TIIe'scrAXTOX TKIinTXE MONDAY MOIWIXO,: FETIRUARY 17,-HWG. CARBONDALE. fReadm- w;11 please not that i1vertle. meiit, onlers for Job work, and Item for publication left at the establishment of Shannon & Co., newsdealers. North Main t reft.- will receive prompt attention; of Bee open from ( a. in. to 10 p. ni.) SURPRISE PARTIES. Thomas I'avica and .Mr. and Mrs. Shelly Receive I nexpeotcj friends. Thomas Davis, of Church Htrwt. was surprised at hlH home by a Iri'Kk num ber of youiiir friends. A il.llehtf.ul rye nliig was spent, Rami and mustt- Im-Iiik features. HefreshtnentH were wrvetl. Those present wore Mr. ami Mrs. Jamen Steel, Mrs. Samuel Unvles. Mrs. Jo seph Kobinsoh. Mrs. "3olin Kdwartls. Mlssess Alie Price, Kilith Buckland. Lulu Phillips. Luttle Phillips. Carrie Howoy, Hho'la Lewis, Nettie Ham-steln.AnnleKvans.l-lnii 'tatvaut.Lottie Hedden. Thomas Budd. (leorse Howoy. Aithtir Johnson. Thomas Kvans, Sam uel Kvans, and Daniel Jones. The t'nllowinjr friends of Mr. William Shelley, of ir,ti Park, street, recently mnile tliein n plensant visit: Mr. and Mis. John flibba, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ollilis. Mr. and. Mrs. Kiihaid tiibbs. Mr. ami Mrs. Kstnbnioke, Mr. and Mrs. Munrist. Mr. and Mrs. Urisjr. Mr. and. Mr. and Mrs. ' Downlnfr. Mrs." Decker, fleornte Shelley, and Willinm l.area-, jr. A happy evening was spent. lames and muslf.were Induced In. Supper was served at II o'clock. After partak ing of the excellent repast, Mrs. John ;ihl)S. In o. very neat speech, presented Mrs.. Shelley with a valuable rocking chair, uml she suitably replied, thank ing her many friends. BICYCLE CMB SMOKER. Wheelmen I njojr an l.vening in the llorb of the Tramp. The lilcycle club hud one of their most suceesftil smokers ut their met ln Krlduy night on Church street. It was u true trump smoker uud u Ktutid Success. The cusluines Were linilie and were in true hobo style, the ciuzy patch work being prevalent ii nil nil the tramps were imrecngnir.ull'. The trumps were His. Jenkins and I Jay, Joseph Oilhool.V. und H. C. Kstubrooke, l. b. Samson, M K. 1 Linden, (Jefiine James. Churles Shurluck. Jianlel Scur ry, Uenjuinin Puny, l'runk Klbrecht, Liii len Irwin. Henry Merry. Klrt VVb k lime, Octiimtis Williams. Jeweler Kly, Isaac SwiKer. Joseph tiirs, J. Hurry Jtowslnn und others. Candidates on the Kepnblioun ticket were present und the rommittee on lin unce und taxation paid particular at tention ti these Reiitlemen, Treasurer Cramer. . K. Spencer, the eotniliK con troller. Hubert Carter, the mayor, who declared that when elected, he would have all the trumps arrested, und upon leaving; promised he would be in favor of Rood loads. Others were lined, In cluding John Von Keck. The committee of an aiiKi-mi'lits for this enjoyable smoker was Isaac Sing er, J. I. I'urken, Oscar Woonucott. Andrew Mitchell and Dr. Wheeleiv si.r.iciiK-inr. parties. Young People l:njoy the Winter Scenery in Suburban localities. OenrjTo t Wilis, of Park street, took a fllelgh louded with children for a sleltthrlde to Forest City last Saturday afternoon. A pleasant time was Riven theyoutiK tines. Those present were: l.uura f.lbbs. Ilurrv lillibs. Charlie (illibs. Willie 111)1. s. licit Clbbs. Nellie lilbbs. Willie Shelley. Frederick Lelm, Margaret Lewis, May Hannah Lewis, Krunk Hates, Sarah Duvles. lOmi'i'suti Wutkins. Helen Wat kins. Nelson Wat kins, Surah Jane I in vies, Marchell Cony. Muniie Wilts, Kdlth Wilts. Liz zie Price, Kimlce Williams. Jennie Wllllums, Mamie Williams. Helen Ks tnbrooke. Kvelyn Hates. Hind win le vies. Johnnie Wilts,. Walter (Wilis, Fred Morris. Kitty (liittiths, Vavolu Sullivan. Willie Oritllths. The following iicrsons enjoyed n slelghriili to South Canaan Thursday evening: Mesdames and Messrs. An drew Van Holder, L. Thorpe, William ConririKht, John Neil. S. L. Carlton, Hert Mrownell, Spencer Cotirtrlght. Mesdames Chester Wright, Martha Cruig. Uenrge Chapman. Susan Vin cent, Philip t'nurtright. Misses KUen CnurtiiKlit. I'.elle Kirliy und Chester Carlton. PERSONAL AM) OTHER ITEMS. ' The books of the public library are beinK placed on the shelves in the new room in the city building. The Delaware and Hudson miners In tile city will be paid today. Kdward Hryant, of Scranton, palled on friends Saturday. Joseph Flore, the wonderful young flute' and piccolo player of the Mozart orchestra. Is now in school, having been taken from the Coalbrook breaker, and Ids friends are determined that he shall be given nn opportunity to develop his talents. Kichard Croft had the misfortune to linve his leu fractured In u wrestling bout. Miss Mary Itriilgett entertained a few friends Friday night in honor of Miss Louise Cochrane, of Toronto, Can. Those present were Miss Mary and Scrofula Broke Out On our boy when baby. We gave bin much treatment without avail. Noticing In the papers Hood's Sareapartlla was rec immended for scrofula and blood diseases rs gave it a trial.. We soon saw change or the better. He bss taken four bottles Hood's Sarsaparilla sud is now entirely well, hearty and free from all scrofulous symptoms. I have also taken three bottles for nervous heed svne snd catarrh. It gave me great relief." Mm. T. M. Smith, Kuther Glen, Va. LJI'a Dlll Fur lbtual cun.Upa. nOUU S rlllS ties. Priretteesia, T TSALE I..VXI yards of Carpets, from A toK , yards In each piece. conniatinif of the following Beat Make: $ .85 Tapestry Carpet for 35c 1.15 Body Brussels for 50c 1.25 Velvet Carpet for 65c 1.1$ Moquatte Carpet for . - 65c 1.35 Axminster Carpet for 75c SALE TO CONTINUE FOR SIX DAYS ONLY Terms Cash During This Sale. J. SCOTT I NG LIS di9 Lackawanna Ave. Coughs, Consumption. . The greatest cause of terror of j .1 .!.. I.. I me present ua)i luimviiv iuh sklered hopeless, is now conceded by the best physicians as curable under proper conditions. Its cause a depleted condition of the system ; a mal-asstmilalion of food ; a va:-tiii away of the tissues ; an impoverishment of the blood. The result a diseased condition of all the organs of the body ; a formation of eating ulcers ; and the result death from collapse or hemorrhage. But the cure is Bovinine that greatest concentration into the lesst possible bulk of the vital elements of lean, raw beef. It is absorbed and nourishes with the least possible effort on the part of the stomach. It creates new tissue, enriches the blood, makes flesh, and by strengthening the great vital centres of the body enables them to perform their functions in a natural man ner, and dispel disease. Thou sands owe their life to its use. Katie iullu:hy, tlertrude Collins, An nie Mlssett and Annie Ituike. of this eity. und Miss Cochrane, of Toronto; Krunk 1. Kelly. J. K. Urennun. John and Charles llildiiett. Thomas Mlssett. Joseph Mill rln and Dr. W. II. Metiruvv. Krie Trark Koreinuu James o'Huyle Injured his foot yesterday und he will he luid no for several duys. n Krlduy evenitir. Keliruury 21. will lie held at the KrotliliiKhuii). the testi monial to lie iflvell Jnliii T. Watkins. P.ox ol!lee optiis Wednesday morning. Tickets can he iiunhased of w. U. Kvuns. John llcritun. Will Ityrne and ut Kirliy 's store. HAWwEV, The Kiiworth l,canue held n very 1st tenstlns literary meetliiK in their rooms at the Methodist Kpiseoiiul church nil Krlduy eventiiK. There was u iilcnsiuir inoKrumme consisting of in strumental duets, solos and essays. The principal feature of the evening was u debute, the subject of which was. "Uesolved, there is more pleasure In a bicycle than in a horse." Some contest ants were unable to be present. Mr. I.lloyd Cooper of the utlirmutive was placed ut ruther u disadvantage huviriK two opponents. They were Professor Creasy and Miss lielphine Hanlels. Mr. Cooper preserved his self-posseslon re markably considering the circumstan ces under which he was placed. The subject was ubly discussed by both sides, the Kronnd had been covered so well, that when the Judges. John S. Welsh, District Attorney M. M. Tread well and William C.renu. retired to de cide us to '.he winning side, it was rather doubtful as to which would win. They soon returned and cave their de cision In favor of the utliruuttlve. The Miinnerehor society held their annual niasiUerade liaHTbursdiiyeveii Iiik; ut the Star link. The lirownies were well represented, und the hall was crowded. The event was one of the most enjoyable u flairs of the sea son. The funeral of Mrs. Hurharu McAn drew. aired X3 years, was held at !.:! o'clock Krlduy mornimr at St. Phllo menla's church, and was attended by a lunte number of friends, of which u number were from out of town. In terment was made in the Catholic cemetery. r.rtitus Woodward, who fell from a loud of buy injurins; himself quite ser iously several weeks iiko, died very suddenly at his home at Winding Hill on Tuesday moriilnR. The doctor pro nounced the cause of death to be heart failure. The funeral took place at 1 o'clock Krldny afternoon uud was at tended by a large number of friends from Hawley and Cherry Itidjre. In terment was made at Cherry Itidfre. The report und shock of a terrible explosion was felt here at ."." o.clock Saturday afternoon which was prob ably thut of the powder magazine at Jeiinyn. Houses shook, the earth trem bled for several seconds w hich created much excitement. Men. women and children could be seen lininliix In nil direction inquiring thP cause of the explosion. Mr. S. I), lllshon, of Oenrtjetown. at tended the masquerade ball here Thurs day eveninit. Mr. Kloyd r.ldwell. of Arlington, called on friends here this week. Miss Amelia Pnnekert. of Carbondiile. visited ntnonn her friends here this week. !us f fennel, of llingnumton, is homo on n visit. HONESDALE. "The I.oun of a I.over" nt the opera house this- (Monday) evening for the benent of the Med Men. The annual ball follows the play. Admission tick ets, ,'i0 cents. A rumor was circulated about Hones ilale Saturday thut Leopold Keurth had sold his restaurant. Mr. Keurth denies the rumor. Mrs. John X. T.owis has . returned home after several days' ubsence. Mrs. V. M. Gardner and sister. Miss Helen 10. Deeu. attended the kirmess at Scranton Saturday. Mrs. Gilbert White entertained a number of UulBi at her iieech I.ako cottage Saturday. George Meyer, who recently resigned his position with Menner & Co.. leaves today for Pouirskeepsie. where he will take a business course. ARCHIBALD Our townspeople will no doubt re member the testimonial to be given Mr. John T. Watkins on Krlday evening next. K-eb'. Li. at the Krothinghnm. The box ollice opens Wednesday morn ing. Judging from the progrumme which appeured in Saturday's Tribune the concert will be of n very high order. A large number of our people will no doubt attend, as Mr. Wutkins is u prime favorite in Archhald. having ut one time been director of the .choir at St. Thomas' church. His excellent singing has been enjoyed nn numerous oeeuslons. AVOCA. Mrs. Bridget Conway, of the North Knd. died on Saturduy afternoon at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Thomas Atkinson. Deceased was about 80 years old and a respected resident of the town. She Is survived by a hus band and three children, namely, Mrs. Thomas Atkinson, Mrs. loftus and James Conway, of Buffalo. The funer al will take rilace this morning at 9.:w o'clock with a requiem muss at St. Mary's. Interment will be made In IJunmore eemetery. The m a ni age of Miss Kni.na Juniper and Samuel Kuecht. both of Dupont, was solemnized at the Methodist Rpis ropal parsonage on Krlday evening, Uev. J. It. Wagner officiating. The bride and groom will reside at Dupont. Mrs. Klchnrd Boer and Mrs. Thomas Johns, of ilichmonddale. are spending u few duys with friends in town. .Mrs. Major uud daughter. Kuth. are guests of Airs. Major's parents, Itev. and Mrs. Wagner, of this plnce. Mrs. C. Steginuier. of Wllk-s-T!arre, and Mrs. Kdward Hawls. of Williams port, have returned home after siiend ing a few days with Mrs. C. Druffner. A pleasant surprise- party ii'iia ten dered Mii-g l.ydia Connor on Krlday evening; ut her home on tSrove street. The party numbered about twenty-tlve couples and were entirely unexpected. Miss Connor, however, proved herself equal to the task of entertaining the vast assemblage and proved herself nn admirable hostess. She was able as; sistfd by her sisters. Helle and Teresa. A bountiful repmit was served and an excellent :inigranime of vocal and in strumental music was rendered. Many people from out of town were present. John Hoase. of South Main street, has embarked in the butcher business. He has purchased the llxtures and now occupies the pluce formerly occupied by Joseph Held. Misses Murphy and O'Malley, of Oly phant. are guests of Miss IJelle Connor, of Grove street. Misses B. and Mary Kellley, of Dun more, spent Saturday at the home of Miss Mamie Kearney. Colonel Boies, of Scranton, will de liver a lecture milled, "Moslem Hide In Turkey,"for the benefit of the 1-adlen' Aid society of Moosic at the Presby terian church on Tuesday evening. TAYLOR, Miss Klla I.lnney. who Is paying her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Llnney, of South Taylor, a visit, has been at tacked by sickness. The party and choir are leaving noth ing undone in the line of preparation for the great coming competition. They hud an excellent rehearsal yesterday. An union meeting will be held to morrow evening by the Christian En dtuvor societies of this place at the Methodist Kplscopal church. An excel lent time Is expected. If this meeting will be a duplicate of the last, the ex pectations will transform into fucts. Chins No. or the Methodist Episco pal Sunday school are making prepara tions for an entertainment und soclul to be held under their auspices on Keb. 'IS. Itev. Jones and family spent yester day at the home of J. K. Hess, of Provi dence. M. M. Williams Is con lined to his home by sickness. A large crowd congregates In the rink on Suturduy evenings to skate. The nexi debute between the Price Library und the Calvury Baptist so cieties will take place on March 10 at the Calvary Baptist church. Subject, "Which did the most irood to his coun try, George Washington or Abraham Lincoln?" The teuchcrH received their montly stipend last Krlday evening. Owing to the great demand for seats foi John T. Watkins' testimonial at the Krothltighuni next Krlday evening, you must reserve your seats early Wednes day morning. Get your tickets nt Kecse's drug store. John It. Johns. Henry Harris, James K. Watkins und Dr. W. II. Hurrls. This will be the greatest concert ever held In Scranton. Who would think fifteen years ago thut John, who wus u miner boy, would to duy be the recipient of such a testi monial and soon to be a student ut the Royal Academy of Music, London. Ills numerous friends in Taylor will turn out In large numbers to do honor to their one-time fellow slate picker, driver boy and runner. ELMHURST. Mrs. Cora Olds wus called to Moscow hist Thursday to nurse Itev. Mrs. A. D. Duvbl. who Is very III. Washington cuinp, No. L'xo. of this place, succeeded in instituting a new camp at Mt. Cobb Krlday evening lust. District President A. J. Colborn, Jr., assisted by J. K. I'.ttUtnelster and sev eral other members of Camp In stalled the iiew'olllcers elect. The ceremonies were cnncluifc'd about 2 o'clock Saturday morning, after which Brother Colborn delivered a masterly address to the new camp and visiting brethren. Supper was served by the new brethren and a most enjoyable evening was spent. The initiating team was composed of members of this camp uud comprised President W. C. Dun ning. Vice-President B. D. Cooper, Master o' Kin'ins H. S. Finn, Conduc tor L. Neal. Secretary C K. Kd wurds. Financial Secretary A. K. Yea gir, Chaplain 10. C. Simmons, Sentinels W. 11. Kvans uud Charles Whitney. They were ussisted by Brothers Will lam Snow. Krvln Humsoii, .VI. G. K.d wanls, William Koch, Hay Wombach er. D. L. Hiesecker. Charles Koch, Jr., Harry Hiesecker, Jonas Knickerbocker, Kmory Koote, 11. E. Krydler, all of this camp. MOSCOW. The pu tills In Professor Peck's room in the Moscow graded school enjoyed a slelghrlde to Gouldshoro on Krlday night. The following were In the party: Professor W. A. Peck, the Misses Alice Tanlield. Bessie Stern. Muggle Martin. Surah Van Brunt. Bessie Mavvney, Cordelia I'yle, Grade Hinds. Bertha Van Brunt, lna Depew, Blanche Allen, Carrie Swurtz, Rachel Van Brunt. Le na and Lona Sayre, liomle Wilbur, llattie Noble, Lizzie Huriulen, Bessie Y eager, Agnes Tigue, Hannah Hurny, Stacia Con boy, Lizzie Tigue: Messrs. George Ransom, Hernion Ehrhardt, William Shaw. Dan Gardner. William and Roy Storm. Garfield Brown. Char lie Van Hrunt. Andle Lumley. Horace Jones, Winnie Decker, John Cunning ham. Jessie Ourdner. John Gannon. George Dcwllt. After a -ftearty supper ut the hotel games and music were In dulged In until a late hour. Mrs. A. D. David Is slowly Improv ing. There will be a birthday party on Frldav, Feb. Si. in Jhe independent lirder'nf Odd Fellows hall. Supper will l.e served in the hall. The Kpworth League Is In charge. MAUI STEAD. Ward Ives has purchased the Heady Pny Htoro. Marvin UnrneH vn In Montiopp on Sutimlny. Altn. It. F. llernsteln visited ItinK liamtnn n Saturday. Saturday the Delaware, laekawanna nnd Western paid their employed In this plaee. Hun. S. H. Chase, of Knston, Is In town. Joe Rodsors has returned from n vis it with his parents In Heranton. Mrs. James Kirliy and daughter. May. have returned from a visit with BiiiK humton friends. A iiurtilx-r of our young people en joyed a t;l It'hrlde to New Mllford and return Saturday. PECKVILLE. Th kets for John T. Watkins' testi monial can lie purchased Bt V. V. Wat kins' DruK store. The ProthitiBham box otiice will ti!Hn for tho reservinir sale of tickets Wednesday moroitiK. Concert on Friday eveniiiK. Feb. 21, promises to be a grand affair. OLYPHANT. fluy your tickets for the John T. Watkins testimoniaf nnd have them reserved early Wednesday morning, as there will be a great demand for satB. Judging from the programme printed In Saturday's Tribune the concert will be a rare treat. Tickets for sale at Watkins' drug store. PHICEBURQ, Tickets for John T. Watkins' testi monial, to be held at the Frothinglinm 21st inst. can be had of H. H. Jones and reserved Wednesday morning at the box offlc?. , - - - A FOKEGOM? CONCI.I SIOX. From the Montrose Sentinel. The loyal Republican of Scranton will, on Tuesday next, once again place Colo- MSrftk P1ECE PR 10 net Kzra It. Hippie in command of the munli'ipul ulTah's of that city. That the affairs of the city will be. administered wisely and well Is a foregone eoiiiiiiHlou with ull who are acquainted with the colonel. HAS COM I KM M OIK CLAIM. From the Scranton Critic. The Scranton Tribune now bus a pretty strong and well-founded reason for tile legend over Its heud that It is "the only ltepelilicun dally In Lackawanna coun ty" The old Serantun Republican has foolishly confirmed The Tribune's claim. If tho Bnbv Is rutting Teeth. Mrs. Wlnslow'ti Foothing Syrup has been used for over Fifty Years by Mil Hons of Mother.i for their Children while Teething, with Perfect Success. It Boothes the Child, Softens the Gums, Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Colic and Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold by Druggists In every part of the world. Be sure and ask for "Mrs. WinsluW's Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Twenty-five cents a bottle. PREVENT Coughs, Colds, Pneumonia. The Kavorlt Cough Cure. THE FAHILY FRIEND It fiiren where othfm full. It Ik jctinr ttntpfcl to ttit'p ull lung uml throat trou ble. Xo rure: no pay. I'or snl everywhere. A;k your dealer for It. I'rke, 23 cent. Cured cf Pain In HI Lungs. Anthony Yeaisc-r enntraetor K Hill street. Wllk'-f-Baire, I'u.. soys three but tles of lr. Alexumler'n l.nnx Henler, the fumous eouch cure, cured me of ulhm:i uml pains in my Iuiikk after pnetirnonl i. Vou eun put me ilown us a stroiiK be liever In l.ung Healer. No coiiKh medli-inn like It. e "i cents toe t-ennl pscka-j. Faultless Chomieal Company. La tl more. Md. . PCalrkntrKa raaltak Dlaaoid Bra.i ENNYR0YAL PILLS M) V4 Uryc'tit tor f'Ai'Krrl (to4 ntta umwvn: iiiriAi'ii.orNMfft 'Hfllaf fka I.smiIs.' Utter. Iia .! Mall. l,fr(Hl I' -t i man, i alt Smmr IMptr lrhoC,kaaa.lfAl4;4V.Mal(llaAU mmsT. frencli Injection Compound Cares poaltlTtlr. qnlrkly. (not merely clierki.) CluarmiiteVd or niuoejr retunded. Avuld datiseruut mntdM. FMcaaaeealaper buttle. Nix Hstlles (will cure aarerest caw) strut reialit necurv from aonrratlnn. with only KleuUfUaJly maUa uruiga, toauyaildraHforlLOO. DR. LOBB'S BOOK FREE i nil snfferara af f-RRORSOF VOt'lH, LUST VIGOR and DISKASES Of MEN AND VO.nr.N, xUB vairea: cloth bound; seonral Haled aad ua'tad faae. Treatuaat b mail trktly conlldantial, aad a poaitt qnick curs m aataad. ho matter hew leaf ataading, I riu potiureiy cur jrou. writs or cau .0 1 0D9 330 N. ISth St.. Phllsda., Pa. .'Ft UOUU ytara' contiaaaaa pradtlct. CENTS SHEBIFFSSALE of ULSTERS AND OVERCOATS ALSO MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS AT Greatly Reduced Prices. 111 LACKAWANNA AVENUE Corner Franklin Avenu. ROOF TUNING IRO SOLDEKSG AH don away with by tha uaa af HABT MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which eooHlata af lamdi.nta wall-known to all. It can ba nppuoa 10 tin, gaivanisea un, iDMt iron rvotm, alio to brick dwallnc which will trwvaot absolutely any crumbling, crack 's or braaklna of tha brick. It will out- last tlnninc or any kind by many years, ana 11 s cm aoes not exceed ona-nru taa of tha coat of tinning, la nold by tha Jo ar puunu vDnirHL'is linen or ANTONIO HAKTMANX. 127 Btrok WL RE VIVO RESTORES VjUUTY. Made a Well Ma-. TMi artlAT 30th lay. FHENOIZ IlEMEDY arodaeaa tbs above reaulta In 30 daya. It arti Kwerf ullj and quick ly. Cum mha all otbera (all aaamtawilltegaiu their lout mauhood.aadolri tuaa will racorer their youthful vigor by uslnc RBT1TO, 11 calekir nil aurrly remorca Karruua sesa, Laat Tltalltr, Imposeucr. Kifbtly Emlwionn. Loot Fewer, ralllnf Mi inory. WuMu DinraMi. and all effeote of aelf-abuae or exorxa and iadnicnitin, bteh nelta one tor axidy. bunlneaa or marrlafe. It aoa only cum by utartinc at tha neat ot d!ae, but la a treat serve toaio an J blood builder, brisr lr back the pink glow to pale eherhaandre irin (he flro of youth. 1 ward eg Innanlty tnd OeBaumpiioa. lnmki oa bartne RKVIVO. no ruber. It can be carried In Teat otke. By mtil, 11.00 ear parkwa. or aix lor SS.OO, with a poal lo written guarantee to cars av refund he money. Circular tree. Adttreea MEDICIIIE CO.. M River St., CH!CC0. ILL fee aafca.Vjy Bfatthawe Bree SfMgle avaataa . Pa. J f LOST MANHOOD WIU 1.1 JUIIU'f BflU IllUlMIOs at l ta?n :(! wctneri. I lia n..rt :f!t.tff Vfii'Tin.1 i. tww. Nt-rvoiiu Ixbll.tT.XiphtJy FT:;I-slor.3.iiitumiai.iD InsniutT, Kibajt.n:; dtuimtand If i of power cf the 0 n erat7eiri(tii8uufiltlnif onofiritndyt fcminenF nr.il n:ir liniar.un J;i.rcurcilty lr. i:olrlrucKpniiwh Ncr ii ru 1 iiP. They nu t g til y vn ro 1: y l! irt in a mt t In. ?nt of i ! auf, btit c.-e ft givat N l.lt I' TO.Mc an4 BLOUi III II. !;, btinwini? b'-'k the pink rlow to pat tirtAi end tvAtn Hi tho VtllV. OF Yi TH to tb- pai;-jt. I'f iiitu!, ii l, (Mi ir Lot irG for & wtth wrla l- ' riiftrnntri? ttt vmrm r r-l'iml tf mint?y. Book -no. New Y-? for mY by JOICT II. rTTFTPfl. Trug- ttt. Wynw'n? hyp. nnd ffrrtok mfpmff. .an 1 UT V-V .A Ia2I Tribcjnt Almanac 1896 ! lie PA0CS at CENTS, POSTPAID ESTABLISHED 1873 nninrniPfl I inn nnminin A complete assortment in all the latest effects. Shadings in all widths, suitable for stores or residences. Estimates Furnished. In every grade Wiltons, Axminsters, English and Domestic Brussels, Velvets and Tapestries at moder ate prices; also Inlaid and Printed Linoleums, Corti eenes and Oilcloth, two and four yards wide. S. G. KERR, - Af0 Lackawanna Ave. w BRANCH STORE, SIXTH THE THIRD NATIONAL BANK OF SCRANTON GIVES SPECIAL ATTENTION TO BUSINESS AND PERSONAL ACCOUNTS AND PAYS 3 PER CENT. INTEREST ON TIME DEPOSITS. YOU WANT WE HAVE - LET'S GET RICHARDS 502 Commonwealth Building THE DICKSON MANUFACTURING CO SCRANTON AND WILKES-BAR RE, PA, Manufacturers of Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers, HOISTING AND PUMPING MACHINERY. QeneraJ Office: SCRANTON, PA. DIITKI 1101 CO., Im CaMtaL U MfM JbR mtM KUOB IK THa WOBUk -A dtliar tattd i a dcilmr MCMd." t TMaT '!' Sal lit Frsuch Dwpta KM Bart IsaBnl dillrawdfisaanywharlathsU..aa nawpioiuaaa, awaay urasr. or Hoaul MW lar tlJO. Eqnala erary war las koota old la all Mall atone for .'.to. We make tale bast buraelres, tbemfore wa yaar- autu the M. ttuU and If any one fa not win reruns we mosar aaodanotberealr. Onea Toe or Cosmos fliiss, wHtne V, p, X, a H, k.eliea 1 to t aad kaM iliea. AVsiyeur h. wa nUI JU Effetel Illuati luitraled Cata lone FNCiC CoiE. Shoe Go., BOSTON. MASaV aaanai tan to lu we eViamaJi A aV HI t 'flk EXPOSITION FURNITURE SALE A year nno vvc put it in your way to luiy Parlor and Bedroom Suits at loner prices than were ever lie fore made on such goods, so far as we know. Hotel and Hoarding Housekeepers were tiick to sec the saving, so were housekeepers generally. But we mean to make February, iSgd, even more memorable to Furniture Buyers. Unusual conditions arc helping us to d.i it. The New York Exposition 'display of "our own make" of Parlor Suits Ijfty in all one of a kind. Hut the kind is right, frames of Cherry, others are stulVcd, mostly upholstered in Brocatelle and Damask. Jitdc the absurdly little prices. How rarely good the values are by these: I fnrlor Suits ." piece;! auJ :l vines. 5i" suit at Ss milt nt $ti."i null m $4n; $7Hiiit lit 1.1: S7.1 tiult ut V': itto mill ut Ji); i.i suit ut ;'; Silo suit ut it'i; Sl-1 suit ut J IT. J Hull 1 ut 71 li. t Odd Ilasy Chairs snd tile l.ike j parts of ilisruptfil mtils. but liuinly for I inuny u toinir. ure tnusi u hull'. Kedrauin Suit More ihun lu suimil"!'. three ste;i! on tlip lulre stairs. Hut nothing short or seeing the milts ean tell how ru:rl Kuud the val ues are. At $15.00 Each Solhl oak antique ueilroom Btiits, pieees; luirenu. Tii in. high, IK in. wlile, Is NOTE THIS: Long credit puts comfort and refinement into your house. Does it right aWay NOW when you need it. Credit fur nishes many a home that would otherwise slip away leak out and bring nothing back. You know CREDIT selling is our " hobby." II j Cash or Credit mt Br ' 225 AND 227 AND (Iff (Ml TELEPHONE 5184 .' nr . mi nrtnmnv nunmiiun SON & CO. Opp. Main Entrance Wyoming House, AVENUE. CARBONDALE. LUMBE TOGETHER. LUMBER CO Telephone 422 I CALL UP 8683. CO. OILS.. VINEGAR AND ' CIDER. OrTlOE AND WAREHOUSE, Ml TO 151 MERIDIAN STRB5T M. W. COLLINS, M'g'r. t In. iloep; bevel mirror. Sx18 In.: bedstead heait.'Hjunl, 74 in. hib'h; footboard, ill In, hlith; wushstund. .11 in. IiIkIi, :V1 In, wl te, 17 In. ileep; two I'ane rhuirs; 1 cuiie rocker; I tulilr, 111 In. top siiiuie; 1 towel rack. At $iq.oo Each Solid antique oak suit. 3 pieces; bureau, 7.1 In. IiIkIi. 4- In. wide. IV la. deep; beveled mlrroi', xix'iH in.; bedstead, 73 In, hleh, footboiird. :il in. high; washstand, !A In. high, 13 In. wide, 18 ill. deap. At n. 90 Each Solid antiiie oak suit, square size: bu reau and washstuml as above, 24x30 In. bevel mirror; bedstead, To 111, high; foue board, Xi In. hiKh. Cash or Credit 218 WYOMING AYE. 1 I 1
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