i - THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MOXDAY 3IORNING, FEBRUARY 24, 1890. sss u Pure BAKIN " I am convinced Cleveland's is the purest baking powder made and I have adopted it exclusively in my cooking schools and for daily household use. Mis. S. T. Korer, Principal Philadelphia Cooking School. Norrman & Moore FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. BIG BARGAINS IN SHOES RUSSET SHOES IT COST COMMONWEALTH SHOE STORE Washington Avenue. - YOUR LINEN LOOKS RIO.HT PEELS RIUHT WEARS RldHT WHEN LAUNDRIED THE LACKAWANNA Up to Date Draperies Curtains Carpets AND Wall Paper To Match Q7 WYOMING IVENUL UTYJJOTES. On March E, Alfred J. Pennington will IJlve a recital In Kim Park church. The board of school eontroll will meat tomorrow night for reorganization. C. . Welchel, of Welr-liel & Millar, re turner) from New York Saturday. ' Unr bought a, large bill of good foi trade. ' , Itev. A. I,. Urban will talk to the J Friendly society on "Tennyson" Bt the home of Miss Lola Sancton, 701 Jefferson venue, this evening. A meeUnr of the executive committee of the Phil Sheridan fair will be held dur ing the week to decide the various con test Chat yet remain undecided. Hiawatha council. No. 26, Daughters of Pooohonuia, will give an entertainment this evening, at whlnh a leading feature will be a aerlea of living pictures. The bloycle ohanned oft by Blttenbendcr A Co. for the benefit of the Home for ti e Frlendlent, was won by ticket N). tig. The drawl'jg took place Saturday night. Michael Murphy, of the South Side, a runner ut JohiMon'H mine, had Ills tight hand mashed Haturday morninir bv hav ing It caught between the bumpers of two empty cur. Warden Brockway, of the Klmlr.i re formutory, pawned through the city Sat urday from New York city with eltflit young Incorrigible for the Institution over which he has charge. Lee W. NloholU, who assaulted Con stables J. 8. Miller with a flat Iron, belli unable to secure ball in the sum of Jaw) for his appearance at ceurt on the chain of aggravated suK and battery, waa on Saturday committed to the county Jail. The exchanges of the Scranton Clearing House association last week were as fol lows: Feb. 17, m3,367.67: Feb. 18. 11V 621.7; Feb. 1. IH2.0S8.ul: Feb. 20. 9t, 899, K: Feb. 21, 1100,294.63; total. tCSi.7til.Jl. ClearlnTS for the week ending Feb. U. ISM, t&Z.Kt.tt. Arlgonl Ferdinands, of Penn avenue, has received he contract of grading eight miles of road for the new branch of the Portland and Bangor railroad from Wind Gap to Penn Argyl. He must have It com pleted In four months. One hundred and fifty men will be put to work at once. A concert will be given In Young Men's Chrlstlon Association hall on Monday venlnH. March 1. by Valentine Alt, tne wonderful mandolin virtuoso, who Is con ceded to be the most finished mandolin player the world has ever known. He will be assisted by Alfred Wooler. tnor; Professor George Carr and the Philhar monic, etrtng quartette, consisting of two mandolins, tnandolo and guitar. A concert of this kind will be a treat to music-lovers. THE DAZZLE R SATURDAY. Wag Seen at the Academy of Music - Afternoon and Evening. "Th Dazzler" mi presented et the Academy of Music Saturday afternoon and evening by Cosgrove & Grant's comedians, headed by Raymond Fin lay and Lottl Burke. Flnlay waa seen In the character of Kieklel Pipes, In which Joe Ott first achieved fame. He la not as mirth proving and droll as his predecessor, but, nevertheless. In very entertaining and makes a good central figure for the farce. Lottie Burke, who is a daughter (if the famous "Dublin Dan." Is a winsome little soubrette, who sings well and dances gracefully and mad a decided hit as Kitty Starlight. Bobby Rolston, the dwarf comedian. Max MUler, Alice Whitney, Will West. Ida Marie Rogers and several other young women assisted the principles In the merry making. At the close of the second act of the evening performance Miss Burke slip ped and fell, twisting her ankle. The Injury was very painful, and she had to be taken to the Hotel Terrace In a car riage. Last evening she had almost completely recovered and expected to be able to go to Honeidale with the company this morning. Don't Miss tb Grestest Bargains Ever Offered. We must sell and are offering our en tire stock at about half price, and re sponsible buyers can buy Just as cheap on time as for rash. Look at the prices: Hallett aV Davis piano, good as new. $124 Chlrkering Upright piano, used but little, good as new 240 Chlckeiing piano, not good as new.. 40 Sterling Organ, 6 octaves, oak case, mirror top, 4 sets reeds 65 Clough ft Warren organ, high top, - perfect order; used a little SO Others from $10 to 140. Many others equally low. Every thing must be sold In the next 30 days. Don't miss this opportunity. Guernsey Brothers, n -. 224 Wyoming ava WILLIAMS f I and Sure." PlQWDER, liUKILD IN MONTROSIi. Mall Carrier i:durd It. Pickering, l aid at Hcst Saturday. The funeral of M.-tiliitrrler Edward It. rU'kfiintf was held Saturday. Rev, Oiuiicu Uolilnsm. 1). 1).. pastor ot the Second 1'resbytci'lan church, conducted services at the Inte renltlenc 011 flay avenue, und afterward the rvintiliM wen borne on the l-.fii noun train on the Delaware. Lackawanna and West ern ailroad to Montrose whore Inter ment wus made. Services wore also conducted at the home, of the deceased's mother In Montrose. The funeral was In charge of Hranch 1", National Letter Carriers' associa tion of which the following members were pallbearers: WlUUlin Ounuon. John H. Phillips, August Jenkins. M. J. O'Mulley, of Scranton; Kdwnrd (irifliths and James Johnson, of Wllkes Barre. The Scranton carriers bestowed a floral tribute, envelope-shaped, with the words, "At Rest," Intertwined. That of the Wllkes-Barre carriers was a pillow with the word "Comrade." Thirty-live of the Scranton curriers were present at the funeral and they sang appropriate selections at the house and ut the jrrave. The Hough and Ready Hose company of Montro.se, entertained the carriers with a dinner after the funeral and their hospitality was received with many thanks. The Tribune Job Department has been kept busy day and night for the past three weeks, and its capacity has been fully tested. What work It has done has been in every way satis factory and we are not "blowing our own horn" when' 'we state thut our rapacity is much larger than that of any other printing house in the city. Spring announcements will soon be the order of the day, and we shall give special at tention to this class of printing. New faces of type will be introduced, and merchants will do well to consull us before placing orders for this class of work. Our bindery has been stead ily employed for months past, but we will now be able to give attention to the wants of the business men In rul ing, binding, etc. Keep this in mind that our ofllce can print or bind to suit your necessity. RUSSELL AS "BOB ACRES." Very Satisfactory Performance of Sheri dan' Sterling Old Comedy. Sol Smith Russell's appearance at the Frothlnnrham Saturday night In Sheri dan's favorite play, "The Rivals," was greeted with a rather sparse audience. If It waa t that Scranton 'theater-Koers, with memories of the grand production given this sterling old comedy by the Jefferson-Drew company some years ago at the Academy, feared a Rlurlng discrepancy, they were misled by their apprehensions for once. Mr. ltu.sscll noes not aspire too high when he es says the role of "Fighting Bob" which so many worthy actors have chosen to display their ability in. So liberal and enthusiastic was the applause that at the end of the second act Mr. Russell was compelled to make a speech. He Bald that It appeared from the size of tho house that Hcran tonlans do not take as kindly to the old Bterllntr come'dles as to some of those which are the output of the modern brain, and which are the rage just ut present. As a whole the performance was well staged and generally satisfactory. Next to Mr. Russell the honors went to Mrs. Fanny Addison Pitt, the lrn. Mala prop, and George W. Denhum, the David. Mr. Hudson made u pood Sir Anthony, and George Woodward did well as lr Lucius. Charles Muokny's Captain Absolute was fairly good, and of Miss Minnie Radcllffe, as Lydla, the same might be said. . DK. LOGAN HONORED. Elected a Member of the Victoria Insti tute of Great llrliain. Rev. Dr. S. C. Logan has been elected a member of the Victoria Institute, or Philosophical society of Great Hrltaln whose headquarters are In London. This organization was founded fur the purpose of investigating the most Im portant tiuestlons of philosophy and science, especially those that bear upon the great truths revealed In the holy scriptures, with a view of reconcllintr any apparent discrepancy between Christianity and science. The present first vice president. Is the right honorable the lord high chancel lor, Halsbury. P. C. F. R. 8.; we are sure our readers will be pleased to hear that the doctor has been so deservlnply remembered and honored. This would seem to Indicate that the reverend doc tor is not esteemed abroad, as quite so Ignorant a gentleman, as the Scranton Republican (Dem.) would have its readers believe. ANTHRACITE STATISTICS. No Advance in Prices Expected for the Month of Moron. The president of one of the larger an thracite coal companies estimates the market requirements for Murcli at not exceeding 3.000,000 tons. It is Improb able that the sales' agents at their meeting on Thursday of next week will recommend an advance in coal prices for March. The cold weather has not Increased the stocks of any mining und carrying companies to any great ex tent. but has largely depleted the stocks In the hands of dealers. Very little business has as yet been done at 'the circular prices established nt the last meeting of the sales agents, but after March 1 full figures will be received on all coal mined. Statistics on anthracite production, which have not been published since July. 1S93, will be given out monthly hereafter. ELECTION AT DL'NMOKE. Chief of the Fira Department Will lie Chosen 'tonight. There will be an election held tonight at 7 o'clock In the borough hall of Dun more for chief engineer of the Dunmure fire department. The present chief, Mr. Btirschell, is a candidute for re-election and will be opposed by Philip Warner, a member ot the Electric Fire company. A large demonstration In the shape of a par ade will be held early in the evening. y A Business Opportunity for a Live liar ties .linker. The businessof O.K. Barney .deceased Clifford, Pa., is now for sale. A pros perous old established business, with new and convenient shop. An Inspec tion and inquiry into all the details of the business . solicited. Rent cheap, business good and stock on "hand sold reasonable. Address K. N. JBurnev. Montrose, Pa. - TOO MANY ARE AMBITIOUS " " ! . Great StruiiQlc Amonfl the fntcrri iicd fur the Spoils. ' HAKD TASK IJliluKE liAlLEY hundred Expect to Kccelve Appoint ments from Him There M ill lie a -Ulg Struggle for the Poaitiun of Cblcf-of-Pullce. ' " From now until April James O. llallcy will be a much sought after num. ills experience during thut time will pre pare him for what he may expect when he becomes mayor of Scranton. Already the hord of place welters Is on his trull and are beginning to make his Hie miserable, with their tinportiln iugs tor positions in the different de purtnn nts of the idly governments. During the campaign promises wore made right and left to everyone who hud influence enough to get a vote und now every man Jack of them la coin ing forward to cluim whut he feels, he is justly entitled to a redemption of the promise. ... It Is estimated that there are fully 1,(100 men In the city who expect to wear brass buttons und swing a policeman's club under the Incoming administration and w hen all of these reinforced by friends of high and low degree get In full chase alter Mr. Ualley und those who made promises In his name U is apparent thut there is annoyance galore In store for a number of men who dab ble in the great American game of politics. The police department is by no means the only one In which men have- been promised positions. Many expect to be cared for In the lire department or un der the street commissioner and not u few are practicing horseback riding with a view to succeeding Sanitary Po liceman Hurlio, Food Inspector Thomas and Detective Dyer. Candidate for Chief of Police The candidates for chief of police are already actively pressing their claims for recognition. At pivseut Frank Rob ling, deputy CnlUd States murshul, leads the procession, lie started full tilt after the ottice the moment Mr. Bailey's election was assured and has the hack ing of August and Charles Robinson, us well as of Postmaster V. M. Vftnii ling, Frank Thompson and a number of other Democrats who have been un der the ban of the party's displeasure for some time. If Mr. Butley wants to begin administration by glvliDf mor tal affront to two-thirds of f,he mem hers of his party he will appoint Mr. Rob Ung. That Is the very thing lie is likely to do many well Informed Democrats believe. One of them In speaking to a Tribune reporter yesterday Bald: , "If the Robinsons insist on the ap pointment of Mr. Robllng I don't see how Air. Bailey can refuse to do so. They contributed liberally to defray his campaign expenses this year and also rendered him great assistance when he run for sheriff. The mayor-elect Is not the kind of a man to forget their kind ness and If they press Mr. Holding's suit It Is not likely thut they will he turned down. If he does uppulnt him 1 feel sorry for the inuyor-t-lcct. Ills path will not he strewn with roses." t ft her candidates for chief of police are John .1. Shea, ex-county detective, and Joseph Tuylor, of the West Side. The names of P, J. Carroll, of Hellevue, and John Fitzsliumoiis have also been mentioned. The name of Mr. Fltr.slm mons is also frequently mentioned In connection with the office of captain, of police. A compromise will probably be affected by which one of the disappoint ed candidates for chief will be made a captain in case that office Is continued. Clerk of the Common Council. There Is the liveliest kind of a fight on for the office ot clerk of the common council. Among those whose names are mentioned for the position are James C. Bandsh, John J. Cordon, D. J. Motiarlty, John J. Cfrmpbli, M. J. O'Toole and William McLean. The lat ter was clerk of the common council during the fiscal year 18114. P. J. Hickey, the member of the com mon council from the Nineteenth ward, wants to be chief of the lire depart ment, and A. T. Detweller, of Provi dence; Harvey I,on. of the central tit", and several others have a similar am bition. John J. Fahey has been mentioned for the position of chief of police and street commissioner, but says he does not want either. Daniel P. Battle Is not so, he would have no hesitancy whatevet in accepting the position of street com missioner, und his friends nay that It would be a graceful act on the part of his late compatriots on the Democratic, ticket to provide n-miug berth for him. Attorney John M. Corbet t Is a candi date for the position of private secre. tary to Mayor Ralley. There are oth ers who have an eye on the sume olllce and Corhett will be fortunate if he does not get the marble heart about April 1. In the Other Departments. - There are already or soon will be In numerable applications for positions under the city treasurer and city con troller. John J. Uaffney Is a possibility for deputy city controller and -P. J. Ruane for deputy city treasurer. A large body of the young Democrats of the West Side will urge the appoint ment of William llaggeiiy. of the Fifth ward, us food Inspector to succeed Rich ard Thomas. Kvery other position that Is available Is eagerly eyed by the of fice seekers and there will be no lack of talent ready and anxious to fill them. The otllce hunters are nil basing llnir calculations on the assumption that Air. Bailey will make a eloun sweep when he goes into ofllce. He will find It entirely Impracticable to do so. a cir cumstance which will be apt to Involve htm in unpleasantness with the spoils seekers. Scranton. during recent years, has been getting down to e. mure solid business basis each year, and men have been retained year In anu year out through different changes of adminis tration because they were qualltled and experienced men whom It would not he good business policy to change. That policy has been steadily bringing the departments of the city government to a high standard of excellence In the matter of transacting public business. The system employed in well ordered business houses has been applied to the city government, and any radical de parture from It made nt. once by Mr. Bailey after going into ofllce would seriously embarrass his administration at the start. To expedite the work of doling out the spoils and to make each appoint ment as satisfactory as possible, a com mittee of the Democratic lenders has been appointed to consider all applica tions for positions. Their decision is sup)Osetl to be ac cepted by the man having the appoint ing power. MISS KOCH'S CONCERT. It Will Be Given at tho I rothlngham This l:vciilng. ' Miss Koch's concert at the Frolhlng hnm this evening promises to be one of the best attended entertainments of the season, by reason of Miss Koch's personal popularity nnd the excellence of the programme which has been ar ranged. Those who will participate are: Thomas Kgbert Perkins, Miss Marlon Short, Miss Kthel D. Houston. Kd ward Stevens Hoe, William Otto Pole manry and Miss Anna Ida Koch, NEW FROTH INGHAM ARCADE. Work Been Begun on an Entrance to the Theater. ,The work of rebuilding the arcade was begun on Suturday. The new structure will be but a single story in height for the present nnd virtually nothing more than on entrance to the Frothlngham. Two stores will occupy the Wyoming avenue front am facing Oulitord court, will be two smalfer stores. The entrance will be arched and will be Hanked on either side by booths. The box ofllce and nmnnger's ofllce will also be located in the new build ing. The decorations of the entrance will be in keening with the Interior of the theater. It will he lighted at day with immense sky lights nnd nt night by numerous Incandescent lamps. A. B. Kioistead has the contract for the masonry anil the 1'eck Lumber company for theRuperstructure. The plans for the lVnn avenue entrance huve also been completed und will be one of the possibilities of the near fu ture. HAS A D1M1NLKJX-II IS CIIIX. Sumnel C. Ma tied v. of .Mlnoaka. Arrested Saturday Might on n erln Charge. Sumtid C. Mahedy. of Mlnookx.. spent the Subbuth In a prison cell in the cen tral police station, huving.bceii arrest ed at 11 o'clock Saturday night by Con Siable Joseph F. Woolkers. of the Kleventh ward, on a warrant sworn out before Justice of the Peace Whulcn. of Avocn, on the charge of betraying Nora McUlyntl, a pretty young girl of Pleasant Valley. Mahedy was seen In 10s cell Inst night by a Tribune reporter und he admitted that he hud been guilty of criminal acts with the prosecutrix. The warrant wax sworn out by the mother of the girl. The culprla kept dodging arrest foe weeks, but was llnully landed Satur day night. He expects some one to go his bell today. 1)11 Wednesday, Feb. D. at 8 o'clock in the evening, Mahedy and Miss Nellie Kenny, of Cienet street. Twentieth ward, were married without any dis play or ostentation at St. John's church. Thomas Murray, ot Minooka, his brother-in-law, was groomsman, and Miss Polly Cotter, of Greenwood, was bridesmaid. So quiet was the mar lioge kept that even the most Imme diate friends of the bride were not aware of it. She went to work In the Satiquolt Silk factory the next day and worked until noon, but then the secret leaked out anil she could no longer stund the gossip, so she went home. Almost fiiiiullaneouK with the news of Aiahedy's marriage came the story that lie was In duty bound to marry Nora Mctilynn. of Avocn. Her friends were around to. see him, and it is al leged thut he promised to marry 'her the day berore he niarrieu Altss Kenny. Immediately after his marriage he left town and the reports are that he went tu Lee, Pu. He was in the em ploy of the ilreenwood Store company as delivery clerk before lie began to dotlge constables. He Is T2 years of age, has auburn nair anu a uimpie m his chin. SON ON A RAMPAGE. Had Possession of the House and Was Demolishing Things in General. At .1 o'clock yesterday morning, Pa trolmen 1. F. Jones and Victor Sartor, while In the vicinity of Luzerne and Sixth streets, heard a great commotion In the house of James Rodgers, located on the corner, and hurrying in discov ered the son, John Rodgers, swinging a chair and demolishing everything In sight. His pu rents and brothers and sisters hud sought places of safety In order to evade the general demolition, ana left the drink-crazed youth In lull pos session of the bouse. It wus with much dlfiloiilty he wan placed under arrest anil It gave the two patrolmen as much as they could do to get him out of the house. He fought the otlicers with all his might on the way to the station house, and finally they had to call a cab to get him to Jail. Alderman Millar. In police court yes terday morning, guve him thirty duya In the county Jail. At the hearing it developed that he has. no occupation and Is In the habit of terrorizing his household ana neighborhood. NO SWIMMING POOL. A Much Desired Improvement Knocked in tho Head. , Unless the estimates committee changes its mind, und It Is not likely it will In this particular respect, the nr tillelu! lake at Nay Aug park, which wus designed for a swimming and skating pond will not eventuate this year. At Friday night's meeting the esti mates committee cut down the park ap propriation one-third, knocking out tho various items which provided Tor tne construction of the luke thereby mak ing It impossible to carry the scheme through this year. This will be a great (i'sappolntment to citizens generally und to the young people In particular who had counted on the park commissioners tilling this long felt want ere the warm weuther set In. The popular demand for it. may however load to extraordinary means being ndopteil to raise money for the much desired Improvement. WOUNDED AND HELPLESS. Italian l olls from a Bridge at Night and Is Not Olscovored till Morning. An Italian with the Anglicized cog nomen James Brown, fell through the bridge at No. G mine, Dunmure, some time Friday night and remained help less ami hleedln? on the ground until day light, when some passers-by picked him up and had him conveyed to the Lackawanna hospital. Examination showed that his injuries were not of a very serious nature. A sculp wound was the only apparent Injury, and unless he was hurt internal ly vill pull through all right In a few days. MRS. UORER'S LECTURE. Tho First of a Series of Talks on Cookery Will Bo (iiven Today. The subject of Mrs. Rorer's first lec ture, which will be given this afternoon at 2.:!0 o'clock at 1H1 Washington ave nue, will be as follows: "The Food Value of Eggs and Their Cookery." I'pon this bubject Mrs.. Rorer will explain receipts for omelette, frothed eggs, omelette soutllee, egg a la Newberg. vanilla, soutllee, vanilla sauce. Tickets for the single lecture or the entire course may be had at the door. A Cord to the Public. New England Mutual Life Insurance Company, Alarston & Wukelln, Gen eral Agents. Philadelphia, Feb. 21. 1896. Mr. II. M. Walton, who has been fa vorably associated with us as district agent of our company for ten years past having resigned in order to devote his time to another branch ot life in surance, we take pleasure in stating that Air. John K. Broudbent, one of the company's old friends and customers, has taken charge of our affairs In Scranton and vicinity, and we bospcuk for hint your kindly co-operation. The ofllce will remain at No. 4(1, Common wealth Building. Mars'ton & Wakelln, t.leneral Agents. l ive Attorneys Admitted. Five young men were admitted to practice as attorneys in the several courts of Lackawanna county Saturday morning at a special term of court, presided over by Judge tiunslcr. Michael .1. Murtin und George C. Yocum were admitted on motion of Hon. Lem uel Ainermnn: James J. O'Malley, on motion of Hon. T. V. Powdeiiy. Kd win W. (leaiiutrt was admitted on mo tion of Attorney V. H. Oenrhart: and Fred K. Beers was admitted on motion of R. L. Grambs. - Westlnke' Pointer Won a Prize. Robert F.. Weslluke's pointed, "Lad." took third prize nt lust week's dog show In New York city. The prize Is a good sum In caHh nnd the ribbon. Mr. West htke Is secretary of the Scranton Poul try and Tet association. M. A. I'rlcdlnndcr & Co. Have removed to 008 Spruce street, formerly occupied by U. .W. Owens, opposite Court house. BLOODSHED AT DURYEA Two More Murders AuVcd to Its ' Terrible Kccord. SHOOTING . SATURDAY XICHT Michael Walsh killed by Uis Companion. Denals Connlff-Polander Is Re ported to Uave Beaten Out Ilia I fa's Brains with a Poker. Two more murders have occurred In Duryea since The Tribune last went to press. Suturday night, during a drunk en light M Ichuel alsh was shot und almost lustu-ntly killed by ltenuls Con nlil, und lost night about 9 o'chs-k a Polunder beat out Itla wife's brains with a poker. 'this makes three murders thut have been committed In and about Duryea within a week. The first murder occurred early Wednesday morning at a Lithuanian bull In Mike Uutel'B hotel. Wllllum Yushursky, aged 24, was the victim. He was beaten about the head with an Iron bur during a fight In the rear of the dance hall and died from the effects of the blows -the ; next day. John Pukutka, John Lavtne and Andrew Koslosky are now in the Luzerne county Jail charged with him murder. They, ot course, deny being the assail ants, but admit having seen the assault. The Saturday night shooting resulted from a drunken quarrel. Walsh und Connlff In company with several others were in Joyce's saloon at the place known as "Head of the Canal" and from some cause thut has not yet devel oped tho two men got into a light and before anybody could Interfere Connlff drew a revolver and shot Walsh In the breast. The wounded man rnn Into the street and fell dead before he had gone fifty feet. Murderer Connlff Arrested. Dr. Baker was hastily summoned but life was extinct before he arrived. Word was telephoned to Plttstou nnd Chief of Police Lol'tus went to the scene. With two local canstables he proceeded to Connlff's house and placed htm under utrest. He hud heard thut the otlicers wore after hint and was pre paring tt give himself up when they came. He made no attempt to deny the shooting but maintained that he could not remember anything about it. He also denied that there was a long standing quarrel between himself anil Welsh anil stated that they were on good terms before they got drunk. He was taken before Justice of the Peace Gibbons in Pittston and by him committed to the county Jail. The wife-murder, reported as having occurred last night, was first made known In this city ut midnight through tne following united press aispatcn: Wllkes-Barre. Fa., Feb. 23. A quarrel ensued between a Polander and his wife at Duryea tonight nnd the former struck her on the head with a poker and she fell dead on the iloor. Kvery effort has been made to I. -urn I heir names but at this late hour they could not tin obtained. This is 'the third lit tinier that has occurred In this town within the past week. The foregoing could not be verified by telephone with parties in Duryea and Avoea. Neither could anything be learned from the crew of the Traction company cur running between this city and SmlthvUle, four miles below Dur yea. At 1.45 o'clock this morning a tele phone message from Pittston partly verified the story. The man murdered his wife at noon, but the crime was not discovered until late at night. The murderer In the meantime had made good his escape. SUICIDE AT WILKES.BARRE. Joseph I.evlnson, Crazed by Pain, Ends Hie Sufferings with a Revolver. Wllkes-Barre, Pa., Feb. 23. Joseph Levtnson, aged CO, a retired merchant, living on Lincoln street, this city, com mitted suicide this evening. Levin son, who has been suffering from an attack of erysipelas, which gave hint great pain, went to his room about S.30 o'clock and placing the muzzle of a 88 calibre revolver in hit month pulled the trig ger. Death waa Instantaneous, the whole top of the head being lifted. He leaves a wife and daughter. REV. KNAPP'S CASE, An American Missionary la Danger of Sharing Fate of Armenian ChrUtlans, London, Feb. 23. In regard to the case of the Rev. George p. Knapp. one of the American missionaries at HI tils, who Is accused by the porte of hav ing encouraged seditious movements among the Armenians, and who will go to Constantinople for trial, the repre- AN EASYWAY TO GET A OUR pin 11 ot rental, with rent to apply as purchuse money, is very popular, and makes it possible for almost any family to gut a iirstclass instrument. Full particular on application. Powell's Music Store, 126.230 WYOMING AVE. t oil Removed trom Washing ton avenue to 142 PENN AVENUE And will be sold out at auction. Sale every day at 10 o'clock a. in. and 2 and 7 o'clock p. m. liy order of Assignee. A HARRIS, Auctioneer. tentative ot the United Press learns that for some time there have been charges against hlin of inciting and as sisting the Armenians to revolt against the porte. The charges are undoubted ly made for the purpose of forcing Mr. Knapp to leave the country. Mr. Hampson. the British consul at Rltlls, rejau ted that the charges were absurd, but. nevertheless. Air. Knapp was sum moned before the criminal court to an swer a charge of connpli ao . I Ie tele graphed to A. W. Terrell the American minister at Constantinople, asking hlin w hat he should do. Mr. Terrell, replied telling him not to obey the summons, and advising him If he was In danger of arrest to stay In his house. Air. Terrell then Informed the porte that he would not allow Mr. Knapp to be tried In the manner pro posed by the Turkish authorities. Hulll Rufuat Pacha, the grand vlster. an swered thut he could not stop the course of justice. There la some talk of an American commission (ruing to Con stantinople to examine iptu the affair. ONE WAS FROM SCRANTON. His Name Is George Howard and lie Waa Airested for llnralary. Five prisoners ' escaped from the county Jail at Whrreit; O.,- yesterday morning by assaulting Turnkey Lucius Bartlett with the arm of un old chair and taking his keys while he was un conscious. Four of the fugitives who were held on a charge of burglary at Glrard. gave their names and residence when arrest ed as follows: Wllliiim Williams, Greenville, Pu.; George Howard. Scran ton, Pa.; John Stemyer, Cleveland, and Theodore Thomas, Chicago. Attention Company C. All members will report at the arm ory Tuesday morning.. Feb. 35. at 1.30 o'clock in uniform to attend the funeral of Corporal John Rafter. Also drum corps. Frank Robllng, Capu Henry Cullen, First Sergeant. F.x-Senutor hnvis Dead. Wilmington, N. C, Feb. 23. Hon. George Davis died ut 7 o'cluck this morning, aged 70 years, lie once represented North Ca rolina In the confederate Senate and waa also attorney general of, the confederate slates. He wus famed for his oratory and wus universally beloved. - , - r W. W. BERRY THE JEWELER. 4 23 Lackawanna - Ave. diamonds, : FINE JEWELRY, CUT GLASS, CHINA CLOCKS, SPECTACLES and WATCH REPAIRING. Men's Felt Boots and Overs $1.59 Men's Overshoes, worth 60o, our ale price, 39o Men's Overshoes, worth 70c, our sal prlct 49c Men's Vulcanized Leather Inaole Woon socket Boots, worth, 12.76.our ale price $2.19 youths' Woonsocket Boots, worth $1.75, our sale price... $1.39 Ladies' Overshoes, worth 3r,c, our sale price., 25c Men's Wool Lined Alaskas, regular price, $1.00, our sale price 69c HI AREYOUIN NEED -OP- TABLE TUMBLERS We Are Selling them Banded at 30c. doz. lyKOinnUnioi RUPPRECHrS CRYSTAL PALACE Formerly Eugene Kleberg 231 Penn Are. Opu Baptist Charcl M SETS OF IEEE 11.03 laelndlag the painless eztraoMaf ft teeth by sa entirely sew preesaa S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S., 1 oi?fiti-a. TIIS WILL BE THE last chance you will ever have to get Furs for the prices we will sell them for t'hte week. Electric Seal Capes, QQ newest style, tPUauO Formerly IS W Electric Seal, trim med with Thibet tfC QQ or Brown Marten, vJi DO Formerly 1-1.09 Fine Coat, newest $2.98 style, Formerly ,W Fine Coat, newest A J QQ style, M,30 Formerly MMD Fine Coat, newest style, $5.98 merly $100 $6.98 merly $15 00 Formerly W W Fine Coat, newest style. Formerly $15 00 $1.98 Cpwatd $2.98 Baby Coats from Mackintoshes from Upward jr. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Avenus. High Grade Shaw, Emerson, Malcolm Lota. Clongh & Warren, Carpenter, Waterloo. And Lower Grades at Very Low Prices. J. LAWRENCE .TELLE, 303 SPRUCE STREET. Spring Styles. CHRISTIAN THE HATTER. Mfl.b AUNT. 412 Spruce, 205 Lack. Ave. Scranton . School of Elocution and Oratory MR. AND MRS, L J. RICHARDS, Dlreotors. HUE DEP1RTMENTS OF STUDY M il UOI 01 IllBIiL ROOMS 27 AND 23. BURR BUILDING, Waehiafton Ae., Hers n ton. Pa 3STOI in m rmM-M MM Fepa-r ess Fi.an.l tf miwi juiaaa Vtiemsu i ppeslt Colonies aame-t, 905 Washington Av. 8arnton,aJ MEM Bl HATS AT Dunn's X. - :-