The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 27, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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- fRrader will plcaf r.ot that advert!
nitnif, oraers lur jun worn. iti-mB
publication len ai m ptiHuumimcm wi
Shannon & Co., newsdealer. Norlh Main
ireet.-- will receive promiu aiivnuvui w
cs open from 8 a. ni. to 10 p. m.J
Ths Estimates on tat Bridies Kecctved
and Opened The Contract Will Ha
Awarded Monday Mght-Uoings of tbe
Joint Council.
The select and common council met
Tuesday lilpht in Joint BesHioti and con
nldered the bids on the proposed bridges
to be erected over the Lackavanna
river at Eighth, Seventh and Salem
avenues. All the members of the Be-
lect were present and the common, with
the exception ofMr. Gardner. The
rrealdent of the select counell. C K.
Spencer, was elected chairman of tho
joim session. 1 ne purport ui iiir wt-t-i-lna
liavinc been explained, it was
u greed that City Tlerk McMillan pro
ced to open and read the proposals'.
Fourteen bids were recelveil in reply
to th advertisement of the c-ity engi
neer, and some of the estlmuteH were
very close, and the lowest Lid, tvitn
the SM.IMKI for extension of sewer would
exceed the Jl'O.WKt bond Issue.
A Permanent Organization Is Affected-J
H . ktlpatrick Fleeted President.
Parhondale city will have a. profes
sional base tiull team in the State
league next seuson. F. 1. Brown and
Oeorg-,. J. Hent'in have very diligently
circulated the subscription list, and it
was reHrted that $J,5lKJ had been sub
scribed. They now say that another
$600 is required to perfect the- subset l
tion needed. However, they do not an
ticipate uny groat. Uifllculty in Kettiwr
the balance. The- stockholders met
Tuesday night ut the board of trade
inoiiiH uml a permanent oriranixutum
was made by the uppnintment of J.
Kilpatrh'k us cluiinuan and S. J. Ken
ton aa secretary.
J. TV. A it ken. chairman of the I.acka-
tvuniia Transit company, wtis called
upon to address the meeting. 1 le stated
that In order that Cnrhomlalt may have
(irst-c-lass base ball, the sum of $:i,0(M)
should be subscribed. In ref frence to
the grounds, he explained that the park
WHH Ills personal properly, lie will let
the club have it rent free, wltli the un
det'Htandliig; that if they make money
at the end of the season they will re
Imburse him for w hat he had to pay to
the Delaware and Hudson for the rent
al cvf the land. That Is ir.oo. if tin
nlul does not make money, he- will not
auk a cent, but will contribute th
rent as his share towurd giving good
base bull to Carbondale.
The following were appointed direc
tors: J. W. Kilpatrick. (1. J. Henton,
F. 1'. brown, J. i. Shepherd. I. F. t'oo
iran. Abe Sahin and J. S. Miles. Air
Coo iran was appointed treawurer. it
was reported that a call was made for
one-fourth of the subscription prom-
A Pleasant Masquerade Ueld nt tlto Horns
of Mr. and Mrs. V. J. I incli.
A very pleasant masquerade mirpflse
party was tendered Mr. and Mrs. V. .1.
Finch, at their cozy home on Archibald
street, dames and dancing- were In
dulged In and the Warwick iiuitette
club anil the Mongolia tllee c-lub gave
selections. At 11 uYlock the cumiiaiiy
unmasked and partook of a sumptuous
Those present were: Misses Lilian
Hegan, Kllzabeth Thomas, Elizabeth
Morgan, J.lvlna Tucker, llaud Carter,
Kllltan Passmore, Sarah Uavies. Ala
Tucker, Jean Smith, Maud Taylor,
Carev Cabbaugh, Mary Maxwell, lt-l-
len Passmore, Nelly Thomas;. Augusta
Browning1, Nelly Hmwnlns, Nelly
Sherry, Lizzie Sherry, Kmma Knglish,
Messrs. Hen Parry, Lewis Da vies. Hen
Washburn. William Thonia. Kirk
Wlckurn, Nlcholus Kegun, Ktlward Ke
gan, Ocorge ISiblwi, Jie Shlnerhnrne,
Melvlu Tapping, Kvan Thomas, Fred
Culwlll. Jlarry Unbelts, John Lewis,
Oomer Morgan, Amos Powell, Melso
Courtrlght, Robert Folly, Mr. and Mrs.
Kobert Whitlleld. and Mr. and Mrs.
Passmore. They all reported an ex
cellent time.
MI Lose Another I Inacr.
Henry Kearney, who resides on the
West Hide, and Is a popular biukeinnn
on the Ontario and Western, lind his
rlfht hand so badly injured that he
lost a thumb and Index tinker. His
many friends will be sorry to learn that
gaiiprrene has set in the 'middle linger
and will hnve to be amputated.
'I he Opera Home.
This popular house was crowded
Tuesday night. The Waite Comedy
company excelled, and their perform
ance was well received. The music of
the orchestra was of high order.
llnnncHiiini mills.
Miss Grace L. Gunsatilis, of Way
mart, became the beloved wife of
Samuel L. Bunnell, son .of Sir. and
Know Hood's Cured
Because It Made Pure Blood.
"I was all run dowa and could not ileep
at algbt on account of tbe continuous
aud severe pains
through my body.
1 had also itom
ch trouble, and
catarrh. After
taking Hood's
Bartspsr ills a
short time I com
J tnenced to lm
& prove, and after
j&Sf using three bot
flies in all, my
Kcomplalnt en
tirely left me. I now have an appetite,
leep well and am free from all stomach
troable. I know Hood', Baruparllls has
cured me, and I cheerfully recommend it,
m by all woman who are run down and
need a bulldimr uo medicine." Miss
AUCI Wmav, W. Bridgewater, la.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
It tha only True Blood Purifier promt
neatly la the pu bile eye today.
Hood's Pills ear la effect, s) easts.
1.500 yard, of Carpet,, from S to SO
yard, la each piece, ooneistlnar of
the following Bet Makes:
$ .85 Tapestry Carpet for
1.15 Boil Brussels for
' 1.25 Velvet Carrot for
1.15 Motptte Carpet for
1.35 Axminsfer Carpet for
Terms Cash Daring This Sate.
. 419 Lackawanna Ava.
Mrs. L. I. Uunnell, of Ulrkett stw
I'll,. iMis.mni,v U'lH tM.t'flirmet fit 1
Trinity Kplscopal rectory by the He
!' .1 r.nll,v ' The vtmnir . neoole Ul
favorably known In the City, and tin
huve the best wimes or u etr'ie
friends for their future happiness.
buildim; laws.
Mayor llendrick's Committee Keports No
Violation In tha City.
The question of tbe fire limit, as re
ported yesterday, in connection with
the rebuilding- of the premises of the
Scurry estate and D. W. Kvans on Main
street. Mavor Hendrick appointed
committee of three consisting? of T. O,
ICobinson, S. A. Iloach and V. II. Kd
gott, to examine the property in ques
tion and to advise him as to the dam
ages, whether they would exceed sixty
per cent, of the cost of the building.
The committee decided after consul
tation, that the fire law hud not been
violated. Hence, the parties will pro
ceed with the building of these premises
and will be made of the same material
as heretofore.
Miss A. B. Hogun, of South Canaan
Is visiting her sister, Mrs. J. C. Hogun
of Forest City.
Nicholas Flood, of Susquehanna, was
a visitor In town yesterduy.
Kdgur Webber, of Honesdale, Is vis
iting Nicholas Hoffman, of Lincoln
Peter Casy, of Tenth avenue. Is con
fined to his room.
J. J. Jtoland is 111 at his home on
Seventh avenue.
Superintendent P. It. Munville spent
Tuesday night In New York city.
The reorganization of the council
will take pla-e next Monday night
The new council will consist of twelve
men, three more than previous years,
owing to the acquisition of a new ward
There are a number of gentlemen who
are aspiring for the otlice of secretary
among whom ure: ,1. A. liomhin. W. J
Schulimehl. l. F. McOmmia and .1. A
l.ennon. A. V. (lillispie is on the slate
for treasurer.
J. 11. .Kelly, of Carhondule, was a
caller in town Tuesday.
Mr. und Mrs. Jl. 10. Kins, v enter
tallied a iuige number of little folks
yesterday ufteninon at their residence
on First street, Hlakely, in honor of
their dutighter, Achalis fourth birth
day. A dainty repast was served and
a delightful ufternoon was spent by the
little ones. Among those present were:
Mary Priest. Keba Taylor. Gertrude
Weaver, Helen Patten. Marie and Wal
ler fummints, Mary Mi-Lane, Heat
rice Williams. . Pauline Heck. Marie
Simpson, Margaret Cullender. Florence
I'rlest U.MVight, Oeorge and Arthur
Kingsley. ollle and lisonard t.'arpenl-
er. Nettle Mason, Pearl Pettigrew,
Kinnia and lOlhi Schlager. Anna May
mid Lizzie, Heap, Veda, Nina. Hess
and Mabel Kdwarris, Kdna Hull, Oe
Sales Lynch, fliarlle House, Flossie,
John and Kdwa'd Kills.
".Moirte Chrlsto" and "Old Farm Hell"
held the boards at the Father Mathew
Opera house Monday and Tuesday eve
ning, and were greeted by good sized
A party of young ladles from the
convent attended Mrs. Horer's cooking
lecture nt Scranton yesterday.
J. F. Feguson was In Wilkes-Harre
the fore part of the week.
District Attorney John R. Jones and
family ate spending the week at Phil
Misses Aggie I.ynott and Nellie rum
mlngs. of Scranton, visited friends at
this place Tuesday.
Miss Vuness and daughter, of New
lork city, are the guests of Mr. and
Mrs. D. I,. Perry, of Hlakely.
The Suhurhun Wheelmen will give a
smoger in their rooms on Scott street
this evening.
Hev. A. L. T't-ban. of Dunmore. will
conduct Lenten service in Kd wards
hall this evening-.
The auditorium of the Susquehanna
street Knptist idiurch was crowded to
the doors Tuesday evening when the
naciieiors- club gave their social and
entertainment. Kaeh number on the
pi'ogrumme was well given and ainii-e.
elated by the audience. After the en
tertainment refreshments were served
ami an enjoyable time was passed by
all present.
Mrs. Cecelia T,anelmn. of Hawlev. is
visiting Mrs. William Muhon, ut the
ami nou notise.
Thomas Letts resigned bin re.Hlil.m
hi rentier anil i -napple's store ut Prov
idence, ami lias accepted a like po
sition nt A. M. Atherton's cash store
at this place.
The funeral of WMIInm Thomnson
took place yesterday afternoon and was
largely attended, many people from
surrounding towns were present. The
Masonic loiltfo or Taylor and the Albion
band of this place led the procession.
Services were conducted in the Lanir-
cllffe church, lievs. A. J. Welslev and
J. Jones ofliclatlng. The former
preached an eloquent sermon. Tin
Moral offerings were many and beauti
ful. Interment was made In LangclitTe
David and William Bell, of Jermyn.
attended the funeral of their nephew,
v tiiiam i nompson. yesterday.
Mrs. McArt, of J'lttston, spent yes
terday nt the home of her daughter,
Mrs. William Brown, jr.
Revs, lioni i, of Dunmore: Judge, of
Hartley, O'Reiley, of Scranton, and
Kiel nan. of Parsons, spent Tuesday at
the parochial Resilience.
The pool contest between F. V. Dev-
ers, of this place, and Thomas Loftus,
of Mooslc, resulted In a victory for
Loftus. The first game wns played ut
I'. F. Leonard's hotel on Monday even
ing. Score, loo to IS. The second game
was played in Kniniet hall on Tuesday
evening. Score, 1WI to 72 In favor of
Loftus. The contest terminated last
night and was witnessed by a large
number of Interested parties.
Master Joseph o llrien, of Jermyn, is
spending a few days with friends In
A. P. O'Hoyle, of Scranton, was a
caller In town yesterday.
Over 2tM aprons were disposed of at
the sale in the Odd Fellows' building
on Tuesday evening. The amount real-
zed was $IOJ..r4. The sale was conduct
ed by the LangclitTe Missionary so
The sacrament of the Lord's Biipper
will be administered at the Laugclirt'e
Presbyterian church next Sunday.
Preparatory services were conducted
last evening.
Attorney Sherwood, of vvilkes-Barre,
was a caller in town yesterduy.
Miss Mame Walsh, of Parsons, spent
yesterday with friends In town.
Mrs. Morgan Lake and dnughter. El
ma, of Hyde Park, visited Mrs. I). L.
Owens yesterday.
A meeting- of the citizens to consider
the bonding of the borough and form
ing a water company of our own will be
held at Smith's hall over the postofflce
Friday evening; ut 7.30.
A number of our leading younfr men
organized a literary and social club at
O'Connor's hall Tuesduy evening:. This
society is Just what we want nnl It is
expected that its presence In town will
prove beuelicial. The following Were
the officers elected: President, Thomas
Klllot; secretary. Morlie Hawk; treas
urer. Samuel Marrett. It will be known
as the Prlcebui-R Nonpariel Social club.
The "mum" socinl held at the resi
dence of ReV.Williani Holden last even
ing for the benefit of the new parson
age, was largely attended. A neat sum
wns realized.
Mrs. Harry Mumford. who has been
HI for the past three weeks, is conval
escent. Traffic on the street car line wad de
layed considerably by the snow storm
yesterday afternoon.
S. J. Barrett was a visitor in Oly
phant last evening.
The Oregon Indian Medicine com
pany will hold forth In Muxey's hall for
two weeks. 'beginning Tuesday, Murch
-'. A performance will be given each
evening during their stay here.
A sprinting race between John J.
rmnn, of - Klchmondale, and Thomas
Munley, of Forest City, will take place
at Rlchmondale March 28 for a purse
of J10O.
A party of young people from this
place enjoyed a slelghrlde to Dundaff
Tuesday evening.
John Lang and J J. Osgood will at
tend as delegates frun this place the
Young Men's Christian association con
vention to be h.'-ld at Dalton Friday.
Saturday and &':iday. An effort will
be made to organize a local Young
Men's Christian association here.
The family of Thomas Waite. who
lives about two miles west of this bor
ough, has been sadly afflicted for the
past month. At first Mrs. Waite was
taken ill with typhoid fever and her
life was despaired of for some time.
Then, when she was recovering, but
still weak from the effects of the dis
ease, she became a mother. Following
this one of the daughters was taken
sick with Inflammation of the lungs
and Is now In a precarious condition.
Mr. Waite has a large family who de
pend upon him for a living and us so
much sickness bus kept him from his
work they are now In straightened cir
cumstances. Tuesday the ladies of
Christ Kpfsropul church held a meet
ing und decided to render such ser
vice to the Httllcted family as will give
them relief for the present.
Rev. A. T). David, of Moscow, spent
Tuesday evening with friends in town.
Kdward Moon, of Curbondale, was
a visitor here on Wednesday.
Mrs. D. 1. Barber is visiting friends
In Moscow.
The Ladies' Aid society of the Meth
odist Kplscopal church will hold a
birthday party In the Methodist Kpls
copal church Wednesday evening,
March Intensive preparations are
being made by the ladles to make this
a grand success.
The Kpworth league social, held In
the .Methodist Kpiscopul church last
Tuesday evening, was a grand success.
A large number were present and par
took of the elegant supper which was
served. The sum of $i!f was cleared.
Rev. S. C. Slmpklns attended the one
hundred und eighth session of the
llotiesdale District Ministerial associa
tion at Forest City yesterday.
Mrs. David Prosses, of Walnut street.
Is very HI at this writing with no hopes
of recovery.
The funeral of Kdward F.arly, of Ratl
road avenue, will not take place on
Thursday morning a" announced owing
to the death of his son, Jubal Karly. at
St. Frances' hospital. Jersey City. Both
funerals will he on Friday morning at
it o'clock from the family residence on
Railroad street, Plttston.
The choir Intend holding a grand con
cert on the i:lth of next month. The
best local talent will participate.
As a result of their meeting in Phila
delphia on Tuesday the soft coal men
have agreed to enter into an agreement
fo"r the maintaining of prices and the
restriction of tonnage for the ensuing
year. In consequence of this action
tbe old Seaboard Steamboat Coal as
sociation, which has been afactor In
the trade for a number of years, will
be dishunded on March 1. The new
plan culls for a restriction of tonnage
aud a minimum price (which Is to be
fixed later l. on all coal sent toxtlde
water points. To effect this the rail
road companies have been brought in
to the plan, and they have pro-rated
tbe tonnnge among themselves, each
region being given a certain percent
age, and this in turn being subdivided
uinoiig operators of that district. To
effect this organization there will lie a
committee comix-ted of nine members.
which Is to be called the executive com
mittee. This committee has been
chosen from various regions, the
more important procuring the larger
representation. The selection is as fol
lows: Clearfield region. Beech Creek
region und Cumberland region, two
reoresetitatlves each: Pocahontas.
Chesapeake and Ohio alid West Vir
ginia Central regions, one represen
tative 'each. It Is thought that this
agreement will be maintained, as it
will be Impossible for the coal com
panies to ship more than the arranged
percentage, us the railroad companies
will refuse to haul more than has been
allotted. Besides adhering to the
amount of tonnage agreed upon the
members of the association also agreed
to not sell their coal below a certain
price and as every onerutua signified
their consent to abide by this, there
will be very little chance for the cut
ting of prices. While the new tide-
wuter prices huve not been agreed
upon It Is understood that they will
not be lower than Jil.ffi ser ton at tide
water points. There Is a probability
that the minimum price will be higher
than the above. The bituminous coal
trade has been in a chaotic state for
some time pa!t. and many of the
operators have worked their mines at
a loss. The competition has been very
great, and uh business began to fall
off prices were reduced, and In this
way the cutting grew from bad to
worse. The new association takes In
every region In the bituminous coal
fi( Id which ships to tidewater points.
The executive committee Is to have full
control of the affuirs of the associa
tion, but each operator Is to handle
his own product. There was some talk'
All Her Life-Happy Raleass at Last
of Miss Alice Young, Who Re
sides at 392 Alexander Street,
Rochester, N. Y.
(From the Rochester Democrat and Chron
icle )
Our representative was received very
pleasantly ut X Alexander street, by
Miss Alice Young, who told how since
childhood she had been held In the bond
age of pain from her buck, never re
membering the time that she had not
suffered pain or aches in the region of
tlie kidneys. Many were the means
she used to find relief, but there seemed
no remedy for her case and she re
mained a captive: then along comes
these little enemies to backache, Doan's
Kidney Pills, and a half box releases
the bonds, as one by one the aches and
pains disappear, she finds herself a
slave to pain no more, by their con
tinued use. She says: "1 was entirely
relieved of all my suffering and now I
am perfectly strong, healthy and well."
J low did you take this remedy?"
Mis Young was asked by our repre-
TM'tiitive. Mie replied that she fol
lowed directions explicitly. Miss Young
then told how the malady affected her.
fsiylri: her symptoms were: "Stooping.
bcnuin;; over, walking or standing any
length of time always gave me a puln
in tbe small of my back. I had a pain
In the kidneys all the time and If I
caught cold It would always settle
there: the pain I suffered was of a
very exhausting nature;' at night I
could only lie Hut on my back, any
other position causing pain and suffer
ing; the nerves passing up my back
were affected and this brought with It
severe headaches, but as I said before
Doan s Kidney Pills have removed all
pain and suffering entirely and 1 never
felt better and healthier In my life."
Doan's Kidney Pills are for sale by
all dealers, price GO cents, nailed by
Foster-Mllbnrn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. sola
ftota tor tus uiutea states.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U . S. Gov't Report
of forming a general agency for the
sale of all the coal, but this fell
through. The advance In the price of
bituminous coal will not only be bene
Ileal to the coal people, but also to
the railroad companies. The roads
most Interested aie the Pennsylvania,
Beech Creek. Huntingdon a::d Broad
Top. Baltimore. Norfolk and Western
Chesapeake and Ohio, and the West
Virginia Central. The new associa
tion, will begin operations on April 1
the commencement of the fiscal year
of the bituminous coal trade, at which
time all the contracts for the ensuing
year are made.
The corrected report of the Lehigh Val
ley liullroud comiiuny's lined la the state
of New York tiled with the state railroad
commission shows: Net Income for the
quarter ended Dei. 21 lust of $:W!M'I, as
compared with JS4;i,:tS2 for the correspond
ing quurter a. year tso.
Conductor James McCunn is the owner
of a sIIk hat which he won from School
Controller T. J. Jennings on the result
of the recent election, lie has not yet
given the ttlle an uiring. but it Is never
theless receiving much uittentlon from Ills
fellow-workmen, who ure devising all
manner of scheme to wreck tha hut and
McCann a peace of mind.
The hearing on the league of American
Wheelmen hlcycln buKKUKe hill before the
assembly railroad committee of New i os k
state took place yesterday. Chief Consul
Potter, of the New York division, was
present and spoke for the hill. The mem
bers of the railroad committee have oeen
notllled that the railroad do not want
the bill to come out. If the move of Die
cyclists Is successful ill this slate, the rid
ei-s In other states will undertake to ae
cure the same reform by liifisl ition.
The largest vote ever oust In the his
tory uf the Lehigh Coal and Nuvlgation
company wus polled ut the annual meet
ing of the stockholders of thai corporation
lust Tuesday, over 1!Si,iki shares voting
out of u total of 2m;.!KCJ. The meeting wus
a piirfiiiieiory a (Tali- and aside from the
reading of the annual report anil the i'f'
election of old board of directors, the pro
ceedltigs were of the cut and dried order.
The only ehunge In the board from lust
year wus the election of .1. Kayard Henry
in place or James M. Ik-ox, deceased.
At the annual meetlnir of the stockhold
pis of the Deluwure, iickananna unJ
Western Railroad company held In Ne
York Tuesday the venerable Samuel
Sloun wus re-elected president. The other
otlleers chosen were: Secretary, r i-ed F.
Chambers; treasurer. Frederick II. tllb
lions; managers, John I. Blair, Kugene
IligKins. William W. As tor. W Ilium Rock
Hfellcr. Henry A. A. Tuylor, J. Rogers
.Maxwell, lleorge I-. linker. James Still'
man, Alex. T. Vannest, Prank oWrk
Hamilton K. McTwombly. Ilurrls C
Piihenstoek, Kred V. Vumlerbtlt and'M.
Taylor Pyne.
Ah a result of the acoulsltlon of the Kl
mini, Cortland and Northern railroad,
mentioned previously In this column, sev
eral cholines in the administration of the
affuirs of the road have been mude. .Notice
of thee change ure contained In the
following circular seiiit out from the gen
erul office to the local ugreiiW, on of which
was received by W. I.. Pryor, the Lehigh
Vulley's representative In this city: "The
lyehlgh Valley Ha 1 1 road company having
acquired the control of the Klmlru. Cort
land ami Northern railroad the duties of
the following truffle ollicers of this com
pany are extended to cover that line: J.
H. Heckman, general freight agent; South
Kethlehem: A. L. Foster, through freight
agent. Philadelphia; He it Haydn, division
freight agent, Hayre: tleorge H. Taylor,
coal freiuht agent, 1'hlladclplilH: C. 3.
Lee, general passenger ugent, Philadel
phia; A. W. Noniieinucher. assistant gen
eral passenger ugent. Hoillh Bethlehem.
C. W. Williams, heretofore general freight
agent of I lie Klmlra, I'ortliuul ami North
ern, has resigned." The duties that wer
incumlieut upon Mr. Willlmiis during the
Independence of the Klmlru, Cortland nnd
Northern, will not be divided among the
several officials mentioned In the order.
Commencement lOxcrciMCs at the Carlisle
Training School.
Carlisle. Pu., Feb. '. The eight an-
nuul commencement exercises of the
government Indian Training school be
gan here this evening with aarge at
tendance of persons from all putts of
this and adjoining states. The exer
cises were opened In Assembly hull
by Captain Pratt, manager of the
school, who mude a brief address in
regard to the education of the Indian,
referring to the lurur number of In
dians graduated at this institution.
Thi principal address was delivered
before the literary societies by Mr. .1.
W. Buckley, who took for his subject,
"Wit, humor and pathos of travel."
Oeneral Fitzhugh Iee and Generul
Howard will urrlve tomorrow and on
Thursday a number of senators nnd
congressmen will arrive by special
A Scranton Corporation Among ths
Re;cnt Applicants.
Harrlsburg, Pa., Feb. 26. The Cen
tralla, Ashiuud and Iocust Oup Rail
road company, of Columbia county,
capital $:i,iM, was chartered totlav.
The road will be six miles In length
and will run through the borough of
Centralis to Conyiigrhuni township.
Klectrlcity will be the motive power.
Albert L. Ltiniberstine, of Ashland, Is
the president.
Other charters were granted as fol
lows: The Brooks Street Sweeper
Manufacturing company, of Scranton,
capltul JHJO.oihi: the Connelly Critchlow
compuny, of Tltiisville. capital $),000;
and the Provident Building and Loan
Association of McKeeH Rocks, Alle
gheny county, capital $j,0ot),0ou.
He Had I.Ucd In an Isolated Hovel for
f ifteen Year.
Beaver Fnlls. Pa.. FV1. 26. An old
man numed James McDowell was
found dead this morning on Fifteenth
street, near the Lake Kile rullioud.
McDowell had lived us a hermit In a
miserable hovel he built over utteen '
yeais ago.
No person knows an--f hlng ulmut him. i
It is supposed be wtis sli k. and had
made un attempt to g out for fuel. He ,
died from exposure. The coroner will
hold an imiucst.
ST A H 15 1 . 1 ) ST I . I I A 1 1 1 1 : It.
l.ottie Hasty Itroko Into Ills Koom for
Huntington. V. Va., Feb. 26. Will
lam Lusty was seriously stabbed by
his stepdaughter. Ittle Dusty. In this
city shortly after midnight lust night.
She forced the door of his room and at
tacked him with a carving, knife, in
flicting dangerous wounds.
A suit for divorce uaruinst her mother
is the supposed cause o her murderous
Delia Fox mude her debut In "Pinafore."
The comic opera Is responsible for Geor
gia Cay van, Mvron Whitney. Tom Karl,
Henry Clay liarnabse. W. 11. Fessenden.
Frits Williams ami Corinne.
irthsllahy ! Ctittini: Teeth.
Mrs. Wlnslow'y Soothing Syrup has
been used for over Fifty Years by Mil
lions of Mother! for t!ieir Children
while Teething, with Perfect Success, f
It Soothes the Child. Softens the Gutns.
Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic and
Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Bold
by Druggists In every part of the world.
Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's
Boothlcg Syrup," and take no other
kind Twenty-flvs cents bottlt.
Passion Is the drunkenness of the mind,
so ut n.
Kaeh generation lives In a different
world Anon.
The mighty hopes that makes us men.
The sure way to miss xuccess Is to miss
the opportunity. Charles.
A lie thut Is half a truth Is ever the
blackest or lies. Tenn vson.
They who have light la themselves will
not revolve us satellites. Anon.
A life of pleasure makes even the strong'
est mind frivolous ut last. Uiilwer.
The one prudence in life Is concentra
tion; the one evil Is dissipation. Emer
If you would know the value of money,
go and try to borrow some Franklin.
Bad hublts are us infectious by example
us tne plague itsell is by cunluct. 1 leiit-
Tribunals fall to the ground with the
peace tliry are no longer uble to uphold.
It Is hard for a haughty- man ever to for
give one who bus cuughi him In u fault.
The injuries we do and those we suffer
are seldom weighed in the uunifl balance.
C. Simmons.
An enterprise, when fairly once begun,
should not be left till all -that ought is
won. Shakespeare.
Choosing a wife is like unto a stratagem
of war, wherein a mun can err but once.
Sir P. Sidney.
If Idleness do not produce vice or mnl
volence, it commonly produces melan
choly. Sydney Smith.
He that is unnralely lias no guilt but
one; all other crimes may pass for vir
tues in him. Young.
No liberal man would Impute a charjfo
of unsteadiness to unotber for having
coalmen ms opinion. Cecero.
Sarcasm Is the lunauime of the devil:
for which reason 1 have long since as good
us renounced it . i any le.
.no obligation to justice does force a
man to be cruel, or to use the sharpest
ieniencu, jenny n ray lor.
ICngllsh Capital for American Invest
Important to Americans ear-king Encr
llsli cupital lor new enterprises. A li-t
containing the names ami addresses of 3iu
successful promoters who have placed
over 100.000,000 sterling in foreign invest
ments within the lust six years, and over
tis.ww.wj nil" tiiti nevrn momns or 18SG
Price 5 or $25, payable by postal order
to the London and Cnlversul Htu-eau of
investors, at. nrupniiie, A,onuon, IS. o
Subscribers will be entitled, by arrunae-
ment with the directors to receive either
personal or letters of Introduction to any
VI mec n ... . . ,.. u ... v i, ,
This list Is first class in every respect.
snu every limn ui Him w huso name ap
pears therein may be depended upon. For
placing the following it will be found in.
valuable uonus or nuares or industrial,
Commercial and Financial Concern
Mortgage loans. Sale of Lund, Patents or
Directors SIR KDWARTl C. ROSS.
, Piles! Piles! Itching Piles!
Symptoms Moisture; Intense Itching
ana stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue tu
mors form, which often bleed and ulcer
ate, becoming very sore. Sway lie's
Ointment stops the itching and bleed
ing, heals ulceration, and In most cases
removes tne tumors. At druggists, or
by mall, for 00 rents. Dr. Swuyne &
Son, Philadelphia.
fVn Baby was sick, we gare her Castorln.
When klie wus a Cliilit, alio cried fur t'ustorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to Custoria.
Wueu she bad Children, aha guvetliriu Castoiia.
Mil II l
Take No Substitute-
Gail Borden j
Eagle Brand f
lias, always stood FISST in tin tiinu
tion of the Amerknn I'r, ,ple. No otucr
"juitaiguod." But Infant Pood.
Coughs, Colds, Pneumonia.
Cured After Great Suffering
Mr. Charles Anderson. 130 Fell St..
Wllkes-Barre. says: 2 bottles of lr. Alex
ander's Lung Healer entirely cured me of
a severe cold In my client und lungs after
I had tried 3 other cougn cures und fulled.
Cured My Baby.
Mrs. Itella Suroule. ltd Washington. St..
Wllkes-Uarre. says: One bottle of lt
Alexander's Lung Healer saved mv dar
ling's life. I will never bo- without It.
Cured of Palm in HI Lungs.
Anthony Yeager contractor 131 1 Till
street, WHkes-l:rre, l";i.. says three bot
tles of Dr. Alexander's Lung dealer, the
famous rough cure, cured tne of usthmu
and pains In my lungs after piiciimoiiin.
No cough medicine like it. It saved mv
life, l-'or sale everywhere, 2.V. per bottle.
Valley Mrug Co.. lieneral Agents. Wllkes-
llarre. la.
The Find In the City.
The latest improved ftiruisb
log and epparatus for keeping
meat, batter and eggs.
223 Wyoming A vs.
1 JFrt -
Spring Garpetings and Draperios
During our many years in the Carpet business we never
had such facilities as at present to suit our friends.
Practical experience, mature judgment aud extensive
connections have enabled us to place before you an un
equaled assortment of the latest and most fashionable
patterns and colorings in every desirable fabric.
Royal Wiitons, Savonnsries,' Axminsters, Eng
lish Brussels exclusively under the control of this
house. Tapestries, Ingrains, Linoleums, Cortl
cenes and Oil Cloths.
' We anticipated the rise in the market, placed our
orders accordinlgy aud will give our customers the ben
efit. A complete line of DRAPERIES, UPHOLSTERY
GOODS and WINDOW SHADES in every grade.
Latest styles.'
A ftQ Lackawanna Ave.
502 Commonwealth Buildim
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
General Office: SCRANTON, PA.
-A iUtr MS U a dotisr sr J." x
IMsIomUm' ftallfl FMnch UobI KM
or I'ortal Nats fsr tlM.
Kami stsn war tks mom
oM Is ill ratal! stsrw for
J.60. W. suka UU boot
ourienra, tlwruors w. fer
OflfM in. si. nw
ami If ui ona U i
w. will nfund tba
or looiteoa
width. U. XK, SIB,
1 to s ass Ban
will JU
fWm CtMir PnH3
Vaatllaaa OIHJC UUi
a ir?wB&"?v or
mil ai rw v uze.
I "alalia
"Will keep the house from becoming cheerless if she has eveu
half a chance. It does not take much money, but it does take
some but so liltle. Our Credit System helps, with the pay
ing of the rest. It also depends upon keeping informed upon
the uew things of every sort that are constantly coming out.
It's our business to get them for you and we REPEAT THE IN
VITATION', walk through tho homo to learn what is going on
by seeiug the diiplay of new goods.
Not ti'ii kluilM, luit ovi-r
to Milei-t from.
such Mawrtitient in
thi one here l'l
Will ut
Humt'ly al vcci aud uiiilil)'
i Jax'tirtM'j Toshntc!ii, '.'1x41 incluM,
I SWJj.lSHi SE53sn r'reiich beveled Miid
! 'X"'J?jM'ltW, ' Mirror. IHxsS im-tie. nil-
CHENILLE CURTAINS Many patterns at
many prices. Your pockwt bound to be united. The offering
of a $4.00 pair (as a sort of introductory for the season) at
$2. 30.
225 AND 227 AND
Opp. Main Entrance Wyoming Housi
Telephone 422
call up sen.
M. W. COLLINS, M'cflb
Your npiireciutiun two weeks ago of thoM
pubIi atrtiiis wiMi near too much for ua tb,ft
tlemund whu irreut-we. bo waver, areuosr pro
pared vi til three better uil'erini;:
yds Embroidered Uorden Miullu, 30 lues.
SM yds Dotted Muslin, 30-iucb wide
4;7 yd Dotted BwiBS, lV-inch wide
HAll above New Spring Stack.
i '.'