The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 08, 1896, Page 6, Image 6

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Keek's Social Diversiot Told In Short
.Crisp Paragraphs.
There Were'- Many Luncheons, Card
Parties. Dinners and Other Pleasan
tries Klrmesm Will Absorb
All Else Nest Week.
n chronicling the social events of
the past week there appears to have
been teas galore. This Is in part ac
counted for by the fact that next week
occur the kirniess, and society can
do little but devote itself to the Froth
Ingham theater, where the klrmess is
to be given.
"The Cottage," the home of Mrs.
Willis in H. Dimmick, corner Second
and Ninth streets, Honesdulc, was bril
liantly decorated and Illuminated be
tween the hours of 3.20 and 5.:M p. m.
Thursday, when a reception was given
by Mrs. Dimmick and daughter. Mrs.
Wallace Lambert. Although the mont
severe storm of the season was raging,
about ninety ladies were present. Mrs.
Dimmick and daughter were assisted
In receiving by Mrs. Du Hols Dim
mick, of Scranton; Mrs. 11. '.. Russell.
Mrs. Fuller and Mrs. David Menner.
In the handsome dining room was ren
dered the - following musical pro
gramme: 1'ollsh Dance. Instrumental. .Soharwenka
J. Willis Conant. organist St. Luke's,
'Heart's Springtime" Von Welckede
.Mrs. U. DuBolS Dimmick. Scranton.
Minuet Schubert
Mr. Conant.
v m ill ui ljr k ...... " . .
Mr. Wooler, tenor, Kim Park church,
Impromptu Jensen
Spring Bong Conant
Mr. Conant.
"Dance of the Syiphs" Bemberg
Mrs. Dimtuli'k.
Valse De Concert Raff
Mr. Conunt.
"But Yesterday" . Junsson
Mr. Wooler.
"A Night In Venice" I.ucnntonl
Mr. Wouler, Airs. Dlinmkk.
Mrs. E. N. Wlllard and Mrs. Everett
Warren i gave a tea yesterday at the
former's home, corner of Olive street
and Madison avenue. They were as
sisted In receiving by Mrs. H. F. War
ren. . Mrs. H. M. Holes and Mrs. Laf
lln, of New York city, presided In 'the
dining room and were assisted by Miss
Jermyn, Miss Louise Matthews, Miss
Flora Matthews and Miss Helln. Atiout
the rooms were Mrs. Rogers Israel,
Mrs. N. G. Robertson, Mrs. A'. H.
Christy. Mrs. F. P. Price, Mrs. A. I).
Holland and Mrs. H. W. Kingsbury.
In the evening Mrs. Wlllard and Mrs.
Warren gave an Infomal dancing party
for the young ladles who assisted them.
Mrs. Montrose Rarnard yesterday
gave a tea at her home, 441 Quincy
uvenue. She was assisted in receiving
by her guest. Miss Robblns,- of Huston.
The decorations were yellow and white.
At the refreshment tables were Mrs.
J. Ren Dimmick, Mrs. It. W. ArchbaUl
and Mrs. Henry Helln, Jr.. and about
the rooms were. Mrs. Wulter .Dickson,
Mrs. H. IS. Ware and the Misses Kings
bury. Mrs. L. O. LaBnr yesterday after
noon gave a progressive euchre.
Mrs. H. M. Roles gave a luncheon
Thursday afternoon. Covers were laid
for eighteen. Among the guests were
Mrs. Lallln and Mrs. I-Slgelow, of New
York city: Mrs. N. Y. Lect. Mrs. O. W.
Klrkpntrlck, Mrs. Frederick Fuller,
Mrs. C K Robinson. Miss Vail. Mrs.
.1. A. Linen. Mrs. Milton Hlalr. Mrs. II.
C Shaffer. Mrs. A. 14. Hunt. Mrs. Jny,
Mrs. U. L. Dickson, Miss Jessie Ouy,
Miss Kmma Vail.
Another of a scries of dancing socials
was given by Professor J. Frank Siegel
Thursday night In his academy over
the Traders' bank.
Aliss Helln will give a luncheon this
afternoon for Miss Hutchins, of Hart
ford. The tea to be given this afternoon
by Mrs. James Archbnld promises to
be a very lurgely attended affair.
. .
At a dinner given Thursday night by
W. F. Hallstead there were present
Rev. Dr. James McLeod, J. A. Linen, C
11. Zehnder, A.W. Dickson. Henry Kelin,
Jr., William T. Smith. Colonel If. M.
Roles, Rev. Dr. C. K. Robinson, Judge
Alfred Hand, It. J. Matthews, ex-Judge
Henry A. Knapp, Dr. N. Y. Leet, Judge
R. W. Archbald. ex-Judge W. H. Jts
sup, James Archbald, C. D. Simpson,
Judge 10. N. Wlllard. Rev. Dr. S. C.
Logun, John Jermyn, James P. Dick
son, A. H. Vnndllng. Cleorge Sander
son, Fred P. Fox, George M. Hallstead.
Mrs. Theodore Wolfe gave a tea
Thursday at her home, 31:1 Clay ave
nue. It was a green and white affair.
Mrs. E. N. Rice on Wednesday gave
a tea at her home, corner of Olive
street and Webster avenue.
Mrs. K. C. Lynde and Mrs. Kcjward
Hunter Lynde received on Wednesday
afternoon from 4 to 8 o'clock. They
were assisted by Mrs. Josephine Koons,
the Misses Merrill and Mrs. Penman.
Mrs. II. M. Holes on Mondny night
entertained those who will take part
In the minuet dance of tue kirnies.
Mrs. . Ruth Q. Powell, of Jefferson
avenue, on Monday informally enter
tained a few friends nt luncheon.
Following are some of the klrmess
box holders: Monday, Mrs. Thomas
Dickson; Tuesday, O. S, Johnson. Ar
thur Prothlngham and W. T. Smith;
Thursday, Colonel H. M. Boles, C. 1).
Simpson, Judge K. N. Wlllard, J. Hen
Dimmick; Friday, K. L. Fuller. T. II.
Watkins, D. K. Taylor. H. K. Hand. H.
(1. Brooks and C. D. Simpson; Satur
day. D. K. Taylor, Colonel H. M. Holes.
Henry Rclin, Jr., Mrs. Thomas Dick
son, II. P. Simpson and C. S. Weston.
Mrs. F. If. Connell gave a tea at her
home on Hank street Tuesday from 3
to 6 o'clock. She was assisted in re
ceiving by her mother. Mrs. Calvin
Seybolt. Mrs. William P. Connell as
sisted in entertaining the guests. Mrs.
Katharine Wilcox presided at the
frappe table. Mrs. L. U. Labar . and
Mrs. Lawson presided at the dining
room table and were assisted by Miss
Cooper, of West Pittston, and the
Misses Seybolt.
The Scranton lodge of Elks gave a
members' smoker and progressive
euchre Tuesday night. Cards were
played until 11 o'clock, when lunch was
served. The Elk vocal quartette and
Professor Mat Frankel, pianist, assist
ed In the evening's entertainment.
Euchre prizes were awarded as fol
lows: First prize, silver smoking set,
John M. Corbett; second prize, silver
toilet case, Roscoe Dale; -booby prize,
Max Frankel. The affair was in
charge of the following committee: M.
F. Sando, Alex Dunn,-Jr., George M.
HallBtead and B. P. Connolly. .
. 1
Miss Dorothy Haag, of Capouse ave
nue, was on Monday night tendered a
surprise party.
Mrs. B. G. Morgan, of North Main
.avenue, gave a tea Thursday for Mrs.
Amos "Nichols,' of Hinghamton. ' Mrs.
Morgan was assisted by Misses John
son, Wade and Morgan.
Miss Frderlka Kelper, of Scranton.
and George W. Ralph, a former adver
tising solicitor In this city, were mar
ried fn Allentown Wednesday night.
Mr. Ralph recently secured a divorce
from Jils former wife.
, a
A birthday' party was given Thurs
day night for David Griffiths, jr., of fiX
North Washington avenue. . Those
present were: David Griffiths, Edward
Beldleman, John Newing, John Hran
damore, Clarence Beemer, George Kv
ana, William McCracken, Henry Carr,
Kffle Belden, Mabel Belden, , Lillian
Miller, Grace Serine, Mabel McCauley,
Margaret DaviM. liessle Shlves. Dora
Hall, Nettle Mott, Phoebe- McGuaill.
Leonora Edwards, Lizzie Grittlths.
v. m m
Mrs. George M. Hallstead will give
a musicale at the Scranton Bicycle
club house next Friday afternoon.
Lackawanna council. No. 1133, Royal
Arcanum, at last night's meeting pre
sented Superintendent George Howell
with a illumond ring in honor, of his
retirement from the past regent's chair.
The ring has a crown setting and is a
costly one. Appropriate addresses
were made by the members of the coun
cil and in receiving the token of their
esteem, Mr. Howell acquitted himself
eloquently In an expression- of thanks.
Miss Annie Connell will give a party
to her friends next Wednesday even
ing at her uew home, illrney avenue
and Sanders street.
The fortieth anniversary of the mar
riage of .Mr. and Airs. Thomas K. Lytl
don, of Mllllin avenue, was the occa
sion of a surprise visit by many of their
friends Monday night.
The fortieth wedding anniversary of
Mr. and Airs. John M. Thomas, cf
Lafayette street, was celebrated at
their home Monday night. .
Mrs. F. M. McKeehan was tendered
a surprise party at the home of her
son, H. II. McKeehan, on Jones street,
Thursday night, by a number of her
friends. A most enjoyable time was
Rev. J. V. Ilussie, of Bentley Creek, was
here yesterday.
Aliss Kmma Jermyn is visiting friends
In Williunisport. -
A. I Collins was in New York on busi
ness iluring the week.
Ahs. James Hoyle, of Simpson, is visit
ing frit-mis in this city.
Congressman Joseph A. Scranton is
home from Washington.
William H. Klileii, of Stone avenue, spent
the week past in Dullon.
Alius Downs, or crinantown, U the
guest of .Miss Archbald.
Frank Kiile was in llonesdale Wednes
day afternoon on business.
K. R. Wright, of Knston, was a Scran
ton visitor during the week.
Thomas .Moot, of Waverly. Fpent the
week among Providence friends.
Hon. M. IS. McDonald has returned from
a business nip to Philadelphia.
L. S. Brown, of New Mlllord, spent the
forepart of the- week In Scranton.
.Mrs. li. S. Brown, of this city, was In
Moscow .Monday visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Reed spent Sunday and
Monday with friends in Throop.
Lewis Morse, of Jackson street. Is home
from a business trip to Sunlmry.
Attorney W. S. Hulslander returned
Tuesday from a visit to Siinbury.
Attorney W."V. Watson was In Phila
delphia the early port of the week.
Frank Ut Wolfe has 'returned from a
visit with friends In AVayne county.
Rev. .U J. MucGoldrick. president of St.
Thomas' college. Is In Philadelphia.
John .1. Coyne, of Alinooka, is vlsilng In
New York. He will return Monduy.
Attoruey It. B. Little, of .Montrose, cir
culated among Scranton friends Tuesday.
W. H. Florey. of Stroudsburg. was en
gaged on business In Scranton this week.
.Michael Henley, of I'lttston avenue, has
gone to New York to reside permanently.
1.. (. Grunt, of Honesdale, was in the
city Tuesday among business acquaint
ances. Air. anil Airs. J. Wilson, of this city,
spent Wednesday with friends in Hones
dale. .Mr. and Mrs. George Saul, of Wilkes
Barre, have returned after a visit in this
city. - - ... .
Attorney Charles R. Pitcher spent
Thursduy in Wilkes-Barre on legal busi
ness. Aliss Anna Vi-Gill. of Honesdale, Is the
guest of Miss Margaret Burke, of Wayne
Aliss Mamie Langley, of Atlantic City,
is visiting .Miss Jane Davs, of .Aierrltiuld
Airs, Joseph Stevens, of Susquehanna", Is
the guest of Mrs. .D V. Wlnl, of Adams
.Mrs. Shaft uck. of Brooklyn. Is the guest
of Airs. Alary Palmer, of Green ltidge
Aliss Alame Uilgallon, of Adams avenue.
Is entertaining Aliss .May Lynch, of Hliifi
hnmtou. Harry Livingstone, of. Wilkes-ltarre,
circulated among Scranton friends Tues
day evening.
Henry I'rutheroe, of the North Knd, Is
visiting his sister, Mrs. K. 1. Jones, of.
Atlantic City.
Airs, E. L. Puller anil Aliss Simpson at
tended the unlor promenade at Prince
ton last night.
James V. Clifford, of Klmlrn. N. Y..
spend Sunday at his mother's home, on
Prospect avenue.
Mrs. C. I. Simpson ami daughter, Miss
Clara. attended the sophomore germau at
Cornell university.
Amos Wakelln nnd daughter, Bessie, of
Philadelphia, ure guests of Rev. A. L. I'r
ban, of Dunmore.
James Van Camp, of Montrose.' Is the
guest of Ids sister. Aliss Van Camp, of
Hvde Park avenue.
Aliss Jennie Slieie, or Blnghnmton, has
returned home after. a visit with her cou
sin, Aliss .May Stevens.
Cards are out announcing 111.- marriage
of Robert Elliot and Aliss .Margaret Davis,
both of North Alain avenue.
Mb Margaret .Miildoon. of Wyoming
nvemie, has left for New York city, where
hhe has accented a position.
Airs. George Bonn, of Hinghamton, who
was the guest of her cousin, Airs. Bush
Wright, has returned home.
.Mrs. II. H. Fordhnm. or oMntrose, has
been the guest of Air. and Airs. John
yuaikenhimh during the week.
Aliss Kittle Lonergan. of Klmlra, N. Y.,
Is the guest of her cousin, Aliss Alary Ale
Andrew, of I'-airvlew avenue.
Louis A. Howell, of Washburn street,
has resigned from the bookkeeper In the
Alerchunts" and Mechanic' bank.
Mr. and Mrs. George' i-Mwnrds unl pon.
Raymond, of Edwurdsdnle, have returned
after a visit with West Side friends.
Patrick liftus, of I'lttston, was vlslt
1n Councilman and Airs. Thomas J.
Covne, of Rreck street, yesterday.
Aliss Bessie. .Shr-jiberd, pf. .Punmore. Is
home after a pleasant stay with her
friend, Alls Alamle Cranston, of Avnea.
Aliss Helen Klsworth. of West plitston,
was the guest'lhifl week of Airs. A. W.
Bingham, of Cherry street, Dunmore.
Waller P. Bhepley. who has been visit
ing his aunts, the Alisses Drinker, haa
returned to Ills home, In Philadelphia.
Francis Fltaglbhon. of Rochester, N. Y..
Is In the city and Is the guest of the man
ager of his Scranton store, C. AI. Roe.
eDputv Register or Wills James II. Hop
kins will go to New York this morning
on business and will be back on Monday.
Aliss Aiyrtle and Bessie TJraunfelier. of
South Bromley avenue, are home from
a visit smong friends in Alonnt Pocnno.
Rev. F. P. Doty, of the Hampton Street
Methodist Episcopal church, spent
Wednesday with friends In West Pitts
ton. ' .
A. J. CoRorn, 1 Jr.. nttortley-at-law, in
stalled olllcers of the .Moscow Patriotic
Order Sons of America, Tuesday even
ing. Aliss Kate Williamson, of Hancock, N.
Y.. Is visiting nt the home of her brother.
Samuel Williamson, of West Alarkct
Aliss Nellie Quinn. of Pittston. has re
turned home after a pleasant visit with
Air. and Airs. John J. Kernan, of Wyom
ing avenue.
Aliss Klsle V. Brown, of 410 Taylor ave
nue, will spend Sunday with her cousin.
Aliss Aland Powers, at Stroudsburg Nor
mal school. , .
Aliss Teresa Keating, of Dover, N. J..
returned home. Wednesday, morning after
a fortnight's visit with Aliss Alamie Duffy,
of Price street.
William Ixjwenberjf. of Bloomsliurg, on
Monday evening was the guest of his
brother. Druggist Joseph Lowenberg, of
Washington avenite. -
Robert V. White, of. the Creen Rldtre
Wheelmen's racing team, has been en
gaged by Foote A Shear as manager of
their bicycle department.
William Helm, or Pittston avenue, was
tendered a surprise party by a few friends
Wednesday .evening and a pleasant time
was spent at his home, '
Dr. and Airs. W. W. fvos, Mr". E.'W.
Ives and daughters. Anna and Dorothy,
left for'Florlda Tnesday morning, where
they will sojourn until SInrrh.
r. Phillip - Williams. - traveling' sales
man for John T. Porter Co., left Tues
dav morning for -California to snend two
months there for the benefit of his health.
Henrv J. Wetter and Miss Alaud List,
both of Cedar avenue, will be married
nt St. Mary's German Catholic: church.
South Side, next Tuesday morning,
i James J. O'Alalley, of Olynhant, hns
passed a successful examination for ad
mission to the Itckawanna bar. He stud
ied law under District Attorney John II.
Attorney A. J. Colborn. Jr., will re
snond to a toast at Wllllamsport next
Wednesday night at a banquet In honor
of Lincoln's birthday. Mr. Colborn's
subject la "Our Republic;"- and the sen
. . - ...
tln.ent attached to it is "A govornment of
the people, by the people and for the peo
ple." worilM laktll from President Lincoln's
ftiityshut'H spvh on Nov. 19. ImS'L Gover
nor Hastings will rtoud to a toast at
thi same banquet. His subject will b
Alias Elizabeth Kelly, of Madison ave
nue, on Wednesday left for Villa Alarlu
convent. West Chester, Pa., to resume
Iter studies after a. vacation spent at
Charles Bernstein, a well-known young
man for John T. Porter & Co.. left Tues.
day, where he intends to reside perma
nently, haviiig secured a good position
Aliss Annie Parkin, of Brook street, re
turned from Brooklyn, N. Y., the forepart
of the week, where t he spent a month vis
iting her brother. Rev. A. T. Durkin, of
the Passionlst Order.
Miss .Margaret Taggart, of Philadelphia.
Is visiting her mother, on Alulburry street.
Frank Hagen, of the lirm of Berry,
W sner & Lohnmn. spent the past two
days in New York city on business.
Aliss Harriet Albaugh, after a six
months visit with Airs. .Margaret Senker,
of Stone uvenue. left Wednesday mornlnir
for her home in Meudvllle. Pa. She will
visit Buffalo and Kriw on the way.
The many friends of Rev. M. E. Lynott,
pastor of the Jermyn Catholic congrega
tion, will be pleased to learn that his
health Is recovered and that he is back
again attending to his spiritual duties.
John T. Evans, n former Scrantonlan,
but now the general manager of the T. H.
Williams company store, at Heaver
Meadows, is visiting his parents. Air. und
.Mrs. Thomas Evans, of Sumner avenue.
. II. McDowell nnd wife. S. 1 . Pettlt,
W. II. Rockwell. H. O'Brien and wire.
Airs. C. H. Cohh, Airs. H. J. Foster, und
Mrs. G. II. Cobb were registered at the
St. Denis, 111 New York, during the week.
Rev. C. A. AleGce, pastor of the How
ard Place African Methodist Episcopal
church, took part In corner stone-laving
ceremonies nt Binghainton Tuesday after
noon und delivered an addresj In the ev
ening. Superior Court Justice P. P. Smith, of
Scranton, Is a city visitor, lie I the Blu
gle Democratic member of taht court,
und many of his Philadelphia friends
called on him yesterday. Philadelphia
Owen Collins and Aliss Lizzie Rowley
were united In marriage Wednesday
afternoon at St. Aluvy's Rosary church.
North End. bv Rev. J. J. O'Tooie. Miss
Salilnn Ali-Hugh was brldesmnld and Pat
lick Klvnn. groomsman.
John Jovce and Mi-s Bridget Disken, of
Alinnnka. were married at St. Joseph's
church. Alluooka. Thursday morning by
Rev. P. A. .McCarthy. Pol rick Joyce,
brother of the groom, attended him, und
Aliss Ellen Coyne was bridesmaid.
Property Holders Submit F.vidcncr to
Substantiate Their Claims.
Attorney S. W. Edgar, the commis
sioner In the New street grading case,
took testimony yesterday in City So
licitor Torrey's olflce in the municipal
building'. All the evidence for the city
having been given at the previous
hearings, nothing but testimony for
the property holders wns heard. As
sistant City Solicitor D. J. Davles
represented the city and C. B. Gardner,
H. A. Knapp and Roscoe Dale appeared
for the property holders.
Alderman Del.acy testified his belief
that the property holders had been
damaged by the grading to the extent
of the claims allowed by the viewers.
Building Inspector Nelson was called
to testify to the cost of Airs. Catherine
DeLacy's house. Thomas Murray co
incided in Captain DeLacy's views and
ex-Councllman McLaln gave evidence
concerning the legislation under which
the grading was done. Thomas R
Jones, a resident of the street, testified
that It was necessary to raise some of
the houses nnd In that way the owners
were, in his opinion, damaged. An
other hearing will be held next Friday.
"Land of the Midnight Sun" was
produced before a well pleased aud
ience at the Academy of Music lust
night. The drama Is by Edwin Bar
bour and has been seen here before
but never by a better company than
produced It last night. It Is a striking
drama, full of strong, thrilling situa
tions. Another large audience saw Corse
Payton and his company at the Froth
inghnm Inst night when "A Yankee in
Cuba" wns produced with "Lend Me
Five Shillings" as a curtain raiser.
Both gave great satisfaction. This
afternoon "The Pearl of Savoy" will
be given and tonight "The Plunger"
will be the attraction.
Polondcr Was Severely llnraraered and
Cut About the Head.
In a drunken row among a pnrty of
Polunders on Murvine avenue Thurs
duy night, one of the number, Joe Mova
vitch. was seriously cut and hummered
about the head, and lies in a critical
condition at his home In the North
End. Four of the supposed assallunts,
.Michael Cuslck, Joe Kashers. Joe
Dackus and Joe Honekl, wore arrested
nnd locked In the precinct station
Yesterday the prisoners were brought
before Alderman Unbelts, of the Sec
ond ward, nnd held in the sum of $:lu0
bail each for trial before a Jury In the
ulderman's otllce on Feb. 14.
Taken to the Supremo Court. .
After all, Edward J. Burke will not
have the honor of serving on the Olv
phant council. The case has been taken
to the Supreme court and It will not be
decided there until Hie term will have
expired. James J. Flynn will hold the
seat. Judge Archbald last week Is
sued a writ of peremptory mandamus
to the president and members of the
Givphant council directing them to seat
Burke, that the contest Instituted in
the Third ward of that borough had
ended in his favor by two votes. The
writ of mandamus was returnable yes
terdav. and the answer made to the
writ was in the Fhiipe of a certiorari
from the supreme court requiring this
court to ceitify the record to It. linn.
C. P. O'Alalley bunded to court the
writ of certiorari.
Ta Ik of the Town.
Davldow Bros.' groat auction sale.
Goods bought at your own price. i
Look Out lor the Grip!
All the Weather Conditions
favor the Disease.
1 Look out for the Crip. The weather
conditions preceding- tin attack of the
Grip have Invariably been the present
conditions and the thing to do Is to be
on the safe side. He careful and don't
catch cold. If you do catch cold take
care of ICat once.
Sense of Illness, Pain or Soreness In
the Head, Back, Chest. Side or Limbs;
or Cough, Sore Throat, Catarrh, Influ
enza, profuse Mowing from the Nose or
Eyes, Itching, and redness of the Eye
lids, General Prostration and Fever.
Sometimes one and again . another
symptom Is more prominent. The ap
petite Is Impaired and the nervous sys
tem unstrung, depressed and run down.
"77" meets the epidemic condition and
is the cure for al Its manifestations.
Taken early, cuts it short promptly.
"t7 breaks np a Cold that hangs on.
Bmsll bottles of pleasant pallets fit your
vest pocket; sold by druggitti, or sent on re
ceipt of price, BSar or Ova tor Hnm
purer' Medicine Co., Ill '113 William St.,
new xotk.
Chancellor Kay mend Will Speak in
Elm Park Church Tomorrow.
Fonrthef VnnlTeraary of Rescoo Mission
Will lla Celebrated Tuesday-Quarterly
Meeting Hold at Factorjrvllle.
Services in Churches Tomorrow.
Two personages whose fame extends
throughout this country will be heard
tomorrow in Elm Park church. One Is
Chancellor B. P. Itaymond. D. D.. LL.
D.. president of Wesleyan university,
of Mlddletown, who will preach In the
morning: and the other Is Miss Anna
Shaw, who will preach in the evening
on "The Mission of Truth." Dr. Itay
mond H a relative of the families of
C. D. .Tones. J. T. Porter, M. Norton
nnd I. F. Megargel.
He is a frequent visitor In this city
nnd whenever he has been heard has
delighted large audiences. Presbyterians
and Methodists being his most ardent
admirers. Dr. Raymond's repute Is
eouallv great ns writer and scholar.
Miss Shaw will be the guest of Mrs. C.
D. Simpson whi! in the city. She Is
an earnest and eloouent gospel preach
er and lias gained no little national
prominence by her advocacy of female
John HsTmnnd Institute,
Of the work being done by the John
Raymond Institute, Youpmt Men. the
current number of the Young Men's
Christian association's official maga
zine, says: "In an ever increasing de
gree this (a chief -factor in local edu
cation) is becoming true of the Scran
ton association, uupplemcnted as the
work has been during the past year
by the founding of the John Raymond
Institute of Alanual Training, through
the discerning generosltyof Mrs. Hack
ley. The fact that Mrs. Hackley's pur
pose In the founding of this work Is
for the education of young working
women also, gives Increasing scope and
value to the work In this community',
as the coming Institution for the in
tellectual and Industrial training of
many hundreds of Scranton's workers,
both of men and women.
"The various classes have now an
enrollment of at least 300 students.
Out of this number 125 are members of
the manual training classes, an encouraging-
showing for the llrst year's
work In manual training, and an as
surance of future success.
Rescue Mission Birthday.
The fourth annlversarj of the Rescue
Mission occurs on Tuesday next, and
on that night a meeting and exercises
will be held In the mission building on
Franklin avenue beginning at 8
o'clock. A short song service will be
followed by a testimony meeting, after
which there will be remnrks by mem
bers of the committee for the coming
year, city pastors and two former su
perintendents, Messrs. Graff and Bel
dewolf. At the close of the service refresh
ments will be served to the converts
and their families. The occasion will
offer a valuable opportunity for contrib
utors and their friends to observe tho
workings of the mission. The annual
report is in the hands of the printer,
and will soon be ready for distribution
among contributors.
Onnrterly .Mooting St FaetorvTille.
Yesterday the quarterly meeting of
the Keystone league of Christian En
deavor societies was held In the Bap
tist church at Factoryville. The league
Is composed of societies in Factory
ville, Nicholson. Glenburn, Waverly,
Dalton and other towns of that vicin
ity. The meeting consisted of nn after
noon and evening1 session. Charles E.
Daniels nnd J. W.Browning of this city,
were present and delivered addresses.
Sermons on Pilgrim's Progress.
Rev. W. H. Stubbleblne, the pastor
of Calvary Reformed church, has de
parted from the usual method of Im
parting gospel truth, and thereby
struck a popular chord. Last Sabbath
evening he preached a sermon on "The
Principle of Death In the Soul," Illus
trating It by means of chemicals. The
large audience was deeply Interested
and good results followed. Tomorrow
evening he will begin a specially Inter
esting course of sermons on Bunyan's
Pilgrim's Progress.
These sermons will be illustrated by
means of three large oil paintings, and
from past experience in the use of
these pulntlngs thore Is no doubt but
that the seating capacity of the chapel
will be taxed to accommodate the
crowds that will attend to hear and
see these sermons. The paintings are
works of nrt nnd must be seen to be
appreciated. The subject of the llrst
sermon tomorrow evening Is "Leaving
the City of Destruction."
Public .Meeting in Second) Church.
On Tuesday evening a public meet
ing In the interest of the Hampton
Normal and Agricultural Institute, of
Hampton, Va., will be held In the Sec
ond Presbyterian church. The exer
cises will consist of short speeches
from Hampton students representing
the negro and Indiun. and from gradu
ates who will tell of their work since
leaving Hampton.' The quartette will
be present to sing the old plantation
meludlcB. The address by the princi
pal. H. H. Frissell. will be illustrated
with stereopticon views.
These views will show not only
Hampton's buildings, class rooms and
workshops, but also the progress of
the school's work In the South and
West and how the work multiplies and
spreuds, as the Hampton graduate
prepares Ills scholars to be teachers,
who In turn go out and do a similur
work. Pictures of schools taught by
Hampton's children, grandchildren and
gnat grandchildren will be thrown on
the screen. Graduates engaged in this
work and who aie thoroughly acquaint
ed with .the South, will tell of their ef
forts to 'improve the homes and farms
of their people, and will present a pic
ture of the economic, social, religious
and agricultural conditions of the
The Beginning of I cnt
One week from next Wednesday will
mark the beginning of Lent, a season
of prayer, abstinence and devotion in
the Catholic nnd Kpiscopal churches.
The llrst day of Lent Is known ns Ash
Wednesday In the calendar of the
Catholic church, for on that day the
faithful are supposed to be annointed
with ashes and to consecrate them
selves to penance for the succeeding
forty days. In the early days of tin
church the bishops on Ash Wednesday
imposed public pennnce on sinners.
After ashes had boon placed on their
heads, the erring ones were driven out
of the church with the foot of the
cross and remained separated from the
faithful until Holy Thursday, three
davs before the end of Lent.
The season of Lent was orduined for
the purpose of giving mnn-an oppor
tunity to mortify the llesh and to
strengthen his dominion, over the
senses. The last seven days of Lent
are known as holy week, during which
Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy
Saturday are observed. Lent termi
nates with Kaster Sunday, the feast of
the resurrection.
Condition of Jackson Street church.
' Affairs at the Jackson Street Bap
tist church are interesting the local re
ligious world at tho present time.. It
will be remembered that when Dr. D.
C. Hughes left the church pastorate
there was - evident dissatisfaction
among certain of the members. The
doctor resigned and left for New
York. Now, these members who were
opposed to aceptlnsr the doctor's res
ignation are withdrawing from the
church. Several Joined the Scranton
Street Baptist church this week and
others. have anounccd their Intention
of leaving the Jackson street body.
The older members are standing by
their church and are making deter
mined effort to obliterate the church
debt. A movement is on foot to raise by May 1. Nearly oil he amount
has been promised by the "pledge"
system. Among the members who re
fuse to leave the church there Is deep
feeling toward those who have de
serted in the hour of altltctton. The
Jackson street church Is pastorless at
the present time.
Some of the members think that the
church can better attack the debt if
there is no minister's Balary to pay,
but others are inclined to the belief
that without a head the church can
not live. Dr. J. W. Williams, formerly
pastor of the First Welsh Baptist
church, and now of Swansea. Wales,
Is mentioned as a prominent candidate
for the pastorate. When Dr. Williams
left here several years ago he took with
him the best wishes and esteem of
everybody that knew him. He has
also been partial to an English speak
ing congregation and It Is whispered
that he Is not wholly pleased with his
present environments. For these rea
sons it Is thought that Dr. Wiliams
would accept a call from the Jackson
street church. One thing Is certain,
he has the personality, the ability, and
general qualifications for rebuilding the
Hyde Park church, looking at It from
the church membership standpoint.
Rev. H. If. Harris Is also mentioned
as a possible pastor of the church.
About Churches and Church Workers.
"Camber W. Kvans. the young West
Plder. who left the mines with an ambi
tion to enter the ministry, has changed
his intentions and will enter some of
the many professions open to laymen.
The First- Welsh Congregational
church is rapidly becoming known as
a generous body. Nearly every West
Side public meeting of a seml-sacred
character Is held In the church. Sev
eral choral organizations are also
given the free privilege of rehearsing
In the church.
At the annual meeting of St. Mark's
Lutheran church the pastor. Rev. A.
L. Ramer. presided. Treasurer D. W.
Moser made his report. During the
year 1895 there wns collected $1.11G.0i!;
Jfl54 were paid for the current ex
penses and $M0 were discharged off
the church debt, leaving a balance of
$1X1 in the treasury.
The ladles of the congregation of
St. Patrick's church of the West Side
have undertaken the task of raising a
fund to handsomely furnish the new
residence of tho pniitor of the church.
Rev. J. B. Whelan.
A Famous Prencher to .Men.
At a late hour last evening Secretary
Mahy received a telegram from Dr. J.
W. Bagley, of Harrisburg, consenting
to address the association men's meet
Ign. Dr. Bagley is the author of a
wonderful movement among the young
men of Harrisburg, speaking every
Sunday to audiences ranging from 800
to 1,000 men. In the Eden tnusee of that
city. '
A man whose personality has drawn
such large audiences Sunday after Sun
day In the capitol city should certainly
have a large audience at the Young
Men's Christian association on Sunday
afternoon at 3.45. A good musical pro
gramme will be furnished at this ser
vice by Professor Chance, the musical
director of the association.
Dr.tBaglcy at Penn Avenue Church.
Rev. Isaac W. Bagley, of the First
Baptist church of Harrisburg, will oc
cupy the pulpit of the Penn Avenue
Baptist church tomorrow morning and
evening. Dr. Bagley Is one of the most
popular speakers in the capitol city.
In addition to the regular services and
work of his church, he Is carrying on
a great work among young men of that
city. A year and a half ago he estab
lished a series of meetings for men only
on Sunday afternoons at the Eden mu
see auditorium with marked success.
These meetings have continued with
unabated interest, and the auditorium,
which accommodates 1,000 to 1,200 per
sons. Is thronged every Sunday after
noon to hear this eloquent speaker
preach the old, but ever new gospel,
lie will undoubtedly hove large con
gregations at Penn Avenue church to
Rev. W. O. Guest, of Peckvllle will
preach tomorrow in the Jackson Street
Baptist church.
George Graff, of New York city, will
conduct the tonight's and Sunday services
In the Rescue mission.
Rev. J. S. I.ogant of Wllkes-Barre, Pa.,
'led the meeting at William Den
man's. 138 South Hyde Park avenue, lust
Rev. William Gibbons, pastor of the
Maltby Presbyterian church, will occupy
the pulpit of the First Presbyterian church
of Dunmore morning and evenig tomor
row. Rev. E. T. Irwin, pastor of Union Bap
tist church, Wilkes-Uurre, Pa., will preach
in llulbert's hall, on Wyoming avenue,
on Sunday at 2 p. m. All are cordially
"Whither?" will be the subject of Ihe
Gospel meeting to be held at the Young
Women's Christian asaoeiation tomorrow
afternoon at 3.4fi. Mist .Margaret Jamie
sun will lead. All women are melcomc,
"War Cry Aleetlng" In the Salvation
Army Saturday evenig at x o'clock. Ad
mission by War Cry. Sewing and paint
ing classes on Saturday at 3 p. ni.: knee
iliill, Sunday at 7 a. m.; holiness meeting
Sunday at 11 a. m.; Christian's praise ser
vice at 3 p. m.: Salvation rally at II p. in.
One of he common topics of conversation
In religious, circles during the week was
last Sunday's feat of Chaplain AtcCube
in securing from Kim Park church and Its
organizations lliqlarge sum of $2.i0t) for
thu Missionary society of the Alethodist
The regular meeting of Atethodlst minis
ters will be held next Alonday morning at
the usual place of meeting. The Kev.
Charles Prosser, pastor of the Atarkot
Street Primitive Methodist church, will
read a paper on "The Kind of Ministry
Demanded by This Electric Age." All
Alethodlst ministers, either local or trav
eling, cordially Invited to eb present.
Services In memory of the late Bishop A.
W. Way man were held Thursday night
in the Howard Place African Methodist
Episcopal Zion church. Bishop Wayman
was senior bishop of 'the Zion church In
ttio I'nlted States and Canada. The ser
vice consisted of essays, special music
and a. memorial address by Rev. Israel
Derricks, of Alorristown, N. J., and was
conducted by Rev. C. As MuQee, pastor of
the Howard Place church.
The class In higher English recently or
ganized at the Young Women's Christian
association under the leadership of Aliss
Helen Sanderson, spent a very Interest
ing und profitable hour together on Thurs
day evening. The subeet of study was
Irvlns's description of Westminster Ab
bey, illustrated by photographs from Aliss
Sanderson's private collection. This class
Is free to members, and that they appre
ciate the privilege Is shown by the number
of enthusiastic young women who have
enrolled. New members will be welcomed
among this number.
At a meeting of the Scranton Pastors'
union Alonday the following officers were
elected for one year: Chairman. Rev.
W. J. Ford, of the Green Ridge Baptist
church: secretary and treasurer, Kev.
Air. O'.Velll. of Dunmore; theme commit
tee. Revs. A. F. Chaffee. W. G. Watkins
and O. L. Alalce. Kev. Dr. W. H. Pcarce,
tho retiring chairman, hail held that posi
tion for three years and undoubtedly
would have been continued as chairman
but for the fact that In a few months he
will leave the city to assume the pastor
ate or the Franklin Street Alethodist
church, in Wllkes-Barre.
Court Street Methodist Episcopal
Church George T. Prlee, pastor. The
fourth quarterly meeting of this con
ference year will be held tomorrow. Ser
vices as follows: lAuefeasl at 9.3d a. m.;
preaching at K'.SO a. m., subject, "The
prosperity of the Righteous, or the Source
of Christian Experience." The sacrament
of Ihe Lord's supper will be administered
after the morning sermon. At 7.30 p. m
subject, "The Personal Evidence of a True
Christian Experience, or How Alay I
Know That I- Am a Christian." The
quarterly conferenco will be held on Mon
day, Feb. 10, at 7.30 t. m.
First Welsh Baptist Church Preaching
bv the pastor. Rev. W. 8. Jones, at 10
and G o'clock. Sunday school at 2 p. in.
' Simpson Alethodlst Episcopal Church
The pastor, L. C. Floyd, will preach both
morning and evening at 10.30 and T.30.
Simpson Alethodlst Episcopal Church
Preaching morning and eveningby the
pastor. Rev. L. C. Floyd. Seats free.
Strangers welcome.
St. ' David's Episcopal Church Corner
124 and 126 Wyoming fliend?
Our extensive alterations are progressing rapidly and we
are crowded for room and must move our stock, therefore we
quote some of the many specials below: ' ,
Dress Goods.
S pieces of double-fold plaid dress
' Leader's Price, 9jc
25 pieces of double-fold mixed dress
goods in spring effects.
Leader's Price. 9jc
U pieces of aiVwool and silk and wool
dress gooda'worth Lie,
Leader's Price, 35c
35 patterns of fancy silks were $1, J1.2J
and J1.50,
Leader's Price, 79c
15 pieces of fancy" black wool dress
goods worth 75c,
Leader's Price, 37c
50 pieces of ancy mixed and plaid
dress goods worth iloc.
Leader's Price, 16c
50 pieces of fancy mixed and plaid
dresi goods worth tOc.,
Leader's Price, 29c
40 pieces of best prints worth to..
Leader's Price, 4c
30 pieces of light percales worth 10c.,
Leader's Price, 6Jc
25 pieces of oil red cambrlo worth
12!c. ,.
Leader's Price. 8c
50 piece of best apron ginghams worth
Leader's Price, 41c
40 pieces of dress ginghams worth 10c.,
i Leader's Price, 7c
Linens and White Goods.
30 pieces of 4-4 bleached muslin worth
Leader's Price, 8c
25 pieces of towelling worth Sc.,
Leader's Price, 3c
25 pieces of bleached and unbleached
table linen worth Site..
Leader's Price, 2Rc
20 pieces 4-4 bleached sheeting worth
Leader's Price, 1 3c
Mnslin Underwear.
One lot of ladles' corset covers, all
. slses. .
Leader's Price, 7c
One lot of ladles' cambric orset cov
ers high neok, trimmed with em
broidery. Leader's Price, 12c
of Bromley avenue and Jackson street.
Kev. M. H. Mill, rector. Services at 10.30
and 7 o'clock. All are welcome.
Srtlnt Mark's Dunmore. Kev. A. L.
Urban In charge. Holy communion, 8 a.
m.; service and holy communion, 10.30 a.
m.; Sunday school, 3 p. m.; evening prayer
and sermon, 7.3V.
Penn Avenue Paptlst Church Rev.
Isaac W. Uagley, of Harrisburg, Pa., will
preach at 10.30 and 7.30 o'clock. Bible
school at 2 o'clock; Young People's meet
ing at 0.30. . All cordially invited.
Saint Luke's Church Kev. Rogers Is
rael, rector. Sexagcslma Sunday. Holy
communion, 7.30 p. in.; Sunday school,
9.80 a. ni. ; morning prayer and sermon,
10.30; evening prayer and sermon. 7.30.
Second Presbyterian Church Rev.
Charles E. Robinson, L. D., pastor. Ser
vices. 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p .m. The pas
tor will preach In the evening on "The
Beat Bank of l)eposlt." All seats free
at night. All welcome at all services.
Green Ridge Baptist Church Rev. W.
J. Kurd, pastor. Services at 10.30 a. m.
and 7.30 p. in.; subeet in the morulas.
"The man In Danger of Palling;" in the
evenig. "Ambitious te Do Some (Ireat
First Presbyterian Church Rev. James
McLeod, D. !., pastor. Services 10.30 a.
m. sud 7.30 p. m. Dr. Thomas li. Mc
I.eod. D. D., of Brooklyn, the pastor's
brother, will preach both morning and
St. Mark's Lutheran Church Four
tevnth and Washburn streets. Rev. A. J..
Ramer, pastor. Divine worship at lv.30
a. ni. arta 7' PrJl" morning subeet, "The
SuHlclency of Divine Orace;" evening
subject, "God's Address te the Christian
Church of the Good Shepherd Oreen
Ridge street and Mousey avenue. Holy
communion, 8 a. m.: morning prayer, lit
any and sermon, 10.80; Sunday school and
rector's Bible class, 2.30 p. m.; evening
prayer and sermon, 7.30. All seats free.
All welcome.
Grace Lutheran Church Rev. Foster 1.'.
Gift, pastor, smvkes on Sunday at the
Young Men's Christian association at 10.0
a. m. and at 7.30 p. m.; Sunday school at
D.30 a. m. ; Young People's Socletv "f
Christian Endeavor at .30 p. m. Even
ing sermon on "Kutli."
Grace Reformed Episcopal Church Wy
oming avenue, below Mulberry street.
Divine worship, 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.;
preaching by the pastor: Sabbath school,
12 m.: Young People's Society of Chris
tian Endeavor, 6.30 p. m. Bests all free
at all services. Strangers cordially wel
come. Washburn Street Presbyterian Church
Rev. John P. Moffat, pastor. Services
at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.; Sabbath
school at 12 m.; Christian Endeavor at 8.20
p. in. ; subject at morning service, "Deep
Life," and In the evenig, "Life Without
Christ is a Failure.'? .All are cordially
Green Ridge I'nlted Evangelical Church
Sunday school, 9.45 a. m.; K. L. C. E.
praise service, 0.30 p. m.; preaching by the
pastor at 10.45 a. m. and 7.30 p. m.; sub
ject, morning, "Woman's Work In the
Church," a sermon for the benefit of the
Ladles' Aid society. Strangers always
1'lrst Baptist Church-Scranton stree.
Rev. 8. F. Matthews, pastor. Preaching
services morning and evening; morning,
10.30, subject. "Thou God Seest Me; ev
enlg. 7, subject. "The Fellowship of His
Sufferings;" Sabbath schol, 2 p. m.. Dr.
Keddoe, superintendent: Young Peoples
prayer meeting, fi p. m., leader, Harry Da
vis. All cordially Invited.
English Evangelical Lutheran Church
of the Holy Trinity Adams avenue, cor
ner Mulberry street. Kev. Edwin Ltirin
Miller, pastor. Sexagesima Sunday.
Morning service 10.30,: vespers, 7.SU. A se
ries of addresses on "The Parable of the
Sower" will be begun In the evening. No
pews are rented, and all visiting worship
ers will be cordially welcomed.
F.lm Park Methodist Episcopal Church
W. II. Pearce, pastor. Dr. B. P. Ray
mond, chancellor of Wesleyan university.
Middle, own. Conn., will preach in the
morning, and Miss Anna Shaw In the
evening. Her subject will be "The Mis
sion of Truth." Both of these are great
preachers in their special realm. Sunday
sehool at 2 p. m.l Epworth league at 6.30.
The Court Street Epworth league held
Its regular monthly business meeting on
Thursday evenls.After a short business
session, the literary department gave a
"Ijongfellor- entertainment." which was
greatly enjoyed by all present.' The pro
gramme was carried out as follows: .Ad
dress. "Longfellow," Kev. O. F. Price;
recitation, Ethel Clark; solo, "The
Bridge," Miss Brader; recitation. "The
Famine," Miss Sweetser; solo, Miss Stea
One lot of ladies muslin gowns. Mother
Hubbard yoke, trimmed with cam
bric ruffle, ,. -'
Leader's Price, 39a
One lot of ladles fins muslin gowns,
trimmed with embroidery or cambrlo
Leader's Price, 49a
One lot of ladles' muslin drawers.
Leader's Price. 19a
One tot of ladles' muslin skirts with
cambric ruffle,
Leader's Price, 39o
13 dos. ladles' 4-button real kid gloves '
In tans, modes and browns, every '
pair warranted, regular price,, ''
Leader's Price, 69a
12 dos. ladles' J.! H. corsets,' boned '
throughout with whalebone. In
whites and drabs, all sixes, regular
price, t,
Leader's Price, S9a
Ladies' Shirt Waists.
35 dos. ladles' laundrled shirt waists In
new spring patterns, mads in the
latest style, with extra, large sleeves,
and wan-anted, fast colors.
Leader's Price, 49a '
InJ.'an' Obinls '
LttUlOd 0MU3.
One lot of 'ladles' figured brilllintlne
skirts, lined throughout,
Lender's Price, $1.49
Several lots of handhomer goods.
Leader's Prices,
$3.75, $4.98 and upward
Men's Furnishings,
Special lots of men's laundrled negliges ' .
shirts with collars and cuffs attached
and separable collars and cuffs, all
pew goods,
Leader's Prices,
43c. 79c, 98c and $1.25
38 doz. more of choice Me. neckwear
in ties, four-in-hand, club-house and
band bows.
Leader's Price, 25a
20 dos. men's natural wool shirts and
drawers handsomely trimmed, all
sizes, worth 75c.,
Leader's Price, 43a
100 doz. men's mixed seamless half
hose, regular luc. quality.
Leader's Price, 5c a pair
Onting Flannel.
One lot of outing flannel, special.
Leader's Price, 3
ler; recitation. Mrs. Price; roll call, quota
tions. After the programme was rendered
the social department served refresh
ments. Calvary Reformer! Church Corner Mon
roe avenue and Gibson street. Rev. W.
II. Stubbleblne, pastor. Preaching, 10.30
a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Morning subeet,
"Conspiracy Against the Throne;" ev
enig, first Illustrated sermon on Buny
an's Pilgrim's Progress, entitled, "Leav
ing the City of Destruction." Sunday
school at 11.45 a. ni. ; Young People's So
ciety of Chrlstion Endeavor. Strangers
Welcome to all these services.
Will of Arctui II. Wlnton.
The will of tho late Aretus H. WInton
was admitted to probate yesterday by
Register W. S. Hopkins. The docu
ment was drawn up on Nov. 24, 1873.
It devises to Alice M. Wlnton, the
widow, the entire estate real, personal
and mixed. John B. Codings and
Julia U. Butler are the witnesses. Mrs.
Wlnton la named as sole executrix. A
memorandum Is made with a lead pen
cil in the hand of the deceased statins;
that he saw the will for the first time
in twenty -one years on July 13, ISM,
and It suited him and he saw no reason
to change It.
Rogers k Bros'.
Fine silverware, cake baskets, pickle
castors, tea sets, spoons, knives and
forks to the highest bidder. Davldow
Bros.' great auction Hale.
Intellectual and practical training for
teachers. Three courses of study besides
preparatory. Special attention given te
preparation for college. Students ad
mitted to best colleges on certtflcsts.
Thirty graduates pursuing further studies
last year. Oreat advantages for special
BhiillM In net an,l mii.'f. MOSel Sohofil Aff
three hundred pupils. Corps of slxusa
teachers. Beautiful grounds. Magnificent
buildings. Large grounds for athletics.
Elevator and Infirmary with attendant
nurse. Fine gymnasium. Everything
furnished at sn average cost te normal
students of $143 a year. Fall term, Aug.
28. Winter term. Pec. 2. Spring term.
March 16. Students admitted to classes st.
any time. For catalogue, containing fs
uugrnwiiu'if apply m
S. II. ALBRO, Principal. '
Mansfield, P
&f)M S01D'