediate points at 7.40, 8.40, .3 and 10.40 a. m., 12.00, 1.17, 2.34, 1.40, 4.54, 6.65. 7.45, 8.11 and 11.13 p. m. From Honesdule, Waymart and Far. view at 9.S4 a. m., 12.00. 1.17, 2.40, 1.55 and 7.45 p. m. From .Montreal, Baratosa, Albany, etc., at 4.64 and 11.33 p. m. From Wllkes-Barre and Intermediate points at l.lf, 1.04, 10 OS and 11.66 a. m., l.ll 114, t, 1.10, (.w, 70. t.W and 11.11 p. m. Aim Shade"Cat 2offitt Opp. UPHOLSTER FURNITURE Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Make Over Mattresses, -Make and Repair Sprinft Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. Nov. 17. 1896. ' Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. & ii. K. R, at 7 4 a. m., 12.M. 1.20, and 11.38 p. in., via L. A W. H. R., COO, 8.08, ll.M a, m., and LU p. m. Leave Scranton for PltUton and Wllkoa Barre. via D., L. 4k W. R. R too. t.0i U.M a. m., 3.40. 6.07. 8.53 p. m. i Leave Scranton for White Haven. Ha. Jleion. Potteville and all points en tha Beaver Meadow and Pottavllle branohea, w'1!0'. w- v- R- R- - m via D. Z H. R. H. at 7.45 a. m., 12.05, 1.20, 2.38. 4.00 p. "-. via I., L. eV W. H, R. 6.00. 8.08. 11.2S a. m.. I.SO, 3.40 p. m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Zaston. Readme. Harrisburg and all Intermediate "'" 'via ! H. R. R. 7.4S a. m.. U.OJ. VM. 2.S8. 4.00. 11.38 p. m via D., L. A W. R. R , 6.00. !( .08, 11.30 a. m 1.30 p. m Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock, To. wandu, Rlmlra. Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermediate points via D A 11. K. R.. 14 a. m., 12 as an 1 ll.Ji p. m., via D., L. A W. R. R.. .U8. 55 a. m.il 30 p. m. ,reave "''nton for Rochester. Buffalo. Niagara Falls, Detroit. Chicago and all point; west via I te H. R. R., S.46 a. m . "'A!?' 11 38 m- via D.. L. A W. B. R. and Pittston Junction, 8.08, 55 a. m.. 1.30. I. 60 p. m via E. A W. V. R. R., 3.41 p. m. tor t.lmtra and fhe west via Salamanca, Via D. A 11. R. R., 8.45 a. m. 12.05, 6.05 p. m.. vla, ;,L- w- R- m.. 1.30. a,tid 6.07 p. In. Pulman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between LAB. Junction or Wilkes-Baire und New York. Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. RpLLIN H. WILBUR, Oen. Supt. CHAS. 8. LRR Oen. Pass. Agt., Phlla.. Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHER, Asst. Oen. Paai. Agt.. South Bethlehem. Pa. Del., Luck, and Western. EfTect Monday, June 24, 183. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ea fress for New York and all points Eaet. 40. 150, 6.16. t.0 and t.G5 a. m.; U.6S anj 8.34 p. m. Express for Kaston, Trenton, Philadel phia and the South, 6.1C, 8.00 and t.65 a. tn.. 12.55 and S .34 p. m. Washington and way stations, 3.53 p. m. Tobybanna accommodation, 6.10 p. m. Kxpress for Blnghamton, Osweco, Kl. mlra, Corning, Buth, Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo. 12.10, 2.35 a. m., and 1.21 p. ni., making close connections at Iluffalo to all points Iu Ihe West, North west nnd Southwest. Bath accommodation, t a. m. BiiiKbaintoii and way stations, 12 37 p. IB. Nicholson accommodation, 6 p. m. Blnghamtoli and iilmlia Kxpress, ( OS p. m. Kx Dress for Tortland. Syracuse. Oswego. t'tlca and Richfield Strings, 2.35 a. in. and Ithaca 2.S5 and Bath a. m. and 1.21 p m. Kor Northumberland. Pittston. Wilkes Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan ville, making close connections at North, iimberland for Wllllamsport, Harrisburtf. Baltimore. Washington and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate ata tlons, 6.00, 9.55 a. m. and 1.30 and 6.07 P. m. Nantlcoke and intermediate stations. 108 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations, 3.40 and 8.52 p. m. Pullman parlor and bleeping coaches oa BForPd"aile'dni'iiformatlon, pocket time table etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket' oftlce, .): Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office. Erie and Wyoming Valley. n i .. Qi i ri ii tnn fnr. VtV VarW and Intermediate points on tha Erie rail, road nt 7.00 a. tn. and 8.2 p. m. Also for Hrne;dale. Hawley and local points al 7 CO, .I0 a. m. and 3.29 p. m. All the above are through trains to ana from Honesdale. . , Trains leave for Wllkes-Barre at 6.3 a. m. and 3.19 p. m. rniTO!i DiTltlon. In Effect Kepteakar 93aad, IMS MortM BtMIMI. sda aoi U sic. BUtiont rar.lN Y Franklin 7 to. West 4tlDd etree 7 00) weehawkea lr aiArrlve Leaf 1 16 faneook Junctloa, i NaacocK Starlight Preston park coioo P07 u telle BeImoB( Pleasant Ml OaloBdale Kor set city CarboBdsle White Brtdgs Mayaeld Jermyn Archibald Wlntoa PeckTtUe Ulrphant Plcksoa Throop Previneoee Park Piaee lis ft- IS 41 IS 4 IS S. IfllM r ikihii ail ii la !i4(initi 6 4 .... 641.11 6111 It 6 8tfflllJ (Will II ( 07 tCO'lt 01 (1tjll 04 (111 0" ( l!flt7 a tmiA a j a staraaien Ir m 'a Leave arrm 1 ti-alaa run dAllr MiBt aaadav. slgBlOes that trains atop oa gmal tor eeare rate via Ontario a waMera kef or sBrohaatag uekeuaad save moaey. Bay aaal llBft Bipreat to the west. J. o. Aateraea. 6Jea. FaayAgt, T. inter oft, bit. raaa, imnaimH. 1 ri6to4 JP M a?l . ImI. I t ....I 7S6l ..7m .....10.. .... n 1 81 Ml .... ..jj a... tM (stfli) !f2i .'$ rot () ...1 t7.Bltj . 7J4;3 4. THtlt ..mi inM..N 7t7!tsa...j f , ti ...2 TS8 414 Lm3 in;i2l T 46 4 SB