THE SCRANTON TKlHUNB-SATiriniAY MORNINO; FEBRUARY ' 8, 189G. 4 f&cxantott CrtBune DaUjaad Weakly. Wo Sunday WlUott. Fubllaket M Senttaa. I . b TIM TrlbuM Fab- llaalnc Uonipanjr. Kaw Trk Mcc TriiHJiw Hulldlax, Fnuk m. Ury, Maufar. P. KINOSSUHV. , Oaa'l ta. C. M. RIPPLE, ! T. LIVTS. RICHARD, Kama. W. W. DAVIS. BuaiaiM Mtuata. W. W. YOUNGS, Aav. Mn'h. TSBM AT TBI rOSTOTWS AT CRACTOK. f A. AS KOHD-CLAU HAIL UATTIR. FrlDtaia' Hkj" ta feonltc Journal fe Ir Uatf. nIM T cMTea TaiBimiiuUMhMt Mvtrtltlr.f nMllura In KorlbaMtaru numylv- faa Wukiy TuBirit k, lmod Evarr Saturday. Contain. Tn.lva Handsome Vitvt, wlili an Almii Caac of Nm, rieiloa. and Well-Butted Jllwet lany. For Tune Who Cumiot Take Thk Kaii.y Tatar-, Ine Weekly In Itacorainended e the Bmi Wert" Uolof. Only tl a Year, iu Advance, ITaian la for Sal rally at Uu D., L. and V Station at Iiobokan, 8CRANT0N, PEBHUARY 8, 18M. " REPUBLICAN CITY TICKET. l or Meyor-. U. HIPPI-E. ForTruror-HANir.l. WII.I.IAM for ControlUr-F. J. W IKMAYKR. I or AaaeMOra-CIIAKI.r: FOWI.I-H. riiKisr i ii:kI s, WII 1.1AM DAWSON. Flection Pay, Feb. 18. It la worth noticing by self-respectlnc: Democrats that the Democratic cam paign manuiteis have takon the ex Ropubllcan Benedict ArnolUM to their bosoms, ami now upeak of them an part of their party. There isn't much doubt that there are many Democrats who will not care to assoc iate with or be un der obligations to traitors. Hla Own Master. To defend a man of Kzra 11. Ripple character and standing from the charge, repeatedly madu against him by opponents In the mayoralty fight, that when elected he would In some manner be "controlled," 'that In other words he would not be free to act in all emergencies as his ripe Judgment ami Bound conscience would prompt, woulil be to offer insult both to him and to his friends. We prefer to think that the people of Bcranton, through their many years of active and Intimate associa tion with Colonel Ripple, have come to know him too well to give attention to these artful political poisons In stilled into the canvass by grudge bearers and envenomed enemies. We prefer to think that in the manly char acter which he has built up in this community. In the reputation which he has made for unostentatious generos ity, energetic liberality and Indomitable public enterprise, there Is something firmly proof ngalnst the busy tonguea of slander and the malicious breaths of misrepresentation which r.ow try to asaall him for belnsr loyal to his life long friend and business assoclute, William Connell. It bespeaks the utter cowardice of these attacks that they do not meet their object manfully in the open, but instead skulk behind the thing of straw which factional malevolence has set up for the deceiving of voters and labeled "Connellism." Contrust this treacherous bushwhacking, this foot-pad-ln-the-nlght method of attempted vicarious assassination .with the hon orable tactics invariably pursued by Colonel Ripple in meeting his adver saries face to face, and you have a first-class example of the difference between sneaks and men. ' This may be plain speaking; but it is precisely In accord with the character of the Re publican candidate for mayor of this city, who would prefer defeat a thou sand times over rather than to seem In an attitude of wishing to go back on a friend. There is, however, no possible danger that defeat will be his portion because of his cordial and iiimate relationship with one of the makers of the city of Scranton. The futility of the hue and cry against "Connellism" among thinking voters has been established upon occasions which lacked some of the elements that give strength to the present Republican campaign; and it will be again demonstrated, one week from Tuesday, in a. manner likely to prove Instructive to those who make personal vilification their sole stock in trade. One of the Interesting developments Of the present campaign is the activity of the Democratic papers, especially the West Side editorial writer for the Times, In trying to tell Republicans how to vote at the approaching elec tion. We fear that if Republicans made a practice of going to the enemy for advice, they would be constantly astray. Pensions for Teachers. One of the subjects which may at any time be expected to arise for legis lative attention In this state ia that of providing state pensions for faithful school teachers incapacitated in the Una of long service. The subject has already come before many bodies of teachers, and the sentiment In favor of pensions Is clearly growing with much rapidity. In Philadelphia It may be said to have reached the dignity of an active propaganda; and when we re member that It has been seriously pro posed in this state to pension common pleas Judges, each of whom receives from $4,000 to J7.000 a year salary, the right of the Ill-paid Instructor in our public schools, whose work In at the - base of all true progress, to Btrlve for at least equal recognition will be diffi cult to question. In this collection some Inte'restlng figures have recently been presented by A. Tolman Smith, of the United States bureau of education. From an article by him It appears that by a law passed seventeen years before the es tablishment of ths present republic the French civil pension list was extended to Include teachers. The pension is available) for teachers 60 years of age. who have given thirty years' service. Under some circumstances It is avail able at 65 years of age, after twenty Ave years of service. Special provi sions are made for those incapacitated J from si nice by accident, severe Ill ness ami similar ruuneH. The slate re- : UIi:h live per cent, of the suiury eat h j month, and nlxo one-twelfth of the first year's salary, and of endi sulme fl tic nt augmentation toward the pen sion fund. The amount of the pension Is calculated at one-sixtieth of the mean salary of the last six years for each year of service, a rating which gives as n maximum annual pension one-half of the mean annual saluiy. The ircncral regulations In Prussia re specting pensions for teachers are summed up by Mr. Smith as follows: Twenty-five per cent, of salary after 20 years' service; 60 per cent, after 30 years; "5 per cent, after 40 years, and the full salary after 50 years. The state requires all teachers to pay an annual premium Into the pension fund, rated at 1 per cent, of a salary of $400, at IVi per cent, of salaries from $400 to $1,000, and 2 per cent, of all higher salaries. It frequently happens that the city or commune pays the premium for the teachers, and also adds to the amount of tho legal pension. In both France and Germany the lis II " ?JBj jo uoisujcI w.Joqooii least, may be continued after his death to his widow and minor children. In the other German states, und ulso In Holland, Uelgium, Denmark, Austria and Russia, where the pension usually ranges between $200 and $100, the pen sion is a feature of the educational system. Turning to the Scandinavian peninsula, Mr. Smith finds the office of teacher held in htsh esteem. Tlie average Hilary of adult workmen Is placed ut crowiiM a week, which would give an atmuul waste tor steady work at J73.W. Against this we tllitl liui lowest animal sulury for regular teacu era to Ije $lii.ViU, benlde holme. Hie, Har den and feed for u cow. After live year lhl sularv must be raised to liSH.OU. lit late town annual xulariea ratine trout fZH to $.'.1! for men. ami from fcsio for wo men rlHlng l:i Stockholm us Mail as $i.o0 for men and for women. The state eo-ojierutes with the coniniui.i. ties to maintain u pension fund which re cures to retired leuchers utter thirty veurs of service ail annual income of about three-fourths of the mean salary. In Japan the directors und regular teach ers In normal, public secondary schools and the teachers who have been In of fice more than tlfleen years receive ll!i pensions when they have been ordered to retire after having attained til) years, or have retired owing to physical disability or because of the closing or reornanlzin of schools. It Is proposed by the teachers of Phil adelphia to establish a pension fund Independent of state legislation, by taking a Hmall percentage from the salary of each annually and placing It In a fund under the control of a board of trustees composed, say, of a repre sentation from the board of education, from councils and from the teachers themselves. The fact is cited that in Detroit such a system is already In successful opeiAtlon. By a law of the state of Michigan, a deduction from the annual salary equivalent to one per cent, may be made from the teachers' sularles, and to this may be added the sums deducted from the teachers' sala ries because of absence from any cause. The teachers, after twenty-five years of service, may be retired on a pension, which is not to exceed $100. While this sum Is not a bonanza, and Is almost ridiculously small as compared with the state pension proposed for Judges, It Is an agreeable lift toward pecuniary independence after the limit of wage earning capacity shall have been passed. It is noteworthy that most of the politicians who have been tor are yet "on tile inside" in state politics, scout the idea that Senator Cameron is permanently out of the senatorial race, It strikes us that this is significant. An Iridescent Dream. A number of Chicago gentlemen, eminent In public affairs and actuated by the purest motives, have joined In an uppeal to the public asking it to Improve the occasion of Washington's birthday on the 22d Inst, by holding meetings In all parts of the land and passing resolutions urging that here after all differences among the Knglish speaklng races be settled, not by war, but by arbitration.. It Is their wish that resolutions embodying the desire of the American people for peace and Christianized methods of adjudication may be forwarded to President Cleve land and Queen Victoria. The address which these gentlemen have Issued In explanation of their purpose ia beauti ful and eloquent. It says: The suddenness with which the possibil ity of hostilities broke upon the whole people of the United St.ites and Great Uritalti, wholly unexpected, profoundly disturbing, fraught with peril tij th en lightened character of both nations, to civilization, prosperity, property and hu man life. Is sufficient reason why the peo ple of both countries should employ their strength, not In preparations to destroy each other, but In assuring peace between the two nations upon eternal and Immova ble foundation. On the 22d of February the people of the I'nitecl t talcs will eele. brute the birth of George Washinpton. Let the people make that clay even more arlorious by lnauc;urattnK a movement for rrementing all the Knglixh-speaklng people of the world in peace und fraternal unity. With the purpose of this movement every intelligent man must be In hearty sympathy. Its aim Is in the highest degree philanthropic and un selfish. At the same time, It is the simple truth to say that an era of war less arbitration is only an Iridescent dream, the rapt contemplation of which may give both pleasure and profit, but the realization of which will never be seen this side of the millenlum. The spread of education and religion may In the long run tend to reduce the number of wars, by discountenancing those which have their origin In sheer bravado or territorial greed. This at least Is open to hope, if not as yet to presumptive proof. But mote than this Is quite out of the question. War is a necessary evil; with certain ciualllicationn. It Is even a desirable wll. It cleanses the body politic, tones up the political system, casts out Impurities which propogate in peace and is, upon occasions, a mighty whole some thing. At the same time, it should be the last resort. 1 There Is a good deal of the Spanish Idea of war news In the local Demo cratic press these days. Railroads vs. Canals. Senator Quay's resolution authoriz ing the appointment of a commission to determine the cost of procuring for the federal government control by purchase of certain interior water ways, notably those between New York harbor and the Delaware river, be tween the Delaware river and Chesa peake bay, and between the Chesa peake and Albemarle sou rid, is under stood to be the first step in a general programme of .roMi.--d Internal l:n- j ptovcineiits. f')r which the senator wants cuncfrcss t'i appropriate a cer tain sum of money yearly for a period of years. To this end he has linollielal- ly suggested the levying of a duty on i sugar sutllcient to provide special reve nue amounting to not less than $1- 000.000 a year. Should these canals be bought by tho government. Senator Quay's plan con templates their deepening and widen ing so as to accommodate our vessels of war, thus enabling their transfer without venturing upon the open sea. Apart from that, the advantages of the plan to general commerce are self- evident. With the great lukes con nected by canals with the Mississippi river, and this in turn connected by waterway with the Atlantic seaboard, there would, it Is believed, be such a quickening of Internal commerce and such a growth of hitherto undeveloped sections as would soon more than re- pay every cent of the first cost. The productiveness of what was once known as the "great American desert" has become such as to overtax In ordin ary times the best facilities of the com mon carriers by rail. The rates, too. of long haulage by rail act as a Bcrious Impediment to that free and unreittrlct ed Internal commerce which la neces sary to the fullest welfare of our peo ple. Many persons believe that the so lution of these and kindred problems of Increasing gravity Is ultimately to be found In recourse to the canal sys tem of haulage which was unwisely obscured a generation or so a3 by tho tinli of speculative capital into trans continental railways. i While we might have known better than to expect otherwise In a cam paign In which Its whole stock of argu ment Is abuse? nnd misrepresentation, we have nevertheless been surprised at the Scranton Times' gratuitoilV re flections on Senator Vaughan. Kven If the Times has no scruples about tra ducing an opponent, we should think It would have political Judgment enough to cause it to refrain from issuing a wholesale! challenge to his many Dem ocratic friends to show their confidence In his Integrity by repudiating at the polls the Democratic campaign organ's unwarranted slanders upon him. The decision of Judge Mayham de clining trf grant "Uat" Shea, the slayer of Robert Ross, a new trial, on-account of McGough's fake confession, la a notification to Senators Murphy and Hill that with respect to the independ ence of the Empire state judiciary from political pressure or control, "things are different now." The surprise of London bankers at the success of our popular loan will probably be followed In due season by other surprises of similar import. The United States has played second fiddle to the bankers of Europe long enough to know better. The decision of the Democrats In the house to vote against censuring Bay ard Is a sorry Illustration of the follies of blind partisanship. Bayard's speech was a national insult, damaging to Democrats no less than to Republicans. Ex-Collector Cooper nominates Sena tor Quay for the presidency. The sen ator will probably prefer to remain quietly In the senate and keep on good terms with the next president. i " An apology from Dunravsn Is neces sary only on his own account. THE NEW SHADOW PHOTOGRAPH. W. I-cC. Stevens, In Troy Times. Several weeks have now elapsed since tlit. announcement of Professor Roent gen's discovery at Wnrtzbiug that un der appropriate conditions a photograph may he taken by utilizing rays that pass through media which to tho eye arc per fectly opuqitB. While It cannot yet lie said that the explanation is posesd even by Roentgen himself, it is possible now to give an account that is less mysterious than what was first afforded In the col umns of the daily press. A familiar lecture room experiment is that of sending an Intermittent electric current through a nearly vacuous tube, Into the ends of which metallic elec trndes have been sealed. Prom one of these conductors, called the kathode, col ored rays pais In straight hues to tho other electrode and to the glass of tha tube. Thefce kathode rays ore readily vis. Ible. and are easily deflected from their original course by a inuunet. I'p to u short time ago It was not known that any of the energy from these rays Is fcc tually transmitted through, tne ula?a otherwise than as light of short wave length, affecting the eye or tho photo araphlc plate like any other light requlr Ing a transparent meditm for trans, mission. There are certain solids and liquids, such as canary t;hiss, quinine so lution and kerosene oil, which ore caused by this llirht to shine with beautiful col ors. Such bodies are said to ha fluores cent. The well-known Oelssier- vacuum tubes are often made to include various fluorencent substances, which afford ut. tractive spectacular rtfecis when lllu. mlnnted bv electric illsebnrges from an Induction coll. These have iec-n lanilllar phenomena during the last thirty or forty year, rne luminous kuiii-i Mjn iimjr be reflected from a mirror or conveyed by a lens or stopped by un opaque body or rcRlsitred on the photographer's sensitized plate. A short lime !tgo, while producing kath ode ruys in u highly vacuous tube which was covered during the dls'-hnrrf. Pro fessor Roentgen noticed that an effect was produced upon a phato,tr:tphi-- plate that happened to be near. Tills caused him to tesi the efficacy of a variety of pro tecting screws, and to establish the fact that a peculiar and hitherto unknown spe cies of energy came through the vacuum tube and the protecting screen that was perfectly ffllclcnt In cutting off llitht. Borne years hko llerz. the brilliant youtia; physicist, whose luvcstiK.ilions In rela tion to electric waves made him Worid famous, discovered that kathode rays could be transmitted through cpn'iue metal films, and subsequently ills nsit ant. Irftiarci. has published many experi ments on this subject. Roentgen's discov ery, therefor, while entirely orlKinai, cannot be called wholly new. Ho has at tained success far greater, however, than any of his predecessors. His results have been already confirmed by several physi cists In Austria. Germany and hn.tnd, and he has received a decoration from ths Ucrmun emperor. All students of algebra are In the hiblt of using X as the symbol for an unknown quantity. Professor HoentfC'ii calls these newly discovered rays X-rays. They huve some properties In marked contrast with common ruys of light an I even with the typical kathode rsy from wMWi they are derived. I.Ike the blue, violet and ultra violet wave of common lixhl, lie y affect the photographic film and excitu fluorescence. A card covered with fluor escent material was found by l' Konntgen to shine in a room otherwise dark when brought near the opaque csrd broad tube that encased" his excited vacu um tube, and this even when withdrawn to a dis!ance of Fix or seven feet, l.'nllke true kathode rays, the X-ravs are not deflected by a magnet, l'nllke kathode rays and common rays, they are not re flected from a mirror refracted through a lens. They arc transmitted to some extent through nearly all opaque bodies, If these ba in moderately thin masses, such ns sheets of ebonite, carbon, copper, aluminum and iron. Hut transmission Is always accompanied with absorption, even In the case of common llaht. The X-rays pass easily through paper, exciting fluor escence through n bound volume of a thousand printed pases. The? are but lit tle stopped by slab of wood, or of hard rubber, an inch thick. Metals exert more absorption than wood or other organic bodies. A idktc of t.lumlmim must be mora than bail' an Inch ml' k to stop th X-rays, while a plate" of plminum only one-hundredtho? an Inch thick li effective. Hone is far !es ;iervioiia to ttienl lha.i Is lle.-.i un.l blood. Tl", shadow of the ep-n hand Is therefore u dark shadow of the bones and a faint" shadow nf tne tissues. To ubtaln a good shadow of th entire hu man skeleton would not be ho easy, be cause I he very ronilderahlc thickness of the tissues would csuse Indistinctness. In nil cases tho sharpness of the ahado.v depends upon the thickness of the rtlffev ent parts of lh object producing it. That of n round M(ck is darker at the middle than at the nlses: that of n metal ube Is lUhter at the middle than nt the eilaes. It makes no difference whether tho sur face is roue it or smooth. Vnder such", condition It i obviously useless to expect elesr'y denned photo graphic pictures bv use of X-rays. At best the picture con be only a sdlhouotte Quite possibly fractures a fid dlseasM of the bones may be studied by means -.f these rays, or the position of a buile.i bullet may bo found. Hut it is too early at present to mnxe onv confident predic tions recnrfllng indust-tnl or surtrleal ap plications of the new discovery. Theoret ically this Is of the hlithest Importance, practically there may be "no money in It." - If so, we mcy expect our Oerma.i friends to continue the invesUxatlon with enthusiasm, while the majority of Anwr icans will regard it with Indifference. REASONS mil THE VI.WH'CT. Editor of The Trlbure. Sir: Please permit me a small space In your valuable paper to express my . views on t!ie coming viaduct. Briefly stated, there are many reasons which I consider Important that voters of this progressive city should generally, Irre spective of their choice of party anl can dldates. vote for the viaduct. Any one of ordinary Intelligence, who has had Of casion to travel to anj from fhe West Side. will, without ht-sltatli'i. decide mat It is indispensable to the safety of lives;, as well as a necessity to have an unim peded roadway, so that the now often times long delays at the railroad crossing will be disposed of. Further, the viaduct Is needed In order to sustain the true established reputation abroad, that this city Is one of ths most progressive towns within the fulled States. The rapid growth that lias taken place here tlie last fifteen years is mar velous and Instead of having :i city or "villages," as Mr. Dickson recently re marked, let us all In the city. Irrespective of locality and partytsm, vote for the vinduct, and make It a compact city worthy of its name. There Is no doubt In my mind that the 3tontphlng advancement of our city Is largely clue to the members of the board of trade, which Is composed of some of our best citizens, who are always on the ulert to advance the city's Interest, and hence It iu Incumbent upon the voters gen erally, now that the opportunity Is at hand, to prove that we appreciate their good work by doing our duty and voting as they recommend, for the viaduct, there by making this one solid, compact city, Instead of a sectional city, as It now it. D. M. Owent. Hyde Park, Feb. 7. HILL & CONNELL, 151 AND 133 H. WASHINGTON AVE. Builders AND Makers OF AND OFFICE SUPPLIES 131 AND 33 N. WASHINGTON AVE. Lyon's Patent Quickest, Best AND Most Durable. Price 25 Cents. "Will licat I to is r.Rg9 Perfectly and produce wore Frosting. It vill do ihorevorkond do it IrUcr than ccny o0 etnt or f I JlcoUr iHot'c. CHINA, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, THE CI LACKAWANNA V1UI ULSTERS AND OVERCOATS ALSO MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS AT Greatly Reduced Prices. 111 LACKAWANNA . AVENUE Csrscr Fraaklia Avcnss. in SISIFFSffl OFsbeMw GOLDSMITH'S S A Kid Qlove Offer in THAT IS WORTH WHILE KNOWING ABOUT. One hundred dozen Ladies' 5-Button Scalloped Top Austrian Gloves, with tbres rows of heavy black and self colored embroidery, iu all colors, such as white, pear!,1 lemon, butter, tan and ox blood, ' ' . . AT. 49 .CENT In order to prevent dealers from buying them up we must limit each customer to 3 pairs. Have jou seen it? It works ttX Twelve Hundred will be placed on special sale Saturday, February 15. paper for further particulars. ;: BANISTER'S GREAT SHOE SALE The second week of our Shoe Sale is now on. We were surprised at the result of our first week's sales, far ahead of expectations. It only proves the public appreciates a good thing and is anxious to take advantage of it. Every pair of shoes in this immense, fine stock will be sold for less thaii cost. We have a line of Gents' Fine Shoes, hand welt, kangaroo uppers, straight $5 shoes; they are now marked $2.98. Every $4 Shoe in the house is' now $2.48. Children's Shoes 68c and 88c that were i and 11.25. Don't miss this opportunity to buy shoes for less than BANISTER'S, Corner Lackawanna and OVERWORK la sometimes due to dcfectlre materials or tools. Many a man spends un necessary time lo office work when he might save care and doctors' bills If be got proper office necessaries. For these "proper necessaries" we are right up to date. If you cannot call on its, we shall be pleased to call on yon. We do , II REYNOLDS BROS, 317 LACUWaNIIA 1VE. After February 15 will remove to Hotel Jermyn, Wyoming Avenue. OYSTERS W r Hm1 quarter for Orator and rahandlliif th Celebrated Duck Rivers, Lynn Havens, Key ports. Mill Ponds; abw Shrew, bury. Hockaways, Maurice River Coves, Western Snores and Blue Point. WWi make Kpcaialtr ( cJ.llTtrinj Bin Point en half hU ia carrier) PIERCE'S MARKET, PEN N AYE THAT WONDERFUL w: GUERNSEY EROTKEfiS, Wye. Ave, Oal m4 ha nM 4 mm taw VhM Plaawava fcaw tak " to WITGHKLOTH wonders in cleaning silver, gold, Besides, it is so cheap and so hand3 Pieces of Ladies' and Children's Muslin. Underwear One of the features of the bicycle show held at Madison Square Garden wa the seven pound bieyle manufactured by and exhibited by A. O. Spalding & Bros, at their booth. Now we all know that a wheel of seven pound will not carry anyone; but they alio build a twenty-two pound wheel that runs easier and wilt outcoaat any ' other wheel ever built and will carry three hundred pound with perfect safety. Can now be seen at C. M, FLOREY'S Wyoming Arsnaas. CONRAD Is Showing Them TODAY. 305 LACKAWANNA AVE. 326 Washing!, Af 3., SCRANTON, PA. TELEPHONE 551 HDIA IB B.L mmm. CENTS copper or -any other metal. Keep your eye' on this than cost of makiug them. Wyoming Avonuos W2RDS M1 jUNDER. ' A Chao lock ma rive a little tj rot op tion from the curious, but nothine eh. The extra ooMt of a Kood on Is nly a trifle compared with the aecurity and sat. lafactlon they afford. We have them foi every place and purpono. FOOTE SHEAR GO. 119 WASHINGTON AVENUE. Do Yoii See fls Well flsYoii Would Lik?? IF NOT Consult our. Optician, Mr. 0. P. Adams, who vill Gt your eyes perfectly by scientific methods charging nothing for fitting, fur nishing Spectacles and Eyeglasses in modern styles and best quali ties at low price si 307 LACKAWANNA AVE. After April 1 at No. 132 Wyoming Avenue, Coal Exchange. ON THE LINE OF THE CANADIAN PACIFIC R'Y are located the smut hin tad hantin (ronadsin the world, beeeriptir books of eppMcatioa. Ticket to all point la Maine Canada aad Marltim ProTtae, Uinneapoll B. Faat. CaaadUa and United Stat) Nert treat. Vancouver. Beattl Taceaw. Portia, Or, Sn Pranclaoo. First-Class Sleeping and Dining Cars - - - -W avathw1 tt .11 ... t retinal Taalt f latt mI1 hA 1U Wlli A eLisai aaamaft alsk un MtBt w uvwii 1 um ' 1 ii - - w -m lalif adapted ta want of faatiliM may aa wita wceod-olaa ticket lutt altrayelat than Tta otaer Han, rot fail talari tiae tabiw, ate., an application to K. V. SKIAI MaCr. o. IS! IMADWAT, HEW YOU, 11 ttvi jfeert! MS mm i 1 DEREi a COIitiELl