The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 20, 1896, Page 4, Image 4

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Zfy .Scranton ZtiiuM
Baaan4 WeeMr. No Banter Edineo.
ubUanen at hnua, P, r Tbe Tctbau Pub-
Uenlnf Cowpen;.
Ciw Tark Onto: Trlbuoe RaUalai, Fnak a.
enjr, lUaacer.
I. P. KIMtttlURV. aie. a.e k
K. N. NIPPtl. ' Taeae.
UVT . RICM4H0. Inna.
W. W. DAVIS, bmat Mmii
w. w. veuiioa, aw. !
laraaa tit n Mvtofvici at aonajiToa, ..
Tr1nete lea," the megataed Jeoraal totiy
loeje, ntM Tee acauumH Taiauaa aHaW
aiveraelBa- Bedlam la Kertheaeura eaealre
aav rrlnMre Iak" kaeem
raa Whiit Taiatme, leaned Everr Saturday,
Contains Twelve Henaaoine Hun, Willi an Ahuii
aoco of Nwa. Fiction, and Well-itfliei Mtnvl.
aur. Jar Tnose Who Cannot Take Tua 1)ilt
Taiacna, tha Weakly Is Hecommended u lUe
Bait Bargain Going. Only f 1 a Year, m Advance.
iTaiaaaa Ii a Salt Dally at tha D., U and W
klation M Heboken.
The Tribune Is the only Repub
lican Morning Dally In Lacka
wanna Connty.
The Tribune acknowledges the com
pliment embodied In the RppnblleanV
quotation yesterday from Its very com
plete report of Tuesday's election.
When jou see It In The Tribune you
can rest assured it Is true.
To the Victors.
Our best wishes bo to tha three gen
tlemen on the Democratic ticket whom
tha election of Tuesday summoned to
municipal office. During the heated
pra-election canvass we took pleasure
In according to them that personal
courtesy and consideration which
ahould prevail in all campaigns where
the opposing nominees are reputable
men; and now that the battle la over
we can cheerfully look each one of them
In the face.
Although they were elected on a party
ticket for party and personal purposes,
their paramount duty will be to the
whole city regardless of party, and we
shall watch with interest how they will
proceed to discharge this sovereign ob
ligation. It la no misstatement of fact
to say that in the years during which
the administration of the executive af
fairs of the city has been in Republi
can hands, a high standard of official
character and conduct has been estab
lished. Whatever minor mistakes may
have been made and lu the manage
ment if so complex an enterprise as Is
the government of this complex city a
certain number of errors are inevitable
,the general tendency has been for
ward and upward. This Is shown In
the present financial credit of the city,
which, had carelessness or culpability
characterised the administration, would
quickly have reflected .the fact In a
depreciation of the municipal securities.
It is also demonstrated by the general
testimony of men who, after having
moved here from other cities, have no
ticed and remarked the comparative su
periority in our municipal officials and
in their official methods. It Is not par
tisan fustian, it is the simple truth to
ay that under the Republican mayors
of Scranton, beginning with Colonel
Ripple, this city has grown to be one
of the most progressive, most prosper
ous and best-governed cities In the
United States. Its officials, during that
time, have been men of Influence, char
acter, ability, and high business stand
ing; and the work which they have
done toward the improvement of mu
nicipal methods and standards has
been of a nature to command from dis
cerning observers earnest and genuine
We mention these facts not with any
wish to reflect upon the incoming Dem
ocratic administration, which is entitled
to a fair showing, but simply to make
plain to Mayor-elect Bailey and his two
future colleagues In the executive
branch of the municipal government,
Messrs. Boland and Robinson, that they
need to be prepared to stand compar
ison with predecessors of established
reputation. In whose hands the city has
been governed with rare success. We
trust that they will not deem us un
kind If we remind them that In the
minds of many there is a fear lest the
change from Republican to Democratic
administration in this city this spring
may prove a repetition, on a smaller
scale, of the national change from liar
rison to Cleveland in 1892. No doubt
this (ear Is without substantial found a
tlon; for the welfare of the city we
trust that the sequel may prove It to
be wholly unfounded. But as a clrcum
Stance which undoubtedly exists, it is
entitled to mention, to the end that the
gentlemen at whom it Is aimed may in
advance outline a policy of official con
duct which will quickly allay all ap
The election of the three Republican
Msessors is an appreciated ray of sun
shine In what is otherwise a vast Sa
hara of gloom.
Professional Patriot.
Our esteemed Altoona namesake Is
conscious that during the last two or
three years there has been a remark
able development of patriotic senti
ment n the country. In every section
T the land, It observes that patriotic
societies, real- or pretended, have
sprung into existence to contest for
leadership with the older and, it may
be, more modest ones. It adds: "We
regard the increased attention which
Americans are paying to their country
and her Institutions as a good sign.
Even the fact that miserable adventur
ers and demagogues are taking advan
tage of it to boost their personal for
tunes or put money In their purses,
while discreditable to them, is a tribute
their country. The meanest thing any
man can do, next to robbing the widow
and the orphan, is to make merchandise
of patriotism. Nevertheless the people
who are deceived are to be well thought
of. ......
"We have always ' believed ' and
thought that the man whose chief busi
ness in this life Is to foster religious
prejudices Is either an iRnoramus or
a knave. For the former there Is some
hope, for It inny-be that with Increas
ing liRht will come larger kniiwlrdge
and more toleration. The' hitter It Is
useless to contend with. He knows bet
ter, but It suits him to plad Ignorance.
To admit the truth, that, all men ore
frail and nil luiumn systems nre Im
perfert, would do violence to his little
private schemes. And he Is ulways
looking out for Xo. t. There is not In
his heart one spark of love for his
country, his neighbor or his find. Ills
personal advantage Is the supreme aim
of his life, lie Is a patriot beeuuso it
pays. Just as he was n temperance ad
vocate in the days of the Murphy move
ment, and juft as he will be something
else after he has exhausted his patri
otic racket."
These words lit to a nicety some of the
leading spirits who nre ridiculing genu
ine patriotism by their blatant manipu
lation of secret organizations such us
the American Protective association.
It used to be riippnscd that n patriot
was a good man who was willing to
fight, suffer or die for his country in
war and be a respectable, law-abiding.
(iod-fearlng citizen In time of peace.
Hut nowadays It seems that this old-
fashioned notion was all u mistake.
- - -
Anyhow, Republicans! carried Dun-
more, a tact wnicn we ivspecmiiiy ue
slfe to bring to the atteullon of Colonel
Edward J. I.ynett.
The Compulsory Education Law.
Prom time to time objections are
heard In various parts of the state
against the comimlsory education law,
but these, when simmered down, are
found to rest almost solely upon the
busts of Insufficient school accommo
dations. This, It will bo noted. Is not
an argument ngalnst the law Itself,
but a reflection upon its enforcement.
The fact that accommodations which
sufficed before the law was passed have
since grown too small Is an effective
demonstration that it Is possible, by
means of a compulsory education law,
to get pupils Into a school room, who,
without such a law, would not go there.
In other words It confirms ull thut has
been claimed for compulsory education
by Its most sanguine supporters.
The fuct that compulsory education
Is proving effective in this state Is
shown In another way. The recent re
port of the state superintendent of pub
lic instruction shows that In 1895 there
was an Increase lu the attendance at
the public schools "ut nearly 30,000 pu
pils, whereas the total increase for
years '89, '90, '91 and '92 was only 29,71(1.
In 1895 the Purr law did not reach Its
maximum of effectiveness by any
meuiis. lis enforcement was a new
problem, which was gone nt gingerly
by the school authorities and greatly
embnrrassed by a partially adverse
opinion from Attorney General JlcCor
mlck. Yet in that pioneer year, against
great disadvantages, the fact thut it
put more new pupils Into the school
rooms of the commonwealth than were
put there in four years under the old
persuasive system abunduntly estab
lishes its usefulness.
The argument of Insufficient accom
modations is no argument at all. If
the state may tax the citizen for the
education of ten children out of llfteen,
It may with even greater fairness tax
him for the education of the entire
fifteen. It has no right to give to one
child what It denies to another. If It
undertakes to give a free education to
any number of Its young It should give
that education to all who need It and
can be made to get It. The community
which refuses through stinginess to
provide sufficient accommodations for
the education of Its boys and girls
should be proceeded against by thecom
monwealth and made to do Its duty.
The problem of ignorance is one that
dare not be Ignored and must, as fur
as possible, be met anil solved.
Et tu, Carbondale!
never come singly.
Truly, disaster
The Defeat of the Viaduct.
The defeat of the viaduct Tuesday
Is a source of genuine regret to all who
realize the Justice of the arguments in
favor of Its construction. Opposition
to It from Sections remote from the pro
posed location of It was to have been
expected, and the returns show that
this expectation was not disappointed
But that In the central city and even
In the West Side Itself, there should
have been either open opposition In
some quarters or else carelessness with
reference to It is to be sincerely de
plored. Upon Its merits the viaduct de
served to carry without a dissenting
vote. The fact that neurly half the
voters of the city gave no expression of
opinion upon the subject Indicates a
lack of interest which It Is to be hoped
will not prevail should the proposition
again, as It probably will, come before
the people
While It would have given us greater
pleasure yesterday to chronicle a differ
ent result, the fuct that The Tribune
was the llrst to announce the election
of the three Democratic winners and
the only morning paper to give a com
plete and systematic report of the re
turns throughout the city, county and
state is a source of satisfaction. The
Tribune prints the news.
An Invalid Objection.
Professor John B. McMaster, who nl
most alone among the leading college
men stood by the president's Interpret
ation of the Monroe doctrine during
the academic discussion elicited by the
Venezuelan message, has hied an ex
ceptlon to the senate resolution re
questing the signatory powers to do
their duty toward Armenia. Concern
lng It he says:
When a resolution passes the fnlled
States senate unanimously it ought not
o be hastily criticised. The subject In
volved In such a case is clearly neither
(ertlonal nor political, but one concern
Inic which the iwonle all over the country
think alike. Thut it is 'the earnest wish
of us ull that the powers of Kurope would
nut an end to the dreadful massacres in
Turkey; that It Is almost Impossible for
us to understand now me civilized na
tions whose (luminous border on Turkey
can stand Idly by while the murdering an I
torturing ito on: mat we do ininK ney
otiKht to act needs no demonstration. The
sentiment of the Semite resolution Is 'ill
light, llirt the manner Is very questiona
ble. We are committed by a very long
line of precedents not to meddle In fcuro
Dean affairs. The Berlin treaty Is en
lirely a Guropeun ufTuIr, far we are not
a party to It, nor -oiild we, wlthou de
parting from our policy of "no enturiBlliis?
Blllances." have become a party. To oak
the powers who made the treaty to en.
force It, is io menuie in tneir anairs. and
In so far Is contrary to the Monroe do
trine. The resolution of the senate Is
equivalent to a vote of censure on the
powtrs lor not doing a thing, concern1
lng the propriety of which they are the
sole ami on y J:id'4cs.
Professor McMarter, we'.fear, would
have difficulty In convincing n jury of
twelve uverugo citizens that the send
ing of a request to the Kuropean powers.
upon the busis of common humanity,
would of itself constitute or Indirectly
Involve any "alliance," "entangling or
otherwise. It would bo a request Im
pelled by a spirit of the utmost
friendliness, and If criticised by Its re
cipients such criticism would react
on Its critics rather than up
on us. In any event, the 1'nited
States Is destined to play n part
In the world's politics not foreseen In
the days of President Monroe, and It Is
t liberty to put Its own construction
upon the Jlonroe doctrine.
Now thut the excitement of politics is
over, the people of Scranton, without
regard to party, should not fall to re
member, with their accustomed fair
ness and liberality, the Watktns testi
monial concert to be given nt the Froth
Ingham theater tomorrow evening. It
Is not necessary to recite the many obli
gations under which they have been
placed by Mr. Watklns during Ills long
career as a musician in this community.
These. bellevn. will at once lie
recognized, and the present opportunity
promptly Improved for the display of
a little practical reciprocity.
. ...
The Rfpuhlicunfuctluliulisiu In Phila
delphia did not prevent that city from
rolling up an old-time plurality. They
order things differently, down there.
Tribune Korean.
SIS Fourteenth street, N V.,
Washington, Feb. 19.
A Tennessee Republican, who would nut
allow me to use his name, told me today
that Senator uuuy was certain of secur-
luif four It' not mure of the delegates of
that state at the national convention. This
gentleman said that'Senalor yuuy would
Ket votes in nearly every southern state
In some solid delegation. I only reheat
what this gentleman said In order, to f
show the friends of the senator ut home
what the Republicans In other states sav
or him. This man will be u delegate to the
St. Louis convention, and us far us him
self Is concerned he knows what he Is
talking about, lie was formerly a Keed
supporter, but since (Jtiay announced his
candidacy he is no longer with the speak
er. 1
Information has reached Washington
that live out of eight delegates elected in
(Jeorgla are for Quay. The other three
are for Mckinley.
The candidacy of ex-Senutor Manderson,
of Nebraska, Is not considered seriously
by those who know the senator best. For
the first time In many years Mr. Mander
son Is out of a political Job, and his can
didacy is thought to be only a bluff to got
delegates to deliver to the winning candi
date for the purpose of getting into the
cabinet or going abroad as ambassador
or minister. Senator i'ullom's candidacy
Is regarded In the same light.
With the exception of Messrs. Adam
Stahle, Kulp and Huff all the Pennsylva
nia members of congress, including Senn
tor Quay, left for their respective homes
Monday night to vote at the elections on
If the free silver Democrats control the
Chicago convention they may nominate
Vice-President Stevenson for president.
Hon. William R. Morrison, the other fa
vorite son of Illinois, while a white
metal sympathizer. Is opposed to the free
coinaue of silver under present conditions.
Vice-President Stevenson Is expected to
write a letter shortly In which he will
declare himself a candidate on a free sil
ver platform. Taking the vote In the house
the other day on the question of free
coinage as an Indication this is not a free
silver year.
While speakingof 'letter writing It is In
order to say thut President Cleveland la
expected to write a letter to the citizens
of the United States on the question of
presidential succession before long. There
Is every reason to believe that President
Cleveland will decline to be a candidate
ttgaln. He has had enough. He wants to
retire and enjoy the comforts of private
life. Mr. Cleveland Is beginning to show
signs of breaking down. He has aged
very much In the last three years. At the
time of his second Inauguration he was
the picture of good health, with only a
few white hairs in either his head or
mustache. He is now stooped and his
mustache is snowy white and the little
hair left on his head is unite era v. .Mrs.
'Cleveland does not want her husband to
remain in public life. It has ulways been
distasteful to her. She Is very domes'.lo
in her tustes nnd prefers to live privately
and quietly. President Cleveland Is not
an old man by any means. He will not
be 59 years of age until .March 18. but he
looks much older. Mrs. Cleveland Is only
a little ways In the thirties. She is In
clined to corpulency which has a ten
dency to add uko. but she doesn't look a
day older than she is.
The Pennsylvania railroad, through
First Vice-President Thomson and Assist
ant General Passenger Agent George W,
lioyd. has extended un Invitation to the
Washington newspaper correspondents to
be that company's guests from Washing,
ton to St. Louis and return on the occa
sion of the holding of the Republican
convention In the latter city. It has been
the custom of the Pennsylvania railroad
for. years to give to the newspaper corre
spondents locntcd in this city a special
train to and from both national conven
tions. The train Is equipped with a bag
gage ear, u dinner, reading and writing
car and sleepers enough to accommodate
everybody. Nearly KJ of the boys have
accepted the Invitation.
From the looks of thinjjs now there will
be no tariff legislation. Dr. Dlnsley's horl
Eontal remedy doesn't seem to suit the pa
tient. The house swallowed Its medicine
at one gulp, but the Democrats. Populists
nnd free sllveiites In the senate refn
to accept Dr. Dinglcy's prescription and
that settles the business.
The debates in congress bring out some
good storlts. The multitude of speeches
on the financial question reminded Mr.
Talbert. of South Carolina, of the story
of the old negro preacher, who addresso I
his flock with great earnestness upon the
subject of "Miracles."
"My lieloved friends and brethren." said
the old preacher, "de greatest of all de
miracles was 'bout the loaves nnd fishes.
Dey wus fi.OUO loaves and 2.000 fishes, nnd
de twelve 'postles had to eat 'em nil. Now
de miracle Is dat dey didn't bust!"
And Mr. Talbert thinks it a miracle
the people have not "busted" with all th
speeches that have been stuffed Into tlK'ai
during the last few years.
!l II II
Mr. Talbert lind another story to Illus
trate from his point of view the con
dition of the people, who were asked to
staml and bear all the Ills of gold stand
ard legislation while the officials nnd
money barons listened in vain to their
"It reminds me. gentlemen," said Mr.
Talbert, "of the farmer and his little boy
who had a bull pup they were training
to catch hogs. The farmer would get
down on Ills all fours and the little boy
would set the puppy after lilm. So one
day the old fellow got down und capered
around like a pig, and the little boy
turned the pup loose and said, 'Sic him,
sic him, pup.' The pup ran up to the
old man and caught him by the eur, anl
began to bite the old fellow pretty hard.
It began to hurt, and he commenced to
yell: "Take him off! Take him on: it
hurts It hurts! Take him off!' And the
little boy, standing a little way off en
Joying the fun, ran up, and patting tha
old man on the back, said, 'Stand It,
pappy! Stand It, pappy! Hear it If you
can, I know It's rough on you, but,' says
he, it's the very making of the dog.'
Representative 'La'cey',' of Iowa, told a
good story to Illustrate how the Demo
crat were fooled l.y lite double meaning
of their platform.
"i a:u reminded." he said, "of a lady rte
quaiiilanee of mine, whom 1 cull Mrs.
Smith, because that Is not her name,
who. In war timci, went to the provost
marshal at Llttia Rock with another
Isdy friend to take the oath of allsglaiife.
Hi r friend took the oath first, and Mrs.
Smith, who was a good southern woman
hesitated. "I can't take that oath,' sn
said, 'you know how 1 feel.' ', go on,
Mrs. Smith, and take It.' said her friend.
'Hod knows you don't mean It!'"
!l II I!
Duse, the Italian comedienne. Is hero'
this wctk. All the dramatic critics sre
loud in iheir praise of her. and say she
Is a greater actress than Sura Itcrnhar It.
"Sowing the Wind," one of Frohman's
best plays. Is drawing Mtr houses hero
this week. Calve. In opera. Is on the
boards for next week.
Senator Hnrrlr, of Tennessee, Is credited
with being the greatest parliamentarian
In the senate. He Is a inapplsh old fel
low, and when crossed in debate, he as
saults his antagonist with a volley of
sarcasm and abuse that Is simply with
ering. Senator Harris has many eccen
tricities. He never eats lunch at the capl
tol with his colleagues. Instead of sitting
nt a table In the rcstatnant reserved for
ser.ators exclusively, he stands up to the
counter. Ills lunch usually consists of a
piece of pie and n butle or beer. J wiw
Mm driving up Pennsylvania avenue to
day. He looked like a farmer, lie was
seated In an obi mid dilapidated phaeton
drawn by nil eouully disreputable looking
old white hoise whlcli looked as though
a curry comb and brush were strangers to
the a:ilma!. Senator Harris has been in
the senate for nineteen years and he has
live more vents to serve. Nobody knows
how oh! he U. Ti (.'onitnional Direct
ory says he was "born In Franklin coun
ty. Tenn.." but fuila to give the year,
lie Is certainly well up In the seventies.
W. R. It.
From the Scranton Times.
Though The Tribune Is in the slough
despond, we congratulate It upon the full,
complete and accurate election returns
which It printed this morning.
TOI.I) nv T hi: stars.
Daily Horoscope Drawn hy Ajacshm. The
Tribune Astrologer.
Astrolabe cast: 3.10 a. m.. for Thursday.
Feb. 20, PW.
f. rr
mat 'u u
This morning's child, nil free from guile.
Will eat his crow and sweetly smile
At Fate's peculiar menace;
For though 'tis dark, he'll realize
That there will be "sweet by and bys."
When trcaehery'll be named "Dennis."
We carried Dunmore, anyway.
AjncdliiiH' Advice.
Postponed on account of the weather.
Lyon's Patent
Quickest, Best
'3 AND
most Durable.
Price 25 Cents.
Will beat f to 12 Kjrfrs
Perfectly and prouuee
more l-'rostiiicj.
Jt wilt ilo v.vrt vorl: und
do it better than ovy L0 cent
or $1 litultr made.
Contains ill that hss made Hammond Work
faipous, and NEW, NOVEL and I 8EFCL lm.
proTe.nents. "Hninmond Work the Criterion
of Hammond Bitpvrioi itr." "Hammond Bales
the Criterion of Hammond Popularity." Bam
mond No. 2, "Tha Perfawt, Typewriter. E
until It and be convlnesd. Philadelphia
branch of Tan Hammond Typewriter Co., Ill
B, Bixth Btraeu
F. A. & A. J. BRAND A,
414 SpniM It, ScftatM RatrttMiathai,
'ill. lei11'1 r I
New Spring Patterns in Tapestries, Body Brussels, Velvets, Moquettes, Axuiinsters,
Wiltons and Ingrains now open and ready for inspection.
Yamafo Japanese Rugs of the Very
3 x 36
2 ft. 6 x 5t . . .
3 ft. x 6 ft .
4 ft. x 7 ft
6 fi. x 9 ft . .
7 ft. x 10 ft
9 ft. x 12 ft
tTMr. James H. Griffin, formerly designer in Drapery Department of Shep
ard, Knapp & Co., of New York City, is now with us in the same capacity.
rrk,'lL Pr.nJoH Because some jealous competitor tells you I
LJKJll I UC I UiilCil that nnrc lt n calp if inK Into loft A t
siivj- wui guvu;. uTiiai ii,w u i tins kiuss ui uuua w c iicivc wc urc all UUt
. . ri ir cTAri ic i htcm rncou f ivt lAnno i
awaj. vj iv oiuwiv iJ nu.L nu, ricu wucrui uuuua, aim
we are closinsr it out at less than cost orice. When we onen un for snrinc
trade it will be with all
making we quote you a
All of our 6 0) Suora wa ull for... J I Hit I Ail of our SLSO and l 75 buoea we sail
H 2. for
' ami " 1.1 toils Above prlcm msaa both Man'a aud
" 2 5(1 " " 1.08 & I.7S i Women 'a (tootla.
2.W " " 1.85 1 L'hildreu'a bhooi Wo that war 11.00.
tJCgr Our immense trade proves that the people appreciate the bargains we are
giving them, and anything
terrible green-eyed monster,
still greater promtnence.
Cor. Lackawanna and
TO ... .
Telepone No. 3632.
Wa ara Headquarter, (or Orator and
are lianilliutf the
Celebrated Duck Rivers,
Lynn Havens. Kcyports,
Mill Ponds; a No Shrews,
bury, Kockawayo, .Maurice
Kivcr Cove. Western
bhures und Blue Point.
IfTWe make a Specialty of delivering
Line Poh;H on bnlf .ball lu camera-
CUI and aee theae P1oa, aai
anaVband Plaaoa wa hare takaa tm mum
far them.
Rug Sale on Record.
Best Quality.
27 x 54
27 x 63
4 49
27 x 63
24 x 4S
new goods. To illustrate
few prices:
said or published about our sale by those actuated by that
jealousy, only brings our GRAND SHOE SALE into
rail into line and get your share of the bargains.
Wyoming Aves., -
Bicycle Repairing.
In a short time the riding aeaaon will
open. Then we will get our wheel out
and find that It wanta aome repairing;.
We would suggest that you look It over
now and if it needs anything; done,
such as nickel platlns; or enameling,
have It dune now before you need it.
We are in shape to do first-class work.
If you have no bicycle call and see
Or write for catalogue.
C. f,1. FLOREV
222 Wyoming Avenua.
Is Showing Them
326 Washington Ave.,
nil a
II CI).,
Wilton Russ.
Velvet Rugs.
Moquette Rugs.
Oriental Rugs, Reversible.
the reductions we are
UIxhot' Shoe! KHo tliat were SLS3.
Kvury shoe in tbe boaan, of aer kind,
Will ba aold at toe aame reduction
For Sale By
Do Yod See As Well
flsYoti Would Like?
Consult our Uptkian, Mr. 0. P.
Adams, who will lit your eyes
I ertectly by scientific methods
charging nothing for lilting, fur
nisbiun Spectacles and Eyeglasses
in modern styles and best quali
ties at low prices.
After April 1 at No. 132
Wyoming Avenue, Coal
are located the Bnoat flahlog aad hunting
(Tonada la the world. Deaerlptlra booka oa
application. Tlrketa to all pointa ta Uataa,
Canada and Maritime ProTiaoee, Minneapolis,
81 Pant Canadian and United StaKee Nor lav
veata, Vancouver, Beattle, Taoona, Portland,
Ore., San Franrlaoo.
First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars
attached to all through tralna. Tourlal eare
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with aecoDdclua tickets. Re tee alware leas
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