The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 28, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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Copyright, ltP6, by Bacheller, Johnton and Bachellir.
Tara-tara-ra-ra-ra-ra-ra! ransr out
the shrill tones of the bugle. As far
as eye, could reach from west to east,
from woodland, bogr and prairie, a non
descript, feverish. Impatient mass of
ruBhlnsr humanity was seen, fully 20.
000 strontc. The hundreds of United
States marshals and troops who had
for so many days wearily guarded the
coveted territory from trcspuss slirhed
with relief when the first notes of the
preemption slKnal were heard. I.oiik be
fore noon the thousands who had start
ed for Arkansas City, who had ramped
at Ponea, at Ulack Bear Creek, who
hud pushed on cheerfully in spite of
the swollen rivers, bottomless mud and
all the woes incident to an invading
army, were ranKcd along the wire fem e'
Ihut marked the Oklahoma line. Open
wagons, prairie schooners, sulkies, bus
Kles. carts pulled by donkeys, mules,
oxen and horses of all kinds and every
blood were stationed on the line. The
great majority of the settlers hud
slaked everything on Oklahoma, ami
many of theHe were seated on horses
prepared to race for their future homes.
On the dead Hue, next to a wagon
which bore the following words on its
canvus cover: 'Chintz-Hugged in Illi
nois, . Skinned In Nebraska. White
capped in liuliiuui, Uald-kuobbed in
Mlssoury. Prohibited In Kansas. Okla
liumy or Must," was a modest und neat
ly covered wagon, Though filled with
u miscellaneous assortment of house
hold utensils ami farm Implements,
tills wagon presented a curiously fem
inine appearance. Harnessed on one
side of its pole was a hopefully feeble
nag that seemed inspired to pull or
die. On the seat was a boy T eight
winters. He was not humpbacked,
though he gave that unfortunate Im
pression: but the snows of life hud
somehow shriveled his little form, and
he bent like a bow. He clung to the
battered reins, while a look of deter
mination was set upon his weuxened
"Keep a cool head. Hub; after I've
slaked my claim and dug a spadeful of
ill it and put up my shingle, Wee and 1
will ride buck to meet yon. No mutter
what happens, keep strulght for the
Th voice was strong and pleasant.
It came from a woman on horsebuck
Hub's mother, who hail mounted the
nigh 'horse to make a surer race for
lund. In front of her Wee was safely
""Tied', her baby girl, just three years old.
Hub was too young and feeble to drive
and care for his sister at the same lime,
so Wee went on horsebuck with the ud
venturous mother.
These three people were among the
great army of Immigrants who hud
staked all on the president's proclama
tion opening the new territory of Ok
lahoma to the public.
Tom Korall, the children's father,
had died in the saddle booming some
where In the Indian territory; and
Caddy Korall. his wife, was left In
Kausus with tile two children. It was
In her blood to scrumble for new land.
Kxcifement and the hope of u nimrter
section were toon strong, und now.
mounted on Jerry, she saw land and
home wultlinj for her on the bunks of
the Cimarron river.
The rustling now became a rushing
..and,, a shunting. Yells und shrieks
quickened tile hoofs of even the most
decorous mule. The hour hud come.
Twelve o'cl.m k was at hand. The bugle
blew. At noon precisely, on Monday,
April 'i'i, begj;n the desperate nice, that
nil the world has heard .of. for Oklahoma-land.
. There was no time, for
pood-byes now. Caddy wanted to kiss
hei' boy again. She couldn't reach him.
She kissed her hand instead, and gal
loped off. Bub urged his horse to the
mockery of u trot. The land sharks
who but now hud made Jokes at the
boy's expense und tried to chaff the single-minded
nthcr? were olT und gone
on their Meet bronchos the liullini
ponies. The day was bright and clear.
The race could be seen for miles over
the rolling prairie. Hub strained his
eyes itnil kept the two Hying llgures on
horseback in sight as long ns he could
see for teurs and dust, lie heard men
swearing violently and saw many
brandish weapons. The untamed emo
tlunal natures of the boomers found
vent In yelling: "Yahoo! Yahoo!" ut
the top of their lungs, and in tiring
shots from revolvers and Winchesters.
The mother lied, well in the van. among
honest citizens and "parairle toughs,"
who meant to get land at any cosi. T
said that Caddy was well at the head?
rio'she was, Jerry outdid himself on
that day. Yet she was not the first.
One, who had the bold eyes of a cosmo
politan belle, the assurance of a Tcxun
cowboy, and who kept her saddle like a
cirrus rider, was full a quarter of a
jnlle ahead. Sire led the race on a mag
nificent roan. . She turned and chal
lenged them all with a laugh and with
gestures of .defiance. Though she
smiled insolently at the men. she looked
sympathetically at the pale, slight
mother who, with one arm around the
child and with the reins in the other
hand, urged Jerry by sharp clucks.
Close behind Caddy rode the leader of
the notorious gang of desperadoes who
had done so much to fleece and terror
ize the farmer boomers. This man
went by the name of "Orlzzly Jim."
The pace was terrific. The three had
turned more to the eastward away
from the railroad. Grizzly Jim began
A warm shampoo wilhCuticura Soo.
and a tingle, application of Cuticura
' (ointment), the rreat Skin Cure, clear the
i scalp and hair of crusts, sales, and dand
ruff, allay Hchinf, soothe irritation, stim
ulate the hair follicles, and nourish the
roots,' thus producing Luxuriant Hair,
. with t clean,' wholesome scalp.
! fgM AroajliMt tht aertd. PoTTin Quo aCiut.
Cur., felt rifrim,Bwua, l. k.a. .
i '"x
1 to gain on Caddy. For fully eight
I 11 ( 1 ..I., n .1 -,,..1, Till,
Ulllt'B lllfy IHIU I II II lii nun iui n.
desperado could not overtake the lead
ing girl. In his anger the blood surged
Into his eyes and blinded him. Caddy
was not ten rods ahead of him In a di
rect line. He raised his Winchester,
took rapid aim and blazed away. At
which of the two had he fired? Alas!
which had he hit? Caddy's right arm
fell helpless. Jerry gave a desperate
plunge In fright. The woman swayed
a falotness seized her, and she fell.
With an oath the brute passed her
where she lay. Jerry, conscious of a
lighter weight, raced onward with the
renewed speed.
Now, the bold rider of the yellow hair
heard the shot. She looked around and
took in the whole scene with her quick
eyes. With difficulty she reined her
wild horse and tried to intercept the
baby's perilous ride. She set her teeth.
The wlldness of her nature wrestled
with Hie womanly. This was her hour
of glory that she, a girl, should beat
thousands of men In the struggle for
lund. What would she not do to stake
the first section on the northern bunks
of the Cimarron river? She could see
the sardonic and cruel smile of Crizzly
Jim us he gained upon her in mighty
bounus. Hut behind luy one of her own
sex. he In ess. perhaps dying.
"1 guess I'll have to give It up."
The girl turned once more to the south
ward towards the promised land, and
then the adventuress in her yielded
to the woman. She rode bravely buck
to where the heap of mortality lay
close beside a scraggly tuft of sage
"O, you ruffian!" She shook her list
in the astonished Jim's face us she
passed him like a Hush of yellow light.
The land shark turned and saw her
tenderly lift the fallen woman's head
upon her lap and kiss the tremulous
"Well. Til be stewed! I didn't think
she had It In her; she's no slouch, you
bet;" with that semi-colon of admira
tion he spurred Ills hard-breathing
pony for the home stretch.
Of all the fertile spots In the Cimar
ron valley, this was the greenest. So
at least a Jaded horse thought us he
cropped the tender grass and pawed
Joyfully In the dark loam. He was
saddled; from a distance a snude could
be easily distinguished secured length
ways along his side. A nueer bundle
seemed to dance in the saddle, and one
might almost swear that tiny hands
clutched the mane from time to time.
And now from behind a large stump
nppeared a head. It hud on It a broad
biiiumed. mouse-colored sombrero,
embroidered about the edge, with silk
cords dangling from the sides. A
tierce,, scowling face peered down Into
that quiet valley. The eyes scanned
It and then rested on the peaceful horse.
One hand nervously twirled a coarse,
bluck mustache, while the other played
with the trigger of a gun. Wonder was
expressed In every feature from the
arch above the eyebrows to the mouth
which puckered Itself lii a silent
whistle. The mouth did not look
cruel now. It Is strange how the lines
of tenderness and cruelty cross each
other, und how in some faces there Is
implacable feud between the two.
"I'mph! If any sojer or govn'ment
cuss hez got ahead o' me, I'll have the
drop on him ez sure us he's a born
critter." Presently the look of wonder
Increased to a curious astonishment:
"If it hain't the bebby! No use for
this," he tupped u modern repeutlng
rifle, "to git the land, you bet."
drizzly Jim stood face to face with
Wee, the baby boomer. The child's
big violet eyes looked confidingly upon
that reprobate.
"Ill' me dlnk-o-watah." The tiny
face puckered as If It were going tu
cry, then controlled Itself bravely.
"Where's mummer?"
For the tlrt time the thought of that
dastardly shot crossed drizzly Jim's
mind. He was so used to deeds of
violence that they did not easily prick
his leather conscience. What could he
do before a buby? Bravado was use
less. He looked Into the trusting face
of the three-year-old girl. Then lie did
the only thing he could. He took from
his holster a tin canteen, went to the
brook and returned.
"Tank mi," cooed the baby. Then
after a short pause, during which u
hundred expressions Indicating inde
cision passed and repusscd the man's
durk fuce, the child went on:
"Take me down, I'se tired."
The strong, urms tenderly unstrap
ped the buby girl and he took licr in
his arms to set her on the ground; but
she clung to his neck.
"You'se a goody man; tiss me."
Why wus It thut Orlzzly Jim uncon
clously ejected the cud of tobacco from
his mouth, and wiped his stained lips
upon his sleeve and blushed yes.
blushed before he touched Wee's
peach-like cheek?
"I'se so tired Jerry Jiggled me.
Where's mummer? 1 tink I do to
sleen." And there and then Wee- laid
her curly head upon the rough corduroy
shoulder and went to sleep as If upon
her mother's breast.
"Wall, Jim, you're euchered this trip,
an' no mistake I wonder whar the
boys be!" muttered the man as he
carefully sat ddwn upon a stone. He
looked at the sleeping child In his arms.
In his belt were two pistols and a
bowie-knife. At his feel whs n rlilp
Yet never had he been so disarmed f
Bince since a bady of his own had
nestled there oh. so many years ago.
What a wild night that was, when he
had kicked his sick wife senseless, for
throwing the whisky out of the win
dow; had given his baby girl one last
hasty kiss and had ridden away never
to return. Afterwards he read in a ni
per that the baby died In a week. It
was twenty years since he had held a
baby ,and all that time he had never
received from any creature a touch of
confidence or love.
"I couldn't hev killed this critter's
mammy; 1 never aimed on her." He
consoled himself with hat thought.
At this, moment hoofs were heard in
the distance.
"The uebby shall hev her claim If I
hev to stake It with my life," whis
pered Orlzzly Jim. He laid the child
down cautiously upon the grass. He
ran for the spude and dug into the
rich soil with quick energy. Shouts
were now heard: "Yahoo! Yahoo!"
They came nearer.
(To be continued.)
The Philadelphia Inquirer la authority
for tli statement thai the New Jersey
Central authorities have refused to Issue
any statement of h business of the Le
high and Wllkes-Burre Coal company fur
The January statement of the Tennessee
Coal, Ircn ami Kallroad company shows
an I no reuse In net earnings of l3.a5: a
decrease In fixed charges of Ill.MfS, thus
leaving a surplus of SI'soOl, against a de
licti oi
The average earnings of persons en-
gugcu in manufacturing Industrie snow
that lu Colorado the average pay Is tTM
a year; .Montana, -'-: Wyoming. .'
California, $7ii; New York city, S'iM; Phil
adelphia, IVM; Massachusetts, SIM; Ala
bama, :7i : .Mississippi, !IU, and North
i a roil na, .'I8.
A Hazleton dispatch says: The miners
In this region are organizing very rapidly.
llitrlng the l ast four weeks John Fancy
president of the I'nited Mine Workers of
.meiica, established ninety brunches nf
the union in the anthracite region. He
expressed hliruelf as very much satiB'
fled with the success he has met.
The Pennsylvania railroad reports
the quantity of coal und coke originating
on and carried over lis lines east of l-Mtts
burg and Kile for the year thus far ims
been 2,iit;:!,!to3 tons, compared with i.K".DI9
tons In the corresponding iierlod of Ivfci.
a decrease of 4,U tons, of which li.OHi.Mtl
ton were coal, an increase or w,,47i ions,
and ik'uVita tons coke, a decrease of HW"!H.
t .....1 I.. V'..n. -l'ntl lt Aoll., ., ull
. I.MIIll III iwm v n b.-...-. . ... . 1
tl., u'uv I'......, t".n In illttl iu li,,.h ,ii. Dm
side streets, while on Fifth avenue from
Twenty-third to Forty-second streets
where the millionaires live. It sells lor
$M)0 to $?" tier Inch, ami on Broadway,
down In the business center, $600 to
Ier inch Is considered a fair price. Tile
nssosseil VHluntion of New York city Is
over SlI.MlO.twe.OOO.
The Baltimore Manufacturers' Record
says: "Probably nine people out of ten
are under the impression that tne exieni
and value of the agricultural products of
the I'nited Stales far exceed the vulue of
the manufactured products. Instead nf
this bHng true, the total value cf manu
factured products of ISHO wm J3.a70.107,li:'4.
whereas the total value of all agricultural
products for that year, as reported by
the statistician of the I'nited Stales Agri
cultural department, was J3,800,OWWO.
The statement of the Lehigh Valley
ruilroud lines In I tie state of Now York
for the quarter ended Dee. 31 IhfI has been
f led and shows gross earnings irom open
at Ion, ll.axaM; operating expenses, SKiii,-
; llxe;l charges, IlW.TuS; net. income
3.39:'. The net income for the same
quarter a year ago was S.'!ii.4o3. The state
ment Includes Ihe operations of the Le
high Vallev railroad, the Lehigh and New
York Itullroud. Itochester Southern Hall-
road and the .Middesex alley Kauroaa
Tho rnln In tin I'liarued 111 Detroit by
a new telephone company will probably bo
M8 for business telephones und $30 for
residences, with the provision that the
subscribers who will sign contracts for
three years will be furnshed telephones
ut the rule of 110 for business and S'-O for
residences, per year, in all purls of tile,
cltv. Irrespective or the instance irom me
central olllce. They also propose to fur
nish free telephones to all city otllces and
for the schools, and 'to permit the lire and
mi iv ileoai-ttnents free use or tneir con
lulls un, I noles. The prices of the New
Huvcn, Conn., company will be U per
monilh for residences, with two on the
same Hue; S'i per month lor a private line
to resiliences, and $:l per month for a busi
ness wire, with two on the line, and $4
per month for a private business wire with
no looping in.
Anthracite coal Is 'selling at the full elr
ctilar figures quote it week ago. Hepiv.
lun 1 11 live iiillelul nf the anthracite rail
roads express conlldeiive over the stabili
ty of the present management for manug
lug Ihe Industry on business principles.
Cutting of prices bv Individual operators
Is still noted, but none of the producing
iind carrying companies is charged witn
shading or with breaking the agreement
respecting the dlvlsou of tonnage and
restretlon of the outpift. A comparatively un,,. urn nf new business is reported.
but all such orders have been entered at
the full February circular. On th
hand, the old contracts with Jobbers at
previously ruling llgures have been almost
entirely cleaned up. Stocks In the hands
of dealers have been decreased hy the cold
snap, but the movement irom urn numi-,
as above slated, has been light.
In Japan the highest wages paid to
f-killed native workmen are only 40 sen
u day. which Is equivalent to "0 cents In
our monev. The lowest wages are 111
sen (.". cents! a day. w hile In American fac
tories the same labor would be tiald from
all cents to a day. The following state
ment shows the rates of wages paid:
Japan. China
Irfiw- Aver- hiiinu)
st. ime. perdny
HIii.-ksmHln ...Su.tio
in ih
jn.::n Jtj,:;;
.: .'.'il
I 'oinpusitors ....
F a r m h a n d s
V a r m h a n d s
Lacquer makers
Caper screen
29. .ns, .72
.J4 .1'4
era ....
Sauce and pre
serve makers..
Tailors, foreign
.29 .S-S,
clothing bin
Tobacco and el-
ar-makers ... .."0
W.i vers 4"
Wine and sake
makers ."id
The building trade, printing, pressmen,
maiting-mukei's, etc., run along at simi
lar rates. Confectioners and bakers get
from SI to $12 per month and so on.
The Man
Who Drives
The doctor, the salesman the man
who drives as a business and the man
who drives for pleasure, know the
difficulty of keeping lincu collars and
culls clean. Willi
collars and cufls the driver can defy
the flying dust and occasional shower.
They are waterproof, and when, soiled
they can be quickly and easily cleaned
by wiping them off with a damp cloth
orsponRC. I,ook just like linen. One
CKUXLOID" collar will,outwearsix
linen collars, besides saving many
times its worth in laundry bills.
Aftkthn dealer for them, or esit dtnft to n.
i'fillani 'Jth. CulTii 4;. pair, niailara lld. Htat
ixi nnit Mtyfi. Take no imitauuna but. Inl6t ajua
Siioita wUh bov trad nark iff iriah full aat
ilartion. TUB CEI.M'LOin OMPABY,
. . ew Ivrk,
OADAI I lathe b-atplnacf
Valuable Real Estate
By virtue of sundry writs of Fieri Fa
clua. Levari Facias and Venditioni Kxpon
as. Issued out of tho court of common
plcaa of Lackawanna county, to me di
rected, I will expose to publio sale by ven
due or outcry, to the highest and beat bid
ders, for cash, at the court house. In the
city of Scranton, Lackawanna county, on
OP MARCH. A. 1). lsti, ut 10 o'clock In
the forenoon of said day, all the right,
title and Interest of the defendants In and
to the following described lots, pieces or
parcels of land, viz:
N'o. 1. All 'those two certain ileces or
Parcels of lanj lylii,j and beinxr in the
Sixth ward or the city of Scranton. Coun
ty of Laekanai tia and State of Pennsyl
vania, bounded anil iles.-rihi-d as follows,
to wit: Toe flivit being one-half I'-jl of lot
No. One (Il on the town plot of the Bor
ough ut Hyde Park, as Mirveved bv ',. P.
Jfaivy, 8eit. B, 1H.-.4. said lot being: tiny-two
teet In front on front street formerly
Water, now Third street) and one liun-
oren ami rour (IU4 feet, more or in
depth to bank of l.neka wanini Itiver. con
taining about one-eighth Cl of an acre of
mini aim neing tne sume land conveyeil ny
Thomas Coyne and wife to Jlary Mill it.
now deceased, by deed dulv recorJed. All
Improved with a three-storv brick house
and store, with a one-story brick addi
tion; also barn and shed.
The second piece being the Northeaster
ly one-nan (i,) or lot No. fifteen il.ii on
josepn i. Fellows plot of lanils, sur
veyed by said llarcy. Said one-hulf (-.)
lol being forty-nine (491 feet ill front on
Fourth street ai:d one hundred and four
(list) reet in depth and being part of lot
conveyed .to Owen Cnslek by the tiherlff
of l-ai'kawanna County as property of
John W. Milieu by deed dated the 2Ctli of
January, in,, and recorded In riheriff's
aeeil book. No. 1. nsae 111. etc.
Coal and minerals reserved to th. legal
uwiters inereor try surru-l. nt termsi in law
All improved with a 'two-story frame
wood house and outbuildings thereon.
Seized und taken In execution at the suit
or inme l) It and l)l-ennnt Hunk vs.
John W. MHUtland Daniel J. Mlllett, ex.
eeuiors oi .M.iry .Millett. deceased. Debt,
$tiS2.7. Judgment Xo. 3iiti. .March T.. UOti,
Fl. Fu., .to .March Term. 18.
WOtlDRl'F'F. Atty,
No. 2. All the right, title and interest Of
the defendant. S. P. Hull, In and to all
those certain pieces of lund situate In the
norougn or muimore. County of l.arku
wanna and State of Pennsylvania, bound
el ami described as follows: Hcing lots
Nos. forty-two (42) and forty-five 4) in
block "V" on certain plot of lots situate
paniy in ine I'lty or Scranton ami partly
In the Borough of IHinniorc, known und
nesignaieu as North JJiirk: su hi lot Xo.
forty-it wo (42 being forty 4) left in front
on Kleclrk- avenue, and one humlred and
m ty Hull) reet In depth, and said lot No.
forty-live 4;". being tlfty I.VII feet III front
en subl l.'Ii-L'trle avenue und one litni.lreil
IIUUI feet In depth. Coal reserveil to th.
legal owners by simiclent terms In law.
Also, the conveyance of this land Is made
suiiject tu ull the condition, leservii'
Hons and exceptions contained In oi' n'
ferred to In Hie deed of snme to S. I'
Hull, suld deed being recorded in deed
look H7. at page l-'il. etc.
Seized und taken In execution at the suit
of Chas. Du font Hretk, 'trustee, vs. S.
P. Hull. Uebt, $797.24. Judgment No. 417
.March Term, ISH'I, Fl. Fa., to March T.
(No. 3. All the right, title and Interest of
tne Uerenaauls, c. a. wetnerell una tiara n
Can' Welherell. In und to ull that certain
lot, piece or parcel of lund situate, lying
and being n the Hjroiign of Kunmoiv
County of l.ackawmia and State of Penn
sylvania, bounded and described us fol
lows, to wit: Beginning at a post on the
Westerly sale oi the Drinker turnpike
roud, at the Intel section of ald turnpike
with u street opened or to be opened
thence north sevrnty-llve ami Ihree
fourths' deurrees west thirteen and one
half rods to a posl and stone corner In
Hue or IuiuIh naw or lute of William Par
ker: thence alonir line of said Parker lands
south 'twenty-nine and 'three-fourths de-
arees. west forty feet to a corner: mence
south aveventv-ttve anil tnree-roiirins ne
greeis, east In a Hue parallel with the first
course above mentioned inineeu umi one
half rods, more or less, 'to the subl turn-
r-lke; thence along said turnpike norm
tweniv-mne aim miee-iourm ii-rees
east, to the place of beginning. Helng the
same premises conveyeil by Kdwurd .Mil
lings, by his attorney in raci, una I'.niuy
C. Millings, his wire, lo .uaraurei -nun
Millar, I. by deed dated January loth, I Mil,
and recorded n the office for the recording
of deeds, etc.. In and for said foimty of
Liii kawaniij In deed hook no. i. in page
IlfKi, etc. Coal and minerals reserved. All
Impioved with a two-story frame build
ing, outbuildings and fruit trees) t hereon.
Seized and taken in execution ut tne sun
of B. H. Carr vs. C. S. Wilbt-rell and Carr Wetherell. lebl. $4sr..!j.
.linlKlilelil No. 17:1, Sept. 'P.. ISH:i. Lev. Fa.,
to .March T., IS!";. JIAWI.KY, Ally.
No. 4. All the right, title and Interest of
the defendant. Oerlle Biili helor, in and to
all that certain piece or pureel of land sil-
uuie In t he village or fialton. I o leslilp nl
Norih Alilnglon, County of l.arku wanna
and Slate of Pennsylvania, and
discribed us follows: tlegliuiing: tit the
mil III side of the public leailitm from
inilton to naveiiy iiornumi in line or
hotel lot owned by Kinma A. I'arpeiiler
and ui a corner of William .M. Iliiuls' lot,
thence north .r7 a we-t .Vi''4 feet to a cor
ner in said llur; lliune north :S'. degrees
east PM'k feel lo a corner; thi'in-e south
IM degrees east :iS feet to line of Willi un
M. Hinds lol: thence along his line south
IW'a ill-glen east UK feeel lo the Iiluee of
hi ginning. Containing 4. 4m; niunt e feeet
of lund, mure or les. iieiug the same
premises conveyeil lo Him triule H:i ti-lielur
by l.e! or Oscar Carpenter and Km run A.
Cariienter. his wife, bearing date the t!h
day of Janiuiy, IS'.il. und forthwith to be
recorded. All linnrovcd with a two-story
frame building, octagonal front with show
windows, an I porch, now or late used as
millinery Hole. Together with coal-
house, water closet und out buildinas:
small fruit trees and grape vines.
aeiaeil anil taken in execution at 'n? suit
of John II. Callahan, trusted, vs. Ijerlrinle
Hatchelor. Debt, Jil.a7...oli. Jtnlgmenl No.
.'"7, .la unary T., IWai. Lev. Fa., to Mnri'h
T.. l.Vi. W. L BltADKH. Ally.
No. 5. All the right, title und Interest of
the defendant, Keese H. Junes, in an I lo
all that certain messuage or city lot of
laud eltuaie in Kellevue, City of Hi-rantun,
County of Lackawanna and. SI ate of Penn
sylvania. Ij.ium'eil und descriheil as fol
lows, to wit: Commencing ut the north
east corner of said lol and on line of liiill avence and running thence south
westerly along said avenue is.' feet:
thence noi thwerterly along line of lots
numbered 2 and 3 uf said estate li'S feet
to line of lands of th U'kawnna an 1
Hlu3inshurg rallrjad Co.: thence alon
aid line rarthcisterly 44 feet to a line lit
right angles with said Railroad avenue:
then.'e along said Hue 1JH f?et to the plai'e
of beginning. Reserving coal and miner
als. Improved with a two-story single
frame dwelling home and outbuildlugs
Seized and taken in execution at the suit
nf use of II. U. .Mart'V. admluisirutor d. h.
n., vs. Re?re II. .low. Uebt. S:l.nn.iri.
Judgment No. 111. Mjrch T.. It!. Fl. Fa..
to .March T., Isfci.
No. 1. All tire rlcht. -title and Interest of
the defendant In and to the following de
scribed piece, parcel ami tract of lund sit
uate m the Township of Newton, l-a-ka-wanra
County and Slate of Pennsylvania.
bounded and d.-cribed as follows, to wU:
Hoginning at a uost and stones corner on
the line of the John Shannon tract : thence
south Sla degrees east forty perche. to a
post and stones corner; thence north 2J
degree tst one liundred ami tblrty-il.e
and one-fourth psrehes 'to a pest sad
tones corntr: thence north i .Ictren
west forty-four perches to s'on?s cu a
rock corntr: thence south io dtgree w?st
onehundred andsixand five-tenths perches
rj a posr anil stones corner: tnence south
ill oegreef east six an I eight-tenths ucr-
ches to a nost and stones corner: thence
south U degrerj west thirty-nine perches
to comer unit the olace or bciriiinJn.
Containing thirty-six acres and on-bun-dred
and four roils of land, be the same
more or l?ss. It lelng oart of a larger
tract of land In the wanantee nam of
William Moulder and conveyed to Peter
A. Smith by deed duied In 1M5 und record
ed In Uuxerne tNiuniy on the mth day of
lVl.rUMiy. A. 1. IK4H. in ded book No. 4.',
page ti-'X etc., uied afterwurhs by snmlry
i-uiiveyances the sume bei'anie vested m
James A. KeuneUy, by whom the iruci
heteln 4lfacrileil was -oiiveyed to the said
David Hinllh by dee. I duly executed and
reconleil In Laizerne County. All Im
proveil with a two-story frame dwelling
house, barn, outbuildings und fruit trees
Seized and taken In execution at the suit
of assigned lo Kllaa Smith vs. David
Smith. Debt. $SSti.:i!t. Judgment No. 12)!,
January Term. 1S9J, Pliirlus Fl. Fa., o
March Term, 1S9U. ACKF.HLY, Atty.
No. 7. All the right, title and Interest of
the defendant. Charles P. Welchcl, In und
to all that certain lot of land situate In the
City of Scranton. 4'ounty of Lackawanna
and Htate of Ienus Ivanla, described as
follows. Heli'K rectangular III shape and
fronts on Avenue H, being lot twenty-one
(21) in block four (41 on William .Menl
tleld's Tdot of lot In iveyser Vulley, m?a
urlntr In front und ivur forty-eight (4S)
feet and one hundred and tlfty (IjO) feet
111 depth. 'oal und minerals reserved.
All Improved with two-s:ory frania dwel
lings und other outbuildings thereon.
Seized und taken ill execution at the suit
of Rosle Repp vs. Charles P .Welchcl.
Debt. S;too.ti. Judgment No. "12. Januury
Term, ISC, Al Fl. I'a.. to March T.. 1.S'.Hi.
F. J. FITZHl.M.MONS, Alty.
No. 8. All Uie right, title mid Interest of
the defendant. A. J.. Dunljvey, m und to
ull tne following described lot of land sit
uate la the Oliy of Scvaiiton, County of
l.aika wanna ami State of Pennsylvania,
bounded and disi'i'lbeil us follows: Jle
Klnnllig ul the corner of lots Nos. and 8
In blocK No. 1'J on Ihe wesleily llle of
Cedar avenue, jiald corner being 40 feet
in a northerly iliivctlon from the north
erly corner of the intersection of'
avenue and (tenet jiireet: thence westerly
along line of lots Nos. 7 and S tlfty C.ii)
feeet; 'thence southerly on a line parallel
with said Cedar nvonue twenty ('.'III feel;
thence easterly on a line puiallel wilh said
(ienet street fifty (a'O feet to suld Ce
avenue ; thence northerly uloivg laid Cedar
avenue twenty (2) feet to 'the pluce of be
ginning. Containing l.trnu siptare feet of
land and being part of the northerly half
of lot number elsht (S) in bloeg number
twelve (12). Improved with part of a two
story frame store building. Coal and min
erals reserved.
Seized and taken in execution at the suit
of Al. 1". Flynn vs. A. 1.. Dunluvey. Debt,
$l,MK).no. Judgment No. S7H, April Term,
Wi, Al. Fl. Fa., to March Term.
HOUAN, Atty.
No. . All the rljiht. title and Interest of
the defendunt, Patrick .McMiiuus, In and
lo all that certain lot of land with the Im
provements thereon, .slluule In the City of
Cat bondale, County of Lackawanna and
State of Pennsylvania, bounded and de
scribed us follows, to wit: All the surface
or right of soli of ald lot No. 2.i2 on tract
of land In the wurraivtee nume of Jacob
Porter, appears on a map of out lots cf
the Delawnre ami Hudson Canal Co. on
said tract, suld lot containing 12,701) square
feet of land, or thereuliout: beginning
In the southwesterly line of an angular
lane at the noi therly corner of lot No. 2.VI
in said tract, heretofore conveyed by said
Company to Thomas Toolun; thence by
said lot No. 2.V.1 south Ill's degrees west lu
feet to a corner; thence by out lot No.
2S" on said tract or formerly occupied by
-Mrs. Timothy Dp vine, south wi'i degrees
wist 12"J feet to u corner: thence by out
lot No. 2iitl on subl tract contracted to be
sold to 'iitherlne I Inland north S7'4 decrees
west M feU toil corner; thence by Irregu
lar hino north :Wi degrees east till 7-10 feet
to the place of lieglnnitwr. All Improved
wllh a two-story frame dwelling house
and oulhtiilillngs) then on.
Seized and taken, in execution nt Hie suit
nf James A. Dennis vs. Patrick .McMantis.
Debt. $2li.2."i. Judgment No. 214, Nov,
Term, 1MW. Lev. P'u.. to .March T., ISM.
No. 10. All the defendant's right, title
and Interest In and tu that certain plecn
or parcel of land, situate In the Korough
of .Mayllcld, Lni kawnna County, Penn
sylvania, deserllii'il us follows: ilelng lot
No. twelve (I2 ill block No. twenty-eight
I2.M, on 'the plot of the Hillside Coal und
Iron Company's lots In Maylield, said lot
being sixty ttioi feet wide lu front on Hill
street, 'the same width In the rear and one
hundred and fifty (l.'iii) feet lu dcffih,
lluiiudeil northeasterly by lot No. thirteen
li:il, now or lute of A. l.ully, ami south
westerly by lot N'o. eleven (II), now or late
of .1. Cawley. lainroved with a two-story
frame dwelling house and outbuildings
Seized and taken In execution at the suit
of Ferguson i Doyle vs. T. M. Hurke.
Debt. $.')1D U". Judgment No. I2D, November
Teini, ISM. Fl. Fa. to .March Term.
DFAN, Atty.
No. 11. All tho'rlght, title and Interest
of the defendant, Kcese H. Jones, in and lo
all thut certain messuage or city lot of
lund situate In Mellevue, City of Scranton,
County of l.arki wlliui, hounded ami de
scribed us follow, to wit: A messuage or
city let of laud situate III flellevue, City of
Scranton, i olii.netn-liiK on Railroad uvc
nile In line of lot number one of the es
tate of Sarah J. Davis, deceased, and run
ning thence southwesterly along said
street or avenue 100 feet Ij line of Sixth
avenue or Hampton slrei-t: thence north
wtslerly along said street XI'.. feet to line
nf lot number U of' I eslute; thence
along said line northeasterly 72 feet to
line or lot milliner one; Iheuce along said
Hue southeasterly :i!i feet to the place of
beginning. A vucuiit lot, unimproved.
ReKei'viiig coal ami minerals.
.Seized and taken In execution at the suit
of use of H. (i. Mui'i-y, administrator il. b.
fi., vs. Reese H. Junes., Debt. 5a.nU0.iKi.
Judgment No. 110. March T.. ISW. Fi. Fa.
lo .March Term. 1S!n;.
liliu.NK & CRF.VKI.INI!, Ally.
All of w hich will be sold for rash only.
FRANK If. CLF.MONS, Sheriff.
Sheriff's office. Hi ranton, Pa.. Feb. 23.
Ar.d to bo prepared to meet the warmer
wrutlmr .u want a avasoiiablo Suit or
an Oven oat or both.
Tl-.e largest Htonk taaelect from. Trim
mill AhvuyBif tile Host. I,;it.'t SItIm
in t'littin;;. nnci made up 0:1 lb preiuistn
liy KxpTJi Workmen.
t allonvd to Irnve ttioen
taiblixbiiieut nnlesM satisfactory to t ho
etiKtomer. itnl tlio lowest (irieea nonaibt' with (iool Morebant Tailoring.
Made a
i Well Ma
of Me.
pradam tta aboro result In 30 ilaya. it :!i
powanniiy auaqmrcijr. curci nen ji aiosn nu
Toaafj ma will neau their lout uanliood, aad old 1
na will wearer their youthful w,or bf atlns ;
RETlTOk It calcsir id aurelr reatore Manoiuv
aaaa. Lata Vitalltr. Iwicotoucr. KisUtlr tlulaalona.
LodFawar. Vallinc MfUorx, Wwtiua Diaeuct. nd
wmwmm ant nuwuaa or mwctmmum luaiscrvtliin.
blh nvlta on (or at udy. baatona or tuarriaf e. It
aotoalFearrakyatartlaaatthamiii otdlaotM.but
Uf rial Brrtotnale aud blood builder, brlLf
lot Mo ! pink plow to pal checks tod n
riaa ttaa Are of youthu 1 ward off raMmitj
aa ownuDpnoa. inaitt oa atnnj
br. It can bo carriod la ml socket. Bt aitil.
i 1JH) par pack wa. or all tor no. to, with a posk
H wrtttaa runnUM fra ear raund
y. uruurax rrea. innraai
0TAL MEDICIHE CO- S3 flivtr $1., CHrSMO. IU
V If attbawa Braa BtwWlaf
Villi M lm S IIIWIII Vj
406 Lackawanna Ave.
mS9 rs.
a n r m a
124-126 Wyoming Avs.
Bcr to announce that, in udJitlon
to our extensive Alteration Kale,
we huve placed on sale a large
shipment of choice new spring
merchandise at special low prices.
Below wc quote some of the spec
ials. Several loti of choice wash silks In the
newest designs,
I. undcr's lrice from 2c. up,
Hie lot of fancy silks, all the newest
effects, real value, 7.V.,
Leader's Price. Wo
One lot of, line Persian Velvets, very
latest lor Iriiiimir.g und ulits,
worth Jl.uu,
Leader's 1'i iee, !Sc
25 pieces of new spring dress goods,
worth 40c.,
Leader's l'rice, 2;Jc
10 pieces of all-wool, black serge, 4(5
Inches wide, worth 40c.,
Leader's Price, 29c
All of Our Fine Novelty Dress Pat
terns in Winter Weights
at Half Price.
12." pieces of line dress ginghams In
dress lengths, regular Uie. quality,
Leader's Price, 5c
25 pieces of corded dlmliy worth t'ic.
Leader's Price, 5c
23 pieces of new printed cambric. 32
inches wide, worth 9c,
Leader's Price, 61c
One lot of blankets, slightly soiled,
worth $3.50,
Leader's Price, $2.4!)
40 Inches heavy brown muslin, worth
Leader's Price, Sc
42 Inches bleached pillow casing.
Leader's Price, 71c a yard
White outing flannel, good quality.
Leader's Price, 3c per yard
10 pieces of extra heavy cosson flannel,
lac. qunllty.
Leader's Price, 10c
4-4 Hill bleached muslin,'
Leader's Price, tile
Best Standard Prlntes,
Leader's Price, tfc per yard
Fine pearl buttons worth 10c. a dozen.
Leader's Price, 5c
Effl I ill.
TO our patrons:
Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to assure their many pals'
rons thut they will thin year hold to their usual ctistoaa
of milling STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop
Is fully cured. New wheut is now upon the market, and
owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are
of the opinion that It is already cured, and in proper
condition for milling. Washburn-Crosby Co. will take
no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three
months to mature before grinding.
This careful attention to every detail of milling hafl
Siaceu waanDurni,roajDy ix. nour lar above
Wholesale Agents.
T5olts, Xuls, Bolt Ends, Tunibuckles, Washers, Riv
ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Suj
plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock.
and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels,
Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc.
beault to weeks.
For aal by JOHN H. PHELPS.
Sprue Stfaat, Scranton Pa,
uracil UGIIT
fyciilll,liiipted lor Beadlag ud Seiint
(ol I PR HI
S V at in
Z oifen
IT EconomlcaL
Consumes three (3) feet of gu per
hoar ud Kivee an ffloieneV vt slztv
(Ml candles. ' .
SaTlug at least S3) per csnk orar Um
ordinary Tip Burners.
Call and See It.
rUaufacturers Agent.
Kaaafactiu-art of the Ostobrate
foo,ooo Barrels per AnntrtH
Moosic Povdcr Co,
Booms 1 and 2 Commoieaita BW j,
Lafflln A Raad Pawdar Co.
Orange Gun Powdci
Blsctrlo Batteiiea, Tnses for xplad
lug blasts, Safety raw and
Bep&QnoCnenilcal Co.'s HlEiploslra
LOST 1608
5 When In 4oubt what to ut for NrvotM tfWI!y, Va of Scsntl lowr (In elthft
cai, ImptiMty, Atiophy, Varkocel and other wsalinnaet. ftom any cwiae, i
I 8xine fills. Dram chxlie and full iurm auicktv rettn Jd. If efflacted, v h
u,n.,Hi.iiT, n,M?a anywnera. aoaiM, lor iot noe, iar 95.W. wn
v-oty ' ?? af de5JT w a 1fal (fuaraataa ta cura or tef jnd lha aauajr. Addma
PEAL MEDICI?CE CO-tCie.cland. Olilo.
Pharmaeisti eer. Wyomlna Avnu ana
t . j-