,-1 . -THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING FEBRUARY '.'St 1890. GARBONDALE, I Reader will oless note that advertise ment, orders for Job work, and Items for publication left at the establishment of Shannon & Co., newsdealers. North Main street, will recelvo prompt attention; ut ile, opeu from a. m. to IV p. in. J CYCLE CLUB ENTERTAINS. First-Class Musis Rendered to Audience. Select The Carbonriale Bicycle rlub save tho second entertainment of their lS95-!6 series In their pretty rooms on North 'liuroh street Wednesday niwht. The audience watt a select one, and appre ciated the high tone of the entertain ment. The accompanist upon the piano and violin was H. J.. Singer. Mits Lydia J'lchel, of Hcranton, in her souks, tlis tilayed. a voice of power and remurk- uhle sweetness. Her rendering will be Ioiik remembered hy the audience. The tlreen Hide Wheelmeu tiuurtetle. Messrs. Kowlson Florey. Kninht and James, Mi ssis. Kaatz and Freeman, the mandolin and euitar dnettists, Air. Mel vln and Miss Maxwell in a bimjo duett. ucilltltted IhemstlveM well. The powef ol Alias (lertrude Collins as an eloeti- tli;nlsl was seen tn "advaiitttn?. Tin wlilstliiiK , xolusj. "The Mocking . ISIrrt' und "Annie Laurie" were features. The wliole affair w as a decided suet-ess. THE MAN OK (iAI.ll.liE. lion. U. K. Wctidling lecture no the Human side of the Saviour. The Masonic Temple, Wednesday night, was the scene of a brilliant and ililelliKent Srttlierliiu; to hear the Hon. Ueoi-Re K. WendliiiK. of WaslilhKton. deliver a lecture upon the interesting subject. "The Man of. Hulllee." The interest and attention paid from the start to Mr. Wcntlliiitt's unfolding unil eloquent narrative pmvfcl an In Kplration ti the leWurcr. His analysis showed the character of Christ from the human M, und his remarks fhowed a depth of reasoning rate. Mr. W.-mllinir will be heard in our city again, it is to be hoiieil. THE I'KINCE OF 1.1AKS, Hendcrcd by the Wuite CorucJy Com pany nt the Opera House. Wednesday iiIrIU the opera, house was tilled to Kreet Die third evening performance of this popular company. Thl play waa well staged and short s the capabilities of this troupe. Miss Henrietta St. Felix was a charming Arutnentu, while Miss Orego. mm Nellie Howard, was perfection. Mr. "lemons, us Jack Koutledge, Hilly HurlMiur as Aruthur Koutlede, and Mr. fliace as Slajor Abijuh Howard, treated the au dience with clever actine. This company, with its famous pre . mluin band, have won high encomiums from the theater-going public of the city. Their matinees are well putron Ized. A Birthday Party. A party was tendered to William Jenkins ut his home on l'url-c street Wednesday night In commemoration of his seventeenth birthday. iamcs and dancing were Indulged in ami it. repast was served. Among those present were: Misses Minnie Klseiiger. Maud Curter Maud Carter. Mule Iiisenger. Crace rluckinghani. May Murray. Hone Hu..k ingham. of this city; Misses Mary Krk and Daisy Smith, of Honesdule: Messrs. KdWard Carr, Thomas Hunter. Nelson Morgan. Fred Hrutiner, Allii' Heilden, and William Jenkins, of this city. Traction Company Meet inc. The meeting of the stockholders oC the Traction company was held ut the power house at Maytlcld Wednesday afternoon, there being present (leueral Manager J. 11. Aitken, .1. Nlrkol secre tary, Ulrector Corey, and stockholders .V. D. Stockerand William Wulkt-r. The only business transacted was u -luinge of. by-laws which wore effected upon motion. The election of presbk-nt was postponed upon a receipt of u telegrum from headquarters at Philadelphia. ' Samuel llnylcs Dead. Samuel llajies died at his home on Mill street on Wednesday evening nt half past ten o'clock. lie was em ployed as brakeman on the 1 lelaware und Hudson and was u member of the Hrotherhoud of Hallway Trainmen. His many friends will be sorry to hear' of his death. The funeral will lake place from the late residence at ".'M Saturday afternoon. Services) will be conducted by the licv. Dr. Place- of the Methodist church, and interment will lie at Hrookslde. 'I he llridno Oaestlon. Mayor Hrndrlcks nnd a party consist ing of counclimeu, W. J. Cilcnnon, P. U. McDonough, Frank Colwell. A. Hilts, anil J. J. Alt-Xulty, City Knglneer Fl ic k and ex-Knglneer Hryce It. Hlulr left yesterday for Newark and Jersey City to look carefully into the construction of the concreted bridge as built by Clarke & Co. The muyor will jay all costs. PERSONAL AND OTIIEK ITEMS. Mrs. W. Williams, of Xn. 4. enter tained the following persons to dinner White Swelling Came on my leg after typhoid fever, and place, of t he bone came out. Rheumatism Joined the acrofula to put me in misery. Hood'l Baraapuilla proved Just the medi cine; relieved me of pain, gave me a good appetite and I laid aside my crutch nd eaue. Having taken 10 bottles Hood's Sarsaparilla my limb is entirely healed and now I am perfectly well." George W. Cromwell, Ut. Pleasant, Maryland, II; six for fo. Hood's Pills .Mr" GREAT REMNANT SALE l&UO yards of Carpets, from ft to 3" yards in each p ew. consisting of ills following Best Makes: $ .85 Tapestry Carpet for 35c 1.15 Body Brussels for 50c .1.25 Velvet Carpet for 65c 1.15 Moquetfe Carpet for 65c ' 1.35 Axminster Carpet for 75c SALE TO CONTINUE FOR SIX DlYS ONLY Terms Cash During This Sale. J. SCOTT INGLIS 419 Lackawanna Ave. Stubborn Ulcers c; due to disease, or .an impov erished condition of the blood, are a source of annoyance to the medical fraternity. While con tinually growing deeper and larger the circle of diseased fles surrounding them is all the time extending, closing up the ducts through which replenishment of tissue should come. For such troubles physicians everywhere are praising the results obtained by the use of Bovinine In the first place the system needs re-invigorating, new tlesh tissue should be formed, new and pure blood created, in fact, a new and well nourished body where room for disease does not exist. I'ood is the thing, and Bovinine, that greatest conceiv tration of the vitalizing elements of lean beef, is the most fitting nourishment of all for speedy results. Then applied externally it nourishes by absorption where the disease is most appar ent. thus strikintr the enemy on all sides. Ask any Druggist. at her home Wednesday, and n ideas ant afternoon was spent: .Mrs. Samuel Chubb, Sirs. Samuel Collins, .Mrs. V Phillips. .Mrs. S. Thorn, Mrs. J. Ito niach. .Mrs. J. Smith, Mrs. J. M. Med land. Mrs. Proctor, Mrs. Kugene Shaf fcr. Miss Proctor, Miss Florence V'il llHins. and Mr. and -Mrs. C. 1.. Stanton of Hrookslde. .Miss l.ydla Plckel, of Scrantnn. is the guest of the .Miss Many, on South Main street. W'ntklns Jones, of South Washington street, is on the sick list. JINh Margaret TlBhe has lust re turned from pittston. Martin Bui; ley. of Brooklyn street Is confined to his home by rheumatism Miss Frances Moses, of Scranton visiting at S. Singer's. I he executors of the estate of the late S. D. Baker. Wednesday sold his in terest In the planing mill of Mills Huker - ( o. to the surviving partner. Dr. 1). It. Hand, of Scranlon, was called in consultation with Dr. J. S. Mills Wednesday on the case of Mrs, Louis Itehkop. of South Main street A false alarm of tire was caused by a blu.e on Salem u venue, near Spring street, workmen lielng employed in thawing out frozen pipes. The members of the Carbondale Cycle cluh have received their Invlta tlons to attend a smoker to be given to night by A. I,. Francois ut the club house of the Preen Itldge wheelmen of which he is a member. Mr, Francois was recently elected school controller mil gives the smoker In honor of his voctory. Mr. and James Lindsay, who used to reside in t lie city und left for the West, has Just returned. A. w . Key nolds Is in New York on business. TAYLOR, I no following is the nrogrumine to be rendered at the opening exercises of the new school. The date is as vet mi decided: Dialogue. Masters Clarence llartniann und Donald Allison; recita tion. Muster Itenjiiiiiln Slocuin: son Miss lllunche Johns; recitation. Flossie Mocutn: essay, "Our Country," Miss Nellie Morton; duett. Misses Jennie irover und Jennie ..Morton: recitation. Miss Sarah J. Franklin: song, school: recitation. illiam Daniels; recitation Master Joseph l.uniiey; essnv. "our New School." Miss Pertha Williams solo, Mi.-.s Lauretta Daniels; recitation, Master Clarence llurtinami; organ se lection. Blanche Julius; song school recitation, Master Howard How. lis; recitation. Master Wlllard llowells; solo. Miss Alice Franklin: organ selec tion. Miss Bertha Williams: recitation. Miss Hose Flynn: essay, "The Heroes of our Country." William Williams, .cverai other numbers will appeur on the programme, us the members of the board will be present. An entertainment will be held under the auspices of Temple of I.ove lodge Ivoiites, in commemoration of S Da vld's day, when the following pro gramme will be rendered. The exit- cises will be held at the Welsh Congre gational church: Address. Chairman James M. Thomas, eso.; organ selection Miss Nellie Taylor; duett, .Master Kvan and Miss Jennie Jones; recitation. Miss Owen Thomas: song. William Jones; recitation, Miss Kllzabeth liavurd: solo. Mrs. John D. Thomas; song. Miss Mar tlm Thomas; song Henry Boimu; recita tion. Airs. Thomas J. James Hyde Paik; song. Miss olwen llowells: duett. Misses Susan Davis und Naomi Harris recitation, Daniel Davis; song. Miss Sarah Samuels; recitation. Ml lis Mattie Harvard; solo. M. H. Morgan: reclta tlon. Miss Kliodu Davis: song. Miss An Die Phillips. Scunton: dialogue, Mus ter iliier Phillips and parly; song, James K. Waikins: duett, Thomas Ow ens and M. B. Morgan; comic song, Leyshon Kvans. Hyde Park. Admis sion, adults Itt cents, children ti cents. Thomas Nicholas, of Storrs street, is Improving. The reading class of the Piicp Library association, which is under the . super vision of Miss Janet Inglis, is making rapid progress. The boa'd of trade meets tonight. Mrs. H. J. Daniels Is suffering from a sprained wrist. The bell of the new school weighs "1S pounds. It was placed In the belfry yestprday. The committee appointed by the Ivor Ites to prepare for St. David's day are requested to meet at the Congregational church tomorrow evening. Tuesday evening a very interesting meeting was held by the Calvary Hap tlst Church Literary society, in which Hev. Kdgar, the prison evangelist, de livered a lecture on "The Ways of the Transgressor Are Hard." A social will be held In connection with the concert tomorrow evening un der the auspices of Class No. 6 of the Methodist Kplscopal Sunduy school. Kverythlng is Included in the price of admission, which is 1 cents. An ex cellent time Is anticipated. NEW MILFORD. C. F. Watrous and wife spent Sunday In Brooklyn. J. J. Todd, of Blnghamton, was In town Wednesday. K, S. Ourratt is confined to the house with rheumatism. Mrs. I!. V. Dlckerman, of Klmlra.was visiting friends in town this week. The Patriotic Order Hons of America county convention will meet at this place the second week in March. Frank Boyle, .of Nicholson, was call ing on friends in town Wednesday. A Patriotic Order Sons of America camp Is to be organized it Lakeside next week. The last of the series of lectures at the Baptist church took place Tuesday evening. Hev. F. H. Cooiwr, of Blng hamton. spoke to a very large and en thusiastic audience on this occasion. The Women's Hellef Corps will hold a box social at the home of Samuel Kaucher In the tpwnship, March i. WHEN BLAINE LOST. A "t'avorito son" tiame Much l.ika That of Todav-llut the Party Was Then Just Recovering from Defeat, While Now II la ConfiJcut of Victory. Washington, Feb. 27. The appear ance of the favorite son movement In the present national campaign recalls the fact that just twenty years ago a similar movement developed, and. as many politicians believe, came very near to wrecking; the Republican party. The strong men were all defeated In convention and a man with only a local reputation was nominated. The result was so close a shave at the polls In November that the services of an elec toral commission were necessary to de termine the result. When the Cincinnati convention met In 1S76. Mr. Hlalne had a strong lead for the nomination. The masses of his party were with him. But the man aging politicians were against him. The friends of (Sencral Urant, particularly, held aloof from him, or else openly op posed him. So, to deprive Mr. Hlalne of as much strength as possible on the opening ballots, and thus puve the way for combinations by muking the choice, dlflicult. the opposition brought out a number of favorite sons In dlffer euts parts of the country. Marshall Jewell stood for Connecticut, (Sovernor llar.tranft for Pennsylvania. Mr. Conk llng for New York, and so on. The scheme us planned was well cal culated to prove troublesome to Mr. Hlalne. It drew away from his support which was anxious to come to him, and which hud he been able to command It at the start would have sufficed with what he had to nominate him. Some of the New Yorkers were ardent Hlalne men, and inasmuch as he was a native of Pennsylvania his managers counted on many delegates from that state. Hut in the one path stood Mr. Conkllng, claiming New York's vote and deaf to all overtures from the Hlalne camp, while In the other path stood (Governor Hartranft. with Don Cameron at his side, holding the Pennsylvania:) In check. Neither Mr. Conkllng nor Gov ernor llartianl't was a possibility be fore the convention, but both were bent on Mr. Kluine's defeat. The guiue was won. after a stubborn battle. Mr. Hlalne, Mr. Sherman, Mr. Morton, of Indiana, and Mr. Uristuw. all serious candidates with substantial followings, went down, und Governor Hayes was chosen. A good deal of lukewarmness followed. The leaders of the party were all disappointed. The campaign plainly showed this. There was no palpable shirking on anybody s part, but neither did anbody attain in the cunvuss the high-water mark of zeal ninl effectiveness. Too many wounds hud been inflicted in conven tion, und they were too slow in heal ing, to enable any of the leaders to appear nt his heist on the stump. But there are differences between the situation of IsTU and the situation of today. In the soring of thut year the Republican parly was on the ragged edge. The Democracy had swept the country at the congress elections of 1N74, and was united und full of light. The feeling ill Republican circles was thut the party could afford no prank ing or revenges In the work of its na tional convention, and yet all of the savage scores of ten years were taken there ami settled. The Hepubllcuu party of today Is the party of supreme confidence, it does not doubt Its ability to win this year with anybody it muy decide to put up. It almost riots In glorious expectations. And yet there are conservative men here and there who think that another such slaughter id' avowed and serious candidates us occurred In IKTti would Imperil Kcpubllcan success even this yeur. They concede, of course, tnat It is within the province or any man to aspire to the preHJcncy, but they are rather mistrustltil ot the enect on the party of the play of those aspirants who appear to have no other purpose but to keep somebody else out of the nomination. KAII.KOAI) NOILS. I The Lehigh Valley railroad Is send ing all Its spare box cars to Buffalo, where they are stored for use in bring ing gruin down to the Philadelphia and New York elevators whenever there Is a rise in price. Large quantities of gruin are being held buck in anticipa tion of higher prices, the present price being u losing one for the owners. The Lehigh Valley Is reorganizing its crews. Men are being changed from one run to another, the idea being to have the members of each crew live as near to each other as possible. In many cases now some of the members of a crew have their homes in different towns. Hereafter regular crews may be called at much shorter notice. The annual statement of the Dela ware nnd Hudson Canal company relief association shows that during the yeur the sum of )!.;'!M.KI was contributed hy the employes and $N,x::5.f:! was contrib uted by the company, a total of I8.4:M.- !7. The total amount paid out for re lief during the year was $19.300.!H. There was a balance In the fund Dee. I. 1Hi.". of Iti.wi.'.yi, and the amount ontributed by the company, S8.183.5U, left u balance Jan. 1. 1W6. of Slll.HS 41, showing a very good condition. A prominent traffic official of the Pennsylvania in referring to the opera tion of the Joint Trattic association ugreemetit, says: There bus not been a period in the years when rates In the territory traversed bv the roads In tne association have been so well main tained us now. There is no cutting to speak of, and there are no complaints found with the operation of the agree ment. Furthermore, we have evidence that the maintenance of rates in our territory has exerted a beneficial influ ence upon muny or our connecting lines. All we want now Is a little more business anil we will all then be satis lied with the situation." , special meeting of the Helvldere Delaware Hlver Bull loud company, the Kiilerprlfie Kullroad company, and the Martin's Creek Kullroad company of ennsylvania and New Jersey, was held at the Cumden office of the Pennsylva nia ilailroad company Wednesday, at which nil these loads arere merged and j onsfilidated Into th Helvldere Dela ware Jtiver uuiiroao company, it is believed that one company can be operated not only nt much less expense fnm riu in in THAT n TOBACCO U COUCH Smokf and Chow, hawk and tpH! Throat's always irritated, consumption easily started. Then comas pale. Bloodless countenance, glittering, rest less eye and ever nervous movement Ot hands and feet N0-T0 BAC is specific for tobacco throat even H you don't want a euro. Take a N0-T0 BAC tablet now and then. What a relief In NO-TO-BAC Builds ua tha nenroui tvt t.m. llialrM .Ma trh MaaiI Hust the thing for the weak, nervous man to use now and then. Get our book; read the marvelous record ot . recovery. You run no risk, lor you can bur under tour own DRUGGIST'S GUARANTEE. trerr aruglst fawhithorixed to sell Ko-To-Bac under absolute wuarantee to cure every form of tobacco uslnj. i!nr?rU,M, Kfaruntee, free sample of No-To-Bac and booklet called "Don't Tobacco Spit and Smoke Your life Chicago Montreal Can MwYork 84 CAOCARZTO A -High The largest Piece of OD TOBACCO EVER SOLD FOR D thun the present lines, but more sys tematically, und that the coiiHolidatiou Will be of benefit all around. There Is no doubt now of the ratification of the plan. It will then go to the stockhold ers for their approval, and it is hoped to have the consolidated line in opera tion before the summer excursion sea sou. An anthracite coal trade authority In terviewed by the Philadelphia Stock holder's New York correspondent Willi reference to the action of the presi dents, suld: "I have no doubt what ever that the anthracite carriers have at last come to an agreement which will remain in force. The peculiar thin about the agreement is that nobody Is entirely satisfied with it. which, to my mind, Is pretty clear evidence that the settlement Is the fairest that could be made. No one seems to have obtained an advantage over anybody else, anil the committee is to be congratulated on having arrived at a solution that satis fies nobudv. because thut is the next . best tiling to tile ideal, but Impossible solution which satisfies everybody. The Engineering; und Mining Journal says: "The anthracite trade Is once more on a basis by which the compa nies may prevent low prices, provided they carry out th.eir arrangement. And when a tinul plan of operation is de cided upon they will be more closely Joined thun for many years. Whether history will full to repeat Itself ere the current year Is over and this new pool goes to pieces remains yet to be seen." English Capital for American Invest ments. Important to Americans seeking Eng. Usli capital for new enterprises. A lUt containing the numes and addreaaes of Sr,0 successful promoters who have placed over 100.000,000 sterllnj In foreign Invest ment within the laat nix years, and ovnr flS.OOO.OOJ for the seven months of ISsi Price 5 or $23, payable by postal order to the London und Universal Bureau of Investors, 1:0. Chenpulrte, London, B. c Subucrlliers will be entitled, hy arransu meut with the directors lo rceivo either personal or letters of introduction to any of these successful promoters. This list Is first class in every respect, and every man or firm whoso name Hp pears therein may be depended upon. Fur placing the following It will be found in valuableBonds or Shares of Industrial, Commercial and Financial Concerns Mortgage loans, Sale of Lands. Patents or Mines. Dlrectors-SIR KDWARD C. ROSS. HON. WALTKR C. PKPY9. CAPT. AP.THLK STIFFK. Copyright. 'Then Baby was nick, we gave her Oastoria. When the wus a Cliild, she cried fur CnsUiriu, Wlteu she became Miss, she cluug to Custoria. When she hud CliuMreu, site gavetlieui Cantoris, PREVENT Coughs,' Colds, Pneumonia. Cured After Ureal Suffering- Mr. Charles Amlernon. 1 Kell St.. Wllk'S-Burre, say: 2 bottler of lr. Alex under'a I. una; Healer i-ntlrely cuivil me of a cevere fold In my chest anil Iuiiks aftT I had tried 3 other cough cures und failed. Cured My Baby. Mrs. Bella Sproule, 101 Washington. St., Wllkes-Burre. saya: One bottle of Dr. Alexander'. I. ling Healer caved my dar ling' life. 1 will never be without it. Cured of Pains In tils Lungs. Anthony Yeaser. contractor 121 Hill Street. W'llkes-Karre, l'a., says three bot tles of Dr. Alexander's I. mm Healer, the famous coins h rin, cured me of asthma ami pains In my lungs after pneumoiiU. No coiiKh medicine like it. It saved my life. For sale everywhere, 25c. per boule. Valley Drug Co., General Agents, Wilkes. Barre. l'a. French Injection Compound Cat, potltltfly, quickly, (not merely checks.) tiuarantecd or money refunded. Avoid danaerouii remedies. PrlceBO rant. per toottlo. Mix Bottle (will cure severtnt cane) tent prepaid, aecure trora auauirallua. with only cleutllkaHy made irlnge. to any address for J.OO. E 4zi-wji.ni.-f-ip;T.j Li-B. .F l-zif 5.t fS-i;u i.ra i-ini l DR. LOBB'S BOOK FREE To all suffarors of ERRORS OF YOUTH, LOST VIGOR and DISEASES OF MEN AMI WOMEN, (OS cagea; cloth taouud; .eour.ly sealed aad mallad free. Treatment br niall striatlf confldentlal, and a BoaitST qnifk cur. Sua an teed. No matter how lane itaedinc, I wlU posltlT.ly ear. you. W rt t. or call . I I flRR I2 N- 15,0 8 ' Phll.de., Pa. uVOO W yeara" centlauoua practice. Pier SHERIFF SSALE ULSTERS AND OVERCOATS ALSO MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS AT Greatly Reduced Prices. Ill LACKAWANNA AVENUE Corner Franklin Avenue. AYLESVVORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest In the City. The latest Improved furnish' ings and apparatus for kcepicg meat, batter and eggs. 223 Wyoming Ave. ROOF TIMING AffO SOLDERING All done .way with by th. dm of HART MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which Mnslatt f lnmdl.nu well-known to all. It on b. applied to tin, galvanized tin, ht Iron root., alao to brick dwellng., waion win firav.nt absolutely any crumbllac crack br,kk'BJl f the brick. It wlU out laat tinning; of any kind by many yearn, and U's ooat doea not exceed one-nftn Oat of th. coat of tinning. Is sold by tka Jo) or pound. Contract a taken by ANTONIO HAKTUAXN. 63? IUrch It SOLD &EdVWHERE C4 Send 5 cento for bttidI packaqaj, Faultleaa Chemioal Company. Balti more, Moj. jB W 3 IS j m Mai i.vhib m -s M3 If..' vouv '"K tr . ESTABLISHED .1875 Spring Carpetings and Draperies During our luauy years in the Carpet business we nevejf had such facilities as at present to suit our friends. Practical experience, mature judgment and extensivo connections have enabled us to place before you an tin equaled assortment of the latest and most fashionable patterns and colorings in every desirable fabric. Royal Wiltons, Savonneries, Axminsters, Eng lish Brussels exclusively under the control of this house. Tapestries, Ingrains, Linoleums, Corti cenes and Oil Cloths. We anticipated the rise in the market, placed our orders accordinlgy and will give our customers the ben efit. A complete line of DRAPERIES.UPHOLSTERY GOODS and WINDOW SHADES in every grade. Latest styles. S.G.KERR,SON&CO. 408 Lackawanna Ave. THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON GIVES SPECIAL ATTENTION TO BUSINESS AND PERSONAL ACCOUNTS AND PAYS 3 PER CENT. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. YOU WANT WE HAVE LET'S GET RICHARDS 502 Commonwealth Building THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BAR RE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. General Office: SCRANTON, PA. . 0RTEB IBOI CO., iM'p. OqrtSal,tl,00Ji BJEatr 81.AO aUOE IW THE WBUb "A itUar tavd it m dtUimr tmnud." x TMaladtos al Id Froucb Dooeoaa KM ftmt tkmBooi dellraN. fm enywhm l. th. U.S., cm rseeipiorvMa. Hoaavuinar, r Poaul Has. tor ai.M. Ktinala a, at i way lb. boot. sold to ail ratall for J.40. W. oaraalres, thenlore . o Ui at. ttuu Mi ar. and If aiiyoo. la ml sailaAeal 'a wi,i raziraa we bbobmp oreandaaolherfaar. Opaam ioa or ixtanaoo twaae, v, p k, a 1 to I aad ka iliee. Stndyiw ttmt mill tt Ms, uustraieaj Cat.. nrM FRCSC Dam Shoe Co 43 FEDERAL ST.. IM BOSTON. a Sfttlat foraa (a Dtaltn. m in i i 1 Much Difference i t when you buj' here. If the clothes don't turn out to be ev ery bit as good as we say the- are, you know where to come with 3our complaint. We don't say this because we think you'll complain, but because we know yon won't. The former price is marked in plain figures your price now is ONE-QUARTER LESS. AyaQ TELEPHONE 5134 Opp. Main Entrance Wyoming Houss TOGETHER. LUMBER CO Telephone 422 I CALL UP 3882. HHf OH AKD HMflffi CO. OILS, 0 VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFIOE AND WAREHOUSE, 41 TO igi MERIDIAN STUBS? M. W. COL. 1-1 IMS, M'?r between the looks of good clothes and bad when they are new. Ninety-nine men in a hundred would be unable to see an' difference at all. But they can see it easy enough when the clothes have been worn a few weeks. There are lots of kinds of Men's and Youth's Clothes; some bad, some prett' fair, some good and other kinds are best of all. When we buy we get the best qualities we can find. That makes you perfectly safe Cash or Credit AND 218 WYOMING AYE 1 a - - - r - - - .