THE ONLY REPUBLICAN DAILY IN LACKAWANNA COUNTY. d - TWELVE PAGES S4 COLUMNS. SCKANTON, PA., SATUKDA.Y MOltNING, FE1UIUARV -!), 189I5. TWO CENTS A COrY. IN SPUfflC Varied ns the flowers of the field and fresh us nature's nwn virgin green. Not a single Idea tlmt sav ors of lust year's styles and u stock B(l full of StcllillK novelties, tlmt the reflective looker cannot fail tu won der where they ull cume from, nntl how the di-ulmiTs could possibly conceive no Tiniiiy new und preliy thoughts Hlid weaves. i The above paragraph briefly tells ! the story of our annual t Spring Dress G:al3 The people of fVranton have never seen such a lurgeund Important dis play In this city previously, and ev ery wouiun of tuste and fashion I cordially invited to visit the store while the exhibition lusts. We don't expect you to buy now. Look ing Is all we t are for at present, and when we tell yon that we've jjiven up almost ull of the givut annex to show our new dress fabrics In. you run euslly imagine that our opening la one well worthy yutir closest at tention. Among Nwdfe Siwi A new .Tacquard weave that looks like a ill. lure of the urk'iit in rich, i V wurtii subdued tones. i Am MP. Are the most charming of novelties. A silk moire effect is thrown on n multi-colored close marble ground, producing a wnvey harmony of U-nes that fairly battles description. CbCYcreaM e la Mm Novelty In parallel knotted line ef fects thrown up in warm colors and tints. Itlced Crepons, two tone Crepons In distinctly new effects, etc., form an interesting group that cannot es cape your attention. Represent some exquisite Ideas in plaid effects, far removed from the old bright clan tartans and shown up on a silk sprinkled surfure. Persians, EleetrlneH, Mozambique, Oorails. Allruyds, Islet Suitings, Wyrville Cloths. Demas .Tacqiuirds, Ilelege Jaequnrds. Wapple Suitings, Sayre and Valllda Suitings, Mohuir llnes, Canvas liouoles, Alpine Tour ist Suitings, lilcycl- Suitings, .el mires, etc. A description of all these newmaterluls would only bore our readers, but they're Just as In teresting, Just us new, and Just ua novel as thu one or two fabrics de scribed. Staple Cloths S Have not been neglected. The weaves are the Fame, only improved ,a little In texture and llneness. and the coUrings ure all new. They may not interest you as much us the novelties, but we've grot to have them you know. These cloths in clude the best makes In Cashmeres, Serges, Henriettas, Mohairs, Storm Herges, I.unsdownts, Whipcords. Cheviots, Mohair Coverts. Hicvele Cloths, ZebellneH, Hrlght Plaids, etc. The assortment Is unlimited and the values decidedly better than last season. OPENING CONTINUES ONE : , WEESL WAREHOUSE WuO B E REVENUE OFFICE SCANDAL Charges Made by Mr. Hurki Ayuinst Collector Herriny. SOME OP THE AtTIDAYITS The Curtain Lifted t'pon Colonel Col quitt's Stur Chamber Court-Affidavits from l'ostmuittcr Vundling und Senator Mclionuld. Special to the Seruntun Tribune. WushliiKton, Feb. 28. V. J. Burke has been In for several days, and hus Kpcnt m of his time at the treas ury department looked over the papers In the rase ugalnst Collector Herring'. Mr, liuike hus never been able to learn what had been done by Inspector Col quitt or see the papers tiled In behalf of Collector Herring until now. He diserveiod some things tint must have surprised liini. J.i gall Carlisle, t hief clerk of the treasury, has been Klveti charge of the cui-i Jt'.aliixt Collector 1 let t ing, ami as h ' is a tiiiin of business he will no doubt push the Investigation ut the (bulges as rapidly ns possible. Mr. Carlisle treated Mr. Uurke with more courtesy tluni Is usually extended to Interested purtles in cuses of this kind. H" sent for ull the papers on Hie und ullowed Hurke to look them over. Hurke foiiiul several letters from peo ple that ho had no Idea were taking any intercut In the case. .Ml!. II'IIOXAI.D'S l.KTTKK. Among t Iii-iii was one from ex-State Senator .Mi l lunald, whom he has here tofore believed to be a friend. The senator's letter Is no doubt responsible for some of the delay in the investiga tion. Among' other things Mr. McDonald says In hlsi atllduvlt, sworn to before Deputy Collector r-'aaslmld, Is this re markable fentence: "I am astonished that Mr. Hurke made such an accusation, even though I have Known him intimately for years, and know that he is exceedingly vin dictive, reckless and extravagant of speech and would stop at nothing to gratify his desire of revenge for an ul legi d w took done lillll." IM'liKK'H SI'KCIKIC CHAIICKS. The i hai ucs liled by Mr. Hurke are in tin- form nf affidavits, eleven in ull. They -tire nf two classes one alleging Hint the detailed work of the collet tor's utlice ' under Mr. Herring's niun iiK'iienl Iiun been in-rfoi mcil In a care less uicl liu-tlli lent manner; that mis leading reports hate bei: made; Unit money has been collected In a manner not aulhorlKod by luw and that In cer tain instances violations of the reve nue luws have been Ignored. The other class of charges relates to aliened Im morality on the part of otliclals ill the department. They are of a character unsiiltrd to publication. SIK. VAX DUNG'S AFFIDAVIT. An utliduvit of I'ot'tmaster Yanillinct Is on lilt- In which he says that he never saw any bud characters loitering about the federal building .-night or duy, and that Collector Herring's conduct was always pro per for nil he knows. John White, night watchman of the federal building, tells a different story from that nf I'oslmuster Vandling. He says In bis testimony before Chief Colquitt, in answer to a question, that the actions of Collector Herring were such that be once reported the matter to Custodian Vandling. Mr. Hurki- is much pleased with his success In reaching the papers Hied by Colonel Colquitt showing the character of Herilng's defense. He lias liled eleven additional utliiluvlts u.s testi mony, and feels that there is no ques tion now that the charges made against Collector Herring have been fully sub stantiated. He denies that there Is any malice In his prosecution of Col lector HerriiiK. and has placed on llle tt copy of a. letter which he wrote Com missioner Miller In reference to viola tions reported before he ( Hurke) left the revenue? service. Tbi letter bears date of May J7, 1Sr,, und Mr. Hurke was not legislated out of olllce until some time after that date. HANK KOISHIKS I.YNCIII . Are Hanged in liont nf thu Sccnu of I heir Own Crimu. Wichita Kulls, Tex.. Feb. 2S. Foster Crawford and "The Kid," who raided the City National bank, killing Cashier Flunk Dorsey and wounding lionk keeper . I. hungford. were lynched here tonight. Their bodies were sus pended from a telegraph pole In front of the bank where their crime was com mitted. The mob which took them from the all started at first for the public square with the intention of burning their vic tims at the Mtake. tlreat excitement prevailed, but a few cooler heads per suaded the leaders of the mnli not to repeat the uwful Paris horror. Then the miserable victims were ma relied to the scene of their crime. A rope was quickly thrown over the crossarnt of a telegraph pole and a hundred hands Jerked the rubbers off their feet The rope was made fast and the bodies left hanging, when the mob dispersed. The two men were captured last night near Fort Worth and were brought to this city today and lodged In Jail. A large crowd immediately gathered und threuts were freely made of lynching. The Jail wum puaided by two companies of Texas rangers, under command of the famous Captain McDonald. The rangers, a few hour before the hang ing, got a sudden call to Ainarillo and left the men in charge of a few citizens, who immediately turned them over tu the mob, t nrciiuloti'd l ove und llrink- New York, Feb. IX. Five bullets were fired Into Ihe body of Katherlne Flyini .early tonight at the coiner of Second nveniie und Kast ttrveidy-iilutli street. The shoetlnir was (lun? by Thomas Coo ley, 51 years old, u carpenter. The girl is In a critical condition. It In a ease of iinreqiileted love anil drink. ' I lit Men killed. Irf-wlsliurg. W. Va., Feb. 28. A boiler 'belonging to W. H. Overholt. nt Frank font, lireen Hrler county, exploded today. The machinery and lions are a total wreck. Klve men were killed and live or ciK others seriously injured. . - TI1K NKUS THIS MORNING. . The Weather Today : kain ; Colder. 1 llerrlng-Uurke I'.HvenueSciindul Aired. Senate Keronl."S the Cubans. Mayor's Clerk's Salary Not to He "Keforilll-d." News troiu Across the Sea. 2 Congressional I'roceedlngs. (ieiieral .Market and Stock Quotations. New .Mount l.uukiMit lireuki'i', 3 Mrs. Korcr .Makes Dessert. W. C. T. I". Sessions Kud. Lehigh Club Dinner. Father Hoban'a (.'uusecruticn. 4 F.ditorhil Comment. Wuay, Hastings und Cameron. I Death of Treasury Ordinance. Coyne Klectlon Contest. Speak-Fasles to (io. (i Doings in Seraidun Society Circles. News of Scr.inton Churches. Hrlght and Sparkling .Musical Chat. 7 New s of Scrantoii's Suburbs. The Sporting World. 8 The Healm of Womankind. .Miss Kaiser's Sirigh:ly London Letter. The Wiuiileiiaihl of North America. Iron Valleys of Wales. 10 "The liahy Hooiner." Hi Ik lit and Hreezy Theatrical Chat. 11 The World of Letters. The IVuiisyKuiiia of the West. 12 News from l uinl Down thu Valley. Latent Itallrmol News. M'SIN1:SS (JAINS IN WKST. Hopefulness Still Predominate In I inan eiul Circles Aecordiiia to U. (i. Dun St Co. New York. Feb. L's. It. (1. Dun nnd compuny will say tomorrow In their weekly Itevlew of Trade: Failures for the week have been '2'X In tlie I 'lilted States ugalnst lust year und :tt In Canada against 3S last year. In smile quurters business gains, at the west rather than ut the cast, but there is no general cliuime for the bet ter, c.ltbotigh hopefulness l.tlll predom inates. Foreign aflairs glow more pa ciiic, public opiuiou turns more resn lulely towurd s.iuinl money, I nit the de mand of sulllcletit demand fir the proil duets of great Industries still retard actual Improvement. Strikes of some importance In garment making and kindred lines titled trade in Ciiicae,o and Ha It inline, but there are fewer la bor dilllciillies than usual, as existing; conditions warn wage earners that con troversies at this time are unwise. Spci lllatlv i- lilal Lets show lilt le life. The Volume of business ol business does not improve. FxchangeS through the prlncliial banking bouses Miow IS. 7 per cent, gain over last year, but the months cnuqiai Ismi with ls:i:i Is the only instructive one. and shows a decrease of L'ii.7 for FebruHiy. I'ollroad earn ings lor the third week of February ex ceed last yeurs 'i.l per ci lit und lor Fcliruaiy thus far huve been II per cent, gi'.-ut.r than last year. Stock Mieciilt,.!i lias been Irri'guliir tird Cu ban war talk on I'liilay caused a break In ruilioud stocks. The f cut tire III iron has been the large demand for, wrought mnl cast pipe. Iron quotations average two per cent, lower for the week. The demand for boots and shoes gains very little. UK ADS'f Kl'!l'"l 'S HI I'OK I . Aetivlty in the l.luss Industry I.euUini; Staples AdMinee" New York, Feb. 2S, Hiadslrect's to tiiorrow will say: Changealde. and at times unseason able weather has continued to unfavor ably liilfiii nee the distribution of gen eral inilchandise. Jobbers' at larsTe Western centers tin Mn anticipate a heavy spring trade, its the outlook Is for retailers currying over larger stocKs thutl expected. I iisatisfuctory condition:' prevail In the cotton goods, woolen. Iron unit steel Industries. In uddition to renewed activity in the glass Industry, large orders, spring dellvety, lire being placed for boots and slioes ut tin- more Important distribut ing centers, ii ml niaiiul'acturcrs report trade active and prospects encuiiruging. Leading money markets are quiet, ut the close, bill mercantile collections south und particularly west, have fal len oil and tin unsatisfactory. I'rlee movement of leading stanles Is mure favorable with mlvunces for wheat, corn, outs, cimner. leather und turpentine. I'lriu or sdoinljy in li es un noted for Hour, coffee, sugar, uteel lulls, lumber, coal und hldi a w hile reactions appear In quotations rut- pork and lard, cotton und print cloths, petroleum, bes seuier iiir Iron, steel billets und some grades of southern, ph;. The falling off in the total number of business failures tbrotcihinit 111' I'nltid States a week- !i;;o Is inued. the total bebnr V7I. compared with :!7fi last week. T'A In t he corresponding we-U of iv.i.'i; 'J72 in the fourth week of Feb ruary. 1SH4: L'I7 in the like period In IMM, mnl 47 in ISHJ. I KJIIT Willi A MANIAC. lerrihle llaltle lletneen Prisoners In the Jail nt M uncle, InJ. ' Muncl". Ind., Feb. I'.l. At the Jail this evening occurred a lirht for life. I In put! Id pit ills being 1 1 1 l.i in Me Alice, who is a ravin-: maniac, and .lames Walker, a colored man. The light took place in the inner cute. where Me A bee. Frank An-"el. anot lor denienteil individual, und Walker wde confined. Mi Alice was in tin ugly tiu-nd. and Jiimiied ut the colored man and el -deuvoreil to fasten his teeth In his throat. The colored man fought him back and culled for aid. McAlice sunk his teeth di ep Into Walker's In ad. bringing tb" blood In streams. Turnkey John Casey hurried In, graiinbd McAbee by the throat, threw lem down and oianair.-il to -jet liini in a cell. Walker Is badly hurt. Tin- overcrowded condition of the state Insane hospitals neccsllntes the cotitlneinent of there dungirous subjects ill the Jail. rithtmh nt (L-ttyshiira. flottysburg. I'a.. Feb. 2.1. tleiierald Fit htigh ulie Cinifeilerate euvulry i-oiu- man.ler. und .Major C ni'i al . o. Howard. I'nited States Army, reiln-d, spent the i'i tlre day on the Imttletleld at tiettysburg. They came from :he cimnieii,-etii - nt i xer clses of t he Carlisle In llau Training school ami were ai cinnianii d by a large party of friends. I bo llritish Case. Lonlon. Fib. '.'S - fulled States Am bassador Havurd this i-vetiing reei-ived a copy ot the Hillish ra-e In the Venemielun ilistnile prepared hy Sir Frederick I'olloek. prulessor of Jiirispruiletiee ut Oxford university. .Mr. Kayard was given the lacunieiit In strl-t eonlbleh-e ami will mall It to tlie state department at Wash ington tomorrow. ' Skating Kink I rased v. Fill Illver, .Mas.".. Feb. 2s. -A frightful eatustrophe occurred ut the Cnslnu rink tonight. The balustrade of Che gallery gave way und til boys und ine,- fell heail luug Into the rink, a distance of thirty feet. Over fifty were Injured and one Is reported killed. The .attraction was a game of polr CUBA RECOGNIZED AT LAST Resolutions uf Cuiuiiiittee on t'orcitja Kclutiuus Afciptctl by Senate. THE VOTE SlXIY-rOl'K TO SIX Senators Vie with l.ueh other in I'rnisiug the Cubun I'utriotx-Six. Members Oppose the Henolutlons-Interest Munlfested in the Liullerlen. Washlngtun, Feb. SS. Hy a vote of sixty-four to six the senate of the I'nited States put on record today its views und liolicy in relation to the ex isting revolution In Cubu. i'p to the hour of four o'clock the debate went on. seiiutorsi vleing with each other in praise of tin Cuban patriotM und in de-nun.-iutloii of Captain lieiit-rul Weyh-r and Seiiuun- Shernmn cliuracterinliiK him rather as it demon tluwi as a. gen eral. The -l iiellles of ro und Cur ie In .Mexico and IVru and of the duke of Alta in the Netherlands were overlooked and there ran IhrouKU the debute a linidly concealed contempt for the power of Spain. The debate closed nt foil i- p. in. und then the votiiqr began. Viirioils uinc uihiiciits wen Voted down or laid on the tuble, by large mujorities: und llnully the vote came on lhe tesoiuiii n id the commit tee on forelKii teliilloiis as amended by the addition to it of Senator Cainet on's resolutidii for tlie rei uf nltlon of Cuban lndi pi-ndclice. The terms of the concturctit resolu'.ion are that In the opinion of congress a condition of war exists between the gin crn incut of Spain and the Koveriuneiit proclaimed und malutulnoil bv force of arms by the people of "uIih; that 1 1 --- I nited States should maintain a strict neutrality be tween tile eouteliililiif powers, accord ing to eui-li of them nil the rights of belligerents in the polls mid tfiritolies of the I'll I t-d States; und that the friendly olliees of tlie I'nited Stutes should' he offered by llle president to the SnuiiIsIi fiovcrnniciit for the recog nition of tin- independence nf Cuba. The six sena'.ors who voted ugalnst tin- ivsrlutloii were Callrey (Dem.. La.), Chilton Uein., Texas), IS. -urge ( Dem,, Miss.), Hale iltep.. Me ). Morrill tltep., Ver.lund Wet more ( Itep.. It. I.). There was no demonstration Indulged In when the resolution was uiuiouined by the galleries wlilcli were ovel Mowing ull day -and in which hundreds strove to gain admission - were quickly emptied ami soon afterwards Hi" senate ad journed. VI IT K IN DKTAII.. The vote in detail by which the Cu ban I. solution passed the senate is ua follows: Yeas -Messrs. Allen, Allison, Ha. on, Hale, lariv liriiwu, Hurrows, Holler, Call, rained i. i'uiiiioii. Caller, Chandler, (lark, Cc-kicII, CiiII.jiii. Daniel, Davis, ImUiK Kl lei ns, haiilkiier. I-'rye. tiiillin Ker, (e-ar, ililjnii, I'orin.iu, (ii.iy, liaw I y, Hill, lrl, Jones, of Arkanas; Jones, of Nuala; Kyi.-, Lislge. Melii'lde, Me.Mll Liu, Mantle. .Mjilin, .hlls. Mituii II, lire ion. Alii;un. NiImiii. I'aseo, IVifer. Icr klns. I'i-S.ciiiir.l, I'riii -tor. iiiiay, Itnaeh, S!icriiiui-. ::.ip, Smitli, Sl-wail, 'I .-lie; Ttii'i'i-tjii, I ui.iie, Vest, Wall null, ..rnii, Vv.ilie, Wllsuu.-i;i. .u .Mi .---is. Callrey, Chiltun, Ucorse, Hale, Merrill, Wo; mure.-Li, KLKC'TIO.NS l ( TBA. (iencral Ucyler Advises Holding Tlictn at Once I re ii sure (best of the III luted Ciuiscr l;ni eusteqiil Recovered by u Diver. HuMtim, I-'eb. "S. -Qulntin lliindcrs was eiieiiin ! -d yesterday on llle farms of I .a I'alinila. in tin- distlict of Su baiillla. Alatunxas. A s'lllful ilher has succeeded ill dis covering tin- cash box of the Ill-fated Spanish cruiser Hut custeqiil, which was sunk off At oiro Castle last September in collision with the sleuiner Mortera with u loss of over fully lives. The L'over iiineiit lias relieved Senor Sepulvida 4'inm his present duties und hus named liiai as govciiior und min ister of tirmiice for Cuba. At I'orue the liisut gi-ii t s have handed a promin ent sugar estate owner named Sebas tian I'laclu. i "a tain I'l ticral Weyk-r has been colislllteil I i v- the home (roVl-l lllllcill US to the innoi-i'ty of 1101111111; elections In the Island. He has replied that he thinks they ought to be held, other wise the Insiiireents will gain tin Im portant ml vantage, especially on the question nf le-lligei ency. He believed also that the ministers nf war and of the culiinii'M should not resign from the ministry at '- his lime. The "Dim in del Marina" has an edi lotlal iritii-isiti'.r the Spanish premier. Seiinr Ciuiiii iiM del Castillo, for bis dis solution of the Cortes, and his decision to In Id elei-'-iolls In the islund. It Is considered ly tile Loyalists, says this Journal, that the nnti-pHlrhille lc I'oi i.i int party no longer really exists, and the old Spaniards and Reformists have Joined the "onset vntiies. The natives buKe in gi-i-at part Joined tin- insur gents. Ill i incipience, if an election is held, the (Oily llli-ll elected to the new coiie.iss will hi- sucii us nre permitted there by tin Ir ailliclen e to the Si:iuislt Koveriuueii t. The Insiii tfelits have ib-stroyeil the railroad briiitre at Cli lll a nan, tot far from tills 1 ity. It Is teiiut-d that the Insurgents' ! uder, Cil, has buriipd the vlllairc of t'libanus. Ainin s iiieh have Just been re ceived her,- mIhiu that on Saturday last ii Miuill liinil if in.-111 cents sninrisi d th" stoivkei-;iers In the streets of An floiut de M'-icnl. on tin- niilsMrls of Ciadeiia.", tin- iinpnrlunt scatimt uear MataiiKus. I uder threats the insur gi ills iiljtal ited nil tin- liiearins and am munition in tin- place. SI IC.IDi: OF I J. J. I'llll.l.ll'S. X Well known Kcsident of eittston Drinks I nudaniiin. I'ltlstoti. I'a.. Feb. S. David J. Fhillips. of 144 Vine street, committed suicide lust night in the pallor of bis resilience by taking laudanum. He as signed no reasons for his course and it Is thought lie was out of his mind, lb- v.ns u man well-known among the Welsh resi.ii-nts of the valley. Mr. I'lillliiis! bad been working at Ids trude of it butcher In Scruntoii for some time past until hist Satmrday, when he returned home, out of work. This Is thought to have preyed on his mind. I'hllllps 1st smrviveil by a wife and two children, a loy I'.' years of iige and a girl f years. This morning Coroner Frank L. AleKee, of Luzerne county Im paneled a Jm y and it brought in a ver dict of death by laudanum, luken with suicidal Intent. Will I NICY'S BOOM. .Movement Towards .Unking Him Hcmo crutiu lresiilentlnl CandiJiite. Jackson. 2VIiss., Feb. H. It havlvg collie lo the notice of ex-Serretui y W. C. Whitney that a movement was un der way in this state looking to mak ing him u candidate for the Democrat ic 1101111111111011 fur the presidency, he wrote to the Clarion Ledger an open letter which the paper will publish to morrow morning. In hln letter Mr. Whitney states that, while be appi dates the friendliness which probably prompted the movement In Mississippi, it does not meet with his concurrence ot approval, us he Is not a candidate for the presidential nominal ion. Mr. Whitney further says that the impres sions seems to have been given In cer tain quarters that he Is III favor of the free coinage of silver by the I'nited Slates alone. He says lie does not be lieve in the free coinage of silver by the I'nited States alone, und considers that it would leud to much industrial evil if It should be iind-rtakeii. He adds that he Is u believer In gold and silver as the metallic hurls of values and of the world's currency, but there must be an International agreement between the nations to this effect. Mr. Whitney suys that he believes such International concurrence Is not far distant. SALARY OF .MAYOR'S CLERK. Since the flection the Dcraocrntie Mem bers of the I stlinutes Committee Have Cbunucd I heir Minds About the Amount He Should lie Paid -Another Chapter of Kcforin. The estimates committee had Its final wrestle with the appropriation onlln unco last night and adjoin in-H sine die. it !- lie likely, however, that the ordinance will push tus. It will be re ported at the next Thursday night's meeting of select council for the rea son timt some of the members of the committee ure not thoroughly satis fied with one of its uiovisious and will attempt to amend it at Its passage. This rock which threatens to cause tlie split is tlie salary of tlie mayor's clerk. Since the olllce was created, three years ago, the salary has been ll.uflu a year. The estimates commit tees of the Intervenine two years have each endeavored lo have the figure cut down as they did not believe a high priced clerk necessary for the position the duties of which they regarded us Very trilling. The luw which provides that no elective otlicer's salary can b" raised or lowered duriti;; his term of office was considered npplicuhlo to this) position, morally if not b-gnlly. so it was mutuily 11 greed, last year, that the saJury would be lessened by this year's estimate committee, which would bl ading ut u tlmj- when then- would be mi approachli'' change in administra tion. Mr. Williams, the member from the Fifth, who wus on last year's com mittee, gave notice ut one of the early sessions of the nresent commit t"e that he would Insist on this particular Item being rediii-ed. IT WAS At I It I'll ,1) CI'OX. At tlmt time and at every sui'cfs'dlns? nieetlnir of the committee, excepting; last night's, the Kepubltcuu members Insisted on tlie cut and I lemocrats anil "allied" members uiiid "bravo." Then there was no suspicion that the next mayor would be a Democrat. Last night the Dcmo'crut lo members suilil'-n-ly awoke to the reiilli.t ion that If 11 high salary was not allowed to tin mayor's secretary everything would go to the dogs und being in the majority they succeeded in raising the subtly f roiu HMO to V'l'i'. The arguments they used were any thing bin piillli- and laid them onen to some very clever shafts nf sarcasm frori the opposition. Captain Moir, for Instance. In bolstering up Mr. I.auer's contention that .l!iii was little enough for a mayor's clerk, argued that It wits necessary to furnish a good salarv to the mayor's clerk so that he might se cure a. good mini. 11 competent secre tary belnir desirable on ucoount of the Incoming mayor's unfnmillarlty with city affairs. When Mayor Council tisik tlv- ollive, said Cut.tain Mnlr. he was well equipped for the i.fllce, having been giiiduati'd direct from councils. Mr. liaiK'V, he continued, wus a novice and would renulre 11 good clerk who could assist him with bis advice and Instruction. This brought Mr. Chittenden to his feet with (he remark that he thought it was a clerk and not nti adv'sei- they wete providing for. If It was an ad viser that was needed he would be sat Islied to make the salary $1,000. Till M l II IT IT WAS A CI.F.ltlC. Mr. Keller said he also had been mis led Into bcllevintr Unit It was a clerk and not an adviser that was to be en gaged. He would favor furnishing a g I b'ltal adviser and wus satisfied to appropriate Si'.iWMi or any sum that wus necessary. He suggested that It might be a good thing lo arrange to secure the retiring mayor or the defeated can didate as adviser to the next chief ex ecutive. Mr. Coyne did not take this J sllv In good part, and said so. He didn't' know whether It was ridicule or Irony, but he did know that it wasn't very nice, lb- believed that $:ii'il was the proper ligtire for the mayor's clerk, nl thougli he never showed uuy interest ill the matter ut any previous meeting. Simon Thomas, seeing that the Jllim nu n were in tlie majority, tried to save n part of the city's bacon by compromis ing on Sum, but It was no go. His amendment was defea ted. and .$!iou stands. A communication was received from City Controller U'ldiiiuyer which glad dened the hearts of oomniitt-e. It was the discovery of an additional revenue of r,i m which bad been overlooked. It is the estimated revenue from dog taxes, "l.ung live Cue dog" was the cry of the commit ice, for it made pos sible lh" final ml inurnment. The first thing the committee did upon getting this windfall w as In up- ! piopriate $::..u lor the 1 slriniion of separate cells for female niisoiiers in the central station house. An item of SL'HI to provide fur a landscape gardener at Nay Aug park was clso inserted. Ti.ciity-lhree additional electric lights, which as incnv different ordinances ask for, were also provided for. Mii.VKV Fill: CI.KKK HI UK. Me. Itoblnson. a brother nf the controller-elect, succeeded Iii having transferred from the item of $.iiun for Hie purchase and erection of lire hyd tanls to the appi'oprlnt ion . for clerk hire in the city controller's department. The committee 11 greed to recommend Unit the ?lii.;:;-.' for ward appropriations be divided ill lie- sunn- ratio us last year and that the moneys be expended under the supervision of tin- street com missioner instead of the various coiin clbnen. an at present, provided, how ever, that the money appropriated for a ward be spent In that ward. The customary amendments regard ing the carrying forwurd of balai a-'S mid the merging of unexpended appro priations were iittuelieil to the ordin ance nnd it was ordered to be reported at next Thursday night's meeting. FA H I I -1 1 1 . V 1. 1 : K A K K LS I I : D. Alleged I'ucitivc from Justice Mny He Taken lluek to Haiti more. Indianapolis, I ml.. Feb. is. Frank Hubble, of Baltimore. .Mil., ulias Mr. Jules, of 11444 Indiana avenue, Chicago, who canio here ami announced that he was ready to cure all Ills by the laying on of hands, is under 11 r rest us a fugi tive from Justice. He was arrested upon receipt hy the police of a dispatch from lialtlmore, which suys he Is a fraud unit that he is wanted there for obtaining money un der false preteniiuti NEWS FROM FOREIGN LANDS Cuiiipaiija Ayuinst Mcarutjuan In-suiycnts. THE VEXCZl'ELAX IJOISDAKY I Crptlun Onestion -Spain, Switzerland or Sweden to Nuino un Arbitrator in the boundary of Trench uulsnu. Wur News from the Tropic. Managua. N'lcaragua. Feb. 28, via Cialveston. Tex. The campuign against the Insurgents- is being pushed with great vigor by President Zeluya. He decided not to wait for the I.eonists to attack Managua, but ordered an ad vance upon the enemy, und yesterday captured the town of .agarote, oft uie western shore of l.age Managua, about twenty-five tulles" from hereon the way to Leon. Xagaroti- is now held by a small iMidy of the government troops and a column is pushing forward in the direction of Leon. Karly this morning Momotombn, on Lake Manusua. was lioutburded by a government gunboat after the place had been called Um!I to surrender. Ten shells were thrown Into the town and firing ceased when the Inhabitants lied in terror from the place. The loss of the rebels und the amount of damage done Is not known, us the number of men on beard the gunboat wus not suf ficient to permit a landing party to be sent ashore. The gunboat reduced Mo inntouibo Into subjection. It had de clared in favor of tieneral 1 iritis, the leader of the Insurrection. ilelnforcements of men, arms, und ammunition have arrived here from Cirtuuidu, and a second column will be seift to the front during the day. The successes of the government troops up to the present huve had the effect of making the president's supporters very coiiliilent of ultiiuulely suppressing the rebellion. Very little Information Is obtainable concerning the doings of (ieneral liritz and the i.eonists, but according to a re port they have succeeded ill placing more than -t.iiiiu men under arms and ure odvauclng to meet the government troops. If this Is the case, a decisive engagement prubably will take place soon. KOUM1AKY OF FKKNCII GUIANA I or an Arbitrator to Ho Named by Spain, Switzerland, o" Sweden, Paris. Fib. ill. The Itappel Bays that Hrus'.ll recently nslieU permission to lloat a loan In France, but the request wus refused until the frontier dispute lietween the two countries Is settled. M. Het lln lot, the minister for foreign utTairs, yebterduy Informed the Urazil ian minister thai he stipulated for the appointment of a committee, composed of Frenchmen and i '.raziilans, to ad minister the contested region ponding1 the decision of an arbitrator. The two countries have agreed to accept an ar bitrator appointed by either Spain, Switzerland, or Sweden. UJVP'IIAN Oi l a HON. ; Lord MilisburT Still believed to Have, lice 11 Invited to Id-cuss It hy the Snltmi. London. Feb. S The Times in nn editorial contends that the olliclal de nials t referring to 11. statement made by tieorge N. in the house of com mons yesterday) failed to disprove its Constantinople correspondent's state ment that the sultan bad Invltitl Lord Salisbury to discuss the Kgyptlan ques tion. Tlie Times Is Inclined to believe, how ever, that the Idea- of the invitation must bo attributed to the sultiui alone, and had nothing to do with the Turkish Kovcriiincnt. V KM :. U I : I . A UOLiN DA K V. The llritish Case Completed -Advance Copies forwarded. l.ndon. Feb. -'X. The Hrltlsh case In the boundary dispute between lireat liritain und Venezuela Is now ready. Advance copies have been sent to I'nit ed States Ambtuipudor I'-ayiv-il, and thev were mailed to New Yoriioday. The secrotury of the marquis of Salis bury had un interview with Mr. liuyard on this subject yesterday. ioui:i;n (;ossii Sir John K. Millais, president of the. London Itoyal lu-udemy, has hud ull of ficial audience with the queen. At the Itrltlsh parliamentary election for the Sini-lhtield division of Slattoid Kliire, Mr. Warner, Liberal, wus chosen. Dr. Carl IN ters,' the African explorer, will undertake a new exploration or Sa molilaud in the interests of wealthy A lllel ieulis. Iteiicateil telegraphic. Inquiries by the Hussiun news agency have failed to elicit uuy ili-linite liiformaliuii as to Nausea's whereabouts. Maeli eiitumenl bus been utilised ill St. l'i tel.-oillg hy the frequent HUillctlces With I he Siilian of tin; ftussiun umbassudur ut t 'ollStalitilloile. (.OLD IN INDIANA. t.ipcrts Claim the cllow Metal Will Assuy 1111 Averiiite of U0 11 Ion. Anderson, Ind., Feb. 2X.-A complete examination by experts was made p ilay of the alleged lint! of gold north ot this city by Hubert .1. SpanMlng last week, it resulted In iiudiiig a tract of live acres of almost pure lead from two to four feet thick. Directly underneath tnis is iron, and underneath the Iron Kood silver and gold bearing quartz. The experts are enthusiastic and i-liaui the gold will 111 11 .Htm per ton. The lead Is an e:lr.ioiilinary rich Und. HpaiiliHng as oflercd S'ho per ai re for the ten sin rounding acres, but refused t In- offer today. 1JU1F.I I.Y WIKF.I). Dav and night gauss are at work expe diting tie lilting out of the Munitur .Mo:i oiluiji'k. at Valiejo. Oil. At I'ekii'. 111., ileorg" W. Smith has been lOIIVlelel, ii ii I Ids wife uequitti-d, of t lie mil, di. r of Iw w is I'errill. Kx-l'asilii T C. II. Iluce. of the ltllr liioiiiin, Kan.. National bank, accused of i-Tnlic.Zlilll; ?7'!.0uii lias been acquit led. Marie Kngle, an opera singer, set Iter irfght dr-s uljla'.e while ti'itmuitig a lamp la Huston, .Mass., and was painfully but lie. i. Itudoliih Spreekels has sailed from Sail Ftaiu lsco, Oil., tor Honolulu, to answer a charge of treason preferred by Hie lla waiiaa government. Kale Martin, of New York. lias. - lied thu New York Central kuilro.vl company to iv.-uvi-r i::!!.!"!;! for Injuries received through the iiegligenre of- employes. SI ATi: NF.WS NOI LS. liurglars ble-x open tin- safe In the pot nlliee'ul West Klizabi-tb, but gut- little booty.' Paul Wiolilanticiitz was, accidi lititliy shot and killed at I'lttuburg by his friend, Andrew Milowaa. Twenty colored int-aiber of the "nil Tennessee" t heatrieii I i-ompany were stranded t Wilkes-ltarre. A man killed by a train at Homestead on Ve lnesilu w.n idcnlilii-il us KJmun-l Du'ti i worth, of Philadelphia. His fourth wife, whom lie married a year ugo ut Kcudlng, has. cause. I the ar reat of William Phillip.!, ua it bicuoilsL. fftEY'S Miuslra Underwear We have now opened our second spring stock and wall only say thai the SUCCESS OF is sufficient proof of its popularity and a guaran tee of the excellence of the goods Jo style, quality and finish, as well as We solicit your Inspeo tion. Manila gowns, trlmmod with insertion und ciuubrto ruJlle, 69 Cents Muslin gowns, tucked and embroid ered collar und cuffs, 75 Cents Mutdln gowns, tucked and lnsnrtloa yoke, embroidered cottar, 89 Cents Cumbria fawn, tuckad yoke, ouibroUl credi collnr-und cufta, $1.00 Sjucque gowns, embroidered trout, ool lu.r ana cuffs, $1.10 Cumbrlo Suequo gowns, embroidered und ruffled collar and culli, $1.50 Tho Melba Rown, square neclc and nbroldred rulfle, $2.00 Kxitm super Nainsook gowns, bishop I si'wevo, ruHleU und embrojMored col lar, $2.50 lOli'Kant Kowns with lace and embroid ery ti iiiualiiB fcl. $;i..'ii, tl and up to?7 euen. Also a lino of extra size gowns, 17 und ls-hu.h. Verv stipprlor line of umbrella skirt with il needle wurk tiimmlni:. v",ill l .l.i:ui utlelllliiu lo llle line C'f huiiie-iiiieli- rowns and extra size short skirts. Inawers from ath-. to Jl per pulr. Corset covers, IJi-., Kn'., fni. and up to ISM. each. Children's kowiis, sizes 1 up to 9; chil dren's drawers, sizes, 1 up to ; child'n colored dresses and boys' kilt suits In ull sizes. Flue Klder Down siu-'quon itt fi ud J-.S to close. Our' 50c School Shoes Our Winter Shoes must go. You need the Shoes; we need tlie room. LEWIS,mLLY&BAVIES 1U AXU llli WY0M1NU AVE. 00 TO WEICHEL IE For your Wedding and Birthday Gifts. We are constantly receiving new goods. I3f YOU MB GLASSES Give us a Trial. Satis faction Guaranteed. W. J. Weichel 403 Spruce St. Near Dime Bank. MILK IS SWIiKT. Samples from Altoomi stand the Cbem icul Anulysis. HarrlsbutfT, i'a., Kelt. 2S. Tln sat.ioles of milk that wete sent, lust Week to the State colleqi- front Allootui for analysis have all irrovod lo be Rood. The Inuest on the nnalysls is us K'od, ns the best sample iirnciired in Harris liunr, where the milk cmsudo llrst be trtii. The Dairy und Koixt commissioner Is of the opinion that the milk In almost every city In the Btate hus Improved since the prosecution, ol tko Hurrlsbur milkmen. kK Ink BolSte,