TtTE FCRANTON ' TH1BT7KE SATtJRDAT MOKNUTd. FEBRUABT - H. 1896. SF.IOTHERinG SEflSATIOIIS IT IIIGHT; PALPI IIIIOII Oil SLIGHT EXERTION. Doctors Named it Variously as Asthma,. Goitre, Nervous Prostration and Heart Trouble. The Patient Describes the Case. For Anyone who has had the Symptoms the Account will be Interesting. From the UeporUr, Vuyahoga FMl, Ohio. On of tbl mint beautiful of nature' lovely spots 1 the varied township of Tall niadge iu tSiiniiuit County, Ohio. Here are rolling, undulating hills uuil beautiful forest scenery ; hill, wood and meadow spread their charming pauoruuia before the eyea of tlie truveier anil an he look, he thinks, here is Arcadia, where one may live after nature's tuotlol iu beautiful simplicity und revel iu health and happiness. Yet, even hero iu thin r.Uco, where fruit and flowers and patoriil scenes wean the heart from the elly und its turmoil, insidious disease steps in und destroys a I'uruilise. it vu thus in a beautiful billiide home; sur rotltidrd by an orchard, with flower beds sur rounding it, the oozy white bouse look like the abode of comfort. It is tic home of K. J. Vance, who cultivates aurnll fruit in tiiniuier und in winter plit. the trade of broom maker. Blest with a lovely wife, darling child and u pretty farm, tin otitiider might look iu vuin for the thorn hidden among the roses. Htit a few years ago this life became wretched when tlie father and husband was afflicted with what appeared to he an incurable malady. During the Mill, mall hours of uilit when sleep and rest, twin blevinir, hover ovir mankind, ter rible nnttcrim would seize iiimui him ; gradually the disease wore upon him, wreck lug his nervous system and clutchim with cold lingers at heart und brain. This went on for u longtime and fricads saw mi relief before hi in hut the last sleep ofdeutli. Hut It is now ull changed : freed from this over tanging bentu of illness, K. J. Vance is once more' able to enjoy lite, the comforts of home and tlie joys nt family love. How it happened is recorded in the following inter view ; " 1 had treated with so many physicians," aid Mr. Vance, speaking of his recovery from his long time' illness, "that I began t believe nothing could lie done for me. I tried two doctors at the Fulls and then spent a lot of money on specialists who made great twits iu Akron, but I grew no better. "What did they iy ailed your" "My heart was affected. I suffered so severely with heart trouble flrot I wonder I lived to ti'll the tale. My life was a torture. 1 ex pected every time 1 had u bad spell, and that was nearly every night, that I should die. 1 grew so nervous 1 waa well nigh insane." ' How then do you acconnt for your pres ent healthy condition? You certainly look Tery well now." "When I was nearly distracted with the nia of my (linear and niy inability to get lelp, a boy came along und threw 'into my carriage n little pampUet, advertising the merits of Dr. Williams' i'ink Pills for Pale l'eople. I thought I would try them but hesitated because I believed it could do no good ; but that night 1 had a worse attack than usual, and as soon ris I was able to get out I drove over to Cuvalmga Kails and bought the Pink Pills for 'Pule People at the irtig store of F. Hchnee & Co." " And the result 1" " I have never had (mother attack of the lompliiiut." "What was the not lire of your disease ?" " Doctors named it variously, as usthuui, mitre, uerrous pristratiou and heart trouble. " What did they call the disease ?" "Most of them said, it whs heart disease: two told me I had t'e worst form of heart disease, valvular disease of the h-art. and assured me eotiid never be any belter." " How did it affect, you ? " I used to awake from sleep with the sra ration of smothering and had to get into tha open air quickly ; my arms would often ha numb to the shoulders and my lets would feel dead. My throat felt as if an iron band was fastened around it and iny brain felt lieavv and cou fused. Hut it is so loug sine 1 had an attack that 1 don't believe i re wemlter how bad oil 1 waa." 'How long ia it since you hod one of these attacks!"' " Not since I took the tirst die of the Pink I'ilU; that was about the tirst of Feb ruary. " " How loug did you continue to take tha medicine." " i took it regularly until July lust ; and I keep it on hand tor fear of a return." " ilow did the medicine afl'ect you ? " "Apparently like so much water; but tho strange thing ia that ull the stud I took that waa prescribed lor me never had the slight est ellect. 1 laid the spells right along ; but 1 never had oue ttfler taking the tirst dose of J'ink PiUs." "That is very wonderful. lid you change your mode of life at that time ?" "Not at all." "Tn what do you attribute the cure then ? " "To the Pink Pills for Pule People and their aetioti on the circulation. 1 believe, though, thcnicdiciiiedues not always net the same. My wife was not very well und I in dticed her to try thetn. At tirst they iiinda her sick, but she soon found herself able to tuke them and tliey have built her up ion." " Are you w illing 1 should publish what you have told ine? " "Yes, 1 think if my words can save any one from sunVriug as this medicine lias saved nie, I ought to he glad to have others know wiiat 1 gained by taking Pink Pill lor rnte renpie- STATU OF OHIO, ) St'MMIT I'OC.NTY, K. J. Vance, who being first dulv sworn. says the matters mid fiicts set forth herein are true as he verily believes. F.. J.Vanck. Sworn to anil subscribed iu niy presence this i!tilh duv of August, IS'.'."). skalI. ('. X. IM'nski.I.. Xotary Pullie. Mr. Vance's postoflire address is Cuyahoga Falls, O. The foregoing ia but one of many wonderful cures that have beeu credited to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for I'ale People. Diseases which heretofore have been supposed lobe incurable, such as locomotor ataxia and paralysis succumb to this wonderful medicine as readily as the most trilling ailments. In niuny cares the re ported cures have been investigated by the leading newspapers and verified in every pos sible manner, and in no ease has the leant semblance of fhtml been discovered. Their fame has spread to the far ends of civilization and there is hardly a drug store in this country or ubrnad where they cannot be found'. Dr. William!' Pink Pills coutuin, in a roc deused form, all the elements necessary to give new life und richness to the blood una restore shuttered nerves. They are nu unfailing specific tor such diseases as locomotor Mtuxia, partial paralysis, Mi, Vitus' dunce, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous hraducbe, the after effect of lit grippe, palpitation of the heart, pale and aalmw complexions, all forms of weakness either in mule or female. Pink Pills ure sold by ull dealers, or will be sent post paid on receipt of price, flu cents n box, or six boxes for fti.50, by addressing Dr. Wil liiuus' Medicine Couipau'y, fjchencctjdv X- Y companies ..nerving nau late tnvUruf .Tobacco from 7!V td 7t?!J and this along the'-lihe. The pro THE WORLD OF BUSINESS Wall street Review. iW York, Fb. 7. Lower entiles front London led to sellers of stocks in the local market during the early tnnliiiy; ami a general though moilerute deolllie Jn irb'PB followed. There was no special jire.-istiro to aell, nnd realizations easily account for the alight shading In prices. As the day advunced, however, the murket broadened und In the afternoon trailing there waa an approuch to The Improvement In the market war the re sult of Increased buying by commission houses, a belief that the Morgan syndicate will tie awarded a large proiiortlon of the new bonds which the street Interprets as meanlg a comparatively easy workitr,' uf the money market, nt enat until fjie svt tlementa for the new loan Is completed. The rise In call loans to 7 per cent, today bad no significance and was due to bid ding by belated 'borrowers. The gwatent activity was In the Industrials, Sugar having risen nearly 8 per cent, to 113'i on buying by brokers said to be identi fied with the rennlng interests, leather, preferred. Jumped nearly 2 per osnt. to fusion stories that the dividend will be de- larely shortly. Distilling and 'at tie Feeding moved up to ls'i on an Increased business. Chicago Gas was quiet at C4's,a Mi. the opinion of Attorney General Mo loney adverse to the consolidation of the companies .rurvlng had no effect. In the co suddenly dropped i this tarted selling all prominent Issues re- reded Vl to 1 per cent. In eymnathy. In the final trading the market was teadier In tone. Net changes show gains of K4n- per cent., except for Jllssottri Pacific Manhattan and Tobacco, which lost to S per cent. Total sales were 316.500 shares. Furnished by WILLIAM LINN, ALI.KN CO., Correspondents for A. r. CAMP BELL, stock broker. 412 Hnruce street. Op'n- High- Low- Clos ing, est. est. ine. Am. Tobaco Co 7'i 79' i 7'1s 7tei Am. Cotton Oil....;. lfP !" 1S-, Is"; Am. Sugar Ite'g C0..IIO1, 11;t 110'a 11-' Atch.. To. S. Ke... hi', 16', Ji4 lii'', Canada Homharn.... M i iVo, Ches. St Ohio 17'i 17W, 17's 17'4 Chicago Gos 4'4 64'4 B Chic. A N. V 1ir3 lttt", lir", pat J Chic, IJ. & Q 78"4 sn'i 7S:'-4 ) C. C. C. & St. L 37'4 Smft 37'4 rSH, Chic, Mil. & St. P.. "tr, 7.-.", 71 75. Chic. K. I. & Puc... T2t 7?A4 7:"i 72 Del. & Hud 121 129'i VX'n li'si D. . L. V. V... 11; K- 1til-i4 1J Dlst. l F P4 18'n la4 11'., Gen. Klectrlc 2 31)1, s11- 2y'4 Ike Shore 47Tg 4'M 477 4K Ixiuls. A Nash 477 44 47". M. K. & Texas 13 IS 13 13 Manhattan Kle lui'i 107 HP4 lOiU Mo. Pac: 23 n'i Nat. Cordage Psj 5'4 5, N. J. Central lOKVi li,4 107 107 N. Y. Central W Wl'i !f7i t7H N. Y., I K. & W.... 10, lir4 1ff4 16i N. Y C. ft W., Pr... SOT SO', 3tr SO', Ner. Pc. Pr 4'j 4' 4'. Ont. tc West lf,4 YJ-:t i:,i I.V4 muha rju, 4MI Xa 't Pao. Mall S St 29 2'i Phil, ft head 144 13-, 13', Southern K. ft 10, In", lua, pij Houthern R. R., Pr.. 31, 32 3- E"i Tenn. C. ft Iron 32'i 33 32' 33'4 lexas i-acinc. ...., , , nsy. Tnlon Pacific lit) Wabash T14 ' 7i U.'k.aul. T 401 , I act . .. . MRU.-II,. II JOJ IS'., I1 Western Vion KG' 85'k JS-4 W U........ ll-S KT4, li-H r. 8. Leather 10"4 lit, 1o4 11'4 T. 8. Leather, Pr.... SUV, V. 8. Rubber 2tP, 27 2t14 27U CHICAQO BOARD OF TRADE PRICES. On'n Hls-fi. Lnar- f lo. WHSATi May July OATS. May luly COKJJ. May luly Ina;. est. est. Ine-. 67 Ri 8K4 tt, mi trrc. eos cth as 21 21 li 21 21 214 21 Jo4 yi 3fH ' 31'., 31. ,11 31 LARD. .May 0.W CM 3.75 C.75 PORK. May 107 .10.37 10.37 S ; ran ton Hoar J uf Trade Exchange , notations-All tjuotutions Duscd on Pur of 1 00. Nama. Bid. Asked. Dime Dep. ft His. Hank 135 ... Soranton Laco Curtain Co 60 National Boring A Drilling Co. ... 80 First National Bank 050 Hcianton Jar & Stopper Co 2.7 Scran 0:1 Oluas Co , bu bprif.g lirook Water Co 103 Klmhiirft Uoulevard Co luo Scrantoil Axle Works , so Traders' National Hunk 313 tkraniou Savin Hank '00 McVaiHon Tractlo. Co 15 Honta Plate lllass Co 10 Ssrariton Car Itoplncer Co Joo Traders' National Dank t5 Sctanton Packing Co 85 BONDS. gcranton Glass Co 300 Scratiton Pass. Railway, first mortgage due 1918 110 . ... Scranton Traction Co 93 people's Street Railway, first mortgage due 1'Jls 110 Seranton A Pitteton Trac. Co 90 People's Street Railway, Sec ond mortgage due 1!C0 110 Lacka. Valley Trac Co., first mortgage due 1S2S PO Dickson Manufacturing Co.... ... 1oo Lacka. Township School B 102 City of Hcranton Street Imp t ... l"i Seranton Axl" Works 100 Borough of Wlnton 3 100 Rush brook Coal Co 100 New York Prodnco Market. New York, Feb. 7. Flour Firm, duil, unchunged. Southern flour Dull, un changed. Rye flour Quirt, firm. Buck wheat flour 1. 35. liuckwheat l'n ehanged. Corn meal Steady, unchanged. Wheat Spot market more active, firmer; No. 2 red store and elevator, K2aS2?4i?.; afloat, 83'taS3:ie. ; f. o. b., 83aS34o.; un grailed red, 7oa8.r.c; No. 1 northern, 77'4a 77'c.; options active, firm ut ?aiiVaC ad vance on locul coverings, higher west and cold wave weal; May and July most ac tive; No. 2 retl February, 75V.; Marc;!i, 7HV.: -May, 74'ic; June ami July, Tii' Corn Spots dull, firmer; No. 2, 3ti(sc; ele vator; arlout; options were dull ami firm at ',c. advance with the west; May and July most active; February, 37'sc; May. 3fi'c; July, 38c; September, 3ic Oats Spots dull, flint: No. 2, 254a25,,i:c; No. 2 w hite. 2bllSac; No. 2 Chicago, 2ti'ac; No. S, 21!)!ai4'!i-. ; No. S white, 25',4c; mixed western, S&'juiii'.jc.t white do., lt;!c.; white stale. 2ti1,u2Sc; options dull; firmer; February, -i'jc. ; .fa4cl1, 25--4o.; May, ?ic. Heef Quiet, xle-ady, unchanged. Beef hams Dull; $15.50. Tlerced Reef Quiet, city India mesa, Il.'ald. Cut meats Slow, easy; pickled bellies, twelve pounds, ttSic bid; do. shoulders, 4a5c; do. hams, 8'a 8-4C l.ard tjiilet. easier; western steam, 15.86; city, $5.3u; May, ij.u0; refined, qut.-t; continent,; South America, Iti.R'i; compound, 4-ia5o. Pork Quiet, weak; mess, l0.75all. Uutter Fancy firm, fair ilemand, unchanged. Cheese Fairly uc llve, firm, unchanged. Kggs Steudy, fair demand, unchanged. Buffalo Live Stock. RutTalo, N. Y., Feb. 7. Cattle 87 ears throur.h. 3 on stale: market steady; light butchers' steers, $3.65a3.75; fair to good cows, S2.25a3; veals, good to choice, S7.25a 8; llwht to gooU, 84.75a7. Hogs 11 cars through; 45 on sale; market active and higher: Yorkers. f4.57ia4.v; pigs, $4.55a 4.00; mixed packers udn mediums, $4..ioa 4.55; heavy grades, S4.0ua4.55; roughs, K.'on 4.60; stags, 13.50s 4 Sheep and lambs Two cars through; 42 on sale; market active and a shade hi go. for good grades; choice to extra lambs, tM.90ao.Hi; fair to good, $3.85; culls and common, Ka4; mixed sheep t3.2fiaS.85; common to fair, 2.50a3; culls, $2a2.25; export ewes, $303.25; mixed, 83.25a $.50. Philadelphia Tallow Market. Philadelphia. Feb. 7. Tallow Is quiet and ' unchanged. We quote: City, prime, in hogsheads, S4c; oountry, prime, in barrels, SV-; country, dark, In barrels. J'iaStc; cakei, 4c; grease, J'ic THLATRH AL (i OSS I P. This evening "Kuan City" will be pro duced at the Academy of Mualc by nne of Davis ft Keogh's companies. It ia a farce comedy founde on the etToi ts to create a boom city In the far west and the fun i.-omea fast and furious. The 111 lists gathered by Davis and Keogh to present the play have all made successes heretofore In other productions, and each has a certain personality which is of teres t consequence to the present performance. The greatest amount of mirth Is of course provoked by George Marlon and B. J. Huffman, the former appearing as Mr. Ruxh. and the latter aa thet rainmaker. Those two artists are inimitable In their line, and are the most original specialty artists in America today. As Parodists they have no equal. Other notables of the cast are: .Ine Coyne, Frank O'Brien, M. J. Gallagher, John Ilyams, Michael Ilerkcrt. Olive White. Mabel Craig, Mavm Mayo. Heleb Relmer, Carrie I.o.V. and Edna Aug-. All the scenery, prop.vtlea, electrical and mechanical effects used are carried by the company. II II II "The Windsor theater was packed at both performances yesterday afternoon when John A. Fraser's new sensation al melodrama received Its initial pro duction. The play Is above the average of its class, and seemed to please the large audience present. The people presenting; the play are all well cast. "The Train Wreckers" affords ample opportunity for scenic and mechanical effects, which was taken advantage of by the management, the blowing; up of the bridge and the escape from pris on after It had been struck by light ning, being: the principle events." Chi cago Times. Three days next week, at Davis' theater opening; Monday after noon. The entire receipts of Tuesday afternoon will be given by Manager Davis to the Associated Charities. II II II The pen of Charles Dleltena never more truthfully depleted the humorous side of life In the London byways than the author of the latest musical com edy, "Paradise AJley," portrays the funny m-enes In one of New York's most famous localities. " Al ley" will be presented Wednesday evening at the Academy and with an organization that numbers no lest than twenty-two specially selected persons. When it is announced that the roster of the conipnny Includes such names as Darney Fagan and 8am J. Ryan, Fiank M. Willis, John Queen, Misses Lily Post, Iola Pomeroy, the three Sls "terH Dunbar and Josle Macon, some idea of the enterprise may be Imagined. Surely Buch an array of talent Is sel dom connected' with a single play. II II il , ' A new play full of funny situations, witty dialogues and bright catchy mu sic, a first class company of actors, wingers and dancers, and last but not least, those two unique sons of "Old Erin" Conroy and Fox, are what we are Tir.imlseil In tlie prOltUCtlOII ill "O'Flarlty's Vacation" at the Academy Tuesday evening. It Is unnecessary to dilate on the merits of the stars: their work In the past Is a guarantee for the future. They hold the llrst place among Irish eomediuns and hold It wltnout much effort. As their new play Is said to bo the best they ever had, having been written especially for them, liietr future prospects look rosy. Manager Davis, of Dnvls' theater, will give the entire receipts of his house on Tuesday afternoon to the Hoard of Associated Charities. This Is an annual custom that Mr. Davis has adopted and for the lHst three years these benefits have been Instrumental In placing a snug sum of money in treasury of the Board of Associated Charities. Police officers ure now sell ing tickets for the benefit. . Joe Ott's Initial starring tour luat season was of unusual prosperity. In each and every city In which the com edian appeared he harvested a hearty endorsement and In many instances he was overwelmlngly received. He's cumin? to the Academy Thursday evening In "The Star Gazer." Tho Dottle of Ten. Sir Wilfrid Lawson, the Rngllsh tem perance advocate, once accosted n la borer who was walking; along with a black bottle, and lectured him on the wickedness of intemperance. The man seemed to be Impressed and emptied the contents of the bottle on the road, whereupon Sir Wilfred, highly pleased, gave him a sixpence, with the remark, "Take thnt; it will buy you something better." A few minutes afterward Sir Wilfred saw the mun ro Into n public house and epend the money In beer. He had been carrying; a bottle of beer. C'hicugo Inter-Ocean. Toledo Grsln Market. Toledo, Feb. 7. Wheat Receipts, 2,M0 bushels; shipments, 3.0ts) bushels; firm; No. 2 red cash, 75'ic: .May, 77c: Jnlv, 72-V-; No. 3 red cash, 73'yc Corn Re ceipts, 13,oiii) bushels; shipments, 7.000 hushtls: dull: No. 2 mixed May, 3lV,c. Oats Nominal. Rye Dull: No. 2 red J cash. 41c Cloverseed Receipts, 75 brigs; I shipments, 389 bags; firm; prime cash and Match, $1.50. Election Procla m ition. M A volt's Ors irK. Hc-autoc Pa.. Feb 4, IM'IT. VOTICE 18 HEKKBY GIVKN THAT AT A Is general election to bo held on Tuesday, the !sth day of February instant, being the third Tuesday of February, tho following officers will bo voted for at the usual places of holding in the City of Seranton, to wit: A Mayor, a City 'I reasnrer, a City Control, ler and tbreo Cltv Assessors to srv" for the t urn of three rmrs, liegiuning tuo -first Mon day of April, imi. . , Cn Select Councilman to servo for the term of fi ur yenrs. baiuain the first Jloa dsy of April, ls;H. In each of the odd num lered wants, to wit: The First. Third, Fif'h, Heventh, Ninth, Eleventh. Thirteenth, Fit 'eentu, Koventoonth, Nineteenth and Twenty flrFt. One Common Councilman to servo for the term of two years, bssduningtbe first Monday of April. ISM in each of the even number d wards, to wit: Tha Second. Fourth. Sixth. Eighth, Tenth, Twelfth, Fonrtccnth, blx teentb, F.ivhteenth snd Tweutieth. One Xchool Controller for the term of four years from tuo first Monday of June. 1SC0. in ch of the even numbered wards, to wit: The Second. Fourth, Sixth. Klghtb, Tenth Twollth, Fourteenth, Sixteenth. Eighteenth and Twentieth. ono Alderman to serve for the terra of five years In each of the following wards, to wit: The Eleventh, Fourteenth, Sixteenth, Seven ud Twentteto. One Judgo of 1. ction, two Inspectors of Election and . the Assessor of Voters in each ana every election district in tne etty. , (Signed) SEsl. f W. L. CONN ELL, Mayor. Lest. IOST-ON THURSDAY. A SNAKESKIN J poekstbook containing a stiver heart and one lueky cent. Finder will kindly return to tufsotrlce. Buslncat) Opportunity. C1BIPPLECBEEK GOLD STOCKS. $6 AND upward invested brinas fabnlous returns. Prospectus by msil. Address Th Van Buren Investment Co.. Bankers and Broken, 808 Kith St., Denver, Cob Refer to Bradstreet. Ratal ftat. $2,000 WILL BUY TWO LOTS, COR- air, Columbia ava.- For particulars call at office. Jl. H. HOLUATE. $3,000 WILL BUY 8-ROOM DOUBLE House, Irving ave; rent 83na 31. H. HOLoATE. IJCOl WILL BUY FOUR HOUSES, Irving ave.: property must be sold. We aak for a bid. Call at office. M. H. HOLOATE. $25000 WILL BUY 4 -STORY BRICK, tower uacaawanna ave.; rani ,vuu per year; terms easy, H. HOLOATE. il SlsVOO BUY MODERN. COMPLETE home. Jeffarsoa are. For partlculara call atofnee. M. H. JIOLOATE. aoOO WILL BUY io-ROOM BRICK botue and barn, larga lot, 1400 block, a. Mala ava.; a bargain. M.H. HOLOATJt, , Commonwealth Building. 01 CENT A WORD. WANTS OP ALL KINDS COST THAT MUCH. WHEN PAID FOR IN AD- VANCR WHKN A BOOK ACCOUNT 18 MADE. NO CHARGE WILL BE LESS THAN CENTS. THIS RUI.H AP PLIES TO SMALT. WANT ADS.. EX CEPT LOCAL SITUATIONS, WHICH ARE INSERTED FREE. Hals) Wanted Mala. lVoNBETpMJBrTHIs XJ week can be made selling plater and plating tableware, jewelry, etc; we furnish outfit complete wltu all materials and trad secrets: taach agent; finest quality of work : wears tan year; testimoniols and sample of wora tr", AaarecsUKAl w, uepi. iu, l oiumnus, un'o. C ALES MEN TO CARRY SIDE LIKE: PAT O ented stapl article; big ssllsr to aeneral nnrcunnin; Dig ooraraiasion 10 reuaoie aruni mr with established trade B. GlVfcNB, wnoieaiile urocer, Corpoa Crista, Texas. ANTED- M AOt NT IN EVERY SEC tion tocanvasa: 14.00 to IS 00 a dav mad: sells at siaht: also man to sell etapl Goods to dealers: beat side iin $7500 a mouth: sal ary or largs commission made; experience naneccasaiy. Clifton Soap and Mauufactar- mtr v o., Linmnnati, u. WANTED AX EXPERT STEAM FITTER to soliolt work sad mak Umat: a 8 nod opportunity to th right party. Addraa TEAM FITTER, Tribnn ofilce. w 7 ANTED WELL-KNOWN MAN IN 1 everr town to solicit stock subscrln- tions: a monopoly; big money tor aanta: no capinu required. iu aiui v. run m tv, Borden Bloca. Chieaso. III. PTilES-I MAKE BIO WAGES DOING rlensant bom work, and will gladly send full nsrtlenlars to all snduiK 2 cent stamp. aiioo m. a. eiAODi.o, ijawranc, aium. lt'ANT.D-OlRLTO DO LIOHT HOUSE work; small family. Call 1153 Capons avsnun. WTANTED LADY AGENT IN SCRAN. V ton to sail and Introduce Snyder' cake Icing: experienced canvsesor preferred: work peraianant aud vry prefltabl. Writ tor particulars at oncu an-i get tenflt of Holiday iraur. i a. e v uttt a tu , Cincinnati, u, ANTED IMMEDIATELY TWO ENEhV gtie saleswomen to rpre-nt ns w Guaranteed ft) a (Vy without tntMrfrrlng with otnerautise. iKaitbful oecnpition. writ for particulars, Inolosing stamp, Jiango Cbni' leal Company. No. 72 John street. Nw York, A(nU Wanted. A OF. NTH WANTED TO SELL ClOARS; . a. i3per moutu salary ana expenses pata. Address, with two-ceat stamp, FIUAKO CI' OA It CO., cnioafro. UE ARE PUTTING VICTOBY TELE phono tablets on every telephone in the world, ard want reliable mm to hntl it: py movis year: tncloM stamp. VICTORY ji.i.xirAii iiuu t.u., ciavaiana, unto. 1, IT ANTED TWO GOOD MEN TO SELL 1 tea and coffee on oommisi-lon in and around Scrautou; will furnish each with a Uoi'wi and wag m and pay at per cent, com mission : a small bond required. For particu larssaures 1.. v., 'iriuua onts. Mosopoly-i want a thoroughly reliable man In hcranton. Pittaton and Wilkes-Harr to take sole agency for tho sal of the only shoe dressing in th world used to keep boots, si-oes and every kind nf manufac tured leather from wearing nut. Til busiuu is strictly cjsh, has no competition and pay a Front 1 im per cent, must oe a bis to carry roni S100 to :M worth of stock. For full particulars tddreis F. 8. WILLIAMS, car of . 0 AGENTS-TO SELL OUR PRACTICAL gold, silvar. nickel and cofipsr electro plsturs: irice from S3 upward; salary and ex penses paid: outfit free. Address, with stump, VlCHlGAN MFG CO., Chicago. AGENTS TO SELL CIGARS TO DEALERS; $25 weekly and exwnses; xperienc un necessary. CONSOLIDATED MFG. CO., 48 van Bursa St.. ia:oaz.o. SALESMAN TO CARRY SIDE LINE; 25 k per- cent, coinmiaiioii; sample Iraox mailtdfre. Address L, N. CO., Station L, New York. AT ONCE AGENTS APPOINTED TO J soil new luhtninn salllua tabla cloth. mos quite and house tlv liquid at 10 centa and 25 cants a bo tie. Sample Irej. BOLGlANO 31 fu Co., Baltimore, Sid. t GENT8- HIKDE'ri PATENT UNIVBt. sid Hair Curlers and Wavera with out heat), and "Pyr Pointd"Halr Pins. Ub rial commissions. Free sample and full par ticulars. Address P. O. Box 450. New York. For Sale. lXaleev7.eW'levn 1 loom house nar tlieen Ridge St., 1515 Mons.-y ava., Green Kidge; bargaiu. OWNER. ("i'OK SALE -ONE jF THE FINES!' country places near Seranton; lsree Thndern house and fine grounds. MUS. MARY AVLE8WOB1H, Clarks Green. Pa. TOR SALi:-2 POOL TABLES. 2 BILLIARD I tables and on oombluatinn tublo; also narvaias lu new ami stcouu fcaml cloths and bslls Just now. J. B. VA.N KLECK, West minster l oot Room. for Kent. TTRTNT-AtT?TTo1lir I Linden sr., Dav s' Theater Buitdlag, from March I. KEEBE ALONG. I'OR RENT TEN-ROOM HOUSE WITH J modern improvementn. centr. lly locatud, Maniminavs. Inquire 311 Qninoy av. IA)R BEST TEN -ROOM HOUSE: ALL r modern couveotences. Inquire at 1223 asiiuuru sr. 1?VR RENT-TWO LARGE, DE1KABLE roores, furnished or unfurnished; fit St class board. 40! Wyomini ava. ."OR RENT- ON E SIX-ROOM HOUSE, LEE . court. Inquire 023 Adams ave. I70B BENT NIOEij t FURNISHED HALL I1 suitabln for lodge rooms. JOHN JEK MYN, 111) Wyoming ovenas. I.'CK RENT THE PREMISES RECENTLY . occupied by The Seranton Trili na,known as th Blusaur Buildlny. corner of Sprue St. and henn ave. PoshcmsI m given hnnidiately. The preml e consist of the b'.llding in the rear of tha building on th cornor of spruce street and I enn avenue, together with the basement, nnd also the entire lonrth floor of tho corner huilding. Cnn be rented tor Lode purpose aa well as puMlo meetings. Sizes of hall. Slxion with a a-coud hull on same floor. X'ixffi. For particulars inqnlre on the premises, f Rudolph Bloesrr, or at the office of Tho Seranton Trihnne. Wanted To Rant. 7ANTED-A FLAT OR SUITE OK v V rooms, furnished or unfurnished, con venient to postoffice; tat terms. Address y. T., Tribune ofllc. WANTED SINGLE HOUSE OR COT tage. with yard and garden, within or near city limlta; st-te terms, eta Address FRENCH. Tribnn- office. Monty to Loan. rnft fiW0 ON STRAIGHT MORT-t3-i,JUU gag DB.REPLOGLE.Atty., 4' 8 Spruce at. Boarder Wanted. WANTED -A YOUNG GENTLEMAN ' boarder: good board and front fur nished room. Dttv Fin st. otclat Mooting of Stockholder. BY DIRECTION O"" THE BOARD OF Directors of the Seranton Glaaa Com pany ttaer will be a special mseting of th stockholders of said c napany h:d at tha of fice of the company, U4 Lackawanna avenue, In the city of Seranton, Pa., February 12th, ISfXl. at 10 o'clock a. m., for tb purpose of authorising th Board of Directors of said Company, and it proper oflloar. to U and convey toe lot of ral attof th company, sitnat In th city of Seranton, Pa., not n cumbered by toortsags hv the company, and also a certain lot of land aituate in th dty of Trenton, N, J., and transact such other basi ns aa may properly com befcr said meat ing. G. B. WARREN, Secretary. Seranton. Pa.. Jan. II, UMs, oeclal Noticea. irpBE SOLDIER IN OUR CIVIL WAR." I Ten want this relic. Contains all nf Frank Leilis's famous old War Pktorea,ahow Ing th forces In actual battl, aktcbd on th spot. Two volumes, 2.0U0 picturs. Mold on aay monthly payments. Delivered by ex rrses oomplet, all obargts prepaid. Address P. O. MOODY, ttB Adams Ave.. Snantoo, Pa. TJLANK BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, MAGA- - iiiih HVUIIS VI iviniHlHl 4 m TmavMi ofllc, Huick Work, ftoaaenabl Prices. Cbnriolii & Wallace Fabrics OUR FIRST INSTALLMENT OF Cotton Wash Now open for Inspection. The line comprises Dimities in various grades, Dii(hess Jaconets, Percales and Cambrics, Rejan? Dimity, Zephyr D, etc., Printed Harsalia, v ; , TUII? Chatelaine, Cbantilly Lac? Galiz?, . Plamefis, Lappets, French Organdies, etc. Mere words cannot describe the wonderful beauty of our line this season. The senses of seeing and feeling alone can do them justice. CONNOLLY & WALLACE, 2filnui Situations Wanted. SITUATION WANTED-BY AN KXPERI O enced man aa salesman, bookkeeper or shipping elerk: bt rtraca: wholaaai trad preferred. Address G.- A. L., Tribune OUICO. SIlUATION WANTED BY A BOY U . years ot ag. willing to learn any kind of trade. Address elo Stone ave. ... SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUKO man 10 year of age, willing to Warn a trad or mak himself useful about a shop er wholesale stere: must have work ot sunt xuia. Add- via Bton av. firrttiTinx ws.K'rirrf.iatvn rias C of horses er driving; good at mast any kind of work. CHARLkY KNOWLEfl, hi sprno at. w ANTEO WAgHINd TO BE TAKEN noma. Address 3C3 Kressler court. SITUATION WANTED BY. A YOUNG! man with 1 vaara' exnariunea . hnnk. kepr, salesman and cashier with one of th largest jobbing houses In th state; best raiaraneea. A. a.. Tribune omee. 1 CITVATiON"WANTED-BY" YOUNG COU O ord man, 2v years old, aa coachman, por ter or work of any kind; also Interpreter. I speak fTanc.ii. Italian, Spaniab aud Kngliah. nuuriiu wit ssuiDrry au SITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG O man; will do anv kind of work; 'r work prrrrfld. Addts atore, Peoltville, ri.i r. u uoxuie. YOUNG MAN WISHES A POSITION AS bookkeeper or clerking: la willing to do anyining; can it it eooa rirnee it nce eery. Address R M. D., Trtbun offlce. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN ID year ot ag aa assistant steward, fire man or any ami 01 work. Address J. l. Titbune offio. C1TUATION WANTED A8 COACHMAN & or ganeral useful man around honse. Ad' dress JA MES AUSTIN, Center at. SITUATION WANTED BY PRACTICAL t? pictur frami joiner snd mat maker; thoroughly conversant With details of tho art traae; reiume. Aourea ru.'1-uuK, iriouu offlce. Medical. LADlBftt ChlctattsVi EnffDsh Pennyroyal P A SURE CURB FOR RHEUMATISM Warranted to cure MI9 ont of every 1,000; two doses will taksi the worst case of inflam n atory ont of bed. S2.00 per pint bottle Manufactured and sold hy MRS. DR. HAMILTON, 14$ Northampton Street. Wilkes-Barri. Pa. and for aala at 116 New York St., Qra Rldgc. BbKArsiurs, PA. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Dentists. PR. WILLIAM A. TAFT, PORCELAIN. Brides and Crown work, ufllce, 335 Washington avenue. C. C. LAUBACH. SURGEON DENTIST. No. .11 Wyoming avenue. R. M. STRATTONr OFFICB 'cOAL EXT change. Physicians and Surgeons. DR. A. TRAPOLD, SPECIALIST IN Diseases of Women, corner Wyoming avenue and Spruce street. Seranton. Of fice hours, Thursdays and Saturdays, t a. m. to DR. G. EDGAR DEAN HAS REMOVED to CIO Spruce street, Seranton. Pa, (Just opposite Court House Square.) DR. KAY. 806 PKNN AVE.; 1 to 3 P. M : call 2062. Die. of women, obstretrics and and all dls. of chll. DR. W. E. ALLEN, 612 North Washington avenue. . DR. C. U FREY, PRACTICES LIMITED, dlseaaes of the Eye, Eur, Nose and Throat: office, 122 Wyoming ave. Real- dence. 829 Vine street DR. L. M. GATES. 13 WASHINGTON avenue. Office hours, t to a. m., l.M to 3 and 7 to I p. m. Residence 309 Madl son avenue. DrTj. C. BATESON. TUESDAYS AND Fridays, at G03 Linden street. Office hoursl to 4 p. m. j DR. S. W. LAMEREAUX, A SPECIAL 1st on chronic diseases of the heart, lungs, liver, kidney und genltn uri nary diseases, will occupy the office of Dr. Rooh, 232 Adams avenue. Ofilce hours 1 to & p. m. Lawvcrs." WARREN at KNAPP, ATTORNEYS and Counsellors at Law. Republican building, Washington avenue, Seran ton. Pa. JESSUPS A HAND, ATTORNEYS AND Counsellors at wv, ommonweaitn building, Washington avenue. W. H. JUSSUP, HORACR K. HAND, . W. H. JESSUP. JR. PATTERSON WILCOX. ATTOR. neys and Counsellors at Law; ofnets and 8 Library building. Seranton, Pa. ROSEWVILL H. PATTERSON. WILLIAM A. WTLCOX. ALFRED HAND, WILLIAM J. HAND, AltOrseri " vmimmii- wealth building. Rooms 19. 20 and SI. FRANK T. OKELL. ATTORNET-AT-Law, Room 6, Coal Exchange, Seran ton. Pa. JAMES W. OAKFORD, ATTORNEY- at-Law, rooms a, t ana as, vomanon wealth building. . SAMUEL W, EDGAR. ATTORNET-AT-Law. Offloe. H7 Spruce St., Seranton. Pa. L. A. WATERS, ATTORNE Y-AT-LA W, 423 Lackawanna ave.. Seranton, Pa. URIB TOWNBEND, ATTORNET-AT- Law, Dim nana uuiiaing. ecranton, Money to loan In larg sums at I pr cnt C. R. PITCHER. ATTORNET-AT- law, Commonweaita nuuaing, soranton. Pa. - H. C. SMYTHR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, tee Liacaawanna it-hui. C. COMEQY8. ttl SPRUCE BTRBET. D. B. RRPLOOLB, ATTORNEY-LOANS negouated on nu eatata oecanty. M tjpruce street. R. V. KIIXAM. ATTORNBY-AT-LAW. J AS. J. H. HAMILTON, ATTORNBY-AT. law, Commonweaitn Md g. seranton. 4. U. C. RA1SCK. IM WYOMlNO AVK. mm mm TRYJJS. J0KJ4 UCkX AVE.. COU ALMIi UPHOtSTER: FDRNITORli Clean wets, r: . --' Reno vate . Feathers, , Make Mattresses, Make and Repair Spring Sell Iroa Beds,- , Make Fine Mattresses, Wire Sreens. JOS. KUBTTBL, REAR 611 LACKA wanna, avenue, Seranton, Pa., manufac turer of Wire Boreeaa. Architects. EDWARD H. DAVIS, ARCHITECT, poonis M, IS and K, Commonwealth nuiming, pcranion. B. L. WALTER, ARCHITECT, OFFIOel LS-18 HANCOCK. JR., ARCHITBCtT -"Jpntceet.. cor. Wash. ave.. Seranton. B52WI . UORRI8. " ARCHITECTS," PWco funding, IM Washington avnu. Schools. SCHOOL OF THB LACKAWANNA. Seranton. P., praparua boy and glrla ,:SriM co,,) or business: thoroughly IJT." un children. Catalogue at re quest. Opena September 9. 5,E.Y-JLH01A8 M- CANN, ; . WALTBRH, BUELL. MiSCF?H'! K,DROARTEN 5, Bchool. 412 Adams avenue, opens ?!iAlnrLt, ,f tr term. Loans. THB REPUBLIC SAVINGS AND Loan Association will loan you money pn eaalar terms and pay you better on "vestment than any othtr association. tr!...0" " N- C-Maaer, Dim .Bank building. . Seeds. O. R. CLARK CO.. 8EEDSMEN AND Nurserymen; store 146 Waahlngton ave nue; green house, 1SC0 North Main ave nue; store telephone 7U. . llotela and Restaurants. TUB ELK CAFE, US and 127 FRANK lln avenue. Rate reasonable. , P. ZEIOLE R. Proprietor. 8CRANTON HOUSE. NEAR D.. L. W. passenger depot. Conducted on the European plan. VICTOR KOCH, Prop. WESTMINSTER HOTEL, Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Place. New York. Rates, tJ.60 pr day and upwards. (Amort can plan). B. N. AN ABLE, Proprietor. Miscellaneous. BAUER'S ORCHESTRA MUSIC FOR balls, picnics, parties, receptions, wad dings and concert work furnished. For terms address R. J. Bauer, conductor, 117 Wyoming avenue, over Hulbert musle store. MEGARGEE BROTHERS.- PRINTERS' supplies, envelopes. papr bags, twlno. Warehouse. 130 Washington ave.. Scran ton. Pa. FRANK P. BROWN 4k CO.. WHOLE sale dealer In Woodwar. Cordage nnd Oil Cloth. 720 West Lackawanna ave. THOMAS AUBREY. EXPERT Ac countant and auditor, nooms u ana , Williams PulMIng, opposite postofflce. Agent for the Ren Fire Extinguisher. RAILROAD TIME-TABLES Central Railroad of New Jersey. (Lehigh and Susquehanna Division.) Anthracite coal used exclusively, insur ing MaanllnAsa and ootnfort. TIME TABLE IN EFFECT NOV. 17. 18J5. Trains leave ocranion lor j-uision, Wllkes-Barre, etc at 1.20, 9.15. 11.30 a. m., 1 20 2.00, 3.0S. 0 00, 7.10 p. m. Sundays, 9.00 a. m., 1.00, 2.15, 7.10 p. m. For Atlantic City, S.20 a. m. Vnr M.w York. Newark and Elisabeth. 1.20 (express) a. in., 1.20 (express with Buf fet parlor car;, i wi leiurwiii p. m. oun day, 2.16 p. nt. Train leaving 1.20 p. m. arrlvea at Philadelphia, Reading Terminal. 1.21 p. m. and New York 6.46 p. m. ror iaucn vnunn, aiiciiiuwu, ociiiiv- bem, Easton and Philadelphia. 8.20 a. m., 1.20, 3.06. 6.00 (except Philadelphia) p. m. Sunday, 2.16 p. m. For Lona Branch. Ocean Grove, etc., at 9 20 a. ra.. 1P- m. For Reading, L.enanon anu iiarnsourK, via Allentown, a.20 a. m., 1.23, 6.00 p. in. Sunday, 2.16 P- m. For Pottsvllle, 1.20 a. m., 1.20 p. m. R.iurnlnic. leave New York, foot of Lib erty street. North River, at 9.10 (express) a. m.. 1.10, 1.30, 4.30 (express with Buffet parlor car) p. m. Sunday, 4.30 a. m. lAcave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal. 9.00 a. m.. 2.00 and 4.30 p. ni. Sunday ''Through tickets to all points at lowest rates. may be had on application In ad vance to the ticket agent at the station. it. r. oAijiini.i, Gen. Pass. Agent.. J. H. OLHAUSEN. Gen. Supt. DELAWARE) AND nulibON RAIL ROAD. Commencing Monday. UYkAf July w, an uiii win mM7mM0 arrive at new Lacka Mm M tww wanna avenue station hW r " fo"0";, , r 1 rMl wssa i-re3 sjwssasa- ton sutlon for Carboya?'6, and Merme- dlata Dolnt at 2.90. 'Mj and aiate poinis m . , . .1 - ,u , . m.. iz.w, -.-v, ' - '$orP Fkrvlew, Waymart and Honesdal t 7 f. .a and 10.1a- m., 12.00, 220 and 6.15 , m. ,h 4rtlrnliili-lr ind Montreal' at 6.46 a. m. and J.20 p m. For Wllkes-Barre and Intermediate nolnts at 7 4i 9.46. 9.1 and 19.46 a. m., 12.05. r.rS?9tt 4l 6 1. 9.15 and 11.38 p. m. Trains will arrivt i- dh.iiiwh .iiuu from Carbondale and Intermediate points M, 19, 4.64, I B. 7.46. 9.11 and U.JI f. m. irrOCn nUnVBUeal, ssiwm aeaa - ea 1 - view at ISM a..m.. U.00, 1.17, a.40, t tt and 1'From,Montral, Saratoga, Albany, etc., at 4.64 and 11.13 p. m. From Wllkes-Barre and Intermediate nolnts at t il. 1.94. 10.91 and 11.66 . m.. LII i.14. 3.99, tUt, 9.09, 7.99. 9.99 an ILK p. m. , ' . Nov. 17. 1995. Train leave Seranton for Philadelphia and Netv Yoflt via D. 4k H. R. It. at 7 4i a. m., 12.06, 1.20, 2 38 and 11.38 p. ni., via D., . LAW. H. it.. (.00. 8.0s. 11.20 a. m., and lie p. m. Leave Seranton for Pittston and Wilkes Barre, via D.. L. W. R. R.. 9.00, 1.08. 11.29 a. m 140. 9.07, 8.5 p. m. Leave Seranton for Whit Haven, Ha. sleion, Potttivllle and all point on th B.eaJ',r.w'dow and Pottavllle branches, via E. ft W. V. R. R., .S9 a. nt via D. At H. R. R. at 7.45 a. m., L.05, 1.20, 2.38, 4.90 p. m., via D., h. ft W. R. R. 8.00, 9.08, 11.20 a. m., 1.30, 3.40 p. m. Leave Hcranton for Bethlehem, Easton. Rending, Harrlsburg and all Intermediate points, via D. ft 11. R. It. 7.46 a. ra 12 C. I. 20, 2.38, 4.00, 11.38 p. m.. via D., L. ft W. R. R., 9.00, 8.08. 11.20 a. m., 1.30 p. m Leave Seranton for Tunkhannock, To- ' wanda, Elmlra, Ithaca, Geneva and a. I Intermediate points via D ft H. R. It., i i a. m., 12.06 and 11.36 p. m., via D L. ft W. R. R., 8.03, 9.55 a. ni., 1.30 p. m. Leave Seranton for Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Detroit, Chicago and all points west via l ft H. R. R., 8.45 a. m , 12.(6. 9.16, 11.88 p. m., via D., L. ft W. R R. and Pittston Junction, 8.11. 9.56 a. m., 1.3 9.60 p. m via E. ft W. V. R. R., 3.41 p. m. For Elmlra and the weat via Salamanca, Via D. AH. R. R.. 3.46 a. m. 1S.06, .U6 p. m.. via D.. L. ft W. R. K., 8.08, 9.66 a in., 1X0. and 6.07 p. m. Pulman parlor and sleeping or L. V. chair cars en all tralna between L. ft B. Junction or Wllkes-Barre and New York, Philadelphia, Buffalo, and Suspsnslaa Bridge. ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Oen. Supt. CHAS. S. LEE, Gen. Pass. Agt.. Phlla.. Pa. A. W. NONNEMACHER, Asst. Oen. Pass. Agt., South Bethlehem, Ps. Del., Lack, and Western. Effect Monday, June 24, 1895. Trains leave Seranton as follows: E fress for New York and all points East, 40, 2.60. 6.15, 8.00 and 9.55 a. m.; 12.65 and 3.34 p. m. . Express for Easton, Trenton, PhlladeU phla and the South, 5.16, 8.00 and 9.66 a. m.. 12.55 and 8.34 p. m. Washington and way stations, 8.63 p. m. Tohyhanna accommodation, 6.10 p. m. Express for Blnghainton, Oswego, 1 mlra. Corning, Bath, Dansville, Mount Morris and Buffalo, 1110, 2.36 a. m., an-l 1.21 p. m., making cloae connections at Buffalo to all polnta In the West, North west and Southwest. Bath accommodation, 9 a. m. Blnghamton and way stations, 12.37 p. m. Nicholson accommodation, 6 p. m. Uinghamton and Elmlra Express, 6.01 p. m. Express for Cortland. Syracuse, Oswego, I'tlca and Richfield Swings. 2.96 a. ra. and 1.24 p. m. . Ithaca 2.33 and Bath 9 a. m. and 1.21 p m. For Northumberland, Pittston, Wilkes Barre, Plymouth, Bloomsburg and Dan vllle, making clone connection at North umberland for Willlamsport, Harrlsburg. Baltimore, Washington and the South. Northumberland and intermediate sta tlons, C.OO, 9.55 a. m. and 1.30 and 6.07 p. ni. Nantlcoke and Intermediate stations. 8.08 and 11.20 a. m. Plymouth and Inter mediate stations, 8.40 and 8.62 p. in. Pullman parlor and sleeping coaches on all express trains. For detailed information, pocket time tables, etc., apply to M. L. Smith, city ticket office, SL'8 Lackawanna avenue, er depot ticket offlce. Erie and Wyoming Valley. I .. fi,.ranlnn fnr Mpw Vnr 1 1 Kino imiG - - -V" and intermediate points on the i.rie rail, road at 7.00 a. m. and 8.29 p. m. Also for uiwIav anfl local noints at 7 00, 8.40 a.'m. and 3.29 p. m. All the above are through trains to and from Honesdale. .... Trains leave for Wllkes-Barre at .S) . m. and 3.19 p. m. RCHAttTON DIVISION. In Effect September S4md, ltl)5. ertk uund. stjsaoii stations aMiNsti nMMnaT 20;A4 Jlil I cent Sunday.) Q Leavet r iArrlve 7 35!. Y. Hi VrankllB nt 7 to) West street! T on wee&awten Ir m ArrlTe Leave! lfuBaacook Junction Banoock Starlight Preston Fark I ' rt tyi n Ppyntell 4 ....1 t oai net mi !940 IU 19 14 1801 fuse it 4 SBMl 111 ll4,fllt)0l 849 .... 941111181 wn ii 6 39;'111 6H,tl It 6 H1 m 9 94 U nil 61S.I1 OM 8 IS 11 M 1 is inn 11019861 at 'a ktnve sVlmniit Plessant Mt. Uolondale Forset City varsonaaiO White Bridge Way0ia Jermyn Archibald Wlnton Peckvtu OlVKbaat Dickson Throop Provldenoa Park Pise Sflfutai Amve u u 7 04! 4 14 If Ml Fiji 'i 994 9 31 9 41 IM t est T-7f 88. T 1 13 43 . t Ii S SA . tWlll , 1 VC S Ml . 797 IN J 4 01 794 4 mi 7 99 419 7 99) 14 I T 41 X 171 .... ?i trsJua run dally except Bundsy. slmllle t)i st trains aton oa ekiaal for 9JDrs. veeurn rates via ontano a western nerorw farohaslnr tickets and save money. Day aad IDgt K proas to the West, J. C. A nOerson, wen. rasa. Agt. t.rUUsrtt,Dlv.rWAsXiwaon,r. ? i 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers