TITE SCRANTOX TRIBTJNE THURSDAY MORNINT, FEBRUARY L0, 18SNJ. L u Pure Bread and cake raised with it keep their freshness and flavor. The reason is, the leavening power comes from pure cream of tartar and soda, nothing else whatever. Kteeipt book fits. Send stamp and addrcn. Cleveland Ealanj Pow&r Co., New York. " Norrman & Moore FIRE INSURANCE, 120 Wyoming Ave. r BIG BARGAINS IN SHOES RUSSET SHOES IT COST AT THB COMMONWEALTH SHOE STORE Washington . Avenue. YOUR LINEN LOOKS RIUMT FEELS RIUHT WEARS RIGHT WHEN LAUN DRIED THE LACKAWANNA Up to Date Draperies Curtains Carpets AND. Wall Paper To Match WILLIAMS ffl'AWY 127 WYOMING ."VENUE. (JIT AOTES. Pay your gas bills today and save the dl.Hl'OIIIU. Select council and the building commit tee of the buuril of control hold meetings thin evei.liijf. Th. Tioom!ay service nt Saint Luke's church for iiuny men unci women begins to day 12 tU to 12.2o. The Woman' Keclfy leugne will meet thin evening nt 7.30 o'clock at the Institute, KS Maulnuii avenue. In the estate of Lawrence Klynn, late of Srranton, let twin of administration were trained to Bridget Flynn, the widow. Deputy Sheriff J. D. Ferber will sell the household effects of A. B. Williams on Monday, Feb. 24, at 9 a. m. Rev. J. T. l.opran. of Wilkes-Barre, will preach at Heer's hall, Hyde Park, this evening- at 7.8W o'clock. All are cordially Invited. In the estate of HiiKb Gallagher, late of Bcranton, letters of administration were yesterday (ranted to Winifred Gallagher, the widow. The will of John Nape wan yesterday ad mitted to probate and letters testamentary were Kranted to Walter J. Nape, son of the defeased. flanges llluckmore, convicted of bur glary In this county, wan released from the Eastern penitentiary yesterday,, his term having expired. Minn Mary Thompson will lead a 1ml f hour Gospel meeting at the) Young Wo men's Christian asportation at l-.li today. All women are Invited. Thieves galnerl an entrance to the On tario and Western depot ut Prlceburg Tuesday night and Htola a. quantity of ci gars and several valises. Kdward Cleveland, father of J. K. Cleve land, of this city, died yesterday morn ing in Norfolk, i le was 64 years old. The funeral will bt lield In telmlra. The Wyoming: district of the. Woman's Home Missionary society will hold an all day meeting in Kim J'ark Methodist Kpls ropul church, toduy. The pirbllu Is cordial ly Invited. By a fall of roof In the Pine Prook mine Tuesday afternoon. Patrick Huston, of R35 Beech street, was seriously injured, lis was taken to the Jiones Taylor hospi tal, where It Is announced that he will recover. Attorney John P. Srrasrir representing Myru. M. Turnipiest, brought action in replevin yesterday -against J. W. (iuern ey and Constable George Wilson for a safe and some jewelry stock, all of the value of S1D0. A rule for a new trial was granted yes terday In the case where William 11. Voolsey. of the North End. was convict ed of attempted criminal assault on .Mary Boston. The ar gument will be made at th next term of argument court. On Saturday the annuul dinner and sup per of the First Presbyterian church will be served by the ladles from 12 to 2 and from to V o'clock in the church lecture room. The excellent menus to be provid ed will be announced later. There will he no matinee of "Trilby" this afternoon and those who purchased tickets for it can have them exchanged for seats for the evening performance or have their money refunded by calling at the Academy of Music box office. The; bond of r. W. Torwilliger, who has been appointed collector of delinquent school In x In the Second ward, was ves terday tiled as judgment in the ofllce of Prothotiotary Pryor. The amount of the bond Is t2.449.AT,. with Wade At. Finn and C.eorjre V. Hoffman as sureties. Leslie, the champion Inter-colleglnte high Jumper of America, who will appear here with the lniversltv of l'eniisvlvanin gymnastic team, recently cleared the bar t Ave feet eight and one-half Inches, n remarkably high Indoor lump, his outdoor record Is six feet one and one-half Inches. At a meetinar of the board of managers of the Florence mission In the mission building, on Spruce street. Tuesday. Aliss Tillle Turner, of Nay Aug. was chosen assistant matron of the mission. Aliss farah Johnson, of Hunmore, who was as sistant matron under Airs. Suxton. will continue Indefinitely as chief matron. Clerk of the Courts John H. Thomas Issued marrbiKC licenses yewterdnv to the following: Frederick odworth and Hattie May Lewlon, Bi-rnnton; Vernon eiocum, of Justus, and Cora K. Phillips, of Olyphant: Samuel Afoscovitz. Price, burg, and Bertha rtaldina-er. Olyphant; Olof I'larson. Hcranton, nnd Annie r. Armstrong, of Arndale, Jefferson town ship, O., Michael O'Connor. Scranton, and sKatt Carroll. Clark's Summit. Next Tuesday evening a very pleasing entertainment will be given In the Young Men's Christian Association hall, on Wy. omlng avenue, in which some of the best singers of the city will assist. Aliss Kdlth Norton, the gifted elocutionist, will recite. Home fun Is promised on the programme, though It would not do to tell names be forehand. The object Is no worthy an Institution that Is unostentatiously but ef fectively doing- ct arrent work In our city that the house) should he full. And all who go will b well repaid. and Sure." P0WDER. SWINDLER AT WORK. Succeeded In Gutting SM3 from Clcland. Simpson it Tavlor. A clever swindle which was worked quite successfully In this city some years ago, was uuain perpetrated yes terday on Clelaud. Simpson & Taylor, of the t'lobe warehouse A man without hat or coat came Into the t J lobe store otilce before bunking hours with a $i!5 check drawn by the Scianton Supply and Hardware com pany, which he requested them to cash, MiyliiR that the Supply company had immediate need of the money. The check was cashed and no suspicions were aroused until the supposed Sup ply oiiipuiiy clerk was seen einrglnB with coat nnd hat en from un adjoin ing liulhvay ami hui rylnit dp the street.' Inquiry was quickly made at the Sup ply company's store, which was only two d uns uwuy and as was suspected the check was found to be a forgery,. The swindler by tills time had disap peared. He is described as a tiia.ll tit about .'0 years, with heavy grey mustache. As mi particular attention was paid to lils appearance the Globe stole people ate at a loss to give a complete descrip tion of him. WANTS A TALK METER. tiabhlo of People Mho I'sa Telephones Should Ifo Vestured. "A crying; need In the telephone busi ness," said J. It. .Malluy. ot the Central Pennsylvania. Telephone company, af ter an examination of the Washington telephone exchange, "Is a talk-meter that Is, some sort of an uiitoniatlc ar rangement by which language can be measured off by the yard. Philadel phia Is approaching' the idea. The Itell Telephone company there (;ives what Is called measured service rates, the" 'measurement' being determined by the number of tails or connections, each live minutes' conversation or fraction thereof being counted by a call. This gives subscribers rates In proportion to the use of their Instruments. The city service recently Introduced there is very much upon the principle of the long-distance service between cities." "Do you consider this un advantage over the old cystoma?" "Well, it Is not perfect. What is re quired is a regular 'gas' meter, with a stop cock for profanity, old jokes, and endearing nunies for the telephone glils. I think an arrangement of this sort w B'd be more valuable than an automatic device for making: the con nections. Many a wordy tale would be cut short, many a delicious but un prolitabli' confab nipped in the bud. If Ida at one end of the line knew that she was keeping the tantalizing secret from Charlie at the other end, at a rate of P) cents for every five minutes she would disclose It more quickly and give the woman who wants to telephone to the doctor about the bean up the baby s nose a ( hance nt the line. The new young man who thinks the telephone girl's heart is tilled with wild emotions when he says, "My dear, you're looking well." would proceed to business more quickly if he understood his "slush" was being measured off by the yard. Some method will have to be adopted to stop the effusive language over the wires. Seven hundred and fifty million telephone messages were sent over the wires last year, averaging about ten messages to every man, woman and child In the United States. Telegrams never exceeded one per head per year, which shows that ne telephone system may eventually entirely supersede the telegraph. In 1S85 there was only one long distance line, extending- between Philadelphia and New York. Today the system has 265.000 miles of wire and $7",ri()li.ono Is the estimated Investment in telephone property. A comfortable share of the telephone investment would go to the man who would Invent a talk-meter AX OPINION OF WOOLLY. Who Will Lecture at tho Academy of Al lisle leb. U8. ' Of John O. AVooley, who lectures at the Academy of Music on February 2S. Ir. Bashford, president of Weslcyun university, says: "He combines many of the best ele ments of Wendell Phillips and John H. Cough. Ills simplicity of Btyle and his admirable command of English reminds me of Phillips, while his speech nt times scintillated with the wit or glows with the pathos of Hough, at the same time Wooley's speeches lire marked by a breadth of statesmanship and at depth of Christian philosophy which neither of those great orators equalled." THEY LOVED WINE. And They Mole a Quuntltv for Which They Are Now In Jail Leon Pinkus and Charles Kishkunus. two Hlckson Cltyites, were received at the county jail last night on the charge of lurceny to await trial in court by reason of their failure to give bail for their appeal ance. John Pabuscles Is a wine fancier and he had in his cellar a tine assortment. They made their way to where it was and availed themselves of several bot tles of it. He hud a warrant sworn out before Justice of the Peace James J. Luruu with the result us ufore.suld. LETTERS 1 ROM THE PEOPLE. fl'iider this heading short letters of In terest will be published when accompa nied, for publication, by the writer's name. The Tribune will not be held re sponsible for opinions here expressed.! EXPLANATION I -ROM W. S. .Mill Alt. F.illtor of The Tribune. Sir: In Justice to the voters of the First district or the Klghth ward I desire to correct or rather modify a statement which appeared In one of the columns of vuur staunch Itenubllciin paper this morn ing. Alv friend Dr. O'AIalley. and myself, 'lis true, had some hot words at the pubs as we alwuys do. he being an enthusiastic Democrat and I an enthusiastic Republi can, but to the credit of the voters of the First district, never have the police been required or asked to settle the little or big disputes that occur ut election, nor was yesterday an exception to the rule. Mr. A. Kaub. the undertaker, did tele phone to police headquarters for an otll cer without the knowledge or consent of the election board to clear his store room of voters, who thoughtlessly and without any desire to trespass, entered the ssme for the purpose of voting Instead of enter ing t he rear room (where 'the election was held) from the alley entrance. There was no riot In the First district yestur day, nor was there u call for police pro tection by anv member of the board or anv one identified with the voters of the district. W. 8. Millar. Mcranton, Pa., Feb. 19. 1SW. For Nervous Headache. I so llorsford's Acid' Phosphate. Dr. P. A. Roberts. Watervllle. Me., says: "Have found It of great benefit In nervous diseases nervous headache, nervous dyspepsia, neuralgia, and think It Is giving great satisfaction when It is tnorougniy tnrar Aleals and Cold Lunches Meals and cold lunches served at all hours at Lohmann's. Spruce street. Regular dinner 40 cents. Imported and domestic wines, cigars and liquors. BIS CONDITION SERIOUS Kaftcr .May Die from the Wounds In Fluted by Sam Toni. THE LATTEIt AG A IX IX JAIL Taken Into Custody at Old Forgo by the County Detective-lr. Stcgncr Having Certified That the Injuicd Alan Was in a Critical Condition. County Detective Thomas Lryshon and Constable Timothy Jones went to Hid Forge last night and arrested Sam Tonl, the Italian who shot John Raf ter, down thrre. a month ago. Tonl was out on bail furnished In the sum of 00 by Joseph Turresco to answer the charge of felonious wounding; but Kafter is In a precarious condition and In danger ot death, so that the Italian may have to stand trial for murder Dr. Adam Stcgner, of Rendham, has certified that Rafter Is In a very dan gerous condition. He was shot twice In the hip, nnd at first the wounds were not considered serious. They closed up and a large amount of suppuration formed Internally. At a late hour last night Kafter was quite low ot his par ents' home on Wyoming avenue. Green Ridge. The shooting occurred one evening on Main street, old Foiga, und was with out any provocation. Tonl whipped out bis revolver and sent two bullets into Rafter's right hip. The details were published In this paper at the time. The Italian was taken Into cus tody last night on a capias Issued at the Instance of District Attorney John R. Jones. 1 IMS1IEU FOR THE WEEK. Argument List for January Term Cleared I p Yesterday. All the cases tin the argument list were cleared up yesterday. In the case of B. Ruseiiftfld against Peter Valrule; rule to open Judgment, the rule was discharged. The rule was discharged In the case ot James R. Dainty against C. Chamberlain; rule for Judgment und also In the case of Ferguson Doyle ugaliist T. M. Huike in the rule to open judgment. Court atllrmed the derision of the al derman In the e:ise of II. Uolds-rhluger against James Clark and reversed the derision of the alderman In the cerll orarl case of J. K. Hess against tl. W. Hlnckle't The writ wns quashed in the case of Wrs. J. P. Uidgeon ngalnst J. Invyer. The rule was mude absolute In the case of the I'nlversul Fashion company against John H. ljohvlg and lu the case of Stelnhouse & Co. agulnst V. A. Gallagher. Arguments to strike off appeals was made In the case of the City of Scran ton against Ambrose Muliey, William Moore and R. P. Gibbons In the mutter of a sewer assesmeut. Argument for u new trial was heard In the case ot A. T. Phllo against Joseph Haldeman. GUNNING FOR HIS WIFE. Colored Alan from Pittston After His Kecn-nt llotter-lliilf. Last Saturday night on returning from town Sherman Reed, a colored man, living in Pittston, discovered that his wife had decamped taking with her ull her best clothes, betokening that she didn't Intend to return in a hurry. Reed started out immediately to look for her. first providing himself with n 3S-calibre revolver. Yesterday utter noon he discovered her In this city In the house of a friend, Richard Gregory, of Dix court, and according to Mrs. Reed's story he pulled a revolver on her and threatened to shoot her. She ran to the police station which Is only a few yards away and sought the protection of Patrolmen Palmer and Dyer, who after heating her story, went back with her and arrested her violent spouse. He was locked up pending a hearing this morning. Reed says that he merely asked his wife what she was doing there and when she disdained a reply he went Into an adjoining room and sat down. RECOUNT WILL BE ASKED. election in Lnekawanna Township Dis appoints Some Democrats. There will be an Investigation into the manner In which the vote was counted In the Northeast district of Lackawanna township. Suspicion has sprung from the lurge vote polled by "William II. Pern, one of the candidates for supervisor. The face of the returns show that James Ward and Fern are elected su pervisors, the former's total vote being A'J'i, and the latter's .190. Patrick Coyne received .'IS4 votes, six less than Fern, and Adam Fasshold received 353 votes. The two highest candidates are the vic torious ones. The court will be peti tioned for a recount. John AtcCrltulle, Patrick Foley nnd Dennis O'Lenlhan are elected srhool di rectors, and Patrick Fltzhenry treas urer. THIEVES' IHG HAUL. Hundreds of Dollars Worth of Optical Goods stolen from Slilraberg tiros. Shlmberg Hros.' optical roods store nt 411.1 Spruce street, was robbed of S400 or $50u worth of goods during Tuesday night. Entrance was gained by way of the cellar which was reached through the trao dojr on the sidewalk which was left unbolted. By standing on n box the thieves were enabled to break through the flooring under the show window. They made a hole about eigh teen inches square through which they were able to force their bodies. Chief Simpson thinks that it was the work of boys. Dr. Shimberg can only estimate his loss. The articles which tire missing are gold rpectacle rims. Held and opera glasses and telescopes. They left no clue behind. O. AND W. AGAIN SUFFER. Rubbers Loot Their Prlcchiirg Depot This Time. Thieves broke Into the Ontario and Western depot at Prlceburg some time during the early hours of yesterday morning and made away with a large quantity of plunder. Including several thousand cigars and a number of valises with their contents. Entrance was gained by forcing a window in the olHce. Agent Melhouse reported the matter to the company's detectives and the work of trailing the thieves was begun without delay. This company has suf fered extensively from these depreda tions and will not spare trouble or ex pense in running down the thieves. NEW YORK SANITARIANS. Hie Metropolitan Board of Health Will Visit This City. Superintendent Henry Loftus, of the garbage crematory received word yes terday that a committee composed of members of the bonrd of health and other sanitary officers of New York city will come here during the course of a week or ho to Inspect our crematory. Nineteen similar ones are to be con structed in New York and the commit tee Is coming here to get ft practical Idea of what the crematory Is like. WILL IDENTIFY YOU. Novel Schema Hatched Out of the Brain of an Ohio Alan. "It a stranger Is found dead or un conscious by . any of you patrolmen, look under the left suspender, It a male, and on the Inside of the dress, near the neck, If a female, and if a badge like the above is found telegraph the num ber to us and we will tell you who he or she is and how to act." This Is the gist of a circular received by Chief of Police Simpson front a Cin cinnati firm which has originated a new money-making scheme. Hy pay ing a tee to this "lilectilli utlon and Registration company" a person gets a badge which corresponds with one on their books In which a record of the wearer Is kept. COLD WAVE WARNING. Government Promises Weather fifteen Degree Colder Tlinn Yesterday. At noon yesterday the cold wave ond storm hugy were displayed from tho flagstaff on the court house. The dis playing of the flags followed the re ceipt of the following warning from the weather bureau: "Snow tonight; Thursday, fair with cold wave; IB t " degrees colder Thursday morning. Moore." OBSERVAMCK OF LENT. Ash WedncsJay Services In the Cathedral and M. Luke's Secial services were held In the Catholic, Lutheran and Episcopal churches yesterday. Ash Wednesday. Three asses were celebrated in St. Peter's cathedral, the last, at 8 o'clock, being a high mass, at which Rev. Fa ther O'Reilly was celebrant und Rev. Fathers Feeley and Carmody, deacons. A short si i mon was preached by Rt. Rev. lilshop O llara in which he ex plained the significance of the season and made un exhortation for a true ob servance of It. At the llrst muss the ashes were blessed by Ilishop o'llaru. assisted by Itev. Fathers Dunn und Mlllane. During Lent there will be a sermon and benediction every Wednes day evening at 7. So o'clock und on Pii day evenings, beginning at the same hour, there w ill be stutlona of the cross und benediction. At SI. Luke's. Rev. Rogers Israel yes terduy conducted three services. At the second morning service he preached a semiun explanatory of the day und season und tho fust service was ob served. In the evening unother ser mon appropriate to the day was de livered Three Lenten services will be held each working day until Easter. There will be a prayer service ut C o'clock a. m.; a noon-duy service, nt which the litany will he said, and on Mondays. Tuesdays. Thursdays nnd Suturdays there will be a 4 o'clock p. m. service, which will be preceded by an organ recital. On Wednesdays nnd Fridays there will be preaching In the evening. The conflrutlon service will take pluce the llrst Sunday after Easier and instructions will be given to adults Fri day at T.4"i p. in., to boys on Friday ut 4 . in., nnd to girls on Saturdays ut 3 . m. The offeilncs will be made as follows: Ash Wednesday, for the Church Temperance society; fourth Sunday In Lent, for Diocesan missions; Maundy Thursday, for Bible and Com mon Prayer Book society: Good Fri day, for the conversion of the Jews; Easter day. 'for parish purposes and may be designated for any object by being placed in un envelope and so marked. Offerings are requested to be placed In the alms box at the door. Rev. Mr. Israel will be assisted during Lent by Rev. A. I. I'rban, of Dunmore. RAILROAD NOTES. Officials of the Lehigh Valley Rail road company stated this afternoon that the Eliuira Cortland and Northern railroad, has been bought by the Le high Valley company from Austin Cor bln, Henry W. Maxwell and J. Rogers Maxwell, who, for years have been the owners. The statement In a New York despatch that Austin Corbln and Henry W. Maxwell purchased for the Lehigh Valley, Is declared to be an error. The purchase price could not be learned, nor could any of the terms of the sale. According' to the new anthracite agreement the output for this month, it will be recalled, is limited to 2,500,000 tons, agulnst production for the same month lust year of 3.13;'.24G tons. Table below Indicates percentages and what output In tons each company should be: Name. P. C. Tons. Philadelphia and Reading.. 2rt..Vi 61", not) Lehigh Valley lfi.5 Hs!,2;,0 D., L. W VS.X, :,7iW Jersey Central 11.70 29:.i',00 1'ennsvlvanla railroad 11.40 2$r.(hi0 I). & H. C. Co 9.1S0 210.000 Krle railroad 4.00 lfto.ono Pennsylvania Coal Co 4 00 jflo.Wi Delaware, S. & S 3.10 KT,.VM N. V., S. & W 3.20 HO.'HO N. Y., O. & W 3.10 77.f.'J0 Total J 100.00 2,500,000 The east bound shipments from Chi cago last week aggregated 71.070 tons, against 80.078 tons the previous week and 49,738 tons the corresponding week last year. Of the total tonnage the Michigan Central enrtied fi.oOl tons, Wabash, P..168; f,alte Shore, 10.529; Fort Wayne. S.Olti; Pan Handle, 7,064; Balti more and Ohio. 5.062; Chicago and Grand Trunk. 7.865; Nickel Plate. 6.198; Chicago nnd Erie, 12,445, and the Big Four, 2,022 tons. The annual report of the Central Rail road company of New Jersey, including the New York nnd Long Branch divi sion, for the year ended Dec. 31. 1895, shows: 1S91. Changes. Cross earnings.... $13.iitix.u24 Tnc. $!ins.ox:i Ex. and taxes Dec. 143.211 Net earnings.... J3.272.970 Inc. Jl,051,r.l Other Income 1.201.572 Inc. 110.173 Total Income.... $1,474,54:. Inc. $1, 111. 512 All charges 5.771,107 Inc. 234.K2S Surplus $702,423 Inc. SI, 310,143 . - . A lluslncss Opportunity for a Lira Har ness MnUcr. The buslnessof O.E. Barney.deceased, Clifford, Pa., Is now for sale. A pros perous old established business, with new und convenient shop. An inspec tion und Inquiry Into nil the detullu of the business solicited. Kent cheap, business good und stock on hand sold reasonable. Address K. N. Barney, Montrose, Pn. I rnsnro of Names. At the regular meeting of the con sistory, held Monday evening. Feb. the following" named persons were erased from the roll of the member ship of Culvary Reformed church for conduct unbecoming Christians: Mrs. T. Wachter. Ludwig Stipp, Mrs. Carrie Stlpp und Aliss Kllzabeth Rnfl'elt. Reynolds P.ros., Hotel Jermyn, Wy oming avenue. 4. Is marluge a failure? You will cer tainly agree with us that It is not after you have taken a look at the choice carpets and draperies at Siebecker & Watkins". At. A. 1'rledlander 4 Co. Have removed to 508 Spruce street, formerly occupied by G. W. Owens, opposite Court house. Our remnant sale will continue an other week. See our ad for prices. J. Scott Inglis. , Carpets and Wallpapers. Reynolds Bros., Hotel Jermyn, Wy oming avenue. Smokers, beware of Imitation of the Pocono cigar. Harney, Brown & Co. - Reynolds Bros., Hotel Jermyn, Wy oming avenue. liny the Weber and get the best. At Guernsey Bros, Then Baby wot sick, we gave her Cutoria. Vben she was a Child, she cried for Castorio. When she became MIsj, she clung to Cantoris. When she bad Children, she gave them Cantoris, STAGE VEBSION OF TRILBY Given Last Myht at Academy by One of Brady's Company. IT DIPPERS PK0M THE ST0KY Chances Enhunco tho Dramatis Interest of the Drniun-Lduin Brandt in the Itole of Svcrfssll-.Marlon Grey Is Trilby. Paul Potter's dramatization ot the much talked of story, "Trilby," was seen at the Academy of Music last evening. The drama departs Kome whut from the lines of Du Aluurler's story of the pet of the I.atln quarter of Paris, but by doing si better dramatic etlects are secured. From the series of sketches of Du Aluurler, Mr. Potter has evolved a play full of Interest and ac tion; one that by Its own right would have commanded a place on the stage even II' Trilby of story fume hud never been heard of. The company that presented the drama last night Is under the manage ment of W. A. Brady, nnd It gave a very creditable production of Mr. Potter's stage story. Kdwin Hraiidt. a young actor who has many warm udmirers in this city, was seen in the role of Svengall. It Is a most dlltlcult one for any actor to essay, but .Mr. Brandt succeeded so well in reproducing; the appearance, manlier und movement of the strange, weird musician that he wus rewarded with the enthusiastic up plause of the audience. Ills work was marked by reserve force and was de void of the runtliiir with which a less discriminating actor would have ruined the creation. Marlon Grey is not an tdenl Trilby in Alinearnlice. rhnlleii In tin life Rhe close ly resembles Virginia Hurned. who ; created the role. .Miss Grey la a very clever young actress and made a most favorable impression by her work last night. In the scenes where she was supposed to be under the mesmeric In fluence of Svengall. she was particu larly good. Harrison Armstrong as Taffy, und George D. Maclntyre as the l,n lid. looked und acted the characters they ussunied, und Uletiton Thorpe made a very acceptable Little Blllee. Other members of the company whose work contributed to the success of the performance were Douglas Lloyd, Jay Wilson, Brie B. Collins, C. B. Poor und F.ll.abetli Itraliierd. The Idea of giving a matinee toduy hus been abandoned, but In the evening "Trilby" will be seen ugain nt the Acuiiemy. Those who purchased tick ets for the matinee can have them ex changed for seats for the evening per formance or can have their money re funded by culling at the Academy box oillce. COMING ATTRACTION'S. Cosgrove and Giant's comedians will make merry in their Jolly farce comedy, "The Daxzler" at the Academy Saturday matlneo and night. During the past sum mer the piece has been re-wiitten, new music and specialties introduced, and the piece broujiht strictly up to date. Com edians who are conile, atltis who are pret ty, singers who can sing, and dancers w ho run dance abound in this seusuu s version of "The Dasiler." The realms of song and opera have been Invaded by the managers, and their prizes shine forth with a new and mlded lustre as part of the merriment of the farce. The piece Is no stranger to our theater-goers, but many surprises await them in tills season's pro duction. The organization maintains its past reputation for strength, tho com puny Including Lottie Burke, a pretty and lively sotibrette. Bobby ltalston, that funny little man of last season's company; Raymond Finlay, u good, grotesque com odlan: .Max .Miller, the original Dutchman of "Thfl'DazxIer:" Will West, the popular vocalist of Tommy Atkins fame; George Leslie, Ida, Marie Rodgers and a dozen other clover people. On Saturday evening we will have with us the unquestioned leader of American comedians, the representative of clean and wholesome comedy, Sol Smith Rus sell. Air. Russail will appear us Bob Acres in H. Brlnsley Sheridan's family comedy, "The Rivals." The critics with out exception speak handsomely of Sol Smith Russell's production of It. There is a singular unanimity of opinion In this instance among these analytical gentle men and in that opinion, expressed with evident cordiality, It is said thnt as Bob Acres Air. Russell does make a most pro nounced success. Looking over the list of comedians now on the American stage, but few names are worth lingering over. It Is true that there are many who are loud In the public voice, but few whose work entitles them to a permanent pla"e In the annals of the American stage. Of the few Air. Russell occupies the foremost position. -Mil-One of the very finest entertainments that has coma to this limine this season AN EASY WAY TO GET A OUR plan of rental, with rent to apply as purchase money, is very popular, and makes it possible' for almost any family to get a first -class instrument. Full particulars on application. Powell's Music Store, 120-3JO WYOMING AVE. For the Convenience Of More Room the stock of the lute linn of OLOF C. it TfJRHOUBST JEWELER, formerly located at 205 Washington avenue, will be removed to i2 l'enn avenue, In the old l'ostoOke Hit tiding where cvery'hin; will lie sold at auc tion. By order of Assignee. A, HARRIS, Auctioneer. The sale of Diamonds will take place Friday, February 14, at 2.30 p. m. Is "A Prodigal Father." It repeats Itl former success the last three days of this week, commencing this afternoon. We venture the usseitlon that there is not a put run ut Manager Davis' lha will not be pleased to learn this. Sundow, the fatuous strong man, will be seen at the Frothtnghain tonight in his wonderful feats of strength. He will be assisted by the Trocadero Vaudevilles In giving an entertainment that is unique and Interesting. .Monslgiior O'Gust, the eminent French clown and mimic, is one of the attractions of the vaudevilles. A feature of the performance given by O'Gust is an Imitation of the vocal sounds made by different animals, which he is said to render with an accuracy so true to nature as to be marveloualy thrilling. The imitations are accompanied with pic torial illustrations rendered by means ot Intricate light effects. ENERAL II AR RISON DECLINES Will Not Go as a Dclcgntc-at-I.orgc to the National Convention. Indianapolis, Feb. 19. The effort of Republican politicians to Induce Mr. Harrison to go as a deleijate-ut-lurge to the uutlonul convention hus been met by a very decided refusal of the ex presldent. The friends of Senator Allison want Mm on the floor uf the convention to second the nomination of the lowan. whom he Is understood to favor, but It Is estimated that his refusal to serve as a delegate is based chlelly on the fear that his action might be construed Into soliciting votes for himself rut her than for Senator Allison. BLOW MAY PROVE FATAL. Farmer Strikes a Neighbor's Wife with an Ax During un Altercation. Brazil, Ind., Feb. la. Last evening James Brldgewaters and Charles Smith, farmers residing ten miles south of this city, enguged In a fight over some stock. Mrs. Smith, seeing her husband was getting the worst of the altercation, In terfered, und Brldfewatcrs struck her a heavy blow- on the head with un ax, Imllctlii',- a wound that will probably prove futnl. Bridgewater has been ar rested. El Tft i j 423 Lackawanna Ave., THREE DOORS FROI OLD PLACE. W. W. BERRY THE JEWELER. Men's Felt Boots and Overs. $1.59 Jlen's Overshoes, worth 60c. our sale price 39c Men 's Overshoes, worth 70c, our sale price 49c Men's Vulcanized Leather Insole AVoonsocket Boots, worth, $2.7;, our sale price $2.19 Youths' Woonsocket Boots, worth $1.75, our sale price $1.39 Ladles' Overshoes, worth 3Dc, our sale price 25c Men's Wool Lined Alaskas, regular price, $1.00, our sale price 69c El ARE YOU IN NEED OF- TABLE TUMBLERS We Are Selling them Banded at 11 III HE ME RUPPRECHT'S GRYSTAL PALACE Formerly Eugene Kleberg 231 Pens Are. Opp. Baptist Cburcb. BEST SETS Of TEETH. 38.00 laelndiog the palulses eztraeMag at tMta by an entirely saw prasaaa S. C. SNYDER, D. D. S., I 1 i ill doz 'T'HIS WILL BE THE last chance you will ever have to get Furs for the prices we will sell them for this week. Electric Seal Capes, $C QQ newest style, iPJiuO Formerly f 15 00 Electric Seal, trim- ' ined with Thibet tfjC QQ or Brown Marten, vJiuO Formerly lf.W Fiue Coat, .newest fljO QQ style, . P0U0 Formerly 7.W Fine Coat, newest style, $4.98 Formerly 11000 Fine Coat, newest $5.98 an.rly $1 00 $6.98 merly $U.0t style, Farsaerlr $11.00 Fine Coat, newest ne C style, rarmerly $U.0t $1.98 Upward $2.98 Baby Coats from Mackintoshes from Tjpwara J. BOLZ 138 Wyoming Avsnua. High Grade Shaw, Emerson, Malcolm Loys. Cloagli & Warrea, Carpenter, Waterloo. And Lower Grades at Very Low Prices. J. LAWRENCE STELLE. 203 SPRUCE STREET. Spring Styles. CHRISTIAN n ' i-.'. SOLb AUIiNT. 412 Spruce, 205 Lack. Ave. Scranton School of Elocution and Oratory MR. AND MRS. L J. RICHARDS, Directors. FIVE DEPiTB OF STUDY Send I cum el Muni ROOMS 27 AND 28, BURR BUILDING, Washington Ac, Scranton, Pa. TUB I.IATB ir M PIANOD twm at fro.nl tko M r.pnlir eaa rwfrt4 L4iNf ArUftua. Wtreroetns: Opposite Columbus BUooment, 20B Washington Av.Soranton, Pay Bl HATS AT win's 4rt 'J