The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 24, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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He Slays Giant Disease With
His Little Pellets.
Hundreds Have Been Made Well By
the Use of His Remedies.
Saturday was a record breaker in the
ul. of Munyon's Remedlt'B of the re
tull stores In Seranton. Several of our
leading diuRglRta were visited, anil
without a sliiRle exception they all de
clai'fd that durliiR their whole busi
ness experience they hud never seen
medicinal preparations of any kind
that Hold so rapidly as Munyon's, and
agreed that the enormous demand rould
only be created by the wonderful cura
tive powers of these remedies. Almost
every person purchasing relates how
some friend has been cured In a few
hours.or else having been cured them
selves, they desire to send the medicine
to some friend far-away whom they
know to be sufferinK.
A half hour spent In any drug store,
where these little pellets are sold, will
convince the most skeptical that Prof.
Munyou has, indeed, discovered a new
method In treat iliR disease which will
cures itti per cent, of the people who use
In not one single Instance did the
reporter hear anything but the hlKhest
praise for these remedies, and he was
told by the phurmnclsts that in almost
every caHe where the cures had failed
to trlve relief It had been proven that
the wrong remedy hail been taken
through the ignorance of the person as
to what disease he was sufferlns from.
Vtuiu facts gathered it seems that
Munyon's promise to reduce the death
rate In Scrantou 2 ht In four
weks will he more than realized.
If you are suffering with any disease
whatever you can make no mistake in
Hiving these cures a trial, as they cost
hut 2m- and lire perfectly harmless.
1 Munyon's Rheumatism Pure is guar
anteed to cure rheumatism In any part
of the body. Acute or muscular rheii
lnatlmn can be cured In from one to live
tlays. It speedily cures shooting pains.
Hi'lutica, lumbago und till rheumatic
pains In the back, hips ami loins. It
aHdom fulls to give relief after one or
two doses, und almost invariably cures
before one bottle has been used., 1'iice
Munyim's Stomuch and l)ysepslu.
Cure cures all forms of indigestion and
vtomuch trouble, HUi h us rising of food,
distress after eating, shortness of
breuth. und all affections of the heart
mused by indigestion, wind on the
stomuch, bud tuste, offensive breath,
loss of appetite, falntness or weakness
of stomach, couted tongue, heartliurn.
shooting pains of the stomach, consti
pation, falntness. dizziness, and luck of
energy, 1'rlee 25c.
Munyon's Nerve Cure cures ull the
symptoms of nervous exhaustion, such
as depressed spirits, failure of memory,
restless or sleepless nights, pains in
the head and dizziness. It cures gen
eral debility, stimulates and strength
ens the nerves, and tones up the whole
system. Price cents.
Munyon's Kidney Cure cures pains
In the back, loins, or groins from kid
ney disease, dropsy of the feet and
limbs, frequent desire to pass water,
our to colored und turbid urine, and
diabetes. Price 25 cents.
Cntarrh Positively Cured. Are you
willing to spend 50 cents for a cure that
positively cures catarrh by removing
the cause of the disease? If so, ask
your druggist fur a 25-cent bottle of
Munyon's Catarrh Cure and n l'5-cent
bottle of Munyon's Cutnrrh Tablets.
The catarrn cure will eradicute the dis
ease from the system and the tablets
will cleanse and heal the allllcted parts
and restore them to a natural and
healthy condition.
Munyon's I-lvcr Cure corrects head
ache, biliousness, jaundice, constipa
tion, and all liver disease. Price 25
Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneu
monia and breaks up a cold in a few
hours. Price 25 cents.
Munyon's Cough Cure stops cough,
night sweats, allays soreness, and
speedily heals the lungs. Price 25 cents.
Munyon's Female Remedies are a
boon to all women. Price 25 cents.
Munyon's Headache Cure stops hend
ache In three minutes. Price 25 cents.
Munyon's Pile Ointment cures nil
forms of piles. Price 25 cents.
Munyon's Asthma Cure and Herb
are guaranteed to relieve asthma In
three minutes and cure In five days.
Price 60 cents each.
Munyon's Mood Cure eradicates all
Impurities from the blood. Price 25
Munyon's Vltalizer Imnarts new life,
restores new power to weak and debil
itated men. Price $1.
Munyon's Homeopathic Remedv Com
pany, 1505 Arch street. Philadelphia.
Pa., puts up specific for nearly every
disease, mostly for 25 cents a bottle.
Sold by all Retail Druggists.
Miss Sarah Atherton, of Tunkhan
nock, is visiting friends here.
Mrs. Ira Porter is confined to her
home by sickness.
H. Ij. Edsall returned home last week
from New York.
Miss Laura Stephenson sprained her
wrist quite seriously by falling on the
The Ladles' Aid society of the Law
rencevllle Congregation church will
hold an oyster supper in the old- No. 1
school house this (Monday) evening.
Feb. 26.
There will be a grand entertainment
In the Nebo Congregational cnurch of
Rend ham this (Monday) evening, Feb.
24. Admission, 15 and 5 cents.
- 1.500 yards o I. Carpets, from 5 to !0
yards In each piece, consisting of
. ta follow im Best Makes:
$ .85 Tapestry Carpet for 35c
1.15 Body Brussels for 50c
1.25 Velvet Carpet for 1 65c
1.15 Moptte Carpet for 65c
: 1.35 Aiminster Carpet for 75c
; ' Terau Cash During This Sale.
; '419 Lackawanna Ay.
Mrs. Sadie Ixwfer, of Seranton, Is the
guest of friends In town.
The members of the llnllatenrl Fire
company are' preparing to hold a fair
In the near future.
Walter lirlglar, or New York city, has
accepted a position at the silk mill.
The river again is frozen over.
Mrs. Dinsmore. state organizer of the
Women's Christian Temperunce union,
will give a lecture In the Itaptlst church
Monday evening. March !'.
William Sullivan has been drawn to
do Jury duty at Montrose at the April
term of court. '
.Mrs. .1. H. Van Loan entertained the
members of her Sunday school class at
her home on .Church street Thursday
A delegation from this place will at
tend the Women's Christian Temper
ance Union convention to be held In
Seranton on Thursday und Friday,
February 27 and 2S.
Kvangellstic services are now In pro
gress in the ltaptist church.
Owing to a lurge amount of work the
Delaware, ,ackavann:i and Western
machinists have been working over
time for the past few days.
P. Morissee, of Snake Creek, died at
his home in thut place on Tuesday.
The funeral services were conducted on
Friday. Interment took place In the
Catholic cemetery in Ureal lleml.
Subscribe for the Tribune, only -15
cents per mouth.
Chuuncey Osterhout is ill.
The Haptlst people have decided to
open a book store In the Lusk building
on Main street.-. It Hill consist of re
ligious works and will be opened on
Monday evening.
.Mrs. .1. B. McCreary Is visiting friends
and relatives at Athens. Pa.
Mrs. M. Suminerton Is III.
W. W. Adair on Friday morning re
ceived n dispatch telling him of the
death of a brother who lived at Corfu.
N. V. Hi- left Immediately for that
Mrs. N T. Mitchell Is ill.
The Methodists of this place gave
Rev. J. M. Cromnton a donation at his
home in (Ireat Rend Friday evening
and presented him with about $.15.
Miss hula Squires i'.ns accepted a po
sition in the silk mill.
Mis. James Millard spent Saturday
with friends In New Mili'ord.
F. J. May visited the Klectrlc city
on Saturday.
Mrs. M. S. houo Is the guest of rela
tives in liliighamtiin.
W. H. McCloud was a visitor in Sus
quehanna, on Saturday.
John iM. Simmons has returned to this
place altera pleasant visit with friends
in Mississippi ami Arkansas.
Miss Jennie Humphrey, of Montrose,
called on Irleiids in town Saturday.
.Wellington and hyiliu lage.of Hrack
ley. are vIsltinK their uncle, Mil (Sage,
on i'ine street. .
t-iorsi ESDALS.
Russell liiminli k, of Scrantnn. passed
Sunday at his home here.
Prize lighting seems to Interest the
average American I luiiesdaliun even
inoie than wars and minors of wars.
All Friday afternoon Hie bulletin hoards
were watched eagerly by interested
persons, and all extras of The Tribune
were sold wiihin live minutes after the
newsboys were on the streets.'
Messrs. Thomas. Melvln Tappan and
Uert Wickwlre, of Carlwindale, passed
Sunday here.
Miss Jessie Keefer, of Seranton, Is
visiting friends here.
.Miss Maud lliti'inlen. of Carbondale,
Is the guest of Miss Anna Itrown.
The Marl ha Washington supper at
tracted many to the Presbyterian chap
el Saturday evening. The delicious
viands were rei ved in a way ihat was
appreciated by tile hungry multitude.
A trolley system through lloiicsilale
Is now taking up the attention and in
teiv it of many of our prominent citi
zens. There is room for it, and great
need of it. and it is hoped that the
plans may succeed.
Coasting on lieer's hill reached the
danger mark Saturday. Street Com
missioner John Krautz sprinkled ashes
in the glassy path which greatly ex
asperated the coasters. As the vn
from Beer's hill leads across our prin
cipal thorough fares It is a very dan
gerous place, as nt any minute one ot
the sleds is liable to run Into passing
teams, especially us they go at a ter
rific I ate of speed, at times entirely be
yond control. Something should be
done to allow the boys a coasting
ground, other cities bridge the streets,
and this would be u good plan here.
Richard Henderson. 27 years old, of
Bethany, was Instantly killed about (!
p. in. Saturday by a load of logs falling
on him. He was drawing logs with
sleds, when they begun to slip ami top
pled over, Henderson falling in under.
He was terribly crushed.
P.usiness was suspended In our town
on Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. !. Price spent Satur
day and Sunday with Mrs. Price's par
ents John Powell and wife.of Plymouth,
who were formerly in business in this
Miss Mdith Price, of Ridge street,
spent Saturday with Mrs. Alfred Hum
ph revs und wife, of Providence.
Never was anything better patron
ized bv the people of this town than
John Watkins' concert on Friday even
ing. The supper held nt the Calvary Pnp
tist church on Saturday was a decided
John Jones' new hotel building on
drove street is Hearing completion.
Those of our townspeople who are In
the employ of Jermyn and Connell, re
ceived their monthly stipend on Satur
day. The Congregational Sunday school
have purchased us an Incentive for Its
students a roll of honor. The spaces
which were to be lllled' were executed
by that masterly penman. Prof. Whit
more, of Seranton Business college.
Several new residences will be built
here In the soring.
The Mag raising by Washington camp,
No. 174. Patriotic Order Sons of Ameri
ca, of this place, was one of the grand
est and most patriotic occasions known
to Moosic. Company A, Uniformed
Rank, Patriotic Order Sons of America,
of Washington camp. No. -1:10. headed
the line of march, followed by Orand
Army Republic post. 54; Moosic camp.
No. 174; Castle No. :!II4, Knights of
Oolden Ragle, of Duryea. took up the
rear. Music wus furnished by Camp
4:ii) drum corps, of Seranton. A. J.
Colborn, Jr., of Seranton, delivered one
of the most eloquent orations ever lis
tened to In this town. The (lug pre
sented was a large American flag IL'xlX.
A large number of the residents of
this place were present ut the exercises
held ut Old Forge school house on Sat
urday by Washington camp. No. 171,
Patriotic Order Sons of America, of this
Miss Cora Snxe has returned from a
visit to Wilkes-Ham and is now stay
ing at the home ot Mrs. Hessler on
Main street.
George Hessler, of Green Ridge, was
a visitor In town yesterday.
K. J. Foulks is spending a few days In
Buffalo, N.Y., on business.
From the Chicago Inter-Oeean.
What alls the Democratic party?
Washington Post.
"General debility," "heartfallure," "pa
resis," ami "Innocuous desuetude in the
place where It used to live," would about
be the diagnosis und. the verdict of art In
telligent Jury.
ir tho Hnby Is Cutting Teeth.
Mrs. Wlnslow'a Soothing Svrup has
been used for over Fifty Years by Mil
lions of Mothers ' for their Children
while Teething, with Perfect Success.
It Soothes the Child, Softens the Gums,
Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Collo and
Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold
by Druggists In every part of the world.
Be sure and. ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow'a
Soothing' Syrup," and take no other
kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
fResders will please note that advertise
ments, orders for Job work, and Items for
publication left at the establishment of
Shannon & Co., newsdealers. North Main
street, will receive prompt attention; of
lice open from 8 a. m. to 10 p. ru.J
An KntcrtahiracDt for a SolJlors' and
Widens' Home.
The Woman's Relief Corps and the
William II. Oavies Post of the Grand
Army of the Republic, held a Grand
Army camo lire ami bean buke. The
affair was a success. . The programme
was as follows:
Whistling sol.. Will Dlmmock
Recitation. "The Good Old Days."
It. Nicholson
Recitation, "Saving the Flag."
Nina Rolls
Song Miss Mamie Daley
Zither Solo, "Grand Army Memor
ies" Prof. Crowell
Solo Willie Jones
Recitation, "Regiment's Return."
' Miss Kdlth Hawkins
Vocal Solo, "Patriot Mother's
Pra yi r" Pruf . Ormwll
Recitation, "The Hired Gill."
Vorls Knapp
Recitation, "The Soldier's Tears."
Marl Haycock
Recitation, "United at hast,"
hulu Campbell
Recitation, "The Itlue 'and the
Gray," Mrs. J. lioors
Kecltutlon, "The Answer,"
Mrs. J. honn
Reading, "The hast Roll Call."
J. M. Alexander
Song. "While the Angela Call the
Roll." Pi-cf. J. F. Crowell
Kvery number on the programme wus
well rendered. That of Prof. Crowell
was especially well received. The pro
ceeds were devoted to the State Sol
diers' and Widows' Home at Brookvlew,
Ocorgo Mnliv. of the V. M. C. A. Seranton,
Conducts .'declines.
At the special request of the Christian
Mndi uvor society of the First Presby
terian church and to mark their anni
versary. George Many, secretary of the
lO'oung Men's Christian association, of
Seranton, conducted a series of speidal
mei tings In this city yeeterday. The
secretary of the Presbyterian Christian
Kndeuvor society invited the co-opern-lion
and prayers of flie various socle
ties In the city and the following pro
gramme was carried out:
At !U0 in the morning Mr. Mahy ad
dressed in his forcible manner In the
lecture loom of the Presbyterian church
and entreated in an earnest manner all
present to do personal work lor the
Master, and to put on the whole armor
in the Christian warfare; at :!.:: in the
afternoon, in the aiiilitoriuiii of the He
lean itaptlst clilii'i h. a well attended
men's meeting uas held. The address
was a stirring appeal to a greater con
secration and holiness. It was much
appreciated, as the speaker wus a ma n
of great experience' In the Christian
work among nu n. In the evening at
7,:! u special Christ tun Knib.ivor so
ciety gathering was held. The edifice
was crowded and the speaker's words
weie listened to with rapt attention.
The singing at all the meetings were of
a special character.
Ilow the Holiday Wus observed In Car
bouJiilo hv Patriotio People.
The citizens of Carbondali- were not
forgetful of the day of the birth or Hie
father of our country. Flags displaying
the Stars und Strles were to be seen
lloatitig from many places of vunluto.
and some places of business closed pin t
of the day. The children attending the
public schools of the city held special
execises ill honor of the event.
At school No. 3, of which Miss Mul
lady is principal, the following pro
gramme was observed: Song. "My
Country," school; essay, C Tininions;
song. W. ltarrett; song, quartette. Ag
nes Mulluily. Alice hludsay. Kate llod
gins, hizzie Savage; recitation, an origi
nal poem. Kale llodglns. At the grad
ed school Principal Miss Annie Berry,
suitable exercises consisting of vocal
music and recitations were rendered.
DAM AG I S l'All).
C. P. Ilulloek Received a Check Tonarjs
the Loss LxpericiiccJ.
A litlgutl.m of long standing was that
of C. P. Halolc K. of Gilbert street, und
Kiripd & Chamberlain, colliery opera
tors, on Hlrkcll street, this city. In the
course of their operations It was al
leged that through their taking the
coal it undermined his placed ami
caused other damages.
The cose was argued before a jury
and a verdict of SI, mm damages was
given In favor of the plaintiff. He was
the happy recipient of u check for the
amount stated Friday.
Interesting Victim: Held by the liercan
Haptlst Sneictv.
The Young People's Christian F.n
deavor society of the Korean Baptist
church held a regular meeting Friday
night. A very interesting meeting wus
h"ld and live new members were added.
The society is in a 'very nourishing
condition and is earnestly engaged In
tin work of the Christian church. The
deferred programme will be taken up
next week, and will be full of Interest
and Instruction.
Thomas Orchard, chief clerk to J. If.
Orchard, master car builder of the
Delaware and Hudson, is a candidate
for the cli rkshio of the common coun
cil lor IMTi-si;. und Is busy canvassing
the couiicllnien. George Mvans. a
prominent young man. ami secretary
of the Republican city committee, is
also in the tield.
The mines of the Delaware and Hud
son will be placed on three-quarter time
from today until further notice.
Professor Hockenberi y was present
nt the teachers' institute at Jermyn
Saturday morning.
At their pleasant home on Park "street
Mr. and Airs. Claude Smith entertained
Misses Nellie, Annie and Mamie Ste-
Dyspepsia, Indigestion
And distress in the stomach caused ma
Intense agony. I lost flesh, strength and
energy. I was so weak tbat I could not
walk without, my cane. My family and
irienas prevailed on me to try
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and now I am well and atrong man ot
B6 yean. I owa mj Ufa to Hood'a." W.T.
Spskceh, Port Mitchell, Virginia.
largest piece of
good tobacco
Ever sold for the money
pliens and hulu Fry
Smith's niece. Miss
in honor of Mrs
Lizzie 1 tennis, ot
Miss Sadie Clark, of Seranton. Is the
gm-st of 1ier grandparents fin- a few
da vs.
Mrs. Annie Siuulley, Mrs. Charles
llaag and children. Mrs. Harry Isen
hart and daughter und Miss houcctta
I in riliii'i'. spent Thursday in Seranton.
The borough election last Tuesday
resulted In the election of the entire Ite
publlcun ticket with one exception. The'
following olllcers were elected: Coun
cilman, Solomon Reynolds, three years;
Chai b-s Bliss, three yours; Mdward S.
Illllils, three years; 1 r. J. A. Heller,
two years; John Taylor, two years;
V. Henry Reynolds, one year; .lames
H. Smith, Lie mnci'Ut . one year; Justice
of tlie peace, 10. C. Reynolds: school di
rectors, Peter It. Walters, three years;
W. J. Watkins, three years: John Wes
ley Reynolds, one year; auditor, Abiaui
V'. l-'rear; poor master, .luliez l. Cap
well; judge of election, Abel h. Itey
indils; inspectors. Richard II. Reynolds,
Republican; Siunu I T. oukley. Demo
crat: high const aide, Harry Lindsey;
constable, Fred II. Chase. Christopher
Mathewsou. candidate for councilman,
wus the only defeated Republican.
Churles llaag, from Fleetwood, near
Philadelphia, wus a guest at B. S. t!ard
ner'H Thursday.
Then Haliy was sick, wo gave her Castorla.
"iVhen sli was a Child, she cried for Custorla.
'tYhen Kite liecatue Miss, ulie elnug to t 'astorla,
WUeu tlie lmd Children, she juve theui t'usloria.
Couglis, CoiuS; Pneumonia.
Cured After (ircat Suffering
Mr. Charles Anderson, i:w Fell St.,
WilkeB-Uariie. ays: 2 hotting of 1 r. Alex
ander's l.iuig Healer entirely cured ni.- of
u severe cold in my chest and lungs a;'trtr
1 had tried i other cough cures and fulled.
Cured My Bnby.
Mrs. Hell.l Sproule. nt Washington. St.,
Wilkos-Harre. says: One l:it;le of 1 r.
Alexander's l.uns Healer saved n.y dar
ling's life. 1 will never he without it.
Cured of Pains in Hi Lungj.
Anthony Yeaeer contractor ll Hill
street. Wl!kes-H:irre. t'n.. rays thive bot
tles of Dr. Alexander's l.ung Healer, liio'
famous rough cine, cured in - of asthma
and pair in my lunr after p.H'tunoai i.
No cough niedlelri'i like It. It Kive.l my
life. For sale everywhere, iV per hoi lie.
Valley lrug Co., Oenerul Atfenth, Wilkes.
HarrT i'a.
Snl 5 eents tor jmol P3eg.
Faultiest Chemical Compsy. Baitl
more, (VI d.
ttOMltl pifts; olotb bound; srcnrely
aalarl fai ma Ud frn. Traataaat by nufi
atrlctf caalaaatial, aad a poaittT aaick oor
mH. M matUr haw loaf ataadioK, 1
poaltiraiy curs you. writ r oau.
Greatly Reduced Prices.
turner Franklin Avenut.
NO, 2,
Contain all thnt has mmlo Hammond Werk
furnuus, na I XKW, NOVEL and I KiiKL'U Im
provcniontn. "Hnn.mouil Work the I'ritoilw
of Hammond (Superiority." "Hanimimd Sale
tho I rilU'ii.n ul Imnimnnil P. pularity." l!nu,
imiiiil Ni. 2, "The i'erfe.'t Typi-rntor. Ix
amina it and ba convivrd. riii aiielplii.'
braocli of Tie- Hammond Typewriter Co., Hi
b, bixtb MreeU
F. A. & A. J. IHIAXDA.
414 Spruce St., Ftifsatu Reprcssntitivas.
Vi 'tin ti jru.-u , ami iii.u'i,
ltc'i-Mn of tTitnrnt. l:;:t:orM, rrpiHirifi vi,b
flew, Nltvc': iKh.l.xy, Mrrhtlr Kirlm Ini.s.t'onffeinfiti'-u,
IiiKnity, K"l h:m i;f dr.'.iii lAti-lI.-r.-oE pwitoi thCi a
erj:iveOiy:aur.ii'ii! K' m-nfvt r-ttvly, tuitl'ifflrd mi:r
i iati:w. Tinvv noto:itTi.'urv 1 i;'.i-(l! ntl!iriH rt Cid;.
l;l'II.UFtl, bnn:"ttTf imoh thi j Ink rliw tn pnr
r'.uvL and rtor i.; tho FltSK 1 1 01 Til to tli
Tu.lKr.i. lly mini, i;t i- hax orll for M. wit'a writ-
(.miriTiiifw ii mca er rrtimii fnni . y.-vir
lel-hl" tinflnVT-'
For ati hy JOHM II. PTTF.TPS. Trufr
par. vrrt""-ei. nnnv-r...
An Aon away with by the use of HART
MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which conaurta
f InirvdieotB well-known to all. It caa ba
aoplted to tin, calvaoiied tin, sheet Iroa
raofa, also to brick dwellns. which will
pryant absolutely any crumoltac, crack
iDat or brasJUnc of the brick. It will out
last tinning of any kind by many yaara.
aad It's oast does not exceed one-utn toa
mt the esst of tlnnins. la sold by tka Jas)
ST poind. Contracts taken try
I nil I I' I Tl l'lftg'i'irin' . I
-W -VV "iVllvoVtritltn
I w
During our many years in the Carpet business we never
IkuI such facilities as at present to suit our friends.
Practical experience, mature judgment and extensive
connections have enabled us to place before you an un
equalcd assortment of the. latest and most fashionable
patterns and colorings in every desirable fabric.
Royal Wiltons, Savonnsries, Axminsters, Eng
lish Brussels exclusively under the control of this
house. Tapestries, Ingrains, Linoleums, Corti
cenes and Oil Cioths.
We anticipated the rise in the market, placed our
orders aceordinlgv and will give our customers the ben
t-fit. A complex ,; e of DRAPERIES, UPHOLSTERY
GOODS and WINDOW SHADES in every grade.
Latest styles.
AG Lack2W5ana Ave.
, Opp. Main Entrance Wyoming House
502 Cominoiiwsaltii Buildim
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
UeoeraJ Office: SCRANTON, PA.
CEITEB n0B CO., I.K.'p. Ce?t:al, SI ,00JMM
UCtn l.BO bHOM IN THK WOiti-U.
"A dollar tared it a dvilar tanud." i
TMaLadlD' KSlil Fraoch Uoarol K !il HmU
isBsataailorAd ft .Djrwhrn In tba U.K., as
af l'ibioj Nota to ai.&u.
'&lf'W Kq'wla "rr a hoota
old ta all retail atom tat
t !.&. VI aiaaa Ihlt bool
ourwlrea, tbanfora wo (roor-
aiMl If Ltiy on u not mtia&tA
wa ill roftind tba mtmr
oraoiidanoiberpalr. Opam
k widths C, , S, U JtK,
',Vv '" 1 to t aad buf
iiizca. Send your
will t fa.
TKT-?Wli Cats.
F&m-VitiM torn
5 vune Pn rkuui.U ST,
A OnUC UU.) isofiTOM, ALiJU
o j A
'(! i
1 imw& 1
ill 4 OiC 1
) 0OO '(if
Our ideas of selling Clothes are different from the
general run. Our first thought is to see how little we cau
charge for the best things to wear. We want men to think
when they buy here-; that they are getting more value for
their money than anywhere else. Our idea isn't to see how
much we can get folks to pay. It is, rather, to see how lit
tle we can afford to charge them.
Another unusual thing is our Liberal Credit Sys
tem it's not necessary to clothe yourself piecemeal. Don't
get a coat, then a vest and later some trousers. Come and
get a whole suit and pay us when you can. We want you
to feel perfectly welcome in this store. Youug nieu, come
along and see what realty good clothes we cau sell for prices
Mice-the rownvM:---.
Suits worth
Worsted, some
Cheviot all wool-
lot, and all go at
An interesting lot
Cheviot Overcoats at the
225. AUD 227 AND
l of.
j Cash or Credit
Telephone 422
CALL UP 3082.
$0 to $12, some
Cassimere aud others
-about two dozen iu this
of Oxfords aud
interesting price $C A A
Cash or Credit