THE KCBANTON TlttBITNE-MOXDAY MOnNIlTO. 31AKC11 2. 1890. CONGRESSIONAL FORECAST Matters That Kill Occupy Attention of House and Senate. THAT ARKANSAS LAND BILL JUeasnre Thst la Designated aa Questionable-Speech ota the Tariff Silver Question-House Will Act on Cuban Question. Washington. March 1. The coming; s-eck will inaugurate the discussion on a question of the highest privilege In the senate the title to a eat in the body. Mr. Mitchell, chairman of the committee on privileges and elections, Rave notice Friday that he would call the Pupont case up Wednesday at 2 o'clock. Mr. Mitchell will make the opening speech and will be followed during the week by Mr. Turple, of In diana, for the Democrats, and by Mr. Pritchard, of North Carolina, for the Republicans. The chairman of the com mittee is of the oninlon that debate on this subject will not last longer than ten days or at the outside, not to exceed two weeks. Tomorrow there is every probability of the senate locking horns over a mat ter against which there appears to be a Very determined opposition in the senate. It Is the bill unanimously re pored by the senate committee on pub He lunds to approve a compromise and settlement between the I'nlted States and Arkansas. Mr. Berry sough to call It up late Friday afternoon und make It the untinished business, but several senators objected, and upon his motion being pressed to take it up, the absence of a quorum forced by the opponents of the measure wits devel oped. Mr Berry then gave notice that lie would move to take the bill up Im mediately ufter the morning business tomorrow. In antagonizing the meas ure Friday it was characterized by Mr. dear as a "bill of a very questionable character Involving millions of dollars. The agricultural bill will nlHi be called up tomorrow by Mr. Culloni. who has It in charge. Inasmuch as there has been no amendments t the legislative features of this bill aft It cume from the house it will probably be jiasced in one afternoon. During the week it Is not unlikely that Mr. Teller, of Colorado, may make 111 momlsed sneech oil the tariff hll- v r question, in which he will explain the stand he has taken and the reasons lor his recent opposition to the tariff bill. Beyond thin there Is no pro gramme for the week. HOl'SB PKt'K'KKDINfW. Theie Is ho general a demand for ac tion on the senute Cuban resolutions, that the managers of the house o( rep resentatives have consented that as soon as the legislative executive nnd Judicial appropriation bill, the pending unllnlshed business, ha been disposed uf, Cuban resolutions shall be I he next order. How much time will be devoted to their consideration Is us yet unde cided. At least u dozen members have expressed to Mr. Illtt, chairman or the committee on foreign affairs, a desire to speak, nnd It in pmbuble that at least a full day's session will be oc cupied by tile debute. Following the Cuban resolutions the postofllce appropriation bill will be taken up in the house, nnd thin, it Is expected, will practically exhaust the remainder of the week. AKKF.LI.'S IDEA OF l'LATT. Like tbe Vermiform Appendix. Ilo Could Well He Spared, San Francisco, Murch 1. Ex-Senator James Arkell, of Cunajoharle, N. Y arrived here last night, and is ut the Palace He Is accompanied by tleorge H. Daniels, general pnssenger agent of the New York Central railroad. Mr. Arkell, his family, Mrs. B. ('.ilium ami Air. Daniels came to the coast in a Kpeclal car. The women of the party are at Hanta Cruz. In discussing pol itics, Mr. Arkell said: "1 told Uovernor Morton Just before I started that I thought he could put too much luitli in some of the crowd that wus ostensibly booming him. I told him 1 thought they were Jollying him. Morton is a very good man. 1 have been a friend of his for a long time and did not want to see him labor ing under n misapprehension. "As for Tom Piatt. I regard hlin a erood deal In polities us 1 would u case of appendicitis In a tiiiin. He is u relic of something at one time having uses osslbly. but which has now grown rudimentary und might bitter be dis pensed with. Ills methods are no long er requisite. The party does not need them." DEATH AFTER DEIIANCII. Harvey Kcker Thought to Have IKei Poisoned by a Touch ComuriiJc. I'ittsburg. I'a.. March 1 Harvey Kcker, aged about 1 years, son of a prominent oontriii-tiv. who had M't home with l-'oU und bud been on a de bauch for three weeks with Harry Mc Aliffe, was found dead In a ruuip at the St. Charles hotel, this city, nt 4 o'clock ycaterduy afternoon. McAllffe, who had retired with him at 6 o'clock In the morning, after a nlht spent at a re sort, left the room at 2 o'clock. In the afternoon telling a chambermaid not to enter the room as the occupant, was usleep. Kcker had 8100 when he went to his room, and but sixty-three cents were found on his body. The autopsy showed DAILY BARGAIN NO, 2 AT GUERNSEY'S BROTHERS' . . GREAT REmRAL SALE 224 WYOMING AVE. i mm nit! i mim ttX-lZt taves, magnificent action, full rich tone and rosewood case ; as good a piano, except in the matter of tlie case, as you could possibly buy tor $300 in the ordinary way. fll Q C flfl A chance for early buyers on Monday at - - iluJiUU SATURDAY'S BAR0AIN WAS SOLD BEFORE NOON. TAKE A HINT. Sales Are Quick and Plenty with us because we are giving Piano and Organ values such as people never expect ed to get, and the reason is simply this: We've got 20.000 ioth of pus ,11 mm 10 m nnm. Is it any wonder, then, that we're selling instruments at practically what we can get for them ? Credit buyers, if responsible, can buy on iust as good terms as spot cash pur chasers, only they are required to pay 6 per cent, per annum on outstanding balance. MEMS Y. Li C A. EUILDIKG. that he had been poisoned. McAllffe Is said to be a lake sailor w ith a bad record, and la supposed to iiave (one to Chicago. WORSE THAN DYNAMITE. A Suecesiful Test of the High Explosive Shells. Sandy Hook. March 1. The Hatha way High Kxplosive icompany have had the first test of their product on the proving ground. A six-pounder Driggs Schroeder rapid-firing rltle was used for the trial, and live sheila with the high explosive were fired In succession with a" full charge of powder. Four of the shells penetrated the four-Inch plate at which they were fired, and ex ploded In the sand back of it. To show the safety with which this explosive can be fired, with a powder charge from a high power gun, the last shell was without a detonator and pene trating the plate did not .explode. The Hathaway high explosive Is claimed to be S per cent, more powerful than No. 1 dynamite. HIS LOVE WAS 311BDEK01S. Miss Trebbe Wouldn't Marry lladlln and lie Killed Uer-Capture of the Mur derer. Hartford. March 1. Miss Louise Trebbe, 35 years old, daughter of the late Herman Trebbe, was murdered at her home In iSouth Manchester, yester day morning by Casper lladlln, a farm hand, employed to do chorea about the place, lladlln had been In love with his victim, and had Importuned her to mar ry him. She did not reciprocate his af fection and repeatedly told him so. About C.SO o'clock she was combing her hair In the kitchen, when lladlln came un behind her, looked over her shoulder, and said: "Louise, will you marry me 1 She replied Impatiently : J "Met away from me. Don't bother liadlln turned and went Into the pantry. He came back with a knite about eight Inches long and without a word plunged the knife into her breast Just above the heart. Miss Trebbe sank to the floor and died in fifteen minutes. Miss Trebbe's body was discovered a few minutes later by her widowed .sis ter, Mrs. Thomas Ward, with whom she lived. ' The murdered ran from the house. Deputy Hherirf tleorge H. Hall was summoned, arid arrived on the scene about S o'clock. A crowd had gath ered, and several posses were formed to search for the murderer. HherilT Hall headed one. and soon found his man concealed In a hay stack on the James Oh ott place, about half a mile from the scone of the murder, and soon had him handcuffed. Hitdlln had a rope with him. and said that, he intended to hang himself with it. He admitted having killed Miss Trebbe, and said that he did it because she refused to marry him. Hudlln Is n tieinmn, about DO years old, and hus been In this country about neventeen years. He was at one time sent to Jail from lOast Hurlford for assaultl-- a man. ..... In an Interview at the pnll this after noon Hadlln said thnt before her fath er's death Miss Trebbe was engaged to be married to him, Mr. Trebbe having given his consent. Yesterday morning he built the lire, made, the cofiVc. und then called Miss Trebbe to come down to prepare break fast. Hadlln said he wns crazy with anger when he killed Miss Trebbbc, and did not know what he did. He loved her veiy much, nnd they were going to be iiinnieil. but her sister. Mrs. Ward, was always watching them und would never leave them ulone. TWO NEGROES LYNCHED. Accused of Unrglarv and of Having As naiilted n Wlilto Woman. New Orleans, March 1 Last Sunday night two negroes burglariously entered the country store of J. W. Uourges. near Convent, Louisiana. He got his pistol and went to see what they were doln, When he entered the room where the negroes were, they seized, disarmed and lied him. His wire rushed to his assistance und when she ap peared she was seined and dragged Into the yurd. Hhe screamed for help, but one of the negroes placed IiIh hand over her mouth and shut off her cries. She was detained in the yard some time and whether or not she was criminally as saulted she declines to say. She Is strongly reticent on that point. It Is believed she was assaulted by the ne groes while they had her in the yard. A young lady staying In the house,' made her escape to the residence of a neighbor, gome distance1 away. Assist ance was procured and mcnt to Mr. Cotirgucs' place. I'pon reaching there the negroes hud gone. Mr. Uotirges had recognized his assailants and next day a vigorous search was niude for them, tin Tuesday they were found on the other side of the Mississippi river. They were arrested ond brought over to Convent and confined In Jail. Friday night about tniunignt a crown of about 1IW men went to the Jail, took the two negroes from tne pan nnu Imne-ed them on a beam, where they re mained until yesterday afternoon. The lynching meets the unqualified endorse ment of the community In which It oc curred. WONDKRFt'T. are tho cures accom plished by Hood's Hursapnrllla nnd yet It Is only because Hood's Sarsaparlllu, the one true blood puri Her, makes pure, rich, healthy blood. : HOOD'S PILLS for tbe liver and bow els art easily, yet promptly and effi Ef MOTHER, OPEN TILL 9 P. M. 7 STEAMSHIP AllSA SINKS Kiin Down by the French liounitMjnc. Liner ALL THE PASSENGERS SAVED The ilrntnl Spanish Sailors Seise Life Boats and Men And Women Pas sengers Aro Obliged to Climb tho Rigging. New York. March L To a very heavy fog which descended upon the city and vicinity early yesterday morning and shrouded everything in gloom all day is due to fc remarkable list of disasters In the harbor. The chief of these was the sinking of the Atlas line steamer Ailsa by the French line steamer Bourgogne. The Ailsa had aboard fourteen passengers, three of them women, and had anchored ofT Fort Wadsworth. The Bourgogne was on her way to Havre. Unaware of the extent of the damage she had indicted she proceeded on her course, only to anchor In the lower bay. The Ailsa's sailors became panic-stricken, and, dashing the passengers to the deck, seven of them made away with the only available life boat The Ailsa was headed for Fort Ham ilton but sunk In thirty feet of water before reaching the beach. The pas sengers had taken to the rigging, and when the vessel went down the waves dashed over those who were lowest. They remained In the rigging only a short time, when they were taken off by a tug and brought to this city. only the masts and a few feet of the smokestnek are above water. The Bourgogne. which had one of its plates Injured will return for repairs. The steamer tleorge W. Clyde was off Ninety-sixth street. South Brooklyn, on her way to sea when the Old Dominion line steamer tluyandotte crashed inta her port side, making a big hole. 'I lie Clyde was towed ashore and beached while the fluyandotte, which was not Injured, continued on her course. As the New York, of the American line, was slowly steaming into port ear ly In the morning, she went aground on the tull of the West Bank. In the lower bay. Her pilot had lost his bear ings In the gloom. She remained hard and fast all day. her eighty-seven cabin passengers having been taken off In safety. There Is little doubt that sho will be floated without dilllculty. A big Meet of vessels was unchored In the bay last night, fearing to proceed on their way because of the fog. HUNTER OUT OF THE RACE. Withdraws as the Republican Candidate In Kentucky for l otted States Senator. Louisville, March 1. Dr. W. Godfrey Hunter has withdrawn from the sena torial race In o letter which was read before the roll call of the Joint session yesterday by Representative Lyons The letter was brief, saying simifiy thnt Dr. Hunter believed that If he were to stay In the race longer, he might put In Jeopardy the lection of a 1'nlted States Kcnator: therefore he deemed It best to withdraw and permit some ether name to be tried. He pledged such nominee his support, and Ills letter closed by saying that he returned to the Republicans their banner unstained. The Republicans scattered their votes among a dozen candidates, and will hold a caucus on Monday night to nom inate some one else. Dr. Hunter an nounced that he would leave fur Wash ington tonight and resume his congres sional duties. No one believes now that the deadlock will be broken. WILL KEMA1N IN NEW YORK. Mr. Harrison Is Makinc Preparations for His Approaching Mnrrlnge. New York. March l.-Kx-Pivsldent Harrison has changed his plans about rtturnlng to Indianapolis and will re main in this city for several days long er. His secretary, Mr. Tlbbet, said that the general would In all probability moke some announcement about the date and other details of his approach ing marriage In a few days, but he said that he did not have the slightest idea of Mr. Harrison's plan. THE WORLD OF BUSINESS. Hull Street Kcvictt. New York, Feb. 2.i. The adoption of resolutions by the senate yesterday, ac cording rights of belligerency to Cuba was used i.galnst the stock market agaiu today. Washington, which was a heavy seller yesterday.' again turned up as seller of the Industrials, grangers and Baltimore and Ohio. The last named dropped from 27'j to il1a22'4. while the 6s of 1898 were offered at 7'4 seller twenty, against 197 last week. The Ds of 125 broke 11 to :!. Tho heaviness of the securities wns hie to rumors from Baltimore that the j necessary papers for a receivership had been prepared and that implication lor court protection would be made cither today or on Monday. Anomer report was that the company had been unable to secure the money required to meet Its Interest due on Monday. The gen eral market was feverish and exk-tcd. At the start i-rlces fell anywhere from Vi to per cent., but quickly recov ered end In some cases advances were established the Industrial steading. Leather preferred and sutrar showed the greater recuperative ability, Leath er preferred rlslnir from 60 to f2 and niigar from 114 to ll5aa. Western I'nlon was heavy throunhout and fell from 84 to 827iai3. Speculation closed very Irrefjular. Net changes show losses of at per cent. U ond O, how ever, lost ! o 22. Sugar Rained M per cent, on the day. Total sales were 173.313 shares Including; L'6,700, Sugar, 24 200: St. Paul, 20,000; Louisville and Nashville and 13.400 It and O. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. ALLEN ft CO., correspondents for A. P. CAM P UELL, stock broker, 412 Spruce street. Op'n-High-Low-cim-Iiur. eft. est. in. Am. Tobacco Co W ' 7H'a Wi Am. Bugar He' it Co. 114 11" 114 11-i'a Ateh.. To. & ft. Pe... 1'1'i Hi's ifi's -'t Canada Southern.... So' f'i w Ml Che. & Ohio 10'i W 1l'i Ifs Chicago Oan "7-;i '-s 114 Ifi'i DO Iti'i CP, HtfU 77', l, W; II7.-J HW-d 7S"., Wjj 72g lSiC-i, y- 29 23's fr-, 2:.'t ( le.. JS. V HMV4 "" N ' l-hle . H. A U 7S 7S"', 777 7S C. C. C. & St. L S'i; Chic.. Mil. ' St. P. 70 7il'ii 7'i Ci Chle.. H. I. & Pac... 7IT4 !.. U & W HW IHst. 4 C. V 17' ImuS. A NiiFh r13i IV 1W 17'4 2S'I 105't 23 24' nr. 111 11 15 4H 27'ii ll4 : S'l'j lea 17'i, IWI'-a 17 52 23' i 1M 23'4 & 25' i lW-' 111 111 27 111 15 4't 27r-i 12 SV 31 312 : ink sjs ii f'4 CI i. M. K. Sc Texas, Pr. 2!4 Manhattan Ele, ..let Mo. Pac Nat. Cordage.... Nat. Lead N. J. Central... N. Y. Central... .. 211 .. fi .. 2U, ..lom, D8 1li'i 27 V, 4l 2i MU SI'i X. Y., L. K. & W X. v.. S. ft W Pr... Xor. Pac., Pr Ontario & West Omaha Par. Mall Phil. & Head Soiilhern It. H Southern It. 11., Pr.. Tenn.. C. & I Texas Pacific I'nlon Pneitlc Wutiah Wabash, Pr...: Western I'nlon W. L tl. 8. Leather I. 8. Leather, Pr.... .. w.; .. .. ui'i .. 15 .. 40 .. 284 .. 12's Sin ' 7-V T. 1H 84i 11 'i 7i 1. M-. IPj II' i it II J" GO CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PRICKS. Op'n- High- Low- Clo WHEAT. May July OATS. May July CORN. May July LARD. May July PORK. . May Inc. eit. est. Ing. (i7-, 7. 214 21V. no, , (.40 . S.D2 674 7-i 21 21'. no; 31. G.4G ' G.W S7' 7r-4 S7A 21 4 tl'i 304 tit-1. 21'i 21Vi 30H 31', 6.40 5.U Mr. .W 9.C7 ."5 .C2 .7S Suranton L'oarJ uf Trad txshangaQuo iatlooAII Ouutatlon Based un fur of IOU. X' T1 .1 . .1.. I Dime ixp. & Dis. sank p. ran ton Lar Curtain Co.... National Kurlng & Drilling Co First National Kalik , tt.r'i ti t tn 1 u r jf. it.,imlr fa 131 W M "is IDS 100 fW 'is 10 ?uo sr.o 1.0 103 IN 159 fuook Water Co Klmhunt Houlevuid Co Bcrantoa Axle Works Scranton Savings Bank !00 Scranton Traction Co lionta Plat Uluts Co Scranton Car P.oplHccr Co Sriauton Pucklng Co Weston Mill Co ; Lackawanna Iron ft Uteel Co.. ... Scranton Bedding Co UONPS. Scranton Glass Co Scranton Pas. Hallway, first mortgage due 191S 110 Scranton Traction Co Peoplo-s Street Hallway, first mortgage due 191s U Scranton & Plttston Trac. Co People's Btroet Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1920 110 Lac-ka. Valley Trac. Co., first mortgage due JtCi Dickson Manufacturing Co Lac-ka. Township School 5 City of Scrnnton Street Imp VT ... Scranton Axle Works Horough of Wtnton 6 Rush Brook Coal Co SO 100 102 102 100 100 UN New Vnrk Produeo Market. New York, Feb. 29. Flour-Dull, steady, unchanxc.l. Wheat-Hull, firm at shade ilecllne: No. 2 red store and elevator, el-a K!e.: uout. KUiHMiiiO. ; f. o. .. 3uMo.; un graded red. 70u!s;.e.; No. HI northern. i7S 77V-: option opened weak at aMecllne of ,o., followirs the west and on easier cables, rallied ia4c. on foreign buying tiiid lo.-ul covering, fell Hu-V. on realls Ings, closing most active; No. 2 red. April, 75V.: -May. 73V.; July. 73'j.c; July, 73a3. Corn Dull, scarce, firm: No. 2. 3.HC ele vator; 38V'. ufloat; option Were dull, steady at 'c decline, without features; May ami July only traded in; March, STe.; May. 8.i4,c; July, 37?-. Outs-Dull, steady; options steady, dull: spot prices. No. 2, 2'iV-.; No. 2 white, 27'ni-.; No. 2 Chi cago. 27' ic; No. 3, 25K'C: No. 3 white, 2i'nc.; mixed western. 2i'.Ha27'c.; white state and western. 27a2c. Provisions Steady, unchanged. Lard Quiet, steady; western steam, xa.w asKeu; cuy, 4.iju.i; May, J1.70 nominal; refined, dull; conti nent. JJ.SM; South America, tii.10; com pound, 4Vi4V. Butter Moderate de mand, unchangud. Cheese Fancy firm, others freely offered, unchanged. Egs Quiet, unchanged. Toledo Groin Markot. Toledo. Fib. 2, Wheat Receipts, S.218 buHhelft; shipments. 1.4.".o bushels; firm; No. 2 red cash.-74'se. ; .May. 75V'.; July. 71'4C; No. 3 red cash, 72'2c.; No. 2 white, Ti'iC orn Receipts, 23.1.40 bushels; ship ments. 4.800 bushels; dull; No. 2 mixed i ah, 2c; No. 3 do.. '2H": No. 3 yellow, 2)u. Oats Nominal. Cloveteinul Re ceipts, 75 bags; shipments, G75 butts; eteu ly prime cash and March, $1.30; April, 1.2i'c: October, $l.32Vjc; prime timothy, cah, $1.80. llufralo l ivo Stoek. Iluffulo, Feb. i.-4'attle Nothing dolnt;, feeling- eiiy on all but prime butchers' grades. Sheep und lambs Slow, but ubout sternly: choke lumbs, l.40al.i;0; culls and common, fcl.25u3.7j; no ilemuud for heavy; sheep slow, good, choice, (3.25a 3.50; culls and common, $2.25a.75. Hogs Slow; heavy, mediums, 4.1'U 4.15; mixed grades, I.15: York-rs. $1.15; pia'.s, $l.20a4.25; roughs, $3.25a3.50; Rtugs, $.'.5iiu3. Clilciieo l ive Stoek. Chicago, Feb. 29. Cattle Receipts, S.V'O heml; market steady: common to extra steers,; siocKers hiui reem-rs, $.'.iK.Ct.75; cows und bulls, $1.5i)a3.&rt; calves, $.lai;.25; Texuns, $'.'.:0uH.i"U. i Ioms Iteceipts, l.'l.oi'i) head; market III in: heuvy packing anil lots, $:t.7iu!!.!l.'i; cnmnion to choice mixed, $.!Km:i.Vj; enoli-e assorted, $;!.Mu:i.!l.i; lltlil. i.iiiinU.iiO; pigs, $2.7."u3.IK). Slieip Iteeelpls. l.tleo bead; market steady; inferior to choice, ll.50u3.50; lumbs, $3.4ou4.30. Oil Market. Oil City. Pa.. Feb. 2. Oil closed at $1.2". the only quotation. Credit balances, $1.30. I'ittsburg, Pu., Feb. 2D. Credit balances, S1.3H. Tlie option vlused at $1.25; the only quotation. If tho llaby Is cutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow'a Poothlnn Syrup has been used for over flirty Years by Mil liens of Motheri for their Children while Teething-, with Perrect Success. Tt C.r.liAa l,tt rl,llif Hnflan. fl.a n.n Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Collo and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in every part of ti e world. He sure mid ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow Soothiup; Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-flvo cents a bottle. A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KIND3 COST THAT i nor. wiiKN paid For in ad- VANCH. WHRN A P.OOK ACCOUNT Iff MA DR. NO CHAROF. WILL HR LK33 THAN 25 CKNTS. Tl'l? RI'I.N f PT.1RB TO HMAI.I. WANT ADS.. FX' CL'PT LOCAL SITI'ATIOXS, WHICH AKE INSKRTED FREK. Helo Wanted Male. MEN KVr.llYWIIKHK TO DltsTKIHL'TE jll yrui saiivnles: lirht nd "temly work; giK pay. mil l suti r tvantn i, ilcn. N. J. It ANTFD- MEN AND WOMEN TO V V work at home: 1 iviv ,.') to 9 111 ner week for mnkiim ravon Portiaits; r.eir patented mntlixl; nuyonn who can reid ami write can tin the work nt b'tnr. in snare time, duv or evminc; send for particulars and Iwnin work atonco. Uurc8S tl. A. Mripp, Uerinea Artist, Tyrono, Pa. CALF.SMhN-S5 A DAY: NO C'ANVAHS- O iu: no ilel.v.-.rlcs: no collec tions; samples I roc: sine nm or exc;usivo. jsr no., . "ii Slarket St., 1 hiladulphia. rANTED-N AOFNT IN F.VEBY HKC lion to canvass: X4.outoi)adnv msdp: ii'lln at Hiciit; nlsnn man to sell f-taple (foods to dealers; heat side lino !7 .(0 a month: nil nry nr larse rnmuilesion made; experlenc uiiiiecesMt' y. t utton Boap auu aiumuactur iiicrt... Cincinnati. O. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN every town to solicit stock rulncrlp tion: a monopoly: bii? money lor aaenu: no r.lliiiai rfqiiirtni. r.i aiil. v rion m v.y.t iiorden RlocK. Chieiwo. 111. Kelo Wanted Females. f lOOD, STHONO OIRL OR WOMAN POR If iionernl honfework Apply, with refer ence, to MRS. NOLL l.:t- N. .1 aln sveiiiie. I ADIKR- I MARK RIO WAOEH DOIXO leiifiNiit heme work, mid will Kind v nnd full iarliculnrs to nil eeu.linv 2 cent stamp. Ml-H M. A. S'i'EfiBINM, Lawrence, Mlcli, "?AlTKD j.ADV TtikNT-IX-St'RAJp tnu to sell and Intrraluce Snyder' cxke Irinit: experienced miivciit preforrud: work wrmatrar.t and ery profltable. Write for particulnrs at nnce an-t eet b-neflt cf holl lar trade. T H. MNYDER & COCiiiclnn.iti.jtJ 7ANTED IMMEDIATELY -TWO F.NER. TV pot'C saleswomen to reprea-nt Gnarantoed Jil a day without InWferiiiB wltB other dlitiua. Healthful occupation. Write fur particulars, inclining stamp, Mno ('hem. Icnl Company. Xo 72 John utreef. New Ynrlc. gent Wanted. AOFXTS WANTED TO 8KLL CKIAHH; $75 per month salary and expense paid. Addresa. with tWMWiit stamp, F1UAKO CI OAK CO.. Cnicani. AUENTS-TO HELL Ot'B PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel and copper electro platers: price from f I upward: salary and ex penses paid; outfit free. Add tea, with ataiou, SIICHIOAN WKUCO.. Chicago. AOENTS TOBEI.Lt IOARS TO DEALERS; $il weekly and expenses; eximrlcne un neceMtary. CON HO Li DATED UFO. CO., 4 Van Buren St.. Chicago. SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE: 2'. per cent, coinmlmlon; sample book mailed free. Address U N. CO.. BUtlon I New York. A" TNCK AOENT 9 APPOINTED TO sell new lHrlitnins selling table elotb.mos qulro and konse fly liquid at 1U cents aad 'A cents a bo'tle. Sample free. BOLGlANO M'F'U Co., Baltimore, lid. AO ENT8 H IN DEU PATENT ITNIVE it sal Hair Curlers snd Wsvers (tnsl with out heat), and -Pyr Potntd"Halr Pis Llu ral eommiaeion. Free sample aad fall par ticulars. Address P. O. Boa ifW. New York. Connolly. KID Our Celebrated 6oo Pairs in the Lot, CONNOLLY & WALLACE, For Rent T-WAkEHOUHE UN D . L p OR W. awltob. SCRANTON BTOVE WORKS H OUSK FOR RENT IX GREEN RIDGE. Inquire at 1:1.3 Capouae aveuno. lOR RENT-FOUR FLOOKH OVER MY .F store, for boardinu and lodiriuir houae: also houte 007 Waahiugtou avenne. j. l,. nAnuinu. 1,'OR RENT-ROOMS IN HARVEY'S BRICK l' block. Hnnth W roninff avenue. Iuuuir st Harvey's Silk Mill. 'OR RENT-ROOMS NOW OCCUPIED BY I the Traders' National Bank: posaeulnn Riven about May I. by F. 1- PHILLIPS, (.'ashler Trader' Natloual Bank. .-OB RENT -FROM APRIL 1, LARGE brick bouts. f.M Mulbarrr atreet: all mod ern appliance, Inquire 'M V. Waahington avenue. 1XB RENT-TEN'rOOM HOCKEj ALL V modern convenleucea. linpilre at l'Sl Washbnrn at. POR RENT-ONK HALF DOPBLE HOUSE V T I.'V Unlnrv aveuuw. Kent reaaonable. Oppoait Moaoa Taylor Hospital. L-OK RRNT-ONK SIX-ROOM HOUSE, LEE V court. Inquire tf:;i Adaina ave. FOR RENT NICEu t FUHNISHED HALL suitable for ludgu room. JOHN JER MYN. 110 Wyomii.g ovnu. l.'OK RENT-THK PREMISES RECENTLY V vecupici by The Scranton Tribii,known lis the Bli caer Building, corutr of Spruce St. and tenn ave. Poiaesainn given Immediately. Tbe premises rouaiat of tin bnlldlng in the rear of the bulldlug on the comer of sprnco treet and Fenn avenue, toEeiher with the baiuieut, and also the entire fourth floor of the cornor building. Can be rented for Lodge Kurpose a well a pnblio meetings. Sizes of ail, Six 100 with a second hall on same floor, 21i:& Fur particular inquire nn the premises, f Rudolph Bloeser, or at tbe orUce of The Scranton Tribune. Foyp. Tlie upper Two Assem bly Hulls in our modern building, corner Lacka wanna and Penn Ayes. being 50 feet front and nearly KM) feet deep, with steam heat and passenger elevator, to let. Will al ter entrance to Lacka wanna avenue, and adapt floors for school, oflice, gallery or light business purposes. THE SAMTERS. For Sale. X)R SALE-HOUSE AND LOT AT COR V ner of Meade and Burke street. All mod ern improvements on promises. MRS. ANNIE BTEVVAKT, Dniiiiiore. Pa. I'Olt SALK-I PAIR BAY MARES: 1 J1 Mack uver : vcrv ft : price low. OUERNSEY B1IOTHERS, at Wyoming A. I.OR SALE -ON E OF THE FINEST 1 country place nr Hcrantnii; larse modern hnnse nnd fine KroiunlH. UKS. 11AKX A YI.ESWOItTll. Clark Ureun, Pn. Siockholdere' Meeting, rpiiK'AN 'NiTal''M KETim'F''THE i stockholder of Tho I "lemon Manufac turing Company fur the olecti n of orlicera and to. vote on the proMmition to reduce the ic of directors from eleven to not more than nlno nor l-an tb in ssven, nnd the consid eration of ancb other builnois in may bo brought before them, will be hold nt t'm nflire of the crimp i ny In Scranton, on W'ednesdav, the 1 1th dav of March next, at 10 o'clock a.m. (Signed! WILLIAM II. rEUKINs, Sec y, fcranton. Pa., Feb. 'U, INIO. MOTICB-TIIB ANNUAL MEETING OF li the stock bolder nt Tne Lackawanna Iron nnd Steel Company, for the election of director and traiiHaction of such other bui. nest a may proporly come before tbemeet- liiS, will ne Iieia nt me omceoi inn company, in the city of Scranton. Pennsylvania, on Wednesday. March 4. 1MU0. at i o'clock n. m. The roll will remnin oiien for one hour. The tranater boos will be clown ou houruary SI, 1SJJ, and ruopunel on Varcb 5, lslsi. .1. P. HKtUlNsoX, Sec retary. Scranton, Pa.. Feb. 21). IMftfl. Sosclal Notice. THE MANCFACTCBKKHOP THE CELE- l brntod wiilTB cru.iun flour have appointed Messrs. .Megnrgel & Conned their sole n g juts for the sale o. the same In Scran ton and vicinity. Mr. K. E. Teul. who for merly bad the agency of this lloir, will repre sent Mcgaruel Connoll with their complete line, together with all bi former specialties, twi'HB SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAh." 1 Von want this relic. Cuntains nil of Frank I.ealiu'a tamouHoid War Pictures.shnw ing tbe forces in actual battle, sketciied on the spot 'two volume, 'IfHU pictures, sold on easv monthly psvment. Uclivered by i rress complete, nil cbnrscs iircpald. Address P.O. MOODY. 0i Adam Ave.. Scranton. Pa. BLANK HOOKS. PAMPHLETS, MAOA siue, etc, bound or rebound at Till TniBCNB office. (uick work. Reasonable prices- BueinctS Opportunity. tlRIPPLE CREEK IN VESTMENTS RK- liable information, with Cripn'e Creek map free; 3 years on ground: Mm. 000 capital. Tnu Woods Investment Co., Colorado Springs, Colo. Clairvoyant. MADAHE A IBKEY. UKEA'i KS 1' LI VINO clairvoyaut in tbe world; tells past, present and future. Mulberry street. Medical. LADIKSI Chichetltr't Er.gllih Pennyroyal Hi ll.lsnna Broil, ar tfl BSStt !-'. ll'lUkl.. T' Stf lh.r. Sirid 4.-., w.icpo, f. r ttl.i.lifi. - Hcllrf la bjn" i ism r Return Mall.,, "ffm fmVhasiTr CheulcaTCo., Pbllad., Pa. A SURE CURE I OR RHEUMATISM Warranted to cure 090 out of every 1.000; two doses will take the worst rase of Inflara-p-atory ont of bed. $2.00 per pint bottle. Mannfactnred atid sold by MRS. DR. HAMILTON, 4S NorMiaetpiM Street, Wllkes-Bsrrt, Pa. and for sal at no New York St., Ureea Rlsge. SCRANTON. PA. ANOTHER STDR M IPDnMP " In Fancy JCKVlTl-U Shades, at Representing the Best Put into a Glove. FORMER PRICE TRY US. 102404 UCXL IV&, COR. UU1 Situations Wanted. AUOOD DHESSMAKER WOULD LIKE S or 4 engagement to go ont.aewlng by tlis week; can cut and At; will work very reasouabl If board and lodging is Included. Address DRESSMAKER, Trfbuneofflc. QITUATION WANTED IN "i GENERAL to store or market; driver, bartender, n re in su or watckmsn; can brine a good family trade; city and country references, KANE, l'.'I Penn avenue. SITUATION WANTED AH BUTCHER; O good meat cutter and sausage maker. Ad dress BUTCHER, 1303 Cnarch avenue. S ITUATION WANT ED-A8 1 BUTCHER OB any other honorable emptovtneut; good work and ha eood reference. Address '1. B. JENKINS. 1V1 Brick avenue. SITUATION WANTED AS JANITOR OR watchman; ten years' esperlene aad best of references. Address H., Box 2ta Muntrono, Pa, YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE SITUATION is willing to do anything. Address P. L., Tribune office. INGLE MAN7:ia, WOULD LIKE WORK on gentleman's place. Address WORK ING MAN, Tribune offie. w JANTED POSITION BY YOU NO LADY t as stenoe-rijber and tvnewrlter: oan also assist on books; experieneed: best refer ence. Address STENOGRAPHER, 1U8 N. Hyde Park avenue. SITUATION WANTED AS BUTCHER, BY C? one wbo thoroughly understand meat business: ran command a good trade; prefer to work in cssU market; with good habits and first-class refersno. U. MORGAN, West Marketstrcet. CITUATION WANTED BY FIRST OF O March a collector, by one ef bus!ni-s qnalinratlons; well nsd to city and out of city; with good habits and reference. Ad dress MORGAN. 3.W W. Market street. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD, Schedule In Effect May 19, i0S Trains Leave Wilkes-Barre as Follows 7.26 a, m., week days, for Sunbury Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. 10.15 a. m,, week days, for Hazlelon. Poltsville, Reading, Norristown and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitts burg and the West. 3.17 p. m., week davs, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 4.40 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg, and tha West. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Poltsville. J. R. WOOD, Oert'l Pass. , M. PREVOST, Oenerul Manager. Agent a, Central Railroad of Mew Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracito coal used exclusively, Insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 17. 1893. Trains leave Scranton for Plttston, 'Wllkes-Barre, etc at t.'iO. t.l'j, 11.30 . m., 1.2U, 2.00. 3.05, G.00. 7.10 p. m. Sundays, K.IK) a. m., 1.00, 2.15, 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City, 8.20 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.20 (express) a. m., 1.20 (express with Buf fet psrlor csr), 3.0J (express) p. m. Sun day, 2.15 p. rn. Train leaving 1.20 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, (.21 p. m. und New York S.45 p. m. hem, Eamon and Philadelphia, 8.20 a. m., 1 20, 3.05, 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. 111. Sunday, S 5 P- m. i."or Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 8.20 a. m.. 1.20 p. m. Kor Reading, i.eoanon anu narrisourg, via Allentowu, 8.20 a. m., 1.20, &.U0 p. m. Sunday. 2.15 p. m. For Poltsville, 8.20 a. m.. 1.20 p. m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street, North River, at 8.10 (express) a m., 1.10, 1.90. 4.80 (express with Buffet parlor can p. in. Sunduy, 4.0 a. m. Leave PhilHdelphiB, Heading Terminal, t).o a. m.. 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday 6.27 "'Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application In ad vance to the ticket npALt1iJn Oen. Pass. Agent. J. H. OLHAUSEN. Gen. Bupt. DELAWARE AND JilDSON RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday, WW --w. JUiy 6V, an iisiiis wWMm arrive at new Lacga f 'fl M" wanna avenue station ftLf r as follows: Air Trains will leave Scran- a. m., 12.00, 2.29, 8.5, 6.15, b.le. Lit, 8.10 and 11.20 p. m. , , .,, t,.J.,. at 7 M, S and a. m., 12.00, 2.20 and i.ii V'var Albany. Saratoga, the Adlrondarks .t.Jr?i!.V r. j-. - m anil 5 ta n m i"or Wllkes-Barre and Intermediate noints st 7.t5, 8., .ss anu 10.1a n. m.. 1 'iU 8 3S. f.W, .IV ...m. fr, . Trains will arrive at Scranton station ' ' . . . ,, ,1 nai.mMla.a .mini. it 7 40 8.40. 8.34 and 10.40 a. m.. 12.00, 1.17. 134 1 40 4.M. 6.56. 7.40, 9.11 and 11.33 p. m. Kroin Ilonesdale, Waynmrt and Far. view it V.34 a. m U.00, L17, 3.40. t.5t and '''From 'Montreal. Saratoga, Albany, etc.. aij 10s anu , .... . irrolll " IliB-X5etI IB anu iiivci itivuitmiv potntn At 1 16. I , 10.06 and 11.06 &. m 1.11 lu ftia tl nn iim in sstid 11 1st n m. 7-W www, fw www Wallace Stock That Can Be $2.00. 2owpaSnuei DPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets, Renorate Feathers, Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Spriuft Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattressei Nov. 17, 1185. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. at M. R. R. at 7.41 a. in., 12.05, 1.20, 2.38 and 11.38 p. ill., via D , LaW.K, R (.to, 1.08, 11.20 a. m., and 1.31 p. m. Leav Scranton for Plttston and Wllkos Barre. via D., L. & W. R. tt., 1.00, .0. 1L28 a. ni 3.40. 6.07. 8.5J p. m. Leave Scranton tor White Haven, Ha. Blttton, Pottnvllls and ell points on the Beaver Meadow and Poltsville branches, yl. E. A W. V. R. It., . a. m.. via D. at It. R. R. at 7.45 a. m.. 12.05, 1.20, 2.33, 4 00 p. m., via D., L. & W. R. H. 6.00, 8.03, 11.28 a. m., 1.30, 3.40 p. m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Harrisburg and all Intermediate points, via D. & II. R. R. 7.45 a. rn., 13.03, 1.20, 2 38, 4.00, 11.38 p. m.. via D.. U W. H. R., (.00, 8.08, 11.30 a. m., 1.30 p. m Leave Scrnnton for Tunkhannock. To- wanda, Klmlra. Ithaca, Uennva and alt Intermediate points via D a H, R. R., 8.43 a. m., 12.05 and 11.35 p. m via D., I St W. R. R., 8.03. .55 a. m., 1.30 p. m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all points west via L aV H. R. R 8.4K a. m , 12.05. .16, 11.38 p. m., via !.. L. A W. R. R. and Plttston Junction, 8.08, 9.55 a. m.. 1.30, I. 60 p. m.. via E. ft W. V. R. R., 3.41 p. m. For Elnilra and the west via Salamanca, Via I), a- II. R. It., 8.45 a. in. 12.05, 1.C5 p. m., Via I).. L. eV W. R. R., 8.08, 8.65 a ni., 1.30, and 6.07 p. in. Pulman parlor and sleeping or I V, chair cars on nil trains between L. A B. Junction or Wllkes-Barre and New York, Philadelphia, buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. ROLLtN H. WILBtTH, Oen. Supt. CHAS. 8. LER. Oen. Pass. Agt., Phlla.. Pa. A. W. NONNICMACHBR. Asst. Oen. Pass. Agt.. South Bethlehem, Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 24, 18S. Trains leave Scranton aa follows: ICx- frees for New York and all points East, 40, 2.E0, t.18, 8.00 and 8.(6 a. ni.; 12.53 and 8.34 p. m. Kxpress for Easton, Trenton, Philadel. fihta and the South, 6.16, t.OO and t.GS a. in., 2.55 and 3.31 p. m. Washington and way stations, S.S5 p. m. Tobyhannn, accommodation, 6.10 p. m. Express for Blnghamton. Oswego. El. mlra, Corning, Bath, Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.35 a. m., and 1.21 p. m., making close connections at Buffalo to all points In the West, North west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, 1 a. m, Blnghamton and way stations, 12.37 p. m. Nicholson accommodation, 6 p.m. Blnghamton and Khnira Express, 6.03 p. ni. Express for Cortland. Syracuse. Oswego. 17 1 lea and Richfield Ssrtngs, 2.3u a. m. and 1-I4thacr2.35 and Bath t a. m. and IB ll, i'or Northumberland. Plttston, Wlfke. Barre, Plymouth. Uloomsburg and Dan ville making close connections at North. Smberiand for Wllllamsoort. Harrisburg. Baltimore. Washington and the South. Northumberland and lntennedlttte sta tiema 6 ST S a. m. and 1.30 and 8.07 p. m. Nantlcoke and Intermediate stations. I 08 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Inter nVedia" stations. 8.40 and 8.51 p. m. PuUman Parlor and sleeping coaches oa ,Fo?PdeStalle,d "information, pocket time tables, etc., apply to M. L. Bmltn, city tfeket office, 328 Lackawanna avenue, eg depot ticket office. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New York and intermediate points on the Erie rail. ?oud at 7.00 a. in. and 3.29 p. m. Alsa 'for . V ) I iraurlav -n.l fnCSl DOlntS S3 7.00. 9.40 a.'m. and 3.29 p. m. , All the above are through trains to ana from Honesdale. mrrm . . Trains leave tor v iie--- - m. and 3.19 p. m. RCKANTOIW DlTISIOif. In Effect September SSsid, IMS Kettfs fSeaael. 803 201 noitfM 8 tattoos tin 8 Sjh h (Trains Dally, Kz- U v, I cept Sunday.) p Arrive Leavei .as NY. Franklin s: TlOlWest 4ilnd street! 7 m weehawken r H!Arrlve Leavei Hancock Juncuoai Hancock Starlight rrestonpark como Poyntelle Belntoat Pleasant Ml. Vnlondale Porset City carbondaie White UrldgS afayfleld Jermyn Areblnald Wlnton Peckvllle Olrpbant Dickson Throop Priivideooe Park Pieee Ecrantea m Leave Arrlvel AO trains run dally except Sunday. Frtgnlfles that trains stop oa stgael for assurers I secure rates via Ontario a Western Eirohaslof tickets and aave money. Day last Eipress to the West. ' ,c, Aoaeraoa, vest, pass, T. rutcroft, tJiv. rasa, AfX. aaraatoa, ' r . ... 110 ' If Ml ... J '00 .... S ill ..M S8l '.'J3 see af 41 9wM 9 SW atH set m :::: .a:q a x 8ifl ..J T04 8 841 .mJ t()7rt 38 .3 T 113 4j ... 714-8 40 ttO) lt ... tM t1.Me 7 87! 8 N ...J 7 8, 4 Oil ..J 7841 407 .m,1 . u i i 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers