THE SCTM V 'v TRIHUK K jVTU It D A Y" MOUNINtt. FEBRTTAUY 8, 189fi. 3 VALENTINES. New and Elegant Styles. Large Variety of Novelties, Wholesale and Retail. New Society Stationery, New Colors and New Shapes, ., in large variety of styles. Orders for Engraving. Embossing r Frioting Visiting Cards, Wedding or Social Invitations promptly executed at low rates. See our specimens and prices. NORTON'S, V2'2 Luckawannu Ave. A Foe to Dyspepsia QOOD BREAD USETHK ... FLOUR And Always Have Good Bread. MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALl TO THE TRADE BY. Tho Weston Mill Go. WOULD LIVE ON LOVK. Alderman Didn't Consider That Good Fodder and Kefuseil to Act. A man or about 28 years, with the slxtanee of a woman who has lomt ifire ceased eivtnir birthday purlieu, slBPKcreil Into Alderman MIIlar'H oftk-e yesterday afternoon and producing a inarriaire 1 renne laid it on tne aesK, flanked down thirty cents on top of It and yanking the woman up to his vide asked the alderman If he would da tin- 1nb. "Is that all the money you have?" Imiuircil the uiilerman. " 's all. y'r'oner." "Oat ucy pay comtnff to you 7" ".Vary a nay. ihlci." "Have either of you any means of aultslstence? "Wha'9 that?" "How do you Intend to get along; If I do marry you: "Ast Jennie, he'a the boss." "I don't think that makes no differ r-nre to you how we're goine; to do," interposed Jennie, Very Indifmantly. "If you don't want to marry us we'll H somewhere Pise. "Well, 1 guess you had better start Sorry to lose your patronage, but I have enough to answer for without be lug responsible for starting you two on me matrimonial sea. Gathering up their marriage license End the three dimes the pair left the onice. FATAL MINeInJURY. Polish Laborer's Back Broken in the Oreenwnod Mine Yesterday. By a fall of roof In No. 12 drift of the Greenwood Coal company. John Kan llnskey, a Polish laborer 33 years old. was fatally injured and his condition at a late hour last night was verv low He was brought In the mine ambulance to the Lackawanna hospital, and the Doctors tnere think he may linger a ihort while, but his recovery -Is not looked for. His spinal column is broken ml he is bruised internally. The accident happened soon after the man started to work. A blast had been fired and he went to the face of the rhamber within a few minutes, as is the usual custom with miners. A large neap or rocg ten on mm ana burled him beneath It. Owing to his weakened rendition there could not be much done except to make him as comfortable as possible. He was unmarried and re- idea in greenwood. New Vie for Grape. It has been discovered that grapes used with Eelecampane Root and the Herb Horehound In proper proportion made into a cordial la performing won lerful cures in stubborn cases of colds. lore throat and hoarseness. . Public speakers claim it far superior tor the throat to any confection. It Is . :oming in general use among Dhvsl Mans. Ask for Aunt Rachael's Hore- lound Cordial. For sale by druggists, Everybody Attending Davidow Bros,' great auction sale. Pillsbury's Flour mills have a capac ity oi n.uvu oarreis a aay. Buy the Weber mnA a thtt beat. At fliwrnu Ttrna DON'T BE LED AWAY Bv so-called "Reduc tion" . sales of "shop- a i tf 4. . worn" goods, "jod lots" 4 if. A - ana "lett overs." WE QIVE YOU FOR il t Ladies' hand made 2K Jf dean, stylish shoe Yw worth $4.00. WE GIVE YOU ; FOR QI1 Ladies' fine Don : J goia outton and . V lace up-to-date shoe - worth $3.00. . But we cannot give you a 16.00 shoe lor 93.00, nor can any. other correct dealing merchant. umiK 1 Snoraie KQEIILER : 410 Sprues Sttet SENTENCE WAS SUSPENDED Judge Gunster- Declines to Send Stackel and Yobs to Jail. ' HAVE ACKBED TO.I'AY COSTS Voting Men Charged with Barglarizlng the Rendham M. E. tarsonago on Trial-John and Mary lukan Guilty of keeping a Tippling House. Judge - Gunster changed his mind about the legal guilt of Fred Stackel and August Yobs, the two members of the Arbiter Vereln, which organisation rents Worklngnien's hail on Prospect avenue and Alder street. South Pide. They wene tried this week for selling liiiuor without a license, selling on Sun day ami selling to minors. They were found guilty of the first two charges. The Arbeiter Vereln is a clun and it was offered as a defense that these men as agents of the club had the privilege of furnishing beer to the guests of the club.' The prosecution was on the ground that the guests had to buy a ticket for admission to the hull and that this was virtually receiv ing pay for the liquor furnished. At torney John F. SiTagff asked the court to give binding Instructions for a ver dict of not guilty; this Judge Ounster refused to do, but on the contrary he directed the Jury to convict the de fendants. The defense did not ueny that thev furnished the liuiior. but by their attorney held ..they .:had the risrnt 10 no u. ... The Jury returned a verdict of guilty. Vetuorilnv Judee Ounster decided to suspend sentence U!on payment of th costs. Air. cragg intemieu to appeal the case if the court had not made this concession. The burglary case against W, J.. Van Dyke, Ellas Thomis and John' -M (trail was on all dav before JudR mnater. They were charged, with breaking Into the Methodist KJUHcepai pnHtiip;.-, .' Kendham oil thf irVbrnlhg of .Aug. 21 last, shortly after midnight, and with perpetrating the ontrageons 'critnv ui tlelng up R v. Mr. Cochrane. 4he preacher, and his wife, both elderly persons, with a rope, anil putting gags In their moutns to nmo-r .'" rnaklnu any outcry. . Tneavisi was made for the purtsise of ransacking the parsonuge. This was none unu they got awuy with some Jewelry, Burglars Wore nok. The burglars wore masks but the Coi-hranes were sure that they recog- hlze.l the voung men. Vt hen tne de fense opened Moran s siue or me ik was an alibi. His father and two -sisters swore he was home on the night of the burglary. Thomas ald he was in Kingston when the affair happened. that he went down there to look for work. His sister swore that she was the first one to tell him about the case. VnnDvke said that on the night In question ho was at the bedside of his sister, who was suffering from an ab scess on the neck. He was with her from early in the evening all through the night and until the next morning, not having left tho house but twice, once at 8.80 or thereabouts when he went to a neighboring saloon for some liquor, and the second time he went to the well for two palls of water. He was corroborated by another sister. who was present the same evening, The arguments of Attorneys Burns and Chnse for the defendants were made and it was then time for adjournment Attorney M. J. Tionahoe was also asso ciated for the defense. Assistant Dis trict Attorney John M. Harris will make the closlngargument for the com monwealth this morning after which Judge Ounster will charge the Jury. John and Mary I.ukan were found guilty of selling liquor without a li cense and the husband was forthwith sentenced to pay a fine of $300 and spend six months in the county Jnll, lie is un there now since the last term of court, when ho was convicted of assault and battery and sentenced to six months. Mrs. Lukan will not be sentenced until some provision Is made ror taking care of their children. Thomas Council round Gnlltr. Thomas Connell, the Duryea livery man, was found guilty of slmnle assault and battery upon Newton Williams, of aioobic. a none. pros, was entered In the case of John Raymond, charged with cruelty to animals. Clem Marsh, Jr., was called for trial on the charge of felonious wounding. The prosecutor was a young man named Richard Morgan. John P. Kol ley defended Marsh and Mr. Jones rep resented the commonwealth. At a pigeon shooting match last summer Alarsn was one or the contestants and a bird that he fired at fell within the so-yard boundary, but was not dead. Young Morgan ran and got the bin! nnl Marsh followed him. After several re peated shouts to drop It and Morgan still-running away. Marsh fired in the air and the prosecutor alleges that part of the shot struck him In the back ami some of It went through one of his nanus. Marsh said he fired in the air and the shot could not possibly have bit Morgan at all. The court took the felonious wounding part of the charge away irom tne jury and sent them out to consider whether he was or was not guilty of assault and battery. They brought In a verdict of not guilty. M. W. Ounster and John R. Thomas were called for trial on the charge of larceny by bailee. James Farrell u-na the prosecutor. Mr. Guernsey's name was smcKen ore tne indictment at the request or the district attorney and Thomas alone was tried. Hun Jniiti P. Kelley appeared for the defendant and Attorney W. R. Lewis for the commonwealth. The charge was t. 'at of taking a piano back to the stor which was to be moved to another house. The defense was that there wan a contract in which the purchasers were to pay so much a month and that they fell away behind In their pay ments, for that reason the il taken away rightfully. A verdict of not gumy was rendered by the Jury. Edward l.vnn on Trial. Edward Lynn, the man whose uttia daughter was burned up. In the fire in tneir nome in tne latter part of De cember, was convicted of assault anl oa tier y upon nis wire. He was de fended by Attorney M. A. McOinley. but there was a clear case against htm and he was promptly convicted. The assault and battery was on the morn ing of the fire. John Wargo and his young son, An drew, were tried for assault and lot tery upon Kdward Rrown, The ver dict of the Jury will be heard today. James Oolden was tried for assault and battery upon Kdward E. Jones. Attorneys Joseph O'Urien and M. J. Walsh represented the defendant and Mr. Jones the commonwealth. Last November the prosecutor was papering the saloon of Michael Oiilcsple on Brick avenue and he heard Gillespie say that Oolden, who lived upstairs, was good for nothing more than sit ting around the stove reading the newspaper. Jones was kind enough to go and tell Oolden's wife what was said, and when she told her husband he went to see Jones to find out if it were Just what Gillespie said. Jones denied what Mrs. Golden said he told her and he also told her husband that she was a liar. This was too much for Oolden and he struck him a blow in the face. The Jury waa out at ad journment. Michael Kurltskl was tried for strik ing Samuel Miller In the face with his fist. Attorney John T. Martin repre sented the commonwealth and Attor ney H. O, Reynolds the defendant. The parties live on Scranton street and got into a dispute over one being a Jew and the other an Italian. Young Miller was In his father's store and when Kurltskl came In the argument started. The charge was that the de fendant reached In over the counter and struck the defendant in the face. The Jury went out ' Adjournment a loss 10 i hi; .mission. Resolutions AJotUJ 'h h.eih of : -4 Mr. . ' ."in X ton. "Tlv iron !- is' of the Florence Mis sion have prepaid the rollowmg reso- lutions on me ueain ui -Sax ton: nnr HmimiIv Father In His infinite wisdom has taken from us our btflove-1 sister and co-laborer, .Mrs. A. 12. bus,- m. In the death of this dear servant of (lod not only has one of the noblest Institu tions or our city lost Its ablest and most consecrated worku-r, but the entire com munity, recoxmzing her worth, and in grateful rememberance of her lubor of love, as deeplv mourn the loss of this thor oughly unselfish and Uoilly woman. Her heart went out In love and sym pathy to all who were in any trouble or amiction. but especially to her wayward sisters. Previous) to her assuming the ar duous and re'iionsible position of matron of the Florence mission all of her spare time was spent in earnest personal en deavor to lead forsaken ones bu.-k to nuths of virtue and to ttlin who alone is able to keep us from fulling. We rejol-e that (loil permuted ner lo see many a pruyer answered before He called hr to her heavenly rewuru. Kesolvecl. Thut to all sorrowing ones we extend our sympathy and pray that her Messed example may inspire others to fol low In her footsteps that together with her we muv hear the Muster s "Wel done and receive the never-failing crown of glory. . Unsolved, That tne foregoing Drier tes timony of our love and esteem be spwu'l upon the minutes and published In the dally :aiers of our city. .vrs. tt. u. urooKs, .Mrs. W. T. Hackett. Mrs. O. K. Dean, Committee of Resolutions. THK NEW 8ANJTABT CODE. Board jDf Health la Preparing to Make Its Provisions Operative In This City. Plumbers, Naree and Mid wives Must Register. In consequence of the new sanitary code adopted by the last legislature tho board of health was called upon ut ita regular meeting yesterday to adopt measures to take advantage of the new powers Invested In It and to begin the carrying, out of the new duties thereby imposed. The registration of plumbers and the framing of a set of rules, regulating house draining and sewering was given the most serious consideration by the board. Secretary Brlggs was directed to attend to all the necessary details for the registration and granting of certificates and Dr. Allen was entrust ed with the work of getting up the rules being empowered to invite the building Inspector an architect and a master plumber to act in conjunction with him. It was announced that the plumbers' association has alrendy drafted a set of ules and in view or this fact the board suggested to Dr. Allen that he allow the association to select Mio muster plum bers who will sit on the committee so that they may have the benefit of the rules in question. , The new law alHo dlrec'.s that mid wives and professional nurses shall register with the hoard and shall be subject to the health officers directions in certain instances, which are enumer ated and which must tie reported. A book Is to be provided for those who are to register and a printed copy of the law bearing on their case will be given to each. imtv of tiic Jicho tl HosrJ As to the quarantine of school chil dren the board decided that the board of control Is permanently responsible fur the carrying out of this law and directed the secretary to transmit a copy of the act to the superintendent of schools. Thi feuture of the act provides that every school pupil must be vaccinated and a register kept of the time of the vaccination ami the like. Also a pupil must be excluded from the schools If he or she Is a member of a household In which there is a case of contagious or infectious disease and must not be allowed to return to school until thirty days after the disinfection of the house which of course occurs after' the patient hus been removed, has died or recovered. With the co-operation of the school board, the board of health intends to rigidly enforce this rule. Dr. Paine. Health Officer Allen and President M. J. Kelly made Informal reports of the Ilnrrisburg convention of the state r.-iard of health, which was held during the last week of Janu ary. Kach held that there was no board represented there that, judging from their reports, could teach the Scranton board in practical matters and none of them cave evidence of hav ing acromnlisbed as much as our local board, during the past five years. Annual Iton rl Prepare f. Secretary Brigrs announced that he hud the annual statistical report pre pared. He was directed to have it printed. The report for January showed 131 deaths, 1U3 births .'4 males and 51 fe males, 52 marriages and SI cases of contagious diseases. Food Inspector Thomas stated that the condition of the markets was very satisfactory Indeed. Crematory Kupr-Intendt-nt Loftus reported having de stroyed 1 :)'. barrela of garbage with the use of 2s tona of coal. DEATH OF SAML'KL KLACK. Ho Was a Brother of K. T. Block of ' Thi rit. Word was received hpre yesterday of the death In Springfield, .. of Samuel Black, a brother of R. T. Blac k, of this city. A letter received from hiin a week ago did not indicate that he was in anything but the best of health, and detuiiH or nis death are not known here yet. William, his brother, died about three months ago. Samuel Bluck wax In the mercantile business in Springfield. He was known In Scranton only among a limited num ber of friends. He Is survived by one child, wife of a lr. Hull, and they are now wintering In f.rorgla. Mr. Black was the eighth child in the family and was 62 years of age. CONSCIENCE TKOl'BLKD II IM Experience of o Man W ho stole n Kldeon the lii'luwnre nn I Un ison Mnilrrnd. C. H. Manvllle, of the Delaware and Hudson Canal companv, recently re ceived an unsigned letter, dated Dun more, Pa., to the effect that the writer, more than a yenr ago, rode a short distance nn the Canal company s rail road without payintr fare. The knowledge that he had defraud ed the company had so preyed upon his mind that he had been constrained to make the amount good, and he therefore enclosed 1. cents, which has been duly forwarded to the treasurer of the company. SPECIAL INVITATION. Orcnt Saving in Holler. The public is most cordially Invited to a specinl sale of fine Muslin I'nder- wear. beginning Monday, retiruary HI, 1896. and continuing ten days. We take this means to Introduce the most per fect I'nderwear made In this country, and will offer clorant goods at special prices for this sale. Tnderwear made at the House of Good Shepherd, at ex actly cost prices. Favor us with a vis it, asking your friends along. Very respectfully. Franc-la Fitzgibbon, "Burr Building." 132 North Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. ' The c Tomorrow will contain the best local of any Sunday newsiiaiwr together with an article written by Halsey Lathroiie In reply to the article written last Hun day by Hen Dllly In regard to the Rebel Wins and Andersonville prison. The best sfiecial and miscellaneous articles Re sure and get It from your newsboy. The latest political news will also be tersely told. Tho Rich anJ the Poor Are attending the great auction sale At Davidow Bros.' PRAISE FOR DIRECTORS Auditors uf the Poor District Say They Are faithful Servants. MK. .TUCK'S RESOLUTION It Called Forth a Moat Vigorous Protest from Mr. Gibbons bat Neverthe less It Passed by a lour to Three Vote. The- directors of the poor and the of ficials and employes of the district have just cause for pride In the commenda tion given their work by the auditors In the report submitted to tne poor board yesterday. Thev .-ommendea tne- very Business like method in which the affairs of the district have been conducted and as sured the taxpayers that they are re ceiving careful, conscientious work from both the directors ana oniciais. The amount of the Item for outdoor relief the auditors thought might seem large, but. to use the words ot tne report, "we believe it ruiiy jusunea and that It was expended In cases where the relief was absolutely needed. Considering the sufferings of the poor and the growth of the district during; the past two years, we do not see how outdoor relief could be more Judiciously given." Further on in tne report me auditors say: n- nnni.l Mimmini that the following portion of the act of May 13. 187S. be adopt ed by the board: "Any overseer or poor director of any poor district who Is or shull be appointed uy ine conn ui m"-- er sessions, may at ni uim-reuuii without order or certificate rrom a jusucb of the peace or alderman.- enter upon the poor-book, arant relief to. or admit to the . . i. i . . . . . . 1 . , 1 1 , a ,i v. poor nouae oi m """""'..r, poor or Indigent porson or persons, entitled bv the law of this commonwealth to such aid or relief, and In no case shall such order be required or fees allowed to any justice or ustlees or alderman or alder men therefor." We recommend this. If It cun be legally ajvocateu, as we ueneve the directors are tne iwsi juuge or tne of the aDulk-ant and thut obtulnlng an order from two magistrates Is u mere form and a useless waste or money. Paid a Visit to the I'arin Thev visited the farm, they state. and found everything In first class or der and their Investigations there led them to express their opinion that no institution In the state is more care fully managed and at no other Institu tion do the inmutes receive better treat ment. The report was signed by W. J. Costello, C. H. van Stort-h and Frank T. Okell. auditors. The following resolution Introduced by Mr. Fuller brought forth warm dis sension and a roll call vote: itesolved. That In order that the routine work and inanRKetnent at the home and on the farm may not be Interfered with dur ing the secular days of the week, here after all reltuious services shall be held and conducted on Sunday, in the follow ing manner: Commencing Feb. 10 by the Catholic denomination; next following Humbiy by the Methodists; next follow ing Sunday by the Catholics; next follow ing Sunday by the Presbyt-rlans, and so on In the same alternate oruer of suc cession. Mr. Olbbons strenuously objected to the measure on the grounds that It would greatly Inconvenience the Catholic clergymen, who had charge of the station; possibly it might be so inconvenient that he could not attend to It and consequently the Inmates would be deprived of the great boon which they have enjoyed for the last ten yeara. He explained that the priest who visits the farm has comparatively large congregations which demand his attention on Sundays and tnat unless he could be allowed to conduct services m some week day he might not be able to visit the pluce at all. Then Mr. Gibbons coinbatted the statement of Mr. Fuller that the work at the home would be materially Interfered with by an occasional week day service. In answer to Mr. Glbbon'n question. Su perintendent Beemer stated that Mr. fuller's contention was quite true. Whenever mass Is celebrated at the home on a Week day, the routine of the place Is disarranged for half a day. ItcAuiiitino Wi-s AdopioJ. Nevertheless Mr. Gibbons insisted on consulting the convenience of the clergy If It does cost the district, a few pennies. "They ought to have a little time for prayer," said Mr. Gibbons, re ferring to the Inmates. "There's none of us who have too much, time for prayer." Mr. Gibbons moved to lay the matter over till the next meeting and promised to see Bishop O'Hara in the meantime to ascertain If a priest could be sent from Scranton on Sun days. Mr. Murphy seconded the mo tion and urged the board not to deal with the matter hastily, but the mo tion was lost and resolution passed by a vote of 4 to 3: Ayes, Fuller. Shotten, Swan, Iangstaff; nays, Williams, Mur phy, Gibbons. "The solid four," re marked Mr, Gibbons, when the vote was announced. Secretary Lynott announced the re ceipt from the state department of a warrant for $5,"-'1.09, which Is the stale's contribution to the care In digent Insane in this district for six months. This is the beneficent result of the law passed by the last legisla ture through the Instrumentality of the Scranton board and its aggressive sec retary, K. J. bynett. Superintendent Beemer reported 166 persons in the almshouse. During the month of January sixteen were admit ted, nine were discharged and four died. Dr. I.?en F. Evuns the resident physician, reported having treated 90 sane and 47 insane patients during the month. During January fluht patients were admitted, and on eb. 1 there were remaining in the asylum 160 pa tient!!. An Increase of Sa'arv. Mr. Shotten, adlng for the finance committee, recommended that the sal uty of Uookk keeper John K. Williams be Increased from J 50 to $75 a month, but the mutter was laid over owing to objections on the part of Mr. Gibbons and Mrs. Swan, who considered $75 a month and board as pretty high wuges for a bookkeeper. The fact that Mr. Olbbons and Mrs. Swan had tlnul ly found a question on which they could agree, no doubt Influenced the board in its action. Mrs. Swan will suggest at tho next meeting that the salary be Increased $15 a month. W A K CKYUKK7! 1 ML Tonight In the salvation Army Barracks on IMco Street. Preparations have been completed for a novel and attractive Salvation Army meeting tonight In the Imrr.icks on Price street. It will be u "War Cry" meeting. . . . The service will be preceded by a "War Cry" march. During the meet ing the roadliiRS by the soldiers will be interspersed with addresses by the memlsris. I or liyspcpsla le llomfnrd'e Acid I'liovnhnte. Dr. J. Cluy M-Candless. Pittsburgh, Pa., says: "I have .used It in various forms of dyspepsia, with gratifying re sults." 51 S for Or $.1 for St by buying unredeemed pledges at Davidow Bros. great auc tion sale. ' Halsey Lathrope's reply to Ben Bil ly's eulogy of the Rebel Wirs. Grand Army men should read this In the News tomorrow, Smokers, beware of Imitation of the Pocono cigar. Carney. Brown & Co. r.lgin. Wellborn. Springfield Watches at prices so low that the poor est can well afford to buy one at Davi dow Bros.' trreat auction stale. Everyone should get the News to morrow and read Halsey Tathrope's reply to lien Dilly's eulogy of the Rebel Wire Don't mist it tllVEN TO T HE HOSPITAL. Janaary Contributions lo That Worthy Institution Acknott ledeed. The following contributions the su perintendent of the Iackawanna hos pital announces having received dur ing January: Mrs. C. S. Woolworth, box candy and books; Mr. Zoidler, twenty-nine loaves of bread; A Friend, fifteen tons of coal; Mrs. Gardner, two men's shirts; Mr. Hess. $25; A Friend, one child's coat and two pairs of slippers; Scranton Wood Working company, one load of wood; Mrs. Martin, books; Guild of St. Hilda, papers and books; Foote & Shear, six siioons, strainer, ice cream freescr; F. P. Price, sausage and liver several times; one scrap book from Miss K. Wlnton: Mattie Coursen, Henry Williams. Wilbur I'oole, Frank Mc Gowan, Fred Gould: King's Daugh ters of Klin Park church, one buby crib and mattress, two rugs, one bu reau, sash curtains and three pictures; Miss I,, l'raft. pupers and magazines; Miss Dlmmlck. three outing gowns; W. T. Smith, live cribs with mattresses and pillows, eighteen sheets, eighteen pillow cases, three pair of blankets; Miss C. S. Weston, papers: Miss Dick inson, books anil p'tiicrs; Miss Sancton, three outing wrappers, one coffee cup; Mr. Scranton, flowers; Simpson & Wiit kins, magazines and papers; Young Men's Christian association, papers; Mission band of Second Presbyterian church, papers and books; Miss Drink er, one overcoat. President Xehndcr'a Successor. The resignation of Charles H. Kehndcr as the president of the Jackson and Woodln Manufacturing company, at Her. wluk, has been accepted, and Frederick H. Katon. vice-president of the company, has been promoted to the position of president. Mr. Zehnder resigned the of fice of president of the Berwick company to become president of the Dickson Manu facturing company of this city. Topics of tho Day. The great bargains dally offered at Davidow Bros.' great auction sale. SIEBECKER WATKIX8 At their store, 406 Lackawanna avenue, you will be able to purchase Carpets, Draperies and Shades at lowest possible prices. AVOID PNEUMO.nTa, diphtheria and typhoid fever, by keeping the blood pure, the appetite good and the bodily health vigorous by the use of Hood's Bursa- parilla. HOOD'S PIT.L8 have won high praise for their prompt and efficient yet easy ac tion. COME TODAY And look at things in the China Store. Can't talk about many of the bar- . gains in this small space, but name three: AFTER DINNER Coffee Cups, pretty pat terns, that were 25c, 10c. DRESDEN And a hundred other beautiful patterns that were 35c and 500 25c. TEA Cutest little Teapot, Sugar and cream, three pieces, sold for One-tweuty-five 50c, REXFORD'S 113 LtCKIWMtM AVE. CARPETS New Spring Patterns of Axminster, Brussels and CHOICE DESIGNS AND NEW COLORINGS Oriental Rugs, Axminster Whole Carpets. Something New and There Are Some Things .That are everywhere recognized as the very best ot their kind. They arc the standards. Others may be good, but the genuine el vays commands respect and evokes admiration. . You have heard of Haviland & CVs French China, Maddock & Ca's Royal Vitreous, Koxer Laughlin's White Granite. These are a few of the many makes we carry in open stock, of which you can select such pieces as you wish. Toilet Sets, Lamps, etc Wedding Presents. China Hall WEICHEL & MILLAR, ' 134 WYOHINfi IVE1UE. ' Walk in and look around. . . IN 18 AND Dili:; WE THINK that we have the cholcett, new est, cleanest, best selection you can find any where. IN QUALITY we partirulary .Tc'el. aud our PRICES, marked In plain figures, are legiti mate and, you will find by comparison, a little Inner than snything competition oCers. Just look them over and te. P. M'GREA & GO, Coal Exchange. 128 Wyoming Ave. TAKE CARE an J vr nr will take care of you. If OF YOUR EYES kRrsssr Bt'KG'S and hart your ey examiurd fr-". v uav reduced prie aa 1 rti th l wo; la tue ritT. Mcll pjct.l'.' froul SI to i, lti from U to N. 305 Spruca Street. Scranton, Pa. Beautiful at Moderate Price. The Latest Style Spring Hats For 1896 EAR 205 Wyoming Ave. lie in the prices of Suits AND s Don't buy until you see our prices. Clothiers, IMersi&fumWiem STEINWAV SON'S . . Acknowledged the Leading PIANOS Of the WerltV DECKER UROS., KRANICHE UACHE and other. ORGANS Musical Instruments, riusical Merchandise, Sheet Music and Music Books. Purchaser will alway find a complete lock anil at price as low a the qual ity of the tntrument will permit at it I n nusic STORE, 117 Wyoming Ave. - Scranton We Have On Hand THE BEST STOCK IN THE CITY . . Also the Newest. Also the Cheapest. Also the Largest. WSiyilNOHMES Porc:laln, Onyx, El: Silver Novelties in Infinite Variety. Lsteat Importations. Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds. fl. E. ROGERS, Jeweler and Watchmaker, 215 Lackawanna A?. Winter Will Soon B? fl?r? And to ba prepared to meet the eo'A weather you want a aua!le (nit or an Overooat or both AND THE BEST PLACE TO VISIT FOR SOJUETHIil GD3D IN MERCHANT Uim.'n IS n 406 Lackawanna kn THERE YOU WILL fIND The largest atou't to select from, Tr!i mii'i. Always of the Beat, Latest Htylea In lotting-, and made up on the preasises) by Expert Workmaa. aVNothing allowed to leave the estab lishment unlaas satisfactory to the eae temar. and the lowest prices consistent with Good Merchant Tailoriiuf. AYLESWORTH'S MEAT MARKET The Finest in tbeCttr. The latest Improved tflrakaV MgB and apparatus far it, batter and effa. 223 Wyoming TAR GUM Cures Cold. Lay Out LaGripp Cures Incipient Consumption. Manufactured by O. ELMEJf. DOKF, Elmira, N. Y.. and tor aaus) bjr tho trade generally. MEQARQEL & CONNELL, IkolesaJe Hints, Sciutei, Fx Overcoat 1 ffl