TIIK SCUANTOX TRIBUXE "WEDNESDAY aiORNINCS, FEBRUARY 12, 18!G. HALF fiVt HUNDKfcJJ MtLN 5 r IN E SUITS Which we sold for $IS, $20 and $22 we are now closing out for a mm m amr m a mm am. mm ma amm. m a -nasav m a a "-nav a m at m m a -va mm mm maw 'avav. a rmm w w , mm vshh -nnasnnw mmmw mmmw mmmw bm hBsbw sio.oo They consist of Single and Double Breasted and cheviots. We have too large $ stock want money. Ages 14 to 19 years, fine suits, former prices $8, $10 and $12, all go now for one price of $5.00 each. FOR cash only. ' ' TWO HUNDRED CHILDREN'S SUITS Go at $2.00 each, CASH. Formerly sold for $3, $4, $4.50 and $5. This is deep cut and far below the cost of the suits and they should move quickly. That is whv we have put these prices on. : We need the room for spring goods. We also want the money. Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers The Raja Author of Her Lord and Haster," etc. Copprrigbt. Mi, by Bacheller, Johnson and BaeU.il n I suppose nobody has forKOttpn the real Muiichemer Hwlndlp, when Jonax Mears and Theodore Allcock managed to abscond with twenty thousand pounds of their employers' and bolted Hean across the Atlantic before we could get on their trull. It took me nix weeks of my time .and a regular chase and no mistake before I ran the two' scoundrel to earth in Chicago, w her they were giving themselves out as Kngllsh lords. However. I succeeded In catching their lordships, and I didn't care now mui-n trouble it. had cost me. 1 had brought Messrs. Mears and A II- cock back safe to their native country and delivered them over to the proper aumorities, ana l t nought 1 had earned a lew days' rest. We hud had a wretched passage across, with head winds against lis eight days out of the ten, and, my duty done, 1 thought with keen satis faction of my little place at Fullium ana my own comfortable feather bed and my wife waiting; to welcome me home with a tasty little supper. The reality was as good as the antici pation. It was a beastly autumn after noon, with a drlvinff rain and a cold southwest wind, but the cottage looked bright and cozy and warm, and Nancy Wa as red as a peony from pleasure at keeink me. It was early when I reached home, not more than Ave o'clock, but I was a reg ular beat, and when I had had my din ner of tripe and onions I felt good for nothing but to go to bed and sleep. I wan neither fit to talk nor think. 1 couldn't keep my eyes open, and my wife's chatter sounded like a confused medley of sound. I couldn't even relish . pipe, but took a drop of Scotch hot and staggered up to .my own room. Whatever you do, my dear," I said to Nancy, "don't disturb me tilt you hear I'm awake again, for I've got sev eral nights' rest to make up. I'll lock my door, and don't come up till I un lock: It unless, indeed, 'tis something very partlcular.like a message from the chief, or such like." "Lor", Jark!" exclaimen Nancy whenever my wife uses the affectionate diminutive of my name she always pronounces it as If she were a jackdaw, making known Its desire for food Beauty ' - and ' Purity Found Cuticura THREE I's Hdrtoom "I.orT Jark! he'd never he sending after you no soon us this, and you Just off hoard hIiId! You go to sleep und think no more of such foolishnexs!" "Nancy," 1 replied, "the business of the state must be attended to, at any cost. I don't expect unythlng of the sort, but if a wire should arrive I must have it without delay." "Drat the state!' cried Nancy, "it don't ny you over and above so tinich that it Iiiih any call to rob you of your natural rewt. !o to sleep, John Itiisby, do or you will be tit for nothing tomor row morning!" "I llntl it dilllcuit to convince my wife of the enormous Importunes of my of- What Is It, Xancy?" flee, and the dignity of my employers. She is always "dratting" the govern ment, and "blowing" the superintend ent of police. In a manner which would cost me my appointment if overheard, but she in a good wife to me and she means well. I sunoose it is hard on a woman to have her husband called away at all manner of times, and never to know when to expect him back again. But I had no inclination to ar gue the matter then. I crawled up stairs to my bedroom and was soon be tween the blankets, sunk in a profound slumber bo profound that I became utterly unconscious to all external things, and had not even the power to dream. It seemed as if I had been sleeping- for hours, or days, when I was rousea rjy tne sound of an uncertain tapping1 on my bedroom door, and an apologetic voice, calling In a loud whis per: "Jark!", As soon as I became suf ficiently conscious to recogntee the voice, I was sure of something of Im portance must have occurred, and was on the alert In a moment, for we de tectives learn to sleep with our ears open. "What Is It, "Nancy?" I exclaimed, hurrying- to open the door. My wife was half-crying- outside It, with a yel low envelope In her hand. "O, Jark!" nhe said, "there's a nasty telegram come for you, and I wouldn't have let you see it for ever so, only I was afraid you might be angry with me, but however they can have the tart to do It" iml E HUNDRED LUM "Here! give me the tnessogp at once," I said, and she handed it to me. i tore the evnelope open out fluttered the pink pai-r, on which was written: Important robbery at The Gables, MatiiiiiiKloi'd. Travel down by mall train." "Whut time is it, Nancy?" I usked, as 1 hurried on my clothes again. "Just gone ten. liut. O, Jark! you're never going to xtart on auain when 1 haven't no more than seen your face!" said the poor woman, crying. . "Well, It looks like It. Nan. but It Isn't my fault, as you well know. I'd be glad enough to spend a few quiet days with you, but buxincsH Is busi ness, my dear, and the state claims my first attention." "U! dunK the slate!" exclaimed Nancy, angrily. "Why can't it keep more detective officers. I should like to know, instead of working them as it has, to skin and bone?" "Yes! yea! but never mind Just now: but tt-t me out my other suit. Nancy, for the laat day I was uboard the Atulanta. she uhlpied a sea over this one, and it must go- lo the cleaner's. The Cables is u big pla.ee, I've heurd. and I must dress according." "And how long will you be gone. Jark?" "That I can't say! It must be n se rious robbeiy, or the thief wouldn't huve ordered me to travel by the night mull. No time to be lost. 1 guess! Now. get ine a hansom, there's a good lass: I must call at the yard for my Instructions before 1 eaten the mull from lJuddlngton." My wife did as I requested her. weeping quietly the while. I kissed her hastily. Jumped into the hansom, told the driver to go as if the old man were nfter him, and HtarttU for Scot loml Yard. "I was sorry to have you up ana In so soon. Busby," said the Inspector, "but there's no .help for It! Just had information from Man pine-ford to send down the sharpest detective we have, und you know who that is, when you're at home!" This compliment from our inspector. MOVAY'S uu PILLS, Always Reliable, Purely Vegetable MILD BIT EFFECTIVE. Purely referable, sot without pain, elegant ly roatod. tasteleee. small and auy to take. Midway's 1 ills aaiiit uetnro, atiionlatiua- to bealthrnl activity tht lirer. touwele and otbar d reitiye organ Uariuf tb bowala in n nat oral conditlea without any bad after affacU. Cure Sick Headache, . Biliousness, Constipation, Piles AND All Liver Disorders. aaiMiiava mtt i , and rellaMat Cau perfect Dig it lan, eom plat abaorption and althful ragalarity. JB ct bos.- A Drortst or by nail "Book at AaviM" fret by null. RADWAY 4k: CO.," .0. Box MS, Kw Tark. ACH Sack Suits, Cutaways and Frocks in fine worsteds, cassimeres and must reduce it now. This sale is FOR CASH ONLY. We who in no llatterer as a rule, pleased me very much, and 1 felt the strength of a lion rise in me at his words. 1 fancy I got a bit red, as 1 uiiswered: "Thank you kindly, sir! I suppose the buHtnesa Is of importance!" "Every importance! Property to the amount of thirty thousand pounds missing', under circumstances which seem to point to however. I shall leave you to find out that for yourself! You may be detained some days In The Gables; Indeed, you are sure to be. Are you prepared for It ?" "I can write to Mrs. busby for what I may require, sir." I replied. "May I ask on whose information we are act ing?" "O, yes! No secrecy about the mat ter! The person who has written for "I Was Sorr to Have Yon I'p Again So Soon, ltnsby," Ha Said. your attendance Is Sir Charles Klles mere. the master of the house. His father died only last week was burled yesterday the Jewels found missing after the reading of the will. He Bays they are of fubulous value, and a family heirloom." "All the better," I said, "they will be the more easily traced. They won't give me so much trouble as Messrs. Mears and Allcock's gold nnd silver did. Stones can't be melted clown Into lumps of ore!" "Ah! Busby," the Inspector was good enough to say for the second time, "that was a sharp piece of work anil it won't be forgotten! You'll reach Manningford about five o'clock, so you had better put up at a hotel till you've had your breakfast, then off to The Oable as soon as may be!" "Very good, sir! I'll start at once, and wire you all particulars as soon as I've heard them. And if I require assistance. I'll have Crewe, if you're willing. He has the coolest head, I know!" "After your own, Busby!" said the Inspector, laughing, and I thanked him again, and started on my Journey. It was November, and the nights were bit terly cold. I wrapped myself up well In my rug. and leaning back In a corner of the railway carriage, tried to resume my broken slumbers, but It was useless, I had been too thoroughly roused. When I arrived at the Manningford hotel, I sat In one corner of the office room till It was light enough to have my breakfast. By that time several customers, chiefly travelers, were down also, and two or three outsiders had strayed In to warm themselves with a cup of tea or coffee before they started on their day's work. I soon found that the mysterious robbery at The Gables was the general topic of conversation. "But It's quite incomprehensible!" aid one man, "the Jewels was safe and sound In the old baronet's bedroom a week before he died, for Rachel Marks aw them with her own eyes! And no one entered the room till after, and then only the undertaken!" BOYS' MAC "Ah! them undertakers!" exclaimed another man. "I wouldn't trust them any further than I could see 'em! Why! I remember when my mother died, and they was left In the room to lay her in her coffin, there wasn't a pin left In the cushion the next morning, und the very noup was took out of the soapillsh, for fee b"ard my sister say so a score o' times." "Them Jewels was worth a nower of money," Interposed a third. ''The old gentleman he got them from the king of the Ingles, and they was valued at a million pounds!" "He stole them, most likely." said the rti'Bt speaker. "It was in the days of old John Company, when the British ers stole right and left; 'loot,' they called It, but it came to the same thing! And now, you see, this is what they calls u Nemesis! They've lost them again! Lor! It won't be for long! Sir Charles he have telegraphed for a de tective from Loudon, and all the ser vants ure forbid lo leave the house till he conies' He'll rind Yin, never fear! They cun't ha'-e walked off by them nelves, nor they can't be very fur, neither! All 1 know is. that I wouldn't like to be (lie man as has gut Yin. The niHeer he'll sniff Ym out soon enough!" "The man!" te!ieated his companion. contemt.tuoUBly. " "faint no man as has those Jewels. He'd better shake out my lady's skirts, instead. That's where the jewels Is tfone. She was al ways mad to get Ym, and mad against the young baronet, and she has 'em, you may take my word for it! Ah! there's no artfulness to beat the aitful ness of u woman!" sighed, rather than said, the other man, as though he had cause to know It. (To be continued.) "STJT RE VIVO RESTORES VHAUTY Made a Well Ma lbl)ay.'PJfMr of Me. i r r & TMI WHAT 30th t)ay. prodaeM the above mult. In no days. It a- BoweifiiUy aid quickir. Cures wli.n all otaan (ail YoutaMSwlUtvgatn lhair ltt manbnod.aadold aiaa will teemar their youthful vigor b7 aaiag KKYl VO. H esleair wid turclr raalaraa Manaoa- aai. tieaa Yltalltv, :mpo:tacr. Klcl'tly Kmiaaloa, Last Power, Fallln ttenior. wartlu Plaeaui, ni all affect, of aaU-abnaa or alcana ana ladianretian. whlok eaata on. for smdr. eviliM. or marrtasa. It ao oalr torn by starting at the na at aiaaaja. but issrraat arrvstnaie and blood bnlldar, brla lug task aba pink glow to pale cheek a'id re jiorbaj aha (Ire of youth. I. ward, off Inaaalty ail CeaamnptioB. In.lrt oa karlo REVIVO, Be Mbtr. It can ha carriad ia vaat ocktt. Br aatll, 1.00 ar paekaica, or sit lot UMO, with pual 'lva written orjarantee to ear oj refund he aioney. Circular free. IfTilraai OVAL KEDICME CO.. 63 Itioer ft, CHICAGO. ILL Wtm Vy Matthews Bra Draggle French Injection Compound Cares pualtlyaly, quickly, (not merely rherka.) Guaranteed or money refunded. Avoid danaeroue remtKim. PrlceSooomleper buttle. Six llollle twill euro teTerat raw) tent prepaid, (ecura front obearratloa. with only cieuilncallr made ayrliise. loan? aUaraM for tl.uu. ' DR. LOBB'S BOOK FREE To ail sniTerers of FRROHS OF YOU IH. LOST VIGOR and DISEASES OP MEN AND WOMEN, stiS pages: cloth bound; oecureiy -aled aad ma le fres. Treatment by mail srictir eanfld.ntleJ, and a I ositlra qnick cure gua eutred. Xo matter bow long standing, I will aotUirely oare yon. Write er call. flO I " S2 N. 15th St.. Phllada., Pa. Ule Ijwatal ara eeauaooss praeuoa, SJO.O S UITS KETT 220 Lackawanna Avenue (jjUTION TO our Washburn -Crosby Co. wtab to a satire their many Mil rons that they will this year hold to their usual custom of milling STRICTLY OLD W11EAT until the new crop is fully cured. New wheat in now upon the market, and owing to the excessively dry weather many millers are of the opinion that 4t ts already cured, and In proper condition for milling. WahburnCroaby Co. will take no risks, and will allow the new wheat fully three months to mature before grinding. This careful attention to every detail of milling piacca witMiturnU'oaDy io.'s nour lar aeoT brands. KGARGEL Wholesale Agents. IRON AND STEEL Bolts, Nuts, Bolt Ends, Turnbuckles, Washers, Riv ets, Horse Nails, Files, Taps, Dies, Tools and Sup plies. Sail Duck for mine use in stock. SOFT STEEL HORSE SHOES and a full stock of Wagon Makers' Supplies, Wheels, Hubs, Rims, Spokes, Shafts, Poles, Bows, etc. TTEHBEIDER SCRAN Eaauit in 4 week. For sal by JOHN H. PHELPS Pharmaelstt or. Wyoming A van wo sail WBrtioe S treat. 8c ran ton Pa. patrons: I TON, PA. RESTORE LOST VIGOR GONNELL 01 Warn Inc. wbt wliat teuafcr Kmm tXbllltr. I.om of hn.1 hwi tin -afctof ami, loaoWMjr, Alrafkir. VuicacM. and ttm mknM, Imm mmr cam. Me SulM Kilt. Dnhw ckk4 tm tmU timt .iikkly mlorad. If iwtlaiMa. art : trwkln malt aully. MllMnrlm, HIM, htMl ebeaei faf Wi M tf rdw t (W. . leg (nraMa. u u. f tatiad Ik. BM). rHm