THJ5 MJKANTON TKlUUMJfi T U KM1A MOKNIMC. FEimUATtY IS, lSf0. V 3' VALENTINES. New and Elegant Styles. Large Variety of Novelties, Wholesale and Retail. New Society Stationery, . New Colors and New Shapes, in large variety of styles, "Orders for Engraving, Embossing or Printing Visiting Cards, Wedding or Social Invitations promptly executed at low rates. See our specimens and prices. NORTON'S, 322 Luckuwunua Ave. A Foe to Dyspepsia GOOD BREAD USE THE Snoi'jWe FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE TO THE TRADE BY Tho Weston Mill Co. Mrs. William Alney, of Foster, Is vM ItuiK .Mix. K. i. 1'clluwx, of Sumner uvt mtc. MIkk Hornet, of Hornet's Ferry, Is thi Kliest of .IImh Jennie Howell, of .Scrailton M reel. ' .Miss Klizaheth .Ionian, of this city, is vixltlnu" her brother, J'ustmiister Jordan, or I'atHons. Hon. Lemuel Aniermiin left ut S..V) yen. leiclM.v ufternoon for New York elty on a business trlii The .Misses Willinnis, of Mi.hlle tiran vllle, x. Y., ure the quests of Mrs. J. J. ltoliertH, of Holith .Muili avenue. Mrs. ". (', Ainey, of Luthrop. who has been the Kest of l'uitaln anil Mrs. K. J. I'VlloWH. returned home yestenluy. Miss Cora M. Cook, of South Alain avenue. Is vIsiIiir her sister. Mrs. '. 13. JircU, it ml frieinls. ut Northiimberliiinl. ..fosef.h Van Nort. who has been visit Iiik friends in .Mlililletuwn inni I'ohuim for the past two months, has returned in the el IV. Yonntf Men's Christian Assorlatlon Sec retaiies Muhy anil 1'earsull, of this elty, respomleil to tojsis at an association ban iuet ill .Muueh Chunk yesterday. WILL FORECLOSE MORTUAftK. l.cfal Step Takon Aculnst Mr. nnJ Mrs, A. B William. Kx-Canhior A. H. Williams, of the rraders' National bank, Is now beRin nltig to Buffer tho ciinsenuences of hit. unlucky venture In coal speculation. Attorney W. S. Dlehl yesterday hud an execution issued against Mr. Williams and his wife. Ida Williams, on a bond and mortsase of $10.0U0 Riven by them tu W. W. Watson, trustee for the Trad ers' National bank. The writ was placed in the hands of Deputy Sheriff J. I). Ferber and he served It In the af ternoon on the defendants. All thi iersonal property will be Hold, m-Ki aim ii ii uues inn urine: an amount Fiittlcicnt to cover the JudRinent. then the real estate will be sold for satis faction of the debt. on Sept. 11, 18!i, Mr. and Mrs. Will iams save a bond unil mortgage in the sum of $10.(MH) to Mr. Watson as trus tee for the Traders' National bank, on condition that he would maintain an In surance of not more 'han against Hiss or damage by Are to the premises occupied by them on Vine street. It was provided in the Indenture that if it any time default should occur on the part of Mr. Williams In the pay ment of the premium for the Insurance and the Interest on the bond, then judgment could be entered on the mort gage after sixty days hud elapsed from the time of such default. Tile property subject to the mortgage . Js. the lot forty feet front, forty feet In the rear and eighty feet In depth on Vine street, together with the building thereon. The premises are located at 612 Ine street, where Mr. Williams and family live. Tor Nervous Headache, l.'so llorsford's Acid Phosphate. Dr. V. A. Roberts, Watervllle. Ale.. Hays: "Have found it of great benefit In nervous diseases nervous headache, nervous dyspepsia, neuralgia, and think it Is giving great satisfaction when It is thoroughly tried." DON'T BE LED AWAY By so-called "Reduc tion" sales of "shop worn" goods, "job lots" and "left overs," WE GIVE YOU FOR A A Ladies' band made, tS aj c'eau stylish shoe V worth $4.00, WE OIVE YOU FOR Al Ladies' -fine Don- ''. gola utton an V lace up-to-date shoe worth $x.oo. But we cannot give you a $6.00 shoe for $3.00, nor can any other correct dealing merchant. I1K1 410 Spruce Strest KOEHLER VERY, VERY COLD WEATHER Tins Key ion Rxperienccs the Most Severe Wave of the Season. KELIEP IS PROMISED TODAY Scruatoa Was Hard Hit. but th Cold Wave' Was More Severe on lb Pocono aad North on tho Lackawanna Koad. The widest weather of the winter In this city and vicinity prevailed durlns the very early hours of yesterday morn ing and until the sun had cllinUd high in the heavens and tempered the wave at in o'clock. During the day it was cold, bitter cold, but the temperature, was a reat relief from that which ex lsted earlier. Scrantofi, however, did not fare so badly us did the towns on the l'.Hono and up along the Deyaware, Lackawanna and Western rutlroud. where the thermometers averaged pos sibly ten points lower thun here. . The sudden drop begun about mid night Sunday and at 4.K0 o'clock hud fnlcn to 14 degrees below wro in the central city. IK on the West Side. IT In the North Km), It in Dunmore and so 011 in proportion to the altitude until at Tobyhatina and other points on the t'ocono the reistry was from lift to Tl derecs. It was more severe than this a stunt distance north ofhere. being I' 4 degrees at Montrose and -B ut lilnR huinton. Coiikling and other pluee near the New York line. After sunrise there was a perceptible rise In temperature unci- at :i o'clock In the afternoon the weather wu.- comparatively mild at S degree above the zero murk. At 11 o'clock lust night the thermom eter In front of Phelps' drug store reg istered 8 degrees uhove. - At midnight it wus 14 degrees below ut TobyhIIUU mi the top of tin1 Pocono u ml aero, at Stroiulsliurg on the other sldehf the mountain. - '' ' Serious Uninuiio IHinc. 'l? v' There was no serious general flnnfc Ul',e done by the excessiv I'OlU III 111 city although there were numerous re ports of Individual discomfort and ex pense from the breakage of water pipes in houses and stores. The effect of the wave was purtiililarly noticlble mi the mail store trade, there being but lew shoppers venturesome enough to brave the biting uir. The steam unit street rail mad employes had anything but tin easy time of it and there were numer ous Instances of frostbitten lingers,' ears und toes. The severity of the weather may be imagined from the tact that the Jjicku wanmi river was siitliclently froaen in the North Knil and at Dodgetown lo permit skating, and the suiface of the stream at these two points was dotted by scores of delighted youngsters. Off: lug to tlie large quantity of sulphur water In the stream the water freezes only during the most severe weuther. fair Went tier for lojav. The government's) prognostication! received at The Tribune office at mid night indicated for today fair weather with partial cloudiness and snow Hur ries near the coast, a slowly rising temperature and easterly winds. De cidedly warmer weather Is promised for tomorrow. FETE WILL mSE TON Mi 11 T. There Waslii Good Attendance Last Night, Though a l ew of tlio Scats Were I'ltae cu pied -I'rngra mine forfonlnht. The extreme cold weather probably accounted for the fact that lust night's kirmesg audience did not completely till the Frothingliain theater. How ever, the unoccupied seats had nearly till been sold and the Home for the Friendless will not be much of a loser on account of the cold. As has been said of each preceding performance that of last night was "the best of nil." This statement has been truthfully made from day to duy and is readily understood from the fact that the dun- cers Improve with experience. So those who are fortunate enough to se cure seats for tonight will have the pleasure of seeing the best night of all, although all huve been good. The programme consiscted of four teen numbers and contained two chil dren's dances. It was as follows: Mir ror dance and dance of the troubadours, tableau and procession. Japanese dunce, Tyrolean peasant dance, dance of the follies, dance of the flowers and bees, Corsican saltorellu, drill of the Napoleon guards. Spanish caciiuca, serpentine dance, French court minuet and ga votte, military dance, dance of the Venitlan gondoliers, procession and tableau. Election Returns Will lie Oivcn. Tonight promises to be one of the star nights of the fete. While It is not an ticipated that the election will in any way affect the audience It is proposed to give the election returns by wards. These announcements will be made from the stage and In such a manner that the audience may be as well In formed of the result as would be the case in either of the political headquar ters. Without this feature the attendance would probably be as greut as on anv preceding night, certainly such ought to be the case, judging; from the follow ing very complete programme: Mir ror dance and dance of the troubadours, (the serenade, the rehearsal, the sur prise, dance of the peasants); tableau and procession, carnival dunce, horn pipe dunce (Juvenile), skirt dance (ju venile). Corsican saltorella, dance of the follies, Tyrolean peasant dance, serpentine dance. French court minuet and gavotte, Spanish cachui a, military fiance, tambourine (gypsy) dance of Riitimania, procession. Articles Will He Sold. After the dancing the donated arti cles remaining unsold will be sold at miction to the highest bidders. The voting contests, which will decide what chaperones and which specialty per former or singer are to possess the cut glass articles, will be decided. The .same rules that apnlied to the selling of tickets for lust night's per formance will be true of tonight. From 9 to 11 o'clock this morning the box of llce will lie open only to the holders of exchange tickets, and after 11 o'clock any person may reserve seats, boxes and loges. ' No little compliment has been be stowed upon the very clever leading of the marches and the other good work of Harry Newman, and it is unfortu nate on this account, if for no other, that certain report in connection with his uiipeurance should be falsely circu lated. It hus been said thut he'ref used to appear as court Jester unless for a compensation. This is not true, lie has not asked or suggested that he be paid. He ci formed the same duties so satisfactorily during last yeur's kir mess thut the present management sev eral weeks ago requested him to ap pear this year. He was obliged, to de cline on account of pressing business und personal demands. The managers unwillingly acquiesced in the matter and It was forgotten until after the first night's performance, when It was seen that a court jester was absolutely necessary. On this account, and though it seriously Inconvenienced him, Mr. Newman gave the kirmess his ser vices. The very artistic and complete pro grammes of the kirmess was compiled and designed by II. Jules Maillotix, and Is the product of The Tribune's job printing department. JANUARY ARfit'MK.Vr COURT. I.arjjo Number of Cases Called I'p Yester day for Hearing. January argument court begun yes terday morning, the three Judges on the bench. The argument on the rule for a change of venue In the trespass suit of John O. 'Jennings against the Lehigh Valley Railroad company, did not ma terialise. Attorney Cornelius Smith was not prcpuied with his deposition and the cne went over until next term of argument court. The list was pretty I well cleared yesti rday. The cases uls I posed of were as follows: Argued Amorce Mulley vs. G. H. Snoe mukcr. rule for new trial; B. K, Kiilim, executor, vs. 8. Cobb, executor, rule for new trial; Jneoh Harris vs. ISeorge t, Wil son, rule for new trial; Commonwealth of Pennsylvania vs. A. Frrdinundo. rule to reduce judgment: U C. Smith vs. Ring gold ltepuy, rule to open judgment; Pow ell fiomenieo vs. Iron City Mutual Fire Insurance company, rule for new trial; Charles Kelb vs. Scranton Traction com pany, exceptions to report of referee; K. K. Hurley vs. Delaware anil Hudson Canal company, exceptions to answer. Continued M. A. McCarthy vs. Martin Scanlan. rule to open Judgment; Ira T. Harber vs. Scranton Glass company, rule for new trial: Thomas Conroy vs. Delia Wagner, rule for new trial; John W. Itaab vs. W. A. Pearson, rule to take off satis faction: M. Cehren vs. Frederick Cramer, certiorari: D. It. Replogle vs. John J. Fahey. rule lo reduce attorney's commis sion; In re adoption of Anthony Seeger; W. 1 Conned vs. Mary X.nldler, rule to take off nonsuit: Klsle Conglns vs. J. Cogglns, rule for decree in divorce: J. Solomon & Son. vs. 11. I). Drlesen, rule to dissolve attachment; John Horn vs. Ma tilda Horn, rule for alimony; Winton Coal company vs. Paticonst Coal company, rule for new trial; Wllllum K. Mathews vs. Ullle Mathews, rule for decree in divorce. The case of A. Slsk against C. D. Wall: that' of W. I,. Hetts against the Scranton Hase I la II association, and of Isaac Swope & Co. against O. (1. N. Turnqnest, were settled. In the rule to dissolve attachment In the cuse of I rc. i.owies t o. vs. k. .Moses, ui' rule was made absolute; In the rule to strike off lien In John 1". Buker vs. Bridget Atkinson, the rule was discharged, and in the exceptions to the answer of the. borough council, of Olyplmnt In the matter of the. board of health of the same borough, the exceptions were over ruled. t'OUIXti ATTRACTION'S. One illstlnKUlshed peculiarity of Annum, the wonderful Impersonator of the Troc aderu 1'iiudcvllles. Is his remarkable tm eess In compressing or expanding hli body so us to follow the physical trend of the chareters hr impersonates. The Instant he faces I hi audience in such char acters as Napoleon or lieiierul Harrison, he manages to give an exuet imitation of their physical peculiarities, mode or stand ing and gestures. The peculiarity of lieii erul Han Hun's bearing when before the public Is most fall hf ally delineated. Dur ing the past summer Aniunii hud fre quent opportunities lo witness Mr. Wil ton Luckaye's remarkable Impersonation of "Sveiiijali" in the play of 'Trilby" and lie Is making a feuture of It during the present season. Jt Is even more weird nud typical than the actor's conception. The 'i'rucailero Vaudevilles, w ith the peer leys Sandow at the head, will be ul the FroihiiiKhum next Thumday night. 1 H II' -j "My Wife's Friend," a bright comedy written bv Fred. .Marsden, and Inter polated by William C. Andrews and a company of metropolitan light comedians, will lie seen ut the Academy of Musk: to nlght. The play might have ben French or I'.nglisn, you know, but It is not. It is purely American, but following the for elun school which of late has been the fad. Can anyone Imagine a touch of "HoKe mla" in Kllzubeih, N. J. The up-to-date youth is quite gay, and the girls well we all admit thai Jersey Is famous for peach es.' The piny is of high order, the mount ing and the costuming will be rich and costly, and the lines und action strictly in keeping with society comedy. il !' II Of nil the works that Paul M. Potter has dramatized, his "Trilby" Is the great est. It is great in more senses than one. It is great ill that he out-illil Du Muiiri er, the HUtlior of the great novel. He has done his work well. He has never reached a higher plane of excellence. He -wus in perfect accord with Du .Maurier, caught absolutely the spirit of the book, knew thoroughly the characters, und made not a mistake bit presenting them 111 action. His dramatization Is unique in the sense that he makes Trilby leave Utile Hillee, not in a sell-sacrltlclng way or because she promised to do so. but liecnuse she wants to. lie puts the heroine complelely tinder the mesmeric influence of Hvangali, and, if anything, by so doing Improves the development of the plot. Considering the fact that A. M. Palmer has put one of his greatest companies In the piece, and that It Is superbly stuged by William A. Brady, It should prove to be the most memorable production ever seen at the Academy cf Music, where It will be seen on Wednes day and Thursday evenings and Thursday afternoon. This Is positively the only visit of "Trilby." All should take this oppor. tunllv of seeing the beautiful Play admir ably 'acted by a company of first-class players. 3I1SS HOVi:i.TS AT HOME'. It Was Held Yesterday nt Iter Residence on Scran-on Street. Miss Jennie Howell gave an "at home" yesterday from 4 to 6 at her residence. 1(114 Scranton street. The guests numbered the best people of West Side society. Miss Howell was asslted in receiving and entertaining by Misses Hnwett, l.ewis, Stevens, the Misses Hlulr. Mott, Shively, Herrmans, Davies, Mason, Williams. Annie Kdwards, Chalmers, Mrs. O. W. Phillips, Mrs. J. J. Koherts. Mrs. M. U Hliiir. Mrs. II. C. Wallace, Mrs. Thomas Kichards, Mrs. C'rutten dcii and Mrs. J. Itrown. Clarke had charge of the decorations and Handle) was caterer. Orchestral music was furnished by Oppenheim's, of Wllkes Harre. The affair was a very elaborate one. Pillshury'B Flour rni.'.s have a capac ity of 17.500 barrels n day. Smokers. beware of Imitation of the Pocono cigar, (lorney, Brown & Co. We Have Nailed Bargains On the front of ottr store. April i we move to 303 Lackawanna avenue, so now the floods must go. Cost or less. Don't want to see them damaged moving, and besides, how much better to open with everything new. Below are four samples of the way we shall sell: nniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiniii'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Silverware Near the door a table full of Butter S lllshes. Cake Basket and odd piece of S ........ 5 Tea Sets. oar pick for 5 $ .00 Worth double or more.' IIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Tea Spoons Rogers 1H47. None better made. Vou have paid from Si.JJ to $3 for same. Fifty sets to go at 90' How Is your table ware t nniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiuiiiiiuiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiw REXFORIJS, i 213 Lackawanna Avenue. TREY WANT TG SELL L umber of Applications Filed with tlic Clerk of the Cottrts. KILL BE CONSIDERED MAKCH 9 Total dumber of Applications Tiled Is 657 and of Tlicso U2 Ave for Hotel Licenses No Petitions from the Twelfth Ward. License court will be in session the week bginnlng Monday, March 9. add ourinpr that time tin; hearings of pett I Hons for privilege to sell liquor will cn- cage the attention of the judges. Yes terday was the last allnked by law for I flllnK Tuitions with the clerk of the i courts, and up to the hour of closing , the oflii-e 857 petitions hud been record- cd. Of these 4'M were for hotel licenses, 104 for restaurant licenses, IS for bot tler's) licenses, 17 for wholesale liquor licens?! and S for brewers' licenses. The Kightti ward of Scranton furnished the i largest number, anil outside the city Old Forge is the banner district. The number by districts throughout ' the county is as follows: Archibald, la hotels. 5 restaurants and '1 bottlers: lilukely 3 hotels ii ml 2 restaurants; Henton. 1 hotel; Carbondale township, 4 hotels. 3 restaurants and 1 wholesale; Carbondale city, 17 hotels, restaur ants, i bottlers and " wholesale: Clifton township. 1 hotel; Dutton, 1 hotel; Dick son, " hotels, '1 restaurants, 1 bottler. Application from Unnmore. Dunmore, .'!!) hotels. X restaurants, 2 bottlers und I wholesale; Klniliurst, il hotels: Fell township. hotels, 6 res taurants and 2 wholesale; tlleiiburn, 1 hotel; Ureenlleld. 1 hotel; Jermyn. 10 hotels, 4 restaurant. I bottler; Jeffer son. I hotel; Lackawanna township. 15 hotels, . restaurants: Madison. 2 hotels; MuytiKl, (i hotels, II restadruuts; old Forge. 41 hotels. X restaurants, 1 bot tler; t Uy pliant, :i:i hotels, lo restaurants. 1 bottler and 1 wholesale; Hansom, 1 hotel; Roaring Hrook, 1 hotel; Scott. I hotel; Wavcrly, 1 hotel; Winton, S2 ho tels and 2 restaurants: South Abington, 4 hotels; Throop, IS hotels and I res taurant: Taylor, 1!) hotels and 11 res taurants. Scranton First wnrd. 13 hotels and 4 restaurants; Second ward, 13 hotels, 1 restaurunt unil 2 bottlers; Third ward, 1 hotel: Fourth ward, 7 hotels and restaurants; Fifth ward, 12 hotels, 1 restaurant and 1 bottler; Sixth ward, 5 hotels: Heventh ward. 5 hotels. 1 res taurant and 1 bottler; Kighth ward, 48 hotels. -K restaurants, 1 bottler and wholesalers; Ninth wnrd, 3 restaurants and 1 Dottier: Tenth ward, 4 hotels: F.leventh ward, 10 hotels, 5 restaurants and 1 Dottier. Thirteenth wnrd. 3 hotels. 1 restaur ant ami 1 wholesale; Fourteenth ward, 20 hotels; Fifteenth ward, ti hotels; Six teenth ward, 10 hotels, 2 restaurants and 1 -wholesale; Seventeenth ward. 3 hotels. 1 bottler and I wholesale; eigh teenth ward, 10 hotels; Nineteenth ward, 1 hotel and 1 restaurant: Twen tieth ward, 2 hotels, 1 bottler and 1 wholesale; Twenty-lirst ward, 1 hotel. Applications for lliewcrs' l icenses. The "brewers' licenses applied for are: Curbomlale. Third ward. 1; Dickson, 1; Dunmore, 1; Scranton, F.leventh wurd, 3; Thirteenth ward, 1; Fourteenth ward. 1 . , , The features of license court will be the fact that Captuln John Horn, of the Thirteenth ward, has not applied for a license and that there ure no peti tions rrum the Twelfth ward. The number of petitions this year is one greater than last year. TIMi: EXTENSION REFUSED. Vallev Supply Water :nmpnnv Was Dismissed. Jude Archbald yesterday dismissed the iir,(llcatlon of the Valley Supply company, of Carbondale, for an exten sion of time in which to construct its works, reservoirs, pipes, machinery and other appliances. The company was chartered on Aug. 11. 1X871 and the place called or known as Stillwater on the Lackawanna river near Its source wns where the water was to he procured from. The condi tions of the charter required the com nanv to proceed about the construction of the works and have them finished within seven years. The works were not finished and the application was for an extension of time. The court did not see fit to grant It, and now the rights of the company are null and void. THE T'F.OPLR BRL1KVR what thfiy read aPout Hoods HarsunarlllH. They know that it is an honest medicine, and that It curse disease. That Is why you should only get Hood s. HOOIVS PILLS cure II eve constipation and 20c. all liver Ills, re assist digestion. The store of E. Moses, 11!) Wyoming avenue, will be closed until further no tice on account of the death of his mother-in-law. MrV M. A. Lobben- stein. who died very 'suddenly this morning at S.30 o'clock of heart failure, Funeral notice later. s Pictures Hundreds nicely framed. They w ill go. Such prices never before seen. We want to tell you ut soo Engravings, samples, ,,nleer m.d . i.ule. 10" "W orth 35c to 50c each. Watches S Complete tine from little silver ones at 3 J-7S to solid gold st $75. all marked S down like this a $-2.90 i B tor a 7-Jeweled Elgin in ncal case. Do 5 yu know Elgin prices f That Mn and Mrs. Fowler Had Despaired of Living? THEY ARE PICTl RES OF HEALTH But the Time Was When They and Their Chil dren Saw Little Chance for Llfe-A Qreat Remedy to the Rescue of the Family. At Mechanlcsvllle. N. Y.. midway be tween the Chninpialn cannl anil the Hudson river, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fow ler live. Mr. Fowler is a prosperous painter and as healthy and hearty a looking man as one usually sees. Mrs. Fowler Is a tine specimen of woman hood and unllke-one whose lite has been at any time In danger. Vet not only Mrs. Fowler, but her husband also, would both have lost their lives had not the Hemedy been handy. They were recently visited, and when their former trouble was referred to Mrs. Fowler said: "Yes. my life was saved In the man ner you heard. I consider Dr. Acker's F.nglish Hemedy one of the greatest benefits to mankind. But for It 1 would have been dead lonir ago. hix years ago l was taken down with a severe attack of bronchitis und lung trouble. Tho pain In my chest and lungs was terrible. I could scarcely move, and stooping was so painful as to be out of the question. 1 was persuaded to try Dr. Acker's lish Kemedy, and after taking one bot tle I was greatly relieved, and the pain nearly left me. The second bottle cured me permanently. "We always give it to the children when they huve a cough or cold," added Mrs. howler, "and we would not be without it for anything. My sister, ns well as myself, have found out that it is a irrand cure fur coughs, colds and pneumonia. Hosts of friends around us know of It on our recommendation. It cures all of them." The above sounds like a very remark able experience, but we have similar warm words of praise from thousands of others. UOLOR ED PEOPLE CAN ACT. Company of Them (Jive Old Tennessee at Davis Theater Yesterday. After the first act of "Old Tenncsee." which played at Davis' theater yester day, the applause of the audience com pelled a re-lifilng of the curtain. The show Is a good one. It serves among other things to prove what colored peo ple can do in the way or furnishing an entertainment. F.rnest Ilogan, a col ored man, Is tin actor of more than or dinary merit. The Ringing is of the genuine plantation variety, and as dancers, some of th mule members of the company are hard to equal. Ev erything was given with surprising realism. The scuffle of "t'ncle Pete," Mr. Ho- gan, and the villain "Stoeorone," c, H. ('line, was natural to an exceptional de gree. There is an interesting pbjit in the play, and the Incidentals, such ns the "Abolition Club," etc., are very well arranged. The performance will repay a visit. Il will be repented to night and tomorrow night with daily matinees. Hoy's KlRht Arm Cut Off. Thomas Cnvanaui'h, a 1i!-yenr-old boy. f Pawnee street, had his right arm cut off while trying to steul a ride on a Lnckawuima coal train siinuay utternoon. The lad wus treated by l)rs. Donne and Sullivan. 1)1 ED. niTKLEV In Scranton, Feb. 1". 1S!Ki. Peter Buckley, ayeii ic. niuerui ..ii-Mifum r nVlni'k from his lute residence, lm Marlon street. Ser vices ut St. Paul's church and burial at llyile Park catholic cemetery. HORN. GRIFFIN To Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Grlf fin, of Piicehurg, n girl. - - - .VI A Kit I ED. WKTHKRBY At Peekvllle, Pa., Feb. 1.1, Is'.e;. liurwiu Gardner and Miss HelenetheHiy. la mneincrp a failure? You will cer talnly agree with us that It is not after you nave lasen a iook ai me cnoicc carpets and draperies at Siehecker & VI UlKllls . Re)nolds Bros., Hotel Jermyn, Wy oming avenue. Puy the Weber and get the best. At Guernsey Bros. Then Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla. IVIien she was a Child, she cried for Castorio. When she became Miss, she clung to C'ustoria. When sue had Children, she gave them Castorla, ALTERATION A GREAT MARK DOWN IN DRESS GOODS LOT 1 New line Wool Challies, Dresden and Persian effects, only LOT 2 For children, large assortment of checks, all wool, LOT 3 For Ladies' Waists, House or Street Dresses, a great variety of Fine Suitings, reduced from 6o and 75 cents, LOT 4 Your choice of all our very best Novelty Dress Goods, worth from 75c to $1.25, 59 cents LOT 5 All our handsome Dress Robes At Half Price iuiEAHS d H AGE 415 Lackawanna Avenue. There Are Some Things That arc everywhere recognized as the very best of their kind. They are the standards. Others may be good, but the genuine al ways commands respect and evokes admiration. You have heard of Haviland & Co.'s French China, Maddock & Co.'s Royal Vitreous, Homer Laughiin's White Granite. These arc a few of the many makes we carry in open stock, of which you can select such pieces as you w ish. Toilet Sets, Lamps, etc Wedding Presents. China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, 134 WYOBIIIfi AVENUE. Walk In and look ut-otiuJ. WE Don't Follow the Leaders. WE Lead the Followers. . . . . KNOX.. SPRING . . HATS M'CRNN THE HATTER, 205 WYOMING AVENUE. . . IN Ml AND WE THINK that we liave the choicent, new est, cleunest, best selection you run find any where. IN QUALITY we partlciilnry excel, and onr PRICBS, marked in plain figures, are legiti mate and, yoa will find by comparison, a little lower than anything coinpotitiuu oflers. Jut look them over and see. P. M'CREA & GO, Coal Exchange. 128 Wyoming Ave. TAKE CARE & wiwn you am troubleo wlt OF YOUR EYES fa-narssss BL'Kli'S and hare your eye. examined lrea. We have reduced priee and aru th lowest la the city. Nickel apeutaclei from SI to gala fromWtflH. 305 Sprue Street. Scranton, Pa. 12 J cents 19 cents 39 cents 9 SALE HI IWIKIIIS in the prices of AND Overcoats Don't buy until you see our prices. STKINWAY SON'S . . Acknowledged the Leading PIANOS Ol the World. DRCKER BHOS., KRANICHB BACHB and other. ORGANS Musical Instruments. Husical Merchandise, Sheet Music and Music Books. Purchaser will always find a complete stock and at prices as low as the ejuaU ity uf the Instrument w ill permit at I A. HIT'S nusic STORE, 117 Wyoming; Ave. - Scranton We Have On Hand THE BEST STOCK IN THE CITY . . Also the Newest. Also the Cheapest Also the Largest. Porcelain, Onyx, EtJ Silver Novelties in Infinite Variety. Latest Importations. Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds. fl. E. ROGERS, Jeweler and Watchmaker, 215 Lackawanna kn Winter Will Soon Be H?r? And to be prepared to meet the oold weather yoa want a aeasouaUa Suit a n Overcoat or both AND THE BEST PLACE TO VISIT FOR SOMETHING GOOD IN MERCHANT TAILORING 406 Lackawanna Ays. THERE YOU WI(X FIND The largest stork to select from. Trlaa mlugs Alwnya of the Hest, Latest ! In CnttiiiK, and made up en the prs-aise by Expert Workmen. CJT-Notbliig allowed to leave the stab llahment nnlesa satisfactory to the cus tomer, and tbe lowest prices eonslateot with Good Merchant Tailoriuif. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET Tbe Finest la the City. The latest improved faraitaV ligs and apparatus tat it, butter and eggs. I 223 Wyoming Av. TAR CUM Cures Colds, Lyi Out LuG-rlpps, Cures Incipient Consumption. Manufactured by G. ELMEX DORF, Etmira. N. Y., and for tate by the trade generally. MEGARQEL & C0NNELL, Wholesalo Igeftts, Scrutei, Ii Suits Clothiers. Mdmis IS r J