TIITJ SCRANTON TRIBUNE TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 3, 1S!6. Copyright, ItlM, by RYN'opSIS. Prosper In Uiird M-crctury to Ihr bishop Heauluis, who, ut the death or Louis XIV., becomes I hi rival of Cardinal Ma" rin for tire premiership of Eim:ce ami for the favor of Anne or Austria, the iiueeii ri Rent. I'.y an error In .c-opylnK prosper lend the "bishop to make all absurd cr lor In stalliiK the population of Paris to the council. Prosper Is disnilvseti with u l.iili.u lla iu ivlli.,1 liv the hishnn's Mewar.i. whom he at lucks in his rne mill Is .pursued tnroiiKh me sireiis of Paris. AS. He IS escaping, ne ucriui nn.nher fugitive, who looks around fear. und throws a bundle Into Propser ' Ulllll. ' PART II. It was dune In u moment. Instinet . i-ely I c-auKhl the burden, ami helil it. lint the Impetus Willi which he hail thrown It si-nt me reeliiiK to the rluht. mill the lane lielns nurrow I fell emilnst the wall before 1 rntiltl sternly myself. As luck would have It. how ever, that which should have de stroyed me was my salvation. 1 hap pened to hit the wall wher- u doorway hroke it. the dour. lightly latched. Hew en under the Impact, and 1 fell in wards. I nllKlited. in darkness, on my luinils and knees, heurd a stilled yelp as of a loif. and In a second, thmiKlt I could see nelhlnu;, was up and had the dunr slosnd hehind me. Then, und not till then. I listened, limiting and breathless, and heard the hunt bo raving Ihrotmli the lane, and the noise die In the distance, until only tile beatlliK of my heart bloke the close silence of the room In which I stood. When thin had lasted a minute or two. 1 Itemm to peer ulioiii und won der where I was; and remeinberlnu; the dog. moved stealthily to find the lalclrand escape. As I did so the bun dle, to which through all 1 had clinic. Inoved in my arms. I almost dropped It, anil then held It from me with a swift movement of re pulsion. It ntirred again: it was warm. In an instant the truth Mashed on me. It was ii child! Hot uh I had been before, the sweat rose on tne at the thought. For I saw again the man's face of livid terror, and nuessed that he had stolen the child, and I feared the worst, lie had taken the rabble hooting at my heels for the avengers of . . and hud been only ton thankful to rid himself of the daiuniiiK fact and escape! And now I had It. and had as much, or more, to fear. For an instant the Impulse to lay the parcel down, and (slide out. and so lie clear of it. was hlioiik upon me. And that 1 think Is what tiie ordinary man. however brave, would huve done, lint for one OiitiK. I was iles'ienttc. 1 knew not, tvhen outside, w hither to git or where to Have myself; and for another, my rlerk'H wils were already busy show ing nie how. with luck. I iiiIk Ii t use the occasion and avoid the risk, might dis cover the parents and. without suffer lug for the theft, restore the child. Ileyoutl that I saw a vista of pardon, in I m -n t and reward! Suddenly the- iIok whined ukuIii, rlose to me, and that decided me. I had found the latch already, and now I warily drew the door open and in a moment I was In the I:itih. Inokiiii; up and down. I saw iinihlnij to alarm me.durkness had completely fallen, no ;.ne was moving, the neighborhood jeemed In be of the ipiielesl. I made Vip my mind to lule the bold course. To return ut all ha.firds to St. A nt nine, Seek my falher-ln-luw at the jrntt' of lie PaliilH Koyal-Where he had the JIkIiI turn and throw the child and uaysrlf on his protect loll. Without doubt it was the widest course I could choose; anil as in those 1ay the streets of Paris, even in the district of the Louvre und Palais Hoy nl, were ill-llKliti'd. and a network of iHiies und dark conns eiierouched on the most fashionable . parts, and fa vored secret ai'i-ess o them. I foresaw no (treat illlliculty. short of the moment When 1 liiiuhl st;inil out In tile lighted Indue and il, It'll my iiiks. I '.ut my evil star was above the horizon. I bad scarcely reached the end of the lane, and was still hesitating there, uncertain which way to turn for the shortest fotirse, when a babel of voices broke on my ear, lights swept around a distant corner, ami I found myself thvt aleii.ed willl a new dunner. I did not wail to consider whether this band, with their torches and weapons, had tniKlit to do with me my nerves were hluiken. the streets of Paris were full nf terrors, every coiner had n pallowH for me but I turned and. Ileeinir back the way 1 had come, made a hurrh d ef fort to find the house which hud shel tered I1H. Failing. In one or two trials, mid seeing that the light1 were realty comiuK that way, and that in a mo lie lit I must he discovered. I spranff . m-ioss the lane ami dived Into the ulley by which the child-stenler had van Ished. I hail not taken ten steps before something, unseen in the darkness, trip ped nie mi. and I fell sprawling ill the mini. In the fall my burden rolled from my arms und was instantly snail heil up by a dark figure, w hich, rising a if by magic beside me. was roll" into the gloom almost us iiiickly. 1 got up limping and Hung a curse after both; but the lights already sluuie on the month of the alley, ami I had no time to lose If I would not be detected. I set off running down the passage, turned to the left at the end, and along a lane, thence Into another lane and a wider road; nor did I stop until I had left all signs and sounds of pursuit be hind nie. The place In which I came to a stand lit last was a piece of waste land, ap parently In the suburbs of the city. High up on the left 1 could discern n light or two, piercing the gloom ofthe Bky, and knew that they shone from the windmills of Montmnrtre. In every other direction lay. darkness: desala ttou swept by the night wind; silence biyken only by the dismal howling of far-inf v.uti Ii dogs.. I might have been ten mile, from Paris. INSTANT RELIEF for all afflicted with TORTURING SKIN DISEASES in a Single Application of Cl-rnn a Worn Wosutas. and ttacurea of turturtnf baineim are iltnly marvellous. . fjUfhMfto.il It wrM. Btttkk t. Kiv. atif a I. Eiaf EVIward-.. Vnmdtm. TtTiim nra-fr. fcnidn. rjTiu fHf, asm. U. a. A. imh vaaa wu, m i SUnley J. Weyuini. re ivM- mlimn' T sobbed aloud. I no longer knew where I was; nor, had I known, had I the strength to return. Excitement had farrleil me iar, nui m last I felt the weakness of utter ex i,....ui.,,t a,i uii.u nml noliinir craved only u hole in which to He down and die. Fortunately ut this moment i met tne wind and caught thescentof newmown i,.n. ..nil utn.ltllni' forwnril a lew steps mude out a low building looming through the night. I siuggereu 10 u, and discovered that it was a shed, and entering with in:' hands extended felt the hay under my feet. With a sob of thankfulness 1 sank down upon it. but. Instead of the soft couch I ex . .....t.i ..ii i.ti tin iiiiirobir bodv of a 'man who with n savage curse Hung me off. This at another time would have scared nie to death, but I was so far gone in wretchedness that I felt no fear ami little surprise. 1 rolled away without a word, anil curling myself up at u distance of a few feet from my fel low lodger, fell in a minute fast asleep. When 1 awoke daylight, though the sun was not up. was beginning to creep Into the shed. I turned: every bone I had ached; I remembered yesterday's doings, und groaned. Presently the hay beside me rusUeil, and over the VTTEWNO AN OATTT OV T!A:K. shoulder of the mass against which I lay I niaile nut tin- fin f a man, peer ing at nie. I felt a thrill of fear, and stared buck, spell bound: I had not yet broken with eVery habit of suspicion nor coulil in a moment recollect that 1 had nothing but tags to lose, in silence which neither again broke by so much us a moment we waited gazing: while the light in the mean hovel grew and grew, and minute by minute brought out more closely the others features. At leimth I knew him, and utmost at the same moment be recognized me und uttering nil oath of rage, lose up us if to spring ut my throat. Hut either be cause I llid llol recoil -being too deep-si-l in the buy to move or ror some other reason, he only shook his claw I.ko lingers at me. und held off. "Where Is it, you dogV" lie cried, lindlug his voice with an eiTnlt. "Speak, or I will have your throat Flit. Speak, do you hear? What luive you done with It'.'" lie was the mull who had passed the child to me! I watched him heeili'iilly. und ul'ter a. moment's hesitation 1 told him that it hail been taken from nie, und when and where. "And you don't know the man who took It?" he screamed. "Not from Admit. It was dark," I said. In his disappointment and rage, at ri Iving this answer. I thought that he wonlil fairly fall upon me; but he only choked and swore, and then stood scowling, the picture of despair, un til, some new thought pricking him, he threw up his urniM again and cried out afresh: "t Hi, inon Dleii. what a fool I was!" he screamed "What a craven I was! I had a fortune In my hands. In my hand.-, fool, und I threw It away!" I thought bitterly of my own case I was not much afraid of hint now; 1 be gan to think that I umlerst I him. "So hud I. yesterday morning," I said. "Von ure In no worse case than others." "Yesterday morning?" he exclaimed. "No. last night. Then, If you like, you hud. Hut yesterday morning? For tune ami you, Kyurecrow! t!o hang you rself!" lie looked gloomily at me for n mo ment with his nrms crossed on his chest and his face darkly set Then, "Who are you?" he asked curtly. I told him. When he leurncd that the "STAY!" HK Ili:i), PANTINU. ruilile that had alarmed him had in fact been pursuing me, so that his fright hud bn groundless, he broke Into fresh execrul ions, ami those so violently that I begun to feel a sort of contempt for him. und even plucked up spirit to say that he seemed to be in us evil case as I was. He looked at me askance. "Aye, ns It turns out." he s;iid grimly. "Put see the difference, hliot. You are u poor fool, beaten from pillar to post; I played for a great stake. I have lost; I have lost." lie continued, his voice ris ing almost to a yell, "and we are both in the g-utter. Hut If I hud won if I had won, man " He did not tlni.sh the sentence, but Hung himself down on his face in the hay and bit and torelt in his passion. A moment I viewed him with contempt, and thought him a poor creature for a vlllinii. Then the skirt of his coat, curling over an he grovelled and writhed, disclosed something that turned my thought) In another channel, .'rushed under his leather girdle was a little cape, or "a ffarnient of that kind, of velvet, to lustrous that It shone where I saw it. as the eyes shine In a toad. Nor ii only: before he rolled over nml hid it. I spl-l embroidered on one corner of the velvet a stiff gold crown! I barely i pressed a cry. fold. damp, aching. I felt the heat run through me like wlno. A crown! A little purple cape! Then last night last night. I had carried the king! The king of France in my arms! I no longer found it hard to tinder- Btund the. mail's terror uf yesterday, or his grief and despair this morning, lb had Indeed played for u great stake am risked torture und the wheel, and Ion' and lost! 1 looked at him with new eyes, and t. sort of wonder; and had scarcely time to compose my face when, the parox ysm of his fury past, he rose and. look ing at me askance.-to nee how I took his grovelling, asked nie sullenly whither 1 was going. "To monselgneur's," I said cunningly. Hud 1 answered "To the Palais Itoyal," he would have suspected me. "To be beaten again? he sneered. I said nothing to that, but asked him whither he was going. "'od knows!" he said. When we went out. however, he ac companied me; und we slunk silently, like the pair of night birds we were, through bines and alleys until we were fairly In town again. Hy that time the sun wus up and the market people were beginning to enter the city. Here and there 1 found curious eyes on me; and thinking of the company 1 wus in. I trembled, und wondered that the alarm was not ubroud and the bells proclaim ing us from every tower. 1 wus more than content, therefore, when my com panion halted before u smalt, mean door in a blind wall, over against an other small, mean door In a like wall. "Do you stuy here?" 1 said. He swore churlishly. "What Is that to you?" he said, looking up and down, "tin your way, idiot." 1 was glad to affect a like Ill-humor, shrugged my shoulders, und lounged on without looking back. Hut my brain wus on tire. The king, the four-year-old king! What was I to do? To whom to go with my knowledge? And then even then, while I paused hesitating, 1 heurd steps running behind me, and tun red to II ml him at my elbow, his face pule but his eyes burning and his whole demeanor changed. "Stay!" he crid, panting, and seizing nie by the breast of my shirt. The man who tripped you up, fellow you did not see him?" "It wus dark." I answered, curtly.' "I told you 1 did not know hlni from Adam." "Hut hud he" h"e gasped, "you heurd him run away was he lame?" 1 could not repress an exclamation. "Par Mleu!" I said. "Yes, I had for gotten that. He was. I remember I heard his feet go cluck-cluck, cluck cluck us he ran." His face became burning red and he stuggered. If ever man was near dy ing from blood in the head, it wus that nun! Hut in a moment he drew u long breath, and got the better of it, nodded to me, and turned away. 1 marked, however, for I stood a moment, watch ing, tliut he did not go buck to the dour at which I had left him; but ufter looking round once and espying- me, touk a lane on the right and disap peared. To be continued, RAILROAD NOTKS. There la a movement afoot to organ ize u Hallroad Young Men's t'hrlstian association at ('arliondale. Locomotive No. L'lOG, of the Pennsyl vania road, In passenger service be tween lieuovo and Hurrishurg via Wll liamsport. is reported to tnive made L'i'iil.tliiu miles without being taken into the shops for general repairs. 11 was built in July, lS!ia, nml has just been run Into the shops at Henovo for over hauling. The extension of time for the equip ment of freight curs with safety uppli auces has expired. The executive com mittee of tile .Muster Car Itullders' as sociation has decided that u loaded car which does not conform to the acquire ments of the law muy be delivered to u connection and forwarded to its des tination but ufter relieved of its load must be rebuilt to conform to the law. "There wus an indignant bicycle agent in the city station of the Dela ware und Hudson Canal company tills morning," tays the Carboudale Jleruld. "He has two trunks, the aggregate weight of which is less than Urn pounds. According to arrangements of all rail road companies baggage to the extent of l.",0 pounds Is transported with each ticket, but this agent had to pay for Ids bicycle as excess baggage. He says that Is his sample and should be curried the same as socks or shirts or any other samples of traveling men. He argued that if lie should pack his bicycle bug full of clothing or some other kind of samples, there would be no excess bag gage charge. This Is a question the railroads may be called upon to settle." Not many people are aware of the ditllciilty encountered In making a per fect chime whistle for a locomotive. The Coluuibus Dispatch described the meth od of making such whistles at the Pan handle shops as follows: To make one of the whistles if requires twenty-one separate castings. The most dillicult one to make properly Is the bell, or whistle part of it. It Is twelve inches in height und divided into three cham bers with partitions between each !l-:!2 of an Inch in thickness. To make one of these It requires a great deal of care on the part of the workman, and six of them is n good day's work. The Ontario and Western reports for the month of January; iHilii. Cross earnings W.XO Operating expenses iDH.M Net earnings J'JiSli; July 1 to Jan. 31: ISM. Oross earnings ." $:.'.SI!US7 Operating expenses I,r!l.i4r Net earnings J71H.UI2 Charges (approximated) 4UV.1S) Earned on stock......: $:HU,8oJ RR ICE BURG. Tht citizens' meeting held on last Priday evening owing to the Inclem ency of the weather, was rather slimly nttended. The repot t of the committee appointed lo confer with the officials of the Providence (Jas and Water com pany wus received as read, ami the committee wus discharged. The reisirt wan that ut present the Providence (las and Water company could do nothing for us. (in the suggestions of William J. Williams ami Thomas Peach, the chairman aimointed us a committee .Messrs. Thomas Peach. William .1. Wil liams, Kd Hevnolds. Willlnm S. Thomas and John Klderkin to confer with Un people of Throo!) borough, to see If, together, they could not i.urchase one of the lakes situated on the side of the Moosic mountain, oKMile Throop. ami foi m a water supply company to supply both boroughs. Tim people have seeiii fully determined to light Hie olyphutit company to the bitter end. und It is expected Mint the citizens will come to the meetings ami express their opin ions) '-here where some fiction can be taken n.-nn thcni. W. H. Smith, through the secivtar'. nsked that he be paid for the use of his hall. The secretary was Irtstruclcd to bring In Mr. SmIMi's bill at the next meeting. They will meet again at the call of the committee. The ditch under the sidewalk along the Johnson colliery has become blocked mid the street is a mixture of niud and wa'er at this point. The lied Men of this place are mak ing preparations to give a grand en tertainment on the evening of March 25th. Messrs. (leorge Mini ford and John H. Hawk visited friends in Olyphant Sun day. , Michael Hrennan. Frank Craig and Martin Paw-bey. of-HIH street. Arch bald, were visitors in town Sunday evening. Now th! the Third ward has three representatives In the council, there Is no reason why- a few-crosswalks should not he placed In thin part of the borough, one Is needed b.-ullv at the corner of Muin street and Snyder ave nue. ... 124-126 Wyoming Ave. Are receiving goods daily. A very attractive line of Spring Fabrics now on display. We offer for Monday and the bal ance of the week: "j pieces of wool dress goods in spring colorings, Leader's Price, 2:lc 22 pieces of all-wool Xuntobu check and fancy weave dress goods, Leader's Price. 2fc 37 pieces of extra quality all-wool Scotch cheviots, real value, G::, Leader's Price, 4:tc CM yards of best American dress ging hams, in short lengths containing from S to 12 yards, worth, Hie., Leader's Price, nc u yard (ij pieces of dress ginghams, tine quali ty in checks, fluids and sn ipes. Leader's Price, 7c 10 pieces of printed dimities good qual ity. Leader's Price. 5c 2.1 pieces of printed cambrics, suitable for shirt waists, wrappers und dresses, worth ID-., Leader's Price. ('c 20 pieces of French sateens In very effective prints, real value, 2,"c, Leader's Price, IPc One lot of ladies' muslin gowns, .Mother Hubbard yoke, embroidery trimmed. Leader's Pricei 4f)c I .adieu' Jersey ribbed vests, high neck, long sleeves, regulur pi-Ice, 2!ic., Leader's Price. 17c 2." dozen ladies' ribbed sleeveless vents, low und high neck. Leader's Price. c 25 dozen bleached damask towels, knot ted fringe, Leader's Price, 20c a pair 2j pieces of 4u-lnch, good quality un bleached muslin, legulur price. 8e Leader's Price, 5c 40 pieces of plaid, check and stripe dress goods worth 12'.f., Leader's Price. Nc 15 pieces of good quality sillciu for lining, the 15c. quality, Leader's Price. 10c 2u pieces of crinoline, comes In gray, black and white, regular price. Sr., Leader's Price. 5c All of our 10c. check, plaid und stripe outiuga la ono lot. Choke of Aity, tile H I II All winter goods at exactly hulf price. Kxtenslve alterations are now in progress, und In about three weeks all will be com peted, and we will then havn one of the most modern stores in the city. It will pay you to get our prices before buying. LKUHX'K & COItlN. A5KF0KTHE B?oKLET0N GIVES THL BCTLLGTVv0piP And !5 AlgQiyTEiy FOR SALE BY THE SCRANTON STATION.. MANLY VIGI ,NCE MORE in harmony with the. world. 900d com p!.t lei y clued men are BUigiug happy prulcs lor I ne greater, grand est mat must sne ccf sf ul cure lor sex ual weakness aud lostvlimr known to luedicnl science. Au account of ttiiiuvm ibriii cfwroiwry, In book form, with ref treuees and proof), will besent. to suf fering men (scaled) free. Pull manly vigor peruuvncatly restored. Failure Impossible. ERIE MEDICAL G0.,BUFFAL0,N.Y. Celebrated Frmnle Dil. b. T. !JIA, Bkwft tMv. JKJUJ. YOU WANT WE HAVE - - LET'S GET RICHARDS 502 Commonwealth Buildini fist 1E u t n .'.y THE DICKSON MANUFACTURINGCO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers uf Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. . OeneraJ Otticci 5CRANT0N, PA. EVA M. HETZEL'S Superior Face Bleaci Positively Removes All Fdciil BItm:si: S'' Azalea Face Powder is superior to any fac powder ever luatiiiluetured. I'sed and con mended by lead i up society and profession bounties, berati it gives the is!it pokaIIiI Hired and never leaven the kkiu roug-ii : willy. 1'rice .ytcunts. Thrixogene, Nature's Huir i rower, ia th greatest uuir iuv igorator of the present pro greMMve age, heing purely a vegetulile com pound, entirely lianubsH, Hiid iniit'Tflleiii i i:m lielii'lleeut effects. All tii-as of tlie lisi iu J m atp are lemiilv cured hv the uno Tlirixngdiie. Pries oil cent ai:d $1. Kor s:i!i st r'. U. llatzcr Hair-dress'iiitr and Mutii'ur Parlor, U'-'M l.urkuwauna uve. und Ni. 1 l.ar. iiin hiiilihiii. Wilkes llurro. Hail order (tiled promptly. kfaaofactarara of Um Oalateatad PILSENER LAGER SEER j CAPACfTV I ico.ooo Barrels per Annum Moosic Powder Go Rooms 1 and 2 CommowealU Bid' I, SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER MADE AT MOOSIC AND RUoUfr DALB WORKS. Lafllln A Rand Powder Co. Orange Gun Powdoi Electric Batteries, Pnas for exuldV lag bloats, Sfoty 7ae and BapannoCkmical Co.'s HighExplosiia WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton. ROOMS 4 AND 9, Qa and Water Co. Building, CORNER WYOMING AVE, AND CENTER ST. OFFICE HOURS from 7.X0 a iu. to (p. m. (1 hoar luUrmluion for Ainntr and aupper.) Particular Attention Glicnto Collections Prompt settlement uuarantcau. rOUR BUSINESS IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Telophono No. 13. rvr. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL. Cool of the bant quality for domMtta m, ana or an sues, ueuverea la A (art of the city at lowest price. Orders left at my CJffira NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE. Roar room, lim floor. Third National Baak, or aent hy mail or telephone t th Diao, wiu receive prompt aucntton. npecuu contract will oe maue for V oenvery or uueKwneat coal. WfVl. T. SMITH. A lclllf s r.tu i Civi rant -! 'ur 'r LOST MANHOOD KIa aill I iv MO III ill nw- iii.umiFi fc'.OU ill. II Jill WMUit'll. J fid BwriuaudM.f vol iHi'i l Ken'itj m rn utir.fnt. Lilian. s, jrtmcii!nr war hmj. NtTrotu Ikiiiliiv.Nirhllv hrm.p-lo!.!.riijMMiufi iiiKutitv, ILkhuutdVuir drm.iraiKt l nof jtowerof Uie tUu erativ; orfraiiHuiiuif ti;r "?ie furrtiulr, bti-im rtatd iiur rU(riflqiiM"'ly't,'Y!.y !r. ltiMlr-frurKftiilli r-ro Cruttitf. Tii -y not!ilv-uic hy Ktai intjr attiattt of Ji ev', hut aiJ irre. M it C lONU' nl it !.: l Itl fI,i;Klaa bifnfrinir btu.k th ftlnk jttor l untm tt.ffW. m: rtkton iK Hie Kllil! ik VM I II to 1U Mti'fiit. I;y uiflit, ri.uft j, r lx vr fur aA wi.U Hr. l I'M rnarti'titw tn imw tt- rit'unA thf m.mt, lkj,lc .r t:m-rj fi-v' ' ' ' ' 1 : ' -.1t;. .a civ ! Vr sale by JOWL H. PHRTiPS. Tru H TOGETHER. LUMBER CO Telephone 422 L IK IS LAGER BEER BREWERY. (ACTION TO our patrons: 4 W'ashburn-Crohy Co. wish to assure tlitlr many patt pons tliut they will this year hold to their UMial custoaa uf milling STRICTLY OLD VVUKA l' until the new crop in fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owing to the excessively Jry weather many miller arc of the opinion that it Is already cured, uiul in proper condition for milling. Washburn-Croby Co. will talc no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling has placed WnshburfrCrosby Co.'s Hour iar above other brauda. MEGARGEL & GONNELL Wholesale Agents. ... 1 IROM AMD .STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Kuds, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv ets, I lorse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use iu stock. SOFT STEEL HORSE SHOES and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Sjokesj Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc. SCRANTON, PA. EVERY WOAW 8otUinailiaroile!l,iatlilf, wnlitlci uitdteina. Onlr hwalM(S Ui puro drugobtuld bs uJ. IX jou waat th Uil, fl Or. FeaB'o Pcnn m$& PiB.s Tber ar prompt, sat anil cartels In rnalt. Hie iiinlno ( Or. VeaVt) attar iinf uuiut. tutujbj. 11.00. Addrml'iUfcMtDKUEa Lo., Cltrtland, O. For aala by JOHN H. PHELPS. BprucaSiraat. Scranton Pa. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Itcutists. DU. WILLIAM A. TAt'T. PORIM0L.AIN. ltrldea unit Crown work. Otflco, WasliliiKtun avenue. C. C. LAHUAClt. StritCrCON DBNT13T. No. 115 WyoinlnK uvenuc HTil. STKATTO.N, Ot-'r'ICE COAL. EX- chanKA. Fhysicitins und Surgeons. DR. A. TUAl'OI.D. St'KClAl.lST I.N" Diseases of Wuinen. ooi-ner Wyoming avenue anj Srui e trpet. SiTantun. Of fice hourn. Ttiurxduyi und Saturdays, t a. m. tu il D. m. DR. O. EPGAK VKAN HA3 RKMOVKD to tl6 Spnii'o mrwt. Scmnton. Pa. (Juat opposite Court House Square.) DR. KAY, 20! l'K.N'N A V K. : 1 lo 3 P. M. : call 20i2. tls. of women, obatrotrlcs and unci all dls. of chtl. DR. W. B. ALLUN, S12 North WastitiiKton uvemie. DR. C. U FP.EY, '"KRACTlfK LI.MITiiuT .ii.....- nr 1 . l.'.v,. I.'iir. N'uHti lllld uiK.ar. w. .... - j -1 . - 1 Throat; otilce. 122 Wyoming ave. Kual- dence. 5.'9 Vine Htreei. DR. L. M. OATEd. ia WAaHINOTON aveniir. OflVe hour, 8 to 9 a. m., 1.39 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. in. Residence 309 Maiil. uon avenufi, DR. J. C. ItATF.PON. TIESPAY9 AND Krldays. at 5uri Linden etretft. Onlua hour I to 4 t. m. DR.'S. W. LAMKRRAfX. A SPKCIAL t on r-hronli- llnfnse of the licarl, lutiK.H. llv.-r. Ki'tM.-y :in. at'iilto uri nary disease's, will occupy the onlc of I)r. Huos. 2:12 Adaina avenue. Otfico hours 1 to 5 p. m. Luwvcm. WARREN KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law. Rep-ihll.an bull.1i us;, Wayhlngtun avenue, Scran ton. Fa. JE331TP3 'HAND. ATTORNEYS A't Counsellors at Law. Commonwealth building. Washing. vrSTTp Horace "k. hand. . I). JKitrtl'P. .JR. phtterson's wilcox. attor- iieys nnd Counsellors at Law: olllcea S and I T.H.mry l'.iill.ll"!t. Scmnton ROPEWvrTT.L M. PATTEP.SU.V. WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HA VP. WILLIAM J HAND. Attorney ami Counsellors. Common- weal'h bitlldlnsr. Rooms l!. 20 an.l 21. FHtN'C T. OKELL. ATTnRNEY-AT- Li'uv. Rwm 5. Ci'l Kxcliange, Bcran- ton. ' Pa. - jM.3 W. OAKI'nl'.li. ATTiiKSKV. ai-Lnw. rooms 63. and Ki. Common- wealth bulMlna-. MAMI'El. W. FHMIAR.' ATTORVEY-AT- I.nw. Ofliee. 317 Spruce t.. Si ninion. P.i. j, A WATERS. ATTi'HN K-AT -UW, 423 Lnrkawaiii'.n nve.. S'".intiin. Pa. LIUB TOWNSBND. ATTORN EY-AT-l,;iv 1 Ni!i Hani. Hull litis,'. S.'ianto-i, Money to loan In larije sums ut It per -ent. r - j. T'lTCllT'lt. ATTORNEY-AT-low. Commonwealth building. 3c.-anton. Pa. .. . II C. SMYTHE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 4W I.ackawunna avenue. C. COMECVS. 21 S"P.rt'E HTRKRT. 1.. B. hEPLtKH.K. ATT. lUNKY-LOANS nexutiattd on real esiaie security. tuS Srm-e street. IS. V. K ILL AM. ATT' "tit S' EY-AT-LA W, JS0 Wyominc nve.. Scranton. Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON. ATTORN B Y-AT- law, ii Commonwealth bid x.hyrai'oiii jT".C.1a'n' K. VM 1V1UMINU AVE. Architects. EDWARD" IL" PAVItf. ARCHITECT. Ko-jiiis It. ii and 2ii. Coinmonwealtn bull.liiii.-. Scranton. Ii. L. WALTER. ARCHITECT. OKF1CB rear of W8 Vaaiiinsun uvenue. LEWIS HANCOCK. JR.. ARCHITECT, 4?5 Spruce at., cor. Wash. ave.. Scranton. BROWX & MORRIS. ARCHITECTS, Price buildina. U W'asbiugtou uveoue, Ucranteu. GO PharmacUtt cor. Wyoming Avanu ana Schools. SCHOOL OP TUB LACKAWANNA, Horunton. l'a., pit-pares boys and (iris for I'olleKa or buMiueaa; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quoaU tiiii'iis Si-pt-nibrr 0. KKV. THIIMA3 M. CANN. W ALTKR H. Bl'ELL. illSSVroTlf'ESTKK'S KINDKHGARTENT nml School. 412 Allium avenue, opens Sept. 9. KihileKurtfn $10 per term. Loans. TUB P.EPPULIC SAriNOS AND Loan Association will loan you mcin-y on easier irrniK and pay you better on Investment than Htiy other Association. Call on 3. N. Callender, Dime Batilc bullillng. Hotels and Hestunrunt. THE ELK CAEE. and 127 FRANIcT Jin avenue. Kates reitsumible. P. .raiOLEFt. Proprietor SCRANTON HOI'S B. NEAR 6., L. & W. passenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place. New York. Rates, M.r.0 per day anil upwards. (Ameri can plan). K. N. ANABLE. Proprietor. M ire Srccns. JOS. KUETTEL, KHAR Bit LACKA. wanna avenue, Hcranton, Pa., maaiufa.' turer of Wire Si reelis. SccJ.4. G. H. CLARK & CO,, SEEDSMEN AN O Nurserymen; store I Hi Washington ave nue; green house. 1250 North Main ave nue: store telephone 7S2. .Miscellaneous. RACER'S ORCllBSTRA-MI'SIC FOR balls, picnics, parlies, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished, l-'or terms ndilresH R. .1. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming uvc-ime, over Hulbert'a music store. .MECAKCBB RUUTIIERS. PRINTEItS' supliiler1, envelopes, paper bug, twine. Wan house, I'M Washington ave.. Bcrati ton. Pa. ( FRANK P. prirTwN ft CO. WHOLE sale ileale-s in Wooi!wnre. Cordage and Oil Cloth. 7S0 West L ickawanna ave. TH '.MAS Albili:V, EXPERT Ac countant a"d auditor. Rooms 1 and 20, Williams BulMitifc. opnoslie postofltce. Agent for the V.-k F're Extinguisher. WELSBACH LIGHT Sytcittllj idajlid (or Beading and Se!og. Cocsnmes tbree (S) feet of gas per hour and gives au eflloieuoy uf alxty (0 cftuolen. ravitiK at least MJ pur caul oTof tn ordlnury Tip Bursitsra. C&U and See It. HIT com CO,, 434 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. rUnufacturera' Agent. J i Pie lis tiv Sleody ill OlfOl tBltt
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers