The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 18, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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tF.ea'tlefs will plae note, that advertise
ment., orders for Job work, and Item for
litibllratlon left at the establishment of
Shannon Co., newsdealers. North Main
atrwet. will receive prompt attention; of
fice open from I a. m. to 10 p. m.J
rapid transit speed.
Mayor Hendricks Tcachea the Citizens
: How to Mcasara Kleatric Car Speed.
To tho Public.
,There Is ko much controversy rei-peotlnil
the car speed of the Traction cam that I
wish to give the people tlata by which
Key may be sure what speed Is actually
wade lit any Riven time. The instance be.
tween the trolley poles Is iienerally 120
leet, or forty-four to the mile. 8lx of
these spaces equal TJ feet, and feet per
minute Is a rate of eight miles per hour.
If av person rldins: in a car wishes to
determine Its rate of speed, he can lo so
by noting the location of-the second hand
on his watch.,' hen he passes a trolley pole,
and when counting the poles subsequent
ly passed. It six trolley pole are pussed
within the. minute" then ilie speed is a
fraction over elaht miles per hour; If
even, the speed is u fraction over .SI:
If eiKht, 10: IT nine. 12.J7: if ten. M.tK;
If eleven, 14.SS; If twelve. H.W, If thirteen.
.:tr. ; if fourteen. 17.71: if fifteen, ami
miles per hour. -Jnd for every adilltioiml'
pole passed within the minute add I X.'-t''i
miles per hour. , While the mayor hua hud
ocular evidence- that the curs do run
more than eight miles per hour, yet he
cannot lie prosecutor. Judue and Jury.
Some cltlxen must mak" complaint and
produce the evidence before the muyor
can act In this or In any other case. The
.province of a -Judfce is not to leave the
bench to hunt up evidence of the viola
tion or law. In fact. If the Judge should
see the luw violated. UnJ the ca-e should
lie trie!- by Mm. he would be a violator
of law If he allowed the knowledge tie
possessed to influence his decision, lie
must ' decide according to the law
and the evidence produced by the prose
cutor.' Now If utvy cltlxen will test the
pee. I of th cars and make complaint
to the.muyor with the proper evidence, he
ran be assured that action will be taken
Immediately. Vours truly.
K. K. lletidrlck. Mayor.
Ortat Interest Is Taken in the Cit and
.' Township Tickets.
The munlcliial election In tho city
tills year 1ms been characterized us be
ing the quietest "tl record. I'Ut ul
t hough no noise lias Wen kept lib. U"
effort has been spureil to cunvuss every
voter, uml It Is anticiputed that a very
lieuvy vote will be polled. The Kcpubli
c an nominees have a ccrtuln victory
and Kobert Carter will be the next
mayor tf this progressive city. Tmlay
Is election Uuy. and let the Ucpublii'uiis
do their duty and vote the stralglitHo--ubllcan
In the townships great activity Is
displayed. The Simpson Republicans
held a rally last Saturday night and the
success of the ticket is assured, thus
repeating the trouncing tuey gave the
Democrats ut the last election. Kilns
W. James, of Simpson, is the cunilldutc
Tor supervisor, vice ft. Young, of Vanil
lins, who retired from the ticket in his
To aymnrt in sleighs.
A large party of young people went
for a Hleighiide to YVuymurt on Sat
nrduy and were entertained at Frank
tlollt-nbuck'a slimmer home. Those,
who composed the party were Mrs. V.
H. Ilollenback, Mrs. Jtobert Copi-lund.
Mrs. O. Skeels. Jennie l'rlee, lliithu
Johnston, Haiiuh Wylle, l.aurly Mil
ler, JoSie Hengelly, Allie PcllKclly. Jo
sie Taylor, Ina Taylor, Mabel Kcnwor
thy, Flora Mitchell, Vernla Oliver, tier
tie Millard, Millie linti-s. Hattie Uob
rnsnn, - H. Stanton, (ieurge Colvln.
Levy Ilollenback. t'harles t'arr. Fred
Hperl. Hoy Misted. Bert Gates. Harry
Milled. Boyd Oliver, t'luude Oliver. Wil
li Price. Clarence Becker. Hex Cope
land. Hex Nicholson, Kddle Mii.e,
Kalph I'engelly, Charles Daley. Ken
nett .Kaynor and Harry Ilollenback.
nirthday Party.
At the home of. Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Ollibs. of Kit) South Wyoming street, a
large number of the friends of Harry,
their 7-year-old son. gathered on Mon
day afternoon.- The young ones en
joyed themselves to their heurt's con
tent. Games and other amusements
were In order and refreshments were
served. Those present were: Harry
t.llbbs. Laura tllbbs. Charlie Gibus,
Fred Gibbs. Nellie Cibbs. Uert tllblis.
Nelsorl Watklns, Helen Watklns, Katie
Griffiths. West Grlfflths. Willie Grif
11 tits, Klmer Gritlltlis, Howard Hone,
fMudwen 'Davis. John Da vies. Fred
Lewis, Hnnnuh Lewis. Vlyala Sullivan,
Annie Williams, Kunice Williams, Liz
tie Price, Raymond Rees, Sarah Jane
Jut vies, Maggie Lewis.
,' Fell Township.
The school board directors held n
regulur session. M. F. Howard wus in
the chair. There was no business of
public importance. Hills were read and
ordered" paid as follows: American
liook company.. 140.1:!; M. J. Geary,
supplies, S:M.:;:!; Sperl Heater company,
j.'iH.'.'i: James Muldooney. supplies, $1:
K. J. O'Keef, labor and supplies. $8.;
Clinton Colliery company, coal, $10; II.
C. butler, attorney, J.1.60.
bishop trllara Preaches.
The Right Rev. William O'Hara.
bishop of the diocese of Scranton, was
Don't Get Excited
'Wat what the doctors told ma, and they
Mid 1 must not run, on account i fiiii
taring at my heart. I was sick over a
year with dyspepsia, could not sleep or
at la comfort, was f enerally miserable.
Hood'd Garsaparilla
fsva m -refreshing sleep, steady nerves
and better health than ever. 1 have great
faith In Hood's. H. H. Pbick. Reading, Pa.
Hood' pffb ss taSra1-
1.S0O yards of Carpets, from S to Srt
yards in sack piece, connintiug of
the following Best Makes:
$ .85 Tapestry Carpet for 35c
,1.15 Body Brussels for 50c
;1.25 Velvet Carpet for 65c
1 1,15 Mcptte Carpet for 65c
135 Aimlnster Carpet for 75c
Tsrins Cash Daring This Sale.
. 419 Uiekawanna Ave,
' WW
in the city Sunday and addressed in the
mornlnir the lance congregation of the
St. Hose of Lima on the snbject of
charltv. The venerable blshoD corn
plimented the congregallon upon their
charitable work and ho ho-ieu they
would sustain their reputation by con
tributing to the St. Joseph' Found
ling Home, at Scranton. Father Grif
fin had been appointed collector. In the
afternoon the bishop administered the
benediction of the blessed sacrament.
The Rev. J. J. It. Feeley and J. W. Ma
lone accompanied the bishop.
I Kndeavorcra' Banquet.
The Junior Christian Kndeavor soci
ety of the Welsh Methodist -hurch,
met last night and had a festive sea
son, hupper was served by the young
ladles anil the ronast reflected credit
ujion the committee. A programme
consisting of songs, recitations, read
ings, etc., was much appreciated. Those
present were: Misses Mamie Jones,
Maggie Watklns. Laura Chilton, Flor
ence Geary, Kunice Williams. Mary
Davies, Mary Hannah Lewis, Jane
Price, Mary Price, Mary Lizzie Wil
liams. Annie Williams, Sadie Watklns;
Messrs. Jumes Morgan. Wully Jones,
David Morgan. Howen Williams.
Sabbath Observance.
The citizens' committee appointed at
the mass meeting have met tiiul a
permanentorganizatlonhns been utl'ect
ed with the following oftlcers: Ilo:i.
M. S. burke, chairman: T. '. Robinson,
vice chairman, and J. U. Shannon, sec
retary. The committee are determined
if possible by moral suasion to Ret the
Curbondullans to observe the Heventh
duy. The ministers from their pulpits
Sunduy made an upoeal to the Chris
tians of their congregations to render
ull the help possible for the furtherance
of the work, and by their exumple es
pecially. Ihe Hase Itall Club.
General Manager J. W. Altken. of the
Rapid Transit company, attended the
meeting of the State league on behalf
of the city club ut Philadelphia yester
day. It is reported that citlKcns have
subscribed U'.oou and the balance of the
f.i.uim required Is already assured. It
is necessary in order to ensure the
safety of the franchise that u represen
tative Should be ul the meet Inn. He
will turn the fiuni hl-v over to tin- citi
zens when the unities thut has been
subscribed butt been paid In.
The temperature yesterday was us
low nretty near us It could get. It
ranged from 10 to L'O degrees below
Stent In the city.
Willie Hnrke. .Martin Ciimmlngs and
Patrick Clark. d" Archibald', spent Sun
day as tin- quests of Air. anil Mis. W.
II. Maliudy.
i'utrick Scott, of Oneonla. N. Y..
spent yesterday in the city with his
M. .1. Flynn. of Scranton. was In Ihe
city yesterday.
lhinlel lludgins. of Cemetery street,
was injured In No. 1 mine. A piece of
coal struck him in the eye.
liavid Hellridge, of lieliiiont street. Is
slowly improving-.
Owen Lewis, of Cottage street, met
with a mishap by falling from an On
tario und Western locomotive uml dis
located his right ankle.
Peter Krantz sustained a fall last
week. He,has been unable to lit tend to
One uf the most enjoyuble socials of
the season was given by the Club of
'H.'i In their rooms last evening In honor
of the Adonis club. The rooms were
tastefully decorated. Music wus fur
nished by F. H. Ferguson ut the piano.
The grand march wus formed at 10
o'clock and was faultlessly led by Miss
Lucy Farrell and J. J. o'Malley. A
dainty supper was Served about 11. M
o'clock, after which dancing was re
sumed until the usual time for termin
ating the occasion.
The pupils of the Parochial acudemy
held a recital In the convent hall yes
terday afternoon. It was largely at
tended. Vote the straight Republican ticket
Mrs. F. Dousher, of Wllkes-Harre, Is
visiting her sister. Mrs. John O'Malley,
on Diimnore street.
J. F. Patten, of Carbondale. spent
Sunday with his parents at thin place.
Rev. A. L. I'rban will conduct weekly
services here every Thursday evening
during Lent. .
Word was received here yesterdny
from Danville of the death of Miss
Ktidget Henery. daughter of Mr. Titos.
Henery, of Delaware street. Deceased
was about forty years of age and has
been away for some time on account
of 111 health. She is survived by her
father, two brothers and two sisters at
this place. The remains were brought
here last evening' for burial.
Miss Mary Carbine spent Sunday
with friends at Jermyn.
Miss Kate Cuminings, of Scranton, Is
the guest of .Miss Katie U'Hara on
Hudson street.
St. Thomas' church fair dosed finally
on Saturday night. All the articles
were disposed of and the contest be
tween Thomas J. Kelly and T. J. Clark
for a miners' compass was derided.
The piano was won by Miss Delia
Coyne, of Hill street; the silver tea
set. by Dr. J. J. Kelly; the book ense,
by Thomas J. Lot tut,; the side board,
by Hriar Connor, and the bed room
suite by Miss Sallie Corcoran. Interest
centered on the contest between Mr.
Kelly and Mr. Clark, both being popu
lar young men. Mr. Kelly was the
winner, he having collected $til.s.4.i and
Mr. Clark S407. .:. Father Comerford
made a brief address In which he con
gratulated the contestants on their ex
cellent work and thanked the young
ladles and gentlemen who did their
share to make the fair the greut suc
cess It has been. The lair has heen
one of the most succesful ever held
here, the net receipts being tl.OOO. This
amount will be further Increased by
the generous donation of $r,nu. the
amount of his Christmas ori'erlns.
which Father Coinerfonl has devoted
to the fund. The fair has been a great
success in every way anil a great deal
of credit Is due to the able management
that conducted It. ,
Christopher Miller, of Hill street, is
confined to his home by illness.
Misses Mabriel ami Loretta Coleman
and Miss Tessle Dm kin. of Carbondale.
attended the fair on Saturday evening.
The. explosion of the Jermyn powder
mill on Saturday evening broke a
stained glass window in St. Thomas'
Shortly before 6 o'clock Saturday
night a shock was felt In Honesdule
that shook all the buildings so that
loose fixtures rattled and everything
seemed to tremble. The shock was sup
posed to be an earthquake, until it was
learned that the powder mills near Jer
myn had blown up.
The Red Men's play and ball last
night was a great success.
Sunday night the thermometer fell to
twenty degrees below zero. With the
strong wind blowing the cold was felt
more keenly than at any time this
winter. The thermometer promises to
register very low again this morning.
The ladles of the First baptist church
held an oyster supper In the church
parlors last evening.
The Rev. W. Surilivrl will be Installed
as pastor of the Congregational church
today. Services at U anil 7 p. m.. A
large number of ministers from other
charges will be present and take part
in the exercises.
Wlnfield Decker has moved to Wilkes
Rarr. The Home Missionary society of the
Methodist. Episcopal church will give a
supper and etttertnlnment on Saturday
evenilng. February 2i Supper from
5 to 8. The entertainment will consist
of readings and recitations, a tableau.
"The Ten Virgins." and a number of
representations of Mrs. Jarley's wax
works, among them being "The Dude."
"The Drummer," "An Odd Fellow,"
"The Printer," "The Lady Singer."
"The Cook," "A Mason," "The Trained
There will be a fruit banquet and en
tertainment In the Primitive Methodist
church this evening. Proceed8 to be
applied to the building fund.
K. It. Terensen, of Hamden, N. T.,
was a Jermyn visitor yesterday.
W. "VV. Adair visited in BinKhamton
on Monday.
The Hallstead camp of the Fraternal
legion will be Instituted Thursday
evening by Deputy Supreme Com
mander I. K. Young, of Newark. N.
J. Supreme Medical Kxaminer J. W. P.
Hates, of Haltimore, and Commander
Lallaid. of Newark, X. J., will also be
The baptists have decided to open
a library In the Lusk building on Main
street. It will consist of religious
books Ihnt'will be for sale or will be
.Mrs. P.. L. broderlck Is the tjuest of
her mother in Michigan.
.Mrs. Marvin bariu-s visited friends
ut on Friday.
!! si"- rid be In attendance at the
lecture :r the Kallriad YoutiK Men's
Christian Association hall this (Tues
day) evening, to be given by Prof.
George p. Bible, of the Stroudsbui'K
State Normal school.
Dr. Hand, of Hlnghamton. will ad
dress the gospel meeting in the Rail
road Young.-Men's Christian Associa
tion hall next Sunduy afternoon. The
Nicholson quartette will also be pres
ent. HAWL ev.
A number of sleigluide parties went
from here to Honesdale on Saturday
afternoon. The principal one consisted
of about forty children, members of the
Loyal Temperance Legion.
The young men's Tainmuny society
of the hill, went to Hemlock Hollow on
a slelhride Saturday evening.
The thermometer registered 22 de
grees below zero yesterday morning.
The cabinet of the Kpworth League
held a business meeting last evening.
Cora und Roy Annuel inun, of Seeley
vllle. spent Sunday In town.
Airs. A. M. Vlckerand Miss Orra Uol
lison visited Scrunton yesterday.
Curtis Wild, of Duninore. is running
the iOrie and Wyoming yard engine at
this place while Joseph Dow Is being
Thomas Crosslcy, uf llonesdale, was
In town yesterday.
T. Keunard. of the Times, spent
Saturday und Sunduy in New York
Charles Schardt. of Muln street, ex
pects to Dili Ul u two-story brick build
ing this spring which he will occupy
with bis barber shop when completed.
Thomas J. Walsh, of Duryea, was a
visitor In town Sunday.
George Snyder returned Sunday after
a few days' stay with friends In Scott.
Thomas Logan, ut present proprietor
of the Suburban hotel, will soon remove
to Duniniire, where he Intends lo en
gage in the hotel business.
owing to the coldness of the weuther.
work on the new electric light plant has
been suspended for a few days.
Thomas Meehun culled on Dun more
friends Sunday.
Misses Sarah Mel low an. 1011a and
Mary J. Kilt-y and George Wll'.tums and
James Vail attended a party ut Throop
on Saturday evening.
Miss Agnes McLaughlin, of Scrunton,
visited friends here yesterduy.
M. l Donnelly, of Main street. Is in
Stephen McGulnness, of Lincoln
street, is 111.
Professor Loomls attended the mls
slontry meeting held in the Penn Ave
nue Baptist church last Thursduy even
ing, i
The Anabasis class will take-up the
Odyssey In about three weeks.
Last Monday afternoon at their regu
lar weekly meeting the Current Topic
league discussed the money question.
The next meeting will be devoted to
extemperaneous speaking.
Last Friday evening a number of
students had the pleasure of enjoying
a leap year sleighrlde party to Waver
ly, where they were entertained at the
home of Miss Stella Halley.
Last Saturday was held the trl-town-ship
teachers' Institute of Wyoming
county In the Methodist church of this
place. Professor Smith gave an ad
dress In the afternoon on the best
methods of teaching history. He was
folowed by County Superintendent Asa
Keeler and others. W. K. Thompson
also favored them with one of his
choice selections.
Mr. Sterling and Mr. Titus spent Sun
day at their respective homes.
Last Monday morning the thermome
ter at the academy registered Jo degrees
below . zero.
There Is good skating on the pond
back of the academy but on account
of the inclemency of the weuther Just
now cannot be enjoyed to Its ruilest ex
tent. Robert Whit more spent Sunday at
his home In Scrantun.
Lust iMonduy and Tuesday Miss Al
len, a graduate of Syrncuse university,
now general secretary for the Young
Women's Christian association, was at
the academy helping by kindly advice
and suggestion the work or the asso
ciation already begun.
Professor Huley has kindly offered to
teach a class In new testament Greek if
any of the senior class desire to take up
the study.
During the past week two charter
members of the board of trustees have
passed away. Last Wednesday A. C.
Sisson. for twenty-live years secretary
of the bard, died at his home In La
Plume. On Thursday lust Cyrus
Mattbewson passed away ut his resi
i.ence on Main street. They both have
been fenerous to the academy from its
establishment in 18fi, both In their
gifts and In their efforts for its ad
vancement. Both were life members
of the board of trustees.
- - - - '.
Sunday was a cold day. mercury fall
ing Iron, IS degrees at 3 p. ,. Zt.r
at p. m. Monday morning registered
21 degrees below zero. This Is the low
est point the mercury has reached this
winter. . .
Mr. and .Mrs. Fred Colvln. of Nichol
son, visited Mr. Collin's Patents at
Carpenter Hollow, also friends at this
place, last week.
Colonel and Mrs. D. N. Mathewson
and son. Silas, or Washington. D. c .
arrived here Saturday evening to at
tend the funeral of Mr. Mathewson's
orother. S. C. Mathewson.
Mrs. K. J. Hull, of Olyphant. Is spend
ing a few weeks at the home of her fa
ther. C It. Reynolds.
Fred Scott, of Monlrose. visited
friends over Sunday at this place.
Miss Clura Stark gave u leap year
party to a number of her young friends
Friday , evening.
Mr. and Mrs. pnrwin Op Miner, of
Scranton. spent Sunduy with Mr. Gard
ner's parents.
Mrs. Una WetHcrby has returned to
her home at this place after an ex
tended visit with relatives and friends
at Montdale, Green Grove and Peck
Vllle. The local Institute at this place Sat
urday was a decided success.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Isenhnrt and
three children, of Wavetiy. N. Y.. are
spending this week as the guests, of Mr.
and Mra. Charles Haag, on River street.
The funeral services or the late S. C.
Mathewson were held from hla late
residence on Main street Monday after
noon at 2 o clocK. new Wilbur, of the
Methodist Episcopal church, and Rev.
Watklns, of the First Baptist church,
" 'Highest of all in Leavening
conducted the services. The Independ
ent Order of Odd Fellows lodge. No.
5.'4. of this place, turned out and
marched In a body to Kvergreen ceme
tery, where Interment was made.
Keystone academy wns closed Mon
day afternoon In order to let the faculty
Rnd scholars attend the funeral of S.
C. Mathewson, who was a charter mem
ber and life trustee of the academy.
Mrs. Oeorse I'erry Is very 111 with
Harry Slckler. of Tunkhunnnc k. was
the guest of LI. M. Green last Thtirs-
i day.
Mrs. Charles Klnch. of Scranton,
called upon her brother, G. H. White,
last Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Christi uher Carpenter,
who have been the guests of Frank
Carpenter, have returned to their home
at Odella. 111.
School Teachers Misses Hattie Smith
and Miss P. I). Kelph treated their
scholars to a sleigluide last Thursday.
B. M. Thompson, of Kltnlra, is at the
Waverly house.
Tom B. Smith writes to his father
that he is amonc; his old school friends
In Chihuahua. Mexico.
Upon Invitation of MallcaTler Harry
Kennedy, a large number of his gen
tlemen and lady ' friends enjoyed a
sleighrlde to Factoryvllle.
Richard Cowled, of Jamaica, L. I.,
was the guest of his .brother, A. B.
Cowles, last Saturday.
Rev. A. Bergen Hrowe has recovered
from his recent Illness and held the
usual services last Sunduy at the Bap
tist c'liurch.
Rev. A. W. Reymilds preached nt the
Baptist church at Elnihitrst last Sun
day. Shaving, halt cutting and shampoo
ing at Martin Hold's barber shop.
Mrs. Thomas Kennedy, who was
taken seriously 111 Sunday morning, Is
A large number of our young people
attended the Christian Kndeavor con
vention at Dalton lust Saturday.
Rev. S. S. Kennedy, who has been
confined to the house with illness, Is
George K. Stevenson Is a candidate
for school director.
Miss Sadie Hoffman spent Sunday
with relatives at FMttston.
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Cease enter
tained their son. tleorge, his wife and
daughter. Myrtle, or Plymouth, Sun
day. Miss Flora Conner, of Plymouth, was
the guest of Miss, Fur.nle Ceuse last
Mrs. John Lurnxnith fell off the porch
Friday and sprt.iiied her arm..
C. W. Stiff and l?. 1. Harsch attended
the Odd Fellow' encampment ut
Plalr.i Friday evening.
Grandma Reldy Is slowly recovering
from her recent illness.
A leap year surprise was given Rob
ert Shulde Fridy evening. About
twenty couples were present. The even
ing was passed pleasantly, and at 10
o'clock refreshments were served.
Wlllnrd Alllnir and his cousin, Llda
McRUI, spent Sunday with their
The Wyoming Hose company's fair
and festival1 opened last evening. Al
though the weather was very cold the
hall was crowded, and the parties In
the i.tfferent booths were kept busy.
The greatest attraetton of the evening
was Kelly, the celebrated pig from Ire
land, whose sty was situated on the
left side of the hall, between the Ice
cream and soda booths. The numer
ous booths are handsomely trimmed
with orange, pink, blue and red. Booths
Nos. 1 and 2 consists of fancy work.
I'nlon services were held in the
Methodist Kpiscopal church Sunday
Miss Rena Boucher, of I'nlondale. is
visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
John Snooks.
Ucorge Tiffany has moved into the
house recently vacated by Jay Tuthlll.
Ulakelv council. Junior Order Ameri
can Mechanics, will attend divine ser
vices at the Methodist Kpiscopal
church next Sunday evening.
Mrs. George Innls and daughter,
Edith, of Carbondale, visited. Mrs. Em
ma Kendnll last Saturday.
- -
If the Baby ls Cutting T.-cth.
Mra. Wlnslow'u Soothing Syrup ha
been used for over Fifty Years by Mu
llens of Mothers for their Children
while Teething, with Perfect Success.
It Soothes the Child. Softens the Gums.
Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic and
Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold
by Druggists In every part of the world.
Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's
Soothing Syrup," and take no other
kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle.
Coughs, Colds, Pneumonia.
The Favorite Couth Cure. .
It cures where others fall. It Is guar
anteed to cure all lung and throut trou
bles. No cure; no pay. Kor eale everywhere.
Ask your dealer for It. Price, 25 cents.
Cured of Pain. in His Lung.
Anthony Veaxer i-otitrui'tor Z Hill
(tree-t. WIlkM-liarro. Pa.. Ray three bot
tles of Lr. Alexander's L:iiik Henler, the
famous coukIi mre, i-uieil me of asthma
ami pain In my lunKs utter pneumonli.
You can put me clown us a strun-r be
liever in Lung Healer. No cough medicine
like it.
dt' .vO
4L vyu
A 'BBV taV arJF alal Ba-aBk ,AmT
mora. Mo,
v r
1 a, M &
Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report
Passengers on the Vandalia "I'lycr
Have a Narrow Kscnpe.
Indianapolis. Feb. 17. The Vandalia
"ilyer," due In this city at 2.3.ri n. m.
today, narrowly escaped a frightful ac
cident at Kagle Creek, five miles west
of the city, this morning. The train
was running fifty miles an hour when
the Kagle Creek bridge was struck, and
as It passed on the bridge one of the
wheels of the tender broke, dropping
the tender, which was dragged over the
The train crossed the bridge In safety,
and. ns It reached the solid track, the
air brakes broke, setting the brakes un
der, ull the coaches und bringing (ho
train to an abrupt hal;. This was done
barely In time to prevent a headlong
plunge into the ditch.
Woman's Novel Method of learning a
' Dollar for tho Church.
Sprlngport, Mich., Feb. 17. Kadi
member of the local Christian Kndea
vor society pledged herself to turn Into
the treasury a dollar earned by herself,
and Mrs. Jennie Clay earned hers In
an unique way. Two tramps called ut
her house an-l Jemanded food anil lodg
ing. She v. , nt into a room. Rot her
husbund's revolver and ordered the
tramps to throw up" their hands, which
they did. She then commanded them
to march and started them for the vil
lage lockup, where they were cutted for
the night, in the morning they were
registered and allowed to depart. Airs.
Clay giving them breakfast.
She then .resented a bill to the vil
lage council "To arresting two tramps,
50 cents each, $1," and that body, utter
u good deal of humorous debute.ullowed
the bill.
Condensed Milk
Greatly Reduced Prices.
Corner Franklin Avenue.
AH ne away with by the nae ef HAJt-N
PATENT PAlNT, which oourta
f Ingredients well-known to all. It can be
applied to tin, galvanised tin, ahet Iron
raofa. also to brick dwellnge, which will
Bra-vent absolutely any crumbliac crack-
lac or Draaklna of tha brick. It will om-
Iat tlnnln nf in binrf ku m..
and lt'i coal does not exceed one-flfth that
f tho coat of tinning. la sold by tba Jo
9 ita
LA 7Ai 1.7 "Tiy Mano a
Veil Man
of Me.
prodaoM tho abST ratnlts In .10 days. It act) j
MvarfuHsand.-Uckly. curwi wh.n all otn.r. tell
Vaaaa Baa will ngtin loat mantaood. aad old ;
aua will laoo-nr their youtMul furor by ualm
WETITO. I ttlo(i; tad .urcly tmtorca Martou.
aaaa. Last Titalltr. Inpoioacr. Klcutly Eraiuions, I
Loa -, railiiia Mrmor-r, Wa-.lna DiaeaaM. ud j
all aaasaj of aaU-abtua or aioneaand indiaeration. '
sfclaa salt. on. tor at ody, biulBMa or marriaaa. II
oot saly earn ay rtarting at tba mat ot dlsaaaa, tut I
i atrial cert a taaln ud blood builder, briar
Ina back tba pink (law to pals chark and ra
.iiorina tha flra of youth. 1 ward, off 'ana-iity
sd Osatumptloo. In.'si ea kirim RKVIVO, no
Mbar. It ma ba carried la wet o(.krt. By aitil,
I .OO ar packua, or Hi tor tt.OO, witti po.1
! writtan eaarantoo to aaro oar a-ofund
haaaoaay. Clrcalufraa. iddTsai
a aat jf M atthaws Bras DJsla
Vrantoa . Pa,
uirnatte1 Cur fr
tutuuf youaz aatl iuitlli- '
icon aou wouier.. Tli :
wraiiB-iBw ntvj
rw. hut i
".. at'iu a-auiiii-f iuo a: iiir, wr a VI 1 fj 0 tbttl '
pBtlt-itt. UymKil,M.(i)r boxorO fr t Uh writ- '
fcM cnraiitf f -nre rr rtCUnd 1t mn.0.. gop '
. '"h-rv ' " - f- -"'.MJ.piw tmT' I
mfw sal by JOHN H. PHT5LP3. Tragm j
tB a 1, 11 , 1 iry. ri k i vn. nun -'iir"'n
TribiJD? Almanac 1896
1 JSaVt
fmomwrn aww
i :I
A complete assortment in all the latest effects. Shadings
in all widths, suitable for stores or residences.
Estimates Furnished.
In every parade Wiltons, Axminsters, English and
Domestic Brussels, Velvets and Tapestries at moder
ate prices; also Inlaid and Printed Linoleums, Corti
ceues and Oilcloth, two and four yards wide.
jf at af-a I 9plf9ll9nn9 Ivo
502 Commonwealth Building
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
Oaaeral Office: SCRANTON, PA.
"A 4Um mtd a aoflar tmrnt."
ialiiM,af iM.ilallMlT-i na I
a ' to. wa buum ua
onu.lw, UMrofora far
and If an
mm m
wa win iwm is moaw'
rtuMaaoUwrealr. van
wMla U, I. K, k XL
ktltM 1 to I awl aal
a. omafcwtlmt
m mill M aaa.
Csra Shoe CoSS
SpmmU Mrau lnuUn.
I... r-tA
m m.
I I1GH k
A tear aL'o we nut it in vour
Suits at lower prices than were
far an we know. Hotel and boarding Housekeepers were quick to see
tbc savin--, so were housekeepers --en era My. But we nieau to make
February, 181-0, even more memorable to Furniture Buyers, Unusual
conditions arc helping us to do it.
The New York Exposition display of "onr own make" of Parlor
Suits titty in all one of a kind. But the kind is right, frames of
Cherry, others are stutled, mostly upholstered in Urocatelle and
Hauiask. Judge the absurdly little prices. How rarely good the
values arc by these:
Parlor Suit
niece. and S pieces. tJ9 suit nt $!i.M;
$: iuilt at Si".: im suit ut : 7 ult at flu;
J?5 suit at Ku: tx Milt at W. ! -""it at 17 ;
f!l stilt ot fi; fVS, mill ut J9."; 10o Hult
at fUD.
Odd i:ay Chair and the I.Ike
parts of ilisrupte'l sult. but handy for
many u. rorm-r. ur- must a half.
HeJroom Suits
Mori" tlmn 40 sunipli-4. thivf Meii on the
prlr- y-.uirs. Hut notliini! hort of se-iim
tin- sullH can t.?ll lion rarH.v kuimI the val
urs are.
At $ig.oo tach
Soll.l oak aiiii'tup bnlroom sulta.
picL-us; lmreuti, lii In. hlfh. :a in. wiii. 1
NOTE THIS: Long credit puts comfort and
refinement into your house. Does it right
away NOW when you need it. Credit fur
nishes many a home that would otherwise slip
away leak out and bring nothing back. You
know CREDIT selling is our " hobby."
Cash or Credit
f 1
225. AND 227 AND
1 . ItrMY
Opp. Main Entrance Wyoming House.
Telephone 422
CALL Of 36a.
uiiauiy mi im uiiiiimothwi
M. W. COLLINS, fVI'g'r.
wav to biiv Parlor aad Bedroom
ever before made oil such goods, so !
in. :Wp; bevel mirror !)xlS In.: bedstead
lieiKlljoard. 74 in. IiIkIi: foutboajrd. fl In.
Iii-rh; wusliKiuiid. M in. hiarri. Xi In. wida,
17 in. deep; two cane chairs; 1 oaha rocker;
1 table, 1$ in. top square; 1 towel rack.
At $10.90 Each
Solid antique oak suit. 3 pieces; bureau,
'tii In. hlti. 42 in. wide, 3) In. daep: beveled
mirror, :'x:'5 in.; bedstead, Ti in. high,
lout board, 31 in. high; wuabstand, W la.
hltfli, Xi In. wide. J8 in. deep.
At Sii.qo Each
Solid anlliiue oak suit, sijuare xlze; bu
reau uml wushstuud as above, 4xfil lnv
bevel mirror; bedstead, 75 in. hifh; foot
board, ;ii in. hlgti.
Cash or Credit
n ininnioiir'
. Jfff