v.- V THE TRIBUNE-TITES DAT WORNINO. FEBBUART 11. 1890. THE LEADER 124-126 Wyoming Are. Our extensive alterations are pro gressing rapidly and we are crowded lor room and must move our stock, therefore we quote some of the many specials below: ' 20 pieces) of double fold plaid Press Hoods, LEADERS" PRICK. 9?e SO pieces all-wool and silk and wool Dress Goods, worth 7;.c, l.KADKIt'S PRICK. SZc. 10 pieces of all-wool Dress Goods, worth 25c, LEADER'S PRICE. 20c. 75 pieces of Dies Ginghams, good quality, worth ho, LEADER'S PRICE. 6c. CO dozen bleached Turkish Towels, real value 35c, LEADER'S PRICE. 20c. 25 pieces of Wool Mixtures and all wool Checks and Plaids, LEADER ! PRICE. 14c. 12 pieceB of new printed Waip 811k, . the very newest effects for waists and skirts, LEADER'S PRICE, 49c. 100 pieces of tine printed Batistes and Liimltles, none in the lot worth less tliun 10c, LEADER'S PRICK. 5c. B.000 yards of Wash Silks, none in the lot worth less thun ;!"). LEADER'S PRICK. 25c. One lot of ladles' Corset Covers, all sizes, LEADER'S PRICE, 7c. One lot of ladies' .Muslin downs. Mother Hubbard yoke, trimmed with cambric ruffle. LEADER'S PRICK, 29c. One lot of ladles' Muslin Drawers, LEADER'S PRICK, 19o. 15 dozen ladles' 4-buttou real Kid nioves.ln tans, modes and browns, every pair warranted, regular price $1.25, LEADER'S PRICE, 69c. 12 dozen ladles' J. 1!. Corsets, boned throughout with whalebone, in whites and drubs, all sizes, regu lar price $1.00. LEADER'S PRICE. 59c. 65 dozen ladles' laundrled Shirt Waists in new spring patterns, made In the latest style with extA. large sleeves and warranted fast colors, LEADER'S PRICE, 49c. One lot of ladles' figured Hrllliant- lne Skirts, lined throughout, LEADER'S PRICE, $1.49. Several lots of much handsomer goods. Leader's prices, $:1.75, $4.9$ and upwurds. 38 dozen more of men's choice 50o Neckwear, In tecks. foitr-ln-haiid und Club-house ties uud band bows, LEADER'S PRICE. 25c. 20 dozen men's natural wool Shirts and Drawers, handsomely trim med, all sizes, worth 75c LEADER'S PRICE. 43c. 100 dozen men's mixed Seamless Half More, regulur 10c quality, LEADER'S PRICE, fie. u pair. One lot ot uutlug Pluiinel. speclui. LEADER S PRICE. 3M,c. TAYLOR, Mrs. J. J. Griffiths and son, Handel, of Pond street, called on friends in Kingston on Sunday. The home of William rowel), of Ridge street, has been attacked by ty phoid fever. Nearly ull the members of the family are suffering. David Powell and wife, of Hyde Park, called on friends hers Sunday. Taylor Choral union hud an excellent rehearsal Sunday evening. Several of our citizens who are In the employ of the Delaware, Lackawanna and Western company have been sum moned to combat the fire at the Pette bone, Wllkes-Hnrr?. Miss Lucy Thom3, of Feltsvllle, Is Buffering; from typhoid. Robert Llewelyn is improving. Thomas Nichols, of Storrs street, Is seriously 111. Mrs. Shepard find daughter, of Wllkes-Barre. are visiting Mr. Richard Jones and wife, of Grove street. James Hood Is making; preparations on Ridge street for the erection of a double residence. Prof. Morgan Lloyd and wife, of Oly phant, called on relatives Sunday. The following were selected to offici ate as a music committee for the Meth odist Episcopal church: Charles Dibble, Richard Watktns, Edith Pile-, Anna Hesecker and Ray Morgan. A boys' brigade has been organized at the First Welsh Congregational church. The boys meet on Tuesday evening of every week. MESSAGE FROM SPIRIT LAND. Indiana Mas Seas HI Grandmother. Who Gives Ulm Good News. Muncle. Ind.. Feb. 10. J. v. CniHne-- ton Is greatly excited over a peculiar message irom me spirit land Thurs day. He says he was awakened by a oft hand being rubbed over Ills face. He opened his eyea and was horrified to see the image of his dead grandmother standing before him. He sturted as if to jump from the bed. but she com manded him to lie still. She then said to him: "Your rich uncle, Thomas Cross, who you believe died in Newark, N. J., sev eral years ago. Is still alive, but will soon die and you will be the only heir to nis fortune or $50,000." After con veying this message she disappeared as quickly nnd mysteriously as she came and Collington was left In wonder ment. Collington knew that his uncle was quite wealthy, but supposed that he had been dead several years. He has written to Newark to learn If his uncle is still living. HEALER IS LOSING POWER. People of Michigan Not Interested l.on cr dnllla Movements. Saginaw. Mich.. Feb. 10. Healer Jas, Burke, who disappeared from here sud denly and turned up at rayling, Is ex pected back In Suginuw. The fact Is that only in a limited circle has he at tracted any ut tent ion. and not a genu ine cure of any kind has been recorded His. cures huvt! simply among hypo chondriacs and people of superstitious beliefs. Intelligent people are surprised that any attention whatever wus paid to him, for his methods and associations have, according to reports both here ana in urayung. been of anything but a loiiy cnaracter. DEATH AT A REVIVAL. - Remarkable Frenzy Shown at a Peoallar Awakening In Oklahoma. Perry. O. T., Feb. 10. At Tonkava, a small town a few miles north of here, Free Methodists are holding a revival. and It seems the whole town will be turned over to religion. The meeting goes on every day and night. Men and women faint In their enthusiasm, and a man and woman have died while shouting. From miles around the people flock ' to the meeting. Men who never before attended church have joined and begun breaching ic;n i; THE WORLD OF BUSINESS Wall Street Me view. - New York, Feb. 10. The week opened with renewed activity and strength In the murkels for securities. The transac tions aggregated 4:11.012 shares, the larg est total for some time past. While the bulk of the business was m Sugar, Tobac co and St. Paul, still ine general list was decidedly more active than of lute and the dealings were well distributed. The ten dency of tho market in the main was to ward blgher prices. At intervals a few of .the leadiiiK speculative reacted sharp ly under realisations, but the declines in variably brought In fresh buying orders and rallies quickly ensued. The bull spec ulation received Its tlrst Impetus this morning from London, where securities were above the party of 4s closing on Saturday. The reduction of l,or cent. In the posted rates for sterling cxehungo and coutlnued deposits of gold in the su'o trcasury on account of payments for the new government loan stimulated the new upward movement In prices. Hugur In the early trading rose 2 to lir.'i, but later deWlncil to 112'.. on the introduction In the senate of an amendment to the tariff bill to take off the ' differential on re filled sugar. As the tariff bill with the free silver rider Is not expected to pass those who sold Sugar down to the figure tiumcil were covering at the close and a rally to 311all:iSi occurred. Tobacco was the most erratic stack of the day. It fell to 7.'.ai. rose to "ti'j, declined to T.'i'i, Jumped to 7s"i. receded to 7i,a, and finally sold us high as Ssili. closing at 79-i. There were heavy purchases to cover snorts, one tirm alone being credited with buying orders to the extent of over 2U.W0 shares. The advance In the general list was equal to .ali-i per cent., the Grangers icautns:. Among the specialties Manhattan moved up 4S.. to US on a reiteration of the rumors recently current that the Metropolitan Traction people had made an oner to tease the road on a e-uaranlee of 8 per cent, per annum. The stock llnnlly receded to ilia 111,. Consolidated Uas jumped J's to 1T. reacted 4o 1IW' and closed at ltil-'i. Leather, preferred, fell trom its to .' and rallied to IW. Baltimore and oii:o was 2 points lower at 37. The maik-t closed steady In tone. Net changes show advances or 'j to 3- per cent. .uuii;ihi and Tobacco were In lead; Reading, bow ever. lost "h! Jersey .Central, Leather, common, . and Leather, preferred, l'i per rent. Furnished by WILLIAM LIiN.n. ai.i.i.:n r CO.. corresuondents for A. P. CAMP- DELL, stock broker, 412 Spruce street. t u n- i ios- In. ing. 7S-14 10 Ill's 171. r.i'-j 17;m t!3-ti 10.'.' i American Tolmcco Co... TG American Onion Oil American Sugar Itertnlng Co , 19 114 Hi'i Atchison. Topeku & S. Fe Canada Southern ... no-, ... w ... 5s ...104- ... M:' ... .... iii'i ... r. ...lC'j ... !!'' ... ' ...lW'n ... 4". ... ...lVH'i liesK. & Ohio Chicago Clas '. Chicago and Northwestern.... Chicago, it. & y , C. C. C. & St. 1 C h caa. .Mil. St. fain Chicago, H. I. & I'ac 74 Kt-i 10 31 14iij 5u'a 30 111-1! 24', r:4 2s4 Uli'l w 17 lu'i 1 15's 4(l'.i 30' j i;:, 104 32'i 7'i 7'-j 19 ti"i 12-, 104 uo IJ.. L. w Dist. Cattle Feeding Co tieneral Electric Lake Shore ljouisville and Nashville M. K. Texus .Manhattan Elevated .Mo. I'ac National Cordage National Lead .... 107' .... W .... 17 .... 11 .... lGVi .... 1:V4 .... 4I' .... 30", .... 13'i .... 10", .... 3;t .... , .... i .... 7', .... 7 .... lS'a .... ti .... 124 .... IP .... S .lersev Central New York Cewtral N. Y.. L. K. & V Susquehanna and Western. Northern rallc. fr Ontario and Western ( Una ha J'aclllc Mull Philadelphia and Reading. Southern K. K Southern It. It.. Pr Tenii. C. & Iron , Texas Pacific I.'nlon Paclllc Wahash Wabash. Pr... Western Union W. 1 I'. S. Leather I'. H. leather, Pr C. S. Rubber -V4 CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE PKICE9, Op'n- High- Low- Clos. WHEAT. May lug. est. est. ing. tij:l4 ttj''-. July til,1. OATS. May 21 3, 21'. 21'i 21-'. 3d', 31', B.B5 5. SO 21H 21',, 30-". 31H r,.r,r 5.80 July ,'21-n . 3'a t'tiH.N. May 2t'i 31", July LARD. May 5.U5 6.80 5.C7 5.S0 July PORK. May li)2.i 10.35 10.23 10.2 Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quo tatlons-AII guotatlons Based on Pur of 100. Name. RM. Asked. Dime Dep. & DIs. Bank 13a Scranton Lace Curtain Co SO National Boring & Drilling Co. ... SO First National Bank 630 Scranton Jsr & Stopper Co 25 Scranton Glass Co . ... C3 Spdr.g P.rook Water Co lor, KlmhurH Boulevard Co J00 Horanton Axle Works go Traders' National Bank 11214 115 Beranlon Savings Bank 200 Scranton Traction Co 15 Itantu Plate Qlasr Co 10 K.-rantnn Car ReDlncer Co inn Traderf National Bank J13 Sctanton Packing Co ; BONDS. Scranton Glass Co 100 Scranton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due 1918 110 Scranton Traction Co 93 people's Street Railway, flrst mortgage due 191S... 110 Scranton Plttton Trac. Co 90 people's Streei Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1920 110 acka. Valley Trac. Co., first mortgage due IKS 90 Dickson Manufacturing Co 100 Lacka. Township School 6 102 City of Scranton Street Imp Gf ... 102 Scranton Axle Works 100 Borough of Winton Ofe 100 Rush Brook Coal Co 100 New York Produce Market. Xew York, Feb. 10. Flour-Steady : Inwter wheat, low grades. t2.5oa3; do. fair to fancy. f2.tCia3.9o; do. patents, f3.Vou4.ir,; Minnesota clear, f2.7nn3.3n; do. straights. Ha3..: do. pat-nts, H.r.al.40; low extras, J2.f.oa3; cltv mills, f4.l.Hil.2."i; do. patents. f4.30a4.80: rve mixture, f2.uia3.20; super line. t2.10a2.7O: line, f.a2.5j. Sou-hern ttour Dull, steady. Kye flour Ojulet. steady; rye and barley, nominal. Wheat Spot market dull, easier; .o. j rej ana eleva tor, W-..a04C.; afloat, 82a82c.: f. o. b., Sl'-.asi'ic; ungraded red, ByuSIc; No. 1 northern, 7."i4a75',c.; options declined l"c. on lower caldes, rallied rv- on a bett.-r demand uml closed llrm nt l',alV. blow Saturday: No. 2 red February. 7:ic; March. 74"'vc; May. 72V'.: June. 72'4c.; July. 72'c. Corn Spots easier, dull: No. 2 at 3034a37e. elevator. S'r. ulloat: options were dull, easv with th west: February, SUV.; Mnv, Sii'c: July, 37'-;c. oats Spots dull, firm: No. 2 at 2"'jc.: No. 2 white and No. 2 Chicago, 2r,'...c.: No. 3 at 24'w.: No. 3 white. 2'i'',a2r,-v,c.: mixed west ern. 2.Vi,a2t,e.; white do.. 2-!',:a2Sc. ; white state. 2B'..ii2nc; options ntilet, easier: Feb ruarv. 2:Vc: Miiv. 2"c. Beef O'tiet. steady; family. Hml2: extra mess, f7 .7:i 8. Beef hnms Dull: fl.VO. Tler-ed beef Steadv. quiet; city extra India tvi"n, fTialti. Cut mepts Oulet; pli-kled bellies, 12 pounds. r.'.ii.'i'.-c.;1 pickled shoulder., 4a.V.; pickled hams. S'-iaSi. Lard Kapler, quiet: western steam. f.'-.Ti'...; city. f.'i.2V May. !'.!' nominal: relined. dull; contMnrnt, ft: South America. H.i; con pound, 44C. Pork Quie4 : mess. f10.7.Vi 11. Butter Fair demand: fancy tlrtn; ttate dairy, HalSc.; lo. creamery. 1'altK-. ; western dairy, lonlic; do. creamerv. 13a I-.: do. held. 12uli;'-c.: do. factory. 9a 12c; Klvlns. IHc.i Imitation creamery. llnlV.; nfll? 9a12-r Cheese Moderate demmd. steady; state loree, 1o';c.;do. fancy. 10';c ; do. small, aini'.; part v-klms, 3".a7c.; full skims. 1:jiV. Kbs Steadv; fair de mand: state and ePnnylvanln. ISc.; son'h ern. IS'Vall'-c.; lee hone per case. 31 T)a 3: western fresh. 14 '-a lie.; limed, llali'c. ; do. per case, f2a2.afl. Pnffalo Live Stock. BulTslo. N'. T., Feb. 10. Cattle Active; good to prime exports. J( 2'ai.W: poo-1 shipping steers, f:;.9na4.20; light to good butchers'. f.GOa4: common to fair mired butchers', 3a3.fi0: good lo choice bulls. t2.7.si3.2j; fresh cows. f2a40; sprlng-Ts, slow: good to choice, M.7na8. Hoes Plow and weaker; Yorkers. U.:m: pigs, H.Viat mediums and heavy. f4.40a4.jO: roughs, t3.4; stags. t3.2Ta3.8n. Sheep and lambs Active: prime Isinlis, l.,ar..2.-; trood to choice. tt.iM4.H5: light to fair, t3.8ua4.1'i; culls. t2ta3.7i: mixed sheep, good. tn.3.a IMT,; fair 10 gooil. t2.8.'.a3.2r; rolls and ccmnioo. t2a2.75; heavy sheep dull, f3.4M 3.O.. . N m Chicago Live Mock. t'nlon Stock Yards. III.. Feb. lO.-Cattle Receipts, W.SOO head; market weak and lower; common to extra steers, t1.l4.U; lookers and feeders, f2JMa3.gr; cows and hull. tLtuslM; calves, f3aC; Texan s. J2.'a3.iio. Hoks Receipts. Sl.ow heal: luaiket easy a:id .V-. lower; heavy pa-s-lug aud h)piii!T lots. tl.O.-a4.2j; common to choice mixed, 4a4.;7'; luilce assorted. lt.2iia4.i:o: liah:. lu4..Io; pigs. 3.2.4..'i. tSiieep ltecelpisl 20.it hea.l: markt : we ik and UK', lower: Inferior to choice, ti'Ai 3.ti.'; lambs, fl.2,sil.X . Toledo lirsln Market. Toledo. Feb. 10 Wheat Receipts, .W bushrls; shipments, li.ik.i bushels; quiet; No. 2 red cash. 7:i'3c.; May. 7f-V-.; July. 71'c. Corn Receipts. 13,t;rtn bushels; shli nentp, 4,M bushels; easy: No. 2 mlxd cash. 29c: Mav, ulc: No. 3 yellow cash, 2!k Outtiltecelpts. 1.200 busliels. Clover seeil Receipts. 313'bags; shipments, A1 hags: llrm; prime cash and March, fl.ii!J. 4.00; prime timothy cash. l.Sll Philadclphin Tallow Market. Philadelphia, Feb. 10. Tallow Is quiet and unchanged. We quote: City, prime In hogsheads. 34c.; country, prime. In barrels, 3c. ; country, dark. In barrels, 31a3',i..u.; cakes, 4c; grease. SVic. Oil Market. Oil City. Pa., Feb. 10. Oil fl.42'4, tho only quo-talon today. Credit balances, fl.43. l ittsburg. Pa,, Feb. 10. Oil closed at tl.4L''j. the only quotation today. Credit balances, $1.43. W IIATTI1K I ACTS SHOW. Pittsburg Commercial Gazette. Let us go back to the beginning of the Molvlnley act. In lwi. eight months of which Ibieal year this revenue law wa:t In force. tht customs duties uniountel to t220.uno.orto. In lt92 they yielded $I77.SOO.. in 1SS3 lhe rose to t30J.OOO.uot. Tlie aver age was neurly f2uo.0uo.ooo a ywar. or about tt'o,Q00,OuO more than Secretary Cat lisle, with all bis extravagant ngurlng, has been able to claim for the Wilson law during tlie current fiscal year. A" to the tls..al year 1S94. when the McKlnley law yielded only fl31.Su7.307, and compared with which the first year of the Wilson tariff show an increase of nearly $30,000,000 thre Is a ready und ample ex planation. The fulling off In duties In ldSI resulted from the general business paralysis which followed the Ineoinlna: or a Democratic congress and udminiln tion, with the certainty that customs du ties would be largely reduced.. D"iin4 u large pari of thui year congress was ac tually engaged on the Wilson tariff, t'n der those conditions It wan Impossible that importations could be kept up to the average. The maises of the people were not able to purchase foreign goo is nnd importers were not free buyers when lliev knew duties would be lower 111 tlm near future. But this is not ull. The Mc Klnley tariff ulways kept the treasury In funds sulliclent to pay cut rent expenses and yielded a surplus for th- reduction of the public debt. There were no dell cits while It was In force, a-id tlier- would have been none had It been left un changed. Since Mr. Curlisle took charge of the government finances the revenue has hfen tl33.OOU.ooii less than the expenditures, and nionev has nlreadv been borrowed lo tlv amount of fi2.uiM.0OO. The McKlnley tariff tvas not only ample for r-veiiue, but It was good for the business interests of the country generally. The Wilson tariff has produced nothing but depressions, defi cits and debts. WYOMING. John Laws visited frlentlsi In Lacka wanna Friday and Saturday. Miss Amanda Ualnbridge of Forty Fort, who has been visiting friends at Duryea. culled on her grandparents here Saturday on her return home. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy are visiting friends at Scrntiton. Miss Dire Bennett la visiting her daughter. Mrs. Thomas Kngllsli, at Curvertoti. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Shoemaker were calling uu friends at AVUkes-Bane Saturday. Richard Shelley, assistant principal of the public schools, wus visiting friends at Scranton Saturday. Harry Coolbaugli. of Jackson, spent lust week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Buker. Irvln Ouulbaugh und family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Ro gelle Saturday. Mrs. J. V. Heker was visiting her sis ter. Mrs. Campbell, of Scranton, Satur day. Mrs. M. V. Roylll and her Bister, Vic toria Purrlsh, were calling on friends at Wllkes-Harre Saturday. Edward Hoffman and Thomas Hawk were at the county seat on business Saturduy. The Ladles' Aid society will serve supper in the Methotllst Episcopal church parlors Wednesday from 0.30 to 8 o'clock, when an entertainment will be given by Mrs. Treible and the young ludles. Mrs. Edward Rozell anil daughter, Ruth, spent yesterday with her parents at Lu.erne, Mr. and Mrs. William Butes. Miss Fannie Kitchen Is quite 111. Ernest Gross was calling on Scranton' friends yesterday Mrs. Ira IeVttt, who has been quite ill for the past few days, wan much Im proved last evening. F1XAXCLU.I.V 1NPEPEX DHXT. From the Chicago Times-Herald. There can no longer be any doubt that future loans. If needed, will not only he public, but In the true sense popular. Tho gold In In the country and the people have It. They will use it for the country when ever the country shall need it. a fact of which due notice will not fall to oe taken by Lord Salisbury und other Interested foreign statesmen. Charter Application. NOTICE W HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN application will be made to one of the judges of the Court of Common Plessof Luck wanna County on the 20th dav of February. A. U. 1800, at W o'clock . m., tinder the cor poration act of itotli of April. A. It. Is74, and the supplements thereto, for t!c charter of an intended corporation to be called "Uormun h.ili-h Evangelical l.uthTan Einamiel Con gregation of Scranton," the character and object of whlclt is the support of public wor ship according lo tile faith, doctrine, disci pline and usages of the (4en rai Council of the Lutheran Church or North Ameri'-a, and for these purpores to have. po-sss and enjny all the rights, lien-fits and privileges con ferred bv the said aot of Assembly and its iippleinents. JuIlN M. HAHKIS. Solicitor. Election Proclamation. MAYOR OFFIt'B. rteranifip. P.. Feb. 4, NOTICE IS RFHErlY (4IVF N THAT AT A general elc-tion t.i lie hold fti Tuesdny. the 2ih ly of February instant, being the third Tuesday of February, tlie foil ,wiiig ofilcer will be voted tor at the u-iml places of holding in the I'hy of Hcrantou. to tvit: A Utavnr. a City 'I reasnrer. a City Control ler and three City Assessors to s-rv-j for the term of three rears, beginning the first Mon dsvof April. One Select Councilman to s rve for the term of f . ur yeam. beitming t le fire". Mi n day of April, lsutt. in ench of tun odd n-.tm bered wards, to wit: The First. Third. Fif h. Hetentb, Ninth. Klerenth. Thirteenth. Flt- eenlii, feeventeentli, Nineteenth and Twenty first. (me Common Councilman to serve for the termor two years, leyii!iiiug the flrt Monday of April. Issu. in eai h of the evo.i inunlier-d wards, to wit: The Second. nrtb. Sixth. Eighth. Tenth. Twellth. Fourteenth, btx teeuth. Eighteenth and Twentieth. One rtrhool Controller for the term of fonr veara f mm tne lirst Jlondny uf -lone. in esch of tin even tiuuihered wards, to wit: The Second. Fourth, Smb. Lighth, Tenth Twelfth. Poiirteentb, (sixteenth. EiglltcentU and Tweutietb. tine Ai.lerman to serve for th term of five years ,u eaeh of the follnwinir ward-, to wli: The Eleventh, Foiirleenth, (iijt eeutli, l?evu teenth and Twntletu. OneJudgot.f H-ci ion. two Inspectors of Elf-tion aud tiie Assessor ot Voters iu each and every eleetion district in the city. . , signetl) W. L. t OX . ELL, ,!.( Ilayor. t xccutor'a Notic. J STATE OF ADEI.IA U HCHAFFER. late of the city of Scranton. Lackawanua count v. Pa , deceased. betters teetamentiry upon tbe above named estate baring been granted to the under signed, all pirsons having claim or demands gainst tba said estate will present them for payment, and those Indebted thereto will please uske imm-diate payment to s WALTER St-OTT ANDREWS. Bxecutor. No. 34 West tlst Street. Mew York. Charles H. Wguxa, , Attorney for Estate, '' Kt-ranton, Pa. ' . Wanted. tl?ANTEnA HI(11N-).naKll flRAY; VV most be in good eosditiua. J. U. YINC, lis Wyoaag ave. mm A WORD. WANTS OF ALL KIND9 COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD VANCR. WHKV A BOOK ACCOUNT T9 MADR, NO CIIAUGF. WILL BR LESS THAN 25 CENTS. THIS RULE AP PLIES TO PMAI T. WANT ADS.. EX CEPT LOCAL' SITUATIONS. WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Helj Wanted Mai. W ANTED- s AO' NT IN EVERY '.(! tion loc-anva-a: 4 QOto i On a day made: allst sivht; alenn ma 1 to Sell tapl-Oo.'d to dealers: best 1de nue fTi.U0 a month: si arv or larue rnn-miaeion. made; s-xnerienne niineccssa y. Clifton boap and Manulactar lug Co., Cinelnnnti, M EN TO TTkR ORDERS IN EVERY town and city: no delivering; good wses: pav weeiclv: no capital: steaily work. OLENS BliOS., Roihester. N. . A'ANTKD A EXPE RT STEAM FITTER t to solicit work and make estimates: a gind oppnrtunirv to ths right party. Address STEAM FITTER. Tribune office WANTED WELL-KNOWN MAN IN ' evt-ry town to solicit stock suliscrip tioiu: a monopoly: big money lor agents: no capital required. EDWARD C. FISH 4k CO., poriln Eiik-K, ChieaTO. HI. Helo Wanted Females. IADIES-I MAKE BIO VAQESJ DOING j plKsant home work, and will gladly send full tar'icului-s to nil endina- 2 cent stamp. MISS M. A. STEBELSS. Lawrence. Mich. -A TEI1KX PERI ENCED, N E AT 01 R C t hrusewoi'k, washing: good home, Hgh wiwt: referene-s required. l2ii 4ibson t., b fore 2 till Thursday, and Thursday after noon and evening. AVANTED-r'XDY AOEST IN SCRAN- ton to sell and introduce Snyder's eske Mug: ex(;rittiired canralssr preferred, work permanent and very profitable Write for purticulnva at once auri set !enent of holiday i trade, T 11. SNYDER CO. Cincinnati, O. ! At ANTED IMMF.nUTELY-TWO F.NER ; retio saleswomen to represent us. ; Guaranteed 'uaduy without Interfering with ! other duties. Healthful occupation, write t for uartifulare. inclosintf stamn. Manuro Chem- ical I 'liinimny. No. 72 John street- New York. gents Wanted. AUKNTS WANTED TO SELL CIOARS: 176 per month salary and expenses paid. Address, with two-cent stamp, F1UAR0 CI OAK CO., Chicairo. XVE ARE Pl'TTINU VICTORY TELE 1 1 phone tablets on every telephone lo the world, and want reliable men to bundle It: pavs ;if IW.I a venr; inolose stamp. V It TORY MiNCFACTl'RIXU t.'u., Cleveland, Ohio. 11 'ANTED TWO UOOD MEN TO SELL VV tea and coffee on oouiinieelun lo and around Scranton; will furnish each with a horse and wag m and pay 21) per cent, com mission: a small bond required. For particu lars address C. C , Tribime office. M ONOPOLYI WANT A THROUGHLY reliable man In Scranton, Pittston and Wllkes-Barre to take sole agency for the sale of the only shoe dressing in the world used to keep boots, shoes and every kind of manufac tured leather from wearing nut. The business is strictly cash, has no competition and pays a Front f lit) per cent. Must 1 able to carry roia 8100 to W0 worth of stock. For full particulars address F. 8. WILLIAMS, care of Tribune office. GENT8-TCT SELLUR-PRACTICAL gold, silver, nickel and copper electro platers: price from 13 upward; salary and ex penses paid: outfit free. Address, with stamp, MICHIGAN MFO CO., Chicago. AORNT8 T08EI.L CIGARS TO DEALERS; $45 weekly aud expense; experience un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MFC. VO, U Van Buren St., Chicago. SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE; 25 per cent, commission; sample book milled free. Address L. X. CO.. atatlou L, New York. T"olCEAGENTS APPOINTED TO sell new lightning selling table cloth.tnos uuilo and house fly liquid at 10 cents and 2A cents a bottle. Sample free. RULGIANO M'K'G Co., Baltimore, fed. A" aENTS-HINDEPATENT UMVER sal Hair Curlers aud Wavers fused with out heat), aud "Pyf Pointed" Hair Pins. Lib eral com missions. Free sample and fall par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 450. New York. For Sale. 111m Hlt.E RW. MODERN ELEVEN. Jt room house near Green Ridge St., 1015 Mousey a vs., Green Ridge; bargain. OWNER. 1" .OR " RALE-ONE OF THE FINEST 1 rountry places near Scranton; laree modern house and fine grounds. MRS. ARY AYI.E8WORTU, Clarks Green, Pa. I ra o 1 v oDnm einr.ra 9 n tr.T.ttnn tables and one combination table: also bargains in new and eecond band cloths and balls jnst now. J. & VAN KLECK, West minster Pool Room. For Rent. Ir'OR RENT PART OF STORK ROOM, 312 1 Linden at.. Davis' Theater Building, from March 1. REESE LONG. IOR RENT TEN-ROOM HOUHE; ALL 1 modern conveniences. Inquire at 1223 Washburn st. 1 ?CiR RENT-ONE SIX-ROOM HOUSE, LEE court. Inquire ui Adams ave. FOR RENT-NIC'EI FURNISHED HALL suitable for lodge rooms, JOHN JEH JIYN, 111 Wyoming ovenue. TOR RENT APRIL I. Is94 T WELVR I room house in the UU block on North Washington av -. ; all mislern iuiprovementa WAI. IER BRIGGS, Attv., Cotumouweallb Building. ' , I" 'OR RENT THE PREMISES RECENTLY occupied by The Scranton Trlb Jie.kno n as the bloeser Bnildlng, corner of Bpruee St. and lenn are. Possession clven immediately. The premi es consist of the bi tiding in the reur of the building on the corner of spruce street and Peim avenue, together with tho bnemcut. mid nlso the entire lonrth floor of the corner building. Can be rented for Lodge rtnruoses s well ns public mcetiiiirs. Sizes of ball. 2:xll with a s rood hall on same floor. 22 v 5. For particulars Inquire on tlm ptemises. if Rudolph Bloeser, ur at the ifllce of The Kcranton Tribune. LOSL I OST-A I. A RGB WHITE BuoODHOl'SU. J spotted blown. I. lliersl reward will be paid for lis return. WM. CHAIG. I OSI-ENUl.i ll l'rit DO(4. FAWN J ci lor, dnrk l-.esd and noso, HI mntit is ol I, 10 inches iu height; reitistered. A liberal re ward will be i-a d for its return. FRANKLIN HtlWEi.l.. Wanted To Rent. ltTANTED-A FLAT OR SUITE OF t f rooms, furnished or uufuruiebed. con vnulent to posinfticc: statu terms. Address Q. T , Tribune office. V V ANTE D si 3f (H.EiK)L'9K OK CVT II tage, with yard aud u-irden. within or n"fir'"itk; limits: st to term, etc Address FR T.NCH. Trilinno offl-e. Money to Loan. t'2.t0 'N STRAIGHT JIORT i,JUU w, D. B. KF.PLOULE, Atty , 4 8 Suruce st. O2..VI0 TO LEND ON FIRST MOltlOAttii, V city real estate. HAMILTON, Attorn-v. 212 Commonwealth Building. aoecial Meeting of Stockholders. 11Y DIHEITION O-- THE IIOAKD OF J) Directors of the Scrautou Ulass Com pany there will be a SHM-ial meeting of the etockliolders of said mpany he d at the of tlceof the lompany. 31 Lackawanua avenue, iu thecitvot M-ranton. Pa,, February 12th, INMI. at 10 o'clis k a. in., for the piirposa of authorizing fi Btstrd uf Directorw of said Comi-uv. and it proper officers, to sell and c-ouv y the lole of real estate of the company, situate in the city of M-ranton, Pa., not eu-c-ninb.-red bv inortttaats lv the company, and also a certain lot of land situate In 1 be city of '1 reuton. N, J., and lrana-t such other busi ness as may properly come bf'-re said meet ing. O. B. W A H REN, Secretary. M-ranton. Pa.. .Ian. II. isim. aoecial Notices. riHE SOLDIER IN OURCIV1I. WAR." 1 Yon want this relic. Contains all of Frank Leslie's famous old War Pictures.sbow ing tbe foreee In actual battle. sketcUed on the pot. Two volumes, 2.0UU pictures. Mold on easy monthly pavmeuts. Delivered by ex press complete, sll charges prepaid. Address P. U MOODY, tt Adams Ave., Scranton, Pa. BLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLET8. MAGA ainee, etc., bound or rebound at Tag TBiiuKa since, vutcg wura. prkaa. - Goniiblly OUR FIRST INSTALLMENT OF Cotto n Wash Fa brics Now open for inspection. The line comprises Dimities in various grades, Duchess Jaconets, Percales and Cambrics, Rejan? Dimity, Zephyr D, etc., Printed Marsalia, . Tail? Chatelain?, ChantiIIy! Lac? Galiz?, : Pit-metis, Lappets, French Organdies, etc. TVIere words cannot describe tht wnnderfnl Vicanrtf of nnr ItriA tVi?s csiiinn Pls senses of seeing and feeling CONNOLLY & WALLACE, Situations Wanted. SITUATION WAN'l'KD BY AN EXPERI- enced wan as salesman, bookkeeper or shipping clerk: best references: wholesale trade preferred. Address Q, A. L, Tribune oltlce. WltUATION WANTED BY A BOY 13 7 years of age. willing to learn any kind at trade. Address 816 Stoue ave. SITUATION WANTED-BY A YOUNG O man 1 years of age, willing to learo a trade or wake himself nseful about a shop or wholesale store: must have work of some kiuu. Address 015 8tono ave. SITUATION WANTKD TAKING CARE o of horses or driving: good at most any kind of work, t HARLtY KNOWLEP. 1UI Hpruoe st. w ANTED WA8HIMO TO BE TAKEN home. Address 035 Kressler court. SITITATION WANTED BY A YOUNU utan wltb 7 years' experience as book keeper, salesmaa andeashier with one of the largest Jobbing bouses in tbe state; best references. X. Y. Z.. Tribune office. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG COL ored man, Stf years old. as coachman, por ter or work of any kind; also interpreter. I apeak French. Italian, Spanish and English. Address Wl Mulberry st SITUATi6nWANTEDBY A YOUNG man; will do any kind of work; store work preferred. Address Btore, Peckville, Pa., P. 0bos 813. . OUNO MAN WIBHEB A POSITION A8 bookkeeper or clerking; is willing to do anything; can aive rood references if necee aary. Address R. It D Tribune office. S mJATK)N 'wXNTED-Y YOUNG MAN IV years of age as assistant steward, tire man or any kind ot work. Address J. J. Y., Tribune oftice. SITUATION WANTED A8 COACHMAN or general nseful man around bouse. Ad dress JAMES AU8T1N, -SI Center St. S"ITUATi6N WANTED AB HOU8EKEEP. er. companion or any position of trust by competent and experienced lady 25 years of age; best of referesoss. Address JENNIE MAY, tJeranton, Pa. S- ITU AtToN W ANTED BY PRA0TICA ploture frame joiner and mat maker; thoroughly conversant with details of the art trade; reliable. Address PICTURE. Tribune office. Medical. A SURE CURE FOR RHEUMATISM Warranted to car W ont of very 1.000; two doses will take tbe Worst case of inflam matory out of bed. 12.80 per pint bottle. Manufactured aud sold hy MRS. DR. HAMILTON, 34s Northampton Street, Wllkes-Barre, Pa. and for sale at 116 New York St., Qreen Ridge. SCRANTON, PA. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. CR. WILLIAM A. TAPT, PORCELAIN, Bridge and Crown work. Office, 225 Washlngtonavenue! C. C. LAUBACH. SURGEON DENTIST. No. 115 Wyoming avenue. R. M. STRATTON, OFFICE COAL Ex change. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. A. TKAPOLD, SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Wyoming avenue and Spruce street, Scranton. Of fice hours, Thursdays and Saturdays, a. m. to 6 t. m. DR. G. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to 613 Spruce street, Scranton, Pa. (Just opposite Court House Bquare.) DR. KAY, 208 PENN AVE.": 1 to I P. M.: call 2e2. VMs. of women, obstretrics and and all dls. of chll. DR. W E. ALLEN, 611 North Washington avenue. PR. c. L. FHEY, PRACTICE LIM1TKD. diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat; office. 122 Wyoming ave. Resi dence. 52 Vine street. . DR. L. M. GATES, 125 WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours, I to' 9 a. m 1.30 to 1 and 7 to 8 P. m. Residence 10 Madi son avenue. DR. J. C. BATESON. TL'ESDAYS AXTJ Fridays, at W5 Linden street. Ortice hours I to 4 p. m. DIt. 8. ' VT. T.AMEREAl'X, A RPECIAL it on chronic diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, kidney and genlto uri nary diseases, ni'l occupy the otllee of Dr. Roos. 2;!2 Adams avenue. Office hours 1 to 5 p. m. Lawvers. WARREN & KNAPP. ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law. Republican building, Washington avenue. Scran ton. Pa. . JRSSt'rS & HAND. ATTORNEYS A NT Counsellor at Law, Commonwealth building, Washington avenue. W. 11. JESSPP, HORACR R. HANTl. W. H. JESSPP. JR PATTERSON WILCOX. ATTOn neys nnd Counsellors at Law; offlcea C and S Library htilldlng. Bcrsnton. Pa. rosewkm, h. patterson, william a. wilcox. Alfred-!! and." willtam" j". hand. Attorneys and Counsellors. Common wealth htilldlng, RoomsJljO and 21. FRANK T. OKELL, ATTORNEY-AT-Law, Room 6. Coal Exchange. S:ran- ton. Pa. ; JAMES W. OAK FORD. ATT1RSKV. at-Law, rooms S3, M and (S, Common- wealth building. SAMUEL W. EDOAR. ATTORNEY-a'tT Law. Ofllce, 817 Spruce st.. Scranton. Pa. T. A." WATERS, ATTORNEY-AT-LA W, 423 Lackawanna aye- Scranton. Pa. URIB TOVVN8END," ATTORNY-AT-l.aw, Dime Hank Building. Scranton, Money to loan In large sums at fi per cent. C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNEY-AT-law. Commonwealth building, Scranton, Pa- . IL C. SMYTHE. ATTORNEY AT LAW, 400 Lackawanna avenue. C. COMEGYS, Ml SPRUCE BTREET. D. B. REPLOGLE. ATTORNEY LOANS negotiated on real estate security, tug Spruce street. B. F. KILLAM, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, 12 wyomin ave., Bcranion, i-a JAB. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORN BY-AT. law. 45 Commonwealth bld'g. Scranton. i. U. C, HAtiGK. Ut WYOMING AYS. alone can do them justice. ii TRY US. 802-004 UCKL IVE, COR. IDM1 Wire Sreens. JOS. KUETTEL, REAR (11 LACKA wanna avenue, Scranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Boreens. Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS. ARCHITECT. Rooms M, 16 and ai, Commonwealth building. Scranton. E. L. Walter, architrpt officii! rear of 60S Washington avenue. LEWIS HANCOCK, JR.. ARCHITECT. 4K Spruce st.cor. Wash, ave., Scranton. BROWN eV MORRIS, "ARCHITECTS Price building, Utt Waahlngtou avenue, Scranton. Schools. 8CHOOL OP THE LACKAWANNA," Scranton, Pa., prepares boys and girls for college or business; thoroughly trains young children. Catalogue at re quest. Opens September f. REV. THOMAS M. CANN, . WALTER BUELL. MISS WORCESTER'S KINDERGARTEN and School, 412 Adams avenue, opens yP- Klndegarten 110 per term. Loans. THE REPUBLIC BAVINOS AND Loan Association will loan you money on easier terms and pay you better on Investment than any other association. Call on 8. N. Callender, Dime Bank building. Seeds. O. R. CLARK CO., SEEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 144 Washington ave nue; green house, 1150 North Main ave nue; store telephone IU Hotels and Restaurants. THE ELK CAFE. 126 and 127 FRANK- lln avenue. Rates reasonable. P. ZEIGLER, Proprietor. SCRANTON HOUSE, NEAR D., L. A W. passenger depot. Conducted on the European JlM;VICTOR ; KOCH, .?! WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place. New York. Rates, 13. M per day and upwards. (Ameri can plan). E. N. ANABLB. Proprietor Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wed dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert s music store. . . MEOARGEE BROTHERS. PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes, paper bags, twine. Warehouse. 130 Washington ave.. Scran- ton. fa. FRANK P. BROWN A CO.. WHOLE sale dealers In Woodware. Cordage and Oil Cloth. 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY," EXPERT Ac countant and auditor. Rooms 1 and 20. Williams Building, opposite postofflce. Agent for the Res Fire Estlnrulsher. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Central Railroad of New jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, Insur ing cleanliness and comfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 17. 1895. Trains leave Seranton for Plitsiun, Wllkes-Barre. etc at 8.20, 9.15. 11.30 a. m.. 1 0 2 00 S.0S. 6.M. 7.10 p. m. Sundays, .W a." in.,' 100. 215. 7.10 p.m. For Atlantic City. 8.20 a. tn. For New York, Newark and Elizabeth, g "u (exoressl a. in.. 1.20 (express with Huf fet parlor car). 3.n6 (express) p m. S1111 dav 2 li P- m. Train leaving I.20 p. m. arrives at Philadelphia. Heading Terminal. C 2! d n and New Tork 4 45 m- For Mauch Chunk. Allentown. Bethle hem Easton and Philadelphia, 8.2U a. in., I.T' 3.u 5.00 (except Philadelphia) p. m. SK"0dru,0ng Branch. Ocean Grove, etc.. at ft -in a m . 1.20 p. tn. For1 Reading. Lebanon and Harrltburg, via Allentown. 8.20 a. in., 1.20, 6.00 p. m. 8 K'fttw lfc.miM ' v- ? ? -" lh Returning, leave New York, foot of Lib erty street. North River, at 9.10 (express) a m 110. 1.20- 4.30 (express with BulTet tiarlor car) p. m. Sunday. 4.D0 a.m. 1 lave Philadelphia, Heading Terminal. t.m a. m., 2.O0 and 4.30 p. m. flunduy .27 "'Through tickets to alt points at lowest rates may be had on application In ad vance to the ticket agenjate staUon. Gen. Pass, Agent. J. H. OLHAt'SEN. Gen. Supt. DELAWARE AND i-i.uH" RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday, gw e Psw k Juiy vi, w, m m m jearw arrive ai new ijii-m-MM M wanna avenue station WmW r as follows: Trains will leave Scran ... .latlin for Carbondale and Interme dlate 00 IMS at 2 .20. 5.4f.. 7.00. Mand 10.10 a! m.. 12 00. 2 2d. 1A 5.15. 1.15. 7.2J, t.10 and "Fo Ftirvlew. Waymart and Honesdale at 7. sli and 10.10 a. m., 12.00, 2.20 and 5.1! P'iror Albany. Saratoga, the Adlrondacks and Montreal at 5.45 a. m. and 2.20 p. m. foi - Wllkes-Barre and Intermediate nolSts at 7.45. .45. and 10.46 a. m.. 12.06. 1 20 2 2. 4 00. 5.10. 6.U5, 9.16 and 11.38 p. m. Trains will arrive at Scranton station from Carbondale and Intermediate points at m40; 8.40. M and 10.40 a. m., 12.00. 1.17, U 140 4-54. "ni n Xi P- From Iloneadale, Waymart and Far vlew at . a. m., 1100. L17, 140, 6.55 and ''From "Montreal, Saratoga, Albany, etc., at 4.54 aud 11.23 p.m. ... From Wllkes-Barre and Intermediate rolnts at 116, 8 04. 10.06 and 11.55 a. ra 1.1 14, t. 6.10. .08. 1.20. 1.W and 1L18 p. m. mm HP . r . . . 2a9hf9' UPHOLSTER FURNITURE, Clean Carpets, : Resoiate Feathers, . Hake Over Mattresses, Make and Repair Spring Sell Iron Beds, Make Fine Mattresses. NOV. 17. 1896. Train leaves Scranton for Philadelphia and New York via D. A H. R. R. at 7. a. m 12.05. 1.20, 2. and 11.38 p. m via, V) L. W. R. R 6.00, 8.06. 11.20 a. m.. ana 1.4 p. m. Leave Scranton for Pittston and Wilkes Barre. via D., L. W. R, R., 8.00, 8.03. 11.1 a. m., 140. 6.07, 152 p. m. . Leave Scranton for White Haven, Ha. gleton, Pottnvllle and all points 011 thi Beaver Meadow and Pottsvllle branches via E. & W. V. R. R., t.89 a. m via D. H. R. R. at 7.46 a. m., 12.05, 1.20. 2.38. 4.00 p m via V., L. A W. R. R. 100, 8.08. 11. A) a m., 1.80. 8.40 p. m. Leave Scranton for Bethlehem, Easton, Reading, Harrisburg and all Intermediate points, via D. H. R. R, 7.45 a. m., 12 vi. I. 20, 2.S8. 4 00. 11.38 p. m Via D U e- W. H. R.. 6.00. 8.08, 11.20 a. m., 1.30 p. m Leave Scranton for Tunkhannock. To wanda, Elralra, Ithaca, Geneva and all Intermediate points via D & 11. R. K.. 81J a. m., 12.05 and 11.35 p. m., via D., L. & XV. R. R.. 8.08. 66 a. m., 1.30 p. in. Iave Scranton for Kochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls. Detroit, Chicago and all points west via D A II. R. K., 8 46 a. ni . 12.06, 9 )6. 11.38 p. m., via D L. A W. ft. R. and Pittston Junction, 8.08, 9.55 a. m.. 1.30, 160 p. m., via E. VV. V. R. K.. 3.41 p. m. For Elmlra and the west via Salamanca. Via D. - H. R. R., 8.46 a. m. 12.05, 6.05 p. m.. via v.. u. w. K. K., 8.0s, s.iw a m.. i.m, and 6.07 p. m. Pulman parlor and sleeping or L: V. chair cars on all trains between L. St B. Junction or Wllkes-Barre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspension Bridge. ROLLIN H. WILBUR. Gen. Bupt. CHA8. S. LEE, Gen. Pass, Agt.,Phlla.. Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHER. Asst. Oen. Pass. Agt.. South Bethlehem, Pu. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 24. 1895. Trains leave Scranton as follows: El press for New York and all points Bast, 1.40, 2.50, 6.15. 8.00 and 9.55 a. ni.; J2.55 and 131 p. m. Express for Easton, Trenton, PhlladeU Jihla and the -South, 6.15, 100 and 155 a. ni., 2.55 and 3.34 p, m. Washington and way stations, 3.55 p. m. Tobyhanna accommodation, 6.10 p. m. Express for Blnghamton, Oswego, 1. mlra. Corning, Bath, Dansvllle, Mount Morris and Huffalo, 12.10, 2.85 a. m., and 1.21 p. m., making close connections al Buffalo to all points in the West, North west and Soutlfwest. Hath accommodation, 9 a. m, Blnghamton and way stations, 12.37 p. n Nicholson accommodation, 6 p. m. Blnghamton and Elmlra Express. (.Of p. m. Express for Cortland. Syracuse, Oswego, Utlca and Kk-hfleld Swings, 2.35 a. m. and 14 p. in. Ithaca 2.35 and Bath 9 a. m. and 1.21 p m. For Northumberland, Pittston, Wilkes Barre, Plymouth, Ulootnsburg and Dan vllle, making close connections at North umbel land fur Wllllamsport, Harrisburg. Baltimore, Washington and the Boulh. Northumberland and Intermediate sta tions, COO, 9.55 a. m. and 1.30 and 6.07 p. tn. Nantlcoke and intermediate stations. 108 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations, 3.40 and 8.52 p. m. Pullman parlor and sleeping coachea oa all express trains. For detailed Information, pocket time tables, etc., apply to 51. L. Smith, city tlrket office, 3?$ Lackawanna avenue, or depot ticket office. Erie and Wyoming Valley. Trains leave Scranton for New Vorlt and Intermediate points on the Erie rai). road at 7.00 a. tn. and 3.29 p. m. Also for Honesdale. Has. ley and local point ul 7 00, 9.40 a. m. and 3.29 p. m. All the above are through trains to ana from Honesdale. Trains leave for Wllkes-Barre at S.3 m. and 2.W p. m. MCHA1TO DIV8SIOS. In Effect September Mnel, 193. Heeta IssihI. 103 SOII Station 1 m. 3 (Trains Daily, la. ig I cept atinday.) p m Arrive Leavei 7B;S. v. rranuin K. 7 10 West 4nd streetl 7 no) weehawken r Arrive Leavei 1 ISHancoek Juactioai 10M Baacock IS Ml Starlight Preston Park Como Poyntflls Belmont Pleasant Ml Unlondale Forset City Carbondsie White Bridge Mayfirld Jermyn Archibald Vtlntca PeckTiUe OlTpbant Dlnksoa Thronp prnvldene park Piaat ..ht4d 18 401 itra III 1514 11 ess k HI 501181I 4tll0 704' It. ....I 11. 3 481 41111 M wrnisJ ll T Ml 3 45 7 tit! S 7r. 3Wl tn ori I 4 Oil j 11 oil 7 84 4 ST 18 II Is) i5ti 01 Htjfl(7 lOilOSC 788 41 7 89 4 1 SI fi 17 sctaatoo 746'4S(N m'a aLeaye ArrlTel a 8) ! All trains ran dally except gnaday. taiga-lea that trains stop oa signal for Mcure rate via Ontario a Western before) nrchaslng tickets and save atoaey. Day a a tagt Kspreea to the west. i. C. A Dderson, Ben. pies AgU PIT. rasa, Aft, atraaUa, r. T. rutcrott. ltf6toS'' r.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers