f ' TIIE KCBANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY MOKIOH'O, FEBBUARY 2C, 1896. Annual Statement OF TBS OF LACKAWANNA COUNTY Showing Receipts, Disbursements, Condition of the Finance and Ac count of State end County Tax Collector for the Fiscal Year End Ing December 31, 1895. RECEIPTS. iimount received by Countr Treasurer C. 11. Sohadt as per etateuieiit of Bald Treasurer, and chargeable to general County unJ Bridge funds .U,. it DISBURSEMENTS. Amount of disbursements from feiierul County and Urldge unda a shown by the follow ing statement of the County Commissioners ,J Receipts In excess of ea i Dsnditurea ASSESSMENTS. Vald Assessors for making State and County assessments', Clerks extending and making duplicates, School Copies, and Transcripts of Mortgages and Judgments " ADVERTISING. Paid for .publlaliinir annual statement 01 County Coinmls louers and other udvortisiuti 1.iiIm BRIDGES). Fald Groton Bridge Co. building three iron t (ridges as follows: One n Ransom Township, one In Glenburn Bor rough, and one In Ben- ton Township 1,20 Of Paid Harrison Gardner for building1 stone arch bridge in Scott Town ship Fald A. B. Dutitilntf, Jr., for making plans and specifications fur bridges Fald for viewing bridge sites. Inspecting bridges, advertising let tings, Ac too 0 150 OO 25 15 SI ,905 15 BURIAL. op deceased Soldi bus. INDIGENT Fald burial expenses of de ceased Indigent soldiers us pet Act of Assembly, upproved 12th May. ISSi $1,333 00 COUNTT COMMISSIONERS OFFICE. Fald Giles Roberts, County Commissioner. $1,095 CO Fnld 8. W. Roberts, County Commissioner. 1,095 50 Fald John DemiUh, County Commissioner. 1,095 60 Fald Charles K.Wagner. Commissioners" Clerk 1,500 00 Fald John W illiams, Assistant Clerk S3 00 Fuid E. E. Robnthan.. 7C5 00 Fald II. A. Knapp, County Solicitor wo oo COUNTY AUDITORS. Fald S. S. Hpnfka, County Auditor 930 00 Paid B. F. Squler, County Auditor 836 09 Paid John P. Itiuk, County Auditor 930 00 COUNTV OFFICERS. Paid John 1'. Kelly, Dl.i- ' trlct Attorney J2t238 48 Paid John It. Jones, Dis trict Attorney 4.1'J5 9 Paid John J. Fahey, Hherlff 7.1S2 96 Paid K. li. Clemons, sheriff 2,032 38 Fald John H. Thomas, Clerk of Courts 4,419 53 Fuld C. E. 1'ryor, Fro- thouotury 5H9 65 Paid John J. Shea, County Detective 16 25 Fnld Thomas Leyshon, County Detective 1,021 IS Paid James J. Heuley, Recorder 455 20 Paid Charles Huestur, Recorder 219 10 to, li; so $2, SOS vu $23,001 37 COUNTY SURVEYS. Fald Harry Burke for monuments for divi sion line between Lackawanna and Sus quehanna Counties.... $10 50 Fald Giles Roberts ex penses ti Montrose a.. J return at tending Court on disputed boundary line ease.... 11 23 Fald W. Atklnso.i for sitting monuments ft.ong boundary lines bet wee n Lackiwanna and Susquehanna Counties 13 50 $05 : COURT EXPENSES. Paid Court Crier, Tip staves, Mepsenaers.... $5 415 60 Fald H. H. Cotton, Sten ographer 7.659 $0 Fuid Lackawanna Legal News, publishing names of Jurors, trial lists, &c 642 74 Fald Lackawanna Jur ist, publishing legal notices 23 00 Fald M. E. MeUlnley, Stenographer 149 55 Paid Johtn Taylor, Sten ographer 69 CO PeJd Typewriter, Paper, ?:ote Books. c lfHJ 50 Fain Grand Jurors 1.978 71 Paid Petit Jurors fl.:'S DS Paid '-Traverse Jurors.... 9,023 02 Paid Constables muk lng refrns to Court.. 1,280 67 Fald Referees appointed by Court 1,830 00 Fald Jury Commission- rs ana cierg. ecu 62 $37 634 29 COMMONWEALTH COSTS. fald Aldermen Justices, Con stable; and Witnesses In Crim inal cases $19,952 07 COURT HOUSE ROUNDS. Fall mowing and sprinkling lawns, shoveling snow and other work on Court House Grounds $1,020 07 DIVISION OF TOWNSHIPS AND BUR ROUGHS. Fald Viewers appointed by Court and other expenses $J31 61 EASTERN PENITENTIARY. Fald Board and Clothing of Con victs confine i in Eastern Peni tentiary at Philadelphia $2,906 18 ELECTION CONTESTS. Fcld Witnesses In Election Contest $3 07 ELECTJON EXPENSES. Fald Election Officers and Kent of Polling P'acii 7,603 01 Fald Ground R.t for temu-ary Election 1'ooths $38 00 Paid Printing Ballots, Cards of Inrtructlon, 't Election Blanks, e... $,916 25 Faid repairing, moving and setting up tempo re -y E' etlon Booths.. $73 6S ' , Fald delivering Ballots, Booths, Ac. In Foiling Places 435 6$ Faid Clerks appi nted by Court to compute Electlm returns 160 09 Fald publishing Elec tion Proclamation 475 00 paid Supplies to MiT tlrn Beau-d. S" I III IS connissioiRs INQUESTS. Paid J. A. Kelley. Coro- tier 11.871 23 Paid Jurors at Inquests . sii ud Paid Chemist for profes sional services 115 00 $2,440 I INSURANCE. Paid Insurance on Court House and County Prison, and on. Furniture 0 00 PREMIUMS. Paid Permlums on Foxes, Wild Cats. Wolves and Minks, in cluding fees of Aldermen and v Justices of the Peace - PRINTING AND STATIONERY. Paid for Blank Books and Sta tionery for the several County Officers $1.998 27 PUBLIC P.U1LD1NO EXPENSES. Paid Janitor, Fireman and Watehmun $l,o93 25 Paid Gas. Water, Klor- . trie Light. Heat anu Fuel Tald repaint Court Court House Water Closets, Sewers. &o... Paid Telephone Rent.. Paid K. P. Gross, at tending Tower and Court House Clocks... Dal, I Un;hinir. Clcuiilnir 2.732 57 152 50 240 9 152 53 and Scrubbing 313 C3 Tald New Furniture anil repairing r urnuui e, Carpets, &c Paid Supplies. Brooini. Soup, Brushes, &c... Paid hauling ashes, Arc. 726 91 125 81 20 70 $G 807 s; PRISON EXPENSES. Paid feeding prisoners. .$10,181 1)0 Deduct umount collected by Sheriff 3 50 Net amount paid sheriff 810.0J7 50 Paid salaries of wardens and keepers 6.129 02 Paid fuel gas, water and electric light l.iS 30 Paid prisoners' clothing! shoes, bedding, etc .... 1,320 4. Paid conveying pilson- ers to and from County Prison 1m OO Paid Supplies, brooms, soup, brushes, etc. ... 19S 01 Paid telephone rent .... 2J00 Paid iron cots.furnlture, oilcloth, etc C13 C6 Paid repairs on county prison 82J 17 Pa:d physician and medical supplies Puid disinfectants SO'J S5 141 53 $21.5lf4 94 VOTERS. REGISTRATION Or Paid Assesors making May and December. 1X1)5. legistraUnn and Clerk nuiliiiiff copies for Election Boards $3,325 51 ROAD DAMAGES. Puld daniuBts for land taken for public roads as awarded by Viewers uud approved by Court $2,930 00 ROAD VIEWS. Pal I Viewers and Surveyors ap pointed by Court $820 65 STATE AUDIT. Paid A. J. Colburn, auditing accounts of County Ofllcers with the State $150 00 STATE HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE. Paid keeping Insane convicts from Lackawanna county $365 00 SUNDRY EXPENSES. Paid F. W. KlrchhofT mid others, clerks for services, etc. $1,205 57 MISCELLANEOUS. Paid postage, stamps and envelopes $02 89 Paid tuxes overcharged and refunded 15 15 Paid Assessors for making returns of births and deaths 94 SJ Paid keep of insane con victs at Hillside Farm. 129 19 Paid grading and street paving 772 01 Paid State, industrial Reformatory 109 59 Paid Incidental ex penses 60 09 Paid Agricultural Soci ety 100 w $1,234 43 DETECTIVE SERVICES. Paid fletoctlves for the apprehension of mur derers and otln.r crimi nals $1,161 67 Total amount of dis bursements by the Statement of the Accounts of Collectors of State und County Tux for the Year 18!S. DISTRICTS. COLLECTORS, Arch'iald Uorouah Hlslioly Borough Hunton 1 wnsliip Carbbondnlo Township, (.ovingtnu Township.,, (.lifton Township Curb ncll.l icy First Ward Second tourd Third Ward P. A. Philbin David C. ril llltis H. . Smith Patrick Chsuv U. J. Tuulleld I allies U Boyle E. A. Wonnacott Hainuel Moon Knticrt Cninnbeil Fourth Ward. Fifth Ward.... sixth Ward... ... Hubert I'aiupliell ...iWiBiain ilolienhack,, ,,,jltobert Campbell Uicksim It y Borough.... William iloscs ifuninure t;urougu a- r,. i.oinuii Kluihurst Borough Samuel Troibol. ,. Fell Township Patrick MeGeevor lilenbnrn Borough I". A. hbormaa.... Ureeurleld Township. J. J. Stabler Uotildsboro Borough J. B. Gardner Jormyn Borough E. A. Lane Jt (Tin sou Township O. H. Mc-Louglillli Liil'luine Borough Uuorco Slsaou Lehigh I'owniU.p J.U. rJsiler Laekawannn lowuship... James liutler. aiuuisun jownsnip . Eugene Noack . Patrick Hrady . J. D. Hopkins . F. L. Smith .'George J. Kehr Maytleld Lurouvb Newtou Township North Abingion Twp.. Old Forgo Township... Olvnliant liorouirb . IS. hennsdy rtiins..in Towusnip L. 11. McClosky.. Hoarmg l.roi K 1ownsuip.lacnb weaser Scott Township itorton Gardner.. bpriii ISrook Township,, H. E. Arms South Ab nton Twu .'. D. Avlesworlh. Taylor Borough John D. Jones Winton Borouuh ,. James J. Law lor.. West Ablneton Twp Throop Uorough...,, Dalton Borough Waverly Borough... Scrauton t ity -First Ward , I. II. Finch , antes K. Lnftus . . C. J. i nomas . Charles V. Hull . Edward Fidler George Y. Hoffniau. .. John J. Otstcilu David E. Tluiiuai Benjuinlu Url.ii'.U .... Adam L. tour. W. W. tiunc.ia-.-a .W. A. Kv.iO F. L. Ward Second Ward... Third Wsrd Fourth Ward... HMi ward Sixth Ward Seventh Ward Eighth Ward N.utU Ward Tenth Wrd Kleventh Ward...... Twelfth Ward "Thirteenth Ward.... Fourteenth Ward... Fifteenth Ward Sixteenth Ward Seventeenth Ward... Eighteenth ward Nineteenth Ward.... Twentieth Ward Twenty lint Ward.. . George Farber ,:Theo. llessingor . Oscar btrauch . L. H. Vlut .John TVclitold . H. C. Powell. M ,i-ilas W. Finn . Koliert ilnag . Ad:iui L. Honn . Osc.ir L. Straueh , . Thomiis llett'orou..... , . F. W. Bulge.... r , Cnrhnndnle Third VSard Filth Ward Hlxth Ward Duuinore Borough. North Abingtou... Houth Abingtou.... Bcranton Third Ward Sixth Ward Nmtb Ward Joeorge F. Chambarline. .Ucorgo F. Ciiamljerllns. . deore F. Chumberluie. .'Charles P. Havage . C. J. 'ihomas .J. D. Aylesworth . tiile-t Decker . William Kgan . Fred L. Ward South Abingion )J. D. Aylesworth. Settled with the Troasurer since December 31, 1895. CONDITION OP THE FINANCES 09 LACKAWANNA COUNTY. ASSETS. Cash In County Treasury Jan. 1st. 1890. County fund. $9,778 17 $,460 64 10,000 00 Cash In County Treasry 1st, 1896, Bridge fund.... Cash in County Treaary 1st, 1890, Sinking fund.... Court House Building Furniture and fixtures In House r.-.. Jun, Jan, .. 200,000 00 Court ao.ono oo 175 non no III! Bill m 11! IK III. i County Commissioners on their warrants. Noa. 1 to 4.518 series "P".... $169,978 42 The following disbursements were Viade by C. H. Schadt, County Treasurer, from the General County fund, to wit.: . Interest on Couuty BonJs $5,400 00 County Teachers' Insti tute JOO 00 Tax on County Bonds., 456 0 Sinking fund 10,000 (W County Treasurer's com mission 7.9.5 W $21,031 00 Total amount disbursed from County and Bridge funds for the year 1S95 $191,007 42 C. H. Schadt, County Treasurer, In Account with Lackawanna Co. OR. "I i i ! T Balance from D. W. Pow ell, ex county treasurer. JftU, (. J.HU . Taxes, Dupl eate of lxM... . Tsxes, Duplicate of 1MII.., ., Taxes. I uplicatflnf IM5. .. ., SeaieJ aud Unseatud Land tax ., lut.TOiluu (.'useated Land, tax .!., Liquor Licenses, Hotel... . " " llestaurauts . Exonerated taxe paid Jury fee. Hues and cst from 11. A, Kuapp conn j tv ail.eitor Jury fees, the s and nuts1 from J. II. Thomas,; clerk ef crmrrs. Jury toes, tines and costs! from John 1. Kelly, ex district attorney Jury fees, lines and costs fri m I'htts. Kobinsn, ex-slieritf Jury lets, tines uud cost Iroui r H. Cleinuiis, sliuriff Jury fe, fliie.i and cts from li K. Pryor, pro-; thonotary :. Jury fciti. tines and coatv Item iliirtin lloro, i-dL't-ii,aii Jury ttun, tla s and costs from I). W. Brown, at torney '. Prisoners board cidloeied. . Prothonotary liens collH'ii . Bele-tive l.coiice, P. H : McOeevor . $ ZG3 353 .1 . ? 1,063 5;. Detective liceuMi, T. L Key ii Ids Detectivo Itceuso, C. J. aiiverburgli.. Scrantou Savings Bunk. Ana. i j Advertising Rode; tionof bonds ref n.l Costs aui Interest 1 audj reiieonied from Cotnmiti sinnsrs Blank books sold D. & H. C. Co Eeore y internal affair. 1 compiling, etc., tax statistics for year le.i. ) KerunileU by Coroner !. A. Kelly, and others overpaid by commis sioners Redemption fund 5 per ceiit. penalty on re tuim;l taxes ScrauUin faring Bunk I and Trust Co. loan by ! county commissiou-1 ers J Transferred from county fund tio,ooo m ISIO.OOO 1X1$ 1,351 853 Sinking Fund Town ship Fund Interest coupons puid Truutfur to tax ou loans.. County lnrtitnte County and brtd?es,war-l rants paid Nos. 1 to4518r Inclusive. Series P I County warrant No. 4801 eoriesO Bcranton Savings Bunk and Trutt Co. repuy-! inent of loan by couu-1 tv uominbsionara I Township fund, warrants 1 to li inclusive Redemption fund State personal tax to( State treasurer ) Tax on loans 'i'ranslor to Sinking Fund Treasurer s commission., llulance I 334 811... $10,000 M 'jlO.000 C0$ 1,351 86$ COUNTY TAX. 2g x.3 IS & " o (K M U a a l2 B S 1 r. . I 3.174 04... 2.317 Oil... 1,S3 12... IP.VI Mi . . . n:.o 75... i;u ti ... I 2, 72 7s... 1,919 ;ie... 1,IM 61 ... 7(il 2rt... 1.2.M 40 ... 1.210 OU... 2.03 !o,... 8,411 VI ... 281 80 f 8,0,11 22... 4.'i8 Hi... 1.IK1 40 B4 ... 1.C.-18 401.., li.i 7a... 8 7 M4l... io;i 7ti,.. . 6,811 40... i.wr. 78... 1X1 81 ... 1.4J0 4I1... 0(l U7 . . . 4.MI till... 3,221 li;.... 1.114 Ml 2,270 1,051 1 13 400 ir.H 49 1.037 1.310 r.U7 i!7 IWfi sill 20U8 0,1 4' I 2,' 1.770 280 ;t82 IMK 2411 lt-2 41 6(1M 7I 631 1.0X7 3r3 :i.(.:2 2,t0:j WiO 353 1,051 71 ?J! 1:11 W.V i (It; it) l7; II. I l 51 ; " 19.. .fitS 12 03 10 54, 00 Si iff III 411 70 U.'i 1 : 145 87 20 43 4111 21 .... 1,50.) 05..,. fcHS 7u . . . . 1,210 62.... 2. MII IKI.... 2.82J 40.... iU! ID .... l,l,:5 M .... WW 64 .... 6.9 711.... t,.:a 64'.... 4, Till 72.... 2.1 iV I 7!).... 4 8110 2.V.... coil mi.,., 1 57 III . . . . 2.1(18 M.... ls.217 49.... 8,717 0' .... 2.521 Hi.... .a.033 71 .... i.OJii 54 .... 7,4:a 69..,. !l,ii:.'4 IH.... 3, 1)7 at .... 6.8.VI Hi.... 10,210 41.... VOI II .... 3.2HI 4i.... 6.42ll t7 .... 8,1165 1S4 1,748 J10 1,221 4!7 25 ,cii." 57 2,t3 l 41. l.i i7 U2: S.n.'.j 16 3.711-1 l2 W.-.I 7 l.lilll 10 13 tz7 61 4.'-l:l 44 1.913 75 2.012 4iV r28 5s 6,2114 , if.liVi 0 2..ld I 2..1.1II iw 0,478 ::4 k!4 55 1.6HJ :;- 4.4PI :n 8 132 411 ,$171,704 99 $140 41 fiS 46 8U) 43$112,38j For the Year 185)1. 651 901 710 :4 912 22.. l.Oiil M.. 1.IS.1 UO.. 7.915 09.. 1,578 85 .. 1,150 87 .. 2.250 98'.. H.-ej 48'.. 8,491 70 . . 84 ) 31 0 521 1 , i,i;; oh '.22 61 1,972 20 7f Oil! 7,;7u 0 t 25,503 2; $ 21,021 15 For the Ycur 189:). 880 62; I I I 028 02) County Prison 130,000 00 Furniture In County Prison 6.000 00 Prison Grounds 35.000 do Due from Collectors (Estimated) 03,000 00 $000,231 71 LIABILITIES. i per cent. Refunding Bonds of the Issue of Dec. 1st, 1894.. $120,000 09 Assets In excess of liabilities.... $540,234 71 Assessed vuluution for the year 1M1-. lil 101 01 - 1 Valuation of money at . Interest, bonds, mort- gages, etc.. assessed la Lackawanna County for the year 1895. sub ject to a tour mill tax for State purposes and reported to Board of Revenue Commission- er, $5,853,953, at 4 mills $23,415 $1 , Deduct County Treas urer's commission .... 234 15 . 23,111 (t Paid to State Treasurer by County Treasurer C. II. Schadt $23,181 (6 Rebate due County $17,386 25 113 27 j 6,674 Is S CI.5T5 6.'$ 38.520 43 , 1.S17 tO 12;I7KI 3,;62 7 20.7US M fln.Mx 2 ?:a,4IStl 111,740 05 135.iw;tl 24 : 4l H3 1,013 05 13 27 13 27 23.7: 41: 23.7fi 44 4,4W 4,447 ti! Til! ti -,l 0 W SOU 15j 357 ttlj " 70 0u 230 $57 00 78 00 27 47 852 49 14 47 800 27 47 as 45 11 47 a t-oj 21 11 4s 751 U T5 25 uJ 25 (W 25 10 25 00 37 50 6 83 00 110 00 60 89 sa at 15 70 10,000 00 10,480 CO I a oui aw 37 s;j 6 6 00 no oo CO M) 237 ! 15 70 10,000 00 489 0O m 6C,$2U.8V5 81 $10,301 60$ 211,020 45 237,680 00 CR. ,Uedriiip tlon Fund State Fund Bridge Fund County Fund Total 5,4(10 ( 0, 4S0 00; 2.0 CO 6.4 l Oil 4K0 Ml 200 00 $ 1.005 15 168,076 Z7 109,931 43 3 SOj 2 00 10,000 tU 10.CO0 00 881 81 8 60 23,181 m 450 IH) lli.OOO 00 7.975 10 29,450 77 U8SU $23,181 60 , Ouj ii""""! ,.. 8,450 ! 450 'sis' lu.imi cm 7.6SI .11 ; 9,773 III 282 361. 350 80$23,85 81:$I0 30I 601$ 211,020 45!$ 257,680 00 STATK TAX. !;.'.ei ia : a 0 ; 'ti h : w : 5 u 0 a a" S -"on 53 2. 5 0 J S es a Villi 57!) 1,20-i VI, 02 O.V., 4 Oil 20 61 6 71' 361 4 IV 0J- 87 48 8WI 21 ..... HIS 4U...,. 0 7.V 78 80 12 44 818 01 480 85 41 02 120 40 114 22 ., 7 lif., fi 95. 1 J 09 . TII2 75., 1,1180 IW., id w:., 5 uo., '2:tl Ml . , UI 10., 27 79. , 1,510 115. , 81 l2., 68 45.., 110 115., 70 . - 7 78., 12ll 30., M fir., 61 00., V 38., 134 97., 170 38., 21 18., 231 41 ., 17 14., 13 .12., C XI ., no is., 128 4a., 1M 511 . , 25 111., 157 HI., 121 27., 21 82., ""i'i'ii mi 11 ., 118 72., 20 41 ,, :i. 21 50. 1.21 ill. lll'.l tll . 8i III . 71 10., i.s;s 2.'., 2.4CI 45., 67 Si.. 78:i 61 , 2.: 01., 1.2 w Ml. 11711 Ol ,, 2-JO HI ., 1.8 11 li., 4 870 37., Id'. W . , 2"W 3i ., I2S 71 , 13 . ill ,, 1,745 U 6C2 10 8:.l li 374 25 HI2 48 Ml iiS 0 9 73 2,274 Ui "Liiiiw' 171 t! 0 :4 VI 23 0:i 849 v 418 !KI 24 911 1 2-.' til 7-.0 UK Kill i:i 7S!1 I U 3bll I s 170 35 7:8 51, ti!8 3.V ""i'lVli MS its, fri'i 70 1.210 52 1,020 14 1,07.1 27' 82 l - l , 45(1 IK 5:i8 04 102 4b l.8-'5 07 1 1121 HI 413 17 1.21 1 IK S,:iO.' SI 1 .63 20 1.1119 72 4.7.-II U-i 4,5:4 24 6.S1 II fS 14 60 31 7 114: IS- II Otl 3 Oil 1 3.1 75 8-J 4 2 V 2 9i! 6 V. 1 83 Hll 6 .lii 2 1a 2 " 47 6 7 8 K21 1 0 1 II 72i SO 97i 3 6C1 0 42 8 33 607 1,317 m 6 222 58 20 1,4411 80 63 Hi. 84 H IM 60 8 128 111? 21 10 18 VI i:rj 124 loi) All 68 94 32 17 10 40 63 67 53 40 87 39 9 V 68 06 91 IB 51 12 09 28 35 41 22 On' 23 ..$25 19 .. 157 80 21 68 0 no 1 21 ""i'ii ' 13 42 31 41 I 22 21 31 49 5 V 4 15, II 5i 9:1 Hi 122 17 3 Ml oil IS' 1 IS till 21. 33 Ui' II to UI nil 21 1 ft: ii 27 10 .1 0 41 li 77i 115 23 25 Ii0. 131 11 '"iii'fs. 254 Ml... . 678 28.... 23 28.... 591 85.... 911 44.... 78 70.... 04 08.... 1.784 i'9.. 2.:t'l 2S.. 04 43.... 741 8,1.... 23 45.... 1,145 00.,.. I4 I'-.... 20J 10..., 1,72 li.... 4,iHS 83.... II) Hi..., 19.1 HI.... l'-2 27.... 12 64.... r.ii 25 177 96 2.171 It 1. l.:M8 '..I 851 23 3:1 1 Ui 3,728 1.7 3-U t! J...:rj 14 VJ 81) 222 84 ...I lsj$S,tSI o:i$.,l,301 32 . ... SI, 119 3i)$22,787 8HS311 1 3 ' 3-.! 378 21: 8,5 5u' l,:il 51 40) S7 4 II l-i 287 72! I t 45 721 trx. 15.1 79 . 10 I 33 . 59 UI . I,2i)i 32. 231 71,. 180 80 . 32 2;i. 62 s . Mod 00. 7 09; 9 07; 2 Vs 01 771 11 tfl' 9 31' 148 l'J. 1M All . 5(1 DO . ),2l 65., 223 112. 177 48l. 1 o' an ui. 2 Ki Hi ll. 121 0.. 2,3v; uo S 4.658 02 J 4,007 00 . . 2J3 88$ 4,134 2 !. 239 91) 180 41V If ID.',) 171881. Estimated expenses f Jr the yeur 1890 217 280 OS Amount of county tax duplicate. 1895 171,768 74 Amount of State tax duplicata, 1895 $4,382 All of which Is respectfully rttbm'tted. JOHN DEMI TH. 8. W. ROBKMT9 UILES KOBKMTS. County Commissioners. Attest: CHARLES F. WAG.KSR, ClerlJ. Srnntop. Pa.. February 1st, 189(1. 6TATB TAX AfHrOUNT. 'Uf US 4J onnolly Of B They come in Gilt, Silver, Spangles, Leather, Elastic, Silk, Etc. The Buckles are entirely new and novel and very substantially made. FROM 25c. UP. PERIS! AN RIBBONS Have t&nBuy.our ,ine CONNOLLY & WALLACE, m mil A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MITCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHEN A BOOK ACCOUNT 13 MADE. NO CMAKfiK WILL BE LES3 THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES! TO SMALL WANT ADS.. FX CKl'T LOCAL SITUATIONS, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Wanted. RESPONSIBLE PAHTY DF.SIKF.S LOAN of $400 for six months. SECUKE, Tribune oltice. Kelt Wanted-Male. lr ANTED MEN FROM ALL PAKTS TO V learn the barber trade: only 8 weeks required to complete: sitnatinu furnished; wgfs Saturdava, while laarnine; cods taut practice: complete outllt of tools free. Write for illustrat d cntakuue punt paid. Cincin nati Burlier Colloge, 428 Plum street, Cincin nati, Ohio. YMNTED AN OK NT IN EVERY HF.C II tion tocanvass; $4.00 to $' 00 a day made; sells at sight; hIhuii man to sell fctuple Hoods to dealers; best side line 1 75.00 a month; sal ary or lurge commission made; experienca nniieeeeRii'y. Clifton Soap aud Manufactur ing Co., Cincinnati, O. VANTF-D-AX EXPERTSTEAM FITTER to solicit work nnd m.iko esiimaten: n good oppoi tunitv to the right party. Address STEAM FITTERTrilntii omi;e. WANTED - WELL-KNOWN MAN I-M every town to solicit stock Biilwerlp tions; a monopoly; big money lor agents: no capital required. EDWARD C. FISH CO., Borden RlocK, Chioaea HI. Helo Wanted Females. pOOD, 8TKONO GIKL OR WOMAN FOR VI general housework Apply, with refer ence, to MRS. NOLL, 1342 N. .Halo avenue. ADIEH I MAKR BlJVAGE' DOINO J plensaiit hume work, and will gladly send full particulars to all sending 2 cent stamp, MISS M. A. STKHIilN'S, Lawrence, Mlob. UrANTEU LADY-AO F. NT 1 N SCRA N" tou to sell nnd introduco Snyder's oake Icing; experienced canvasser preferred; work permanent and very profitable. Write tor particulars at once and get bcueflt of holiday trade. !' II. SNYDER & CO, Cincinnati, O WANTED I M 61 K DI AT EI, Y T WO K.NER VV petio saleswomen to represnt us. (Inaranteed SO a day without interfering with ether duties. Healthful oeenpntlou. Write fur particulars, inclosing stamp. Mango Clioni IchI ( 'nnipsny. No. 72 John street. New York. For Sale. ifsALES A tTri iXTniKs'lNFfRS'ft V eluss order. J, F. btiST, Roariuj Brook hotel, 3u8 Cedar avenue. IiOR SALE HOUSE AND LOT AT COR her of Mnnde and Burke street. All mod orn improvements on premises. MKS. ANNIE STEWART, Duuinore, l'a. MOU 8AI.K-1 PAIR BAY MARES: I J1 black pacer : very fsst : prices low. Ht'EHNSEY BROTHERS, i24 Wyoming Aye. XK SALE-ONE oF TH E FI N EST F country places near Seranton; laro modern honsn anil line grounds, M UN. M A I! Y AYLESWORTH, Clarke (ireen, l'a. For Rent. l'OU KENT - FROM Ai'Kll, I. LARUE I brlok lioinie. 424 .Mulberry street; all mod ern appliiiuces. Inquire 243 N. Washing Ion av, nue. Vorre1t-tenTi66m all II modern couvouieiicos. Inquire at 1223 Washburn si. Cl BEEN RIDOK.-OOOD EIOIIT ROOM I home. Apply 80.' Marlon St. IORRENT-ONE HALF DOUBLE HOUSE I 715 yuimy avenm. Rent reasonable. Opposite jlosos Tnylor Hospital. I.'OK RF.NT-ONESIX ROOMHOUSE, LEE J court Inqulve 02:1 Adams avo. i;OR IlENT-NIUFuH FURNISHED HALL 1 suitnble for lodge rooms. JOHN JEM JI YN, 110 Wyoininit ovenue. t"'OR RENT-THK PRKSIlsES RECENTLY J1 neeunied bv The Sernnt'.n 'I rili no.known its t ho Hl oHei' Ruililing, comer of Si.rtu-o St. and 1 0:111 uve. I'ossessi'in eiveu iimuediarely. The preml es consist of the b, tiding in I ho rear of the building mi the coiner of spruce treet and 1 enn iivennc. tntc her with the i'S'-onieiit. nnd uUo th entire lottrtli floor of the corner building. Cnu I e rented for Lodge Purposes as well us public meetings. Siz-s of hall. 2xMl with a a rnnd lull on same HfMir. Ssx.-'S. For pnrticulMM inqiilm on tlio premises, f Rudolph Blucser, or at the office of ThJ tcranlon Tribune. FOR BEMT, Tlio upiHT Two Asscm Uly Halls in our modern building, corner Lacka wanna and Penn Avcs.. being; 50 feet front and nearly 100 feet deep, with steam heat and passenger elevator, lo let. Will al ter entrance to Lacka wanna avenue, and adapt floors for school, oilice, gallery or light business purposes. THE SAMTERS. Medical. LA IMF.! ChlcSoster'a Englii.i Pennyroyal Pill LtH.niosd Brawn, are the Best. ;. Tik li OUi.r. S4li3 4t-., lumps, Lr .rUcsUrk ' RfUrf A SURE CURB FOR RHEUMATISM Warranted to cure 609 out of every 1,000; two doses will take the worst case of Inflam n story out of bed. $2.00 per pint bottle. Manufactured and sold hy MRS. -DR. HAMILTON. US Northasaptoa Street, Wllkes-ttarre. Pa. and for tale at 116 New York St., tinea Rldfe. BCRANTON, PA. & Special Interest Now are the EL.TS TRY US. 602-604 LACKi AVE., COB. Will Agents Wanted. AUKNTS WANTED Tt) SELL CiOARS; (75 per mouth salary and expenses paid. Address, with two cent stamp, FlUAKO Cl OAK CO., Cnioaeo. A If ANTED TWO 4H)0D MEN TO SELL tea and coffee ou comuiiiblon in and around Scrauton; will furnish each with a horse and wiikmi and pay 20 per cent, eoui iniwion : a small bond required. For particu lars address C. C, Tribune olflce. A"" GENTS-TO SELL6UBI ACTUAL Kold, silver, nickel and copper electro platers: price from S3 upward; (alary and ex- Scorn's paid: outllt free. Address, wltb stamp, IICH It AN MFU CO Chlcag. AGENTS TOSELLCIQARS TO DEALERS; $2". weekly and exiwuaea; eiperienns un necessary. CONSOLIDATED UFO. CO., 43 Van Burea St., Clueairo. SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LIME; 25 per cant, commission; sample book mailed fres. Address L, N. CO.. button L, New York. A T ON CE AGENTS Al'POl NTEl) TO sell new liKhtnins aellliiK table cloth. mos quito and house fly liquid at 10 cents and 25 rents n In-tln. Samplo free. BOLQ1ANO M'F'OCo.. Baltimore, (Id. A GENTS II IN DE'S PATENT UNIVK hV sal Hair Curlers and Wavers (used with out heat I, nnd "1'yr Pointed" Hair Fins. Lib iral commissions. Free sample and full par tieulars. Address P. O. Box 4 SO, Now York. Soeclal Notices. I'UE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR. 1 You want this rello. Contains all of Frank Leslie's famous old War Plctures.ahow iua- the forooa tu actual battle, sketched on the spot. Two volumes, 2.0UU pictures, Mold on eusy monthly payment. Delivered try ex rress coiuplote. all charxea prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY. 022 Adams Ave., Seranton, Pa. 1)1. ANE BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAC1A Jl slues, ttc.. bound or rebound at Tna TuiiiUNM atbeo. (JuUk work. Reasonable prices. Stockholders' Meeting, rI,HE ANSCAL MEETING OF THE STOCK 1 bu.dcrs of tin. DU-kson Mannfncturin Company for tile election of ofliecrs, aud the consideration of such other business as may be brouicht before them, wilt be held at the offlco of the company in Seranton on Wednes day, the llth day of March next, at 10 n'clook a. m. WM. H. 1'EltKINB. Secretary. Seranton. February 21. 1800. VOTICE-THE ANNUAL MEETING OF I the stockholders of The Ijickawanna Iron and Steel Company, for the election of directors and transaction of such other bml uess as may properly come beforo the meet ing, will be held at the office of the company, in the eltv of Seranton, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday. March 4. IMfti. at 2 o'clock p. m. Th:. rolls will roinnin oisn for oue hour. The transfer books will be closed mi February 23, lf'Jj, and reopened on March 5, 1808. J. P. HIOOINRON, Secretary. Seranton, Pa.. Feb 20. IKHti. Clairvoyant. MADAME AUBREY. GREATEST LIVING clairvoyant in tlio world; tells past, present and future. Oil Mulberry street. Fcc'ater's Notice. REGISTER'S NOTICE TO ALL LEGA tees, creditors and ntlior parsons inter ested, notice Is hereby given that the follow itiK num. d person lisve Bled their accounts in til. itli'-A f the Register for tbo probate of wills and arautltis; letters of administration in nnd for the county of i.ackawanua, that aid uilniinistrutcr, i i H-utnrs and tritardisns have settled their accounts In the oftlce of the a'd U (niter, and ih.it th umi will be pre sjtited to the Orphan' Court of snid county on Monday, Meruit 231, ll. at III o'clock a. in., at tha ( ourt Housj for cutitlrinatlou. 1. Mum ret McDonald, administratrix of Will aiu McDonald, defeased. 2. Msrtln Nenry, administrator of Thomas P. Nearv, deceas.'il. II. Freil 1 oti rs. administrator of John F. Peters, deceased. 4. Joseph 1. I iikiiu, administrator of ( batles T. Cojran, deceased. ft. William Dauinan. nlministratcr of Cath. ar ne Bauinan, decrss:ul. i. Major M. Wardoll, executor of Edward Warden, deceased. 7. Oconee Sherman, exocator of Hannah Iiilig-lli.l'f. ile -e 'eil. 8. I'lorinds Menule. administratrix of Jacob MetlKle. deceased. , . 0. K.nal acciint or W. S. Vail. euard:an of EdPh J. HolT.-r. Adie M. Holier and Harry V. lie IT r, luiut r children of Josluh Holler, de ceased ltL butinie M. Can. n..,,M n I u. tr. .Ii-e.-lsed. 11. Second oartialacconntof Mary E. Jones, Thninas E. .Iu:ie nnd i:.lwa:-.l S. Jones,, xe.-u-tors aud trustees of Edwsrd J nnw. ilecssed. 12. 'lhird partial acini tit of Mary E. Jones, Thomas E. Jones ami Kdwar.l M. .lotiei. execu tors and trustees of Edward Jones, deceased. I I. W. (I. Jenkins, executor of Junes Jenk ins, decasi-'d. 14. lVn.niiah Murphy, administratrix of W. W. I'orphy, deceased. 15. Paul K. Weltwl and Joslab Palf, execu tors ol C. A. Smith, deceased. 10. rrauk E. Hvan. adminlstratjr of Kitty Rank, ne- McKe lie, deceased. 17. Reuben H. Gillingham admlalstrator of Frankliu J. Powell, deceased. Is. Charles Oardner, executor of Sarah J. Hupkius. decead. 10. Antteline S. Swlnffl. administratrix of ErsstnsC. SwinKle. deceased. 20. Emily S. buiitb, survivluf executrix of Johns. Smith, deuennsd. 21. Oeoriie II. hinith and W. F. Erhardt, ex ecutors of Joel O. Smith, deceased. 22 George M. Shelly, executor of William Shelly, deceased. 23. John .1. Fabry, tirelvlnir executor and trustee of P. C. Callahan, deceased. 24 Caroline Hrouks, administratrix of Da vid P. Brooks, deceased. 25. John J. Mulrooney, administrator of Thomas Riley, deceased. 2rt. v. illiam E. Lloyd, If. D.a executor of Rachel Nicholas, dceased. 27. Lackawanna Trust and Safe Deposit Co., guardian of Nellie Mulier. 28 Fourth and partial account of Rosanna O. Tripp. E?r H. Hippie and Everett W.rreu, trustees of the estate of Ira 1 ripp. deceased, 2V. W. B. Bwlck, administrator of Aiaatoo Vank, deceased. W. B. HOPKINS, Hegisler. Wallace New 2&ouru UPHOLSTER FURNITURE Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, Hake Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Spring Sell Iron Beds, Situations Wanted. A NTED POSITION BY YOUNG LADY as stenoe-raoher and tvDewriter: can also assist on books, experlenoed; host refer ences. Address STLNOUBAPUKR, lo8 N. Byde Park avenue. CITITATION WANTED AS BUTCHKH, BT O tine who thorouitlily understands laewt business: can command a Rood trade; prefer to work in cash market; with good habits nod tint class reference. V. UORUAN, MM Wast Market street. rfPATION WANTED BY FIRST UP March as collector, by one of businvea qualm. -a! ions; well used to city and out of city; with icood habits and reference. Ad dress MORGAN, .HX W. Market street CITTtToN WANTED BY A YOL'N( Kiel to do freneral housework In a small family. Address L. E. , II.". N. Fillmore a ve. 4J ITUTtION" W ANTEb-BYXNTxpEKI-l euced man as salesman, bookkeeper or shipping clerk; best references: wholesale trade preferred. Addross U. A. L , Tribune) oilice. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG LADY as clerk; has bad experience In dry goods and shoes, also In office work; can furnish reference if required: la anxious to obtain a p.iiton. Adilr" ANXIOUS, 't'rllmne ofrltw. Lost. f OST-A BULL TERRIER D"G, WITH lj fawn spots; name "Gecko." Finder w ill be rewarded by returning same to 537 Monroe avenue T. C. VON STORCU. Business Opportunity. C1KIPPLK CHEEK INVESTMENTS-RE- liable Information, with Crippe Creek map free: 3 years on around : 1300,000 capital. The Woods lnrestmsut Co. , ColoradoSpriuns, 4'olo. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. Schedule In KHect May 10. leos Trains Leave Wilkes- Darre at Follows 7.25 a. m., week days, for Sunbury Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington, and for Pitts burg and the West. 10.15 a. m., week days, for Hxzleton. Pottsville, Reading, Norristown and Philadelphia; and for Sun bury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, and Pitts burg and the West. 3.17 p. m., week days, for Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 4.40 p. m., Sundays Only, for Sun bury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pitts burn and tho West. 6.00 p. m., week days, for Hazlston and Pottsyille. J. R. WOOD, Oen'l Pass. Agent. S. M. PREVOST. Uentral Manager. Central Railroad of Kcvr Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, insuring- cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. IT, 1893. Trains leave Seranton for Pi Us toil, Wllkee-Barre, etc at 8.20, 9.15, 11.30 a. m., 1.20. 2.00, 3.05. 5.00, 7.10 p. m. Sundays, S.iM a. m., 1.00. 2.15. 7.10 p. ni. r-nr Atlantic Ciiy. 8.20 a. m. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, t.m (express) a. m., 1.20 (express with Buf fet parlor car), 3.05 (express) p. m. Sun day, 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 1.20 p. ru. arrives at Philadelphia, Rending Terminal, li 21 p. m. and New York 8.45 p. m. For Munch Chunk. Allentown, Bethle hem, Easton and Philadelphia. 8.20 . m.. 1 20. 3.04, 5.00 (except .Philadelphia; p. xd. Sunday. 2.15 p. m. . For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, ate., t 8.20 a. m.. 120 p. m. For Reading. Lebanon and Harrlsburg;, via Allentown, 8.20 a- m., 1.20, 6.00 y. xu. Sunday. 2.15 p. m. For Pottsville, 8.20 a. m., 1.20 p. m. Returning, leave New Tork, foot of Lib erty street. North River, at 9.10 (express) a. in.. 1.10. 1 30. 4.80 (express with Buffet parlor can p. m. Sunday, 4 SO a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal. 9.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday 0.-7 a. m. Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application In tJ vauve to the ticket agent ut the station. H. P. BALDWIN. Gen. Hats, Agent. J. II. OLHAtTSEX, Gen. SupC DEIjA WARES AND -ItLUSON RAII. KOAD. Commencing Monday, a vfTsv jj aVTJ- PiT Ju y 30. ail trains win f II flS" wanna avenue station Wmf r as follows: It" Trains will leave Bcran ton station for Carbondale and IMerTns dlate points at 2.20, 5 45 7.00, 25 and W.1S a. m.. 12.00. 2.20, 3.65. 615. e.la. t.iu. ( ID and l'i?orP'Farvlew. Waymart and Honesdals) at 7 00. .a and 10.10 a. m.. 12.00, 2 20 and CIS PFor Albany. Saratoga, the Adirondack nd Montreal at 5.45 a, m. and 2.20 p. m. For Wilkes-Barre and Intermediate) nolnt at 7 45. 8.45. 38 and 10 45 a. m.. I2.u5, 120 2 3. 4 00. 6.10, S.05. 9 lo and 11.38 p. m. Trains will arrive at Hcranton station from Carbondale and Intermediate point at 7 40. 8.40, 9.34 and 10.4O a. m.. 12.00, 1.17. tM 140 4.54, 6.55, 7.45. 9.11 and 11.3a p. m. From Hooesdale, Waymart and Far. view at 9.S4 a. m., 12 00, 1.17, 1.40, 6.(6 aid 7 46 p. to. From Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etc.. at 4.64 and 11.33 p. m. .... From Wllkes-Barre and Intermediate rolnts at 116, 8 04, 10.06 and 11.66 a. m., LII 14, 139. 6.10. 6.0. 7.20. t.0 and U.1S. SB.