THE PCH ANTON" TBIBUNE 3IONDAT MOBNIKO. FEBRUATIY 17. 1890. Neu)s 25-LB. SACKS Guaranteed to Be the Best Made. AT Luce Bros Scranton and Taylor. WEST SIDE EVENTS. Alarriafo of Mis Cello Lewis to James F. Dougherty lias 11 cn -Announced. Without the know)"lR of their many West Side friend. .MIks cvilti Lewis, tla unhid- of TlKimuH 1. Lewis, of yetto street, ami Jumes K. lounlicrty, " of I'rofcssor Jumes It. 1 niiKln-rty, of loUKhcrty's t'oiiiiiieri'l,iI Hrhool, were riiai i'l--l on Nov. 10. 1 .'. Iy A Merman W. 8. Millar, of the Kiuliili ward, at tli.) residence of Mrs. fUiepparil. of Capousc iivenlie. The ceremony wim brief mi un usteiitutloiin. ItelativeH of tilt- fuiully wim live ut the liejpurcl resilience ueteil in witnesses to I he ceremony. The fa"t of the murrluxc was kept so close a n'civt Ihut the news leaked out only lust week. The young people will reside ut 12-.1t Laf.i Jeltc street. tieorge Atkinson lenj. George Atkinson, one of the oiliest nn 1 most respected of West Hkle residents, ilieil yesterday niornlnif ut 10 o'clock ut his home, on Merldiun street. .Mr. Atkin son was stricken wllh paralysis lust week while settliik' in a cliuir ut his home. The final result of the stroke vis death, thocKh old age cirutly ledin'i'.i the chini'e of recovery. The ileieuseil was awl 77 years. He was u Ioiik time, resilient of llyde I'ark. and his demise is rerctt-d by the inuny friends who have known Mm. He hus been u faithful employee of the Delaware, Lackawanna Hinl Western compuny for years, as slope engineer at the IteUeviie colliery. In idd uiii', a netit 1. disposition und ('hristlun iiciiilescciice to the inevitable, made the end more easy, l'onr children, liavld. Alfred. Will and Nellie, und a wife survive. The funeral will onc'lll' Tuesday uftertiooti at o'clock.. Services will he held at the IVnn A ferine Itaptisl church. Interment will be made In Washburn Street cemetery. Irtdiiy Kvcnlnq's Concert, rrliluy evenliiK. l-'eb. 21, will occur the testltnnnial which Is to be (hen our tieluhbor and tuleiited townsman, John T. Wntklns. The whole affair Is in churue of our own .Indue Kd wards, and from till nci'oiims It Is already an UHsurrcd sue. ess. Orent Interest In liclnir manifested I y different societies who expect to reserve pcirtioll'i of the theater for their members. Hyde Hark cannot it (Told to let the east Hide take all the credit in this demonstra tion, but should take part to do him honor, who has upon several occasions as sited In niaklnK Hyde I'ark famous. Tick ets can be boiiffht nt John J. Davis' ili-un store und from Del. Voorhlx, Jamfs Kv nns, Clarke llros., mid JuiIkc I'Mwnrds. The box otllce opens Wednesday morning. News Notes and Personals. At the Welsh Philosophical society Sat urday nlKlit a debute was conducted. The subject wus:. '"Resolved, That Julius Cae sar wus a theater General than Nupolcun '.onaparte." The Hyde Park Literary and TVba fluff unclety will meet this evening. The Ven ezuelan question will be the feature of dis cussion. The members of Lackawanna council. No. 11X1, Itoyal Arcanum, will Rive it stiu; party -on Friday evenly at Ivorite hull, on South Main avenue. Kvtin Kvsiis, of Kdwards court, was kicked In the forehend by a tnule last Friday. He will recover. Mrs. Susan tilenn, of Waymart, Is the Kiiest of Mrs. llayward, of Deck er's court. Miss Marsnret Mackev. of Kingston. Is belnir entertained by the Misses Puvles, of Kynon street. Vote for the viaduct. If the West Side does not support It, who will? Mr. and Mrs. Frederick 11. Reynolds nave n party in honor of their little danuhter, Helen. Saturday afternoon nt their home, on North Main avenue. The folio win a of Helen's little friends were present: Minnie Miss. Susnuehunna: llessie uml Mollie Hitchcock. Stella Mnrsjnn, Kucene nnd Jessie Fuller. Artnur Heck, Murray Acker, Helen MeKce, Cora Reyuolds, Kiln nil m 40 AMONG THE REDUCT That our entire stock has been subjected to, we find at this time a con stant drain on our Trou ser Stock, among which are staple and durable all-wool TROUSERS at .98, $2.48, $2.98 that are actually worth double. You don't have to be a judge to appreciate them at our prices, as we retail them at what others pay for thorn. T SAMTERS S;n C:j Cl!:n, of lb? Payne. Ruth Onrson.' Kdllh and May Lindabury, Muud Hanillcj. Sadie Ferlier, Albert Meeker, Warren lleese. Paul Ky non. Melle i'ost, Oct a Fraunfelter, Mur Jorie Thornton, Jessie Florcy. Krcd. Slants, Marion Hall. Harold und Lester -Davis and Kate I in vis. The public Is cor-'lally Invited to at tend the Japanese Tea to be served bv the young laflies of St. David's church ut the school rooms nf the parish on Tues day evening, Feb. IS. Joseph 1. Lewis nun returned from Wm-hliiKton. The funeral of the late John Hrown oc curred Saturday afternoon. .Miss Certrude M. Shores, of Towanda, has returned home after a visit to Mr. and Mrs. T. K. Price, of North Rebecca avem .Mrs. E. C. RoMy. cf South Sumner avenue. Is visiting friends In Ditshore, Siiiiiurhannu county, West Sido Iltislncss Directory. PI.UMBIN'0 William D. Orifnths. RS North Main avenue, does flrst-class Plumbing, Steam Heat and Gas Fitting. Satisfaction is strictly guaranteed. BAftHEtt tlai- -"-tins; und shavln done In a flrst-eln nier at John H. Reyn old's Berber at Fuirchild's Hotel. FLORIST Cr ;iower und fun- ral de sign a specialty. Floral tlKures. useful as gifts, ut 104 South Main avenue. Har riet J. Lewis, florist. BICYCI.KS repaired, scissors ground, tools sharpened, saw tiled, keys titled, machines repaired by W. L. flteenback. deuler in CSuns. lushing Tackle, under West Side bank. PHOTriORAPHER-Cablnet Photos. t.-H per dozen. They are lust lovely. Con vince yourself bv calling at Sterner s Photo Parlors, 11 and 101 South Main GROCEP IKS Revere Standard Java Cof fee is unexcelled. The leading coffe of the day. For sale only at F. W Mason & Co. Fine Groceries. 116 South Main avenue. SF.COND HAND FURNITURE-fash for anything you have to sell. Furniture Stoves. Tools, etc. Call and see the stock of J. C. King, 1024 and 102 Jack son etreet. SOUTH SIDE NEWS. l ire at Noon Saturduy In Casey Kellcy's llrcweo-Peath of Peter l.angan, a Well-known Young Man. On the second floor of the ale brewery of Casey Kelley a lire wus discovered ut noon Saturduv, uml un ulurtn wus sent in from box ;a, hrlngllig out the Nep I lines, Centiirys und William Counell com. panics. Their service was not required as the Humes wero extinguished with the use. of hose kept at the brewery. The datmiKc will not go above I lml. and there Is a suspicion Hint the tire whs not caused accidentally, but taut an Incendiary hail a hand In it. Where the tire originated wus stored a iuuntlty of oils and vurnlsh. There have been two or three suspiciojs Hies w'itliin u lew years, one of which destroyed the stable, und In view cf other Muxes in thai vicinity it Is believed that there exists someone In the neighborhood with u inuniu for this knd of work. When the lire started Saturday the most of the employes were ut dinner. The loss will be fully covered by Insurance. Death of I'cter Lnngnn. A well-known young man of the South Side In the person of Peter Langan, of I'll Stone avenue, died Saturduy from un Illness of pneumonia, which had utTected him for a long time. He wus. when In good health, one of the best stonecutters III the city. His age was mi years and lie, wus unmarried. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning at o'clock. A hlvh muss of reoulem will he celebrated ut St. Peter's cathedral and Interment will be made In Dunmoie cemetery. Shorter Paragraphs of News. Alderman Storr, of the Nineteenth ward, held Chrltopher Itush to bail in the sum of )aini on the charge nf ussault and battery preferred by August Delslng. The iiooiiic occiirreii a lew evenings ago ui Woi kinsmen's hall. TllA flltll'dl nf l M MllMIUMll TIlU'rllL tnoTS place Saturduy mornluir from the residence of her son, John Harrlty, of Irving avenue. Illuh mass of requiem was celebrated ut St. John's church and interment was niuue in llyde Park ceme tery. Mr. nnl Mrs. Edward F. Melvln. of Ce dar avenue, are receiving the congratulu- f hill J n f, ,." I V. i, n .. n. The twelfth annual masquerade ball of ine ncriiniou Ainietic club will be held (it Gcrmanla hall tonight. TRIED AND THI'E. Comrade McComb. In the Furls Ten years ago the Fugle espoused the cause of Colonel Ezru H. Ripple and ad vocuted his election as chief magistrate or this city. He wus rhosen and gave a grand administration, the fruit of which Is apparent to this duy. His intelligence, honesty of purpose, frankness and pro bity, as his sympathy with the deserving,, were some of the diameter Istlcs which verllled the (predictions of more than 3n0 representative citizens who spoke for the masses and Importuned him to serve the people when they knew Unit his private affairs were absorbing his time. During: the decade of which -we speak Colonel Ripple has been a very conspicu ous figure umong his fellowmen, und his robust manhood and uncompromising in tegrity, as well as his quick and gener ous response to every appeal for the ame lioration of the condition of the poor and I ONS kJ Fiafet Sdbdrbs. unfortunate have won the hearts of men In every sphere of life. He Is a cl;i xen whose public spirit has greatly ad vanced the cause of good government: and a business man whoso perspicuity and well-directed efforts have assisted in doubling the population anil Increasing the wealth of our city more than one hun dred fold. He is today the standard bearer of the citizens who desire the best government that it Is possible to give the city of Seranton. . He is no experiment! The Intelligent voters see no reason why our public affairs should retrogade. The only way to avance on any line Is' to improve existing conditions! For that reason Colonel Ezra II. Ripple should have the votes of all thoughtful und progressive citizens who are In sym pathy with good government ami who desire to see a progressive municipality. DEATH OF CEOME MASON. Was Suffocated by lolling laco Down ward in a Pool of Water on i'ronklin Avenue. (JiHirge Mason, tvlin. doubtless, was the must unique clltlt itcter In Scruiitnir. was found rigid In death on the street Hear Megurgel & Council's wholesale store on Franklin avenue at .:w) yes terday morning. The coroner's inquest showed that he wun suffocated from falling with his face downwurtl Into a pool of slush. C M. DeLong and Patrick Mnran were golr.g along the avenue and they saw the human form thrown on the street. They tuned lilin over and recognized at once who It was, but did not suspect he wa dead until they tried to life him to his feet. Coroner Longstreet was notified and he reached the place without delay: af ter viewing the body the police were notified, and at I o'clock I'ndertnker Raub arrived and removed the renin lie; to his establishment on Spruce street. At 6 o'clock In the afternoon the coro ner went to Itaub's, empaneled a jury consisting of H. F. Hopewell, Dr. C. M. Sltterly, II. H. James. Edward den son. Jumes Fruble and II. 13. liilcer, and theif performed un autopsy. The lungs were congested, which showed at once Ihut death was from suffocation: there was no water in them and It wus plain that death resulted from his mouth and nose betntr sunk In the slush, thereby depriving him of the power of respiration. It is ren Ronubly certain that he was under the inlluence of liquor, and this would ac count for his Inability to prevent hlm Relf from smothering to death. Or, he was subject to epileptic tits, and one of these might have attacked htm, which would be u theory explaining the cause of death. The Jury found Ly Its ver dict thut death was caused by suffoca tion. Examination of the Vital Organs. Coroner Lonirntreet made an exami nation of the vital organs. The heart wus In a strong, healthy condition; the stomuch was similar; the kidneys were In very good condition; but the liver, while It. was live mid one-quarter pounds in weight, which Is one and one half times larger than a normal liver, was In a healthy state, notwithstand ing that It hud traces of becoming "hob-nalled." Mason, according to the opinion of those who were well ucquulutcd with him. was about GO years of age.: Hp spent the last thirty-three years of his life in Scrunton, excepting un occa sional trip uway for n short period. About the first employment he hud here was burtendernt the old Luzerne house, which is now Whyto's hotel, on Frank lin avenue. He had an aptitude for gambling and followed thut art fur a livelihood the greater uart of the time. His capacity for money making was great and it is common rumor thai he made and spent sevci al small fortunes. One of these stories, whether true or not is not definitely known, Is that he bet XS.000 on Jantus O. Blaine in the presidential election of 1884 and. of course, lost It. A man well acquainted with him said that not many years ago Mason had over M.000 In rash to his credit In one of the banks of Scranton. About the last enterprise h was en gaged in was the proprietorship of a poker room on Wyoming avenue. Prior to that he had been In the oyster sa loon business and similar - ventures. Three years ago he gave up striving, and entered upon a career of dissipa tion which continued unremittingly un til his death. Saloons Were Ills Home. The saloons were his home; he put In his time at one or the other of them and managed to get enough drink to appear always under the Inlluence of liquor. Hesotted as lie was, ne bore himself even I" his most maudlin mo ments with a genteel disdain, and he scorned unvone who offered any com miseration or sympathy. No one seems to know just what time he was last seen alive; the condition of the body when lound showed he had not lain there more than an hour. At the holding of the Inquest his nostrils were tilled with the slush of the street. His outer clothlntr was shabby, btu he had on a clean, warm suit of under clothing. He came to Scranton from Tlrooklyn, N. Y., and has a sister living there now. The body Is yet at Raub'a. but if rela tives do not claim it, a collection will be made up In this rity to defray the expenses of the funeral. DROPPED PEAPTx" f III RCH. Career of William Moore, of IV est .Market Street, Suddenly Close J Yesterday Morning. William Moore, of 133 West Market street, died suddenly in the Christian church on North Main avenue yester day morning, durlnt? a meeting of the church members, held after the tegu lar Sabbath service. -lie was 72 years old. of enfeebled health due t,o old age and ireqtient ailments, and .the cause of death was heart failure. ' Coroner Longstreet was notified, but owing to the farts about Mr. Moore's state of health, does not consider an In quest necessary; he will go to the resi dence today, view the body and prant a burial permit. The deceased was one of the pioneers of this city; he lived all his life In this rpeiim and followed the mercantile business until a few years ago, when III henlth caused him to retire from that pursuit. Ills wire ncconipnnieu him to church yesterday. After the service a meeting was held at which the management of the congregation was under d scusslon. Mr. woore wus stating his views on the subject when he reeled and fell backward. In a few minutes he expired. No family but his wife survives him. He was a prominent ami resperieu resident of the North Knd. und his death terminated a busy and useful career. The funeral will be held on Wednesday afternoon at 1 o cioca irotn h late residence, where the funeral services will be conducted. Interment will lie made In Dunniore cemetery. Koch Coneert I'osponcd. The continuation of the Fete Chnmpetre on Monday und Tuesday evenings has caused a postponement of the concert that Miss Ida Koch proposed to give In the Frothlngham this evenlg. The new date fixed for the concert is next .Monday night. . Reynolds Bro., Hotel Jermyn, Wy oming avenue. " siwKceUce' Parity el MaHrisia3f tklicioniw ef Flarer. Tktif nnk Wrapper VaaUli Csmhw a taunf .an Drinking,' Gracert tfeeSMi Miiaivnai lfl II ll I llll v W u a vi I ' ... Breaks the Record HIS MOTTO Tell the Truth and Nothing but the Truth! Whore can you find In the nnnols of medicine such a complete victory over the old school of nauseating nnd drastic remedies'.' A few years ugo Prof. Mttn yon. u man of giant Intellect, benevo lent purposes and determined character, unfolded his new school of ntcillclnt? through tlie medium of the press to the public. Contldeiu In the honesty of his mission, he usked the citizens of tin lrnlteil States to test his remedies "ab solutely free." and thereby made the public a Jury to decide upon their merits. What ha the verdict been? Thousands of sufferers who never knew what it was to be five from puin bless the name of Muuyon, the modern bene factor of the human race. The unquestionable merit of Prof. Munyou's remedies baa -stood the test for the past live years, and now the name of .Mnnyon Is a household word in every family in this country, proving without doubt the eillcacy of his cures and the honest victory he has won against overwhelming odds. To the skeptical we would say: If you art? cureless regarding your own health, have mercy on the little ones who know no better, and do not commit the sin of neglect by continuing to give I remedies that will doubtless harm them j In after life, when you have within your reuch, a, a. nominal price, cures that will effect the desired result without in jury to the system. miKi'MATisM emu. Munyon's Rheumatism Cure Is guar anteed to cure rheumatism In any part of the body. Acute or muscular rheu matism cun be cured in from one to live days. It speedily cures shooting pains, sciatica, lumbago and all rheumatic pains in the back, hips uml loins. It seldom falls to give relief alter one or two doses, und almost liivuriubly cures before one buttle has been used. Price 23c. STOMACH AND DYSPICPSIA CI'RK. MunyneVs Stomach and iDyspepsIa Cure cures all forms of indigestion and stomach trouble, such as rising of fond, distress after eating, shortness of breath, and all affections of the heart caused by Indigestion, wind on the stomuch, bud taste, offensive breath, loss of appetite, fuintness or weakness of stomuch. coated tongue, heartburn, shooting pttlus of the stomuch, consti pation, faiutness, dizziness, and lack of energy. Price -Tic. NKRVK CrilK. Munyon's Nerve Cures all the symp toms of nervous exhaustion, such as depressed spirits, failure of memory, restless or sleepless nights, pains In the head und dizziness. It cures gen eral debility, stimulates and strength ens the nerves, and tones up the whole I'ystem. Price ii cents. KIDNKY CI'RK. Munyon's Kidney Cure cures pains In the back, loins, or groins from kid ney disease, dropsy of the feet and limbs, frequent desire to pass water, dark) colored and turbid urine, and diabetes. Price 23 cents. CATARRH CURE. Catarrh Positively Cpred. Are you willing to spend 50 cents for a cure that positively cures catarrh by removing the cause of the disease? If so, ask your druggist for a W-i-ent bottle of Munyon's Catarrh Cure and a 25-cent bottle of Munyon's Catarrh Tablets. The catarrh cure will eradicate the dis ease from the system and the tablets will cleanse and heal the aflllcted parts and restore them to a natural and healthy condition. Munyon's Liver Cure corrects head ache, biliousness, jaundice, constipa tion, and all liver disease. Price 25 cents. Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneu monia und breaks u; a (old in a few hours. Price 25 cents. Munyon's Cough Cure stops cough, night sweats, allays soreness, und speedily heals the lungs. Price 25 cents. Munyon's Female Remedies are a boon to all women. Price 25 cents. Munyon's Headache Cure stops head ache In three minutes. Price 25 cents Munyon's Pile Ointment cures all forms of piles. Price 25 cents. Munyon's Asthma Cure nnd Herb are guaranteed to relieve asthma in three minutes and cure in live days. Price 50 cents each. Munyon's Blood Cure eradicates all Impurities from the blood. Price 25 tents. Munyon's Vitallzer imparts new life-, restores new power to weak and debil itated men. Price $1. Munyon's Homeopathic Remedy Com pany. 1503 Arch street, Philadelphia. I'a nuts up specific for nearly every disease, mostly for 25 cents a bottle. Sold by all Retail Droggists. SOWING I MF. WIND. Strong Drama Produce J by n Splendid rnmpnny nt the AcndoinT of .Musis. If Sidney Cirundy never wrote any thing: for the stafre save ' Sowing the Wind" that would be sutncleut to win for him a hljrh place among content-' porary dramatists. The dialogue is brlKht and refreshliifily nutural ami the characters are drawn with great faithfulness. Nor Is Mr. Grundy a novice In the rare nit of producing striking stase pictures and of seasoning his drama with the appropriate number of climaxes. All of this was demonstrated Saturduy night at the Academy of Music, where "lowing the Wind" had Its first Scranton production. That Sir. flrumly used the best nf Judgment when he selected the thom? on which the drama is built is open to serious' doubt but his trentment of it was skillful and delicate. He followed the example of tnuny playwrlters uml for the suke of causing comment und attracting attention to his hundlwork, gave the stage something It would In? better off without. As If regretting the poisonous utiiiosplieie lu which his drama llnds the cause for Its existence he tries to make I', enforce it powerful moral lesson but It Is doubtful If his can neutralize the evil ef fects of the subject matter of his dis course. If treated by some loss gifted person than Air. Grundy, "Sowing the Wind" would be brutal nnd prove Its own de stroyer and it is difllcult therefore to say whether his genius should he com mended or condemned. A more thnn ordinarily well balanced company produced the drama Saturday night before the large audience. Miss Mary Hampton, a young woman who left a convent school to go on the stage, was the central figure In the character of Knsamond. It Is a most exacting role but Miss Hampton was equal to Its requirements. J. H. Gil mour was Mr. Brttbozon and more nat ural and artistic work has seldom been seen In this city. The scene in the third act between Rosamond and Mr. Bio bnzon whtre the doctrine of sex against sex Is enunciated Is me of the strongest I- in the drama and wu magnificently iom it was followed l.v un 4nti-tlve climax Sir. Urubnac.ii discovers iun i.'iuuioiiii is ins (uiuxiiier iy tne in ik oi lining iicicii iiray nnu again Mr.-.falliiinur and Miss liainptntt proved themselves real artists. Thomas Whiffen .gave a delightful bit of character nctim; nnd Ouy stand ing. Frederick Strong. Howell Hansel. Knilly Dodd and F.lla Hugh Woood were other members of the company who acquitted themselves with great credit. JAMLS TW1SS DEAL). Was Injured in the lxgsctts Creek Mine ck Ago. James Twiss, who .eggett's Creek mine . his home on Throop lOrning at o'clock. Ex-Police OIT was Injured In 1 a week ago, die utreet Saturday The funeral will be held this afternoon at 2 oO o'clock. The decensed was particularly well known In the North Knd. He was a member of the Tonoluka tribe. Im proved Oilier of Jted Men, nnd of Dur ham lodge. Sons nf St. tleorge. lie wus born In Lancashire. KiiKland. "8 years ago and hud livid twenty years in this city. He is survived by u wife uml two sons, Joseph J. and Pert. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE. Il'nder this heading short letters of In terest will be published when accompa nied, for piilillcution. by the writer's name. The Tribune will not be held re sponsible for opinions here expressed.! TO Nil IIOISON Mi l l KS. Kdltor of The Tribune. Sir: In voting for borough or townshln ollleers we should not be guided entlrelv by our estimate or the legal or executive abilities of t tie nominees, but especlully should we upprove und vote for the nomi nee w hoso moral character and Infliien e : commend him ror the otllce. Thus voting I we would show our self-respect and our j estimate or good moral character in .in official, and also manifest our respect fel ine moral scmiments of good socictv. Tills is a tuny we should pertorm with pleas I U!', , ... ' T- Whit beck. Nicholson, Feb. 15. . !'i:nglisli Cnpitul for American Invst mcuts. Important to Americans seeking Knc Ilsli cupitui for new enterprises, a list containing the names and addresses of :',i ullniluUdftll lirilllllk! ..I'd . I. a . v ... . mo nave placed u.r, ..v.yy,--' - .oieign invest ments within the last six years, ami over riu ikm. nil'l r.,,. uucAi. ........ i... .. i i,v",,'v .v. .... ... . . uuiium qi Insu. Price 5 or $2i, payable by pjslal order to the l.oudun and 1'nlversal Hureau uf llivrrium, v, . nv.ipi-iui-, i.,UllUOn, Vi. C, RUUri l lur, a nin tJr rim I r-t. , ,y arriUlgt- ment with the directors to receive either u.raiin'il ne llt-l's nf In f imi I.... f these successful promoters. This list Is Hist class in every respect and every man or llrm whose name up' peurs inereiu inuy ne uepelxleu upon. For piucing inn ioiiowiiik n win lie round in vuluable Honds or Hhareu of Industrial l-r.,.....H.,l..l 17-1. ....... I.. I ..... v Ullllliri.iai uii.i l lilull' mi l OllCerilS, Mortguge loons, Sale of Lands, Patents or VII,, ..a Uirectors SIR EDWARD P. ROSS. HON. WAI-TRK. C. PF.PY3. CAPT. ARTHUR STIFFR. Copyright WELSBACH LIGHT Ipeclillj Adapted lor Reading and Sewing. CoBiumei tbree (3) feet of gas per hour and Rivet an efficiency uf sixty (60) candles. Saving at least 83) per rant orar Mm ordinary Tip Burners. Call und See It. HUNT h CONNELL CO., 434 LiCKBWINIU AVENUE. rUnufacturcrs' Agent. If annfacturers of the Calebnted LAGER BEER CAPACITYl iOQaCOO Barrels per Annum Moosic Powder Co, Rooms 1 and 2 CommQieaJtl Bld't SCRANTON, PA. MINING and BLASTING POWDER HADE AT MOOSIC AND RUfttV DALB WORKS. Lafflln & Rand Powder Co.H Orange Gun Powdbf Electric Hatterles, 3se for rxp lad ing blasts, safety Fmm and EepannoChemical Co.'s High Explosive N. Mil Li 9 " Milcoi L MI'S W LAGER BEER BREWERY. Get a Move on You. That is what I am going to do about March i, i!Mt. I am ku'uS to more into my new store in Hotel Jenny n, Spruce street and Wyoming avenue, 3H By tbut time the improvements will be completed. 1 have an elegant line of wheels ordered for tliat date. Clearing sale now in progress. Second-band wheels at a tremendous cut Ice skates ditto. A. W. JURISCH, 435sprijce:streel If you want the best the vert- best wheel, you can get it 1 have it You know It-rTIIK STEBLIIT - . ' ' " ' ilThie Fashion ! 308 LACKAWANNA AVE. 308 gEFORE purchasing a Spring Dress Pattern or Silk for Waist it will do no harm to give our stock a few moments of your time. We will guarantee you a great saving In price, besides showirg you an ex clusive line of Dress and Waist Patterns to select from. SPECIAL 15c 19c 29c For Stripe Beiges in choice colorings, extra wide. Made to retail for twenty five cents. Will buy an elegant Serge, extra wide, in all colors. Never sold for less than twenty-five cents. For a choice line of cloth effects, 3S inches wide, special. Good value for forty cents." JACKETS AND FUR CAPES $1.00 Lace Curtains, $ .75 1.50 Lacs Curtains, .98 1.75 Lace Curtains, 1.25 2.75 Lace Curtains, 1.75 Special Prices In Krai Brun.'eU. Point tie Rennaiuance and Tambour Curtalni. MILLINERY ONE-HALF PRICE. .-.-r IT'S A FLYER ana the velocity of wind, steam and wings are mitssested by his progress. The blpyrle la the luoHt important Inno vation In means of travel atnee the Intro duction of the locomotive, .ami we are In the Infancy of Its use, construction and means of propulsion. Healthy-minded people are those who commend and practice Its use. To aurh we need hardly say, Your Wcy. rle should he the latest and best. Call and examine ours beforo buying-. J.D. 312 INO 3!4 LtCKIWANM RV. MERCHANT TAILORING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES Shades and styles uf Suitings, Spring and Summer, from fzo up. Trouserings Irom 55 up. Vesting and Overcoats, foreign and domestic fabrics, made to order to suit the most fastid- s !.. .. .... HM.t .. 11111s 111 (JI1V.L-, ui aim nui it ill un ship. D. BECK, 337 Adams Av. WILLIAM S. MILLAR, Alderman 8th Ward, Scranton. ROOMS 4 AND 5, Qa nd Water Co. Building, CORNER WYOMING AYE. AND CENIER ST. OFFICE HOURS from 7.:i0 a m. to p. m. (1 boor Intermission f or Aioacr and sapper. ) Particular Attention Givento Collections Prompt Settlement Quarantced. VOURBUSINESS IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Telephone No, 134. DUPONT'S 1INING, BUSTING IRD SPORTING POWDER Haaoiactared at the Wpwallor?m Milla, La ssrw county, jj-m.. aaa as Wil mington, Delaware, HENRY BELIN, Jr. QsjuarsJ Afeeut (or tbe Wyoming District. tM WYOMING AVE Scranton, P Third Matteaal Bank Boildtag. AOBMCIH t "HOB. rOBD. nttBtoo. Fa. John b. smith son, ptvaoatk. r K. W. MULUMAN, Wilkes BarraTPa. Ink far IM uonaaaa (jnamloal tea? Haiti BsplueiTcav WILLIAMS 15c 19c 29c 50 PER CENT. DISCOUNT $3.00 Lace Curtains, $1.98 4.00 Lace Curtains, 2.98 5.00 Lace Curtains, 3.50 6.00 Lace Curtains, 4.25 AMUSEMENTS. THE FROTHINGflAM. Wagner Kcls, Lessees ami Managers. ONE WEEK, FEBRUARY 10-15, FETE CHAMPETRE. ' U rand Benefit Homo of the Frieui)ls. Frlcxa. Jac, fiUc. 7 jo slid SI. hal j of seat now in proy-rosg. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 17. GRAND . CONCERT. Miss Anna Ida Koch, Assisted by Celebrated Artists. Prices Sie, ',0o, ;.'m and SI. Sale of a-ata Thursday, February 1U. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20. Tlio Peerless SAN DOW FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 2ft Orand Testimonial Benefit MR. J. T. WATK1NS. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22. SOL SMITH RUSSELL. , n a rtuvrv ntt ivrT.TCTP - One Nl(ht, flunday, t-ebruary 17th. Mr. Robert MILLIARD In the Merriest ol tp-to-Dste Comedies, LOST 24 HOURS With the Original Company, and as Produced When It Scored It New York Success. A CADEMY OF MUSIC, Tuesday. February iM, NR. WH. C ANDREWS And His Excellent Company In Fred Marsden's Brilliant Comedy, MY WIFE'S FRIEND Great Play. Strong Cast. Bile ot seats oiens Saturday. Ilegular Dl'ici'f. ACADEMY OP MUSIC, Spfclal KiiBai?iment for Two Nlnlita, 'Wriliu-silay ami Thiilxclay KvenliiK, K"b. 1 and . The Greatest Play of the Cen tury. The Iti'ignliiK Triumph In America and Europe. TRILBY Druniatlzfd by Paul -M. Potter from ln maurler's celebrated novel, anil iierformeil bv A. M. Palmer's Kieut company, uinler the direction ot William A. Hrudy. U ni8lit.i In New York, liWinlKhts In Hostun, elKht weeks III Philadelphia. The play better than th book. Beautifully standi ami udinlrulily acted. An enlrunrliiK revelation. Scenery, contunien. music all new. Positively only visit of "Trilby." Sale nf seals begins Monday. Prices, $1. 7.'.. Do and cents. DAVIS' THEATER MONDAY, TIESDAY, WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 17, 18, 19, 1890. The Southern Comedy-Drama, OLD TENNESSEE Introduc ing ERNEST HOGAN as "Uncle) Pete." With a carefully elected White Cast, assisted by -M ( nlored eUnicer, Uam-srs. C'oiueilisus, i-onducinic to make this the most pless 1UK ot sll South.rn Dramas, incl ilentally introdu. lnir th. uretty daUcB, "LA PAS MALA." PRICES 10, 20 OR 30 CENTS flT. PLEASANT AT RETAIL. OmI mt the bast Quality for laa, and of all slses. delivered la COAL ran ar ina city at lowest pnea. Orders left at my OfTlee NO. 118 WYOMING AVENUE. Raar room, ilrst floor. Third NaUaajaJ Bank, ar aent by mall or telephone ta Usa BUM, wlB reeelva prompt attentlatt. paehU contracts win be made far Ba Ma tad dallvery of Buckwbaat Caai WM. T. SMIThk
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