The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 26, 1896, Image 1

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S&le of
The Season
The choicest housekeeping linens tha
the world's niuniifucuiiers produce at
prices luiver than the makers expected to
Bet for them Hum the jobbers, it's a
great upport unity for money saving", ana
it chance to secure' Table Linens. Nap
kins ami Towels of superb uuulity. at
prices Mii.h as you nsuully pay for gi;ules
that uie ut best 110 better than fairly
good. The list Kiibmllteil here In too
lenitlhy to :nlmlt of full descriptions, but
we. earnestly Invite every housekeeper ill
the valley to t-all and look the slock over.
It represent m muiilhs of successful effort
on our part to outdo our own bent pre
vious recorils) in this annual Hale, and the
result Is so nullsfactory that we're both
surprised unii delighted with It.
No room for anything else w ith so much
that Is rich In value exquisite in, de
sign und quality before ns.
Cream Linen Table
All new. Higher prices represent the
finest goods manufactured, with napkma
to match. None are low grade.
00 In. wide 21e.
C4 In. wide
fitf In. wide -Kate
In. wide
W In. w ide 3-'e.
72 In. wide 67c.
72 In. wide '!'c-
72 In. wide 7jc.
Bleached Linen Damask.
4fi In. wI.Ip S.
'd In. wide ..:.
r.s in. wide ':
112 in. wide ---
HS In. wide ",Hc.
72 in. wide 87'ie.
72 ill. wide '':
Kxlra Double Iiamusk Table Linen, 72
Inches wide. tl.'M und J1.00.
Napkins in nil sizes to match.
High Class Towels,
Lower qualities ut reduced prices if you
want them.
ITiK dozen ltleached Huek, fancy bor
ders, ISe, a talr.
At) dozen Bleached Huck, Hemmed fancy,
25c. n pair.
!.". dozen Damask Towels. White or
Fancy Colored Holders, very extra, 2ou.
a pulr.
to dozen lllearhed Damak Towels, red,
blue or plain borders, knotted fringe, Site,
a pair.
to dozen Heavy Damask Towels, blue,
red or mild borders, 37'ac pair.
411 dozen. IHeuchcl Damask Towels, knot
ted fringe, plain or fancy border, ST'.c. a
45 dozen extra large and heavy Damask
Towels, Rleut-heil, 4."e. a. pair.
"." dozen extra iiunlity Bleached Huck
Towels, Jlem-Silched. fancy, 4,'ic, a pair.
2" dozen extra line and large Damask
Towels, knotted fringe, borders, assorted,
81c. each.
20 dozen very extra quality Bleached
Huck Towels, Hein-Btltched, exquisite
Damask borders, etc., 36c. each.
Ii dozen very large size Birds Eve
Bleached Linen Towels, Hum-fitttched,
very fine, 75c. a oair.
10 dozen new Idea Rlearhad Linen Pa
mask Towel, two rows open work, knot
ted fringe, SOV. each.
10 dozen in a tch less Blenched Damask
Towels, knotted fringe, broad diamond
net work, border, 65c. each.
Great Table Napkin Sale.
All finer Damasks referred to above nre
exactly matched, but the sale Includes be
sides these every make, size and quality
In the trade. I.aek of space alone pre
vents details being given here.
Scotch and Russian Crash
All qualities. Bleached and unbleached.
Prices way down.
Bargains in White Bed
Hemmed Crochet Quilts, Marseilles
patterns C9
lMtita Crochet Quilts, Marseilles
HeniniHil Crochet QiiiVtV MaVaeiilea
JU 1 1 till
Hemmed Crochet Guilts. M
pattern i.ln
jiemnien v roc-net yams, .Marseilles
1'iti tern j
Marseilles Quilts, large and heavy'. L:!7i&
Marseilles yullls, large and heavy.. l.f.5'
Mn rue I lies Quilts, large and heavy.. l.ta
The above represent the best-known
makes, and he puttwrns are the very new
est. In point of value we've never seen
their equal.
Duree Satin Finished
. A new thing In America, but Ionic known
aa the representative high-class Bed
spread of Britain. Three extra lurge size
at $2. 12.35 and 12.95.
These prices) during- Bala only.
riuslin and Sheetings.
4-4 Unbleached (Pnele Remus)
4-4 1'nbleu.ohed Atlanta P
4-4 Unbleached "Atlantic H"
4-4 TTnbleached "Atliuitlc A"
4-4 Bleached "Fearless"..
4-4 Bleached "Hill"
4-4 Bleached "Lonesdale"
4-4 Bleached "Fruit of the Loom"":
B-4 I'nbleached "loekwood"
9-4 ITnbleached "I-ockwood".' '
B-4 Bleanhed "Loukwood"..
fpO-lnch Blea-ohed "Lockwood"
-4 BleacheJ "ockwood,...
r-4 Bleached. T'tloa or N. V Milis"'
l-4 Bleai-hed, T'tlca or N. Y. MilbV
-4 Bleached. lHcn or N. V. Mills
- i n-nieacneci, i tlcaor N. Y. Mills
J0-4 TTnbleached, Ftlcaor N. Y. Mills
10-4 pleached "Lockwood"
Notwlthsta.ndlng this bis; arrav of fig
urea and facta We've only told you half
the gooa thins that await you at this
Greatest of our Great Sales.
Sate open Friday, Feb. 21, and conUnuea
tea days only.
Congrcssman-at-Laifjc Declines o
Samuel Davenport, James S. Beacon and
Ueorge V. Lawrence No me J as -Successors-'!
ho Preference of
Mr. Quay Is a .Mystery.
rteelul to the Scranton Tribune.
Washington. 1- Feb. 2r.. Con
gressman ilnfl' is out with a curd de
clining to be a candidate for renum
inutUni. Colonel Huff lias been in re
ceipt of letters from ull sections of
the state ni'K liitf him to be a cuinlldate
to succeed himself, but on uccount of
his many und varied business interests
lie has concluileil not to onter the race,
lie has neith.-r the time nor the Inclin
ation, Im suys, to enter a contest which
will require his entire time between
now und the meeting of the state con
vention. While he is always ready to
serve the people of Pennsylvania In uny
capacity to which he Is t ailed he does
not feel warranted In ni-Hlectlnji busi
ness for political place fur which he
must tight within party lines.
liurini; his two terms in congress Col
onel Hum" lias been a valued member of
the Pennsylvania, delegation. Hi? Is
one of the hardest workers in fOiiKi'ess
and has endeavored to serve his coti
stituteiits faithfully and well. His re
tirement from congress will be a great
er loss to the state than to Colonel
Huff. Following- Is Colonel Hull's de
clining rcuoiiiliiation:
House of Representatives.
WusiilnKimi, 1). t. Feb. 25,
I desire to say to my friends In West
moreland county um! thioiiKliuiit tho sl:ite
who have personally and by letter given
me UMiiranees of their continued !oidi
rienco and devotion, Ihat my hustles en
gagements lis well as a lack of inclination,
will prevent me entering a contest for any
public olll.e at this lltne. it has been
my privilege und pleasure to represent
this constituency during the last twelve
years in several public capacities, in
which ll lias been my object to serj Hie
people to thtf best of my ability.
In declining to iiKain becuinu a candi
date. 1 wish to express to the many friends
who have ever been ready In give me
their support, my sinct re loyalty and
gratitud, and with continued esteem, I
am, Faithfully yours,
tleorgo p, Unit,
There is considerable? speculation
ntnontr politic-lulls tonight " to whom
will be nominated for congressman-at-larffc
from (he western end of the state,
to succeed Colonel Hud". Among' the
names mentioned are Samuel JJaven
port, of Krle; James S. Beacon, of
Westmoreland, and lion. flcoiKe V.
Lawrence, of Washington. The latter
claims to have the promise of Sena
tor Quay's support, but the friends of
Mr. Quay say that he bus expressed
no preference. W. It. B.
Senate Committee Submits a lleport Ask
ing for on Appropriation of 80,000,-000-Propcrty
to De Protected.
Washington. Feh. 23. Chairman
Squire, chairman of the senate com
mittee on fortitlcutlons. today submit
ted the report of that committee on the
bill before it to the senate. The ques
tions involved have been under
for several weeks, ami many o he
chief ollicers of the army ami navy
have been before the committee to urge
the passage of some adequate meas.
tire looking to the thorough formica
tion of our sea coast.
It Is set forth that In the cities clustering-
about New York there is prop
erty valued ut four billions, within
reach of the gruns of n hostile fleet fly
ing in the upper bay of New York. Not
one-tenth of the necessary defenses for
that port have been completed although
Its harbor is better protected thun any
oilier in the I'nite States. The aggre
gate v.tlue of destructible property ex
posed at the twenty-seven principal
seaports of the country, not Including
those of the great lakes, is found to
amount to $10.iHMj.(KK,tiie.
The contrast between the cost of
preparation and the cost of war itself
is one of I lie principal considerations
urged by the committee. It Is an ano
niolous state of alfalrs that .-.s great
nation, encircled by a ohuin of foreign
fortresses near Its shores, Is without
the means of resisting an attack from
any one of them.
Although appreciating tho strength
of the navy, the committee think It
would be unsafe to rely exclusively
upon that army for means of defense:
the very existence of the navy would
be Imperiled in case of war with any
great power without the support which
would he afforded It by land defenses.
It was clearly shown by a distinguished
admiral that the expenditure for const
defenses ns compared with that for the
navy should at present be In the ratio
of 114 to 1. and that the ratio should
be Increased in favor of coast defenses
after the expenditure of $100,000,000 for
both purposes.
As a minimum sum. the chief of en
gineers says that eighty millions would
provide an efficient defense, but noth
ing less t'win this would do. There
fore the committee decided to report
In favor of an appropriation of jxo.
000,000. ten millions to lie evallable for
the remainder of the current and the
whole of the next fiscal year, and there
after $10,000,000 per year for each of
the next seven years.
The committee also reports In favor
of two and one-half millions for tor
pedoes. The committee recommends that au
thority be given the chief of ordinance
to contract for forglngs. carriages,
rapid fire guns and projectiles to the
nt 11 76AO0 to be paid out of
the appropriation for the next fiscal
Has No f urther Hcsire to Bo Chairman of
tho state Committee.
Philadelphia. Feb. 2r. It is under
stood that Senator Quay will not be a
candidate for re-election us chairman
of the Republican state committee at
the state convention on April 2:1.
His friends say that even if he should
be neither the nominee for president
nor chairman of the national commit
tee, he would not desire to remain as
the ollli ial head of the state organiza
tion. The position would not have been
sought by him if his adversaries hud
not attempted his lioliticul destruction.
Having, more than accomplished his
purpose, he will let one of his lieuten
ants wear the honors of chairman.
A South Carolina Jury Returns a Verdict
of Not Guilty In 1'avor of Persons Who
Whipped Two Negroes to Heath.
Walterboro, S. C, Feb. 25. The trial
of Dr. W. IS. Ackermau, a white physi
cian, and four associates, or the crime
of whipping" to death a negro and
negress for the alleged offense of steal
ing a Bible from a church, which has
been in progress some days, terminated
at midnight last night in a verdict of
On the night of Deo, 2 last a party of
wlilte men took Hannah Wulker, Rosa
K earse and her husband, lsam Kearse,
all colored, from their homes at Hrox
ton Bridge in this state, tied them to
the backs of their buggies and drugged
them some distance to a awamyi. They
there stripped the negroes and Hogged
them unmercifully with harness traces.
Rosa Kearse was left naked tied to a
tree, but towards morning she got loose
and after finding part of her clothing,
returned to her home. The dead bodies
of the other 'two victims were found in
the swamp a day or two later and the
autopsy showed that they hud died of
shock from their merciless whipping.
Considerable testimony was given by
negroes to the effect that they had
Identified one or more cf the accused
as having been in the party that car
ried the negroes away. Hose Hearse
told a graphic story of the occurrences
of the nigl and positively identified
the accused.
The coroner who made the autopsy
testified that the wounds upon the
bodies were produced by a round or Hat
flexible instrument and were stillicient
to cause death.
The Jury, however, returned a verdict
of not guilty.
.Mr. Ilitl Kcports Resolutions Adopted by
House lorcign Afrairst Committee.
Washington, Feb. 2.".. The resolu
tions censurlnf? Amhassudor Bayurd
for the utterances contained In his late
speeches al Kdinburgli und Huston,
which were adopted several weeks ago
by the house foreign affulrs committee,
were reported to the house this after
noon by Mr. Jlitl. of Illinois, the chair
man of the committee. The preamble
recites the language used by Mr. Bay
urd and continues:
Resolved, That 11 is '.he senae of the
hoiue of representatives tha t Thomas F.
Bayard, ambassador of -the I 'lilted Btal"e
to (ireul Britain, in publicly using liie
language ubove quoted, has committed
an offense aaitist diplomatic propriety
and an abuse of the privileges of hiR ex
alted position, w h icli .should make him the
representative of the whole country and
not of any political party. .Such utter
ances are wholly inconsistent with the
prudent, and scrupulous reserve
wlih h he, himself, while secretary of
state, enjoined upon all diplomatic aitcnis
of 1he l'nited Stales. In one speecii lie
effronts the great body of his country
men who believed In the policy of pro
tection. In the other speech he offends all
of his cuiuurymen who believe that
Americans are capable of self-govcrn-nient.
Therefore, as the immediate rep
resentative of the American people, and
in their iiaine, we condemn and censure
such utterances of Thomas F. Bayard.
Resnlvtil, Further, that in the opinion of
the House of representatives, public
speeelu-s by our diplomatic or consular
ollicers abroad, which display partisan
ship or which condemn any t ! i t i a I party
or party policy or organization of --llbeua
in the I'nlteil States, are in de' of
the duly of such ollicers. Impair 'their use
fulness as public servants und diminish
the conlldciice which lliev should always
command at home und abroad.
The report accompanying the resolu
tions also contains the language coin
plained of: recites the fnet tha- all the
correspondence bearing tmon the sub
ject was transmitted by the president
to the house on Jan. 20 lust, and closes
with the statement that Mr. Ha yard
"did make such speeches and that no
action had been taken thereon."
The committee therefore respectfully
recommend the adoption of the resolu
Kates for tho Opening Oamcs for the
Season Arc Announced Minor League
Magnates Aro Kissatlsf icd.
New York. Feb. 2r.. The nnnual
spring meeting of tho National leugue
of Professional liase Hull clubs was
brought to a close tonight at the Fifth
Avenue hotel. The leagues schedule,
the formation of which Is always the
most Important business of the spring
or "schedule meeting" as It Is generally
known, was given out for publication
at a late hour.
The opening days of the season ure
the same for all clubs A pi ll Ifi. 17 and
Is. In the Kast, Boston will oneii the
season with the Quakers nt Philadel
phia. Brooklyn will set the bull roll
ing with the 'hainnlons at Baltimore
ami the (Hants will stmt the game liv
playing with Washington at t he capital
city. The western cities open ns fof
lows: Pittsliurg vs. Cincinnati at Cin
i innatl; Cleveland vs. St. Louis at St.
Louis and Chicago vs. Louisville at
During the afternoon an adjourn
ment was taken and the mugnutes pre
seteil a mugiiiliceiit silver service to
President and Secretary Nick -oung
on the occasion of the silver annivers
ary of his connection with professional
base hall.
The minor league magnates were
much perturbed over the action wf the
national body In altering the national
agreement in such a manner ns to im
pose new hardships on the lesser or
ganizations. There 'was much bitter
feeling among the representatives and
a meeting was held during the duy to
consider a course of action. It was de
cided to postpone action until March
Hi. when a meeting will be held ut
Washington. I'nder the new national
agreement on the aggregate popula
tion basis some of the minor leagues
will be forced into lower classes than
they are now classed In.
Davenport's boom.
Krle, Pa.. Feb. 25. The Krle county Re
pjubliean committee met today and en
dorsed Quay for president, 8. A. Daven
port for congressman-at-large. Dr. T. L.
Flood, of .Meadvllle, for delegote-at-lai ire.
and tixed Saturday, April 18, for primary
Princess TroiibetWo." III.
Richmond. Vs., Feb. 25. A special to
the Dispatch from Cohsham says the
Princess Troubetzkol (Amelia Rives) Is
very III at her heme, nt Castle Hill.
They Probably Have a Presi
dential Candidate in the Field.
I'nless tha Republican Party Recocnies
Silver, a Third Ticket Will Be
Placed in the Field-Cam-
tron Not a Candidate.
Philadelphia. Feb. 25. The probabil
ity of the silver Kepublicana breaking
away from the retrulur partv candidate
fur president and placing an Independ
ent candidate in the Held on a bimetallic,
platform is rinding: many believers
it is said that the choice of the sll
verites now lies between Senator Teller,
of Colorado, and Wharton Barker, a
llnanrier of Philadelphia, and a pro
nounced bimetallist.
When Senator Cameron announced
that h would not be a candidate for
re-election to the United States sen
ate, it hud been tleclded, It is said, to
make him the candidate of the silver
people: but within the week he is said
to have announced that he will not be
the candidate, inul now there seems to
be a well deilned Impression thut he will
endeavor to return to the senate.
It Is announced from an uulhorltatlve
source that unless the Republican con
vention In St. Louis shall udopt the bi
metallism! plank ut the ratio of laij. to 1
there will be a bolt. The silver people
ar at present attempting to work the
"reform" within the party, but falling
In that they will go before the people.
If the Republican platform Is a gold
platform it will mean three tickets in
the field. The new party will be named
the American party, its principles will
be "hlgrh protection and bimetallism."
and its platform will be the circular to
which Wharton Barker got the signa
tures of sixteen United State senators.
While the new movement Is being
fought with ridicule, as Its supporters
put it the promoters nre not discour
aged. They allege to haw a mass of
endorsements, all of which they will
make public. They allege, too, thut
they hold the balance of power in sev
eral states, notably New York and In
diana and these ale the levers they
will use to attempt to compel the Ito-piililit-un
convention to adopt a plank
In the idatform 111 the Hue of what Is
commonly culled free silver. Those
capable of expressing an opinion as
to the Intention of tin- Republican party
do not for a moment believe that it
will commit itself to anything but a
gold platform, und tho silveritos seem
to think the sunie way. for it Is Indirect
ly admitted that plans are made to
hold the silver onvctitlon In July, and
while the place has not been decided
upon it is not unlikely that it will be In
this city. The effort will be to hold it
somewhere In tin? enst. to show that the
west is not alone vigorous In this new
movement. All the leaders of the party
agree that it Is too early to discuss
the plans the work at present Is con
fined to missionary endeavors in the
Republican party.
It Is also the ariimeiit ulnt an east
ern candidate at tho bead of the silver
ticket, endorsed by prominent eastern
business men, would make the cam
paign of education less difllcult, as such
conditions would promote inquiry, and
thus more easily attract study.
Garcia. Uiierra, HtiRhcs and Others Ar
raigned on Charge of Violating Interna
tional Laws in the Interest of Cuba.
New York, Feb. 25. At the examina
tion before Commissioner Shields this
afternoon 1'ntted States District At
torney MacFailane directed tho lull
ing of tienen.l Calixto farcin, fap
tu in Hiifthes, lienjamln Ouerra. Cap
tain Hrabuzon and John D. Hart. The
Ilrst four through their counsel were
granted a lost ponemenl until March 3
at 3 o'clock in the afternoon, but John
1). Hurt asked for u speedy hen ring.
"I can furnish no bail,' he suid, "and
must be locked up while held."
His examination was set down for
Friday next.
The bail of fJarcia. fiuerrn. and
Hughes was HxeO nt $1,500. Ceneral
(lUrcia and Captain Hughes were sub
sequently arraigned upon another
count, the two charges Including the
"Hawkins" and the "Bermuda" fili
bustering. Additional bail of ?C00 each
was rep ui red on the second charge. The
charges against the five accused were
made in the name of the l'nited States
but the additional charges against Gen
eral ilarelaand Captain Hughes were
brought by the Spanish consul, (ieneral
Art tiro Haldshea Y. Topete. Upon con
sent of District Attorney MarFarlane
the deposit of a cash ball bond In .the
case of Ocpcrul (Jnrcia, Captain
Hughes. Captain ISnrhnzon anil Benja
min Ouerra wits accepted and they
were set at liberty.
John I). Jlart at first refused to be
bailed. Hut he Dually consented and was
allowed to go free.
Oeneral (iarcla, Captain-Hughes and
Benjamin (luerra each furnished their
own bail. Donald McNeil became
bondsmen for Captain (irabazon. Hart's
bail cutne from Cuban headquarters.
Attorncv bencrol McCorinick Refuses
Writ Araiust a Company Store.
Hanisburg. Pa.. Feb. 25. Attorney
Cieiiet al Mi Coi inii k today refused a
writ of ouo warranto against the Cam
bria In ii company, which was charged
by C. A. Fiank anil other citizens of
Johnstown with conducting a "coin
puny store," contrary to law under the
firm title of "The I'enn Traffic Com
pany." All the allegations were spe
eilically denied by the company, which
says that it has no Interest in the store
In question or any "company store."
The attorney general says he is but;
following- the to-net Ice of the depart
ment in refusing a writ when no prima
facie case has been made out.
Three Hours in Jail and a l ine, for Cold
llloodctl Murder.
Washington. Feb. 25. Miss Elizabeth
Flagler, daughter of General Flagler,
chief of ordinance. United States Army,
who. about a year ago. shot and killed
a colored bov who was stealing lieu is
from her father's warden, wns brought
mi In the criminal court' this morning
to answer to an indictment for man
slaughter. The hearing was brief and
resulted in a verdict of guilty.
Miss Flagler was sentenced to three
hours in the District jail. and a fine of
When a Rascal Stopped Her She Nearly
Paralyzed Him.
Karris town. Pa., Feb. 25. The nu
merous outrages upon women and girls
In this town, has caused many of them
to carry pistols. Miss Mary Jacobs is
one of these and she Is a lucky girl in
consequence. Several nights ago Miss
Jacobs, who Is a daughter of Allan
Jacobs, was returninif to her home
about 9 o'clock, when Bhe noticed a man
following her.
When she reached her home and was
ascending the steps, the rascal grasped
her by the shoulders. She turned und
from her coatpocket drew a revolver,
the muzzle of which she thrust Into her
assailant's face. The scoundrel nearly
dropped In a faint, but he recovered
and hastily lied.
Citizens of l.tucrno Are Victims of
Wltchcraft-Tho llichly Colored Herald
Wilkes-Pnrre, Feb. 2f.. The corre
spondent or tho New York Herald from
this city gives nil account of a genuine
instance of witchcraft unequalled since
the days of Cotton Mather:
Although the residents of Kin pi re, a
suburb of this city, never heard of Cot
ton Mather, they claim they known all,
and more than they wunt to, about thut
peculiar condition of the supernatural
commonly culled witchcraft. They have
had so much trouble over it that they
will invoke the niil of the law in the
matter, and endeavor to have the cause
of the trouble removed from the com
munity. Tho witch in the case is a man,
Oeorge Kvans, a boss at the F.mplro
mine. Ho is accused of being in leugue
with tho Old Nick. The man who
mukes the direct charge against Kvans
is John Ciiffrey, employed us a miner
at the Kmplre colliery, and working
under the direction of Kvans. Cafl'rey
says that about a month ago Kvi'.ns
wanted to buy his cow. Ciiffrey re
fused to sell, whereupon Cnffrey says
that Kvans said: "Well, you can keep
your old cow. but I will tlx her. She ll
never be any good to you any more."
The next day when Caffrey returned
from work his wife met him. and with
tears in her eyes exclaimed that the
cow would give no milk. It was so.
Duy uftcr day faftrey waited for the
cow 'to give her milk, but without avail.
At the end of a week he went to Kvans
and asked him why he wanted to in
jure him. Kvans replied that he would
injure him more than he had the cow if
Caffrey was not careful. He renewed
his request for the cow' and increased
his offer. Cnffrey again refused.
A few days after two of Cn (Troy's
children were taken sick: then his wlfo
was prostrated by a peculiar Illness.
A physician was called nnd he said he
did not know what the trouble was. but
that It was not serious. Nevertheless
Mrs. Caffny was confined to her bed
for a week and one of the children is
still sick.
Then Cnffrey had some narrow e
cupes In the mines, a blast going off
near him one day, and on several occa
sions musses of loose rock and coal
falling from the roof dangerously near
him. All these things he attributes to
the spells which Kvans has cast upon
him, 'and his neighbors thoroughly
agree with him.
So Intense has the feeling become in
the last few days that Kvans has been
compelled to keep In his house as
much us possible, fearing that he might
be mobbed If he ventured out.
Calumet aud llccln Copper Workers
Have Penetrated Nearly 5,000 I'cct
Houghton. Mich., Feh. 23. At the
greatest depth ever attained In the
world, the miners at the Red Jacket
shaft of the Calumet und lleola copper
mine hove stopped work, having com
pleted the new Bhaft to the required
depth, 4.U00 feet, to the conglomerate
lode, and the limit ot the company's
underground territory. The shaft was
started In the fall of 1SXII. and has been
pushed continuously ever since. It is
tho most costly undertaking ever car
ried out by a mining company In
America. It Is also the largest shait In
the world.
It Is 14 by 22'-j feet Inside, divided
into six compartments, and timbered
throughout with Georgia pine. More
than 10.liii0.000 feet of timber was re
quired In the work. At the shaft there
Is already in place the most powerful
machinery known to mines, consisting
of two pair of triple expansion en
gines, each of 3.000 horse powerand cap
able of raising 10 tons 3.000 feet per
minute. There remains only the con
struction of a steel shaft house before
the shaft will be In commission. Dur
ing its construction but one serious
fatality occurred, that being the death
of ten men by mistake in signals by the
Examination In Case of tha Boomer and
Comrades Is Adjourned a Fortnight.
London.-Feb. 25. Dr. Jameson, with
his ollicers was taken off the steamer
Victoria by a police launch, which
reached Waterloo Pier, at 6.30 p. in. A
large crowd had gathered at the pier
anil when Jameson appeared he was
loudly cheered. Tim party entered tw
omnibuses which conveyed them to the
Bow street police court. The cheering
crowd running alongside the vehicles
throughout the journey.
Upon their arrival at the Row street
police court Dr. Jameson and his com
rades were promptly arraigned before
the magistrate upon the charg- of war
ring against a friendly state. After
hearing evidence brlelly the magistrate
adjourned the examination for a fort
night, releasing Jameson and the others
upon their own recognizances of 2,000
pounds each.
mruM inoi's combine.
Soft Coal Dealers lorin a Tide Water
Philadelphia. Feb. 2.". Representa
tives of the six bltuminoiM coal dis
tricts composing the new tidewater as
sociation known as the Bituminous Coal
Trade association, met here today in
the olllce of the Berwind-White Coal
Mining company, and with on excep
tion signed the new pooling agreement
regulating the production of the vari
ous districts and the tidewater prices.
The- question of fixing the price of
coal was not taken up at today's meet
ing, but It is understood that the ex
ecutive committee of the association
will iix the rate nt $2.25 f. o b. of ves
sels at Norfolk. Newport News, Balti
more and Philadelphia for shipment be
yond the Delaware and Chesapeake
Good Work in the Interest of Pure l ood
at Altonna.
Harrisburg, Pa.. Feb. 25 Mr. Hutch
inson, of the Dairy and Food commis
sion, has returned from Altoona. where
he secured a largo number of milk
samples which he susnected of being
adulterated. They are being analyzed
at the state college.
He also secured five specimens of
oleomargarine. Two grocers appeared
befor.Aldermnn Jackson here last night
and pleaded guilty to dealing in oleo
margarine. They were lined $100 und
costs each.
I'nruly Pupils Dismissed.
Harrisburg. Pa.. Feh. 25. The Soldiers'
Orphans eommissslon has discharged
from the Scotland Industrial school the
hslf dozen pupils who did not prove amen
able io discipline. Their places will be
tilled by 4he oldest applicants on hand.
F.very mall brings many applications for
whom room oannot be made.
An Attempt to Bring Up the House
Tariff bill Causes a Wrangle.
Mr. Sherman Makes an Earnest Appeal
for He venues Cuban Dellicerency
I-eolation Cons dored -Contested
l.lection Case in the House
Washington, Feb. 23. There was
quite an animated scene in the senate
today over the second attempt to have
the bouse tariff bill taken up for con
sideration. Notwithstanding the defeat
of that proiHiuitton on the lot ii of Feb
ruary by u vote of 21 to 29, Mr. Morrill
(Rep.. Vt.) chairman of the finance
committee, felt It his duty to renew
the attempt, but the motion was defeat
ed today by a atill larger majority
22 to 33.
The Democratic voters were all
against the motion und they were
backed by the votes of five Republican
senators Messrs. Cannon, of Utah;
Carter and Mantle, ot Montana; Du
bois, of Idaho, and Teller, of Colo
rado: nnd by the votes of Ave populists
Messrs, Allen, of Nebraska; Jones
and Stewart, of Nevada; Kyle, of South
Dakota, und PefTer, of Kansas. After
the. announcement of the vote, Mr. Mor
rill stated that he would make no fur
ther attempt to get up the bill; that
It was hopelessly defeated; and that
It w as' now perfectly obvious that the
Republican larty was In a minority in
the senate.
Mr. .Morrill's remurks'were construe
by Mr. Tellsr (Rep., Col'.) as lndlcatlngf
a purpoee torea,d tho Republican silver
senators out of the party, and Mr. Tel
ler made an angry and defiant speech,
on that point. Mr. Sherman (Rep.
Ohio) tried to relieve the question ut
all partisan considerations, and ap
pealed to senators not to Inflict such a
disgrace on the country and on civil
ization us to adjourn congress Without
making- a provision to supply the treas
ury with sufficient revenues, and said
that ho would even favor, and the
people would willingly pay, a tax on
tea and coffee, or on anything else
for thut purpose. The discussion !to-vd
Into the cross-channel of bimetallism,
and monometallism; and in the course
of it Mr. Piatt (Rep., Conn.) expressed
the belief that the Republican party
would go Into the next campaign on
tho doctrine of bimetallism us laid
down In the last platform of the party,
and that when the Bllver monometal
llsta proposed to antagonize protection
with the unlimited coinage of silver,
the death knell of that delusion and
erase hud been struck.
The last three hours of the day's ses
sion were given up to the consideration
of the Cuban belligerency resolution.
Mr. Morgan (Dem., Ala.) concluded his
three days' speech in support of the
resolution ns reported from the com
mittee on foreign relations. And Mr.
Gray (Dem. Del.) another member of
the same committee, while denouncing
Spanish rule In Cuba and declaring the
warmest sympathy with the re olutlon
Ists, argued thut the declaration of bel
ligerency was solely an executive func
tion und outside of the constitutional
power of congress.
Without action on the resolution the
senate at 5 p. m. adjourned until to
The house toduy entered upon con
sideration of the first contested elec
tion esse in which there was a division
of the elections committee upon the
llndlng that of Van Horn vs. Tarsney,
from the Fifth district of Missouri.
There was, besides the division of the
committee on political lines, the separa
tion of one of tin members of the mu
Joiity Mr. Taylor (ep.. O.l from the
recommendation made by it that the
contestant. Van Horn, be seated, in
stead of Tarsney, who now occupies it.
He airreed with the minority, which did
not express an opinion, but recommend
ed that the case be reopened for a
count of the ballots in the disputed pre
cincts of Kansas City, where the frauds
were committed, noon which the ma
jority based its recommendation.
before taking up the election case the
house passed the Indian appropriation
bill without further discussion, the
paragraph relating to the purchase of
the title of tin? Ogden Land company. In
the Allegheny, und Cattaraugus Indian
reservations in tiie state of New York,
having been stricken out by ununlmous
North Carolina Neighbors Pay the I.sst
Tribute of Kcspect.
Fletcher, N. C, Feb. 25. Nearly 300
people crowded Calvary Episcopal
church to puy their last tribute of re
spect to Kdgur W. Nye. The altar and
chancel were draped with evergreens,
the worit of neighbors. The services
were conducted by Rev. H. If. Phelps,
assisted by Rev. Thomas Wettnore.
The nail-bearers were Dr. W.' D. hllll
ard, "K. P. McKlssick, Oliver Rutledge,
Dr. G. W. Fletcher, R. B. Rlake und
W. 10. Breeze. The casket was loaded
with flowers and the sides of the grave
were lined with evergreens. The grave
Is beneath a large white pine and be
sid that of Mr. Nye's child.
Mr. Mitchell, the brother-in-law of
Mrs. Nve. arrived last night from Chi
cago. Mrs. Nye was not able to at
tend the funeral.
Aroused a Family Nearly Overcome by
Coal (ins.
Lebanon. Pa., Feb. 2.". A pet dog
saved the lives of John Mills, bis wife
and their son who reside on Spring
street. After they hnd been asleep for
several hours, the dog's barking and
whining aroused Mr. Mills. He was
almost overcome by a sickening sensa
tion caused by coal gas.
With an effort he rose, threw up a
window and after reviving a little sum
moned a physician, who found the three
members of the family in need of at
tention. The gas which so nearly as
phyxiated the family hud escaped from
the parlor heater.
No One Will Kver Be Indicted for the
killing of an t'nknown.
Huntington. W. Va.. Feb. 23. The
Lincoln county grand jury, now In ses
sion, has examined a large number of
witnesses regarding the killing of the
unknown man In that county who was
supposed o be a Chicago street car
A vote of the body stood eight for
Indictment for murder and eight op
posed. The probabilities are that no
body will ever be Indicted for the crime.
Gold and Mlvcrltcs Will l lcht.
Detroit, Midi., Feb. 25. The Democrat
ic state central committee met here this
afternoon and sebcted Derolt as the place
for holding the state convention to eieot
delegate-t-large for the national con
vention t Chk-ago. The date 'of the
convention will be April 2D. There will be
a bitter right for the delegates betweea
the gold and silver men.
Dress Goods
Large and Magnlfcent
Stock of
Foreign anid
Unique and exclusive
Our Stock as usual com
prises the Latest Paris
Novelties, and being our
own importation,, the de
signs are exclusive, and
in addition our stock of
Is very complete and we
cordially invite an early
inspection while the lines
; are complete. Elegant
Stock of Latest Trim
510 and 512
Our goc
School Shoes
Are Traale Builders.
Our Winter Shoes must
go. You need the Shoes;
we need the room.
114 AM) 110 WYOMINS AVE.
00 TO
For your Wedding and
Birthday Gifts. We are
constantly receiving new
Give us a Trial. Satis
faction Guaranteed.
W. J. Weichel
408 Spruce St,
Near Dime Bank.
the silver lNDuarns.
Representative Brewster's Bill Providing;
Duty of 50 Per Cent.
Washington, Feb. 25. Representative,
Brewster has introduced a bill toj
amend the tariff law, and to protect the
silver industry of the United States.
It provides a duty of 00 per cent. u4
valorem on silver ores, coins, bullion,
sweepings, and ull articles manufao-'
tured wholly or In part ef sliver.
Fer astern Pennsylvania, fair and
er; winds stititltar to eoutawestertyt
Mais, Etc
ITf 1 I