THE - SCBAXT ON TRIBUTE- SATURDAX, MOUNTING, JJEBRTJABY 8, 1896, ALF ;LTU mi FIVE HUNDRED MEN'S FINE SUITS Which we sold for 15, &IS, $20 and $22 we are now closing out for 10 IQ) SALE mo.oo They consist of Single and Double Breasted and cheviots. We have too large a. stock want money. -" A 11 x in . CASH ONLY. ' ' ' ' ; : v ' TWO HUNDRED CHILDREN'S SUITS .... - - . ' . ft , Go at $2.00 each, CASH. Formerly sold for $3, $4, $4.50 and $5. This is deep cut and far below the cost of the suits and they should move quickly. That is whv we have put these prices on We need the room for spring-goods. We also want the money. Clothiers, Hatters and Furnishers PIIBY Autlior of "The Fugitives of Te2C0," etc. Copyright, IfcbA by Backeller, Johoaou and Baohellan STNOP9T9. Nathaniel Qu imby, a bachelor of 40, hav ing unexpectedly come Into u little iiionc y, fulilll the desire of his life, anil visits the seashore lor t he llrst time, lie goes to Tuggert' station, on the New KiiKland count, and while there I induced to buy a barren neck ot land, jutting out Into the sea. A Htorm arising the next night, he leaves the Itvern, and upend the night on his trip of luntl enjoying the war uf the elements. A lay breaks, he observe a wreck near the shore, lie tarts for the vIIIuks to secure help, und on the way meets one Moaea Lai kin, an ex-sailorman, whwe acquaintance he had previously mudf. They return to the wreck, and dis cover that It if . water-logged deiellct, a lumber ichooner. Larkln proposes that (Julrnby take .jjoMieiwion of her, and He cure salvage.' ami employ him to conduct the business on Shares. Qulmby agrees, l.arkln goes out a the tide fulln, and dls. cover that tri schooner Ik loaded with mahogany that she Is a regular "bonnu sa." Among other thing on board, they llnd the ship's papers, giving the name of the ship's arent In New York. tarkln goes to that city and learn, that the rap tain was the owner, one Henry Murtling, undoubtedly 4ot at sea, and with no rela tives. 1-arkln r ranges for salvage on the cargo, and Qulmbo buys the vessel for her frame ana -ier. Qulmby then an nounces his Intention to dray the schooner up on bis land and build her Into a house. The whole village takes a hand at drag ging her ashore?. Jnt as this Is completed a strange younsr lady romes up to Quim by, announce. herself as Martllng' daughter, and orders him to take the ves sel bark to the -water. He refuses to do this, and she threatens him with a law suit. 'Meanwhile he recognises her as the orlgnal of a photograph which he had found on the vessel, and which had much Impressed him by Its attractive face, but he sticks to what he believes are his rights, nevertheless. jPART nr. The captain daughter brought suit against the owner of Flack's Neck as she said that she would. She was care ful to explain to the lawyer whom she retained that the bargain made by l'unn Dunn was probably a very good one and she had no quarrel per sonally with &Ir. Qulinby, who seemed to be a very estimable sort of a man, but that helnsr a. New England woman she hoped that she would never allow Skin Remedies1 Are Pure Sweet Gentle And iVlost Economical HimiT e aw. It THREE ,.. feeling to stand In the. way of principle ana duty. L'lenriy, sne urgurn, m cu her property without her knowledge or consent wan nn Infringement ol her rights, and if she, a lone woman, did not stand ui for her own rights sne would feel somehow unworthy of Hunker Hill and the Declaration of In dependence. The lawyer twiddled ms inumus mm contracted his broWH ami tried to look nd thnnirh ll k ... a frlviniT aftflllllS H t t H H - tlon to whut hlH client was Buying, but a, unl Mp , uAfl 1 1 BlPnl Mir .11111 V il I If I voice, and for that, being a very young v. u.ntii.1 tin ve undertaken to liti gate' for the moon if she had happened to claim It. it am occur vu nun a question or two which seemed to have an Indirect bearing upon the case. When the wreck had been restored to the bench whnt did Miss Martlign pro pose to do with it? Hhe hail not consiiiereu mm- iii" at all. It -would be time enough wnen the stilt was won. r In the meantime Qulmby and Moses were disturbed by an unthought of con tingency. Just : when they ... had com pleted the plans ior me uuum nnu tltlons; after consultations that were i nti.i uimptlmeti warm: and Moses Tta "got out the stuff for these architectural cnangen aim provements, the tiToprietor was served with- an injunction, restraining him from cutting, sawing, or removing any portoln of the woouwom ui ine . . - r.. nP mnkinir nnv addition thereto of any character whatsoever. "Look a-here," saiu been Injuncted and whafs to prevent my doln' the work on my own respon sibility?" , , "Thut wouldn't do," said Nathaniel. "Law Is law. and I'm Bolntr to abide by It. Hut It looks like hard luck all the same." , "I see that woman in the village, nn she asked me to say to you that ef you ain't no objection she calculated to come down an' look over what truck her pa lef onto the derellck." Moses paused and Nathaniel turned with a livelier Interest than he had shown In anything since the lawyer's clerk had brought the restraining In junction. "What did you tell her?" "Waal." drawled Moses, "I told ner that I reckoned you had no objections enough to havln' anybody what was lawin you a prowlin' about your prop erty." As the sailor finished this speech he looked serenely conscious of having done his whole duty In a manner that was above criticism, so that the vehe mence of Nathaniel's rejoinder startled him. "You go up to the village and tell that lady that you made the big gest mistake you ever made In your life. Tell her no, hold on. I'll write her a note." Full of this purpose he rose and started for the village, leaving his henchman In a state of bewilder ment that could find no expression. This was the note that Qulinby wrote after an afternoon of laborious thought: "Miss Martllng. Dear Madam: I nave Just been informed that a certain per son that d)d not know what he was talking about, and taking a good deal upon himself, which I never authorised him to do, and which I have been very much put out about, and wish to offer you an apology for the same, told you that I didn't want that you should com. to the wreck, wkica U Im perfect CO 'S BONANZA HUNDRED fArmar nrinoc LUm ly nutural you should want to come seeing that It was your pa's ship, and lu huviiiK. tif It were, spent his last duys on board her (all excepting the very flnnl sail scene of all, when I don't doubt he wished he was back on the ship). 1 want you to know that you are perfectly welcome nt all times to come und go as you please.and as for my car hiK because you are lawing me about the wreck. It don't make any d.Terenee ubout your coming there. I mean bc- Her Feelings Toward tho Writer Softened Wonderfully. cause I Judse you are just standing up for whut you think is your rights, same as I am standing up for mine. Tours, respectfully, Nathaniel Qulmliy." Miss Martllng was nettled at Moses' blunt rejection of her overture, find did not doubt that It echoed the sentiments of his master. So it waB with a harder feeling than she had yet cherished towards her legal adversary that she went to the village postofllce the next morning. When she received Qulmby's letter and had rend it, nor feelings toward the 'writer softened wonder- ojADUM'S PILLS, Always Reliable, Purely Vegetable, MILD BUT EFFECTIVE. Purely vegetable, ast without pain, l.raot It coated, tutalm sawll and easy to Uka. Kadway'. t-llla assiat asture, tlmulsting to healthful activity tin liver, bowals and other dfctwtiva organs, leaving to bowals in a nat nral eonoitiom without any bad alter effect, Cure Sick Headache. Biliousness, Constipation, Piles -AMD- All. Livor Disorders. MDW.ri PILLS ar. purely vagaUbW, mild and reliable. Canes perfect Dl.jatioa, ooat plet absorption and healthful regularity. a eta. a box. At Drnr.itta. or by null. Book of Adrioo" free by mall7 RADWAY CO.. .0. Basin aaT.rk. EACH Sack Suits, Cutaways and Frocks in fine worsteds, cassimeres; and must reduce it now. This sale is FOR CASH ONLY We ' fc1P. onrl KI0 oil nn fully. "Why." she said to herself, ."he's just as sweet and kind as he can be. I wish it was the other nasty old thing I was lighting." Of course, she accepted the invita tion and went to the Neck; and, equnl ly of course, being a woman, she was looking her prettiest. When Moses saw her coming, he merely remarseu: "There's a woman;" and took him self out of the way, going to tne ex treme end of the Neck, where he sat In th sund and contemplated the ruined timbers of the Phoebe. Nathaniel rose und advanced to meet his visitor, con scious of her grace and beauty, and his awkwardness and freckled homeliness, conscious of the fact that they were adversaries at law, conscious of every thing exceut that she was looking at him with very kindly Interest. "Mr. Qulmby. 1 got your letter, and I couldn't do anything else till 1 had come down to thank you." ""Now, don't say anything about that. You're more than welcome, ma'am, I'm sure," he interrupted. "Of course I know how you must feel about it, and it's proper." As he spoke hu led the way to. tho wreck. Passing under the stern of the vessel. Miss Martllng looked up at the name, not quite as bright as when painted, but still clear ly legible, on the stern. "That looks very natural," Bhe suld. "Poor fa ther; nothing would suit him but to have that name, though 1 didn't want hi in to." "I'm verv nretty name. 1 m sure. responded her comnanlon, rather from a desire to say something agreeable than from any deep conviction. "Do you think so?" she turned to ward him with a smile. "I'm afraid you Just say thut to be ilatterlng, Mr.' yulmby." "Why, no. ma'am," answered honest Qulinby. "I nm not a good Judge of names women's names, I mean, but I thought that name had a sort of i.iuiisnnt sound, as if it was the name of somebody that the captain cared considerably about." "I thought you knew," she repeated (though why she thought so was a mystery), "that Is my name." Cjulmby's heart Inside of him gave a decided Jump, and to the very center of it he rejoiced that he had praised the name. Molly-Molly It Molly B Martllng suddenly It occurred to him that she had been an unobservant fool not to have discovered long ago that It was not only a very pretty, but an entirely fascinating name. "Molly B.. of Bangor," he read again. In a voice that unconsciously tried to pro nounce the words so as to bring out all their latent music;, and the effort must have been partly successful, for the real Molly at his side blushed, and then Qulmby blushed between all his freckles, and thought that she must think him a very rude and familiar fellow. Silence between them now till they reached the cabin hatch. Qulmby stopped there and pointed down. "I guess you'll find everything below 'bout as we found it. I'm afraid you'll be disappointed some, for the things were rattled around a good deal. I don't think you can make much out of the papers, but I had 'em out In the sun to kind of dry them. You don't want that I should go down with you I Judge, but If you need anything or want to know about anything, just call out and I'll be around here some where." With a look of gratitude for this deli cate courtesy.Miss Martllng went below and Qulmby took up his station on the sunny sand beside the hull. But there was no call for him and an hour went by, during which the ycung woman was having a quiet cry over the wreck of those simple things which had once been her father's and Nathaniel was having a somewhat stormy session vith his own conscience. He had told his guest that everything in the cabin was) about as they found It, but there had been a mental reservation, for the portrait that was even now reposing In his Inner coat pocket. - He had sorrow fully resolved to make a clean breast of It when Mis. Martllng came out, a lit r maia fnr : irnw tle red about the eyes, and, after a few additional words of thanks, started vlllageward. He had not found an op portunity to tell her. She, came again to look at some pa pers, she said, and yet again, upon an equally important errand. Each time the litigants became better acquainted and a mutual esteem and liking devel oped, which in no way checked the progress of the BUit which Miss Mart llng had brought "for the principle of the thing." In all their conversations there was a tacit understanding that this subject should not be discussed. There was something entirely Impersonal about the litigation. It was simply a ques tion of rights which was to bo decided. At last the day of the trial arrived, when the momentous question of the ownership of the schooner should be settled by the court. Popular interest in the matter did not extend to Middle town, the county seat, but most of the Inhabitants of Taggert's Station, es pecially those who had lent a hand at moving the hull, felt a personal con cern In the decision. Qulmby came, attended by Moses. Miss Martllng was there In company with her lawyer, but she sat apart from her adversary, and, beyond a friendly nod. they held no Intercourse together. One case In court la very much like another, and the cose of Martllng ver sus Qulmby did not offer any remark able features til the very end, when a decision in favor of the plaintiff was "It Has In tho Cabin, and I -" given and Nathaniel's counsel asked. In an audible whisper. If he should give notice of-appeal. "No," answered the client. "I won't fight it. She can have the ship." Then, without waiting tor the commisera tion of the landlord of the tavern or any of his Taggert Station friends, he set off for the Neck, attended, as usual, by the fulthful Moses. Miss Martllng was congratulated, but she was not satisfied. She had won and was not triumphant. Hhe tried to tell herself that Justice had been done, but al the time she seemed to see Nathanll Qulmby sitting disconsolate under the crooked tree, and looking at the house he had moved with such labor and would have to move back. Then, too. she considered the expense It was going to be to him. It did seem a shame that he sould be put to that cost. Nathaniel and Moses were deen In consultation over their defeat and Its consequences, when the latter arose with an expression of disgust on his weatherbeaten face. "There's that woman again. Looky here, cap'n, 'tain't none o' my business, but If I was you I'd be tarred If I'd let her set a foot on the wreck." He stumped away in a huff, but Nathaniel, looking after him, .aid to himself: "Well, I guess if you were me, Moses, you would. The Interview at. the start bid fair to be embarrassing. At last the visitor managed to say something about mak ing an arrangement, being satisfied now that the right had been eiiab llshed, hoping that Mr. Qulmby would not think hard of her, and more to the ame purpose. After that Nathaniel ill ffr -call-T '" SIO.OO SUITS Sna rrioo rf fcR ETT 220 Lackawanna Avenue plucked up heart of grace and told her that there was one thing he had held back, always Intending to return It to her, but always finding it impossible to do so. With some BUch words he carefully took the "hotograph from the wrapping in which he had kept it, and handed it to her. "Why!" she exclaimed; then stopped. "It was in the cabin, and I I thought at first It was nn harm to keep it to look at It, and then after you came. It was not It was not easy to say any thing." Then he Mrned and faced her with tho energy oi' a sudden resolu tion. "Miss Martllng, you've got the ship and everything there Is in her; let me tiRVe this picture." Mis. Martllng looked down, at her dress, at her hands, at the photograph at everything except Nathaniel's anxious c yes. Hut there was not a line of displeasure in her fuce as she re plied, Irrelevantly: "Why. Mr. Qulmby. that was one thing I wanted to talk with you about. You might Just as well keen the Molly U. as not, now that the principle of the thing Is established." But Nathaniel got hold of her hand, photograph and all, and cried: "Miss Martllng, don't you know that Is not the Molly II. I want!" t An hour afterwards Moses, thinking she had gone,, came to find Qulmby. Then he went away again. (ThP End.) A Professional Nurse Afflicted with Bright' Disease of tho Kidneys Finds a Cure. (From the Buffalo t( fs.) Mrs. A. K. Taylor has resided In Buf falo for over forty years, hev address Is SO Herkimer avenue; us a professional nurse she has nursed buck to health many a sufferer. Disease In ail Its varied forinr. have become as fnmlllar to her as to the regular practitioner. Her occupation Is one that taxes the strongest conrtltution, but the fatigue of long watching and nursing at last brought her to a bed of sickness. Mrs. Taylor opeaks ol her cumputlnt and cure as follows: "After being con fined to my bed for some time my dis ease assumed such a serious aspect that a doctor was called in. He pro nounced my aliment Brlght's disease of the kidneys in the third degree and a very bad case. My limbs swelled up so that 1 could not walk across the Moor, or. Indeed, help myself in any way. My face bloated up and my eyes swelled so that the sight was badly Impaired. This condition continued for nearly two months without any marked improvement from tho doctor's treat ment. I have taken quarts of buchu. and Juniper. I tried battery treatment, but all without any lasting benefit until I felt like finally giving up In despair. Hearing of Doan's Kidney Pills I gave them a trial, and after taking three boxes I was able to get up without as sistance and walk, something I had not done in months. I continued to steadi ly Improve with their use. The swell ing in my leg left, the color returned to my face, changing from a chalky color to a healthy bloom. I now consider my self entirely cured and I shall never rest praising the little pill that saved me. "Doan's Kidney Pills are certainly a surprising discovery for kidney ail ment. I shall be glad to tell anyone of the wonderful cur. they perfomcd for me." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Mailed by Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y sole agents for tho U. S. , mm Celebrated Taanale ypwoera neter fall. U . iW. Lai a. aueuat HO oarh CHP EVA M. HETZEL'S Superior Fac? Bleach Positively Remares All Facial Blemishes, A lalea Face Powder Is superior to any faot powder ever manufactured. Used and oonv men led by leading soci ty and professional be intieH, liecaiiHd it given the beat poralbw effect and never leave tba ikiu rough or scaly. I rice&liients. ThrlxoKene, .Nature Hair Browar,. I tho gri-aUnt UHir inrigorator of tba present pro-Krex-ive ai!, beiiiK purely a vegetable com pound, entirely hoi ml. m, and inarvalou. la 1 s beiu'tlcfiit effects. All dl.ase of tba oalr anlKralpare remlilv cured br the use of '1 lirix' ine. Pricn fiU cent and ft. . For aM nt K. U. Htzl Hair-dreasiag and Manicure I'arlor. K0 Lackawanna av. and No. 1 Laa tiin Railding. Wilkes-Barre. Mail ordr rilled promptly. MO ar tH Htascrr Muwai ianua ww. you tern ddu HEADACHE"Sf!a52 TM MurtM win can yea. m wooderfal boon tonfami from fii4a. Oara Thrwaflb trnmuHattrtlUf. aaeaMaa remftdr. eonTenlaet to aerrr ta srxftat. realty to Vi on .rat laoleeaon ofael. raatlaae Vaa raraaant hra, PkUafcUoanirairtoadorumraaa. rrlaa. el. TrUlfn'K at Lmi.tgliu. fortu4a Natnia. Ck CUi2A ., tknt Ilnr auk, B. 1 f OT7STCaKJVrB ayttorbTBi.H prerftid. AddreM aiaboT. Plaj. Par sale by Matthews Bros, and Joh H. Philna. Ccnp! Pressini OR. HEBHA'9 VIOLA CREAM aaaisa, anoV re stores tba Ola to its orlgj al hihneL producing a J slaxlon. Bnperioevoail Jaca "' ndJtlM PClrlMtrr,a Eaatltl Brand. ENHYROYAL PILU -5.-V wrlriaal af Oatf Jk wmwm. aub7 a., Caaiaa," uatr. kt rvtart TV V VWLA KM QA li ay "."Vf, it curk-urt aaua m. A i M wlii MM rlktaa. Taha I HIM V It iff M Waut