THE FCBANTON TKIBTJNE- SATURDAY MORNIN'O, IKBRITAKY 15, 1800." ma One Case from the Third N. Y. Cav " airy and one from the 5th Michigan Cavalry. There are Five Hundred Thousand Veterans Still Living and a Great riany have . This Affliction. ' Jrom tht Ifews, Muikegon, Sfieh. T.ieut. t'has. M. Pausler, a cnrpctiter and fruit grower. Inn lived iu Ottawa County, Michigan, for thirty yean, and iu Bass ltiver eleven yean past, lie served in the M'ar of the Reliellion iu Company U, Third New York Cavalry, ami was a good soldier, lie wag found by tiie Moruiug JWi reporter ruguged in building a house a ihort distance from Bbm River. "He left his work and in response to an inquiry in reference to Dr. Williams' Piuk Pills tor 1'ule People, said : " About four years ago I contracted rheu matistu, how, I do not know. 1 would get through my work during the duy and go homo, ml before midnight I would be al most wild with pain. 1 was real less nights, ami the only way I got auy sleep wan by takiug laudtintiiu or some other opiate. A year ago this full I was almost' helpless, -and in the winter 1 Im--came entirely so. - I .had to be helped up and tlnwu iua chair, ami could not get to bed alone. Through the hip and back 1 was paralysed, or felt as if I wat. I had no feeling In that region of the body. The pain in uiy feet was ao great thiit 1 could hardly step on them. 1 was what you would call completely used up. My uxiiul weight was about 1 IM pounds, and I had lost lies!) until I weii'lied only about l.'UI imiindi. 1 had been docioriiii.' and uiug all kinds of medicine',' but they did lite no good. The doctors told me I could not. be tiiredt unci that I would in tune he all drawn Up. I was completely discouraged. "Last Murch 1 heard of a number of per ions heiiitr helped by Dr. Williams' Fink 1'ills for Pale People, and I thought ; would try them us a last resort. 1 did not have any faith thatthe.r would do nieuuy gooil, but 1 procured a box of A. J. While, the druggist, and, taking theiu for three dura, I be-juti to feel better. The first improvement J noticed was iu my feet. 1 could step bettcrtiiid with a great ileal less pain. Ily the time I liml finished tha third hut I could walk imtuml and without pain. Previous to that it lind taken me twenty minutes to walk sixty rod. By the time I had finished using the third box thenuiulitiess in my hack and hips knl entirely gonc, and by the time 1 bail used the fourth box inv rheiiiuiitism had practically diui- peared. I litivc reeoriiiriewltd the pilis to all my afflicted friends, und tiiey huve bi-en bene fited. I gladly recc, Mm : -d them to nil person alllicted nsl wes." To conlirm the above statement Mr. Paus ler made oath as follows : t'lias. M. Pausler. of Allendale township. Ottawa County, Michigan, being by iiie-dufy i orn, deposes that t he foregoi ng statement, made bv liiui this 11th day of October, A. 1., 189,", is true U L.N II Y U. WASTY, Xotaii Public, ! Muskegon Co., Michigan. J. Molynetn It a inim sixty-six yean of age Bnd ha lived near Kass liiver for twenty-iivj years. He is one of the substantial farmer:; of Ottawa County, and when seen by the; re porter had just finished diguing potatoes, lie said : I have had rheumatism for about forty years. My left leg was paralyzed, or felt tha'. it was, and I had severe pains in the back. I could scarcely do any work on the farm. I.u-t winter 1 heiran taking l)r. M' ill nuns' Pink Pills for Pale People, mid after I had taken four boxes the puin in my back was entirely gone, and my leg was u great deal better. I have been better this summer tliim I have been iu ten years, and have done more work on the farm than 1 have liefore fur ten years. I have recom mended the medicine toother people utllictcd with the rheumatism." A. J. White, the druggist and keeper of the general store at Haas River, said to the reporter that he knew Mr. Molyneux and acveral other hail been great lv helped !v taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and that the testimony given was true. WAS A RUSH MESSAGE. She Was in a Hurry to Send a Telegram to Her Husband. ' The ways of "lovely woman" when Fhe calls to her aid the telegraph Her viee, together with glimpses Into a dis ordered household, were both shown In a down town telegraph office oni day last week, says) the Times-Herald. It was nearly 4 o'rlook when a young: wo man, tall, well dressed and contdder ably agitated, aupeared there, and. seizing- a blank, wrote rapidly for a mo ment before she stepped over to the man In charge. "Won't you hurry that along as fast as possible, please?" she said, lay ins the dispatch on the counter. It Wns) addressed to nil olllce on thi North Side. The operator, used to thin request, took the message and begran the usual annotation. "Twenty-six rents, pleafle," he said, still jabbing at it with his pencil. "How soon will It go?" asked the Bender. "At once." "It ought to get there before half puat 4?" she hazarded, with a rising: In flection. "It ought," assented the operator. "But will It, do you think?" she per sisted. . "If therein no delay at the other end." She punned in the act of putting down the money. , "I wonder if a messenger would be quicker?" she said, half to herself. The operator waited. "I'll be back In a minute," she went on nnd hurried to the messenger depk. "What Is your shortest time to Chi cago avenue on the North Side?" she hurst out, breathlessly. "We huve done It in 25 minutes. Fifty-six," railed the manager, in an ticipation of a cjitlck service. "Oh, I don't believe he could Ret there so soon as that," objected the young woman, as a boy presented him self. "In 30 he could," said the manager. "How would ho go?' persisted the questioner. "By street car, and a run up Chicago venue. "Still she hesitated. A glance at the clock decided her. "It's on the stroke of 4." she said, "and the message mu it be delivered be fore half-past. I think the telegraph is quicker." And now in frantic haste fthe returned to the opemrtor. Ho was busy tilth a message, and two more precious minutes were lost. "Send that dispatch just as fast as you can," she said, v,rhen her turn came, "and do put on it ito deliver at once, won't you?" "I'll rush It." said the operator. "Oh, do," urcrd the young woman. "You see how imuo f tant It Is." nnd for the first time she unknlt her nretty brows. The operator indulged, too. In a tleetlnff smile. The dispatch read: "Don't bring Mr. ,- home to dinner. Cook Just left In a. tantrum." . . BE I.OYAI. H THE PARTY. Editor of The Trl buoe. Sir: Permit me through the medium of your valuable pap er to say a word or two regarding two of '(he candidates nominat ed by the KepulMicans, one for mayor and one for city treasurer, namely, Col onel B. H. Rtppls and Mr. Daniel Will Jams. 1 have be m personally acquainted with both of the above named gentlemen for -thirty-four :rars and have had thou sands of dollars worth of business rela tion with them both, and found them to be honest ami conscientious In all their dealings and l'JMral to a fault. There aire not very many hero who ran recall that xemorable day when the Star of the West im, Contractedjn the War. A SUBJECT OF INTEREST TO COI D1EHS. H. . Ksuswltoa, Pints Mlchtgaa CftV airy, Telia of Effect of Army Uf. 1 From tht Kern, Mutkegoti, ilich. There are few pleusanter drives in thli part of the country than the one along the South Oraud river road, runuiug between Grand Haven and Bass ltiver, a little ham let about fourteen miles from the enpitul of Ottawa County. And especially is that so in these October days, when the rich autumnal colors are beginning to give radiants; to the woodlands along the route. On the eleventh of this month a representative of the Morn ing Sim took this trip to interview a certain Mr. II. h. Knowlton, a farmer living uhout a mile away, about Ms cure from rheum, tiitiii. .Mr. Knowlton is a man fifty-one years of age, ami served three years iu the war, beinif a member of Company 1', Piftli Michigan Cavulrv. lie has lived in Allendale, Ot tawa Oouiity, Mich., miiis the rebellion, and is one of tht: Milmtuulial runners of the eouu ty, bis farm, which contains one hundred and eighty-live acres, bcitiu a valuable prop erty. He was working iu the tieid wheu up- matched by the reporter, hut kindly invited dui into liis handsome hrick houe, and when asked almut the rtrnrtils he had re ceived from taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, said: "I was in the urniy for three years, and it was while there 1 contracted the rheumatism. After cumin'.' out 1 was lame and sore a good ileal of the time, hut was not sick enough to go to bed. At first 1 was not very bud, but ill time went on 1 became worse. About a yeur ago I was so bad that I had to give up uiy work on the farm. 1 had doctored w ith doctor and tuketi a great deal of medicine, and had be come kind uf discouraged. Nothing seemed to help me, and finally I went to the drug store of A. J. While nnd asked him if he hud anything In kill or cure me. He said he had Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People, and he thought if 1 would take theui they would help we. purchased a box and before taking ull of them 1 felt better, and I knew they hail helped me. 1 eon tin md tuking the pills, and fur the past three months 1 have not felt the rheumatism. I would adviso any one who luis the rheuma tism to try the Pink Pilis, und 1 am conlideiit thev will help them." It. B. Kunwlton, of Allendale. Ottawa County, Michigan, being by me duly sworn, deposes that the facts set forth in the fore going statement, made by him this 11th day of October, A. l., lSiW. ure true. 11i:ni:y(1. Wanty, A'olary l'uhlif, Muskegou Co., Michigan. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ure un unfailing tpecifio for such diseases an locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, it. Vitus' dance, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, the after etlcet of la grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexion', that tired feeling resulting from nervous prostration, all diseases resulting IVom vitiatisj humors iu the blood, such au scrofula, chronic erysipelas, etc. They are also a spccilic lor troubles pe culiar to females, such as suppressions, ir regularities and all forms of weakness. Iu men they effect a radical cure in all cases arising from mental worry, uverwork or ex ce ses of whatever nature." These pills are manufactured bv the Dr. Williams' Medicine Company, Schenectady, X. Y., and are sold only in botes bearing the tinn'i trade-murk and w rapper at flu cent a Imx or six botes for tfci.So, and are never sold la balk. They may be had of ail drug gist. was tired at, carrying supplies to that gal hint commander, Major Anderson, at Port Slimier, und what u stir ami commotion It made throiiRhmic our broad country, iluehnnnnn holding the reins of govern ment at the time, and everybody anxious to know what would likely be the result. Hut when the time came that grand old man, Abraham Lincoln, called to arms luO.OOO men. Uur town, then in Its infancy, was not Flow to answer that call. It nced td money as well as men and Colonel Hip pie's father, then an aged man, but a Republican, full of patriotism, was oao of the foremost and most liberal men of the day. While recruiting was goinar on no man who came along hungry at that time, and they were many, went without food or shelter, for withtn and over tne roof of that famoua old hostlery were tha Htars) and Htrlpes. .Many were fed and the night before the departure of the boys from Hyde Park for Harrisburg a rousing meeting was held and a bouml ful supper given them at the White Tav ern, and for three months there were not many here that shared from their pocket more than Colonel KIpple and his people. Also, when tit boy came back the same courteous treatment awaited them and ere a short while after a call for 30U,(im more was made Colonel ftipple, then u youth in his teens, was soon on the on ward to the front, and while there on- gaged in many a bloody struggle for tint ; emblem of liberty. He stood manfully and loyally to his Republicanism, mi l while a captive In l.lbljy nnd Andcrson vllle prison he never flinched from his sworn duty. To such a man, I say this city and people owe a debt of gratitude which we can only pay In voting for him as mayor of this noble city. His aLle management of the past Is conclusive to every true Republican that the affairs of our city government will be handled with rare, honesty ami fidelity. He who slood by the guns, boys, will stand hy you. The same patriotism nnd liberality can also be said of Mr. Daniel Willinm?. He has always been foremost in the welfare of our city. For as a Itepulilcan citlii''.i, he has always been loyal to Ills party and Its best Interest. Therefore as Re publicans of the old school, we ought to feel It a pleasure as well as duty to vote the whole ticket and commend It to nil with out shouder to the wheel ami a help ing hand for the viaduct. I!. J. Hughes. Hyde rark, rVb. 14. Itufralo l ive stock. Buffalo. N. Y., Feb. 14. Cattle Steady for butchers' stock, easy for steers r.f good weights; heavy steers, $J.S9a4; mixed butchers'. 3.Jia3.7U; old to fat rows. J'ta Kli; Yorkers. 4.6.".a4.7o; llEht. $4.7l'a4.72'; pigs. 4.70a4.7ri: mixed packers. t4.tsM4.ii5; mediums, W.5."a4.tlO; roughs, $.1.7riH4.H: stags. 3a3.75. Sheep and btmbs Quiet, 1 and lb rents lower for lambs; sheep, steady; prime Imbs.t4.75a4.!; good to choice, t4.dfti4.70: culls to fair, ;.fsu4.4n; mixed sheep, choice to extra. M.5Cu:t.l; fair to good. I2.76a3.40; culls and common, Kal.K; handy wethers,' t"7.i4: heavy sheep, SI.4ua3.S0; clipped lambs, tl.40a4.5v. Chicago Live Stock. Chicago. Feb. J4. Cattle Receipts, 3,yJ 'head; market Prin and 10 cents higher for desirable lots, others unchanged; common to extra Hters, t3.25a4.or; stockers and feeders, 12.MaJ; cows and bulls, tl.6Oa3.00; calves. Uati.40; Texans, t2..Va4J0. Hogs P.ecelpts. IH.OtiO head: market llrm and r rents higher, early closing weaker; heavy packing and shipping lots, t. 04.32. i common to choice mixed, ti4.); choice assorted, t4.2Tia4.20; light, t4.UTa4.30; pigs, t3.25a4.26. Sheep Kecelpts, t,000 heail; market steady: Inferior to choice, $2.50a L5; lambs, t3.2ia4.60. Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia, Feb. 14. Tallow Is steady, but demand Is light. We quote: City, firime, in hogsheads, 3e.; country, prime, n barrels, 3c; country, daft. In barrels, 3t4a3VsC.; cakes, 4c.; grease, 34c THE WORLD OF BUSINESS Wall Mtcct Kc lew. New York, Ft. 14 ioinloa selling due to uie reopviunrf oi loe 'iraukvaai ua i.on nau an uufaoial suieci on tne local stock pecuiation tuia morning. Tne eariy loss v. tut eqmu to fed' per ceiiu, auu uenny rvery ,.rjmlur.i railway hock uii the list pari.c.iaie(t in Vne oownwatu tnoie-uieiu. J ne uuc.uie u checked soon niier tne opening by ntuivy uuymic oi Miar and lauutfco lias. motel M' Horn li--t to Hi ana Chicago vij rroui t- lo i!4. Tne rue in the inn-named crtuituu to pui'rmue for lower Viaii street imeiecis whi.e Cnicago uas was t'OUfnt 0 speculators wno ueiieve ine Illinois bupietne court wiu oeciite in luvor of the reorganisation committee. V.ik H'.riniiin or the siocKs naiiieU tian a Kuod clteci on the Hot ana the c rangers, liuisvlba and Nasiivillc, leather preferred. Delaware and liud mj.i and Lead, preferred, all scored higner tu:ure. In tile arternoou tno furling was k-s connucnt, the elcaay wichar&wals of l,olJ lrom the aub-ireabury to (.ay tor ttij new bonds; the latlure ol ouisiuera to rv fpoud to the UecUive dtrieat of the radi cal atlverltea in emigres yesterday and liie liecilne in government' bonus having led to sales for both 'the Ions and short bocounta. Manhattan was coiislcuoi.'a oi'eaking from 110'i to 107. Musur fell from Hit to lUVi. Burlington and wulucy .lorn Bl a to t; Tobacco from 2't to Si; k liicajio Uas troin w to (TiW. St. Haul, .i to 71'.' ; Hock Island from 73", to 72S; eGneral Electric from to 31. and Louis .ill.? and Nashville, to ixi'. In the .-pec ialtles coneoluiated Gas broke :o KkiVs. and Pullman ralaco, 21? to .'C'i, and Illinois Steel, 4 to 70. Near the close ,.'.e general market displayed a lil Me more ateudiness and prices rallied fractionally. .Vet changes show use of lo S per cent, (sugar and Leather, preferred, however, gained 1 to J' per cent. Total sale were Z-iO.SOO shares. Honda were higher, sales aggregating tl,140.oJO. Chicago Hurling ton and North Fives rose l'-j lo lut'i; Clu cliinail, Indiana, St. Louis and Chicago fours IS to H7; Kansas and Texas Kecoudi, 1 lo (11; Northern I'uclno seconds, Us to 109; Heorla and Western fours, 1 to 7s". ..Ilssourl Paclrlc Coal Trust fives dropped 5 Furnished by WILLIAM LINN. ALLEN ft CO., correspondents for A. F. I'AMl' UZLL, stock broker, 412 Spruce street. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. Ing. Am. Tobacco Co.... 82 S2'. M it Am. Sugar Ke'g t'o..llli US 1124 H.tSfc Mctl.. To. & S. Fe.. 17 17',, li 11 ( a.iada Southern. .. 601, 51', 60 51 Chicago u 6a tffl'4 Wi '' Chicago & N. V 1U1, 101'"n 10Jn lu:i!i Ciiic, B. & Q W W'a "''' C. O. C. St. U StHt W'i 3'i ( Jilc, Mil. St. P.. 77 77"s TtSVs Cidc. K. 1. A Pac... 78'. 73'a 72V 7i's Del. Hud 12S' 12 12Si 12!" l)ll. C. 1' 'It's 'U'-t l"s 1i Oen. K.lectrlc S2 XI' SI "1 Lake .Snore Hi's Hs H' H5 Louis. & Nash 50V 61', 5l"ii 6u'i M. K. . Texas, P.. ao'4 Wj 23H 2' .Manhattan Kler 110'3 llO'.ii PT 17 .Mo. I'm- 24 24 2S 23 Nat. Cordage, a 6 Nat. i.ead 2 28'-i 23 2S N. J. Csmral 107 1074 1W4 10J14 N. Y. Central 8 98 87 1 N. V., S. 6c W 10V. ' 10' W, 10'i N. Y.. S. & W., Pr.. 2K4 28S 28"4 2S'a Nor. lac. Pr IfiS 15' 15 15(4 untarlo and Went... 15' jj 15', 15' lo' I'ac. Mall W 30V, 2S Phil. & Read 14 14 VV 13V. Southern It. H Htti 10', 10's 10V Southern H. K.. Pr.. 32 & 81 SH Tenn., C. & Iron.... 3-1 S4'a 33'-, Texas Pact He X 8 ' tii 814 Cnlon Paolllc tl's 7 ti'a fi'A Wabash, Pr 19 19 1SS IS', Western Union bti'i Sii'-j 6 ftfli W. L Is 13v4 124 12 i V. S. Leather 11 Vi ll It ll. 1'. 8. Leather, Pr.... (M W tw 1ISV4 1 C. S. Hubber gs, 27'4 27Vt ; CHICAGO UOARU OF TRADE PKICKS. Op'n- High- Low- Clos- I WHEAT. In, est. est. Irg. ! May UiHt fl'i . Ai f I July W 67 ' w- a OATS. Muy !li 2t 21', July 21S 2l 21", 21'., PORK. 1 May 80 30, SO .10 '.4 i July 31', W, 31 31', CORN. May C.70 F1.7i 5.70 B.70 I July u.S5 5.S5 5.82 5.S5 ' LAUD. , ' Muy 10.30 10.40 10.27 10.32 ( Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Qno tntions-AII Ouotatlons linked on 1'ur of 100. ! Name. Bid. A"keJ. Dims Dep. & DIs. Bank 1.15 Scranton Lflce Curtain Co 50 ! National boring & Drilling Co. ... SO i First National Hunk C53 Scranton Jar & Stopper Co.. 25 Scran'.o.n Glass Co (So Spdr.g l.rook Water Co 105 Klmliin-il Boulevard Co 100 Scranton Axle Works .. go Scranton Savings Bank' 200 Scranton Traction Co IS Honta Plate Glaus Co 10 Scranton Car Heplacer Co 100 Sc union Packing Co 05 Weston Mill Co r,o Lackawanna Iron & Steel Co J50 BONDS. Scranton Glass Co , 100 Scranton Pas. Railway, first mortgage dun 1918 110 S.'ianton Traction Co 95 People's Street Railway, first mortgage due 191s 110 Scranton & Plttston Trac. Co 90 People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1920 110 ... Lacka. Valley Trac. Co., first mortgage due 1825 90 Dickson Manufacturing Co Ido Lacka. Township School 6 ion CUV of Scranton Street Imp (1 ... lo? Scranton Axle Works 100 Borough of Wlnton 8 100 Rush Brook Coal Co 100 New York Produce .Market. New York, Feb. 14. Dull, easy, un changed. Southern flour Quiet. Rye flout Wulet, firm; No. 2 wheat, tl.80al.3Ti; buckwheat, 45c. Cornnieal y uict. Rye Nominal. Barley 1'nchanged. Malt Nominal. Wheat Fairly active, firm; No. 2 red store, and elevator, tmvic; afloat, &.; f. o. b., 8IViaS2i.-.; ungraded red, 67a 83c: No. 1 northern, 75:ic; options opened weak at '4r. decline on local realizing, rallied v.alc. with the west; February. ic. on liquidation, closed weak at fcnV.c below yesterday; Mny and July most ac tive; No. 2 red February, 730.; Jlarcn, 7"V:.; May, 7.!'c.: June, 72'c; July. 72c. Corn Dull, firm; No. 2, :'sa:itrc. eleva tor: 3i',ho7-V. afloat: options were dull and firm at unchanged prices; May most active; February, in.; May. 36' 4c.; July. S7c. Oata Unlet, steady; options dull, easier; February, 25Vie.: May, 2.VV; spot sprles, No. 2, 'Si1':.; No. 2 while, 2'iat fSc; No. 2 Chicago. 2UV.: Nc S. 24',i 25c; No. 3 white, 25s,c; mixed western, 2J!ii',2e.: white atate and western, ITu 28..c. Feed bran 1'nchanged. Hay yuiet, about steady, unchanged. Hops Fair demand, unchanged. Wool Firm, quiet, unchanged. Beef Dull. unclmngM. . Beef hums Dull: tl5... Tlerced beef Quiet ;clty extra India mess, t!5alii. Cut meats Steady, unchanged. Lard (JuK'i. nominal; western steam, $5.Sj: lly, t5.2'i; May,- $ti; refilled, dull continent, ttiaU.; contpound, H"4iijc. Pork J'iiet, firm; mess, 10.5iliil0.75. Butler Choice fairly active, tlrm, unchanged. Cheese Mouer utely active, tincimng-il. l-tss Ouiet, lower; state and 1'eunsylvatdu, ll'4al44c; Houlheni, 13"4Ul4c; western fix-sli. T.:& 1 1'ic; limed. llitl2c: do, -av, iia2.50. Tal low Steady; city, 31 3-ltU'. ; country, 3"a 4'c. Cotton seeil oil Dull, steady; crude, 22c. i yellow prime 2iic.; ilo. off grade, 25U.U Sic. Rosin Firm, more actve; strulned common to good. tl.OOal.tC'H. Turuentlnc Firm: 2!iV2tttr. Potatoes Quiet, un changed. Rico and mollasses Firm, un changed. Coffee yulet; 5 and 13 points down; March, t12.45al2.50. Toledo nraln Market. Toledo, O.. Feb. 14. Wheat Receipts, 10.000 bushels; shipments, 4.0U0 bushels ; firm: No. !l red May and June, 75'V-. j July. 71 '.c: No. 3 red cash, 72:ic Corn Itecelpta, 6.090 bushels; shipments. 1,250 bushels; quiet; No. 2 mixed cash, 29c.; No. 2 do., 2S',c; May, 3u-c; No. 3 yellow cash, 29'-c. Oats Nominal. Clover seed Re ceipts, 52U bags; shipments, KIN bags; Arm; prime cash and March, $4.52,c; April, 34.40: ilctuber, 84.15. Wanted. - VANTED-TO PURCHASE ON ANNCAL V V iastallments the rear urt of a corner lot or of a corner and adjoining lot. either oOx 40 or 5080, elevation high, view extended, prlee reasonable; twentieth century prices will not be entcrUined. Address, giving lo cation, price and terms, COMMON 811NSE, Tribune office. TITANTKD TO PURCHASE AM E8TAB. TV lished Bra insnranos business. Address JAMES R RT7DrHNO.OenerslDeliTery.elty. Medical. LADiKftt OsenVi Cnftjth Pstsiyrtnal Wh HE CENT A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KHJOS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCF.. WHKN A BOOK ACCOUNT 13 MADR. NO CHARGR WILL BB LESS THAN 2.-. CKNT3. THIS RL'LB P PT.IFS TO 8 MALT. WANT ADS. EX CF.PT LOCAL SITUATIONS, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. . HclD Wanted Male. O 1 ' tor new f.iinilv flreroof deposit eje, ti-levhonfcK and other elvrtrio goods, alnmlnum pUotogrntih cases fur monument,, slunilnum sum letters and nuniWrs for stores, houso. Imtnls in d vehicles, collar and ruff roiisher d muy eFK-iaPiee. Writ a World Mfg. Co., WT. Cnluinlnis Oli'tt UrNTKD- N AOINT1N EVE It Y S Fic tion tocanva-a: J4.00 to f"i Oils day made; a -lis at sight: alsoauia'ito s-ll staple (tocds to dealers; best slle line t'VUU a month: sal. ary or larva con mission made; experienca tiunrerssa y. Clifton Soap and Uanufactar Ine Co., Cincinnati. O. TAXTEI)-AS F.XPF.BT STEAM FITTER to solicit work nnd make estimates: a good opportunity to ths riglit narty. Address HTKAM UTTER. Tribune vBlce. W'ASTKtl-WELL-KNOWN MAN li ' evi-ry town to solicit stock subscrip tions: a monopoly: e tuon-v for ssenu; ao cspiUl required. F.DWAKD C. FISH CO. Borden Bloc,, (,'hlevro. 111. Helo Wanted Female. 1ADIE8-I MAKE BIG WAGES DOING 4 pleasant lw.iue work, and will gladly send full t artinulara to all sending S cent stamp. MIsh M. A. STKUBINS. Lawrence, Ulnh. W'ANTED-LADV AOF.NT IN SCRAN- ton to sell and Introduce Suyder's cake Icing: experienced eauvssser preferred; work lenuanent aud very profitable. Write for partx-ulnrs at onu airl get benefit of holiday trade. T h. hNYDER CO . Cincinnati, O. J ANTED IM MEDUTELY-T WO ENER V cetto saleswomen to rspres-nt us. Guaranteed fa a dsv without interferiug with other duties. HcaVthfid ocenpstida. write for particulura iiiL-losing ramo. Mango ('hem Irai '.'omtuiuv. No 71 John street. New Vorlc. Agent Wanted. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL CIGARS; $75 per month salary and expenses paid. Address, with two-cent stamp, FIGARO CI OAK CO., t uicaiTO. Ur AN TED-TWO OOOD MEN TO SELL tea and coffee on commission iu aad around Scrautou; will furnish each with a horse and wsg m and aiy ' it) per cent, com mission: a auial) bond required. For particu lars address '. C, Tribune nfltce. M0NOlOLY-I WANT a thoroughly reliable man ill feranton, Pittston and Wilkei-llarre to tako sole agency for the sale of the only shoe dressing in the world used to keep hoot, s os and every kind of titled leatbor from wenruig out. Tito business is strictlv uash. has no competition aud pay a I rotlt f I'M per ceut. Must be able to carry from $100 to 8500 worth of stock. For full particulars addrets F. S. WILLIAMS, car of I riliune office. ' GENIS-TO 8BlL6uHPRACTIOAL A gold, silver, nickel and copper electro pluters: price from t-'i upward; salary and ex penses paid; outfit tree. Address, with stamp, J' ICH 1(4 AM M KG CO., Chioago. AGENTS TOSEI.LCIOARS TO DEALERS; $'.'" eekly and expenses; exporieno uu-necesssrj-. t ONHOLiUATEO MFG. CO., 4S Van Bui-en St., Chicago. CALE8MAN TO CARRY SIDE L!NE;23 O per ceut. commisilon; sample book malltdfree. Address L, N. CO,, Station L, New York. ' T ON CE AGENTS APPOINTED TO i V sell new lightning selling table cloth, mos quito and housefly liquid at 10 cents and 2 cents a bo tie. Samplo frea. BOLGIANO M'F'G Co., Baltimore. Md. A (1 EN1 8-ll'i.N DE'S PATENT ulrXKR al Hair Curler and Wavers (used with out heatl, and "Pyr Polnted"Hair Pin Lib eral comminioas. Free sample and fall pr tlcnlars. Address P. O. Box 450, New York. For Sale. ioirBATLEol5B"','H 1 country place, near Scranton; larae modern house and line grounds. MRS. MARY AYLESWORTII, Clmkh Green, Pa. F'OR HALE-CHEAP, a CORNER HOUSES in block known as Printers' Row; con venient to Linden st. hriilce and Lackawanna are : desirable for business or dwelling. PETER BLACKWOOD, 422 Mifflin ave. ,"OR S ALE-t POOL TABLES. 2 BILLIARD tables and one combination table; also t arzaina In new and second-band cloth and bells just now. J. B. VAN KLECK, West minster 1 ool Room. LeaL OK REWARD TO THE PERSON WHO f"nnd and will retnru tho envelope con taining 121 which was lost during noon hour vestcnlav between the First National Bi ak and car shop. GEO. W. SMITHING, Tri bune office. for Rent. I.XlR HEi'f TEN-ROOM HOUSE; ALL 1' modern conveniences. Inquire at 1223 Waslibnrn at. IfOR RENT-FOUR Fl OORS OVER MY store, aultab o for lioarding and lodging bouse: also house W)7 Wi.S'-in gton ave, J. L. HARDING. l.-OR RENT - ONE SIX Ki lOM HOUSE, LEE J eonrt Inquire Ki Ariains ave. Ij't.R RENT NU'Eui FURNISHED HALL I1 suitnblo for lodge room JOHN JER MYN, 110 Wyoming ovenue. VOR RlBNT-f HEPRICMIsis REM'StEy nrcuDied by The Scranton Trih ne.known as the Ul'-efHi' Building, comer of Spruce St. and I enn ave. Posnessi m utvcu immediatoly. The preinl es roneiit uf the bi ildiug in the roar of the building on the corner of spruce treat and l enn h venue, tngeiher with the I'S'eliU'llt. and nlso the entire fourth floor of the corner luiildiug. Can be rnuted for Lodge rurpose as well ns pul lie meetings. Sizes of all, 2:txllt with a s rond hull on same floor. .v'm. For particulars inquire on the pieiiiisrs, if Ruitcdiili Bloeser, or at the office of The Semtnton Tvilmn. Money to Loan. iS) r1A r2.0UO ON STRAIGHT MORT OC,tJUU gago D. B. KEPLOGLE, Atty.. 4 8 Spruce st. Q?, 50" TO I.EN D ON FIRST MORTGAGE, O city real estate. HAMILTON, Attorny, 212 Commonwealth Building. Soeelai Notice. ! "riIE HOt.DIFRIN OUR CIVIL WAR." 1 X You want this relic Contains allot i Frank Leollo's famous old War Pictures. allow I iua the forces n actual liattlo. sketoUed on the spot. Two volumes, 2,0m pictures, Bold on essy monthly payment-. Delivered by ex rress rnmttlet", rll et-arires frvpaid. Address P. U MOODY. 1122 Adams Ave.. Kcranion, Pa. 1 J LANK f'OCKS. PAMPHLETS MAOA li sines, etc., bonnd or rebound at TilB unice. Vuick work. Reasonable prices. aecial Meeting of Stockholders. BY DIRECTION O' THE BOARD OF Directors of the Scranton Glass Com psuy there ill be. a special meeting of the toclihiililei- of said c rapany he d ai. the of fice of the onij.any, 94 Lackawnnlia avenne, in the city of i-crnnton, Pa., February I2tb. PWIi. at 10 o'clock a. ni for the pnrposs of antboiizing the Board of Directors of said (.'oinpaiiy. and its proper officer, to soil sod conv- y the lots of real estate of tbe company, situate in the city of Scranton, Pa., not en cumbered by mortgage bv the company, and also a certain lot of land situate in ihe city of Trentoa. N. .1.. and transact such other busi ness as may properly come said meet ing. U. a WARREN, Secretary, bcranton. Pa . Jau. 11. 1800. Busincta Opportunity. C WHIPPLE CREEK INVESTMENTS RE- liable Information, with Cripn e Creek map free: years on ground: IHlKt 000 capital. The Woods Investment Co , ColorsdoSpriogs, Cole, A SURE CURE FOR , RHEUMATISM Warranted to rare MM) out of every 1.000; two des will take the worst rase of lnfiara n story out of bed. 12.00 per plat bottle. Maaufartnred and sold by MRS. DR. HAMILTON, jg Northampteii Street, Wllku-Barre, Pa. and for sale at no New Yark St.. Uresa RMfl. SCRANTON. PA. Con nol ly IromiClad Stockimigs FOR THE BOYS. This has gotten to be a famous Stocking in our Hosiery Department; in fact, -we couldn't keep store without them. . They will stand the hardest kind of wear, and you cac depend on the black All sizes, 18c a CONNOLLY & Situation Wanted. OITITATION WANTED BY AN EXPERI enced man a salesman.- bookkeeper or shipping clerk; best reference: wholesale trad preferred. Address G. A. L., Tribune office. SITUATION WANTEDBY A -GERMAN girl in private familv for general house work. Inquire at Wa Maple st, . C1TUATION WANTED BY YOUNG LADY o as clerk: hu bad experienoe in dry good anu suosa. aiso m orooe wore; can lurnisn reference if required: is anxious to obtain a position. AddrossANXIO US, Tribune office, SALESMkN-tj ADAY: No"iCANVAfS lug: ne deliveries; ne oellectlons; sample free: side llns or exclusive. JiFKS., iwtl Market St., Fblladelphia. w ANTED WARH1 NO TO BE TAKEN -home. Address 884 Kresslsr court. - SITUATION WANTED BY A LONG experienced statiouarv and holsttnr eOTlneer, cau do all kind of repaliing. Good lobar practical mau; best of references. Ad dress S. M. A., Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED BY AN EXPERI O enond butcher, 10 years in the business; also experienoe as clerk, in a grocery store or on a delivery wagon; will accept eitlier one; nsed to handling horses; cad' speak German and English'. Address .1. W. A, . HOT Cedar ave. CfTCATION WANTED BY A YOUNG O mau; will do anv kind of work; store work preferred. Addles Store, ' FeckviUew Pa., P. O box ilia Elcetion Proclamation. Mayor's orncc. Scranton, Pa., Feb. 41, 1890. fOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT AT A IT general election to be held on Tuesday, the lBth day ot February Instant, being tbe third Tuesday of February, the following officers will be voted for at the osual places of holding in the City of Scranton. to wit: A Mayor, a City 1 reasurer, a City Control ler and three Citv Assessors to aarv for the term of three vear. beginning the first Mon day of April, 1800. One Select Councilman to serve for tha term of f..ur year, beginning the first Mon day of April, 18H0, In on oil of the odd num bered wards, to wit: Tbe First, Third. Fifth, Seventh, Ninth, Eleventh, Thirteenth, Fif teenth, Seventeenth, Nineteenth and Twenty first. On Common Councilman to serve for the term or two years, beginning the first Monday of April, 18Hii. in each of the even numbernd wards, to wit: The Beoond, Fourth, Sixth, Eighth, Tenth, Twelrth, Fourteenth, Six teenth, Eighteenth snd Twentieth. One School Controller for the term of four year from tue first Monday of June, 1S90, iu each of the even numbered wards, to wit: The Second, Fourth, Sixth, Eighth, Tenth Twelfth, Fourteenth, Sixteenth, Eighteenth and Twentieth. One Alderman to serve for the term of five years In each of the following wards, to wit: The Eleventh, Fourteenth, Sixteeutn, Seven teenth aud Twentietn. One Judge of Ebctlon. two Inspectors of Election anil the Assmsor of Voters In each and every election district in the cltv. t CSigned) W, L. CONN ELL, jsKAt. f Mayor. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. DR. WILLIAM A. TAFT, PORCELAIN. Bridge and Crown work. OfTioe, 325 Washington avenue! C. C. L.AUBACH. SURGEON DENTIST. No. 115 Wyoming avenue. R. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL Ex change. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. A. TRAPOLD, SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Wyoming avenue and Spruce street, Scranton. Of fice hours, Thursdays and Saturdays, 9 a. m. to 8 p. m. DR. O. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 10 Spruce street, Scranton, Pa. (Just opposite Court House Square.) DR. KAY, 2W PENN AVE. ; 1 to S P. M. : call 203. Dl. of women, obstretrlcs and and all dls. of chlj. J DR W. E. ALLEN, 612 North Washington avenue. DR. C. L. FP.EY, PRACTICE LIMITED, diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; office, 122 Wyoming ave. Resi dence, B29Vine street DR. L M. GATES, 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours, 8 to 8 a. m 1.30 to 8 and 7 to i p. m. Residence 309 Madi son avenue. . DR. J. C. B ATESOn" TUESDAY SAND Fridays, at 505 Linden street. Office hours 1 to 4 t. m. DR. S.W. LAME RE At TX, A SPECIAL 1st on chronic diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, kidney ind genlto uri nary diseases, will occupy the office of Dr. Roos, 232 Adams avenue. Office hours 1 to 6 p. m. Lawvers. WARREN & KNAPP. ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law. Republican building, Washington avenue, Scran ton, Pa. JESSUPS & HAND. ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at Law, Commonwealth building. Washington 1IORACF, E. HAND. W. H. JESSITP, JR. PATTERSON WILCOX. ATTOTt" neys and Counsellors at Law; office and 8 Library building. Scranton, Pa. ROHEWKLL H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WILCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND. Attorneys and Counsellor, Common wealth building. Room 19. 20 and 21. FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Room 6, Coal Exchange, Scran ton, ra. JAMES W. OAK FORD, ATTORNEY-at-Law, rooms 63, 04 and 65, Common- weaitn nuiming. SAMUEL W. KDOAR. ATTORNEY-AT-Law. Office. 317 Sprue St.. Scranton. Pa. L. A. WATERS. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. 423 Lackawanna ave.. Scranton, Pa. URIB TOWNSEND, ATTORNET-AT-Law. Dime Bank Building, Scranton. Money to loan In large sums at 5 per "cent. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT-law. Commonwealth building. Be canton. H. C. SMYTH B, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 400 Lackawanna avenue. C. TOMBOYS. 321 BPRUCB STREET. ' D. B. REPLOOLE, ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate security. 406 Spruce street B. F7 KILLAM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 120Wyomlng ave., Scranton, Pa. JAS. J. H. HAMILTON'. ATTORNEY-AT law. 66 Commonwealth bld'g. Scranton. U. C. RANCK, 136 WYOM1NO AVE. to be fast. pair or 3 pair for 50c WALLACE, TRYU5. emo4 uct we., ecu mmi Wire Srcetw. JOB. KUETTEI RIAK 111 LACKA wanna avenue, Boraaton. Pa., maoufao- surer oi wire ajoreens. Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS. ARCHITECT, , Room M, 25 aad tt, Commonwealth nmming aeramon B. U WALTER, ARCHITECT, OFFICE . rr y vv ajiniiigxon avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR., ARCHITECT. 5 Spruce st. cor. Wash, ave.. Sqrantos, BROWN 4k MORRIS. ARCHITECTS, Prtoo building, UN Washington aveaue. Schools. SCHOOL OP THE LACKAWANNA. , Scranton, Pa., preparea boys and girta for college or business: thoroughly trains young children. Caialogu at re quest. Opens September 9. REV. THOMAS M. CANN. n alii an n. auh.LL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDEROARTBN 2nd. School, 412 Adams avenue, opena tlept. t. Klndegarten tie per term. Loans. THE REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association trill loan you Money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. CaJJ on 8. NT Callander, Dim Bank building. Seeds. O. R. CLARK A CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurseryman; store 14 Washington ave nue; green house, 150 North Main ave nue; store telephone 712. Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE, 125 and 127 FRANK- Un avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIOLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D U W. paeaenger depot. Conducted on tha European plan. VICTOR KOCH. Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTElT Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irvine Place. New Tork. Rates, 13.60 per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). B. N. ANABLB, Proprietor. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, partial, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. Far terms address K. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulberts music store. MEQARGEB" BROTHERS. PRINTERS supplies, envelope, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, ISO Washington ave.. Scran ton, pa. FRANK P. BROWN A CO.. WHOLE sale deals'- In Woodware, Cordage and Cdl Cloth. "SO West Lackawannavy. THOMAS AUBREY. EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 19 and 20, Williams Building, opposite postoffice. Agent for the Rex Fire Bxtlnirulsher. RAILROAD TIME- TABLES Central Railroad ot New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 17, 1SS5. Trains leave Scranton for Pittston, Wllkes-Barre, etc at 8.20, 9.13, 11.30 a. m.. 1 20. 2.00. 3.05. 5.00, 7.10 p. m. Sundays, 9.00 a. m.. 1.00, 2.15, 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City, 6.10 a. m. . For New York, Newark and Elisabeth, 8.20 (expre) a. m., 1.20 (express with Buf ftet parlor car), 3.05 (express) p. m. Sun day. 2.15 p. m. Train leaving 1.20 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia, Reading Terminal. 6 21 p. m. and New York 6.46 p. tn. For Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethle hem, Eaaton and Philadelphia, 8.20 a. m.. 1 20, 8.05, 6.00 (except Philadelphia) p. m. Sunday. 2.15 p. m. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at 8.20 a. m., r.20 p. m. . ... , . For Reading, Lebanon and Harrisburg, via Allentown, 8.20 a. m., 1.30, 6.00 p. m. Sunday, 2.15 p. m. For Pottsville. 8.20 a. m., 1.20 p. m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street, North River, at 9.10 (express) a. m., 1.10, 1.30. 4.30 (express with Buffet parlor oar) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, 9.00 a. m., 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday 6.27 "'Through tickets to all points at lowest rates may be had on application In ad vance to the ticket agent at .the station. II. P. BALDWIN. Oen. Pass. Agent. J. H. OLHAt'SEN, Oen. Supt. DELAWARE AND ntPSON RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday. or sus jiiiv mi. an osiub win mmM TBCw arrive at new Lacka fff M a wanna avenue station r' Trains will leave Scran ton atatlon for Carbondale and Intenue dlate point at t2?. 5-. ?-j -25 nd 10.10 a. m.. 12.00, 2,, 3.55, 6.15. 6.15, 7.J6, 9.10 and 5,ForP,Farvlw, Waymart and Honesdale at 7 , 8.and 10.10 a. m.. 12.00. 2.20 aud ..14 "'For Albany, Saratoga, the Adlrpndacka and Montreal at 5.45 a. m. and 2.20 p. m. For Wllkee-Barre and Intermediate points at 7.45. 8.45, 9.38 and 10.45 a. m., 11.05, 1 2o"?38, 4.00, 6.10, 6.05, 9.11 .and 11.38 p. m. Trains will arrive at Scranton atatlon from Carboudalo and Intermediate points at 7 40T 8.40, 9.84 and 10.40 a. m.. 12.00. 1.17, IMrik 4.M. 6.55. 7.41V; 6.11 and 1L83 n. m. From HoJiedal,aymart and Far view at 9.36 a m., 12.60, L17, 1.40. 6.5 and 7.46 p. m. . V. ... : From Montreal, araviga, Aioany, etc.. at 4.M anoj 11.33 p. in. WAM. UlllAU-taB.M md Intermediate nnlnl. I) IT. uru lAAft Id 11.65 a. m., 1.16 114, (.39. 6.10, '6.08, 7.20, I ana u.i p. m. Wallace 0rtH.usS:nuei OPflOLSTER FDRN1T0RE, Clean Carpets, Renovate Feathers, " : Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Spring Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. NOV. 17, 1896. Train leave Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. A II. R. R. at 7.U a. m.. 12.05. 1.80, 1 88 and 11.36 p. m.. via D , L. A W. R. R., 100, 8.08, 11.20 a. m., and lit p. m. Leava Scranton tor Pittston and Wllko. Barre. via ty, L. W. R R., 6.00. 8.08. U.39 am., 8.40, 6.07, 8.62 p. m. Lsave Scranton for White Haven, Ha. lleton, Pottnvill and all points' on the Beaver Meadow and Pottsville branohes, via E. W. V. R. H., 6.39 a, m., via D. H. R. R. at 7.45 a. m., 12.05, 1.20, 188, 4.00 p. m.. Via D., L. A W. R. R. 6.00, 108, 11.26 a. m., 1.30, s.40 p, m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Harrisburg and all Inunnediate points, via D. A H. R. It. 7.45 a ra.. 13.05. I. 20, 2.: 4.00, 11.38 p. m., via D E. W. R. R., 6.00, 8.08, 11.20 a m., 1.80 p. m Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock. To wanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermediate points via D A H. R. R., Hi a. m., 12.05 and 11.86 p, m., via D., L. A W. R. R., 108. 9.56 a. m., p. m. Leave Scranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Fall, Detroit, Chicago and all fiolnts west via D A H. It. R.. 8.45 a. m . 2.05, 9.15. 11.88 B. m.. via ., L. W. R. R. and Pittston Junction, 9.68, 9.66 a. at., 1.30, 8.50 p. m.. via E. A W. V. R. R 141 p. m. For Elmlra and tbe west via Salamanca, Via D. A H. R. R., 145 a. m, U.05, 4.06 p. m.. via D.. L. A W. R. R., 108, Tt6 a m.. 1-U and 6.07 p. in. Pulman parlor and sleeping or I V. chair cars on all tralna between L. A B, Junction or Wllkes-Barre and New York Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspenslor Bridge. . ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Oen. 8upL CHAS. S. LEE. Gen. Pass, Agt.,Phlla.,Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHER. AL Oen. Pass. Agt South Bethlehem. Pa. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 24, 1895. Trains leave Scranton as follows: Ex fress for New York and all points East, 40, 2.50. 6.15, 8.00 and 8.G6 a. m.; 12.56 ami 3.34 p. m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Philadel phia and the South, 5.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a. m., 12.S5 and 8.34 p. m. Washington and way stations, 155 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 6.10 p. m. Express for Blng-namton, Oswego, EU mlra. Corning, Bath, Danavllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.85 a. m., and 1.81 p. m., making close connections at Buffalo to all points In tha West. North west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, 9 a. m. Binghamton and way stations, 12.37 p. nt Nicholson accommodation, 6 p. m. Binghamton and Elmlra Express, 6.0) p. m. Express for Cortland, Syracuse, Oswego, Utlca and Richfield Swing. 2.35 a. n. and lthacani35 and Bath 9 a. m. and la jpin. For Northumberland, Pittston. Wilkes. Barre, Plymouth, Bloomeburg and Dan. vllle, making close connection; at North, umberland for Wllllamsport, HarrUburg, Baltimore, Washington and the Northumberland and Intermediate sta. tlons, 6.00, 9.65 a. m. and 1.30 and 6.07 p. m. Nantlcoke and Intermediate Jetton. 8.08 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and inter mediate stations, 8.40 and 162 p. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on ' Fo?Pd7laHednfnfortnallon, pocket time tallies etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city tfeket ofllce, x Lackawanna avenua. er depot ticket office. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New York; and intermediate points on the trie 1 ran. road at 7.00 a. m. and 189 p. m. Also far Honesdale. Hawley and local point al 7 00. 9.40 a. m. and 3.29 p. m. - .V I, n,.,..h trains tn and All ine IUUID imwutii " - from Honesdale. ..... Trains leave for Wllkes-Barre at i.Zi m. and 3.1! p. m. RCHlItTVii uivision. . In Effect Beptnli' Mai si, 1SP3 Hartal ajoane). Masai BtneiB 303lrOI Stations runs Dally, I cept f unaay.) 1 m Arrive Lea' TSellf. Y. mania 7 IOIWsSC 4SB41 a Tori wttehawkaa r MiAmve mbvi 1 lanaaooek JnuAioaT 10M Hancock hla- Starlight Presto Park como Poyntetl llelmont Pleasant Mt. Unlondale Forset City Carbondale White Bridie Mayfiela Jermyn Archibald Wlnton recxviUe Olvphant Dickson Tbroop Prnvtdenea Park Place Heranten 11 4M 1461 I tail 1814 19 f! flltsfH P at 11 49 0 5111 84 10 411 1 tllttfH 6 4 841111 tW 8 8)11 lsl, 711 IW .., Tom s ...i rn 54i ..m. 7 87 tsMj ...J T ft 4 04 ..W 7 84 47 ..W T 84 4 10 7 89 414 ..m f 41 t 17 .... T46 410 .... SiBflUS OKlll 1 6 81 11 07 6)11 OS 61811 08 6 15 11 on 6 MkiotT 61010 60 lr st 'A Ltave Amvei A MT ill . All trains ro dally except SsaaaaT. t BtgnlDe that trains stop oa signal tor psfs sjngera - gecure rates via Ontario a Western before. Circhaslng tluxeu and ave aJtonay. Day asS logt kipres m tAOJfjgnX r. ru tor on, d'iv. hSSTuRS 80ir4 .... 10 H P Mi .... 9 Ul .. -. S98s .... 191 ,.M .... 9 41 ...i .... 60 .M .... 8 51 .... 8 061 8 oti l 9 1 ..m! 704 IU ..J TtTfS S .3 I II 18 H ....
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers