The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 25, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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invaders wttl plase not that advertise
menu, order for Job wwk, and Items (or
rublirailon lrft at tho tstabltahment of
Shannon & Co.. newsdealer. North Main
street, will receive prompt attention; of
fice open from S a. m. to 10 p. m.
Mr. and Airs. Mjcra Calebrata Their
fifteenth Anniveraary.
Over 100 Invitations wore Issued ly
Air. and Mrs. Morcs Myers to their
friends and acquuintanees to Join them
in it'lpbratlng the iif teenth . annivers
ary (if their wedded life. Their pleas
ant home. No. 10 Porter avenue, was the
scene of a brilliant gathering last Sat
urday evening. Music, games and
amusements were Indulged In and a
most pleasant evening was spent.
The gift of the Q. I. A. of the B. of
I K. consisted of a beautiful dinner
and tea set fomprlslng 112 pleees. The
society was represented by the follow
ing persons: Mesdames VV. Hyatt. F.
.'uoii. K. I'opeland, (. Hudson. A. Ilia
tea. O. Histed. J. Baker, Junies C.ul
lughy, J. Moyles, D. Larne. K. T. At
kinson, tl. Dlmmock. W. Blake, T. Ua
vles, o. W. Smith, D. Wilson. O. Ihle
Oeft. V. Bingham, of the society in this
tily; Mesdantea Kayes and Olmievou,
of the Susquehanna auxiliary.
The otit-or-towu guests who were
present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Keyes,
Air. Htid Mrs. McUannon. of Susque
hanna; Mr. and Mrs. Ate Bell. Mis.
William Yoenian and son. Willie. C.
JU. Myers, of fort Jorvls; Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Watts, of Sci-antun: Mrs. Joseph
Kell, Mrs. tleorge Hell. Mr. and Mrs.
Thuinus I'ope, Perry Harding. Miss
Klia Newton, Mrs. Hmlrk:k and
Oaughter, of Perkvllle; Mr. and Mrs.
K. Knslln and B. K. Heeley, of South
Mrs. C. O. Kills Burled Yontcrduy After,
noon-Impressive Services.
The funeral of Mrs. Kills took plaee
yesterday uftcrnoon and at her late
rt-sldeiivu on Wyoming street the Hev.
O. A. Place, of the Methodist Kpis
oupul church, conducted service. Tlie
teiuulim were ronveyed to tho Jer
myu Methodist church where the liev.
T. tilelidule couductud the service. The
sacred edlllce was fi-owded and marks
of mourning were manifest. Mis. Kills
was a very estimable lady.
The pallbearers were Frank Heniel
riglit, George Davis. Frank Diets, Sam
uel Khode, Edwin Meller and John Wil
liams. Out of town people who attended the
funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Roberts,
Ashley, and Mrs. Kdwards, Scranton.
ev. T. V.. Jepson Preaches a .Sermon
Upon (isorge Washington.
At the Hereon Baptist church last
Friday night a very patriotic service
was performed. The Rev. T. K. Jepson
read as a Scripture lesson the thirty
fifth Psalm, which was read by the
Immortal John Adams, at the com
mencement of the first American con
gress, and commented on the beauti
ful pleadings of the Psalmist. Mr.
Jepson took for his text Ksther Iv. 14,
And who knoweth whether thou art
come to the Kingdom for such a time
Ms this?"
The sermon was inspiring and in
structive. Tho singing was beautiful,
etspeclully was the singing ot "Ply
mouth Rock" and the unthem.
A Birthday I'arty.
In commemoration of the tenth birth
clay or Willie (libbs, a number of young
friends met at his home, 1!3 Park street,
last Saturday evening. An enjoyable
evening was spent. Those present were:
.Nellie Ulbbs. Maud K. Collins. Maud A.
Collins, Nellie Downlng.Ella Kstabrook,
l.uura Ulbbs, Katie Uritllths, May
Hules, Clara Moorish and tleorge T.
Hfid Richard Joll. Charles and Willie
libbs. Frank Rates, Fred Moorish,
Herbert Ulbbs. Charles Downing, Willie
Shelly, Willie GiilHUis and Dwlght -Mc-Mullen.
Waltes Comedy company will appear
at the tirund Opera house during the
.week, and the reputation of this band
und orchestra, as well as the Comedy
company. Is such as will insure crowd
ed houses.
Kids for three new bridges over the
Lackawanna river will be opened to
day. Dr. Lowery and Dr. Nllls performed
an operation on John Spaft'ord, of Way
mart, yesterday.
our main streets call for the atten
tion of our official.
The Moosic Powder company will set
tle for the glass broken in this city .
A. R. Jones, Georgi! Mills and Homer
Snlth have entered the fight for the
cleiBshlp to the common council.
Peter Anderson, of the. Hotel Amer
ican, has accepted a position with
Simpson & Watkins.
Thomas Clarke, of Archbald, spent
yesterday in the city.
Dr. D. 1.. Bailey has returned from
New York.
Messrs. JIcAnUiew, Moran and
Scrofula in the Eyes
at well as in very other form, is perma
autly cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla.
"I had scrofula
in my eyes end
tried several phy
iciana but found
no cure. My wife
persuaded ma to
try Hood's Sana
parilla. I had a
choking sensa
tion, wastroubled
with night iweati,
i and had dyspep
sia in very sever
form. After tak
ing Hood's Saraa-
parllla two weeks the choking spells and
dyspepsia troubled me less. I have now
taken several bottles of Hood's Bareapa
rllla and And that I am entirely cured."
William L. Patsb, Berryville, Virginia.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
la the only True Blood purifier Promt
nently in the publio aye. II; six for fS.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood Co.,
Lowell, Mass., V. 8. A.
Hood's Pills m"
1,500 yards of rpeta, from S to 30
Tarda in each ptoo. consisting of
ill following Best Make:
.85 Tapestry Carpet for 35c
1.15 Body Brussels for 50c
1.25 Velvet Carpet for 65c
. 1.15 Mopfte Carpet for 65c
; 1.35 Axmlnster Carpet for 75c
' "'. Term Cash During This Sale.
: 41S Uokawanna Ava,
Miss Jennk Harding, of Wilkes
VJkire, Is visiting in the city.
John Jloche. of Scranton, was a vis
itor In the city yesterday.
Our school has been closed for a week
past on account of the scarlet fever
scare, but as no new cases have oc
curred, it was again opened yesterday.
The sad new was received by friends
here last Friday of the death of Mrs.
Lenlle Bovlngdon. at Philadelphia. The
cause of her demise was pneumonia.
Resides a husband, she leaves four
small children, the youngest being
about one month old. Her remains
were interred at her former home in
Asylum on Saturday. She was a
daughter of the lute Hon. H. Laporte,
who is well and widely known.
This village was cast in gloom on
Friday last when the news reported
that Master lioorge, son ot 10. M.
Pitcher, was dead. The cause of his
death is said to be scarlet fever. The
funeral was held at the house Sunday
morning, the services being conducted
by Hev. S. J. Davis, and interment was
made in the cemetery at this place. Mr.
Pitcher has the sympathy of all In his
sad bereavement.
Mrs. Dr. Durga was called to Mont
rose last Saturday on account of the
death of her brother-in-law, F. Smith,
who died of erysipelas in the head.
Aaron U. Friable, aged 70 years, died
at his home In Orwell last Wednesday.
He was an old soldier and highly re
spected wherever known.
After being a sufferer of creeping
paralysis for many years, Hon. James
it. Webb died at his home in Towanda
last Friday. Hehasserved three terms
as register and recorder of this county,
and six terms In the legislature.
Tho Congregatlonalists cleared about
$45 at their birthday social and enter
tainment last Wednesday night.
The members of dpaldlug post, of this
place, held a family picnic dinner at
their hall on Saturday, which was
largely attended.
V. H. Cogswell, proprietor of the
Table Hock house, ut Skinner's Kddy,
lias purchased the l.e Ruysvillc-l.iicey-vllle
stage route. His brother. F. K.
Cogswell, formerly of Meshoppeli. will
be manager of the route. We under
stand that Mr. Parks, who hns owned
the route, contemplates going into the
livery business.
Mr. and Mrs. K. J. Woodford, of Can
dor, N. Y., are spending u few days
with Mrs. Woodford' parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. S. Baldwin.
The following from this place attend
ed the Kustern Bradford Christian En
deavor convention at Camptown last
Friday: Hev. S. J. Davis. B. W. North
rop, hVI. Bronson, Mr. and Mrs. V. T.
.Morris, Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Gaylord,
Misses Agnes Miller. Mae Cook, Har
riet Uues. Nellie Morris, Anna Brink,
Mattie Johnson.
!. D. Bronson was present at the
Young Men's Christian association con
vention in Towanda last Saturday and
L. K. Allen, of the First National
bank. Towanda. visited his home and
friends here over Sunday.
Married. At Klmlra. N. Y.. on Tues
day evening last. Benjamin Fnssott, of
this place, to Miss Nettle Bennett. The
groom has been a long-time resident
of this place, and now in business here
with his brother. He hits the con
gratulations of a host of friends who
Join in wishing himself and bride a long
and happy Joruney through matri
mony's pathway. They will com
mence housekeeping very soon.
The Christian Endeavor convention
was largely attended at Camptown last
Friday afternoon and evening. The
"cream" of the sessions was enjoyed in
the evening by the 45-mlnute address
by ilev. James Balney, of l-accy villi".
The next meeting will be held at Wysox
in August next. Following were the
ottlcers elected for the ensuing year:
President. P. A. Smith. Camptown:
vice-president, E. W. Oaylord. I.ellays
vllle; secretary. Miss Maud Overton.
Wysox; treasurer, Howell Powell,
Neath. , ,
M. K. Kosenlleld. Towanda s most
popular clothier, has closed his branch
store in this borotiuh.
The following borough ticket was
elected here lust Tuesday, all Republi
can, with the exception of one inspec
tor, who was on the Prohibition ticket:
Judge of election. F. M. Wheaton; in
spector of election, D. S. Baldwin. H.
C. Lyon: constable, George H. Blister;
school director. U. G. Northrop, H. H.
Babcock; high constable, . T. Morris;
auditor, l.llburn Howell: eouncilinen.
one year. G. W. Moore. George l.age;
two veurs. M. K. Warner. G. M. Brink,
three years, G. N Johnson, A. i.
Kockwell, Charles Brink.
Hevnolds Bedford, of Scranton. spent
Sunday with his uncle. Sterling Bed-
fAd U Turner, who has been visiting
friends here, returned to his home at
Binghamton yesterday.
Razors ground and honed at Martin
Bold's barber shop.
A grand entertainment under the uu
splces of Washington camp. No. :;M,
Patriotic Order Sons of America, will
be held at the Methodist Episcopal
church next Friday evening. Miss S.
Clara Lelghner. the talented elocution
ist, lecturer and dramatic reader, has
been secured for the occasion, and as
it is to be for the benefit of a brother
a large audience Is expected.
A very pretty home wedding was
celebrated at the home of James Puss
last Thursday evening, when his
youngest daughter. Miss Emma, was
united In the holy bonds of matrimony
to Charles Snyder, of Glenburn, by the
Bev. A. Heynolds. Only immediate
relatives of tho family were present.
Among which were the following: Mr.
and Mrs. Nelson Sherman, Mr. and
Mrs. ltenp Chase, of Frnctoryvllle;
Mrs. John Pass. Brooklyn, X. Y.; Mrs.
William Pass, of Hyde Park. The
young couple will make this their fu
ture home.
The funeral of the late Mrs. Horace
Slmrel took place last Sunday morn
ing from the Baptist church. The Rev.
A. Bergen Browe preached the fu
neral sermon. The deacons of the Bap
tist church acted as pall-bearers. Mrs.
Simrel was 71 years of age. and Is sur
vived by her husband and one daugh
ter. Mrs. E. J. Feehley. Interment was
made In Carpenter, cemetery.
The entertainment held last evening
at the Central hall under the auspices
of John Westley Castle. Knights of the
Golden Eagle, was one of the best of
the season. One of the special features
of the evening was the number given
by the Priceburg Minstrel troupe. This
Is composed of a number of our young
tnon and they ore to be complimented
on their productions.
, John Hnydtr, Reese Davis. Jr., and
Miles Dangau, the citizens who consti
tuted the election board of the Third
ward were arrested Friday on com
plaint of Anthony Wrohcl, Waldislaw
Perczlnskl and Frank Falasky. The
complainants say that the' accused of
ficers refused to accept the votes of
legally qualified voters. They gave
ball to 'Squire Logan for appearance at
The Ladies' Aid society will held a
"mum" social at the parsonage to
morrow night. A series of these socials
are being held for the purpose of erect
ing a new parsonage.
The borough council mot last eve
ning. No business of importance was
The employes of the Johnson Coal
company received their monthly wages
Saturday. y
If the Baby Is Cutting Teeth.
Mrs. Wlnslow'u Soothing Syrup hat
been used for over Fifty Years by Mil
lions of Mothers for their Children
while Teething, with Perfect Success.
It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums,
Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Collo and
Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold
by Druggists In every part of the world.
Be sure and ask tor "Mrs. Window's
Soothing Syrup," and take no other
kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
The sad death of William Thompson
was announced Sunday evening at K.uO
o'clock. He was about 25 years ot age.
The news of his death was a terrible
shock to his many friends. About a
week ago he contracted a severe cold,
which developed into pneumonia and
heart trouble, which ended with fatal
reaults. Mr. Thompson was widely
known and respected throughout the
town. His young wife and child, to
gether with his mother, have the sym
pathy of all In this hour of deep sor
row. The funeral will take place on
Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock. In
terment will be made In St. Mary's
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Campbell and
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Htnes. of Scranton,
spent Sunday at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. John Campbell, of the West
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nebour are re
joicing over the arrival of a daughter.
Mr. and Mrs. David Poweir, of the
North End, celebrated the twelfth
anniversary of their marriage on Fri
day evening. A large number of Invit
ed guests were present, and the even
ing pleasantly spent. Refreshments
were served and the merry party re
tired to their respective homes after
showering congratulationson the happy
A Washington tea will be given at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. William Hutch
ings this evening, on the West Side.
A handsome basket will be chaced oft.
The proceeds will be donated to the
Primitive church fund.
The bazaar conducted by the ladles
of St. Mary's church during the mouth
of January netted J'-'.705.o.
Misses Sarah and Mary Mcllale. of
Scranton, spent Sunday at the resi
dence or Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Mc
llale, of this place.
An Interesting debate took place at
the St. Aloyslus meeting on Sunday af
ternoon as to "Which proved more
betieticial to the Irish race, Da
niel O'Connell or Rev. Theobald
Mathew?" The pros and cons were
1 mi Je general, and at times it seemed
as if a decision could not be reuched.
It was finally decided In favor of Da
niel O'Connell. These interesting en
tertainments are not restricted to
members only. All ure invited.
The pool tournament between P. F.
Devers. of this place, and Thomas Lott
os, of Moosic, will take place this even
ing ut Euunet hall, and not In M. F.
O'Brien's parlors, as previously stated.
Rev. George .1. Dixon was a caller
in town on Sunday.
M. J. Gillespie, of the West Side, la
convalescent after a severe attack of
Sarah E. Rolls, et. al Jeanette
Young, et. a!., tlie widows and orphans
ot George Rolls and Alex Young, have
tiled suits In trespass against the Penn
sylvania Coal company for J10.000 dam
ages each for the death of tnelr hus
bands, who were killed in the Law
shaft boiler explosion on Dec. 111. 1N5.
John T. Bleas, who was seriously In
jured In the same explosion, has also
brought suit for a like amount. The
plaintiffs are represented by Attorneys
Sherwood and McGahren.
The new borough council will organ
ize on Monduy night. It will differ
from former councils inasmuch as a
majority of tlie members are Republi
can. There is much speculation as to
who will hold the otllces at the disposal
of the council. E. A. Jumes is men
tioned as most likely to be elected
president and D. J. Gllmartin may be
secretary. There are several candi
dates for the otllces of treasurer und
street commissioner.
Miss Cassle Moran. of Railroad street,
won the $21 In gold disposed of on
Thursday evening at the benefit of
Thomas Ruddy.
The Riverside Coal company's mine
will pass Into the control of the New
York, Ontario and Western Railroad
company on Murch 1. Resides the On
tario company it is said that other lo
cal capitalists are interested and the
mine and store will be operated princi
pally by these. It is said that Mr.
Caryl, of Scranton. will be foreman un
der the new management.
There have been no new developments
in the water war during the past week.
The resolutions adopted at the last
meeting of the citizens' committee will
probably be presented to the new bor
ough council, but it Is doubtful if any
steps will be taken by that body at
present. Those Who oppose the de
mands of the water company are leav
ing nothing undone to bring about a
reduction of rates.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. John J. I'hll
bln. of Main street, on Friday. Feb. SI,
a boy. . ,
Miss TeBsie Mi-Hale, of Dunmore,
who has been visiting the Misses Lally,
of Laurel street, has returned home.
For Sale. A good milch cow. will be
sold at a reasonable price. Inquire of
Mrs. William Clark. Pine street.
- -
At the Sunday evening services In the
Methodist Episcopal church five mem
bers were admitted to membership.
The question of municipal ownership
of the water works Is receiving the at
tention of the voters of this borough.
On March 'U the question will be set
tles. The Jermyn teachers' institute was
held Saturday morning in the high
school. The subject of discussion were
Pestalozzi and the merit of the Pollard
system. Papers were read by Miss
Mulliolland, Miss Squlers, Professor
Maxey and Professor E. D. Bovard.
Among the visitors were Professor M.
J. Lloyd, of Olyphant, and Professor H.
J. HiH'kenberry, of Carbondale.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Vail, of Scott,
and Mrs. Patrick Flannery, of Arch
bald, were Jermyn visitors yesterday.
Miss Jennie Moore has Issued invita
tions for a party to be given this even
ing at her home on Second street In
honor of her cousin. Miss Stone.
Mrs. A. J. Baker, or Duryea. is the
guest of Jermyn relatives.
The funeral of Mrs. Charles Ellis, nee
Martin, took place Sunday afternoon
and was largely attended. The services
were conducted by Rev. F. Gendall. in
terment in Jermyn cemetery.
The entertainment held Saturday
evening by the ladies of the Home Mis
sionary society was largely attended.
The net receipts were about $D0.
Mrs. Charles Brong and daughter,
Julia, culled on friends at Jermyn last
Mrs. tleorge Bell, Mrs. Joseph Bell.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pope and P. O.
Harding attended the (iCteeuth anni
versary of the marriage of Mr. und
Mrs. Moses Myers, at Carbondule, last
Saturday evening.
Misses Rosa and Anna Wcldcmaii, of
Kieetvllle. sient Sunday with friends
Pin town.
Miss Lizzie Cornish, or Scranton.
sient Sundav at the home of Mr. and
J!rs. Frank Hoyt.
Mrs. John Jones and daughter, ot Lu
rertip. are visiting her father, P. G.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Day and son,
Ralph, of Wilkes-Barre, were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Barber,
on Main street, last Sunday.
G. A. Bell. Charles Chapman and
Charles Houghton spent Sunday In
Salem. Wayne county.
Robert Barnes, of Stillwater, N. J., is
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E.
Mr. and Mrs. Win Cobb, of Green
Ridge, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs.
S. M. Rogers.
Mr. and Mrs. Art Leyshon and Mr.
and Mrs. tleorge Field, of Scranton,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
Itulse, last Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kane, of Susque
hanna, visited her brother, F. N. Boyle,
over Sunday.
There will be a dime aupper In the
lecture room of the Prcibyterlan
church Wednesday afternooiS, All are
cordially invited.
The drill and other machinery passed
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latent U. S. Gov't Report
U W C7
through here yesterday for ractory
vllle where they will tost for oil.
A Christian Endeavor social will be
held at the Presbyterian manse Friday
evening.. An invitation Is extended to
all. ,
We will soon have the pleasure or
hearing Pinafore by home talent.
Mrs. O. H. Williams is visiting her
daughter. Mrs. George Hemlnger, of
Weatherly. . , .
Mrs. Joe Harding is visiting friends
In Scranton.
We are pleased to see the smiling
countenance of our station agent, E.
Belle, on the street again after several
weeks' illness.
Wants Jil 0.000 Damages.
Jeanette Young yesterday brought
suit against the Pennsylvania Coal
company for tlu.OoO damages for the
loss of her husband, who was killed in
a boiler explosion at Avoca last Decem
ber. Similar suits by three other par
ties will be brought this week.
Personal Notes.
Ralph W. Rymer. of Jermyn. a stu
dent at the seminary, Is attending a
banquet of the Wyoming club ut Wes
leyan university, Mlddletowu, Conn.
Mrs. J. G. Shepherd, wife of Super
intendent James G. Shepherd, Is very
low, and her life is despaired of, Dr.
Burnett gives very little hope.
Presiding Elder W. L. Thorpe con
ducted quarterly meeting services in
the Methodist Episcopal church on
Sunday lust.
Mr. and Mrs. Vancott. of byracuse.
N. Y., were visiting Frank Poston last
Mrs. A. D. David is Improving slowly.
Fred Simpson, of West Philadelphia,
Is visiting his grandmother. Airs. K.
The Patriotic Order Sons of America
will meet tonight (Tuesday) in the In
dependent Order Odd Fellows' hall.
Moses Davis went to. Scranton Mon
day. Henry Heberllng la very 111 at this
The receipts of the Epworth league
birthday party were XlbM.
The Woman's Christian Temperance
union will hold a ten-cent social at the
home of Mrs. S. W. Lamerattx this uf
ternoon (Tuesday). Miss Dornblazer
will be present. An invitation is ex
tended to all.
Clifton Swarts Is still on the sick list.
Miss Sarah Decker, of Scranton, vis
ited her parents at tills place last week.
Daniel Roberts will now have charge
ot the bakery and lunch room formerly
in churge of Edward Sayre.
. .
Miss Addle Jones, of Avoca, was the
guest of Miss Cora Lloyd over Sun
day. Miss Funnle (Vuse wus the guest of
her brother at Plymouth Saturday eve
ning. A linul meeting of the Young Men's
Christian association was held Monday
evening, it has been necessary to dis
band the organization on account of
Little Bobby Gurnett is quite ill. "
John and George Reldy visited
friends at Wuuumie Sunday.
Mrs. Helen S. Johnson gave u free
lecture at Music hall last evening. Sub
ject, "Bad Times and the Cure."
Miss Emma Elsworth, of Dorrance
ton. was entertained by her cousin,
-Ish Maggie Switzer, Suturdny.
Miss Cora Pierce, of I'ittston, was
entertained by Miss Ma Mitchell Sun
day. Mr. and Mrs.. Paul Bohnn, or Pllts
ton. were calling on James Harrington
Sunday, who is quite 111.
William Walker was In Carbondale
last night.
The new Chestnut street bridge is
fast approaching completion.
Mr. Shear, of Syracuse. N. Y.. will ad
dress a public meeting at Edmunds'
hall at the Mayfielil house tonight. All
are invited. The subject will be build
ing and loan associations and their re
lation to the working man.
Frank Smith was a Carbondale visit
or Monday night.
Charles L. Hoyt spent Sunday in
Piles! I'itcs! Itching Piles!
Symptoms Moisture; Intense itching
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue tu
mors form, which often bleed and ulcer
ate, becoming vpry sore. Swayne's
Ointment stops the itching and bleed
ing, heals ulceration, and In most caces
removes me tumors. At druggists, or
by mall, for 50 cents. Dr. Swayne 4
Son, Philadelphia.
Then liaby vrax sick, we gave her Cast oria.
"iVhen she wa a Child, she cried for C'aMorU.
tVken he became Miss, hl:e clung to distorts.
When sue bad Children, she gavetlieui Cantor!,
Coughs, Colds, Pneumonia.
Cured After Ureal Suffering
Mr. Charles Anderson, HV1I St.,
Wllkes-Barre, says: 2 buttles of lr. Alex
ander's Lung Dealer entirely cured me of
a severe cold In my chest and lungs aflur
1 bad tried 3-other cough cures und fulled.
Cured My Baby.
Mr. Bella Sproule, 1UI Washington. St.,
Wllkes-Barre. say: One bottle of Ur.
Alexander's Lung Healer an veil my dar
ling's life. 1 will never be without It.
Cured of Pains In Ml Lung.
Anthony Yeager contractor 131 Bill
street. Wllkea-Burre. Pa., says three bot
tles of Dr. Alexander' Lung Healer, the
famous cough cure, cured me of asthma
and pains in my lung after pneumonia.
No cough medicine like It. It saved my
life. For sale everywhere, 25c. per bottle.
Valley Drug Co., General Agents, Wllkes
Barre. Pa.
' General Ma Nervovt Debility.
Mind, r.tlecta of Krror
or excesses in Uld or
Young. Robust, Noble
Manhood fully Restored.
How to Kn arse and
Strengthen Weak. Un
developed Portion ot
Body. Absolutely un
failing Howe Treatment.
Benefits In a day.
CD Rtta Mid VtrvMan
Countries, Bead for Descriptive Book, ex
planation and proofs, mailed (sealed) free.
ERIE KEOIOAL 00., Buffalo, R.Y.
Rose itebecca lodge. No. Sit, held tin
entertainment at Mannerchor hull Fri
day evening, after which a supper was
served. The affair proved a success
financially and socially.
The blowing of fish-horns about town
Saturday evening about 7.30 o'clock
produced some wonderment as to the
cause. It was soon afterward discov
ered that a slelghride party of young
people were about starting for Hones
dale. The party consisted of Misses
Maud and Mae Kellam, Lucy Ames,
Lena Palmer, Nell Woodward Nellie
Phllllpti, and Messrs. Fred und Itoy
Sands. James Palmer. Peter Hlttlnger.
Mr. Mi Call, of this place, and Stanley
Galnes. ot Dunmore. The sleighing
wsb poor and the patience of the party
was nearly exhausted before they du
ally reached their destination at the
Allen house, where an enjoyable even
ing was spent.
Tlie services held by the Junior Ep
worth League Sunday evening at the
Methodist Episcopal church, conduct
ed by Rev. A. W. Cooper, proved a
grand success. There wus a pleasing
programme consisting of singing anil
recitations. The congregation was
much pleused by the thorough knowl
edge shown by the children concerning
Bible dates and facts. A collection was
tuken for the benellt of missions, which
will be given ill the name of the Junior
Epworth League.
The Epworth league will hold a "Bon
net social" In their parlors Frlduy
evening. Feb. 28. Each young lady is
requested to bring a bonnet Willi the
trimmings loose and needle und thread.
The young men will purchase the bon
nets and trim them, after which each
young lady will clulm her bonnet, und
will wear It dining the evening. Light
refreshments will be served. A cordial
invitation Is extended to everybody.
Miss Minnie Bingham and her friend,
of Dunmore, spent Sunday In town as
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. Bing
ham. TAYLOR.
The following programme will he ren
dered in the concert to be held Friday
evening under the auspices of class No.
ti of the Methodist Episcopal Sunday
school: Address by chairman. Rev. F.
A. King; organ selection, Miss Ray
Morgan; duett, the Misses Griffiths;
recitation, Miss Delia Decker; solo, Mr.
Richard Watkins; recitation, MIhb
Flossie Ban Held; duett, Misses Knapp
and Morgan; recitation. Muster Hurry
King: solo, Miss Blanche Banileld;
recitation, Mrs. John Neeley; solo, Mr.
Charles Dibble; recitation, Miss Nellie
Curdwell; duett, Mr. Watkins and Miss
Hesecker; recltutlon, Mr. John Cwinne;
solo, Mr. William Jones; recitation, Mr.
Fred Winslow; solo, Mr. Thomas
Owens:' solo, Mr. James E. Watkins.
All of the Deluwure, Lackawunna and
Western employes from here, who were
combutlug the lire at tlie Pettebone,
have been suspended, excepting John
B. Jones and John K. Price.
Don't be
nj tilt, some ether
brand of cundensed
milk, thinking it it
"Just guua" 3
It Has No Equal
OF 7tlT,,
Greatly Reduced Prices.
Corner l rankllil Avenue.
Contain all that has modo Hammond Work
fairaus, aud NEW, NOVEL und USEl'UL im
provements, "hammond Work the Critarion
of Hammond Superiority." "Hammond 8nlo
the Criterion of Hammond Popularity." Bam
Blond No. t. "Th ferfo.t Typewriter. Ex
amine it and bo conttticsd. rhiladelphia
branch of Tbe Hammond Typewriter Co., ill
8, bixtfa btreeu
F. A. & A. J. BRAND A,
414 Sprue St., Sciaati RiproMnUtliti.
lh.tiiMBtaw. 1
V : 1 f
During our many years in the Carpet business we never
had such facilities as at present to suit our friends.
Practical experience, mature judgment and extensive
connections have enabled us to place before you art un
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patterns and colorings in every desirable fabric.
Royal Wiltons, Savonneries, Axminsters, Eng
lish Brussels exclusively under the control of this
house. Tapestries, Ingrains, Linoleums, Corti
cenes and Oil Cloths.
We anticipated the rise in the market, placed our
orders accordiulgy aud will give our customers the ben
cfit. A complete line of DRAPER1ES.UPH0LSTERY
GOODS and WINDOW SHADES in every grade.
Latest styles.
Lackawanna Ave.
502 Commonwealth Building.
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Qencral Office: SCRANTON, PA. .
BKTFEB sum CO., Iae'p. Capital. l jMMM
"A ioliUT tor'd U a dvlUtr Mnud."
TMsIwIiM' Mi,) Frsoch lonete Kid Baa.
111 illin41 (oyvfiMa la tka U.S..oa
eioioru, aw g inner.
Poul Hal tar UM.
Kqnsl vvarj sk boot
old la all Mall atona for
2.60. W auk thl bH
oorMlTM, thamfoi aw
afiKe mw mmu w
and If an on. b lot MIfi4
W . will iwufl id. yiuy
ruoauiotberpair. upm
i o or voanoa ga,
. width C, D.lkKl.
l to a ana aaai
a. Bmdfotirmmi
M mill JU .
lofaa FRKIC
(lUTC,, rwlUFEDEilAL ST..
Spetiat Mrau fa iHattrt.
"Will keep the house from becoming cheerless if tbe lias even
half a clinnco. It does not take much money, but it does take
some but so Httle. Our Credit System helps, with the pay.
ing of the rest. It also depends upon keeping informed upon
tlia new things of every sort that are constantly coming out.
It's our busiuess to get tueui for you and we
Walk through the housa to
the Display ofN'CH' (iootls.
.lUwUUcli klzy thirty to select from. No
other such assortment in
the cily the one here pictured we sell at
Your appreciation two week? ago of tho30 sash curtains was
near too much for us the demand was great We, however, are
now prepared with three better offerings:
36 Yards Embroidered Border Muslin, 30 Inche.t Wide. 16 10c.
ao Yard Uotted Mu.lln, 36 Inches Wide, la i-c.
47 Yard Dotted Swms, t$ Incites Wide, oc.
&r All ubove new spring stock Che utile Curtain many pattern
at many prices. Your pocket bound to be milted. The otTcriug of a
$4.00 pair (us it sort of Introductory for the seusou) at $2.39
Cash or Credit 0
225 AND 227 AND
Opp. Main Entrance Wyoming Hcusi
Telephone 422
call of seta.
K1L0IT Oil Hi Mil 1MB
OILS, -y
learu what is going on by seeing
A Not ten kinds, but over
2 1 .OO.
Top shaped, 21x48 inches, French beveled shaped
Mirror, 10x28 inches, silver drawer lined, hand
Homely carved and highly polished.
Cash or Credit