THE ECBANTON TBIBU3TE MOXDATT MORNING. FEBRUARY 24. 189ft. NeuJs 25-LB. SACKS Guaranteed to Be the Best Made. AT Luce ros. Scranton and Taylor. WEST SIDE EVENTS. Death of of Annlo lluunsll Mr. and Mrs L. M. Bunnell. Daughter One of the saddest deaths that has re cently occurred on this aide wuh tlmt of 15-year-old Annii ltunnell. ilauirliti't' of Attorni-y uml Mrs. I,. M. J'.unnrll, who IJUHHed away .S;iturJ;iy tshurtly after daybreak. Miss Kiinnt-ll hud exi-eJtlon-ully bright rusiccts. Slip was a favor ite utiKing; lit'r frlt-mls, and us an 1 iiilUnilst, lias won much popularity anions a lurK- class nf i'opli The decrasnd sillfrt' J a fall several weks utfo while In the company of her school Rill frleiiils. She never recov ered from tle effects. .s a pupil at the hlfrh st-liuol Miss Bunnell bid fair to be come uu ai'conipllshed youtiK lady. 'She passed successfully through No. 14 school, where xhe pleased ut frequent school entertainments by her clever recitations, The funeral will lie held Tuesduy at 1 o'clock. Friends who wish to view the remains ure requested to call between the hours of S und 10 Tuesday morning. Army Services Over the Deo J. Services conducted yesterday after noon by the Salvation army over the re mains of ii deceased member, Mrs. Thomas Sheppard, attracted a Imirc crowd to the urmy barraacks on l'rice street. The urmy, accompanied by a bund, first accompanied the remains from the family home on Luzerne street to the barracks. Captain Mateland and Lieutenant (ill-en, both Indies, com manded ut the services. Prayers, hIiir 1nK und eulogies on the dead were In cluded n xu obsequies. The members of tlie urmy participated. After Hie services the remains were taken to the Washburn Street cemetery, where in terment was made. Stricken While In tlio Mines Patrick MuriKiin, a miner at the Dodge mine, was stricken with para lysis Saturday morning a few moments after he hud reached the Interior of the mine. Mr. Manguu Is middle-aged and Uvea on Third street, lie had not oil' the carriage and was about to proceed to his chamber when the stroke came on, unil In a short time he was speech less, though efforts were made to re vive him. The mine ambulance con veyed him to his home, where he Is at the present time In a condition not fa vorable to recovery. They Worked Strenuously. Now that the viaduct Is beginning to be forgotten for the time being; the thanks of the community run oppor tunely be bestowed upon those mem bers of the West iSlde board of trade and the others who assisted, for theii strenuous effort In behalf of that large portion of the) West Side who desire the improvement. The working committee "worked" In all the word implies, und the effort was felt all along the line. ews Xotcw and I'ersonnla. The funeral of the late Wendell Os wald will occur today at 2 o'clock from his late home on Merrifleld street. William I. Williams, of Snyder ave nue, is recovering from an Illness. Saturday evening's meeting of the Welsh Philosophical society was Very Interesting. The programme was in . commemoration of Washington's birth day. Clarence liallentine gave a praiseworthy discourse on "The father of His Country." Mrs. James Powell, of Oak street, Taylor, fell down a flight of steps Sat AMONG THE Bill 18 4-0"' B That our entire stock has been subjected to, we find at this time a con stant drain on our Trou ser Stock, among which are staple and durable all-wool TROUSERS at $11.98, $2.48, that are actually worth double. You don't have to be a judge to appreciate them at our prices, as we retail them at what others pay for them. Til SAMTERS Srt vzZzi C!:r$, t)f fb? Sdblipbs urday. The lady wes severely injured, tevei ul ribs being broken. The Hyde Park Literary and pebat ing society meets this evening The public is invited to attend. Mrs. Fred Herg, of Merrifleld street, died Saturday afternoon. The funeral will be held Tuesday morning at Vlie bouse at !) o clock. Miss Harriet Lunney has recovered from an Illness. Miss Kate Lavelle. of Wilkes-Uarre, Is the guest of West Side lady friends Mrs. M. F. Wymbs is ill ut her home on Jackson street. Lust evening Itev. 1). Jones, of the First Welsh Congregational church, preached at the Jackson Street Haptiut church. Hev. L. C. Floyd. D. D., prtnehed In the evening to the r'utrlotic Order Sons of America. There was a large attend ance ot the members. At the Washburn htreet Presbyterian church in the ufteriioon Washington's birthday was celebrated. The services were conducted by the Sunday school O. F. Williams gave a really interest ing and original address. There were other features of the commemoration "What and How Did Washington Read was the Interesting evening sub ject ot Itev. John (irilliths at the Sum ner Avenue Presbyterian church. Kev. F. V. Doty, of the Hampton Street Methodist Enlscouul church, preached in the evening un "The Ideal Patriot und Statesman." "From Kondage to Liberty." This was the subject of Itev. T. Edgar's evening address at the Scranton Street Itaptist church. Mr. Kdirur is a "prison evangelist" of New York city. West Side nuslness Directory. PLUMBING Wllllnm D. Griffiths. 113 North Main avenue, does . nrst-class Plumbing, Steam Heat and C!as Fitting. Km tifiiitinn la aiHi.Dv ninranleeil. BAKUKK-IIalr cutting and shaving done in a tlrt-clas maimer at jonn it. ""' old's Haruer Shop, at Fairehlld's Hotel, riiiwnTc,.f riAU'Ara r.ni1 funeral ae- ulens a snectallv. Floral figures, useful us gifts, ut KM South Main avenue. Har riet J. invis. llorlst. . BICYCLKS repaired, scissors ground, tools uluo npiii-,1 n:i a tiled. Keys tinea, tni,u., ,.m,i,.,i hv w I. Rteenback, dealer In I'.uns. Flailing Tackle, under PIloToViUAPI! KR-Cnblnet Photoi, J1.40 per dozen. They are .lust lovely, i oli vine yourself bv calling ut Warners Photo Parlors, 101 und 10.1 South M nn.ornrt.'fl ointnlitrri Tfiva (. Ol- fee Is unex-elled. The leading coffo of the riav Fur sain onlv at V. W. Kin & Co. Fine Groceries, 110 South M SRCONli HAND Ft'HNITURE Cash for anvtlilng you havo to sell, buriilture, Htuveu Tnnlx i-tn CrII and see "' stork of J. J. King, 102 and 1VH Jack sou t-treet. north i;nu. The R. F. D. A. M., a itIuo oomposod of -even young ladies, will give a leup year social tomorrow evening In Hrown's hall, on Fast Market street, to a number of their gentlemen friends. The club Is composed of the following: Misses Stella Wedeman, Hern tee Cong er. Hannah Lmvls. Lizzie Hawkens, l.lllle Simpson, Annie Jenkins nnd Nettie DuvU. They have mude exten sive arrangements for the occasion. Mrs. T. J. Davis, of Taylor. Is visit inir ut the home of Mrs. Thomas, on Wuyne uvenue. (ieorgu W. Mullcy is slightly Indls posed ut his home, on North Main uve line. Mis. William J. Edwards Is slightly ill at her home on Margaret uvenue. Mr. und Mrs. Miles, of Kingston, Were the guei-'ls of Mr. ana Mrs, D. 1-. Duls, of Cii-een street, yesterday. Messrs, Osborne Richards, William Robinson and Tullle Brace were In Olynhunt lust evening. Harry Duniels, of Wllkes-Harre, who hus been visiting In this end, returned home Saturday. EASTERN LEAGUE CONTRACTS Presldont Powers Has Issued 111 Period! csl Bulletin. The following Eastern League con tracts have been approved for season of 1SH6: With Sprlnglteld-John Eaton, William It. Inks, W. O. Shannon, S. E. Samuels, John n'Cullaghan. With Syracuse James Delaney. With Scranton Frank Ward, Thomas tl. Johnson. Dan .Mullarkey, Richard Brown. Kiiwurd Sweeney. Willi Toronto James ltarrett, Albert Wanner. Harry Stulev. W. A. Stusrt. Willi Kochester Thomas (illlen, John P. Lubv. Wllllnm W. Zliiiiuer. With Providence J. C. Dnauby, George H. Hudson liJiU J. u. Knoor. Released By Syracuse, Michael Lynen and Thomas Twaddle; by Scraniten, jonn Huston, iJan Stearns. Threatened to Kill Ills Wife. On the rhurgo of aggravated assault and battery on his wife with intent to murder her, Michael Walsh, of Oly phunt, was committed to the county jail Saturday night. He had been In dulging heavily In liquor for some time previous to the mad act. Hsttsrs and Furnisssrs. EDUCTIONS 12.98 SOUTH SIDE NEWS. Democrats of the Nineteenth Ward Stood Around and Praised Things Satnr day Mint at a Flaf-KaUing. Democrats of the Nineteenth ward opened the safety valve of. their en thuslasm Saturday afternoon und had an "immense" Jubilation, featured with a (lag raising at the home of Willlaur' Vchmidt, In the Fourth district. P. J lckey, Charlie Westpfahl, Valium l--ii. Kdwln Frable, Louis fTchwass and tieorge'S&sshold wiix-Tlie big guns present and each toWof his active work for the success of the Democratic ticket. P. J. Hlckey made a speech and sounded the busle note of clerk of the common council for James C. Heamlsh, Mr. Hlckey's suggestion that there be a grand iolllllcatlou for the South Side to morrow night was enthusiastically car ried, and old glory was Jlung to the breeze. beer Wagon Dumped Saturday Tllght, As Patrick Durkln, of Brook street who drives an ale wagon for the Scran ton brewing company, was on his way home through Mlnooku after dark Sat urday night, the wagon was struck by a street car on the hill where Mrs. John Moran waskllled last summer; the force of the bump upset the vehicle, sending Mr. Durkln flying from his seat, upset ting the wagon and smashing; it, and sending: the empty barrels In every dl rectlon. Mr. Durkln escaped luckily without Injury. Fred Phillips Is a Candidate. Fred Phillips has announced his can- dlducv for the vacnncy In common council by reason of the election of Robert Robinson to the upper brunch. The unexpired term will be one year, and Mr. Phillips, as a staunch Republl can. is a formidable seeker for the of lice. He has many Itilluential friends nod will null a strong oar for victory, The light will lie between Himself. Peter Neuls, of Cedar uvenue, ami lliiain Walter, also of Cedar avenue. Ready to lirew Lager liter. The Casey ft Kelhy Hrewtnsr com pany will begin next Wedncsduy to brew lager beer at their new vlunt on Locust street udlolnlng their ale brew cry. The manufacture of luger beer Is of 'such character thut it will require nearly six months' fermentation utter it is brewed before it can be placed on the market for sale. Shorter Paragraphs of New s. Mrs. John Klbler, of Cedar avenue, Is quite seriously ill. Jonathan Wilson, ot ianira, im. x., is the truest of South Side friends. Mr. und Mrs. P. J. Kelley are receiv ing congratulations over the arrival of a girl. A collection for the Foundling Home liu'.l.l'n-r fund wus taken up Ut both ma:ses yesterday in St. Joseph's church, Mlnooku. Miss Jennie Muldoon. of Watertown, X Y . Is visltlntr friends here. .Mr. und Mrs. Danle J. VullKltan, or lilne-hainton. spent Suturday und Sun dav with Mr. und Mrs. John uugtmn, of Plttston uvenue. Harbor John Flaherty, or cnerry street, who went on a visit lust Kimimer to his uncle. M chilcl Murpliy. or 1MK- horn, Mont., is expected to arrive Home soon. SEW PLAN OF tiOYEBNMENT. It Is I'ndcr Consideration at the Sessions of tho Supremo Council of th Young Men's Institute in Denver. The Denver papers nre devoting a good deal of spnoe these tlays to tne proceedings of the supreme council of the Younir Men's institute of America, an organization wnicn no u. mrgo membership in this county. So rupid has been the growth of the Institute that It has been found necessary to somewhat modify the plan of n'overn meiit. There ure now two Jurisdictions, the Eastern and Western conventions of which are known as sessions of the grand council. At present representa tives of the two grand councils com prising' the supreme council are in ses sion at Ijenver and the deliberations of this body will have a great influence on the developenient of the organiza tion in the future. One of the twelve representatives of the JOastern Jurisdiction ut Denver is Jumes L. Uaynur, of this city. In an article describing the various members of the supreme council the Denver Re publican suys: "James L. (Juynor, of Scranton. Pa., Is the youngest member if the supreme council, being- only J.! years of age. He is III the eli-ctricni usiness and 1ms neiii every oince in lis council." The Denver News hus the following to say concerning; the merlins; of the supreme council: I ormntlon of the Supreme Council. The Atlantic and Pacific jurisdictions of th Young Men's Institute, a secret so- iiv composed of iNutmllcs, were yester day unite, I by the formation of u supreme ouncll. .to wnicn eai-n jnrison-uun. send delegates and to Willi h each will be second In authority. The supreme council Intended to be the head ot the order, although the two jurisdictions will rctuln complete autonomy. The young .Men s insuuun was ors.ui- Issiil March -I. IsM. In San I- ram-lp-co, and It has since extended to the otner side of he continent with a iiieniiiersnip ot over 20.000. It Is distinctly rraternal and ivii. glous nnd furnishes the means fdV the ilssi-mitiatlcin or n-iiowsiup ami iner.nv deas. Religion and patriotism constitute lie double pedestal upon wnicn tn" ?o- ly rests, find It has been ei suc.-i ssi u Its work that It Is now n reco(nii.ed ower anionic -tne young nit-ii oi tne hurch In every stfite. Insurance and uellcial features are Included 111 tne nr- iinl.ation, but they are practically side Issues. Soon after the focieiy was started on the Paclile coast It gained the esteem of members of the church, nnd was at once success. Members going east spre.i t he scols. and soon branches were organ ized In the Atlantic slates. Having a renter population to draw from, the At- iintin Jurisdiction soon outstripped the west and sevcted nil connection or nn nature. Then the need or n su ,reme council was felt, ur-d the outcon-e was its organization yesterday afternoon. Klcetinn of Officers. The officers selected to preside In the hlKhest tribunal of the order nre: J. J. Dade, of San Francisco, president, end 'liarles Tt. Adems, of Alloona. Pa., serre- irv. This step having been taken, n vote liled that the basl of nrsanls-itioti- utonomv of the two Jurisdiction jhnu1d stand. Tbn committees were appointed build the etructiire which wns to on th- foundation cf the orir:i nidation of th" eoiincll The follewlmr were ntime-l: Or?.-ini7.alloti and law II. W. Ptv. I-', i. l.von. W. K. Kearney, F. I.. Sullivan, rd Mr. Lynch. Insurance James A. mulligan, ttev. it. p;()-UHeii end V. J. Klerce. Itltrwi M. B. Cannon, P. B. Costello and F. .1. Mcroky. . . Degreet-'M. n. Tannon, J. L. Onynor, T 3. MeOlyfmT , . . , , Telegrams were ;nH" Cardinal rib bons. Cmllpsl S"'olTinu;'t Rev Arch blshcn TMirlnn. Rt. Rev. h:'t-ir.l. b!shop of V1n-enn"S. sfl th aruTTii i'J",n' lalns of the two lurlsdlctlnns. K fje pram wns received from Hey. W. It. 'lta of Winchester. Kr grand secretary of, the Atlantic Jurlsdli-tlon. Seven Jurisdictions. A plnn under consideration nt Denver Is to divide North American into seven Jurisdictions, hnvlng headquarters as follows: San Francisco. Chlcnso. Cin cinnati. Indianapolis, Pcrnntoii, Louis ville, Ky., and Portland. Ore. Extra Car on Petersburg Line An extea car will be run on tho Pet ersburg line of the Traction company every evening at B.60. A new Fchedule will go Into effect on the vJiurel HIU line March 2, giving 10-mlntite service between 11 a. m. and p. m. SMI TOHI IS A MURDERER IK. t' 1 t . ins icnm, donn .1. ltuttcr, Uicil un Saturday Ninht ut His Home. SHOOTING KAS UM'KOVOKEU It Was Dona at Old Forge on th Mgbt of Fob. 4-At First the Wounds Were Not Thought Serious. John J. Rafter, of. Ureen Ridge, died at I..IU buturaay evening- at his parents' uouie, nui ivyummg avenue, as the re suit or Diood poisoning, brought on toy two bullet wound Inflicted by am Tonl. an Italian, on Main street. Old orge township, Tuesday night, Feb. 4 The deceased was "i years old and a unsmiiii uy trade: tut h s Inst em ploynient was us driver of the delivery wagon for Phillips & Anthony, bottlers, of Kynon street. He went to Old Forge on Aionuay, i-i-d. a, and was there un til the next night, when about ! o'clock he started to walk to Kendhum to catch a car lor nome, He and a companion were going along; tne main ronu una Rafter stepped aside to let Tonl pass, when they met hlni. Itafter slipped and fell to the ground at Tuni s feet and the latter. wiuioui me Biigntest provocation, whipped out his revolver and sent two bullets in'lo the prostrate body. The murderer then escaped, but h was known, and the next day he was arrested on a warrant before Justice of the Peace lllis Reese, and committed to the county jail to await the resut of the shooting. Tonl Released on Boll, Rafter was Immediately attended by nr. j. j. i imnn, ana arter a day or two the Indications were that the wounds would not prove liital. As soon as practicable the young man was re moved to his purents' home. Tonl was let out on SVuu bull furnished by Joseph l urreseo, oi mu purge, A week ago the patient began to grow weaker und signs of blood poisoning developed. Dr. I'.i-I llnghotf, of tireen Kldge, was railed in. and he saw at once that dentil was not nn uncertainty lie liiloriiied Dr. 10. 1.1. Pennypucker of the serious condition of Rafter, und Ir, Pennypuckei' told him to commuiiiirute the fact to District Attorney Jones. litis was none uiui Immediately a capias was got out for the Italian and he was lodged In Jail, where he now is. He is an undersized, swarthy and mur derous looking creature, nnd lias a baa record ill Hid l orge as being ever ready with his stiletto or revolver on the slightest provocation. Coroner Lungstreet went to the home of the deceased yesterday and uft empaneling a Jury consisting of Dr. 1 r.I. Penny packer, Llr. Walter M. Reedy. Charles Teeter, John Fills, OeorKe Lutta and J. H. Weldman, he performed. an autopsy mid udjourncd the Inquest until -tomorrow evening at the court house to take testimony. Coroner Pound 'I wo Bullets. The coroner found the two bullets one or tnem was la tne same shape as when it left the revolver. It having en tered upward in the thigh, passiriir around the bone und lodging In the thigh. The other bullet was bifurcated, and entered a little above the first wound; It hud a downward tendency und found lodgement In the top part of the femur. or thigh bone. The thigh was honey combed and contained about one-half pint of pus, which had burrowed Us way almost to the skin. The pleural cavity was purl hilly tilled with serum und tin lungs w ere affected, but the pus generated in the wounds brought on blood poisoning und this Inevitably caused death. Tonl will be tried on the charge ot murder and there is apparently a strong case for first degree imuinst him. John T. Martin hus been retained to defend him. MhMOOKA, A child of Brian O'JIara, of Church Hill, died yesterduy. The union Atheletlc club will hold a grand boxing tournament at Fallon's Rink, Old Forge, on March 23. The Mlnooku. buse ball club will meet tonight to make arraiiH'eiiieiita for their entertainment on Anrll 20. The St. Joseph Total Abstinence and Retievolent society held their regular meeting yesterday. The employes of the Greenwood Nos. 1 and 2 collieries were paid Saturday. Richard J. Cusick will leave this morning; for a few days' visit In the Empire state. l'ho porting Faternlty Journeyed to Old Forjre Saturday evening to witness the corking main between Mlnooku and old Forue birds. Five bouts were fought, and the referee awarded two prizes to Mlnouka birds. A south bound street ear collided with a beer wagon driven by Patrick Dur- In, and owned by the Scrunton Brew- ng company, Saturday evening In front of the Allnooka Cash store. Mr. Dur kln was thrown from his seat and re- elved a few slight bruises. The whlf- tletree anil tongue of the wagon were broken, but the horses escaped ln- ttry. After the accident the conductor irculated among the by-statiders and secured a number of names. OLYPHANT. The many friends of the Into Mm ti len Mooney, of Delaware street, who died on Wednesday last, attended the funeral services which were conducted at 9.30 o'clock Saturday morning In St; atrlck's church. A solemn h it'll mass of requiem was celebrated by Rev. J. M. Smoulter. who preai-hed (111 eloquent sermon. On the ensket were several beautiful Moral offerings. After the services the remuitis were conveyed to St. Patrick's cemetery, where Interment was nuiue. Mrs. w. Cavanaugh has returned to her home at Iake Uenrge after a brief islt witn ner Flster. Airs. J. O Mallev. of Dunmore street. Councilman J. J. Flynn Is indisposed at his home on Ferris street. A large number or people from here attended the sacred concert held In the Presbyterian church at l'ackvllle last evening. Michael O'Mallcy and John Nallcn. of Scranton, were callers in town yester day. Miss Ldzzle Oallugher, of Dunmore. visited relatives at this place yester day. The ladles of the Congregational church will hold a lean year social in the vestry of the church Monday even ing, March 'J. English Capital for American Invest tncnts. Important to Americans seeking Eng lish capital for new enterprises. A li-t containing the names and addresses of 3;o successful promoters who have placed over 100.000.001) sterling in foreign Invest ments v.ithtn the last six years, and over llk.OW.OOJ for the seven months of n.m l'rice ." or payable by postal order to the London and I'nlveisul Kureau uf Investors, Cheapsldc. London. Ii c Subscribers will be entitled, by arrange ment with the directors to receive either personal or letters oi' introduction to any of these successful promoters. This list Is liriit class in every respect, nd every man cr firm whose name ap nars therein may be depended uimii. I.N.r placing, the following ll will be found In- ComnifreIal un'' Financial Concerns. MorlgagX.loan9' Sale of I'ands, Patents or Dl'rec'tors iHP EDWATtn c. ROSS. Directors nu WAI.TRP. O. PRPTS. CAfX ARTHUR STIFFB. Copyright. CocaasCkorolatek Arellnt,'ll far ruJl'r Miterikl DclkKxaiMM tl Fl.i'. Thir Pink Wrapper Va&illt ChocsUtt it'is mjritt far Eating and Drinking. Cracua tTerywdtru - PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT. PORCELAIN. llrldgs and Crown work. Office, 25 Wushlngton avenue. C. C. LAI RAC1I. SURGEON DENTIST. No, Ma WyominsT aveuuv. R. M. STRATTON. OFFICifcOAL Ex change. Physicians) und Surgeons. DR. A. TRAPOLD. SPKCIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Wyoming avenue and Spruce street, Scranton. Of fice hours. Thursdays and Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 6 d. m. DR. O- EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVKD to C1G Spruce street, Scranton, Pa. Uust opposite Court House Square.) DR. KAY. SM I'KNN AVE.: 1 to 3 P. Al": call 2.ti2. Dts. of women, obstretrlcs and and all dta. of chlb DR. W.'e. ALLEN. 612 North Washington uvenuff. DR. C. L. FREY. PRACTICE LIMITED, diseases of the -Eye, Enr, Nose and Throat; oftVe. 122 Wyoming ave. Resi dence. SVlne ntreet DR. L. M. GATES, 125 WAS1IINC.TON avenue. Olllce hours, 8 to 9 a. m., 1.30 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. ni. Residence 309 Madi son avenue. DR. J. C. BATESON. "TUESDAYS AND Fridays, at Wi Linden street. Office hours 1 to 4 d. m. ' DR. 8. W. LAMEREAPX. A SPECIXlT 1st on chronica diseases'- of the heart, lungs, liver, kidney and genlto uri nary diseases, will occupy the olllce of Dr. Roos, 2.12 Adams avenue. Olllce hours 1 to 5 p.- m. Litwvet's. WARREN & KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law. Republican building, Washington avenue, Bcran- ton. Pa. JESSUPS & HAND. ATTORNEYS AMD Counsellors at Law, Commonwealth A Duuaing, w3iupt, on avenue. W. H. JESSUP. HORACE E. HAND, W. H. JESSUP. JR. PATTERSON WILCOX." ATTOR neys and Counsellors st Law; orTlcea 8 nd 8 Library building. Scranton. Pa. ROSE0:LL H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND. Attorneys and Counsellors. Common wealth building. Rooms 19. 20 and 31. FRANK T. OKKLL7 ATTORNEY-ATI Law, Room 5, Coal Exchange, Scran ton. Pa. JAMES W. OAK FORD. ATTORNEY-at-Law, rooms 63, 64 and (5, Common. wcalth building. SAM PEL W. EDO AR, ATTOR NEY-AT- Law. Office. 317 Spruce at.. Scranton, Pa. L. A. WATKR3. A TTO R N EY-AT-uAv 423 Lackawnnna ave., Scranton, Pa. URIE TOWNSEND. ATTORN'EY-AtT Law, Dime Hank Piiildlng. Scranton. Money to loan In large sums at 6 per cent. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORN EY-AT- law, uommonweattn outldlng, Scranton, i-a. H. C. 8MYTIIB. ATTORNEY AT LAW, tw LacKa wanna avenue. C. COllEGYS. irspRPCE STREET. D. B. HKPIA1I1M0. ATTORNEY LOAN'rt negotiated on real estate security. 403 oprui-e si reel. B:PKII'LAM- ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, ii Wyoming ave., Hcranton. Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON. A T'Pfl RMRT.lT jfL!i-iL5:P!5I!L0JllLeln pl'K. acranton J. 11. C. RANOK. 13 WYOMING AVE. Wire Srcens. JOS. KUETTEU REAR Bll LACKA, wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Screens. Seeds. O. R. CLARK & CO.. SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 146 Washington ave nue; green house, 1350 North Main ave nue; store leionnone 783, Architects. EDWARD II. DAVIS. ARCHITECT Rooms 24. 35 and 20, Commonwealth building. Hrranton. Ui. Li. WALTER. AKCHITRPT OITPIC'IB rear oi otn yvasnington avenue. LEWI9 HiJirnrif id . n . 435 Spruce st, cor. Wash. ave.. Scranton. BKOWN A MCIHRIK A t-u rn-i- Price bulldink, IM Washing-ton avenue, Schools. SCHOOL OP THE LACKAWANNA ouranion, Pa prepares boys and girls Jor colk-K8 or business; thoroughly tiiiiuiru, .aiaiOEuo at ra queat. Opens Spptmber . -THOMAS M. CANN. u i I'jn tl. t U li L Li, MlSSWORCESTKn'fl KINDEROARTEN HVt I'llUtI I . MIX AllUniil aiirAmao : icnni i .-n 9iv per term. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVtNna in Ixtan Association will loan yeu money on easier tetps and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Can on S. K. Callender, Dim Bank building. Hotels and Restaurants. THK ELK CAFE. 12i and 127 FRANK. lln avenue. Hates reasonable. P. ZEIGLER. Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSK, NEAR D., L.. t W. passenger uepot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place. Vkw VnrV Rates, $3.50 per day and upwards. (Ameri can pian;. V. N. AN ABLE, Proprietor. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA-MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms addreoa R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert's musle store. WKQAHGEE BROTHERS, PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington ave.. Scran ton, Pa FRANK P. BROWN & CO.. WHOLE- sale dealers In W oodware. Cordage and Oil Cloth,7S0 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY, EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 19 and 20, Williams Bullrllnft, opposite postofflce. Agent for the Rex Fire Extinguisher. riT. PLEASANT COAL AT RETAIL. Coal of the bast quality for doflMStta se, and of all sires, delivered la aaa iart of the city at lowest price. Ordera left at my office NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE. Rear room, lii-at floor. Third Natlaaal Bank, or sent by mail or telephone tm Si BiBv will receive prompt attention. Special contracts will be made far fas W WW .V. W. JU.AWUK( WfSl. T. SMITH Get a Move on You. That is what 1 am going to do about March i, i8g6. I am going to move into my new store in Hotel Jenny n, Spruce street and Wyoming avenue, 324. By that time tho Improvements will be completed. I have an elegant line of wheels ordered for that date. Clearing sale now in progress. Second-band wheels ut a tremendous cut Ice skates ditto. A. W. JURISCH, SOEffiOHS If you want the best, the very best wheel, vou can get it 1 have it You know it THE STERL1NU. The 308 LACKAWANNA AVE. 308 SPARKLING WITH NEWNESS Just now we are busy everyday opening and un packing cases of bright fresh goods which not only are replete with Fashion, but are Abounding With Cheapness We mention just a few of the new things at new prices: 25c 75c Providing you are Interested io buying a Fur Cape or Jacket we will aelt vou a $10.00 one lor $5.00; fia.oo oof for o.ooj $14.00 one for $7.00 fi6.o one for J&oo, 4c. - The balance of our Winter Underwear and Hosiery will be sold at a great sacrifice to close. If you are in want of some don't delay as prices on them will eflect a speedy sale. MILLINERY ONE-HALF PRICE. IT'S A FLYEB nd the velocity of wind, steam nd "li's re niiKsesieu Dy nts progress. The bicycle lx the mom Important Inno vatlon In means of traval since the Intro duction of the locomotive, and we are In the Infancy of Its use, construction and means of propulsion. llealtl y-mlinlcd people are those who commend and practice Its ue. To such we need hardly say, Your blcy ele should ho the latest und best. Call and examine ours before buying. 3I2 AND 3!4 UCKAWANNH IVi MERCHANT TAILORING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Sh'ade9 and styles of Suitings, Spring and Summer, from fio up. Trouserings irom S5 up. Vesting and Overcoats, foreign and domestic fabrics, made to order to suit the most fastid Ions ia price, Gt and workman ship. D. BECK, 337 Adams Ava. WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8tb Ward, Scranton. ROOMS 4 AND 8, Qa and Watar Co. Building, CORNER" WYOMING ATE. AND CENTER ST. OrlTCE HOURS from T.sO a m. to I n. m.1 (i aoar mtarmiision tor oinnsr ana sapper. ) Partlcnlif Attention Givento Collections Procnpt Settlenisnt Guaranteed. TOUR BUSINESS IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Talaphona No. 134. DU FONT'S imG, BLASTKS ADO SP8nTIRS POWDER ttaaotaetarad at the Wapwallotiea HOm. tm aarsw oooniy, rs-. ana n wu muigtoo, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. Oanaral Acent for tbe Wjoaalog Distrist. M WYOMING. AVE Serarrton. Tkkrd Matlansl Bank Boildlag. AOBjrcias : H08. TOB&Mttaton, Ps. John B. smith m son. Prrmoata,Pa E. W. MULUOAN, WUkM barraTPs. raasa ior ias nepaana iisssnnai Fashion For Spring Dress Goods, 45 inches wide, changeable effects made to retail at Thirty-Five Cents. A choice line of New Novelties, in the leading shades, would be cheap at Sixty-Five Cents. For Changeable Mohair, acknowledged by all the leading Dress Goods for Spring, 1896; worth One Dollar. AMUSEMENTS. THE FROTHINGHflM. Wagner Rels, Lessees and Managers. - MONDAY, FEBRUARY 24, Grand Concert HISS ANNA IDA KOCH, Assisted by Celebrated Artists. PRICES 25c, 50c., 75c. and $1 Sale of Seats Now Open. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, A One Night, rlonday, Febraary sth. The Derby Winner A. L. Spink's Celebrated Success. A Stirring Story of Track Ufa. Full of Pathetic and Funny Scents. Presmtail by a strons- cast of artists and mssniflaentlT staffed. Tha matnhlM-ia 110 OA table scene, with real race hone., besded br tne celebrated Frueland. Bee the bt. Loots Derby Race. A play of Intense dramstlo ae lion, a oik winner tn popular taver. Regular Prlces-25, (W. 73, f 1.00. ACADEMY OF MUSIC, Tuesday, Feb. 15. Laughter and Origlnnl t'un. Tbe Big Comedy. 780 Nights In Strsnd Theater, London. eo Nights Lyceum Theater, New York. OUR FLAT. Tbs Music, Dances sud Songs all now. Com plete scenic equipment. Hals of seats opens Saturday morning. Regular prices. DAVIS THEATER Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday FEBRUARY 24, 25, 28, 1893. Core Davidson and Ramie Austin's Qrast Play ot tbe Metropolis. DANGERS OF A GREAT CITY INTRODUCING William T. Gaskell and Madge Tucker. Supported by a Most Capable Company of Metropolitan Artists. PRICES 10, 20 OR 30 CENTS THE TRADERS RATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON, ORGANIZED 189a CAPITAL $250,000 40,000 SURPLUS JOHN T. POK1 m, President. W. W. WATSON, Vice President F. L. PHILLIPS, Cashier. DIRECTORS, amuel nines. James M. Everhart. Irrin A. Finrb, Pierce H. Kinley. Joseph J. Jermyn, M. 8. Keinerer, ( buries 1'. Matthews. John T. Porter. W. W. Watsou, Charles, Bcblager, L. W. Moras. . AND LIBERAL This bank Invites tbe Dstroaace of BoslaeM BANGKER men and ftrsu generally.