The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 24, 1896, Image 1

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! ini ? t juiaiT oiitia ,
The Season
The choicest nousekeeplnfr linens that
the world's manufacturers produce at
' prices lower than the makers expected to
got for them from the Jobbers. It's a
great opportunity for money (raving, and
' a. chance to secure Table Linens. Nai
klriH and Towels of superb quality, at
price such as you usually pay lor grinds
' that are nt hest no better than fairly
aned. The list submitted here Is too
Jetig-thy to ndmlt of full descriptions, but
we earnestly Invito every housekeeper In
His valley to call and look the stock over.
It repremnts months of successful effort
an our part to outdo our own best pre
vious records In this annual sale, and the
result is so satisfactory that we're both
surprised and delighted with It.
No room for anything else with so much
that Is rich in value exquisite in de
ficit and quality before us.
Cream Linen Table
All new. Tllirhor prices represent the
linsst goods manufactured, with napkin
to match. None are low trade.
M In. wide He
G4 lit. wide
W In. wide -'S
t 111. wide ase.
M In. wide 3c.
72 In. wide .. 67i-.
13 In. wide..... site.
72 Ilk Wide 7S.
Bleached Linen Damask.
111. wide
Jl in. wide
In. wide
tij In. wide
tin In. wide
7:1 In. wide
Ti in. wide
Bxtra Inuliln Unmask Table Linen, "'.
Innliea wide, Jl.f.0 and $1.05.
Napkins In ull sizes to match.
rUgh Class Towels,
Tower qualities at reduced prices if you
want them.
'M dooeti Pleached Muck, fancy bor
detn. lti a pair.
M doz.-n Bleached Huck, Hemmed fancy,
.tir. . .
dozen TJaumsk Towels, White or
Fancy Colored Borders, very extra. Sac.
a ialr.
5U dozen Uleaobed Damask Towelfl, red,
blue or plain borders, knotted fringe, 29c.
a puir.
nO dozen Heavy Damask Towels, blue,
red or gold borders, 31e. . pair.
40 dozen, Hleuoliel Dninaek Towels, knot
ted fringe, plain or fancy border, ili'jC. a
4S dnsen extra large and heavy Damask
Towels, Kleaohed, tie. a pair.
US dijen extra quality Bleached Huck
Tnwelsf, Hem-fltlched, fancy, 4ic. a pair.
tin rioien extra tine and large Damask
Towels, knotted fringe, borders, assorted,
tin. each,
'19 iliir.en very extra qunllty Bleached
Hunk Towels, Hem-Btitched, exquisite
J hi.muek bordnra, etc., 85c. each.
IB doisen very lante size Birds Kye
bleached Ilnen Towels, Hem-Stltched,
very tine, Ton. a air.
10 dosen new Idea Bleached Linen Da
mask Towels, two rows open work, knot
ted fringe, ftoc. encli.
In deaen muluhlese Bleached Damask
Towels, knotted fringe, broad diamond
lit work, border. Sue. each.
Oreat Table Napkin Sale.
All finer Damasks referred to above nre
exautly matched, but the sale Includes be
sides these every make, size and quality
In the trade. Lsck of apace alone pre
vents detail being riven here.
Scotch and Russian Crash
All qualities, Bleached and unbleached.
Pries way down.
Bargains In White Bed
Hemmed Crochet Quilts, Marseilles
patterns , $ C9
l.HTgm Crochet Quilts, Marseilles
patterns "3
Hemmed Crochet Quilts, Marseilles
pattern , 87
Hommed Crochet Quills, Marseilles
pattern 1.10
Hemmed Crochet Quilts, Marseilles
pattern 1.19
Marseilles Quilts, lar?e and heavy..
Marseilles Quilts, lame and heavy., l.r.r,
Marseilles Quilts, large and heavy.. 1.13
The above represent the best-known
makes, and the patterns are the very new
est. In point of value we've never seen
their equal.
Duree Satin Finished
A new thiijr In America, but lone known
aa the representative high-class Bed
spread of Britain. Three extra large slzas
at . 1198 and 12.96.
, These prises during sale only.
fluslin and Sheetings.
i t Unbleached (Uncle Remus)
4-4 Unbleached Atlanta P
t-i Unbleached "Atlantic H"
4-4 Unbleaohed "Atlantio A"
4-4 Bleached "Fearless"
4-4 Bleached "Hill"
4-4 Bleached "Lonesdale"
4-4 Blenched "Fruit of the Loom"...
8-4 Unbleached "Lockwood"
-4 Unbleached "lockwood" "
(1-4 Bleached "Lockwood" ,."
Sft-lnch Bleached "lockwood"!!!!""
-4 Bleached "Lockwood" '
6-4 Bleached. Utlca or N. T. Mllis!"
4-4 Bleached, Utlca or N. T. Mills
-4 Bleached. Utlca or N. T. miii
. T'ic
. n'ic
. fi'ic
. fl'w.
. ti'.'.c.
. V.
. 9'ic,
.in' 4a
M Un-bleaehed. Uticaor N. V. Mm.
10-i Unbleached, Uticaor N. T. Mills
- unoieacnco liorKwow ,,,
10-4 Bleached "Lockwood"
Notwithstanding this blr array of fir.
tires and facts we've only told you half
the good things that await you at this
vtreaiesi oi our ureal oaiea.
.' Sale open Friday, Feb. 2L and continues
" J
Seven I'ersons I'erish in a Baltimore
Chief MoAfco Barely Escapes Death In
Rescuing Mrs. Armlgcr Colored Ser
vant's Awful Leap-A Young
Lady's Presence of Mind.
Dultiniore, Feb. 23. Not many of the
inhubitunta of iiRklencos on North
Charles street, between Lafayette and
North avenues, were awake this tnorn
lnir when lite engines cume dashing up
and down the fushionabla thorough
fare, shortly after 8 o'clock. Flames
were seen breaking from the basement
of 180G North Charles, the residence of
James H. Amilger, one of the best
known men In the city.
A large crowd was before the burn
ing building almost in a moment, and,
looking up at the windows, the hun
dreds who) congregated below saw the
occupants of the house aroused from
their slumbers appear one after the
other at the windows in their night
Lou Whiting, a colored servant, who
wits employed next door of the ArmiKer
residence, lirst discovered the Humes,
and, Huhiing an entrance over the rear
fence, he dashed through the building
arousing the inmutes, most of whom
were still in their beds. Hut quick as
was his uoHcm the Haines were more
rapid nnd egress by the staircase was
shut off before half of the sixteen occu
pants of the dwelling hud left their
rooms. With all possibility of eseupe
by the Btalts cut off owing to the Humes
and smoke which then titled the pas
sageways. Air. Armlger and other mem
bers of his family rushed to the win
dows of their apartments seeking relief
In front from what appeared certain
(tenth lu the buck ground.
The servants on the fourth floor
rushed down stairs but could get m
lower than the second story where they
were driven into the sleeping rooms of
other Inmates of the house with closed
loots behind them to keep out the
flames and smoke, the servants too,
rushed to the windows crying piteously
for help. Two maid servants who were
in the kitchen nt the time the lire was
discovered escaped by the rear door.
There were then penned up in the build
ing fourteen persons crying or shrlek
i:ig lor assistance whereby to get out
of the death trap.
Afiaid to Jump Into Nets.
As soon as the tire department ar
rived nets were stretched beneath tlw
windows and the firemen culled to the
terror stricken persons at the windows
to jump; ' The er-.iwii In the street, nut
realizing the extent of the tire ami
smoke within the house yelled "Don't
Jump." The bewildered inmates held
buck and some of them disappeared
from the windows. Apparently they
went buck for clothing, or perhaps, for
some treasured vuluuble possession. It
was a fatal move and in most instances
cost a life.
Policemen Carlos and Crowe in order
to usslst those whose lives were In dan
ger broke in the front door. It was a.
mistake, for it only gave the fire, which
had begun In the basement, the draught
It needed and It roared through the
hallways and up the stairs Willi great
est fierceness. The policemen could not
reach the imperiled persons, for th
stairs were then a mass of flames, and
the smoke was Minding.
The firemen hud by thlR time thrown
up ladders In t ho front of the house1
nnd District Chief McAfee climbed ip
to the second story window where Mrs.
Armlger was crying for help. The lad
der did not quite reach the window
nnil there was the wildest excitement in
the audience below us McAfee stood on
the upper round of the ladder and
grasped the window sill for support,
lie encouraged Jlrs. Armlger to swlnvr
herself out of the window. As the chief
grasped her with one nrm ho steadied
himself with the other and had taken
one step down the ladder when it
sllppenVand McAfee wllli the woman in
one arm and with -tile other holding
to the window frame, riunglert In the
air: A cry of horror went up from tho
crowd us it saw the peril of the darlnt?
fireman nnd his human burden. Fortu
nately for them Cfee caught the top
round of the ladder on Ids toe and his
pulling it back into position released his
hold upon the window and quickly de
scended with the woman to the side
walk. A great cheer went up aa res
cued and rescuer reached the ground.
llurolJ Manuel's Death.
Meantime the smoke poured from the
open windows. At one of the third
story wiudow appeared the face of a
man wearing a look of agony. He
raised the window and, reaching out hia
hands, shouted to the multitude below.
It sent him back an encouraging shout
and he a moment later, before a lad
der could be run up, disappeared. When
the firemen leached the window ttie
body of the man was found lying 1m
nealh It suffocated and badly burned.
It was Harold Manuel, a New York
stock broker and banker. In his arms
was little Richard Klley, a grandson of
Mr. Armlger. also dead. '
Alice J. Williams, one of the colored
servants, suddenly appeared at one of
the fourth-story windows, shriek in a:
like mad. Phe tore up the window with
a crash and .leaned far out over the
pavement. "Don't jump." yelled a hun
dred voices. She stepped back wring
ing her hands. Then she leaned out
again appeared to be trying to rail
something to those below. Again the
cry went up, "Don't Jump." Too late;
the terrorized woman drew half back
Into the window, and with an awful
shriek, launched herself out in the air.
Her body turned over several times,
and struck the marble steps of the
residence. A man rushed forward fol
lowed by a score. The woman was car
ried to Dr. Uatchelor'B oflice, opposite,
Rnd subsequently removed to the hos
pital. Another colored servant, Mary
White, was rescued from a window by
the firemen in a semi-conscious con
dition. Mins Armlger's Presence of Mind.
Wrhlle these scenes of excitement nnd
bravery were being enacted in the front
of the burning residence, other acts of
bravery were being performed In the
rear. Mr. Armlgers two daughters,
Virginia, aged 2.", and Eleanor. 14, oc
cupied the second-story back room.
With the greatest presence of mind.
Miss Virginia, assisted by her young:
Bister, made a rone of their bed linen.
with this Kleanor was lowered to the
ground. Fearing to trust her weight
uisin the slender cord, Miss Virginia
dashed back to the bed, grasped the
mattress, pushed It through the window
to the ground, twenty feet below. She
then Jumped and landed thereon tinln
Jured, with the exception of a slight
The only other person of the sixteen
who were in the Ill-fated house to be
rescued was the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Armlger, Mrs. Letltla Riley. She
wob carried down the ladder by .the
firemen, having been overcome by, th
When the fire had been ajotten under
control said the firemen made a search
of the ruined residence, Mr. Armlger
wus found in the hallway. When Whit
ing sped tipntalrs with the alarm of the
lire Mr. Armlger left his wife in the
cure of the colored man and went up
stairs to awaken the other inmates of
the house. He had been overcome by
the smoke and Humes, and breathed his
last aa he was carried into the open
William It. Riley, a son-in-law of Mr.
and Mrs. A rmlger was found dead near
by. He, with his wife and two children,
hud been seen at the third story win
dow, and Airs. Riley had been taken
out by the firemen, but before the res
cuers could return to the window Mr.
Klley, with his two children clasped in
his arms, succumbed to the smoke and
tlanies. Their bodies were removed to
Dr. Bachelors. On the floor above were
found the bodies of Mrs. Marion Cham
blin, a widowed daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Aruiiner, and her -year-old child,
James. The Inst person to be found
was Harold Manuel, aged GO. a guest,
who arrived from New York last Thurs
day. He was a member of the broker
linn of Turner A Manuel, of 35 Wall
t-treet. New York. This completed the
list of dead, which is as follows:
James Jt. Armiger. aged r.V, William
B. ltilev, his son-in-law, aged as; Rich
ard ltlley, child, aged 4: Marion Riley,
child, aged "Vb: James Chamblin, agi-d
3; Mrs. Marion Chamblin, aged o0; Har
old Manuel, uged f0.
Mr. ArmiKcr was a native Ilaltimore
an, of the highest standing in business
circles, lie was an importer of, dia
monds and line jewelry, and did a big
business in this city and throughout
the southern states.
Hod its of the Victims.
The scone in the parlors of Dr. Ratch
elor's residence, whero the charred nnd
bruised bodies were carried, was har
rowing. Mr. Armlger wus burned to a
char around the upper part of his body.
His face, although terribly blackened
wus euslly recognizable. Mr. Riley
died from burns and suffocation. His
face was terribly distorted und wore
an cxpivsaion of awful agony.
Mr. Manuel was also terribly burned
and his horribly scurred face und body
was distorted, as though he had died
after making a- supreme effort for his
life. Men turned their heads away
when two undertakers brought tlie
body of little James Chnmbtln in. The
child was simply a blackened cir.iei j
The two Itiley children were" killed by j
the suffocating smoke. They were not
as badly burned as the others, but their J
faces Vere blackened from the bursting
of blood vessels, and the red lluid made
crimson stains on their blackened night
gowns. The house Is completely gut
ted. The monetary loss is estimated at
of thos who escniM-d death -today,
Alice Williams will die from a fractured
skull. The others will probably survive
their In juries.
Work for Miss ll:irion-Si.t Heroic
Turkish orfiiiiuls Defend an American
l.udr Missionary.
Constantinople, Feb. 2:t. The Italian
consul ut Keitutin. the city which was
lately sun enii 'red to the Turks after
having been held for months by t he
Armenians, who captured It, has writ
ten here describing the wretched condi
tion of the people of Zcitoun. Aluny
of them, he says, ure nuked. Starva
tion Is staring hundreds of them in
the taji-f', and there Is much sickness.
Huron Von Calleetl the Austrli'.n tim-
bausador, has started a. subscription
for the relief of Hie sufferers.
Miss (Muru. Uaiton. of the I ted Cress
society, who Is now here. Is eager to I
go to Ze-ttoiin to help alleviate me
distress i)f the wretched Itlhn I d 111 n t H.
It is probable, however, that her pres
ence In-rit will be necessary for mine
time, btit through her, aid will be sent
to the VCeltounlis. She has telegraphed
lnuiiirliig- whether Marash would be a
good place? to establish her base of sup
plies. Murush Is only u short instance
from Zeltouii nnd Is situated on the
very borders of the roughlest coun
try of the- Taurus.
It has been learned tliat nn npgry
mob o:: Jan. 1 made an attack on the
American mission nt Oertu, an out
station of j hit al. Dentil, or a worse
fate tnipht have overtaken the mission
ary there. Miss Corlnnn Shattttck. hud
It not been for the heroism of six
Turkish otlli ials. These men faced the
mob, declaring that they would defend
the American lady with their lives..
The mob puld nonttentlon to them, and
attempted to continue their attacks.
when the oHieials tired upon them.
scattering them like sheep.
Minister Terrell declares that tiie
names of these men should be known
to the world, for they are heroes. He
requested the representative of the
United I'ress to cable their names to
America, ai'd It is uecordlrply done.
They are: Rczak Kffendl. Said KITendl.
Mustafa Kffemtl. Hnbzun lOffendL.lssa
Kffendl and Durak Kflendi.
The Chinaman of Yellow Vest I'ame Will
lie the (Jtirst nf Mr. I'otcr.
Washington, Veh. 3. When it was
announced tome days ngo that LI Hung
Chang, the Chinese statesman, and. for
many years viceroy, had been appoint
ed to represent the emperor nt the cor
onation of the Czar .and Cznrina of
Russia nt Moscow In May. Hon. John
W. Foster, of this city, who was asso
ciated with Ri'as counsel In the peace
negotiations whh Japan lust summer.
Invited him to visit the l nitod States
en route to Russia.
Mr. Foster bus received a cable from
LI acknowledging the receipt nf the In
vitation nnd stating that he hnd decid
ed to return to China from Itnssla by
way of Kurope and t'.ie I'nlted Slr.ts.
No date whs fixed for his coming bft a
visit to this country may be expected
from the distinguished Chinaman some
time during the summer.
brotherhood of Kuihvnv Trainmen Object
to the Socictv.
Philadelphia, Feb. 23. At the weekly
meeting of the I'nlted Labor league to
day there was a lengthy discussion rel
ative to the application of delegates
from th? American Railroad tuiiini for
admission to the league. A protest
against their admission was entered by1
the reoresentatives of the lirotherhood
of Railroad Trainmen. It was decided
finally, by a large majority to admit
the delegates of the American Ruilroad
union to the league.
. Owing; to the action of the league In
admitting; the American Railroad union
the three local lodges of the lirother
hood of Itniiway trainmen will with
draw from the organization.
Judge Kced Dead.
New York, Feb. 23. Judge Henry Reed,
of the eoininnn pleas court of l'hlindel
phla, who cmne to New York for treat
ment by special surgeons, died In the New
York hospital thin morning at 9 o'clock.
The cause of his death was a surgical op
eration. The operation performed was
that of trephining the skull, a clot of blood
having formed on the brain.
Pottstown, Pa., Feb. 23. Edi ard Nnglo,
aged 35. was struck by a I'.iiladelphhi
nnd Reading coal train last tiiglit -in-l
died shortly after from the effect of his
injuries. He wus conversing- with a
friend cnd did not notice the train. .
Three Hundred and Fifty Troopers
Shipped from Transvaal.
The South African Boomers Agree Vpon
One Point Only-Thcy - Dcnouuco
. the lltlandcrs, Who Induced
Them to Knter Transvaal.
Plymouth. Feb. 23. The British
steamer Harlech Castle, from port
Natal, Jan. 2S, arrived hero this morn
ing, having on board 205 troopers) w ho
took part in Dr. Jameson's raid Into
the Transvaal, and who were compelled
to surrender to the Boer's. These men
were turned over to the Kngllsh au
thorities by the Boer government and
the former ordered that they be
brought to Kngland. The officers of the
expedition, including Dr. Jameson, are
on the transport Victoria, which is
expected to arrive some time during the
night. Among the men on the Harlech
Castle there were six sick. A tender
went alongside the Hurlech Castle
The troopers were all muttered on the
deck of the steamer and their transfer
to the tender was quickly accomplished.
It was thought that much enthusiasm
would be displayed on their arrival here
us there Is scarcely a doubt that their
raid, illegal though It was, caused
much popular ndmlration in Kngland:
The fact did not bear out expectation.
There was no crowd present to witness
their disembarkation from tho tender,
and there was no cheering.'
A majority of the troopers were at
tired in the police uniform of the Brit
ish South Africa company, but a num
ber cf them wore nondescript garments.
Overcoats and other clothing suitable
to this climate were supplied to them,
nnd they then looted far more com
fortable than they did. in the early
morning. They are n swarthy hardy
looking lot of men. Their ages ranged
from 'JO to .Vi years.
Many of them belong to some of the
betl families la Knglund. having gone
tr '.ii.tirh Africa where they could do
work, which hud they done It here,
would have caused them to have been
looked down upon by their acquaint
ances. .
Stories of tho right.
Tie; representative of the United
Press Interviewed u number of the men.
Their stories of the li-rlit which ended
In their surrender at Krugersdorp va
ried widely. Some of them stated that
when tl.ey surrendered to the Doer
force their ammunition had been ex
hausted, while others " declared that
there was no iHck of ammunition. They
ull agreed that the Itoer's lost from 170
to L'uo men killed. Uui.'.j'h this lias been
denied by the Hocrs themselves. One of
the complaints that has been repeated
ly made against the lioers' method of
warfare Is that they will not face their
foes in the open, biding behind trees
and rocks and In gullies, ami picking
their enemies oil' without tnemselves
being seen. If they followed this meth
od In their attack on Dr. Jameson's
force, ami it has been repeatedly stated
iiiat they did, it is hard to understand
how their loss could have been as
heavy as the troopers claim. One of
the men, however, said thut lie had seen
the official Hoer return of their dead,
and this showed Ihut ISi were killed.
( ounidlv I itliiudcis.
In one particular nil the troopers were
in hearty agreement, and that was in
denunciation of the I'll landers of Jo
hannesburg, who they declared had In
duced them to enter the Transvaal and
then did not dure to raise a linger to
h'.'fli them, though they (the foreign
residents) had a lartve and well urnied
body of men", who. If they had been
sent to Dr. Jameson's aid. would have
put un entirely different face on the af
fair. The men were very bitter In their
expressions against the Johannesburg
cm. Shortly after the troopers had been
landed they were supplied with railroad
tickets at the ex.'iense of t be govern
ment, and all were Immediately shipped
to their homes. Many of them ure Irish
men and Scotchmen. Some have large
Interests in Mashonnland, nnd expect
to return to South Africa when nulet Is
restored there. A number of the? men
said that the gold fields of Mnshonaluud
company would five nil of the party a
bonus of 100 in London.
A hu ge number of newspaper repre
sentatives are here. Their interest Is
centered in Dr. Jameson and the other
oliicers on the Victoria, and every ef
fort will be made to secure Interviews
with them. It Is thought, however.
that the government has made arrange
ments to prevent these prisoners from
being talked to by presssmen.
.. . .
Troopers Arrive in London.
London, Feb. 2.1. A majority of tho
troopers arrived at the i'adiilngtou'sta
tion this evening from Plymouth. A
modern to sized crowd was in the street,
but none of Its members, cxen though
they were relations of the men was ul
lowed to enter the station. Most of the
crowd believed Dr. Jameson nnd his
party had arrived and they refused to
be disabused.
When the cabs nnd carriages convey
ing the men issued from the station to
'crowd cheered them lustily. The
troopers enjoyed their reception anil
waved their hills in response to the
cheers. As they proceeded eastward
their uniforms attracted attention and
large crowds followed the vehicles
cheering and roaring for Dr. Jameson.
There was a big demonstration in Pic
cadilly circus, where the crowd was so
dense that the carriages proceeded with
difllculty. There was a fcreut contrast
between the reception accorded the men
In London nnd Plymouth. The enthu
siasm displayed here shows that Dr.
Jameson is a populnr hero In London.
The transport Victoria anchored in
the sound at midnight. As soon as it
was learned that she had arrived a boat
that had been chartered hyi the press
representatives put out to her. When
the press boat attempted to run along
Fide the transport she was warned off,
the warning being accompanied by the
information that no communication
would be allowed with the prisoners.
Six-Ycar-Old Girl I nhuit br Stepping Off
a HnplJlr Moving Train.
Cleveland. Feb. Li!. Mary, the C-year-old
daughter of Mrs. Anna Delaney,
who was on her way from New Orleans
to Buffnlo with her three small chil
dren, fell from a Rig Four train at the
Clurk avenue crossing yesterday after
noon while the train wus going at the
rate of twenty-five or thirty miles nn
hour. She did not receive the slightest
She fow tb,e car door open nnd fdie
walked out on the platform and fell
off. L (
President Dint's Scheme Appears About
to lio Consummated.
Cambridge, Mass.. Feb. 23. The
scheme of President Kllot, of Harvard,
for reducing the college course from
four years to three appears about to be
consummated. At a recent meeting- of
the Harvard faculty an informal vote
was taken, and a majority of some flf-
teen votes secured that such a plan was
advisable, i-iut the minority was so
rabid ugainst it that it was not deemed
prudent to put the plan to the corpora
tion und overseers just at present.
President Kliot was seen last night
and admitted the reported condition of
affairs. He bus for a long time been
working for this, and has nearly seen
tho consummation of his plans. This
announcement will create a great sen
sation, as it has not been dreamed of
by any persons outside of the faculty.
.Maud, Ourrcl Is Abduetcd and Loft in the
ood to Perish.
Jacksonville, Fla., Feb. 23. Near
Leesburg, Via., Thursday night. Miss
Maud Darrell, a 17-year-old Chicago
girl, spending tho winter with Mr. and
Mrs. James Armstrong, was abducted
and taken to the woods. The girl was
stripped and tied to a tree where she
remained until searchers found her yes
terday. Slio was unconscious and stilt
from cold.
She is rojorted to be dying and It is
feared she will die without giving1 the
names of those who abducted and treat
ed her so cruelly.
He Favors the Nution with Two Charac
tcristle Addresses-Priuco Bismarck Ignored-.!
Peculiar Speech at the Dinner
Given by tho Governor of Brandenburg.
Rerlin. Feb. 23. The emperor favored
the nation with twoof his characteristic,
oratorical performances last week. The
first and most noticeable one was given
on Thursday upon the occasion of the
annual dinner given by the governor of
Brandenburg to tne members of the
Brandenburg diet, a function which his
majesty always graces with his pres
ence and platitudes. On this occasiun,
apropos of tho silver jubilee of the em
pire the kaiser, after making flowery
and sentimental references to heaven's
special grace to the empire and the Im
perial house, proceeded to inculcate In
the minds of his hearers the lesson of
the duty of tho nation In the future,
"What we have witnessed," said his
majesty, "and what has been effected,
we owe solely to the great F.mporor
William ami his trust in Cmd. The en
tire celebrations in commemoration of
the victories of lierninu arms, which
were held in 1S95, culminated in the
glorification of his personality, which
has become nothing less thnn holy to
us. It Is our sacred duty to preserve
his personality and hallowed memory
ugainst all coiners."
The kaiser's adulation of his grand
father has never run to greater lengths
than upon this occasion, nor has his ex
clusion of ull reference to Prince Bis
marck and the ex-chaneelor's co-workers-ln
the fnundallon of i he empire
been more marked. Nevertheless his
majesty's utterances were dutifully
and fervently acclaimed. .
Kcgiirdiiig tlio Navy.
The address delivered by the emperor
upon the occasion of his swearing in
of the naval recruits at Wllhelmshaven
on Friday was modeled alter his re
marks upon similar occasions in the
past. Speaking of the (Serman navy
the kaiser said that although it wus
small as compared with the navies of
some of the other powers, it was still
in progress of growth. The absence
from his remarks of anything more en
couraging to the hopes of the Chauvin
ists than the foregoing utterance caused
grrut disappointment, especially to
those who ure exerting every possible
effort to extend the colonial posses
sions of Uermany. Those standing
foremost in the endeavor to forward
flernmnv's colonial interests have en
tered into an agitation for an unlimited
increase of the Herman navy.
The Well-Known Humorist Pusses Away
at His North Ciimllnu Home.
Asheville. N. C, Feb. 23.-Kdgar W.
Nye, better known as "Bill Nye." died
at his home at Buck Shonls. about 1
o'clock yesterday afternoon. The hour
for the -funeral services Is fixed for ID
o'clock Tuesday morning nnd the Inter
ment will be at the Kplscopal Church
cemetery, nt Fletcher, twelve miles
south of Asheville.
Kdgar Wilson Nye. whom every
American knows as "Hill Nye, the hu
morist." was born In Maine on Aug. 25,
isr.0. When two years old his father
moved to the west, and Kdgar received
his education at River Falls academy,
in "Wisconsin. He studied law in Wis
consin, nnd nraeticed for a short time.
About 1875 he settled in Laramie, and
two years later married Rllss Dannie
Smith, bv- whom he had several chil
dren. .In Laramie he began writing for
the local newspapers, and his work at
tracted such attention that In he
was Invited to write weekly letters tor
the Denver Tribune. The next year he
founded the l,aramle Boomerang,
which made him famous. Ho held sev
eral public offices in Laramie, and was
popular. 'Several years ago he cur-- to
New York, and since then has T.een
writing syndicate articles and lectur
ing. He had a pleasant home at fct.
tieiirge. Ptaten Island. Mr. Nye pub
lished several books, the earliest being
"Hill Nye and Boomerang" nnd "The
Fortv l.ynrs and Other Lies." His
sweet and sunny disposition made him
a favorite wherever he was known. He
wus generous and kind to the acquaint
ances who needed bis aid. nnd he fre
quently extended help to men who were
unfortunate, even when they had no
particular claims upon his friendship.
His loyalty to his friends, his cheerful
ness and his ability to divert and en
tertain were unfailing.
President kruscr Nail n Campaign Lie
of tho .Mnlicnnnt Type.
London. Feb. 23. A Pretoria despatch
to a news agency here contains an in
terview with President Kruger of the
Transvaal republic In which lie de
nounces as a "malignant falsehood"
the despatch from Pictermaratshurg to
the Natal Times stating that the South
African republic! would on February 27,
the occasion of the fifteenth anniver
sary of the P.oer's triumph over the
British forces under Oeneral Collcy, at
Majuba Hill, proclaim its indepen
dence. . President Kruger, the despatch says,
further said that it was his timi belief
that the despatch to the Times was
circulated: for the purpose of creating
a bad feeling and usscrts that the
Transvaal was never quieter thun at
.McKlnlcy's lioom in (icor'la.
Atlanta. (la., Feb. T.'. The Republican
of the Fifth Georgia congressional district
elected two McKinley delegates yester
day. The Ohio mini will get nearly a solid
delegation from IVeorgla to the St. Louis
Osmnn's Tementnr.
Pbamokin, Ta., Feb. 23. The authori
ties have not yet secured evidence lead
ing to the Identllicatlon of the fiends who
tortured Paul Osman over the Luke Tid
dler steam pipe. Osman Is still alive, but
may die at any time.
Challenge for I'ltzslmmons.
Ixirdon, Feb. 23. -.Frank Flavin hns Is
sued a challenge to lioh Pltzsimmun to
flsrht for 1,00(1 n. side. He offers to back
himself for U.WU to stoo Cerbett in six
Cuban Question furnish Ample
Food for Debate.
Mr. Morgan Mill Continue Ills Talk In
the Senate-Early Adjournment
Talk in the House-Appropriation
Bills Passed.
Washington. Feb. 23. When tho Cu
ban resolutions were made the unlin
hiied business of the Semite, a prolific
subject for debate was laid before that
body. The general opinion Is that most
of this week will be devoted to thut
matter. Mr. Morgan began a speech
Friday in which he only gave the senate
his introductory. He will probably
consume most of the time Mouduy and
may not even conclude then.
Mr. White, of California, will also
speak on the Cuban question the first
opportunity he can get and Mr. Gray,
who is looked upon as In a manner rep
resenting the administration," is prepar
ing a speech In reply to Mr. Morgan.
The committee on public lands will
occupy the morning hour dining the
early part of the week in, pressing 'to a
vote the bill unanimously reported from
that committee to provide for the ex
tension of time within which suits may
be brought to annul land patents. This
is a matter that has been called to the
attention of the congress by the presi
dent nnd there Is need for early action.
The bill has already passed the house,
but the senate committee has made
some amend ments which may not meet
the approval of the house.
Senator Carter, of Montana, has
changed the date of his promises tariff
speech on his resolution to recommit
the tariff bill from Monday to Wednes
day. It Is probable that after Mr. Car
ter has explained his reason for voting
recently against Mr. 'Morrill's motion to
take up the tariff bill and thus put him
self on record. Senators Teller Bhd
Mantle may do likewise. All the appro
priation bills so far reported to the sen
ate nr out of the way. The army and
agricultural bills now before the appro
priation committee will be reported by
the middle of the week, and If neces
sary these measures can be called up
so as to consume tho balance of the
T.arlv Adjournment Talk.
"Early adjournment" Is confidently
predicted on the house side of the cap
itnl. SI:: of the thirteen ceneral ap.
proprlation bills have been massed by
the hvuse, one other has been debated
und re-committed Instruct loins;
one la now under consideration; one is
on the cullendar and two more are
practically finished by committees and
ready foe the house's action whenever
desired. In thus disposing of these bills
the present bouse has broken all rec
ords for the long session.
The appropriation bills that have
been passed are: The pension hill, re
ported Jan. 9 and passed Jan. 17; the
military acudemy bill, reported Jan.
M and passed on the 20th; the urgent
deficiency bill, reported Jan. 20 and
passed on the 21st; the diplomatic and
consular bill, reported Jan. 27 anil
passed on the 2Xth: and the army bill,
reported on Feb. 3 and passed on the
The District of Columbia appropria
tion bill has been considered and re
committed, with but one item to be dis
posed of. The Indian bill Is now under
consideration, and the legislative, ex
ecutive and Judicial bill Is now on the
cah.ndur, and will be taken up soon
after the Jndtnn bill Is disposed of.
Thin leaves for consideration only six
appropriation bills. Including the river
and huibor bill, which may be post
poped to the next session.
The house will enter upon this week
wl:h the 'ndlan aporouriatlon bill as
unfinished business, but Its further con
siderate n may be posttiorcd for some
time. Tomo'-row. under the rules, is
District of SolumldiL day, nnd If the
committee In charge of Its affairs hnve
sufficient business prepared for consid
eration the day may be occupied by it.
Mr. Johnson gave notice week that
on Tuesday next he would call up the
Van Horn-Tarsney contested election
case. This is the first case to come be
fore fie house with other than a un
animous report, and the recommenda
tion of the committee that Tarsncy be
unseated will be fought with much bit
terness. When it shall have been dis
posed of. the consideration of appro
priation bills will be resumed, the leg
islative, executive and judicial bill fol
lowing the Indian bill.
People of Terre Haute Kcgrct nn Acquaint
ance with nn Inventor.
Terre Haute, 7nd., Feb. 23. The
people of Clinton think, that they have
Is i'ii swindled by a yonntr mnn w ho
trave the name of J. W. Kern, and who
claimed t have invented a torpedo
boat for the patent of which the l!us
sian government was to pay him $7f..0UO
in cash, and $:i,0(K a year in royalties.
He wanted to establish machine shops,
and rented property In Clinton for the
purpose, and took a partner. He per
HUHded his partner to come to this city
with him. where he wanted to use the
lonr; distance telephone to talk with his
psf 'tit lawyers In Washington.
While in this city he received a letter
purporting to come from n well-known
law firm here. In Hosing an alleged
telcjtrani announcing that the Husslan
government would pay him for his pat
ent nt once, which established his cred
it, of which he took advantage. Now
he is misnlng.
Somnambulist Drops Through Itrldge to
Death at Tort .Mad!on.
Fort Madison, Iowa, Feb. 2X Thom
as II. Klliott, a farmer living near
ltirminRhnm. Jefferson county, Iowa,
walked off the Santa Fe train while it
was on the bridge, spanning the Mis
sissippi river at the point at G.30 o'clock
this morning. He fell through the
bridpe, striking on his head on the Ice
below- and was Instantly killed.
It Is Vupposed that he was walking
In his Bleep.
The '"KnTs" In Postofficcs,
Berlin. Feb. 23. In consequence of ex
periment wlth th" Roentgen rays enabling
the reading; of the contnls of enclosed
letters, u Herlln chemist Is ninlilna ex
periments with o substance for the manu
facture of rnvelopes which will be Im
pervious to the rays.
For eastern Pennsylvania, cloudy
weather In the mo;nlnn. with clear to
ward evening, westerly winds.
Xew York, Feb. 11. Herald's weather
forecsist: In the Middle s;ates today
cloudy weather will prevail with, sllpht
temperature ehamres, rain or snow and
fresh to brisk southeaster!- and routli-
weterly winds, liecoininir somewhat
riable and dtimferous on the coasts nVd
accompanied by fop, possibly followed b
clparlns In the lnierlor.
On Tuesday fair weather will probaidj
tireva I with lower temperature and wet
erly winds and on Wednesday colder
weather and northwe&lerly winds. ,
ress Goods
Large and Magnifcent '
Stock of
Foreign and
Unique and exclusive
Our Stock as usual com
prises the Latest Paris
Novelties, and being our
own importation, the de
signs are exclusive, and
in addition our stock of
Is very complete 'and we
cordially invite an early
inspection while the lines
are complete. ' Elegant
Stock cf Latest Trim
mings. 510 and 512
Oyr 50c
School Shoes
Are lYMe Builders.
Our Winter Shoes must
go. You need the Shoesj
we need the room.
For your Wedding and
Birthday Gifts. We are
constantly receiving new
Give us a Trial. Satis
faction Guaranteed.
W. J. Weichel
4C8 Spruce St. '
Near Dime Bank.
A Philadelphia Drummer Loses $39 Whila
.Mukine l ove to a Negro Woman.
Plttsburp. Pa., Fob. 23. Bertha Hud
son, colored, was arrested here today,
chanted with stealing $.S5 from Charles
Davis, a Philadelphia drummer. Davit
and the colored woman had occupied
the same neat In the train comlnj? from
Philadelphia. They claimed to be fto
Inpf to Cincinnati. Of the stolen money
J6.1 was found 011 the woman.
She told the pollce that she stole- the
money from lmvis while he was making
love to her, while passing through.
tunnel between PUts-burg and AJtoona.
Davis agreed, to appear Mtltut UM
woman tomorrow.
PBiis, Etc