6 TOE SCRAXTOX TRIBUTE TIIUIISDAY. MOItNING. FEBRUARY 20, 1890. , nutJYotj WINS. His Remedies Reduce the Death . Rate.' A REVOLUTION IN MEDICINE His New System Indorsed Jy Scientists and Pro gressive Physicians. . Millions of Converts Now Urging His Improved llomoe 1 athlc llnnedies. WOSUEltFUL. CUHES HEPORTED. Rheumatism, Catarrh, Asthma. Dys ( pepsia, Colds, Coughs, Kidney Complaints and Nervous Diseases Yield Quickly to These Wonder nil Pellets. Read the Following List of Cures Ask Your Druggist for Munyon's Guide to Health -Select a Reined and Cure Yourself. When Prof. Sliinyon first announced to the world tnut lie had discovered n new system ufcurlnsr illai-use, the medi cal world Hi-oflVd und the pulillf doubt ed. The people remembered the Ko'li Lymph fallacy and the ruinous results of the recent fad or Injectlns serums Into the body for curhiK diphtheria, I'OiiMutuptioii and other ailments. l-'aith In his new system could only tie established by tests and aetunl cures. To this end the Professor save away mlllfons of his remedies, InvltliiR the public physlcluns and scientists to test them and report the effects to the edi tors of the leadintv newspapers. As a result of this! bold and generous offer, thousand have been restored to health: the new system has come Into Reneral use; whilst skeptics nnd bigots have been forced to acknowledge Its super iority over ell other methods. I'.lK doses of poisonous drug" nnd dan gerous nostrums are Kivins; way to Miinvon's more Rentle nnd humane treatment. Munyon's Improved Home opathic Remedies are Pleasant to take, absolutely harmless and relieve almost Immediately. RHEPMATtSM CVliK. Munyon's Rheumatism Cure Is guar anteed to cure rheumatism In any part of the body. Acute or muscular rheu matism can be cured In frun one to live days. It speedily cures shooting pains, Hclutleu, lumbago and all rheumatic pains in the back, hips and loins. It Feldom fails to give relief ufter one or two doses, and almost Invariably cures before one bottle has been used. Price 2.'r. STOMACH AND DYSPEPSIA CVRK. Munyon's .Stomach and Dysepsla Cure cures all forms of indigestion anil stomach trouble, such as rising of food, distress afler eating, shortness of breath, and all affections of tlx heart caused by Indigestion, wind on the stomach, bad taste, offensive breath, loss of appetite, In I illness or weakness of stomach, coaled tongue, heartburn, shooting pains of the Htomach. consti pation, fi.intness, dizziness, und lack of energy. J 'rice 2it: NKKVH CVUK. , Munyon's Nerve Cure cures all the symptoms of nervous exhaustion, such as depressed spirits, failure of memory, restless or sleepless nights, pains In the head and dizziness. It cures gen em! debility, stimulates and strength en the nerves, and tones up the w hole ivstein. price '! cents. kidnky crurc. Munyon's Kidney Cure cures pnlr.s In the back, lulus, or groins from kid ney dhieuse. dropsy of the feet and limbs, frequent desire to pass water, dark colored and turbid urine, and diabetes. Price 2i cents. catarrh crnn. Catarrh positively Cured. Are you willing to spend "i0 cents for a cure that positively cures catarrh by removing the cause of the disease? If so, ask your druggist for a ll'i-cent bottle of Munyon's Catutrh Cure and a ".Ti-cent bottle of Mini) oii'h Culm i'Ii Tablets. The caturrn cure will eradicate the dis fase from the system and the tablets will cleanse and heal the afflicted parts and restore tlieui to a natural und healthy condition. Munyon's Liver Cure corrects head ache, biliousness. Jaundice, constipa tion, and all liver disease. Price 2o cents. Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneu monia nnd breuks up a cold In u few hours. Price 25 cents. Munyon's Cough Cure stops cough, night sweats, allays soreness, and speedily heals the lungs. Price 25 cents. Munyon's Female Remedies are a boon to all women. Price 2." cents. Munyon's Headache Cure stops lieail. ache In three minutes. Price ".." cents. Munyon's Pile Ointment cures all forms of piles. Price 2.5 cents. , Munyon's Asthma Cure and Herb are guaranteed to relieve asthmu 111 three minutes and cure in five days, price 0 rents each. Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all Impurities from the blood. Price 25 cents. Munyon's Vltallzer imparts new lif, restores new power to weak and debil itated men. Price $1. M unyon's Homeopathic Remedy Com pany. 1505 Arch street. Philadelphia. Pa., puts up specific for nearly every disease, mostly for 25 cents a bottle. Sold by all Retail Druggists. TREIl - I.StOyardaof Carpets, from S to?) yards in earn piece, consisting of , -the following Best Makes: $ .85 Tapestry Carpet for 35c 50c 65c 65c 75c . 1.25 Velvet Carpet for 1.15 Moquette Carpet for 1.35 Axninster Carpet for SALE TO CONTINUE FOB SIX DAYS ONLY . Terns Cash During This Sale. J. SCOTT INGLIS ... 419 Lackawanna Ave NANT SALE WILKES-BARRK. Three Men Meet Death While at Work for the Conaamera Cotapany. . fleorge Maxwell, John Xerby and Samuel Maxwell, employed ut the works of tha Consumers' (Sum company. In this clly, were suffocated yesterday afternoon by escaping gus. The men were tilling a purifying box and neglected to close Hie trap. A flow of gas from a. l-'-lneh pi pa was allowed to escape into the room where they were at work. They were not discovered until a o cloK this evening, when they were found deid upon the Moor. They were all married and leave large amino. Killed bv the Tars. Mrs. Rrldget Dcgnan. of Plttston. aged 73 years, was found dead on the Lehigh Vulley railroad truck in thut city yester duv. It was learned later on that she hac been struck by a train. Her head was crusned out ot siiupe. An Infant Murdered. An unknown child nearly a year old was found In a Held in Kingston yester dav dead. The body wus denude or clotn ing und around the neck of the infant wus a cord showing that It -had been strangled to death. Pettobono Mine I iro. The fire In the Petiebone mine is still burning und great danger seems to exist in many of the chambers. At tunes lb roof In many places shows signs of euvlng in. and on .Monday night four men barely escaped death by Ions of eoul romlm; down. An explosion occurred there yes lerday, but no one was Injured. ARCHBALD The Archbald Dramatic association pre stated Cast i'pon the World" before a luiKe und ajipreclallve audience al Father Mai he ' tiperu House on Monday even ing. The pluy had been preseuted here before, but nver under more, f.ivorablo surrounding (hull on Monday evening The characters were well portrayed, the stage settings were neat und attractive and the make-up was excellent. John A Kellly, under whose supervision the play was produced, made a very satisfactory Fred Norton. John A. Foot was equally ucci-ptaiile as Holier! Stunlord, and John LaagHli creditably impersonated the diffi cult role of Nat tiarvln. Tom McC.rnil wus a witty Sum son clunn. and John l'.olnnd eml Thomas CiimminKS, as Mary and Scanty, were excellent In their re spective roles. John llroguu ns Knnwl- ton, ,iohn (Illrov us T'haiies Thorinlike, and James F. I'hllhln us Hon. Agnellis I a vis portrayed their Hurts with credit Miss Mary IHUTv wus an excellent Kill Tlinrndlke. and .Miss Fannie Colepian ef fectively played the part of Mrs. Samson Clapp. M'ss Cecelia Swift was n graceful .Mis. .VCUmiis I nv Is, miss Jennie .Mnnloy made a charming I.urcnt-i Stephens, and .Miss H. A. MeAndrrw was u winsome Ktmiui Slipliens, All the ladles pud gen tlemea who purtteliiated were well suited to their i.i: r:s nnd did credit to themselves and Hide InH'-aetor. John A. Foote, who ha. I I'l'm""1 of the costuming, is pnflci I'ulf wor.-ry of p'-.-- for ihe excellent wry In which h- did his wo'k. The pro eee, Is nf i!p rerfo-nanec were given to u- pari'-iii-ii iniiPUng num. The elt'eil,..! on Tuesday was one of tile quietest i"d,i here In many years. Ther was no disorder ar t none of the bit let ness thut I'virkel oilier contest, here, in the Second ward, the banner Heniocrall ward of t'e liorc'uth. there was no oppo sl I inn to J, noes F. Mi-Andrew who wo eleded school direr-tor, or to Thomas K. Mlnley. who was returned to the council. Hr-nry .Myers was re-elected school direr tor In the Flrt winl h- a me tori I y of 11 over Max Kloiip.-r. and Philln Kehle b id ma.iorltv of III over Michael Haltes for coiineil. In the Third ward John M T'.urke was ben ten be Michael Toolln for the ollhe of school director by only one vote nnd Henry P-ohst for the se-ue of fice had 'uaiorltv of :t over Thomas Ridden. WHlluin tliinl beat Stnlieii Itae- rilt 21 for the oltlre of eounellm.in from lee 'nurd ward. Ti"vras I.oftcs wu elected borough nmllto". and fdwurd O'Horo hlifh cons tilde. Reuben VVIUInnia was t.inr...,i eonslehle In the First ward and WIIIIk'U llousrher In Thl-d wa'-il. Richard P. Harrett, of Hyde Park, was IP town on Ttlesi' lv. The ecnloyes of Jones, Simpson Co. were pain yesterday. WOC A. The election on Tuesduy resulted in a sweeping victory for the Kepuhlii-uns. the first victory that puny has achieved ill the history or the borough. The lollowiug is the result: Coiiiiellmeii, James lira- ham i K.I, three years, I'.'L'; John .Meade IK.), three years, sw: Thomas .Mcl.oiighltn IK. I, .'...; VMlllam mown IK.i. two years, (K.I, L'H.; Patrick ('onion (R.l, two years, 'OK; F. .1. Newton (K.I, one year. 1KB: Jo seph Hodgson I K.I, one year, 194; Thomas Fltzsinimons 1 1). I. 121; Henry Jackson III.). Ion: James K.vhii (1)1, lu5: John Woods (ID, two years. ii: Tiiomas Her Pert iD.i, two years, 112; Frank Parks (D.l, one year, !IK; Theoduru llogan III.), one year, :2H. Senojl director, iJavhi Da vis (K.I. 22a; Koloinoa lieeble (K.i, . 24a Miehuel O'.Malley (I).), lull; Philip Clifford 111. I, l:i:;. Constable, John S. Cumphell (l).i. IM; Kd ward .Murphy (U.), 2."7. High constable. Alfred ilreen (K., 214; V. H. Curley i D.), 2Wt. Kdward Murphy was the only Democrat that was elected, he haviiiK held the utllee of constable for several years. Tile Avoca Culling club played an Inter esting (tame yesterday wl;h the lnkerman team ul the Vafesvilie pond. Tills club has achieved so many victories during !he present season that the Juvi idles have be come interested and have oriiauizeit :i club and are practicing dally at the Hill side pond. They will play a itaine with ttie senio:s in a few weeks, the weather pi -rmlttliig such a eouiest. John Mitchell, sr., of th West Side, is I.Wng seriously III owing lo a tall he re ceived on Ihe Ire a few days ago, I'atriek Houston, of the South Side, formerly a resident of this lown. san tuined severe Injuries in Ihe mines on Tuesday morning, lie was removed to the I. :n kawanna hospital, w here It was found necessary to amputate his leg be low Ihe knee. Ills recovery Is doubtful. The only attraction In the town on WuShitiKlon's Kin Inlay will be the .Martha Washington and entertainment at the Primitive Methodist church la the even ing. The alf.ilr should he well patronized. It will he managed by the Home Mission ary sociely.- Mr. and Airs. ,1. Snyder are spending n few iIhvs at Ihe home of thel;- (laughter, Mrs. (lay. of Orange, 1'a. Mrs. John (irahtnc, of the North Kml, Is seriously 111 of la urippe. Kev. J. J. .McCnlie has returned home after a few days visit with hij parents in I'urhondule. - ELMHURST. Fbctlon day passed off quietly In this borough. The Democrats currying nearly everything us the following count will show. Kepiiblh-an ticket Justice of the peace, J. 11. Snyder, III; borough council. three years. .1. .M. Kho.les, 42; Henry I'.at. tin, "I: Charles Koch, 17: Komeyn HnylT, :i4; John I). Fuller. :iu; S. Y. Kiel, :!4; F. II. Williams, :I4: school director. M. P. Rhodes, 4j; borough treasurer. L. W. Pat t ridge, 17; auditors. C. W. Rhodes, .'19; .1. II. Snyler, X; overseer of the poor, W. H. Kdwurds. Ill; Judge of flection, C. W. Khodes. :ll: Ins.ne.-tor of election, H. 3. Finn. ;:i. Democratic ti--ket Justice r,f thi- peace. T. H. Ilardenbergh. 4": borougn council. F. I,. Carr, 53; A. K Veager, i",:t; A. (.'. Dunning. 4; Richard Kearney. S7: Jay Kniekerhoeker, Jr., 29; J. Y. Ininninu, 44; school directors. J. H. Musters, 41: F. L. Carr. M: borough treasurer. Charles Koch. :il; auditor, K. L. Neul. 4:1; William X. SUIT. 4ii; overseer of the poor. Thorn is Ward, 4: const aide, W. H. Kvans. K; judge of election. D. C. Hrlnk. 4s; inspec tor of election. W. C. Dunning, 4ti. The Democruls elected everything except one eouricllinan, borough treasurer ami one school director. A meeting of the Klmhnrst board of trade will be held in the school house on Tuesday evening, Feb. 25. at J.30 o'elo'-k. All members are requested to be present as business of Importance is to come be fore the board. Mr. and Mrs. H. ft. Thuyin gave a party to their daughter. Lulu, on Tuesday even ing. It being her birthday. A large crowd of young people were present and a most enjoyable evening was spent. PRICEBURG, The returns of election as received show Dickson City borongh to be strongly Re publican. In the first ward the Republi cans elected Oeorge Oleason for council. School director, three years. Reese W. Da vis; iwo years. John T. Perrls; one year. W. H. Morgan; for constable. Richard Barron; forjudge of election, Hen Red.lo; and Inspector of election Goiner Parry. In ihe Second ward the Citizen pnrtv elected for council M. V. Fadden and John Aifken: for school directors, James Cay gle. Fred. Ries and John Miller; for con stable, Henry Dlerks; for judge of elec tion, George Cooper. And In the Third ward the Republicans elected to the coun cil William Snyder and S. K. Koehler; for constable, Max oKehler. Mrs. Phillip Morgan, of Lincoln street, Is 111. GARBONDALE. Readers will plase note that advertise ments, orders for Job work, and items for publication left at the establishment of Shannon & Co., newsdealers. North Main street, will receive prompt attention; of fice open from g a. m. to 10 p. m.J AFTER THE BATTLE., The Republican Candidates Defeated. Robert Carter by fifteen Votes for Muyor-Nealon l.lcctcd Select Council man. The battle for suoremacy In our city has been fought and the Democrats have won. The will of the people has been reslstered and it has been dem onstrated by small majorities for the principal offices of the city government. The poll Is the largest vote ever cast In the city. The Fourth ward did the mis chief to the Republican party, anil this accounts largely for the auceess of the Democrats. Again the First ward. First district. Mayor Hendricks" local ity, went back on the Republican tick et, und Alderman S. S. Jones' ward aln proved unfaithful. The cause of this del'eut Is mainly due to the influence exerted by the defeated cundhhites at the primaries. The vole on the city offices is as follows: MAYOR. .1. J. O'Neill, D 14114 Robert Curler. R 141 Controller. Wheeler, D 1471 Spencer. R 12C.S TKF.ASI'RER. Connor. D 1452 Cramer, R 1-82 ASSESSORS. D Pidgeon, ....1403 ....1443 ....14:.t ....IL'07 ,...iie:t ....iaoa Peel. D Moffttt. D... Lowery, It.. Pierce. R..'. Van Reck, J . The Word Offices. The contest for the ward offices was very hot and especially for the school directorship of the Third and Fourth wards, and also the select council in the same wards. School director, Campbell, R., 424; Rrcunan, D., litil. Select council. Thos. Neulon, I)., :il8; Morgan Thomas, R., :W7. Poor director, Cooke, D 23!; Mc Donougli, ., Ill; Cordon, R.. tU: llig Rins. It.. 'H. Common council, Second ward. Devine, D., 20i; Dougherty, I ., 161!; Vaiulermark, 11.. 11"; Colwen. It., M.l. Third ward, constable. Mike Mor on. D., oiix; John Price, It.. 2fi. W. T. Colvllle wns elected a school director without opposition. The con stitution of the common c'ouncll for l.v'9ti will be eight Republicans and four Democrats, while the select branch will be a tic The Democrats feel justly prouil at their ability in turning the tallies upon the Republicans, und J. J. O'Neill was congratulated upon all hands upon his success. Cnrhoiidnlo Township. The Cnrbondnle township politicians were at fever heat, and one of the hot test contests in years took place Tues day. The result was as follows: Northwest district Justice of the peace, W. Williams, 1; Peter Kane. 1; L. P. McCabe, 1. Supervisors, Peter Kenns, 24; Daniel Dempsey. 49; Patrick lirown, 7; Michael Kelly. .19; James f. Ciuiun. !il; Michael II. Cuvanugh, 12; Mart Hudson, 9. Poor director. Thomas H. Cummlngs, 7S; Michael Mcllule. 4;i: John Hutler. 2. Treasurer, John Battle, til: John Walker, f.:i; L. Larkin. 1. School directors, Patrick Joyce, 110; M. J. McDonald. KI7; John Duffy. 14. Auditors, Michael Coggins, 07; Patrick Welsh. 35: John Heeney. 4: Patrick Mo- Cabe, 1. Town clerk, James T. Walk er, til; Patrick Harrett. IS.'!. Constable, Wllliuni iiradley, 94; James Kitzsdm liions, 14. Judge of election, Peter Cor coran. MS; Rtclinrd F. Cummlngs. 25. Inspector. Michael Toolun. S:i; Michael McFnddeii, 15, Assessor of voters, I'at riek Sweeney. 59: Michael Rtudy, 29; Thomus Mcllule, 28. Northeast district Justice of peace, Lewis P. MeCube. 36; William Williams, 17. School director, John Duffy, :!S; AL J. McDonald, S5; Patrick Joyce, -12. Poor director, John I hi tier, 41; Thomas Cummlngs, 5; Michael Mcllule, 2. Treasurer, John Ruttle, 17; John Walk er. 9. Supervisors, Patrick Ilrown, 4!i; James (uiiiii, 16: Daniel Dempsey. 14; Michael Kelly, 2. Auditor, Patrick McCabe, 46: Michael Coggins, 3. Town clerk, Michael Mcflale, 12; Jumes !. Walker, 7; James T. Walker, 4. Con stable. James Pltzsimmons, 50; Will lam Bradley, 14. Judge of election, olin Rergen, 4t. Inspector of election. Seymour Purdy. 16; Fred Kepler. !: Willla Hiriiilnghani. 14. Assessor of voters, John White, 27; Jacob Henry, 22. let I Township. The fight was well contested In the township and every effort was used bv botli turtles to guin u victory. From early morning to the close of the polls the workers were kept busy, und a full vole was recorded. The result was a win for the Democratic putty, which an be accounted for by the dissensions in the Keiiublican camp. The follow ing is the count: Supervisors, John Muldooney. T., 7: James Lavln. D.. 114 : W. 11. Dough erty, It.. 146; K. W. James. It.. 111. School directors, Stephen Fitscputrlck, 1 ., 213; John Dunn. D., 1'tS; Joel CuuM, 11., liO: John T. Evans, R 156. Audi- ors, John J. Hums, D.. 224: K. J. O'Keef,., D 220: John W. Williams. It.. 154; L. R. Lewis. R., 145. Treasurer. John Lymndy. D., 234; Richard Pier, R., lo9. Poor director, Henry Loft us. 1 2n2: Charles Melville, It., 176. Town ship clerk. Thomas M. Holmes. !., 28; Joseph Wilkes, It.. 155. Constable, la- niel Henly, D., 2:i0; John L. Evans. It.. 159. RUII.LIANT W I-D1)IX(J. S. . Calhoun nnd .Millie limner I'nitcd In Mnrriatte. Tuesday evening at half past eicht Miss Millie Krunner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hrunner. of Park street, anil S. A. Calhoun, of Scranlon, were Joined In the happy lionds or wedlock ut the home of the bride's parents. Rev. T K. Jepson of the Rerenu Baptist church. pronounced the words that made them one. The bride was attended by Miss .Martha Slegei, or Archibald street, and Joseph !. Calhoun, of Scrunton, acted as best man. Mr. Calhoun was wcll knowti in the city having worked ns i I Was an Invalid Bo long 1 did not expect ever to be well again. 1 was confined to the bouse the whole winter with nervo u s debility and fe male weakness, having no strength, appe tite or energy. A friend urged me to talc Hood's Sarsapa rilia whichldid and I was soon able to do my own work nd leel that life is worth living. I cheerfully recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla to all afflicted In like manner." Mas. M. E. Hosuxs, Manard, Virginia. - Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only Truo Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye. ft; 6 for 5. Hood's Pills SruSa. Highest of ftU in Leavening A&&OLVTE1X PURE foreman of the Anthracite composing room and for a time worked for tne Herald. The following; persons attend ed the reception given at the home ot the parents of the bride: Mesdames and Messrs. August (learhart. William Klnback. Jacob Llebrum.Ueorire Berry; Misses Kdna Kagler. Olive Vail. Olive Kagler; Messrs. Harry Hall. Harley Klnback, Will Jenkins. us Nelson, and Fred Wagner, of this city; Mesdames and Messrs. A. J. Ilartw ick. seeieyviue; W. K. Cahoun and Ritdolph Hrunner. Scranton: Misses Krestger. Honesdule; Lena C.luss and Martha Jtiefter, of Hawley; Ksther Cahoun. and Delia Ryan. Scranton: Messrs. Ony Sanborn and Joseph (1. Cahoun. Scranton. The happy couple will reside on Wyoming avenue, Scranton. , Griffiths and Hirkctt. A pretty wedding was solemnized by Rev. H. J. Malsley, rector of Holy Trin ity, lust Tuesday evening, when Wil liam (liifllthH ami Miss Ruth Rlrkett were joined in the bonds of matrimony. PERSONAL AND OTHER ITEMS. Contractor T. C. Robinson was the re rlplent of two complimentary votes for mayor. Mrs. Charles Wagner, of Lincoln ave nue, leaves today for Philadelphia. The employes of the Coalbrooke were paid' yesterday. The Herean Baptist church will have a special mission service tonight.'the subject being "History of the Fiji Mis sions." H. J. Rockenberry hns announced his decision to retire from the partnership of the Herald. Piles! Piles! Itching Piles! Symptoms Moisture; intense itching and stinging; most at night; worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tu mors form, which often bleed and ulcer ate, becoming very sore. Swayne's Ointment stops the itching and bleed ing, heals ulceration, and in most cases removes me tumors. At druggists, or by mull, for 50 rents. Dr. Swayne St Son. Philadelphia. HONESDALE. Tuesday's election resulted in the elec tion of the entire Republican ticket us fol lows: Town eouneflmen, M. It. Allen, three years; W. J. Rlef. three yeurs; an num Wutls, three years; W. A. Wood, two years; .Martin Camicld. two years; J. II. Weaver, one year; (1. H. Whitney, one year. High constable. It. W. (ioesser. School directors, 11. S. Salmon, Ihreo years; R. 11. Ilrown, three years; F. P. Klnitile, D., one year. Judge of election, W. H. Lee. Inspector of election, (!. 1'. Ross. Auditor. A. C, Lindsay, (unstable, C, J. Rrown. Four hundred uml one votes were polled. The Democrats hail two tick ets in the field, which resulted In consid erable cutting. Mrs. Augusta Slekler, of Tiinkhaiinock, who has been visiting .Mrs. Itenjauiln (larduer, has returned home. .Miss Dora Conger has returned home after sevei'Hl weeks absence. Judson Curtis, Jr., yesterday morning while driving Ms father's spirited horse was thrown from the cutter on Main street, but escaped uninjured. The horse Jumped a wire fence on Fast street Mid was slightly bruised. The cutter was en tirely demolished. If tho Baby Is Cutting Teeth. Mrs. Winslow'ti Foothln.ar Syrup has been used for over Fifty Years by Mil lions of Mothers for t!ieir Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Soothes the Child. Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. OLYPHANT. Mrs. Mary Mooney, an old resident of this place, died suddenly at the home of her daughter, .Mrs. William Walker, ot Mayfleld, yeaUnJay afteriiouu about li o'clock. Mrs. .Mooney left here on the 4.10 Delaware and Hudson train for May field and was taken 111 Immediately utter she reached her daughter's home, where she died. Deceased was a lady of many estimable qualities and had a large circle of acquaintances. She is survived by two sons and three slaughters, namely; Mrs. James Lynch, Mrs. William Walker, Mrs, Klleu .Martin, John ami Michael Mnonev. While Thomas O'Xeil, of Forest Cliy, was returning home on Tuesday night with bis team of horses he met with an accident which came very neur ending bis life. O'Nell had been ill town delivering PREVENT Coughs, Colds, Pneumonia, The Favorite Cough Cure. THE FAHILY FRIEND It cure.i where others fail. It is guar anteed to cure all lung and throat trou bles. No cure; no pay. For sale everywhere. Ask your dealer for it. I 'rice, cents. Cured of Pains In His Lungs. Anthony Veager contractor i:il Hill street, Wllkes-Harre, lJu., says three bot tles of Dr. Alexander's Lung Healer, the famous cough cure, cured me of asthma and pains in my Iuna after pneumonia. You can put me down as a strong be liever in Lung Healer. No cough medicine like it. Pfktrhrittr's CagiUh DtamoiKl Brand. ENNYRGYAL PILLS frifin.M mum ualj Uen taints re, alwavtt- reliable, ladies aik uriiffirtU for VHirhentert Enqltth Dm mund Brand in Ifrd and Hold metillio Vtotn, staled wlfli blue rlttbun. Tnlta Inv ther. lit fit r dmnatron ttibititu 'fiOMi oitd imitation. At DriifEgi t a. or artui 4t. In tatnpu for nrtlcuUr. ttrttt.muniah NL'1 "Relief Top l.nll, in teftvr. h t-rtar sail i "iiruoiiiMi. .turn? Faufr ilohf hf.anl.aala'A..Uallnaa M...... Sold bj ul Local Urugitlaif. 1'fellt.da., V i car tSi naoiHtmi'1-' Send B cents for samDla paekaoa. Faultlesa Chamloal Company. iaH" mora. Me). -v A'ci. .P sS tLE Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report some household goods for a Forest City firm and in crossing tho Delaware and Hudson crossing, near Martin's hotel, the 7.30 south-bound passenger train came thundering along at a very rapid rate and struck the vehicle, killing both horses and throwing O'Xell on the roudslde. He luckily escaped with a few bruises. This was the second mishap O'.Vell had on Ids trip for town, Ihe tenm having previously run away near reckviue, dumping the con terns of the wiikoii into the street. The Uachelors' club of the Susquehanna Street llaotist church, will hold and cn- Wtertninnieiit and social in the vestry of the iiiufi-ii .ii.'iitiu.v T-veiiniK. The funeral of .Miss llrldget Henry, who died rfh Saturday last, took place yester day afternoon ut :l o'clock and wus large. ly attended. .Uler a brief service in St. Patrick's church the remains were com veyed lo St. Patrick's cemetery for In tel meat. "Old Farm Rell" and "Mont Chrlstl" will be seen at the Father .Matbew Opera nouse .voniiay aim i uesuay. X'rlves, 13, 2o and 35 cents. Mrs.TJ.vlra Jones, spent yesterday with friends at Wiikes-ltarre. TAYLOR. Mrs. J. fi. Price, of Storrs street, spent Monday with her sister on Fynon street. Mr. Thomas Evans, of Hyde Park, spent yesterday with his daughter on Pond street. The Calvary Baptist church ia to hold a social on Saturday next, Washing ton's birthday. Oysters and every thing appropriate to the season will be on hand. There will also be a contest for a quilt decided on that evening. William Gordon is Improving. The Feltsvllle night school will close on Friday evening. Miss Maine Collier is confined to her home by sickness. GAIL BORDEN EAGLE Brand '..CONDENSED MILK- Has No Equal SOLD EVERYWHERE nr ioiii"ii ULSTERS AND OVERCOATS ALSO MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS AT Greatly Reduced Prices. Ill LACKAWANNA AVENUE Corner Franklin Avenue. ROOF TIMING ABO SOLDERtIG AH done away with by the us of HABTV Ji,J2JIANT..Pl.AfNT' which totl of Ingredients well-known to all. It con be iwuau a un, gaivanixou tin, sheet Iron roofs, also to brick dwellngi, which will prevent absolutely any crumblin. crack Ibc or breaking of the brick. It will out last tlnnlnr; of any kind by many years, and it's cost does not exceed one-fifth that of the cost of tinning. Is sold by tha Jots or pound. Contractu taken by ANTONIO HARTUAKX. fin Birch M. REVIVO RESTORES VITALITY. Made a ell Ma'- THI QRIAT aotb Vi IH ' T prodaees the abovo reralta In 30 days. It arts powerfully and quickly. Cures wbau all others ltd laaaamaawilliegaiu their lost manhood, sad old aiaa will recover tbclr youtbfnt visor by mine BETITO. It eaicslr vid surely reatorua NarvouB atta, Lest Vitality, Imvoteucr. Klgntly Krainlont, Lost Power, falling Mrmcry. Wa.ln Olaeaiei, nd all adeets ot aelf-abuae or aicem and Inditcretloo ahleb nnlts one for atudy, bnlni or narrlasa. If sot only cures by sttrtlnr at the Mat ot diaBaae, but liasraal aerawtooie and blond builder, brtsf iDf back the pink glow to pale cheeks and re juiing tha Are of youth. V ward off Jnnnlty cd ComumDtlon. InslBt oa bavin; RKVIVO, ne ntbar. It can be earriad in vest docket. By mtl), 51.00 par package, or lis for sa.Oo, with a poal 'ive written amrantes to ear ov tofond ihe money. Circular tree. Addnes OVAL MEDICINE CO.. S3 River St., CHICaCO, ILL fcy Kntthews Bros- Situlil laraatoa . fa. w I'OBllK.. 11 t-l'I... ir.iiuiii.'il 4tii. r.im LOST MlNUIMn auil sir att.'nOiug inline iito, boih of youtec and mkiilis. at-eil inen and wemou. Jlie Avvflll t'.tt.tat.t 'l H'TliriT nraa, Neritoiill UrbUlty.Klgbtlr KmtoloiiM'oDimmMiji,. iiwuntty, f .iliMKtiiii; drinaiid limtot j.,wcr or llio Ota' eracire orjmiiauiiilltlnft ono lor "ti.ily, f,ulneKr J mo J atremqu.oklje-.-rc.iln-llr. Itnlrl-uea(imnli.h erie bralua. Ihcy not only euro by start InR at ttae water j!" lll(ii. huff nro n irivnt, l Ilk 'I'dl: 1st a m IIL IT.)-I . hrTni-liio- l.Al k H,n i..L" .7 J" ""." i-ai-eka and lYstorit,- tbe K1I1K III' VIM Til Uitti Mtli-ot. Ilyraall.ltl.dDperbinorS for li.l'S Ivii euaaiitcfi to euro nr refund th,, moner. tkle l-.in!l.irT. ;!. (leirVM. War sal by JOHN H. PITELPS. Druaa list. Wyoming nve. snfl Snniei. ctrt SHBBIFF'S SALE - f r a.ar ism. w bay 1 g Tribiirx; Almanac 1896 Its PA0E3 as CENTS, POSTPAID ESTABLISHED 1873 DRAPERIES, LACE, CHENILLE AND TAPESTRY. CURTAINS A complete assortment iu all the latest effects. Shadings in all widths, suitable for stores or residences. Estimates Furnished. CARPETS In every grade Wiltons, Axminsters, English and Domestic Brussels, Velvets and Tapestries at moder ate prices; also Inlaid and Printed Linoleums, Corti cenes aud Oilcloth, two and four yards wide. S.G.KERR,SON&CO. AfQ Lackawanna Ave. Opp. Main Entrance Wyoming Housi. BRANCH STORE, SIXTH AVENUE. CARBON DALE. THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON GIVES SPECIAL ATTENTION TO BUSINESS AND PERSONAL ACCOUNTS AND PAYS 3 PER CENT. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. YOU WANT WE HAVE LET'S GET RICHARDS 502 Commonwealth Buildim THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BARRE, PA., Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. Qeneral Office: SCRANTON, PA. prrm nog co, iv csi,i,wejim Batorr II.N BUOK IN TUB WOBUh "A Umr eacrf U a OWiav aamwd." , TMsXadlM' Mill rraach IHstala KM Has. oauverM nee anjnvaer in ue u.s. rsearntotOsafa, Hose Order, r I'nl Nata far 01.10. or Kanala evarr war tlOOU old la all retail .teres (or We make thla bee ouraelvea, tberefore we rear cntr the ft, ttyU mui mar, sud If unj one Is aot eutanea we win rerana uia moaw or aend another pair. Opera oe or ;oanoa neaaa, width. C, It. K, ft KB. value 1 to I and aa ui m sm. IUu.t rated lone rncx Eama Shoe fa&Mb Bptdal I crew (. 1ultn. l"U9VriSir.KV I "SItllllFMit1 m ) iii i i af i .1 i i i an Mjl'srV VV-aV W VWV VVVWV aTirVVwVrVVrV EXPOSITION FURNITURE SALE A year ago we put it ia your way to buy Parlor and Bedroom Suits at lower juices than were ever before made oo such goods, so far as we know. Hotel and Boarding Housekeepers were quick to see the saving, so were housekeepers generally. But we mean to make February, iKqO, even more memorable to Furniture Buyers. Unusual conditions are helping us to do it The Xew York Exposition display of "our own make" of Parlor Suits fifty in all one of a kind. But tbe kind is right, frames of Cherry, others arc stuffed, mostly upholstered in Brocatelle and Damask. Judge the absurdly little prices. How rarely good tbe values are by these: Parlor Su-t.-t G pierrs and !i iiivi-cs. suit fit f2."0; $:;s suit at ;" suit ut t: 7 iiii ul SI.".; JV.) suit ut .V,: iU suit ut $tiu; $!i" suit ut $7." ; Sill' suit al JM); Si:.", unit ut ?'.'-; ' unit at ?n;. Odd Kasy tliair and the Like parts or disrupted suits, but linndy for many u corner, are most a half. Bedroom Suit More than 40 samplf-s. throe steps on the prii-e stairs. Hut notliinu short of seeing the suits can tell how rarely good the val ues are. At $15.90 Each Solid oak (iftticiue h"ilroom suits, pieces; bureau, 7U in. high, IS in. wide, 18 NOTE THIS: Long credit puts comfort and refinement into your house. Does it right away NOW when you need it. Credit fur nishes many a home that would otherwise slip away leak out and bring nothing back. You know CREDIT selling is our " hobby." j : Cash or Credit 225 AND 227 AND TELEPHONE 5134 mm TOGETHER. LUMBER CO Telephone 422 I CALL UP 8681 uohei on i mmam CO. OILS, -r VINEGAR AND CIDER. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, Ml TO 151 MERIDIAN STRBSff M. W. COLLINS, M'tfri. In. deep; bevel mirror, IOxIS In.: bedstead luu.lboard, 74 in. hlRh; footboard, 31 In. ' hlmh; wushstuntl, 54 In. hlKh. ii in. wide, 17 in. deep: two cane i-halrs; 1 caha rocker; 1 table, 10 in. top square; 1 towel rack. At $19.90 Tacit Solid antique oak suit, 3 pieces; btirpau, 7.1 In. hlf?h, 4J in. wide. Ml in. deep; beveled mirror. 22x2S in.; hedstwid, 73 in. high, footboard. 31 In. high; washstand, 64 In. high, 33 in. wide, 18 in. deep. At $11.90 Each Solid antique oak suit, square size; bt. ruu nnd washstiind an above, 24x30 in. bevel mirror; bedstead, 7J in. high; foot board, 35 in. high. aiaiaiaiaaiia, Cash or Credit 218 WYOMING AYE. i