THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 2G, 1896.. CARBONDALE. (Readers will please note that advertise anenta. orders for Job work, and Items for publication left at the etitabllshment of Shannon Co.. newsdealer North Main atreet. will recelv prompt attention; of. Sea open from a. m. to 10 p. m.J MINER'S BENEFITS. Inaoal Report of tha Delaware and Hod on Employes' Relief Fund. The annual rrport and Btatemont of Recount of the' Delaware anil Hudson Miners' Relief Fund fr the year IS'J.1 lias been ixsued to Its members. This Is an Insurance scheme originated by this corporation Heveral years bbu, whereby the company contributed an amount Hiial to that contributed by the employes, and In case of Injury to the latter, benelits are paid, and In case of death, funeral expenses and a bonus to the family. During the year 1S5 the total sum of $!US.M was contributed by the em iuyes and S.S:'.r...r.:: was contributed by the cotupuiiy. a total of $IX,4:J4.37. The amount of relief puid out was $l!l.S0.M. A buluiue in the fund Dec. ::! of $. Sm'.J.H, ami the aiiiount by the company $K.ISu..'iU. left a. Uiliiuie Jan.. of 1 IS. 41. The report Kliows that during the year eighty-one of the emiiloyes of the Delaware and Hudson at the t'oalbrook mines re ceived benelits, raiiKiiiK from lil t y cents to $77. From No. 1 shaft thirty-one employes received from to Krom No. : shaft twelve persons received from $: to $47. Krom Powdeily mines l'orty-llve ixtsons received from W cents to $n.i. AN EVENING OF MUSIC. The Bicycle Katortainmcnt to Be Given Tonight. The Cnrbondale Ulcycle club will give one of their noted entertainments to night at their club room on North 'huri h street. The programme is as follows: P.UtT I-'IKST. IMano solo H. 1'. Singer Soprano solo, (u Conundrum. liuuendteln (l) Damon Max Sirantie .Miss Lyiliii l'ichel, of Hcraiilnn. llcaillug lion. S. S. Jones J uet. nuinilollii ami guitar, Messrs. Kutz and Kivenian. of Honesjjle. Whistling solo, "The Morklng Mid." K. Place c'outes O recti liidge Wheelmen's qnail-tle, Messrs. Ho'Alson. Klorey, Knlghi and James. PART SKfOXD. Paulo duet. Mr. .Melvln inul Miss Maxwell Itiailing, selected Sliss Orirmlx t'ollier Violin solo Jeff Kieenittiis t-opruno solo, with violin olillgaio. "Kternaineiite" .Masuheronl .Miss l.yilia IMihel. Duet, mandolin mid guitar. .Messrs. Kaiz uiid Freeman Green lililge Wheelmen's quartette. A CKOWDKI) HOUSE. ''The Mack Tins" hy Waitc's Comedy torn puny tho Attraction. The (Irand Opera house was crowded Monday night to witness the first per formance by this favorite company. "The Kluck Flaw" was exquisitely ren dered, ami the high encomiums passed on the actors bespeak crowded gath erings during the week. The characters. Harry Glynder. nrus and Naomi wn-e excellently im personated. The orchestra of this com pany is a line musical body, and the fantasia of the circus wus very de scriptive. The famous cornet duettists, A. H. Knoll mid Jlurie Nichicll, was veil received. Last night the company plityed "Michael utrnRiiff," and the players sustained their high reputation. MASK It ALL NOTES. The Committee on Subscriptions Met Inst Nlfht. The city's Interest has been aroused and the club is a certain thing. The committee made all arrangements and Manager Ailken. of the l.ackawajma. Transit company, laid before them his plana, which were accepted. Manager Swift, of the Cnrbnntlule club, mailed yesterday the contruc ts to the players reserved from last year's team, viz.: Mcl-oUKhlln. Anderson and Yerkes, pitchers; I'atclien and Hess, catchers; Mussey. first baseman; Hhlelds second baseman; Kales, third baseman; Slallz. center Held; McQunde, left field; Cargo, right Held; Wetzel, shortstop; Weslluke, tleliler. It is ex pected that they will sign the contracts at once. THE BUILDING LAW. Notices Served I pon Mrs. Scurry and I). VV. Kvnns to Stop Building. Chief ol Police McAndrew, Upon t lie authority of the mayor, served notices Upon the .Scurry estute and I). W. Kv nns. who are rebuilding the stoics on Main street damaged by lire, but the order bus not yet been obeyed. The tire limit law state that a new building must take the place of one that has been damaged more man M) per cent., and of course the new struc ture has to be of brick or atone. They (the proprietors) claim that the premises have not been damaged (10 per cent. The outcome of this notice will be watched with Interest. It is Known By Its Cures ' It Is not what we say, but what Hood's Sarsaparilla does, that tells the story of Its merjt. , The thousands of people whom H has raised from disease and despair to happi ness and health, are the strongest and belt advertisements Hood's 8arsaparilla has. No other preparation In ezistanco has such a record of wonderful cures. , This is why Hood's Sarsaparilla has the largest sale, and requires for its produc tion the largest laboratory in the world. Now if you need a good medicine, why not try that which has done others so much good. Kemember Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Dlood Purifier Prominently in the public eye.f 1 ; six forfS j nil l ct harmoniously with laQOa S KllIS Hood's SarsaparUJs. as. GREAT REMNANT SALE l.SOO yards of Carpets', from fi to 30 yards la each piece, consisting of tlie following Best Makes: $ .85 Tapestry Carpet for 35c 1.15 Body Brussels for 50c 1.25 Velvet Carpet for 65c .1.15 Moptte Carpet for 65c .1.35 Axminster Carpet for . 75c SALE TO CONTINUE FOR SIX DAYS ONLY ... Terms Cash During This Sale. J. SCOTT INGLIS , ' ; 419 Laekawanna Ava. Atheletes $ Appreciate the benefits to be derived from Hovinine. A well-known cham pion bicyclist heartily commends it. Fred Titus, of the Spaulding ( Racing Team says, " I have been taking Hovinine while training, am surprised at the strength and renewed vigor I derived from its use. It is grand to take after hard riding, as it very soon re stores the life, you lose at such times." Bovinine is strictly and solely a food stimulant, prepared by a special cold process from lean, raw beef. Its great blood and flesh creating qualities combined with the ease with which it is digested, makes it invaluable as a restorer of depleted tisues, and as trength maintainer in all cases of exhaus tion, whether caused by disease or over-exertion. All Druggists. SAUU.Y I II OUSKkYANCC. Citizens' Committco Meets to Hear the Kepnrt Submitted. The citizens' commlUoe on Snblmth observance met Monday nitrht In the lecture room of the l'resbyteriun rhurch. NunierotiK reports of the com mittee on special work were received. The facts ilevelonpd were cheering, in dicating the u'lllingnepx anil desire of balers to have a day of entire rest for themselves. Further work was mapped out and adjournment wus tak en to the same place next Monday tilnht nt S o'clock. It Is evident that a milted effort and the ilisite of the public manifested for it quiet Sabbath will accomplish Kivat things in our city. Ilirtlidnv Parrv. To commemorate the fifteenth birth ilay of Newell Van Hernen. Monday evening a number of his young friends paid linn a pleasant surprise. (Sanies and music were Indulged in and re freshments served. Those of the party were Misses Helen Hhileds. Nellie (lal Itmhy. Kllzuheth ilinnuer, Maggie Mar ry. Kdith Ualley. Kdlth t'ourttight, Martha Singer. Louise Slocum. Bessie Teets. Mabel M ll till, Kussell Jones. Al bert Crane. Albert Uutherford. Stanley Kettew, Charles Bridget t. Robert Ow ens. Joseph .Murrin, Kdward Kobeits. Benjamin Singer. Arthur Rutherford, Willie Shields, (lordou I'emlleton, Cleo. (illllts. Tho Italinn Community. The Italians of this city have formed an international society to instruct and instill the Kalians with more patriotic sentiments and urce them to become worthy cltlaens of our country. The society meets In Romano's hall. Dun ilalV street, and have met with great success. They now number thirty-one members. PERSONAL AND OTUEK ITEMS- James Uoland. of Seventh avenue, Is laid up at his home. Mrs. M. T. Nealon. of South Main street, is ill with Influenza. Mrs. .Mary T. Jones, of this city, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. W. T. Jones, of Vundling. Thomas Nauman was badly hurt at No. 1 mine Monday, his foot got Into u spike, which penetrated through his shoe ami got into his foot. Dr. I. l. Italley visited Wilkes-lSarre on professional business Monday. (!. W. Hughes, Lewis Rekhop, C. J. II. Soiling. C. A. Kase, Spencer Court -right. J. M. Masters and Kdwin Hall, of this city, attended the lecture by the past grand master of Odd Fellows Monday night In Scranton. They re port u pleasant' time. Mrs. Louis Hekhop, of South Main street, is ill. The repairs to the North West rolllery is renurted to be completed, and work has been resumed partly, and all Will be winking the 1st of March. Miss Maggie Campbell, of Canaan Htreet, is visiting Scranton friends. James Joruian, of Salem avenue, will leave today for a visit to New York. Mr. and Mrs. John Halstead. of South Wyoming street, has returned from a Visit at Facturyvllle. Mr. ami Mrs. Theodore Crane, of No. Mi Terrace street, has removed to Scranton. Mr. ami Mrs. Thomas Mullan. of New York, were the guests over Sunday of Mr. and Mis. Jacob Kikel, of this city. Miss Mamie McAndreiv, of Rattle al ley, has been dangerously 111. MOSCOW. Mrs. A. U. David, who has been seri ously 111 for some time, is Improving rapidly. Miss Florence David, of lilakely, vis ited at the parsonage last week. Waller Runyon, who has been visit ing at the home of I?. .1. Cannon, re turned to Long Island City Friday. Mrs. II. L. tlaige returned home last week from Newark, where she has been visiting friends. Mrs. J. 10. Loveluuil and children are visiting Mis. Lovelaud's parents, Mr. und ills. Henry Warden, at Daleville. Mr. and Mrs, Miller, of Creen Ridge, are soending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. K. Hatlnill. Mrs. Murgaret Wardell called on rrteuds liuDalevllie on Sunday. Dr. U. .1. Hrown. of Scranton, spent Sunday with his mother. Mlsss Klba Swarts was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Depew on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. S. Hornbecker spent part of last week with friends In Scran ton. Fred Simpson, of Philadelphia, who has been visiting his grandmother, re turned home Monday. Fred Turner, of Brooklyn, Is the guest of Warren Barbour. Miss Sarah Decker, of Scranton, vis ited her parents Friday. Mr. and Mrs. S. 8. Yeager were guests of Dr. and Mrs. Lamoreaux on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Van Cott.' who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. P. 8. Posten, on Spring Garden street, left for. their home in Syracuse on Saturday. Miss Kate Conboy, of Canojnharle, Is upending a few weeks with her parents on Cooper street. Miss Nellie Hinds Is spending the winter wun ner grandmother, Mrs. Jane Hinds. The Epworth league held a birthday party In Odd Fellows' hall Friday even ing. It was a delightful social affair, and netted the league quite a snug little sum. HON ESOALC, "The Dnzaler" played at the Opera house Monday night, and as usual drew a good-sized audience. At 7.30 all or nearly all of the attaches of the house went out on a strike. For some rea son unknown, apparently Mr. Silver- stone did not want Thomas Carroll, one of the stage hands admitted, and Instead or notifying him to that ellect took another means o( keeping litui out of the house, by giving every other em ploye u pass, which wus contrary to custom. The employes did not know what to niuke of the action until Mr. Carroll arrived ut the door und was prevented from entering. Immediately the entire force struck and the house was without its ushers and other nec essary men, who are loud In their de nunciations of Manager Sllverstone. Ann Brown, an elderly negress, liv ing below the Krle depot, died Sunday after a lingering Illness. Mrs. Urown has been a familiar figure here for a long time, being well known as a fortune teller. She was a faithful and devoted attendant of the F.plseopal church, and went to the services as long as she wus able. The funeral services were held Monday nt the Episcopal cnurch by Rev. John M. Lewis. FOREST CITV. The one hundred and eighth session of the llonesdule District Ministerial association commenced at the Method ist F.plseopal church, in Forest City, last night, at 7 o'clock. The pro gramme for the evening was, devotion al service, D. Kvans; association ad dress. Rev. A. W. Cooper. The pro gramme for today Is: MUlt.NlNtl. ''iu.ver Service 1. 8. McKtllrfr H. P.II UllMiliess. Kssay. ."The present Status of the Hamilton Amendment," J. C. Leai-ock Discussion. V. Riiwllns. A. C. Hrackenbury liO I'lssay, "Removal of the Tinut Limit" S. Roman Discussion.. W. M. Shaw, P. Houck Jl.OO-Kssay, "Reverence for the House of (Soil" A. C. Olver Discussion, J. A. Transue. . M. Bell, D. F. I'nagst. 11. SO Kssay, "The Importance of Edu- ' cation In the Interest of Tem perance and Prohibition," A. D. David Discussion, II. IS. Hurned. H. K. Wheeler 12.00 Adulirntnent. AI'TKRNOON. I. 110-Devntlomil Service H. A. Smith 1.4j Kssav. "Divine Leading to Temp tation" F. Uendall 1 MkcussIuh, P. I:. Tower, George Council 2. IS-Kssay. "Tile Accepted Theory of the Atonement" G. A. Place Discussirn, .1. V. N.'' :i D. F.vans, D. B. Wilson 2.4 lissuy. "The League as a Factor in Chinvh Wo"k S. Slmpkins J. 11. Btiyce, G. B. Stone, W. L. Thorpe. 3.15 Kssay, "lnipona;:.'e of Conver sions In the Sunday School: How to Secure Them"....C. A. Benjamin Discussion, J. G. Raymond. J. 1'iulerwood, T. J. Vaughn. 3.45 Essay, "Emotion and Devotion in Religious Services". G. H. PrentL'e Discussion, M. Buckingham, A. Eastman, II. A. Smith, W. Wllklneou. 4.30 Adjournment. EVENING. T.ou Song and Praise Service, J. C. Leaoock Sermon L. W. Karschner FACTORYVILLE, Miss Carrie Green entertained her Sunday school class of fourteen little girls at tea at her home on Church street Tuesday. The Ladles' Aid of the First Ilaptlst church will meet and serve supper at the church dining rooms this evening (Wednesday from 5 until 7.3n. The birthday party at the Methodist church Saturday evening was a success financially. Amount taken In, $75. .Miss Nellie DeGruw, of Scranton, re turned home Monday, after a two weeks' visit among friends and rela tives here. Harry Stone, of Scranton, spent Sat urday and Sunday nt the home of David Armstrong. Dr. Heller and family entertained relatives from Blnghainton over Sun day. R. D, Chase and wife attended the wedding of Mrs. Cnase's sister, Miss Kinma Pass, of Waverly, and Charles Snyder, of Chinchilla, Thursday even ing. Will Flsk Is suffering from a broken limit received by falling on an icy side walk. Mrs. Fnima Reynolds, of this place, who Is spending the winter with her daughter nt Pottsville, is reported to huve broken a limb by some mishap. It is not known how II hupppened. Miss Bertha Kuapp Is spending this week as the guest of Mrs. Emma Wag ner, ut La Grange. Mrs. Lewis Armstrong hud the mis fortune to fall, breaking an arm, the latter part of hist week. Dr. Arthur Preston, of Scranton, was the guest of Dr. and Mrs. Wheaton over Sunday. The oil well boring machines are be ing put into stiape fast. They expect to begin boring this week. As the place they bore for oil Is very near town, It is likely there will be a chance for all that wish to visit the scene. Mr. and Mrs. George Worklser, of La Plume, have moved on to A. D. Rey nolds' furin. near Newtown, and will take charge of tho same this season. CLARK'S SUMMIT. Mrs. Hyron Laufsher, is slightly In disposed. Mrs. Perry Chamber is improving from her recent Illness. John Evans has began excavating for his new cellar, and expects to build soon. Miss Florence Keith is sick. Mr. and Mrs. Mart Tllhunn, of Lake St. John, visited Mr. and Mrs. Theron Hillings on Monday lust. James Full is able to attend to busi ness after a few days' Illness. ImmaSjulate every day in the week, every week in the year, is assured to wearers of the "Celluloid" water proof collars. Neither dirt uor water can hurt them. One will outwear six linen collars and save dollars in laundry bills. It costs nothing to keep them clean. A wet cloth or sponge is all you need use. Made in all styles and sizes. The ElluloiO MARK- INTERLINED Collars and Cttfis are the original.genn itie interlined collars and cuffs with a ' 'celluloid' ' surface. Get them at your furnisher's,, or send, direct to us. Collars 2oc. each. Cuffs 40c. pair. ' THE CELLULOID COMPANY, Nkw York. ' 1 APOUOtoft'.ra? Battle Ax Plug 1 1ST Was jumped into public favor oh -account of its size and qualny.it3 a Great Big Piece of high grade tobacco for mm OLD FORGE. C. W. Urodhead, of Montrose, is the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel K rod head. The Ladles' Aid society will meet at the home of Mrs. Benjamin Richardson this afternoon. Miss Hertlia Rees, of Taylor, spent Sunday with her sister at the Klooms bury Normal Hohool. Saturday was a gala day for Old Forge, when the Patriotic Order Sons of American, (if Mooslc. raised the Hag on No. I schoool building. It Is esti mated that fully two persons were In attendance. They were assisted hy the George Hill post. Grand Army of the Republic. Visiting posts from Scran ton and Pittston were In attendance. One of the attractions of the day was the uniformed rank, Patriotic Order Sons of America of Scranton. The Pa triotic Order Sons of America Drum corps of Scranton turnlshed music. The flag was presented by A. J. C'olborn, esq., of Scranton, In one of the llnest speeches that have been heard for some time. The Has was accepted by Will lam Repp, president of the board ot directors. owing to the crowd, the pupils of the school could not carry out their programme. It will be given to day. The 4-year-ohl child of James Sal mon, of Sibley, died on Sunday night of croup, and was buried in Marcy ceme tery on Tuesday. If the l!ab Is Cuttlns Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow'a Boothlne; Syrup has been used for over Fifty Yrars by Mil lions of Motheri for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child, Softens the Quins, Allays all Pair); Cures Wind Colio and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists in every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup." and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. 'Then Baby was sick, gave her Castorla. "A'ben she was a Child, she cried for Castorla, When sue became Miss, she clung to Castorla. When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria, rar RE VIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a wdu. ilJ m WJ twen mai UttDw lW of Me. Till OPIIAT sotb ffmJ. FRBls-OH XUSMZTOT prSMtaeaa the above results la 30 days. Itc' Kwarfullsandauloftlr. Cures wn all otnsrs tail mmm ma will nitlu thsir lost assahood, sad old ana will neonr thslr routbful vigor by ostni BBTITO. II oaleair sod surely restores Hsnoiuv MS. last Tltalltv, laapoteas;. Klgbtly Emission! LoestVwMr.FslUna' Memory, wartiui Sinosses. nd II ssfrle of sslf-abuae or and indiscretion wklah salts one for study, koelaess or mamas e. It aosoaly eures by atartlnt et tho eeat of disease, but is rest serve toaie snd blood bmllder, briar Ing bask lbs pink glow to pal cheeks and re TMrlaf Sbe Bra of youth. I wards off Insanity end Osasumpttoa. laaitt oa bartsf RRTIVO, no ether. It eta bo carried la net ocke. By snsit 1 .00 per psckMC or ell tor SS.OO, with poel tlvo written annrantso to emro OS refund be money. Ckrunlar free, address DOTAL MEDICIME CO.. S3 River St., CHI0MO. ILL tost sab Matthews Bros. Bl fJoXla BBMUloa . V, DR. LOBB'S BOOK FREE To nil suflarara of KRROUSOF VOL"! II, LOST VIGOR and DISKAStS UK ItttX AMI WOMEN. 90S usees: oloth bound: scourer? sealed and ma led free. Treatment byniell strictly confidential, and a roaitlre qnick cure gua anti-ell. No matter bow long standing, I will iMMitiTely enre you. Write or call. Tid IPRQ349 N. 15th St., Philada , Pa Un. It'vDD tJ yesr.' routiniirus practice. French Injection Compound Cares poeltlTely, qulrkiy. (not merely cberks.) (guaranteed or saonoy reiuniled. Avoid unngerim remeulee. rrloebOMoas per bottle. Of x Hollies (will cur severest caw) sent prepaid, secure from observation, wttii only Kteatlflcally nude fringe, to any address lor aa.00. ROOF TIMING 1KB SOLDOCS Ml dooa away with br tha um of HARTV MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which OOttakrU f Inrrodtonta well-known to alL It oaa bo applied to tin, galvanised tin, ahoot Iron raofa. else to brick dwallnn. which win Mwvaa u or it Daoiuutijr any crumDuac eracav breaking of tha brick. It will oat- seat tlnnlna of any kind br SBsutr jraaia. aad If east dooa not azoeed ona-Uth thM ot tha eost of tinning. Ia sold fcf tskt Job ssr yvuau. tvwnwn isukb uy ANTONIO UAATatsVKN, Bf 1 in the lead PREVENT Coughs, Colds, Pneumonia. Cured Alter Great Suffering Mr. Charles Anderson. i:M Kell St., Wllkes-Burre. savs: 2 buttles of Dr. Alex ander's Lung Healer entirely cured me of a severe cold In my chest and litntjs niter I had tried 3 other cout.11 cures una rautvi Cured My Baby. Mrs. Hella Sproule, Kil Washington, St., Wllkea-Earre, says: Kite bottle of Dr. Alexander's Lung Healer Saved my dar ling's life. I will never be without It. Cured of Pain In His Lungs. Anthony Yenisei- contractor 131 Hill street, Willies-Barre. Pa., says three Dot ties oT Dr. Alexander's I.uiik lleuler, the fumous cough i nt., cured tnu of usthinn Hint pains In my lunirs after iineumonlii. No coiiRh medicine- like It. It wived my lite. For sle everywhere, 2fie. per hottle. Valley Drug Co., General Agents, Wilkes. Barre. Pa. ULSTERS AND OVERCOATS ALSO MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS AT Greatly Reduced Prices. 111 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Carner Hranklln Avenue. THE NEW NO, Contain all that ha. made Hamrannd Work fMPoDS, and NEW. NOVEL and USEFUL im pruToments. "Hammond Work the Crlt.rton of Hammond Snpunoritr." "Hauimoad 8ls tbs Criterion uf Hammond Popularitr." Ham mond So. S. "Tb Perfect Typ.writar. Ex amine it and be convinrad. Phi'adelpbla branch of Tbn Hnmmond Typswritsr Ca. Ul B, Bistb btreau F. A. & A. J. BKANDA, 414 Sprues St., ScrsntJS RsprassataliirM. aae atuow SHERIFF'SSALB BAMMGND TYPEWRITER ESTABLISHED 1879 CfiRPETfNGS During our many years in the Carpet business we never had such facilities as at present " to suit our friends. Practical experience, mature judgment and extensive connections have enabled us to place before you an uu equaled assortment of the latest aud most fashionable patterns and colorings in every desirable fabric. Royal Wiltons, Savonneries, Axminsters, Eng lish Brussels exclusively under the control of this house. Tapestries, Ingrains, Linoleums, Corti cenes and Oil Cloths. We anticipated the rise iu the market, placed our orders accordinlgy and will give our customers the ben efit. A complete line of DRAPERIES.UPHOLSTERY GOODS and WINDOW SHADES in every grade. Latest styles. S. G. KERR, A f Lackawanna Ave. THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON GIVES SPECIAL ATTENTION TO BUSINESS AND PERSONAL ACCOUNTS AND PAYS 3 PER CENT. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. YOU WANT WE HAVE - LET'S GET RICHARDS' 502 Commonwsaith Buildim THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-8ARRE, PA.. Manufacturer of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Qcaeral Ottke: SCRANTON, PA. tA dllm ms.i1 im m datlmr will" lataladln aalld rusib IoascU KM iwntofv a, uawj uraer, or rMMd Mat. far mM. Kqnal. mrj way Ik heota sold la all rrtall storsa tor tlM. Wa auk this bMt oanahns, thanrfsrs w. aw an ID ju, ttfi aaa Mar, and tf any ana M not ssudasl w. will ninnq om pw r send auotlMir pair. Opan To. or Coon no. Bnas, wMtba C, P. K. Kst .lie. 1 to I and aaa . -1 . A Csta. loria FHCiC tsm Shoe Co, FEDERAL ST.. f BOSTON. THE CLEVER OF A WOMAN mm, Will keep tlie bouse from becomiug cheerle38 if she Las even Lalf a chance. It does not take much money, but it does take some but so little. Our Credit System helps, with the pay iug of the rest. It also depends upon keepiDg informed upon the new things of every sort that are constantly coining out. It'3 our business to get them for you and we REPEAT THE IN VITATION, walk through tho homo to learn what is going on by seeins the diiplay of new goods. J3S!S4ii N"t teo kindi, but ov-r r-l-S.SirH thirty to selra-t from. u B'm TJ. -ti ..tlior sm-li assortment ill rY.M T.Ji lli itf thHonu Leie VIC' J.(B turnU we swll at $21.00. Topshsiipd, Inchitr, l-'rench beveled nhupeil Minor. Itlxjf iui'UeK. sil ver drawer liuet. lisu l Homely .-ai veil and highly polished. i CHENILLE CURTA IMS-Many patterns at many prices. Your pocket bound to he united. The offering ot a $4.00 pair (as a sort of introductory (or the season) at 225 AND mm TELEPHONE 8154 SON & CO, Opp. Main Entrance Wyoming Housa TOGETHER. LUMBER CO Telephone 422 CALL UP S08X CO. OILS.. VINEGAR AND ' CIDER. OFFlOe AND WAREHOUSE, 41 TO m MERIDIAN STRQS7 M. W. COLLINS, M'8'r. HANDS UPHOLSTERY. Yunr iipiirBciatitPti two woks sgo of tliota Hiisli I'tirtiitiS'Was near tw mucU for us 111. ileiuiinil was if rent-we. ltowevor, are now are- I pared with tbree bott.r uUurmts: i :itU yds Ktnbroiilured Borden Huslin, 30 Inch wiUr. lGlc. a yds Dotted llu.lin. 3iMnch wide 4:1 yds Uott.d Swiss. Ur-invh wide tVAU above New Spring Steele. 12jc ,9d. 218 WYOMING AYE, n