The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 28, 1896, Image 5

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. v.. - .'
' 1
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y7(V PURE (1 SURE ft
Vwquired spoonfuls
ntt the best that money can 8uys
Norrman & Moore
120 Wyoming Ave.
' Washington Avenue.
Up to Date
Wall Paper
To Match
City Controller F. J. Widmayer yester
day iIkiwiI a batch of school orders,
amounting- to about Iti.ouo.
Ontlemen as well as ladles are expected
to attend Mrs. Ilon-r's -hiitlnB-disri lec
ture tonight. Admission, uU cents.
"Cyclone Kate" was released from a
thirty days' term Monday. Tuesday nhe
was arrested and fined tl.BV. Wednesday
nlffhi she was again arrested and yester
day morning: got another thirty days.
Dltsrlct Deputy C. U. Uoland. of the Heu
lasoyha. ' Wednesday evening- Installed the
-following- officers of Klecirlc t'lty con
clave: Past archon, E. C. Newcomb; ai--hon,
Dr. E. J. 1erce; provost, H. Hope
well; prelaw, T. Roche; secretary, K. Kir
ley; treasurer, C. Snarls; financier, I"..
Yost; Imipector, C, Uoland; wurder, It.
Gould; serotrnel, R. Gone.
Patrick Mullen, a slightly demented In
mate of the Hillside Home, who is al
lowed the freedom of the grounds, left the
Institution Wednesday und walked to the
West Wide, where he has relatives. The
Homo authorities, knowing that he would
go to hi relatives, telephoned -to police
Iiaudquurtei'a and had him picked up yes
terday afternoon. Jle will be returned
to the Institution today.
A Philadelphia udvertlstnir tlrm Is com
plllns a neat little pamphlet ronttdnlng
Information relative to the tKmtottice. par
ticularly the free delivery system, which
ai to be distributed gratis throutrtiout
the city. The book will contain cuts of
each carrier and a map of tha termor,
covered by him, which map will show tho
location of stamp ugeucies and letter
boxes. Those maps ure now being- pro
pared by City Engineer l'hilllpw.
A surprise party was tendered Wednes
day evening to Mrs. Henry Durrin, of llg
Fifth avenue, by members of Orpsh as
sembly, No. 29, West fllrie. Those who at
tended It were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry 8.
Morgan, Mr. und Mrs. John Jenkins. Mr.
und Mrs. Olbbons, Mrs Kuchi'l Morgan,
Mrs. Uwennlo Davles. MrK. Man- Smith
Miss Uttorgln Williams, Mrs. XewmoJi.
Miss Annie Meckel, Mrs. Mary H'urr. Mrs
MiKifle Kvuim. Mrs. Augustit Fair. Mrs.
Rlchford, Duvld Williams, Thomas Lvwla.
Utnry Durrln, Miss Minnie Kvans.
Boranton Hospital and Training School
for Nurses to lie Incorporated.
Drs. Charles E. Thomson. Reed
Burns. L. Wehlau and W. It. litilloc-k.
of Scranton, and Dr. J. It. Garvey, of
Dunniore. have organized the Hc-ranton
Hospital and Training- 81 houl for
Nurses, and yesterday, by their attor
ney, Hon. Ar. F. Saiido, they filed a peti
tion in the office of Frothonotury Hryor
asking- th court to grant a charter. .
Ihe petition sets forth thut the pur
pose of the corporation h for thp sup
port of a medicul and sclent iiic under
taking in this city, divided to Klvlnp
instruction in the nature, propert ies,
and various modilicatlons of medicine
and surgery and in the scientific appli
cation of the same for the alleviation
of pain and in the cure of disease.
It will be managed by five directors,
the gentlemen named, the Hist year
and has no capital stock. The annual
income, except that from real estate,
-will not exceed $3,000.
Dr. Thomson for some time past lias
conducted a private hospital at 401 and
407 Wyoming avenue, ami the charter
is for this pluce. In order to grunt di
plomas to; nurses who graduate there.
It Is necessary that It be an Institution
chartered by the courts in the manner
prescribed by law. The other ilmtorn
named ore associated with Ur. Thom
son in the work,
SI 0O to An Charltablo Institution If
. . This Product Is Not Pure.
Mr. K. a. Coursen, the grocer, yester
day wrote the following letter in con
nection with the statement hy Mrs
Korer, the cooking lecturer, that the
olive oil sold at grocery stores is not
Scranton. Pa., Feb. 26, ISSfi
' Francis II. I-ggett & Co. Gentle
men: Public statement was made to
day In the; presence of many Scranton
ladles that reflects upon my honor, and
would (if not repudiated) injure my
buslnesa Is your "Kea" oil which we
have Bold for years pure olive oil?
' , . Yours truly.
To this an answer was received by
telegraph today an follows:
Western Union Telegraph office. New
York rlty, Feb. 27, lf.
E. O. Coursen, Bcranton, Pa.: Rea's
oil Is absolutely pure; superlative qual
ity. On hundred dollars will be donated
to any charitable institution If found
otherwise. (Signed)
Mr. Coursen has sold this oil rigrh
A business man living- not a thousand
miles from Susquehanna tells a funny
Joke on himself, in relating how coal
dealers get rich. One day recently, while
In town, he took his horse to the coal
scales to obtain its exact weight, whicn
proved to be exactly -1,170 pounds. He then
led the animal to the blacksmith shop to
get a shoe llxed, and while the work w.s
in progress asked tlie smith about how
much he Judged the horse would weigh.
Tho smith took a good look at the
and replied: "Not over ll.'O." Then Ihe
owner ottered to bet him $j to H that the
horse would weigh more than tha figure,
he had guessed, unJ tha money was
straightway "put up." Then the horse
was led hack to the same srales he ha1
been weighed on before, the
owner congratulating himself on the
snap he had found. .When they
arrived at the scales and the owner
of the horse was about to lead the 1111I
nial on ugaln, the blucksmlth coolly re
marked: -Walt a bit; those scales are
llxed for selling coal, uot for weighing
horses." Then the Hmith proceeded to
balance the scales, after which the horse
was again weighed, this time tipping tho
beam at only 1I30, the smith taking the
i-a.h, nmaikin us .he pocketed the
"tin," "You se I've been In the coal busi
ness myself."
The feeling between the rival metro
politan theatrical managers Is becoming
very heated. The alleged Huymaii-Froh-man-Klaw
Erlui'ger combination is said
to have awakened other managers out
aide the breastworks to the 1'act that th -y
must get up and hustle in order not only
to compete but keep from falling to tho
rear. The combination named controls
with the assistance of others a chain of
t neuters from New York to San Francisco,
thus ensuring a company a whole route
under practically the ame management.
The combination, however, is not feared
by traveling managers. The only city
that Is worrying them Is Philadelphia,
where the Haynnm-Kroh-niun syndicate
controls all the theaters. Another com
bination of malingers, with A. M. Pal
mer at Its head, is talking-of building a
new theater In Philadelphia In order to
defeat Ihe plans of the I laymtin-r'rohmiin
syndicate. Abbey, Schoeliel & Grail will,
It Is said, join the opposition movement.
James Sturges. the comedian of "My
Uncle from New York" company, which
will be seen at Music Hall tonight and to
morrow afternoon and night. Is
very popular In this city and
has a large circle, of acquaintances.
He was for years the leading comedian
of the Oorinne Opera company, and dur
ing his many visits to 'this city made a
host of friends. Last night he was circu
lating about town renewing ills old ac
quaintances. Patrolman Thomas' "J! Lewis Is ambi
tious to represent the First district of tills
county In the state legislature and has an
nounced himself an a candidate for the
Republican nomination.
I' J' I' ,
James Manlcy, the select councilman
from the Twelfth ward, la the last per
son td announce himself as a candidate
for the street commUslonershlp.
l'llcd Against Granting a License ot
Deekelnlcks of tho fifth Ward.
Attorney Walter Bricgs filed another
remonstrance yesterday against the
granting of a hotel license to the Deck
clnicks of the Fifth ward. The first
was entered a few days ago and caine
more as a protest from the pastor and
congregation of St. John's German
Catholic church, which is directly
across the street from the Decklenlck
The remonstrance yesterday Is signed
by llfty-three prominent citizens Irre
spective of religious denomination and
It shows that a determined stand will
be made ugainst the ki anting of the
privilege to sell liquor at the place
The first objection Is that a saloon or
hotel there Is not u necessity; the second
recites that Mrs. Decklenlck a year ago
admitted before the court that she hud
been guilty of soiling- liquor to minors
and on election day and for that rea
son Is not a lit person to have a license.
The third objection 1m that the pluce is
not over 70 feet away from the paro
chial school of St. John's church, which
Is dully attended by li;'. pupils of tender
years, and thut in the same vicinity Is
the Daisy Free Kindergarten, n school
with an attendance of 60 pupils, be
tween the uges of 3 ami 6 years, whose
morals would be endangered by the
proximity of a drinking; pluce.
Rev. F. A. Flicker, pastor of St.
John's church, and Rev. F. P. Doty,
pastor of the Hampton Street Methodist
Episcopal church, are the two tirst
names on the list. The others ure: T.
Fellows Mason, John K. Burkett, An
thony F. Stuckait. Henry Smith. Jr..
H. '. Hlnmun, J. F. Whiting. George
II. Taylor. It. W. Henderson, it. .
b'totiii. A. T. Reiser. l. R. Lewis, .len
kln Lewis, AuguHt Krels, Henry Zaw
Ike. S. W. Klgley. James V. t'urey,
Fred W. Muson. Rev. William H. Mor
gan. Thomas Eyiion. A. L. Frlnk. W.
E. Tlwiver, Josenh A. Mears..Villiain
H. lleuth. David Williams. Adam
Wheeler. George Schweitzer. Charles
Corless. Dr. L. H. tJibbs. John F. Itun
dolph, Juin WllkiiiH, John Klenisorge.
Fred Hotz. David W. olin, William J.
Jacoby, David Evans. I. F. Wright, Dr.
R il. Heddoe. John Wllklns. sr.. James
H. Teiwllllger. .Martin Holland. M. J.
Ralney. Alexander Cole. Timothy Mc
Coy. Frank Klleur. Peter McCoy. John
Hurst. Patrick Grady. Michael Flerlck.
Patrick MclJouniifrh, 'J'liomus F. Jlurst,
and Flunk Golile.
Being Prepared by llie Hoard of Trade's
Public Snfctv Committee.
Evidently the public- safety committee
of the board of trade does not propose
to let up In Its efforts to bring about
a reform in the service of the Traction
company. Such a rourse at least is
suggested by the report now being pre
pared by the committee for presenta
tion at the next board meeting.
The commit tee is going- to work on
the basis that there is no law applic
able to the case and that public senti
ment intuit be raised to such a pitch
that the company will be forced to
change Its schedule, run new cars, em
ploy a different class of conductors and
motormen and do a number of other
things which It Is claimed are sadly
needed. The report of the committee
referred to is now being prepared but
will not be made known until the night
of the next board meeting. Sufilcient
is known of the contents, however, to
warrant the assertion that it is one of
the most energetic in the recent history
of the board.
Before taking inventory March 1st. T
will set Fur Capes and Cloth Jackets
at a great sacrlllce. F. L. Crane, X24
Lacka. ave.
We haive pleasure In calling the at
tention of our readers to the piano and
organ sale of Messrs. Guernsey Bros.,
224 Wyoming ave.
After a long and prosperous career
this firm has decided to retire from
business, and it is really a question of
selling the Instruments at any price, or
storing them. Their Jine ranks among
the finest In the city. - .
First Step in That Direction Has Been
Taken b? the Democrats.
It's Not What Was Expected by a Ureal
Many but They Will llsvo 10
(jet Used to It-Ordinance "
Laid Oat Cold.
Those misguided Republicans who
wanted "reform" and In the name of
that much abused term turned the city
governments over to the Democrats
will, no doubt, he highly pleased at the
tirst step towards reform takeu hy the
Democrats at last night's common
council meeting. It Is a samrde brick
of the kind of reform lUey muy expect
for the next three years.
The reformers began work by killing
the ordliuiiK-e regulating the deposit
ing or city funds, which was ilrufted
after much curetul consideration by
the linuiicc committee of select council
In conjunction with the city solicitor.
The excuse alven for killing It U that
It was a olitieal mcusure designed to
embarrass und Injure Treasurer-elect
Lioluud. Inasmuch us the ordinance
was fruined and Introduced before any
one was nominated by cither purty for
city treasurer the weakness of this
plea Is strongly apparent.
The ordinance was killed on a strict
party vote, every Democrat In the com
mon voting ugainst the measure. Here
are the names of the men In wliosj
estimation party duty rises above their
duty to the city und their constituents:
James Uricr, John Hcjan. M I'. (Jllroy.
Robert Kobinson, P. J. Ncalis. l otcn
Zcidlcr. Janus P. N'oonj, 1. J- lliclvcy
Thomas Norton and John J. I.ol'tus.
Thut they were acting under orders
was apparent from the fait that they
did not even allow the committee to
whb h It uuh referred lime to give the
measure uny consideration. They In
sisted thut it be reported upon forth
with. The committee wus Democratic,
the report unfavorable und thus the
ordinance died that wus Intended to
protect the city's money und insure the
collection of every cent to which she
was entitled. Among the members of
the lobby who were working against
the bill prior to the meeting were men
whose words were laws dining the re
cent "reform" campaign conducted by
the Democrats. The ordinance killed
lust night reads as follows:
An ordinance designating lae depositaries
of city minis In tile hau ls ot Hid city
treasurer; proMdlug for the verllicall.'ii
of his cash ueouuius und for the real
ization of Interest upon unexpended city
funds. . . . , ,
Section 1. Ho It ordained by Ihe select
and common councils of the city of Scraii
ton, und It Is hereby ordained by tne au
thority of the same, that In conipnancu
with the provisions of Article Vlll, Bi-j-tionS,
of the municipal act of Muy 21. IMS.
the following-named bank and public de
positories are named as thW places In
which public moneys in the hands of the
city treasurer shull and may be deposited,
to wit: The First National bank, Third
National bank. Trailers' National bank,
Lackawanna Trust and 8afe Deposit com
pany, the Merchants' und Mechanics'
bank, the Dime Deposit und Discount
bank, and the West Side bank: and the
city treasurer shull not at any time have
on deposit In any one of the said hanks or
depositories more than 20 per -cent-, of the
gross amount of all city funds In his
Section. 2. The oily treasurer shall, on
or beforo the tenth of every month, sub
mit to the Joint finance committee of couu
ells and the city controller his monthly
cash accounts, which shall exhibit the
amount of city funds In each of the sev
eral banks or depositories in which the
same have been deposited by him, together
with the receipts and dbtbursements anil
the condition of the several funds In his
hands as treasurer of the city.
Section 3. The Joint finance committee
of councils, together with the city treas
urer and city controller, are directed to
arrange with the banks or public deposi
tories In which any city funds are de
posited to secure for the city such amount
of Interest as can reasonably be procured
upon the funds therein deposited. '
Section 4. The official bond of the' city
treasurer shall contain xl special clause to
the effect that the liability of the sureties
thereon shall be In no way offer ted 'iy
the provisions of this ordinance; but shail
be and remain in all respects the same us
It would have been If this ordinance had
not been passed.
Section fi. It shall be the duty of the
Joint finance committee and the city con
troller to Immediately report to councils
any failure on tho part of the city treas
urer to conform to any of the provisions
of this ordinance.
Its object, as Is apparent, is to pre
vent any partiality being shown In the
matter of depositories, which will also
insure against the possible contingency
of the city being a heavy loser by the
failure of a bank which might contain
all or nearly all the municipal funds.
Tho second provision of the ordinance
merely provides for 11 n enforcement of
the other two. The third provision calls
for a rigid enforcement of tho . law
which prohibits such officers as city
treasurer from realizing the interest on
city funds, unexpended balances in
cluded. it Is claimed that If the city should
be lax In this mutter the city treasurer
could turn to his own uses every year
about $7,000, which should rightfully go
to the city, and this In turn would have
a tendency to tempt u dishonest treas
urer to block illy Improvements for
which money has been appropriated
so thut this money might be carried
over from month to month, earning
Interest for him and couiicllmen who
might be In leugue with him.
The Democrats In common council,
however, did not take this view of It.
They believe It to be a scheme of tho
Republicans to make as much trouble
as possible for Treasurer-elect Poland
by depriving- him of certain powerx
which his predecessor enjoys, und when
the meeting opened It wus cut und
dried that the ordinance would be
it came before the body under the
head of concurrent business and under
the rules should be referred to Its
pioper committee forconslderatlon dur
ing the two weeks Interim between the
meetings, on motion of Mr. Keagan.
however, the committee wus Instructed
to report forthwith. Messrs. drier.
Iteagan, Gilroy, Itublnson, Nealls, .eld
er, Noone. Mickey. Norton and Loftut
voted in the affirmative and Messrs
Keller, Oliver. Seamuns. M- lr. C-odfre.
R E. Thomas. Simon Tnomas and
V.'enzel voted agiin'.t h.ivin He or
dtuance reisirted forthwith. It was a
strict party vote. President drier in
trusted the matter to Ihe finance com
mittee, composed of four Democrats
and one Itepubllcun. There were only
three of them present. Messrs. Nealls.
Zeldler and Wenzel. but as two of them
are Democrats their obji-ct ould be at
tained as well as if all five were pres
ent. -
When It became apparent that the
foes of the measure were Intent on kill
ing It Mr. Seamans pleaded with them
to let It take its natural couise that
It might receive a fulr and full discus
sion, so that the members might vote
Intelligently on it. Captain Molr and
Mr Keller also spoke against undue
haste arguing that the ordinance was
too Important a measure to be so sum
marily dealt with. Their arguments,
however, proved of no avail. Mr. Nealls
for the committee brought In an ad
verse renort on the ordinance and the
committee's report was put before the
house. Mr. Oliver tried to assure the
Democrats that there were no politics
lurking anywhere In the measure, but
Mr. Nealls was of a contrary opinion
and said that If the matter had come
up six months ago or should come up
six months hence he Is the last man
who would be? so strongly arraigned
against it. He did not believe it Just
to the treasurer-elect to pais such leg
Islatlotvat thin time.
Here, Mr. Oliver called the attention
of Ihe opposition to the fact that when
the ordinance was Introduced last De
cember there was at least the possibil
ity of a doubt as to who would be the
next treasurer. - Mr. Nealls quit the
talk and veered over to the question of
the efficacy of the question of the pro
mised measure, lie didn't believe, he
said, that the ordinance would affect
the results desired. So disgusted were
the Republicans at the stubborneis of
the opposition that Mr. Oliver was the
only member who took the trouble to
Pursuant to a previous resolution of
common council authorizing the rlty
controller to satisfy claims for labor
and material against the Phoenix
Bridge company out of the balance still
due that company. Mr. Seamans lust
night had passed a resolution direct
ing the city controller to pay the claim
of George Dougherty, who did the
puinting 011 the bridge, nroviding.
however, that he tlie an indemnifying
bond. A slmilnr resolution pertaining
to the Hurhcr Asphalt company's
claim came over from select council
und was concurred in.
The nction of Delect council ill Voting
to send delegates to the convention to
be held in Keudlng, on March II. fur
the iuriofe of frumlt.g amendments to
the uct of lSS'.t. wus concurred In.
Tho recommendation of the uudltinp.
committee that the bill of & of the
Scranton (3aa und Water company for
damages resulting; from the sewer
break on l.ackawunuu avenue, be- neg
atived wus adopted.
An oidluauie establishing the gmde
of Preseott avenue, between Mulberry
und Olive streets, was favorably re
ported upon by the streets and bi Irigcfl
committee, and refeiivd for prihtins.
An ordinance Introduced by Mr.
Oliver, directing t"e ity engineer to
give guide on Kynou street wus re
f ei led to the sti eclH und bridges com
mittee und reported favorably.
The following- ordinances passed first
1,1. d second rendlnts: Providing for
I three electric nnis in me renin wuru,
I one on Bridge street, at tho Delu-
ware. Luckunuunu und Western tircli.
! one on the corner of Fourteenth and
Division streets: an urdlnuuce provid
ing for the icconveyunce to Mary J.
limits of her lot In the Fourth ward,
purchased by the city ut a lux sale;
providing lor the construction of a
lateral sewer on Colfax u venue, be
tween Mulberry und Vine streets; es
luhllshiug; Ihe grade of Preseott ave
nue between Mulberry and Olive street;
LestuliliHliIng the urude of Kynon street.
An ordinance directing the Delaware
nnd Hudson Ciiiuil rompuny to erect
gules and station a watchman, -day und
night, ut the l.'oditelown crossing, und
tin ordinance providing for llugstnne
sidewalks and paved eutters on New
street, between Cajiouse and 'Washing
ton avenues, passed third reading.
( ity Controller I'. J. Vt Idtnuycr Is lingagc j
in Its Pit pirutlon.
City Controller Wldmayer began
work yesterday on the tax levy ordin
ance, which has to be presented nnd
rat Hied before the present council dis
solves. He intends to fix the levy at thirteen
and six-tenths mills, as heretofore
mentioned In The Tribune. This will
be one mill less than lust year, when
the 'payment on the Nay Aug park
pronertv hud to be provided for. Ton
mills will be for general city purposes,
which Is the highest levy that the law
allows, and tlie other three and six
tenths mills will be for the sinking
Owing to the excellent care taken of
this sinking fund the city finds itself
in excellent shape to meet the redemp
tion of the big consolidated loan of
1876. which conies due this year. This
loan amounted to $100,000 and the city
has been paying six per cent. Interest
on it for twenty years. On Dec. 1, this
big and expensive debt will be can
celled and no extra levy or additional
borrowing will be necessary to effect
the cancellation.
There Is also a city Improvement
loan of $3,000 and u funding loan of
$l'p,000 coming due on July 1, but even
with these extra drafts on the sinking
fund not the slightest embarrassment
will result. There Is cash In the In
terest und sinking fund to the amount
of $r.4,:H2.45. and this amount will stead
ily grow us the year advances ami will
be Increased about $60,000 in one lump
when appropriation ordinance Is
passed. Then In addition to all this
the city bus purchased $120,000 of the
1MI3 Issue of 4! per cent, more man 11
allowed to remain In the banks.
These bonds can be utilized to meet
Ihe year's redemption, but It reniulns
for the sinking fund commission to suy
whether or not this will be done. This
commission consisting of the mayor,
controllrr nnd treasurer will be called
upon to decide this question before
Dec. I.
It Is no mean compliment to the Re
publican administration of the last de
cade thut the city's finances are In such
excellent shu-ie und Its credit, us a re
sult, unquestioned.
(ha iao of Programme Dae to Satis
factory Condition of Con I Tr.iJc.
Although the nieetinu of the anthra
cite coal sules ugents held last January
adjourned to meet In New York yes
terday, no meeting was held. The
change In the programme Is undoubt
edly due to the very satisfactory con
dition of affairs In the trade, and the
desire not to attract public attention,
it Is stated that stove coal has sold
In New York at $i.75 per ton. which Is
the full circular price without deduc
tion of IT, cents iter ton commission.
The demand for stove conl Is active, hu:
there is an accumulation of other
which gives the market 1111 uneven up
piarance. There Is no advance expect
ed In the clrculur prices for Mulch.
There Is a tacit understandimr thai
the production for March will be about
2.7r0.onO tons, or u little less. No change
in prices will be made for delivery dur
ing tho next thirty days. It is under
stood thut about April 1 uti advance
of 2."i cents per ton till around will be
considered and perhaps put Into effect.
Leonardo Kosa Entered I pon His Term of
llondago with Spirits l ight and Airy.
Deputy Sheriff Frank E. Ryan. Com t
Messenger Newton. Jail Physic Ian Jen
kins, D. C. o'llara, William Pruning
and Deputy Sheriff L. (.'. Hoi-tree re
turned yesterday from Philadelphia,
alter leaving their seven prisoners In
charge of Walter Cassidy. of the East
ern penitentiary.
Murderer Rosa was lightheartcd and
happy under the circumstances and
didn't seem to mind the fact much thut
lie will spend the coming eleven years
In durance vile.. He wus giud that the
rope did not encircle his nock.
Mr. Ryan saw Thomas Doming, who
went down In lfts" for the murder of
Peter Martin in Wnldrnn's saloon. Hello
vue. The prisoner Is strong and heullhy
ancl Is eagerly awaiting the expiration
of his servitude In July next.
The day before the Lackawanna
county colony was put behind the bars,
the sheriff of Luzerne county was ddwii
with six men. Wurden Cassidy told
Mr. Ryan that this section furnishes
more than Its share of the guests. There
are now about 1,400 In the penitentiary.
Methodist Episcopal parsonage, Feb. Tt,
IK.;, by Rev. H. G. Harned, Henry H.
Robaoher, of Sterling, Pa., and Mrs.
Minnie K. Tuttle. of Hamilton, Pa.
Is marlage a failure? Tou will cer
tainly agree with us that it is not after
you have taken a took at the choice
carpets and draperies at Siebecker ft
Interesting Figures Presented by
Mine Inspector Kodcrich.
Output of Coal from the Collieries of
the Various Companies Was 003,.
60S l.cis Ibnn During
the Year 189.
The annual report of Mine Inspector
Edward Roderick, of the First district,
for the your itftfu Is ready and presents
Interesting figures for the perusal of
persons luterehted In the study of coal
production. The report is an elaborate
one und its preparation Involves much
time and core. The summary of it Is
all that can be given ut the present
time. The year past was one of more
than ordinary dulncxs. but one bright
feature is thut the number of acci
dents was loss for the tonnu;re milieu
than In uny preceding yours. The out
put of coul In tons from the various
companies In the districts Is us follows:
Delaware and Hudson Canal com
pany, 2,!U.-; -is:,; Hillside Coul mid Iron
company. Sto.HOI; Delaware, I.ucka
wunna, und Western Railroad company.
40,015; Junes, Sinios-.'ii & Co., 2Sti,:iT!l;
Luckawuiinu Coul company. 2H7.f'Jti
Klk Hill Coul nnd Iron company, 272,
Hiti; Pennsylvania Coul coiupuhy, 247,
l:; PancuuHt Coul company, 224.0H2;
Northwest Coul company. lKo.filM; Ed
gcitou Conl company. li.'t.83!l; New-
York and Scruntoii Coal compuny, 1 7 J. - J
i'.K; Sleriick Creek Coal rompuny, l'i:.- !
0IJ; Blue Ridge Coal company, Ifci.lHU;
Mooslc Mountain Coul company, 120.
ssS; Mount Jcxsup Cuul company, llti.
::iiu; Riverside Coal company, 74,OiU;
Murray Coul coniniiny. r0.0!'ti; Dolph
Coul company.- I0!idt7; Jermyii und
Johnson, 1:14 H); U udd. II Coul coin
puny, 2l,0SU:Kriinkllii Coal company,
0.122; Russell 12 Cuul company, 1,8011;
Total, G.td0.S17.
Tlie number of tons of conl produced
in IMM was 6,'.io;,251. which was UUXtitili
less than last cnr. This Is u very
great Increase for 18!j, notwithstanding
the dulncsM in the coul trudc. It re
quires 220.402 kcgM of powder of 2."i
pounds eac h to. mine this nmount of
coal und 1 litis mules und horses wore
worked. There were 1H stoiini hollers
In operation.
The number of persons employed by
each compuny wus: Delaware und
Hudson Ctinal company, r.:i71 : Dela
ware, Luckawunmi und Western Rail
road company, 1,002; Hillside Coal und
Iron coinouny, 2,ir6 Pennsylvania
Coul company, lis:!; Elk Hill Coal und
Iron compuny, 44,1: Pancoust Coal com
pany, tioo: Lnckiiw'unnuii Coal com.
puny, fitll; Now York and Scranton Coul
company, 447: Jones, Simpson und com
pany, (i.-,2; Edgerton Coul company,
:!.S2; Northwest Cuul compuny, S Mt.
Jcsstip Coal company. 2,s;i; Blue Ridge
Coal company, 4S4: Sleriick Creek Coul
company, fitiO; miscellaneous cuul com
panies. I.KIX Total. 10.272.
In 1804 there were 10.014 men em
ployed In tlie production of coul, 2i8
loss than In ISM.
The total number of accidents during
the year was 160, of these ;t proved
fatal, and 121 recovered. The year 1894
there were 145 accidents, bub 47 were
fatal. Falls of rock and coul produced
76 accidents, 22 fatal ones and the re
mainder were caused us premature ex
plosions of blasts, explosion of powder,
explosions of gas, kicks from mules, and
by curs.
There were 19 widows left by the X
fatal accidents and 58 children were left
fatherless; of these 3,1 were under 14
yeurs of ago. The Increase of tons
mined per fatal accident In 18!ir over
that of 1S!4 was 45.258 tons; this Is a
gratlfylngly lurge increase und shows
that the operation of the mines Is well
safe-guarded, and It reflects credit on
Inspector Roderick for his careful su
pervision in seeing that the utmost
safety is required.
The nationality of persons killed was
as follows: Polish. 9: Irish, 7; Ameri
can, 8; English, il; Welsh, il; Hungnriun,
2; German, il; Austrian, 1; Italian. 1;
Russian. 1; Slavish. 1. Those injured
were: Polish. 20; Irish, 21; American.
1?: English, 17; Welsh. 12; Htingarlun,
10, German, '!; Austrian, 4: Scotch, 2;
Italian, :i; Lithuanian, 2: Slavish, 2.
The occupation of persons Injured
teas as follows: Miners, 61: luborers,
61; drivers, 17: runners, 7; footmen, 3;
p.impinen, 3: switchmen. 2; doortemlers,
3, breaker men, 4; teamster, I ; engineer.
2, slateplckers, 2: carpenters. 1; coa!
oreiator, 1: track layer, 1. The coal
operator mentioned was Thonm.i
Brown, of Dimnmre. who W" Instantly
OIK plan of rental, with rent
to apply us ptii'tvlutsc money,
is very ' popular, und makes
it possible' for ulinost uny family
to net a ih'st-class instrument.
Full particulars on application.
Music Store,
111 JEW
Removed trom Washing
ton avenue to
And will be sold out at
auction. Sale every day
at 10 o'clock a. ni. and 2
and 7 o'clock p. in.
By order of Assignee.
1 A. HARRIS, Auctioneer.
frrt.' collieries were In operation
during the year and the average time
worked by each was 182 8-10 days. The
production for every life lost was Kti,
W4 tons, and In I84 It was 121. tiMi,
showing thut the mortality rate was
greater by 45,258 tuns for every fatal
accident. The number of tons for each
accident was 40.6U2 11-10.
A Car Containing Nearly Three Tons Falls
Two Hundred Feet.
While a car of coal was being hoisted
at the Hyde Park shaft yesterday morn
ing at 11 o'clock, the bottom of the
carriage gave away and the car, con
tents and carrluRe platform fell to the
foot of the shaft, a distance ot about
200 feet.
The men made their exit through one
or the other of the many openings. How
long the mine will be idle could not be
stated yesterdny. An examination of
the hunting and guides in the shaft
will be necessary before the amount
of repairing necessary can he esti
Given hy Mrs. W. II. Pierce Lust Night
for tho Troubadours.
Mrs. W. H. Pierce, of 833 Jefferson
avenue, lust night gave a dancing party
for the tronbudour dancers who partic
ipated In Ihe Ktrmess. Tho affair was
given by Mrs. Pierce for her nephew,
H. A. Pierce, one of the class.
Those present were: Miss Helen L.
Stovouii, Miss Ruth Dule. Miss Uruce
Rose, Aliss Frcdciica Derman, Miss
Louise Liule, Miss Aiuilo Rose. Miss
Murgurcl Torrey. burson W. Uevuns,
CIl It old S. Jennings, Arthur Dunn, L.'
R. Itell, Robert D. Luildou, H. A.
Pierce, Arthur C. Thompson.
(JI'INN In Heninlon yesterday Michael
CHiIiiii, of ll Maple street. I'lliu-rul no
tice later.
ROHKKTS-ln Scranton, Feb. 27. IS'.,
Mi: s Saiuli Roberts, daughter of Mine
Foreman Lewis Roberts, of Hellenic
IIcIkIiIs. l'ccc-a eit was 21 yeurs of uge.
The funeral announcement will be given
42 3
Lackawanna - Ave.
Muslin Underwear,
a 1 new goods. The following are a few of the
uiuny burgu.u:
Ladies' Night downs, of good quality of
muslin, well rondo, with full uleeVM, geod
length and trlu.nic.-d with ruffle and tuck
75:-. kind. Oar Price, 49c.
10 dozen Lndies' Skirts, guoil quality of mus
lin, Well niado, regular 50c. kin 1.
Our Price, jjc, K'scb.
25 dozen Corset Covers, of ramhrti and
square ahaped yoke of pretty nnibrold'.ry, in
U'Titon ami beading, extra well mad, regular
50c. kind. OurVrlce, ajc.
25 dozen of good quality. V.uslin Drawers,
well made, sold every whore ut 2m:.
Our Price, 17c.
10 dozen Ladies' Finn Muslin (.'hondse. nicely
trimniH ' with laco nnd tmlirnidery, regular
40c. kii d.
Our Price, ajc. Each.
L'liAKKK i!:- IiltUTHEHS
231 Penn Ave. , CpD. Baptist Church.
Including the stltileM eatraoMaff f
Wet by ui entirely new praesm
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
last chance you will
ever have to get
for the prices we will sell
them for thte week.
Klectric Seal Capes, flC Qn
newest style, )3i30
Formerly. 116 0.1
Electric Seal, trim
med with Thibet
or Brown Marten,
Formerly tS.U
Fine Coat, newest djQ QQ
style, M30
Formerly IT.W
Fine Coat, newest fli QQ
style, M.JO
Formerly f 1000
Fine Coat, newest
merly fltuu
merly JlS lM
Formerly fltuu
Fine Coat, newest
Baby Coats from
Mackintoshes from
138 Wyoming Avbim
Malcolm Lots.
CloQgti & Warrao,
And Lower Grades at
Very Low Prices,
Spring Styles.
4 12 Spruce Street.
School of Elocution
and Oratory
M If HOI 01 IWlWMl
Washington Ae.. Scranton, Pa.
Ut St fnnnl Ih. Mart Posaku' Md msnral Iff
Leading AriM
Wirereomf : Opposite Columsuf eawiMOt.
208 Washington Av.Seranton.Paj
t n 7 bi
-JL-7 Dunn's
-1 ,