The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 29, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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Chronicling of a Very Tew Events of
- . a Ouict Kcch.
But far lb Cooking School There Would
Been but Little Mvcrslon-A
Few Teae and Weddings.
Personal Paragraphs.
Lent with all Its church exnetments.
and a great many those intellectual
diversions which ure fashionable, ncc
essaiily puts a iiulctus on even an
attempt ut social pleasure. The iiuiet
jiess does nut uppeur to be unwelcome
to a host of young und old imtsoiis,
who, during and after the holiday,
were kept kciIiik at such a lively pace
that the more restful occupations of
the present Benson are received with
Sirs. K. P. Klnffsbury and her daugh
ter, Mrs. II. P. Simpson, Rave a delight
ful tea yesterday ut the former's home,
f-orner of Monroe avenue and olive
ptreet. It was a pink und white ufl'alr.
the necessary effect in the dining room
being- given by the artistic use ot
tulips and ferns and palms. The other
roomy were tastily arranged with cut
flowfers UJid gteen plants. .Mrs. 11. W.
Kinr-bury, Mrs. T. 11. Watkins, Mrs. .
L. Hitchcock. Mrs. II. A. Klnsbury
and Mrs. H. Kingsbury were about
the rooms and assisted In entertaining.
Mrs. James Archbald and Mrs. C. IK
Simpson presided at the table In the
illnrnir room anil were aided by Miss
Flora Matthews, the Misses Kingsbury
and Miss Simpson. At the frappe table
were Miss Elizabeth Howell und Miss
Lizzie Hitchcock. The number of call
ers was exceptionally large and includ
ed the foUowing from out of town: Miss
Hudson, of I'aterson; Miss Kradlcy. t
Newburg; Mrs. Hurr and Mrs. Willis
Manville. of Carbondale; Miss Louis.'
Jessup, ofi Montrose; Mrs. Charles IVr
rln, Mrs. lutmmoll and Miss Holoombe
of Mttston. und Miss Voorhes, or
Brooklyn, IN. Y.
Wednesday was a day of weddings.
'Among th.j marriages on that day were
the following: Pllss Margaret Kogers,
of South llvd" !: avenue, to J.. N.
Jones, of Alliums avenue; Miss Sadie
W. Krbattg. of the West Side, to
Henry J. i'Valey. of Archbnld: Miss
Owennln Williams, of Sugar Notch, to
lhuvid A. Jones, of Warrior Hun; Miss
Kinnia. .elgler, to Jacob Wain; Mrs.
Rachel Kosenfeld tr Samuel 1,. (iidil
Bteln, of liliiKlinmton; Miss Flora
jillesen to Jacob Alexander, of Loiulon.
The marring" of Miss Haydoe Levy
to, Louis Oettinger next Tuesday even
ing will be the foremost social event of
the week. The ceremony will lake
place at 5 o'clock ut the Hicycle Club
house und will be solemnized by Itabbl
J. Feuerllcht. At 8.30 the young people's
reception will be held.
Misses Hose and Millie Wormser en
tertained a number of their frlunds.
Thursduy evening with a progressive
euchre patty at their home on J'eim
avenue, in honor of their guest. Miss
Flo Simon, of Lock Haven. There were
ubottt forty present. The lirst prize for
ladies was won by Miss Itirdie Oettin
ger, of Jliiltimore: the second, by Miss
Bessie Well, of l'lyiuouth. The first
prize for gentlemen was won by Mr. A.
U. Lust wig, of New York; and the sec
ond prize, by Mr. Hurry Livingstone, of
Wilkes-Harre. Others from out of
town present were Mr. J. Solomon, of
New York; and Mr. Isaac; Singer, of
The Misses' Olliert, of South Wash
ington avenue, gave a progressive
euchre party Wednesday night for Miss
Lena Colbert, of Honesdale, formerly
of this city. Those present were: Mr.
and Mrs. C S. (lelbert. Mr. and Mrs.
Jjan Oelbert. Miss Lena (lelbert, of
Honesdale; Misses Kennedy, Mattes,
Kmmu, Llzzlo und Theresa (lelbert,
Messrs. K. 11. Hhltrer, Charles Crothu
mel, Charles Famham, W. A. Haub,
F. W. Klgelmuii nnd Fred llclburt.
The. rrtokiiiff pcliool occupied the nt
tentlon of as many as 2.10 ladies, young
and old, each afternoon of the present
Miss Margaret Clonic! was surprised
lit the home of her parents. Mr and Mrs.
A. It. Gould, of Clay avenue, Wednes
day night by a party of her friends,
who, with Miss (iotild. participated in
the Cinderella dance In luinmure last
Week, Thostf present were: Misses
Anna, Marie and May Oliver, Marie
Uronuon, Martha Matthews, May Kelly,
Agnes Morgan, Mabel Christ, Patter
son and Cowles und Messrs. 1!. M.
Adams, Chamberlain, Smith, Carty,
J'rbun and Kobert and William Gould.
The Kxrelslor club, the most exclu
sive, Jewish social organization in the
city, held a social Wednesday night in
the flub rooms on Wyoming avenue.
The mush; wu by Hatter's orchestra.
Among the out-of-town guests were:
Miss Uottinger, of Haltimore, Md.: Miss
Simons, Lock. Haven; Mr. Frederick
Moses, Cnrbondale, and Mr. Lustig, of
New York.
Mrs. Borer was the most conspicuous
Ruest ut a Very small and informal
chutlng-dish party Thursday night at
the home of Mr. und Mrs. A. M. Storrs,
im Jefferson avenue.
a a a
Miss Eva Urown pave a party on
Thursday ewnlujr to a select company
of her young friends at her home on
Cupouse avenue.
Sir Knights T. Frank ronman. A'. J.
Oolborn, jr., A. 15. Holmes, and Frank
Molr were at Knston Thursday night
as guests of Hugh de Payne command
ery. No. Ill, nnd they witnessed the de
gree of the Knights of Malta conferred
at a special conclave held,
'A surprise party was tendered Miss
Melta Kresky Wednesday afternoon at
her home on Franklin avenue. Those
present were: Lizzie Hose, Heulah
Bogert, 'Anna. Compton, May Weed,
Anna, Georgia and Mary Framptnn,
Mary and Hesste Gadwood, Kuth, ICva
nnd Eliza Kresky, Howard Kothermel,
Charles and Clark Davis.
a a a
' The following .attended a birthday
party given at the home of W. II.
Evans, In Rlchmont Park, Thursday
evening. Mr. and Mrs. Thomns Arner,
Mr. and Mrs. Luke, Mrs. Herry, Mr. and
Mrs. Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Itodeman,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Fluke, Mr. and Mrs.
Gays, Mr. and Mrs. Sloat, Mr. and Mrs.
Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Fldiam. the Misses
Richmond, Augusta Morgan, Anna
Luke, Messrs. Butt Herbert. George
Powell, P. II. Eldred, Master Fldiam.
Thursday evening a party was given
for Wllmer Hoffman at his home on
Adams avenue. Thoso present were:
Mr. and Mrs. Hogun, of New York;
John Shlptnan, of Carbondale; Mrs.
Widdowfteld, of New Haven; Misses
Edith and Nettle Hallork, of Waverly;
Mr. and Mrs. E. I). Hoffman, Mr. and
Mrs. Weaver. Miss Kexford. Miss
Newell, Mr. Elliott, Bruoe Millard, Hex
Booth and Charles Sharp,
A reception was tendered EH Bonder
last night at his home, 107 East Market
street. The1 following1 guests were pres
ent: Messrs. Thomas, Smith, Helch
ard,.rJackson,' Mills, Walter, Crlsman,
Faurer, Fregi and their wives. There
were;alo present the following ladles
and gentlemen: Mrs. Glngher, Mrs,
Newton, Miss Mnrtha Walter, Miss
Barbara! Metts, Miss Funnle) Miller,
Miss Maggie Trego, Miss May Vought,
Miss Eva Dorsey, Mr. Michael, Mr.
Hldgeway, Charles Heebe, Charles
Trego nnd Professor Arthur L. Porsey,
Who rendered some pleasing selections.
A number of the friends of Miss
Llllle Waxrnan. of Paul street, tendered
her a surprise party Thursday evening.
Those who attended It were: Misses
Mary Pair. Lillian Miller, Grace Miller,
Hhtuche Wunigcr, Jessie Loochcr,
Llllle Nelper, Lillie Wnxman, Messrs.
Henry ruff. George Loocher, John
Loocli?r, Frank Jones, Jon Thnwer,
Louie Myer. John- Hoffman, Victor
Weasel,-Conrad Kraft.
Mis Salile Williams, of Taylor, Is vl
itiiiK friends In Xuntlcoke.
.Mrs. T. W. Tiffany, of Tuiikliannuck, Is
the guest of her daughter oil the West
Cashier A. II. Eynon, of the West Side
bank, has returned fruin a visit lu New
York city. .
.Miss AlarV M'Vey. of Wilkes-Hurre, Is
the Kiiest ut .Miss Kiltie White, of Lu
zerne Mtvet.
.Mis. William Mathews, of Potter roun
tv. Is the must of her brother, William
.Davis, or the West Side.
Cllv Kilmuml J. Itubin
soii has returned from a brief visit allium?
friends 111 New Jersey.
.Mr. and Mrs. C W. Ilessler, of fireen
ltldce, left on Wednesday fur Patterson,
N. .1.. I reside there pi'rinniicn!lv.
.Mrs. Xellle l.iiulertiiuii and son, ami
Miss Leaidiie Mershun. uf Waverly, lire
visiting 'Mr. mid .Mrs. Charles Parker, of
Franklin avenue.
Mss .Margaret llerrlty has returned to
her hunie, in Philadelphia, after a pleas
ant visit with her parents, on tile South
Side, the p.i.-4 two weeks.
.Miss Lyilla I'ieliel.. the gifted supra no
singer of liiis eiiy, sang in an entertain
ment given under the auspices of the Car
bondale llhyeie club Wednesday even
ing. A farewell party was given Tuesday ev
ening bv .Miss .Maud Levy at her home, in
W'ilkes-liarre, in honor of .Miss .Maud
Houghton, ut tills city, who was visiting
.Miss Mamie Fusshohl, daughter of Mr.
and Airs. George. Kasshold, of Pittslun
avenue, was !i years old last Tui'Sd.iy and
in liutiur of the event she entertained a
number of her friends with an evening
parlor social.
E. H. Kresky. of Xoiili Sumner avenue,
is visiting friends in this city.
Miss .Minnie La Kuc. of Carbondale, Is
Visiting friends on the West Side.
Prolhonotiiry Clarence K. Pryor re-turiii-d
Thursday from Philadelphia.
.M. M. Halrd, of liannister's shoe store,
Is visiting his mother, in Zanesvllle, .
.Mr. ami M rs. Steven Chaiipell. of Mary
land, are the mit-sts of North Knd fiiends,
.Miss Alarv K. of West PiUstoit,
Is the guest of Miss Cella Xalleli, of .Ml
nooka. lianiel Nonne, of Buffalo, Is the gust
of his daughter, Mrs. Thomas X. Mnffutt,
of Klin street.
Aliss Annie Fleming, of (liven Itidge,
1s 'home after a visit with Allss Nellie
Walsh, of Jessup,
.Miss Keel'er, of the North End, has re
turned Inime alter a. week's visit with
friend in I lonesdule.
Crank Steele, president of the Hones
dale iilass company, was a visitor In this
city Wednesday afternniin.
Aliss Annie Grady, of South Main street,
CurlHindale. has returned home ufter u
visit ttilh friends lu this i-lly.
.Miss Alice Aluirls. of Hrooklyn, N Y.,
Is the guest of Mr.-and Airs. II. M.
Spencer, of luinker street. Duiimore.
Miss Nellie Jacobs, of lliizletun. has re
turned home ufter a two weeks' visit
with Miss Allen Deppeii, of Price street.
Aliss (illlespiu and Allss islerliout. of
the North Knd. uro home from a week's
Ftav with .Miss Helen Hewey, of West
The .Misses Julia Collins, of Brooklyn
ptreet, and Ktnma Coogan. of Cottage
sti t, Curbunilale, are llie gtli'sts of
friends in this city.
E. B. IXivldow spent the first three
davsiof the week lu New York city.
Mr. and Airs. .1. . Caryl were In Hones
ilale Tuesday, the guests of friends,
Allss Anna Alet.gur, of Glenliurn, has re
turned hume. afler u. visit Willi friends lu
this city.
", S. M'Viekar and Thomas J. Frank
lin, of Katunvllle, spent iart o tho week
in tills cily.
.Miss Xellie Degnan, of this city, was
tho guest of friends ill Fucturyvllle a part
of tile week.
C. 10. Potter, of this city, la home after
a visit with his fattier, Edward Polter, of
Fred. . Wheeloek, a prominent citizen
of ICatmivlllc, was a Scruiilua visitor a
few davs tills week.
Airs. P. S. Benedict nnd daughter, Miss
Mae, of this city are home from a visit
with friends in Dalion.
Miss Lizzie Lleblg. bookkeeper ill the of
fice of lr. it. Grewer, has returned from
u visit Willi her parents, in llonesdale.
.Misses Vira li. and Nellie Heiker, of
thisi city, were visiting the forepart of
the week their parents. Air. and Airs. Sam
uel Becker, of Pulls, Wyoming county.
.1. Homer Heed, stenographer in the em
ploy of the New York, Ontario and West
ern Itallroad company, has lnen trans
ferred from the company's otllce In this
cit v to the treasurer's otlice 111 New York
Stephen Evans, of olyphunt, was a vis
itor here yesterday.
John H. Brooks is home from a trip to
Baltimore and 1he national capital.
Air. and Airs. G. W. Shifter, of Parker
street, are visiting friends in Nicholson.
-Miss Surah Decker, of tills city, is homo
from a visit wllh her parents. In .Moscow.
Allss Bessie Pyle, of .Moscow, was the
guest of .Mrs, Weed, of Adams avenue,
on Tuesday.
Aliss .Margaret Mack, of 1'ittston, Is the
guest of Allss Margaret Kearney, of
Prospect avenue.
J)r. Arthur Preston, ot this city, called
on lr. and Airs. Wheutou, of Factory villi',
the forepart of the week.
Alisses Agnes Lynult und Nellie Ctiui
tiilngs,' of Seranton. ere Gle guests of
Olyplinnt friends on Wednesday.
General Manager Frank Slllimun, of the
Seranton Traction company, went to
Philadelphia, on business Wednesday.
Airs. L. Busier, of Hethleliem, who was
the guest of her sister, .Mrs. .loiin Buster,
of this city, left for home Thursday.
Allss Virgle Gibbon, of Pittstun, has re
turned home afler a pleasant visit with
Aliss Lizzie Kelley, of Irving avenue,
Airs. T. II. .Dale is entertaining Miss
Biggs and Aliss Prances Sterreti, the for
mer of Cli.irlotleville, and the latter of
Staunton, Ya.
Airs. li. B. Williams and daughter, of
Jefferson avenue, left on Thursday after
noon for California, where they will so
journ two months.
G. W. Hughes, Louis lickhnp, C. J.
If. Suntug, C. A. Case. Spencer Court
light, J. AL .Masters and K.lwln Hall, of
Cu iliondate, intended the lecture of the
past grand waster of Odd Fellows In this
city Monday evening.
Attorney John F. Scragg Is home from
Airs. Alary McCarthy, of Seventh street.
Is dangerously 111.
Ex-Sheriff John J. Fahey Is home from
o trip to Philadelphia.
James 7'. Dickson returned yesterday
morning from a trio to New York.
Judge I!. W. Archbnld this week visited
his son, Hugh, who is attending Yale col
lege. Aliss Alice Dale, of Jefferson avenue, is
entertaining Aliss Hudson, of i'aterson,
N. J.
Aliss Bertha Bold, of Waverlv. is visit
ing Aliss Gertrude Suydam, of Linden
si reet.
Ex-Sheriff Charles Robinson l home
i!',om ,H, ,M,slne9s MP to Xew York und
Airs. Thomas Flltcroft, of Oreen Hidgo.
s entertaining Allss Alary Garrison, of
Patterson, N. J. i
Joseph I jiwler has returned to his home.
In St. Ixiuls nrtera two weeks' visit with
Bcrnnton relatives.
Attorney W. S. Hulslander returned
home yesterday from the session of the
Supreme court In Philadelphia.
Aliss Molly o'AIalley. of Providence
spent Thursday us the guest of Airs
Thomas Corcoran, of North Alain street.
Hev. P. E. Lnvelle. of Plttston. Is gain
ing strength end rapidly recuperating
from a recent illness. He Is nt his moth
er s home, on 1'lttston avenue.
Wcll-Known North i:nd Citizen l aid at
Kent In llunmore Cemetery.
'A' large gathering of friends attend
ed the funeral of Peter o'lloro from
his late home on Market street yester
day morning. A solemn higli mass of
requiem won celebrated ut Holv Kosary
church by Kev. W. P. O'Donnell. Hev.
John J. O'TooIh was deacon, und Hev.
N. J. McManus was sub-deacon. Fa
ther O'Oonnell preached the sermon
and spoke highly of the many good
qualities of the deceased.
lultrment was made In Dunmnre
cemetery. The pall-bearers were John
f.'urden, Mlchuel Purcell, John Kelley
and Mlchuel Cardim, '
hut Is Huppcninf Aiiiont lfcligioiis
Orfliinizatlons ami l'tople.
Wyoming Gathering Promises to B of
I Dunuul Interest -Letter from Evan
selist Shellborn News Uathered
In Locul Church Circle.
The coming session of the Wyoming
conference will be held 111 Centenary
Metlioilisf Episcopal church, of Bing
liaiiilon, beginning Wednesday morn
ing. April l. one of these Interesting
matters is the election of delegates to
general conference a bjt of important
business that comes up but once in ev
ery four years. Among those spoken
of us likely candidates are Hev. lr. I..
L. Sprague, president of Wyoming
seminary; Hev. Dr. SI. S. Hard, secre
tary of the Church Extension society,
also of Kingston; Hev. A. Grillln, rep
resentative of the Preachers' Aid so
ciety; Hev. .1. o. Woodruff, presiding
elder of the lilngliauiton district: Hev.
J. G. Kckinail. presiding elder of the
Wyojning district; Rev. A. J. Van Cleft,
presiding elder of the nieiionta district,
und one or two others. Five cleric
delegates are to be chosen, and two
alternates, of the laymen, only two
delegates of whom ute to be chosen,
tieorge S. Bennett, of Wilkes-1 iarre;
William Council, of this city, und A.
1. Decker, of Waverly, X. Y are promi
nently mentioned.-
A new feature of this coming session
will be a course of afternoon lectures by
Professor It. W. lingers, of Drew Theo
logical seminary, on archaeology
some of its most recent features us re
vealed in modern researches. The lec
tures will be- heard each afternoon ut 4
o'clock. On Tuesday evening, March
"I. at the anniversary of the conference
veterans of the Grand Army of the Re
public, Colonel S. A. I'rqtlhurt, of West
Pittston, will lecture on "l.lbby Prison."
The regular business sessions will
commence on Wednesday morning,
April 1, Hishop John H. Vincent presid
ing. Business sessions will be held eV
erv morning at H o'clock.
on Frldav evening nt the anniversary
of the Preachers' Aid society the ad
dress will be delivered by Thomas II.
Dale, of this city.
The whole scheme of anniversary and
auxiliary entertainment Is by far the
most elaborate that has ever distin
guished a Wyoming conference annual
session and it shows that some tre
mendous energy has been expended.
George I.. Field, freight claim clerk
of the Delaware, l.ackuwunna and
Western Hallroad company In this city,
has received a Very ititeiesting letter
from Rev. Lewis Shellliorii. who Is now
laboring in W Inslow, Arizona. Sir.
Shellhorn will be remembered by
Scrantotilans as the evangelist who was
associated with Hev. Mr. Moore and
conducted gospel meetings In a tent at
Green Hidge, and at the Archbnld and
Pyne mines last fall. The lett-r was
written Feb. M and among other things
"As I promised to write you after T
arrived in Arizona 1 will do It before 1
am killed. 1 began meetings here last
.Monday evening with a full house, sev
en cuine to the ultar lust night and
there has been eighteen conversions so
far, ten seeking at the ultar. The devil
is ilolnu; his best out here. The third
day 1 was here 1 received a red letter
from the devil stating that If 1 did
not leave the town inside of twenty
four hours I would go out a.dead man.
The twenty-four hours were up yes
terday and I am here yet. although
1 was shot tit three times, twice com
ing from the church ami once while
In my room, the last shot passing only
two feet above my head, went through
three walls. They shot to kill no
doubt. 1 am guarded neatly all the
time bv two or three ollicers while in
church, and ut my stopping place. The
Godless people here nave sworn Glut
thev will not eat a mouthful of food
while 1 am here. I told them the night
before last 1 was afraid some of them
would get hungry liefore I left us 1
was going to remain two weeks yet.
Oh, how 1 wish I had the money to
meet expenses out lu re. I would preach
the. true gospel to these heathens und
let them know that the Son of Alan
would soon be here to jtnlKe them. The
people here tire very poor. Those who
are willing to j'ive have nothing to
give. When 1 arrived I hud only
thirty-live cents in my pocket end I
don't know how 1 will get out of here.
1 intend to trust ill God. If you know
of any one In Scruntuii who wants to
put his money In a place where It will
receive the largest Interest In this life
and In the life to come, tell them to
send some out here for this work. I
have put all I have In, and myself
thrown In. I am now about to go down
In the worst part of the town with the
minister and two otllcers to help clean
out two more bad houses. We have
succeeded 111 clenllillir out three places
si ltd the people who conducted two of
them have opened their houses for one
half hour prayer meet lugs before
preaching. I go to Flaysloff next to be
gin there Slate h 1."
Anyone wishing tr lencnuriiR'e Sir.
Shellhorn In the unselfish work of soul
saving under the opposition and iiillu
ence he states iii his letter, can leave
tlulr offerings with Dr. G. E. Dean.
E. G. Cotirsen, at the respective places
of business, or with G. 1.. Field at the
Delaware. kawtinnu and Western
freight olfice.
Painting and sewing classes for
young folks meet in the army barracks
In Hyde Park at Saturday afternoons
at !i o'clock; knee-drill Sunday morn
ing ut 7 o'clock; holiness meeting Sun
day morning at 11 o'clock; Christian
praise service, at 3 p. in.: memorial
service in memory of Mis. Thomas
Shepherd. Sunday evening nt S o'clock.
All welcome. Jlunnuh Slasland, cap
tain. Tomorrow Hev. G. E. Slalce will com
plete his second year's pastorate of the
Green Hidge Evangelical church. He
will leave on Wednesday morning for
conference which convenes in Wtl
lliimsport. Pa., Thursday, Slareh 5. He
will be accompanied by Clarence C.
Johnson, who Is the delegate chosen by
the congregation.
The gospel meeting nt the South
Side Young Women's Christian asso
ciation Sabbath afternoon will be led
by Aliss SlcGaughey. city missionary
of the Second Presbyterian church. A
cordial Invitation, is extended to all
women of the South Side to come and
hear Sliss McGaughey.
George West, of North Lincoln ave
nue, will preach two sermons on Sun
day to the folks ut Newton, to which
ull nre welcome. Seats free, and no
collection. After. :i o'clock. Baptist
church: evening, T.HU o'clock, Costner's
school house.
A Etenulne down on the farm supper,
described as "Just like mother used to
cook," will be served by the mule mem
bers of Calvary Reformed church at
the corner of Monroe avenue and Gib
son street Tuesday evening from C to
8 o'clock, for which tickets will be sold
at 25 cents. Beginning at 8 o'clock a
concert. will be given and will include
the following: The country, band and
sextette from Wuybnck; Professor Ar
thur Dorsey, elocutionist; Farmer John
Whltbeck, tiddler,' and a number of
other novel numbers.
. Kev. Dr. S. C. Logan will occupy the
pulpit of the Ditninore Presbyterian
church tomorrow.
The young people of the Grman
Presbyterian church. Hickory street,
gave a pink tea nnd musical last
Miss Clark, superintendent of flrl
mary work for the H' ite Sabbuth
School association, addressed 'the
Seranton primary teachers' yesterday
afternoon In the lecture room of the
First Presbyterian church.
-Thomas Elgar. the prison evangelist,
will xjjeak in the Hescue mission to
night. - .-..
Colonel Juntos Falrmau will speak
at tomorrow's 4 o'clock meeting In tho
Rescue mission. 'His subject will ho
"Prayer." Hev. William Shawger will
spoil k at tomorrow night's meeting.
Sirs. James Watkins will speak on
the subject of "Slum Work In New
York City," in the Young Women'H
Christian association tomorrow after
noon at :i.4i. There will be special
music. All young women are welcome.
Rev. I). J. Williams, of p.lakely. will
reud a puoer next Monday morning ut
the Pastors' I'nlon conference In the
parlwrs of the Young Men's Christian
assiH-iiitlon. on the subject of "Church
Government." The theme committee Is
furnishing papers or dlscu.-'sions on de
nominational life written by represen
tatives of the denominations connect
ed with the conference. Air. Williams
will present his subji ct from the Hap
tist point of view.
The l'ustors' union will hold their
monthly nieellmr In the Young Sleii's
Christian association hall. Monday,
.March l nt III.I'.il a. m. Hev. D. J. Will
iams will read a paper on "Church
St. Luke's Church-!tev. Rogers Isrnel.
nctor. Second Sunday in Holy !
Communion, 7."i a. 111.: Sunday scho d. I
!).:: a. in.; service and holy coinniiinlo'i.
ln.wU u. m. : evening prayer, 4. Alp, lit. i mis
sion service, 7.30 p. in.
St. Alark's Duiimore. Hev. A. I., l'r- j
ban. in charge. I Inly communion. S a. m. :
morning prayer and sermon. lu.i; Sunday I
school. :i p. 111.; evening prayer and nor- 1
nion, ."'. I
St. David's Church Corner Jackson
street and Uronilev uveniie. Rev. Al. 11.
Allll. rector. Sunday, XV.M a. 111. and 7.::n
p. m.
Pirsit Presbyterian Church Services.
1ii.::ii u. m. and 7.:: p. m. Dr. Mcl.tu l. the
pastor, will preach both morning aicl
Second Preshvterlan Church Rev.
Charles E. Robinson, I). D., pastor. Ser
vices. in.;m a. 111. ami 7.30 p. 111. The p is
tor will preach in the morning, und the
Rev. Thomas Klnar, the prison evangelist,
in the evening. All seats free ut night;
ail welcome t ull services.
Calvary Reformed Churcn C orner of
Aloiirue avenue and Gibson street. Hv.
W. II. Stubbleblne, pastor. Preaching.
10.30 u. m. and 7.30 p. m. .Morning subj ' -t .
"A harge from a Dying King:" evening
subject, "Passing the Cross," third Uhi;
Iraleii sermon on "Pilgrim's Progress."
Seats ull free und strangers ulwuys wel
come. Holy Trinity Church (Evangelical Luth
eran Adams avenue, corner .Mulberry
street. Rev. Edwin Limn .Miller, pas'or.
Seeon-1 Sunday In l.ent. Morning service,
10.3i: vespers, 7.30. The pulpll will he
supplied hy the Rev. .1. K. Wli'tlakee.
superintendent of Home .Missions' (J-n-eral
Council. No pews ure rented, un l ull
visiting worshipers will lie given a cor
dial welcome.
St. Alark's Lutheran Church Four
teenth und Washburn streets. Rev. A.
L. ftaiiier, Ph. D., pastor. Divine service,
0.:si u. m. and 7 p. 111. .Morning subject.
"God's Lovlngness;" evening subject,
"The Uiva.l Savior."
Green Ridge l'nlted Evangelical Church
Preaching by the pastor ut 1.:W u. m.
and 7.3 p. 111. Sunday school, i.M a. m. ;
K. !... C. K. song and praise service, ii.30
p. 111. A hearty Invitation to strangers.
Grace Lutheran Church Rev. Poster I.
Gift, pastor. Services on Sunday at the
Yuiing .Men's Christian ussoclalion al n."rt
a. m. und at 7..' p. ill.; Sunday school at
9..".0 II. 111.,' Young People's Society of
Christian Endeavor ut .:w p. in.; even
ing sermon 011 Ecclesiastes, ii, 11.
Elm Park Methodist Kpiscopul Church
W. II. Peuree, pastor. .Morning subject.
"Light ill Darkness: or Hope for the
Discouraged;" evening. "Amvstral
Worth." Sunday school at i! p. 111.; Kp
wortli league ut U.3U.
Court Street Alethodlst Kpiscopul
Church George T. Price, pastor, preach
ing ut 1O.30 a. ill.: subject, "Light und the
Gospel Compared;" ut 7. 3D p. 111., subject,
"A .Moral Hero."
Washburn Street Presbyterian Church
Rev. John P. Moffat, pastor. Services at
lu.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. 111.: Bible school 11 1
1- 111; Chrislian Endeavor scrvlees nt ti.0
p. 111. Tlie pastor will preach in the morn
ing on "The Supreme Reward of a De
voted Life," ami In the evening on "Ills
Hand Clave Cnto the Sivord." All wel
come tit all services.
Simpsoi Alethodlst Episcopal Church
Plcacliing morning and evening by the
pastor. Dr. L. C. Kloyd.
Penn Avenue Itaptist Church Rev. U'
rov Stephens, D. D., of Lewisbuig, Pa.,
will preach at P..'ln, and Rev. II. 11. Har
ris. I . 1 ., of Taylor, at 7.3U o'clock. Com
munion service after the morning sermon.
Itibb- t-shjol at J: Young People's meet
ing at ii.30. All cordially welcome.
Providence .Methodist Episcopal Church
Rev. William Edgar, pa -lor. All the
regular services will be held. At 10.30
the pa-dor w ill preach on "The Divine I
t, n-ssor;" in the evening the subject will
be "The St'ene in the l'per Room." Tills
will be the Mist In a series :f sermons
oil Scenes ill the last week of the life of
Jesus1. 'Sunday school at i p. m.; Kpwurtli
league at li.t.'i.
Howard Place African Methodist Epis
copal Church Rev. C. A. AleGee, pastor.
lu.30 a. 111., preuehing by the pastor: s
p. 111., Rev. o. T. Davis, of Waverly, will
pre.idi 1 tie annual sermon to Sot i-n -s
lod-e. No. 17trti. G. V. o. of o. P, and the
Al. T. Jones Household or Ruth. All are
Firth Baptist Church Seranton street.
Hev. S. F. .Mathews, pastor. Sabbath
morning, subject, ".Missions:" Sabbath
evening, subject. "There is a Wav that
Set ine-l li Right Cnto a Man. Hut the End
Thertof Are Hie Ways of Death." Sab
bath school, - p. 111., Dr. lleddoe. super
intendent; Young People's prayer meet
ing let the usual hour, led by the pastor.
All are cordially invited to attend these
Duiimore Presbyterian Rev. Dr. S. C.
Logan, of Seranton, will occupy the pul
pit. Rescue Allsston Colonel James Fair
man, (Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock: sub
ject. "Prayer." Hev. William Shattger
ill the evening.
Grace Reformed Eplcospal Church Wy
oming 11 venue, lielow .Mulberry street. Di
vine worship, lii.'lo a. 111. ami 7.:io p. lib:
Sohlmth school. 13 m.; Young People's So
ciety of Christian Endeavor, H.'lo p. 111.;
preaching by 'She pastor. Seats all free.
Strangers always welecine. Special ser
vices .Monday, 7.4.1 p. 111.; subject, "Smyr
na," Hevelatlou, ii, S-ll.
It Was Only the Civil Service Kutcs That
Saved the Hoy from a Licking.
From the Chicago Post.
The iiiiliceinun was leaning ugalnst a
fence, viciously pounding the boards
with Ills club.
"What's troubling you?" asked the
proprietor of the corner grocery, as he
stepped In front of him.
The policeman seemed pleased nt the
sight or a friend, but he hesitated n mo
ment before replying to the question.
"Say." he suid at last, "do you know
anything about this here civil service
"Sure." replied the grocer. "What b
you Miit to know?"
"Well,", explained the policeman,
"there's a lad hangs around this beat
thut keeps talkin' back to me an' snssin'
me all the time. Is there anything I
can li to him'."'
"Just for talking to you?"
"Yes. For telling me to go soak my
head an' get In out of the wet an' calliii'
me names an' .iloin' other things that
are annoyln'."
"No: you can't do anything to Mm
unless he Interferes with you ill the dis
charge of your duty."
"If I hit hint with my club lie could
have me upon charges, couldn't he?"
"If 1 gave him a swift kick he might
get my star?"
"No doubt about It."
'That's the-way I ligured It out, hut
I wasn't sure. Now. 1 want to know if
there's any provisions In this civil ser
vice law for a man reslging for live
minutes an' then Renin' his Job back?"
"I never heard of any."
"If he quits he's got to stay iult?"
"That's It."
"Well. It don't seem quite fair." said
the policeman, after a pause, "but if
It's the law 1 s'pnse I've got to stick
to it. This here lad thut's botherln' me,
though, ought to go down to the otllce
of the men thut's tonkin' after the law
an' give them a vote of thanks. It's
a regular life Insurance pulley for klu
an' no premiums to pay on it."
; '
What Is Goint ort Anionq Our Local
Mr. Pennington's Third Organ Hecital.
Successful Debut of Allss Anna IJu
koch-News of t liurch't holrs.
Other Mualcul Notes.
"Helmonli'o's ut 6," Glen Mclum-
uigle's musical comedy, which was
given ut the Frotliiimliam last evening,
has been re-urranged for the present
season und many new and attractive
features in the way of specialties have
lieen Introduced. The play still con
tains its muslcul attractions which are
ever bright und pleasing. The bright
-om,iany is a fairly stroiii? one, the
music bright uiul the est nines gor
Keous. Miss Alice Kvuns, as Trixie
Huitelmere. oueeii of the vaudevilles,
has the leading role mid she attends to
it admirably. Alias ICvuns. besides be
ing a clever net reus, has u good voice,
nnd the vocal numbers by her are well
ri-cclved. "liehuoiilco's at t!" will be
Keen ut the Frothiiifjbani attain ut mat
inee this afternoon and In the evening.
II li II
Tlie many friends nf Allss Anna Ida
Koch who made her debut us a concert
singer at the Frothliiglinui .Monday
nipht. will be pleased at her success.
Though evidently ultlicted with stage
flight which marred the rendition of
her lirst number on the programme,
Aliss Koch recovered her voice before
t be evening wus over ami demonstrated
her talents us u vocalist lu a way thut
won hearty encore. Aliss Koch Is a
young lady i f charming personality and
possesses a sunny disposition that wins
friends among all acquaintance:!.
t: ii
No m.nidolinist has ever Impressed
musiciuns und the music-loving public
to such a detrree us has Valentine Abt.
who will plnv at Young Ah-n's Chris
tian association hall .Monday evening,
March lti.
The udmlratlon which he has excited
hy his remarkable teclinioue and won
derful tonal expression. Is as pimply
unbounded. Alfred Wooler, Scranton's
popular tenor, has been engaged to us
slst Mr. Abt, and will render several
of his most delightful selections,
li i: II
James Slurges, of Sam Jack's) "My
I'ncle" company. Is proimbly one of
the best comb- opera comedians 1111 the
American stage. Air. St urges Is well
known to Scrintonians w ho remeinber
his excellent work III the litirlesiiues
and light operas given by the Curlmie
Kimball opera company. In "My I'm Ic
from New York" Air. Sturges has little
opportunity to display ids talents
either as uu actor or a singer.
Mr. Peiinlnulon's third organ recital
nt Kim Park htirch will be given next
Thursday evening! Mutch .")at S o'clock.
The assisting artists will he Air. Theo
dore Hcniberger, violinist: ami the
IOI111 Pink church iiuarlette. Allss Sulli
van, sotirano; .Miss Yandevoort. ulto;
Air. Wooler, tenor, anil Mr. Thomas.
Iiusso. Silver offering ut the door. No
admission fee. Mr. Pennington's recit
als have during the season been enjoy
able musical events und It Is probable
t hat the coming concert will be superior
to tiny heretofore given.
I' 'I 11 . .
Miss I.ydla Piehel, soprano, of this
city, was soloist at the entertainment
Klven by the l'.lcycle club ut Cnrbon-
tlule on Wednesday evening last and
Hciitiltted herself in a manner that won
the admiration of the critical audience
present. Miss Piehel has for some
time past been solo supra no at Green
Itidge Presbyterian church where le-r
talents ure duly appreciated.
'I 11 H . , ,
Professor Tom Kershaw Introduced
at liavis' theater this week a new set of
waltzes called the "Trilby Waltzes."
The numbers are catchy throughout
and given In Air. Kershaw's usual taste
formed one of the attractive features of
the week. Air. Kershaw Is engaged up
on another set. of waltzes which will
tirobably be heard a few weeks hence.
The mush- nt Trinity Lutheran church
under direction nf Professor Id-rinuii,
continues to improve und the service
of song is most nt tractive.
Air. Wnlklns has an elaborate Easter
programme In preparation which will
lie rendered bv the First Presbyterian
church choir. Air. Watkins expects to
ko to Kiiglntid soon niter Easter und
enter the Royal Academy. His sttcces
nor at the First church has not been
The nautical scenic 'day. "Tim Cap
tain's Alate," to be given r.t the Acad
1 my this evening, contains up-to-date
iniisicul specialties of the firs' order
that will be rendered by Miss Himlley
mid her company of excellent vocalists
at Intervals during the play.
I'.ridget O'lluolihuii. an elderly Irish
cook, had been induced to fo to a ipdi t
little suburban town to live in 11 wealthy
Keiillemau's family. Two weeks after her
arrival she declared her intention of re
turning to the city. "Why do you leave
us, Urblget?" asked her mistress, in a
Hil-ved lone; "we pay you the very high
est waiies." "Ye do, nia'ain, 11:1' yer a
perfect led. I. v. i (I'm mil Inviii troo a tiny
faii'-t av de iani'ly but this place Is such
a ib id old place, w Id no chance to do an
nytlihiK loivly ill it. that, besjorry. ill
have to inek up a pack 11 lies iv'iy lime
i go to confession or ol'd have mil bin' to
1 luce, when one of Fan-aunt's gunboats
on the Mississippi was Just going into ac
tion, one of ih- powder-monkeys was no--tied
by an officer kn eliiuc by one of tlie
Kii:i. i .lying his prayers. ollici i- sneer
ing asked him w hat he was doing and if
he was afraid. "No, I was playing," said
he. "Well, what were you praying for?"
"Privlng," said the lad, "that the neiuy's
l.iillets mav be distributed the r.ime as
the prize-money, principally among the
General Joseph E. Johnston, the Con
federate commander, imw dead, used to
relate that In the hotter! part of one of
the tarlv lie! lies of the civil war be
his coat-tails pulb I. Turning ali.iut lie
iecngnlz"d ti yomi'g man who ha I be -n
employed In his tobacco factory previous
to enlistment. "Why are you vol Pi yoiO
place lighting?" the general lemiin.Ld.
nnvrllv. "Wiiv. I just wanted In tell yo.i
that. If you don't mind. I reckon I will
torn- niv' day off tod iy."
They Say ! ! !
"77" breaks up a Cold.
"77" knocks out the Grip.
"77" stops the Snullles.
"77" cures the Cough.
"77" soothes the Throat.
"77" works wonders In Catarrh.
"77" Is peerless for Inllilonzu.
"77" prevents Pneumonia.
"77" clears Clergyman's Throat.
"77" restores lost Voice.
"77" annihilates Hoarseness.
"77" Is a sheet anchor for ningers.
"77" aids Respiration.
"77" Is Dr. Humphreys' Latest and
Greatest I ilscovery.
"77" Is recommended by Physicians.
' "77" Is the Triumph of Homeopathy.
"77" Is a safe-guard against Colds.
"77" makes you "Cold-pi f."
"77" acts like a Hash.
"77" prevents half your sickness.
"77" Is pleasant to take.
"77" Just tits your pocket.
"77" Is the best seller.
"77" tho' priceless, sells for a quarter.
"77" Is Hold by Druggists Kvery w here,
nr sent upon receipt of price. Humph
reys' Medicine Co., HI William St.,
New York.
or aeut uoon racsiiit of Mice. Hnuuhreva'
4 iledtrtti Co., Ill Willlmu St., New York. .
124 and 126 Wyoming venue.
Arc receiving fresh shipments daily ot Spring Dres.? Goods,
newest designs in black and colored fancy silks, linen ba
tiste, wash fabrics, organdies, dimities, printed icambrics,
checked and striped Swisses and twills, shirt waists, wrap
pers, stylish, readv-made spring suits and separate 1 skirts,
new laces, new embroideries, new Persian and Dresden rib
Wis and hundreds of desirable things in spring merchan
dise too numerous to mention. These goods are put on sale
as soon as received. Your inspection is solicited.-
7"i pieces of wool dress goads in Pining
Leader's Trice. '2:5c
il pieces of ull-wool Zautu'.ia check
and fancy wt-nvt- dreys goods.
Leader's Price, i!lc
T, pieces of extiu iptabiv all-wool
Scotch clieylols, real value, llie.,
LeaJ.M-'s Trice, c
V.i pieces l.f fancy Weave pure wool
dress fabrics, very latest eft'cel:!. real
value, 51.:!',.
Leader's Trice. "He yards of wash silk-!, all new de
signs worth :::.,
Lender's Trice '2tc
I'll pieces of printed China silks. Just
the tiling for wal.-ts and drtss, very
' stylish dislttus.
Leader's Trice. !c
I" Pl s of rhaib-d yurd-'wlile silks for
underskirts ami skjrt linings.
Leader's Trice Wc
10 pieces of extra ipialily lYi-slan silks,
Jusr catne in, really worth ir
Leader's Trice, !)8c
10 pieces of black, ul-o white brocaded
China silk, worth ir.c.
Leader's Trice, I'.lc
to'l yards of best American Klnyhums
In siioit lengths, vuutulning from
eight to twelve yards, worth We.,
Lender's Trice, 5c a yard
I'm piece of dreys ninuhanis. tine qual
ity in checks, plaids and stripes,
Leader's Trice, 7c
40 piecss of printed dimities, good qual
ity. Leader's Trice. 5c
Printed linen colored batistes, all the
so now;
Leader's Trice, 10c
I .a Hollo inpon, lite newest thing In
cotton dress goods, has the up
peuraneo of silk u hen nude up.
Leader's Trice, 10c
25 piece nf 4-4 orguiidlcs, American
make, sells usually for in -.,
Loader's Trice, 5c
pieces of genuine I'rench organdie
regular ;iiie. quality.
Leader's Trice, 15c
pieces of printed cambrics, suitable
Tor shirt waists, wi uppers and
dresses, worth pie..
Leader's Trice, "c
20 pieces of French salceiu In very ef
fective prints, real value, -..,
Leader's Trice, 15c
A" U i,,,Vl; t!"0,u llt t'xai'tly Imlf price. Kxtensi ve alterations are now
in j.roirress, and in about three weeks all will be completed, and we will liava
he'fore hiiylng1 " "''"' U' l''ty' U Wi" 1iiy ywu t0 Ket uur l'rici'"
HrldK nnd Crown work. Utllce, 1125
Washington avenue.
No. Uu VVyomlntt avenue.
It! -M. BTKATTO-N. Ol'l'H'10 COAL KX
chain;. Tliysicians and Stirteons.
Idsensps of Women, curlier Wyoming
avenue and Spruce street, Seranton. of
fice hours, Thursdays und Saturdays,
H a. ni. to C ii. m.
to no Spruce Ft reet, Scnnilon, I'a.
(Just opposlto Court House Square.)
DR. KAY, 21M FKXN A V K. : 1 to 3 I'. M. :
call VXi. I'ls. of women, obftretrics und
and ull dls. of chll.
DR. W. K. AI.UKN, 512 North Washington
DR. C. L. I-T.EY, I'RAC'i'K'l', LIMITED"
diseases of the Eye, Ear. Nose und
Throat: otllce. 122 Wyoming uve. Resi
dence, K9 Vim; street.
avenue. Olllco boiir.H, S to !l a. m.. l .'W
to 3 anil 7 to S p. ill. Residence 300 Madi
son avenue.
Krldnys. al .'O.i Linden i;lrti-t. Otilco
hours 1 to 4 p. in.
f)T!. S."V. T.AMKllE.W'.V. A SI' EC I At"
isl on'- liHe!i--'es of tile hciiri.
lunKS. liver, kidney a rid itenitn uri
nary ili.'ieascs. will oi'Clly I he otlice of
Iir. Itims. Adams avenue. Mtlc.i
hours 1 lo fi ii. in.
La vers.
and CoiiliS'llors at Law. Republican
buildlm, WushluKton .avenue, Bcruii
ton. Vi.
f'oiinill(irs nt Law, Commonwealth
building, Washington avenue.
w. h. .lEssrc. .in.
tieys nnd Cniinsellors at Law; otllees C
und K T.Uirnrv hiilldlni;. Ser.mton. I'a.
Attorneys nnd Counsellors. Common-wr-nlth
hulldlna-. Rooms 10. 20 find 21.
Law, Room a, Coal Exchaiiiie, Seran
ton. Pnf
rooms 63, 64 nnd CI. Common
wealth bnlldlns.
Ofhee. "17 Spruce St.. Seranton. Pa.
423 Lackawanna ave.. Seranton, I'a.
Dime Hank Pnibii n-.'. Seranton.
Money to loan in lart;u sums ut u per
Commonwealth bu'.ldintf, Seranton,
400 Lackawanna avenue.
negotiated on rtul eslato security. 40i
Sruce street.
120 Vyotninir ave.. Seranton. Pa.
law. 4i Com nion wealth b 1 1 1' Sera n ton
Ti1C. RAN 'lv. 1::ii WYOMING AVIi
Rooms ,24. 25 and M, Commonwealth
lailliltng. Seranton
rear of ttii Washington avenue.
423 Spruce st . cor. Wush. ave., Scranlon.
Price building, L; WatthltiKtun aveuue,
tie-ran ton,
i plec.-s of Inqiorterf dress buUnles,
silk Interwoven, make such dcslrablt)
waists, made to retail for' Hue.,
Leader's Trice. 21c-
Duo lot of ladles' muslin gowns,
.Mother Hubbard yoke, etnbroldt-ry
Leader's Trice, I'M
tine lot of ladles'
bib! rutlle, luce
muslin skirts, cum.
t rimmed.
Leader's Trice. l!)c
Ladles' Jersey ribbed vests, hlidi neck.
long lcvvs, regular pii.e, sv
Leader's Trice, 1 7a
2"i dozen ladles' rlhlted sleeveless vests,
low und Iiittli nck.
Leader's Trice, 4c
Capes, Suits and Separate Skirts.
We have Jut received 25 of the lutes!
Khapcs in In llliantlne. seix. Scotch, l wee J,
and plain cU.ili iwu-tdece sixlis. also Bepu-rau-
skirls of same material. - Si-e our brtl
llantine skirts nt l.4!i. Ask to bo shown
our lender In skirts ut $I.!'N.
2i sirlni capes Just received: don't
fail to look ut t hem when yon visit
tjiii ruitr,
Trice K aue front n
(Sieelal) 1.".0 child's Jackets, sizes from
4 to 12 years.
Leuder's Trice, 750
23 iWcn bleached damask: towels,
knotted fringe.
Leader's Trice, 20c a pair?
2,"i pieces of 40-luch. Rood quality un.
bleached muslin, regular price. Sc.,
Leader's Trice, 5o
40 pieces of plaid, check und Htriprt
dress jjoods worth I-'1;.!-.,
Leader's Trice,
ir.o pieces of colored cnmlirio dress Un -
bit;. . ,
Leader's Trice, 4c
V pieces of trno.l quality, sillela, for -lining,
tho lie. quality.
Leader's Trice, So
2"i pieces of crinoline, cnniej lu Ki'ay,
black and white, regular price, Sc., '
Leader's Trice. Hhj
.o ui our me. cmcl-k, siriye una piatu
outlutis In one lot,
Choice of Any, Uc
2il dozen tine pearl buttons, real value,
10c, it tio.i-n,
Leader's Trice, 5c a dozen ni -n's made-up and fom-ln-Jiund
ties, our inc. quality.
Leader's Trice. 25c
Seranton, l'u., prepares boys und girl
for colli'Ko or Lusiuuss; thuroushly,
trulns yoiinif children. Catulouue at re-
quest. Opens Seiteniber tt.
uiul School. 412 Adams avenue. open4
Sept. . Klndi-Kurteii $10 per term.
Loan A'soeiiition will loan you money
on easier terms and pay yon hotter ott
Investment than tiny other association.
Call on S. N. Callender, plma Banlc
Hotels and Kestaurants.
Till! KLK CAI-'h!. 123 and 127 FRANK
lln avenue. Rates reasonable.
P. ZKICLER, Proprietor
passenger depot. Conducted on th
Etiropeun plun. VICTOR KOCH, Irop.
Cor. Sixteenth St. and lrvlnif Dace.
New York.
Rates, S3..r'0 per day and upwards. (Ameri
can plan). E. N. ANAl:LE.
Wire Sreeits.
wanna avenue, Seranton, Pa., inauufac
turvr of Wire Screens.
.Nurserymen; store 14ti WushluKton ave
nue; green house, 13T North Main ave
nue; slore teii-idione 782,
balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed
dlrgs and concert work furnished. For
teruiH addrt-ss K. .1. Huuer, condui'tor,
117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert'
lnu'lc store.
supplies, envelopes, paper bans, twine.
Warehouse, i::o Washington ave., Soruu
Ion, I'a.
sale dealers in Woodwnre. Cordatre and
Oil Cloth. 710 West Lackawanna ave.
couitnt and niulltor. Rooms 19 and 20,
Williams RuililiiiK'. opposite postottloe.
Afrent for the Rex Clre Extlnirtilsher.
llLLODHUn Liuni
Specialty Adapted for Reading tod Sewing.
CoBiUBim three (8) feet of gait per
boar and icives au eStcieucy of nlxty,
(60) caudles.
Karl tig at least 33 per oaut orw the
ordinary Tip Burner.
Call and Sec It.
llanuUetiirera' AgeoU
JL I Mil!
4-M and fen
IT Eciiniciil