4. '- s i-HB nCHAMitwr TBIBUXCB-WEDNESDAT MOKIOITO.; JJKJinUKr If, 1996. In-: Annual Statement or THX COIIISSIOHERS OF LACKAWANNA COUNTY Showing RecoipU, Diburemont, Condition of tha Finances nd Ac counts of SUta and County Tax Collectors for the Fiscal Yaar End Ing Dscembsr 31, 1805. RECEIPTS. . Amount received by County Treasurer C. H. Schadt as per statement of said Treasurer, and chargeable to general County and Bridge fundi 211.93.. DISBURSEMENTS. Amount of disbursement from general County and Rrldse fund as shown by the follow it ing statement or me (.oumj Commissioner $194.00? 42 Receipts In excess of ex $17,974 72 penuuures ASSESSMENTS. Paid Assessors for making State and 'ounty assessments. Clerks extending and making . duplicate. School Copies, and Transcripts of Mortgages and Judgineuts " ADVERTISING. Paid for publishing unmiul statement of County Commls aloiier and other advertising $l.i BRIDGES. Paid Oroton Bridge Co. - building three Iron. riJgs as follows: Una In Runsom Township. one In Ulenburn Bor- rough, and one In Ben- , ton Township 1.2S0 CO Paid Harrison Gardner for building stone arch bridge tu Scott Town- ship 430 00 Paid A. B. Dunning. Jr.. for making plans and specifications for bridges 160 Oft Paid for viewing bridge sites, Inspecting bridges, advertising let tings, 4c !& 15 Si, 903 13 BURIAL OF DKCBASED SOLDIERS. INDIGENT Paid burial expenses of de ceased Indigent soldiers us per Act of Assembly, approved 12lh May, 1U6 $1,333 00 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE. Paid Giles Roberts, County Commissioner. $1,090 50 Paid 8. W. Roberts, County Commissioner. 1,0 50 Paid John Demuth, County Commissioner. 1,095 GO Puld Charles K.Wagner, Commissioners' Clerk 1,500 00 Paid John !'. Williams, Assistant Clerk 85 00 Puld K. E. Robathau.. 765 00 " Paid H. A. Knapp, County Solicitor GOO 00 $G,136 0 COUNTY AUDITORS, av Paid S. 8. Sprifks, Bk County Auditor KS 00 Puld B. F. Squier. County Auditor 93(1 00 Paid John P. HI nk. County Auditor 930 00 $2,803 00 COUNTY OFFICER9. Paid John P. Kelly, Dis trict Attorney $3,233 4$ Puld John It. Jones, Dis trict Attorney 4.195 S3 Paid John J. Fabry, Hherlff 7,182 it Paid K. H. demons, sheriff 2.632 31 Paid John H. Thomas, Clerk of Courts 4,449 53 Paid C. E. Pryor, Pro thonotary lit 65 Puld John J. Shea, County Detective 1G 23 Paid Thomas Leyaholi, County Detective 1,021 7$ Paid James J. Heuley, Recorder 455 20 Paid Charles Huester, Recorder 219 10 $23,001 37 COUNTY SURVEYS. Paid Harry Burke for monument for divi sion line ' between Lackawanna and Sus quehanna Counties Paid Giles Roberts ex penses t" Montrose aud return attending Court on disputed boundary line case Paid W. Atktnso.i for Sitting monjments a, on- boundary line bet wee n Lackiwanna and Sucquehunna Counties $10 59 11 a 13 50 $CS 35 COURT EXPENSES. Paid Court Crier. Tip stave, Messengers.... $3 415 59 Paid H. H. Coston, Sten ographer 7,(5) go Paid Luckuwunna Legal News, publishing names of Jurors, tilul lists, c 642 74 'Paid Lackawanna Jur- , 1st, publishing legal -notices. 2J 00 Paid M. H. McGlnley, Stenographer 149 IS Paid Juhtn Taylor, Sten ographer 59 (9 Paid Typewriter, Paper, Note Books, c 196 50 Paid Grand Jurors 1,978 71 Paid Petit Jurors H.398 Kj Puld Traverse Jurors.... 9,028 62 Paid Constable mak ing returns to Court.. 1.2S0 C7 Puld Referees appointed by Court 1,330 09 Paid Jury Commission ers and Clerk 605 62 $37 634 23 . COMMONWEALTH COSTS. Paid Aldermen, Justices, Con stablev and Witnesses In Crlm- , Inal rases $19,932 97 COURT HOUSE GROUNDS. Pall mowing and sprinkling lawns, shoveling snow and other work 6n Court House Grounds $1,020 07 DIVISION OP TOWNSHIPS AND BOB ROUGHS. Paid Viewers appointed by Court and other expenses - $234 St EASTERN PENITENTIARY. Paid Board and Clothing of Con victs cotiflnel In Eastern Peni tentiary at Philadelphia ELECTION CONTESTS. Psid Witnesses in Election Contests ELECTION EXPENSES, Paid Election Officer $2,966 1$ $3 C7 . and Kent or Polling Plaos .", Paid Ground R-fit for tenwary Election Pooths Paid Printing Ballots, Cards of Instruction, Election Blanks, Ac... Paid repairing, moving 7.601 01 333 00 2,91$ 2$ and setting up tempo- - rs-y E" ctlon Booths.. $73 63 Paid delivering Ballots, Booths, Ac. la Polling Places. 415 63 Paid Clerks api nted . . by court to compute Electit n return Paid publishing Elec tion Proclamation ata Supplies to ilea Board. ill 150 00 47S09 sn INQUESTS. . Paid J.- A. Keller, Coro Her $1,373 2$ Paid Jurors at Inquests &i v Paid Cheuilst for profes sional services US W $2,440 a . INSURANCE!. Paid Insurance on Court House and County Prison, anil ou u Furniture 390 00 PREMIUMS. Paid Permlums on Foxea, Wild Cats, Wolves and Mink, In cluding fees of Aldermen and Justices of the Peace $229 PRINTING AND STATIONERY. Paid for Blank Books and Sta tionery for the several 42ounty Officer . $1,998 27 PUBLIC BUILDING EXPENSES. . Paid Janitor, Fireman and Watchman $1,693 2j Paid Oas, Water, Elec tric Light, ileal ana Fuel Paid repalra Court Court House "Water Closets, Sewers, 4kc... Paid Telephone Rent... Paid E. P. Oross, at tending Tower and Court Houso Clocks... Paid Washing. Cleaning and Scrubbing Paid New Furniture and repairing Furniture, Carpets, Ac Paid Supplies, Brooms, Soap, Brushes, &c... Paid hauling ashes, Ac. 2.732 LJ " 132 50 240 89 . 152 53 343 65 ' 726 93 123 81 20 76 $3 867 PRISON EXPENSES. Paid feeding prisoners.. $10, 181 00 Deduct amount collected by Sheriff 113 50 Net amount paid sheriff $10,067 50 Paid salaries or wardens and keepers Paid fuel, gas. water and electrk light Paid prisoners' clothing, shoes, beddthg. etc .... Puld conveying prison ers to and from County Prison Paid Supplies, brooms, soup, brushes, etc. ... Paid telephone rent .... Paid Iron cots. furniture, oilcloth, eto. Paid repairs on county prison Puld physician and medical supplies Paid disinfectants 0,129 03 1.6J3 30 "" 1,330 43 115 00 193 01 27 00 C13 6 29 17 3U2 3.1 144 53 $21.594 98 REGISTRATION OV VOTERS. Paid. Assesors making May rd December, 1W5. registrutiun and Clerk making copies for Election Boards $3,325 al ROAD DAMAGES. Paid damage for land taken for public roads a awarded by Viewers and approved by Court $2,930 00 ROAD VIEWS. Puld Viewer and Surveyors ap pointed by Court $820 65 STATE AUDIT. Paid A. J. Colburn, auditing . accounts of County Ultlcers with the Slate $150 00 STATE HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE. Paid keeping Insane convicts from Lackawunna county $365 00 SUNDRY EXPKNSE9. Paid F. W. Klrchhoff and others, clerks for services, etc. $1,265 57 MISCELLANEOUS. Paid postage, stamps and envelopes $ 80 Puld taxes overcharged and refunded 13 IS Paid Assessors for making returns of births and deaths 94 S3 Paid keep of Insane con victs at Hillside Farm. 129 19 Paid grading and street paving 772 04 Paid State Industrial Reformatory 109 59 Paid Incidental ex penses CO 00 Paid Agricultural Soci ety 100 09 $1,334 48 DETECTIVE SERVICES. Paid detective for the apprehension of mur derers and other crimi nals Total amount of dis bursements by the $1,161 67 Statement of the Accounts of Collectors of State and County Tax for the Year 189S. DISTRICTS. COLLECTORS. Arcbbald Borough P. A. Philbln Blakeiy Borough iDavld C. Phillips.. ben too Towusbip H. O. Smith Carbboudale Township.. .Patrick Casey Covington Township R. J. Tan Hold Clifton Township kiauies u uuyil lroonuaionty- First Ward Second Vtard... Third Ward Fourth Ward... Fifth Ward K, A. Wonnacott Hunnsl Aloon ...,'Roiiert Campbell Robert Campbell M- 1 1 1 J 111 1, ..!" nviiauuivft,,,,,, blxth Ward. Kouert Campbell Dickson City Borough. ...'William Moses Dtininor Burourh.. .. A ... Hl.HH ....... .. .. Samuel Trelbsl ..'Patrick McGsever... ,.,C. A. hrmaa .. J. i. Siokl.r ..J. B. Gardner .. K. A. Lane ..a. H. McLaughlin... . .lUeorsro Klssoa 'fit TP l. nl.nj Elmhurst Borough Foil Township Uleuburn Borough Greenfield Township..., Gotiliierxiro Borough., Jertuyn Borough Jefforsou lownshlp,,.. LaPlume Borough , benign lownsnip. .U.U. Bailer.... Lackawanna 'township.. .Uunies Dutler. .1 : T l-1 . A- 1 1 Madison Township Eusreue Noaek jssyneia eurouen.... Newton Township.... North Ablneion 'i'wp Old Forge Township.. Olyphant Borough..., ...Putrick Brady ...J.D. Hopkins ... F. L- Hnuth ... Ueorgo J. Kahr ... B. N. Kennedy Kansom Township L. ai. jMcciosay.... Rearing Brook Township Jacob Weeser.... wh lowusnip norton uaruner., Spring Brook Township,. H. E. Arms ruuvu auisiwi 1WD.....J. u. Ayieswortn. Taylor Borough.. ... John D. Joues. winion tsorougn...., West Ablnston Twp Throop Borough...,, Dalton Borough , Waverly Borough... Bcrauton City First Ward , Second Ward Third Wsrd , Fourth Ward Fifih wrd , Sixth Ward , Seventh Ward...., Eighth Ward , Nmth Ward , Tenth W.rd , Eleventh Ward..., Twelfth Ward ... James J. Lawler.. ...I. B. Finch .., 'aines K. Loftus.. ... C. J. Thomas ... Charles W. Hall .. .... Edward Fldler .....George Y. Hoffman. .... John J. Costello .... David E. Thomas... .... Benjamin UriHith .. ....Adam 1. Bonn..;... ....;W. W. Ouudlach.... ....'W. A. Haub .... F. L. Ward George Farber ....Tbeo. Hessinger.... .... Oscar Strauoh L. H. Siiit Thirteenth Ward Fourteenth Ward John Bechtold , Fifteenth Ward K. C. Howell.- Bixteonth Ward '4il W. Finn Seventeenth Ward iRnbert Uaag F.!Khteenthward,..,.,i.'Adnui L. Bonn Nineteenth Ward..,.,.. Uor L.. (Straueh.... Twentieth Ward Thoinaa Heffsrou.. w TwSnty first Ward ;F. W. Burg , Carbondale Third Ward Fifth Ward Blxth Ward Dun more Borough.. North Abtngtun.... South Abingtoa Bcranton Third Ward Sixth Ward Moth Wsrd ....Oeorgai P. Chambsrllns., ....lOrorgo) F. Cbamberlin., .. ..'Oeorge P. Chambcrllne. ....'Charles f. savage .....'C J. Thomas ....J. D. styles worth Olle Decker............. William Egan Fred L Ward Booth Ablngton. . . . .U. D. Aylesworth Settled with th Treasurer slue December 31, 1093. CONDITION OF THE FINANCKS Oa LACKAWANNA COUNTY. ASSKTS. Cash In County Treasury Jan. 1st. 1896, County fund Cash in County Treasry Jan. 1st. 1893, Bridge fund Cash In County Treasry Jain. 1st. 1S9C, Sinking fund $9,ns 17 .m $4 10,000 oo 200,600 00 Court House uuiiaing I Fur H FurnHure and natures In Court House ; 30,noo oo rt House Grounds 176,000 00 IILY REIU Ml H III III County Commissioners on their warrants. Nos. 1 to 4.518 aerie "".... $169,97$ 42 The following disbursement were ' made by C. H. Schadt. County Treasurer, from the General County fund, to wit.: Interest on County Bonds $3,400 00 County Teacher' Insti tute 200 00 Tax on County Bonds.. 4m 00 Sinking fund .10,000 09 County Treasurer's com mission 7.973 00 m WW $24,031 09 Total amount disbursed from County and Bridge funds for the year 1893 $194,007 42 H. Schadt, County Trsasursr, In Account with Lackawanna Co. DR. Sinking Fund Town ship Fund Balance from D. W. Pow-I ell, ex county treasurer. Jan. 7. 1KB Taxes, Dupl cute of ls8... Tax, Duplicate of im... Taxes. 1 nnlicateof IM'1.. $ 263 35$ T Beated and Unseated Lsndi tax !. Interest on Unseated Land; tax !, Liquor Licenses, Hotel. ...I. " Restaurants!, Exonerated taxes paid... J, Jury fees, fines aad eastel from H. A. Kaapp ooiin ! ty solicitor . Jury fees, Btis and costs, from J. H. Thomas, clerk of courts. . Jury fees, fines and costs frona John P. Kelly, ex -I district attorney 1, Jury fees, flnss and cost from L'hua Ilobluson, ex-sheriff , Jury fees, flues aud cost tram F. H. Clemous.1 heriff I Jury fees, flsej and cost from C. . Pryor, pro-j tbonotary I Jury fees, flnss and costs' Ircra Martin More, a!-; dsnnan Jury fees, flats and costs from D. W. Brown, at torney , Prisoners board collscted.' Prothoaetary Hens coll't'd .'$ 1,068 50l. ueis TiTe iiceLse, r, a. SlcUeever. Detective license, Reyn Ids Detective license, V. E. C. J.I Mirerburgh Scrantoo Baring bank. Advertising Hedeuip- tlonof bonds refnlud I Costs and interest lands! redeemed from Commls I losers Blank books sold D. & H. UCo... Secre'y Internal affairs, rorov'ling, etc., tax statistics for year 18V3. Ref uadod by Coroner J. A. Kelly, and other overpaid by commis sioners Redemption fund & per cent, penalty on re-1 turneu Mixes Bersntnn bavinir Bauk aud Trust Co. loaa by ooonty commission ers Transferred from conuty lunu.. $10,000 00! !$10,jOO 00$ 1,051 85$ Sinking Fund Town ship Fund Interest coupons paid Transfer to tax ou loans. . County Institute County aad bridtes, war-1 rants paid Kos.l to 4418 iui'lusive. Serlt P I Couuty vrarraat No. 4804 -urivi l Bcranton Savings Bsnkl and Trnst Co. repay-1 ment of loan by eouu-1 tv oommlnsioner J Township fund, warrants I to 12 Inclusive Redemption fund State personal tax to I $ 884 81 state treasurer ) , Tax on loans ! '1'ransfer to Sinking Fund. Treasurers couiuusaion.. si at . SJ 70 Balance .. $10,000 Ubl l$IO,000 00.$ 1,351 86 $ I COUNTY TAX. 4 a 2 5 51 ".3 2 n 1 iSlls 38 8,174 04 2.317 SV 1.SKI 1! 95J h f.5-1 76 170 41 2.270 47 1.0.U 79. 418 :1 see ,: 154 I 49 Hi 1.037 J 1.318 (8 fltl" 47! 8t7 Oil 925 921 Slti 51. 2008 (,14V 8.1 t'O ID. L770 0O 28 8 382 V 17 si; 98 48 240 781 182 95 41 tW ((Ml 78. 71.1 2i) 631 IV 1.087 8l! 72 3.(ii'J 151 g,WI tv . W0 87 . cAi&it 1,051 77 2.782 7 1.919 38, 1,489 61 781 26 40 1,210 09 2,930 66 8,414 0 281 80$ 8,084 2! 450 10 1.0CV S 40 04 1,088 40 U3 7'i T 94 13 70 6,811 4 1,W5 7i.... 1.8-Jrt 8i 1.470 40 50 07 4.36H 9 .54$ 12 631 10 64; 3,221 Wi. 1,114 88i 11 VI'. ii!"w'i 145 87 20 41 89 1.6HM 06 5Ui 70 1,210 42 2.904 W 2,ll 40 '614 18 1,075 64 fiVH 64 679 711 l,r4 701 1,718 Iff 1,224 91i ""iiT'si' a 695 57i 2,838 41 l,r47 62 3,626 lb S.'M 921 923 7 t 1.IH9 IS, 13.427 4 (.820 04... 4,751 72... :... 4.8ij 24... 8,011 80... J.68T W, 2.IWS ... !... 18,217 49 !... 8,777 (A !... 2.521 80) &053 71' 1,000 64 7,4ya 69 - 8.te4 13 8.207 84: 6.854 16...., 10.2t 41....! 1.10 44 1.018 7. t12 4i 83 Mi 6.2M 2,"1 I1 :.tvt Gt 8,478 'Mi m cv . 1.689 82 '4.4KJ 8I1 .lo2 tV 70J 9 I., 8.2U1 46., 6.4-ff ' .. "8,36a 83'., i e- a.' ee e -1- K171.761 99i $144 41; ?8 4l6 4l$112,8si 00 I'or the Year 181)4. " . 915 22 ! 1,094 6.'....V.(..L l.iss 90 r..-.v.. 7.915 09 1,578 1.150 87 653 90! 716 84 84:1 lui I (.521 11 1,177 981 722 64j 1.972 ! 7.' 4 08i 7,770 0 2.2.W 98'..... . 938 4 8,494 70j....- 25,690 27!., !$ 21,031 For the Year 1893. 886 62 1 1 !$ !$ (28(2$ County Prison 130.000 09 Furniture In County Prison S.mo On Prison Grounds 35,000 00 Due from Collectors (Estimated) 63.000 00 ' N $666.234 71 LIABILITIES. 4tt per cent. Refunding Bond of he issue of Deo. 1st, 1894.. $120.000 00 Asset In excel of liabilities.... $546,234 71 Assessed valuation for the year 1S95 $23,499,191 00 . BTATB TAX ACCOUNT, j 1 Valuation of money at interest, bonds, mort- , gages, etc., assessed in Lackawanna County for the year 18(5. suo- I' Jvct to a tour mill tax for State purposes and reported to Board of Revenue Commission era, 35.853.953. at mills $23,41$ U Deduct County Treas- . urer's commission .... 234 15 $23,111 W Paid to State Treasurer by County Treasurer C. H. Schadt $23,181 $$ Rebate due County. .$17.38$ 25 iKedemp'l tlon Statu Fund Brldga Fund County Fund Total Fund 113 2: ... $6,5:4 19$ 31.573 (3$ 3. 328 43 3,763 7s 2U.T09 W 8UA.'tX t 184,163 70 1,13 03 13 $7 23.785 44 4,447 M 3170 . $23,416 81 111,: 9o 499 83 13 27 23.7S6 41 . 4,447 tti 2 70 24 ; 290 15. 290 18 $7(0 76 00 $7 47 $42 45 14 47 S09 21 14 . 4 71 8s :& 25 03 23 00 23 00 87 60 857 C0 70 00 $7 4: Stfti! 14 1: 8 00) 21 14 48 7fJ 88 7& 25 25 00 23 00; 87 5U( $ iy 6 86 00 11O0O $00 110 09 o m 90 89 237 5 16 79 10,909 09 I 15 701 237 I 10,000 on 480 00 10,480 00 850 86 $23,805 81 $10,861 03 9 211,020 431237,880 08 CR. iRedeinp-i State Fund Bridge Fund County Fund tlon Fund Total l. r 6,4ii!rio$ 6,4011 Oil 4h0 00 200 OU 4 HO 001 2J0( 10 0U r$7 . $ 1.906 15 1S8,0: 169,981 4$ 3 60 t 69 10.C00 00 384 81 3 60 23,181 86 468 00 10.(100 ou -. 7.973 00 39,460 77 1Q.0C0C0, .. $23,181 ;. ,. 45300!.. jn.ixm 00 58 16. 7.0SB All 0,778 1! 282 I 8.458 6i 850 88$23,W3 81 $10 361 t9 $ 211.(20 45 $ 257,680 66 STATE TAX. a J tie : 52 SI "a j ill fa as si 1 903 61 92 081 410 76 114 21) 7 1 82 96 13 09 702 Til 1,3 90 140 99 A 60 23B 88 81 IB 27 79 1.616 8 84 92 68 46 110 K 88 70..... 7 78! , 19U 80. 68 611 69 00! 9 8ft 4 (0$ 20 64, 6 711 Hi' 16 06, I 87 48 890 21 i,m om 818 61 108 49 0 76 78 80 12 44 667 8l' 1,317 68 183 94 6 32' 222 17 58 10 28 40....... 1,440 63 80 87 65 63 1US 40 34 87 7 89 119 9V 65 5 , 60 115' 8 91, 188 221 167 64 20 12. 222 6tf 16 2 18 W 86 41! 182 K 122 0 156 23: $ 26 19 167 86 116 21 23 68, , I "'id oo1 1 131 11 112 781 254 J 678 2 23 28 694 85 941 44 79 70' 08 08 1.784 29 2,321 28 04 4H 744 83 23 45 1,145 80 (44 114 209 86 1.721 12 t,KM 83 100 05 100 00 122 27 128 64 488 85i 4011 021 120 46, 1,745 14j 60i tol 821 b4 374 'a l$S 48 m f 9.9 7S. 2.274 OB: 'Hii'ti, 171 261 824 I 23 O.f 6U 94 416 9 24 98 122 Oil 7:0 I Kl ) in 7o r 8HR IS. to h: ou at, 7 04 28 11 6I 3 0 1 80 73 82! 4 2.-S i W 6 66' 1 83t 3 111) 2 W 2 9A :i I H II 721 08 97' 8 6)l 0 96, 0 42 134 97, 174 36, 21 18'... 284 4I... 17 14... 19 SI... 69 91 ... Ii.9 18... 128 48... 166 54... 25 19... 167 ... 121 27... 24 82;... ""'fi'iii!! 131 II ... 113 72... 2U8 41... lifl 36' 7;8 54 618 35 ""'& 688 2!H m 7(1 1,218 ft 1,020 141 1.075 271 83 13. 4M) 63 508 M 102 4t 1.825 07' 1.921 31i 4t3 1? 1.241 111! 2.805 88j M18 29 1.019 721 4.7 861 4.6U4 tti m irt 641 &, 177 9i 2174 911 !,8i8 m 2-S; 8 21 61 3,728 07) IA 1.532 14) U kth 212 81! 8 6 ue ...M 1 it!, "'i'iij' 13 43 tfl 44 1 22 81 Bl; 49 6V 4 15 8 54 t III 122 17 8 SH 89 ls 1 181 0 -M 83 93) 11 lui VI om 24.1 bt, o 87. 10 -li 0 41 0 77: .1 I 4 VI 24 69 628 16 i 999 99. 82 91 71 61) 1.8:8 U...v. 2,443 45 67 s? 78H 51 M H 1,315 80 079 Oil 220 91 ! 1.8 0 I'." 4.870 8' 105 XK 213 8ll 128 71j 131 81 $5?,15l a$24.801 82 .. . $1,119 30J22.787 801314 It 158 79 .... 191 33'.... 59 64 .... 1,2115 321.... -233 71 186 80.... 1 82 27f.... 62 0r.... 2,400 0.... 7 89 07 2 H 64 77 11 0t . 9 34) 1 61 - 2 4 123 UJ 146 Hi! 183 08 60 661 1,280 56 223 02, 177 48 so oe' 69 06 2,337 OB C6$ 1558 62$ 4,007 00! $ 233 38$ 4,434 2, 239 91$ 180 40; 0 02,$ 171 $81. Estimated expenses far the year 1896 217 230 (8 Amount of county tax duplicate, 1895 171,73 741 Amount of State tax 4uplicata. 1895 k 24,303 32 All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN DEMUTft. ' B. W. ROBRHT9, OILR3 ROBCRTS, ' County Commissioners. Attest: CHARLES F. WAOX5R, Clerk. Bcranton, Pa., February 1st, 18ft. c OUR Gotton I 1 i . i ; I : . . Now open for inspection. The line comprises Dimities in varioiis grades, Diichess Jaconets, Percales and Cambrics, Rejan? Dimity, Zephyr D, etc., Printed Harsalia, Tail? Chafelain?, Chantilly LacGaiiz?, Pliimetis, Lappets, French Organdies, etc. Mere words cannot describe the wonderful beauty of our line this season. The senses of seeing and feeling alone can, do them justice. CONNOLLY 01 CENT A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCE. WHRN A BOOK ACCOUNT IS MADE. NO CHAKOE WILL BE LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULK AP PLIES TO SMALT. wANT ADS.. IX CKPT LOCAL SITUATIONS, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Hlp Wantad Maltt. .., WANTED AN AUK NT IN EVKBY 8E0 tlon to can rasa; 3)4.00to$o.00adsy mad; ell at sight; slsoa man to sell ttapl Uood to dealers; best Bide line $75.00 a month: sal ary or larae eoinmlseion made; .iperl.ne unnecessary. Clifton boap and liauufactnr IngCo., Cincinnati. O. . , ANTED AN EXPERT STEAM FITTER to solicit work and matte estimates; a Snod opportunity to the 'Urn party. Address TEAM FITTER. Tribune office. - WANTED - WELL-KNOWN AN IN every town to solicit (took subscrip tions; a monopoly; big: money for agents: no capital required. ED WARD a FISH 4k CO, Borden Block. Cbloaao. 11L HclD Wantad Females. LADIES-I MARK BIO WAGES DOING pleasant home work, and will gladly seud full particulars to all (tending 2 cent stamp. MISS M. A. BTKBBINS. Lawrence, Midi. ANTKD GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK IN small family. Apply 1313 Mulberry st. WANTED F.XPERIENCED, NEAT OIRL, housnworlt, washing: good home, high wages; referenda required. K.V Oibson st., b-fore 1! till Thursday, and Thursday after noon and evening. VI RANTED LADY AGENT IN SCRAN VV ton to sell and Introduce Snyder' cake Icing; experienced cauvasssr preferred; work permanent and very profitable. Write for particulars at once and got benefit of holiday trade. T. H. HNYDER A CO , Cincinnati, O. ANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO EN Eft ttetio saleswomen to represent ua Guaranteed $t a day without Interfering with other duties. Healthful occupation. Write for particulars, inclosing stamp, Mango Chem ical Company. No. 72 John street. New York. Agents Wanted. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL CiUARS; $76 per month salary and expenses paid. Address, with two-rant stamp, FIOARO CI UAK CO., Chicago. . UTR ARE PUTT1NC VICTORY TELE phone tablets on every telephone In the world, and want reliable men to bun tie it: pays tlaOU;) a rear; Inclose stamp. VICTORY MaNCFACTItRINU CO.,Cleveland1Ohto. Vi7ANTED-Itw6QO0D MEN TO SELL V tea and eoffeo on commission In and around Hcranton; will furnish each with a horse aud wag in and puy 31 per cent, com mission; a small bond required. For particu lars address U C Tribune office. MONOPOLY-I WANT A THOROUGHLY reliable man in Hcranion, Pittston and Wilkes-Barre to take sole agency for the sale of the only shoe dressing in the world used to keep boots, shoes and every kind nf manufac tured leather from wenring out. The business is strictly cash, has no competition aud pays a profit f lik) per cent. Must be able to carry from $100 to $500 worth of stock. For full particulars address F. S. WILLIAMS, car of Tribune office. AGENTS TO BELL, OUR PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel and copper electro platers: price from 1 upward; salary and ex- Jeoses paid; outfit free. Address, with stamp, IICHIOAN ilFO CO.. Chicago. AGENTS TO SELL CIGARS TO DE A LER8; $: weeklr and expanses; experience un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MFG. CO., 4s Van Buren St., Chicago. SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE: 1H per rent, commission; sample book mailed f res. Address U N. CO.. btatiou L, New York. . A' 'T ONCE-AGENT8 APPOINTED TO seTI new lightning aeltlng table clotb.mos qnlto and house fly liquid at 10 cents i aud 2( cents a bo'tle. Sample free. BOLGIANO M'F'G Co., Baltimore, Md. AGENTS IHNDK'tt PATKNT UNIVEH sal Hair Cutlers and Waver fused with out heat), and "Pyr Poiuted' Hair Pins. Lib rl eommissioas. Freo samplo and full par ticular. Address P. O. Box 468. New tor. For Sale. linn JHI.f-VCW. MODERN ELEVEN- " room house near 44reen Uiilge St.. 1H5 Monsey ave.. Green Kiilfc'e; bargain. OWNER. A r AlIcNTIN ES.N OV KLTIES. CARDS AND V booklets. BE1DLEMAN, The Bookman, 4S7 Spruce. T?6r SALE ONE OF THE FINEST X1 countrv nlaee near Scrantnu: lanre modern hoiiH and flue srrounds, MRS. MARY AYLE8WOHTH. Clarka Oreen, Pa. F 'OR SALE SPOOL TABLES. S BILLIARD ..n.l ah. -nm!iliintlnt tutitn! alno bargains In uew and se-pnd hpd rlnths and balls just now. t. a. n iviir-wn., nrav minster i'ool Room. Wantajd WANTED-A SECOND-HAND DRAY; tnnse be in good' condition. J. M. DuV VINE. HIS Wvuming avo For Rant. 1X)R RENT PART OF STORE ROOM. 312 Jl Linden St.. Davis' Theater Building, from March 1. REESE LONG. l70R-RENT-TEN-ROOM HOUSE; ALL V modern conveniences. Inquire at 1-13 Washburn st. F OR RENT-ONE SIX-ROOM HOUSE, LEE court, inqnlre t Aoauis ave. FOB RENT NICEox" FURNISHED HALL suitable for kidirs rooms, JOHN WER MYN, US Wyoming ovemae. FOR RENT THE PREMISES RECENTLY occupied by The Hcranton Trib ne,known a the Bloeser Building, corner of Spruce St. and Fenn ave. Possession given immediately. Th. preiul-es consist of the building In the rear of th building on th corner of spruce street and Penu avenue, together with the basement, and also the entire fourth floor of the corner building. Can be rented for Lodge Cnrposes as well as public meetings. Size of all. SSlx 100 with a o -codd hall on asm floor, exoo. For particulars inquire on the premise, of Rudolph Blosssr, or at th office of The Peranum Tribune. Wantad To Rant. Wi ANTED A FLAT OR SUITE OF rooms, fnrnished or Unfuruished. con venient to postofflce; state term. Addrns Q. T... Tribune office. ANTED -SINGLE HOUSE OR COT- taaa with vara ana araraen. within or near eitr llmlta; st teraM, eta Address FRENCH, Tribune offlca. f. y f (; - f : . FIRST INSTALLMENT OF wash & WALLACE, IliViHtlllSJil mm TRYJUS. 102404 UCIll WE, CCIt iDISCl aaaclal Maatlni of ttackheldara. TJY DIBECTION . THE BOARD OF J-f. Ulrector of th Bcranton Glass Com pany there' will Vs a apecial meeting of the Stockholder of said e anaaoy held at th f iceof theoessMay. $4 Lackawanna avenue, to the city of Soraatoa, Pa., F.bruary 12th. 100, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of aathorltlag th. Board of Director of said Company, and ilepropar officers, to sell and convy to lei of real estate of the company, situate in th city of Soreatoa. Pa., not en cumbered by mortgagee bv the company, and also a certain lot of lead situate la th. city of Trenton, N. J., aud transact auoh other busi ness a may properly come safer said meet ing. , Xi S. WARRKN, Seoretary. Scrantea. Pa.. Jan. II, MUM, taat. LOST ALABGI WHITS BLOODHOUND, spotted brown. Uberal reward will be paid for it return. WE CHAIQ. LOST DURING THE PERFORMANCE at the Krothlnghaa last night, a valuable gold enamswd watoa. Hulta"l reward to the finder. B. L. FULLBB, M Jaffersou are. Found. f'OUND-A LARGE WHITE BLOOD feonnd, spotted brown, dog. Owner can hav th asm. by calling at OWEN LOFTUS', 416 Leggett it, aud paying for tbi advertise ment. Monty to laan. O ftflft I"000 OI STBAIGHT MOBT- IJi,UUU gsge D. B. REPLOGLE, Atty., tug Spruce at. T,m TO LEND ON FIRST MORTGAGE, p city real estate. HAMILTON, Attorney. 211 Commonwealth Building. aaaclal Notieas. lss,N', Kmnr unt.nitniM otIR CIVIL WAR." 1 You want this relic. Cvntains all of Frank Leslie' famous eld War Pictureasbow lug th foroes In actual battle, skstcoed on the pot Two volume, $,000 pictures. Hold on eaay monthly payment. Delivered by ex press complet. all charge prepaid. Address P. a MOODY, i Adams Ave., Eeranton, Pa BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGA slnM, etc., bound or rebound at Tub TniniiRB office. Uulck work, Reaaonsble prices. Mtdieal. LADIRll i Chlehetttr'l liwjith rijyrojtf Wto " cakhar.r chimicaTTYBIada.. Pa. A SURE CURB FOR RHEUMATISM nr . A - MA a.i , r,f ..u.. 1 IKKl ' two doses will take the wort tss of liiuam natoryoutof bed. $2.00 pr pint bottle. Manufactured arm smn "T Jt MRS. OR. HAMILTON, 4S Northampton S3 a Ulll,.ai-aAai Dss SlfTfll YTIIIta-l4iia and tor nU. at 116 New York St.. Orten Rldg. afa-B A KlTCWi OA DVRrtlv viii a rmt RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Central Railroutl of New Jcntey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Dlvlalon.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, insur Ina cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 17. 1893. Trains leave Bcranton for Pittston, Wllkcs-Barre, etc nt (.20, t.li, 11.30 a. in.. 1 20 2 00, 3.05. COO, 7.10 p. m. Sundays, .U0 a. tn., 1.09. X.1S. 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City, 8.20 a. m. For New Yorlt, Newark and Elizabeth, g 20 (express) a. m., 1.20 (express with Buf fet parlor tar),, $.05 (express) p. m. Sun day. 2.13 P- m. Train leaving 1.20 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia. Reading Terminal, b 21 p. m. and New York (.45 p. m. For Mauch Chunk. Allentown. Bethlo hem. Easton and Philadelphia. .20 a. in., 1 io, 3.06, 5.00 (exespt Philadelphia) p. m. Sunday, 2.15 P. For Long Branch, Ocean Grove, etc., at $.20 a. m., 1.20 p. m. For Reading. Lebanon and Harrlsburg, via Allentown, 8.20 a. tn., 1.20, 5.00 p. in. Sunday, 2.15 p. m. For Pottsville, 8.20 a. m.. 1.20 p. m. Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street. North River, at .10 (express) a. tn., 1.10. 1.30, 4..T0 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. Leave Philadelphia. Reading Terminal. 1.00 a. m 2.00 and 4.30 p. m. Sunday li.27 a. m. Through ticket to all points at lowest rates may be had on application in ad vance to th ticket agent at the station. H. P. BALDWIN. Gen. Pass. Agent. J. H. OLHAU9EN. Gen. Supt DELAWARE AND liLUSON RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday, July 80, all trains will arrive at new Lacka wanna avenus station as follows: Trains will leave Bcran- on station for Cartondale-nd Intenne late points at 120, 6.4... 7.W. 12 i and I 1010 m.. 12 00, 2.20. 3.. S-l", '-10 n1 11KorPFarvlew, Waymart snd lfonesdale at 7 W, 825and 1010 a. m.. 12.U0, 120 and 6.18 "VSr Albany. Snratoga. the Adirondack and Montreal at 6.45 a. tn. and 2.20 p. m. For Wllkes-Btrr and Intermediate rotnt at 7 45, 8.46, (.88 and 10.45 a. m.. 12.05, M 2 3S 4 W6 10. (.05, 9.15 and 11.88 p. m. Train will arrive at Bcranton station from Carbondrle and Intermedia point at 7 407 8 40. .34 and 10.40 a. m 1E0O, 1.17, IM, $40. 4.54. 5.53. 7.45, .ll and ll.JJ p. m. From HonesJale, Waymart and Far view at ?34 a. m.. 12.00, L17. 140, 6.55 and ''From "Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, tc, at 4.64 and ll.JJ p. m. ... . From Wllkea-Barra and Intermediate rolnts at 115, 8.04, U. and ILK a. ro.. l.U 14, $3$, $.10, $.$, 7.89, l. aad ail p. n. Mil Wallace Fabrics oH.nu narAtnmnn mkiastasa Clean Carpets, RenoYate Feathers, Make Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Spriajs, Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses, Nov. 17. 1195. Train leave Bcranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. H. R. R. at 7.4? a. rn.M2.05. 1.20, 2.38 and 11.38 p. m via D., U 4k W. R. R., (.0), 8.08. 11.20 a. ni., and l.sl p. m. Leav Scrnnton for Pittston and Wilkes. Barre, via D. L. & W. R. R., W. (.08. ll.ti a. m., $.40, (.07. 8.62 p. m. Leave Hcranton for White Haven, Ha. fleton, Pottnvlll and all points on th Beaver Meadow and Pottivllle branches, yla E. W. V. R. R 4.3 a. m via D. A H. R. R. at 7.48 a. m., 12.06, 1.20, 2 38, 4 (HI p. m., via D., L. W. R. R. (.00, 8.08, ll.:o a. m.. 1.30. 8.40 p. m. Leave Bcranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Harrlsburg and all Intermediate point, via D. & H. R. R. 7.45 a. m., 12 .05, I. 20, 2.J8, 4.00, 11.38 p. m.. via D.. L. Jk W. R. R , (.00, 8.08, 11.20 a. m., 1 30 p. m Leav Bcranton for Tunkhannock, To wanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermediate points via D 4k H. R. it., 8 4 a. m., 12.05 and 11.35 p. rn., via D., L. W. R. R., 108, 8.65 a. m., 1.30 p. m. Leav Bcranton for Roohester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all points west via D H. R. R 8.45 a. m , 12.05, $.16. 11.81 p. m via D.. L. A W. R R. and Pittston Junction, 8.08, 8 .55 a. m., 1.30, $.60 p. m., via K. W. V. R. R., 8.41 p. m. For Elmlra and the west via Salamanca, via D. 4k H. R. R., 8.45 a. m. 12.05, li.05 p. m., via D.. L. 4k W. R. R., 8.08, 8.55 a m., 1.30, and 1.07 p. m. Pulman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair car on all train between L. B. Junction or Wllkes-Baire and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension, Bridge. ROLLIN H. WILBUR. Gen. Bupt. CHAS. 8. LEE, Gen. Pass, Agt., Phila.. Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHER, Asst. Gn. Pas. Agt., South Bethlehem. Ps. Del., Lack, aud Western. Effect Monday, Jun 24, 18S5. Train leave Scranioii a follow: Ex- rresa for New York and all point East, 40, 2.50, 6.15, 8.00 and 8.55 a. in.; 12.55 and 8.34 p. m. Express for Easton, Trenton, Phlladel. Shia and the South, 5.15, 8.00 and 8.65 a. m., ! 55 and 8.84 p. rn. Washington and way stations, 8.53 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation, (.10 p. m. Expresa for Blnghamton, Oswsgo, El mlra, Corning, Bath, Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 12.10, 2.35 a. m., and 1.21 p. m., making close connection at Buffalo to all points In the West, North west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, $ a. m. Blnghamton and way stations, 12.37 p. m. Nicholson accommodation, 6 p. m. Blnghamton and Elmlra Express, (.0$ p. m. Express for Cortland. Syracuse, Oswego. Utlca and Richfield Beings, $.35 a. m. and 1.24 p. ni. Ithaca 2.35 and Bath I a. m. and 1.21 p rn. For Northumberland, Pittston, Wilkes, Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan ville, making close connections at North umberland for Wllllamsport, Harrlsburg, Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and intermediate sta tions, 0.01). 0.55 a. m. and 1.30 and (.07 p. m. Nantlcoke and Intermediate stations, $.08 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and inter mediate stations, 3.40 and 8 62 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches oa all express trains. For detailed Information, pocket tlma tables, etc.. apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, 328 Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Bcranton for New York and Intermediate points on tl.e Erie rail, road at 7.00 a. rn. and 3.28 p. m. Also for Honesdule, Haw ley and local point at 7.00, 8.40 a. m. and 3.28 p. m. Ail Hi. above are thruush train to an J from Honesdale. Trains leave ror Wllkes-oarr .1 . m. and 3.10 p. m. aCRANTON D8V8SIO. In Effect Beptenaber , 188$. Norm ajouna. SIM 203 $01 K Station tea X e B?C 2 Tr1n Dally. Ex. 1 w " : . . . . . i 1 u 1 135 1 yeyi. riiBuay-7 M Q U " . IS. Ta.., ".. p a Arrive iv 7 814. T. Franklin nil 7 19 West nd street) . 7 UOi Weebawken r a Arrive Leave! 1 Kjlaacook Juncttoai 1 0H Hancock lltSfll Starlight 1840 Preston Part 18 40 Como 181 PoyateU IS It Belmont s cs riesiant Mt. lli:H Unlondole II 4M Fonet city it nil carboorta'e 4fl fiiso White Brldga 48i .... May field 41111 n Jermya S5'll 18 Archibald aariiis wmtoa Mil 11 Peck villa 48111 07 Olvphant 7t7Pll! 1 18 13 48 7141 3411 780) tit 7 rf in Ttt 401 f $4' 40T 7 410 7 88 I4 741(1 17 7 48 4 80 ' ..J 80 11 Oil Vlcksoa 18 11 011 Throop II ill H Pravldeno iMioeffi park Piae 1010 1! Kcrenton it 'a a Leave Arrive a mt al All train run dally except fuaday. t signifies that train stop oa signal for pass BJUger.. ecure rate via Ontario a We tarn batora ' ni re basing target and av aaoaay. Day aaa Baagt a if res to ua west.. J o. A Baarsoa. tsea. Paaa tit f.lTiMria,Wf.lA$Bar4aitoaVn: hif; . 7 4 ..m . 7 88 .... . (10 .... r mi . ...a eii ..m, :::: J::3 ... 8 tl .3 .... 841 .3 .... imL.3 521 at .aa .... (4 ..j a ( 1 ..1 7 04 IM ..J :4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers