The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 11, 1896, Page 8, Image 8

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Ridicule. However. I Nut Argument, and
. Facts Are Stubborn Things.
Stomach troubles are no common and
In many cases so obstinate to cure
that people are apt to look with sus
picion on any remedy claiming to be
a radical, permanent cure for dysiep
ala and lmliKetlon. Many such lride
themselves on their acuteness In never
being humbugged, especially on medi
cine. This fear of being huinbuKprd may
he carried too far; so far, in fact, tliat
many persona suffer for years with
weak dlKestlon rather than riHk a little
tlmu and money In faithfully testing
th claims of a preparation so relinhle
and universally uned an Stuurt'a lys
ppsla Tablets.
Now- Htuurt'N Pyspepsla Tablets are
vastly different In one important re
P't from ordinary proprietary ntetl
cines for the reason that tliey are not
u secret natent medicine. lu secret . Is
made if their InniedUnts, but nnaly
nls shows them to contain the natural
tlisfcstiv ferments, pure aseptic Itl--1n.
thi digestive adds, tlolden S?ul. liydiusils and nux. They lire
not cathurtlc, neither do they net
povverrully on any ut'Kaii. but they euro
Indigestion cn the cominon sense ul.-ui
f ilVesiliie the fond eaten promptly,
tluumiglily before it has time to fer
inept, sovr ami cause the mlsf) Ir-f.
This Is the only secret "f their sitfi--ss.
tttharti jillls never have an. I never
can cure iidl:-stlon and stonmc-h
troubles because they act entirely tixn
the bowels., wheivns the whole 1 1 hi I .il
ls really In the stomach.
Si nan's l..vnwp:du TnMets taken
nfter rncnls. tii:.;sl the fond. Thsit is
n'l tlieie is to it. Food not digested or
half dlrtested is pnlsnn ns It creates sras.
acidity, headaches, palpitation of the
heart, lo:'s of flOtfti und appetite, ami
riiilny ether troubles which are often
called t.y some other name.
Theyaresold by diimplsts everywhere
at CO cents per package. Address Stu
nrt t'o. for book on stomach diseases
or usk your rtru.irifht for it.
f Reader will p.S5 note tlmt advert ise.
Tnm-. orders for Job work, ninl Item for
pill lleatlon leftat the establishment of
Shannon Co., nrw.-'denl. rs. North .Main
street, will receive promnt nttention; of
lice open from 8 a. m. to 10 p. in.)
Tin; costs upon whiti:.
Simpson's Mnglatrmo and Jury Frown
I port nn Intruder.
Some time ago Charles Liunb. who
resides with his wife and family in
Simpson, iviiirned home from his work
rather unexpectedly and to his surprise
found .1. V. Whke in company with
his wife. Mrs. I.amb ami Mr. White
declared that he was only chanfriuff his
shift at the time, bulr. Land) formed
a very different view and proceeded to
eject Mr. While In no gentle manner.
As u consequence, arrests were math.
White seemed determined to press Ills
charge against l.mnli on grounds that
the latter had threatened to do tiitn
bodily harm. The case was recently
heard before n nui?lstrate and jury,
who completely exonerated Mr. limb
end placed the costs of the suit utn
Plblo Clasi l.ntcrtuinfj.
Miss Grace KuRli-y took plensurc In
ontertnlniiiK her Sunday school llllilc
class at her residence on Saturday
afternoon. The members of the class
nre Itessle Watson, Nina Witynni-. Isa
bella YarrhiKon. Vina Lindsay, Kdith
,'ourtrlBht, Alpha Rankin, L.ij'stie
K'ase, (iussle Judwin, ICdith Hucklaml,
t'atherlne Thomas.
Mcvlvnf .Meetings.
The revival meeting that have been
F' Miccessfully held nt the Methodist
Kplscopal church under the auspices
of the ICpwortli league nnd which weie
discontinued, will be renewed. Itev.
yimpklns. of 1'eckvllle lirenched last
jiight. It Is stated that over seventy
have been added to the church.
A HlrtliJny Part v.
, Miss i. h. Purke, In celebration of
lc r seventieth birthday, entertained a
number of her young friends at her
Lome on Brooklyn street last Saturday.
A musical programme and sanies were
iV.dultp'd In and u supner served. A
Very pleasant evening was spent.
Stricken with Paralysis.
Mrs, T. Pierce, of Ht-hi'ont stroet.
nu! stricken with a paralytic stroke
on Saturday ami Is In a very precari
ous condition. Sh? as accompanying
a lady friend to the sidewalk and with
out warning nho fell to the floor.
onroy and I ox mining.
The Itoards of the Grand Opera ho'ise
What Shall I Do?
Is thu earnest, almost tgonizing cry of
weak, tired, nervous women, andcrowtled,
overworked, struggling tuen. Slight dif
ficulties, ordinary rates, household work
or daily labor, magulfy themaelTe into
Beamingly impassable mountains.
. This ia aiinply because the narvea are
week, the bodily organs debilitated, act!
they do not . .
: Take
proper nourishment. Feed the nerves,
organs and tissues on rich red blood, sand
!ww soon the Blow of health comes to the
pale cheeks, firmness to the unsteady
hand, and strength to the faltering limb,
purities, Vitalizes and enriches the blood
and is thus the best triend to unfortunate
humanity. Be sure to get Hood's sand
only Hood's. Alt druggists, fl; six for fS.
Hnnrl 'a Pills to tt"1"11'" Pl and
nOUtt S fills fcunuy cathartic 25c
l.SllO yards of Carpets, from A to SO
t - yards in each p'eee. consisting of
. tin following Best Makes:
$ .85 Tapestry Carpet for 35c
' 1.15 Body Brussels for 50c
1.25 Velvet Carpet for '. 65c
1.15 Moquette Carpet for . 65c
1.35 Aoinster Carpet for " 75c
' Terms Cash Daring This Sale.
" 41 Lackawanna Ave.
Will be (traced with CYinroy & Fox. the
great Irish- comediuiiH on nest Krlduy
evening. The title f their new com
edy U -0'Flelverty Vacation."
' "Hitmen of Nonnandjr."
The oreheiitru and cast had a full re
hearsal of the "ChlnieH of Normandy"
lust night, (ireat Interest Boema to be
manlfeHted and full houses ure expect
ed for both performances.
John Mnze and family visited rela
tives in Wavniart Sunday.
Hugh Fox Is ill at his home on Pow
derly street.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hull, of Elmlra,
X. Y.. nre visiting here.
Constable Neary yesterday morning
served papern on the Traction company
officers In the Injunction suit of the cor
poration restraining: them from usIiir
the streets on their line for the carry
ing of merchandise In contravention of
the franchise.
Churlex ltoers, of New York city. Is
vlsltlne Henry Kerry, of Itlver street
The Knight of Father Mathew ore
making preparations for their annual
The cycle club will meet tonight, and
it la hopeil that there win ue a iuii ui
A very pleusant leap year social was
held at the home or C. 1. Avery by hist
Sunday school class. A programme of
vocal nnd instrumental inuslo wus ren
dered and a very Joyous time was spent
The leap year party at the armory
Friday night was one of jn most
marked social successes .that has taken
place In Jtonesdale for many years.
The ladies had the large room plainly
but nrettlly decorated. One corner-was
screened off into a cosy little room and
was provided with card tables; an
other was furnished with divans: the
third hud tables for refreshments.
Metzgur's orchestra played twenty
four number, consisting or two pteps,
waltzes and lancers. On the reception
committee were: Mrs. Wallace Lam
bert. Mrs. T. H. Clark, Mrs. H. Kus
sell. Sirs. II. S. Sitmon. Mrs. Oeorge S.
1'uiily. Airs. II. T. Menner. Mrs. Wil
llum C. i'.aumun: the lloor committee.
Misses Harriet Wanton, Kli;:abeth W.
llentley. AnloneUie It. Hall. Florence
S. Wood. Mlnnche I. Wood, und Mrs. C.
It. Hradj. itefreshmeiits were served
by a corps of young gentlemen and
their lady escorts. The guests from
out-oftown were Mit;s Itrldgeman,
New York: Mrs. C,. Uu Hois Ulinmiek,
Miss Aiuniffman, Kusseil Dinimlcl;, Mr.
Ildwan's. Mr. Hull. Si'ranton; Miss
Helen K. lieen. of Innville; Miss
Mailge Itowland Kowliimb-; Mr. Ken
nrd. Hawley,
The simper In the parlors of the
Kplscopal church will be served this
Thursday evening, commencing at ii.:!U
first tables.
Snow fell to the depth of several
inches Saturday ami Sunday nights.
M. H. Allen Is home from Washing
ton. I). P., for a few days.
The Ancient Order of' Hibernians'
ball tr.nlght will be the drawing card
for dancers this week.
Tickets for the simper to bo given by
the men of the Kolsconal church on
Thursday night are lor sale at the store
of Onrdner Kros.
The electric light plant will prob
ably begin running all day this week.
Sliss Sylvanus Is lying quite 111 at her
homo on iiell place.
Miss Surah Contes Is visiting her
brother at Yatesville.
1. H. Cilliuartlu was a onlh-r in Scran
ton vesterduy.
Clinton Carey, of Tlorwlck, spent Sun
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. K. J.
Taylor, on Hickory street.
A game of foot ball will be played on
the "green" Washington's birthday,
February 2, between 1'eckvllle foot
bull team and Jessup foot ball team.
There Is eferv Indication that It will
be a hard fought battle. Captain
Brooks Is conililent that the local play
ers will make a splendid showing.
A number or young people from this
place enjoyed a Hlelghiide to Carbon
dale last evening, nnd stopped at Mr.
Myers', where a pleasant time was had.
John W. Miles, of Itlverslde, and
Mary F llazeu, of Winton, were
united in marriage by Justice of the
Peace S. W. Arnold last Saturday even
ing. John Card, of Main street, was very
pleasantly surprised by a large number
of young people, who spent a very
pleasant evening with him. Those
present-Were: Misses Stella Wede
limn, Knlop Tiffany, Keheeca Grimes,
Kllu Ketchym, Stella Harris. Flora
Diltnore, Laura Hill, and Amy Dltmore,
of Jenny n: Arthur Thompson, Hoy
Wedeman, F.dwln Williams, William
Green, George 1)11 more, and Charles
ultmore. of Jermyn.
Don't forget the donation In the
Methodist Kplscopal church "parlors
next Monday evening for the benefit
of the pastor, Key. S. C. Slmpkins.
The teachers of the graded school will
hold a monthly Institute on Saturday
W. C. Nicholson, who has been repre
senting Clark, Chaplii (i Hushnell, the
large New York wholesale grocery
house In this section, has resigned his
position and will move his family to
Ihooklyn, X. Y.. where he has secured
n lucrative position with the Kambler
Uli ycle company.
Council No. 171. Young Men's Insti
tute, will hold u smoker next Monday
Miss Kate Campbell, of Avoca, nnd
Miss Kmina Koby, of lilnghamton, are
visiting Jermyn friends.
Florence Miller, who has been III for
some lime, Is convalescent.
Oeorge Matthews is It) Scranton,
where he has secured n situation In the
car shops.
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Wynn are In
Vittston attending thu funeral of a
child of John Layou.
The ladies of the Home Missionary
society will give nn entertainment and
supper on Satudny, Feb. TL A pro
giamtne Is being prepared that v.lll
please yon. Try and attend.
One of the silliest stories being told
by those who do not wish to see anoth
er water company Is that the new com
pany expect to tuke their supply from
the RushbiiMik. The company Intend
to supply the citizens of Jermyn with
artesian well water, which Is pure.
Miss Anna Houston, of Carbondale,
is organizing o class tu Jermyn to learn
water color and pastel palming.
The funeral of Johnnie, son of Peter
Simmers, took place Sunday afternoon.
Interment was made in Jermyn ceme
tery. Mrs. Chnrles V.'. Stanton, of Cnrhon
dkle, called on friends here yesterday.
The Delaware and Hudson miners re
ceived their pay yesterday.
If the llaby Is Cutting Teeth.
Mrs. Wlnslow'u Soothing Syrup hns
been used for over Fifty Years by Mil
lions of Mothers for their Children
while Teething, with Perfect Success.
It Soothes the Child, Softens the Qums,
Allays all Pain: Cures Wind Colic and
Is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Sold
by Druggists In every part of the world.
Be sure and ask for "Mrs. Wlnslow'a
Soothing Syrup," and take no other
kind. Twenty-flvecents a bottle.
Miss Kate Costello, of Jermyn, spent
yesterday with her mother, Mrs. Wini
fred Costello, of Lincoln street.
A number of our young people en
joyed a sleigh rldo to Archbald last
The school board held their regular
monthly meeting last evening. Orders
for the teachers and Janitors' salaries
were ordered drawn.
Miss Kate Dolphin, of North Main
street, visited in Olyphant last even
ing. The starting: of Johnson, Nn. 1 col
liery baa brought joy to many homes
throughout the town. -. The boom In
business can be noticed ulreuUy.
" The dancing -class organized here
a short lime usn Is a success. They
wilt meet ut Fadden's hall.
Mr. Murtln Cawley, of Hill ' street.
Archbald, was a visitor In town Kunduy
The tlrst of a series of entertain
ments to be given by the members of
the 1'rlmltlve Methodist church, was
given In the church Sunday evening.
A neat sum was realized and will be de
voted to the parsonage fund.
Mrs. D. L. Owens, of North Main
street. Is indisposed.
The firm of Uurke and company, un
dertakers, have moved their place of
business to the block opposite Kibe's
Misses Mame and Clara Crier, Ella
and Mary J. Hlley and Sarah McUowan
were visitors at St. Thomas' fair in
Archbald last evening.
John Hawk and George Munford vis
ited in Peckville Sunday.
Master Edward nnd Miss Theresa
Fadden gave a "brownie" party at their
home Saturday afternoon.
Henry ltles was In Olyphant Sunday
The Virgil cluss began the fifth book
last Thursday and expect to linish the
sixth this term.
ytunley Newton spent Sunday at his
home In Montrose.
Miss Dora Smith, of Dalton. spent
Thursday with friends at the academy.
Profesor Loonils attendee! the acad
emy trustee meeting held at the Penn
avenue Ha 'd 1st church last Tuesday.
The lee last Thursday played sad
havoc, with the athletic fit-Id. The
creek began to raise In the morning
and by evening the field was entirely
Hooded to the depth of about three
feet. Considerable grading will be nec
esury to put it in shape for the base ball
The Young Men's and Young Wo
men's Christian associations held their
monthly union prayer meeting tu
Indies' chapel last Tuesday. H. W.
Mumford led. The subject for discus
sion was "Where is the Kingdom of
Heaven V"
1. L. iloardsiey spent Saturday In
the valley.
Theoiganlzatlon known as the Willing
Workers' league elected officers lust
Tuesday for the coming term as fol
lows: President, Miss Frances A.
Itace; vice president, Thomas W.
livans; secretary, II. A. Swallow.
At their last meting the athletic as
sociation appointed a committee to see
about some kind of an entertainment
to raise necessary funds to helo de
fray the expenses of the base bull sea
son. The committee ihs decided to
have another mjnstrel entertainment.
Last year a large sum was realized on
a minstrel show for the same purpose.
Last Friday evening was the regu
lar quarterly election of officers In Phi
Mu society and the following otllcers
were elected: President. L. K. Ay res;
vice president, T, J. Foley; seeretry, It.
W. Williams; treasurer. Joseph lackey;
critic, Charles Ackerson; librarian,
John -Tiffany. I'mler this able corns
of ofUoers we hope to make the coming
term one or advancement in society
Last Wednesday afternoon the
"Cad" and "town" hail an old-fashioned
snowball fight. The honors were
about equul for the first twenty min
utes and then the "town" received a
large addition In numbers and when It
ended the town fellows were decidedly
the winners.
The Keystone t'nlon of Christian En
deavor societies held Its quarterly con
vention in the iiupttst church here last
Friday afternoon and evening, in the
ufternoon several papers were read on
various subjects ami In the evening H.
C. Daniels, of Scranton, gave a short
talk on the state convention to be held
In Scranton next October. He was fol
lowed by Hev. T. A. Mills, of Wllkes
Uurre, who spoke on the "Kndeavorer's
Christian Life.
Mrs. Grace George, of Brooklyn. X. Y
who has been the .guest of her father,
A. G. Smith. Is visiting relatives in
Toronto, Canada.
Mrs. J. H. McAlplne has sold her
residence and farm to D. L. Doty and
will move to Factoryville.
Mrs. A. D. Dean, who is confined to
the house with a broken limb, is re
covering. The Installation of the newly elected
officers of Washington camp. No. 1114,
Patriotic Order Sons of America, took
place last Saturday night. District
President David J. Davis and a large
delegation numbering llftv or more of
Washington camp, No. a:;.'!, of Hyde
Park and of other lodges, attended.
After the Installation ceremonies, they
all attended a banquet at Music- hall.
William Hull has accepted a position
with P. C. Thompson & Co.. of Phila
delphia. Your hair cut In the latest style at
Martin Hold's Barber shop. Also
razors ground and honed.
Master Itobert Mackey. son of Dr.
and Mrs. N. C. Mackey, celebrated the
tweirth anniversary of his birth last
Thursday night by giving a nurtv to
his friends, at which refreshments were
served and a jolly good time had by nil.
Thos? present were the following:
Christine and Jtobert Parkef.L,izzie and
Charles Johnson. Arthur Miller, Helen
Stone. Eddie Feehley.Annle Dean, Rob
ert Hold, Itobert and Churles Lee, Mil
dred Green. Lottie and Xettlo Hnllock,
Aim to ami uome atahoney, Willie Ma
honey, Curl Kelph. Earl White, Earl
Stone, Harold llarnum, Morris Stone,
Hubert and Leila Parker.Bertha Covey,
Sadie Spencer, Leslie nnd Newell Ty
ler, Carroll and Kussell Dean. Joseph
Challis, Gussle Polhemus. Mil.. Mtm
jr., and Ollle Pa; son.
Miss Grace Waterman, who has been
ill. Is now able to again attend school.
ftl. J. unwen spent Sunday with Lilncr-
harnton friends.
Mrs. William Hoover has returned
home from a visit with friend nt Can
dor. W. W. Adair was lulled to Corfu. N.
Y.. on Monday by the serious illness of
u brother.
Kuy French, of Susquehanna. Is the
guest of friends In town.
There seems to be a great scarcity
of empty houses In town, which shows
that HulHtead Is on the boom.
James Florence left Molidav for a
visit with his parents at Boston.
A Sunday school ra'ly will be con
ducted In the Baptist church Sunday
William Brown and family, of Bing
ham ton, spent Sunday with friends in
town. -
Miss Nellie Hnnrahan has left for
Scranton to nt tend the Scranton Busi
ness college.
The Amphlon Ladles' Mandolin and
Vocal quartette will be at the Nicholson
Opera house, Thursday, Feb. IS.
Mr. and Mrs. Neal Walker, or Buffalo,
visited the former's parents. Mr. and
Mrs. N. C. Walker, Sunday last.
Theodore' Strauh, of Scranton, was
the guest of Kalph Williams over Sun
day. Ten young Indies will give a leap year
social nt the Nicholson Opera house
this evening.
The local teachers Institute was held
nt the school house Snturday, Feb. 8.
The following persons were present:
B. re. James, C H. Horton. Asa Keeler.
W. M. Wood, Prof. Stark and Prof.
Hev. Mr. Waterbury visited the Elec
tric City yesterday.
Mm. John Williams returned to her
home at Orange, N. J.. Suturday last,
An unique entertainment railed a
blrthduy party, will be held in the
Methodist Kplscopal church on Thurs
day evening, Feb. 13, at 7.30 p.m. It
will be held under the direction of the
Cedar avenue Methodist- Kplscopal
cnurcn cnoir of Heron ton. The pro
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
programme is as follows: Invocation,
Kev. J. L. Tcace; anthem, entitled A
Merry Swiss Home," Miss Clearwater
and Miss Sullivan; recitation. Miss
Elsie Wescott; nnthotn. "Make a Joy
ful Noise," by choir: violin and flute
duet, by Messrs Farrnr and Derghnus
ser; solo. Miss Sullivan; recitation.
Miss Jessie Stearns: anthem, by choir;
violin solo. 14. II. Berghausser: male
quartette, "We are on the Way;" reci
tation. Earnest Wescott; anthem by
Miss Blanche Tregallas has returned
home after a long visit among friends
at Penobscot.
Mrs. S. F. Price has returned from a
visit to Mehoopany.
Mrs. F. J. Bean's funeral was held
yesterday, ufter w hich the last remains
were conveyed to Lackawanna and
shipped to Fulrtown, Vermont.
The Minnoka Base Ball club has re
organized for the coming season with
the following players: Phllbln, J.
O'Neill, Shea. Diskln, Hidden. Alongan,
McDonald. Flannery und M. O'Neill.
The dub will hold an entertainment at
Callery's arcade on April -t.
John Coyne and Mrs. Bridget Burns,
of Gilmore avenue, will be married
this afternoon.
Mr. und Mrs. John Joyce have re
turned home from their honeymoon.
The Independent Social club will hold
their regular weekly social at Taylor
The Greenwood Collieries will resume
operations tuduy arter a two days' Idle
ness, The township school teachers re
ceived their monthly stipend yesterday.
The employes of the Pyne. Taylor
and Holden mines will be paid Wednes
day. A tip has been going the rounds the
past week among gamesters and chick
en fanciers that a cocking main would
be held at No. 4 Sunday morning, but
the downfall of the "beautiful" put a
damper on the affair.
A child of Grace lltggins Is danger
ously III.
Harry Conners has returned to Troy,
N. Y., after a week's visit with his
brother. E. T. Conners.
Mrs. Leward Curtis, of Blakelv, spent
Saturday with relatives in town.
George Taylor ami Dave Morgans
were callers in Scranton Saturday
Willam Morgans spent Sunday with
his parents In Scranton.
Miss Annie Fletcher is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Chadwick, at Brooklyn,
N. Y.
Mrs. Henry Rasp and Sadie Steln
metz returned home Friday from a
week's visit with Mr. and Mrs. Brumb,
at Wind Gap.
Mr. and Mrs. Paters, of Sandy Run,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John
son Schneur last week.
Misses Lizzie Winters nnd Emma
Welbourn have returned to there home
In Minnoka after a week's visit In town.
William Mkkle Is convalescent.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Arch
bald Presbyterian church will meet at
the home of Mrs. Stephen Cairns Wed
nesday afternoon.
Misses Nettie Morgans and Tena
Hunter called on Bessie Callaway at
Archbald Saturday.
Piles! Piles! Itching Piles!
Symptoms Moisture; Intense itching
and stinging; most at night; worse by
scratching. If allowed to continue tu
mors form, which often bleed and ulcer
ate, becoming very sore. Swayne's
Ointment stops the Itching and bleed
ing, heals ulceration, and in most caEes
removes tne tumors. At druggists, or
by mall, for CO cents. Dr. Swayne Sc
Son, Philadelphia.
Coughs, Colds, Pneumonia.
The Favorite Cough Cure.
It cures where others fall. It Is guar
anteed to cure all lung and tlirout trou
bles. No cure; no pay. For sale everywhere.
Ask your dealer for It. Price, i'j cents.
Cured of Pains in His Lungs.
Anthony Yeuger contractor 131 Hill
slree.t, Wllkes-Uurre, Pa., says three hol
lies of Br. Alexander's Lung iieuler, the
lumons cough cure, cured ma or usthina
und pains in my limns ufter pneumonia.
You cull put me down as a strong be
liever In Lung Healer. No cough medicine
UUe It.
of all Cough Medicines
is Dr. Acker's English Rem
edy. It will stop a cough in
one night, check a cold In
one day, prevent croup, re
lieve asthma, and cure con
sumption, if taken in time.
It is made on honor, from the
.purest ingredients and con
tains neither opium nor mor
phine. If the little ones have
croup or whooping cough,
use it promptly.
Three Siits 25c 50c. and $J per bottle.
At Druggists.
Xtf and iS Chamber Street, Hew York.
rauwi RfnVtVtfFDF
f fie Best
Mrs. Patrick 1 link In has returned
from Wilkes-Burre where .Bhe spent
Those who have rot visited the fair
which Is being conducted hy the May
Jleld Cornet band along with those who
always help in everything, should turn
jut tomorrow evening and give the
ooys their hearty support. It Is the only
musicul organization t) the town and
Is a deserving one.
C. S. lioyt und li. J. Defiraw accom
panied u parly of Jermyn friends on a
sieignrme to Scran Ion last evening.
Christopher Bunleuvy, sr., Is conval
escent. - a view.
From the Plilladelidila Pre.;.
Tha Bemocrats of Scranton evidently
look upon their local contest, which In
volves tile election of a mayor, as hope-le.-s.
They have started nearly two weeks
before diction a cry that fraud Is liiien-l-
ed by The Republicans. Tills Is not nn
uual when defeut Is foreseen, but It li
not the practice of those conscious of
their own strength and cause. There me
some Republican dimensions In Scran
ton, but they have no bfttter basis than
personal selllshness, which docs not I it
lluence Tulr-minded men. The Repul ll
cans have a conspicuously worthy candi
date for mayor In Colonel Kxra 11. Iti; .
pie, a man of high clinrcter and entitled
to the support of every Republican. 11.:
election now will put the parly la shape
for a Hiiccessrul battle on the lmportuut
Held lutc-r III the year, and If his success
were not pretty (prtulu the Democrats
would not be -attempting to excuse their
prospective defeat by a cry of fraud.
Don't be
and take torn other
brand of condensed
mill:, thinking It i
" lut u gooU " at
It Has Mo Equ.l
JOHN T. PORTER, President.
W. W. WATSON, Vice President.
F. L. PHILLIPS, Cashier.
Samuel (linos, Jamea M. Kverliart, Irving
A. Finch, Pierce B. Kinley. Joseph .1. Jermyn,
M. 8. Kemerxr, Char leu P. .Mnttliew. John T.
Porter, V. V. Watnoii, tiiarlos, Schlager, I,.
W. Moras.
i. LiiuiuLiiu: wmii
This bank Invites tin patronaze of business
men and Arms generally.
Send1 S cents for 8mole package.
Faultless Chemical Company. Balti
more, Md.
A ltftliW rlttin
j. tjinrniirta ur 7ip
telh ;f youurf and inid.Jlo
muv 1 ltim and wouh h. 1 h icf Y-irTfUl f.
KestiiuortreaTciPDT. ttiimv.n, prvaucinsr wet.
riEM, Nt-rTOJi DoUlit j. Nightly Kmlflof; CooMimcttou,
luxmit, LaliatMiatr draiitaiitl losiof power of t'teGj-erAtirt-Orpinauoatttii(rncf
rtudv, Dtir;lut'u:tiiii-
-UeuiquKklyc'ure(lLy I)r. ItoaJrlfrursitpafiUk .?r-.
trlna 'fin-jr cot only ?uit It t'irtliil-att!'Beat uf 11m
c-u. but am a ercat M If K ToNlU at 4 ItUJtiU
lU lMlEU, bringing lack the pink Uw tm wf
-bteL mud rertoi iofcr tha f I li E UK KM TH t'f .w
pntlrnt. Uy trail, 01.O1 rlxi or for with riu
cu iritarunl'ce tm t-urr or rrfnnd mev. Jooic
t- -.maiaerv' " l:;iJ.i? VirU
Tr aal by IT. PTTCT,PS. Trui
fist, TTj-omnsr v. and Ppmc gfraaf.
That y9u can get anywhere.
At one-half tho old pries.
AB aoM awnr with by tba dm mt HAKTV
MAN'S PATENT PAINT, which oocalaU
f Inirredleoti well-known to all. It caa b
pplled to tin, galvanised tin, sheet Iroa
fwsfa, aJao to brick dwalimr. which will absolutely any crumbluac crack
le er breakinc of the brick. It will oat.
laat tinning or any kind by many years,
and It's coat dues cot exceed one-nrtn tfcat
mt the eoat of tlnnlna-. Is sold by ta Jeb
r pound. Contracts taken by
Tribtin? Almanac 1896
A complete assortment in all the latest effects. Shadings
in "all widths, suitable for stores or residences.
. Estimates Furnished.
In every grade Wiltons, Axminsters, English and
Domestic Brussels, Velvets and Tapestries at moder
ate prices; also Inlaid and Printed Linoleums, Corti
ceues and Oilcloth, two and four yards wide. ,
ftO Lackawanna Ave.
0pp. Main Entrance Wyoming House.
WE HAVE - - 4
502 Commonwealth Building
Locomotives, Stationary Engines, Boilers,
, . acneral Office: SCRANTON, PA.
puma not ce- im epKai, t flwja.
UA daitar tare U m Jntttr tmnxid." ,
TMaldlM' MM Pnatk Doacste Kid Jtmt
tarn Boat UUran4 (ran aaywtan In th. U.S., aa
or 1'VmuI MM tor tlJtO.
KdtuW mmt w tta Mota
wild la all retail Mara, fat
wmlm tbmfor. w. mtmr-
anU th. JK. ttwlt d wnr.
aatl It anf on M Dot wtirta&
m win mom um huh,'
orMBdauMborTalr. OpM
To. or voamoa mam.
wMtha C, D, K, ft KB,
k.eii.i 1 to I ami KX
a. Sfndytn ritm;
M will III tarn.
Dam &io2 GUS?5L2.'
to lHitn.
mm -Mm II aa m -mm
With an Umbrella Over Town
And Aerial Sidewalks
Wc should have been surprised and delighted with the trade of
last week. Cotnint; through the snow, rain aad slush as you did
it was simply astonishing Surely there's no pull for a business
like the pull of riht jjoods at
You'll lind 'Sash Curtains by the yard, Dotted Swiss and Dotted Muslin.
Other fancy designs, white only. We offer two specials: Engla
Dotted Swiss, cents a yard; Dotted Swiss Muslin, 13 cents a yard.
Hy the yard. Never suld them until we were able tu quote prices
lower than ether dealers never could before. Xow we manufacture
far lor I urnilure. mat opens uie way 10 large oiiyini; 01 urocaienes,
Damasks, Tapestries, Corduroys, all in imported or domestic makes.
(Juautiiy buying enables us to (jive you closer figures, same as it costs
dealers. We are prepared to give estimates for recovering old as well
as uew work.
Last Week for Premium Distribution.
Premiums will be Kvrn with all !
. !
sate.t made at either of our store from j
llONDAV, PKBKl'AKV 2, until SAT.
IKDAY. FLBKLAHV lg. Positively
not before or after cither of the rupee
tive dales. N
225 AND 227 AND
Telephone 422
CALL UP sasx
M. W. COLLINS, M'tf'r.
right prices.
With $10 rurcliawa Hilvrrwurs
With tla Piirchawii.... Flamed PiRture
With i-i Purcha-e Fancy Table
wiiu i. -nr liases Piusli Kuckor
With S'I5 l,urcliHt'H....A .'iti-iw Tea 8t
With S.O Pnri'llnws....A ParInrOu. lt
! With 9;riPurchaen
I UrHns Lamp and Silk Shade
I With 3100 i'nrchaaus.luo pc Dinner Sot