THE SCR ANTON , TRIBUNE FRIDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 28, 1890. 8 MKS. KOKEK'S COOK BOOK, Price. $1.39, At Norton's Book Store. Gibson's "American Girl," 25c . March Ladies' Home Journal, 10c. '. HarchGodcy's Illustrated Magazine, 10c . March Strand Magazine, 10c. March Harper's Monthly, 35c March Puck's Library, comic, 10c ' March Judge's Library, comic, iog ' March "Black Cat," 5c March Pocket Magazine, 10c. March Scribncr's Magazine, 25c. March St. Nicholas' Magazine, 25c. March Fashion Magazines With the Spring Styles, AT NOKTO.VS Book and Stationery Store, 3:2 Lackawanna Ave. BUY THE BEST, USE Mrs. Rorer Uses "Snow White" in her Scranton Cooking Lectures. 1'EKSONAL. Prothorwtary Pryor has returned from Philadelphia. John J. Kulipy Is spending a few days In rhilmU'lphlo. John II. Krooks haa returned from a buslnsv viHlt to Baltimore. Miss Ji'iinlc OJarclner, of Factoryvllle, If the gnexl of Siruntoii friends. Misfi Alice Dale, of Jefferson avenue, is triimtalning; lllsa Hudson, of Palerscwi, N. J. Oharles Robinson hao returned from a "business visit to Xew York uiul Philadel phia. .Mint Mary Garrison, of Paterson, X. J., Ih thu KUeHt of Mrs. TJiorou J-'lltcroft, of Green Rldse. Attorney John F. Scrairif (has returned from Philadelphia, where he attended the Inextliiir of the 8uprem court. Attorney W. S. HuUtander is homn from Philadelphia, where he went to represent Hevral of Ilia clients before the Supreme court. Jud(f and Mrs. H. M. Kd wards will at tend the St. David's Day banquet at YounKHtown .O.. at which Judge Edwards Will be one of the speakers. (leorso Alunley has resigned his position With the Jjiicku wanna laundry to enter In jiurtiierliip with Joseph Nolan and Hugh Ctillatrher in conducting .the Chystal Jiuiiilry. TonlRht th 1eTilgh .University Alumni of this city and Wilkes-Barre will endr n receptluiv ond dinner at the Hotel Ter race to iJr. Thonun M. Drown, the new president of th university. In the after noon, the. doctor will address the pupils of the School of the Lackawanna. CHRISTIAN CITIZENSHIP. nat t hi ho the subject of John G. Wonlley's) Lecture Tonicht. John Ct. Woolley will deliver a lecture t the Acudemy of Muslu this evening tinder the auspices of the Women's Christian Temperance union. The sub ject T his lecture will he "Chrlstiun Citizenship." Of Mr. Wonllpy's powers as an orator, the renowned lecturer, Jim'eph Conk, said: "John O. Woollpy Is an orator of wonderful power. lie somewhat re sembles John B. Ornish in his vivid and dramatic style, but he has hail a law yer's; training and Is as remarkable for inolslveness' of thought as for keenness of phrase. He knows to the depths the experience of the .man tempted by strona; drink. 1I speaks from experi ence, both of the horror of the alcoholic habit and the joys of the Christian trl Mmph over tt. No man holds sounder Views than his on the moral, education al ami political meaning of making the liquor trafllc forever an outlaw." PURIM SERVICES HELD. Minor Jewish Festival Celebrated In the Linden Streot Temple. Purim services, commemorative of one of the minor festivals In the Jew ish church, were held lust night in the Linden Street temple. The services were conducted by Habbl J. Feuerlicht and did not include any unusual cere mony. Purlm day dates from 2,369 years go, and is observed in celebration of the frustration of Hainan's purpose to destroy the Jews, from which he was turned by the Intervention of Mordacal. The story appears in the book of Ksther. DON'T BE LED AWAY By so-called "Reduc tion" sales of "shop worn" goods, "job lots" and "left overs." WE GIVE YOU FOR A A Ladies' hand made, X A clean, stylish shoe ." ... t " worth $4.00. WE GIVE YOU FOR dl f) Ladies' fine Don :. X gola button and V lace up-to-date shoe worth $3.00. . But we cannot give you a $6.00 shoe for $3.00, nor can any other correct dealing merchant. ill 4!0 Spr-jci Street Snoraie FLOUR FOR fflOD RESUIIS- KOEHLER BIG TEMPERANCE MEETING . r 1. W. C. T. U. Mid-Year Convention Sessions in Elm Park Church. DISCUSSED SACRAMENT WIXE Infcrmentad Article Was Firmly Disap proved but No Keflalte Aetlon Was Planned Many Interesting Topics Considered. ' The mid-year convention of the Woman's Christian Temperance unions of Lackawanna and Luzerne counties began In the Kim Park church yester day morning and will be continued dur ing today. Tonight John G. Woolley, the famous temperance orator, will lec ture in the Academy of Music under the auspices of the convention. His sub ject will bv "Christian Citizenship." The programme as arranged for yes terday was carried out almost in its original form, there being but few dis appointments by reason of the non-ar-rival of expected speakers. Mrs. C. I). Simpson presided. Devotional exercises led by Mrs. J. M. Howell, of this city, opened the morn ing session. A resume of the mid-year convention of last year was read by Mrs. Annie Furrey. of W'anamie.. Then wus presented by Mrs. Howell the sub ject "Alllllated Interest," in which con nection Mrs. C. 11. Cool in discussing the Womau's Temperance Publication association made un ardent appeal for more generous support of the associa ton's publications. She referred es pecially 1o the Signal and the Bulletin, the respective organs of the national and state unions. MRS. VAIL S TAPER. Mrs. Francis T. Vail, of this city, read a paper an the union's hospital in Chicago which was fuunflVd ten years ago and had 200 patients last year. It is the only hospital In the rutted States where alcohol 'is not used lh treating diseases. Cnfcrmonted communion wines formed the subject of Mrs. C. H. Cham berlain, of Kingston, wllo arlirmed that many men had been led to drink through the taste acquired at the sac rament. She said that thirteen unions In Luzerne county hud inllucnccd about twenty-tivechurchestoabandon the use of unfermented wine. In the discussion which followed. Mrs. Cool urged her hearers to leave their church rather than approve by their membership the use of unfermented wine at commun ion. One young lady in the audience averred that a young woman's union, of which she had been a member, in duced the pastor of a Massachusetts church to use water Instead of wine at the sacrament. Itev. T. M. Furey. who was asked to speak on the subject, said he disapproved of the substitution of water for wine as such action would destroy the letter and spirit of the Lord's supper, but he advocated the use of unferniented wine. Then ensued a general discussion which did not bring about any definitely arranged course of action. THE COMMITTEES APPOINTED. Mrs. Simpson announced the follow ing committees: Courtesies Mis. V. T. Vail, .Mrs. C. H. Chamberlain. Plan of Work-Mrs. Stevens. Wuyii" county; .Mrs. Bird, tirailford county; .Mrs. DiivsmoTO, Columbia county; .Mrs. Down lug, Luzerne county; Airs. Tewksbury, Lackawanna county. Subscription for I'n'on Signal and Wo man's Christian. Temperance I'ldon Hnlli' tin Mrs. Vuughan, Moscow; Sirs. Lee. After listening to a recitation by little Ethel Long, of Kingston, an adjourn ment for lunch was made. Lunch was served in one of the church parlors. The devotional exercises which opened the afternoon session were led by Mrs. L. M. tlateu, of tills city. Ad dresses of welcome were made by Mrs. VT. tl. Yost and Mrs. C. D. .Simpson. A period entitled ".Model Mothers' Meeting" was led by Sirs. E. L. Ste phens, of Wayne county, nnd Mrs. C. Frank. Dr. Anna Clark, of this city, delivered a very sensible talk from a medical standpoint on 'Teaching Truth," and Mis. J. J. Rankin, of Haw ley, read a paper. A considerable period was devoted to discussing the benefits of sclentitie. temperance In struction and the best means for milk ing such instruction general. At 4. 45 o'clock the session adjourned. The evening session wns tinder the auspices of the Elm Park Epivorih league, and included a discussion opened by Hev. J. K. Eckman on the best metliodH to abolish the liquor traf fic, and a paper on. "Hoys' Industrial Associations" by Sirs. H. W. Palmer, ol' Wlll'es-Hurre. PROGRAMME FOR TODAY. Today's programme Is as follows: MOKN1NO KKSSIO.W 9 SO Devotional service Mrs. J. N. Ter m's Sumlav school work. Sirs. C. W. Cook lu.UO Social work..... Mrs. SI. W. Vaughun Juvenile work, Sirs. Jennie V. Dinsniore Railroad .work, Sirs, dfcorjse L. Held Sabbath observaoce. Sirs. H. Downing, Sirs. W. W. Laiuv Narcotics Sirs. W. Jennings 11.00 Itible reading.... Sliss P. Dorn blazer ll'.UO Noontide prayer. A KTK'RXOON' SESSION. 1.30 Dm-ntlonul service.. Sirs. C W. Cook 1,43 franchise, Sirs. J. X. Lee, Sirs. Piatt, Sirs. A. SI. Ilulvey. Work among foteimiers, Sirs. P. Horn blazer Press work Sirs. L. T. Jtiirns White ribbon experiences. What the while ribbon has done for nie. Reports of committees. Adjournment. WOMEN WHO ATTENDED. Among those who attended yester day's sessions were: Mist T. M. Furey, Mrs. McOill. Slisses Charlotte Or'r, Mary Evans, Elizabeth Evans, Wana mie; Mrs. M. Detrlek, JIIss Anna Kern, West Pittston; Airs. Charles Smith, Mrs. James Rrady, Wilkes-Harre; Mrs. Mary Emory, Sirs. Colbnrn, Sirs. John Rarber, Pittston; Sirs. Rosalie Pease, Sirs. Carolyn Doreey, Sirs. Emma Vought, Mrs. Ellen Cobb, Sirs. Alice Tripp. Green Ridge; Sirs. Siumford, Mrs. Saunders, Forty Fort: Sirs. Dnr row. Mrs. Rintan. Sirs. Stalev, Sirs. F. E. Reed. Forest City: Sirs. St. O. Fer rel. Luzerne; Mrs. E. E. Shelp, New Mitfdjrd: Mrs. A. W. Larkin, Lake Como: Mrs. C. H. Chamberlain, Kings ton; Mrs. Thomas Long. Edwardsvllle; Mrs. George Williams, West Pittston. Scranton Mrs. B. L. Richards. Mrs. If. W. Littell, Mrs. Richard Hiorns, Mrs. Jve Grand Wright, Sirs. Frances T. Vail. Airs. Arja Willinms. Mrs. G. SI. Tewksbury. Mrs. G. M. Howell, Sirs. W. H. Fuller, Mrs. Sarah Griffin. Mrs. II. B. Hand. Mrs. E. L. Buck, Sirs. J. A. Gere, Miss Media Reed. Mrs. A. P. Bedford. Airs. G. L. Field, Sirs. J. L. Race, Mrs. D. Spruks, Mrs. A. V. Yost, Mrs. Mary Culler, Mrs. Francis Rush wick, Mrs. D. V. Wint. Sirs. W. A. Pierson, Mrs. Amelia Smith. Mrs. R. W. Dowrlch, Mrs. J. C. Chandler, Mrs. J. 8. Miller. Mrs. J. O. Eckman, Mrs. L. Burch. Mrs. J. H. Thomas, Mrs. T. L. Bronson, Mrs. George Field, Jr., Mrs. S. A. Brown, Mrs. James .Foster, Mrs. C. H. Mallony, Mrs. J. Al .'Harvey, Mrs. A. R. Raub. Miss Fannie Raub, Mrs. C. D. Simpson; Mrs.' Lloyd, Edwards vllle; Mrs. 8. M. Rhodes, Gravity; Mrs. Jonns, Peckville; Mrs. John Ross, Min ersville; Mrs. J. B. Sumner, Nantlcoke; Mrs. Pierce Butler, Carbondale; Mrs. J. M. Lee, Mrs. O. B. McKnlght, Plains; Mrs. it. W. Vaughan, Moscow; Mrs. Mary E. Jones. Parsons; Mrs. Blanch ard. Parsons: Mrs. H. P. Stevens, Mrs. J. T. Rodman, Hawley; Mrs. John Dolph. Peckville; Mrs. Creasy, Miss Eva Brlggs, Wllkes-Barre; Mrs. S. S. Seamans. Faetoryvllle; Mrs. Louise Walker, Moscow; Mrs. Dershlnier, Sirs. L. M. Swartz, Dunmore. Mrs. Philip Swarts. Mrs. 8. J. Horn Imker, Moscow: Rev. W. H. Hlller, Par boiib; Mrs. J. C. Craig, Peckville; Mrs. T. lu Smith, Dalton; Mrs. P. S. Posten, Mrs.. F. li. Gardner, Moscow; Mrs. B. H. Kilmer, Wllkes-Bnrre: Miss Jennie Hall, Honesdale; Miss Bertha Defrehn, Miss Kimble, Danville; Mrs. J. N. Hart, Susquehanna: Mrs. SI. Hinellne, Mos cow; Mrs. C. H. Memory, Mrs. 1J. Hard ing, pittston; Rev. C. J. Bradbury. Rev. T. H. Barker, Mrs. A. St. Holvey, Pitts ton; Sirs. M. B. Palmer, Mrs. P. J. Tutley, Hawley; Mrs. E. N. Swartz, Moscow; Mrs. Dr. H. Page, Sirs. C. J. Hartman, Peckville, THE ROENTGEN DISCOV ERY. What It Is, How It Was Made and What It Alcana-Aa Explanation Which Can Be Understood by All. Columns of academic discourse con cerning the so-called Roentgen, or N. rays have left many people confused rather than Instructed. It has re mained for Professor Henry Crew, of Northewestern university, at Evanston, III., to put the subject in a light com prehensible to laymen. "It is to be presumed," says Prof. Crew, "that everyone knows that the chief source of popular interest in X rays lies in the possibility of their application in va rious arts and applied sciences. The fact that a human hand was one of the first objects photographed by Ro entgen apiiears to have been a some what important factor in producing this tide of :ubllc enthusiasm. 1 say this because Lenard, at Bonn, some two years ago, had made silhouettes with cathode rays, and had shown that these rays would easily pass through an aluminium sheet placed in front of the photographic plate. "In scientific circles, interest In this discovery of Lenard's was both wide spread and deep. Lenard's paper was translated into both English and French Journals of bclence, but the newspapers had not a word to say about It. Now that everyone is read ing whole columns about X rays. It may be worth while to say a word about the history of the case and then a word about the present status of the case. In general It may be said that the physicist finds these rays quite a ptiKzle, for the simple reason that ho does not know just where to 'pigeon hole' them. The combination of prop erties which they possess is something very novel, VAcrrsr tpbes. "A 'vacuum tube' Is one from which a part of the gas it once contained has been punuied out. When the 'vacua' thus produced are moderately high, nnd the tube made of fluorescent glass, the combination Is generally called a 'CioiK sler tube.' after C'eirsler, a skillful me chanician at I'.onn. if, however, the vacua are pushed much higher, so that only one-nillliontli, or less, of the orig inal gas remains, the tube is called a Vrookes tube,' after the well-known Engll:-li cl-emiKt. William Crookes. CATHODE RATS, "Slaxwcll says the word 'cathode' wuh coined by Faraday and Whewell conjointly. U Is used to dcsclbe the end of t!ie wire by which tile electric current leaves the tube, it liieunH in Greek 'a road leading out of.' If now n. metallic object be scaled r.n in one of these Crookes tubes I'm shadows may be easilv seen ir.ion that nart o! the wull of the tube opno-K.. ,.otv-..ri . so soon as ti liip;li voltage current is passed tmoii;;li the tube. J uc i.ys which produce Ibis shadow- and which evidently originate on the cathode are known as 'cathode rays." our knowl edge of the existence of these ir.yi and our miiio'.i knowledge of their properties i: due to Crookes and Ilit tovf. "The behavior of this highly rare fied nmtier (perhaps groM.i mutter, per haps clhti) wus so unique that It re ceived a special name ni;l lias been known for tunny yea;:! us 'iimHc In the radiant condition,' or. more briclly, 'ra diant matter. It has been culled also the 'fourth state of matter' to dis tinguish It from the oilier three solid, liquid and gustiuis. A DISCOVERY OP HERTZ. "The m xt lin'ioriiiiil property of these rays was discovered by the la mented Herla i:i the iiutii'i;n of I'm. Heuss was then professor of physic in the Cnlveralty of Bonn. lie Hint showed, by c::perlineii'. that these ca thode i.ivs were able to puss through shn't: of metal, thin she is to be surt, and yet thick enough lo zjo r..".-fe l ly opaque to urdli'.i'.ry linht. This was certanly very icmarkablc behavior for panicles of mutter, al len-t for par ticles of v matter. So strange. Indeed, was tb!:t nroperLy of cathode rays thr.l many thought It gave the d-uthl.l.ov to Cinokes' view viz. : that these rays are streams of highly rare lied but ordliiary matter. Hertz thought ef them as di? lurhances in the ether. It was shoivu, however, on the other hand, ti .it these rn.vs could be re flected by a magnet, just ui. a copper wire conveying a current would be. And this act lod id hers to maintain the older view-viz.: that cathode rays were strcamu of matter hi 1 1 1 - ordinary sense, LKNARiVS WORK'. "The next Important step was made by I.iiuird, now tit Aix la chapelb-, then at I'.onn p.s nsskitunt to Hertz. Lenard. in the latter part of IS!):!, suc ceeded in gvtliii), these cathode rays out of the tube In which they were gen erated. Tin Ir study thus became u matter of com. a i ill lee ease, Lcntird says It was at the s.un;vstioii of Iferii: that lie sealed an uluioliiiillii window Into the walls of Ids Crookes tube and thus provided an exit for the cathode rays. A somewhat cuitohs window: one perfectly air tijtlit and pe.-fictly opiiitue to llrrht of all known kinds. '"i'iie rays once outriiiie, i.ciiurd quick ly discovered new and startling prop erties In them, one is the fuct alluded to above, that these rays will pass, through substances perfectly opaque to ordinary light, and still affect the photographic plate. "Some .substances, especially denso, were found to be less transparent to cathode rays, so that one could obtain silhouettes of these latter substances eVen In daylight. THE DISCOVERY OF ROENTGEN. "The state of the question remained practically as described until the be ginning of this year, when Roentgen, a physicist long known and highly es teemed In the scientific world, showed that rays which are in very many re spects similar to those which Lenard had studied could be observed through out a veiy large region roundabout un ordinary Crookes tube. Hut In two features, at teast, these new rays are quite different from cathode rays. They are not appreciably delleeted by a mag net, nor are they so readily absorbed by air as are cathode rays. "These differences (each of them pos sibly only differences of degree) are all important from the practical stand point, in the present state of ignor ance as to the Identity of these rays Roentgen has proposed the name 'X rays.' "Roentgen's paper describing quite fully his numerous experiments will be found in Nature, Jan. 23. 18!I6. It Is a model for any worker In science. For Professor Roentgen has followed the advice of Sir Philip Sidney and has been 'rather doing things worthy to bee written, then writing things fltte to lie done.' "Some of the questions, then, upon which one is bound to withhold judg ment are these: "1. Are not X rays possibly a modified form, an extreme type, of course, ot cathode rays in air? The authority of Roentgen himself Is against this view. "2. Are these rays to be considered a phenomenon of the ether or of ordin ary matter? "3. If they belong to the ether, do they belong to any form of radiation now known, or, may they possibly be some thing entirely new?" BLOOD AND NERVES nr very closely related. Keep the blood rt".h, pure and healthy with Hood's Sarsaparllla and you will have no trouble from nervousness, HOOD'B PILLS are the' K'st after-dinner pills, assist digestion, prevent constl patlon. 25c. . POINTS ON BREAD-MAKING Given by Mrs. Korer in Her Yes terdav's Lecture. SIMPLE RECIPES ARE GIVES An Attempt to Revive the Oil Kpisode. Chuflnc-Dish Lecture for Sled and Women Tonifiht Candv Lec ture This Moraine. Another large audience, in fact the largest of the week, attended Mrs. Ror er's cooking lecture yesterday after noon. The thing hns got to be more than a fad now, although many ladles Joined the class early in the week sim ply because It offered something new. Everybody at once became interested and are attending the last of the lec tures because of their great worth. The value ot the cookins exhibitions does not rest solely upon Mrs. Rorer'a art; that she is a good cook goes without saying, but she lias the happy faculty of talking without being tiresome, and is able to instruct and Illustrate at one and the same time. Mrs. Rorer hud been requested to qualify her statements of Wednesday that pure olive oil is not on sule in grocery stores or by Jobbing houses and to read a telegram from a well-known New York wholesale house offering to forfeit $100 If its oil was not pure. She declined before the lecture began to do either, and when, during the lecture, an elderly woman arose and started to read the New York telegram, the wo man w as requested by Sirs. Rorer to re main silent. So the episode ended, and was not referred to during the after noon. .... Ol Tonight, beginning at 8 o clock, will be given a chutlng dish lecture, which will be attended by gentlemen a well as ladles. The admission fee will be 60 cents, which will also be chanted for attendance at tomorrow mornings candv lecture, to be given especially for young ladles, although other persons will be welcomed. These are extra lec tures, which are not included in the course tickets. RECIPES FOR BREAD MAKING. Yesterduy'a subject was "Bread Mak ing." The following recipes were B'ven: . Wholo Wheat Bread-Pour one pint or boilltiS water into one plat of mim; add one teaspoonful of sail and one yeast cake, dissolved, and u,mdt('0: wheat flour lo maka a batter. B. at thor oughly and stand m warm place ie greesl for three hours then a14 enough Hour to make a dough. Knead unti It U.s"s Its stkkiiies and form into loaves; ut?n u , greased Pns and stand In a war-,; place as-iTln one hour. Put in a quick oven tor thirty minutes. ui. White Bread-four a pint of boiling water Into a pint of miiK; add a ful of salt and a yeast cake ulssoUel and then stir In tnough white Hour to make a dough, which turn out on a board and knead un"' ft loses Its stickiness an. Si : sol" and . w .tic. Put back In a bowl und cover and and aside for three hour!. Slake Into loaves and t:ind aside ngiun line Hour. Huke thirty minutes In ii quick oven. If in laese loaves, bake one hour. German Nut Cake Scald a half pint of milk and add two ounces of butter and, when lukewarm, one yeast cake, dls i dved. Add two cups of flour and turn In a grsased pan mid stand aside an hour and o half. Sprinkle ovir It a hair cup of ciiiinif.l mixed mils, a half cup of sugar ond a tvaspouufiil of cinnamon. Bake in u eicderate oven a hub' hour. Cutrv ef .Mutton Due pint of finely clKii.peil milt ton, one uiblespiioaf id of but ter, orVlublesuconful of flour, a half cup of rice, one tu'olci-lioonful or curry pow der, two quarts of boiling water, salt to taste. Wash the rice und put In the boil ing water; let it boil Miirty-tlve minutes. Drain In a col'iuder. Put the hutlr 111 a frying pun and when melted add the flour p:"I stir until smooth: add a luilf pint ef helling water: let boil un once nnd tliTi add incut curry aid salt. Stir ten minute-'. Heap It In the center of a liish and nut the rice around In a border. Iii'iish all over with n beaten egg and place In th-e oven for a few moments to brown. ; DESSERTS TITIS AFTERNOON. Desserts will be the subject of this af ternoon's lecture. Those to be treated of In '.he lecture will be frozen, boiled and cold, which Includes the three kinds of after-dinner dishes. Tomor row afternoon's subject will be entrees and frying. , liny the Weber find pot the test. At Guernsey Bros. REXFORD'S Going to Hove 1 Holding His Own. We ;irc inure titan linlitin"' ours, Kinin" tlian twice wlujt we did this time last year: prices doiu it Vim kiitiw Ii )v moving year lito;;Us tilings. So a price jjocs on ull our stock that makes one dollar ".oo.l as two Even llivse cold days s;e us busy. We mention a tiiini; or two: s 4 1 Thimbles 2no solid Silver Thimbles, all good weight, y on sale today. Perhaps c can never again give such value. Six not too many to own so hard to find. Hiin! your fingers, 10c. 1 Plates. Nought 500 imported French Plates beautifully hand or namented, riowei on them make us long for spring. Regular price was 511c. to 75c. To sell them in a dav or two they shall go for 19c. ! 40 Dozen Real imported Pin Trays, decorated with violets and gold. If we said 25c. 'twould take longer to sell them, so take them fast for Jllfif! "v; i" i REXFORd'S. 213 Lackawanna fi. ; I 1 . . j 10MIXU ATTRACTIONS. Sam T. Jack has several good com panies on the road but none is more entertaining than the one which Willi be seen at Music Hall tonight and tomorrow afternoon and night in "Sly t'ncle from New York." a com edy by Harry Montague. The plot of the skit runs like this: "My Uncle" Is a 60-year-oid bachelor, hat) a wild, hut well-meaning nephew. The nephew squeezes money out of the uncle on the pretense that he is married and has two children, who are named, at the suggestion of the uncle, Jeremiah and Dorothy.The undo suddenly drops in on his nephew at the latter's home in San Francisco. Then the fun begins. The bogus married man scrapes up a family among his acquaintances and palms them off on his uncle as his own. A woman with Spanish blood In her viens and a dagger in her shoe, gives the scheme away and there is trouble. It all ends happily, however, and In a laughable way. The company Is a clever one. Songs and snecaltles are introduced and a pood show grlven throughout. Among the members of the company Is James St urges who will be remembered by Scran tonlans as the comedian of the Corinne Opera company. lle is seen in the character of Albert iteau inont "Sly I'nclc's" wild nephew. "Sly I'ncle from New York" is the show that that was ruled out of Davis' theater yesterdayb' the manager thought there was too much "hot stuff" in it. i! II I! The New York World of Nov. 12. ISM, contains the following, complimentary notice of Sliss Florence l'.lnoley anil her excellent company, who is to. ap pear here at the Academy Saturday evening: "At the People's last night, The Captain's Mate' was acted liriore a full house, und to one that wus thor oughly appreciative. This dramn has been brought ur to date In scenic and stage effects and the production was hlfrhly commended. The company is well equipped for the work It has to do." I! !i !! This nnd tomorrow evening and Sat urday afternoon "Dclmtinlco's at 6" will bo produced at the Frothingham. This piece is a farcical comedy or a high class. It hns an ingenious plot, amus ing situations and high anil witty tlla loKtles und Is thoroughly American In tone and treatment, and a first-class farce comedy company has been en gaged for "Delmonico's at ." An ad mirable performance may be anticipat ed with such people as Miss Nellie Dun bar, Sliss Bella Vivian, Miss Ollie Ev ans.'harles J. Stllie. Charles F". Je rome and others too numerous to men tion. Each artist Is capable of doing a specialty, which adds much to the strength of the play. II II I! The popular young star comedian, James H. Slackle, will be at the Acad emy Slonday evening. He invites you, one and all, to come anil take a smile with him on that occasion. You can not refrain from It, if you are there, for who could gaze on his open, happy countenance and resist from bursting forth In peals of merriment? Mr. Siackie, as "Hilly Crimes" is a. wonder fully funny comedian of many accom plishments. Ills piece Is a continuous succession of fun. frolic and Jollity, In terspersed with all the new and popular music of the day, and enlivened by pret ty, original dances. II II II The entire press of Xew York and Philadelphia are unanimous In pro nouncing the beautiful comedy-drama, "The Rrooklyn Handicap," one of the greatest dramatic plays seen in years. The plot Is full or heart interest, and so constructed as to pleuso the musses, us comedy and pathos nre equally blended, while the climaxes are realism Itself. Especially the end of the second act where a father denounces his son as a thief, and has him urrested. This scene uloue becomes a lesson to all stern parents anil wayward sons. This great play Is announced for production on Tuesday evening at the Academy und is well worth seeing. II II II Walte's Comedy company, with its premium bund nnd concert orchestra, will open up for an engagement of twenty-three performances on Monday night next al the Frothingham. This is Manager Walte's largest company, which did such a phenomenal business In tha New Eifglund slates last season. The plays, people, speida lists, scenery and band are almost entirely new to our people at popular prices. At El mlra. where the company concluded a two weeks' engagement, over fi,.'ii)(t paid admissions were received at the clime matinees during the Hist week alone. Ladies' free tickets arc limited to IfdO for the opening night on account of the greatly increased expense of this com pany. Secure one early ut the reserved Kale opening Friday morning at 9 o'clncly. GOOD SIIOKT NTUK1ES. A Durham miner, aged 73, vlsltej a New castle lawyer ia. bachelor) for the purpose of milking his will. The old man's vrup erty ciin.-'lsted of two small counties which had cost him 1".0 and a little furniture. The lawyer having asked his client how he wished lo dispose of his proiwrty the lat ter replied: "Sla old woman lies to hev all se lon.g as Khe's ti 1 v widow. Efter that lay bairns ge-IM all." "What ago is your old woman?" asked the lawyer. "Scvenly-twn," replied the miner. ".Mel how leng have you nnd your wife been iimiTied'.'" asked the lawyer. "over lifiy years," replied the miner. Thereupon the lawyer suggested to his client lliat he should give -the wife the In terest liiniiig her life, whether she contin ued a widow or otherwise. 'Hiiiney, 11a wlunot; ua'U hev ma ia;i win." said the miner. "Hut surely," replied the lawyer, "you dnii't exneet your old woman, 7- years old. would marry ngiiin?" Th- miner, looking the lawyer full In the Taee. niiswer"d with much solemnity: "Wey, 1, inner, 'tbor's line kraatilng what young chilis like yourself will ile for money." Two tourists w-re one day riding .i1o:ir through nual Ireland, disputing as to the mitive Hibernian's readiness of repartee, when Sle. .V. o.rrrd to bet Sir. IJ. that the next Irlshnmn they came across woul'l prove more than a mate!) rtr him In point of w it. Ti e wrner was accepted. T'ret'y soon n peasant v ns des.-rled at work in u field near ".h.- road. Mr. 1!.-"I iy. Rat. If the devil should come now which one of us three would lie t:ike?" Pat (unhesitatingly) "Shure he'll take nie, yoar honor." Sir. H. "Why so. Put?" Pat "l-'aix an' ben't he i "iiire 0' yer hon ors at any time?" Century. A country boy who was brought up in a remote region of Scotland had occasion to accompany his father n vlllago near which 11 branch lin of railway puies. The morning alter his arrive), when sauntering in the garden behind tap house In which they were staying, lie beheld with wonderirg eyes a train bo by. l-'or a moment he stood starir ut It with nvWinir anient, and thru, running Into the house, he said: "Knyther. fay ther. roine oot! There's a smlddy ran off wl' a raw o' houses, an' Its awa' doon by the back o' the town." London Tele graph, Arthur Robert1 once'hnd a lad In his service not overladen with aptitude. One day his master said to the page: "Did you tell that awful bore who called that I had gone to Calcutta?" "Yes, sir." replb-d the boy, "I said you started this morning." "Cood boy. What did he say?" The boy's reply was charming. "He wished to know when you'd return, nnd I told him I didn't think you'll be back .till after lunch, sir." Tid-Bits. The late Dean Stanley used to relate that a gentleman- once called to tell him that he had been Into the abbey, and hail knelt downoto pray, when the verger had come up to him and told him he must not kneel there. On asking why not, the ver ger hud said: "Why, sir, if I wa once to allow It, we should have them praying all over the place." This recalls the gen tleman visiting a church, and asking the eexton whether people ever used it for private prayer, to which he replied: "I ketch'd two of 'em at it once." Argo naut. Plllsbury's Flour miila have a capae. Ity. of 17,500 barrels a day. We Are Not Going to Move Hut we have some goods that the prices w ill move for us. Charles Fields Haviiand s French China, 10; pieces Dinner Sets for t5-oo, former price $50.00; blue, pink, and heliotrope clouded coin gold decorations composed of the fol lowing pieces: 12 Tea Plates. 12 Dinner Plates, 12 Sonp Plates. 12 Fruits. 12 Individual Batters. 12 Tea Cnps. 12 Saucers. 2 Uncovered Vegetable Dishes. 2 Covered Vegetable Dishes. 1 Soup Tureen. 1 10-Inch Platter. 1 12-Inch Platter. 1 14-Inch Platter. 1 Gravy Tureen. 2 Pickle Dishes. 1 Salad Bcwl. I Covered Butter. c H I N A H A L L DL li 134 Wyoming Avenue. WE Don't Follow the Leaders. WE Lead the Followers. . KNOX . . SPRING . . HATS M'CRNN THE HATTER, 205 WYOMING AVENUE. AND D COMPLETE ASSORTMENT IN EVERY GRADE. . M'CREA S GO, Coal 128 Wyoming Ave. I Do You Know That You Can Buy 4 Dresden Stripes I find Figlir?d 1 Taffetas Silks FOR 59 CENTS? Actual value from 75c. to $1.0(7. See our window. We are showing a large assort inent of Dresden Ribbon. M 415 Lackawanna Avenue. 1 ill In the prices ol AND Overcoats Don't buy until you see our prices. STEINWAY SON'S . . Acknowledged the Leading PIANOS Of tbV Wgrld, DECKER BROS., KRANICHB BACfIB and others. Suns ClothiGft Uiem&furnisfierai ORGANS Musical Instruments ilusical Merchandise Sheet Music and Music Books. Purchaser will always find a complete Mock and at prices as -low as tha quel. Ity of the instrument will permit at fl. A. WERT'S nusic STORE, 7 Wyoming Ave. - 5cranta We Have On Hand THE BEST STOCK IN THE CITY Also the Newest Also the Cheapest Also the Largest. Porcelain. Onyx, Eta Stiver Novelties In Infinite Variety. Latest Importations. Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds. fl. E. ROGERS, Jeweler and Watchmaker, 215 Lackawanna An BLANK BOOKS Of all kinds, manufactured at shof notice, at The Tribune Office. TAKE CARE titko care of yu li on urn troubled with or nerwraa. UI IUUII r-ll-WP mum qo n UK. SHI.H' BURG'S imtl hnvB yoor eyns rxamiued free. Wo hav reduiM'l prices and r tlie lowest ia too city. Mlukul spectacles from f)l to ti, (old from $4 to SO. 30S Spruce Streat, Scranton, P i, n 1