The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, February 08, 1896, Page 11, Image 11

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Of aed" Aboint the
Makers of Books.
Notices of Recent Interesting Volumes and
Chats Concerning Literary Men and Womeft
- ... I'OKTKY.
TOEM3. B. Ernest McOaffey. Cloth,
Himo, 257 pp. New York: JDodd, Mead
ft Co.
Mr. McGaffev has a lyrical tempera
ment nnd a good trick of using rhythm
it; and sonorous words. As an artificer
of vorse most of which Is euphonious
and Bome of which has meaning he
ranks well forward anions: the minor
writers of what Is expressively If not
Very definitely called "newspaper
poetry." He Is, too. one of the most
prollllc of these writers. In the pres
ent tasty volume there are 126 poems,
at least 100 of which could have been
pared to advantage, because they have
no reason for enduring existence. They
were, perhaps, good enough as "time
copy" In the newspaper office, where
"pomes" are ground out, like other
newspaper tilling, by the yard to corre
spond with the exigencies of the make
up: but preserved seriously, they fall
on one's taste and begin to cause re
proaches of the conscience that Journal
ism should by its mercifulness to such
contributors as Mr. McOafrey put real
literature to so much useless annoy
ance. However, we do not wish to be
understood us condemning the present
poet bv wholesale and without a hear
ing. Below are three of his best poems,
selected from that line of activity In
which his muse Is at her best, namely.
Bongs and Lyrics. The first is entitled
Vae Vlctis:"
I sing the woe of the conquered, a' wind.
Ing-heet for the slain,
Oblivion's gulf lor those who fell, who
struggled and strove in vain.
As of old, mid the plaudits of thousands,
may the victor In triumph stand.
While the blood of the vanquished trickles
down the red dens the yielding saud.
For the living the martial music, and the
clustering laurel wreath:
Let the dead rust on forgotten, as a
sword In a rusty sheath.
On the face of youth and health nnd
strength should the blessing of sun-
chinu full
A single shadow may well suffice the
race that turns to me wan.
And he who has taken a mortal hurt In
the strenuous battle of life,
Let him creep away from the dust and
ill n, Hum tne aruuous ion anu unt,
Let hltn go as a wounded animal goes,
ulone and with glazing eye,
To the depths of the silent fastnesses,
In silence there to die.
For the prow of the ship rides high and
free that battles the savage gules.
And the wind and rain la a requiem for
the wrack or the snip mat run.
Which, us a new way of saying that
"nothlntr succeeds like success" Is not
bud. The next selection we have
marked for reproduction Is called "The
Cry of the Tollers:"
Far to the clouds ascending,
Over the darkness trending,
Walling and never ending
Floats up a fated cry;
"Fixed In poverty's niches,
In hovels, dens, and ditches.
Starved in the midst of riches
We die, we die. we die."
Those who have mirth and madness
Mock at the wraith of sadness,
Joy shall be theirs, and gladness
Skits that are blue anil full';
These shall with thirst be burning
Prone on the world's wheel turning
By the steep hillsides learning
The lesson of despair.
Little their time for sleeping.
Sowing but never reaping,
.JCyisr the vigil keeping
Watchfully, night and day;
Strong in their dull persistence,
Breasting the wave's resistance
Just for a bare existence.
So runs their world away.
Still do their hearts aspire
Yearning for something higher,
As from their souls the tire
Of hapless craving springs;
Seourgeri by the thongs and lashes
Bleeding from cruel gashes.
Crucified upward flashes
This cry of theirs (hat ring.
High in the heavens o'er us,
Kesonunt and sonorous, '
Blending Its mighty chorus
With drifting wind and rain:
Like to a vague otitreachlng
Despairing, yet beseeching,
The cry of a full heart teaching
Its longing and Its pain.
Sorrow their lips unsealing
Famine and woe revealing,
Intd the midnight pealing . .
- r.onoea tne sniiuuenng cry;
"We whom a etern fute tosses
Lone, on a sea of losses
Christ of the thorns and crosses
We die, we die, we die."
The last selection has traveled far In
the newspapers, and la probably famil
lai l muiiy wiiu rritu uieae lines, ll
la called "Songs Unsung -
Sweet the song of the thrush at dawn
ing, When the grass lies wet with spangled
dew ;
Sweet the, sound of the brook's low
whisper ...
Mid reeds and rushes wandering
Clear and pure is the west, wind's mur
mur .. ..
That croons In the branches all day
But the songs unsung are the sweetest
And the dreams that die are the soul
of song.
iTh fairest hope la the one which faded.
The brlgbest leaf Is the leaf that fell:
The songs that leaped from the lips of
Dies away In an old sea-shell.
Far to the heights of viewless fancy
The sours swirt flight like a -swallow
For the note unheard is the bird's best
carol -
And the bud unblown Is the reddest
rose. v
Deepest thoughts are the ones unspoken,
' That only the heart sense, listening,
Most great joys bring a touch of silence
Greatest grief Is In unshed tears.
What we hear Is the fleeting echo.
A song dies out, but a dream lives on;
The rose-red tints of the rarest morn
ing '
Are lingering yet in a distant dawn.
Somewhere, dim in the days to follow
And far away In the life to be.
Passing sweet, is a song of gladness,
The spirit-chant of the soul set free.
Chords untouched are the ones we wait
That never rise from the harp unstrung:
Lackawanna Trust and Rafe Deposit Co.
Merchants' and Mechanics'. l Lacka.
Traders' National, 184 Lackawanna.
West Bide Bank. 10 N. Uain. .
Bcrantss Bavlags., 122 Wyom'.ng.
The Seraaton Bedding Co., Lack.
Rablnaon, E. Boa, 4K tt. .Seventh.
feoblnen, Miss. Cedar, eor. Alder.
Lsula, Bl Pnn.
.William. 3. V. 4k Br... tU Laoka.
Matthew. C. P. Bon. Co., M Lack.
The WMIM atul Co.. 7-4 Lack.
KMkaUKM,Mlpni. '
We turn our steps to the years beyond
And listen silU for the songs unsung.
ton Payne. Handsome cloth, rllt top.
hand-made paper, 12 mo, $1.50. Chicago:
Way ft Williams.
As is explained In the preface, the
contents of thl interesting book con
sists of a series of papers repnntea
from The Dial, in which periodical
they originally appeared- as editorial
articles. Unlike the majority of "lead
ers," however, these are serious, schol
arly and comprehensive or tne meme
discussed. There are thirty in all.
divided into groups of ten. one group
dealing with literature and criticism,
oue with education In the broad sense,
and one comprising the author's appre
ciation of certain great men and
women who have died , within recent
years such, for example, aa Tenny
son, M. Benan, M. Talne. Gustav Frey
tag, John Addlngton Symonds. Christ la
Roesettl, Professor Tyndall, Professor
Huxlev and Dr. Holmes. Upon each
of these various subjects. Mr. Payne
speaks calmly, deliberately and ripely,
bringing to his work the Insight of wide
study ana aeep culture, anu sinistral
lng the type of editorial commentator
which Is much too rare in our own
country', where Ill-digested thought and
crudu exDresaion are the rule, and ease.
fluency and dignity of-matter and of
manner are the exceptions. Thoughtful
readers who care for the mature view
which a broad-minded and scholarly
man holds upon themes of present In
terest, apart from politics, crop pros
pects and the weather, will procure Mr;
Payne's book and read It with profit
and enjoyment.
Bv W. M. C. Harris. Illustrated. In
fnrtv mnnlhlv nart. at t'iO bv Ktlbscrtl)
tlon. New York: The Harris Publish
ing Co.
This undertaking by the editor of the
American Amrler is a hazardous 'orte.
He proposes in a number of series bf
monthly parts, of which eight" have
been preonred. to cover the entire Held
of Ichthyologtcal knowledge 'in mfch a
manner as to bring the subject home to
expert and layman 'alike. A noticeable
feature of the parts thus far Issued is
thp superior lithographic effects shown
in the colored plates. Not only are the
portraits of fishes minutely accurate in
anatomical detail but they are also, in
respect of coloration, literally true to
nature. That these results might be
obtained Mr. Harris spent many months
on aelected fishing waters.accompanled
by a skilled artist, and having caught
specimens of all the game fish of Amer
ica, the same were transferred to the
canvas on the spot, before the sheen
of their color tints had faded. The cost
of the first series will, it is estimated,
be at least $50,000, the plates alone cost
ing $25,000. In printing some of these
plates, as many as fifteen different tint
have been required to reproduce the ex
act tone and mellow transfusion of
color so frequently Hcen in many species
of fish when olive. No angler who
brings to the pastime of the rod and
reel a mind attained to the scientific
beauties of the finny world can fall to
be attracted by this magnificent work,
which literally unfolds the whole sub
ject of Ichthyology In language capable
oi Deing understood Dy anybody.
TEM, Simply Told for General Boed
er.. By George F. Chambers, F. R. A.
S. Cloth, 12 mc, with 28 Illustrations,
4te. Xew York: D. Appleton ft Co.
This Is one number in the library of
useful stories wherein the Appletons
have sought to put ordinarily formid
able scientific subjects into popular and
attractive form, for the begullement of
beginners. In his treatment of the
present theme Professor Chambers is
picturesque and felicitous. He clothes
solid knowledge in such pleasing form
that one scarcely realizes, as he read
the book, that he is being taught
The chief story In The Pocket Magazine
for February Is Conan Doyle's "How the
Brlgudlor Played for a Kingdom." which
has already appeared In The Tribune.
Bissldes that, Kipling has a poem, Eugene
Field a short sketch the last completed
thing he wrote and S. R. Crockett and
Harriet Prescott Spoffard. stories.
Footlights, Philadelphia' journal for
theater-goers, contains each Saturday a
bright lot of gossip and chatter concern
ing stage movements, Interests and cel
ebrities. Here, for Instance. Is what it
had to say concerning a subject recently
not a little discussed by persons having
nothing more serious to do: "The Nether
sole klxs is a delusion and a snare. So
cley had turned out In force prepared to
be shocked, and was therefore supercili
ous and haughty and ready to be resent
fulbut not adverse to being shocked.
Then society thawed out latterly when It
found that Miss Nethersole's Carmenlzed
kiss wasn't such a bad affair after all.
For society keyed up to expectation by
the columns of stuff written by the Xew
York scribes about Miss Nethersole's
osculatory prowess expected une of those
kisses that begin at the southeast corner
of the man's mouth, traverse due west
with Incredible speed, the track quickly
toward the equator of the lips, drawing
In In a hurricane of passion, a whirling,
eddying maelstrom of labial bliss. Then
It swirls end twists and turns, holding
tightly, steadfastly, unyielding.
Four lips In but a single kiss.
Two mouths light glued as one.
That was the sort of a kiss the audience
expected that was the sort promised and
for which society had paid its money. But
the kiss was, as before remarked, a de
lusion and a snare. It differed but little
from the long-drawn, catch-as-cutch-can
varley that can be gotten almost any ev
ening when the moon is fairly refulgent.
It had not the cold, chaste, literary quali
ty of the Boston girl's offering, nor did
it smack of the loud-sounding explosive
joyousness of the Chicago maiden's labial
salute. It was a quiet affair, this Nether
sole kits of passion It whispered of rub
ber shoes, of the quiet of deep woods, of
, the glow or a prairie nre seen from a
I distance. It was awfully disappointing to
the audience, especially after every one
exuected to see something that one
shouldn't see."
In The Citizen for February M. N. For
ney makes an extended plea for "Munici
pal Reform by Proportional Representa
tion." He wants our American cities to
adopt a plan of voting whereby the minor
ities In a given ward or district may get
of Wholesale
Owens Bros., 2lt Adam avenue.
Scranton Dairy Co., Penn sod Linden.
Dickson Manufacturing Co.
The Fashion. Mt Lackawanna avenue. .
Howley. P. F. M. T., 231 Wyoming av.
Kelly, T. J. A Co.. 14 Lackawanna.
Megargel Connell, Franklin avenua
Porter, John T., 2t and 2t Lackawanna, ...
Rice, Levy C 10 Lackawanna, '
Connell, W. P. ft Bens, UI Penn.
foet ft Shear Cs 11 N. Washington.
Hunt ft CoaaalJ Co- tM Lackawaaaa.
a fair proportion of the number of coua
mum, s.-nooi loniroi.i-rs. eic. ai.uiei m
that uh-.iUi-lun; end suggests tne adp
tW'l of the l!llnor plan In the cl ;tlui uf
members of the legislature, a lie .!, in
-fch district with its one senator an I
tl-ree minbrs each voter may, uiuer
law, "cast as many votes for one canul
tiute as there are candidate to be elei-tr-J,
or he may distribute the same, or equal
parts thereof, among the candidate as he
ball see At. and the candidates hls;!it In
. . - .u.ll ft... .1 I ., 1 k. I Tllia
number la also notable, for two studies
of English authors one ef John Dry-
den atul one of the latest and gntet
apostle of decadence. Mr. Thomas Hardy.
Guuton's Magaslne for February pre
sents a Well-varied array of, contents
bearing on economic questions. A review
of Horace White's "Money and Banking"
and a paper on "Compulsory Arbitration"
are notable features. Professor Uunton
goes to the root of tho subjects he dis
cusses and does not try to befog the at
mosphere. - II -II II
Another "friendly observation'' by "81
ition Ollve-Braneli. Jr.," this time on
"Talkablltty," makes noteworthy the Feb
ruary Issue of the Looker-Uon. The es
says which appear In the Looker-On from
time to time under this tttle are models
of gracious writing done in a spirit of
polite wit and of kindly humor. A paper
on "Savage Music" by Louis C. Elaon. In
which the universality of the musical In.
slinct is effectively demonstrated, and
one by William If. Fleming on the "Dra
matic Construction of Shakespeare's 'Ju
lius Caesar' " are .other articles in ths
same magazine worthy of widespread pe
rusal. -II II II
Out of the goodly table of contents in
the February Century, one has little dif
ficulty In picking three articles us the
moat timely and interesting. They are
Stanley s paper on "The story or the lt
. ... I ........... . . A . ' , t ....... ..Man.
,iuwinr,ift j nil , Miiiiwii
ford s finely-Illustrated paper on "Pope
Leo XIII and His Household ;" and Alfred
T. Mahon's article on ."Nelson at Cape
St. Vincent." Edward Mortimer Chap
man's paper on "The Pulmerston Ideal
in Diplomacy" is also readable, notwlth
Standing that Its author seems to have a
nun ana decided foreign policy.-, lastly,
the editorial In the "Topics of the Time"
department on "The Craze for Publicity"
ought to be read by overy reader of and
worker ror newspapers.
H il II
The principal thing In 'the February Mc
Clure's, of course, is the Lincoln lite,
which is getting on famously. Next to
that are the Hope, Stevenson and Maela
ren stories, especially the latter,
which, while it Isn't Scotch at all, gets
there just the same. But the reader of
this number of McClure's who lays that
magazine aside before he has read Harry
Perry Robinson's description of "The
Fastest Railroad Ever Run" (that la to
say, from Chicago to Buffalo, SiO miles,
at an average speed of 65.07 miles per
hour, going In places as fast as 92.3 miles
an"liour) or Mtirut Halstead's study of
General Garfield and the tragedy of his
brief administration, will miss much. We
.therefore advise him not to do it.
Popular Science for February has a good
many good things, for example: "A Four
legged Bird," "The Boomerang and Its
Freaks, Photographing Inside the
Body," "Motors. Past and Present," "Fer
tilizing the Ground Nut." "Mind Bead
ing," "Sioux Ghost Dance." "Venom of
Serpents," "Petroleum and Natural Gas,"
"Metric System Simplified," "Artificial
Monstrosities," "Reflecting Emotions,"
"Cryptography," "Can Cats Converse,"
"Argon In Plants," "Cure for Cold Feet."
"Nallless Horse Shoe," "How to Use
Cement," '"Why People Become Deaf,"
and "Value of Bacteria to Vegetation."
It Is Indispensable to the young student
of science.
II II. II -Ev'ry
Month for February comes envel
oped In red, the color selected for Its
4 JW6 career. For a musical magazine It is
exceedingly attractive, containing '.as it
does, reading matter of an exalted order,
and musical selections of the most de
lightful character. The four pieces pub
lished In this number are: "She la Mine,"
song and chorus, by Charles L. Van Hilar;
M'll 3 True To My Honey Bey," schot
tische, by George : Evans; "Sylvan
Echoes," gavotte, by Richard Goerdler,
and "Shall We Forgive Her," song and
chorus, by Walter Keen. The Illustrations
are both numerous, beautiful and appro
priate to the fads and characters tern-
fiorarlly tn the public eye. Howland, Havl
and A Co., 4 East Twentieth street. New
The notable features of the February
Progress of the World, are the accounts
of some marvelous discoveries, such as
the device of Dr. A. Graham Bell, by
which he transmit sound and ordinary
conversation along a sunbeam, in the
same way that we now use a telephone
wire; also the new light accidentally pro
duced by Professor Roentgen, that pene
trate solid substances, and can photo
graph the skeleton of a living man. An
article on the "Physical Causes of Hypno
tism" explains, in a clear. Intelligible
manner, that strange phenomenon,
The stage rights of "Manalre," the play
by Stevenson and Henley, which came
out first in the Chup-Book, have been
purchased by Richard Mansfield, who I
shortly to produce the play. "Maoalre"
lsa wonderfully plcturesquecharaoter, and
the comparison between the English and
American productions Is likely to be In
teresting. Mansfield . ha undoubtedly
more talent for the picturesque than any
other American actor, and Beerbohm
Tree, who will probably do the play In
England, ha much the same reputation
on that side of the water.
II 11.11 - '
A second series of Charles O. Leland's
"Legends of Florence" 1 now in course
of preparation.
The first volume In the new series of
"Foreign Statesmen" will be "Richelieu,"
by Professor Lodge, of Glasgow.
Elenora Duse Is to publish at Easter
the biography which she ha written of
her grandfather, Lulgl Duse, one of Gol
donl's best Interpreters.
' The estate of Eugene Field Is valued
at t&OOO. all in personal property. He
conveyed his home near Chicago to his
wire some time oerore nis oeatn.
Mrs. G. J. Romanes' memoir of her hus
band will be published In January or Feb
ruary. It will consist chiefly of letter,
Including a large number from Darwin.
The London "Literary World" under
stands that "Lady Lovan, the novel just
published under the pseudonym or Agnes
Farrell, was written by the late Francis
Professor Sayce's book on "The Egypt
of the Hebrews and Herodotus," has just
been published.' The travels of Herodo
tus in Egypt are followed -for the first
time in the light of recent discoveries.
A forthcoming novel, which 1 likely to
excite no little interest, is caned Tin
Ler Puller, or Politics as She is Ao
piled." It purports to be a tale of the
Puritan Commonwealth and was written
bv E. B. Callender.
"The Woman Who Wouldn't." a reply
to Grant Allen's "The Woman Who Did,"
was written under the vseuddnym of
"Lucas Cleeve" by Mrs. Klngscote. the
wife of a leading British army officer,
and daughter of a well-known English
diplomat. ,
Lord Brnxfield, a real personage, sug
gested to R. L. Stevenson the character
of Weir of Hermlston, the hero of the
unfinished story which Is to he published
serially during this winter. The scene is
in Id tn Scotland, and the period la the win
ter nnd snrnr of 1SI.1-14.
"Stepnlak's" real name. It Is now stated
on rood authority, was never divulged to
the English public, and the current state
ments that it wu Dracomnnoff are with
out foundation. The London "Athenne-
and Retail City and Suburban Representative Business Houses.
Dale ft Steven, 17 Lackawanna.
Cleveland, A. 8., 17 Lackawanna.
Kelly ft Healey, 2 Lackawanna.
Flnley, P. B HO Lackawanna. ' -
KtUer, Luther, til Lackawanna.
FrHs O. W., 410 Lackawanna.
Keller ft Harris, 117 Penn.
Walsh, Edward J U Lackawanna.
William, Samuel, 121 Sprue.
Goldsmith Br., M4 Lackawaaaa.
Fort, W. M U Pnn.
Senates Candy Ca., 12 Lacknwaana, -
tm.", l:i lt.ubtti.ary notice of StepnUk
claim that his na; was Kraw-Rtnskt . j
several works Ly Margaret of Navait.
th- nut.Tor of II. 4 "Heplumeron." U I.- :
reported, l.ave ju?t ueriibtcovercu in ne- horary ai l-arix. mey c-ompri'.s
puema written It the last four of live
years of her life, amounting to M.4
verse; two dramas, letters, dialogues and
Han FransUco Is to erect a drinking
fountain in the old Plaza as a memorial
to Robert l.outs Stevenson.
Professor Charles 3i. Andrews, of Bryn
Mawr college. hiM completed a two-volume
studv of "The Historical develop
ment of Modern Europe Irom 1S15 down
to 18S0." !
Tho Saturday Reviewer styles Austin
"an estimable little bardllng. ' and adds
that Lord Salisbury "has fitted the fool's
cap on his own head for all time."
A little manuscrlp story "Mungo the
American" written by Ird Tennyson
when he was 14 years of age, is to be in
corporated In the biography of the late
Poet Laureate bv his son. The commence
ment is: "About three leagues from the
town of Panama, In South America, stood
the but of Mungo. He was of a dark,
copper color and his white hair and gi
gantick stature rendered hlni frightful
to behold."
The real demand for a uniform edition
of - the late Eugene Field's works has
led his publishers 3crlbners" to arrange
for the early preparation of a complete
collection of his writings In prose and
verse. The volumes will Include not only
the bonks alresdv published, but several
containing matter not heretofore issued
in book form, with a memoir of the author
by his brother. Howell M. Field, and a
number of Introductions of very great In
terest. F. Marion Crawford, they say. some
times chooses fcl title long before he
write his book. He has already selected
"A Rose of Yesterday" as a name for a
novel, which Is to appear two years hence.
Dr. John Ellis writes to the New York
Recorder: Careful experiments made by
Magendle and others have demonstrated
that animals can only live for a few weeks
it r,i ,niu stn uimefilni. white flour, where
as, they can live and thrive on unbolted
flour or meal without any trouble. The
Lord Intended the grain as a whole for
human food, nnd He manifestly, knew
what He was doing when He created our
cereals. The food required to nourish the
teeth, bones, muscles, stomach to enable
It to properlv digest our food, and the
. . - - .. - l . 1. ,l-b hn,.
Drain. IS lOUIlll 111 HtcM hi mm. n -
tlon of the kernel which lies immediately
k.ih h hull, and the miller. In bolt
ing, separates this portion as far as he
can, ana most or is iea w vm no..,
hogs, etc.. and they have good teeth, nius
i. inaunhi nnri ixnea when thus fed.
The white portion of the kernel from
which white flour Is made contains an
excess of starch, principally a heat and
fat producing material when taken as
food, so that the whiter the flour the
poorer it Is. One simple fact ought to
satisfy every Intelligent man and woman
that superline white flour Is not tit for
human use, and that starvation must In
....itaKiu fnitiaj tn a irreater or less extent
Its use as food, viz.. there is very little
difficulty In keeping superfine white flour
free from insects, must or mold, whereas
it requires care and watchfulness to pre
serve unbolted flour and meal free from
Insects, must, etc. Do w want to feed
hMrlt.t. iitknii a flour Which Will not
sustain for any considerable length of
time animal, insect or even fir
life? Dyspepsia Is more prevalent In our
country than. I think 1 can say, in any
other. Superline flour does fiot contain
the nourishment required by the stomach
to enable It to ingest toou. iao i"""'
uln iii our country and hug'
land has led a number of medical writer
in England and m tnis country m i
a nATi.l.iniTi the me of all cereals wheat.
mi. te u food, claiming that the
starch overtaxes the stomach, and that
we should use as ioon noiniux uui nmo
and fruits, and if we find them not sufn
i..t nra ahnuiri use a little menl or anlnuil
food, they think. But If we use the dark
or coarse portion of the grain .a well a
the white, tne stomacn win dp nummncu
a mi th whhlB B-raln will be digested, ami
it will not cause dyspepsia. In cases of
irritable or weak stomachs from' the use
of superfine flour, tt win do wen 10 sut
nut th i-oarsest of the bran for a time,
until the stomach gains strength. Cases
of dyspepsia have been cured by simply
boiling the wheat for o few hours and
then eating it, chewing It carefully. Bun
Ish superfine flour, and bread and cukes
made from It from our lund, or from use
In our households, and there would be
a wonderful change for the better in the
development of the young, not only as to
their teeth, but also as to all the struc
tures of the body. No parent who cares
for the development, health and comfort
of hi or her children snouia, in my esu.
nation, ever allow a single pound of su
perfine flour, or bread or cakes made from
such Hour, to enter hi or her house.
Having constantly In view the develop
ment and health of our race I have trav
eled over our own country from the east
to Alaska and California in the west, and
Florida in the south, over most of the
countries of Europe, Egypt and Western
Asia, and I can say, as a result of my
observation, that wherever the people eat.
Instead of superfine flour, the meal or
flour of the whole grain, be it wheat, rye,
oats or barley, they have good teeth, and
are well developed, and are rarely trou
Molt with dviDeusla. For more thun forty
year I have carefully avoided the use
or eupernne noor, suniuiMiiiif, mmw
and condiments,. excepting sugar and salt,
and although my eightieth birthday
passed two days ago, I rarely, if ever, full
to have a good appetite, and my food
tastes a well as It did when 1 was a boy,
and I have more than half of my teeth
Mopping the eye several times daily
three minutes at a altting-wlth water
hot aa can be borne, will relieve redness
and Inflammation arising from exposuro
to cold, loss of sleep, etc. Bub the edges
of the eyelids with cosmollne every night
to make the lashes grow.
For a bunion, wear the stocking and
shoes too long; a stocking "Just the right
length" becomes too abort when one
walk; the big toe to pushed inward and
a bunion form. If there be no Inflamma
tion a bunion plaster will give much com
fort. If there be thickening of the bunion
and no inflammation) painting with the
tincture of Iodine once daily will be help
ful. To "cure the sour stomach, heartburn
and indigestion" do not eat sausage.
?rapple, flitch or any other food prepared
from pork. Eat sparingly of sweet foods;
eat no pastry at all. Eat onions, spin
ach, lettuce, celery, water cres, cauli
flower; all sorts of frenh fruit. Beef,
mutton and white meat of fowl will be
all the meat you will need.
Strengthen an ulcerated throat by cold
water bathing: bathe the throat, back nnd
chest to the waistline every morning with
cold water; rub dry with a rough towel.
Get the syrup of the Iodide or Iron and
take three drops In cold water (take
through a glss tube) three times daily
between meals for a month or more.
Salt water is very cleansing and stimu
lating, and not hurtful. If the proper pro
portion of salt be used: one teaspoonful
of table salt to one quart of warm water
(use the mixture while it is warm) is the
quantity of salt to use In bathing.
The con'.lnuod lice of small or moderate
doses of whisky congests the stomac-h nnd
liver, causes gnstric catarrh and morning
vomiting om mucus, and Impairs diges
tion. Epilepsy, paralysis, partial or totnl
loss of vision and Insanity may result
from the long-continued use of spirits.
Half a pint of strong coffee (made os fol
lows three heaping tablespoonfuls of
ground coffee to a pint of cold water: let
come elowlv to a boll, and boil haif a
minute) will be an excellent substitute
for those who feel that they must hnve
whisky; drink It twice or three times dally
at meal time.
The T. H. Watt Co.. Lt.. 7H W. Lack.
Baecock, G. J. ft Co., Ill Franklin.
Sorsnton Supply and Mach. Co., in Wye,
Hill ft Connll. l:a Washington.
Blum, Win. ft Bon, 22 Sprue.
Scranton House, near depot
Brawn' Bee Hive, 224 Lack.
City and Suburban..
Florty, C. M 221 Wyoming. , j .
Ouaster ft Isrsyth, BT Psnn, ' '
The Beautiful
Of. the Angels.
A Semi-Tropic Land of Sunshine and of
Flowers Entertainingly Described.
8peclal Correspondence of The Tribune.
Loa Angeles, Feb. 1. The city of Los
Angeles, the production of two cen
turies, presents a picturesque1 overflow,
a rising tUio of towns ami villages
known as suburbs, that grow over the
hills, acriMM the river, and stretch on
out up to the foothills ami mountain
mysteries, and down to the seashore to
the breakers of the broad Pacific.
One llnds every phase rtf life In Its
thirty square miles of settlement.
To a new-comer, there Is a peculiar
charm in the trotdeal foliage. Every
nooryard la lined with orange blos
som. Great pulms wave their beau
tiful fans in long driveway. The
lawns are shaded with the umbrella.
the camphor, the India-rubber tree,
while callasj grow In great creamy
masses beside tho open running; zunja
of sparkling water.
'Old Baldy," or dan Antonio Moun-
tain, snow-capped most of the year,
send his radiant, dazzling reflection
from the purple mountain peaks
around. In all this sensuous and de'
I'.ghtful beauty the busy, bustling
life of tho city shows in sharp con
trast, for no busier city Is to be found
In the Vnlted rltatea than Los Angeles
today. The niilkllnp statistics are
almost Incredible and the beautiful
business blocks are marvels of every
modern convenience. Lns Angeles Is
the center of eleven rcllroads. Its
electric car system Is the finest In the
United States, Its miles of paved
streets and beautiful residences have
many charms for tho stranger, while
Its Innumerable sea and mountain re
sorts present a constant charm to the
tourist on pleasure licr.t.
While it is one of tho most growing
cities In this country, with Its popu
lation of 80,0i)0 people, yet one sees
constantly, not only the charm of the
present-day civilization, but continual
suggestions of the past, suggestions of
every turn of another day and age. .
There Is so much of the eld dreamy
past amid the new, that the transitions
from the active to th passive phases
of lif are quite su I even In the
very heart of Los Angcie.
Here and there, stand the old abode
bluUllngs ivith picturesque roofings of
tiles, wurni yellowish-red tolls, in sharp
contrast to the lime-washed, crumbliug
abode walls below.
In "Sonora Town," the adobes are
numerous, and hero the old Mission
Church, with them, illustrates the
architecture of another century.
This church, though restored In 1SC1
was built under the Franciscan Fathers,
by the Mission Indians more thnn
seventy year ago.
In Its square tower swing the mission
bells, whose Jangling chimes ring out
for masses four times each day. with
a music unlike any modern church
bells of the city.
Clone to the Plaza. . but one block
from. the business portion of the town,
one comes suddenly upon a bit of the
Orient, a life belonging, to a nation
which knows no Innovation; for Just
here. In the narrow stre- ts of the old
Spanish part of tho clty.are the Chinese
Chinatown Is Immensely picturesque
at night. The narrow alleys have a
bit of starry blue sky overhead.
From the numerous balconies 'swing
ing lanterns overlook the walks. The
queer little tiny shops are all open to
the street, and they have odd foreign
effects with their red, gold, and black
signs, and their dragon emblazoned
banners hanging on the smoky walls.
Everywhere one may see how dear Is
the color red to the heart of the Chin
ese nation, and how, from the burning
punk, glimmering at each doorway,
to the gorgeous gods that sllerly dwell
In the Josa House, the faith of the peo
ple seem pinned on the efficacy of this
It Illuminates every door-post, every
fan, every visiting card, every banner.
Jar, and every firecracker (which Is al
ways connected with-Chinese religious
ceremonies), and it is plain to- be seen
that the tones nf red arc full of sym
bolic meaning to the Chinaman.
All (he shops in Chinatown seem full
of mystery. They lead to long, dark
corridors and mysterious staircases,
queer little back rooms. Into which the
light of day never seems to penetrate.
Euch one has a little Hhrlne with a
glimmering lamp and tinsel trappings,
and on the shelves there are rows and
rows of Jars of preserved ginger, and
packages of tea, and quaint ivory
carvings and oriental draperies.
Cowl, W. C, 1907 N. Main.
Roger, A. E., 215 Lackawanna.
Goodman' Shoe Store. 402 Lackawanna.
Barbour1 Home Credit House, 2S Lacks.
Ingl!, J. Bcott, 411 Lackawanna.
Osterhout, N. P., 110 W. Market.
Jordan, Jmes, Olyphant.
Barthald, E. J., Olyphant.
Snook, S. M., Olyphant
Wink, J. C ttt Pnn.
roa Union Tea Co., 1 . Main.
A tep through the tiny cubby-hole
where the merchant sit, brings you
suddenly Into the dens,- where, curled
up on shelves, are Chinamen in various
stages of atupeflcation, smoking opium,
yellow glow from the opium lamp
casting a weird light on the face of the
smoker, who holds a polished stem of
carved bamboo with an Ivory mouth
piece. In hi hand, and only the sput
tering in the round, flat-faced earthen
ware bowl of the pipe, break the still
ness. Out on the street, the people, the men,
for a woman is seldom seen, walk in
single file, and talk In a strange tongue,
with prolonged vowel sounds, that
sometime like a battle of words, o
sometimes like the refrain of a weird
song, and sometimes like a battle of
words, so fierce and Insistent, that you
are ready to fly for your life, and yet
the discussion you may find later was
iA .
of the most harmless and Innocent na
ture. Sometimes you see long row of men
in bamboo hats, which look like enor
mous mushrooms, and now and then a
grandee passes you, with a red button
on his skull-cap, and, perhaps, he is
clad in lavender breeches and a sky
blue brocade blouse, at which you stare
enviously a you pass.
But a step from this pagan quarter
and you are In the buay, bustling street
life of the I'ity, where you may Jostle
elbows with Turk, with Jew. with
Christian. You may meet the minister
plenipotentiary from Belgium, tho
English liirii, the Russian exile, the.
French duke, the Polish count
The cosmopolitan character of the
city 1 most pronounced, ami to a stu
dent of humanity the streets are full
of most Interesting types.
In April the annual carnival La
Fiesta de Los Angeles, and only pos
sible In Southern California. The his
torical events and romance of the coun
try combine to lend subject for a
unique and beautiful celebration. The
street pageants are illustrative of the
wonderful resources of the country, the
Durum ic splendor or the Chinese race.
the magnificent display of the floral
wealth of till season, the types of
Spanish life, and the striking features
and customs of strange races, end are
all exquisitely presented during this
week or carnival.
The Fiesta color, red. green and
orange, which typify the wine, olive
and fruit of Southern California, are
utilized ror decoration with must bril
liant effects during the week of La
Fiesta de Los Angeles. The colors
flutter from every public building and
private residence. The streets fairly
bluze with them, and each man, wo
tnun and child Is adorned with the tri
color for the season. AH along the
principal streets from telegraph pole
and every outpost, are fastened palms,
or the Kgyptian papyrus, or the grace
ful bamboo, until the long vistas of
green seem like growing avenues of
waving tropical verdure.
The effect with the brilliant Fiesta
colors Is extremely beautiful.
The Fiesta lusts four days, com
mencing April 21st ,to 25th. The pomp
and pplendor and gorgeous spectacles
of each day are varitd, and the spirit
nf carnivul closes v.ith a grand ball,
with athletic tournaments, and with
Clark, G. R. ft Co., 201 Washington.
Hontlnrton, J. C, 208 N. Washington.
Itr'.e, J. J., 427 Lackawanna
Raub, A. 425 Spruce.
McOarrah & Thomas. 209 Lackawanna.
Lorentz. C, 418 Lacka;. Llndsn ft Wash.
Davis, W., Main and Market.
Bloes, W. S.. Peckvlllo.
Davies, John J., lOt 8. Main.
Sltnwell, V. A., CIS Ltndtn. )
Green, Joseph, 101 Lackawanna.
Harding, J. L 215 Lockar-
street maequerade. One of the pecu
liarly beautiful feature of the Flsta
are the Spanish cavalier, who present
vividly the plcturcmue richness and
color of Spanish court dress, they are
a most unique feature of the pageant.
The saddle and bridle of the. hone
are made of fine Spanish leevther and
are handsomely mounted with silver,
and the court dreaa f the rider.
winch la most richly embroidered, is
very effective. Sombrero droop over
the face of all. The horses are a su
perb feature of the parade.
t ne seductive climate and soft tem
peratures of Los Angele are a de
lightful to the new-comer as .the old
time settler, and both feel the unllft-.
lng presence of tho mountains that He
t tne east or the city, resting in
methyet lights, snow-capped In win- .
ter, In sharp contrast to the rounded,
soft, green foothills lying far beljow.
,-rne ovonana traveler climbing the
Sierra comes from a snowstorm Into
verdure and wild flower. Life here Is
almost Ideal. It Is the land of sweet
Idleness, where In the sunshine is
blended tho bloom of all countries.
Ella H. Enderleln.
Well Ma
Utm Day.
of Me.
TMS WtlAT satb :
unvi iiixyi
Vretfmoea the abara reswlu in 30 ditye. Itscw
pwiowif tmu etticsir. lwm waeo su masts wi,
Teaag sua will rajais their lost uahood.aMelJ
us will sseeve tisir youthful -la or lj tatag
VIVO. II aleki- tad surahr restores sinew
.IltMtr. ZMseuaer. Blgbtly samUsleB,
Lost tower, FmlUns Messory, WaeUa Ptnnw.aa
all esWta a salTebvee or wmmh ladUraeUM.
ealaa SU one tor sixty, tmalatm at sa amass. II
eahr eerw my starting t the ml ef less. but
lis (net teste sad Mood bntldav. Mas.
in 1
beak lb flak glow ts pal eheseks u4 re
juris) lee Are ef yeatk. ft wards off l-assitr
us OmuumsUm. loalrt ea BMsi BUtVITO, ae
Mser. n as ne eamea w -en ocaae. wr situ,
1.00 aaskM. t U tor IM, wllk s fosl
live writ Ms gsaraales ts ears t TCfaad
iheBnaay. CUealaitrte. Mfltea
0rL MEDICINE CO.. 13 llvir It. CNieM, ILL
y afattfcvt.B BtfAtgist
ittisa )
JOHN T. PORTER. President.
W. W. WATSON, Vice President.
F. L. PHILLIPS. Cashier.
(smnel Fines, James M. Everbart. Irving
A. Fiucb, Pierce R. Pluley. Jussnh J. Jermjrn.
M. H. Keraarur. Charles 1'. Matthew. John T.
Porter, W , W. Watson, Charles, Bchlager, L.
W. as era.
LllbllUbl IV. VVI1UU
This bank invites tbo patronage of baalat
men and firms irentrally.
ixt BLASTiK no sreimiie
Manufactured at the Wapwallopeo Mill Urn
arse ooanty. Vs., sad at Wil
mington, Delaware,
General Agest for the Wyoming District,
fit WYOMING AVE, Soranton, P
Third MatlosidBaa Braiding
THOB. TOBA HttaWm, Ps.
John b. smith hon, i-mocstk, t
. W. MULLIGAN, Wlataa Barre, Pa.
a fats for toe Bepaoas Comal ial Osss
asay'S Bsjfh Bsplusivea.
Ferevor Cared.
Four out of flv whs
suffer nervousness,
mental worry, attack
of "the blue, "ars but
paying the penalty of
early excesses. Vic
tims, reclstm your
manhood, regain your
rigor. Don't despair. Send for book with
explanation and proofs. Mailed (sealed) frea.
ERIE MEDICAL CO., Buffalo, N. Y.
The St. Denis
Broadway and Eleventh St., New York,
Opp. Orsc Church. European Plan.
Rooms li.oo a Day and Upwards.
In tnodett and unobtrusive way thnrs re
few better conducted hotels la the metropolis
tlmn the St. Denis.
The greet popularity it has acquired ess
rosdily bo traced to its unique lotratiou. It
homelike atmosphere, ths peculiar excellence
of its cuisine and ssrvice, aud its very aiuder
ste prices.
Radln Bros.. 121 Penn.
Kresky. E. II. ft Co., 114 8. Main.
Btone Bros., 808 Spruce.
Parker, E. K., 221 Spruce.
Caryl' Dining Rooms. 608 Linden.
Benjamin ft Benjamin. Franklin ft Sprues,
Robert, J. W.. 126 N. Main. , .
Btelle, J. Lawrence, 303 Sprue. '
MulIty.Ambroit, triple stores, PA-oYldas
r3 a