The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 24, 1896, Page 6, Image 6
6 THE SCBANTON TRIBUNE MQX DAY 3rOI?NTNO, FEI1RUAHY 24. 189C. PRICE SAfeG C0NTINU6S ONE-HALF PRICES WILL SELL ONE-HAM? EVERYTHING Especially if they are affixed to Desirable, Fresh and Seasonable Goods, like those ... we have had such an extraordinary sale on for two weeks past. We have doubled our expectations. S10.00 For choice of about 200 Men's Winter Suits (this season's make) in Tine Worsted, Cassimeres, Tweeds and Cheviots, in Cutaways, Single and Double-Breasted Sacks, that formerly sold for $12, $15, $18, $20 and even $22, all go now lor one price of $10 each. CASH ONLY, e are doing just as we advertise. 00 For choice of 200 Young Men's Suits, as fine Suits as any one conld wish to wear. They formerly sold for $8, $10, $12 and $15. These suits are selling fast. Secure a choice NOW. CASH ONLY, One Thousand Men's Negligee Shirts, with collars attached, with two collars and cuffs de ll rf fl JJ.tached. All sizes, 14 to 17, formerly selling for $1.00, $1.25 and $, will be sacrificed al " . FIFTY CENTS each. We also continue selling Underwear at TWENTY-FIVE CENTS each. Ties, two for Twenty-Five Cents. It may be of interest to you to know that the ONE"HALF PRICES, tne very lowest you've ever seen, are marked on these goods, and that almost give-away figures are the only ones you'll find on the balance of our Winter Overcoat. OLLDN iHACK Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers 220 Lackawanna Avenue M ir Ma'irkhaoi's Private Scrtairy By ROBERT CROW1E. (otyilkbt. 1HU, by Bnclialler, Johnson an J B!'h11t Mr. Henry Markliam. M. P., line! ac cepted un Invltullon from his political frleml. Sir l!Hrir Howard, to his coun try house. Ah the vlKit vus more polit ical than prlvate.Mr. Markhani brought hlH private anil political secretary .John Warrington, with him. An important measure was before the house, and a. division was expected to take place Im lnetliately. Sir (ieorse represented land. Mr. Markhnm capital; and War rington knew more r bruit both than either. Kesldes, Mr. Mark hum wan vicariously engaged on a work dealing In bimetallism. Warrington had ideas on the subject, and Mi. Alarkham be lieved In these so far that lie hail de cided to put his own name to them. Warrington, lie exftiauieu in pir George, "Is a deuced clever fellow. He works up my speeches: you pee I am very busy; and upon my soul I could not do them better myn?lf." ' This statement, was scrupulously true. Mr. Markhnm ami his secretary achieved Immediate and merited un popularity with Sir Oenrge Howard's household and Rllests. Markhnm was ignorant. Ill-bred, ami arrogant. The secretary was a man of undoubted natural gifts he was hlgrhly educated and had a line literary style but he was lacking In the Ha voir vlvre that makes civilization worth while. A strong: character, he wanted that pre cise mental adjustment necessary to those who make the best of life as it Is and leave the conduct of life as It ought to be to remote posterity. Warrington's apparent Indifferences to his own and his chief's soc ial failure was pure af fectation. He1 was miserable and tried to ulsguise his emotion by an overdone cynclsm and a preposterous interest In bimetallism. He worked night and day at Mr. Markham's book with only an hour off in the afternoons for pistol practice -his sole recreation. Miss Marlon Howard, Sir George's only child and mistress of his house, .was at first civil to tlie private and political secretary.' It was her duty. Bimetallism she earnestly believed to be a lKre, though a harmless one, but when she discovered that the binietal list was also a socialist she was not sure that she ought nut to send for the po- FACIAL HUMOURS Prevented by yf Coticura Soap. ASHAMED TO BB SEEN became of disfig tiring facial humours is the condition of tbouaanui who lire in Ignorance of the (act that la CCni uRA Soap is to be found the purest, sweetest, and most effective akin puri fier and beautifler in the world. For pimples, Nackheads, red and oily akin, red,, rough hands with shapeless nalle, dry, thin, and rail ing bair, it Is wonderful. - Sold thruhoOl tH BJritUk dMi F. Nw- Jbmt St Son I, Kins Mwarel-e., J.on4on. pun KB iie Cass. Ceaf.,eele Fratj-, Beam, U. . A. 1 a lice. The secretary's fate was sealed. Henceforth there must be a great taboo, Warrington wus a dangerous diameter. Hut the. great division wns still in the future. The dangerous character must perforce to be tolerated for the preHent. A committee of pub lic safety was meantime organized. Its president was a public school boy and Its action was worthy of its president. One evening the secretary was stroll ing through the grounds thiiiKing about bimetallism mid other things. In a dark corner of a' shrub-bordered path lie stumbled over the oustretched legs of a mull lying on the grass. War rington apologized, but the man wus not appeased. His coarse, face, enor mous lunacies, and whole set-up could hardly be mnvaken; he was a prize fighter, or should have been. .He would accept nn apology. "I have apologized." Warrington said. "What more do you wnnt'.'" "I want to know if. as you thinks yourself a man, you'll put up your lives'." "Ni." said Warrington: 'f won't. Hut 1 11 tell you what 1 will do." He put his hand into his hip pocket and snatched out a short, black object with a barrel, w hich he pointed at the man's face, "if you udvance a single step I'll put a bullet in your skull." vThe man fell back. There was a slight movement In the shrubbery. Warrington noticed it. "Observe," he said sharply. "You think I could not hit you in the head In this light? See me take that branch off the v!" He pointed the pistol straight at the densest growth of un derwood. There was a hasty scramble and the sound of running footsteps. The pugilist aain gave ground. "flu!" said Warrington. "And If ever you moles: me asain I'll lire first and think the matter over afterwards." In the smoking-room that evening. Warrington was reading and moking a cigar, when young I'hurlle Telford, the president of the committee ex clairiied: "What do you think of a sweep who draws a revolver on an unarmed man?" "Thnt he Is a sweep," came so unani mously it was evident the scene had been rehearsed, Warrington uid out appear to hear. "What do you say. Warrington," Tel ford asked, pointedly. "It deepens," replied the secretary, "upon what the unarmed man was do ing or going to do,- If he was inoffen sive the man with the gun was a crim inal rutllian." "Suppose the unarmed man was of fensive?" "Then the man with the gun was an ass." "For what'" "For not lirlng." "O. indeed! Perhaps, tinder the same circumstances, you would have llred." "Why. certainly." "That's curious," broke In two or three. "For thes say that you yourself were molested this evening, anil that you didn't lire." "i was molested, as you say, but II wasn't necessary to fire, fortunately for me, as I had not a gun." " won't haggle over the word 'gun.' It 1r certain you had a pistol." "O dear, no," said Warrington, knocking the ash from hie cigar. "I had only a plpecnse." y The? subject was dropped,ind with It the private secretary. Vwn Miss Howard received the reMirt of the com mittee she laughed immoderately. So they hud bad their trouble for nothing. At the same time the girl did nut for give tin secretary certain sins of omis sion. He had treated her from the first with marked indifference. Still she was glad of the overthrow of the com mittee She. wanted to be her own ex ecutive. .Next morning Miss Howard received a written apolli-ution fro the secre tary, lie required his meals served In the room where he worked; otherwise he would have them provided In the village. Tills was a terrible dilemma. To give way to a private and contu macious secretary was not pleasant. But to ullow u stranger within the gates to seek In the. village what it must be presumed had been dented In the castle was unthinkable. Miss .Marion did not forirct this lo the man wno nan set me irauiuons or a inou Kiind years at defiance. Warrington had his nienls In the room given over to him. They were splendid feasts, lb ate what he required of the simpler foods mill ignored the mystic delicacies. He made good progress with Mr. Mark ham's book on bimetallism. Miss Howard told her best girl friend that she began to hate the secretary heartily on bis own merits. She often met him as he was'cnterinrr or leaving the castle for his dally walk. When she was wearing a new or particularly attractive gown she was certain to meet him. This coincidence was with out exceed Inn. The secretary's tired face began to brighten lis she passed. Her antipathy' was really less violent than she had described to her frii'nd. But he was still contumacious. He had not yet bent the knee and did not seem likely to do so. The mistress of the ensile was going on u round of visits. She was beau tifully dressed. It was the secretary's hour for "knocking off." Hut be did not knock off at oil that day. Conse quently Miss Howard found him in his No matter how violent or excruciating the pain, th; Rhaumatic, Iledrldden, In llrm, Crippled. Nervous, Neuralgic, or prostrated with diseases may suffer. RADWAY'S READY RELIEF Will Afford For headache (whether sick or nervous), toothache, neuralgia, rheumatism, lum bago, pains and weakness in ha back, Bpiim or kidneys, pains around the liver, pleurisy, swlUus of the joints nml pains of all kinds, the application of Kadway's Heady Belief wlil afford Immediate ease, and its continued use for a few days effect a permanent cure. Instunlly stops the most excruciating pain, allays inflammation and cures con xestions, whether of the l.uuif. stomach, Bowels or other glands or mucous mem branes. - . . -- ' Kadway's Heady Hclief CURKS AND PREVENTS ?olds, Coughs, Sore Throat, Influsm za, Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Rheu matism, Neuralgia, Headache, Tocthache, Asthma, Dif ficult Breathing. Cf RES THE WORST PAINS In from one to twenty minutes. Not one hour after reading this advertisement need any one 8CFFBR WITH PAIN. INTERNALLY A half to a teaspoonful In half a tumbler of water will in a few nlnutes cure Cramps, Spasms, Sour stomach. Nausea, Vomiting. Heartburn, Sick Headsvche. Diarrhoea, Colic, Klatu. ency and all Internal pains. 3AOWAVS READY FIELII'F. Price, 50c. per Bottle. Said by ell Druggists. working-room at the time when he should have been out of It. She only waited a moment; just long enough to leave the breath of a delicate perfume and the recollection of a charming face liguiv and costume with the secretary. He lookeil up as she was going out with a short apology for her presence. He hail been working hard thul day. "Thank you," he said, quietly. "Kor what?" she asked, surprised. "Kor letting me see you in that dress. It helps me with this;" lie indicated the muss of manuscript on the table. 'It is kind of you. 1 hope yon will have a pleasant day" "Do you dare to say," she cried, "that, I came here to exhibit myself?" A chunge came over his face a change so midden and so ugly that she stopped sharply. "I beg your pardon." he said, coldly. "It Is altogether my fault. I thought It would have given you pleasure to know that you hud done a kindly act, even though you did It unconsciously. 1 am sorry that you ure angry with me for being grateful. 1 shall not offend you again." He' arose and preceded her to the door as confidently as If the house were his own. Ami he bowed her out with a dignified courtesy which he could not have cooled if a. thousand dancing masters had posed for him. His griev ance lent him grace. She said "good afternoon" frigidly. He returned her salutation with studied politeness. They did not meet again for several days. To be concluded. WELSBACil LIGHT Special! Adapted lor Reading aud Sewing. p I Pie lie Ssv Sell Ul SpF3 on lien Consumes three (8) feet of gas per hour and Hives an efficiency of sixty (00) candles. Having at least 83 J per ceut. over the ordinary Tip Burners. Call urni See It. i 434 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. rUnufacturer' Agente. French Injection Compound Caere poiUlTely, quickly, (not merely clicckn.) tiuaianteed or muney refunded. Avtritl danKeruue reiw-dkea. Frtuaaaacataper bottle. Nix Hurtle twill cure DTcrwt cane) lent pmimld. nature from obeerraUi.n. with only cieullflcally made lyrluge, to any address I or f. no. M wwy v m I II - MIT, Ji"Mi.U Pennyroyal pills Arc, wJwavi rWUule. utoics k Urtwtirt lor ChkheHtri Knvtuk Di,t motidMmMii la Hrd antl iJd metallic leOXM, nr-alfd lit. Miw HMhjm. Tke latitat km RtfMUanarroumenkMhtt 'hN and imtMi. Al Irufita,rarad4 Id ateinv: fur particular. tt;iKiiiUU mm4 " He lief fbr IHlra," In tuttr. b? rrtani I 1 - A Moosic Powder Go, Rooms 1 and 2 CommoweaJUi Biff, SCRANTON. PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER UADB AT MOOSIC AND RUM PAL.E WORKS. Lafflln A Rand Powder Co." Orange Gun Powde? Blertrlo Batteries, Feme for explod ing blasts. Safaty Fuse and EepannoCusmical Co.'s HighExplosivs (AUTION ill's V LAGER BEER BREWERY. Ifunfartnrars of I m Oelobratcd PILHR LAGER SEER :v2 CAPACITYl lco,ooo Barrels per Annum BP - RSVSVO RESTORES VJUUTT. Made a iti mm uauiT.fAV of Me. TMI 0RBAT sotb IiT. prodaeca tta abovo reeultn In :0 ilnyt. It cti poworf nlly and quickly. C'urts whftti all othera (all Voana maa will ram their lost manhood, aad old Baa will rerontr their youlbtnl naor by nalna KKTI VO. M oaicair ud aurely rmioiea Nanoua aaaa. Laa Vltallu, iinpoieasr. KiKUtly Emlaaiona, Luat Power, railing Memory, Wan una Diauaaea. and all aleiuta of aelf-abuae or axoeM aad Indlac return waleb aalta one tor amdy, koaloeaa or marrlaae. II not ay mm by at art I nc at tha aal of dlaeaaa. but laaaraat nrrr toolo awl blood bnlldor, brtnr leg baok tlia pink glow to ja!a eeieoka and r wring toe II ro of youta. fa warda off Inaanity and Oaaaumplloa. lnit oa baTlDj RE VIVO, do ntaer. It can be aarriad la vaat votkat. By nail, 21 AM gar packaiea, or all for ). with a poel wrltiaa gnaraataa a want aa? tulune .h moaar. Ctroaiat free, iddratj 0YAL MEOICINE CO.. S3 Rif ar tt, CHkHMO. ILL taa gaM atthma bim. BgwaUlae TO OUR patrons: a MM Washburn-Crosby Co. wish to nssure their many pat rons tliut they will this year hold to their usual ciiKtoas of rnilliug STRICTLY OLD WHEAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat is now upon the market, and owin to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that It is already cured, and in proper condition for milliii(i. Washburn-Crosby Co. will takat no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully threw months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling haal Sliieed WHshbiirnxCrosby Co.'s flour far above otbeat vu nds. GONNELL Wholesale Agents. D STEEL Bolts, Xuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbiickles, Washers, Riv ets, I lorse Nails, Files,- Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies." Sail Duck, for mine use in stock. SOFT STEEL HORSE SHOES and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc. TTE11E1I GO SCRANTON, PA. aO mt RESTORE LOST VIGOR KtMult in 4 wckt. i wtien in doubt wnat to w for NtrvoM Debility, Lmi of Mmii rower nn eruver ' ft,. lfnnntBi v. Atrutiliv. VinrnieU an4 atKaa k.iinfMM. ftum BDV CBUM. WM Sfltirw Draim thkr aad full vigor ajuickly rcitocard. If avpltfted, ftutlt truubln retull fatally. Mailed anywhere. acaUal. fee li.eoi bawt for U rn- f-'T Mm "ra- " c tivo a ief ai f iiaianfM ia cwra or rirna "uar PEAL MEDICI HE CO.(Clsvclaad, OMo. For sal by JOHN H. PHELPS, Pharmacist cor. Wyoming Avonu an 4 Spryca Straaw Scranton Pa.