THE SCKAXTON TRIBUNE THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 5, 189G. Copyright , 1806, by BTNOP8I8. Prosper Is third secretary to the bishop ot Keaulai. who. ot the deuth of Louis 1V.i becomes the rival of Curdiutil Mhssu J in for the. premiership of France uml for Hie favor of Anne of Austria, the qiieeii recent. By on error In copying I'rosper leads the bishop to make. all absurd er ror In HtaiiiiK the poiiiilailoii of Pari to the cniinril. I'rosper is dismissed with a beating, lie is reviled by the bishop1 steward, whom he attack 111 his r .. uml is pursued throiiKh the Mree'tH of Purls. As he Is escaping, he overtakes mother fugitive, who looks mound in fear, unit thrown a bundle into I'ropser's urms. Prosper staggers against a door In t wall, which opens, und his pursuers no by. - He discovers that he bundle contains homvlhliig alive, perhaps a stolen cliil I. He determines to restore II, and claim a reward, but as he turns the end of the turret, he Is Hipped lip by another mail who seizes the parcel and runs oil'. Pros per makes Ills way to the suburbs, uml eeeks rcl'niie In n barn. On uwukeiiing. be llnds near liim the fugitive who tossed him t he bundle. The latter Is much cust down when be learns that he had given it up needlessly, but Is evidently overjoyed when Prosper tells him that a lame man regained It, evidently recognizing u rriend. .Meanwhile Prosper has noticed a sinill cape In the man's girdle, bearing the royal crown und at once surmises that the In fant king of Prance was being carried off. Jle and the Mrunger return to Paris, uud Prosper takes note of a door at which the man lingurs for a shurt time, before they separate. -Prosper rushes oil' to the Cuius Koyul, where Ills young wife's father is bend purler. Ills father-in-law repulse liUu, and thinks his misfortunes have turned his brain when he recounts his tury of Hie stolen king. Prosper learns lhat U in the queen regent's pet spaniel, Flore, Hint has been atolen, and lie hears Hie proclamation of u reward ottered by Ills muster, the bishop of Riaiilais, for I lie dog's recovery. He returns to the door which he had marked, mid enters tin emp ty house surrounded by a garden. From a window he observes two gentlemen con versing' with .the ruffians of the previous ntghl, uud a handsome spaniel with them, one of the men sturts for the house and wees Prosper at the w indow. PART IV. Apparently he gave the alarm, for In an iuslunl the eyes of nil four were m ne. 1 huntf a moment In sheer mir prise; then, as the lame man and hi lainuade sprung; to the door In the wall, with the evident Intention of engaging me, 1 flung the shutter close, anil, curs ing my curiosity, fled down the stairs. I hud done better had I gone buck to 41a, Hi' .l,l..h T l.u.l ....... I for all below- was dark, uml at the fuorl of the maircase I stood, unable in my panto to remember the position of the door. A key grating: In the lock told me that, .but told it me too late. Almost on the Instant the door flew- ripen, a flood of light entered, a cry warned me that 1 wuh detected. I turned to k buck, but stumbled before I had mount ed tlx sUjis.uiiil us 1 staggered up ufuln I FF.LT THE CLUTCH OF LONG .. FINGERS ON MY THROAT. felt a weight full on my buck and the clutch of Ions fingers close on my throat. I screamed, however, felt the lingers close in a deadly grip, cold and merciless and then in sheer terror J swooned. When I recovered my senses I found myself propped in a chair, and for a time sat wondering hazily where 1 was, 1 n front of me a great door stood open, and 'a Hood of sunshine that fell even to my-feet. Through the doorway 1 looked on grass and trees, and heard Kpurrow'H twitter, and the chirp of a cricket; and found all so peaceful that my mind went no further, and It wus only after some minutes that I recog nized with a shurp return of terror that shook me to the soul thnt I was still In the hull of the empty house. That brought back other thing, und with a shudder carried my bund to my throat and tried to rise. A hand put me buck and u dry voice said in my ear: "He easy, M. Prosper. I am afraid that we put yon to some in convenience." I looked dizzily at the speaker and recognized him for one of those I hud seen in the garden. He had the air of a secretary or as he stood rubbing hi chin and looking down at me with a aturnine smile of a physician. I read In his eyes something cold and not too human, yet tt went no further. 11 In manner was suave and his voice, when he spoke agnln, as well calculated to reassure as his words were to surprise me. "You are no better now?" he said. "Yes. Then I have to congratulate you. Few men, M. Prosper, few men, believe ine, were ever so lucky. Yon were lately, I think, In the service of liionseigneur the bishop of Heauvals, president, of her majesty's council?" 1 I fancied thai a fuint note of Irony lurked in his words. I kept silent. "And yesterduy were dismissed." h continued, easily, disregarding my astonishment. "Well today you shall be . reinstated and rewarded. Your business here, I believe, was to recover her majesty's dog?" I remembered thut the wretch whose Anger murks were still on my throat might be within hearing, and I tried to niter a denial. lit wuved it aside politely. "Just so," ;tlcnra Instantly IWtorei SKIN TORTURES A warm bath with Cuticura Soap, , a single application of Cuticura (ointment), ! great skin cure, followed by mild doses of Cuticura Resolvent (the new blood purifier), will afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy cure In every form of torturing disfiguring skin hum urs. .' ' .i : M4 MkukMtta rU. IrHtak etentt Niwitlt, wi mmiHitaiiiH.vM Ik i tTTVi ran IM th Stanley J. Weymm. he said. "Well, the dog Is in that closet; and on two conditions It Is ut your service." Amazed before, I stared at him now In a stupor of astonishment. "You are surprised?" he said. "Yet the case is of the simplest. We stole the dog, and therefore we cannot re store it without incurring suspicion. You, on the other hand, who are known to the bishop, and did not steal it, may safely restore it. 1 need not say thut we divide the reward; that Is one of the two conditions." "And the other?" T stammered. "Thut you refresh your memory as to the past," he answered lightly. "It I huve the tale rightly you saw a man convey a dog to this house, an empty house in a lonely suburb. You watched, and saw the man leave, and followed him; he took the alarm, tied, and dropped in his flight the dogs coat I think 1 see It there. On that you hur ried with the coat to inonselgnetir. und gave him the address of the house, und" "And the dog!" I exclaimed. "No. Let nioiiseiBiieiir come and find the dog for himself." he answered, smiling. "In the closet." 1 felt the blood tingle through ull niv limbs. "Hutrif In- comes, and docs) not Mud It?" 1 cried. The stranger shrugged his shoulders. "He will liml it," he said, coolly. And slightly raising his voice, he called "Flore! Flore!" For answer the dog whined behind (he door, and scratched the puuels anil whined uguin. The strunger nodded, us well pleased. "There," he said. "You have It? It Is there and will be there. And I think that is nil. only keep two things in iiilnd. my friend. For the first, a per son will claim our share of the reward it the proper time; for the second. 1 would be careful not to tell nionselg neur, the president of the council" again 1 caught a faint note of Irony "the true story, lest u worse thing hap pen!" And the stranger with u very ugly smile touched his throat. "I will not!" 1 said, shuddering. "Then then. I think that Is all." lie answered briskly. "And 1 may say farewell. Vntil we meet again adieu. M. Prosper:" And setting on hi hut with a polite gesture, he turned his) back to me, went out Into the sunlight, passed to the left, and vanished. 1 heard the garden door close with a clash, ami then, silence silence, broken only by the faint whine of the dog:, as it moved In its prison. Was 1 alone? I waited awhllef be fore 1 dared to move; and even when found coinage to rise, stood listening w ith a beating heart, expecting a font full on the stairs or that something I knew not what would rush on me from the closed doors of this mys terious house. Hut the silence endured: the sparrows outside twittered, the cricket renewed its chirp, and at length drawing courage from the sunlight, I moved forwurd and lifted the dog's! coat from the Moor. Five minutes later I was In the streets on my way to the bishop's hotel, the morsel of velvet tucked under my girdle. I have since thought that I did not fully appreciate the marvel that had happened to me. Hut by this time I was light-headed. I went my way as a man moves In a dream, and'even when 1 came to the door of the hotel, suf fered none of those qualms which must have shaken me had I been sensible. I did not even question how I should reach monseigneur. which proves that we often delude ourselves with valll fears, and climb obstacles where none exist. For as it happened, he was de scending from his couch when I entered the yard, and though he raised his gold-headed staff at sight of me, and in a fury bade the servants oust nie, 1 had the passion if not the wit to wave the velvet coat In his face, and cry my errand before them all. Heaven knows at that there was such a sudden pause and about-face as must huve made the stolen dog laugh hud it been there. Monseigneur in high ex citement bade them bring me in to him. the secretary whispered In my enr that he had a cloak would replace the one 1 had lost, a valet told me that my wife wus gone to her father's, a sec ond brought me food and nudged me to remember him. others ran and fetched me shoes and a cap; and all all from the head clerk, who was most insistent, downwards, would know where the dog wa. Hut I hud even then the sense to keep my secret, and would tell my story only to the bishop. He heurd it; In ten minutes he was In his coach on Ills way to the house, taking me with him. His presence ami the food they had given me hud sobered me soinewhut; und I trembled us we went nlutig lest the villains had some disappointment yet In store for nie, lest the closet bo found empty, but a whine, growinu Into a howl, greeted us on the threshold, und the closet door lielng forced In u trice, the dog was amongst us. Mtinselgneur clapped his bunds nnd swore freely. "Jlieu benisse!" he cried. "It is the dog sure enough! Here. Flore! Flore!" Then, as the dug; Jumped on us and licked his hand, he turned to me. "I.m-ky for you. ras cal!" be cried, in good humor. "There shall be lifty crowns in your pocket, uud your desk ngain!" I gasped. "But the reward, mon seigneur?" I stammered. He bent his black brows. "Reward! You villain!" he thundered. "Is It not enough that I spare you the gallows? Reward? For what do I pay you wages, do you think, except to do my work? And you ask reward besides? (lo and hang yourself! or rather," he con tinued, grimly, "stir, at your peril. Look to him. Koiinlvet. he Is a rogue In grain; ami bring him with me to the ante-chamber. Her majesty may de sire to ask him questions, and if he an swer them, well! He shall still' huve the fifty crowns I promised him. If not I shall know how to deal with him." At that, and the reversal of all my hopes, I fell Into my old rage again, and even his servants looked oddly at him, until a sharp word recalled them to do their duty; on which they hustled m off with little ceremony, and the less I crii:i my i:ri:.xi. for that which they had before showed me. While the bishop, carrying the dog In his arms, mounted his coach and went by the Rue St. .Martin and St. Antolne, they hurtled me by short cut and byways to the Palais Koyal. which we reached as his running footmen came In sight. The aproach to the gate was blocked by a great crowd of people, and for a moment 1 was fond enough to imagine that they had to do with my affair und I shrank back. But the steward with a thrust of his knee against my hip. which showed me that he had not forgiven my blow, urged me forward, and from what passed round me as we pushed through the press, I gathered that a score of cuptured colors had arrived within the hour from Flanders, and were being presented to the queen. The courtyard continued this, for In the open part of it. and much pressed on by the curious who thronged the ar cades, we found a troop of horse, plumed and mud-stained, fresh from the Plunders road. The ottioers who bore the trophies we overtook on the stairs near the door of the ante-chamber. Horning with rage, as 1 was, and strung to the Inst pitch of excitement, I yet remember that I thought It an odd time to push in with a dog; but mon seigueur did pot seem to see this. Whether he took a certain pleasure in belittling the war parly, to whom he was opposed, or merely knew his ground well, he went on, thrusting the nilll talres aside with little ceremony; and as everyon was as quick to give place to 111 m as he was to advance, in a mo ment we were In the ante-chamber. I had never been admitted before, and from the doorway, within which 1 paused In Honnlvet's keeping. I viewed the scene with an interest that for the time overcame my sense of Injustice. The long room hummed with tulk; u crowd of churchmen uud pages, with a sprinkling of the lesser nobility, many lawyers and some soldiers tilled it from end to end. In one corner were a group of tradesmen, beuring plate for the queen's inspection; in another stood u knot of suitors with petitions; while everywhere men whose euger faces and expectant eyes were their best peti tions, watched t- farther door with quivering Hps and sighs whenever it opened, uml emitted merely u council or or a null Mills. Several lime a masked lady tinted through the crowd, with a bow here and the honor of tier tuiier lingers there. The w indows were open, uud the murmur of the throng without, mingling with the stir of tulk wit bill, seemed to till up the light uud color of the room. .MoiiselgiH-ur, with bis cahpluin and pages at his shoulder, muking in his stately way for the further door, met M. de i 'ha teamieuf, anil paused to speak. When he escaped from him u dozen clients, Wohse obsequious bow rendered .evasion Impossible, still de layed him; ami I had grown cold, and hot uguin. und he was still on his prog ress when the Inner door opened, hulf u dozen voices cried: "The queen!" and an usher with a silver wand passed down the iimin and ranlied the company on either side- not without some strug gling, and once a lierce uath, uud twice u smothered outcry. (To He Concluded.) INIUSTKIAI.. - The totul number of passengers car ried In isn't by the Pennsylvania sys teni"ri.Or.i,47a equals the combined population of North and South Amer Icu. -:;:- The committee of the Schuylkill Coal F.xcliunge at Pottsvllle. Pa., huve llxed the rate of wages to be paid miners In that region for the last half of Feb ruary und the first half of March ut 5 per cent, below the $';..r0 basis. This is the highest rate paid since May, MM. C. K. Ford, of the Baltimore and Ohio, has siuueeded Charles F. Mayer as president of the Consolidated Coal company. .Mr. Lord has been a Balti more and Ohio man since 1N80. He has been general passenger agent and Is now third vice president of that road. Philadelphia Stockholder: There are Indications that there will he no change In the prices of anthracite coal April 1. It wast originally contemplated to ma kn an advance on that date. Ma turer deliberation is believed to sug gest this would be unwise In view of the fact that prices are always reduced from the winter level at the opening of spring to stimulate stocking. If the present schedule Is maintained during the spring: it will be a few cents higher per ton than the average of spring prices. This ought to be satisfactory to the nroduclng trade, if it Is fully obtained, as now seems probuble, the yield will lie much larger than in past seasons. The various concerns ship ping to New England points have been holding a series of meetings to adopt a schedule of differentials with a view of equalizing; prices. The lust of these was held on .Monday. The matter Is not yet settled, and before it is round ed u : some action must be tuketi on water freights to prevent companies owning barges from making a quota tion lower than the open inurket rute. Competitors not owning barge lines muke an open rale on their coul to conform to the cutting in order to hold their business. The most complete ret icence Is shown by all anthracite In terests with regard to their meetings ' or doings. This Is but natural in view of the imposition of the daily press. Evidence that .there is a central con trolling body In the trade Is the fuel thut It wus pot necessary to hold a meeting prior lo March 1 in order to de termine basis of prices' und output for that month. WE GIVE AWAY A Sample Package (4 to 7 doaei) ol Dr. Pierce's a Pleasant Pellets 75i any one. srmiins name ami address lo tis on afoslttl uud. ONCE USl-D THEY ARE ALWAYS IN FAVOR. Hence, our object in sending them out broadcast ON TRIAL K They absolutely cure Sick Headache, nil ioiisness. Constipation, Coated Tongue. Poot Appetite, Dyspeptia ami kindred derange nientsoftlie Stomacli,I,lver anil Bowels. Don't accept some substitute said to be "just ax good.", Tlie substitute costs the dealer less. It costs you ABOUT the same. HIS profit is in the "just as good." WHERE IS YOURS? Address for Free Sample, VcfM't Dbaemrjr Medical AsmcuUIoi, As tU Malm St, BUFFALO, K K THE LEADER 124-126 Wyoming Ave. Are receiving goods daily. A very attractive line of Spring Fabrics now on display. We offer for Monday and the bal ance of the week: "j pieces of wool dress goods In spring colorings, l.cuJcr's 1'ricc, '2:c pieces of nil-wool .antolta check and luncy weave dress goods. Leader's l'ricc, '2!'c I!" pieces of extra quality all-wool hcolcli cheviots, real value, (iiic., LesiJcr's l'ricc. Wc &W yards of best American dress ging hams, in rhort leiiKths containing rrom 8 to U' yards, worth, IU .. Leader's l'ricc. ai a yard IK pieces of dress Klnghams. line quali ty III checks, plaids und stripes. Leader's l'ricc, 7c to pieces, of printed dimities good quul- by. Leader's l'ricc. nc JO pieces of printed cambrics, suitable for shirt waists, wrappers uud dresses, world lo .. Leader's Price. o 20 pieces of Fiench sieteens in wry effective prints, rial value, 2.V.. Leader's Price, Inc One lot of ludleti' muslin gowns. .Mother liubbard yoke, embroldery t rimmed. Leader's Price. ilc Ladles' Jersey ribbed vests, hiifh neck, long ulirrVeo, regular price, Leader's Price. 1 7c ';." dozen ladies1 ribbed sleeveless, vests, low uud hltih Leader' Price. 4c dozen bleached damusk lowels, knot ted fringe. Leader's Price, 'JOc a pair 2.1 pieces of 40-Inch, good quality un bleached muslin, regular price. 8c, Leader's Price, 5c 40 pieces of plaid, check and at ripe dress goods worth U'V-, Leader's Price, Nc 1. ". pieces of good quality slllcia for lining, the lie. quality. Leader's Price, 10c 2. " pieces of crinoline, comes In sray, hluck ami white, regular price. & ., Leader's Price, 5c All of our 10c. check, plaid and stripe outing in one lot. Choice of Any, UJc All wlntnr goods at exactly half price. Kxtenslve alterations are now In progreag. and In about three weeks ull will be com pleted, and we. will then have one of the most modern stores in the city. It will pay you to get our prices before buying. LKBECK & CORIN. Cclolea Pnutrcl OR. HIIRA'I l VIOLA CREAM Inn OHM Frseklss, Phnplaa. GmT. Mats. WmMmS; t sum ndrTta. and re asons ths akin to Its or art- BsU fasshrisss, producing a u ai icklthv eoi 1m Inn flnttMtnr tA all tae frrsjtkps and .psrfectly btnalsm At s fcrajtiU,ot MuUlsd lot aOcts, Bead tot Circular. VIOLA tXHt SOAP si ImiinHi m a SMS SUlOISS SMf, ummM Iks MM, aal MUmla O. C. BITTNCR sV CO., Tolido, Ot jt Tsi Misuser Mssnsi Atsssuws fllil IftS wm. onminoL inmxn rmKM CATARRH HEADACHE"S wi v,J . --w.. -rats Miimtof W XS a . MALI will ears too. A "rIX rlr from !-. srTSr..t. or II A V FETUS. AftrZ imnutUaUrtlUf. AaetBctenl . 7 rtateOT. ennrenMiit to arrry S aottst,rMgr to on am indication of oM. faaMaaa Vsa KSaeSs Paramaaat Cara. aUsfsaUaajaarutesdornoner refunded. Prlea. ata. Trial frre at pnuwlnis. ResisMrsd mslC BsMUs. lkcCSIMllt,IU,.,lkra!lJ,OTltluv,B.1,i CTTTSSHXCJtvISJ'aB JINTH0L Ths surest and ssfest remedr for lHinUU sllsstod SRsJCoiaa.ltc Bbaaarold gnrtt, Rums, Cuts, w.aor-fui rem dr torVlliil. r-rtca. at lra-D a ?J gists or pt mall prepaid. Adrtrnn sssbcra. DflLr.1 Par aal by Matthawa Broa. and Joho H. Phaloa. A YLESWO RTH '5 MEAT MARKET The Finest In the City. The latest Improved furnish' logs and apparatus far keeping meat, butter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Ave,a.a.,ai,V, YOU WANT WE HAVE LET'S GET RICHARDS 502 Comnionwjaltl) Building 1 THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO 8CR ANTON AND WILKES-BAR RE, PA, Maiiufacturara of Locomotivos, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AKD PULPING MACHINERY. Otmni Office: SCRANTON. PA. EVA M HETZEL'S Superior Pac Bleacl Positively Rtaiivss All Facial BLmYj.i 4 W KUX Azalea l ace Powder is miperlur to miy fat powttr ovur inauului't tired, I se't nini '' lneiiritM by leadiutr bo i -ty ami innfesHlnii bttntitM, lfctiHi it invert the Lent jioHsibl "lifft mud lifver leaves tin kiu ro.igh 4, IhrUugene, Nutmu'.i lUIr (Irowor, in tit grHtst null' in v igurutor of th jitvstMit Ki'MiVs aire, imhi.i! ui:lv a venUlU run pound, entirely Imi nil. w. iu umrvlun I an benehV?nt eflertn. Atl diiHHtfSi( tlitt Iim nil I Maip mu iHdiy cured )v tut iho 'I hrixiufotin. Prirt .'Ml cut ai d $1 tAr til hi J-. M. Hutzftl h Hair-dteaN.utr and Maideut Maiiors, tu Isui-kKwaima uve. und N. 1 (at: nifi Huildinir, Wilkes Bano. Mull or tei tilled iiruinptly. LAGER BREWERY. Uuafajcturars of Um CalabratoA PILSENER LAGER SEER OAPACITYi ooooo Barrels per Annum Moosic Ponder Go, Rooms 1 and 2 Conm&i etltk Ml SCR ANTON, PA. WINING and BLASTING POWDER MADS AT MOOSIC AND RU8H DAUB WORKS, Lafflln lUad Powdar Co. Orange Gun Powdot Blactrlo Battarlea, BBes for cxplasV lac blaata, Bafety Fas and KepunoCkemlcal Co.'s HiExploslTS WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8tb Ward, Scranton. ROOMS 4 AND S, Qaa and Watar Co. Building,- CORNER WYOMING AVE. AHD CENTER ST. OrriOK HOURS from 7.110 m. to t p. m.j (1 boar lutsrraissioa for Alaiisr and suppsr. Particular Attention Given to Collections Prompt Ssttlsmcnt Quarantssd. rOURBUSIIIESS IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Talaphona No. 134. MT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL. Coal of tho bast quality for doraostH tss, and of all si sen, dullvered la aa (art of tho ctty at lowest prlca. Orders left nt my Offlca NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE. Roar room. Hint iloor. Third National teak, or aant by mail or teipphone to tmm biao, will racelvo prompt attention. asocial contracts will be mada fv aas mkt aad dollvery of Buckwheat CoaL WM. T. SMITH. A Toftlllve VI rltlfn 1 i"jrmBtt'd Vmre fur Wl?V LOST MANHOOD J and ki: stttamuuy ftiltnonti Dull vr )UUU7 kUd UltddlOa ai;td men iiu wouien. 'itio KfMtlteurtti'utiiitut. MdaTirt, Lrwhicimf wc.k tUM, NcrvotiB lXbilit,Mifhtly Kmti.iloiiS.Cousuniiithju. litiiisiutT.Kzlisiui'i.uat dntiifatiiil1''iiHurDcweruf rtlei'iyuiistuiii1Uiti?une forrttitir, LiilLe.--!iatid inf rssisl. 'i Ll-V taut Utilt fUlli liY ktair (1111 alttliMoi ..f.lfj. cue. but are a ervatt M-:M K 'lo.NIC and III.OliI Ul'lLIIKII, 1'iiiiKiii Iwuk thv iink alow t pal bi--k and n-4tjr!iJk' TlUK OF H TH In tb j patitnt. I! umil.1.o or (! fur . with writ ifn mturantrr ( turn cr re lit nit th mnni-r ir '-anUfc rf " U-.- vrftO. tiw ar. WW sm1 by JOHN H. PHT5T-PS. Dnifi flat. Wyomlnir nv. nfl ffpmpa mfrt0 TOGETHER. LUMBER CO Tcf9phan8 422 I 4tkJ (action TO our patrons: Washhurn-Crosby Co, wish to assure tlielr many pat rons thut they will this year hold to their usual cuaioas of nilllinR STRICTLY OLl WIIKA I until the iwwcrof Is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, aod owing to the excessively dry weather many miller or of the opinion that tt Is already cured, uud in proper condition for niilliutj. VVushbui n.Oohhy Co. will takV no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three LtJ Thiti cureful uttcntton to every detail of milling liuvwu ivtsiiuiii is-v.i brands. MEGARGEL Wholesale Agents. MOftS AD STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turubuckles, Washers, Riv ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup' plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT STEEL HORSE SHOES and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rinis, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc. TTEMBEIDER SCRANTON. PA. tAM.4r'aS Whtn In aa t r r- a av. i . i mm doubt wtiat to Kaiu.t In 4 weoka, rciult fatsll v. evrrv t .mm firder w btUb PHAL MEDICI MS CO., Forstjlo by JOHN H. PHELPS. Ptiarmaolst cor. Wyoming AvnuA and opruc Strict Scranton Pa. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT, PORCELAIN, Bridge and Crown work. Offloe, 823 Washlns;ton avenue. C. C. LAUBACH. SURGEON DEXTI3T. No. IIS WyomlnK avenue. R. M. 8TRATTO.N, OFFICE COAL Ex change. I'liyhiciuns and Surgeons. DR. A. TRAPOLD, SPEPIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Wyoming avenue and Spruce xtreet, Sornnton. Of fice hours. Thursduys and Saturdays, a. ni. to C d. ni. DR. O. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 16 Spruce street, Kcrnntoii, Pa. (Jut opposite Court House Square.) DR. KAY, 2(W PI5NN AVE. : 1 to 3 P. ,VtT: rail 20U2. DIs. of women, obHtretrics and and all dls. of chll. DR. W. E. ALLEN, S12 North Wauhlngton uvenue. DR. C L. FREY, PRACTICE i.IMITEDT dltieases of the I'.ye, Ear, None and Throat; office, 122 Wyoming avo. Real dence. B Vine street. j DR. L. M. OATE8, 125 WA9HINOTON avenue. Ofllce lionrs, 8 to 9 a. m., 1.30 to 3 and 7 to S p. ni. Residence 309 Madi. son avenue. DR. J. C. RATESOX. TVESDAYS AND Fridays, ut 505 Linden street. Office hours I to 4 p. m. DH."8."W.T.AMKREAi'X. A aPFrrT"ALT 1st on chronli' dl-use of the heart, luni?. liver, kldin-y uml Kenilo uri nary diseases, will occupy the otllo of Dr. Roos. 2.12 Adams avenue. Offlco hours 1 to 6 p. m. I.awvers. WARREN & KNAPP. ATTORNEYS and Counsellors ut Law. Rep'ihlicuii bulldlnK, Washington avenue, Scran ton. Pa. JESSni'S & HAND. ATTORNEYS AN'P C'oiuisellors at Law. Commonwealth bulldlnt,', WnshliiKt"" avenue W. II. .IKSSl'P. HORACE I-'. H AND, W. H. .IKSSI'P. JR. PATTERSON " WILCOX. ATTOR. reys and Connvcllor at Law: offices t, and I Mhrnrv l-.ulldlnK. Scruntoii. Pa. ROME WELL H. CATTKHSHX. WILLIAM A. Wlt.CON. ALFRED II AND. WILLIAM I. "ANn, Attorneys utid Counsellors Common- wealth biillitlriK. kooiiis i:. FRANK T. "oKELIj," ATTORXEY-AT- Law, Room &. Coal Exchange, Scrau- ton. Pa. J A M ES W. O K K FORP. ATTORN E Y- at-Law, rooms 63, M and Sj. Common- wealth building. SAMI'EL W. EIXIAR. ATTORXEY-AT- l.w. tifflce. S17 Spruce st.. Scranton. Pa. i u- iti'IH ATTORXEY-AT LAW. 423 LaritowHima nve.. Scranton. Pa. L'KIE TOWNBEND. ATTORNE Y-A T Dime Hunk Building. S'lanlon. Money to loun In large sinus at & per cent. , r K PITCHKIt. ATTORXEY-AT-low. Commonwealth building. Scranton, Po. H C. SMYTHE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 400 Lackawanna avenue. C. CoilEaYS. 321 SIMtl CE STREKT. 1"k REpi.-5LK. A TTi R X E Y LO A X S iiegotialed on real estate security. 401 Spruce street. . B . K1LLA.M. ATToRNEY-AT-LA W, 120 WvomlnK nve.. Scranton. Pa. J AS. J. H. HAMILTON, ATToRNEY-AT- law. ti I'oiiiiiioiiviealttrdirs. SiMjunloiL 7 . C. RANi'K. 13tt WYOMING AVE. Arcliitects. EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT. Rooms 21. 1 35 and 20, Commonwealth Minding, gammon. K. L. WALTER. ARCHITECT, OFFICE rear of two V aslilng'.on avenue. LEWIS HAWCOCU. JR.. ARCHITECT. 433 Spruce St.. cor. Wash, ave., Scranton. BROWN & MORRIS, ARCHITECTS. Price building. W Washiugtou tvtsa, Kcrauieu. wsuy v.o. h uour lur svoova RESTORE LOST VIGOR ut for Nvrrtwt Debility, l.o of ttautt Power 1a lthf & CONNELL n potiniy, Atiophy, VrUocele tud oclicr wcjkntfMM, ftwm r cum nm iIU. Draiut checked hmrl full iror uuicklv itutxmd. H DMLvusi smich Mailed any when, MtUd, for Ji.wt BIM Ut Wkb iia irajBi fvaraniN i cuio w ratna m niosw, ClvltMl. Ohio. Schools. 8CUOOL OF THE LACKAWANNA. Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for college or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at r quest. Opens September 9. REV. THOMAS M. CANN. WALTER H. BUELU MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, 412 Adams avenue, open Sept. . Kindegarten 110 per term. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Ioan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on S. N. Callender, Dime Bank building. Hotels und Restaurants. THK ELK CAFE, 125 and f27 FRANK lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIOLER. Proprietor BCRANTON HOUSE, NKAR D.. L. A W. passenger depot. Conducted on tlia European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place. New York. Rates, $3.50 per day and upwards. (Amerl. can plan). E. N. AN ABLE. Proprietor. Wire Sreena. JOS. KUETTEL, REAR SU LACKA wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screens. Seeds. O. R. CLARK 4 CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store HO Washington ave nue; green house, l.0 North Muin ave nue; slore telephone 7S2. .Miscellaneous. RACER'S ORCHESTRA-MCSIC FOit balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed din'gx und concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Ilulbsrt'S miilc store. MEUAKOEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper baK. twine. Warehouse, Uo Wasliinglon ave., ttci an ion. Pa. ; FRANK P. BROWN CO.. WHOLE sale dealc'S In Woodware. Cordage ami Oil Cloth. i::o West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY. EXPERT AC couniant nnd auditor. Rooms 19 and 20, Williams nulhllnK. opposite postofTice. Agent for the liex Fire Extinguisher. WELSBACH LIGHT Bpcclallf idated for Readlag ud Sewing Couumea three (8) fret of gaa per hour and gives an efllcieuoy of aUtty (30) caudles. HuritiK at leant J per oaul orat Um ordinary Tip Buraera. (.all and See It. I & CONNELL CO., 434 UCKIWMIU IVEIUL nuufaturtr' Ageatt. m mm ftiiol
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