The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 10, 1896, Image 1
THE ONLY REPUBLICAN DAILY IN LACKAWANNA COUNTY. EIGHT PAGES 56 COLUMNS. fciCRANTOJs, PA., MONDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 10, 189. TWO CENTS A COPY. Clice Garment We oujtht to say EXTRA CHOICE, for liner skins of their class, or more carefully finished work, never came to market. A Plain Statement We thought several weeks ago that we had timsnea buying rur . uie for this season, but the demand kept on and still keeps on. Slies could not hold out against the heavy Inroads made on them dally, and ' this week we were tempted t" !uy Just fifty more of the handsomest Fur Cupes that have come our way this season. Home are trimmed, some un ti lined, all ore In fashion's latent mould, and there Isn't one garment that Is not strictly high class In every respect. line" Skins Are tie . . Finest MtcM Astrkbans, Woo! Sals , -And' Electric Seals . , . And we guarantee their real value to be not less thun from $35 to $6 For convealenoe of Belling we hove ground them into four lots and prices as follows: $18.90 ; $21.90 $24.91 . . . AND . . Rises will be complete at the 'r opening sale on Monday, and as the grades of quality vary con siderably In each price, quick, shrewd buy have the advan tage over procrastinators this time. AT 9 A. AL 0 :0 B E $29.90 CONGRESSIONAL FORECAST Programme for the Com! no. Keck in Senate and House. BUSINESS FOR THE SENATE Prospect That Something Besides Talk Will Characterize Its Sessions Popii llsts Fight Mr. Quay's) Resolu tionsilver Talk In tho House. Washington. Feb. 9. Although the present congress has been in session for more than two months without the customary holiday rooess, the senate will only thlB week get down ti the ac tual business of the session and begin the consideration of the appropriation bills. Mr. HaiiBbrouKh'a teed resolu tion Is the unfinished uusln'n. and he expects to have a vote upon it within a few days, although the understanding is that it Is to be laid aside temporarily whenever appropriation bills are ready to be considered. Sir. Quay's amended resolution to re commit the tariff bill to the senate com mittee on finance without Instruction, which was luid over until tomorrow will come up early. Mr. Juay says that while the vote will be close he believes It has an even chance or passing. The Populists, however, at their recent con ference, decided to vote against recom mitment, and If they do so, together with the entire Democratic vote, the resolution will not prevail. On Monroe Revolutions. Mr. Smith, of New Jersey, will address the senate tomorrow on the Sionroe resolutions now pending. It is believed that he will take ground between the ultra conservatism nf his colleague, Mr. Sewell, and the radicalism of Mr. Davis, of Minnesota. The tact that Mr. Hmlth has conferred with the president on this subject and thut his speech, to a cer tain extent. Is believed to rolled the views of the chief executive, will give It Interest. Mr. Blacnhard, of Louisi ana, will also speak on the same sub ject Tuesday. The effort to change the elective offi cers of the senate may te made dur ing the latter part of the. week, but there Is more or less of conjecture about this. Meanwhile there H abundunt work before the senate- In the shape of appropriation bills, thost having been reported to the senate be I tin the urgent deficiency, military academy, pensions and the consular dlidntnutlc bills. In none of these have many additions been mude save In the. urgent deficiency bill to which, at the renutt of the treasury department, a large amount for unprovided of the depart ment of Justice has been Inserted. Silver Tnlli In tho Home. The house will further discuss the bund-silver coinage bill until 12 o'clock Tuesday morning. Notice lias been given that a large number of amend ments will be offered and It Is not cer tain when a final vote on the somite free coinage substitute will lt reached. It Is hoped that It may be had on Wed nesday. The silver delegates concede that, the Hepnbllcnn vote in favor of the substitute will not he us large as that given against the passuge of the bund bill last December. It Jh vari ously estimated by them at from 23 to 4fl. i After the flnnnclul matter has been disisised of, BpproHt'iatlort IdlM will again come to the front. ,There are two of these the agricultural and military bills now on the calendar, anil the In dian bill Is ready for report to the house. The elections committees) hnye two or three cases of contest ready which they can bring In nt any Unit1. TRAGEDY OF A FIKK. Two Children Instantly Killed by a I'tilllne Chlinnov. Brooklyn. N. Y.. Feb. 9. Two children were Instantly killed and one young man was seriously Injured as a result of a fire which occurred nt ! o'clock this morning In a cottage on Fort Ham ilton avenue, near Blghty-fourth street. The dead are: Minnie Specht. 9 years old: Harry llotzen, 7 years old. Injured: Kdward Hill, IS years old. fracture of the thigh, severe scalp wounds an' contusions of the body. The building was totally destroyed, but a brick chimney was left standing after the house was burned. About 2 o'clock several children were playing about the ruins, when suddenly without any warning the chimney fell to the ground with a crash. Minnie Specht. Harry Botzen and Kdward Hill, who were playing near the fireplace, were buried In the ruins. The police of the twenty-fifth precinct were called out and went at once to work to recover the bodies. The first one brought out was Hill, whose groans attracted attention. After an hour's hard work the dead bodies of Minnie Spech't and Harry Hotzen were removed from beneath the debris. ; NEW WOMAN IN TROUBLE. Proposes to a Young Nebraska Man Simply to Cut in Practice. Saratoga. Neb., Feb. 9. The new wo man of Saratoga Is In trouble. As a re sult of her devotion to the cause of equal rights. Miss Emily Hayes, one of the most ardent workers for the emanci pation of her sex. Is In a fair way to have a breach of promise suit on her hands. Miss Hayes has always con tended that women have as good a right to propose marriage as the men. About Jan. 1 It occurred to her that early In leap year would be a good time to put her long cherished plans Into practice. Frank Wallets, a coy young farmer near town, was selected as a fitting subject upon whom to make the experiment. Mlsss Hayes now claims that the proposal was only a joke, that she merely wanted to prtactlce upon Wallets, and he' Is real mean to take the matter seriously. This is what he has done, however, and has consulted a lawyer wUh a view to beginning suit. ANOTHER NEW SOCIETY. The Oriental Ordor of Zouaves Will En force Monroe Doctrine. Washington, Feb. 9. General M. A. Dillon, of this city, who was the found er of the Union Veterans union and the Medal of Honor Legion has founded a new patriotic semi-military organisa tion, having for Its main objects the cultivation of a spirit of Americanism and the strict enforcement of the Mon roe doctrine. The organisation Is called the Orient-' al Order of Zouaves; it is national In its scope and will admit citizens of all ages and good character to member ship. The uniform adopted by the or der combines the national colors and is of a very showy design. The relief of members in distress and of their wid ows and orphans Is part of the plan of the organisation. SCHLATTER UNDER ARREST. The Mysterious Healer la Member of a California Chain Gang. San Bernardino; Cal.. Feb . The Jail officials of this city are positive they have aa a member of the chain gang, the eccentric healer Schlatter. - The mysterious prisoner was arrested at lledlands. Friday, as a vagrant. He declines to disclose his Identity. To the sheriff, he stated that he was doing penance and had ridden across the Yuma desert on a mule which had died from exhaustion a few days ago. The prisoner's description fits that of Schlatter perfectly, and the fact that he was In Colton. Cala., a year ago as a tramp leads many to believe that it is h who is in custody. NO PLACE FOR THE FIGHT. New Moxico, Old Mexico and Texas Frown on the Enterprise of .Maher, Wtrsinv roonsond Their Gang of Urnlsers. El Paso, Texas. Feb. 9. The trains arriving In the city continue to bring In a goodly number of visitors, tho larger Fhare of whom are coming to be here during tho time set for the great fistic carnival. Among others arriving today was Adjutant Oenerai Mabey, of this state. Captains Hrooks and Rog ers and ten picked Texa, rangers. The adjutant general states that he Is here with these men for the purpose of see ing that the fights are not brought off In any disputed or undisputed territory to which Texas lays claim. Captain Hrooks Is one of the oldest ranger cap tains In the state and he has seen a great deal nf active service. Governor Thornton, of New Mexico and Adjutant tleneral Mabey had a conference today and mapped out their line of procedure to keep the fight from coming off In Texas or New Mexico. Governor Thornton will return to Santa Fe to morrow and through the proper au thority make a request that the troops garrisoned at Fort Hllss be usid to patrol the border of New Mexico near the point where Texas. New Mexico and Old Mexico meet. - The preparations made by Texas and New Mexico gov ernors since the passage of the Catron bill will certlnly prevent the carnival from taking place on United States soli near this pluce. if the principals should think of trying such a thing, which Is not at all likely. Fltzsiin mons and Maher have both expressed themselves upon this subject and both state that they are not candidates for the penitentiary. Notwithstanding the preparations that are developing; to keep the fight from being pulled off tipon I tilted States soil, Puiy Stuart Is offering to wager four to olie that the fights will come off as sehed'ed. It Is reported that Gov ernor Anumadu. of Chihuahua, camo up to Juarez last evening, but is "not at home" to newspaper reporters. Stuart certainly manages to keep this entire community guessing1 as to the point nt which he intends to have the great battles. A search this morning of several miles down the river did not wveul any preparation having been made In that direction for the canilvul. No Pit lit in Mexico. St. Louis. Mo., Feb. 9. A special from Chihuahua, Mexico, gays: Governor Aliuiuada. of the state of Chihuahua, has taken decisive steps toward pre venting the proposed pugilistic carnival taking place within the confines of this states. He has Issued orders for 1.000 troops to proceed to the border and pa trol the city of Juatvc and adjacent territory during days on which the lights ur scheduled to occur. The gov ernor has also addressed a letter to the principals and managers nf the lights informing them that they will posi tively not be nllowt.-d to trespass upon Mexican soil If any pugilistic encoun ters are contemplated.', DAIUXG BANK ROBBERY. Thieves lllnd and Hlindfold tho Hotcli-man-Twentv-rivo Thousand Hollars In llnnds and ('ash Secured. St. Joseph, Mo., Feb. 9. The most successful and daring bank robbery thut has occurred In western Missouri for a quarter of u century took pluce at Savannuh early yesterday morning, a small town fifteen miles northeast of this city. Three cracksmen wrecked the sufe of the State bank of Savannah, securing 125,000 In money, government bonds, and postage Htumps. Night Watchman Jake Gartlng, saw three men working at the front tloor of the bank. He asked them what they were doing. One of the robbers with out replying knocked Garting down, carried him Into the lobby of the bank and then bound and blindfolded him. He then stood over Garting- with a cocked pistol, while the remaining two robbers drilled a hole In the safe, which was an old fashioned affair and suc ceeded In unlocking it from the outside. In the morning Hank President Wil liam K. Wells, found Garting In the condition described. In the meantime the robbers, to whom there is no clue, had plenty of time to make their es cape. Mrs. Mary Breckenrldge lost $14,000 In government bonds of which the coupons for January had not beert clipped. The postmaster lost $275 In stamps and $2."l In money. Other local depositors lost $10,000. For twentv-five years Mrs. Brecken rldge had kept these bonds In her house They had been deposited in the bank less than a week. KILLED AT A FIRE. Jcsso it. Palmer, of Stroudsburg, Loses Ills l.ifo While Attempting to Rescue Otliers-Anothcr Fireman Injured. Stroudsburg, Pa., Feb 29. While fighting fire at 'tho residence of Mr. Holllnshead, a wealthy resident living near this town, Jesse B. Palmer. 24 years old, Inst his life by a chimney falling on him. Mr. Holllnshead, his wife and their two children had a nar row escape from being burned to dertth. Shortly before Palmer was killed he had run,up a ladder to the second story and attempted to rescue a man and wife, named Hotopp, who were supposed to bo In the house, but who. It was after wards discovered, had gone to visit a friend. A fireman named Nevll, while going for a doctor, was thrown from a horse and Is believed to be fatally Injured. The house with Its contents was en tirely destroyed, and there Is but little Insurance. Palmer had only recently been married and it is feared that, his wife will go insane with grief over his death. TRAMPS KIDNAP A BOY. Son of an Indiana Merchant .Stolen While Returning front School. Crawfordsvllle, Ind.. Feb. 9. The vil lage of Jamestown Is in a state of great excitement over a kidnaping; which oc curred there today. Master Robbie, the 8-year-old son of W. S. Miles, a mer chant, was returning from school with young companions, when he was seized by a couple of tramps. Stifling the lad's cries, they hurried away, and are supposed to have boarded a west bound Big Four freight that left about that time. His young companions were too greatly terrified to give the alarm, and the tramps escaped. , Steel Mills Resume. Jollet, 111., Feb. . The local mills of the Illinois Steel company will resume operation Monday after a shut-down of two months. The wae question has been settled with the men, and il,500 men will be given-employment. '. . BLOODY BATTLE IH CUBA Spanish Troops Walk Into a Trap and Are Slaughtered. NUMBER OP DEAD UNKNOWN Perlco Diss Defeats General Cannella's Command at Artomlslo No r.sti tnato of the Spanish Losses Can He Ascertained. From Correspondent of the United Press. Havana. Feb. f, via Jacksonville. Feb. 8. General Marin, who left Ha vana a week ago to take personal command of the operations In the field and who expected to strike a decisive blow against the enomles of Spain, has not yet succeeded iu forcing a battle. When the captain-general, who has only a brief Interval of power before the arrival of General Weyler, started out. Gomes was awaiting the return of Maceo from Plnor Del Rio province and the two rebel leaders were sepa rated. It was General Marin's plan to place a strong force between the two and prevent their union. He has not succeeded in accomplishing this for both leaders are now In Havana province and are acting In conjunction with each other. Purtng the week there have been several encounters In Havana province between Spanish columns, acting under General Mnrln's orders, and bodies of rebel directed by Gomez, but only one of these was precipitated by the Spaniards. The others were planned by the Insurgents. In none of them has the result been to the advan tage of the Spanish side. The first fight since General Marin took the field occurred on the day he went out. General Canneila was or dered west from luunujuy, a town near the bonier line between the prov inces of Havana and Plnar Del Klo. Ho was to heud off Marco, who was moving east. The insurgents set a trap for General Cannella's force on the Saladriffe's stock farm, a few miles southwest of Ariemlsla. The road which Canneila m on pussed through the estate and Is danked on one side by fields divided Hto squares by stone fences. Just west of these fences Is a small hill, l'erlco Diaz, one of the best fighting men In Guinea's following, hud 400 rebel infantry lying tint on the ground behind the stone fences to the left of the road. With l.fluO rebel cav alry Dlaa watted In hiding behind the hill further down the road. Walked Into the Trap. The rebels waited about two hours. Then the Spanish .force appeared, and advanced until ti.f head of the col umn hud passed the stone wall. The rebels then opened with a volley lire frnti behind the wall. Many of the Spaiilurus broke and ran across the fields to the right of the road, while others hv'ld their position In the road and returned the rebel lire. Diaz sent half his. mounted force down the road giving the 'men In th' road a machete charge, and with other mounted men rude across the fields nnd heudedt off the Bpanlurds who hd broken ranks, lie' then wus In ii'i'wmtion to give .the troops in the road a cross fire, and this wrought havoc among them. General Canneila managed to pull his shattered forces together and retreated toward Guanajay. The fight was of brief duration but It was one of the most sangiilnnry of the w nr. . No accurate account of the Spanish losses can be obtained and probably none will ever be known. General Canneila threw out picket lines extending over one mile and allowed no one to enter while he buried his dead. Their number Is said to be near two hundred. General Canneila himself Is said to have been wounded. The insur gent loss was very small. Although this fight occurred January "0 the gov ernment bus issued no clliciul report of It, a very unusual thing. Fighting nt Plnnr. Havana. Feb. 8. via Key West. Fla., Feb. 9. The fighting In 1'inar province In the last few dnys has been the most severe since the beginning of the war. The condition to which the Spanish forces in '.lie west are reduced bus led Marin to abandon the attempt to force a battle with Gomez, delay his return to Havana and go to the relief nf the beleaguered towns. Maceo'a forces In clude the bands of Mlro, Sotomayor, Delgado, Zayas and Hermudez. The official government report gives them a strength of G00. It Is probably much greater. The combined forces fought a pitched battle with Luque. at Paso Real, Mon day. The latter reported that the rebel forces formed In line of battle nnd charged the Spanish lines with great valor. Luque claimed a complete vic tory, and asked for the San Fernando cross, having remained In command, though shot through the leg. After the fight Luque withdraw his lorces to the capital of the province. Wednesday the'pame parties of rebels besieged Candelarla, a railroad town near the Havana province border. They had apparently rerovered from the battle with Luque. The volunteers and a small detachment made a heroic defense of Candelarla for 2" hours. Marin who was about leaving Arte misia for Havana, ordered Canneila to the relief of Candelarla nnd to attack Maceo. He took all the available forces and proceeded In person to support Canneila. The latter made a remarkable march, reached Candelarla and found Insurgents swarming In the towns In that vicinity. The garrison held out though many fell. The troops of the Slmancla and Zamorla battalions at tacked the besiegers and the fight con tinued two hours. The Insurgents made several machete charges ngalnst SpanlBh troops. The latter used artil lery. The losses were heavy on both sides. The troops finally entered Can delarla Thursday night. The Insur gents moved west to 8an Cristobal. Marin's column arrived at Candelarla and Canneila followed Maceo. Another battle Is expected. It Is Impossible to learn the losses at Candelarla accu rately. The government says twenty-six dead Insurgents were found on the field of battle and that nineteen more were afterward discovered. Their own losses are given as five dead and forty eight wounded. Gomes Near Artemisia. Comex wus last reported between Artemisia and the western border of Havana province. Pando arrived here last night. Marin Is expected tomorrow and Weyler Mon day. The city Is being decorated with bunting and preparations made for an enthusiastic reception of the troops by the officials and loyal citizens. The Americnn correspondent. Man nix, remains, pending the result of the action of the state department at Washington against the summary ex pulsion, . Luque has gone to Clenfuegos to re cover from the effects of the wound re ceived at Paso Real. The government reports Jose Maceo wounded In the leg in the Santiago province and also Per nudes killed. Neither report is con firmed. The exodus of Cubans continues and arrests of suspects are increasing, in number. Twenty townspeople of Punta Padre, Santiago province, were brought Here yesterday. Cavalry arrived from Spain Thursday , ! without horses. There Is some diffi culty obtaining mounts. The govern ment recently mounted over 2.000 In fantrymen. Additional volunteers are being recruited here to do garrison duty in place of those sent to the field (Signed) J. FRANK CLARK. GENERAL MARIN TALKS. lie Expresses Views of the Sltoation in Cuba Contempt for the Rebels. Havana. Feb. 9. Acting Captain Gen eral Mnrln returned to Havana today from the field. In an lntrvlew with the correspondent of the United Press he said: "My campaign has been a continuation of the plans previously followed. I have had some encounters with both Maceo and Gomez, but can throw no more light upon them than Is contained In the reports that have been published of the fights." ' When asked, having been In the field, what he thought of the mllltarv organi zation of the insurgents. General Marin said: "I have not altered my previous opinion. The Insurgents can never be recognized as an organized army, be cause the first consideration of such a body Is honor, whereas the Insurgents think It no dishonor to flee from an enemy to avoid an encounter. A regu lar military body would think It a dis honor to attack defenseless soldiers, whereas the insurgents think nothing of It. They do not hesltnte to force men Into their ranks during their pas sage, through the country, which re suits In the Impressed men becoming targets for the Spanlsn army. In one Word,- what the insurgent's organiza tion Is, is a question." "It is said that the Spanish' army Is rapidly being changed from Infantry to cavalry. Is that policy to be con tinued?" . "No Infantry has been changed Into cavalry. The regular cavalry bodies here have been mounted as fust as horses could be procured." "If the Spunish bud more cavalry would the result up to the present time have brought the war nearer an end?" .Methods of Rebel Warfare. "If the Spnnlsh had had more cavalry the Insurgents would have adopted oth er means of warfare. Their great force lies In a policy of deviating from nil lines of warfare. In other words, war with them Is mere anarchy. If we had hud plenty of cavalry they would have resorted to ambuscades nnd surprises. They would have waited for the cavalry to come up and then destroyed them. Whenever we have an encounter there IS nver any doubt of the Spanish defeat ing the insurgents four to one. The In surgents run awny. That Is their strength. There was an Illustration of this day before yesterday In tho en counter we had with them near San Cristobal, where 600 of our men were attacked by 4.000 or 5.000 Insurgents and our men defeated them." "Whut is your opinion ufter your In spection of the Spanish army In the neighboring provinces?" "I am satisfied that the men nre well cared for." "In your opinion, how long Is this revolution likely to last?" "I can hardly say, but I believe that the Insurgents will be wiped out. Inns much us h vigorous policy has been In augurated replacing 'lie benevolent one that has obtained not a Xlif y of cruel ty, but a rigidly military pollcv." "Do you regard the revolution as now losing strength or gaining?" "It is on the decrease. We are con quering little, by little." VICTIMS OF THE TIRK. Terrible Situation of tho Remnants of Christianity l-eft in Asia .Minor-1 orclan Interference Alono Can Help Them. London. Feb. 9. The United Tress correspondent nt Constantinople sends the following Information: In spile of the satisfactory reports spread abroad by the Turkish govern ment regurding the attack on Eeltoun, It has not been a success. The Keltoun lls, lighting against superior numbers, were favored by their Impregnable po sition and the winter season. In one battle alone the Turkish losses art given ns thousands, although this num ber docs not seem ponslbie. The Zel tounlis are suld to have enough provi sions to last until July. Whatever may be the result of the mediation, no fur ther attack can be made until after March. Regarding the numerical strenglh of the Zettounlis, nothing can be said with certainty. The unfortunate condition of Tam zara, near Shark 1 Kara Hlssar (prov ince of Sivas) has ben mentioned be fore. The following letter, dated Jan. 8. was written by a native of the vil lage: "Upon Nov. 8 a great crowd of Turks came upon the village and called upon the people of the village to come out. The men and women were made to stand together and then in the presence of the women the men were killed. Out of 2S0 houss all but ten of the males above ! years of age were Killed on tnat awful rtavs. Then the houses were stripped of all that was In them. The women were stripped of their clothing where It was worth carrying orf. The prettiest women were carried oft by the Turks. And now of Tamznra there are only .100 women and children left." "You canot Imuirino the terrible con dition of these people. I have seen, again and again, young women, who were delicately brought un, dressed In two sacks. One 1th holes rut In corners for the legs and the other with) holes for the head and arms. They were happy to have so much In the way of clothing. And the worst of everything Is that the soldiers and Zabtchs, when ever they choose, again and again force their way into the houses In Tarn zara, here there are no men to beat them off, and do what they like with the women and girls. The government has turned back these women every time that they have tried to escape to other plnces. and there Is no hope for these wretched women left, the snolls of every passing Turk, unless some power will be interested enough In them to stop these continuous outrages." That the Turks are waging a war of extermination aeninst Zeitoun Is shown bv their treatment of the vil lages around. Furniiz Is situated about nine miles east df Zeltoun and with the approach of the Turkish army the Christians had fled Into Furnuz from the surounding villages, until finally there were at least four thousand people crowded in to the town. They had watchers out on the approaches to give warning of the arrival of the Turkish army with the intention of fleeing to Zeitoun. In some way the Turkish army eluded these watchers and surrounded the town by night, so that the unfortunate Christians awoke to find a cordon around them. Three hundred women nnd children were brought hy the soldiers to Marash. They say that the rest were killed. This two days' winter Journey bver the snow was especially hard on the chil dren. Many of them dropped down on the way from exhaustion and were left to die. The soldiers would not permit the mothers to delay the march. Peqnabnek Bridge Victims. Hartford, Conn.. Feb. . The bodies of wo men who were drowned In the itisn ter at the Pequaburk briiige Thursriiy night were found this afternoon. They were those of James ilHck, of New Bri tain, and an Italian supposed - to be Charles Costelle, of Hartford. NOW FRIENDLY TO ENGLAND Tbc German Press Has been Sud denly Muzzled. OLIVE BRANCHES AKE KAvT.D Relchitag Declarations Are Pccidcdly Pcaeefnl-The Necessity of a Navy Becomes Apparent-Mr. Stern ' Wants Ills Forfeited Ball. Berlin, Feb. 9. Within the past week the officially Inspired German press which formerly had been pounding lOnghtnd. as nurd as violent language could go, have suddenly ceased their blasts against Great I'.rltaln, but it cannot be ascertained that there has been uny change in the course of the policy of Germany except that from some cause which Is generally sup posed to be representations on the part of the other parties to the Triple Alli ance Austria and Italy the emiieror has put a check upon German diplo matic activity In quarters where there have been jealousies upon the part of Kngland baaed upon the supposition that Germany's attitude waB hostile. The debate in the Keichstag on Fri day upon the naval estimates, gave Frelherr Marsclmll Von Hiebersteln, minister of foreign affairs, and the members of the Keichstag who are in touch with the government, an oppor tunity to make declarations which were decidedly friendly to Kngland, and the occasion was made the most of. Their reassuring utterances and their fienerul acceptance have made It almost certain, that at the next session of the itelchstug when the government's na val scheme Is Introduced Instead of Its being opposed as a warlike measure suddenly launched with a view to tak ing advantage of public sentiment It will receive the support of the majority of the chumber If it Is framed upon the moderate lines indicated In the state ment mude Friday by the minister of foreign affairs. The debate has made an astonishing change In the opinions expressed by the leudlng newspapers even the opposition papers admitting that nn Increase in number of cruisers for the defense of the German trade and commercial marine Is necessary. Stent Wants Ills f orfeited Hail. Louis Stern, of New York, having had the sentence of fourteen days' imprison ment, which was imposed upon him by the court upon his conviction of the charge of insulting Huron A'on Thuen gen, the deputy commissioner of the Spa at Klssengen. revoked by procla mation of amnesty promulgated recent ly by the prince regent of llavarlu. lodged a claim for the return of the SO.lXiO marks ball which he forfeited by his failure to unpeur und serve his sentence. The court has decided thnt Mr. Stern's claim is not well founded, holding that his ball was forfeited by Stern's neglect to surrender himself before his purdon wns proclaimed. Mr. Stern's friends now suggest that he make an appeal directly to the prince regent for the return of the money. The body of Hon. Theodore Kunyon, late ambassador of the United Stute to Germany, will be removed toitprrow. from the vault. In which It has beitu temporal lly resting und conveyed to the, railway station en route for liremen,' whence It will be taken to New York on hoard the Bteuincr Havel, which will sail on Tuesday. The removal und the pluelng of the body on board the steam er will be innde without any ceremony whatever. Mr. HnHkhiw, son-ln-luw of the late umbassndor, will supervise the removal of the body and accompany It to New York. BRYAN M I WR MYSTERY. Potcetlvc Are Given a Tip by a Boston Prtimracr-i.ulu Aluy llolllngswortti In terviewed. Indianapolis, Tnd.. Feb. 9. Ktrly this morning City Marshal Starr, of Green Castle, received a letter signed "11 K It," Buying that Lulu May llolilims worth, of this city, hud knowledge of the mur der of earl Hi. van that would be valu able to the state, and to see heratome. The officer came a once to tills city nnd loened the ilolllngsworth girl. When Starr and a detective entered the room the latter seemed to divine the cause of their coming and walked to nn open griite nnd threw a letter Into the fliv. It burned in an instant ami ll Is believed that valuable evi dence was thus destroyed. The girl was then closely questioned und after much hesitation said that she wus at the I'nlon stutlon January 2H ami there met earl Itrysn, who had just come In from Green Castle. The meeting wns nccUlrntl. she said, hut she hail known Pearl nt Conte's college. l'enrl told her of her trouble and the two went to several drug stores where they pro cured some medicine. She declured that the meeting with th" Itrvan girl was accidental, but confessed under pressure tht there was an "otTalr" between her and Jackson and tho mur dered girl. The Intter. she said, took the medi cine nnd It ought to have taken effect In nine hours. She said that she be lieved thnt the girl took the medicine nnd that Jackson went to his room and found her dead and hen cut off her head to conceal the crime. She says she met Will Wood on the same day but no mention of Pearl's condition wus made between them. The police now believe that Wood enmo here and arranged for the Hol lings worth girl to riieft Pearl Rryan at the depot und procure the medicine for her. When shown the initials to the letter that Starr had. she said the writer was Hal K. Ilatcllffe. s. travel ling salesman of liostou. Katcllffe left her this morning. FIRE IN A COURTROOM. Experimental Judge Marts a Blaze Dur ing a Trial for Arson. Columbia. Mo.. Feb. 9. A fire, which It was thought for a while would prove disastrous, was started yesterday af ternoon In the court room of judge James Glllispie. Samuel Gordon, col ored, was on trial for arson, and a pile of rags and paper saturated with oil was introduced In evidence. The attorney for the defense claimed that the combustibl; contained no oil, and to Investigate tiie matter the court applied a lighted match to the rags and paper. The combustibles blazed up and In an Instant the court room was in flames. There was a wild stampede for the doors, but the fire alarm was quick ly sounded and the flames were extin guished before serious damage was done. OVERFLOW OF THE PLATTE. Nebraska farmers Are Threatened Moch I Stock lias Perished, flarks. Neb., Feb. 9. A n immense Ice gi-ge in the Platte tlver here has caused a dungerous ovtrllow. The bot-t-Jni lands ere under waicr for miles. A nymber of farmers who occupy an ikiand near here are threatened with tlteir entire families. (The river Is higher than ever known, nnd so full of ice that no boat can be floated. Much stock has perished, but fit) far no lives are known to have been st. T'S New Spring Goods We have now on sale the most elegant stock of we have ever shown. Our line of WasSa Mess GoqjIs J A is up zo aaxe ana com prises weaca urpMies, IPrfiiiirtii md! Amprfmn " Eejsiss Dimities. SC'Qicli m Irish Dimities Hoval Cremvl Strfoes.- , V IT , ' Cfafilly Lace Stripes, Jacraiet Bucteesse, SoMci Ginghams, . White aM Colored Freicl Gaiateas, Linen Batiste with all overs and trim mings to match. 'slai Lams, ' ittesl Swisses . ana iuu siozk oj oiepie White Goods. diiu ana LACKAWANNA AVENUE at e"X 4 B4sl Tr, U Mil fcH h ' School Shoes M6 JL!4'J& 'JDIU1UU&. m MlWt-i:illit.iji.;iB.: Our Winter Shoes must go. You need the Shoes; we need the room. LEWIS,!BLLY & BAVIB 1H AND llti WYOMING AVE. WEQEL TMiB JEWELER WISHES EVERYBODY A Happy New Year. Great reductions in prices before taking inventory in ... . Watches, Biaimis aioi -irwarc. 408 Spruce St. Near Dime Bank. WEATHER REPORT. For eastern Pennsylvania, fair, slightly colcier; westerly winds. New York, Feb. 10. Herald's wpatht forecast: in the Middle nates todujr clear, colder, brisk to ftvsh northwesterly ami westerly winds, followed by a sltrht rise In temperature In interior. Un Tuesday fair to partly cloudy, warmer southwesterly to southerly wind, with snow in the lake region. life