The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 29, 1896, Page 10, Image 10

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' Copyright, im, by Bacueliur, Johnson and. Bachell m.
;r - . SYXOPSI8.
'Among' th boomers. In ths rush for
Oklahoma, aw 'Hilly Kurall, a widow.
iter Uvv, but brave Utile boh. Hub. and
tirr baby Klrl, W-e, it year old. Cuddy
puts lit-r watton In clmi'tir of Hull, and
makes the rush on huwliark, with Jut
baby lift to 4 tit nail. lb- in Hunt of liw,
loaviiitr Bub ti follow mine slowly. Site
and "drizzly Jim." n tleserudo. uml 11
bandxome t,'lrl on a line liors- otitsti'i" oil
tli others in tli) lure. iriz-.l Jim, lind
tng liliuai-lf biu ten uft-r a, men of rinlit
miles, tlrc bis rltle at tilt Kill, but lilts
"Hdily Instead, who fulls from lirr liorsc.
Tli airl k-Ivi-h nt tht rue ciiiil tuts to
take ear of Cuddy, drizzly Jim rides on,
mid reaehesti. leviable claim in th- t'lmar
ruu valley. There he buds Cuddy' liorse,
who lias tfalloiied uloiiir with the baby
Wee. Jim Is iill niiiiilused, but unfast
en her from t)u saddli and nlves hi-ru
drink of water, lie Is overeouie by her
baby ways, iiml deciles that she shall
have the claim. As lie takes his sgiude
and dlKS In the ground to fulfill the con
ditions, the t-huul.t of npiroaclilriK boiitil--rs
are lieard.
"If It ain't drizzly Jim! Heat ly
Grizzly Jim again, bnys! l'uny up,
Jim! We'll let yuu off cheap.
There were three nf these (lespera
flues who looked villi pride upon tin
Juan holding the spade. Was he not
the leader in the maruudiiiK expedi
tion? Had lie nul outdone tliem in
UAIiY, SO HUM All:."
lawlessness, uiul iitoveil his superior
ity? Hud he nut violently staked Ills
claim. In the richest soil In Oklahoma?
"Hush! Keep quiet, you iialoots!
You'll wuke the bebby!" said Jim,
Hternly, potnlins ut the sleeping child.
"I thought you killed him," said one
of the three, imlicatiiiK in u disappoint
ed tone Jerry's empty saddle.
"This is the bebby's claim, an don't
you fin-Kit it, uml the first feller that
tries to Jump it. I'll Jump on him like a
catamount. You know me an' this
lioy, too."
So said Grizzly Jim, patting Ills belt
With the Hecurily of one who could split
H bullet with a knife blade llfty yards.
Tim three retired, to consult, l'resently
one returned mid said In a whisper,
after a, warning Kesture from Jim:
"Be'au you u-uolnif to stay here?'
, "You bet."
"How longr'.'"
"Till the bebby lies her claim ler
dure p'raps ulnz."
"D'ye mean it, drizzly Jim? An yer
pockets could btilire in three days wld
the tin them fools are briniriii' In?"
"You fellers kin ko on an' go to bust
I shall stay here with the bebby. so
' help so " Jim's face turned toward
the baby, and then, for the first time
since ho could remember, he pro
nounced With reverence the awful name
of 5od.
The thret watt-hod him its he stood
firmly hesldu the child. His rille was
jn his hand. His word was as uood as
bis aim. Kveryhody knew that. The
baffled men murmured and made a
Scanty show of disrespect. Their old
leader's strange freak and stern face
disconcerted them, and soon enough
they grumbliiiK'l.v rode out of the val
ley to some other plundering trruuml.
Then Jltn heaved a mighty sluh, his
mouth twitched; he leaned low over his
rharRe. "Fur yer mammy's sake an'
Tiiy own bebby's sake so help me
God." Then he reverently hissed the
True to lils mother's directions, Hub
kept gtruight for the river. The child
had not trciu four miles before he saw n
HlKht wliUli was not Infrequent In that
lawless territory where over ".u.uiio
boomers were HtriiKKliMK for less than
ll.UOO homesteads. Anions this throng
were these who were pome of the old
firjjrlnal boomers, who knew Oklahoma
os well us you do your garden. When
these find any "tenderfoot" or new
comer ahead of them, they treat him as
a trespusser upon their own property,
one of this class, who considered any
part of the opened territory as his own
original inheritance, had come across u
younir fullow of twenty, occupying a
Jlu bit of nrairie which he had right
fully preempted. He had iltitf his dirt,
und now. with (he satisfaction of a hard
duty ai'iompliHhcd, was firing his pistol
frantically in the uir In true boomer
Htyle. The border rutliun had ridden
lip. and, with oulhs that he considered
suitable to the occasion, had ordered
the young man off in two minutes. Thu
younthl'ul boomer hurried to load, but a
bullet In his brain ended his career.
Now, this was observed by many, and
Hub saw it with horror, and with great
er terror noticed that the deed excited
no remark. U seemed quite natural,
In this dreadful place, to kill anyone
who tried to protect his property. The
child tluiUKht of his mother. She must
be safe uihiii her claim by this time.
Hesldes. she was a woman, und who
rould touch a woman?
He drove on slowly two or thre
miles, when the man In the w anon that
bore the inscription "Okluhomy or
bust" rode np beside him and said:
"They nay a woman has been shot
tip there," pointing: to the left. "Some
cuss headed her off with his sun when
she was Koln' to ntake her claim. There
Is plenty of tire-eaters about this dav.
They hed quite as lief plii one ez not
You had better take keer."
Torturing Disfiguring
Sold throughout the worU. British
danati F. Ntwuiv A Son, i. Kin
iEdranl.cftu 1 Am Ptrrrmm Timml
CmhuChIh Sote Flop Biitem U. g. A. .
1 . rl
With this friendly advice the man
rode rapidly away. Where does the
news of disaster obtain its winged feet?
Hub never stopped to wonder ut the
accuracy of the statement.' but turned
to the left and, with llntterltiK heurt.
urged his Judeil horses to a trot. Soon
he got out und led it, running at its
head. Ho thought he saw a woman's
dress In a clump of sage bushes about
half a mile ahead. TlNi he saw be
yond, a man heading for the same spot,
leading" u riderless horse. Yes. it was
Jerry. The boy uttered a low- moan,
crvlng: "Mamma, inamnia!" He let go
the bridle ami Hew as last as his thin
legs would ullow him, over brake und
stone, until he sunk exhausted on the
sod beside a pale, slight woman, wound
ed unto death.
Hub's heroic little soul took; In the
situation as far as it was able, with tt
maiilv self-restraint beyond his years.
The sick child had suffered so much
himself that he knew by Instinct how
not to add to the suffering- of u not her.
He did not cry out nor make a fuss,
nor startle the mangled woman with
his grief. He only put his thin cheek
down close to hers and petted her two
or three times.
"I'oor inamnia," he said, "dear mam
ma; you got hurt. haven't you? Never
mind; Hub's here. I'll take care of
you. Shall I get the quinine'."' said
Hub, gulping down the tears. Iteceiv
Ing no answer but the grouns of the
dying womun, the child said:
I'erhaps you'd rather have the mus
tard plaster? 1 think 1 know where
the blue pills are," added Hub, "they're
under the scut in the wagon some
where. " Hut a power greater than
quinine and blue mass (the main con
stituents of the boomer's materia med
ical defied the little nurse. His moth
er's aunt, blue eyes regarded him sol
emnly. Heath looked out of them. A
woman's protest against, the fate of
her motherless babes gathered like an
army in her nature und fuuuht for
"I'oor Hub," she moaned, "my little
little. Hub! Aly sick boy! And oh. my
bubv! .Where's my baby? .Where is
"Here she Is, inarm!"
A big, bass voice, shaken with emo
tion us new to the desuerado us the
baby's delicate kiss upon his coarse
cheeks, interrupted the piteous scene:
drizzly Jim stood there, Jerry punt
ing behind him; Wee, the baby, cud
dled trustfully against his bloodstained
"Von!" cried a sharp, young voice
suddenly. It was the gill with the yel
low hair the adventuress, who hud
abandoned the choicest claim In Okla
homa for another woman's sake. She
glanced at drizzly Jim with scorn. "I
only went to get water for ln-r." said
the girl in ti niatter-ol'-l'ai t tone, re
straining herself powerfully: "I only
left her for a minute. Here, yon poor
tiling! luilik. If you ca.n. I'll hold
you. t'onie. my little lad," gently to
the crippled boy: "let me help; I'm
stronger than you. 1 won't hurt her.
She needs a woman a woman does,
when it conies to dying."
At this juncture the baby-girl began
to laugh and pat her pink bunds, open
ing and shutting lu-r little lingers
rapidly with delight.
".Mummer!" cried Wee, "Mummer!
liee mummer!"
"Lord have mercy on me!" walled
the dying woman, "two of 'em babies
left In this awful place. Why, I can't
die. I Won't die!"
drizzly Jltn advanced suddenly; he
removed the soiled sombrero from his
shaggy heud; he sank upon one muddy
knee before poor Caddy.
"Miirm." he said, bluntly, "I shot at
ye; 1 own to 't. 1 meant to hit unother
woman. 1 missed my dog-goned aim
for the fust time In twenty year."
A .slight smile crossed tile lips of the
yellow-haired girl w ho held the dying
woman's head upon her broad, strong
breast; but she didn't look up, nor
answer drizzly Jim. After an Instant's
silence she said In a. low voice;
"You've got the Hour, you, sir. Keep
It. Drive uhead. She won't hold out
many minutes."
"All I've got to say. inarm, is this
here," pursued Jim unsteadily: "I've
done the mischief und I'll bide the con
sequence. Yer horse an' yes bebby got
yer claim, an' I staked It fur 'eiii, an'
by Heaven above us, inarm, I'll keep It
an' the young ones too." The anguish
of the dying woman's fare wrenched
this great lesolve from the depth of
that now tumult in Jim's soul, which
we call repentance.
"Cioody man!" gurgled Wee. going
over to him with a lolling, curving mo
tion like a kitten at plav with a light
string, "dood man. div W ee drink-o-watuh.
Mummer! Dee, dee, mum
mer!" The woman's stiffening lips set them
selves into fine word only:
"Hray pray!"
drizzly Jim looked at the strong girl.
The girl looked at drizzly Jim.
"I can't," she faltered. "I've forgot
ten how."
"I darsn't," ho muttered. "I dun
know how."
"I do," said Hub, "mamma taught
The boy folded his thin hands. Krlmy
with tears, and In a shrilly quavering
voice began:
"Now I lay me down to sleep "
At this moment the baby laughed
outright, lurching over. In the ring
ing of that little laugh, poor Caddy's
soul passed on. She smiled as she died
and so died most quietly.
The adventuress covered the dead
matron's face; she did not speak. The
baby girl curled against Jim's breast,
and put tip her fingers and begun to
play "Danbury Cross" on his cheek.
Jim bowed bis bared head over Wee,
so low thot It was Impossible to see his
eyes. Only Hob cried, and he made no
noise about It. but walled in a low mon
otone, enough to break one's heart.
"I forgive you for drawing a bead
on me If you'll be a daddy to the young
ones. You took it so powerful hard,
I won't tell the soldiers on you. I
meant to." said the yellow-haired girl,
softly, after a few minutes' pause. "My
claim Is staked here. You keep your
distance, and if you want the baby
tended and the boy mended up, I'll do
It for you." Jim tried to smile at the
rough, generous .woman, who, after
all, was so like himself In better Im
pulses. "lo yer think the boy 'ud trust me.
too?" Ho pointed at the lud. who, with
streaming eyes, was throwing wild
flowers on the covered body. The
feeble child looked nn. He walked
manfully to his mother's murdered.
"1 dimno." said the boy. slowly, "I'll
try. I hain't got anybody, else," he
Strange to say, drizzly Jim kept his
word. A claim was duly filed ut the
land office in the name of Jim Coster,
in trust for Wee und Hub Korall. No
better claim has been entered. klu
homa respects the baby boomer's
Now It befell that Jim's three com
panions were shot for theft next day In
Oklahoma by a vigilance committee,
and J i ut pondered much uin this fact
when he heard It. "I'd hev been four,"
he muttered: "the bebby saved me."
The durk deed he did und the shame
of it, proved his ungels. In wild lives
like his. this sometimes happens, and
in justice to our border life be It suld
tliut such transformations always com
mund the reverence they deserve.
It was not past midsummer, yet a
rude cubin. plastered with mud, had
risen in "Wee Valley." A baby girl
plays ut the door. A sad-eyed, sickly
Itoy watches her as he cuts seed pota
toes for Jim. their guardian, to plant.
Hoth children look well fed and ure
well dressed. Wee is scrupulously
clean und Hub is conscientiously
When the new school house opened in
the fall Hub and Wee formed the pri
mary class, und it is rumored that driz
zly Jim has partially consented to be
superintendent of the Sunday school
where the yellow-haired girl plays the
The eud.
"Flore," a romance of the times of
Cardinal Muzarin, by Stanley J. Wey
mar, will begin next Monday.
I'vcnintho Matter of n Proposal She In
sisted Hint Court Utiles Should Prevail.
Krom the Chicago Host.
She was the daughter of a judge and
she listened with languid interest to
his idea.
"I love you devotedly," he cried, pas
sionately. "I am prepured to devote
my life lo you."
"Me specille In your pleading." she
cautioned. "Do not stray too fur from
the point at issue."
He hesitated and then asked earnest
ly: "Will you be my wife?"
"Ah." she said, "now I see the point
you wish to make."
"1 am not rich," he urged, "but I have
enough to give you a comfortable home,
and my prospects uro bright. I offer
you the love of un honest man, who will
do all in his power to make you huppy.
She stopped him by a. gesture.
"It Is useless to continue ut present,"
she said, thinly but kindly. "There
are several cases nhead of yours on thrt
"Hut," he protested. "I want"
Slu- stopped him again.
"I must Insist that these matters be
taken up In their regular order." she
said, sharply. "I'ut your proposition in
writing ami lile It with my maid, and
It will receive due attention when it H
reached in the regular course of busl
nss. I hr.ven't time to listen to oral
arguments in a case that can be as well
presented in briefs."
W'lth a sigh he left and put In his
time until lute that night prepurlnij u.
petition for a rehearing.
There are many fragrant perfumes.
And at times they fill the uJr
With uu oilor so enticing
That It seems lo banish care,
ltnr there's one that's plainly c-aptain
if the whole delicious lot.
'TIs the Incense lliat arises
l-'rom a pullet in the put.
You may talk of scented spice groves
l-'ariway In southern climes;
Sing of tropic, fruits ami How-era
In your most enchanting rhymes;
Hu: the jingle of the music
Very soon will be forgot
If you chance to snu-ll the fragrance
Of a pullet In the pot.
There fire times when shoals of trouble
Seem to'lloat about my head;
When the world seems set Hfcainst me,
And I wish thii't 1 Were dead:
Hut all thoughts of self-destruction
Disappear upon the put
If I can but snllT the zepyhrs
From a pullet in the put.
Then dyspepsia Is forgotten.
of my gout 1 do not thin!;.
And 1 lung to give tin order
'itout as quick as you cuu wink!
And chuckle when the waiter
Hi'Iiiks to tni- all steaming hot
DuniplliiKs light, with licln-.-t gravy,
And I hut pullet from tile pot.
Then I labor with that biped.
And when I surroiind.tln) whole
Then 's a fullness 'nealh my waistcoat
And sweet peace within my soul.
In my unnchuir then I hhinilier.
Well contented with my lot,
AVhlle in dreamland 1 am roving
With that pullet from the pot.
'Twoiild convert the most ugnostlc?
Drive away each evil thought
Krom an unuivhlst or felon
Till his woes he quite forgot;
And to help reclaim the fallen,
1 ussiii-c you there is not
Anythli.g can hold a candle
To a pullet from the pot,
Orlo. L. Dobson, 111 Chicago lteror.1.
The invention of Dr. R. V. l'icrce, chief
consulting physician to the Invalids' Hotel
and Surgical 'institute, at buffalo, N. Y.,
has, during the past thirty years, made a
record in the cure of bronchial, throat nnd
lung diseases that fairly entitles it to out
rank all other advertised remedies for these
affections. Especially has it manifested its
potency in curing consumption of the lungs.
Not every case, but we believe
i ully 98 Per Cent.
of all cases of consumption, in all its earlier
stages, are cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery, even after the disease
lias progressed so" far as to induce repeated
bleeding from the lungs, severe lingering
cough with copious expectoration (includ
ing tubercular matter), great loss of flesh
and extreme emaciation ami weakness.
Do you doubt that hundreds of such cases
reported to us ns cured by dolden Med
ical Discovery " were genuine cases of that
dread and fatal disease ? Y ou need not take
our w ord for it. They have, in nearly every
instance, been so pronounced by the best
and most experienced home physicians,
who have no interest whatever in mis
representing them, nnd who were often
strongly prejudiced and advised against
a trial of "Golden Medical Discovery,"
but who have been forced to confess that
it surpasses, in curative power over this
fatal malady, all other medicines with
which they are acquainted. Nasty cod
liver oil nnd its filthy "emulsions" and
mixtures, had been tried in nearly alt these
cases and had either utterly failed to bene
fit, or had only seemed to benefit a little for
a short time. Extract of malt, whiskey,
and various preparations of the hypophos
pli itcs bad also been faith fully tried in vain.
The photographs of a large number of
those cured of consumption, bronchitis,
lingering coughs, asthma, chronic nasal
catarrh and kindred maladies, have been
skillfully reproduced in a book of 160
jjpges which will be mailed to you, on re
ceipt of address and six cents in stamps.
Yon can then write those cured and learn
their experience.
Address for Book, World's Dispensak Y
Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y,
Khat Has Uccn and Kill lie in Our
Local Theaters.
Paragraphs of News and Comment Con
cerning the Inhabitants of ths Allmle
World-Announcements of Coming
.Attractions-Theatrical Tidings-
Arrangements for the tour of a com
pany of stars in "The Hivals" have
been completed, und on May 4 the
strongest American company ever got
together will leave New York on a
month's memorable trip. The cast is
to be as follows: "Hob Acres," Joseph
Jefferson; "Sir Anthony Absolute,"
Willlum H. Crane; "Sir Lucius O'THg
ger." Nat O. Onodwin; "David."
Francis Wilson; "Captain Absolute."
Robert Tuber; "Kuulklund." Joseph
Holland: "Fag." K. M. Holland: "Mrs.
Muluprop," .Mrs. John Drew; "l.ydiu
Languish." Mrs. Julia. Marlowe-Taber;
"Lucy," Lotto. The company was
evolved from the recent Couldock ben
efit given In New York, and was or
ganized through the efforts of Charles
H. Jefferson, a, son of the uctor. and
Joseph Hrooks, the manager. These
two bought an atlas, und after careful
study put dates opposite these places:
May 4 .Surlnglleld, Mass.; u, Hartford;
G, New Haven: 7. New York, matinee;
7. Hrooklyn. night; 8. Philadelphia; 9,
Hnltlmore, afternoon; , Washington,
night; II, l'ittsburg; 12. Louisville; HI.
Cincinnati, matinee and night; 14. St.
Louis: 1.1, and Hi, Chicngo. two nights
and matinee; IX, Milwaukee; 111, In
dianapolis; -0, tiraiul Kupids, Mich.;
21. Toledo. O.. afternoon; "I, Detriot.
night; 22, Columbus; 2:1, Cleveland; 2",
Muffalo; 26, lluchester; 27, Syracuse,
afternoon: 27, I'tlca, N. Y night: 2S,
Albany; 2H, Huston, afternoon; 2H, Wor
cester, Mass., night; ut), .Providence,
It I.
No barn stormers or "fly-by-night
companies ever made more lively jumps
than are suggested in tills route, and
when Charles Jefferson broke It gently
to bis respected parent, he wus asked
what the unnatural son expected would
be left of the father by the time the
tour was over, it meant thirty perfor
mances In thirty cities, nnd in nnd out
of thirty hotels. That Bottled It. The
first two were possible, but thirty hotels
never! This, says the I'itlsburg
Times, was tlnully disposed of by an ar
rangement with the Pullman company,
und a special truin Is being put to
gether, with folding beds, bath rooms,
library und smoking room, with stew
ards und chefs, and u full corps of
trained servants. This train will be
known us "The Hivals' Special." and on
It the company will eut und sleep. The
scenery Is being puintcd under direc
tion of Mr. Jefferson und will go along
with the company. The expenses of
tin' trip will be high, und the public,
will have to put uu $."1 for orchestra
seats, und but little less for the bal
conies. II II I!
Modjeska will positively not appear
again this season. This statement has
been issued by her munuger, Frank L.
I'erley, who has disbanded her com
pany and canceled ull bookings. Mine.
Modjeska will, it is understood, retire
to her home in Southern California for
rest und recuperation. Her appear
ance next season is almost assured. It
Is suid she will create a new role In a
play being written by u New York
dramatist. Her season just ended has
been the most lucrative one of her
career since lssU. I'p to the time of her
Illness, a few weeks 11 go. her I ks
showed a net prolit on sixteen weeks
of her tour of J:!2,0U0. From Indica
tions, the remainder of her tour would
have been us profitable.
II !! II
Actor James K. Wilson tells this
anecdote uf Kdwiu Uooth: "It befell
him while he wus having a quiet little
stroll all by himself in one of the
smaller cities where he was acting.
Seeing some particularly delightful
looking cream puffs In a conspicuous
part of a restaurant, he stepped In and
purchased one. Without stopping to
ponder ttiion the peeuliarlitles of
cream puffs, Mr. Mouth, in the most
calculating und enthusiastic manner,
hit exactly is the center of the spongy
delicacy. Of course, a small stream of
civain ousted out ut each side of the
bite, and gathered itself together on
Mr. Month's cheeks. Just ut 'his Junc
ture some one in the shop recognized
the tragedian and cried out:
" 'Why, that's Mr. Month:'
"Half a score of people crowded
about and eyed the figure with Interest.
Il was a trying position for a great tra
gedian, who was conscious of being in
anything but a traele role. Hut he
went calmly on with his refreshment,
eating with as much unconcern unci en
joyment apparently as If he were 'far
from the inudding crowd."
'Hut.' he said afterward, with a
twinkle In his eye, 'I never did a better
bit of acting in my life.' "
There was a soprano whose name was
.Miss liyrd,
The lines! soprano that ever I hyrd.
She sung so divinely that men, 'pun my
Would melt Into tears, their souls were so
No critic would venture her voice to
Her singing it wa so remarkably tlgn,
lint als! ehe said "Yes" when the bass
suid "He mlgn,"
And straight from the choir Miss Byrd
did resign. -The Minstrel.
II !! II
Miss Florence Hindley. who Is to ap
pear ut the Academy this evening in
her great scenic play "The (New ) Cap
tain's Mute." Is one of the few "Lady
Klks" of America. The following speaks
for itself and is from the Jersey City,
N. J.. Dally Times. Sept. li. IX:.: "To
night will be Elk night at the Academy
of Music. Jersey City lodge of Klks
and their ludy friends will form u party
in honor of Sister Florence Hindley,
who is uu honorary member of the local
lodge. "The (.New) Captain's Mate" in
fls revised form. Is giving genuine sut
Isfat tioii to the put runs of the Acndemy
and the play goes with a boom, being
full of ginger and snan from start to
linlsli. The lines are bright, the finales
strong, the acting good and the scenery
new und appropriate. Florence Mind
ley Is one of the brightest snubrettes
on the stage. She Is u charming ac
tress, can sing and dance with the best
of them and is a thorough musician
four rare accomplishments to be found
in uny person. The support Is mud"
up of ladles and gentlemen of metropol
itan reputation."
!! II II
James H. Mackie, the favorite young
talented cuinedlan. who, us " Iriniesey.
.Me Hoy," for four years with Hoyt's
"Munch of Keys" company, endeared
himself to the amusement-loving pub
lic, will visit the Academy on Monday
evening. He conies now as "Hilly
(Irimes," of "(..rimes' Cellar Door."
but he is the same smiling "(Irlmesey"
us of old, and promises to give you an
evening of unparalleled pleasure and
fun. Mr. Mackie won for himself great
renown as "Orlmesey Me Hoy." but in
his new piece, "The Cellar Door," he
has a much w ider field to display his
inimitable talents. He can dance, he
ran sing, as no one but Hilly flrimes
Is capable of doing. He has surrounded
himself with a company of superior
merit, pretty girls, good dancers and
fine singers.
At the Academy on Thursday evening
we are to have the beautiful comedy
druma. "The Hrooklyn Handicap." We
clip the following from the New York
Herald of Sept. 18th: "The dialogue Is
well nigh perfect, and every one of the
many situations is entirely natural
not an improbability exists In the In
tricately Interesting plot. The drama
tization Is of the delicious sort, and
abounds with subtle little touches
which the audience sees to reflect upon
but a moment or so to see the why. In
all likelihood no better cast could hftya
In speaking of the many sudden deatlr-t
that have lately taken pluce la public life,
Cjugressmuu Dunlel Luckwood said: "our
grundfutllers had family remedies which
seemed lo preserve heulth und proloim
life, and It would appear im If some mod
ern seler.tllle preparation should be found
that would answer the same purpose.
Now, 1 think that If there is such a rem
edy it certainly Is Warner's Safe Cure.
1 know of a great many people who use It
constantly, und I have In mind one gentle
man culiiVKcted wilh the government print
ing otttce here who. tigother with his wife,
has had occasion to he exceedingly grate
ful for the restore. 1 health and strength
gained by the use or Warner's Safe Care."
Similar opinions are being euusiantly
glven by prominent men und they are
been secured nnd the characters all
have considerable exatlons. Scenic
ally considered, too, the play Is a suc
cess. Hroadwuy Is seen In all its bustle,
und a startling denouement occurs
when the villain Is prevented from
making his escape In a carriage drawn
by a pair of fine bays."
There are few theater-goers who will
not hear with sincere pleasure that Jo
seph Hurt, formerly of the firm of Hul
len & Hart, has found a suitable phiy
for his talents. Since the opening of
the season Mr. Hart has been attracting
attention to himself in the leading role
of a farce comedy entitled "A (lay Old
Hoy," which conies to the Academy
next Wednesduy, with a very strong
bid for the favorable and kindly notice
of this public. The piece is a vehicular
chunce for Mr. Hart and his excellent
company to score a success. The story
of the play used by Mr. Hurt Is ex
ceedingly simple. An elderly but rath
er convivial old gentleman makes the
acquaintance of pretty Purisian Chun
teitse. niurrles her forthwith und then
puts in a very anxious time introducing
her to the sober and select circle in
which her future life will be pussed.
The scenes and furniture of the play
ure said to be special und the company
udequate to their roles. Among Mr.
Hart's support are the following: Car
rie De Mar. May Thompson, Leona
Amrose, Nellie Hartley, Adel Archer.
Theresa Woodward. Al Leech, Donald
Hut-old. Winlield Hluke und Will H.
Among the nctingmembers of Wnite's
big show at the Frothlngham for the
next two weeks will be found Cameron
Clemens, late of the famous Hothrop
Stock company, Hoston. Muss. The
talented Miss Crego, Chase and St.
Felix, cumedy team; Hilly Harbour, An
nie Kingsey, Muyme Harvey, W. A.
Moriurlty and others. The uichestra is
directed by Professor Vincent F. Irolll,
late leader of the Klgln Watch Fac
tory band, and previous bandmaster in
Naples, Italy. There is no repertoire
company In America that will com
pare with this one In any manner. The
plays this season are all new at popu
lar prices. Dime matinee every day
after Monday of the first week. Ladies'
free tickets for the opening perform
ance can now be had ut the box otlice,
Mr. und Mrs. Robert Wayne opened
a three days' engagement ut the Park
yesterday ufternoon and evening, ap
pearing ut. both performances in the
sensational comedy drama In four acts
entitled "From Sire to Sun." They were
greeted by large audiences at both ap
pearances und made u very fuvoruble
Impression. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne ure
polished people und are supported by a
well-balanced compuny. "From Sire to
Son" wus introduced to the American
public by Milton Noble, who has leased
il for the present season to the man
ager of Mr. und Mrs. Hubert Wayne.
These gifted artists certainly produce
It in a very a ptuble iniiiiiier, us was
demonstrated by the very liberal up
plause given them." Ohio Slute Jour
nal. They will produce this striking
drama ut Davis' tlu-uter on Monday.
Tuesday uml Wednesday afternoons
und evenings.
11 11
This Is liernhardt's farewell American
Culve's real r.utni' Is Kinmu de liuqucr.
She Is often guided by astrological siq:
gestions. Kyrle iiellew has not witnessed a the-i-trlcal
performance from the uu.lltorium
for fifteen years.
In .lumes V. Hurklus' new play, "Cuba."
(.itsueral .Murtlnex Campus will he one of
the liKures.
The "Kingdom of Wham," a new comic
opera, by Morrison and Stevens, will be
produced at Tarurao in April.
"The Cotton Spinner" Is the title of
a new comedy-druina by Scott Marble,
which Itleh A- .Maeder will produce next
William A. lirady hus putvhused a new
comedy from Alice E. Ives, which lie has
named "All Kor u Olrl."
"When New York Sleeps" Is the peculiar
title of a new play that William A. BtJdy
wlll produce next season.
James La -kuye. brother of Wilton
Laekuye, is receiving praise for his .;r
I'oruiunce of Martin Berry In "Shoi-e
The expenses. Including rent, or ,-mi-nlng
'theaters in New York varle from
$1 .:;iw t o J2-.ib a week. The larger number
cost from Sl.'i.lKjO to 52.IKI.
1-oI-h, has been engaged to play Lucy,
ami Julia Marlowe-Taber, to play l.ydiu
Languish, in "The Rivals." by the rtur
cast headed by Joseph Jefferson.
Charles Hoyt has wrrtten. In ull. four
teen plays, probably none of which will
live us long as those cf Shakespeare. Bur
Mr. Iloyl has made fcou.iwo 011; of them.
Next season ut -the New York Casino
f'unaiy & Lejerer will have a stock or
ganization for the performance of HkIH
operas, burlesques and musical comedies.
Percy (laiint, Thomas Frust and More
Davidson ure writing a musical satire,
which embodies the elements of comic
opera, burlesque and farce-comedy, with
mechanical contrivances.
"The did Homestead" has earned
$7'i.utw: "The County Fair.",
"Shenandoah," $:i).imi; "Adonis." ifuu mi;
"The C.irl 1 Lert Melllnd Me." I5ii.uiI;
'The Wife." JUm.iHHi. and "The Ciinrltv
Hull," 7r..sst. Me. Palmer has made IHKCmil
out of "Trilby." The popularity of "The
Heart of Maryland" is not half exhausted,
yet it has already earned 75,tinu for its
author und manager.
Kev. Mlas Abramson, uf Dcth Jacob
Church, Buffalo. Kccommends Dr.
Agnew's Catarrhal Powder to Ills i:ntlrc
Congregotlon-It KclIcTesin I U. Minutes
and Cures.
'Hev. Kllas Abramon, of Heth Jacob
church, litiffulo, w rites: "1 have ured Hr.
Agnew's Catarrhal Powder for colds and
catarrh. It Is magical In Its effects, giv
ing delightful relief In u or 10 minutes, it
Is a eure when certainly has no equal. I
recommend It to all my congregation."
One short puff of the breath through the
Hlower, supplied with each bottle of this
Catarrhal Powder, diffuses this l'owder
over the surface of the passages.
Pulnless and delightful to use. It relieves
instantly, and iwrmanently cures Catarrh.
Huy Fever, Colds, Headache, Sore Throat,
Tonsllitls and Deafness. 50 cents. Hold
by Matthews Bros,
Here are the words of Mrs. 11. P. G.
C-arncs, one of the be.U known ladies In
Mutler, Pa., which are given for the ben
etit of ull ladles: "Kor elitht years 1 was
a conslanl sufferer from female weak
nesses in the most aggravated form. Ale.l
lclne did me no good und at times I felt
that death would be a welcome relief. Kill
Warner's Safe Cure was recommended to
me by my driiKglst and I wus persuaded
lo try It. 1 was astonished at !ie mar
velous change II made, evrn before I had
Mulshed one bottle. I Kill now feeling well
and strong, and am able to attend to all
my domestic duties."
Tills Is only one ea.e among thousands
but it Is siilllcienl to prove mat this Kieut
remedy can always be relied upon to re
lieve and cure. That is why il is so lintr
Virsally recognized us
tiim 01 i-osi flionnooa suoum sena at
oiieo lor a oook
that explains how
full manly vk-or
is easily, quickly
and perujaueutly
restored. No cm a
suffering from
weakness can af
ford to ignore this
timely advice.
Bonk tells how
, ; ihh Bireusiu, ae-
velonmenr and tone are Itiqiurted to every
portion of the body. Seal wilh positivo
proof s(sealed) free 10 any mu u on upplicaiiua.
Made a
Well Ma
of Me.
SOth Day.
2 xiEivriniD-v
prodOMS the aboe remits ln'30 days. It ic
powerful! and quickly. Cures when sll othan Ull
xoaagBM will regain their loat manhood, aad old
mea will Menu their youthful visor bj ualsg
RET1TO. II ealcsir and surely reatorea Nenoue
Mes,Laat Vitality, Inpoteacy, Klsldly fcrauialoae,
LofePowar.ralllni Memory, Wasting Dlneaaee. nd
all streets of nU-abuas or aieera aud indlaeretlon.
whlok mlts one (or study, bualneea or marriage. It
Dot oaly cures by starting at tb anal of dlaeaae, bat
la a great aer tonlo aud blood builder, bring,
lug Back lbs pink glow to pate cheeks and re
Jiaring In Are of youth. I wards off fnnanily
nd Consumption. Insist oa hayD RRV1VO, no
otber. It can be carried la teat Meckel. By mcil,
M.OO par package, or sis tor A.Oo, with posl
dye written guarantee to ear gerund
-.he money. Circular free. Address
Vat Ml y Matthews Bros. DtfUglat
etraatoa . Fa,
TO our
Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to nsstire their marry pat
rotiH thut tlicy will this year hold to their usual citstoas
of mi Hi STRICTLY OI.I) WIIJA 1 until the new crop
is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the murket, and
owint; to the excessively Jry wctitlicr many millers uro
of the opinion thut It is already cured, and in proper
condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take
no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully threo
months to mature before urindiiiK.
This careful attention to every detail of milling haC
placed Washburn-Crosby Co. 'a Hour fur above other
Wholesale Agents.
Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Kiids, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv
ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup
plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock.
and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wlieels,
Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc.
Amet!aan aside s reliable, monthlr, remUUcc medicine. Only Ktrmleat ts4
the potest druja should be need, if yoa want the best, get
Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal Pills
Tber are prompt, safe and certain In remit The stsslne (Or. Feel's) nerer dlsiae '
uorat. Bent anywhere, 11.00. Address fSAi. MSDIUUB Com Clertlaiid, O.
For sal by JOHN H. PHELPS Pharmacists cor. Wyoming Avsaitt antf
6pruoa8trwwt. Soranton
Some Interesting facts regarding tha
navul service were recently given by u
prominent oltlclul.D. A. lirosvenor says;
"Some years ago 1 received uu Injury tu
the kidneys. At the time I was barely tibia
to get nbout, suffered great pains, und t
times passed blood with my urine. I got
better but for three or four years after (
hud rouble at times. Whenever I tools
cold I felt the trouble, uml very often
1 suffered severely and was troubled III
passing water. 1 was dually persuaded to
try Warner's Safe Cure, which effected a
complete eure, und sIhch that time I havo
had no trouble or wi-ukniss whatever 111
the region of the kidneys. I am a well,
sound man today."
This great remedy has never oticu failed
In liKh'tliig these complains. Its effects or
tinequalea ai d
Moosic Powder Go,
Rooms 1 and 2 Commeiultli BM'f,
i)ALlfi WORKS. .
,ii - , ;'
' Lafflln ft Rand Powder Co.-
Orange Gun Powdoi
Blectrlo Patteiies, Puses for expted
lag blasts, Safety rase and
KepaunoCbemical Co.'s High Eiptosira
MMane sr wt HieNter Miawai Astweermsj
. have You trr a rrU
snuaLEn win core ynu. A
.wondorfnl boon to sufferer!
'from (elds, lereTbreal,
or If AY FEVEK. AlmS
i immrdinle nlirf. A n emcleal
h wii;,H"IIDIinilllV
sonkst, ready to p." on Brut InOlcaUun of ootf.
- mrcii a-vreaaaene care
BaUareeUosnarnntePd or money refunded. Frtee.
ete. TOslfreo at Ilnisjtliiis. Registered mall,
(Ocenu. I.tCOSHatll, ku-.,rirW-i,Mj, B.i. i;
MENTHOL Tf!u snreet anil safest remedy for
Si ViU 'k,n dlwasea. rtotema. Ittb.Kall
Bbem.nld8nras. Ilurna. Cuu. V7eeerrul rein.
edy for
km. t-rlce, (6.u,m llrui'Dll al
ernts or by mini prepiirt. Aililrc.nnnsboTQ
Fcv- salo by Matthews Bros, and Joha
H. rXelDB.
. , ,