The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 27, 1896, Image 5
t 1 A. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE THUHSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 27, 189tt. Only rounded spoonfuls are required not Norrman & Moore FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. BIG BARGAINS IN SHOES RUSSET SHOES IT COST ATTHK COMMONWEALTH SHOE STORE Washington Avenue. TOUR LINEN LOOKS RIOHT FEELS RIUHT WEARS RIOHT WHEN LAUNDRIED THE LACKAWANNA Up to Date Draperies Curtains Carpets AND..... Wall Paper To Match WILLIAMS ANULTY 127 WYOMING AVENUE. CITE MOTES. The estimate committee will meet to night. l'urlm ervlce will be held at the Lin Cell Street Temple at 7.S0 this evrnlnB. Hev. J. T. Logan, of Wilkes-Hiirre, will preach In bear's hull, Hydu l'uik, tills evening at 7.30 o'clock. All are cordially invited. The Italian art closa, tiulylnt; under Miss Heath, will meet at 4 o'cloc k Invteiid of tlx' uhuiiI hours today m account of the rooklntr (chool. In the rotate of John Woodruff, late of Klakely, the will was yesterday probii d end letter tetitmentary wore granted to klchuid J. Reese. A. Li. Francois, the new school con troller from the Second ward, will tender a smoker to his fellow-members of the tireen Midge Wheelmen Friday nltcht. Miss 'lirk, of Newark. N. J., will de liver an address before the Primary Stirir day School Teachers' union in the First Presbyterian church Friday afternoon. Daniel Elttlnger, by hi attorney, Wal tr HrlHH, yesterday brought unit aKulnxt the Lackawanna. Ilurdware company for a delut of HOLUM with Interest from Feb. S. USH. Miss A4amt, the physical director at the Young Women's Chrlntiaiv Haocl:itlon,',vlll conduct the half-hour service from L'.IIU until 1 o'clock today. All women are Invited. Professor Ueorxe Taylor, manager and Instructor for the Knterprtse dancltiu clans, will conduit a masquerade xoclal this evening at Excehtlor hall, on Wyom ing avenue. The funeral of I'eter O'Horo will tako place Friday nioriilnir at 9.XQ from his late home, on West Market street. A re quiem inns will be ceiobrated at Holy Rosary church. Hewitt & Hillock, glove tnaiHifacture-rs of Johnstown, N. Y., by their attorneys. Warren ft Knapp. yesterday brought suit fur JlsH.'i with Interest from Dec. Hi, 1815, against Alex. Dunn, Jr. In th estate of Patrick Barrett, late of the South Side, the will was admitted to probate yesterday an J letters testament ary were granted to Ills alster, Kate Uar rett. The will of Mary Hnrrett, late of this city, was admitted to probate. The Joint flrenlcpartment committee will rneet at 1.9) o'clock this evening; to con sider the plans and specification, of Urown & Morris, architects, for the new Nay Aug enirine house. If they approve of the plans City Clerk Lavelle will Imme diately proceed -to advertise for bids. A charter has been grunted at Harris burg to the Brooks Street Hweeper com pany. The capital stock Is Huu.OuO and the object of the company Is to manufacture a street sweeper Invented by a colored porter oh one of the l'ullman cars on the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western rail road which Is said to posses, merits su perior to any now In use. Mike Duffy, who was arretted Tuesday night for assaulting the proprietor of a night lunch wagon, secured his release during the early morning hours and ut the hearing later In the day escaped with a t! line, the lightest that Is ever Imposed in police" court. In view of the fact that Duffy was very drunk when arrested and that he was abusive to the officer who per formed the arrest It was expected that he would not receive the consideration which u shown him. Pure Olive Oil. The brand sold under our own name la absolutely pure. There are many brands sold for less money that are blended with cotton seed oil: this re duces the cost. Cotton seed oil we offer at 20 to 2"c. per quart; 50 to 75c. per gallon. Cooper's California olive oil, (which Mr. Cooper assured us was pure) M.oo per quart, sold in many . www. - .v i i.uv. rj. t. v.uuroeii. Wholesale and RetalL A regular meeting; of Scranton lodge Of Elks will be held this evening and the new ritual Is to be exemplified and other matters of Importance to be transacted. A full attendance is re quested. W. S. Gould, secretary. Yon Mak. a Mistake tf you do not attend the greatest of all "ncutlon sales of Jewelry, bric-a-brac, etc.. at Davldow Bros., 217 Lackawanna avenue. U..1. rnld I nnhr. 1 Meals nd cold lunches served at all hours at Lohmann's. Spruce street Regular dinner 40 cents. Imported and domestic wines, cigars and liquors. Large Bottle Olives 30a. " worth 45c- special Coursen. eats for the LadlM will be provided at the great auction Davldow Bros, 111 Lackawanna are. M Pure and Sure." FUNERAL OF MRS. MANLEY. Requiem Mass Celebrated In St. Mary's Cathollo Church. Diinnore. From the home of her son, P. D. Man ley, of Dunmore, the funeral of Mrs. Bridget Ma nicy took place yesterday morning. It was very largely attend ed. Tile remains were conveyed to St. Mary's Cathoic church, where a solemn high mass of requiem was celebrated by Kev. John Manley, of Mt. St. Mary's college, Knimettsburg. Md., a son of the deceased. Hev. James O'Malley. of Kingston, wub deacon. Rev. M. It. Don Ian, of Dunmore, subdeacon, and Kev. Joseph McCabe, of Aioca. master of ceremonies. In the sanctuary during the moss were the following priests: Rev. T. F. Kernan. of St. Dominic's church. Pur Buns; Hev. John P. O'Malley, St. lg natlns' church, Kingston; Kev. John J. Currun, of Holy Savior church, Wllkes Itarre; Kev. Jnmes A. O'Reilly and Kev. Miles J. MUlane, of St. Peter's cathe dral, Scranton; Kev. P. J. McManus and Rev. J. 1. Dunn, of St. PuuI'b church, Scranton; Rev. E. J. Melley, of St. John's church, Scranton; Rev. N. J. Mc Manus, of Holy Rosary church, Scran ton; Rev. M. K. Lynott, of the Church of the 'Sacred Heart. Jermyn; Rev. Richard Wafch. of St.. Catharine's church, Moscow, and Rev. Gerald Mr Murray, of Dunmore, During the muss Miss Sudle Dougherty sang an offertory solo, "(, Rest In the Lord." A short sermon was preached by Rev. Gerald Murray, pustor of St. Mary's church, in which he paid a beautiful tribute to the character of the deceased. After the mass Interment was ninde In the cemetery in the rear of the- church. The pall-bearers were John Clark, Mar tin Corcoran, P. W. Manley und John Nealon, of Dunmore. and John Ulbbons and M. M. Ruddy, of Scranton. The Trbune Job Department bus kept more men steadily em ployed thus far this winter than any olTlce In the city. This alone speaks well for its achievement In the midst of the annoyance of mov ing a plant like that of The Trib une. Rut we refer more especially to Its mechanical demands, and while Its facilities have been used to 1111 orders for towns within a ra dius of twenty miles. It has met all Its demands and given satisfaction. You can aid us to keep these honest tollers steadily engaged by sending your work to our office, and there by make happy mechanlo who prefer steady employment to un certainty. GENERAL GOBIN'S REPORT. He Saysthe tnenraptuent Was Productive of Unod Results. General J. P. 8. Gobln, commander of the Third brigade. National Guard of Pennsylvania, with which the Thir teenth regiment is connected, has com pleted his annual report and forwarded it to the nlute printer, to be made purt of the adjutant general's report. In the report General Gobln says thut the reports from the various regiments show a continued remurkable average and that many good results are appar ent In conHequence of the encampment. Speaking further on of the encampment he says: "We had brlgude guard and brigude guard mount. In accordance with drill regulations and manual of guard duty of the I'nited States army. Kuch regtmentul adjutant was In turn required to olllclale. They were seal ous and thoroughly up In all the re quirements, and met every point of pre scribed duty as the week progressed, and the defects were observed. The guard was a brigade guard, detailed from each regiment, with never more than three men from a company, and yet. In the report of the Inspector gen eral the rating for guard ditty Is by eompuoy. without any single company having been on gourd or In a position to be Inspected In the. duties thereof." ST. PATRICK'S DAY PARADE. Aneient Order of Hibernians to Have Charge, of tho Celebration. St. Patrick's Day, March 17. will be celebrated by the Irish of Scranton uml the county In general with a parade in the afternoon ami tin entertainment in the evening at College hall on Wyoming avenue. Both will be. under the aus pices of the men of the Ancient Order of Hibernians, Divisions of the order In Carbondule, Archbald. Simpson, Maytleld, Jessup, Wlnton. Providence, West Side, Minoo ka. South Side, Olyphant. Vandllng, Old Forge, and the central city will be rep resented In the parnde and they are expected to number not less than 1,500. M. J. McAndrew, of Archbald, will be grand marshal. The arrangements for the celebration wllll not be In any sort of definite shape for two weeks yet. The Hibernians of both boards will Join together and they ejepect a number of temperance and other Catholic societies to form in line also. RIVERSIDE COLLIERY SOLD. New York, Ontario and Western Becomes the Owner of It. The colliery of the Riverside Coal company, near Peckvllle, has been sold to the New York, Ontario and Western Railroad compony, which Is now oper ating It. This sale puts an end to the litigation that has been In progress be tween the two companies. J. J. will lams, John T. Richards and Thomas rJ. Jones comprise the Riverside rompanv. The property consists of a leasehold In 307 acres of coal land; of this 270 acres Is leased from the Howell estate, and 37 acres owned by Jones, Simpson & Co. The colliery has a capacity of T.'iO to 800 tons a day. Its highest monthly output has been 14,800 tons a month. DEATH OF DAVID NAGLE. Was Once a Prominent Resident of Gonldsboro, This County. David Nagle, a former resident of Gouldsboro, this county, died recently at his home In Buffalo county, Wiscon sin. Mr. Nagle was one of the most prominent residents of the Gouldsboro section of the county until eight years ago. when he went to Wisconsin. His brother Is now sheriff of Buffalo county. Mr. Nagle's many friends hereabouts will regret to hear -of his death. Before taking Inventory March 1st. I will sell Fur Capes and Cloth Jackets at a great sacrifice. F. L. Crane, 324 Lacka. ave. 35e. Per Pound Will Bar Coursen's Pure Cream Tartar and Bod a Baking Powder. Visit Davldow Bros.' great auction sale for bargains In sil verware, watches, Jewelry, eto. .. heaping spoonfuls. AT THE COOKING SCHOOL Mrs. Korcr Makes Sonic Emphatic Statements About Olive Oil. MR. C0LKSEXS EXCEPTIONS The Lecturer and the Dealer Could Not Agree with I'ach Other's Views. He Wanted the Statement Qualified-Some Kecipes. The cooking lecture given by Mrs. Rorer yesterday afternoon was attend ed by as large a class as on the preced ing day, which was rather unexpected owing to the severe snow storm and disagreeable weather. The large aud ience on such a day was perhaps as good an evidence of the popularity of the school as could have been given. It happened that the class was to hear a very remarkable and emphatic statement concerning bogus olive oils. What Mrs. Rorer said about the matter was not long In reaching the ears of E. O. Coursen, who has furnished free of charge all the groceries und other cook ing materials which are Included In his stork and he lost no time In seeking an explanation from the lecturer. . Mrs. Rorer's statement was to the effect that pure olive oil is not to be found on sale in grocery stores and thut it la rarely to be found In Jobbing houses. Import ed oils from Frunce. she averred, are obtained from California and lire not shipped back to this country until they have been blended with cotton-seed or other oils, perfectly harmless in themselves but a cheap adulteration. She remarked further that for the Phil adelphia school she was able to procure pure oil only by buying it direct from the presses In California at $5.50 per gallon und then hud to pay expressage. If others would not go to this trouble and expense to get the pure article, she advised them to ask for totton-seeed oil, for which only 2" cents per large bottle is charged. Otherwise the grocer would charge them 75 cents for the flame thing but labelled as pule olive oil. The cotton-seed oil, she said, an swers the purpose of the olive product In cooking. MR. COURSEN'S OIL. It ro happens thut Mr. Coursen has an oil which he guarantees as absolute ly pure and on which he has a large trade. As a very large number of those present at the lecture were Mr. Cour sen's customers he felt that Mrs. Rorer had done Ills business an injury und he hastened around to the room on Washington avenue to have the state ment qualified. The lecture had been finished;' many of the members of the class were near the street door and Mrs. Rorer was alone and engaged In writing in the rear of the room. What ensued was heard by only a few. Mr. Coursen had In his hand a bottle of nil purchased from his store and which as to have been used In making salad dressing. It had not been uncorked as the dress ing was not Included In the lecture., and another cheaper brum! of oil was utilized In the frying parts of the les son. Then ensued between the famed lec turer and the well known grocer an ar gument on oils. The latter insisted that the former should toduy qualify her statement ninde before yesterday's class. He asserted that he paid $3.50 more per dozen for his brand of oil than for the same number of bottles of so called pure olive oil. Its quality he said was guaranteed and Imported ns pure and was sold as such. lie averred that Mrs. Rorer wus mistaken In her state ment that pure olive oil could not be purchused. Mrs. Rorer suld she had traveled this country and Europei and hud been able to buy pure oil only as It dripped from the press and she would have to have a chemical analysis made of the Coursen article before she would be satisfied as to its purity. So the episode ended. Neither of the participants ended the talk In the best possible: frame of mind, the following recipes were given by Mrs. Rorer during the afternoon: SUM 13 KIJCIPE3 GIVEN. Hondlns a la Heine One pint of cold cooked chicken, chopped Hue; one table spoonful of butter; two tablespooiifuls of dried bread crumbs; one-hulf cup of stock or boiling wuter; two eggs; oue-quartitr luitnieu, grated; one tublespoont'ul of chopped parsley; salt and pepper to taste; pue the butter In a, frying-pan to melt and a. til to It the bread crumbs and stuck; stir until it bulls. Take from the tire and add the chicken, parsley, nutmeg, salt and pepper, and then the eggs (lightly Isaten; mix thoroughly. Fill the tea or custard cup! two-thirds full of this mix ture, stun J In a. baking pan half tilled with boiling water and buke In a moderate oven twenty minutes. When done, turn them out carefully on a heuted dish, and pour sauce around them. Bechamel Snuce One tablespoonful of butter: gill of stock, two dashes of pepper, one tablespoonful of flour;oneglll of cr.-um, yolk of one egg, one-hulf teiispoonrul' of Kilt. Melt the butler without browning and then add the Hour, mix until smooth; add the stock and cream, stir cuntlmiallv until it bolls: take from the lire, add the sail, pepper and the yolk of the egg well beaten. The sauce Is espi'ially line for sweetbreads, chickens, cutlets and baked or boiled tlsh. Tomato Sauce One pint of stewed toma toes, one tableenoonful of butter, one ta blespoonful of flour, one small onion, one bay leaf, one sprig of parsley, one bla.lo of mace, salt and pepper to suit the taste. Put the tomatoes on the fire with the onion, bav leaf, parsley and mace, and simmer slowly for ten minutes. Melt the butter, add It tot lie flour; mix until smooth. Press the 'tomatoes through a sieve, add them to the butter and flour, stir contin ually until It boils, add salt and pepper and It Is ready to use. This may be served with chops, lillet or broiled steak. Tomato Aspc Oover one-fourth box of gelatin with one-fourth cup cold water, foak ten minutes. Strain half can of to matoes, add a slice carrot chopped, one slice of parsley, one bay leaf, teaj)poonful lemon Juice, one of salt and H quarter teaspoonful of penper. Stir nntll bolllne: add gelatin: strain and turn into small fancy mold and stand away and harden. Berve cold on lettuce leaves, with tnayon alre dressing. This will take the place of a salad course. In fact Is n most beau tiful salad for supner or lunch. Cream Horseradish Sauce Press four tablespoonfuM of horseradish from the vinegar, add half teaspoonful salt, yolk cf oneezg; mix and add four tablcspoonfuls of cream whipped to a ptlff froth. This afternoon's subject will be bread making, which, by the way, Mrs. Rorer considers one of the most Instructive and Important In the course. Tomor row night will be given a chafing-dish lecture, and Saturday morning a candy lecture, to each of which 50 cents ad mission will be charged. IT WAS THE SAME BIRD. Proprietress Sold "flud" but Did Not Dis tinguish Betweon Buds end Birds, A young girl belonging to a promi nent West Side family was yesterday arrested at the Instance of her parents for being wayward. She was found in a house on the boulevard kept by a wo man named Williams. When Detective Dyer and Mrs. Duggan went after her she hid In the attic An atte-npt was made to search the attic, but the Will iams woman said she could not find the key and assured the officer that there was nothing up there but a bird. When the searchers were about to drive off the face of the bird was seen St the attic window, and us It very lurh resembled the bird they were chusiug, they turned buck and took It in tow. It was the same bird. The gill was held pending the decision of her parents as to what disposition they ylll make of her. W. C. SCO I T GETS IT. Company B's 1'lrst Sergeant Selected for Major Millar's Orderly. Major W. 8. Millar yesterday an nounced the selection of First Sergeant W. C. Scott, of Company U, to accom pany him us orderly on his coming tour of inspection. Tho orderly will get free transporta tion and sergeant's pay while on duty. Sergeamt Scit was melected out of compliment to Mujor Millar's old com pany. THE TROLLKV TO HTTST0N. Electric Hoad to That City Has Been Com pleted and Will Soon tta Open. In less thnn two weeks the Scranton and Plttston Traction company's line on the easterly side of the Lackawanna river will be opened through to Pitts ton. The rails are laid and the via duct over the Delaware and Hudson railroad and Lehigh Valley railroad tracks at Smlthvllle is built. What re mains to be done Is to get the overhead system, the trolley and feed wires, In shape. When the cars begin to run to Pitts ton, a person ran ride from Nantlcoke to Forest City on electric roads. This is a dlstande of llfty-four miles. It la not ell under' the same company, but there will not be very many changes necessary In making the trip. A gang of workmen Is busy now putting up the poles and wires and hope to finish by Maj-ch 1. As soon aa practicable the schedule will be made out and cars will run to the corner of Main and Broad streets in Plttston. The line from Smlthvllle is along the old Hughestown road and goes down William and liroud streets ti Main. The round trip will require about three hours. At Stark'n crossing- In Mooslc the road runs under the Delaware and Hudson tracks, and at Smlthvllle It goes over the railroads by means of the viaduct, which is 1,,00 feet long. The extension of the line from , Rendhum to Duryea on the westerly side of the river Is in statu quo. UATIILUED HERE AXD THERE. Various reasons have been suggested ns prompting A. W. Dickson Hi hi efforts to create a reform In the traction com pany service. One of the reasons sug gested is an Incident which recently oc curred on the Laurel Hill park line; any how, it very well Illustrates Mr. Dleksui'n Impulsiveness and shows what happenej 10 a drunken passenger who Insulted him. It was during the early evening. Mr. Dickson wu-s aboard the car, outward bound, and was accompanied by two la dles. A big, strapping man, much tho worse for liquor, stumbled Into the car and seateil himself. He was In a pugna cious humor and lost no time In express ing his ability to whip the conductor, mo torman or. anybody else he was not par ticular, he said. He leered at Mr. Dick son across the car, and, being met with a steady und angry gaze, Informed Mr. Dickson thut he could whip the life out of him. He pulled out his watch which he offered to wager on his prowess. A strling of oaths accompanied the talk addressed to Mr. Dickson. I'ntil this point tho board of trade en thusiast had kept control of his temper on account of the ladieo who were with him. Hut the oaths were more than he could stand und he requested the conduc tor to put the man off the car. The con ductor replied: "Say, Mr. Dickson, he's a tough one that fellow. I ain't a' goln' to risk gel tin' killed; I'd like to do w'at yer ask me, but I can't." The Irate Mr. Dickson made no reply, but re-entered the car where the drunken tough was lolling about und rippling off oatlis by the yard. He grasped the light er by the collar with one hand and yanked him toward the door, meanwhile getting n Arm grip with the other hand on the bully's trousers. At the door there was n beautiful mixture of urms and legs and a momentary halt. The stop was brief. Mr. Dickson Jerked the man violently back Into the car, und, securing a llrnior grip on the collar und trousers, rushed him through the door, Thut was not the end. Gaining the platform, there was no halting for breath. A limp form rose In the air und deposited itself on the street, In the wake of the car and the form was not Mr. Dickson's. The car was moving rapidly at the time. It wus that same night und within an hour after the episode Is reported as having happened that a big, but sober, man In a bad state of repair reached the Lackawanna hospital und had several wounds dressed. He re fused to tell how he had been Injured. William Edgar Nye. the humorist, who passed uway a few days ago, had no mora urdeut admirer than Attorney T. V. Pow derly, of this city, between whom there has been u warm friendshln for nearly twenty years. In 1S77, when Mr. Nye was building Into fume. Mr. Powderly met him In a Chicago street car and some In cident that occurred caused them to ex change remarks. A few hours later they met ut the Palmer House, where both were slopping und for several days ale ut the sume table. A warm friendship sprang up between (ho men, which continued un til Mr. Nye's death. Soon afler their Chi cago meeting Mr. Nye went to Laramie, where he started the "Boomerang." which made his name n household word. He sent u copy of the first Issue to Mr. Pow derly, Who hud the honor of being one of the llrst subscribers for the puper. lie continued as one of its suhscrllsrs during the time It was published. Mr. Nye's friendship for Mr. Powderly led him to Join the Knights of Labor when a local assembly was orgunlsed in Laramie and he remained an active member of it while a resident of that city. Last summer Mr. Powderly raw Mr. Nye for the last time. Tho humorist was then In splendid health und his death a few days ego wus a sad and unexpected shock to Mr. Powderly. Ex-Alderman T. T. Morgan, of the Fif teenth ward Is a candidate for street com missioner. He is a Scranton Republican (Drm.) Democrat. The announcement of the candidacy of John P. Mahon for clerk of th common council has caused consternation among the c4her aspirants for the position. Mr. Mahon lllled the office for'yeara in a very satisfactory manner and was exceedingly popular with the members of common council. Never llcforo In the history of Scranton was there such a tremendous auction sale ot Btrictly fine watches, diamonds, jew elry, elc, as Is now going on at Davl dow Bros. We have pleasure in calling the atten tion of our readers to the piano and or gan sale of Messrs. Guernsey Bros., 224 Wyoming ave. After a long and prosperous career thlB firm has decided to retire from business, and It Is really a question of selling the Instruments at any price, or storing them. Their line ranks among the finest in the city. ' Immense Crowds are attending the great auction sain of watches and diamonds at Davidow Bios. Fresh Mushrooms In Tin. 20c., 25c., SOc. and 35c. Fresh Mush rooms, 75c. per lb. E. G, Coursen. We open today a lurge and beautiful stock of underskirts In Milk, Mohair, Moreu, etc. Flnley's. Don't Miss It. The-greatest auction sale of fine goods ever held In Scranton Is now going on at Davldow Bros. WAS A DAY OF WEDDINGS Important Nuptial Events ia Three Sections of the Citv. TWO DKIESEM CEKEM0X1ES Miss Flora Drlcsen and Mrs. Rosenfcld Kckpcetlvely Wed Jacob Alexander and S. L. Goldsteln-Kogers-Joncs and ali-Zolgltr Weddings. Yesterday was a day of weddings. Two murriage ceremonies were per formed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Drlesen, 222 Lackawanna avenue. At 1 o'clock their daughter, Mrs. Ruchel Ku8enfeld, was wedded by Rabbi J. Feuerllcht to Samuel L. Goldstein, of Binghamton. The only persons pres ent were those of the immediate fam ilies. The bride wore a green novelty dress trimmed with old rose Persiun velvet. A wedding breakfast was served and Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein left on an evening train for Binghamton, where their home ia already furnished. Miss Flora Drlesen, another daugh ter, was married ut 8 o'clock In the evening to Jacob Alexander, of Lon don. The maid of honor was the bride's sister, Miss Minnie Drlesen. and the groom was attended by Moses Cohen, of New York city. The ushers were Sol Drlesen and Louis Gordon; flower girls, Carrie Gertrude Block and Hilda Rosenfeld. The wedding marches and after music were played by Bauer's orchestra. Mr. and Mrs. Alex ander left on a night train for New York city. They will reside in Forest City, where Mr. Alexander will en gage In tho clothing business. The cer emony was followed by a wedding sup per. Among those present from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. A. Gold stein, of Uinghumton; Mrs. Goldstein, of Bingham ton; Mr. Weiss, of Carbon dale; Mr. Weiss, of New York: Max Meyers and Mr. Weiss, of Bingham ton; Sol Cohen, of New York; Max Levy, of New York; Moses Cohen, of New York; George Skaller, of New York. WALZ ZEIGLER NUPTIALS. A prominent young couple, Jacob Walz and Miss Emma Zeigler, were wedded lust evening ut 7.30 at the Pe tersburg Lutheran church by the pus tor. Rev. Mr. Randolph. Tho groom is night baggage-ninster ut the Delaware, Lackawunna and Western depot; his bride Is un amiable young lady with many friends. William Walx, brother of the groom, wus groomsman. und Miss Lottie Schneider was bridesmaid. After the ceremony a short reception wus held and Mr. and Mrs. Wulz departed on a wedding Journey to New York city where the bride's mother resides. They will return in a week and their home will be at 1003. Irving avenue. WEST SIDE MARRIAGE. . The marriuge of Miss Margaret Rog ers to Kdgur M. Jones took place yes terday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rogers, ut 128 South Hyde Park avenue. The ceremony was per formed by Hev. Mr. Bell, of the Ply mouth church. Mr. Jones Is a member ut the Arm of Junes & Hull, of 508 Lack awanna avenue. The ceremony was very simple and was witnessed by only the relatives and Immediate friends. The maid ot honor was Miss Mamie Jones, a Bister of the groom, and the best man was Henry Noll, or Nyack. N. Y. Mr. nnd Mrs. Jones left the city on the 3.34 afternoon Lackuwanna train for New York and Philadelphia. On their return they will reside in their newly furnished home at 1217 Marlon street. Among the out-of-town guests present were W. G. Thomas, of West Plttston; Mr. und Mrs. Griffith Dnvls and family, of Greenwood, nnd Mr. und Mrs. H. D. Jones, of Dunmore. 34c. Per Ponnd Will liny Coursen's Triple Blend Java and Mocha. THEY MAY OUST HARVEY. David Watson After the Of flco of Super intendent of School Repairs. It was currently reported about the city hall yesterday thut o4ie of the changes that will possibly result from the chnngw of power in the school board Is the removal of John Harvey, who has been superintendent of repairs for many years. David Waituon Is spoken of u his successor. The office Isj not provided for by law und can be filled at the pleasure of the board. AN EASY WAY TO GET A OUR plan of rental, with rent to apply as purchase money, is very popular, und makes tt possible for almost any family to get a firstcluss instrument. Full purticulur on application. Powell's Music Store, 326-130 WYOM1NO. AVE. JII Removed trom Washing ton avenue xto 142 PENN AVENUE And will be sold out at auction, Sale ever)' clay at io o'clock a. in. and 2 and 7 o'clock p. m. By order of Assignee. A. HARRIS, Auctioneer. TROUBADOURS ENTERTAINED. Mrs. T. II. Da la Hostess for Iter Daugh ter's Fellow Uaaeersat the klriaess. Mrs. T. II. Dale on Tuesduy night entertained the participants in the Fete C'huinpeire troubadour dunce-, iu which her two daughters, Miss Ruth and Miss Louise look part. Among the festii. lties of the evening was the troubadour dunce, und the mirror daru-e by the Misses. Rose. Among the out-of-town guests were Miss France Sterrett, of Slamton, Va.: Miss Southwell, of Kqutiiionk; Miss Ingham, of Mehoop any; Mr. Lamb, of PltPJton, and W. A. Dale, of Daleville. This evening the troubadours will be entertained by Mrs. W. H. Pierce at her home on Jefferson avenue RESOLUTIONS ADOPTED. Central Labor I uloa on tho Incoming, Administration. The following resolution has been adopted by this Central Labor union: Resolved, Thet the Central Labor union of Scranton and vicinity extend their good will to the incoming municipal govern ment of the city of Scranton, assuring them that the Central Labor union will ut all times work for the good and welfare of the city and its citizens irrespective of creed, race or color, und ask for your co operaton looking to the adoption of the Austruliun ballot at primary elections. 40a Per Pound Will But Coursen's roller process pulverized Java and Mocha coffee; 6 pounds, 3!tc.; GO pounds, :!5c. , Diamonds at Anetlon, Also fine jewelry, silverware, novelties, brle-a-brac, etc.. at Davldow Bros. Sales every day from S to 12 a. m 2 to 5 and 7 to 10 p. in. Is marlage a failure? You will cer tainly agree with us that It Is not after you have taken a look at the choice carpets and draperies at Slebecker A Watklns'. - l Opportunity of a Lifetime to secure the finest watches, diamonds), jewelry, etc., at your own prices at Davldow Bros, greatest of) all auction sales now going on. W. W. BERRY THE JEWELER. Lackawanna - Ave. DIAMONDS, FINE JEWELRY, CUT GLASS, CHINA CLOCKS, SPECTACLES and WATCH REPAIRING. Men's Felt Boots and Overs. $1.59 Men's Overshoes, worth SOc, our sale price 39c Men's Overshoes, worth 70c, our sale price 49c Men's Vulcanized Leather Insole Woonsocket Hoots, worth, $2.75,our vale price $2.19 Youths' Woonsocket Boots, worth $1.75, our sale price $1.39 Ladies' Overshoes, worth 35c, our sale price 25c Men's Wool Lined Alaska, regular price, $1.00. our sale price 69c SHE OUR DISPLAY IN WINDOW. RUPPRECHT'S CRYSTAL PALACE 231 Penn Ate. Opr Baptist Cburcb. . BEST W Or 111 $8.03 Including the painless eitraettag ef toeta by an entirety aew preeeam S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S., 13 SftSSE Im3 npHIS WILL BE THE last chance you will ever have to get Furs for the prices we will sell them for this week. Electric Seal Capes, QQ newest style, iJt DO Formerly 1S 00 Electric Seal, trim med with Thibet ftC QQ or Brown Marten, vJiuO Formerly S.(M Fine Coat, newest style, $2.98 irmerly 7.U Fine Coat, newest style, $4.98 merly flOW Formerly flOW Fine Coat, newest $5.98 merly f 13.00 style, Formerly f 13.00 Fine Coat, newest Ine C style, $6.98 merly f l (M $1.98 Upward $2.98 Formerly f l (M Baby Coats from Mackintoshes from Upward J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Avenue. High Grade Shaw, Emerson, Malcolm Lore. Clongti & Warren, Carpenter, Waterloo, And Lower Grades at Very Low Prices. J. LAWRENCE STELLE, 303 SPRUCE STREET. Spring Styles. ON SALE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2a Ul R18TU ilJ 4 12 Spruce Street. Scranton School of Elocution and Oratory MR. AND MRS. L J. RICHARDS, Directors, FIVE DM1NIS Of STH M I Cicii o! moineii ROOMS 27 AND 28, BURR BJILOING, Washington Ac, Scranton, Fa. PIANOS in tt Piwaat Ibr Him refKiiar o Tntunt if Lmu1Ii ArlWa. Wireraemi t Oppositt Columbus Heaomeat, 205 Washington Av.Soranton.Pti HATS AT Ja Dunn's nu BUS