3 VALENTINES. . New and Elegant Styles. Large Variety of Novelties, Wholesale and Ketail. New Society Stationery, v -"New Colors and New Shapes, in large variety of styles. Orders for Engraving, Embossing or Printing Visiting Cards, Wedding or Social Invitations promptly executed at low rates. Sec our specimens and prices. NORTON'S, A22 l.uckuwnnna Ave. GOOD BREAD USE THE FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALS TO THE TRADE BY The Weston Mill Go. ! l'tiltSOML. P. M. Miilllpn, of Dulton, was hero ye, tir.lay. A. Moirlxon. of White Haven. Fx-nt tt-nliiy in thU city. I'.ii lianl Sweet, of Wllkes-Hai re. called on niranion friend yedtenli.y. Deputy KfRlstrr of Will JuineB H. Iloj)- .v.u.-. ii-iuiiiuii yeHieniay from .New VoiK. A. X. Kramer, of the llrm of Kramer r.io.s.. is in Xew York elly on u business . trip. A. N Ailanis, of Kulr Haven, Vt.. Is the ot nts min-in-law, lleorse ii. ,ler- myn. A. RohertH nnl W. A. Smith, of jM.'ir.muHuni, a. jr., wen in tne city ye teriluy. .loh ii F. I.ee. ex-po!lee court clerk, of Pnler.ior. N. J., Was in the city .Writer- ui mi inmiiiess. J. I'. ItedrllnRton. of the firm of Kln liellu HeiliHiiKton. 1h on a biislness trip to New York ,.ty Bmi New Haven. ICrlwnrri 1'ickertnB, mail carrier, had re tnrne.l from ltenver, where he wnt some time oko for his health. Jle Is !metthat Improved. .Miss Holey K. v. llftl.leman Is vlsltln frlenils in New York city, where she will niuke arrangements for rontimiintf her inutile Kimlli M. Albert Hchultz, one of the duncers of the Tyroleun Dunce, has kindly consented to tuke the place of "Ike" Drown, of the Tamuorine Dance. Mr. Drown Is lying Herluiwly lit. 1'. V. I'earsall. secretary of the liull roail Yoniiff lien's Christian association, left yesterday Tor Oleveand. f)., where he will attend u conference of the assoida tion of general serretarlex. Miss Lizzie A. Donlan and John F. O'Xelll will be married in St. Peter's ca thedral tomorrow mornfliir at 7.30 o'clock. Kueh Is a Western 1'iilon telenrnph opera tor, the former in this city and the latter in Philadelphia. Homer Greene, Honesdale's poet-law-J'ef, was yesterday admitted to practice as n member of the several courts of l.nckawantia county. Air. tireene does her musical education. She has be-n his admission to this bar Is merely a busi ness relation. Miss Dolcy K. V. Hnldeman. of Wvom Itiif avenue, will spend u week with frlenils In New York cliy. and also while there will make urraimemcnts to tlnish milookers at the box Inn tournament in the leadiiiK contralto soloist at a promi nent church in this city. Miss Georgia Frampton entertained a few filends at her home, 13 Pane place, last evening-, the occasion being lier tenth birthday. The evening was passed in playing- games ami other amusements. Those present were: Misses Itiith, .Metta nml Kva Kresky. Uzzle Dose, Anna I'ompton. Mury Doseler. Muv tludwood, JiHssle (ludwiiod, Carrie Dloch Hultle Abrams. May- Heed, Anna Delle, .Marv and Hazel Frampton. .Master Charley Hom-le!. Fred Ferber. Carl Hidioer., lieoriie Hcliuen, l.eontrd t'adwood and .lohnnv laniplon. Kai h little friend remembered M!ss (leorKli with a very pretty birth day Kilt. t .Mun M ho Work Hard Need llnrarord's Acid Phosphate. Taken at beil-tinie It brings Found, mvcet Bleep; quiets the nerves and builds tip brain tissue. It's Rood for fllKt-Htlon, too takea little after meals. Reynolds Hros., Hotel Jerniyn, Wy oming avenue. Jtcw Press Goods. Our elepant new stock of foreign nov . eltles, exclusive designs ure now open. i - Klnley's. DON'T BE LED AWAY By so-called "Reduc tion" sales of "shop , worn" goods, "job lots" ' aud "left overs." WE GIVE YOU FOR A Q Ladies' hand made, "' Utf c,ean stylish shoe ; V v worth' $4.00. WE GIVE YOU FOR Ail Ladies' fine Don ;'gola button and v ,V lace up-to-date shoe , ' '; ' , .. worth $3.00. But we cannot give you a $6.00 shoe for $ 3.00, nor can any. other correct dealing 'merchant. IK i 410 S;r::3 Street t A Fob to Dyspepsia! SnouMe SCIIAI KOEHLER ROSA ADITS HIS COIL Judije Edwards Pl.cd the Crime as of Second. Degree. MIKDEKCK SAVES . HIS XECK Plead Guilty In open Court When Ar raigncd Young Married Man charged with a Very Serious Crime-T. II. C. .Moloney Not Guilty. .Murderer Leonardo Husa In open court yesterday morning entered a plea of KUilty to the crime of murdering Vlto l.orussaat Dunmore on the morn Iiik of Feb. 2. lMii. apd Jude Kdwards on the bench fixed the defendant's Ktiilt as in the grade of murder of the second decree. Uosa was reiiresented by At torucys James J. H. Hamilton and John 5. McAskle. When District At torney John It. Jones called the case for trial the defendant and his attor neys uppruached the bur. The plea of Kuuiy entered wus us follows;. Wuw, Feb. lit, ixtti, the defendant ;n oiwi court asks leave to withdraw his former plea of not isullty In this case and to subsitltute therefor a plea of Kullty to the several counts In ih- indiitnieut aKiiiust him u- 1 prays the court to deter mine the iteuive ot clime. The -onfesslon was signed In. plain writitiK by Kudu and was witnessed by Air. McAskle. The court allowed the plea to be entered and made u decree us follows: Tho defendant, in his own person and In oiien court, huvlnic been cotivlcted I V confessiou of the crime charged In Hie indictment in lae above case, the court, in consideration of the testimony of tile witnesses heretofore exd milled In tills case, determines the xlesree of le d fendunt's crime to be thvt of murder in t tit) second degree. Presumption of tho Law. -The presumption In law Is tlmt nnir der does not rise ubove second degree, unless proved, and the burden of proof Is on the coinmonwcultli. Pistrlt . At torney Jones was not u party to the defendant's plea. Mr. Jones -iitltictcd a strong cafe for the commonwealth at the Hist trial and secured u conviction that meant death to the tk-feiidnnt, When Itosa elected to plead Kllilty the court was bound to accept It, und under the circumstances the court would not be Instilled In ii x I it ir the prisoner's irullt of the first degree: nlthoimh Judije Ktl wards ootild lix the llrst Kl'ade If he be lieved the evidence warranted It. Kosa will be sentenced next Saturday morn tng to, doubtless, the full penalty, twenty years in tne penitentiary. William Ii. Woolsey. of the North Knd, was put on trial on the chni'Ke of lelonlously nssuultiiiK Mary IJoston. a Klii under lb years of awe. He was In dieted for statutory rape. District At torney Jones represented the common wealth and Attorneys Georpe W. Iteule and Fiank li. Hoylo. the defendant. The (ril l Will be Jtt next Aplil. Woolsey is u marrleu man. unnarentiv i'fi venrs old hiii I is respectabl..- looking-. 'The grave crime lie is charged with Is of entering: the house on Theodore street in the North Knd. where the elrl lived as housekeeper for her three brothers, tneir pu rents being dead, on the morn ing of Nov. 8 last at 7;m anil that he accomplished his, base purpose fond oiy. tiirl Tells Her Story. The girl has an innocent fnce nml her cheeks were crimson us she sat in the ultneSH box aud told her stnrv Woolsey lived next door and at 6 o'clock on the morning In question her brothers went to work in Storr's shuft In nick- son. She was alone In the house when a rap coma to the door at 7.:t0 and the oetenitant appeured when she went to see who was there. Me asked her If the boys were home. She savs she wns afraid of his looks and told hint one of hei brothers was unstairs in tied Go came in, nevertheless, and c alled her a liar, sayltif. that he saw the three of mem going to work. He caught hold of her nml ilrninr.,.1 her to the front room ivhura with r,,,..,.. he overpowered her and committed the outrage. She screamed nml nhnmui and he threatened to kill her If she umciosen anytning about the . occur. rent e. He remained in the h oust, llif iiours. AS soon as he went nh l..i go to her brother's house, where she 01101 men ner sisier-ln-Iaw of what hat pened. DHuget Doston. wire nf brother, was sworn and she corroborat ed her with regard to coming to see her with the Information about Woolsev's visit. The girl did not admit to the niuiess mat ne accomn s heil bin rn. pose. She testified before the alderman nui nor was asnamea to tell the truth. Perense v ill Chnrge t:ouspiraev. An older sister of the famllv wnn sworn us to the case and cave ui. mony with reference to bringing the Bin in m. iiaruner s on ce to hnvo nur examine!. The Rii l's brother xwnre she is not yet 16 years of age. The cuse win ne resumed this morn ne-. when i Gardner will go upon the stand. The ueiense win urge that It Is a conspiracy, J nomas uenry Clay Maloney, the versuiue correspondent, was tried for oeuimg nis lather ami was found not guilty. The jury divided the costs. aiaioney, sr., swore that h s son in a most unllllul manner struck him under me ear with his tlst and Hent him sprawling on the Moor. This happened one Sunday evening a few months ago. . truuaiii loin ins sioi'v or now It happened. He saw the old man came nome - snaked" anil he tried to put him to bed. After getting blm to lu.,1 11,.. old mun fell out tot the floor and got ma llt-uu null. A verdict of not gulltv wan token In two cases against Matthew Kadilen. of Olyphuiil. His wife. Ann t.Vl 1 1 , I 11 VI' ,1 u the prosecutrix. They are a young cou ple, married only four years, and got along well and happily until In an evil moment maitnew was elected constable He drank lluuor to excess arti.f ih,.i and treated his wife shamefullv. so thut she wus compelled to leave him. She had warrants sworn out for htm for assault and buttery and surety of the peace, and the cases were marked dow n for trial yesterday. They met in the corridor of the court house, shook hands and made up. Matthew promised to take the pledge and be a better hus band In future. The cases wire quashed and he will pay the costs. s- trict attorney Jones gave the. defend ant a word of advice when he was leaving the court room not to get back again or If he does he will regret It. Hon. t r. U Malk-y was attorney for Fudden. Several Assault and Hattijrv Cases. Lewis I. Williams was found eulltv of assault and battery on D. W. Vaugh au. It was an ordinary case. Both are young men and one assaulted the other. Martin Syron and James Mo'linty were tried In No, 2 before Judge Cnnuter for ussault and battery without nny provo cation upon Nelson Anderson. They plead their own case., J. Al. Radders was tried for assault and battery, upon V. 1. flibiieny. At torney K. C. Newcotnb represented the commonwealth and Attorney W. S. Hulslander the defendunt. The case went to the Jury at adjournment.. f.Slb beny was driving a beer wagon along Capouse avenue one evening last No vember soon after dark nml before he knew Where he was- at Builders came along and ran Into him. One of the shafts of Badder's buggy pierced the breast of one of Gibbeny's team and killed the animal. When Gilibeny got down off the wagon to attend to the dying horse Kadders used his fists on him with much force for not getting out of the way. ' The arson case against W. O. Itate- Lman and John 8. Luce. In the attempt in sei lire 10 nit imwiey iiiiiiuing on Penn avenue, was continued until next, term of court. The order was made by Judges Kdwards and Archibald, with the understanding that It is the last time it will be continued. Resolution of Hogrct. Tonuluka Tribe, No. 72. Improved Or der of Jlcd Men, of Providence, have passed the following resolutions on the death of Samuel Uantels: . Whereas, The ireat 8phrtt in His Infinite wisdom haih seen proper 10 remove from our tribe our respected unn beloved Pro er: be it Resolved, That this, tribe recognise the loss entailed by tne ueatn or lirotti Daniels, who served so faithfully in vari. ohm positions in our tribe. Resolved that the sympathy of this tribe be extended to the family of our de ceased brother In this their time of sor row and grief, invoking the blessings of tne ureal Hnirii in tneir uenair. Kesolved, That our charter be draped for thirty days and that a copy of these resolutlujis be spread on the iiilinues and a copy sent to the ramtly or the deceased also urlnted In the dally miners. William Hartshorn, W. J. White, Itlcliard O. Lloyd. THEY HAVE A GK1EVAXCE. Reply of the Hoard of Control Cominlttco to the Complaint Presented by the .Members of the Trades' Conncil. One month ago a committee of the Building Trades council presented to the board of control a lengthy pet! tion in which was set forth various grievances which they begged the board to take cognizance of. At hist night's meeting Air. Jennings, of the finance committee, to which body the matter was referred, presented a report ot tne deliberations on the matter, which was as follows: In He: Matter of the petition of Phlllii .1. Thomas, J'. .1. Snyder aud William V. Si'nes, ii committee of the Hiilldlng i ruues l oiiiicu 01 ine cliy or Mcranton wmcn was referred to the nuance com nut let of the board of control In conjuiiv lion wnn the soiiciiur or sum ooaru. What the Committee Savs. The finance committee would respect fully report llvul the committee ami the solicitor have given due consideration to the suld petition, and the urlevunce complained of by the petitioners seem lo in. as lollows: thut In ;lic letting of con tracts for school huildlnxs t tie coutructors sub-lets to other contractors large portions of the work, ami lues, suu-comructora in urn sun-let ucse portions to ol tiers, su Iihi Die workmen who actually do the work upon the building are two or three times removed in point of contract from the board of control, thus depriving them of all oiiiiort nut t v to tile, liens for their work In case Hie sume Is not puld by the person who employs mem; and It Is also represented that flielr wages are kept down below a. fair price by reason of Its ueiug necessary to pay two or three con tractor's prollts over aid above the cost ol the materials and labor which go to make up the erection and construction c,f the building. We have carefully considered theie questions and ure five to say that our ob servation in the matter of the construe tlitn of the schoo bu ldincs In the nast leads us to believe that there is move or less cause or cnnmluint In reference to unjust and oppressive treatment of work men who perlorm the labor In aud about the erection und construction of such buildings. The uiiestlon whether such in justice can be remedied by the board, und ir so, what means can he adopted to meet the case Is a very broad and dlrt'cult one. We think that greater care should be taken in the letting of contracts for school hulliliiiKS lo see thut they are only award ed to contractors of Hie blithest churacter for honesty, ability and fair treatment of workmen employed by -them with perhaps certain rciiiireinci!ti In regard lo making Known the contractors and builders who are to take contracts under them. Piscrction should Ho I'scd. We believe that it would be m ire to the Interest or Die lux payers of the district to sonu times Ignore the lowest bid and ac cept a somewhat higher bid If the hlghci bidder wus a limn who could he more Im Illicitly relied unon to give the district un honest building made up of honest materials and nstriu ted with honoHt act painstaking work. We do not consider that any other ne tlon Is neccssarv to he tken by the board at this time in the mutter than to merely express our purpose lo sec that In the fu ture the utmost care shall be taken to se cure the results already mentioned. It may, however, be us well to state that nn der no circumstances could workman se rine a mechanic's lien upon school build In km. as these end other public buildings are expressly excepted out of the act of asseniblv giving a lien to mechanics und material men. . .T. Jennings. l T,. VVornisep. John P. Mahtm, f". II. von fltnrch. Finance Committee. Henrv A. Knann solicitor ror senooi uistrict. Mr. Jennings also stated the commit tee favored the enforcement of the nine hour law on all district work. The re port of the committee was adopted by the board as embodying Its sentiments. The question of Increasing the bond of the city treasurer from JtiO.dOO, the figure at which it has stood since the organization of '.h district In 1S7S. to $100,000 wps referred to the finance com mittee, after lengthy dhicusslon. Jnncnrv P Hull. January's pay roll amounting to $15.- "24.60 was approved. Of this amount the teachers get X1I.S08.10; substitutes. $fi.S0.40; night school employes, $1,022.60; Janitors, $1,31 3.M. The building com mittee reported umgress In the consid eration of the bids for the heating and ventilating of new No. 10 building, and recommended that rooms be rented of Thomas McCourt of TUver street, to establish a school to relieve the crowded condition of No. 6 building. Frederick Flick, manufacturer of the Flick programme clock which Is to be used In the new hlh school building explained to the board the workings of his In vention, a specimen of which he had displayed In the board room. The clock has extra dials with electrical at tachments, which can be regulated to sound gongs In tile various parts of the buildings ut the hours when classes are to be assembled or other stated times. ANOTIIF.K RESIGNATION. II. Perkins No Longer Secretary and Treasurer nf Dickson Company. W. 11. Perkins has resigned thenosi- tlon as secretury and treusurer of the Dickson .Manufacturing company, to take effect March 1. L. F. Mower." who for some years has been treusurer and general manager of the Cuiilsle Manu facturing company, Carlisle, P:i., hus been elected to till the vacancy. Mr. Hower Is about thirty-five vears old and u thorough accountant, and successful business man; he will as sume full charge of the office force of the company, conduct liiir the correinoii- dence. and the general inuiiageinetit of the accounting department. NO H M F. I OH WAVKRINU. From the .Montrose Sentinel. Hi publieiins everywhere siinul.l re member that Ihis year Is one which brings with it the gravest responsibility to th. voters of Hi is republic, and especially is "this true of Ihe supporters of the .:. publican parly, lor th-out;h this pariv und no wilier cun the demuiulUed iiiier esls of the country look fur B.ilcillun. This being the case It becom.. tin. il.it v of every true Keimblledii to see: In line, the putty line, and closely n.lhcte to it. The elections in cities, boroughs n:n townships, this month are o.ilv of lesser importance than the general ele.'tlon next November, and these elections sho.ild mi more be neglected by good Hej.uhli. nils than should the presidential election, but every voter of the party phould cast ids ballot and sec to It that It is fie 11 -. Ulri ca n ticket from top to bottom. . BLOOD AND NERVES ar verv closeiv related. Keep the blood r!h. pure and healthy with Hood's Sarsap irltla and you will have no trouble from nervousness. HOOD'S PILLS are the best after-din. ner pills, assist digestion, prevent consti pation. 25c. l!nv the Weber and get the "best. At Guernsey Bros. Plllshury's Flour mills have a carwe- Hy of 17.50O barrels a day. Then Dnby was sick, we gave her Castoria. Then she was a Child, she cried for Catoria. When rhe became Jllsa, she clung to Castorlo, When the had Children, she gavetkeru Castorlo. THIS IS A HEALTHY CIT 1 ' Details tf Secretary Briiifis' Report for the Year Just Closed. DEATH KATE REMARKABLY LOW Collection of Interesting Vital Statistics, Pcath by Wards lllghcst Kato of Mortality Among Infants. Causes of Deaths. Th annual report of Secretary Brlggs. of the board of health, contains much data of an Interesting nature, as will be found by a perusal of the fol lowing extracts from the statistical tables comprising the main part of the report. There were 1.545 deaths In the city during LSllo. There were also 47 hodh brought to this city for Interment and 4S cases of still birth. Of total deaths, 829 were males, 701 females and 110 not stilted. Among the colored population only 11 deaths are recorded. The division according to social con ditions were us follows: Married, .W single. !24; widows. 14.'!; widowers, S3 not stated, 32. According to nativity I'nlted States, si.i; Ireland, 244: Wales, 151 ; Oermuny, 14H; Russia ami Poland it); England, f2; Hungary, 27: Italy. 1 Switzerland. 7; Scotland, 5; Oumida. France. 1: not stated, 74. According tu ages: i'nder t year. 4o7: from 1 to years. 265; from 5 to 10 years, 73; from lit to 20 years. 65; from 20 to 40 years 2i0; from 40 to 60 years, 2:!0; over isl years, 251 ; not stated, 7a. The Deaths bv Wards. Deuths by wards: First. Sit; Second 114; Third. 36: Fourth. 12: Fifth. ! Sixth. 53: Seventh, 63: Rlghtn, 50: Ninth, 57; Tenth, 2H: F.levenlh. 112; Twelfth, u: Thirteenth. 64; Fourteenth. 60; Fif teenth. 77; Sixteenth, 61: Seventeenth 33: Kighfeentli, 30; Nineteenth, 12 Twentieth. 77; Twenty-first, 3a; not stated, 121. Pluces of Interment: Forest Hill. IS; Washburn street, 203: Plttston uveuue, 70; Hyde Purk Catholic, 530; Dunmore, lo'J; Washington avenue, 22: tlerman ("uthollc, 63: Petersburg. 26; Jewish. 11 Polish, 53; St. John s. 23; Orrek Catho lic, 20; No. 5 Catholic, 3; taken outside the cltv. 222. Among the cause of death fire found the following: Oeneral accidents, 1.1 mine accidents. 19: killed on railroad IS: gun shot. 1: appendicitis. 1: burns 13: Blight's disease, 20; Infantile con vulslous. 124: cholera Infantum, 4 consumption. 52; dyslntery, 45; dlph thertu, 47: diarrhoea. :I3; typhoid fever, 33: scarlet fever. 4i. heart disease, 61 la grippe. 26: cerebral meningitis, 32 spinal meningitis. IS: old age, 16; pneu monia. 151; paralysis, 2a; poisoning. suicide by poison. 2: shooting, 4: suf focation, 2: shock. : tuberculosis, 21 whiMipliig cough, 15. Marriages and fllrths There were 374 marriages and 1.C0S births 822 male, 774 femules nnd 12 not stated. Contagious diseases reported were as follows: Scarlet fever, 144 diphtheria, list; typhoid fever, 105 whooping cough, 4; measles, 11; total, 413. Complaints were entered against nuisances. At the crematory, 21.234 barrels of gutbage and 114 animals were destroyed. The secretary's finan cial report shown thut the expenditures for the year were 53.n42.13 ami the re celpts $104. Of this latter amount $10 was received lrom the sale of crcma tory ashes. sitrKjIi: rouiT cases. They Mill lie Argued at the Term Beginning I'cb. 'J4. The week beginning Monday, Feb, 24, will be devoted to the argument be fore the supreme court at Philadelphia of appeals taken from the decision of the courts of this. Wayne, Pike nml Wyoming counties. The only capital case to be argued is that of the com unit wealth against Joseph ltoschino, convicted of having murdered Frank Coufortl at Dunmore on Nov. 11. isaf Appeals from the common nlens of Lackuwanna county are us follows: Ayloswcrth against Simrell, appellant; McHale against AlcDonell, ndminis tratrix. appellant: Levi against Lewis and otheis, appellants; Harrington against Guernsey and others, appel lants; Cohen and others against Deans und others, appellants: Mullock Hart ley against borough of Dickson city uppelliiuts: Ouiiiegys und otheis against Kussoll, appellants: Flynn against Jacobs, appellant; Brink ugainst Borough of Dunmore and others, appellants; Hamlley and others, appellants, against Barrett, nnd others; Pitcher, appellant, against People's Street Hallway company of Luzerne county; (iibbons against Oih- bons. guardian, appellant, und others, In equity; Aswell ugainst City of Scranton, appellant; Hughes against Delaware and HudHon Canal company, appellant; McCarthy against Scanlon, administratrix, appellant; Koberta against Delawarea nd Hudson Canal oinpany. appellant: Seamans. iiiuiii- lant, against Delaware. Luckawnnmi aud Western Itullroad company; Hand, appeliunt. against the Central Penn sylvania Telephone and Supply .coin- puny; Providence and Ablngton Turn pike und Plank Koad company nirainst City of Scrunton. appellant: South Lincoln Lrtnd company, appellant. ugainst Hosie and others; Kennedy, executor of Nancy Kulglit. deceased, against Knight, executor of Heniamin Knight, deceased, anoclluut : Potter. uppellunt, against Kcrantoti Traction onipuny; Zimmerman. appellant. ugainst Barber; Jagger, appellant, ugulnst People's Street Railway com pany of Luzerne county and Scrnnton Traction company: Klectric Cltv Land and Improvement company, appellants. against west Itlilge Coal compunv. in qlllty. I lie following anneals are from th,. Orphans court of this cotintv: Furrles estate. Shui tleff. administrator, appeal: Nichols estate. Nichols, two appeals; Holes estate, Mills executor ami tens. tee. appeal. The following appeals ure from Wyo ming county: tjuarter sessions Over seers of the poor of Tunkbuiiini..k bi.r- ough against overseers of (be poor of .Montrose brough, appellant. Common pleas In reassignment of Miller nml others iTunkhamiock Muiiiu'nctiuiti;; company) and others. Reynolds appel lant: Hurley, utuxdluiit nn-nlnst hoppen Water company. Inequity. A Wavne county common ulens nn. Peal is Kilgullon against Delaware and iiuusoii i-Biiui compniy. Ornh'ina ourt Crane estate. IJusell. commit- l"e, uppeal; Crane estat". 'i orrcv. cy. ecutor nnd others, appeal. Pike county Morris nenfnut r..... bell, and others, appellants, common pleas. Till: TRAIN WRECKERS. Good .Melodrama Now on tho Hoards nt lo vis' Theater. Manager Davis will give the nroceedc of today's performance of "The Train Wreckers" to the Hoard of A IHiir.t.i td.l Charities for use In their work among me i)or or ncranton. The play was produced for the first time In this city at a well attended performance in the. Linden street theater yestrdav. It t! scenic melodrama and Is well worth seeing. The same company that pro duced "The Smugglers" some time ago handle "The Train Wreckers." There are several good people In the cast. Miss Mary Marble, than whom there Is no better soubrette In the busi ness, recreated the good impression which she made several weeks ago. Lawrence Holmes and Charles B. Har rington make presentable endeavors. The scenery is well arranged and is adaptable to the play. "A man who re sorts to the destruction ot an employ er's property during a strike . Is nn enemy, not a friend, to organized la bor," Is one of the praiseworthy senti ments of the story that the play tells. There should be a large attendance kt 1 this afternoon's performance of "Tho Train Wreckers." Daily anil nightly liertormances will tie given until Wed nesday night inclusive. APPEAL IRO.U WINCHESTER. That City Takes Exception to II. F.. Paine' Appraisement. - Register of Wills W. 8. Hopkins re- celved yesterday an appeal by the city of Winchester, West Virginia, from the appraisement of II. R. Puine of the es ttte of John Hundley for collateral In hcrltauco tux purposes. City Solicitor Kobex t M. ard. of inchester. repre sents the apellant. and a bond in the sum of $5.01.0 is llled. A resolution by the common council of Winchester was passed directing the city solicitor to tile exceptions tu the appraisement. Tho appeal is a voluminous document and Is, identical with that llled by the executors of the Hamlley estate a few weeks ago. It represents that under the provl slims of the will of John Hamlley the city of Winchester Is one of the specific legatees and as such Is nggrleved In Its Interests and Is prejudicially st eeled by the appraisement. The specific appeal represents that tne appraisement of the legacy of $2.i0, 000 to Winchester, at $!fil.4!M is an ex cessive h valuation of the same and said up -isement Is otherwise Illegal. That tile legacy Is not 'liable In nny event to assessment for collateral In heritance tax. but if the court should ctherwllse hold, that appellant con tends that the tax Is not assessable and liable until such time as the legacy shull have been paid over by the es tate to the city of Winchester. The uppeal will be urgued. possibly m-M week. NEW BAPTIST CHURCH. To He Organized by tho Colored People of the City. Services were conducted in Hulburt's hall, Wyoming avenue, yesterday by Rev. K. T. Irwin, pastor of the I'nlon Street lV.ptist church, of Wilkes-Barre, who of lute hus been making; periodi cal visits to this city at the Invitation of a number of colored people who ure Interested In the establishment of a colored Baptists' church In this city. Rev. Mr. Irwin Is a highly educated mun and a fluent, forcible talker. )Jc Is a graduate of Kingston. Jamaica, Brit ish West Indies, and has been In the ministry for nearly two decades. Owing to the excellent missionary work he has accomplished by his visits to this city, he hus expectation of or ganising: a church of the Baptist de iioinlmitlon among his colored brethren of this city on next Sunday. ItPVPOllId TteOQ ITiltol Turmcn 11... omli.g avenue. We Move April we occupy the entire building 303 Lackawanna avenue, which will be enlarged and rebuilt to suit our wants. In a Day Or so we will quote prices that will save us cartage and break age, even if we do lose on the goods. RexforcTs. 212 LACKIWANNA AVE. A GREAT MARK DOWN IN DRESS LOT 1 New Hue Wool Cllallies, Dresden and Persian effects, only LOT 2 For children, large assortment of checks, all wool, LOT 3 For Ladies' Waists, Dresses, a great variety reduced from 60 aud 75 LOT 4 Your choice of all our Dress Goods, 'worth from LOT 5 All our handsome Dress Robes At Half Price M 415 Lackawanna Avenue. There Are Some Things That are ever' where recognized as the vcrj best ot their kind. They are the standards. Others may be good, but the genuine el ways commands respect and evokes admiration. You have heard of Haviland & Cc's French China, . Maddock & Co.'s Royal Vitreous, Homer Laughlin's White Granite. These are a Jew of the many makes we carry iu open stock, of which you can select such pieces as you wish. Toilet Sets, Lamps, etc Wedding Presents. China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, Qi WYOllRQ imlL. Walk in and look around. WE Don't Follow the Leaders. WE Lead the Followers. . KNOX. . SPRING . . HATS M'CflNN THE HATTER, 205 WYOMING AVENUE. IN AND WE THINK that we hare the choicest, new- Mt, cleanest, beat selection you can And any where. IN QUALITY we particular; excel, and oar PRICES, nmrked in plain figures, are legiti mate and, you will find by companion, a little lower than anything competition oners. Just look them over and see. P. M'CREA & GO, Coal Cxchange. 128 Wyoming Ave. TAKE CARE and ronr eyes will take car of you. If you are troubled who HE VflllR PVFQ headache or nervou. VI IWMIl nesBgotoDR.MH.H. BURG'S and bave your eye, examined free. We have reduced prices and are the lowoit In the olty. Kickel epectaule from 1 to ti; gold from 14 to to. 305 Spruce) Street, Scranton, Pa, GOODS 12 cents 19 cents House or Street of Fine Suitings, cents, 39 cents very best Novelty 75c to $1.25, 59 cents II im IB Mi in nil in the prices of AND uercoais Don't buy until you see our prices. STEINWAY St SON'S . . Acknowledged the Leading PIANOS 01 lb World. DRCKER BROS., KRANICHE A bACHE and other. ORGANS Musical Instruments, Husical Merchandise, Sheet Music and Music Books. Purchaser, will always find complete atock and at price at low as th quaU ity of the Instrument will permit at ii. i un HUSIC STORE, 117 Wyoming Ave. - Scranton We Have On Hand THE BEST STOCK IN THE CITY . . Also the Newe.it. Also the Cheapest. Also the Largest. Porcelain, Onyx, Etc Silver Novelties in Infinite Variety. Latest Importation. Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds. fl. E. ROGERS, Jeweler and ... . , . watchmaker. 216 Lackawanna Ays. Winter -Will Soon H?r? And to be prepared te meet tbe eoIAj weather you want a seaeouaBle Salt an Overooat-or both- UNO THE BEST PLACE TO VISIT FOR SOMETHING GOOD IN MERCHANT TAILORING IS (1 400 Lachwaana Ave. THERE YOU WILL FIND The larfest stock to select frera, Trfn! mina Always of the Best, Latest IMyle In Cutting, and made up en the prexalwa by Expert Workmen. tfar-N'othitig allowed to leave the estab lishment unless satisfactory to the cus tomer, and the lowest prices sonsistest with Oood Merchant TaUoi'luf. AYLESWORTITS MEAT MARKET The Finest In the City. The latest improved furnish' togs and apparatus far kecflag eat, butter and efgs. 223 Wyoming Ave TAR GUM Cures Colds, Lmys Out LaGrippe, Cures Incipient Consumption. Manufactured by G. ELM EN DORF, Elmlra. N. Y.. and for sail by the trade generally. MEGARQEL & CON NELL, Vholesile AKents, Scranton, Pi Suits Clothiers, Me&fenisfra
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