The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 22, 1896, Image 5

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    i I
'Finding Cleveland's baking powder to bu really
the best, I recommended it in Common Sense in the
Household ' and now use it exclusively." My5.24.
Mariox IIarla.nh, Authircf ''Cunnua Stnitix tin Ilouitl.jU."
Norrman & Moore
120 Wyoming Ave.
Wushiogton Avenue.
Up to Date
Wall Paper
To Match
i;itv sum.
The appearance of tills morning's Trib
une In on eight Instead of the customary
Helve page form Is due to an accident
which left un no other alternative tli:in
to be for once the public's Indiilitenre.
Alderman Millar's otllee will be closed
today on uucouni of Washington' Hiriti
Utt.V. This afternoon the Qlenburn and Ar
cadlun club will play polo ut Mountain
"The IJaszler" will be seen uit the
Academy 'this afternoon at popular pi Ic.h,
25, TiOand 75 cents; this evening at regular
A marriage license was Issuer! yester
day by Clerk of the Counts .lohn H. Thorn
as to Harry I'olhumus and l-'loivnco Frlnk
uf Sciunton.
Hurry Polhumtt.i, of the West Side, and
Miss Nellie l-'rlnk, of (Vdur uvenue, wens
milted in murr-luto yesterday arternooii
by Alderinun .Millar.
John J. (iordon, of the Nlnieenth ward.
Is a candidate' for clerk of the common
council. James C. Hemnlsh is also men
tioned for the position.
'Squire Arnold, of Peckvllh?, sent nanlel
and Tim tiomiey, two wandering; Willies,
to Jail last evening for Hteullmr u pair
of boots from a store In i'eckvillc.
John Itafter's condition I no better: the
ttendltitf physicians say thut the chances
are UKalnt blm and they do not think he
nan live Ioniser than a few days mure.
The alarm of lire run In yesterday
afternoon from box No. liiat Crown ave
nue uud Ash street was caused by a ui.i.e
III a shed in Petersburg, The damns wus
The 12-year-old Lithuanian Rlil arrest
ed lor stealluu pinnies uud ciuarr-t ie
from Carbel's tobacco store, at Hull's
Head, was yesterday sent to tho House
of the Uood Shepherd.
Superintendent Howell yesterday nd
dressed the leathern of the intermediate
(trade In Liberty Hall, on the suhjerit of
(geography. He advised th.'rt more atte.i
tliin be paid to local ReoRiuphy.
Today being; a. leiful hollduy the po-tt-oftleo
will be o!nn In nil Its departments
during the forenoon, uud closed in tho
afternoon. Curriers will make oie deliv
ery only, except in the central business
In the equity proceeding of Kobert
Hurley UKUiiiHt the l)eluwarc uud iliiclson
Canal ami ltuilroud company the prelim
inary Injunction has been continued by
consent of both parties until the lirst Mon
day of .May term.
In the estate of William Moove. lat. of
the North Knd, letters of administration
Were yesterday granted by l!c;4i-.;cr of
Wills Hopkins to Kinily I. .Moure, widow.
The deceased dropped dead in the North
Main Avenue Christian church la.U Sun
day inoruiiiK.
The following members of the Scran
ton Chess u m I Checker flub went to Tutik
hutuiock yeMerday, where they will play
the members of the club of that place: 1-3.
A. Hart. 14. i. Worden, Herr Krledtvuld,
tleorge Sanderson, Fred -Kopff, ir. IVice
and lr. l'orteus.
I'nlted Btutes Commissioner A. J. Col
born, of this city, will deliver an ad
dress at a fiuK-mlsliiK at the school house
Jn Moosle this ui'temoun. which will In
clude a Joint satherimt of the lirand Army
of the Republic, Mons of Veterans and the
Patriotic Order Sons of America.
The noted orator. John (1. Woollev, will
ppeulc at -the Academy of .Mulc Friday,
Feb. i. Ticket are complimitttary. Ap
ply to any member of the Woman's Chris
tian Temperance union. Secure reserve
at on anl ufter Monday, Fell. 21, in or
der to ayold the inconvenience of the
Quarter sessions' argument court was
held yesterday. In the caie of th com
monwealth annlnst Patrick L. Paris, rnlo
to strike oft forfeiture, the rule was dis
charged, inthe matter of a change of the
poll Ins; place in the Fourth district of
Old Korge township, the proceedings were
City Solicitor J. H. Torrey began pro
ceedings In the United States circuit court
yesterday against the Scranton Has and
Water company, for a debt of fc',
alleged to be due, with interest from
May IS, 1891. to John. 'Julian, Hamilton
and Alexander Kean. heirs of John Kca.n.
deceased, of Union, N J.
Attorney D. P. Renlogle, representing
Marv Klefer. of Archboid, brought suit
in the otBceof Prolhonotary Pryor ojrainrt
John Hitter, executor of the last will and
testament of Julia Oeibif, for Jl.1i;. Miss
Klefer claims that she .nursed the .le
. erased from May 1. 18X1, to Jan. Z. Its I.
nt (he rote of M week and has not been
paid for It
Special attention anil private dining
rdPnis for dinner parties at Iohrnann's.
Spruce street. Sen-Ice and cuisine un
excelled in lata city.
and Sure."
Attruutcd u I. arc,. AnJtonco Last
to the rtottiiiighnm.
Last nlfilit in the Fiothlntrham thfa
ter wus Kiven the much anticipated
tetltunnlirl cora-.-rt tor Scrunton's
popular baritone si niter. John T. Wal
king, and us u result of the concert
Mr. Wutkiits is about S-.OOU nirher.
Aside from the financial stu-ci-ss of the
event !t wus un nrtis'ic musical ku--ff-ss,
l.tinRintr torretlier a it did such
a bevy of competent vocal and Instru
mental jcrfoi titers.
In ii le.v weeks Mr. AVatkins b-pves
for I.oiidini, where he will study In the
Hoyal Conservatory for the operatic
stuue He will In: absent Mnssibly three
years. The luricwds will lt an Insttf
tlcient comietisatioti for the many re
sponses Mr. Watkins has made in call.)
for charitable uiul other events tu this
The audience nparly fllleil the bal
cony ami lower part of the house and
wus u very select gathering. It was
noted that the large majority of thoyo
iifr-sent were from the West Hide. He
twecn the first uud seconJ juirts of the
prcttratnine Mr. Wutkins sung "Illi
nois." tho World's fair sons and fur un
encore "The Fiddler."
The excellence of the p; rip.i iiiiime muy
be Inferred when are noted the follow
ing names uf those who uiipcurfd: Mr.
Joseph o'Mrleti. soinaiio; Miss F.U;ie
Vuinli-Vfiort. crctralto: V. V. Watkins,
buritone; Juittes Annyl. ienur; Miss Tll
lie Lewis, loi'iitlolils-'t : Theodore Irem-bergi-r,
It. J. Hiinr-r. Tlioti'as II. Jtip
pnrd uiul A. X. Ul'i-mrrl. string iitia;'
tetle: V. F. KopiY. violinist; liudn Kv
ans. pianist, unri .MIssFlore'icp 11. Klch
itioiul, ni'i'iiitiiiuiilid.
A piano solo, u Schubert criniposltlon.
exci-utcd by Haydn Kvans. was tile
upenln.'f number. Mr.. Ilttrns sung
"Ineuiu of llethlelietn" bv Paul Roduer,
nnd foi- an eiienrc "I Stm t for Phlltidel
phla In the Morning;." Jirs.- O'Hrlen
sung .'Mileiirildly umcI with great r'ranint
Ic i I'fer I Vei-ili s "i t. Jon FHtnle." She
tuiwed her acknowledgements to a de
si'tvcl encu-e. Mr. Anwyl Hung "I.enrl
Me Thh'e AM." The string quartette
executed' two very classic composi
tions. A Hearing number whs the solo, "flay
Cillanla" l.y Mlsa Klsle Vandevoort
conlialto 'if the i;itii Park church quar-
telle. "(Jay t ll'.taiiin." while tuneful.
KHve the singer ample sciH I i exhibit
tin' ouulitles of her rich contralto voice
miiI her Interpretation of th charming
theme was received with a btorm of np
pl.itiHe Professor Kopff nlayi'd n violin solo,
"ntliello Funtasie" by Krnst. "iiie
Trial Scene of ijueen Kathrlne" was re
tiled by Miss Lewis In her usual excel
lent style. A baritone solo by X. W.
Watkins unl n double number by Mrs.
O'Prien concluded the propranime.
The committee which arrunged the
concert wns as follows: Curt Colvln,
Frank Muritn. A. F. Dttl'l'v. 1 1. T. Koch
ler. C. llanil. J. K. Cohen und A. T.
Council. The ushers were Dr. John J.
liarrett. John Loft us, Al. Srhlager ami
.1. L. Jtollson.
Testlmnnv In the Itohlnson and Ninth
Street Damage Cases A'l In.
The Until lieurlnir the KnblnsotT and
Ninth street damuge cuses took place
yesterday In the select council cham
ber before Viewers Colonel I.. Hitch
cock and W. V. Havls. Hon. T. V. Pow
derly, the thlnl viewer, wna unable to
be present owing to Illness.
Only witnesses for the city were
heard. Those who testified were City
Kngineer Joseph P. Phillips, Kulldlng
Inspector John Nelson, City Assessor
II. H. Jones. Assistant City Solicitor
1. J. Havls, who Is represent I nj; the
city, tried to show by these witnesses
that the clnlmH of the property holders
are exorbitant and ub;o that the im
provements contemplated hy the city
will In a degree offset the liuinagcs by
enhancing the value of the propel ty.
The witnesses were cross-examined by
Hon. John I', Ki lly representing the
Mauguu and Uurrell properties. Sena
tor J. I'. Vattghaii representing the
Burke property and Ooorjre P. David
son representing the Peck estate.
The attorneys agreed to submit the
case without argument, and the hear
ing was adjourned sine die. The view
ers will now proceed to frame their re
port. mi:i:i in; held at itikiio.uf.
Afterwards the .Members of the Poor
Hoard Mode n Tour of Innreetinn.
All the members of the. poor board
with tho exception of President V. S.
Lungstiiff uttended the IVKUlar tneet
lug which wus .held nt Hillside Home
yesterday. Mr. Fuller occupied the
chulr. The only Importunt business
transacted wus the ndoptitin of a reso
lution, submitted by Mr. lilbt'ons, lixing
$1.7.' us tin charge for ull liuld putletits
In the Insane asylum. Trie Kills chil
dren, whose parents separated last
summer uud who ure now being enred
for nt the Home fur the Friendless,
were accepted as a charge on the dis
trict nnd Attorney Scrugff was instruct
ed to look after the lcgul details of the
After the meeting an inspection of the
premises was made and many compli
ments were forthcoming cm the excel
lent administrative abilities of superin
tendent und Mrs. lleemer.
of the Men Who Are Charged with
the Collection of I horn.
FollowlniT Is the comnlete list of de
linquent tax collectors n'tpolnted by
City Tfeusurcr It. '. Itrooks.
First and Third ward.. 1-Mwurd Fld
ler; Second ward, C. .1. Terwllllger;
Fourth ward. William Franey; Fifth
and Twenty-first wanls. Jutiies Phil
lips: Si.:th uiul Kigbtei-nth wards. W.
J. I'.agan; Seventh and Klghth watds,
Hairy S. Poitst; Ninth ward. F. L.
Watd: Tenth ward, JPidohdi l!iien--:li:
Kleventh. Twelfth, Nineteenth untl
wer.iletli words. Charles Helbcrt;
Thirteenth ward, H. T. Juyne; Four- !
uuit I. wu ivl I limn ("If uuounn.i- vi r. i
teenth ward,' Thomas W. Uavles': Six- j
teenth ward, F. N. Hullstead; Seven
teenth ward, Hubert Penman.
Selected as AJditionul Permanent
of the Phoenix t'ompnnv
Mayor Connell yesterday nnnounced
the opiKiIntment of Lincoln S. Tillman
ns additional permanent man for the
Phoenix Chemical Knglne and Hose
company. The appointment will be
sent to select council at Its next meet
ing for conllrmutlon. Tillman is a col
ored man and a rreat favorPe In the
company, which Is attested by the fuel
thut he was the unanimous choice of
the company for the position.
This will give the company three
permanent men and place it In a posi
tion to do even better work than It has
betn doing.
Orand Army men, ex-prlsoners of
war, und In fact everybody men, wo
men and children should read Com
rade lien Dllley's contribution on Wlrtt
In reply to Comrade Halsey Lathrope's
nrtlcie In the Buuday News next Sun
Estimates' Committee liets an
ilinance franicd.
t'lcrkshlp Knocked Out. Salaries Low
citfj, luiprotcmcnts Killed and
General llato Placd Willi
the Appropilotlons.
The estimates committee succeeded
last night In bringing the appropria
tions within the J'.'Vj.Jta mai lt, which Is
the f)tue t.'lty t'ontroliei- Wutmayer
tells tueii) they i-utinot exceed.
Mr. Chittenden for tho past week hus
I cell WO) king Oil the uiOlllullfe and
tattle to the ineetlni; laKt lily tit with the
whole thins rlguied out. Mr. KHIer to
whom he submitted his plan acted us
his second und between them tl.ey
manageil to bring; the tiiluir.litee to
adopt their (dees. There was a little
kicking now and then w hen wme par
ticular locality or some prt project Buf
fered but the Ielder.'i of the ax re
ntatntd firm and by their refusal to
bridge one way or the other subdued
ull opposition.
That they had to do some very close
figuring Is evidenced by the fact that
got under the limit by a bare margin of
JHO.'t.'. There was po particular at
tack made on any one department but
everywhere that it dollar could be pared ,
oft', nflr It came. All luxuries were
trlven the cold shoulder and only atiso- !
lute necessities were treated with any '
kind of consideration. Several clerk- i
idilps were made to Buffer, one by total !
unnlhllation und others by paring of j
remuneration. i
t King the faring k'lllo. j
The first attack wes made on the city '
controller's depurlinent when J'ioo was '
knocked of $i.2Uo for clerk hire. The ;
anpropriatloii lor niulntenanee of tutt- '
ulr-ipul tin i lil i ii tr van. lowered by rtrlktror
on t'oM from the Item of repairs of build
ing uud grounds. The salary of the
ulil clerk in the engineer's depart
ment was cut dn'ti from I,(K)Q to $i2i. .
In the Mreet coinnilssirtner's depart- ;
m fl) t was knocked off the salary of
the tnnliteer of the loud roller.
The item of littO for 'repairs of New
ton turnpike was entirely stricken off.
Kepulrs of bridges and culverts was cut
down from $4,iW ti $3,700. tleneral re
palrs of Main mi rets leading from the ;
central city to the suburbs, for which
Jt.lti'.; wus appropriated was ctiother
j tm
whlch wus entirely stricken out.
The J;;on for repairs to Hast mountain ;
road nnd the .$l,iiti) for repairs to North
Main avenue were ulso blotttd out. The
SI.ocu f.-1 aside for u retaining wull on
F.ust Market street was cut down to
JTOW. Only $2. Con wus allowed for clean-
lug stone and brick pavements and
bu( for repairs to sew ers und drains. A
cut of frM) was mail" in the $".0(KI for
repairs of asphalt puveini tits on strrets
for which contracts have expired. The
j Item of 2.W0 for general repairs on
Providence itirnpiKe wnicn was origin
nlly J28.t'J0. was lust night cut down to
the modest sum of 'Mn).
Sl irhstaiiuing ti.e obje.-tiors of
f'lili f i-ili'PS.en. wlifi wu ' plifvtil it ii
piot-st. the positioii of clerk of the
chief of police Wii uoi'lliiieri ut.rl yiw
thereby mvrtl. ICqiiltunents of police
wus cut from f'.'UU to $100 und the item
of $21H) fur conveyance to charitable In
stitutions wus done away with entjrely.
rue appropriation for light unit heat
i;t the lite deiiartnient estlmute was cut
from Sl.sfKi to $I,20U, and the Item fot
repairs to apparatus and harness was
cut from $l.uut to tSOO. The appropria
tion of $fi()0 to provide substitutes for
paid liremeii was sliced down to JIIOO.
The Increase allowed nt a ' former
meeting to the crematory employes wus
knocked out und 12U wus thereby
saved. The Jll.OtW piiase tnohey lor
the crematory lot wna cut out and $l"0
for another year's Interest on the money
was supplied. The incidentals of the
board of health were shaved down from
$400 to J"U'.
Instead of the tU'.u.M asked for by the
public library. $ lit. 602 was allowed,
which Is the u mount of last year's ap
propriation plus the Insurance.
It was on the park appropriations
thut greatest cuts were inude. In the'
Nuy Aug park estimate the item or
J4,0,"S was cut down two-thlids. Pro
vision had been made for two policemen
ut $000, but only one was allowed. The
$iira for ii lundscatH gardner wits cut
out und the Items of HOO for teaming
ami $2U0 for benches were each cut In
twuln. Appropriations amounting In j
all to J1.02J for water, pipes, labor, j
lumber, repairs am! A shelter hulldiiiH i entirely, wricnen out. conneti
pak put in a demand for $2,000 but only
$1,000 was allowed. ;
The board of revision nnd uptea!s
came In fur some buck pay and got
their appropriation raised from $!.- I
050 to $1,400. The $J0.0OO which was es- j
tlntated would be needed tor the Inii- I
dentals and judgments fund was cut I
down to $14,000 despite the waring of
City Controller Wldnniyor that the city
would go to the dotf If that appropria
tion was meddled with.
III lie One Clerk I e.
The cut of $200 In that line for the city
controller's department means that one
i.lurb :hr tctll have til be dlKnenseil
with unless the controller goea down hi ,....lrtfl lit MV iiui'l i,f tVi. Kill-
ury of a second mail. The lowering uf
the salary Hi tho city engineer's depart
ment was done with a promise thr.t If
I the present Incumbent. P. W. Costello, j
j remains, there tiinll be no cut. Willis i
I the discussion was on concerning the j
cleaning of asphalt pavements the pres- j
em system of sweeping wns ipiite gen- i
! erally condemned anil the Hushing sys- !
i tern recommended. Mr. Coyne wanted .
to cut the appropriation from $11.1100 to
X,0oo, alleging thut $1,000 u mile was
I siifiiclent for Keeping pavements clean
j durllig the yenr. No one else agreed ;
with hint, however. j
! The committee came within an ace of j
I doing awny with the orllce of captain of j
; police and lu-ovldtng for an extra pa-
. trolmitn with his salary, thus e-onomix-'
lug to the extent of $100. Mr. Chitten-
den suggested the tlilntr. but when
: Chief Simpson entered a vigorous kick :
he ugreetl lo some other mcun-i '
; of saving tin $100. untl uftef lool.i!it; i
j ubotit. found that the Itetn of $20!) for
eiiulpinetit of police could be cut In two. '
! Mr. Latter fought hard fur the abolition
: of the captaincy, saying thut It was
un ornamental otllce and the Incumbent
! should be put on u bent where lie could
: do some Rood. He said he did not wish
; to criticise the present captain of po
; Ike. but rather syir.:athlzetl with hltn,
i as his sinecure rloefi not t:lve him an
: tippoi tunlty of displaying his latent
! abilities.
Victor l.niter's Ides. I
I Mr. Latter also wanted to strike opt i
'he entire upproprmiion tor equip-
nients. holding thut the oolleeiueii
should buy their own stttrs. Iielts. clubs,
revolvers nnu ine use. ins itc-as, iinti
ever. did not prevail. No one put In an
objection nsaln?t tho obliteration of
the 200 for conveyance to d-.aritable
Institutions. Hut for n protest from
Captain Moir the $300 to pay the ex
penses of. Ill-emeu s parade day would
have been butchered nnd results which
un too dread tul to contemplate wouiu
have undoubtedly followed. Mr. Ooyne
nut In a hard fight against the rutting
of the Connell park appropriation, but
hud to submit to the inevitable.
While the general butchery was In
progress Mr, Chittenden used ns a pa
cificatory argument the statement that
there would be a balance aceordlnn- to
his figures, and after the ordinance had
been gone oyer any man who felt ug- ;
grieved could put In a claim for a part i
of the balance and use tt ns he might I
see lit. Mr. tiiltienuen eviuentty en
JoVs a Joke, for It was with a sort of
fiendish elee that he announced at the
conclusion of the evenlnff's work that
there wns Just $140.03 left for those who
needed it. "I want $C.0flo or t tat." said
one; "I must have $10,000 of It myself."
shouted another: "Where Is my-$:!,(KKi
comlna; from-" and like ejaculations
Paine's Celery Compound
Porter Back
Those sharp, raw. citpiii ious (Uiya of
) FrbiUHty nr( l lanied tor t.uich sick
r.css that is sltn'ily the direct remit of
nervous wraknes.
Perfect health will Ueoi om
any ib':rrcss!iig'.ueiice from
the ;
w ea tiler
Pure, richer blood and better fed ncr-
'lis tissues will malic people feel well
e en In Febrtut ;.
Iturii.g his many years of hard and
wonderful ivu'k. Professor Fdiva'.i K.
l'lu'ins, I'avtmouiirs gtttit tirofessor.
I .ut in mind -he titotisaudM who u m
weak f ml rim down. His study of the
...ui y ues of nervous luostruiiou,
l .r nrulgia, I heiimatlMii, ilysoeosla, and
ilti illly led 1 1 1 1 1 1 to that most marvel
ous discover, of the century, Paine's
celery coui:ou!id.
In every city, us well us the smaller
villuges scattered through this country
! are men and women n ho for years have
relied u:ou ('nine's celery compound
wheat ver they found themselves weak
were hurled nt Air. Chittenden from nil
sides. Hp gentlv smiled at:d seconded
'Air. I.aiier's motion t i have the ordin
ance priiiled us amended.
Huv the Cutting Was Hone. ,
A comparison of th original demand
mud- by each department and the
uinoimt alluwed by the committee, will
chow wilt re the cutting wus done;
Mayor's depart ntent...
City treasurer's Jepa.-t-
City Controller's d
part mi -I I
City sulleltni's depart-
City Clerk's tlepart-
MalliPuaiice of .Muni-
clpul biilbllmj
City ttigineur's dt-pa:-:-
St -vet Coinmlfsloner's
depart meiil
Cl;y assessor's tlepart-
S.SWii in) :t.M IK)
;:.o i)
to :i.iuii ou
s.Rti a.)
'o.MO no
.!.i:.i w
lO.jjO oo
!'7,S20 M
ll.lctl lit)
Ui.tHsl CO
i).220 )
3.I0D 141
:,,'M id
:i.i;".7 im
1 1), 2711 DO
r..w) id
lol!ee department
I I'l'e depaiim-i
2i,ii7 Ci
1 ."si 00
lil'ttnent (estl-
liuiteH rei onum ndedi
21 113
lilillilillK llispecto
tiounl of health.
Si'i-.".!iton Public
I. .-.S.-. in
ir..f74 no
12 .1MU im
1 1 b ra
Nay Aug pnrk
Woujlawn park...
lo.r.2 nil
2.1U-) :i2
2'ill l.l
I.i.kO v,i
i Coniiel! park
Utiard of revision
2.01IJ in)
1.0VI no
it n. 1
! Water rent
! KI -trie lighting
i liii.itleiitals uud Judg-
1 . 4 1 hj rm
S.2M l''i i
4'i.."ii) I'd t
U.IX) It'
ii.2i VI
K.'oW OH
n.t.its 30.0VO i
I lll'-ll.anee
a,iM2 i"i
4,;.i-' !7 i
4..W :
tf.l.lSJ !
ti,x. 011 lu"":' -
! I I - .file Jt'S
SW5.SI2 i
Attorney c. K. Pitcher sppeared be
fore the eomtllltlfe uud lllgeil tl
opening: of Price street, ('niiuiilmiii
Oliver usked for $2.V for ccitupletliif; tin
gradlnc of Luzerne rtivet and Ciuit.iii
V. A. Aluy iippcnrcd as represeniutivi
of the luiu-d of fade to urge the up
polutr.tetit of a lire matshiil. The com
mittee heard their 'argument utit
ugrcd to take -them up ut u futun
tiitcrtnlnmcnt and Social Will lie tilvci
r-y lllaviiitlia C ouncil.
The following programme will be
rendered at an enlertalninent untl so
cial to be glvtli by llliiwutha council.
No. 21!. ut iliand Army hall over toe
First National bank, Monday evening:
Living i.ictiue, "After tin? chase."
lice: in tiun itwie? Tiirti'oul
,-vlr... K.t!.ilo;pll Jones, .Miss te Joner
i ,ddre
t:. ii. iiousb
pli'tiire, "lieorge and .Murtiiu.
! s ,;,, Klward Jitiner
! ItecILutloii Alice Willlaau
i Instrument j1.
1 .Mrs. John Cl.irk. Mrs. Fred Shore
! Picture. "iorti;ine of Por.ihiintas."
Song Little Ito.ssle at.J Jennie Iwr.-e;.
i Plar.o duet,
Mil's Mv Troue cn-l Jennie F-llows
Iic!nn-. "Tli New Wt.r.jn, ' "Tie
New M.iti."
Sola Miss Vie Jon-
Duet Mrs. It. Jones. ICdwanl .laine-
Iteelliilloii Ki.lle Kjlth Hu.ih
licllne. ".tHpumise a: Home."
Sontf. comic relec tlnn .L'e It-ay
Hanjn solo John ia: k
liatio rol.T t.i l-Itta Dunlcavy
I'lctnre. "In Council."
Itc!t:tlon Mbs Cracs Ooo.!ik-h
Picture, "C.oo'i Niiht."
Ai t ompai.lst, Mi.' Norma Williams.
Ilu Assaulted irons. able J. .. Millar with
a liutiroii.
Lee Nichols, who on Feb. S assaulted
Constable .1. S. Miller with n tint iron,
was urrested yesterday on a warrant
sworn out by the constable before Al
derman Wright. The only testimony
was that of the plaintiff who gave evi
dence as to the manner of the assault.
Alderman Wright held Nichols In
$1,000 hall for his appearance ut court.
His counsel, John F. Scrngg. objected
to the amount as out of proportion to
the magnitude of the offence. but the al
derman thought different and refused
to lower the sum. Nichols was locked
In the central police stutlon pending
the efforts of some of his friends lo pe
cure bail for him. Hail had not. been
found as lute as 11 o'clock lust night.
Her SHi, out of he.'.U'i. nurulvpus of letters
like the folliiwln-j; finin Mr:.'. Porter of
New York" City, t .i how this great
medicine has tliein well anil
! Hlron-
Messrs. Wells & ItlehaiJson Co.:
Dear Sirs: For several years I have
used your Puine's celery compound
whenever 1 found myself running down
111 health. Uuring that time I have
recommended it frequently to my
friends nnd I know of many persons
who have been much bent-tited by it. 1
uin never without it bot'le of It In the
house, und take great ileurure III ex
pressing ti you my belief that It does
u ureal wori: for humuidtv.
Mis. .M. Porter. 2X2 Klghth Ave.
Mrs. Porter's experience Is like thou
sands of others. Paine's celery com
pound mailt' her well, bemuse it fed the
starved nerves and blood und regulat
ed their functions. Try It u:id be con
vinced of Its lematkiible power to cure
Things Arc Not Attoccthcr I'eaccuble In
(.Diet Mmliurst.
Sidney O. Kiel, of Klmhurst. by his
attorneys. Wurren tSr Kuupp. yesterday
petitioned the court for a writ of alter
native matiilutniis to compel l. C.
P.tink, Jutl-?! of election, and W. C.
llllillillK, illHpecto, t-lectio!l Of the
borough, to Issue a cerlilicate of elec
tion to Mr. Itlel lor borough auditor.
The writ w us made returnable on March
i. at ! u. in.
Kill tiulliiM that he was credited with
only :I4 votes when he should have re
ceived which would have elected
him. The ballot box will have to In
brought Into court to srlile the tUei
tloll. A Business Oproitunliv for a
l.!o llur-
nes Mukcr.
The business of O.K. Uuritey .deceased,
I Clifford. Pa.. Is now for sale. A iiros-
lierotis olti established business, with
I new ami convenient idtop. An luspcc-
1 toil und inquiry hit i all the details of
I the business solicited, ittllt cheap,
business good and liock on band sold
reasonable. Address i' N. liarney.
t '
iviomrose. i-a.
I'R plan of rcni tl, with rent j
to upply us pnrcittisc money, ;
s. ltf.llil( , .OU IlklltV?)
t possible ftir alitiuht any litniily
'o ft-t a I'rst-cluss iitMi'iiiiicnt.
iitll partictilai-.-i on appUcntion.
326-jjo WVO.V.INO AVE.
If III 'A A illE. 9BIS i BMBS 27 m 28, B3M BJILOl.U
JltlVJ U U lljl HJ WH M ftJJJjjB j Wualnnitou Ac. M-ranti.ii. 1'a.
j j
Slffl Of 1 1 if BYWHYKGT TME fiOllBGEMCIffii
0 UUil U ULfiLL e&fmwftmnfpm
Remove . I tram Washing
ton avenue to
And will l:e sold out nt
auction. Sale ever) day
at io o'clock a. m. and 2
and 7 o'clock p. in.
By order of AssiyiK't.
- A. HARRIS, Auctioneer.
Programme That litis linen Prepared by
Superintendent (ijorgo Howell.
Superintendent -of Schools Ocorge
Howell has nbout comnlrted nrrange
iitents fur the annual teachers1- Insti
tute. It will he held tills year In Young
Men's Chrlstlun Association hall, dur
ing the week following Faster Sunday,
which Is April fi-10 Inclusive.
Never before nrobably has euch a
prominent staff of instructors been cn
Rafd. Nnthuu '. Slm'Ter. stale nuper
iiiteudent r pol'lli' Instruction, will de
liver it lecture on "I'tstuloxzl." Profes
sor Charles De tigrino. presldtnt of
Swatthuioie iolleice, will lecture on
"The lior trltieof Herbert." A. E. Win
sliip, of the Hoston Journal of Kdttca
tton will treat of "Horace Mdtin." Prof.
Oeorge W. 'IVtiilgre, tiuperltitendcnt of
it hools of flunejj.iulc, will lrue us hi:
subject, "Trochel."
1'iofsMU' Iti uml uutftb, presldeul vf
Juniata college. I ( tint ite'oJon. will be. the
Instructor in "Pedugogy." He will
have associated with hltn In this brunch
Professor Coiighlln. superintendent of
schools of Wilkes-llarie. Miss Mollen.
of rllootushui'K Stal Norr.utl scltool.
will instruct in "Pollard work," tiie new
! phonic system f reading. President
Warfield, c.f Lafayette college, wlil de
i liver an address :t "HlFtory and the
' Mcthrnls of Tcucliltig History."
i Local teachers wlil also be called up
i on for papers on dllVerent subjects np
i pt'opiiato to the occasion. These have
! not as yet been selected. The detailed
programme will be reuCy in a short
- --
M. A. I'riedlnndcr it t o
Have removed to WS Spruce street,
formerly or-cuoted by Ci. W. (.'w-eiis,
opposite Court l.ottje.
(iiohe Motel.
Between the Academy of Mus'c and the
i-'rutli'.iigliam. Specinl rates mado to the
ii tr. i ill peoiile and Jurors. Rates SI. 00 to
(2.m)pGi' day. Rrd & Flanaghan, Props.,
22 Wyominx ave. Siuanton, pa.
M A It KIT. 1.
PiLH.'.MrS-rrtl.N'K-ln Serantca. Pa..
Ffh. 21. IXWi. tiarry Polhamus. of the
We t Slrle. ard Miss Nellie Filnk, of I
Cedar avenue, by Aliiermau Mlllur.
Lackawanna - Ave.
Men's Felt Boots and fivers.
Men's Overshoes,
KUle price, ., .
worth Cite, our
Men's Overshoes,
sale price
worth 70c, our
4 9c
.75,011 r
Men's Vulcanised Leather
Wtionsockct Boots, worth, J
Bale price
Youths' WoonKocket Hoots, north
$1.7."., our aale price
I.ndies' Overshoes, wot th 25c, our
s-ule price ,
Men's Wool Lined Alankns. regular
price, $1.00, our sale price
.. fii.-.....
We Are Selling them Banded ut
rormcrly Kuceno KleborgJ
231 Pcnn hv. tpr. Upiist Cburco.
lacludlnir th puinlMa xtrftcttat
S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S.,
HI tfBUCE Slim
i ' i
m l mm. m l
Ml IliliL (IIUfLUi
: TO : 1 m
i 42 3
last chance you will
ever have to get
for the prices we will sell
theni for th?s week.
Electric Seal Capes,
newest style,
ruitrly $15 Ul
.. roruitrly $14 Ut
Wectric...e,.il, trim-
meil - with Thibc
t $5.98
or Brouii Marten,
I'ornifrly $22.00
Fine Cpat,v
Coat: 'lewest
style, 'p.
Formerly $IU Oil
Fine Coat,
Fnrmurly $U.UJ
Formerly $lj.0l)
Baby Coals from '
I'pwa. d
! Mackintoshes from
133 Wyoming Avanuj,
1 ClougD .5 Warrsn,
Malcolm im.
,nd Lower Gradss at
Very Low Pricas.
Spring Styles.
01.1: AliliNf.
412 Sprues, 205 Lack. Ave.
School of Elocution
and Oratory
five mm of w
tr tt rrtMil ttir V ropnlar ul rnftm4 t
Lcliim Ariuit
Wtrtroems: Oppositt Columbus HoDumtiit,
?05 Washington Av. Scranton. Pa.
! i ft