The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 13, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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Wade rs will pleae note that advertise
merits, orders for Joa work, and Items for
gubil. alon left At th establishment of
hannou St Co.. fiewe.tealers. North Main
etrvet.i will receive prompt attention; ol
Ota oiwn from I a. m. tuJ p. m.
Mother Thompson tiled Yesterday Morsv
. lag-Over Klaet Years Old.
Mrs. Cellu Thompson, one of the old
est and best known residents of the
district of Brfmont, this city, passed
ttway yesterday mornlntr about half
paat one o'clock at the home of her son.
James, on Reynolds avenue. A little
over three inojitha, ago, Mrs. Thomp
boii siiHtuined a full and fractured her
lt-K. -Owing to hrr very advanced age,
Hhe was not able to be about as here
tofore. ,
Hhe was over-nlnety'years old. a na
tive of a village near Kdinbur. boot
land and with hfr huahnnd and chil
dren came to this county thirty-live
years aico and has resided in this neigh
borhood. She was possessed of an
unliable disposition and ivas very char
itable, her character heitiK that of an
earnest ('hiisllwi lady. She was twice
marrled.the flint huahund. James Allen,
was buried in Scotland, and there was
one child, John Allen, who resides in
tills cltv. The second husband. James
Thompson, wa hurled fifteen years ago
and was a well , thought of resident.
She Is survived bv her three sonsjamea
and Andrew nf fills city, and William,
H ho lives in Si ianton.
The .funeral services will be held ot
the hotjse on Friday afternoon and the
Ttev. fhuiies of the First Presby
terian cliunih will nttlclute. Interment
will be mad atl.Maplewood cemetery.
: ' .M'GRaW.LAIGHAX. .
A Well known Young Couple t'nited by
Father Coffey.
Mis Cella l.miKhan, of Hospital
atreet, and John J. Met") raw. of fomo.
t ele Joined In the happy bonds of wed
lock Tuesday afternoon at St. Hoso
of Lima church, by the Kev. Father T.
V. Coffey, The blidt was very hand
omely attired and her bi iedsmuld. Miss
Kose I,nftua. was similarly uttlred. P.
. Oreen acted as best man.
The following out-of-town guests
were present at the wedding: Mr. and
Sirs. John MadiKan. Mamie and Peter
Madlgan and James Mnt'iraw. of Ponio;
Mr., and Mrs. W. Cleunon. of Preston
Park: Miss Mamie McGrall. Mary Phil
abon. John ltKtn and Harry Plnnegun,
of Scruliton: Air. and .Mrs. Sealer, of
ftlnithtimton; Air., end Mrs. !. Loop.
Minnie and Allle Loop, of T.anesboro;
Mry KiugeraKI. of Stnrruca: T. V.
I.wfius and Miss May, of Philadelphia.
J. DiiKguh and Miss I.Hizie Duvies, of
Susquehanna: Maryland Peter Carle-son.-of
Innulaff. '
The young cnunle are popular and
have the best wishes of a large circle
of friends.
A lion Ho Kunnwnv.
' John Swinglehurst. of Wilson Creek,
tvus In town Thursday night with a
horse and bugy. and while on his way
home on North Church street his colt,
which Is unaccustomed to the street
cars, bolted awuy despite the efforts of
the driver, ut ureal speed. While on
Ha way. another buggy was coming In
the same dliectlon. The horse started
away, thmwinir the driven to the
around. This horse was captured on
Oarfleld avenue. . Swtnglehursts
horse returned and was captured on
North Church street.
' Kleigliritlo Party.
The following ladles enjoyed a
slelKhride to Peck v Hie Tuesday , night
and Were there entertained Ht the pres
ent hone of Mrs. N. J. liolford- Ales
dames T. .'. Itoblnaoii, M. H. Carlton.
tK'V: Humphrey. Harvey Smith. D.
K. Clark. K. 8. Myers. William Wonl
cott. J. Katoti. J. Vanann. 3. S. Hards,
P. Powell. A. K. Myers. IMverburg. Vt
ley. V. Colvin, J. P.oberts, Wood, P.
An I'nfortunate Accident.
Isaac Robinson, extra brakeman on
the Krle railroad. Conductor Kay, with
cool train shunting last night at the
yard, while colliding chts ltoblnson fell
mid tlie cars passed over his leg. He
was Immediately taken by the Dela
ware and Hudson ambulance to the
lio.spttul. where his leg was amputated.
l!e resided on Terrace street und has a
wife und several children.
c hildren f'.njoy a Sleigh Hide.
.The Sunday school Hums (teacher,
Iuvt'l Morran, rif South Main street) of
tin- Welsh Met In id 1st church, enjoyed a
H.-lghi lil.- to Akvhluild lust night. The
following are the class; Mamie Junes,
.MuKKle Wutkllis, .May 1'uvK Sadie
Watklr.s. '.Mary' l.izaie Williams. Hiod-wen-
VVHIiunis, Mamie Lewis, Mary
llannulu Lewis.' Maggie Lewis, Mary
Ann Price, June . Price, liattie Lewis
jiii.i lHtvlil Mot-gun.
, i '
Mr. Cramer, of the photographic gallery
on Larkewunnu uvemie, St-ranton, and
Who ytityrHil :t loss by the Are of Tuesday
Yields readily to Hood's Barsaparllla
liacauM' It tone and strengthens tba
ttouitch and aids
digestion by (ap
plying pare blood.
"I hud indiges
tion to badly that
I wa all run
down and could
hardly walk. Had
mo appetite and
could not Bleep.
I began taking
I Hood 'a Barssna
I r 111a. and before I
bad ttiea fourth of a bottle I wat very
much better. I also need Hood's Pills and
found them splendid, vary mild, yet affec
tive). I cannot say enough in pre 1m for
what tbey have done for me. Since uslnc
two bottlee of Hood's BarssparHla and
Hood's Pills occasionally I feel almost like
bow person. I have a splendid appetite,
slew well snd work with eaee." Asm
C. Haxtx, BelleTille, Pennsylvania.
Hood's Garsaparilla
ts the only True Blood Purifier promt
nently the public eye. tl;sizfor5.
Hood's Pills SSSSKeTSfi:
1,300 yards of Carpets, from A to SO
yards la Meb piece, consisting of
toe follow!! Best Makes:
t .85 Ttpatry Carpal for 35c
1.15 Batty Bicsss!s for 50c
1.25 Vetot Carpet for 65c
1.15 btjMtte Carpst for 65c
1.i5 Axsinster Carpet for 75c
' TersM Cash Daring This Sale.
" " . 41S Latkawanna Av.
evening, resides In thlsclty. He Is 111 and
has hern unable to xtK to his losa, whlcb
is, however, fully Insured.
A ."iMflul met-iina f the St. nose's I.a-dli-H'
lVnieru.e oi lly was held las
night. . . .
Mr. Moiaaa Morgan, Terrm street. Is
out aaaln after a long OHmirinnl to her
home. :
The. Court I-I.-'h. Xo.""ut. Foresters of
AineiicH, In uci-ouirt of: the recent tire,
will remove to tbe lieader hullillng.
A horse and cutter was picked up t
the entrance of the tunnel of Wilson
Creek,' there were no occupants. It Is ex
pected that It was a case of runaway.
The Delaware and Hudson tlravity em
ployes were paid their January earnings
The Berean Baptist Christian Kndeavor
ers have postponed their musical enter
tainment until Wednesday evening.
The Cycle club, at their meeting Tues
dur night, elected U. V. James as their
secretary, vice M. K. Harmlen. who is
now engaged in business In olyphant.
H. L. Keel's, or New York, is a guest
of A. Herrv. .
.Miss Tessie Kelly, of Biranton, Is In
tl,e city visiting her coiadn.
The subscribers to the bae ball stock
Include Mayor Heti'lrlrks, W. J. Hyrne,
B. Brawn, Abe Suliiu and others.
The Welsh MethoiliFt friends are ar
ranging fur hoiiiiiig their annim! festival.
The- Itev. W. F. Davies. of Providence,
preached a ma.tcily Welsh sf-nnon in the
Welsh Baptist church to a fair-sized con
gregation. The Xorlhv.-est colliery will resume op
erations Friday.
Miss Margaret Thomas', of South Chnroh
treet, . is coufiiKd to her home with
The slono and mortar for the founda
tion of the new culm breaker of the
Delaware und Hudson company is be
ing plr.ced on the ground and work will
begin on the bulMIng as soon as the
weather settles. The breaker will be
fitted with the most approved appli
ances for the preparation of culm and
will give employment to a number of
men and loys.
Tltia evening there will be another
meeting in Newcomb's hall of
those-who protest against the Increase
of water rates. The committee ap
pointed at the Inst meeting has an im
portant report to make. The meeting
nay als be addressed by Mr. lie
Kachcn, of the National Jiorlng asso
ciation. lion. A. F. McXulty and W. H. Phll
bln attended the banquet given by
Olyphant conclave. .Improved Order of
Heptasophti. on Tuesday evening. Mr.
MiiNulty responded to the toast, "The
One of the most attractive show win
dows in this section Is that of Koote's
phurmacy. where an 'Klection in
Frogtown" Is shown in a neat display
of advertising matter. The manage
ment does credit to the excellent taste
of the destni'i John A. Foote, and Is
a MihJ vt if much favorable comment.
Miso Tes-sie .Mcllale, of Ihitimore, Is
the guest of the Misses, of Laurel
Ml HuVy (iruham. of Scranton,
called on friends here last evening.
One of the most successful socials
conducted here In a long time was that
held In th Father Malhew limine on
Monday evening. The hull was densely
crowded and the occasion was very en
joyable. The proceeds of Hie secial
were donated to the contest fund of
Thomas J. Clark, a member of the
Knights of Father Muthew society,
which conducted the social.
St. Thomas' church fair will close on
Saturday evening, when the piano will
be disposed of and the contests be
tween the little girls will be decided.
The fair will be open tonight and to
morrow nl silt also, and each evening
an entertainment will be given. The
fai." has already been a great success.
K. A. James, of South Main street,
was in Scranton yesterday.
The borough council met In regular
session on Tuesday evening. Aside
from the npnroval of a number of bills
there was little business of Importance
An admirable lot of hyacinths and
croi bVm In full bloom adds beauty to
the residence of John B. Lark, on Main
street. The distilay Is the finest In
town and is one of which Mr. und Mrs.
Lark may Justly be proud.
Miss Gardner, of I'lttston, Is the
guest of her cousin, Miss Julia N'ew
comb of Cemetery streer.
Miss Clam McNnmnra. of Plttston. Is
visiting the .Misses! Coyne, of Kill
The disgraceful affair at the Ridge on
Monday, which resulted In the death
of Michael ltutosk. Is simply an ag
gravated form of crime thut has been
all too common In Unit locality during
the last few years. There was a time,
and that not long ago, w lien there was
not a more peaceable place In the coun
ty than the little village known as tho
"Hidge," but the recent lull nx of a large
percentage of a lawless element has re
sulted In a marked change in the char
acter of the place, and it Is now rapidly
earning an nnenvlable notoriety.
Hurdly a month passes that has not Its
quota of murderous assnnlts, riots or
other forms of clime. This time the
victim Is a nuin who had been consid
ered one of the best representatives of
his nationality In this borough, lie
was one of the oldest of our Polish resi
dents, and during his residence here
ucqtilred considerable property und In
fluence. FOREST CITV.
John J. O'Hoyle. a former resident of
this place, but now of Cin liondale. and
Daniel P. McCoy, also of the Pioneer
city, called on friends In this borough
The Hillside company paid Its em
ployes Tuesday.
Friday evening tho Forest City Man
nerchors will hold Its anntiul masquer
ade ball In Davis' Opera house. A
parade In costume will be held at 6
o'clock Friday evening. ' This ball is
expected to be one of the social events
of the aeaaon, as elaborate prepara
tions have been made for it.
Saturday evening an entertainment
will be held in Davis' Opera house by
the Jermyn Citizens' band.
Monday evening next the Vandllng
Hose company w 111 give a bsll In Davis'
Opera house. The boys deserve the
patronage of the public as they are try
ing hard to build up a good fire com
pany in our neighboring tow n.
J. K. Toole will appear at Davis'
Opera house on Tuesday evening next
in the popular Irish-German comedy.
' Klllarney and the ilntne.
The Tribune correspondent stated
some time ago that Arthur Sidinan
would appear In the Opera house on
February 24th in his play "A Summer
Shower." This was an error. Mr. Hld
man will be here on Saturday evening,
Feb. 22. '
If the Baby Is Cutting Teeth.
f Wltialnu1'! fliwtthlns C .....
. " wv.,.tiiB jriu, lias
been used for over Fifty Tears by Mll-
jic,n ui jvioiiifi-:i ror ineir unildren
while Teething, with Perfect Success.
ft RnnthA. th rti!lii ttnrtim th. n...
Allays all Pain; Cures Wind Collo and
,m me or cltcui umrrnoea. DOia
by Druggists in every part of the world.
Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow's
(Soothing Syrup," and take no other
kind. Twenty-flve-ents a bottle.
The members of the Ancient Order of
Hibernians and their friends had a very
enjoyable time at the annual ball held
at the armory on Tuesday night. The
spacious hall was decorated with
booths and other trimmings, making
a very handsome appearance. Metz
gar's orchestra furnished the music.
Jane, the infant daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. William Malla. who has been se
riusly III with pneumonia, is now con
sidered out of danger. Mr. Malia Is
the Honesdale correspondent ofelhe
Scranton Truth. " . w
Mrs. O. White will take a party of
ladles on a slelghrtde to the White cot
tage, Beech Lake, Saturday.
Mrs. L. O. Kose and daughter Vln
nle attended -the klrmess at Scranton
Wednesday night.
Mrs. H. T. Dolmets gave a, card
party at her home last evening.
"Loan of a Lover" Is the name of a
one- t farce that will be produced at
ra nouse on Monday evening
r v
next under the auspices of Oslek tribe
of Kel Men. .The Bimple fact that th
play , is under the direct management
of Mr. Otto Tuliibiiir-l ail .assurance
f a rare treat to tha who atu-ncl
The l.rii e of udinlSHlon is &d cents.
CI. V. ljine. who has been announced
us a Democratic- candidate for the
legislature, has Htated to the Tribune
reporter that he is not in the tteitt
for thut or aair. other office anne pres
ent time. -;
A party of young- people wil have a
slelghrlde to Aldenville r'rmuy nigm
Another party goo to Klmbles.
Willard Sweet, of Union street, la
A Hleigh'rlding party consisting of
young pcoole was at oiypnani. "
reported tiiey had a most enjoyable
time. . ' '
Th twit-ouch officials are to be con
gratulated in providing for coming?
emergencies by widening me
at the corners of Pond and Union
John Jones' hotel, on Grove street, is
nearlng completion. It is a most mas
ll.iunt tiiillilin?
Mr. Parry, of Plttston, circulated
aiming our business, men yesieruuy.
C. J. Watkins spent Monday with
his mother on drove street.
Mrs. J. W. lteese and Mis. W. W .
Watkins snent Tuesday nt Peckville.
Kdward Harris Is Improving.
Mis. Harry Oiler, of Pond street. Is
on the alck list.
Pay today at Tuylcr, Pyne and llol
den mines.
Considerable trouble has been exper
ienced recently at the Feltsvllle night
school A step was taken that was
sorely needed. David J. Davis and
Jenkln Williams were charged with
damaging the property of the school
and arraigned before Burgess OrifUtha
who dealt very leniently but repri
manded the boy In such a manner as
to leave an Indelible Impression on the
The Choral union will meet at the
Calvary Baptist church tomorrow even
ing. A five-cent admission will be
charged hereafter by the choir on Sun
day evenings. This by all means should
not lessen the number who are in the
habit of attending; as It is well 'worth
the acknowledgment that will be made,
und furthermore It should stimulate
many more to attend to hear the choir
that is making such a strenuous effort
to acquit themselves to the entire sat
isfaction of the adjudication on the 17th
of next month.
Kev. Dr. Harris will lecture on tem
perance tomorrow evening at Archi
bald. The organ recently purchased by the
Ladles' Aid of the Congregational
church Is a flue specimen of the work
done by Mason & Hamlin, the manu
facturers. The atreet railway has been the
means of increasing the number of
singers In this place. Several of Kend
ham's best talent are attending regu
larly to the rehearsals of the choir and
If the number of days worked in the
mines of this vicinity Is an indication
of the demand for anthracite the de
mand Is very small.
The number In our night schools show
a craze for education.
The seats of the Rend ham school
building have reached their destination.
It Is likely the school will be In reudl
ness for Monday.
The Crusaders' degree will be con
ferred tomorrow evening on several
candidates In Taylor castle, No. 267,
Knights of the Golden Kugle.
This week is the omega week of the
night schools; the fpur months having
ex pi red.
Pay-day was accompanied with un
uhuuI silence on our highways.
Henry Howells has been selected as
president of the Christian Kndeavor
society of the Congregational church.
Mr. Cooper Is deserving praise for
the pleasure afforded the young people
of this borough, for granting the priv
ilege of skating and repairing that
which was necessary to facilitate skat
ing on the pond.
The remains of an Infant child of
Orocer Patrick H If gins was interred In
Mi nook a Catholic cemetery.
The O'Contiell council, Young Men's
Institute, will hold Its regulur meeting
Katie, the eight-year-old child of
Michael Forrlster. of Stafford street,
died yesterday afternoon from peritoni
tis. The funeral will take place tills
afternoon. Interment In Mlnooka Cath
olic cemetery.
Mr. John Duffy, of Plainsvllle, visit
ed friends here yeaterday.
The political bee is burling around
town. The situation Is freely discussed
by young and old. Who will be the
next suiiervisor seems to be the great
est Interrogation. The Republican
candidates for the much desired plum
are making nn active canvas through
out the township nnd their friends ex
pect they will receive a good sized ma
jority. For school director, John Mc
Crlmlle of the West district, the pres
ent Incumbent, and his tinning mate,
Hubert Mucklow. will be elected with
out doubt. Charles W. Gallagher. Re
publican candidate for township treas
urer Is hustling und expects to make a
good showing. Vote the Republican
A pleasant surprise party was ten
dered Miss Nora Davis Ht her home on
Main street last evening.
Henry McXulty, of Providence, and
Miss Mary J. Logan, of this place, were
united In the holy bonds of matrimony
last evening by Rev. J. L. Khunley. The
bride Is the daughter of Justice of the
Peace James J. Logan. Miss Maggie
Logan, a cousin of the brlde.was brides
maid, and Joseph Lavln, of Archbald
acted as best man. The bride wore
cream crepe, trimmed In satin, and
the bridesmaid was attired In cream
lansdowne, trimmed In cream lace.
Both young ladies presented a pretty
appearance. After the ceremony the
party enjoyed a drive to Scranton. Mr.
and Mrs. McNulty Intend to start
housekeeping in part of the house oc
cupied by the parents of the bride.
William Smith, of Upper Main street,
was a visitor in Clark's Summit yes
terday. Master Haydn Sampson, the youngest
son or J. W. Sampson, the well-known
Delaware and Hudson station agent,
will participate in the Japanese dance
to be given at the klrmess some time
during this week.
Miss Grace Wall, of Falsi, Is the guest
of her aunt, Mrs. A. B. Rought, on
Maple street.
John Courtrlght. of Clark's Green,
was a caller In town Wednesday.
Walter Reynolds and son, Stanley,
drove to Tunkhannock on business on
S. C. Mathewson. who has been very
111 for the past few days, is reported
not as well.
Mrs. Sarah Rice circle meets Satur
day evening, Feb. 15.
A sleighload or the Independent Or
der of Odd Fellows rrom this place
visited the lodge at Nicholson Monday
K. R Sweet and family have moved
to Scranton, where Mr,. Sweet has ac
cepted a position on the street car line.
The Epworth leagrue of the Methodist
Episcopal church will give an enter
tainment and social Feb. 22 at the
church parlors.
The lumbermen are taking advantage
of the sleighing and load after load of
logs are. being taken to B. 8. Gardner's
saw mill. " .- - ; i ji.
A pleasant surprise party was ten
dered John Thomas Bleau on Monday
evening. Mr. Bleau was seriously in
jured In the Law shaft boiler explosion,
and when his friends found him suffl
r'mtly recovered to be in their midst,
tney collected together and quietly en
tered his happy - home and presented
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Go vt Report
him with a handsome rocking chair.
The evening was pleasantly spent atd
refreshments were served.
The following members were admit
ted to membership Into the Indepen
dent Order of Heptasophs on Monday
evening: . Jason Harris, George Roller,
M. McDonald and tl. R. George.
The Home Mission of the Langcltffe
church will conduct an apron social
in the Odd Fellows' hall on Feb. 2".
Miss Kate Campbell has returned
home after a brief visit with friends in
Walter Mullln, of this place. Is suffer
ing: from a severe attack of grip at the
home of his parents in Jermyn.
Mrs. J. Harris and son, Bert, have re
turned home after a pleasant visit with
friends In Jermyn.
Two sleigh loads of people from
Plains took advantage of the weather
und siient Monday evening at the home
of Rev. J. J. Jones, where they were
pleasantly entertained.
Mrs. B. O'Brien, of Exeter, spent
Monday with friends In town. !
Mrs. Gertrude Sutterly Is convales
cent after a serious attack of pneu
monia. . -
The long-wished for deep snow has
finally reached us, it having reached
over six Inches In depth Sunday. . If a
thaw does not prevent, our lumbermen
will mure than rush the logs In John
son's mill yard at this place.
LeHaysvllle borough is now listed
with the "dry" towns of Bradford coun
ty. We doubt very much ir this will
prove Irue. ror whiskey will be had
anyway. Our landlord, J. L. LaRue
and wife, are people to be respected.
Mr. Laitue and family will still remain
here, but he has leased his house to
pa i ties near Towanda.
Mrs. Mary Abbott, an aged and re
spected lady, formerly of this place,
died at Burlington, and was buried at
this place Saturday. The services were
held at the Methodist Episcopal church
and were conducted by Rev. S. J. Da
Vis, of the Congregational church.
Albert G. Miller now drives a dandy
roadster, he having just made a trade
for another horse with parties in War
ren Center.
Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Johnson visited
over Saturday and Sunday with Mrs.
Johnson's parents in Montrose.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Ellsworth, of
Nichols, N. Y., are visiting their rela
tives and former friends and neigh
bors In town and vicinity.
1. E. Bovington. of Buffalo. X. Y., Is
spending some little time with friends
and relatives In these parts.
Landlord W. 1L Cogswell nnd P. E.
Cogswell, of Skinner's Eddy, were In
tow n last week.
The question of having water works
in this borough will be voted on at
our general election next Tuesday.
Judge B. M. Peck has purchased for
his son, Q. W. Peck, Spalding & Co.'s
stationery and book store at Towanda.
The, roller skating craze has again
been revived in Brown's Opera house
at Wyalustng, and last Sal unlay even
ing w. L. Ellsworth. Floyd Moore and
Albert Miller were In attendance, the
latter assisting the Stevensvllle Cornet
band, which furnished music for the
Mrs. W. E. Canfleld was the recipient
of a very handsome china dinner set
from a relative, Mrs. Wilcox, of Buffa
lo, a few days ago.
Mrs. Elmer Cox. of Wyulusing. ac
companied by a lady friend, were visit
ing her cousin, Mrs, W . T. Morris, since
last Thursday. ,
The United Workers of the Congrega
tional church will hold a birthday so
cial and entertainment on the evening
of Feb. IK. The programme ami ar
rangements are under the usual man
agement of Mrs. William Jones.
Died At Spring Hill, nn Monday of
last week, William Snyder. He was a
Coughs, Colds, Pneumonia.
The Favorite Cough Cure.
It cures where others fall. It is guar
anteed to cure all lung and throat trou
bles. Xo cure; no pay. For aide everywhere.
Ask your dealer for it. Price, 25 ceius.
Cured of Pais in His Langs.
Anthony Vager contractor 131 Hill
street, Wliks-Hurre, Ha., says three bot
tles of Dr. Alexander's Lung Healer, the
famous cough cure, i-urU me of asthma
and pains in my lungs after pneumonia.
You can put me down as a si i ons be
liever In Lung Healer. Xo cough medicine
like it.
will stop a cough in a night, check a cold
in a day, and cure consumption if taken
in time. If the little one. have Croup or
nnooping cougo,
luf tl pi umptiy.
Croup i. a very
tatai aiteaie.
Fully one.
half of
thoee at
tacked die.
The great
danger is
in d lev.
The disease progresses so rapidly that
the loss of a tew hours In treatment is
often fetal, acker's English Rrxr
dv will cure Croup, and ft saou Id al
ways be kept In tbe bourne for
emcrtfeacfeA. A ts cent bottle may
save your child's life.
Three elsesi 39c, SOe, It. All Dreg flat
16 Jt it Chambers S New York.
sT X bsUj""".
wealthy farmer and dairyman, and
also postmaster at that place. xie
leaves a wife and several children. -
Dr. and Mrs. Durga attended the fu
neral of William Snyder at Spring Hill
last Wednesday. He was an uncle ot
Mrs. Durga.
Hank & Broadhead, who have been
In the shoe, business at Wyalustng for
about three years, are about to close
their business there and open a store
at Scranton.
In Towanda last Tuesday evening, at
an evening's entertainment, the nice
sum of i1.25 was raised towards the
benefit of the suffering Armenians.
Borough bonds to the amount of t.
MO were redeemed in Towanda last
Thursday, which Is said to be about all
or the outstanding indebtedness.
The Arthur Kklmnn company will
present "Summer Showers" at Ed
wards' Opera house, Laceyvllle, about
Feb. 20, und will no tloubt be greeted
with a crowded house, as Mr. Bidman
Is well-known at Laceyvllle and Wya
lustng. Should the sleighing be good,
LeRaysvllle will probably send a large
delegation on Feb. 20, If that should be
his real date.
In a late number or The Tribune we
notice, the announcement that Miss
Koch, ot New York, will render so
prano solos In an entertainment at
Scranton soon. We learn that she has
lately taken as a room-mate our cousin.
Miss Etta (iaylord. of Wyaluslng. who
Is receiving a course of music at the
Metropolitan college, and thus we feel
somewhat Interested in the notice as
Her schoolmates gave a very pleas
ant evening's amusement at the home
of Miss Ada Buttler, on South Hill, last
Friday. Refreshments were served,
and the following were present:
Misses Mattie Johnson. Mattle War
nock. Helen Moore, Nellie Moore, Nellie
Hutchinson, Lizxie Kockwell, Nettle
Moore. Carrie Agnew, Albert Miller,
Ben Maynnrd, Floyd Moore, Cardie
Carl. Will Hutchinson. Luther tjage,
B. W. Northrop, Fay Gorham and Ar
thur Johnson.
Mrs. Smith and daughter, Edith,
were callers at Scrantoip Tuesday.
Mrs. Urlflln, who has been sick the
past week, Is able to be about.
Ida Moore is entertaining Lizzie
SwarU, ot Lake Winola.
Take No Substitute-
Gail Borden
Eagle Brand
ni-ccTv ymjr.
Ha. 1w.vs itaod FIRST la tb. tim
Hon of th.'Anurican I'tople. No other I
"juu m good.'' Best iti sat food.
ii n it uitri r "- -"
Haajafaotarars ot the Oelsbrated
footooo Barrels per Ann trot
m m jie ars
SerH S cents for smplo package.
Faultless Chemical Company. Balti
more, Md.
Kid nil Attnidinff euTtiHTit
itb of young and takjclla-
jUttd men ana women, Itm
wfnUfTeetnof YOLTflnu
KliHoRS, prodaciof weak
licictt a of treatment.
BtMeNcrroui DchUity.Kiirbtljr EmiKlona,Couramptiat
Inmnltjr, Eibaiminft dimioiaadloof power of thcGfa
raUTfjOrrtuuuflttintouefortudjT, Dtrieseaod taar
riafelajqulrkljcuredbDi. Rodrftwra erv
vrmin. iucj bcti on ij cure oj Htninx at toe mi or ui
i S as xu.ea.
lUlLOEIi. hAiain back tl
naff DacJC tM ainkaiaw to
in? tho FIKC OF TOI TH 1
kl.lMi nf bo or for 4 with
fceeka and iwtortntfth FIKC OK TOITH to tho
lueos. uy naaii, , prr oox or ror wiia wnu
;r eaarante to vara or rflVn4 the Book
r- aiianrT' - - - - ivnwFf aow lorae.
Itr Ml by SOUS H. PKrPS. Dra
tot. Wyomlnir ave. and Spnir orrttfc
AS Aooe aeray with by the use ot HAB1V
MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which oaeudsu
f Ingredients well-known to all. It eaa be
aapllea to tin, galvanised tin, eheet troa
Dine or an kind nr muv nu
It's eaai dose not tnMd omt-Hrth tui
ot tho osst of tinning;, is sold by tfe jet
Tribune Almanac 1896
til 8 M
".fM. sbsbsbst
ITb i iMimnn vvjtn a
A complete assortment in all the latest effects. Shadings
in all widths, suitable for stores or residences.
. Estimates Furnished.
In every grade Wiltons, Axminsters, English and
Domestic Brussels, Velvets and Tapestries "at moder
ate prices; also Inlaid and Printed Linoleums, Corti
cenes and Oilcloth, two and four yards wide.
AfQ Lackawanna Ave.
502 Commonwealth Building
I nnnmntiuflo Shtinnarv Cnrrinoo Rnilorc
Ueacral Office: dCRANTON, PA.
SEb?.?j2 raVVEk!
N Setter ems etaeVOar earaes."
IMeLeWUee BUd Viaanh DeawetasUd MSV
I BSlliM.S less .sj . Is Its III
leeerjnecueea, ateaer vrom,
or Poelal Hate tor SlJe.
isle I
m Msm
son fcB ell a
1 I i.W. We
1 I eeresleesv tker
I I eN(Mlh.jH,i
I i end If an en
I'l I tlK will rera
With an Umbrella Over Town
And Aeriel Sidewalks
Wc should have been surprised and delighted with the trade of
last week. Coming through the snow, rain and .slush an you did
it was simply astonishing Surely there's no pull for a business
like the pull of right goods at right prices.
You'll fmd'Sash Curtains by the yard, Dotted Swiss and Dotted Muslin.
Other fancy designs, ' white only. We oiler two specials: Kogla
Dotted Swiss, 9 cents a yard; Dotted Swiss Muslin, 12 cents a yard.
Dy the yard. .Never sold them until we were able to ejiiote prices
lower than other dealers never could before. Now we manufacture
Parlor Furniture. That opens the way to large buying of Brocatelles,
Damasks, Tapestries, Corduroys, all in imported or domestic makes.
Quantity buying enables us to give you closer figures, same as it costs
dealers. We are prepared to give estimates for recovering old as well
as new work.
Last Week for Premium Distribution.
Premiums will be given lth all
sale., made at either of eur stores from
LRDAV, FEBRUARY ig. Positively
not before or after either of the re.tpec
tlve deles.
225 AND 227 AND
v . t w mi wnMnTkV Atinm ihm
BU M II II B ! Ull
CPP-Main Atones Wyoming Hkei.
Telephone 422
I ska sjA. M aav a " ' a bbw'b sa a.a
I w wwfc-t-iria, wwt mgrm
With 810 t'nrclioses Hilverware
With tl'i HurchsHes.... Framed Picture
WithS'-DPnrchanea Fancy Table
With -'S Purchases Plush Rocker
With in Purchases.... A M-pa Tee Set
With S. Purchase. ...A Parlor Cloclt
With $75 Purchasm
Bras. Lamp and Silk Shade
With 91(0 Purchases. 100 po Diaaer Bet
: -V"