:?' ;-.v,"3r.'.' 1 fl THE KCEANTON THIBXTSTE SA1TJBDAT MOKJHnr. iTKBKUAinT St, .( - CONGRESSIONAL BUSINESS The Annual Fight Over Checks .Representatives. for DC ARMOND S BITTER ATTACK Characterize the Amendment as Raid oa tha Treasury-President Cleveland Vetoes the Bill Authorising Leaa la( of Arlsona School Lands. Washington. Feb. S3. The Cuban resolution did not figure In today's proceedings of tht house until just L fore the close of the session. Secretary Cox, of the senate, announced to the house the action of the senate an J the house galleries cheered his statement. The resolutions lie on the sueakft-'s desk, whence they muy lie called up at any time. It was understood this at ternoon that Air. Hitt will nsk the house to dispose of them next Monday. As soon as the Juurnul was read, the house went Into committee of the whole for the consideration of the legislut I vt. executive und Judicial appropriat Ion bill for the year ending June SO. 1S)7. nil twenty-fli pages of It were .il poseil of before adjournment. In the course of the general debate, which lasted until nearly 2 o'clock. Sir. CJrout (Hep., Vt.) a member of the commit tee on appropriations, rend a speech in favor of a sound and stuble currency. Of the sections of the bill which lassed under consideration, only one excited much debate that relating to clerks for representatives, over which the mi nimi light took place. Mr. Tawney (Hep., Minn.) moved to make their em ployment continuous. Instead of durlriB the sessions of congress only, but this was ruled out on a point of order made by Mr. McCall (Hep., Ten.) that it changed existing law. and was there fore luadmissubie upon an appropria tion bill. TRKASl'KY RAID. The feature of the discussion was Mr. Du Armond'n attack upon the amend ment which he characterized as u r.UU vu the treasury, without right or Jiik tice, u salary grab us much as the In famous nieusure known by that name nnd a stench In the nostrils of hunest men. The clmirman u? the committee fif the whole sustained the point of irder reversing a ruling made in the last congress under r.lmilar conditions, nnd Mr. Tawney taking un nppeal frm the ruling It was sustained by the com niittee 10-i to 4.1. A message from President Cleveland vetoing the bill authorizing the letis iiiK of the school lands of Ai'Izoiih. was laid before the house and made the lieclal order for tomorrow. The conference re;iort on the general pension appropriation bill, and tlx re port on the elections committee No. 1, continuing Mr. Jones title to the sson.t as representative from the First dis trict of Virginia were agreed to. At 4. DO the house took n recess until H o'clock, the evening session to be for the consideration of private pension and relief bills only. TESTIXU BLOOIMOIXDS. Nurrow I scape of a Deputy Who linn lleforo the Dogs-Indiana Sheriff Satis fied Tkcv Will Capture Any Criminal. Crown Point, Tmi.. Feb. 28. This morning Just before daybreak Sheriff Hayes gave ltuck nnd Jim, his two mnn-hutlng bloodhounds, a thorough trial test in the heavy timber in id fwamp south of the city limits. Tlie dogs mude the chase to perfection, not leaving the trail an Inch from start to llnlsh until their man was cap tured. William Zanders, a deputy sheriff, left the county Jail at fi o'clock, one hour ahead of Sheriff Hayes, Depu ty Farley and the hounds. Zanders walked to the county fnlr grounds, a. mile away. Ho went twice around tlie race track, taking a different route each time, then passing through tlie grounds in a zigzag course. After walking about two miles in the fair grounds Zanders went Into a heavy piece of timber. Here he walked hack and forth a dozen times, then crossed through twice In a different direction Into a heavy Bwamp of canebrakoa eight feet high. The swamp covers Pearly twenty acres of land. Zanders found the cane brakes so high that he could hardly travel. Through this spot he walked in every direction, over Ice and biiow. Hp had hardly reaeru-d the edge of the swamp when he heard the yelping of the dogs nbout a mile be hind him. Zanders, knowing he had no time to lose, made a long run for a big patch of hazel bushes a few roils away. He crawled through this place twice and then started for a tree near by. He turned around and saw lluck and Jim not over four rods behind, com ing on a run without making the least bit of noise. He made a dash for the nearest tree and climbed up Just in time to miss the Jaws of the dogs. Had lie made one misstep and fell he would have been torn In pieces, as the dovrrs were excited to their highest pitch, iluck stood guard at the base of the tree, while Jim leisurely walked two or three rods away and took his posi tion, which he regularly held In Texas "a picket on duty," both eagerly watch ing their captured man. Sheriff Hayes and Deputy Farley reached the spot nearly an hour afterward. Another Way of Looking at It. A sulky llttli girl was being entertalnol by a friend, a middle-aged woman unused 1o children, who nevertheless was doinr her best lo arouse Interest. "Oh, look at pussy," wild the liostes-o, "just see how nice and clean she is, r5--? how she washes her face." The sulky one cast u contemptuous look THERE'LL BE A KOR OR Buyers mentioned in this two weelcs, CUE M8ET 224 Wyoming Ave. Retire from business then, and have no use for the instru ments, except to convert thciu into cash at the earliest mo ment possible. Besides these daily specials, any instrument on the floor of our show room can. be bought for actual cost for cash, or responsible buyers can have as long time as they desire, by merely agreeing to pay an annual interest rate of 6 per cent, on the outstanding balance. Just imagine the luxury of owning a Weber Piano on such wonderfully easy terms t toward the domestic pet. "She ain't washing her face," she remarked at last, "she's washing her paws and wiping them on her face." Brooklyn Uagle. INDUSTRIAL. Plttston Gazette: If the new Mount Lookout breaker, now being built to take the place of the one recently de stroyed by Are, Is not the finest and best in the valley, it certainly will be no fault of the officials of the company, who are sparing no expense or labor to make the plans as nearly perfect as it Is possible to have them, and to adapt them to the conditions found at the colliery. General Manager J. L. Craw ford is giving his personal supervision to the work of preparing the plans, and they are now almost completed. In some respects the new breaker will be exactly the same as the old one, while In other respects It will be materially different, and a statement of the points of difference will be of Interest to mine workers generally. The new breaker will occupy exactly the same site as the one destroyed by lire. The new build ing will be larger, however, for the rea son thut it will be double, while the former one was single. To make It so a wing will be built on the northeast coiner. The foundation for the wing is also In readiness, it having been built some time ago when It was proposed to enlarge the old breaker. Some Idea of the massive character of the new struc ture may be gained from the statement that 1. UOO.UOO feet of timber will be re quired in its building. The coal will be hoisted to the top of the breaker by means of a plane, as before, and the manner of handling cars will be the same. From the dumping platform downward through the breaker, how ever, are radical changes from the old style, .which It will .be Interesting to watc h very closely. Just below the dumping platform nre two pairs of crushers, and here the changes begin. Into one pi'ir of crushers, 40 by 4S inches in size, goes all of the pure coal. Into the crushers. Hti by ,16 Inches In size, goes nil doubtful and bony coal. Hot It classes of civil nre treated alike as to crushing and separating, passing from the crushers Into counter screens fi by 7 feet In diameter and 24 feet long, (tut of these screens broken and egg coal Is prepared over automatic slate pickers. There Is also an extra pair of crushers, by means of which the broken und egg coal may be reduced, if desired, to lower sizes. The pure coal under broken and egg goes to the main screen, from which the stove and chest nut sizes are prepared over automatic slate pickers. The chestnut and pea coal then passes over shakers and au tomatic slute pickers, thence going di rect to the pockets. The pickings from all of these sizes of coal are elevated und reploked. doing back to the top of the breaker, the course of the doubt ful and bony coal may be traced. This, after leaving the counter screens, In stead of going to the main screens, ns the pure coal, passes, together with the coal from the mud screens, under the bars, over a series of shakers, and after being separated Into sizes by the Khakcrs. run Into twelve Lehigh Valley pattern Jigs (of the same style as those In use at "Maltby"). All doubtful conl, even the buckwheat size. Is Jigged. Af ter being Jigged it passes over auto matic slate pickers, and thence goes to the chutes, ready for market, the long und perfect cleaning process through which it bus passed being expected to make It dean enough to pass the most rigid Inspection. The breaker Is eipilpped with three lines of elevators, each feet high one for lip screenings, one fur doubtful conl and one for re liHiidling condemned coal. The work of rehandling condemned coal, frequently a coiirce of much trouble and expense, will In the new breuker be reduced to the minimum, a deep pit having been prepared under the breaker. Into which the coal can be dumped nnd then ele vated to the top of the breaker to pass through the picking process a second lime. It will not be necessary to use a shovel on condemned coal. In all there will be ten shaking screens and six round screens in the breaker, and the total cnnnclty will be nbout 2.imo tons n day. The capacity of the new breaker will not be much greater than the old. the additional space und Improvements being used to better prepare the coal rather tbnn Increase the product. All of the modern ln nker accessories will be furnished. sJth as electric light, steam heat, vat -r for lire purpose, etc. Altogether, It is safe to say that it will be the best equipped coal-preparing plant in this region. Conductors and trainmen on Hie Le high Valley passenger trains begun last Sunday wearing their new service badges. Those for the conductors nre heavy gold plate, while the badges for the trainmen are made of aluminum. F.ach shield Is numbered according to the length of service of the employe. beginning March 1 the Krle will charge for carrying bicycles whether accompanied by owners or not. The minimum charge Is fixed at 15 cents and the rate is not to exceed 20 per cent, of the passenger fare. The Erie will charge 1". cents on ull fares between 6 cents and 1. If the lluby Is cnttlng Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow'ii Soothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Years by Mil lions of Mothers for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Uums, Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and ask for '.'Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup." and tnke no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. - - When Comedian Crane discovered (hot there were thirteen characters In "The (iovernor of Kentucky" he went to the author to see ubout It. There was a Mr. Leonard spoken of dining tile play who was never seen, it was easy to Intro duce Mr. Leoqard In the play, and thus It was given fourteen characters. FRESH SPECIAL PIANO ORGAN space daily for the iiex because IMMB, THE WORLD OF BUSINESS Wall Street Review. New York. Feb. 28. The stock market, under the Influence of higher quotations from London and the receipt of buying or ders from that venter opened strong to buoyant. An advance of " to T per cent, occurred In the first transactions, but the rise soon checked by a ilrop in Lei.ihcr Preferred from 02 to oil1, the tock still feeling the effect of the passing of the dividend. The bears then seized upon the Washington news coucmlug the agitu. tlon in the senate lo.Vlai; forward (ho recognition of the Cuban belligerents u-s a pretext for a break In prices, and ham mered the list with great vigor. Pines yielded slowly at rlrf t. but as round amounts of the share were thrown upon the market the downward movement was accelerated, and during the afternoon a general decline of '.s to 5 per eem. ensued. The faet that houses with Washington connection were prominent as ieiUrs gave color to the reports that a feeling of upprelienslun existed as to the outcome of the mu'h-talked-of senate resolutions on the Cuban question. .Many stop urdrra were caught on the way down and a num ber of small traders were shaken out cf their stocks. Particular attention was paid to Sugar, and the stock broke from US'-, to 113'. on sales of liettrly W,0 shares. The leading Insiders were credit ed with lu'avy purchases at the lower range. General Eleouie, Chicago Gas, Louisville, Manhattan, the Grangers, Jvackawauna, Tennessee foal and iron, Jersey Central, the Soutewhstern shares und Pacific. Mull yielded anywhere from 'i to 3 per cent. Tobacco was rather tinni er than the rest und North Pacific ruled positively strong, rising 1, to I7:!i and closing (it lCi. Shortly before the close there was a rush to cover and prices ral lied V, to 2 per cent. RurlliiKtnn and (Julncy, leather Preferred, Sugar nnd Tobacco leading. Among the specialties ulllttmoro and Ohio rose 24 to 3o, but later lost the Improvement. The total transactions were 410.51X) shares. Specula tion left off steady In tone at he recovery noted. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. ALLEN CO., correspondents for A. P. CAMP BELL, stuck broker, 412 Spruce street. Op'n- High- Low- Clos. lng. est. est. Ing. Am. ToWicco Co V T 77:1i i'J Am. Col ion oil 17 17 17 17 Am. Sugar Ke'g Co.1In4 IIS 11:; 11.1 Atch.. To. & 8. Fe... 17 17 la's 1ii3 Canada Southern.... fio'H Crti'Vi fin ftiu, Ches. & Ohio 17'j 17'i I'lij V.'i- Chicago Gas liS? (wrij (ji.i, ttf.ig hie. & N. W lo:, In5 pi;i4 m: Chic, H. & y wii,', siHi 7,j?, js' C. C. C. & St. I. :r?i4 371;, :vt Chic., Mil. 8t. P... W 7V. 7.VU Tii'i Chle.. It. 1. & Pae.. 7P 7I'S 7:'' lel. & Hudson 127U liT'-i li'i l-'7 1., L. & W na!, ia im Uiitffi lUBt. & C. )si, lSii. 17 (ien. h'.leiitrie. 3is t: :iii 30 Lake Shore Mi jiy 4o jm Iouls. Naoh fd"' f.4r-i f.l'i f.-"i M. K. & Texas, pr... :tln III1, ".".l L" Manhattan Klo lti4 11171, pr, lmiii Mo. Pae 2.1.1; ajat 2.it ii., Nat. Cord-ago r,1, .V, f,-, !.'., Nat. Lead ;;, :, .;, N. J. Central P171.', 10714 ni v.H N. Y. Central US', ftl w N. Y., L. K. & W... II! Hi 151; ."' N. Y.. 8. & W.. Pr 28 25 27 27 Nor. Pae 41, fi 4 4v Ontario & West ir.iu lr.'-i l.j 15 Omaha 4ui 4iii.j 4it(. .-. Pnc. Mall 2ii'i ill's, 27' SS'-I Pull. & Head lit 1.1 IP? ynl Southern It. It HA; pui :, !i- Southern . ., Pr.. IK'i, ! it m Temi. C. ,Vr Iron.... HI 3.1 KKi IP-il Texas til Vitus 8 s'i ), 1'nion paclliu xi, 8'i 71 j 71 Walmsh ie, ;-M i;t (,7 Wktbarih, IV. .w 14-1.4 Is is Western Pniou d.,i, r.H Kl!"(, sPi W. L.y...... IK 11-i, 7.f. IP4 1 . S. Leather H"s 't il !na I'. S. Leather, Pr... l2 112 r,!i'4 ni l'. $. llubbcr 2s'i 2S',4 27'n 27't CHICAGO BOAHD OF TRADE PUICF.3. , Op'n- High- Low- Clos. WHEAT. lng. est. est. lug. ;"-v "est !! ii7'i Ju0AT .4 7, 7i 'a' 2l'i 21" 21 U 21'i Jul' 21' -i'. -i' 2i 1 oi(?. May :im.i ::nij mil. July SI. I'l'a Sl4 May fi.42 .1.42 CKi &.?,7 July 6.06 0.2 .-"m I'OKK. May 9.K j, -- 9K July n.7s ti.su .72 y.M) Scrnnton Board of Irado KxchangvQuo' tations-AII (Quotations llascj on Pur of 100. Name. Bid. Asked. Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank 135 Scranton Lace Curtain Co National Poring & Drilling Co. First National iiank ScranOn Jar & Stopper Co Sprir.g t.rook Water Co Klmhurst lioulevard Co bi ran ton Axle Works Scranton Savings Uank Scranton Traction Co Konta Plato Glass Co.... Scranton Car Keplacer Co Scanton Packing Co Weston Mill Co Lackawanna Iron & Steel Co.. Scranton llcddlng Co PONDS. Scrnnton Glass Co Scranton Pass. Hallway, first mortgage due 1U19 Soranton Traction Co people's Street Hallway, first mortgage duo 191!) Scranton & Plttston Trac. Co.. people's Street Hallway, Sec- CO M 650 25 luj 100 80 200 15 1U J00 : 2.".o H'J !00 110 85 110 90 110 90 10O 102 102 ... loo 100 100 Lucka. Valley Trac. Co., first mortgage due 1820 Dickson .Manufacturing Co.... Lacka. Township School t.... City of Scranton Street Imp 67o Scranton Axle Works Borough of Winton 6 Uuuh Brook Coal Co New York Prnduco Market. New York, Feb. 2S. Flour-Quiet, firm, unchanged. Southern flour Firm, un changed. Wheat Dull, lirm: No. 2 led Ktoio nnd elevator, S2c: aotlat. SI'vi'.; f. o. b., 83aa); ungraded red, 7oaX3c. ; No. 1 northern, TT'ie.: options moderately ac tive, closed lirm at 'ae. advance on firm er cables, foreign buying, better west and local covering; May and July most ac tive; No. 2 red rVbruary anil March, 7."'''.; April, 7.Vv. ; May, 7k'.; June. 72''bc. ; July, TH'ac. Corn Dull, scarce, firmer ; No. i 8',;c. elevator; :Cii afloat; options were dull, I i liner with the weHit and on lucal covering; .May and July only traded In; I'ehriniry, 27'sc.; .May, i7c; July, :i7"4'. Oats Dull, stronger; options, firmer; Feb ruarv, 2il4tr.: Marcli and May, 2lic; siot prices, No. 2. 2ti;,c.; No. 2 while. 27ic: No. 2Chlcago, 27V.; No. 3. 2,-ii...c; No. 3 tthite, 2li1sc.; mixed western, it.i2i!'.9.; while state und western, 27a2'.lc. Hitf Slr.uiy, unehauged. Heef hnms Inaeiive; yM.'V.ill. Tlerced beef Dull, steady; city ex.ra India mess. $lf,n1i;..-o. Cut meats 'Quiet, unchanged. Lard Quiet, weak; wiv.ti.rn Hteain, $n..Vi; city, st.lHia.'i; -May, $."i.70; relined. Inactive; continent. j.!l; South America, (li.lo; compoiiiid, 4Nal'. Pork Dull, weak; mess, $nalo.rii. lintter Steady, moderate demand; state dslry, Ha'Jiii'. : do. iTeauiery held, lllallie.; wvstern cnainery, Mn22e.; ilo. held, 12ilHe.; do. fac. lory, salHe.; Klgins, 22e.; imilation creain ery, llai-jlTic; rolls, S i I2e. Cheese Fair ileniand. unc'iiged. lCggs Liberal re cidpts. weaker; slate unci Pennsylvania, HallVjc.; woiithern, 1lin1iii.;c.; ice house case, J1.7".i2.7D; western flesh, lo'sull.!.; duck, 23aa.il.'. Tolodo (irnin Market. Toledo, O.. Fell. 2S. Wheat Receipt, 4.0OU bushels', shipments. 2,ini Ihi ji.'Ik; easy; No. 2 cash, 74isc: May, 7"i"k'. July, 71-Hie. Corn Receipts, 42.INJ bushils; ship ments, K.uoO bushels; dull; No. 2 mlx-jd May, SI'-jC. Oats Nominal, (ioverseed Receipts, 1,4"K bags; shipments. I.'.MI bags; steaJy; prime cash und March, fi ll, Oil Market Oil City, Feb. M. Petroleum Credit bal ances, $1.2. At Ihe l-Jxchaiu;e th. otlton opened $1.27; highest, $1 27: lowest, $1.21; closed. $1.2i. National Transit ruii:i. 1S.4IJ7 barrels: shipments, 4.tiH barrels. Kuckeye runs, Tu.OtVI barrels; shipments, AG,M?J bar rels. I'ittsburg, Pa., Feb. 2S. Oil opened, $1.2';; highest, $1.27: lowest, J1.2U; closed, fi.M. Credit balances, $1.30. ('hlcngo live Stock. Chicago, Feb. 28. Cattle Receipts. 5.010 head; market strong for choice, steady for others; coinmon (o extra steers, $3.2.',a4.4; ftoekers and feeders. J17f.n3.tO; cows and bulls, $l.50n3.fiO; 'nlves, $3.10nr,: Texaiis, $2.3Tia3.SO. ilog-Re'eipts, 22,ln.ii head; market weak und ftc. lower; heavy park In and shipiiing lots, $3.Pia4; coinmon to chaHce mixed, J.T.ljal lithoiop assorteil, t;i.!Ki4; light, $ll.7ri4; pigs, $ll.4na!!.s0. Sheep Receipts, 8.1100 head; market steady; In terior to choice, $2.CiOn3.5o; lambs, $3.0oa 4.40. Puffnlo l.lvo Stock. Buffalo, N. Y Feb. 28. Cattle Few on sale; butchers' grades, easy, Hogs Opened slow and 6al$c. lower; heavy. $4a 4.10; mediums, $4.10a4.1i; Yorketfs, $4.1ia 4.20; pigs, $I.Ma4.2S; roughs, S3.23a3.S0; slags. $2.0ial Sheep and lambs Heavy weight, lambs and sheep predominating and handy saleable; best lambs very steady, $1 idal w); best sheep II nil, $3.104 2.1V,; mo export trade demand; closing blow. Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia. Feb. 2S.-Tllow is quiet and unchanged. We quote: City, prune. In hogsheads, ic; country, prime In bar rels, 3c; country, dark. In barrels, 3U cakes, 4c.; grease, 3'4c. Ix)iiis Harrison has been engaged for a leading part In a new piece by Cheever Ooodwin and Woolson Morse, which is to Bee the light In Chicago. There are three acts, and the characters of each act get lost and do not reappear In the succeeding acts, all except Mr. Harrison. A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCK. WHKN A HOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE, NO (ilAKGK WILL BR LFS3 THAN 2:, CKNTS. THIS RULE P PL1FS TO SMALT. WANT ADS., EX CKPT LOCAL SITUATIONS, WHICH ARK INSKHTED FKKli Help Wanted Mala. btnrt; permanent place. BROWN BROS. CO., Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y. UrANTKU MEN TO I.KAKX BAKBEK tr.id: s wen'tfs rtsiuired; positions se ruren: caUloguo freo. Address BAHBKK SCHOOL, 61 CVntiir St., Now York, or Hoi Cherry, Philadulphia. MEN EVKRYWHF7Kfo DISTRIBUTE t-yrup sampls; liifht and steady work; goes! pav. PRATT SYHL'P COMPANY, Cui Uen, N. J. UTANTED-MAN KOR THE ItOAD TO hiro agents to distribute sain pli'S and collect; work easy: SWu we.'k and expeunes, Audress P. o. Box 707, liiilailelpbiu. Pa. iri A WEEK PAID LAUIf 8 AN 1)6 IS NTS OHr to sell I !n pid Dish Washer; washei ud dries thorn in two minutes without wot ting the hands: a child ran operute; never breaks a dlsli; priua loir sells at sight; per manent, position for all who write soon. W. P. 1IAKK1SON & CO., Clerk 17, Columbus. O. w 'ANTED- MEN AND WOMEN TO woi'K ai 1101110; 1 p-iy 9t to 3 10 par wcbk for making ( rayon Portraits; new patented uiethjil; anyone who can rend and write can 1111 hid worn ai iioiiie. 111 spare lime, aay or evening; send for pHi'tii'tilnrs and liegin work at once. Addrt'ss 11. A. Uripp, Ueriuan Artist, Tyrone, Pa. WE WANT A PEW MOKE OENERAL agents, ladies or gentlemen, to travel and appoint airoiits on our new publications; salary $7Klaud ull exponsos; full particulars givou on applieHtiou. If you apply send pho t -igraph. AUdrejs DupU '., S. 1. lltl.L CO., Philadulphia, Pa. SALESMEN WANTRD- LOCAL AND trurelint;; sell merchants and individuals $23 to $.7) per week; trenieudous sureess. HOME, mill Market St.. liitlailolphia. (JALESMEN-Ji A DAY;" SO CANVASS. O iug: no delivrios; no collections; samph'S tree: side line or exclusive. Hl'itS., iiH4l Market St., Ibiladelphia. U ''ANTED A N AOKNT IN EVERY 8E(! tiou toi'unvnss: f 4.00 to " Oil a day made; selln at. sight; alsoamaato sell htaple (loods lo dealers; best side lino $75.00 a mouth; sal ary or large coin mission made; experienca unnecessary. Clifton Soap and Manufactur ing Co., Cincinnati, O. iTANTED AN EXPERT STEAM FITTER M to solicit work and make estimates: a good otiportuuitv to the right party. Address STEAM FITTER, Tribune ollhw. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN IN 11 every town to solicit stock subscrip tions; a monopoly; big money for agents; 110 rapital required. EDWAUD C. FISH CO., Korden Blocs, Chicago. 111. Helo Wanted" Females. YyAlmur-i'Tv tu introilm-" Bnrdsley's Slireddi'd Cod liili; call from 10 to 12 Saturday ut wholesale grocery E. E. Teal. 24 Lackawanna avenue. Ask for J. M. Crane. pOOD, STHONO GIRL OR WOMAN KOR T gom-rnl housework. Applv, with refer ence, to MRS. NOLL, 1342 N. Alain avenue. 1ADIF.9-I MAKE BIO WAGE DOINO 1 J plcnxnut homo work, nnd will gladly send full particulars to all (.ending 2 cent stamp, MISS M. A. BTEHBI.VS, Lawrence, Mich. U- 'AIS'I ED-LADY AO F.ST" IN- SCRAN ton to sell and Introduce) Hnyil. r's cake icing: eXiorieiicod canvasser preferred; work I et minion t and very iiroflliible. Write for j urticiihiiK at once met get benefit of holiday trade. T II. SNYDER & CO Cincinnati. O T ANTED IMMEDIATELY -TWO F.NER- getio faleswomen to represnt us. Guaranteed Sa day without interfering witli other duties. Healthful occupation. Writo for partieulars, iuulosiug stamp. Mango Client li'al Cinnpniiv. No. 72 John street. New York. For Rent. 1 ,'UR RENT FOI'K FLOORS OVER MY J1 store, for boarding and lodging house; ulso house 607 Washington avenue. J. L. HARDING. Idols' IiENT-f2.UlO WILL UK NT STORK J loW"r L-ickawanna avenue. Full lot. M. II. HoLGATE. Commonwealth Building. NINE ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT, LN- X V quire ,30 Monroj avenue. t.OR RENT-ROOMS IN IIARVeY S BRICK J1 block, f ontli W vouiiug avenue. Inquire at Harvey's Silk Mill. I.IOR HENT-ROrMSNOW (HX'rPlED BY V the Traders' National Bank: possession given nlxmt May I. by F. 1. PUlLLlPi, Cashier Traders' National Bank, Y'OR RENT -FROM Ali(IIirXAROE I brick hou' e, 421 Mulberry street; all mod ern upplinuces. Inquire 243 N. Washlui;ton avt-tine. PO It R E N T-T E N-KOI )MH OUSE ;AI , L II moilorn conveniences. Inquire at 1223 Washburn st lOR RENT ONE-HALF DOUBLE HOUSE. 1 713 Qiiinry aveliui. Runt reasonable, Opposito Moses Taylor Hospital. 1 FOR RENT-ONE SIX ROOM HOUSE, LEE J court. Inquire 02.1 Adams ave. TOR HENT-NK'Ej,! FURNISHED HALL J suitablo for lodgo looms, JOHN JEit MYN, HO Wyoming nvenue. 1,'OR RENT THE PREMISES RECENTLY J oci iinied by The Scranton Tribiuie.known as the Bloeser Building, corner of Spruce St. and 1 01111 avu. Possession given immediately. The plenil.es consist cf the building in the rear of the building on the corner of spruce street and I'enii avenue, tntf-cilier with the biietneiit. and slso the entire fourth floor of the corner building. Can be rented for Lodge I'lirpuses sb well as public meetings. Sizes of lull, 2:'x10i with a s.-cond hall on same fiuor, 22xVi. Fur particulars inquire on the premises, f Rudolph ltloesr, or at the ollli-u of The Scrnnton Ti ibiine. FOR RENT. Tlio upper Two Assem bly Halls in our modern building, corner Lacka wanna and IVnn Arcs., belli s 50 feet front and nearly 100 feet deep, with steam heat and passenger elevator, to let. Will al ter entrance to Lacka wanna avenue, and adapt lloors for school, oilice, gallery or light business purposes. THE SAMTERS. Gold Stock and Propertiea. Sure and Sale Investments, for Large and Small Investors. Writo us for full informa tion. Statistics. Mans, etc, furnished free. Private Direct Wire to Cripple Creek, Colora do Springs, Denver and New York. THt MHCHliM INVESTMENT CO., Chicago, Ills., L. D. KNEELANU, Manager. 01 GENT c KDD 600 Pairs in the Lot, Representing the Best Stock That Can Be Put into a Glove. FORMER PRICE. $2.00. CONNOLLY Raal Estate. M?ll,0UO WILL BUY NEW B1NOLE house, 13 rooms, 50 Qnincy avenue; situation Is beautiful; house well ar ranged, anely Huishcd, a model home; terms easy. W. H. UOLUATE. $li,rl WILL BUY 14-ROOM HOUHE, corner Oiilucy avenuo For particulars call at ottlce. M. H. HOI.OATE. timi WILL BUY DOl'BLK HOCSIC. full Int, fsJ block. Irvtug uvcuuu; reut If.'SO: p roner tv must be sold. '' -' HI-OATE. -iiisilu WILlTBUY Kl-ROOM BRICK M house and barn, large lot, 140U block, N. Ham avenue.If taken at once; terms etny. M. H. HOLOATE. jauiO WILL BUY 1UU ACRE EAHM. a snort ilistanc iroui tiailsieau or Montrose, farm bnildiuirs. house, barn and onlhiiildlngs complete; suring water, fruit trees; cash $l,UOU; balance to suit pur chaser. M. II. HOLUATE. $7,UU0 WILL BUY E. A. WHEATON 8 Home, Kactoryvllle, fa., im nearly nno acre, nno snrins niued to the house. house a model; all modern convenience, shade trees, sloping lawns; also barn. This property is unusually line; can be securod at a great barguiu. M. II. HOLUATE, Comiiioiiwe.ilt h Building. For Sale. II OC8E AND LOT FOR SALE; LOT 40x1(17 teet, .10 r rankllu avenue. I.'OR SALE-TEA ROUTE; A HOOD chancu for the right party. Address J. P., Trlbuno office. I.OR HALE HOUSE AND LOT AT COH uur of Monde and Burke street. All mod ern improvements on promises. MRS. ANNIE STEWART, Dunniore, Pa. I 'OK SALE-I PAIR RAY MAKES: I black pacer : very fast ; prices low, GUERNSEY BROTHERS, ifcM Wyoming Ave. 1' .'OR SALE ON E P TUB" FINEST country places nev Hcrantou; laree inmlern house and tine grounds. MK.S. MAKY AYLESWOKTH. larks Oreen, Pa. Agents Wanted. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL ClOAHS; l"! per mouth salary and expenses paid. Address, with two-cent etaiup, r 1UAKO CI OA It CO., Chlcaco. WANTEO-TWO OOOU MEN TO SELL tea and rafl'ee im comniitslon ill and around Scranton; will furnish each with a horsn and wngm and pay 'M per cent, com mission: a small bond reiiuired. For particu lars address C. C, Tribune ofllce. AGENTS-TO SELL OITR PRAtTICAL gold, silver, uickel and copper electro platers: price from fit upward; salary and ex- i lenses paid; outfit free. Address, with stamp, ilICHKlAN MFU CO., Chieago AGENTS TO SELL CIGARS TO DEALERS; $ii weekly and expenses; experience un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MFO. CO., 48 Van Buren St., Chicago. SALESMAN TO CARRY BIDE LINE; ! sr rent, commission; sample book mailed free. Address L. N. CO.. oration L, New York. T ONCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO 1 soil new lightning selling table cloth, mos l itito ami housefly liipiid at hi cents and'JS cents a bottle. Sample free. BOL01ANO M'K'U Co., Baltimore, Md. "jToENTS-IIlNDE'S PATENT UNIVEH JY sal Hair Curlers anil Wavers fnsod with out heat), and "Pyr Pointnd"Hair Pins. Lib eral commission. Free sample and full par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 450. New York. Stockholders' Meeting, ri'HE ANNUAL MEET I SO OK THE I stockholders of Tho Providsnco Gas and Water Company will bo held at their ofiice in tho Delaware and Hudson building. Lacka wanna avenue, Hcrantou, Pa,, Monday, May 4, lstiu, at 10 a. in., to elect officers to serve during the ensuing year, to consider and au thorise an increaso of the capital stock of the company, and transact any other business that mav lw presented. By order of the managers. H. F. ATHERTOJTi Secretary. Scranton, Pa., Fub'W, 1WHL 'PHE ANNUAL MEEI1XU OF THE 1 stockholders of 1'hu Dickson Mantifao turlng Company for tho election of olllcers and to vote on the proposition to reduce the number of directors from eleven tn not more than nine nor l -sn tb in seven, and the consid eration of such other business as may be brought before them, will be held at the office of the romp inv In Scranton, on Weduesdnv, the I Ith diiv of March next, at 10 o'clock a.m. (Sinned) WILLIAM II. PEKKINS, toc'y. Scranton, Pa Feb. i!4, 1MM. "VyoTH'E-THE ANNUAL MEETING OF 1 tho stockholders of The Lackawanna Iron and Steel Company, for the election of directors and transaction of such other busi ness as may properly come before the meet ing, will lie held at the nftice of the company. In tile city of Scrnnton. Pennsylvania, on Wednesday. March 4, IS'JO. at 2 o'clock p. in. The noils will remain oeii for one hour. The transfer hooks will be dosed on February SI, lSDii, and reopened on March ft, ISM,. .1. P. HIOOINSON, Secretary. Scranton, Pa.. Feb. Sll. I SMB. Soeclal Notices. '"I'HE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAH." 1 You want this relic. Contains all of Frank Leslie's famous old War 1'ictures.sliow ing the forces in actual battle, sketched on the Ssit. Two volumes, li,(MJ pictures. Sold on easy monthly payment. Delivered by ex press complete, alt charges prepaid. Address P.O. MOODY. 0i Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. BLANK HOOKS, PAMPHLETS. MAOA xines, etc.. bound or rt'oound at T.ix TninuNa ofiice. Vuick work. Reasonable prieea. Business Opportunity. RIPPLE CREEK INVESTMENTS-RE-Xi liable information, with 4'ripp'e Creek map free; 3 vears on ground: rmn.UOO capital. The Woods Investment Co. , Colorado Spriuge, Colo. Clairvoyant. i.hisc 4IMRKV. UHF.ATKHT l.IVIMI Jl clairvoyant in tho world; tells post, present and future, sirs aiuiuerry kit Medical. LA Dl RSI CnidiMtsf'i Eneisli i Pennyroyal Mis idi.iii.vJ 9mit. nre the) Vest. ,. T.b w sw. so" -. "'!, ru.iil.t., "K.lb-1 f iSK." i im. Return stall. .. ""Wi" Chlcnester Chemlcat Co.. PlillasU., Pa. A SURB CURB FOR RHEUMATISM Warranted to cure WO out of every 1.000; two doses will take the worst rase of inflam matory nut of bed. fiOU per pint bottle. Manufactured and sold by MRS. DK. HAMILTON, ss Northampton Street, Wllkes-Barre, Pa. and for sale at 116 New York St., Urcen Rldee. SCRANTON, PA. ANOTHER STIR IN GLOVES Our "iIPPOVIP" Celebrated JC1U1T1C. & WALLACE, TRY US. 132-004 UCXL IVE, COR. IDlli Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED AS BUTCHER; good meat rntter and sails ige muker. Ad dress BUTCHER, Ml Church avenue. S ITUATION" WANT EI A S BUTCHER OR any other honorable employment; good work and baa rood references. Address i. H. JENKINS, I DID Urirk avenue. SITUATION WANTED AS JANITOR OR watehinau; teu years' exiierience and best of references. Address A., Box 28S, Moutrose, Pa, YOUNO MAN WOULD LIKE SITUATION is willing to do anything. Address F. L., Tribune otttce. U1NOL.E MAN, ,'lii, WOULD LIKE WORK 1 on gentleinsn's placo. Address WORK !NO MAN, Tribune otlice. WANTED POSITION BY YOUNO LADY as stenographer and typewriter; nan also assist on books; experienced; best refer ences. Address STENOORAPHEK, 138 N. Hyde Park avenue. CITUATION WANTED AS HUTCHES. BY one who thoroughly understands meat business: can command a good trade; prefer to work In cash market; with good habits and nrst-class reference. D. MOHOAN, 3u8 West Market street. CITUATioN" ANTED BY FIRST OF Cj March as collector, by one of business qualifications; well used to city and out of city; with good habits and reference, Ad druss MuRU AN, S W W. Market .trout. SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNO ij girl to do general housework In a small family. Address 1- E., 115 N. Fillmore ave. RAILRCftD TIME-TABLES Schedule In Effect May 19, 189s. Trains Leave Wilkes-Barre as Follows 7.25 a. m., week days, for Sunbury Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts, burg and the West. 10.15 a m., week days, for Hazleton. . Pottsville, Reading, Norristown and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitts burg and the West. 3.17 p.m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 4.40 p. m., Sundays only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burg and the West. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazleton and Pottsville. J. R. WOOD, Oen'l Pass. Agent. S. Al. PREVOST, Ueneral Manager. Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insur ing cleanliness and comfort. T1MH TAMLB IN EFFECT NOV. 17. 1895. Trains leave Scranton for Plttston, Wllkes-Bnrre, etc at 8.20, 9.1S, 11. 30 a. in., 1 20, 2.O0, 3.05, 5.00, 7.10 p. in. Sundays, D.00 a. ni., 1.00, 2.15. 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City, 8.W a. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, 8.20 (express) a. m., 1.20 (express with Ituf fet parlor car), 3.05 (express) p. 111. bun day, 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 1.20 p. 111. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, 21 p. m. and New York (US p. m. For Mauch Chunk. Allentown. Hethlo nem, F.aston and Philadelphia, 8.20 a. 111., 1 20, 8.05, 5.1W (except Philadelphia) p. m. Sunday, 2.15 p. m. For Long Brunch, Ocean Orove, etc., at 8.20 a. m.. 120 p. m. For Reading, Lebanon and Harrisburg, via Allentown, 8.20 a. in., 1.20, 5.00 p. m. Sunday, 2.15 p. m. For Pottsville, S.M a. m.. 1.20 p. m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street, North River, at 9.10 (express) a. m 1.10, 1.20, 4.30 (express with Bullet parlor car) p. in. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. Leuve Philadelphia, Heading Terminal. S.O0 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday 6. 27 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be bad on application in ad vance to the ticket iigeul ut the station. II. P. BALDWIN. Gen. Pass. Agent. J. H. OLHACSEN, Gen. Supt. DELAWARE AND HUDSON RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday, BB BmQ9 arrive at new Lacka m'W B wanna avenue station HW .o follows: llr Train will leave Scran- tnn atntlnn for Carbondale and Interme diate vo n"s at 2.20. 5.45, 7.00. 8.25 and 10.10 a. m . 12 W, 20, 6'15' "' ' nU ll'SHrP'FIarvlew, Waymart and Honcsdale at 7 00. 8.25 and 1010 a. in., 12.00. 2.20 and 5.16 '"Vlir Albany. Saratoga, the Adlrondacks and Montreal at 5. 45 a. m. and 2.20 p. m. For Wllkes-Barre and Intermediate rmlnts at 7.45, 8.45, 8.38 and 10.45 a. ni.. 12.03, f?i 238 4iw, B.10. 8.05, .1 and 11.38 p. ni. Trains will arrive at Scranton station from Carbondulo and Intermediate points at 7 40. 8.40. 9.34 and 10.40 a. m.. 12.00, 1.17. 2S4 40. 4 51. 5.55. 7.45. .ll and 11.83 p. m. From lionesdale, Waymart and Far. view at B.34 a. m., 12.00, 1.17, 8.40, 5.55 and 7.45 p. m. From Montreal, Baratoga, Albany, etc., at 4.54 and 11.33 p. m. From Wllkes-Barre and Intermediate rolnts at 1 16, 8 04, 10.06 and 11 .66 a. m 1.1 14, t.38, 610, -0, 7.IM, 8.0B and 11 -If p. m. Mm Wallace In Fancy Shades, at UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Hake Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Springs, Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. Nov. 17, 1895. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via 1. & II. R. R. at 7.4 a. in., 12.05, 1.20, 2 88 and 11.88 p. m., via IX, U&W.H. R 6.00, b.08. 11.20 a. m and 134 p. m. . Leave Scranton for Plttston ana Wilkes. Barre, via D., L. & W. R. R., 8.00, 8.08, 11.28 a. m.. 3.40, 6.07. 8.52 p. ni. Leave Scranton for White Hsven, Ha. zleton, Pottnvllle and all points on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsville branches, via E. & W. V. R. H.. 11.39 a. m via D. A II. R. R. at 7.45 a. m 12.05, 1.20. 2.38, 4.00 p. ni., via IX. L. A W. R. R. B.00, 8 0S. 11.20 a. III. , 1.30, 3.40 p. ni, Iave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Harrisburg and all Intermediate points, via D. ft h. R. R. 7.45 a. m., 12 05, 1.20. 2.38, 4.00, 11.38 p. ni.. via l.. L. W. R. R., S.OO, 8.08, 11.20 a. in., 1.30 p. m Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock, To. wanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermediate points viu D & II. It. It , 8.4i a. in., 12 05 and 11.35 p. m., via D.. L. & W. R. R.. 8.08. 9.55 a. 111.. 1.30 p. 111. Leave Scranton for Rorhester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls. Detroit, Chicago and all points west viu D H. R. It.. 8.46 a. m , 12.06. 9.15, 11.38 p. m.. via D L. & W. R. It. and Plttston Junction, 8.08, .55 a. ni., 1.30, 8.50 p. m via E. ft W. V. It. It., 8.41 p. m. For Elmlra and tho west via Salamanca, via U. & H. H. R., 8.45 a. m. 12.05, li.o;. p. ni., via D.. L. & W. R. K.. 8.08, k.U a m., 1.30, and 6.07 p. in. Pulman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars on all trains between L. & B. Junction or Wllkes-Barre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. 1 ROLLIN H. WILBUR. Gen. Supt. CHAS. S. LEE. Oen. Pass, Agt., Phlla., Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHER. Asst. Oen. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem. Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 24. 189"i. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex- fress for New York and all points Sast, 40, 2.50, 6.15, 8.00 und 9.55 a. III.; 12.66 and 3.34 p. m. Express for Eanton, Trenton, Phlladel. phla and the South, 6.16, 8.00 and 9.55 a. in., 12.55 and 3.34 p. 111. Washington and way stations, 3.55 p. m. Tobyhauna accommodation, 6.10 p. m. Express for Bingham ton, Oswego, El. mlra, Corning, Bath, Dansvlllc, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10. 2.35 a. m and 1.21 p. ni., making close connections at Buffalo to all points in the West, North, west and Southwest, Bath accommodation, 9 a. m. Blnghnmton and way stations, 12.37 p. m. Nicholson accommodation, 6 p. m, Hlnghumton and Elmlra Kxprsti, 6.01 p. in. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego. Utica and Richfield Strings, 2.35 a. ra. and MthaeaYlla and Bath 9 a. m. and 1.21 p m. For Northumberland, Plttston. Wllkes Barre Plymouth, Blbomsburg and Dan ville, making close connections at North umberland for Wllllamsport. Harrisburg, Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and Intermediate sta tions 6 00, 9.55 a. m. nnd 1.30 und 6.07 p. m. Nantlcoke and Intermediate stations, 8 08 and 1120 a. m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations. 8.40 and 8.52 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches oa all express trains. For detailed Information, pocket time tables, etc.. apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket ofiice, 328 Lackawanna avenue, of depot ticket ofllce. Krle and Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New York and intermediate points on the Erie rail, road at 7.00 a. rn. and 3.29 p. m. Also for lionesdale, Hawley and local points at 7.00, B.40 u. m. and 3.29 p. m. All the uboife uio through trains to an from lionesdale. ... Trains leave for Wllkes-Barre at 6.3 s. m. and i.VJ p. tn. ftmANTOX DIVISION. In Effect September 92nel, 1S95. N North Bound. MouiN aa)4l 1203 201 c j ) is 1201 4 U R S & Stations (Trains Dallr. cept hunaay a v a Arrive Leave 7 9.VN. Y. Franklin St. 7 10) West 4Vnd street 7 00 Weehawken e M Arrlvo Leave A Ml 810 r m I l5iBa'ucok Junotloai 10W 1S4W Haocock an x 9 31 9 41 9 Ml 863 li;8 809 619 884 Starlight Preston Park Coino Poyntells Belmont Pleasant Ml Unload ale Forset city Carbondale White Bridge Ma.vfU-ld Jenny n Archibald Winton PeckTiUe Olvi'hsut Dickson Throop Provldenoe park risee 18 40!, 11! 4)1 18 14 18 (Hi fllKPl p it 6 61 I 81 16 46(1130 17 f8 38 18 18 48 1413 46 0 l 93 CM 97 8W 89 4 01 U- 4 (IT 6 481 . 641111 331 6 8VI1 is!, 8i!fl115 69H II 11 6 i t 11 07 6X1111 O' 8 18111 08 8 410 39 414 41,1117 4 490 615111 M 6 IS flOf.71 610106M scranton Arrive! Mr a fU trains run dally except eunday. signifies that tralus stop on signal for pS8 MDgers. Heaure rates vis Ontario a Western beforf enchasing tlrkets and save money. Day sasl UigtKipresstoths west. J. 0. ADdersoa, ess. pais. Agt T. Hitoroft, I)iv. Psat, Agt. tarsAtoB, Pa. I- - v 1'L.'.