The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 12, 1896, Page 3, Image 3

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New and Elegant Styles.
Large Variety of Novelties, ,
, Wholesale and Retail.
New Society Stationery,
- New Colors and Xcw Shapes,
, in large variety of styles.
Orders for Engraving, Embossing
or Printing Visiting Cards,
Wedding or Soeial Invitations
promptly executed at low rates.
See our specimens and prices.
iV22 Lackawanna Ave.
A Fob to Dyspepsia
And Always Have
Good Bread. ,
Tfio Weston Mill Co.
Lizzie H. Hrown, of Moscow, U vlsliintf
friends ul tilft-ll Kltlge.
r'runklln liowfll, will Rive a dtiiii'lng;
ftarty iirxt Momluy night.
Attornry (. I Hawley left yesterday
for Pit t hIiii rtf to atleml the Heaxlons of
the l iilted Htatt-s circuit court.
MIsh Lillian A. Matthew and O. FloyJ
Hunter, or IMUttlun, Ha., ure vUltluif
Mil Reuben Blown, of .Moscow.
8. Woolworth. or this rlty: V. W.
Wuolworth and t. P. Case, of New York,
and 8. H. Knok. of Hufrulo. sulled ent-r-1ay
on the White Star line yteumer Alu
Jfxtlc for u three months' trip on I lie
John l. Doyle, of tho firm or Boyle &
Miii-klow. I In I'tlfit, N. V.. on business.
.Mr. and .Mrs. John J. Phillips will telt
br.ile the t wetily-lll'ih itnniversary of tht-ir
Inurrlaxe ut their home, on Adams ave
nne, Norlh Hurk. on IV I). 21.
Invitation have been Issued by Mr. and
Mrs. August limner, of Park slreet. Car
lunula If. to the inurrlaKe of their daugh
ter, Millie A., to Stephen A. Cuhoon, of
Kiiantoii. The ceremony will be per
Inrnied Tuesday evenle, Feb. 18, ut the
home of the bride. .
.Mr. and Mrs. A. (. Thomason, of Own
ItldKe, on Monday, left for New Orleans,
where Mr. Thomason will attend the an
nual ineelinK of the American Cur Ser
vice association, of which he Is secretary.
tleore W. Peck and .Miss Hadle elclc,
o ft 'hestnut street. Were In Wllkes-Harrw
yesterday, where they were railed by the
IMness of their brother-in-law, Kev. J.
K. Williams.
t'scd I'lnt-Iron with Serious If feet on
Conntnhle .Miller.
An ass-milt was mailt? on Constable
J. S. Miller Saturday by Lee W.
Nichols, ut the hitter's home on Vine
street, between Wyoming and Wash
ington avenues. The coitslable was
rriously Injured. Nichols has not been
fonstable Miller says he went to
Nichols" residence to serve a land
lord's warrant nt the Instance of Mr.
l'ri'ndt'rgast, who lives on the oppo
site side of the street anil nub
let the limine to Nichols. The
n estable hud told Nichols the levy
could not be deferred until Monday,
nd had seated himself at the kitchen
table to make a memorandum on the
warrant, when Nichols seized a flat
Iron and struck him a blow on the li.ud.
lie struck the constable with the Iron
three times, breaking his arm and Jaw
bone, cutting his eur and ripping his
scalp oien.
Miller niuimsed to escape from the
house. Dr. Fulton was Hunimoned tn
attend him at his home. He is badly
hut not In tally Injured.
Mr. Nichols version of the affray in
Domewhut different than the consta
ble's. He suys than when Mr. Miller
fame Into the house he acted in a very
Kentlemanly way. Nichols protested
and Miller took un iron 'from the stove
nnd in his attempt to strike Nichols
(turned the latter's hund severely.
Nichols says he thereupon knocked the
constable down and the latter In his
descent struck the stove and sustained
ome burns and bruises.
All I'nrodoemed Goods
tnUfif be disposed of and for this reason
Davldow Bros, are conducting a gr .-at
auction sale of watches. Jewelry, sil
verware, etc. The highest bidder will
Bt the choicest articles.
By so-called "Reduc
tion" sales of "shop
worn" goods, "job lots"
;. and "left overs."
FOR A O Ladies' hand made,
3k Jl clean, stylish shoe
V" worth $4.00.
FOR (!l A ladies' fine Don-
rS . 'a ' button an
V "" lace up-to-date shoe
worth $3.00.
But we cannot give you a
$6.00 shoe for $3.00, nor can
any - other correct dealing
UK fi
k , -
4:0 Sirst
Grand Gift to Scran
ton. 3,423 Saffering Citi
zens Receive a
Free Sample of His
Wonderful Rheii-,
maiism Ctir?.
His Honest Efforts to Prova the
Efficacy of His Remedy
Met with Unpara!- ;
lelied Success.
Free Distribution from the Office
of the Repiiblttffi7rB5eariB
Ask Your a .Ihwgflitt tr
for Whattyn,,- a
Want. - c '
Monday und yestei'rTuy'"f'rofJssor
Munyon advertised to gTvcTiway abso
lutely free 10.000 vials i "or his Rheuma
tism itemedy. .requesling the tiewspa
pers of the city to Invest'lgufe ShU 1ub
lish the results in euclt case us report
ed to them, either Rood or 'baiT.r" Tit This
way Professor Munyon proposed to
prove the elllcacy of his Khemiiatlsin
Uemedy before asking-MVe-'flbHc r(ii
spend one cent. NeVeT lief oft-" 'Tn" t M
history of medicine hds thvre-'lleen a
physician or coiinany w'liwfcriveiarerf'
to risk their reputation hi uif actual'tesT
of the remedies by then woil.n Burn
unhounded faith In the .virtue" of their
medicine, as shown iy the-- Munyon
Company, at once gav the public -con-
ndetiee In them, und the result has been
this: Monday 1,634 samples were given
away: yesterduy l,7S-more were nc
ccimmodated. und noyUu're .are 3.423
sick und aflllcted persons testing the
value of the cure. As the results are
published each day In the leading- pa
pers, no doubt thousands who huve
given up all hope of being relieved will
be tempted to try this and other reme
dies. Just as effective, manufactured
by the Munyon Company.
1 Hi ring the pnst four years l'rofessor
Munyon has given away free over 3,
000,000 bottles of his cures from lending
duilies ull over the country, and In no
case huve they reported, after careful
Investigation, less than 90 per cent, out
of every 100 cured or greatly benefited.
What a contrast between this honest
method of proving the virtue of his
remedies und others who promise ho
much, but always usk the patient fur
money In Advance. .
Professor Munyon dos not expect
you to put any faith in his medicine un
til thousands huve tested their merits.
He does not bring testimonials from
"".her pluces thousands of miles uwoy,
lit obtains them In your own city In
a manner which prevents any possible
chance of deceit or tnihelief.
If you are allllcted with any disease
ask your druggist for a Munyon cure.
If you are In doubt as to the nature
of your disease, write to Professor Mun
yon. l'lOa Arch street, Philadelphia,
Skilled specialists will make a thorough
diagnosis of your case nnd tell you how
to be cured. No charge for advice.
Munyon's Uheumatlstn Cure is guar
anteed to cure rheumatism In any part
uf the body. Amite or muscular rlieui can be cured in from one to tiv
duys. It speedily cures Hhnotjng pains,
sciatica, lumbago, and all . rheumatic
pains In the back, hips, nu.,!olns. It
seldom fails to give relief after one or
two doses, and almost invariably cures
before one bottle has been used. Price
nj,. ,s. i, ' ..
.Munynn's Stomach and Pyspi'psla
Cure cures all forms of ludlgestlon und
stomach trouble, such as rlsuig-of food,
distress ufter eating, shortness of.
breath, nnd all affections (if the heart
caused by indigestion, wind on the
stomach, bad taste, offensive breath,
loss of appetite, faintnesB, or. Weakness
of stomach, coated tongue, heartburn,
shooting pains of the stomach, consti
pation, dizziness, faintness, and lack of
energy. Price X: '
Munynn's Nerve Cure cures nil the
symptoms of nervous exhaustion, such
as depressed spirits, failure of memory,
restless or sleepless nights, pains In the
head and dizziness. It cures general
debility, stimulates and strengthens the
nerves, and tones up the whole system.
Trice 25 cents. ' . .t ..
Munyon's Kidney Cure cures pains In
tha back, loins, or groins from kid'
ney disease, dropsy of the feet and
limbs, frequent desire to pass water,
dark colored and turbid urine, sedi
ment In the urine and diabetes. Price
25 cents.
Catarrh Positively Cured. Are you
willing to spend 50 cents for a cure that
positively cures catarrh by removing
the cause of the tHsease? If so. ask
your druggist for a 25-cent bottle of
Munyon's Catarrh Cure and a 25c. bottle
of Munyon's Catarrh Tablets. Tho ca
tarrh cure will eradicate the disease
from the system and the tablets will
cleanse and heal the aflllcted parts and
restore them to a natural and healthy
Munyon's I.lver Cure corrects head
ache, biliousness. Jaundice, constipa
tion, and all liver disease. Price 25
Munyon's Cold Cure prevents pneu
monia and breaks up a cold in a few
hours. Price 35 rents.
Munyon's Cough Cure stops cough,
night sweats, allays soreness, and
speedily heals the lungs. Price 25 cents.
Munyon's Female Remedies -are a
boon to all women. Price 25 cents. . ,.
Munyon's Headache Cure stops head
ache in three minutes. Price1 25 cents.
Munyon's Pile Ointment cures all
forms of piles. Price 25 cents.
Munynn's Asthma Cure and Herbs
are guaranteed to relieve asthma In
three minutes and cure in five days.
Price. 60 cents each.
Munyon's Blood Cur eradicates alt
impurities from the blood. Price 25
cents. '
. Munyon's Vltaliier Imparts new life,
restores new power to weak and debili
tated men. Price, tl.
Munyon's Homoepathlc Remedy Com
pany, 1505 Arch street, Philadelphia,
Pa., puts up specifics for nearly every
disease, mostly for 25 cents a bottle.
Sold by AU Retail Druggists.
This evening at tha Academy or Mnnio
"ParadiM AUry." the. very newest up-to-date
tnuslcul comedy, will be presented
'with th aid of speciul scenery and ni
ol the most extraordinary effects ever
seen on a staae i this country. With
auch a company of star artists as Is an
nounced the piece cannot full to make a
deep Impression on ull Intelligent theater
goer, it U seldom Indeed that such a
Kalaxy of talent Is eiwtaged in a single
play as Burnt y Kagen, Sum J. ltyun, Lily
Post, Frank .M. Wills, lola i'omeroy, John
Queen and Henrietta Myron. The piece
abounds in the latest songs, catchy melo
dies, bright dialogues, curious mechanical
and electriiul effects and side-splitting
scenes. The favorite song, "The Sunshine
of Paradise Alley," which was suggested
by this play, will be grandly sung by the
finest chorus ever heard in a musical com
edy, Bidding for actors Is guarded by their
supply of public favor. Stage talent ts
bought and sold Uke everything else; the
mauuger. looking for tulent, deals in his
peculiar commodity with a similarity of
the average Wall street speculator. The
talent that usually pleases the average
theater-goer, eventually bears the fruit
of distinction. Probably few comedians
upon the stage are better known and liked
than that inimitable king of buffoonery,
Joe Ott, who Will inttinte his audience into
the diversllled ferrets of astronomy in
his new play "The Star Oarer." to be
presented at the Academy Thursday even
ing. Mr. Ott Is an aocentrlc character
creator of the very highest type. His
name probably has done as much toward
the assembly of large audience as any
recent year entertainer. He has sold his
talent to the highest bidder, at extrava
gunt figures, and yet large profits have al
ways been the outcome for his manager.
Last evening the Grand Introduced for
the first time In this city the German dia
lect comedian, J. II. Toole. In "Klllarney
and The Rhine," a play written by Kd
ward Jerome. Mr. Toole as tlonrad, a
knight. errant In Ireland, proved to b
an artist of more than ordinary ability.
Some of his methods were similar to
those of the late J. K. Kmniet. Miss Allda
Coftelyou, who appears a the leading
lady, did some clever acting especially
in the prison scene. Farmer, Bridgeport,
0. "This attraction Will be seen during
the Inst three days ot this week at Davis
t neuter. ..
lias Been Established by tha Board of
" Associated Charities.
An emergency hospital has been es
tablished in the basement of the City
hall by the board of associated chari
ties. Announcement ot this fact was
made at the meeting of the board last
evening which was uttended by Rev.
Rogers Israel. J. H. Cohen and V. 3.
1. ynett. The hospital Is located tn the
room formerly occupied by the park
commissioners and is neatly furnished
with un Iron bedstead, wardrobe and
washstund. The bed. linen and furnish
ings of the room were donated by the
Hcruntiin bedding company, Connolly
4 Wullace und Hill & Connell. It was
found necessary to fit up this room on
account of a number of urgent emer
gency cases recently brought to the at
tention of the board by the police au
thorities. It will be In charge of Miss
Kelscl, the . nurse employed by the
Daniel Phillips read tho report of
Treasurer W. T. Smith which showed
that there was a bulance on hand of
$4T0.. (in mot It m of Mr. I.ynett $100
of thut amount was transferred to the
emergency fund. The report of the
agent. Mrs. W. H. Duggan, showed
that she had Investigated 55 applica
tions for relief during January of which
!t were found worthy. Three were ad
mitted to the hospitul, three to the
House of the tlood Shepherd, two to the
Foundling Home, two to the Hilllsde
Home, one wus sent to the county Jul),
und was cared for by the Ulrls' Friend
ly society, seventeen were furnished
with work, and four were furnished
with transportation.
It Introduced Conroy and Kox to an
Audicnee Last Night.
A good specialty performance was
given ut the Academy of Music lust
evening by the t'onroy & Fox combina
tion which appeared in "O'Flarlty's
Vacation" before a good sized audience.
The play which wus written especially
for these clever comedians can boast of
a fairly good plot ami one that is ex
ceeedlngly funny, abounding In the
most complicated situations, creating
much merriment among the audience.
It Is not often thut a performance of
this klntl Is so well bulnncetl. where
each of the enst Is equal to the require
ments, but In "O'Flarlty's Vacation"
there was not a weak performer among
them, all being alive and up to date in
their particular line.
The two stars, Conroy & Fox, are too
well known to require much comment.
They are tho same laugh provoking.
Inimitable fun-makers they always
were and kept the audience In a roar
all the lime they were on the stage.
The many new and catchy songs which
they sung were encored again and
again. Kqually entertaining were the
specialties of Harry o. Hajes and
Kulph M. Post, usslsted by Miss Kate
Allen. The acrobatic feats of the for
mer were clever.
An especially pleasing part of the
programme was the singing of Miss
Maymie Taylor. She has an excellent
Voice and uses it well.
Celebrated bv Sons of Veterans with an
Abraham Lincoln's birthday was fit
tingly celebrated last night by the Lieu
tenant 10. H. (Irlllin tump. No. 8. Hons
of Veterans. In an entertainment en
titled "I'nion Defenders' Duy.1'
J. K. Thomas made the opening ad
dress. The Washington quartette sung
a selection which was followed by the
dialogue. "How Mrs. Onskell did not
Hire a Cook," between the following
young ladles: Mary Hugden.Muy Itene
dict, Rachel Kvans. Itollin Cnrr, Susie
Fisher. Annie Henry. Jessie Featherby
and Olive Munn.
. Miss Kdna Moyor sang a descriptive
Song, Master Jns. Busch pave a recita
tion, and David Hush, a stump speech;
Miss Kva Dorsey, Charles Cadogan
and Master Albert Bush, recitations,
and Fred Cole and Miss Edith Dunker
ly, banjo and piano solus respectively.
Professor Kelley was the accompan
It Will lie Given at tha V. M. C. a.
on Thnrsdav Evening.
The final chamber concert will be
given at the Young Men's Christian as
sociation hall tomorrow night. Feb. 13,
with the following programme of mod
ern authors:
Trio, for piano, violin and 'cello. In
I) major Itoelrhe
Sotnga Hruhnt
Concerto In O minor, for violin Briicit
Songs, - (a) Ilubinstehi
(b) Hrurh
String quartette Hemberger
Miss Ella Marie Draeger, formerly
contralto of the Kim Park church, will
be the soloist.
read about Hool's Sarsaparllla. They
know that It is an honest medicine, and
that It curse disease. That is why you
should only get Hood's.
' HOOD'S PILLS cure all liver Ills, re
lieve constipation and assist digestion.
Bay tha Weber
and ret the beat. At Guernsey Bros.
Thea Baby was sick, we fare her Csstorln,
When site was a Child, she cried for Uastorla.
When site became Miss, she clung to Castorla.
Whea she had CliUdren, she gave them Castorta,
Jury 's Deliberating oa a Verdict
When Court Adjourned.
Whan the Verdict Waa Rendered the
Coavloted Maa Waa a Corpse.
August Hellereaaa Fouad Not
Gulltj and So Waa Jacob Alder.
Defense In the Woolsey criminal as
sault case yesterday was an alibi and
good character. Woolsey took the stand
and swore he dttl not get out of bed
the morning of Nov. 8 last until 8.10;
and that he did not leave his house
until 8.45. The Bostons lived next door
to him and they owned a horse. Wool
sey went over when he left his own
home and rapped at their door to see
If he could rent the animal for work
that day. He stopped at the door and
had a few minutes' conversation tith
Mary Boston, the prosecutrix, but did
not go Inside.
When he left there he went to Ath
erton's store and arrived there at 9
o'clock. He denied absolutely that he
laid hands on the girl at all. His wife
testified that they did not get up until
after 8 o'clock and that he did not go
over to Boston's until nearly 8 o'clock
and that she watched him from the
window and saw him stand In the door
way of the girl's house and talk to her
five or six minutes, then go away. She
maintained that the purpose of the
prosecution was to alienate him from
her affection and to bleed him out of
Character Witnesses Called.
Mrs. Frederic!, who rents the upstairs
of her house to the Woolseys, corrobor
ated the defendant with reference to his
leaving the house. Then three or four
character witnesses were called to testi
fy regarding; the previous good reputa
tion of the defendant for chastity. At
torney lieorge W. Beale made the clos
ing argument to the Jury for the defense
and District Attorney Jones argued on
behalf of the commonwealth. His plea
was a strong; and eloquent one. Judge
Edwards delivered a very explicit and
exhaustive charge and said, among oth
er things, that the law recognizes that
It is a very easy matter for a woman
to charge a man with assault, and a
very difficult charge for him to dis
prove. The Jury went out at 4 o'clock
to deliberate on a verdict. It agreed
two hours later and sealed Its verdict.
August Ilellerman was found not
guilty of assault and buttery on Mrs.
Surah Boland, of Pittston avenue, and
the prosecutrix was directed to pay the
costs. A verdict of guilty was returned
In the assault and battery case against
Jacob M. Badders, the man who com
mitted suicide Monduy night.
Juoub Adler was tried for striking Au
gusta Maler with a pump handle on
the head und leaving her In a condi
tion of coma for a short spell, lie was
returned not guilty and tho costs were
assessed against her account as trustee
of the county until the Insolvent papers
are tilled out.
Sunday Morning Affray.
Joseph Patroshick waa found guilty
of assuultltiK Michael Sulluh. The
prosecutor was on his wuy to church
one Sunday morning ami ho dropped
Into a saloon, where the defendant was
serving on the stove committee. A
quarrel arose between the men und
Sulluh got hammered. The two men,
Joseph Kulinoskl and Joseph Olsheskl,
who took the law into their own ha mis
and used Constable Max Koehler ns a
subject, were found guilty. Koehler
was roughly bundled by the defend
ants. Tho Jury went nut at adjournment
In the fuse, where William L. Bates wus
defendant and Annie Hossak prosecu
trix. Uutes lives In Forest City, and
had a search warrunt for a horse, sup
posed to have been stolen by Hossac k,
the womun'a husband. When he went
to look for the horse, they set upon
him and he had to use Ms club. He
admitted he struck her twice on the
head, but clulmed he was defending
It Induced Jaeob lladdere, of Greea Hideo
io Commit Suicide.
Jucob Badders, 45 years ot ago, of
Ross avenue, committed suicide Mon
day night by swallowing strychnine.
An Inquest by Coroner Longgtreet yes
terday revealed the fact that Badders
was prompted to the deed by the taunts
of friends about his part In a case in
court on Monday. He wus the defend
ant and the charge was ussutilt nnd
battery. The Jury returned a verdict
of guilty yesterday.
After the trial several of his friends
Joked Badders and told him he hail
been found not guilty but wus directed
to pay half the costs. It preyed upon
his mind, and after supper he took the
fatal dose. He fought the efforts of his
relatives and Dr. 1). II. Jenkins to save
him. and died at 11 o'clock.
Coroner lAingstreet visited the dead
man's home yesterdny morning and
Impanneled a jury. A post-mortem ex
amination reveuled the presence of the
strychnine taken the night before which
with the testimony of the family and
friends, determined the fuel that the
poison was taken with suicidal Intent,
und u verdict was returned according
Accused Vigilant Waive a Hearing und
throw t lis t'ose Into Court.
Theodore Gardner and James Burns,
the accused vlgllants of the Kightoenth
ward, gave ball before Alderman Fuller
yesterday for their appearance nt court.
The men could not be found by the
constable who had the warrants, but on
learning that they were being sought
for, agreed to meet their accusers at
Alderman Fuller's ofllce at 3 o'clock.
They were there with their attorney.
Major Kverett Warren, at the appoint
ed time, but the prosecutors did not
put in an appearance.
' The men nevertheless entered bnil In
the sum of SOGO each for their appear
ance at court. Adam L. lionn. of f25
Broadway, qualifying for Cnrdner. and
D. J. Cosgrove, of 309 Meridian street,
for Burns.
Sixteenth W ard Republicans Hold an
Enthusiastic Meeting.
An enthusiastic and largely attended
meeting of the Republicans of the Six
teenth ward was held last evening in
Alderman Fuller's otfice, for the purpose
of arranging a more active canvass In
behulr of the Republican city ticket. In
the absence of President Corbett. Fred
F. Hchoen wan called to the chair and
W. E. Davis made secretary.
Reports from all sections of the ward
were received and these were uniformly
encouraging. It was the sense of the
meeting that the Sixteenth could be de
pended upon to give an Increased Re
publican majority next Tuesday.
Enjoyed a Sleigh Hide.
Clerks employed by J. V. Williams &
Co. enjoyed a pleasant slelghride to
Cltirk's Green Monday night, where they
were entertained by Mr. and Mrs. W. l
Williams. Those In the party were:
M It ses Lizzie Shtllts. Nellie Jones. Jessie
llurlow, Kttie Huston. Anna Coons. Mar
garet Evans. Kettle Kvans. Margaret Van
Camp. Ixtuise Koberts. Agnes o'H-jra,
Klvira Keeae. Lettle Kitzslmmons, .Messrs.
Walter Lang. H. Coons, Will tsrlflith.
Fred Jones, Harry Haag. John Williams,
Edward Robinson. Archie MeCracken,
Benjamin Kvans, Kits MeDermott.
Everybody Invited
To attend the great auction sale of un
redeemed pledges at Davldow Bros., 217
Lackawanna avenue.
Plllsbury's Flour mills have a capac
ity of 17,509 barrels a day. . ea
A Cold Proves Fatal Within Seventy
Two Hours.
Mrs. William V. Henderson, of New
York, felt chilly, sneesed once or twice,
and said.- "I think I must have taken
That was on Thursday. On Sunday
she died! Dttctors said it was the grip,
but "It started with a cold."
Mr. James G. Wheatley, of Chicago,
went down to the board of trade on
Monday morning, buoyant with life and
hope. He itecuiiK' heated, went out
without his overcoat to get a hasty
lunch, and the cold wind chilled him.
He died on Wednesday, a victim of
pneumonia, which "started with a
Hundreds of men and women are dy
ing every day from grip, from pneu
monia, from various troubles, all of
which "Mturted with a cold." What is
the lesson?
Stop the first symptoms. "A stitch
In time saves nine." Do not delay. Use
the best thing you can get and do It at
But what shall I do?
Follow the experience of others. Mrs.
Andrew D. Whitman of Brooklyn, says:
"I felt the grip coming on. I knew
this from what I had heard others say.
I was chilly, my head ached, my bones
and muscles seemed In pain. I felt
feverish, I was miserable. I did not do
lay, but began treating the trouble at
once. The next day I was better, the
third day well and entirely through
the use of Dr. Acker's English Remedy
for Coughs, Colds and Consumnptlon.
It la grand."
Mr. Wilmot F. Glover, of Buffalo,'
"I have no fear of the grip, none
whatever. I have been attacked by it
four different times, and in each case
have driven It off Inside of 24 hours.
How? Hy Dr. Acker's English Remedy.
I tell you this Remedy will not only do
what Is clulmed for It viz, cure a cold
In a day, check a cough In a night but
It will keep off the grip every time."
Both of these cases of grip "started
with a cold." Be advised and during
this season of the year check the first
symptoms by the best thing you can
get. and thus avoid those terrible trou
bles which yet may only have "started
with a cold."
Ladies' Solid Gold Watches
were sold yesterday at Dnvldow Bros.'
great auction sale for $10, $11 and $12;
the watches are worth $25 and $30, but
being; unredeemed pledges they had to
be converted into cash to the highest
bidder. Don't miss this great oppor
tunity to buy a watch cheap. Sale is
on today.
Reynolds Bros., Hotel Jermyn, Wy
oming: avenue.
April we occupy the
entire building -icn
Lackawanna avenue, !
which will be enlarged
and rebuilt to suit our
Or so we will quote
prices that will save
its cartage and break
age, even if we do lose
on the goods.
New Spring Patterns of
Brussels and
Oriental Rugs, Axminster Whole Carpets.
Seaethlag New and
i v
There Are
Some Things
That are ever) where recognized
as the very best ot their kind.
They are the standards. Others
may be good, but the geouloe al
ways comma ads respect and
evokes admiration. You have
beard of
Havlland & Oil's French China,
Maddock & Co. 's Royal Vitreous,
Homer Laughlin's White Granite.
These are a few of the many
makes we carry in open stock, of
which you can select such pieces
as yon wish.
Toilet Sets, Lamps, etc.
Wedding Presents.
China Hall
134 WYOBlBfi 1VEIUE.
Walk lit and look around.
Don't Follow the Leaders.
Lead the Followers
. . HATS
WE THINK that we liaTe the choicest, new
est cleanest, best lection you can find any
where. IN QUALITY we psrtlrulary excel, and our
PRICES, lutrked la plain figures, are legiti
mate and, you will nnd by comparison, a little
lower ttimi anything competition offers.
Jut lock them aver mn4 ate.
128 Wyoming Ave.
an9 yonr eyes win
take care of you. If
ou are tronniea wuo
teadauhe or nervous
nru no to DR. SIII.H
BURQ'S and have your aye examined free.
We keve reduced prleea and are the lowest In
tbe city. Nicael spectacles from $1 to Ui fold
from H to (a.
309 Sprue Street. Scranton, Pa
Beautiful at Moderate Price.
in the prices ot
Don't buy until you see
our prices.
Clothiers. Hdtera&fumishera
Acknowledged the Leading '
01 the World.
Musical Instruments,
Husical Merchandise,
Sheet Music and
Music Books.
Purchasera will always find a complete
stock and at prices as low aa tbe qusU
Ity at the Instrument will permit at
nusic STORE,
117 Wyoming Ave. - - Scranton
We Have
On Hand
A Mo the Newest.
Also the Cheapest.
Also the Large it.
Porcelain, Onyx, Eti
. Silver Novelties in Infinite Variety.
I.tleit Importations.
Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds,
fl. E. ROGERS,
Jeweler end
215 Lackawanna kn
Winfer Will
And to ba prepared to meet the 00IA
weatusr yon want a aeaeoaalile Suit sr
aa Overcoat, or both
406 Lackawanna Ays.
The lara;eot stock to eelect from. Trim,
ruing Always of the Best, Latest Utylae
la Cattlnc and mads up oa tbe premises
by Expert Workmen.
iWNothlnt allowed to leave theeataw
Uahment nnltse satlsfaotory to tha cus
tomer, and the lowest price coailateal
rith Good Mervuant Tailoring. '
The Finest In the City.
The latest Improved Ctraialv
lap and apparatus let
aieat, batter asd eggs.
823 Wyoming Ave.
' w 00 wet wtt
Cures Colds, Lays Out LaGripps,
Cures Incipient Consumption.
Manufactured by O. ELMENe
DORF. Klmlrat. M. Y.. and for aumi
by the trade generally.
IHolesile l.nts, Scrutca. Fa.
i V 1 1