The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 29, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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. " , This year's styles now ia.: . ,
Very choice and csclusltc cleMsns,
large variety and eiiiisitc
in all the grades, suitable
fur the palace or the cabin
charctRs, public hull, oflices, etc
Real Silk and Satin Haiitfin i.
lvoiv finished. Tressed H ii nt"i ill's.
Lincrusta, solid i el iff, imitates
curved wood, imitation leather,
(old aud silver papers
Doston plain tints and cartridge
papers, with elegant friezes
and ceiliugs, and
picture uionlding to match.
We invite inspection.
Now is a good time for interior
decorating, Dou't wait for
pleasant weather rush.
We supply decorators on
short notice.
3:2 Lackawanna Ave.
Mrs. Rorer
Uses "Stinw White" in
her Scrautoti Cooking
Begun I.UMt Niiiht l I'aMun und V III
Continue Tojuy and 'luroorrou'.
Thi" Si-rauton district convention of
the Vomit? Alfn'H t'lirlstlan ussorlution
ln-giiii In Million last iiIkIu anil will be
ronlimii'il ilurliiK toiluy Mini tomorrow.
Tll VUl'illUH hi-smIoiis will l' iiiIiIivmsimI
iy Hpeukei'M fnim tills city. Tin' H
trlft iiiiiiilsfs ilw idunlli' if Susinit
liiiiiiiii. Way lie, I'lkf. haiku wanna an'l
Mun imh.
Lust nlnlit's Sfsslun lit'Kun with a
)ralse shtvIi'h ul 7.:!H uVIuik In the I 'ni
ton Humiliation rooms. Cmumi- ti.
Maliy, Beneial neiri'taiy of Hi'' '.-Vnui-tmi
usisiH'lMlltoi, di'llviTfil an uiiilivss nil
'The Association - lis True Aaim."
The iiiuKiaiiiine fur the li-maiml'l' ot
the Sfssloiin, bi-KlniiliiK with that of
this nioriiliiK. Is fxllows:
In. the Aasoila.tloii ituom.
9 3l iJevotiuiial inii'tlim.
lotw The IVrsoiiul l.ll of the WnrkiT.
(a) l'li'iiai'ttlluii.
(b) SvrvUo.
II. 1'. lloff, S.rantou
Jl.OO A Youm? Men's I'lirlsil-.iii Asso.'la
llul) Hlble Clans.
1J. K. AniistrmiK. Keiieral uwrutury,
I'lttstiiii. I'a.
lu tbe Assmiatlun llixmis.
f.OO-HoiiK Service.
2.15 Our t il,liiM.tion to the Yoiniff Men
III the Small Towns In the lMslrlit,
11. W. ttnittliliiK. Si'iantoii
S.0O-S. rii't (liiil (living In llr-lallon to the
Kxlcnsbin Work,
I'harl.s . Chuniller. Hcruntun
J.ti A SuciTrtfful Men's MeetliiK.
V. W. Adair
ISO-Hand JMi-keil l-'nilt.
W. A. Iterrv, Scraiiton
In ilnptist church.
1 nil- l'romlst- .Mi-.-tlnv.
(ou-1 'hit form niictlnis. uclilresseil by
prominent oHf-Kiit.
9.UV A Unlet Hour with the Word.
B. K. Anii.-troiiK, Kencril secretary,
I'lttsl I'a.
In the Assoihttlon Kwm.4.
J 30 Men's mi'i Milk'.
In the Association ltixinid.
T.30-T'lllon vullKi'llllf llii-ctlllK.
Ill AUMhoilist Kiilxcopal church.
l.20-Kai''Well nici-Uiitf. In charge of S.
M. Hard, hIuhp secretary of Ivtm
sylvanla. In Methodist Kjlscoial church.
fl'nder this tVniliiiK Fhort letters of In
terest will be imhllslied when accoma
tiled, for publication, by the writer's
tiume. The Tribune will not be held r
ponalbla for opinions here expressed
Kdltor of The Tribune.
tlir: I wish to 'thank the Rcranton pub
Jle anJ the tircss, and all those who aj
late.1 In making my tlrst concert a suo-c-ess.
I also express my thanks for the kind
milliner In w hlch any tusletants have been
I only regret that I could not stay a
few day to see my friends, hut I had to
leave sud'leiily on account of my mother,
who ia mi invalid.
Yours most respectfully,
Anna Ida Koch.
Klngslaml, N. J.. Ken. ss. lyni.
If Yon Nee J u Ionic
I'se llorsforj's AciJ I'hosphnte.
It Htlmulates the stomach, nourishes
the nerves, builds the luain tissue. A
Wonderful tonic. Makes a delightful
Continued for Another Week.
We must get rid of the ex
tra stock, because our Spring
Goods will be iu very soon.
Just a few good things
which you should consider
before buying;
A dandy Men's Fine
Calf Shoe, lace or tfjQ flft
congress, btst of shape j(J
An .'up-to-date Fine
Calf Shoe, razor toe, flQ nn
extended sole, - tUiUU
A few Winter Rus
sets, double soles, ex- tfQ Or
tended, all sizes, vOitiJ
410 Sprcst Strut
End (if the Lackawanna and Luzerne
. C. T. l4 Sessions.
Ware kuad hy I'rorotnwnt ltclgates-ilio
Suffrage I'rubUm liiscusscJ-ialka
by Stat Supui intendentu of
Several Itcpartineuta.
The mid-year convention of the Wo
men's Christian Teinijeraiice unions nf
this and Luzfine ci.unti.s was con
tinued during yesteixlay In Kim l'aik
church aud held a tiuul session ill the
afternoon. The delegates In the eve
ning attended the let-ture of John ti.
W'oolley under the auspices of the con
vention in the Academy of Music. The
lecture is fully reported In another col
umn. .Mrs. t". II. tVx.l. the Luzerne
county president, iresideil at yester
day's M'SNlollS.
The uioruiiiK session was opened with
devotional exercises led by Mrs. J. N. of county. It was noted
that tlie attendance wus much larger
than on Thursday. Tlie seating capac
ity of the liascinciit lee-lure room, in
which the convention was held, was
taxed to Its utmost.
Taiicrs on "Social Work" were read
by Mrs. .l. W. Vuushun. of .Moscow,
und .Mrs. Tuttle, ul' Wayne. Theirs
was a !Hoest against the careless In
terinini;liiK of yountr men und woolen
and the social evils which followed.
They advocated a mure strict super
vision of children's conduct by the par
ents. Then came a parliament on "Sdeti
tlllc. Temperance Instruction." which
was opened by papers by .Mis. .M. I!.
I'aliner. .Mrs. A. blown and Mrs.
Frances .Mm Mow. That the effects of
alcoholic drink mteht be u. nerMly
taunht in the public schools was com
monly advocated ami nil present were
urt;ed to brlnr this about in their re
spective localities.
Mrs. C If. Cool read n paper pin-pareil
by .Mrs. C. W. Cok on "Sunday School
Work," In which it wus suseested that
a Sunday in each gnat ter be nivcii over
to the temperance cause.
One of the most carefully prepared
and Instructive papers of the conven
tion was that on "Juvenile Work," by
Mrs. Jennie V. 1 "Iiisiiioi . She ui'Ked
that more attention und help be Kiven
the Loyal Legion of buys that the mem
bers might fcrow naturally to be pro
hibition men. tit her pupers read at
the 11101111111;: session were the follow
In: "Itallroad Work." Mrs. i. I..
Kield; "Sublimit 1 lse?-vunce." .Mrs. I!.
liouiilhK anil .Mis. W. W. l.ulire; "Nar
cotics," Mrs. V. Jennings. After a
Hilde readliiir conducted by Mrs. liorn
blazer, a noontide prayer service was
The convention Rent it telegram of
( loleiice to Mrs. W. II. I'oole, of I'l'o-
hlliitloli park. Staten Island, expression
sympathy and regret at the death of
In r husband. Dr. 1'oide. u ureal advo
cate of temperance, wlm died .Monday.
The doctor had Just returned from a
Icctiiriin; tour and hail none to his home
by the advice of his physician to re
cuperate, but lie died. A short prayer
service was held when supplications
were ottered for the rt-licf and nupport
of Mrs. I'oole.
IiiiincdUilcly fidlowlntf the devotional
exercises which opened the afternoon
session, the Important subject of suf
frage idescrlbeii on the prouriimme as
"Franchise") was taken up. The dis
cussion was opened by Mrs. J. N.,
of l.unerno county, and a paper was
read bv Mrs. A. AI. Hulvey, of West
1'ittstoii, In which the mutter under dis
cussion wns referred to as "man's rliiht
to woman's enfranchisement." An ad
dress on temperance literature was
made by Mrs. 1.. T. Hums, the state
superintendent of the department of
the temperance work.
Miss Uornhluzcr, state superintend
ent of temperance work nuioliK the
foreign speaklutr population, gave u
very comprehensive talk on that
branch of the union's labor. She illus
trated her uddress with maps. An ad
dress that very properly followed that
of Aliss Uornhlazer was that of Mrs. H.
W. Palmer, of Wilkes-liurre. She re
lated the work of herself and others
umoiiK I he breaker boys of the valley
and Interspersed her talk with many
anecdotes and Instances.
Itetore final adjournment a rising
vote of thanks was nlven Kim Park
church, the Scraiiton ladies who enter
tained tlie deleKUtes and the newspa
pers. Mil. WiioM.KY S AIMMIKSS.
Hon. John (. Woolley. the famous
temperance orator, lectured ut the
Academy of .Music last evening on
"Christian Citizenship" as the closing
feature of the convention. The house
was crowded even to the last seat In
the gallery und throughout the eloquent
discourse of the speaker applause was
most liberally bestowed, on the stage
were u number of clergymen and prom
inent citizens. The uuctionee was a dis
tinguish d one, and Mr. Woolley may
Justly feel proud of the teceptloti ac
corded to him.
His views are very finphatlc on the
liquor question; lu- believes that the
licensing of the tratlb" Is tin' greatest
evil in tlie land today, ami he relies
011 the mighty ballot In the hand or Un
christian citizen as the ultimate means
of suppressing the trntllc. He strongly
deprecated the religion that blusters
like a volcano in tlie pulpit and is dumb
on election day under the lash id- Un
political boss: or who roars like a lion
in consecration service against the
liquor curse and at the ballot box Is
heard In a low undertone squeak.
The Christian sentiment is Unit the
liquor tratlic ought to lle. There have
been some who countenanced human
slavery, but the unanimous sentiment
of Christian maiih I tind womanhood
is that the liquor tratlic might to he
effcctiially and absolutely stamped out
of existence.
Hut why does it not die? In the
language of the street. It doesn't want
to, and it lias scruples against suicide.
The church has behind it li.iKMi.tmn voters
in tills country: the church Is against
the saloon, idle lifts her voice ill protest
ut every opportunity in the conference,
general assembly, pulpit, conseeratiou
service, and prayer nie.-llng; yet there
Is an unanimity of confession that she
lacks power.
whkn wir.r. IT UK?
When will she get power; when will
this element w Itliln her circle grasp the
opportunity and settle the question?
Will i. lie after the Itepiiblican party
Is elected to odice, or lifter th" Demo
cratic party turns the ttepublican ras
cals out? No; it will not be until the
Christian Is Imbued with the desire to
know the truth and seek after the only
truth, which rumen from tlod.
Truth und falsehood are the worst
matched team that c-ould be harnessed
together. JTohihilion and license Is Just
such 11 team. I.,eg-a listing the liquor
traffic is mixing a drop of prohibition in
an ocean of oHtlcal permission. The
church has taken a determined stand
against the saloon, but on election day,
the desire for oilice. the greed for politi
cal Mwer, and for the perpetuation of
political nrotlt outweighs the influence
to wipe out the curse.
Some good Christians lire not ready
to Join in the crusade against the great
evil on the ground that it Is not yet
time to begin, the sentiment is not ripe
for action. The inan who does not puy
his honest debts is a rogue, but the
Christian who refuses to settle his ob
ligation that he has promised in prayer
meeting and In the church Is a discreet
citizen as lone us he keeps his hands
free from engaging in a ortisude uguinst
the saloon.
The sum nnd substance of the lec
ture uppeuls to the vote of the Chris
tian cltixeii at the Lallut tux for the
lii if
Pete I say. Sam. wot's He matter wlj de
public? Don't dcy read unyinuie?
Sam Why ?
I'ele I lost seventeen subscribers yes
terday ami thirty-four day before. Kvciy
body seems to lie slopping de paper now.
Sam That's funny. Why I sold seven
teen extra tlay before yesterday and forty
yesterday and 1 expect to do hetter today.
Pete Of course voll sell the it 'publican.
'Sam-No. I sell 'i riloine. See!
IVte-oh! I tumble. Dis immkeyli.g wid
Democratic pidlt li s has plairiid us.'
blotting out of liquor und its ruinous
tratlic. The grogsellt r was recom
mended as one worthy of imitation in
one respect; namely, the persistency
that marks all his movements for tln
advaiicemcnt of his interests.
Ai m 11 ;c litems tor the Ceremonies Which
Will AitcnJ tlu I levalioa of I ntlier
llohan Aro I'nJvr Way.
The papal decree announcing the ele
vation of Itcv. AI. J. llohan, of Ashley,
to the consecrated oilice of bishop has
been received as announced In yester
day's Tribune and arrangements are
now under way for the ceremonies at
tendant upon the consecration.
The I m 1 1 was dated February 1, three
days before announcement was made
by telegraph of lis proclamation. It
was sent lirst toCudltial Satolli and by
him It was tansmiited through Arch
hl'iliop Hyaii to the bishop-elect. Sim
ultaneously a letter wus despatched to
Dishop o'llara notifying I1I111 of the
transmission of the document to h'tither
Mohan. These oocuiiieut:4 are two in
number, tin,, appoints him bishop of
A lulls In Asia .Minor, the oilier simply
conveys upon him Ouwer to select the
bishop w lm wiil consccrat" lllni.
The principal document reclies how
a request wus made lor mi assistant by
lilshop o'llara. how Father Unban
was 1 ecominciideil with t wo oth'-rs, how
tin- cardiiuiii'. of the prt.pouandii select
ed him 011 account of bis pb ty iin.l
Ic'irulne and how the pope cmlirim d
I heir Judgment.
. It also clti s that lie Is .temporarily ap
pointed bishop ot the see 01' Alalis in
Asia .Minor hut that his duties will be
to nxslst Idsbop o'llnra. and In cuse of
the hitter's death he Is to succeed to tlie
sec of Scranton and the see of Alalis
becomes vacant again. Tlie reason for
appointing Father Unban, as bishop of
Alalis Is that every bishop must have
a See. The s.-o of Alalis is all old cathe
dral city In Asia .Minor w hich lias only
a formal ev isteuce lit Koine.
owing to the wishes of Hishop
o'Hara that the consecration take
place with all po.'filde, ar
rangements for this grniul ceremony
are uhvudv well under way. Nothing
delinite 11s to detail have been ugreeil
upon, but it Is more than Ilk civ that
Sunday. March l.'i, will be tlit day se
lected for the event. There arc only
four days In the year 1 utslile of Sun
das. on w hich the consecration could
be hcbl. One of these iluvs Is St. Phil
lip's day, which was erroneously an
nounced to be Thursday. March lfi.
This day was al.o given consideration,
a work-day being more ilcslnihlc he
cause more priests could nth-hd, but it
was diseovt red afti rwards that the
statt nieut that Thursday was St. Phil
lip's day was Incorrect. 11M1I so this
day had to In- eliithdniii-d.
in-: is in i'ihi.a 1 ::i .1'! ita.
Hev. Father liobun rtnrteil y, stir
day for Philadelphia to endeavor to se
cure Archbishop p. J. I: en n as tic
preacher of the occasion. Fii n: there
it is his intention to go to Washington
to Invite Cardinal Satolii to pet form
tlie ceremony of coiiseci ation. How
ever it is not likely that Caidlnal
Satolli can be seciiit-d on such short en
tice as he Is at present touring the
southwest, being report -d as being in
Satite I-'e. X. AI.. yesterday. In case
neither of the Cardinals can be secured
ltishop o'iliira will himself periorni
the ceremony.
Father Mohan, In an interview yes
terday, ex'itcssed the belief that he
would be continued at St.'s parish
even after his clovn'hui.
sin: h.vim: 11 ni si uiki:.
Wife Courted Instant Peatli to lln-h-aud's
Continued brutality.
Charles Schmltthoffer. of Aviin I:,
was arraigned before AMeiiunit Millar
last night ut the tiistUiK-e of his bride
of three months, who acciisrs him of ag
gravated assault and battery. unJ with
having made threat-; to kill her.
Tin lr honeymoon, shu t:i; k. begun
early to wapo. and during tile hist
month her life has I - ti a be'! on
earth. Wednesday r'.j-lu hit- husband
ut lacked her with a but -her knife, and,
throttling her against tin- wall, threat
ened to cut her heart Wbil - 11. .
knife was uplifted, she hade 1 In, si.ii;.-.
saying that she preferred Instant dalli
to being tortured to death. !! desist
ed lu his murderous design, but ad
ministered 11 lictal In a ting.
The alilerniau held him ia Smhi ball.
II Tul ill default be was s. lit to the county
Jail to await the action of the grand
(JAVi: A ;u(M SHOW.
Sum I. Jack's iniiipuiiy I'Iimi to a
Crowded Mouse i:t Vnsle Pall.
Tim perfm iiiam e of "My I'm-lc from
Xew York." which was cut at Davis'
theater, wus put on at Music hall ast
night and filled the place at L'.i. aud f.i)
cents fo seats. To auvoti" v ho i-nj..ys
u lively face, full of snap and giiievi',
presented by a ;food company nf Inn
lesqile artists, this show call he recoiii
liiemh d.
It k"pt tic audience in n eoutinuil
roar from beginning to end and tic
specialties wen- every one encored.
James Stui,ls. Hairy Montague and
ilcorgi- Heliiin. tin- piim-ipal comedians,
ule far ubove the ordinary run of farce
comedy men. The female part of the
troupe, however, are only ordinary. ,
Altogether tin- company averages up
well and gives u snappy, mirth-provok-Ing
show. The performance will be re
peated this afternoon and evening.
I ipeeted Ibut lie Will Have u Confer
ence with Street far Men.
President Malum of the Amalgamated
Association of Street llailway I'.m
ployes. w ho makes his headquarters in
Philadelphia, is expel led in I Ills cit y to
day for the purpose of bavin a confer
ence witii members of the local street
car men's union.
The local union of street car cm-'
ployes Is uflilluted Willi the Aniell.un
Federal Ion of lihor and It is under
stood that Mr. Malum w ill endeavor to
get the union into the Amalgamated
llutlcr'a Vnnilhi Sueur Powder
30 cents per bottle. Iltiyle-'s candies
and chocolates, absolutely pure.
. it. Coursen.
Agent for Scranton.
Were Prepared bv Mrs. Korer Durimj
Yesterday's Lecture.
Keeipes Included Hot. Cold and Iced
Vuddings-Cbafinf Pish Cluss Saw
the Modern Proees Illustrated,
Kitra Lecture This Morning.
Yesterday was the "big" day of the
eookliiK school, us the subjects of Airs.
Korer were such us to appeal very
strongly to the lurge Hubs. The after
110011 lecture wus on desserts, always
a favorite topic us It is a part of cook
ery which most women particularly
concern themselves with, while lu the
evenhiK the subject wus the chuting
dlsh, something that has become the
faddlest of fads. The chating-dlsh lec
ture was attended by men us well as
As has been the cuse at every lecture,
yesterday's afternoon audience showed
a gain in numbers. The following des
sert recipes were given:
Aioek Charlotte or lleston Pudding One
pint of hulling nuler, three eggs, one tea
svoonful of vanilla, four even lablespoon
fuls of cornstarch, two tablespoouf uls of
sugar, quarto r-teuspouiifid of .Moist
en the cornstarch w ith u little cold water,
u !.l it to the boiling water, sugar aud sail;
stir and boll ten minutes. Take from tlie
lire, add the vunillu ami the well-beaten
whiles of the eggs; mix well and turn
'11 j a mould to burden. Serve with a
a 1 1 1 1 1 u. same made Irom tlie yolks of the
I'ig I'uddlng-iiiie pint of milk, three
end u half cii-u of flour, three eggs, hair
leioqiooiiriil of salt, one tablespoonful or
melted bin ter, two heaping tcatspouufuls
of baking powder, one pint of chopped
1 1 K s. lieu. 1 he runs, while and yolks tn
gether. until light: then add the milk,
th'-n the II., ur 1111. 1 heat until smooth ; t.'n-n
add the ini-Ucd butter, salt und baking
powder. Dredge the tigs with tlotir, stir
them into the pudding and stir into a
greased pudding mould. Cover, stand in
u pot of hulling water and boll coii'.iiiu-o-.isly
for three hours. If the water cap
orutes iu I he pot, replenish with bulling
water. Serve with l-'uliy Hutter.
bed Hlce Pudding with a Compote of
1)1 alines ( I'or the puddints). half cup m
rice, one quart of ereum, yolks of six
eggs, two quarts of ruck salt, one pint of
milk ouu and a half cup of sugar, one ta
blespoonful of vanilla, ten pounds of lee.
Hub I he rice well In a clean ituwei, put it
on to boll iu u t'lnl of i-old water, boll it
half hour; drain, rover with I he milk
and boil a half hour longer. While this Is
bullHK. whip the quint of ereum. After
you have whipped all you cuu. udd the
i i uiaiuiler, and w hut has drsliii'd from
the other, to tlie rice and milk. Stand the
whipped cream In a cold place until want
ed. Now pi-ess the liee through a wire
sieve, and retina II to the farina 1 Killer,
lu which it was boiled, iteat tlie yolks
and sugar together 11111II light, then pour
.101- the hoilmt; rice, stir well, return
aguin to the tire and eouk two minutes, or
until H ocKius to 'thicken. Take from
Die tire, add the vanilla, and turn out
to cool. When cool, put lu the freezer
and freeze. When froxeii, Btlr in the
whipped cream, remove -the dasher and
smooth down, mid let it stand for two
hours packed In salt and he. (For the
compote), one iiozi-11 sweet oranges. Juice
of quarter of a lemon, une pound of
one till! of water. Put -the sugar and
water on lo boll, boil tell minutes, skim,
and add the lemon Juice. Peel the orangrs
and cut them In halves crosswise: cut nut
the cores with a slnu-p knife: put a few
p eees at a time In a hot syrup, and lav
tin m out singly on a tlal dish; pour over
tlictii tlie it-mainiiig syrup and s.;and
011 the In- to cool. To dish the nadding,
lift the 1 an out of the b e and wipe It off
ho that the salt will nut i;et in the pud
ding; then wlp.j the bottom with a .towel
dipped in Polling water, put a ruuiid dish
over he top of It, turn H unslde down and
remove the can; if ii should stick, wipe
ualn w-.iih Die hut li,wcl. Heap the
orange oa top and around the huso of tlie
nodding, and pour the svrup over them.
Serve Immediately. This Is worth the
trouble; besides being good, It is a Very
handsome dish.
While the evening class was not a
large one, It was enthusiastic and in
terested. Mrs. Korer's manipulation of
the (lulling dish nnd the ease with
which she prepared u number of tooth
some concoctions proved a revolution
to many who decided that they had
been uccustomed to milking a great deal
of unnecessary fuss over the simple ap
pliance. She guve the following; re
cipes; Welsh H ii-ehit Have grated one pound
of good old Kngllsh daily cheese. Hub
the bottom of the ehullng-dlsh with a
clove of garlic; put In .ihe cheese, a i l one
t.ilik po. infill of tomato catsup, one of
'oi-ct stei'Miire sauce, saltspoouf ul of s-all,
dash of cayenne and one lablespootiful of
butler. SHr u moment until it begins lo
melt, adding, a little at a time, ubullt
I our -lalilespounfiils of ale or beer. As
soon a.s the mixture Is soft and creamy
pour ii over the tosst und serve.
Sweetbreads u la Itorei Wash and trim
one pair of sweetbreads. Put them Into
boiling water, add one small union,
sliced, one l ay leaf and four cloves; cook
thirty mliiutn. Take thuu out and cool
quickly iu cold WHler; cave the water in
which they were boiled for sauces. Pick
I tie sweet bri-ads Into tiny pieces, reject
ing all the skin. When ready to serve put
into the chailng-iilsh une Itiljlespuiinful of
Doing It
That's what crowds our
store so. We have leased
the whole building, 303
Lackawanna avenue, for
a term of years irom 'Apr.
1. Don't want to move
one thiiiir more than we
can help; 500 bargains,
but only space here to
name three.
Knives and Porks
Rogers' best, 12 Dwt.
silver to the set. (let a
sjt extra for com pair,',
too. Your jeweler tells
you all about 'em and
"says $5. We shall sell
25 sets for
$2.90 a Doz.
Always low here. Our
$50 watch is cheap; here's
a chance for that boy or
girl. Klegant silver watch
hand engraved aud war
ranted i'or time. They
were 3 to $5.
Any price almost, so as
to sell them fast. Some
genuine etchings in pol
ished oak frames, we
mark down to 69 ceuts;
should be $1.75.
Lacka. Ave.
bldter and of fl.nir, rubbed together,
und a hair pii.t of milk. Have by the Bide
of the d'sli in a pretty bowl the sweet
breads, and lwilf a given swet in-ppcr cut
Into Vfry tine ptrlp.a. When soiled, light
the lamp, ftlr until mince Is boiling: add
FweethrPAds und pepper, half teaspoonf id
of salt and cillspounful of while popper.
Stir until boiling and serve ul ones from
the dish.
T.ohster a la Newhurg-Take thi meat
from two gcnl-.-lzi'd lohsier-i. Keep In
large pieces, t "ut l.iecl iw meat Into three
an. I the lail n:o six. Most of the mixture
Sll.Oll l he 111. Id - hefiiie ro-l vi.MK time. Illlb
toKein.-r oac i.tol.--;).!. nftd of butter and
u level oin- of II !.!. .u:sii tin- hard boiled
o:ks of tlllVe
W lllle IIKIshin--.
Ml I. Ill il'lu t'.i-.
and ll. ...... I.aif
walt.poonf ul of
Wun.i hi a col. I ;
ivatly to serve,
inx: add I., le:
'eg-; i : I I'tMe by little,
a I .1 f i-.iji ef ri.t cream
;...:.,: ; .'i -ii ; a t. I buiter
I -..' . j. i:t I of lb and
w lii. ,.e;nier. Tiii 1 an
d.t.v ta:-.-i.,m''. When
i-lir i n;. I not b.ill
:i!i l t:ir verv sluwlv an-
lii hoi hi;.. In: ad. I fuin- l.ii.l. (.o.iiit ul : of
.Madeiia or sheiry. tiei-ve Irom dish at
oysters a la ('liainbci-l.ila - Drain free
from all ll.iior filly jrood fat ovslers and
put them in the cfniitiiiK-in.-li. Put a
iUarter-pouinl of butter by the side, also
a halt cup of giHd cream. When seated
light the lamp und with u long wooden
spoon s.tir carefully until boiling hot; mid
butter cut into four lills. the cream, u
tuhh-jpooiiful of salt und a dash of env
enne. Make sur? ihe ovsters ure rooked,
then pint out the lamp and add two table.
pooiil'iils of Madeira or sherry-tlrst ab
(ways pief-i-ra ble. s.rve at lUii-c froiii
A cundy lecture will be given this
morning beginning at pi o'clock. The
nilmlsslon fee will be f.ii cents, as the
lecture Is ni'puruto from the course.
This iiflcrniinn's subject will be entrees
and frying.
u.uwn (uit i)ii:it.
Northeustern I'cnnsy I vuniu Alninnl and
Uiicsts Hun quel In tho Hotel Terrace.
The fifth annual dinner of the Le
high I'nlveislty club of Northeastern
IVunsvlvunhi wiis held lust night In
the Hotel Terrace. The occasion was
a very liappy one und brought together
about llfty nf the club members nnd
guests. The dinner urrungemcnts were
made by tin. follow lug committee: Wil
liam (Jrlllith. '7, chulntuin; W. A. I.a
tlnop, I-:. II. I.awall, "Si:1: W. AI.
Marple, '71; 1. (i, jCminerlch, '2; ti. C,
Hiirkhart, '.'.s. und Walter llrlggs, 'S3.
I'lvcedlng the dinner a brief season
of sociability was spent In the hotel
Parlors, where the members and other
guests were received by President II.
W. Howley, of this cltv; Vice President
W. II. Dean, (if Wilkes-Harte; Secre
tary and Treasurer Arthur Umg, of
Wilkes-Htirre. und other entliusl(Uitlo
members of the club.
In the itluiiig room u long tabic,
handsomely decorated w,, lttv,i
plant, banquet lamps and other tuble
embellishments, was set along the
southerly (sble of the room ami was
backed by wall druperlea of brown mid
white, tho university colors. Following
wua the menu:
Plue Points
tli-een Turtle, t'lear
Kennebec Salmon, Atx-hovy Sauce I
t iicumbem l'otuio.'s. Uiiehes3e
oiiuy: Turkey und Cranberry Jelly
'In ret
uullflower und t'reain Potatoi, lilace
Oyster 1'aitles-
b'1-eiu-h Peas
Imperial Punch
I.eltuce Salad. Mayonnaise pressing-Sll.-ed
f'umenbert and i: i:,m i'Iiwh
Icecream lieti-i's Water i racker.-i
Assorted Cakes Sailed Almonil
Cale .Voir Clears
Informality featureil the gathering
during progress of the dinner and uf
terwunl, there being no set programme
for toastlngn or uddresscs. The In
formal talks by the baninietlers were
Interspersed with the singing of "I,e
lilgli, Lehigh, Komi ure thy memories
to me. to me." to the tune of "My Hon
nie;" "There Is 11 Tavern In the Town,"
"The l'.i-iiwii und White," ami other Le
high songs,
Tlie following were present:
Cluests- lu-. Thomas AI. Drown,
president of I.chigh university; I,, tt.
Ulchard. Judge Archbald. C'ololiel 11. AI.
Mules, ProfcHsur Ituell, Captain .May, all
of Scraiiton; I r. !'. c. Johnson, Wilkes
Marie Kecord; Professor 11. C. Davis, of
Alunitil Ki-imi Philadelphia. II. S.
Drinker. '71: T. AI. Kyinm, 'si; from
Wilkes-Marre. Professor W. II. Dean,
'Mi; H. AI. Seitsinger, 'SS; W. A. I.ath
rop. '7.i; Kltner II. Kawall, 'S2; H. S.
Aleroiir, '!mi: l.i. Warriner, '!W; Arthur
P. Long. "Mi; C. V. Yost.'S7; from Kings
ton. C. (iralmiii. Jr.. 'Mi; from Ibtzlcton.
II. L. Alaiib-y. ''.il'; 1,. A. Kniinerich. 'M':
from Sciantiin. Curl N'ciiff'er. '!I4; .1. AI.
Meaumont, 'Hi': Charles A. Straw, 'it!;
William Critlith. '7li; .1. .1. Clark. 'SS; i.
C. Hurkhardt. 'SS; Walter ISriggs, 's:!;
Miirgiin Davis, !J; K. P. Turner. 'W; W.
AI. Marple. '71; II. W. How-Icy. 'Sf,; Dr.
1. II. Jenkins, 'ss; from South Methle
ln'iii, .1. P.. i ilven, "tiii, "lirow n and
White;" II. U. Peck, '!17.
The oiatot lciil compliment of the eve
ning was opened by Chairman Row
ley, who, in u happy address, Introduced
the guest of the evening. Dr. Drown.
Tin- doctor spoke with much feeling und
iu u. manner which left no doubt of his
thorough sincerity. The character of
an Institution of learning, he said In u
prefatory wny. Is shown in no better
direction than by the feelings with
which its it i 1 1 ii 1 1 1 i reganl their alma
inn ter. When t lu-lr Heiitimciit. even af
ter years of struggle with the cafes
of active business or professional life.
Is one of undiminished esteem and af
fection, tlie wort Illness of the school
may be taken lor grit tiled. When It
hi one of Indifference or neglect, rest
assured that something somewhere Is
radically wrung, lb' took great pleas
ure in Ihe lin t that Lehigh's sons,
wherever found, are loyal, far lyyotnl
the average, nnd he begged for the con
tinuance of their eo-operution und sup
port. "Sneaking wl'h reference to the
past," lie iiild-.-il, "it has been. ' be
lieve, tin-- nilrfiir'ur.c of many institu
tions makitiK ;i soecialtv of tei hnical
Instruction that thev have devoid all
their cncc'les to ihe turning nut of
P.rotlcii nl craftsmen, and have in some
measure ov..r.j.ilteil the fact that our
colleg'-s - lid ui:ier:dties should take
equal pairs to ct.idiiate, at tlie same
time. 1 : 1 -1 : -i .!. d and libcial men.
It is m. loci' to See I be technical
cotirs-s at I I: ic!i 1. loudened so as to
Include the lflt!!'"-l ivlng studies an
well i!-t the rr:: :'l .-indies, so that w l.. :i
W" tuiii not ;ui I ! '-c, ii i-in-mist
or ii touthi tun lii Imii w e shall i Do turn
nut a PUi'i tilted to take hold of Hi"
gnat, thiohl.ii,?' proldeuis of the day.
tcoiiomlc. pliilosophlcal iiiui s. ..ial; a
mun able not onlv to be u good work
man In Ids siMclal Held of endeavor,
but also to be a good and broad-giiuged
citizen, a strong ami useful member of
the community. This tuny possibility
take mote tin.:- Ihun It did under the
obi way; but I ask you. gentlemen, it
is nut worth it? Can time be wrong
fully ao'ilbil when it is taken In the
ili'Vi lo'.mmt of character as well as
technical skill: when it . taken In I he
lilting of 'h iiidhldiu.l to bis future
duties ami responsibilities, civic, nnd
social, as well ns iirofe' sional
The doctor cln:-!oi v.ilh nn appeal to
the a'limi.l In In half of a fund v.hlch
It Is hoped to raise for the aiding of
students :il l.i-hi'-ll who have limited
Judge An-bliald followed with n
forceful indorsement of Dr. Droivn's
policy; und 1'rof.ssor Muell. In u witty
lillt also eloillellt S'leech. spoke of the
relations of tlie iirepuratory school to
the university, oilier addresses were
delivered by Cobmel . Ai. ,,i,.s and
Captain W. A. .May.
liny the Weber
and get the best. At Ouernnev Bros.
Ml P.
KSCOTT At Scranton. Feb. iw
Thomas Kscott. at his home, on Booth
Alain uvenue. The funeral Kill be beld
ou iliduy, Alarch 2.
We Are Not
Going to Move
Rut we have some goods that the
prices will wove for us. Charles
1 ieltls llaviland's Frt'lH'h 1 ill 11 a,
lui nieces Dinner Sets lor ,.oo,
furuier pi ke $5u.uo; blue, piuk,
und heliotrope clouded coin gold
decorations composed of the fol
lowing pieces:
12 Tea Plates.
12 Dinner Plates, TC
12 Soup Plates.
12 Fruits. M
12 Individual Butters I
12 Tea Cups. J ,
12 Saucers. IN
2 Uncovered Vegetable Dishes.
2 Covered Vegetable Dishes,
1 Soup Tureen.
1 10-Inch Platter. H
1 12-lnch Platter. . fA
i 14-Inch Platter.
1 Gravy Tureen. I
2 Pickle Dishes. ,
1 Salad Bowl. I
I Covered Butter. i
u uiiuunui
134 Wyoming Avenue.
Don't Follow the Leaders.
Lead the Followers. ' 2
KNOX . .
. . HATS
128 Wyoming Ave.
Full Assortment now
at 60 and 70c. per
belect l-rom.
aT ltr1(Vnit1
vruii 1111 ciiii
many exclusive uesigns
Ply, Agra, Extra Super
All sizes from single door to 9 x 12 feet Carpet
in Stock.
Get our prices
Javanese Rug;
iq tha prices o!
Don't buy until you see
our prices.
Acknowledged the Lending
Ol th WarlA
KRAMCHts A UACHU and others.
Musical Instruments,
Husical Merchandise,
Sheet Music and
Music Books.
Purchatera will always find a completa
stuck and at prices a low aa the qual
ity ul the Instrument will permit at
ti. L HUT'S
nusic STORE,
117 Wyoming Ave. - Scranton
We Have
On Hand
Also the Newest.
Al.-u the Cheapest.
Also tha Largest.
Porcelain, Onyx, Ut;
Silver Novelties In Infinite Variety.
Latest Importations.
Jewelry, Watch&s, Diamonds.
fl. E. ROGERS,
I w.t"maker. 21ft LacliawanM in.
Of all kinds, manufactured at sb
notice, at The Tribune Office.
TAKE CARE "Jka ouJotlT
M yini ara troubled vita
Bl'Kj'S and hav your yoa aiamintd fraa,
Wo have r-ducij prion and ara tha lawset la
tha citr. Kiukal apaotaolna f ro 1 to ti; soli
from it U .
80S Spruco StrosL Scrtntpn, Pa.
in. Splendid things (
yard. Largest Line to I
Line ls very choice, t
Dcmg snovvn in i nrce
and Cotton Chains.
on Japanese and