THE RCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY MORNIHO, FE111WATIY 15, 1890. VALENTINES. New and Elegant Styles, large Variety of Novelties, Wholesale and Retail. Xew Society Stationery, New Color and Xew Shapes, -in large variety of styles. Orders for Engraving, Embossing or Printing Visiting Cards, Wedding or Social invitations promptly executed at low rates. See our seciincns and prices. NORTON'S, 32'2 Lackawanna Ave. A Foe to Dyspopsia QOOD BREAD USE THE Snowline FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR 8ALB TO THE TRADE BY Tfio Weston Mill Co. ASSESSING THE DAMAGES. Viewers Taking Testimony In the Ninth and Moblnson Street Cases. fol.nel P. 1,. Hitchcock. Hon. T. V. Powderly and W. T. Davis, the board of viewers appointed to assess the dam ages which will result In the widening or .Ninth and Robinson xtreets, met yes terday In the select council chumber and began the work of tukln testl innny. The proposed improvement will ne cessitate the taking; of a narrow strip of lund along the front of the four properties situated at the angle where the two streets converge. Mrs. Man Run claims 11,000 damages because th new sidewalk will pass within two feet of her building. The J. W. Peck estate wants Sl'.uOO for MO square feet of land . which will be comlemnej. Mrs. Kllen tl'jrke places lii.000 as her estimate of k' she will suffer by reason of giving ytrlp of her land anil being con" leu to move back her store. - nl n it I n Ourrel asks $1.0tK) for the land which he will have to give up. Henator ' Vau&hari appeared for Mrs. Mangan; Hon. J"-"in P. Kelly represented Mrs. urke and Assistant City Mollcltor I. J. Davis looked after the city's inter est. Mr. Ourrel pleaded his own case. Only the witnesses for the property holders were called yesterday. The city's side of the case will be presented on Feb. 21. All those who testified ex pressed the belief that the damage asked were fair and reasonable. The most Interesting Incident of the hearing occurred Just at the close, when, after Mr. Ourrell and his witnesses had placed a value of $20,1100 on his property. Attorney Davis tried to show by Mr. tlurrell himself that his property was inly assessed for $1,460. xot drunkTbijtcrazv. V.M.n a Ua. 111 l ..I I -k . L. - I,. 1 1 . Proven to lie Insane. ' Several days ago the police picked up n a drunk a young Hungarian named Stony Kirst. He acted so strangely at times while confined in his cell that the police authorities had suspicions that he was not altogether sane, and re frained from giving him a hearing the next clay, as Is customary. His queer actions continuing. Doctors Gunster and Paine were Thursday called In to examine him and their Investigation proved the correctness of the suspicions of the police. It was decided to send him to the Hill side home, and such action was taken yesterday. He is 19 years of age and lived on Kmmett street and was employed as a laborer at the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western shops. New Schedule Arranged. . The management of the Traction com pany In deference to the request of Us employes has rearranged the schedule so an to give each man the best run accord ing to his term of service. The change will go into effect today on all the lines. The running of cars will not be changed. ! nargalns. We will continue for a few days to fitter remarkable bargains In Silks, Dress Goods and Table Linen; now Is the time to buy. Hears & Hagen. Plllsbtiry's Flour mills have a capac ity of 17.500 barrels a Cay. DON'T BE LED AWAY By so-called "Reduc tion" sales of "shop worn" goods, "job lots" and "left overs." WE GIVE YOU FOR A A Ladies' hand made, ' OiIclean stysh shoe Vw worth $4.00. WE OIVE YOU FOR A I) Ladies' fine Don Xgola button and Vs" lace up-to-date shoe , worth $3.00. But we cannot give you a $6.00 shoe for $3.00, nor can any other correct dealing merchant.' .' i IO$I!St$tKt SLINK KOEIILER ! ARE FOUR DISTRICTS NOW Orders by the Court with Reference to Twentieth Ward. . BOUNDARIES OP DISTRICTS Tic Are Sat Forth la Detail In tba .Mandate of the Coart-EleetUm Officers Appointed to HII Va cancies la the County. An order was handed down yesterday afternoon by the court, dividing the Twentieth ward into four election dls trlcts ps follows: The First district shall comprise the territory enclosed by Pittston avenue to Kipple street, thence along the center of Rinple street to the Lackawanna river, thence by the river northeasterly to the mouth of the Stafford Meadow brook, thence u: said brook to the In tersectlon of Plttsfon avenue to nipple street, the place or beginning. The polling place is fixed at the house of Patrick Corcoran on Cedar avenue, and Patrick Corcoran is appointed judge of election; Herman SchanVr, majority inspector, and Patrick Walsh minority Inspector of this district serve until their successors are elected The .Second dlHti lct shall comprise the territory bounded by the following lines: Beginning at the Intersection o Fig street and Pittston avenue, thence up the center of said avenue in a north easterly direction to the Stafford Mea dow brook, and up said brook south easterly and southerly to the inter section of Fig street to the Intersection of Pittston avenue, the place of be ginning. The polling place Is'flxed for the said district at the house of Frank Mueller, at the corner of Prospect avenue and Cherry street, and Frank Mueller is.ap pointed I II dire of election: James P. La velle, majority inspector, and Fr$nk..J. Dicker!, minority inspector. The Third Election IHsirlot. ' The Third district shall be Included In the following boundaries: -Northeast erly by itlpple street: northwesterly by the Lackawanna river: southwester ly by the boundary line between the city, of Scranton and the township of Lackawanna: unci sotitneasteriy oy tne Stafford Meadow brook. The polling ulace Is fixed at the house of K. J. Cul lerv, on Hlmey avenue, and "Michael O'Malley is appointed judge of ec tlon: John Wallace, majority Inspector and James Shorten, minority Inspector for the said district. The Fourth district Is the new one, and it is carved out of the former Hov ond and Third districts.. It comprises the following territory: 'Beginning at the intersection of Pittston avenue and Hippie street, thence along the center of said avenue northeasterly to the In tersectlon of Fig street, thence up the center of Fig street In a southeasterly direction to the ."tafTurd Meadow nroog, and continuing along said brook In a southwesterly direction to the interact; tlon of Kipple street, thence down the center of KiDDle street in a nortnwes terly direction to the intersection of Pittston avenue, the place or Degm- nimr. The polling place Is fixed at the house of Andrew Martinet, at the corner of Htone avenue and Palm street, and William McLoughlln Is appointed judge of election; Timothy Lavelle. majority Inspector, and Thomas J. Qulnn, minor ity Inspector. Costs Will He Paid by tho Cnttntv The costs of these proceedings shall be paid by the county. Including $5 for a map of the districts as estab lished bv this order of court. There are upwards of l.UoO registered voters In the Twentieth ward and nere tofore the uronortlon In the three dis trlcts was unequal. The formation of the Fourth diatriot will make the total at each iiolllng place more uniform The division of the ward was sought by two petitions; one wanted the Fourth district to run no farther southwest than Breck street, but the petition ask Ing foi the district to run to Hippie street, a block runner, was accepieu, NEW ELECTION OFFICERS. Appointed Yesterday by the Court to I ill Vacancies. The following appointments of elec tlon officers were made yesterday by the court: In the Mouth district of Lackawanna township Klchard J. Cir slrk was appointed Judge of election Thomas F. Coyne being Ineligible to act by reason of his being a candidate fir school director. In the Fourth district of the Second ward of Scranton James H. O'Uoyle was appointed Judge of election to net Instead or P. . uoruon, wno is a can dldate for common council at the com tnir election. In the First district of the Sixth ward of Carbonda e. John Delavan was ap pointed Judge of election by reason of the vacancy causeo oy me pnysicai uin ahllitv of John McCartlle. In Throoo borough Fred Fryer was .mml 11 ted minority Inspector to tne va i-ancy caused Dy tne lnenKiDiiuy 01 John L. Kvans, who is a candidate for councilman. In the Second district of the Twenty first ward Thomas D. Thomas was ap pointed minority inspector to fill the unexpired term of John Jenkins, re signed. In the Third district of the Fifth ward Walter Davles was appointed majority Inspector to 1111 the vacancy caused by the resignation of Benjamin Watklns. A DAXGEROrS PLAYTHING. While Handling a Revolver, Master Ben natrons shot Himself. Ben. the youngest son of W. Scott Watrous. of Ash street. No. . accl dentally shot himself through the calf of the right leg Wednesday evening Inst while examining a 32-calinre revolver, Dr. Bernstein succeeded In finding the bullet In the lad's stocking, and dressed the Injured member. According to latest accounts Master Ben is getting on admirably. l'IKF. MARSHAL NEEDED. Members of Board of Trade Will Try and Coavlnee Estimates Committee. There Is a movement afoot among certain influential members of the board of trade tor Insisting that coun ells shall take favorable action on the board's present request that a lire mar shall be appointed. The present Inten tion la to present a Drier resolution at next Monday night's meeting of the board providing that the president shall appoint a committee of three to go be fore the estimates committee or coun cils and Insist upon the granting of the board's former request., It is Intended to embody In the resolution a simple but unmistakable clause directing the special committee to be emphatic in the matter. Thegentlemen Interested in the move ment are well aware of the present muddle of the estimates committee In its effort to pare down estimated ex penditures to fit the next year's low revenue, but they believed the exist ence of a Are marshal is of far greater Importance than other offices which seem deitlned to be Included In the prospective appropriation ordinance. ' In connection with the present diffi culty of the estimates committee In try ing to make the two sides of the city ledger balance, the board of trade, or, rather, certain of its members, will urge that the board try to bring about a reform In the assesment system. HIS EUROPEAN TRIP. Father MeManns Will Describe It at the Green kidge l.lbrar Monday. On Monday evening Rev. P. J. Mc Manus will deliver a lecture In the Green Ridge library descriptive of his trip to Ireland In 1894. The title of the lecture is "From Green ltldge to Paris." Starting at Oreen Kidge. hlsi lecture cotters the trip to New York, the ocean Voyage, the run through Ireland stop ping at Cork, Killarney, Blarney Cas tle, Westport. Halllna. Belfast and the (Hunt's Causeway. Then a run up to Scotlund and Ed In bo ro, down to linn don and across the channel to France and Paris. Father McManus is a most Interest ing talker, and the mere announcement of the lecture ought to till the library. The lecture will be illustrated by first clasa lantern views. A sliver offering will be taken at the door. SEASONABLE HINTS. The Best .MetanJ of Fortifying the System Age Inst Cold. As the season of changeable weather accompanied by high winda and sud den shifts from high to low tempera ture, approaches the need of keeping the human system In a state of repair that renders one able to resist the ef forts of the Influenza germ Is apparent. By keeping the pores open and the body In a healthy condition the man of cleanliness is able to laugh at disease. The Turkish bath la one or the greatest purifiers of the system, and there is no treatment like that of the hot room, steam room, shampoo and plunge to ward off a cold. At M. Purcell's baths on Linden street. Court House square, every fa cility for first-class service It at hand. Polite attendants and magnificent ap polntements are among the attractive features of Mr. Purcell's establishment. The baths are open day and night. MOI RXKD AS DEAD. i 'i 1 Mysterious Disappearance and Ketorn of a Young ftiinmoro Nearly two years ngo John McCue, Jr., then a 13-year-old lad. mysterious ly disappeared from his home in Sport Hill. Duntnore. Nothing could be learned of him, although hla sorrow stricken parents exhausted every means to And a trace of his 'where abouts. When months passed and nothing was heard from htm he was given up for dead, It being suposed that he had either been drowned or had met death in some other manner In some distant city, wher no one could Identify him. Imagine the great joy and sur prise of his mourning parents and rela tives when on Wednesday night he walked Into hla father's house In good health, well dressed and with a well tilled wallet In his pocket. He told that he had been In New York and had good position there. The reason of his disappearance or his long silence he eould not explain. He was much affected when he realised the sorrow and a miction which Ms strange action had caused his parents. It ap pears that at the time he made his foolish resolve he was short in his pay, and being of a highly sensitive nature did not want to go home and confess to his mother that he had foolishly squandered his money. CONCERT MONDAY EVENING. (ilvon for the Benefit of the St. Vlaeenl no pani society. On Monday evening a concert will be given in College hall on Wyoming ave nue under the direction of Professor W. P. Schilling for the benefit of the St. Vincent de Paul society. The pro gramme that will be rendered is as fol lows: 1. Chorus, "Camp. Fire" Mercadante Cethedrul choir. 2. Alto. "A Winter Lullaby".... De Koven Minnie Moore. 3. 1'Ia no. Impromptu .Chopin ( Mare Horan, i. Chorus. "The Little Mountain Church" ' V. K. Becker Ladles of Cathedral choir... 5. Violin. Concert Masurka .Vuiln Berceuse Iteuanl F. F. Kopff. 6. Soprano, "My Heart at Thy Sweet Voice" (froinjtamson et Dell la . 1 C. Saint-Barns May Lynch. 7. Chorus, "O Italia (from "Luoresla"), ' Donizetti Cathedral choir. 'For All Kternlty"..Mascheronl Francis O'Neill. Fantasle Armstrong Tenor, 9. Banjo, .teorge iv arr. 10. Baritone. "A Dream of Bethlehem." 1. Rodney Joseph P. Burns. Don't fnll to attend the Republican mass meeting at the armory tonight. GO AXD II KAK THK SPE A KERS. Big Mass Meeting Will D Held nt the Armorr Tonight. Tonight the voters of thp cltv will sues or the campaign clearlv and fairly ...... . 'I Hla leu oy aoie speakers. A mass meeting will be held In the armory on Adams avenue, which will be addressed by such well-known ora tors as Hon. T. V. Powderly, Major Kverett Warren, Attorney A. J. Col- born, jr.. and District Attornev John H. Jones. This meeting Is open to everyone and the citizens of the city generally are invited to attend It. Kver since the campaign opened there have been fre quent demands for such a meeting by a large body of citizens, who will no doubt be pleased with the opportunity of attending tonight's demonstration. Republican mass meeting at the arm ory tonight. We Have Nailed Bargains On the front of our store. April i we move to 303 Lackawanna avenue, so now the goods must go. Cost or less. Don't want to see them damaged moving, and besides, how much better to open with everything new. Below are four samples of the way we shall sell: niiiinmiiiiiuiiiiiiHiimiiiiiniiiiiijnimniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHi'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Silverware s Near the door a table full of Batter Dishes, Cake Baskets and odd pieces of Tea Sets. Your pick for SE S 2 $1 Worth double or more. nniiiinmiiitnimiimtiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Tea Spoons i Rogers 1847. Nene better made. Yea S have paid from f 1.15 to Sj for same. S L'lf , .- .n A B 90' How Is your table ware t mmmiiHimunimmmiiwBuiiniiimmmiiiiim REXFORD'S, 213 Lackawanna Avenue. THIS IS SEMEME DAY 4 " .' ' ' Murderer Kosa Kill Learn tbc Term He Has to Serve. JACOB WARD IS XOT GUILTY So Said the Jury Before Whom He Was .Tried an the Charge Made Against t llim by Mr. Prances M. Oarer, of Net ton. Murderer Leonardo Ilosn will be sen tenced this morning for the killing of Ito Larusso at Imnmnre. on the morn lug of Feb. 2S. 1R3.1. He pleaded guilty Monday anil the court fixed the oracle of crime as of murder In the second degree. February term of criminal court end ed yesterday. A verdict of not guilty was returned In the case of attempted criminal assault preferred against J a cob Ward, of Ransom, by Mrs. Frances M. Carey, and the costs were put on the county. John Cloth was found guilty of lur eeny and receiving. The prosecutor was IJomlnlck Ambrows. The men lived at Austin Helvhts. In Old Force township, and the charge against the defendant was for stealing IJi In cash ana a Judgment note of $!(.'. The do fense was heard yestenlny, but, ill though (Sloth denied the theft, lie full. 1 to account satisfactorily for the fhi'IlnR of -the note on his iierson and th" Jaiy found him guilty us he vus Indictee, He will be sentenced today. Onlv One Case trie J. Only one case was tried yesterdny. Agatha Shevlnskey was defoliant nnJ Francis Luplnskey was invseeuto: Rx-Judge W. If. Stanton i -yi :s itcd the accused and Assistant Di.-Mrl.'t jt torney John M. Harris conducted ti" case for the commonwealth. The pi- ecu tor's S-year-old boy wan Injured t.y a blow of a stone In the breast, tt.j )' !:- slle being thrown by Miss Sliev!ii.-.;i. .-' according to the story of Lnplnt'kcy She denied the imputation and the ju:y believed her, directing that th- prii-i cutor pay the costs. They live at the "Kidge In Archbald borough. In reference to the report that one man was so persuasive as to bring ti other eleven over with him In the V ise whereAnthony Slbeskie.of the"ltldgc.' was charged with Mealing a deud pi it. one of the Jurors wishes It correctly stated that the eleven were for acuuit tal and not conviction and that it was the one who was on over and not tho eleven won over. Number of Cases Disposed Of. Ninety-three cases were on th ut for trial the first week and of these verdicts of guilty were returned In twelve: pleas of guilty were entered In seventeen; verdicts of not guilty were returned In thirty-three; ball w as forfeited absolutely in eleven; the number nol. prossed was four; the numoer continued, sixteen. The sec ond week Just ending 48 cases were on the list, the first being the nosa murner tnai. He was the only deefndant who pleaded guilty. Verdicts oi sumy were returned In ten cases verdicts or not guilty, in fifteen; but one was nol. prossed: seventeen were continued, and hail was forfeited ab solutely in rour cases. There are seven suretv padus ami five cases of desertion on the list for toaay. A PI.F.A 1'OK TNL'TII AXO CHARITY. Kill tor of The Tribune. .!.!"" ruTte for victory In the iuniici ni-ena oi our city has caused su, prenension unit unrest In the minds ..f some or our best Republican citizens. Men acknowledged for their Intellectual capacities and determined principles huve lurneu meir Dai K in tne day or battle and forsaken the frlenda that have stood man fully tfnd unflinchingly by them In their fight for recognition. They have cast to the winds the sterling Independence tit principle and scrupulous adherence to truth which should characterise everv true and loysl citizen. They have seem ingly forgotten that "Keal glory Springs from the silent conquest of our selves. And without that the conqueror Is naught But the first slave." Such war bulletins, couched In ho dogmatic spirit and dlF,laylng the as sertive knowlc'ire of Thomas l. l)avle In your morning contemporary, have u wakened feelings of reeret. aiimniFHt Ills J fellow-countrymen. Mr, Duvleg has de clared his opinion stamped by the spirit of revpne anrt Injustice, forgetting that lnhr.,1 a u.V.L.1. f .. Inbred politeness which surlnits from right-heartedness and kindly feeling c f a man toward another, especially one who has the same Cymric blood In his veins, and who has breathed the tlwall.i' air on the same spot. Why not upply the golden rule. " men agree to differ, and when they do differ, bear and for bear." Principles and opinions may lie maintained with perfect urbanity, with out coming to blows or uttering hard words, and there are circumstances In which words are blows, and Inflict wounds far less easy to heal. The great danger of the tactics of Mr. Davles is the infliction of wounds In the Welsh ranks of the Republican voters of our city, that the next ten years will not bo sudlclent to heal. This would he a Joy to the hearts v Pictures Hundred nicely framed. They will go, StKh prices never before seen. We want to tell yon of goo Engravings, samples, seme finger marked a little. 10" c Worth jjc to goc each. Watches Complete line from little silver ones at -7S to solid gold at $73, all marked damn lilt. ft. I. $-2.90 for a 7-ieweled Elgin In neat cut. Do yon know Elgin prices ? of the Democrats, hut should It not cause Kcpiudicutirt lo t;i!eef . l;enieml-r. my fellow-countrymen, that our national ipirationa demand your f:ilihitilncra tv re.or.i your vote lor .mr conn:, ynian, Daniel Williams, next Tues day, in the name of our put ton saint, St. DaId. wr.a in Ms manhood had the tine iicalitlei of tenderness Jolm-.l to strength, of sympathy linked to courage, of devo tion wedded to activity, and who, above all ami before all, lived our nation, I ask every Cambro-American to bo true to the cause of Jurtleo an.i pr5te;icn by voting for WHHamn :.! IV vhole Republican tl -ket. Let tii" v.-.-t !' ririe.J and her--(ortli look fc:'v:i;-1 lo the achi'vnirnt of a contincay.i c ct n municipality governed by nun cf strict honesty and to-nestnesx of " iiiyjse. Cymro. Hyde 1'srk. lVb. n. It Kelici'ca f.atmrh nnJ Colds In Ten Minutes, und l n niesviiig to Mankind. Snti Kev. I.. .'. Mtl'bi rttm. of buffo to, N. Y. Dr. An'rn'H Cctarrhrl Powder l again luudud in-' i.Kil'-ed r- a ltiuTuln minister. ThN tint- It Is !;. L. t Mcpherson, of Jc.Ti iron 1 --t Church of Christ. vl:o leaks in suh. (.'lowing terms ol" t!.ls Duly mystic iiuedy. For colds In the l-cml, which ri -i so annoy ing, this remeilj litis ::j equal, tricing re lief In 13 minute. Vor c i.t t.tilc 1 11 tar; h It Is equally KstWfjct.-vy. Riving r-llef at once, nrcl n n-it.-tln cure In a short time. Sold by JIatttiev.-s tiros. Vci.ium's It: it -Ucn. TClwarl MetSlji'i. rt-sslv t nt foreman ot tl.e Diclvwn aha!. Or-en P.; i:rc. sustained i roken line W.t.':icdi; v being emixh ?.tia:h full cf r'f. lie its conveyed to h's licv.c, IIS De.a v.-i eStvct. niTt.M ATISM V canned by lactic acid ill t- 1,Ivm,iV Hit..'1'u fl,t-,.r.a-in ;ri.':4.s ac.d mid cunioletelv and ner nt.i.ent!y cures rheumatism, lie sure to S: . on y Jiouu s. HOOD'S PILLS cue iu.a, slrk head nci'.e. Indigestion, V:liuj?Ms. Sold by n!l Vessts. Powderly. Colborn. Jcnes arid Warren will address Republican .r-iss n.eeuniv at anin.ry Saturday eve - Kverv voter should nttcml the m.-ia lutein, imigni ut tne armory. Keyn !!; itros.. Hotel Jermvn. Wv. oiiiir.g u venue. Iluy the Weber and get the Xcst. At GuernBev Bros. Attend Reriubllcan nmsa mcetlne- ,il armory tomorrow evening;. Thro Baby was slob, we gave'her Castorla. Viien alio was a Cuikl, ska cried for Castuiia, n'heu alio bocatne Miss, she cluug to Outorla, Whoa she had Children, she gars Uieui Outorla. Republican Saturday Evening, February 15, at 8 o'clock. Addresses by Hon, T. Y, John R, Jones, Esq., A. J. Colbnrn, Esq. and Everett Warren, Esq. Come and Hear City .Matters Ulscuiscd. lass Meeting AT 1 111 CARPETS New Spring Axminster, Brussels and Tapestry CHOICE DESIGNS AND NEW COLORINGS Oriental Rugs, Axminster Whole Carpets, Something New and Beautiful at Moderate Price. There Are Some Things That arc everywhere recognized as the very best ot their kind. They arc the standards. 1 Others may te gnnd, but the genuine sl w::)s coram a mis respect and evokes admiration. You have heard of Haviland & Co.'s French China, Maddock & Co.'s Royal Vitreous, Homer LaughiiiVs White Granite. These are a few of the many makes wc carry ia open stock, of which you can select such pieces as you w ish. Toilet Sets, Lamps, etc ing Presents, China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, 134 WY0B1I6 tVESUE. Walk, in and look around. WE Don't Follow the Leaders. WE Lead the Followers. . . . . KNOX . . SPRING ... HATS M'CflNN THE HATTER, 205 WYOMING AVENUE. IN . oil AND lies WE THINK tlint wo litre tlie choicest, new est, cleanest, licst selection you c.iu find any where. ' IN QUALITY we partli'iilnry f xcel. mid our PRICES, murkeil in plain figures, niel-'filti-nmto anil, you will flnil liy i'umiariH,ni, a little lower tliun anything roniietitlou offer. Just look them over and tec. . M'GREA & GO. Coal Exchange. 128 Wyoming Av3, TAKE CARE ami yiinr eye, will tulci. car-, of ynii It OF YOUR EYES you am trnnmca witn lltfxflucuo or iibsx en io ItK. SIMM. BL'HG'S ami havi. your ey.-s pxaminml fr Wo novo reduced prioei anil ar th) lairs t I In merity. mi flum Si to Is. tne rity. Nicel specta, las from (1 to .', if H m f toss. 305 Spruco Stroet, Scranton, Pa. Patterns of I in tlu prices of AND Overcoats Don't buy until you see our prices. STEINWAV SON'S . . Acknowledged the Leading PIANOS MO MM. 0III.W.H4 KKAMCtlE BACHB aad others. ORGANS Musical Instruments, Husical Merchandise, Sheet Music and Music Books. Purchasers will always find a complete, stock and at prices as low as the sua I Ity ol the instrument w ill permit at N. A. HULBERT'S HUSIC STORE, 117 Wyoming Ave. - Scrantoq We Have On Hand THE BEST STOCK IN THE CITY . , Also the Newest. Also the Cheapest. Also the Largest. GLOGKS IN (ILL FRSiilONnBlE STUES Porcelain, Onyx, Etc Silver Novelties In Infinite Variety, latest Importations. Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds, fl. E. ROGERS, Jew eler and Watchmaker, 215 Lackawanna in Winter mil Soon Be fl?r? And to La prepared to reeit the eol4 westber you want a seasouaklo Ball or a Overocat or both AND THE BEST PLACE TO VISIT FOR SOilttTHMQ 6339 IN RERCHhNT TAILORIHS IS II 406 Lackawanna Art. THERE YOU WILL FIND The largest stock to select from. Trlav. mirgs Always of tho Best, Letoel Hiylm la (Jutting, and mads op on the prsalaai by Expert Workmen. i iTer-Nothing allowed to leave the estab lish moot udIobs satisfactory to the eas terner, and the lowest prices coDsieteaa with Oocil Merchant Tailoring. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest In the Ctt. The latest Inprorc! furolaav Up aad appantna for meat, batter aad egg. 823 Wyoming Av TAR GUrJJ Cures Colds. Lays Out LaGrippv. Curea Incipient Conaumption. Manufactnrcd by O. ELMEN DORF, Elmira. N. Y., and for aaJa by tba trade gancrally. MEGARQEL & CON NELL, Wholesale Agents, Scrutei, Ft Suits Glothiera, HoilemyjmisfiBa it IK i i - . -